New York Clipper (Nov 1863)

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S64 AMUSEMENTS. XO ADVESTISEEfl, , wuU, tlo., lo tho tbUowliig Mhedolo of ntM tor M- Xnlre eesU per Una for Mth tad eToirinHrtlOBi for dnnMo rUa*r* UbmlWooUoii, will, bowoTw, twmid*inadw- oaia iibeg ptld for tbreoor ilimoiituliiilniiM. BtJ ■ BttUwUon. ToMdiT of «Kk weak. *££!^wiloiu 10 innra •ttonUon U the tow fbilhrt wttk. Mould mob u br KosdAj moralng, tt Uait, oi Buaidtj U AMUSEMENTS. ROBIRBOIf & UOWBr OHAUFIOK OQtOOB, Will open lor ^-gp^aPHITflSlrai' '° ""^ VmibUmton aired, oppoilla Ibe Oonit Honie, ■BYAIfTS' UPBBA IIUD8D. Mecliuiloe' Hill, in BrotdwiT, ebora aiud itreet. BBTANT BB0THEB8, Prosrleton. JOBK BIlIF80H,TTeiniier. WINAMS end DUORAHAN, Uehen. A. BOSa, OBcer. ■mKIH TEAS OF TBB OBIOINAL WOBLD-BBNOVMED BBTANTS' Kaemaa, THE EXOELSIOB TBOUfS OF THE WOULD, n OoomtsTlioompoeedofUiefollowliiiiTtleotedAztlna:— DAM BBTAMT, NEISE 8ETK0UB, J. B. SirOBI, FBAMK LESLIE, J. W. HU,TON, _ JAUES MODBUOK, 0. 8. CONNOR, DAN EHMETT, Ud LriTLE llAO, t new Tirietjof Booif, Dmeee, Barl««iaet, PUnUUoD ForpertlonUM, leebmiofUiedef. Tloiatj of AdmlHloD 39 unU. n-B HBIL BBTAH^ SATE SEED. OEOBOE & FOWLEB, nO UiIM H OWABD, 1. OETTIMaB, JAKES OABATAOnA, W. L. EOBBB, ■BOADWAV AMPIIITHBATBB, No. 189 UBOADWAT. Li Bi LENT MinnpFi TUi wUbUubnent will open for tbe leMon, ON WEDNESDAT EVEHINO, Not. 181b, Wllb Ibe noet tilonled Tronpe of STAB BIDSS AND AORODATS Id the countT7, end -THE U03T BFLENDID BTUO OF HIOBLT TRAINED HOBSBS AND FOKIES, Upoo tbie elde of tbe AUuiUe AN ABEHA OF TBB LABOESI SIZE, ' Hubcen conalnicted, tbe Aadltorlum alforda eTcrreomrort end conTesleace for ililton, end It 1* conlldeDtlr bellered tb*t tbe eiUbUebment will be pioaoanud nT rAB TBI HOan ELEGANT AUFHITOEATnE, BVn OIXKED IM NEW TOBI. Cwcn-Dr<M Circle and Ftrquet, tOcenU; ObUdreo nnder ■Jan, 99 casta. Fiallr Circle, 99 cla, witbont dlaHncUon of age, TmE—Doon open at 1; Orand Entree at a U of 8 o'dod;, ON BAIDRDAT AFTEBNOON, A Orand Perfonnanco for Famlllw, commencing at baU.paat 3 o'clock. 93-11 WABK. TRBATIUI, OPFoarrr TBI Onr Hall, Bboosltk. iMaoe and Manager uABRIEL UABDISOK. BUge Manager D. A. BAR PR. tUa Mew and Eloganl EatibllabmenI IN NOW OPEN. ^ Doon open at 7K; commence at 8 o'clock. Paronet, Mcta. Onbaaln Cbain tl. FafflUr OInle 3S ola. Baloonr Beala ISela, Frirate Boiaa, Itandit, ■OE Ofllce open from 81- h, to 0 p. v. HO EXTBA OHAROE FOB RESEBTED BBATB. ■liLINOBIl & NBWCOnD'B aaiAT MORAL EXniBITION and PARLOR OPERA TROUPE, ■dn now on their Onuid Triumphal Toor, crowned wllb tbe Doet natlering turcaaa. WIU Ttall tU the principal cIUh In tbe Cnlled BUtea and Canada, prenont to Ibeir departure for Borope. XUa Uunmolb Combination la compoaed aa foUowa:— OOUUODORE FOOTE, ^ rain old, 38 Incbea high, and weight 33 ponnda. Hit tUter, UUU ELIZA NEBTEL, la It jretra old, IT Inchn high, and welgba UH ponnda. OOLONEL BUALL, la IT jeaia old, 39 Inotaea high, and weight 33 ponndf. Tbe whole world la oballangad to prodace tbelre^aal Is alio, ^IgbL or edncatlon. In addition to thla great lUrtctlon te MONB. C. LATaLLEE'B PARLOR OPERA TROUPE, COMIC AND BENIIUBNTAL. Ten In nnmber, all appearing In one Grand Entertalnmenil J. D, NEWOOMB, Uuilneta Uanigor. COL. WM, ElllNSBn, 38- 0.0. nUBBBLL, Agent. Director of Amntemtnla. tV. D. lIAaKIHWN, COtnO VO0ALI8T, I1UII0R0U6 lEOIURERtnd original"IUPR0V1BAT0I« "orEXTEMPORE 'COET, It at prtaent biTtllng with Col. EUlngar'a Enlerlalnment •and Parlor tfpera. Ult frienol wUl pleaaa addreta lo OLirria 'OlBce. 39-3t* OOHTIIIBIITAIt TIIBATRB AND UVBIC HALL, WalnnI ttrMt abova Rlabtbi rblUd.lphU. ALLISON & HINOKEN .Leaieea and Manigtn. Tbe Largoat and Deal Oondneted Ealabl'abment In America, ■now IN THE FULL TIDE OF BDO0EB8. MAMMOTH OOMPANr OF 100 PEBFORUEBS, Who are greeted nlghllr br IMMENSE AUSIEKOES, In Janlomlme, Ballet, Dutleiqoo, Ethiopian Acta, aemi of the Opera, OTmnaaUca, &o., kc, Whlob ue preaenled lo tbe pubUo In perfeoUon In all their •idatalla. Mr Oomptlent Axlltla can meet with adrantageoni lennt bj ^pplylAg aa abOTo. Sk JAMES PnORIM, stage Manager. ' VAfUBTIBSI VAliiBTlkBIt VARIBTIBBtll PannailTanla Avenna and Nbitb alieet, WASBINaiON, D, 0. iBAUDLIN 1: Co Pnprietora. •Vm SIMMONS stage Manager and Adrottlaer, ,aiOH& BAPIUTIN Maltrede Ballet. XT 0B4IUB OUR OUIDINO STAB. %B The Flnt Ohua Mualo EiU of Wuhlogton Cltr. 'ttdoned by tbe leadmg Joumala of the NaUon'a OapllaL IbelT dall7 oomoendaUone prore onr aaaertlona. SBAMD OLUSTERIMO OF ART AMD ABTIBT8. flaidaoTAdmlaalon, 90and39oenta, Prirate Boxee, 19. Pnttaalooala of alerUog abllll/, and STABS of merit ■d npniatlon, wlablig engaiemenla, will addraaa 16,41 HAMBLIN k Co., Pnpritton. OHIOAQU VARIB'TIBB, 119 AND IIT DEARBORN STBECT. 0. M. OHADWICK Proprietor. .OEO. F. Mcdonald stage Utntger, HOW IM ma rcLL tide or aucoEn. And nigbtlj Tbllod bjr Crowded and EntbnaluUa ADdlenoaa of Ladlea and Qenllemen* .,«bla ptaoo bating acconunodatlona for 1(00 PEOPLB, la not Urge enosgb to accomodate tbe orowda that atok en. nnoe nlghUj. Oood Perfonnera can alwaja meet with good eDgagementa br Mpljlng to the alwre Proprielora, or lo JAB. CONNER 4 Co., H-91«-9m 3gWettnonttontlreet,N.T, ■HOW DIliLA 0«* BVBHV DBBOUIPTIOn. THEODORE OUITOM, Oega to tnfotm bla old friend*, Uanagara, and the Public gen- MDj, that be la sow located at tbe EMPIRE STEAM PBINTIMO ESTABLXSHHENT, 19 BPRUOE BTREET, NEW TORE, Where ho will (rire bla ponosal attesUca toue prodncUoo, Bl isjr atjle, of all kinda of PLUM, miflBSD, AND ILLUSTRAnB SHOW BILLS, _ Partlonlarlj adapted for CBAVELUMO EXniDlTIONB, 0IR0UBE8, MENAOERIES, ETHIOPIAN PERF0BUAN0E8, ™-w, OIMNABTS. MAQIOIAMB, .CBIOK OUTS OF ALL KINDS, TBOrnNO TO HARNESS OR WAOON, DOUBLE TEAMS OR nUMNINO HOBSEB, _ „ , , „. . ^.POUnOAL CLUBS. _T. D. bnaU that bla manj rean eipetleno* la Ibe bnalaeat, -tto TUT large aaaortmenl of Uula at bla commaad, anr of which MBbaptlnled In one or more color*, tbe aenloea of the beat B e alri era and Engrarert for new work, will aeonre to him a con- Bwanoa of paat laTota and a trial bj new pabona. liMm .PBOPUrB HALL. IN NEWDUnaB, F. T. TUa Oommedlona Hall haTing bees re-modelM tad enUraed. BOW open for tbe nae of ° ' OONOERTS, LECmniEa 1:0. So pilst baTe been apired to nuke It oomplete bi all lla ar- •tngemeota. OneofOaananfc Fanoher'a beat planet bat bean «Mad to Ha funltare, ud wUl be rested with the h!u at a ceaaonable price, Aay farther InfomuUon ota be obtained at the Book aad ■tnalo Bton of CHAE ESTABROOK, Ages" 8T Water abrael, Nawbanh. EoYLxa UiLtn, Jaallor. BeptM, IB«8. M-Tit* <8IMH-EB'B DBBAUi or, WaEsi'a in Firrv Doliau? VIM Sola Laaacea and Proprietora, EqnedrUo Manager Treianrer. Bsalaeia Agent H«*an. BosnrtoE a HovEa. Faim J, HowEa, Job* L. Howia. .. .> ..Biouao P. JONia. The mtaaieaKnt reipeettuUr hrfonsa the olUieaa of the Unlled SUlea and tbe Ctnadu that Ihe^ bare, at a Tatl eipeste, lusral one of tbe beatloeaUoaafor a pobUoplace of amiaemeot IntbaOaidesCllj, aad that dnilne the oomlsg aeaaoa they will piaaant a "^^g^y^m, ^j,^ QiinraiTio SBsntmoKa, blended witb PARiomiEa, BiBLiNOia. Sraoiacit, ihd FaacBa, attjl. u-tteDiptj^ "aSplSSLTBE la one of Iba beat oonalracted for TlaloB, aeoontllca, TonUlatlos, comfort, and accommodatloii OTtr conatmcted, arranged eipreaa- l7 to meet Hit appnbatlon Ihoae who patronize eqneatilan In- atltotloaa. Amoeg tbe oifula engaged to apptar duUig (ba Initial fort- Bight wul be fosnd M'LLE JOSEPSINE TOUBNIAIBE, the daablBg joung Ennratarteane. MBS. DAN OASTELLO. MADAME UABOnERITE, JAMES BOBINSON. Champion BIdtr of the World, DAN OASTELLO, Wit, Clown, and Oilglaal Talker, Meaan. OABLO asd BOBS, Beat of OTsmaata—UDasrpaaaable In all Ihey attempt- Mr. LUKE BITBRS, the mat Boeslo Elder, Ur. JAinS SE HOTT, a Rifted Sqneablan, Mr. JOHN Davenport, Olown and Oomedlan. Ur. ALBERT ATMAR, Local Clown and accompUthed Horaemas, Matter WILLIE DUTION, In bla tvo and fonr-hotse ponr act—new featnrea In the profea. alon— _ _ _-„__._ THOMAS CABR. W. H. BORDEAUX, SAMUEL BIMEHART, B. JOBNBON, JOHN QLBNROT, JOBN BABRT, THOMAS BURNS, JACOB LEOBLEB. aad FBANE J. HOWES. PBBFOBUANOES CPBCIAL ON BAICBDAT AFTERNOONS. Tbe orchetira will be nnder tbe directton of Mr. OEORaE OOLBTOK. Brioiu, No«cE. Artlttoa of abllllT, wltblog either atar or regnlar eagagemenla, will addreaa nOBlMBOM A HOWES, Proprlelin, Sl-U Boi VM Chicago P. 0. FOX'S CABIfrO, OHEBTNDT SrREET, ABOVE BIXTH. FOrS CASINO I FOX'S CASINO I FOX'S OASINOI THE ONE! THE BOLE I THE ONLY OBEAT UAUUOrH NATIONAL INBIITUTE In pblladelpbla, FartbefamltUagof Pore, Leglllmato, Etilorable AmnaemenL TBE FIBST IM THJB WORLD. Piaaenled nlahU. HOUSE to ABSOLUTELT CROWDED TO OVEBFLOWINO. TbtanotlattrtcllTe OBIOINAL, PiqUANT, AND DITERBIFIEO ENTEBTAIKMENT, ETtr offered to a DtUghted PabUc. Oilllngfoiib Torrenla sf Applante, BereasiB of LangbKr, Tbundera of ApprobaUcD, FMlUTe Roan of Delight, From tbe Edncated, the Critical, tbe BeBaed, All agree In nrononnclng THE GREAT CASINO TBE E8TABLISBMB.ST OF THE AGE. W. N. SMITH, Stage Manager. OHBIB. NORBIS, Builngaa Managtr. M. B. Artlila of acknowledged abllllj can alwajt meet with good engigemeala bf applrtogaa aboro. ortoourAgeota, JAMES CONNER A Co., 8)tf 39 Waat Hofiaton ftrcet, N. T. BUaiUB BROTHBRS. dc KO'H Bl.f sthbls, OPERA HOUSE, BOSTON, MAB& OOinSKCEA TBEia BEVEKTH BBODLaB BEUOH, MOND.W AUOCBT 8d. KOBBIS BRITTBERS, PELL A TROWBRIDOE'S UIHSIBELB Conalatot ItaefoUOYlng Qentlemen: LON MORRIS, N. LOTHIAN, BILLT MORRIS, R. M. CABBOLL, JOHNNY PELI. J. qUEBN, J. 0. TnOWBRIOOE, F. WILMABTH, a. W. PIIESCOTT. B. rOEDEaiCEB, J. L. OILBBRT, J. J. HILLIABD, J. P. ENDBE3, D. J. UAGUINKIS, ADOUBT SOBMEIDEB, L. A. ZWI8BLEB. D. W. BOABDMAM. JAPANESE T0MM7. Ibe Management call (lartleiilar nottoe to the tbore dliUn- golibed array of Talent Tloketa 39 cents; Beurrtd Beala 90 oenla. 30-tf LON UOBBIS. Manager. ABIBRIOAN THKATRB, 444 OBOADWAY, THE ORAND RESORT OF TUE'UETBOPOLIB. A Succeaalon of Crowded Honaea Greet BUTLER'S GREAT COUBIHA'nON TROUPE, Erery NlgbL The moat uninlmona tokena of approral. The Pieaa ant PnbUo, Unite In deobrtng II THE GREA'f VARIETY THEATRE OF TEE AGE. Tbe companT la PerfeoUon In all Ita delallt. THE UAUUC^H ETRIOPIAN TROUPE, THE OBSAT PANTOMIMIO TROUPE. THE SPLENDID BALLET TROUPE In abort, all that goea to make up til; OIOANTIO OOUPANY OF THE WtH CENTURY. An Entire Obaiuo of Prograisffle Erery Week. £ W. BVILER, Manager. M0K8 la TBORNE, Sfige Uanager. J. AHUEBHAN, Treaanrer. PAUL BRILLIANT, BaUet Matter. F. VAN OLEER, Mualeal Director. S3-tt FARBWBLL TOUR OF TBE UNITED STATEft Tbe Oreal Original, and only BAM SHARFLEY'S HINBTBEL8, imua DiXD. AND BURLESQUE OPERA TROUPE. The MaininB Tsoufe of tbc Wobld. SUPERIOR TO ALL. At Ibo tjrmlnaUon of the prteent aeaaos. They will eppear In NEW YORK, " BOBTON, PHILADELPHIA, asdWABmNOION. BALTIMORE, BA» SHARPLEY, 'l-tf . Manager asd Proprietor. niBS KATB FI8IIBH, Tbe DladDBUlabed Tosng American PROTEAN AND EQDESTBIAN ACTRESS, Hu Jnat ccBdsded one of tbe moat mcceaaful and brilliant engagamesto at the Varietlea Theatre, In SL Lonla, ever known in ut Dramatic annala of that olty. Her MAZEFPA la prononnced tbe nloat Artlatio aad Daring Female Xtneattlan paiaonaUon erer eeen upon the American boards. Tbe Btaga Bone DON JUAN—trained by WlUlam B, Deir— utd by Mlaa Flaber, la tbe beat Is tbe world. ■anagan of Tbealrea wlahlsg to make propoitla to Hlia Flaber lor Engagementa, moat addrtae aEOBOE J. DEAOLE, Varietlea Theatre, SL Lonla, tr, JAB. OONNER 4 CO., 83-lf 39 Weal Houaton atreet N. Y. TUB WBBB BIBTBIU. BOSSES EUHA AND ADA. Minagen wlahlsg to tngage theaerrlcet of thne reir talented Arltata, for STAR Eagagementa, will addreaa them care of tl-lt CurrxaOmoB, or 33 Heniyatrcel, Brooklyn. TIIBATHB ROVAU MONTREAL. CANADA. Tbla beantUol Tbutie TO LET, nightly or woekly, nntQ Ibe aemmenotmaatof Oecenbtr, Apply to , OUOELAND, HontKtL order MINaTHKk WIUH, al 11,80 apiece, Bend yonr and meature lo PAUL DbBPOITe, Theatrical Wig lUer, tiW 19 Weil Houaton ilreet, N, Y. AMUSEMENTS. LBA'B BULODEOR, LATE BELLER'S. Detroit, Ulcb. OEOBOE LEA Proprietor. W. B. OAVANAOH Acting Manuer. THE ONLY BEUABLE CONCERT BALL IN DBfROM. TBimrBairr Otbb All OiBEBa. TALENTED ARTISTS. REBPONBIBLE MANAGERS. CqOWDED HOUSES ATTEST ITS WORTH. OoadiHled OB a far more Uberal acale than Ito compeUton. LIST OF ARTISTS. Hto JENNIE ENGLE, Mlaa AD I TE8KAN. Mlaa FANNIE DEVEBE, Mlai JENNIE JOHNSON, Mto KITTY SCOTT, Mlaa LOUISE EIKO, Mlaa LIZZIB FIBLDINa, Mlaa MARIA BRAY, BIUY OAVANAOH, BILLY WEST, JOHNNY BOYD, JOHNNY MITCHELL, CHABUE SANE, FRED BHAW, ' BILLY DELEHANTY, . JOHNNY WARD, SIgnorBUSS, YOU.SG AMERICA, TkeJuTonlleVALAXTES. PAUL CANE and SON. 49-TheblgtaeetSalarteepaUltodntclaaaArtlaU. 93-tr BAOUIBB'B OPBRA HOUBB. SAN FBANOIBOO, £ALm»BNIA. THOS. MAOUIRE Proprietor and Uanager. JAUES DOWLINa Stage Manager. J. L. BOHMTT Leader of Orcbeetn. W. BKVENBON Treaanrer. THE BTAB DRAMATIC OOMPANY. MISS SOPHIA EDWIN. HPS LULU SWEET, UBS. W. O. F0BBE8. UIS8 0. BCHCELEY, UISS NELLIE BROWN, W. CNEIL, FBANE UAYO, CHARISS THORN, WILLIAM BABRY, D. C. ANDERSON. HAB BY CLn TON. W. H. HAMILTON, B, B. WHITE, 0. STEVENBON, W, B. TAYLOB, sc., Ac, 4a. Stan TialUsg CaUfomla abonld bear In mind that Mr. Uagnira la alao proprietor of the MetropoUlan Tbaatre, Sacnmesto, and the MaryiTllla Theatre. BVOKLCSV'B NEW UINBTBEL BALL AND AQUARIAL 0ARDEN3, gnismer atreet. (sear Waahlsgtos) Boa tos. THE LAROEST, FINEST, BEST VENTILATED, Holdlog twice aa many People aa any Ulnttrel Hall In Boalon, NotwIthaUndlna tbe Feet, Hosdroda are Turned Away from Ita Doota Nightly. n- THE BUURLETS. THEIR BTAB YEI UNDIUUEDI Tbe world renowned B. BISHOP BUCKLEY, FRED. BUCKLEY, O. BWAINE BUOKLBY, JAMES BUCKLEY, Surrounded by a Conilellatlon of UNEQUALLED ARTISTB, EiCH PERFORUER A STAB, And ererr Star a Brllllanl one, indndlsg The Qaeen of Bono. MISS JUUA GOULD, Supported by a Cotpa de Elblope of 30 Profeaalonilt. A7 The Buckleyt' Repertoire embrace* many freah gcma of Vocallaatlon. New Acta, Operatlo Bsrleatnea. and bhabdouanthian pboouabities, Itone In their own peculiar atyle, and not outdone by any Tronpe In tbe Profeaalon, for which the olllzena of Boaton and tbe preaa bare Uvlabtd upon them the meet flattering demos- atnilooa of appronL 4^ THE AqUAIUAL la open Aftomoon and Erenlng. «GS Admlaslon to both Exhibltlona, 39 etnta. Reearred aeaia, 90 ota. NOTICE.—Panona rtalUsg tbe Oardesa In tbe daytlffle ere en- titled to a ohecfc of admlaslon to the evening entertainment SO-Sm* TO THBATRIOAL AND OTHER UANA0ER8. THE ELEGANT STUD OF HORSES, beloDglng to GARDNER, HEHMINOS 4 Co., are TO BENT, FOR STAGE OB RING PURPOSES, At any time during the winter. With the Horace are TWO COMPLETE SETTS OF TBAPPmOB, (Dreaaea, Saddle Clothi, Baddlea, Ac) The Boraee are all thoronghly broken. Tboaewl)bln4 to negotlatofor ellher long or abort engage- menta, will plaaae addren DAN GARDNEB, No. 919 Jaccby alreol, PhUidolnhla, ?a. P. S. Those Inlcnding lo briog forth Show Plecat will dsd It to their adTtntage to apply aa above. 30-41* ORBAT CUHIBINATIOlf, NOVELTY SUCCEEDS NOVELTY. MARSHALL & PIKE, Tbe Celebrated Antbor, Comedian, asd Delineator of Eccentric Cbiractara, Win slay a Farewell Engagement Is tbe principal citlet during the Fan and Winter, aaalated by M'LLE asd YANKEE GLUlt, The Great Prince of Yankee EcceotrlclKea, Iboa forming one of Ibe Greatoat Comblsatlosa of Talent Ibat bat ever appeared together. Obaraetailatic Uliutratlona of Real Life; Fun, without Vulgar- ity; Ulitb, without AUoy. Look out foe Marahall B. PIko and Yandee OInm. 3»-tf OEO. K. GOODWIN. Manager, OAHTERBURY HALL, WASmNGTON, D, 0. THE MOST UAONIFIOENT MUSIO HALL IN AMERICA. No Walter-Olrla employed. ladlea aad Oentlemen of known ability alwayt wanted. No ontalde perfonaen employed—none but the very beat tal- ent engaged. Addreaa to WILLUU E. SINN, Sole Proprietor, Se-lf WaahUigton, 0.0. TUB IiAHOEBT SHOW BILL PRINTINa ESTABLISHMENT IN THE WOBLD! OLARBY A REILLEY, fSaoceaaon to John E. Bacosi) PBINTEBS AND ENGBAVEBS, 13 and M Sprue* Street, New York, Pay ptrtloolar attention to getting up dl Unda of FANCY BBO W BILLS For traveling companlea, and have on band a Urge and aplondld aaiortmeat of large and amaU WOOD CUTS Snllabla B>r Olrooiaea, Menagertea, Ethiopian Petformen, Gym. naato, MagtoLtaa, Ao., Ae., which can be printed la one or men ootore, to anlt onatomen. A depoalt reqalred on an work ordered. AU orden addreaaed to "OLABRY 4 BBEUiEY," Bacon Print- ing and Engraving eaUbUabmant 13 and I« Spmo* atreet New York, will b* promptly attended to. go-tf OARD TO HANAGBH8 AND PBRPORNERB,— A certain SUm-er from Waahlsgtos, who baa had the good for- tune to make a few dollen bv keeping a half atarred concert room, more Ibrongh dumb luck than good management, la In the babK of Tlaltlog Philadelphia In queat of Ulent Ue Invariably Tlalla the drinking taloona l^guenled by the profeatloB, and la alwaya ready to tale a emtio wlOi any one, etpeoltUy If there la any "obempagm" around, but ht wu never known to"thell out" and return the compUmest. Tbla Sinner la alwaya ready to liatmct performen bow to break their engigemesta, In order lo obtain their aervlca* to go to Waahlsgtos. He can telle ballet girl to put aUher tklrtt under her dreet when the letvet the tnow, ana leave bor empty trunk behind, which of coune he wUI make good; and be can alao offer a aong and dance man, or a baigo player, a aalary which be never bad ihe coaraga lo pay, and even If be paid It for Ibe flrat week, he would, aa niua],liave to cut them down the aeoondweek. The object of tblt card la to pnt manaBtn on their gmrd agalnat ihla Sinner, who goea ansnd like "a wolf In abeep'a clothing," and la fuUy qBaUted to act the part of the beat black ■beep to Ihe bntbiett, and allbougb tbla eipoaure baa done b<m good, and la acme maimer cheeked bla saaly, dirty, practlcee, yet be la not thoroughly repented, only checkmated, and wUl, no doubt alar at home for a abort time, until he aeee another obasce to ply hla sefuloua oooupatlon. The performen'same* mentioned In Ihe Card of "Hit Boyal NIba," an people who, bavlsg algned Oentracte,^ did not know bow to keep them, and u our "Bhanghae Manager" la well aware that Bey sard la too smart to let ellher manager or performer, no matter who they an, gat Ihe beet of him: hence the fact we have never to hewall ue loaa of a paltry Flltr Dollan, and I17 bypntllBg facte la tbe newapapan, that cannot betnbetanllated, to mjon The character of any performer. At tbe Culno, when a person engagea for a cerUIn talary, he knowa vetr well he la going to get ft, and conteoaanlly we never have to advance mosey eltJner to act aa a "hall" to get them to leave Ibair pretest eltsallon ownveracllr. "dirty," or a* a guarantee of onr Tbla Baltimore p;ng has thte week been endeavoring to tel the Delaware river on lira by outing hit "Fowler'a neU" In tbe city of PblladelphU; but a* bla taekung waa of a fourth claaa dctcrip- Uon, Ibe Grand Biarrlng Tour wu a Callnn, and Blsn-or'a lofty bopea Ml to tbe gronscf. Tmellsg thete remukt irin have Ibe effect upon the mlnda of Profeulonala and tbe public In general, we leave thla wicked Blnn-er for the nreaent to bit own rcllectloot. 3Mt ROBERT FOX, AMUSEMENTS. THE 6AHPBELU ARB COBIKOI THE OAUPBELLS ABE COUINa 11 THE GBEAT ORIGINAL in> OBLT OAUPBELL'S MIK8TBEL8, mo BBiat BUID. SnTEEN IN NUMBEB, TTnder tht pereontl anpervlaloo of UB. II. 0. CAMPBELL. Who eubmlla tbe fMkwlng aamat of the mtmbtn Tronpe u a auBaleot gnaraatee for Ibe exoeUence of Ik^fi telnmente, and which ibelr many firlenda and tbe pshUaiTL win aee at a glance, embedlei the talent to portray " ALL THE DIFFBRBMT PHASES OF SARUI Lin. andwhoaebrillbnt ^ SOIBEBB D'ETHIOPE, Have gained fbr them with Preta and PnbU& the UUt m THE EXOEUIOB BAND OF AaiEBIOA. g^ Bead Ibe nanet;— U. 0 CAUPBBiIk Proprietor and NED DAVIS. Comedten, jOHNNY BOO) , „ JOHNNY WHinNG, OonadUn NED FOSTBB, Ueator N. W. GOULD, Guitar, Tenor, T. WADDEE. Tynlaaa. UABTEB EDDY, J.T. GULIOKiBanoMtai Snmamed "Onbu," J. BAILEY. Oomtt ^ A. NIOHOLLB, Leider, J. LIVINGSTON, J. FRAUNICHT, Contra Baaao, Vlolla_„_ J. H. WARD, Tenor, A. BTEWABT, Saooi^doS THEO. JACOBS, General Agent AOAin oil TUB HOVB, TBE MAMMOTH LEADING TROUPE OF UKIRllUt Enlarged asd Improved for tbe year 1893 aad'U,^ Tenth Triumphant AsDspl Tour of Ibe Unequalled aad DCFBEZ A GBEEN'B ouonuL NEW ORLEANS AND UETROPOLITAN kHNmiU DOSLEaQOE OrERt TBOCTE IIID BBIU BaisT^ The reeult of Ten Yean of eEperieno*, patronlied bv tbt ^ and elite of the loren of the Borot Oork Profetika^ THE MODEL TROUPE OF THE WORLD, Compoaed of a great Corpa of DIatlsgnlahed and Pnfc ETHIOPIAN ARTISTS, Never befon concentnted Isto ose Oompaav, Os which oceaalon many new facea and aU tbe oil fag will appear. During the preaanl aeaton they wlU vltit tbe Caail>t Brunawtck, Nova Bcolla, Newfonndlasd, the lalasd of Oiki aUlbe principal OlUeaIn tbe Unlled Btelee: Intro^ndA Enbtlo tbe beat Negto Dellnealori, Ihe beatSbigeia, ibt lancen, tbe but untlclanf, the beat Female Peaaoulgai^ best Qrua Band, asd tbe but Otebeatra In Ulnatreliy, Altffi the Inoompanble LION QUARTSnE, Compoaed of Ihe aeappioachabte GUSTAVE BIDiV( J. E. Green, Edwin HobuM, and Oossalvo Blahop, ailia admitted lo be Ibe but and moat powairgl QUARTETTE EVBB HEARD. The Baggage of tbla Benowsed Tronpe la the Iba^i Elegant, Beantlfnl, and moat eoelly lot of Ztoonealii eeen cossected with one Oompasy; the whote wu ail special order, at an Immeaae expenae. TBE WORLD OUTDONE. DUPBEZ'S DREAM OF UINSIBELSY, It one of the principal llnea os tbe great Uammekh now uae4 by ihla Tronp& recently ccmpleud at Clarry AlB Spruce atreet New YorL Itturpaatu In Dulgn, aa,i deur, and Eipente, eveiythlag ever befOn altempled,Mi eicepting Clrossee or Uenageriea. Tblt Immeau BI tl6O0, It It competed of thlrty-flve abeeU, worked In fsvtri It te ntoateen aheete larger Iban any Poeter ever priilai Poeten along tbe route will take notice and ruerve fctdp placu for thit ornament OBAND BEBENADE BY TBE BRASS BANS, each evening pnriona to opening thete For fun partlonlara, aee Piogitmmu of the day. Stage Manager J. E. GREEN. Leader of Orcbettra and Mualeal Director JOBN RELK. Leader of Dtasi Band ALPHONSB BEBQEBU, Vocal Director GUSTAVE BIDAUX. Tbe whole under tbe anaplcu asd Isunedlato central cl DUtBEZ 4 GBBEN, Bole PloniMa OBAS. H. DUPBEZ, Uanager. 3]-tf A. B. PBINTISS, AdvertMngliw Eia.SIiBU'a ATBEOAUH. C0LDM0U3, OHIO JOHN A. ELLSLEB Manager and Pr<mrltler. The only proper and Pcpslar Bnlldlng In thel}llr,(nO certa, Lecturw, and other Eiblblllou. Can be rental b; night or week, durtng the mostbt of July, Augnit Bapltal October, November, December, 1893; and April, Hay, sadJi IE61; the other moatha being ooonpled by my regular Diam Oompasy. AU appUcatlona directed to JOHN A. ELLSLER, Jr., Cleveland, 0.. Or I8-tf o. A. WAONSn, ColnmNi, PRUOB OF WALBB TUBATRB, LIVERPOOL, ENOLUIL This Iraly elegant and Ttiy baanUtnl tbeatn la kept «|a' lag the whole of the year. AMEBIOAN STARS, of acknowledged potldon and talent, negotiated wllbteta abort eniagemeati, u mntnal latereeU may require. A£lMa, ALEX. HENDERSON, <>tf Bole Leuee and PiepiUi DEAQLE'B VAUIETIBB, ST. 10013. TBS VERY POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT, A^°s TBB LtnoEDT n ibe United Brana, la bow n I FULL TIDE OF BUCOEBS. Flnt Clan STABS treated with at all Umea. Nona I need apply. JAMES CONNEB A Oo., Agenla, ao.3m or GEORGE DEAGLE; Skis AOADEBY OF HVSIC, CLEVELAND, OHIO, JOHN A. ELLBLEB Uanager and Pioptltta Tbe but and moat popular Ballding In Ihe City tor Om Lectures, and aU Usd of Exhibltlona. It can be realed t night or week, daring the monlha of January, Fabnia Manb; alao, July and iugual, 1801, the nmatnlng naafe Isg occupied by my ngnlar Dramatic Company. U-tf Addreta JOHN A. gr.TOT.wfe OleTdaad, H BT. OLAIA HAIiL, PADUOAH, KENTUOEY, lOr by 08 feet; Bbge 39 by 9T feet Appropriate Bcenirj for Dramatto Oompulu, aeated titt od Chain sane tMltomed, lighted with Gat, Licesu paid, Police fnmlahed. Liberal amngemente made with aR lint clan Rattrlshi None olhen need apply. Popnhtlooof Baducab, Eri> g0.3ffl UOHUOND 4 JAKEWAY, PropiWa CORIMTIIIAN HALL, HXCBANOP PLACE, RC0HE8TER, V. Y, WUl be Rented for Concertt. Leotnret, BxhlblUont, fa. Addreu W. A. REYNOLDS, n4m* St Anade, Boohtttir,* oalifornul thbatrioal AaBiiof..d DAN COBBYN wooM rupeolfnny Inform membenifBi matte, Uualcal, or Etautrun profeulont, that he hu nbli an Agency In Ban Ftanelaco, and It pnpared to negoUtltal mtnit and Iranatol all other bntlseu pertaining te t* liulon. Addreu SHERIDAN COBBYN, San FtudmO N. B.—AU letten nqslrlng aniwen moat oontalii pie-pay U^^aame. r. BULL«Aii>a UUSIOAIt DBAHATN, AND TEBPSICHOREAN AGENCY, j ll-9me t3 Eut I4lb atreet cor. lib Anrt BBTROPOLITAIT THBATRB, BOOHEBTEB, N. Y. T. E. UILI8 AcUng and Blago Uasaia^ Flnt Olau BTARS, Opera and BaUet Troupw, negotuu; on Uberal totmt. Addreu u above. MR. AND RIRS. DARRBY WILLIAHB. THE OBIOINAL IMPERSONATORS OF ^ IBISH AND YANKEE FIODLUSDH Will Inaugonte their Winter Sauon, at ^ NIDLO'B GARDEN, on Monday Evening, Nov. 3K . In a aoriu of thota pleuing and artlatio petformascA'' have gained for them the aoubrtqnet of the moat altrMttnn' In Ihe profeaalon. IHADAUB LOUIBB TOVHNIAIRB, the «4>* Zquutriense, oan be found al aU Umu Bo coming •>'" Newtown, Long laland, whore partlu leqolilng her tf'''! apply or addreta by letter. ''^ TUB ADSRBS8 of J. B. MURPHY, late advert agent of CuteHo A Van Vleok'i CIroua, author of "Vonsf f~ Lament," and other aengt, la at Ihe Variattea Theatre, Mo. * WAIfTBO.—Two or three Bret clan eodmen. Koa* BtrioUyAnt olMt need apply. Good talariu wlU be palA esgagemeste made for one or two year*. No tnveUag. ' Immediately to R. U- HOOLEY, Hooley't Open Hooie,» lyn, or 189 Broadway, New York. TO THE PROFBBBIUrt,—Read FOX'S Card OB BINN-ER'B DRBAU; or, Wntni'e >rc Firn Dolliii'