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I..i.. (.../ tee ww tore: clipper. AMERICAN SPORTING *!llD THEATRICAL JOURNAL. X Idlto* NSW TOBK, BATUHPA.Y, DKOflMBKB 39, 1868. I 1 — THE CEASES OF IBS FAIR; pAtfiYIKM WITH THJB QIsUs WI UVt nm nnsMLT ton iu nw won ousna, Toy Ins s\athor of "BUflll KHIOHT." FA.BT BBOOHD. n. "Oil Bight each ohonoed to go upon a •bum,' Bat oat together. Tiru idarksome night, As oovelisa would ur; no itan hid oome Upon the) eky'i black flue; one'e ehorput light, Uaaunnrt by whisker, oocktoflo, or by mm, Wu needid by n mm to gold* him right; Sot neither of our fjiondi tu vsry itnie-ht Aol when they left Mow Totk the boar wu late. "Ihey etiMired home, considerably 'oooksd,' Jut u the oharab. bell tolled the hoar of one: gich found hli own door, u he thought, nalooked. As he, to nighte goat.by, hod often done, An* IhsnsYm entered. HelthortiBftorlsoohid, But c^ to bod oososated with their fas, And never thoaght-th» miserable rakee— That drunken man inept to nuke mlilakM. ■ I wm soy, avoiding ell elap-tnp, lohi itorytslUn do »o often om, _ jny two heneefeO Into e nip, geoh with the other's wife. It wu no nut, Bel limply in aiifortanats mis hop— Hid Inry been eober they might not reran The ohanoe. Bat bid U li for im'rous plans To imp oae'e wife tor my other mon'i. Hu duple fool fj, being tight, they'd blundered, And entered by mil tike etch others hoaiee; Aithod you pusod the puos you hid not wondered, rot Z, Ukeonue nun, fresh from my eorouses. Ootid hardly tell them hid they not beta numbered: iad then the bed rooms of their loving noni Wire much alike In ill their forme end furores; BanaSs, their wItm were both nuet lovely creaturet. "When morning dtwned, end He who mlee the dey Hod seat 11m greit snnoobu wonted miction; When night hid, with hli block ghosts, rank away To bless John Ohlnimin with dreams Bytlan, The wine tamed over, la e loving wiy, To Mm their lorde—when, Heereni I whet i vision I It ooalda't be I yes, there i neighbor'! feoe Wm pfllnwed snugly In the husband's plaoe I "A womeo when ehe'e frightened elwin eereams— It gins her Mud oomrort, I're no doubt; And eo thli Udy wok* my friend from dreuu. By in ontrigeoaj yelL He turned ebout, Awoke alert, surprlMd, end then, 11 seems. He uw the reuon why he'd hetrd the ehout: The whole troth bunt upon him to i minute, He Jumped from bed u Italy u t linnet. "A Btmnt girl li often good it heirlug, Thit in, when inythtog anaiail'e brewing; And one of thou mort nieful penom, roaring Thit something worth the looking it wu doing, dime qnlnkly to the steeping room, tad peering Eight through the keyhole etw the dent The earning kUsate wu Mounted la aiding out Whit this moot slsgnlir rumpai wu oboat. aim, "Then, with i look of honut Indignation, She hastened to the kitchen, there to tell The etertltog newe; end it the Information, The other eervante, fearing 'twu i sen, All honied np the etelre, and took their etatlon dote to the door. My friend raehed out peD men Ant, half uadrueel, weal horning down the (tain, Tut m foot ricen rno it Irlth fain. "He reached hli own eweet home In time to eee Hli neighbor )uet emerging from the door, And mutual eiplanitloae roll owed; he Then hutened on, end found then wu In Hon For him • ■—Mi»g from nil lady: the Wu ingry end indignant, but be bore Her frowne with due humility sad potleuee, Whloh U the beet way on all inch ooculons. 'The mitter then might quietly here died; Without Ite being known among their friends, Had not the serranto spread It far and wide. But It got out, and when my hero wendi His way down town, hli oomrodu wound hli pride By using If he an ally epende Hli sights In bed with other people'! ipoueei, And If he'i ipt to enter itringer? nousM." And ben the etery ended. Wearoee And took a drink. Then lambda pulled a paper Trom out hie pocket; blew his good elied noee, And told that he hid burned the midnight teper In writing ui a toog. Bald he:—"Aroee li eweelir much than thli tobacco rapor; Bo etop your emoktng, ilM llop your nolle. And hear of my Inamonta, boji." ktr oHAimxa. Oh I glad could I wander by Aoberon'i itream. Below with the girl thet I lore; For greater the buii of thit region would teem Than the glory that fluhee wore, Her hair li u black u the wlnn of the night. And It loeeth Iteelf In Ite aurU; And her bright haul eyu an my ruaehlae and light, And her boiom fj purer than pearl!, Of an of her mi ihe li trneet and beet, She comlorte me when I would weepi And pillows my head on her nowy white bnut, In the noun when the world li aileep. tier lore li not ohalned by the form and the ut Thit goTeme the gtoTellere of earth; kty loufku no home ure to her bring brcart, And my Joy li to ling of her worth. Then glad could I wander by Aoheron'i ttream. Below with Ihe girl thit I tote; For greater the buu of that region would wem Than the glory that flaahM abore. to s> ooirnMuiD. btnux, im Eholimd.— Thle old end always popular rporL JUlly with etudente (who know not of tne fame of Bugby *» t) li now taking on an entirely new upeot, being no leu nlopment than riling to the dignity of a national outline, "{•end, the leaden of ihe inert to thoTorloae looallllM, nhire hitherto In a rtther detached manner upheld lti la ■U, hire called a general contention of delegttei from ill *>tn, to to call them, to meet to Lcnioa to organise a Ma- UroctbaUAnoolltlon. To makethedulgn emennrfeot *•. and giro their deoliloni the weight of eulhorlEy, It U |*4 to oollite ill the liwi whloh obtain In Ihe rarloui lo- u, ud from them to dlgut a code by which the game ihaU "olf be plired. The eoheme hu called forth 1 largely to- JMlnlerutfrom Ihoiealready dovolod to this roUloklog J id bu awakened a poiltlre enthualum for it In many J"« hitherto not known u fircrlng IU pnotloe. The unity »nii lading Urgelr to the dignity of the gome, u well ee KPcloriiy: and we doubt not all proper authority will lo- *I Ihe deoleloni of Ihe centrtl committee. We intloipate Ihe cod*, u dlguted, to a couple of week!. We inall •to ible again! *_ J<»ni«mn!D.—Johnny Dwyer hu changed Iho nime of hli •u Uouilon itreel, from the Bonite Obamber to the Albany ft. Ibet icnsdi muoh better to demooritlo eon, / WOIo BXi—BIe). 3T.- \ PBIOJB US OsUTTS. EM 11A J. NIOBOLS, Baliad Sdioir. For Blogrephlcil Sketch, dee aqoQier Colamn. IHE UBEBTHX ASS HI8 VICTUt; OB, THE BOO! OF THE PIOFUOITL A TALE OF TEM tlOHTS AHO IBADOWS 01 ISW TOBK LOT LOVE, AMD CRULE | The Theatre, Turf, Ring, and Bagnio. . wuim muau roa m nw tou OLnma, , OHAPItB sz. OUL 01XLTT AID BELL HlLL|t*II 1 "SlOr 0* ItnoKri"— I nouoa ouiTOMia—sucorur or tbi nar-^raBtoi i bo. vrirr ran oitsoh AND if ui bituu oiprusss—osjctrK or bill tbs Tiorj-mniws boubi a rsnoi—roa osos a womak soldi ma TOirocs— bow bill siCAno hob volab's —PAT. HOLAH OrVEl A "BLOW OUT"—BILL'l BSTOfOB— BOBJUSLB SSATB Or KOLAX AJTD BB KOI-ASOTBSB IU amp ri5AL sin or tbs Funim sonms. "HrjLLOAl my Jolty pippin; no. If this elu't i rummy goi How la y«r, BtQ 'A11T who'd a'thought to ue yer orer in thli blmed place ? Com* on, old 'one; t» moot 'are lummat." Such wu she tamteUon aoUreued by Sam. Oakley to BCD Hall, on meeting him one erentog to the itreeti of Brooklyn. BO! replied he "tm u right u a trtret," and after ihaktag hondi together for ebout fire mtoutei they diuppeand within a door oorend with greea cloth, within which theiuppoaed •■tummut" wu euppaied to eilat, ol which Bam, had Inrlted BUI to partake. "An' wot'e the newe, old 'an ?" aaked 8am., after oonlemplaW tog for a brief ipwe Ihe Interior of a pewter mug with evident utlafactlon. "Hothto' Tery particular, u I kncwi on," replied BUI; "I gueu you're 'card the mult of that 'en last mill 'tween Tom Btapteton and Harry Oreenway t" "7ee, elrl an' • fair an'iquan itandup light It wu, too, and although 'Any wu beat thli tune, it ain't no diigrace neither; he ain't quite At for Tom, but he dooeed icon will be." "Thafi exaoUy wot I think, Sam. Tom wu too 'any for him, and would nare beat him easy the fuel time, If It hadn't been for them ouaeee—but their gooMwuoookedalcely at laet" "But, Bill, wot an you a doln' orer 'en, eny 'owl" Ty, I Jaet took a notion to—rlthool anythln' definite lo look arter. I'm bothered about that en cole o< Bonn BlUoU'e an' I'd J nit like to nnd cnt Ten that en Madame Bourl.'udiiep- peared to." ' "Telll eo would I. I gueu your gal wm dreadful ootap about her cuter." "By Jlngoea, yul To Toe a goin' to be married Jut Ten It u dlicoTered, an' now It'e pot off, an' I don't bltiTi ihe'll feel'inpr tin that 'en romau'e found; an', poor thing I ehe'i to inch low iplrlto I don't like to preu her to be married J ait BOW." "Blarm that Loulae Boari—or woterer her name le I Touldn't I Jlat like to 'are the putlto' of the rope round her neck rich woe to 'ang 'er—be darn'd If I Touldn't I 1 ' Bam. hid icaroely oompleted thle Mntenoe when a rough looking onitomer, to • 10011-01101101104 condition, turned round and with an utterance almost unintelligible from drink, oaolalmod:** "Who the h—l'l 1 to]kin' about 'ingin' Loulae Boari f Bbe'e a d—d fine woman I—d—dl"—andai If suddenly reooueollng hlmielt, and appearing to think he had sold too much, he ■topped abort end, paying for hli drink, wu about to lean when BUI Hepped In front of him and uked :— "What do you know about tlodame Bo aril" "It'i none 0' your d—d builneu I" wu the emphitlo reply.' Uaoh to the eurpriie of aU, Bill Hall etepped quietly to one aide end allowed nlm to pauouL Aiioon uhe wu gone he eeliei 8am.'i arm and, whispering 1 few words to him, they followed him. "Now," laid HiU when they hid reached Ihe itxeet, "Sam, I could • knocked the! feUer down but I didn't nut to; It might •' ipUed luthto'—but I'm goto' to eee thit oore to hleerib, fit I foUen him for a month 0' danaare. Woldoeeyereayt" "I eiyi. BIU my boy, I'm Tllh yer; ll'i a little to my Use, en' I rather llkee It, in' If we doee any good the old boy ros't nnd no fault, I'll iwear." *. Ai they antlolpited, the man they now followed oalled In at Torioui ulooni and Imbibed freely, thus rendering hit locomo- tion not only Tory unsteady but alow. With untiring patlenoe, howerer, oar herou followed htm, and finally found uemaelTU skirting the waUiot IheHaTy lord on their way lo WUllomi- burgh. "bam, woi yer erer it the old 'ouo Tiro the man ured wot look oak of Ed. Burton 1" •No I I nerer got the chance." "Veil, 111 bet a flrer yon'U be then to-night. That era chip'e 1' cteerln' either for that place, or scmetbto' near It I root orer ronoe to eee It; It'e the darndeet plow you erer ieed—but I Tonder rtre that carern la wot Burton wu locked up In eo long; the perUce are 1 rummy ut, not to be able to nnd that out." "Dlarm their ektoil ryl they ain't 0' no uie at all, enleu yu ■eoape' 'em up with the needful—and then p'rapi yer may git eomethin' out of 'em. And io, oonrentng quietly, they oontlnued on Ihetnokof the rough they wen following. On he went through WUllimi- burg and, u HaU hid laid, went direct (or at least u direct u a drunken man could) to Brack's hovel, whloh be estered. Bom, and HaU, with muoh caution, ipprooohed the building and found that the door wu unfaliened and standing a little ajar. By peeping through Ihe roue they obwrred the obleol of Ihelr •ttentlcn enduTorlng with uniteidy hind to get a light which, after much delay and trouble, he inocwded In obtaining. After •taggerlng about Ihe room for a UlUo, he approached ineprue and, after searching about for a while, found the ipring, lifted the trip iud dluppeiKd. BUI and Sim., with euipendtfd breath, lud watched hli erery itsp. and BIU, u loon u he wu loot light of, took Sam'e arm 100 leading him to a diiionce, •topped and with solemn emphuls, after drawing a long breath is ft getting something off nil mind, whispered:— "Sam.. I're found her I" ■•Who)" "Madame Boari." "I twJgo-to Ihe carem-thil'i It." ••night. Bam., rlghtl now for the neit thing. Vomiyllnd •omcbouy else besides them two In thit place! en' io It ain't no use tryin 1 It ounelTre; we had better lit tho perlloo know about It—any how (A17 didn't diiklTtr the osTirn, bat tc'U giro 'em rhxnoe or diiilngcdshlng themieriW by bearding the Uon In I^i^^^BOi; an' they can't git oat of II sallher, so hie howihey •VeO, I ksOwi 1 AsH-rato ohap-Jobeon, one of the deteetlTu -he b rtyihe*' 1 good hearted taUax, bnt he'd attack 1 tiger, I blleTei Urj go to nun, and thin p'rapi to oan Jlne to an' 'are a Utile ran' to ounelTH, aad ouaw ui serUoe 'nmbugi awfully,' "I'm TOlto'," uld Bim; "lei's mlrzle." •The Mona the baiter; I gueu'I knows wen to Jlnd 'tov toddb along." And hlTthg "mlrrled," they proceeded lo •'toddle,'' and to half SB hoar, or little more, wen at the door or Job. Jobion'i prtrate reaUanae. That worthy wu naalled from Ihe land of dreemi la which he wu at the moment roaming, and welcoming BUl HaU with unfeigned pleu are wu Introduced to Sam., who ">u proud lo 'are the honor of hli icqualnlanee." ThsdeteotlTe Uitoned to their ilory, aad was delighted it the prospect of 1 dlMorery whloh wonld make up for his disappoint, men) to nol.eppnhendlng BIU Jackson, and freely eipruud hli Unas of gratitude to them for their klndneu to giving him the first opportunity to explore the unknown and much sought after oSTarn. SslMuig • couple or men In whom he could place confluence, and enorapanled by Bam. and BUI, the deteodn started early in the' morning for WlUlimibarf, sad shoal daylight reached the rsVii The doon sad wtndowi wen aloud and firmly U\V\^\ii <*jr4f*~*n«tt* egslMt iU esnrf^nolHrana soon nmcrtog these cbrteclu with u UHIe noise u p ooattile, entered the hut, This they found empty. The preu wu next examined, and after ooasUenhte trouble the iprlngwu found and the trap wu rolled, all thli hid been looompuahod with the utmost aiutlon, and without disturbing Iho Inmitci If then wen any. Jobeon descended nral. accompanied by his aids; Bam. and BIB, at bis request, remaining np stein to act uagusrd. AdTOnetng to the extremity of the pusage the Iron door wu found; thli wu 10 obstule they had not looked for, and wen dtUberatlsg what coarse to pursue, when the dimcultywu sclred for uem by the door being thrown wide open, ana BUI the Tiger and • oompulon stood pistol to hind threatening to ■hoot the first man who put tali foot ocrou the IhreihoM. un- daunted. Jobeon with s spring rained at him and BUI fired, bnt mined hli aim, and In e second the two wan rolling and •truggllng on the Boor. Els companion, startled by the sudden onset, end probably not yet reooTond from hli drunk, wu easBy orerpowered by one of the others, while the third uelited Jobeon. After ■ protracted struggle BIU wu secured with hindium* on hli wnitsind meTiinlei on nil legs, end lay curging hli captors and aU around him. In the moV» one figure, though not unobserved, wu permitted to leave the cirern, and wllhbaite she sped onherwiyand reached the Boor of the hut only to be received to the armi of BUI HaU and Bam. Oakley. "Let me got" one cried; "Ihare been Imprisoned here agalnit my will." •We cannot," laid HaU. •Wbyt" •Sarin Elliott hu found her sister I" leld BUI with meuured emphasis. with a moan ihe link to the groand, when they let her re- main till tho rest should mike their eppearanoe, which they did shortly; but BIU Jackson refused to walk ind hid to be dragged ■long, while his pal followed In sullen eUesee. Conveyances were obtstold aad the parUM itarted for New Tork. By thle lime the news of the dlsoovery of the cavern and apprehension ol BUI and Madame Boari had spread, and hun- dred! had colloctod to eee them. The excitement wis so greit that the mob threitened to take the prisoners ind lynch them on the spot. One carriage oonlalned Jobeon and an assistant to oharge or BIU; the other oootatned Madame Boari and BUl'e pal. In oharge of HaU and the other officer, Bam. Oakley hiving gone home. When neaiing Ihe ferry an attack wu made on the vobi- ale which oonlibted Madame Bonrl, and It wu overturned. Jobeon left hli place to old to wearing her froavlolenoe; thli he effected by getting her and the other prisoner Into a building protected by 1 body of poUoe and respectable olUrens. The other oarrUge wu by thii time some way ahead; when he reached It he found the driver In 1 itupenod ocndltlon, standing ■t the carriage door In s itite of bewilderment; the ofioer .he left wu lying In the bottom of Ike oonverince with a wound In, flic ted with a knife to the region ol tho heart, and BUI the Tiger wu—gone. ' The ilory of the driver wu that two men moan ted to hli seat, one on each aide of him, and dragged him downi he then receiv- ed e blow on the head ud remembered nothing else. ' When BUI wu lAot noUoed he wu to the Inn room of Fat Ko- lan'i house, and thit Individual and his wife thought, and oon- gratulatsl themeelvu on the olnumetanoe, that he had been oouumed to tho conflagration whloh Ihey had Jut got up for nil spsclii benefit; bnt BUI wu stUl silve, thoogh they did not know HUB the newrupen gave the enooaat of his capture, and their horror at the duoovery may be Imagined, the more especi- ally u he had again escaped. After Kolsn left him BUI wu by no means easy; he knew he wonld do almost anything nther than pari with hli money. After a UrUe consideration he pro- ceeded lo fas ten the doon of hie place of concealment more tho- roughly, and whUeiodoUg first detected iheuneUof smoke. The thought of Nolan'i diabolical treachery Immediately orossed him, and in the confusion attendant on Ihe fire he made hla es- cape and, finding no belter plaoe to go, went lo the cavern,where he wss caught. BUI had numerous friends who wonld hive been lerloasly im- plicated had he been allowed to be takes, ind by 1 preconcerted plan settled, to cue of inch an event occurring, It wu under- stood-that at any rlik he should be reeoaed. The ■ucceu of this plan has already been leen, and by muni of a hwvy bribe, e {ait team wu hired ind he wu oarrled off, much to Ihe dttguit of Jobeon, who fancied that toil time bo wu perfectly euro of hli man. Madame Boari wu lodged lately In prison, but from Ihe mo- ment of her apprehension maintained oomplete ellence, refusing lo open her mouth on any subject. She wu Induced to this to the hope thit Ocl. Frenoh would oome to her lid. to some wsy or other; end for hie own ealviUon render her all the uililance In hli power. AU efforts to obtain any Information from her re- garding uuian Herbert wen oaiTaUugi ihe knowing thit by UnparUng her knowledge on Uiil subject she would certainly de- prive herself of any InllaenM the Oolonel might be Inolioedto ale Is her tiTor, In reference to the two murders, ehe alio de- termined to keep her own counsel, until ehe should see whether or not anything should be done In her behalf. The other pruoner knew nothing about either UBIan lTerbert, or the murders, end 10 couldn't lay anything about them, HI Umalelr, there being no definite charge to make igilut bun, he wu liberated, ,,. It wu tho night after BIU ticipcd from hit ciplon, Ihit the saw Emerald Bouse wu lighted np to Its fan eitonl, and a grand opening supper gtvsn by the proprietor lo his friends ww to takiplaoa. It wu Hied with gaastsof evarydescription,end bsvalss^ rdtefl tabus1 groaned under thi weight .cf Jfcr good "* ludkanl of * * of the ward wen tngtloi pulled I thugs of this life. Ail tee prtocrpal poll tlol prsssaLu<e^WTthIiigr^Medoff7ai the paperauld, with (raeS eotel HererwuPitTltoUn to iaeh high rptrlti,endforosoehe acraoTlycUspeDe^ wlrnbuproai^s^tedaalsar. Oftdaally the guests took their depirtore, and u the last one took his leave Pat,, wllh a airh of rsilif, closed the door and. exhausted by has labcn. retired to rait In 1 room built for Iheipedal inoomwiwl*' Ilea o/hlm»elf and rpouse in a retired part of the promteeo. He had not been long ealeep, when he wu awaknwd by a huvy hand Uld on blibreaat; and, starting up, hs beheld us nigiard form of BUI the Tiger standing over him. "del upl" sold BID In a voioe of deep Intent, sanlaylng 1 firm- neunotlobetrUedwtlh. "Bnt, BIU," began Nolan to nmonitrite— ■Oet upl— i —nyoul"BlUIntermpied him with, and dnw- • long, keen knife from hue breast, he took hold of Matin aa4 , led him to Ihe floor. Hers Nolan showed 1 disposition to flgbt, but BUI wllh a single blow from hli hot deprived sini of hbieasM. He ttu with 1 hsndkirchlef guged him, oklng care to leave hli oca Kill free for resplnUon. ind then bound bis tegs end ami tlghUrwtth • rope with which he bad prerMed nlmteir. -He hardly bid this scoomnllehed when Mra, Botes bits signs of swakeslsg; but with a boand BUI WMSt her bed- side, and ere she had time to open, her eyes bar throat wu cut from ear to ear. BUI neit with the utmost oin esdwrond to niton Kolsn to s foil poaeulon of hli faculties; thli hi wu not long ts doing, sad Noloa with piteous looks begged for life end freedom 1 bat is bis eye wondered to the bed, end he beheld the bloodstained corpse of hli wife, his face grew Urld, huge drops of p«4wpiro«on stood upon hli brow, and he would hivs iwotmed bad not BUI sained • pitcher of oold water over his held, and esjalted sorn* fragyats) ■alti to hli nostrils. Nolan struggled harLbatBfflJOfiled%*I- lyon. At last aoanalihimUe broke over hteoonabsssBoa,tod ■ebting hli knife, with homble doBbsratioa, hs Erst severed U10 tendons of hu legs at tbs knsMt sad then piifmiiils^tml- lsr operation at hie elbows. ... "80, FaL Nolan, blutysr soul I yer Tould hire routed su la the Iron room—end jerthouihtysr did it, too, didn't ysrl Ter thought BUI wouldn't trouble yer sgtn, but yu wuwroscfoc tosjos. . It's 1 pity yer worn'! more keerful—neit ttms. |tru do " t It'll beta H-U, Pot Nolon-U Tool be In s I knows on, for yer Urns 'is obaWaa' I it the inseruld 'Ouos, u I knows on, for yer Urns 'is obaas/ca' I 'opM ye're ready—and Ihal'i more perUtenus than, yer atteWd ter me. An'In case yer vlB be lonely yer vlfl'siBrSaay loso vtth yer—but yer wont need any mopnucs then, so intake can of 'em aU yer needs 'em-hil hal-ven vlB that be, I Toodanr'' ind Din, getting hold of some keye from Fet'i pockets, opened an Iron safe and took pee teuton or in the gold ind money he ooald flnd,whlchwuconildenble,- and oontlsaed:—"bulp'raps ysr may rant the safe wllh yer, io yer tusyu tsD *its It on yer backi" and BUI tlragged him lowards It end bound him to ski) •afe u erect u he ooald, oonsldsnlsg Ihe condition hp wirln— "and now I thinks ye'ro about ready—hi I hat—and yet Tbuld 'sve routed yer pertloheler friend BlUT—velll ran good turn deserves another, so ve'U see 'ow yer llkei It yenelf." And BUI, oonttoulog to Ulk 1n the fame teunttogltrultLBOSr and then Interrupted by a wild liaab ind chuckle it thi frsjht- fal sgony sToliu wu enduring, boiled himself In pUlns around hlmalllhearticleioffnmitnre he could gather. HeUurntoah' Mn. Molanl body and threw It on top, clou to her husband's face; and from ajar which he took from hie pookst emptied at quintlty of tar over them both and over the furniture, zn thing oompleted, he again ut himself to front of Nolan, and* hellish alee gloated over the anguish be wu lnflioilngonhllvtc- Um. At tut, either tired of this imaiement, or dreading the appro too of day, he concluded by Mlstog Nolan's hand and wuh« tog him a safe Journey. He then set fire to the pile In various places and. watching It for a few wooads, Lo see it fairly an Its way, he left the room, fastened the door on the outside, pat the key la his pocket, ind escaped from the house. The mysterious locond bnrnlng of the Emerald House, with the death of Fat. Nolan and hli wife, wu 1 mortal of wonder for a tune, particularly In hli ward: but no one ever found sal the rrnelUtoi7cftheiiIilr, indnosusptsionof Ihe real origin of the ooDflignnon wu ever gaeessdst. II wu simply uoribed Ttie only ortlcls which was secured from,thi rains wu tbs safe, ilul Ite doon opens*. Thli suggested the tdn of robbery, but lotklrg ouuld be nude ocl of li, and very loan ai nniiedtebe ipouen or. **. ££mt the death of Nolan, Ohartsy and Mike wen indscsd to 1 peak out, and corroborating John Oon Ion's etery about the loM n the two hundred ponads, measures were taken for la reim- bursement, ind 11 wu recovered wllh Interest from funds whloh Nolan had to the bank. Nolan's actions, and nil connection with BUI and otter ohar- sotenofibeiort, werealio ventilated; and It wu ostonlohing how quickly people discovered that they hod been bunded, and how rapidly fill name went down In hli ward. Hod he oome lo life again, be would oertatoly h ove been k icked oat of the plaoe. to as coprruruiD. „ li DitAHATIO AND UTHEIH ■IUBT01IJU. BMW BSalES.-tiVMBMR TUXRTY'StX • Tf 11 wffTSirTf T ton TsO sntw tnai OUrm. MRS. EVilli J. HIOHOLS.- Tan lody'i maiden name wu Savla. Bbe wu born to Lowell, Mau„ February tth, 1M1. At the early age of Ola yean oho •ang it 1 concert given to Bt Fial'e Church, Lowell, leoagcalled "I hove ne Hotter, now," composed eipreisly for her. At. tks age of fourteen ehe become e pupU of Mad, ArnoalL of Boston. Bhe oontlnued wllh her u o favorite pupil, until IBB, when she made her cbou! at a concert given by Ouotave Batten ol Ohlcker* - ■ - - ■ u hig hly ■ Idb'i Booms, Bolton, u iprVmadcnita, ud wu „ . ful She continued itudjlng ud oocaslonaUy giving con carts, onUl 18M, when ehe made ■ tour through the Canodu ai prima donna, with BiU'i Boston Braes Band. In Aagnit, less, ihe married Tbomu J. Nichols, of Boston. This lady Is at pros eat the greit feature of the OonUnenlol Old' FoUlb now trareUng through the principal Western town and, olUw. giving concern In the oottumes of old laog ens. Mrs. Nlcholi U by birth • Now England lidy, anil from her earliest recoUectJoni evinced 1 strong desire for mule. Our flrrt recol- lection of her wu In 1M0, when ehs often partlolpated In many of the principal concerts given la Boston ind Its vtolnity. always being reoelvod with mnch favor, and gore promlie of future eiceuenoe. In the year 1609 Mn. Nloholi nnt leaned Filter Eemp'i Old Folks, wllh whom ihe traveled all over the United Butes, wlilllng all the principal alUes, ind meeting with great isseeu u a baBad itogor. She Mceoponled'the troupe to England, In Jan., 1BG0, and eong before 0 large number ofthenobUlty. Returning to this country afters short visit ibrood, ihe took 1 brief rut, and then Joined lather Onllck'i Continental Old Folks, and with thit party she visited aU the principal Western and Bonth-WMlern towns and clUes, meeting with unquaUned praise. Mrs. Nlcholi le one of the swattest wngstresHs that ever warbled the sin of ol j, or New England. Onemuit hear thli lady to comprehend and ippnoUtethe eoUd- llr, the richness, the liquid luetousness, the pathetic sedan of her golden roloo. Her Intonation (• ai truo as steel, and her gronounciallon clear and anaiaally distlnoL Than Is a purity 1 her tone, beside whloh dlstlUed weter would run saUled, Her vooal organ posseeewaU the eweetasu, flexlbUiry and msUow- neu of lone; and ber eieoutlon all Ite cluraui aad finlib. OthenmiToome near her In these things; but It Is In ha nobis and buuttfal aunpllolty, to her contempt for every frlvoloai or- nament. In her fallhmlodhennos to the teat of the oompossr, ind the purity with which iho ret dan It, In Ihe grandeur of her conception!, and the depth of eipresslon which nenstrotes every heart, thit ihe le unapproachable, and loavM every other oom- senior In elmpto bau^sliigliig for behind. vvhdo ehe wu In London, ibewu presented by the Hob. tody BitbbuB tone of the Udlee of Queen Victoria*! Court) with on onclenl but huvy brocade illk dress, which wu Touched for u being worn hy Queen ZUubeth on the occasion of her nnt pro- roguing Parliament, MISS JOBDHINE OHSBTXET. This Udy te • native of Woihlngtoo, IX 0., and li very highly connected. Bhe mode her first appearance on my stage Novem- ber B. 1841, In her nitlve plus, u Oonitinoo, la the "Love Oban," and met with each greet laoceu that ehe wu prevailed anon io nuke 1 eeoondappeannoe, which occurred on the 131b, at the eame theatre ind in the earns oboreoter. She is posses se d of groil beauty, Intelligence, and vivacity—qualities whloh re- quire only experience to make her the Thalia of the American stage. Possessing no greater strength than that whloh Is re- quired for the deltocttlon of the calmer emotions, Mlu 0. does berseU Injury when she attempts more. A quiet and gentle manner U beat fitted for her natural power!. She would never make 1 good Lady Macbeth, or 0 Bunco; yet In the domreao drama ihe may win many triumphs. Bhe pososssM Ulenti which may win for her eitended reputation ind popularity. MB. B. B. COOT. Bon of Barkham Oony. Mide nil first appearaoce In America In 1B81, at the Bowery Theatre, New York, u Hoi, ta the "Fore li of Bondy." KM been enraged wllh Oeo. Ueagle It nil Variety Concert ILall, Bt, Lculi, for lomo time, where M11 it present