New York Clipper (Nov 1863)

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258 MBlMt: bnt BlU't tj» •braid he would tjit co Cdond •tntclu4 cut hb BiigMi, which the boinltr Uta*. ma, Hoailiuua diHMted. «>« Col's'' '?'^'''!..tPSS,i" »£SrBS/ch«uiir'rtthd;iighi »t *«p»'?'L»j^;rs.*.V2 «ceulonc<f, pr«f»t»d to Bit* imniMnwU tor MirjUig out hu - L—TabtcoBUoued. «JBW YORK CLIPPER. BATDfiDAT, MOVEUBKB 28, 188S. UIBWMHt «0 COBRBirUIIDBim. Tn UinBABU', WJnfumbarg —The woid In "Oontto' Z^SlIb EsBluh, nsnutiablo Tal(*rltr, Whtthw lla u* in SwDchli Innnchbtttor Uitojon eu Jsdn whanthogritt i^dud Uilcon of Ihit Unituge, the DlettoBur of the AaUmr, nj' °' fmmna polla n' mplelaM panl a lud (a mtrmllcn. Kow, then, if id t«*ln the tnX doMS par- mtmlM of Ihe/ollowiiig oh«pt«r, uA }on biTO an eitalbllloo of St« ud elyleud (wonipoM the tuthoi thogght It) nbllmliy axatlhoioiighvFnBob. M. 0, &> IM Dl- Toll.—]. John aBeonudld Inua i(«i<i^(lt chellesKa to B|bt Uoirluoy looa tfKr the btUIe tt Long Foul, bnt It wunotMomttd, w llr.U.b«d nUnd from psgUlim. 1. Foolc ud HorrinoT'o "tintnto" on Jnlj 90, leM, wu of the imuhud tnmbtoUad, and Poole wu repotted ugellloglbe bMi of It It U alM lUtod that Poole'a filenda look a band (or feot) la, tmt not being "tbar," we cannot alala poalllTelr, caCBaadlngor Phlladilpbla, Fa.—Wo bare no iMolltc Mm In niaid to wbo aenl for the letter now, Of coune, the BUtT tmVu props name or they oonld not bare bad It. We ST'not Dniene mlacellaneou coneapondenu, or we ahoold ■MB naa^ one of Uncle Bam'a tlorehonata fa) itow It awaj In. BLicn Hawi. Phlladelphl».-Thero are two klode of "retile' nSlob ponllTT are liable. One arliee from eatarrb,andla ■u^brmbblng the throat with tarpenllne on a feather. The •Chwl* oalledtha dry nlUe, for which the remedr la garUo M*da Ibnad down the IhroiL A BmouBD. N. y.—Tbla esrreepondent uka na to decide a M between A and B In reiaid U> who had aoit moner la bli SUM. wltbont telling na the imonnt each or either man bad. Irsw Bolon li aald to bate been a Torf wlie man, but If be ■Mid get orer iicb a tnerr he ean rake onr pile, laouaxroua.—Wa don't eiacUj nndentand the nalnn of the M, Whan UoirlMtx fon|hl Ileanao, be weighed 108 Iba-al ibesiMtnt dayhewelgha ■omewtereln the neighborhood of MOu*. Asioui, SpilailiUi 0.—1. Baren won Ant blrod In the antconnd wUhBeaaan. a. The odda here are (100 to $70 oo aba BoT. which la boltar than yonr own. S. Joe Cobnrn la not Ouin MiTTioi, Foltaabun, K T.—Tonr lellor dated Nor. Illh, li the ontr oaa we bare recelred from jojl Your one 4allai pap for fonr mcnUu nbaoilpUon, commencing wllb the y iM e ntMmber. gno inn Ihowlxsoi, Philadelphia,—jr, In addition to ant daaa leferaneea, jon can bring lomo penooal Indnaoco to baar npon maataii er owaaii. joa might aacnra the poiiuoo rmalfflat ram Put, Aleiandria, Ya.—1. Bob BrotUe knocked Tom Bajara down In the fonrth round, and thne won drat knock Sewn. I. Bareri waa oolr doorad once by Nat Tj,.),!..- ^ that happened In tb« Olat and laat ronnd. QnunoKZB, Brooklyn.-We belleTe there la a Itaatlae In ••Walker'a Uanly Sxeiolaea." Ur. Kehee glna InitmoUona to an hla enalomen, gratia, we beUere. Waxniun, Uemphia, Tens.-In cribbage 9 fonra, 1 Ore 1 ■U and a fonr tnmed np connt at; ylz., alz by fliteena, tlx for palMoyal, and nine for atqneioea. QmnioiT, AleiaadrU, Va.—The iTaa of dlamonda, olnba and nadaa, and Jackolbeaitaln hand, with the Sto of beaila turned np, eonnt M, the hlgbeit hind that can be held In cribbage. Lom Hi»o, Bonlh Berwick, Ue.-If yon get encbred on a lone band, yon dctnre to Icae fonr polnlj, but your oppononU cnn only acore two. Eaauw —ir< held that the dealer cannot play alone when bla partner aaalala; the inlaaiya, that he mayor be may not, but Ihat the qneatlon ahonld he aeltled before commencing the game. iBooia WiTHOOT Braia.-B la enUUed to the money, harlu ' Migated the worde glrtn him. A wu oremached, we think. Ma he ahonld at once band orer the amount of the wager. Wicnr Knrxi, PbUadelpbl«.-Mr. Creely'a feat would, we tbfaik, take Ihe palm. Will Inntdgate tnitber, hraerer. and pent yon neit week. J. a., Soxbnry, Vua.—We ihall bafe to Ironble yon to repeal TmiranuUon;fortbelirecr uwe cannot make ontwhatron wlahioknow. Wbatiaa••gtak,"anyhow? ""lyou Baix Aun, Rewpori—The game la not mncb played here, aad we hare narer been fcrtosate enonah to eee a aet of mlaa IB tact, we do not keUarelhey are to be found In print, J, E, L., BoakiUle.—It puilea na u mnch u tt do« yon: bnt wa bellne IancuteTiPa.,la the correct addieaa. Wrlla klaaadaae. , ^niuBD, Waablngiui.--xv.vw—• "••••icd a few noDlIu gnat to a wealthy tenU«man,iand hu leOrM ^m SJ^iVJ j ^Mmo pM, Bt Lonla.—We are dnyi pluaed to hear bom out' ll,DDBou,>hllade]phU;-aeol:tleller loonraddreu and •WewtUadrertlaelt forhlm. "•.ana W. 1. T., FhUadalphla.—We know no other melhod than br gasllBg throngh the malL ' Tnoima S., OInalnnall, O.-Iha coat for fonr waeka Inaertloa tt your adTeiuacncnt will be tl.N. See It In another column, A Vicmv, Fblladelphla—Ihe partln, ao far u wo know are bonorable men. Will ult their attention to your cue. . TioiT, BL Lenia, Ho.—We bare not heard of the naitr for aome time, ' T, H,, Kewark.—We bare eicbangea, andcorrtapondenta tnm •myol^lntheeonnltT. ' J. Ebbuoi OanTDi, Uirana, Ooba.-Sent letter and newa. japara on Ihe 31at laat Lnnoaaara, Boalon—Jamee, or Tankoe, BuUlran'a rioht same la aald to hate been TraukAmbioae, ••>• rigni Binni.—"Haieppa" lathe only piece the lady buasneared BbelaatudyugtwoorthrMnewplecea J. 0. E., teilnglen, Ey.—We do not aell booka. •Ireitlaen nay atlend to your wanta. Borne of onr Piii»BD»aB.-We hare not room for them now; wo hare tepeatedly pnbllahed Ihe nlea. ■ H. W, L., Kewark.—The nnmben yon want ore out of crinL We oannot teU where they an fa> bo obtained. . He ladylj not matrled. % IbebidylaSOyeanofafa. -^^J?-""fwd—Yoni anbMiripUon expired with Xe, 31 of the preeent Tolome. r niu jjCo»«rurtnn*»iB,-It la tne that Ban Btercna U the wife of ^•n"oifii;gTl? B"""'^-^"'" W'" »".»«»tho« Kac BtWTOH, V. v.-Drop a line to the FrealAenI of Urn v«w ro tk lacbt Olnb. aad he wiU giro yon the Su full W. H. L 0„ WaehliiBlon, B, O.-TheChamplouahIp Belief BsgUuia la Talned at flM, or fOOO. " T, B., Army of the Polomac-WlU uk UcOabe, and anawer In onr next, J. Z. B,^Any tent or awning maker can make one for yon. niio. Oo?rua.—We bare a Virginia Oil; lellcr for you, JoinntT AaaoK.—We bare a latter for you. B. aauuM,—We ban a latlor for yon.' P, B,, Beaten Bee anawer lo ■'Ulhogtaph." OooD Bocirt: or Oonlruta of Oharaoter, I* the lait new book by Kre. Orey, anlhoieea of ■■Paatagea In the Life of a Fut Tonng lady," ate., and a right capital one It la, loo. We hara mokteea a book lately we coold more truly and cordially ooO' send. Thedealgala welloeneelTedandexecnled; theoharac* t«a paitlcnlarlj well dran.and we hare aeen nothing mote ■harming and Tlradona than the dialogue In many paiaagea- >Ue baniiaet acena, ele. An exoeedhigly leadaUe norel, with eeReotteacblBiaaadtendanclea. OompaoUybntnutlypilnled «onb, coL8to.,pM0». McanU, John Bradbsm. pubUaher, n Walker itnel, Kew Tetk, Utir rouiaa Brouniiti Ncwa-Prom our Enallab ei. ■trtct training. Beenan and ll" lOl doS^^iKlr «rt fJil^'^Jl oooulonallr.'uaoa bu been b«:kfo, JmT? iiftSfSffi tinder bait an bear, en Sor.mU.r uib. Tho bl?ita. S c "Si'f «d^. toJonlI.c.,alnatll,aUi and 0 ?? 1 o'S'i'a'ni aad If dMinee would lendaa aomeSlTg Son mb.uSt^d ihS THB COMIilO PUOILISTIO BRCOVNTEB, THB TOUNQ OUNT] OK THE OLl) WOBLD AHD THE NBW, Tnx day tied upon tor the great pnglllaUe encouler between John 0. Heenin and Tom King, the repTeaentaUvee, reapcctln- ly, of Young America and Old England, to taat approaching, aad although In thU conntiy the Inlereat In Ihe Inpoitaat aUilr la lanened by the more exclling erenta oonnecled wllh the great lebelllon, yet In England, we are Infonud, themoat InleaieeX' eiiamcntnowpreTaOa. There, the Prlie BIng U on achnowledg' ed Inatltntlonj aome of the meet prominent mea In the cosnliT taking an Inlereet In II, and ltc»uenllyconlrnmUng,iiil««— which mcana "keeping ahady"-to the money fongbt for. Here It to different, the ring apparently Daetlng wllh bnt UlUe faTcr, on acconni, In a meaanre, of Ihe abametnl condnct of ■'tough alleya" who ate lo be found at ereir aaaemblige of note. We aay Ihe ring tpparenltf meela wllb little farot here. Now/ though the attendance at our ring conteata la not generallj large, yet It la an nndenlable fact that the dally paper* nerr giro their ruder* a more palatable Uterary feut than whr they giro elaborate report* of weU fongbtbaUlia In Ihe pugUliI arena, The detalla of auch aOaln lie icad wllh the giealeat Inlereat by nearly all clauee, by old and yonsg, the grare, Ihe gay, the tatbir and the child, and occulonilly by eTonlhe aotter aex. We remember whataa excllemaat wu created In tbla country whan the newa of Ihe Eeenan and Bayen Bghl reached here, Oongrtu dlacuued It, and for ought we know the Cablaot held * meeting on the altength of IL The papeia ware neter read ao carefully u they weie read then. Ereiy llem connected *llh thelghlwu culled cit of the weU-llllad oblnmn'a of Ihe dalllee, and eTerythlng elae gare place to Ihe then all-abaotblsg toplo-the Sght "Head* of famlllea" wore np betlmea in the moraing, In order that they might aecnre an early copy of the papom The women folk* ahmed an equal Inlereat In the etent, and dlactiaied "upperonla," "crcea- butlocka," "couoleia" aad "ciofa.ocnnlen" wllh alooaeieu worthy of Totarana of the rltii pii^'KidTue, The boy*, (eelng the old folk* "on It" ao ationg, got op tmpnunpcu conleeti, and^bhuked a^h otheia eyu with a aeyerlly worthy of a tMttat can**. Why, IK t-nou at BCTeral loatancea where otu fellow dlUea* of the "clergy petauulon" obtained a copy of Ihe Ouma, and uUng It Into their elndiea, eagerly deronied oui great aceonat of the "International atiuggle" between the AmeitBta and Ingllah obamplona. Well, allhongh we hare laid then la nottheaaaa inteieit itUched to Ihe fcrlhccmlng encoimlar u then wu lo the Decnan and Bay era Dueling, we hare ereiy naaen to baUere Ihat the report* of Ihe Eienan and King oonfllct will lUTe tolly u many reader* *i the detalla of the Parnbotongh Ighl had, and already newa dealere an aendlng la their ordeia tor extra qnanlltlea of the Ourna oonlalnlng the npott of the battle. We aball endearot lo meet the demand, and aupply th* ooiutiy with Ihe moif tmelwortby •ocount of the meeUng. By Ihe lut arrlTal from Europe wa learn that nine thonaaad dollaia of the battle money had beea duly plaoed in the bindi of the alakebolder, u the attlolea of agieemant caDed for, and en thl*, no doubt the lut atake of one Ihonaand dollan hu been added, making complete the enm total to be fonght for. The battle money, ten Ihooaand doUaia, la equal to the largeat anm erer fought for In the world. W* belleTe tbla amonni hu only been equalled once befon, and Ihat wu In the eTei-nem' arable Sght between Tom Ilyer and Yankee BolllTan, In Feb mary, 1810. In the priu ring of England, no anoh anm wu ever fought for, although it doca not follow Ihat large alakta bring about good llghia; aome of the beat Dght* on ncord hare been for inma varying from tvenljf-fin dollan to flTe hundred Yet II I* tine that the oulalde world ailachu men Importance lo a match for a big atake than It dou to one for a amaO alake. It la uld that acme fear* an enlertalnad Ihat "maglaterlal lutermptlon" may biisg the Heenin and King aSali to a ter- mination without a Ight; and to throw Ihe apoU apotla off the aceni, It wu recently propoaed—while the tiro glidlatoi* wore attending aome racea at Mewmarkot—Ihat Ihe Hgbt ahonld lake place there and then; Beenan. we bur, waa ajjreeable to II, but King dUaenled, although weighty aur goldtu Induamienla mre offered him to anllolpale the day drat aet ^ail, and "hare It cat" on the apot. We praanme Sing had good reaaou* for ob- jectlng. The genllemen enttnited with Ihe management of the "eicnralon" wen saing erery eadwTcr to hire Ihe affair come off fair aad aqnaie on lla merll*; and It the thing la at all feaal. ble, they will glTo the rlotonanbble lhe,«old ahoulder, and try tu RM u—o "Hioot-lhelr preaeaoa or yi^^lanee," At nearly erery priM tJibt—and alTmaal an'lloita oflarge gathelliga, for Ihat mattei^nnmbei* of notoy and dlaordorly oharwien maoage to inlnde themaelTea; and It they an In aufdclent force, Ihey ellhar make money by breaking np the dgbl, or, picking pockela. We haTO plenty of anoh fellowa hen, and II 1* only a wonder lo u* that the ptofeaaon and admlitn of the ring do not drlre them away by glrbig them a "good warming," For tho cening meeting, the pruenci of the rabble la not it all dealiable; their loterferenee at Parnboiough greatly lojnied the Brtllab lUng, yet It ktpt the "Ohanplon Belt" In the coonlry; and allhongh Hecnan loat the Inphy by tho oulalde diatnibance, yet be gained aome Tory Influential trienda amongaU olaaaeaof Eogllah aodety, aome of whom an now backing him for the coming en countei, In order to ahow Iholr appreciation of hto conduct dnring hla aojoum in England, The "beUlgennta" ue In actlre lialnlgg, and hare boon ao for acme time paat "Oondltlon" muat net be loit eight of for the approachlog panage of flit*, and well do both men know IL And though tho Amirlcan la booked lo win among thoia who knoa the two men, yet we caution onr readeie agalnal looUng at thto or any other apoiting eront aa a "certainty," Wi don't boUeve In "ceilalntlea," except where two parllea are "lo" to* gather. It wu the general opinion that. In the Bghl aome month* ago between King and Maco, for Ihe ohamplonahlp, the litter would win, owing to hla auperlor Klonce, eto,, but King got In one blow that knocked all tholi calcnlallona, and Mace wllh them, Into "Inoitrloable cootuiloo," and that ended Ihat certainty. King may do the ume again. Wo uy that we do not undoKland why then ahonld bo aucU odd* on Beenan, Know- ing, aa wo do, that In height, weight, age, olc, the men ace eqnal while King ha* fonght oflener than Ueenan, and hu had, there- fore, more practical oiptrlenoe In the ring: he alao hu Ihe al- vantage of lighting on hla own ground; that to. In Englaadi while llcouan, u In hla flght wllh Bayen, doca battle "In the land of the elianger." AU thing* conildeied, the advanlagea an In favor of King, and Iherefore wo etc puziled why Beenan orortopa hla opponent In betllog. The only reaien we can aee for it, to the Miraordlnary ablllllia he dlaplayod In hi* conleot with Bay. era, which, at Ihe time, our InnaiUintIc frionda were not ao wllUng to admit aa they are at prc»cnt. HowoTor, we aball aoon hare Ihe none of tho rcanll of llio Impeodlog tiniggle, and then, IwAojuoTerylhlngwIU appear u plain u "houiehold word*." It to probable, u we aald lu a pnvlona lane of the Ourpia, that tho day fixed originally tn the "artlclnof agreement," may be ohanged, and an earlier day named, hi order to mtolud the "bnm ballUb" and olhar aplea. We aball endearor to giro a le- Uabla aooount of the great erent, although we may not be qnlto u early In tho fleld u onr tHenda of tbe dally preaa. When the gnat IntamaUonal Ualoh wu In prognaa, we pramtoed lo giro thefallutdetaU*. We more than fojfllled onr pnmlae* Ihen, and circulated nearly (Am kundwl nuniuti iijila rf M« Cimo, oonlalnlng the nport of that ImporUnI event. We ehall alrlve to give equally alabocato nporU of the ecmlng aet-to, wllh "pto- ten" to matoh. Thenfon, let Btwa agntt prepan tbtmielrea, and make their ealcnlatlona for a large ulo of Uie CLirpaa, con lalning the detalla of the Beenan and King pugUiitio oonlMt On)iAiirjiT;>t and 1Tar.ruL Piuint in a hDFFALo Fnmuir.— We wiire roccntly abown a veiy handumoly piloted ud var- Blahad lodlis rlob. Intended for prracLitUou to John 0. Ualo- ney, cx.uililani foreman of Eagle Ifoie Ca, of Duffalo. II to a 30 pounder and wu raanufOotund by 8 D. Eeboo, the original and only man In tbto bulnru. On the lowor pari of the dub to a very Due oil painting, by Jobnaon, of the hoie cirrlaie. oolcnd pieclaelylheMme u Eagle Boee, evea to the ■pokeeontb* wheato, and alonoalde the "muheen" lUnd* the nimilar remu Bnffilonean, with the Inimnet under hla arm, umrer nrdui. The background and general eieontlon li euloudld, and flienni Ihe flneat piece of workmanahip oar youg Bochcattr trlaga, Kr, Siho*,butTeilueaeul, - BALL PLAY. TaAKaaoirno Sit to the recognlxed cloalngdayol Uie ball playing tralernity, and If the wuther li proplllona on the occi- alon, Ihero to nanally a very gineral turn out of evoir man and boy In the matniiolla who can handle a baU or wield a bit. In tut, every available apace ol gnnnd, on thto holiday, wuther of conrae permlWsg.U oeonpledwith nirUe*who*e aoto enjoy, nant tola laak* nnagamaot boae bill and haTO a Jolly good Ume of it befon dinner, Partlu tor a milch an made np who oever touch a b*D at any other time, and gamea an played be- tween centaalania wboM ocoapatlon* only admit of^tbelr anjoy- mentof . ider t^ edicnmalaaoea we nay eay qnlle a brllllint mt, put no u aforlcltln thehandaofawen-knowngenUeauini dty of LoutovUle. The nmalnder of Ihe money, 1980 a ■£ be put np on .Baturday, Kov, 981b, at Walker'a Eiohia? IwMa the houn of 10 and S o'deck, I will peat yon ra£_ ttlruilproceeda. Yoai*. iMpectfnny, A. F, TiiJ^ THE RING. BIOK BOLliYWOOD kfW JOBKMY KIATISO BATCBn FOB tCOO, "^"^ Utile bantam* met at onr offlce on the 18lh but ^ lug to appointment, and dnw np artlelu lo flght on tha^ January, 1804, at 108lba, for 1300 a aide. The BrookM «-ii..-K„i. Kium »r. •nMoaafttl anAI wu tn company wllh hto bnlher, Phil Olan, aad oUimI s«i^'.''?>',:v'^:v!:s?.;7rissr^?e^^ anynl*,the inooeia attendant upon tha progieaa of hue ball) during the put thne aeaaona of the exialence of civil war, not only afforda evidence of the great popularity of the game, bnt alao of Ito complete utabUahment u a permanent American In- atllnUon, Our aoldlan play ball on all letoun occulobe, Jnat u the Eogllab aeldlen pacHolpale In their national game oTciI *' Every regiment In the army olmoat hu Ito ball club, and lint clu* gamu have been played In aeveral of_lfa2_8onthoi imSlocallUu outoldo of the me- tcbpolto. Tbe Alhlatlca, of Philadelphia, opened Ihe acuon by paling na a friendly Ttoll,glTlngna a week'a brilltoni play In oonacquence. The Budaon Blver Olnb, of Vewbuigb, foUoved •nil, loo, and learned aeveral valuable luaona from tlie expe- rience they received; and It to but a few week! aince tbe Col- lege Boia, fnm the Princeton College, ulonlahed Ihe Brcoklyn- Itea iriln a dlaplay of akill that hu not been anrpiaaed by any dub oulalde Ihe metnpoUa, and by but few In tbe oily, Tbeie aereral vtolto have not only tended lo promote that aoolal and bntherly feeling that ahonld exial throughout the whole bill playing community of the oountiy, but alio to Incnau the wel- fare of the game, and pKmote lie general popularity. We tmit Ihat next aeaaon Ihe olaba tcom the wutem part ol onr Stale, and Ihoee (rem Boelon vrlll pay na a vlait, In addition lo tbe dnbe which have done ao thto aeuon. The aerlei of champlon- ahlp gamu reaulled Ihl* aeaaon In Ihe triumphant aucceu of the Eckford Club, who can pride themulvM on achieving a anccen never befon equalled by any dub In the country, via., that of winning every match, both flnt and lecond nine game*, Ihat they wen entaged In. Conaldering thit they played agalnat the atnngut dnna In the counter. It to an achievement they have a Juat right tobepioudoL Tne Bckfordi, by the way, played In Ion flnt-nlne gomea, acorlng a total of 917 rnna, lo 60 on the Sut of their opponent*, playing game* wllh the AUantIo, Hntual, nlon, Athleuo, Budaon Blver, and Ituolute dnbe; the blgh- ut aeon made agalnat them. In a aingle lanlnfa, being by the latter dub, and Ihe hlghwt In the match by the Kewbnijih Olnb, Kelt oeaion Ihe grut oonleit for the chanplonablp will toy be- tween the Allaaho of BiooUyn, Unlual ol New York, and Eureka of Kewark; Ihe two former will wpeolaliy make alrenuoaa exer- tlona to lake the lead, and an eidtlng time may be fully expect- ed on the occaalon of the malchea between them, bnt both duba have determined that no anoh oulalde Interfetooce and dlatutb- anoe u marred their gamea thto year aball be permitted to dto- tuib th* bannony of their gamu next aeuon. The next event of Importance to the ball playing fntemlly la Ihe aaumblage of Ihe delegatw lo the ngular annual conven- tion of the HiUonal AaaocUUon of Bue BaU Player*. Thla meet- ing take* plice at Clinton Hall, Aaloi Place, New York, on tbe evenlni of tbe ucond Wedneaday In December, and It to expect- ed that fully one hundred dub* will be npreeeoled on the occa- alon. Delegate* from the duba of Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wuhlngton, Alloona, Buffalo, Bocbuter, Utioa, Byiaonae, ill- bany, Tny, Boiton, Lowell, Ptovldenoe, Trenton, Princelon, «o., kc, have pnmtoed to put In an appearance on Ihto Inlereat- Ing occulon,ln order to get thonugbly acquainted with the new rulu that an to be Intnduced at tbto convention. In ngard lo thto aubjoot, we have to uy that objeouonakle u It to lo change the rulu often, it to nererlheleu aeceaaaty that the game be made u perfect u proper aupervtolon and Judlcloui changea can make II, and It to well thenfore, until they an made oomplole, that, every two orihree aeuona, aundry changea be made In the rulM, whereby Ihe expeilencce of the put aeaaona' play can be made available In Improvlog Ihe game. Ko ohangea hive been made In tbe mlu ahice lUI, and ilnce then levenl Important ohangea and Impnvemenu have been abown to be Impenllvely neceaaary In order to nach that poUit of eicellenca which ahoold chaiacteilu the game. The Committee on Rulu and fiegnlallona have now under con- aldcratlon a boat of augguUona in regard lo the wordlos of tbto nad that rule, and the Inlroduellon of new onee, which they will bring to the notice of Ihe convention embodied In their regular rtpoiL The moat Impoitut Improvement aoggeatcd to that of the InlndncUon of wide balla, u In eilckel, with a view to do away with tbe wild pitching In vogue. Whether the plan aug. gelled to an available one or not, we tmat the cODventlon will aee to It that aome plan la adopted by which the evil referred to can be obviated. The fly game, too, to to be brought up for adop- tion, and on tbla account there to likely lo be quite ao exciting trial of atrenglh between the two partlea wbo advocate and op- poae tbto atyle of game, fiucceufnl u the pait aeaaon hu been, we have evarr reuon to balleve that the lauon of 1884 will be the moat biUltint of any known in the brief annala of our na- tional game. PEDESTRIANISM. 100 TAiiDa Foot Bacz ninnEii Tnoiua aid McOabe.— The Orange. N. J., half-mile Inch exhibited a Uvdy appearance on the IBth Inat., u between fonr and flvo hundred gay apoite f"* elaewhero wen congngated to iritueM the RKit 100 yatda apurt between John Thonua, of Newark, and Jamw HcL'abe, of Canada, for $}00 a aide. The match «u mide on the Dib of november, (made memorable by Old Ouy Fawkw' trying lo aend the mombera of tha Brillah Parliament klUng with hto gunpovder plot, which will never be forgot) by William Olwker, for Thonua, and HoOabe for hlmaelf, wlinuaed by Oeo. Condlt and lllchacl Oearey, and the varlou* depoilU duly pelt- ed in our hand*. We arrived at tbe track about 3 P. M., by meana of aleam and hone-power, mMltng Ihe familiar facu of Jem Qlddlnga and Uany Huklnga, from Brooklyn: Pugh, Thomu' Cuildy and Frank Prlnli old oppcnento of UcCabe; Bill Ctocker, of Newark : John Qrlndel], tbe ten mile champion, andolbenol lew notoriety. The pioprletorof tho Irackhadtbe aainrtnce lo uk UO for the uw of It, but came down alter much long auffgring and talking, to a men moderate flgute, taxing the ■pootaton 3t cento each, except Ihoae who acalea the walla—by fir Ihe grwter majority adopting thto method. Oeing to Ihe law dank wuther, dihough dear overhead, the tnekhad to be nkid over, and wu Ihen doggy and dlppeiy. The betting wu In favor of the Newark man, at tho odda of two lo one, which wu fre- quently taken by BcOabe'a tijesda, John Orlndell wu nnanl- moualy ohoaen referee, and a Judge wu appointed lo atari, and anolhtr lo call back when Ihoy didn't atait even. Boon alter 3 o'dock the men doffed their fleeh-baga, ul but tight nuder-ahlit and drawera, and took a preliminary canter, Thomu, who la a native of Newark, la 93 yean ot age. and alanda 8 fL lOU Inohoa In height; he to a floe-made, alhletlo young fellow, with a bounding, aprlngy motion chancteilillo of apeed, ao ranlr 10 be fonnd In men of hto weight and atatun. ' He bu llg' ured eitenalvelyonthe rao*-tr*ck,wjlhNevlna,KdIy, Suhullze, eto,—bto but nee to 900 yarda. MoOabe, we beilevo, to a Canadi- an by birth, of abont the aame age, and aome two Incbu ihorter In atatun; be hu onlv flguied three timw iloce hla dtlrtii In Ibo Stole*, defeating Frank Priniz In a 100 yarda race, Halt Caaeidy in a two mile hut, and anfferlng defutitom tho latter In andher ol two mllu, Afur the track bad been deared, u no other one man could have deared II, by BUI Olacker, the men toed the aorateb, and, after acorlng dght or ten tlmu, got off even In a iplendld bunt of apeed, and from our i nd of ihe Une. they look- ed to be aide br aide for the flnt forty yarda; bnt hen the Jei^ aeyman begin Inch by luoh to gain on tbe Canadian, who labored huvUy, owing lo tho lofineaa of Ihe ground, yet gamely atrog- gled on. but wu beaten at Ihe hoiitcatcetch by about ten yarda. 'X'imo otthe wlDner-IO>,' aocouda. Tlio race wu nobly conteit- ed,Uklng Into conaldorauon that McCabe had Ihe Intlde tndi. when Uie groond wea tho wont, and allpped at almoat every atrldo. whoreu the Newaik man, by hla aprlghUy motion, got over tho coune much uaaler. That UcCibe did hla but to win S? {K.^J^Jf''!*'■' "'^ • ""1 """"l" that hto opponent cannot lake any llberUee with him. 01 tha two men, IJomaa' alyle to fkr men Ihe Ideal of a runner than MoOabo », the toiler having abid fublonof boldhighla head low and aptfadtog hla anua loo much, which, however, can euUybe ""St?*' ,i?'"'l'f• '«<i:J'«'my tried It again, and aeemed to go quicker than twfon. Then la aome talk of gelUngup another matcn between Ihom tor a quarter of amlle. From the track the honea heada were turned tor Joe BaUwUi'a hotel, In Centre Market PUce, the headquarten of theaporta in Newark, where we melThonai' father, an old ToteranwhodroTa the mall coach I?!? H'*?""*."• *^ Atne'lca, and know that palilot weU. John iloOormlok.and a houae fuU of aporthig men. Ur. Oltoker caUed on Uie 30ih and recelTed the lUka on behalf of Thomaa. AjKOTBtn tfATCD Uaoi.— A* WU anUdpaled, Thomu and UcOibe made another maloh, lo run a quarter of a mile for tliO * lido, on Ihe Puhlon Trask, L. I., on Monday, December 7th. Aa both have demonttrated that they an tut men, we have no doubt but that the matoh will altroot oonalderoble attention. Arltdci vrere algaed on the 9lat Inak, and tlOO a aldo depoalled In our hand*, A BriBirxo IIaci— SroiT AnxAS,—A cocTcapondent oendeo* tboluUoivtog account of a capital Utile race which hai taken plice "onl bto way," wllh a pnpotal made and accnplcj for I nnt'Ciara iporUog event from a quarter whence we do not ollcn hear. Ihe note to veiy wdcome. Heaaya:— LautovlUa,£T„ KovemborltUi, 1803. Eon on Currzn —t><ar£Vr.'—A fool race came off here lo-diy, ofonniiuodirdyaida.forWlia alde.betuMn an Unknown and Mr. Brown, of Ihto city. The race took ptoce about one mUe tnm tbo cliv, the belling bobg all in favor of tbe Unknown, at u much u tlOO to tulmflfoffered, wlUi but tew token. .Ther gploff wlUi a falrala^at bolf-put 8 o'dock. keeping aide by aide for Ihe fliet aeventy Tarda, when the nohnown took the load and came hi a wlnn*r,.I)y 3 teet. In llMteca. Altor the nee wu over, a FenUnnan of aporiina tame, advaaeed to Ihe baek- eraof tha Unknown and offei*a.lo make a match tortl,CO0 a •Ide, lobe tun fo> In thru weeka from date, Saturday, Nov, Mlh. The ehaUeng* iru aoceptid oa theipol,and|]Oa*lle lanJohnay, Evantbiagwuoonduoledaeclablr, andflta eputatlon ol boUi yonngaton, a pnttr lllUe mm to aatu, «tween theu Tom-Uto of Uie Pibe Bing. Attached mtpH IfllQtal document:- AancLxa or AoaznoiiT entered Into thto 18lh day etj^ ,jer. 18S9, between Blohard Bdlywood and John KaahK i 'aald RiohaidBoIlnroodagnu to flght the aald JohnKai^ fair aland np flght according to Ihe Buluof Uie Lend*! Blng, by which the aald Blohard Bollywood and John jZ hereby mutually Bgie* to be bound. Tho <ald flght ihigi place onXuead^, January lllh, IBSt, and ahaU be tn|k of Three Hundnd Dollan a aide. In punuince of ttfe ment, tU a dde an now depodted In the handa ol TttniS who ihan be flnal alakebolder.' Tbe lecond depoalt of ^ffT aball be made at the houae of Patrlok Uurphy, oornatt ci bla and Begnw atreel*, Bnoklin, on Tundty, the JiltZ November. The third depoelt of KO a aide at my Unn^ Cenln atreel, on Tneaday, the lit of December. IheM poaltottMaalde, at PhU Clan'*, 401 Colnmbto alm^f lirn, en Tueaday, the 8Ui of Decemnar. The flIUi dapodg a aide it Dennu Elrwan'a, corner of Pavonto AvenniMl Toet ainet. Jeney Oily, on Tueaday, the lOUi day of SkM The alxlh depoalt of tW a aide at PhU Olan'a, 401 oS atnel, Brooklyn, on Tueaday, the 99d day of Secanlo^ aeventh and lut depoalt of tU a aide, at Ihe CuprxaB^ Uonlgomery atreel, Jeruy Oily, on Tneadar, Ihe 9«lh Uvd oember. The aald depoilt* eboU be made between Uukaa 8 and 10 P. M., and either puty tolling ah*U forfeit a** down. The place of flghUng lo be muniaUy agreed njag laat depoalt. Co be In the Bute of Raw York. Thewi|' take puce the day befbn flghUng, at aome place lo be a agreed upon at the laat depodi, and either man eiceedlu to forfeit the money down. Tbe men ehaU be in tho ili(( the houta otlOA.U.aadlP.M,nnleu eUierwtoe aM bybothnaitlu. Thai la the event of maiialaTlal labL_ the paitfu aball meet at the office of the alakebolder a'^ lowing day. ornoh other time u maybe agreed upontak day of flghUng. That the expenae* of the ropu and ah^ be borne mutually ahan and ahin alike. Toe atakaaBti given np, unlau by mutual conaent, unlU fairly won or h a flght. JOBUKT Kuim, Wllne**:—Tno*. EzATno. Bichabs Hounn Damn* Xinwax. NiD WiLaoB'a THAaxsocnxa Fuirvu.—The bold wi^ Game Cock hu had the good tortnoe to aeoun the I Isatltnte. No, IM Broadway, neat Sleeker atreel, fori log night. Not. 98lh, when than wlU no doubt be an la alleadanoeot hoUday.keopen, compitoed of manywhott they can't get Into the thealTM ormlnatrd halla,wlllit aparring exhibition for the flnt time. The regnlar "ham therefore, muat go early to enjoy the fun. Bee Cobnn gallant Grow, luyLaxirna and the genUe lloberlo BbU) ton and hto nephew Yonng Benlcto, Con Orem aad Oa hero BUlyMcOiath, BUlyDcnndlyand Mike Cobnn^' wllh miay olhen. WUaontbeBnvelitowlndnpwIttL Tovea flUa the U. O.'ahip, which to proof that thenifl) lickotipott The Uoket* an flied at the uniform rtlk^ cento each. Bill Tovxx'a Qbxat Kiobt n BaooiLTit,—Thto(Taaatli; 21Ui) erenlog, the Father of Boxing la lo haTe a reallinV at New Temneiance Ball, oorner Fulton and PIneanUa when we on» want * flue night lo make IttheblggeatailL the old gonUeman arer had. By the bUto, we aee Ika RiOTe flghlaan to be oonleeled between Ed Loweiyul D«yer, Billy Donnelly and Miki Nnnan, and twooUiaalai with the aaatotanca of PhU OUn, Jem Olddlrga, Jem Dm, Hunter, MUageComeU, Jerry Conklln, etc, elo. TaooBac pun an lo hare a round or two, and tbe whole enlolali will lormlnale wlUi a tnmendoua boxing matoh betna WUltom* (Inatead of dark) ind Uie eveigreon Uede V ToTce, which la euro to be both exdUng and amualo|. i tar ind Ally cento are the charge*, and tbo boxUig c— BP. »L FncnXD nut,—Our pungent bint lo the min called Qi hu elicited a reply from Ihe parly moat Intoriatid, le Geo. Baker, who choUenged Con. Orem—tbat'a Ihe sua poied lo ban been Ike. We pruume he la a broUei of r bnt for prudential nuon* he didn't wtoh to have Ihto George to now located at Ur, WeU'a, PedeatiUn Taven, Troy, and toanxlonato flght any man In America next at 110 Iba., for tMO a aide. It to currently teporied UiU aL big 'un, ncenUy Imported, to now keeping ehidy, nady proper Ume to "ahow canae" and flght aome one of on men here, Axorsn Broninia Bonn n Bbooxltk.— Ed. Lowov opened a adoon on the coiner of Proapect and Pearl atiM to nimed Damp Cryatd, aad fnm the popularity of thi)i feUow Joat turned bonlface, we eipeotll will turn oidl| thing tor him. V Ormio AaomiD.-Harry Latanu baa got ao fkr onl ttlL^ u lo be about again. We have aeen anhotographcti taken aInce the affny; he look* aomewhat hagga>(,li Jauntily amoklng a olgir. Dick nourwoonronuccATUiRKVAarikc'a—While nia road, " lo a coach and four horaea d[awn by a gray miie,"* 32d, we atoppcd at Ibn Oiyura llotcl, ood tboru learned fnall n. Ofodo thai Dick Bollyword woilil verv llkciv Ulio up hi) f Ure there, and train for hla dght irlih JuLnoy Kcollug. Ilati go'lo a bolter place. FroKTO*Lvra>FiEisna "nrvuR n-rniAcx"—Iitoaa notion to ibtok ihit a aport'ng man lan't at good a mao for Qi nor aa any other man, which will do dniibi ha proved In thec* eledJoQ. Among otiien ruonlog for ofllcc ero Billy Watobforll man, Frank Boelghl for Juallce of Police. Dive FllrgenM f*( dimio, Nick Judge for I'olico Juillce^ and Ned Cnnnlon for i( elUorahlp. Aqualk*, poglUam and Uio drama are all ropi Ihoao four oamea. niA.\GXO ma IIiAo<)DABiiiu.-Ulke SmIUi, " ooo of the boni Ihe caai ekio," l«t a long lime employed lo tbo Kavy Yaril,«tl Ualono, under Ihe UcCormack regime, hu loft lowo Ibr Forth to Iwk after tho aanltary coodlilco ef the " fojcr foUen," eli Punsui'isiiiD MitiTART Aaan-Ai —IJeut. Ool. Harry ngrp* In tin city lou week, and farorrd ua wllh i call. Ourlog bhi neoco of the wor ho hu made Ihe acqualninnco of all Ibegral of Uie day. For a year and a half Uarry wurblorotPellcahl Orknoa, under General Ouller, and became M popular Ihil Ik dl(9 of Ihe Creieent Qly prvenlcd him with a heauilfol (ild chain. Ho Informa na Uiat Kolias—not the onearmcd beiei falgar, but Jamu the boxer—bni rCAigncd hla I'ccmnilal' Taylor to well and hearty. Horry met John Wood* oa nvmli Bloni, but Uie Yankee Boy look* wan and haggard. Ihe IM left ror Boauo on tho lOih lut. £c<x Hobo I"—Tho Ullo qunlailoo hiding Ned Wmli hu cruted u much talk u the bome-caMog bua'DC*s-4n(|k winto lokBowwhatltmeaoa. WIUou baa Iborafon preaM explain all about it at hla bcnoaton IhankaglTlog Bl|H,ill SluyTeaanI Intlllule. • ■ IIardt IIiu. ix a nw cbamoioi —On Tliuradiy, Noremba I- Thaokeglvlog niabt, Harry lllll, of tbo Houaion aircet aab-W will (0 Ihrouih the Indian olub eicrciao. at iho Bluy venal IB' wllh a pair of Kobooia 80 lb. club', rboirlng nil the nrloaaili on a icIcnUOn prloclple. To Uioeo wlin biro handlod IbcH a Ibo weight, 30 lbs. each, will leom rathir alrep, bul by Ibevir uic* Ihe 20 ponndera, 11 won't bo much of a to!k lo bin. n« plon la Ned Wllion'a bcneDt, and Harry tuu glvoo ua bb'ttc* help Iho Woohawkcn boior, iluco Iho bu:a wore prlaloOi (Uti account for lla non-appcoraoeo Ihero. Faiorauiuxn'oStccTOOR—John llakewen.a ponulirr. , man and one of Ihe old Wa^blogton Uarhct Don Duicliui, Mil choud the liolel on Ihn coroer of Droailway and 6Mh aunt,*' ncciiplod by Fred Falkland, and lind II reOxod In Ine A* aploadid view of Ihe bulral Park Is afforded from tbe hiM which to lllerallr awarmod on every One aflcrcoon. J^vd doubt do well lo hla uoiv eotcrprlio. Toi Cnunoii ir Wasuixotox— Jce Cobarn bu been af,. . few (lav* at Uie capltol. Ills pnUcotor reaaou fbr Uio iSp H tranaplred, but gome uy Ihat ho'a after a Brigadlcr O«»>* The alidlator and Undo Abe have undo up friends, ud apcoilog toraia, ^ GuaoB Baixr TtAcmitn erAXxija-Thla Weal Brcmwlob,(I> pugi.llsl to DOW domiciled under Ihe root of Br. Wells, Ftdif Tavern, Natl Factory, Troy, giving Irsspna In the art of Mlf-W-~ □corce alao attend* gcnUemOn at Uiolr own place* of abcdi. for (Teorgo I A Fo.TOY Fioiii.—J. M. L., aeoda ni an account of a bBI move Yard, Weal Philadelphia, between Jelmoy Bmlih it Douilin, which torled bul two roaoda; tho nimotiho o( UmP "cullcrcd panon,"Frod Doiig'isa bolting aflcr a wbackoelb" to Iho diagiisi of tho looken-on In tho Drove Yard. ItAt KiLUKo IT i> iUAST.—On Uio lOih Intl., wai luaf*^ nt killing setron by a swceralikea hir dl rorto of "dorgt," •>, Bell rnrcm, llC?ouUi Pearl alrcel.kopi by Waller D«ll,»b«" flrly of the vnrmlnl^ were oroakril In vory fair llmo. So»»J rniorod aod killed their rats lo rullonlng order: 111 dog kn* latolnlmln. lTieo.;:d,ein48a. ;3d,10 In 9 mIn : iM inln. 13 ace.; tlh, 6 In M2 ; Olb, 8 In 30 aee.: 7lh. (■ lllllo tlf er) 3 In 1:3J. The proprietor of lllll ulnon wa* ono vWlloUi»< buying rau, u they haven't got * profralnnal nt catcher d> v~ , A Maiob It Bnuinss, lOOO poInU np, tOrtMO, wu pM* Ueam. BaUoy It UonUl'a sdoon. Court atnel, Ooaloa.WB 30lh Inat., between Jacob UoiriU and WUllam Ulnh•U^' oont««t wu very doM, and en the lut acore tlenbaU luce poluto and Uorrlll OT7. the toUer to pUy. UorrlU made • >* ahot, aad tbu) won, 7b«(*DaUal«a0Bou(*adl9Dl>'"