New York Clipper (Apr 1864)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. W wM not law born* ftirth«,IWlguo>l6i6nti«ino wt • i»iniiow,IfcflI«rjrlll.V , .■^T.;v 'ToorOoMtano*!" 'T«pllodBl^*6rdaunt,oiirM«iigMr '.' fbndly: "It WM » pity that ftiiimo wllb mo.';, . ' After thta thoro wa » »llono»v I*"/ Carair^Mpoared towUpselnto a alumbor, wWto Sir;Mordam^.sat up, gtanolng to thi Tight and the left, aadln IhAjMlm nncor tain light «cntlnliltig tho tioe otoTery, lAvolor. And 80 they panel along tho road wbloh .the. child's woary ■ ftetli»dtiod4etfaolonrb*ftre,wJilrlod bylho glpelca' enoanprnent, whore sbo »ot <ittl«ijy eaUng her owning moal wlthber no<riMendi,tllddaehod IntolhoHighBlnct •' atFarboTougb. .■ /• ' . At tho Iretlnn thoy^iUled np, and SlrUordaunt Carow: alighted, UdyConatandeiiitlnborcotTlage, andltatoni edeager^. The oaUeroono out. "Pnt'up tho honos, sirt" "No, no|" oriod tho Baronot, placing a crown In tho ■ man's band ;''^I with yoo to answormc eomo quoaUons. ' lamseoUnga'porson whom I boUovo to have passed •long this road." ' 'Tea/sir." "He U.alaU, well-built fellow, dronsod In on uncouth ftyW^aiM has.'wlth him' fe'woman ond a child."' .'. "Tes.slr.'' ~ ' ... "Have yoni seen them V "Tea, sir; I>Te soon tho man and tho woman—at loasti so I thick, by yom desorlpUon, sir." : "Bat .the oblld-tbo child—what of her I" asked tho Baronet, togtrly. "I dldn'lsco*a child, sir; leastwlso, It was dark, and It might bo a lltUe%ne that I couldn't soc. Thoy sat o\gt here and hid some boor ond a blsonlt botwoon 'cm, and then they walked oS llko mad) and were gono In a mo. monu", - •' ■ i "And yon aawno'chlldF' ' "No, air." Idijiy Caraw Iconod out of tho carrlngc window. "Wo aro lodng tlmo, Sir Idordaun't," she sold; .'.'thp'so people aio clearly not those wo ecok."'■ . 'ik' lOar not," mnrmored the Baronot, In a 'toIco which ed how loath he was to lose this faint olne to hope. iyA are quite saro thoy carried n6 child away ,J4hom>- . . , ■•.V5ie*:::"(pite sure, sir.'' ■ ■ ^, * f' ■ •*ililtf«oapluslTO,Uordnunt," said L<idy Conolance, * '''^;;fiplIioii(^t:a6ldly. "The child is llTO yooTi old, andmiut " ■'^'^'■^n soon bad iho boon hero." ■ ^ds were working norrously as shejipoke; her jcoty lips, were pale with waoUonii.^ , , ^e we to dot" InquiredthT'Saronct*, disoosso- fift had hotter intum, and trust to otherSj^ my niB^d," said Lady<WT0w, gently. "Tour heiblli "^irfor all this ande'ty and troiible.lnaeod It wlU." bt like so isaslly to abandon the poarch," sald the '. '^luantriseithay oahnothaTegono,fKr,''oriodtheosu^ '"They'idn^tbMngine'lcog,notmoto than half anlh'our, Tiii^t(K>l5 tli^Bln road-''. t'0r|t« dMl'f/sald BIr Uordauht to the odaohnan, as ho re^mered'th^ carrltgo. '■ "Drtro on. as qvilokly as yea Lady'd^w sukbackln her seat, and prelcndod to ele^pt^.ji^^r degire was that her husband shoiilif. b^un- suoouffil tn hi8))areiilt,and If her anilety wasprodjicod by' )]ii>llkIiiV'4lbmiisrof hops now offered to him, Ke ialg^li|y'&Hwe'theaght, have spared herself much per- pledq^'dnl-agf^on.' 'V- ' ^ Tha^htwafdarksndglpomy, and though tho rt^ ' lia4D<nn<)eaMd to descend; heavy cionda^pUll obsourjd < lieitSa^ The town ltse)r was dismal chough, and but ln'tlM<jMimti7ltwa»asblacka8pilch. Hark andNobo, noitwi^fjanduig, had forsaken the high road about amllo ' jDniiB'jnir^qranib, aod were «t that very moment maklog theli' i^y^ throdc^ dirt and darkneasi across.aumtiy. '-^ A good pleoe of mystery Is a btosslng In anf'soolotyi moro ospoolaliy In e coimtry town; and, as soA as.the J - oarhago hoil'.rollod out of tho oourt-yiird, tho Baronot * 'and'hls lady were introduood by the osU<>r \nUl i^£^on- vetsatlon.of the publlo room; and various woro tho opln- f lions eiehai^ed on tho aulOeot.' ^> fa the room, on that ovoning, were reprosontod the TOtnnantsof the fosUvognthorlng'pf the., lost few days. A fl)li(,dogB, deooiated wllh eonts-lud bells, lay lazily In n oonieri.^bpy.Bndaglrl, otouohed' asjoep, wore there, dretsed in spangled attire, and hngglnf(|ln their sloop a . pair, of frtllta; a miniature slogp nearly.^biooked up one window* and several rough-looking men .i^Mlsposod in .Tsrioiu groups. About half an hour oftipfjM^doparture b(filr.'JbnWlti#<>l|: ^7 Caro^, thei^o^rMras,flung open, end tho gip^wh;, hod bolHa9.^^((gli|jfM|M!h^^ tared. " ' "Ah, tho While Olpsyl" cried Pegril, the Punch and . Judy man. "Why, Bamfyldo, my boy, I thought you hnd given us all tho slip, and was going to roaph llaldon be- fore us I" . Bamiyide tmllod. ' "No," lie onsworcil. "Wo slarl to-morrow. I-soo wo shall not bo qulto alono olthor, since all of you bore have tfmslnpd bolilnd for .tho wot wonthor. Wo number one more, for wo'vo ploiced up a little ono lo-nlght." The men looked t^om ono to another^! and Job,'lho ost- .uv, smiled wisely. . ' . » • ' '^Hf7hat dp you meant" said the gipsy,somewhat toellly. "Do yea knoyr anything about itt" VWfllt"BaldJol), who, bygcnoral oonspnt, seemed to be Pbosen as spokeemnn, "Ibore's boon a gentleman. and .' iMly boro to-night oftor a ohlld i moy bo ll's.tho sumo." . O.^'Dld thoy give no namot" asked Uemiyido, who now eeemed to draw baok and resorvo the conOdonce ho had Ivtendadtomnkci . ' "Well, I think I hoard tho ocacbmon say Oorow," re- plle.d.tho ostler; "I know the lady said BIr Unrdaunt." - Thiejripsy's fttoe grew.deadly palo os tho man spoko t and thon^oa If swayed bylomo suddon lmpulso,ho sprang up and lelt.tho room. "BeUerBiltls,"horauUerod,as ho etrode down tho; dark load towards tho gliislos'. tents. "Anywhcro—any. whero bottor than In their hands." ., TO SB CONTINUEn. . . .', mW Y ORK C LIPrEB. , SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1804. Xo Oorrcspondonts. Bcisu, nttebanb,Fa.--JohimirIIiidia'sMll;;lrtlnAia(zfa« «u irlUi Jobnoy MxaiM, on, IIU, for tM>, 30 nauiM. iTulnslM, mm bylCukar, Cmrlou tO thklia wu nakhtd wllb BUI DIukwDod ftir tOOP tMt-Our mail to OiuuU,wm drinn oir ij ItaepoUcv, ud h Bkdnnod RfuMl U> tgiil a ao United iutai, the nilch gjidod In • dnw. Ou Iha 7Ui of Scwm- bcr, UM, JieknelM ud Uuknr foofltl 8 rximdt atWdpolo Iiluid, when 'NetaHuertal Ilut ho hvl been WUm dr Vaei bj eomo of Wbcktfa Moiid>~lt atdod iB'tach nun dmrtM bli nooqr. Uukol** tghUoff wdght Is 130 Iba. Uo his dgnna at a In nuDj Ijiipoitaiit prlu flgbis In this countiy. .... BLLouli^Mo,—"AuaBpliTilcribbii(0,lh'ebt*ttlirai gimosln5,foraitike." AvlDsthe lit ~ jdlco tor foDT: Auccfl of cqoal ■t tho two loweit mch hiva ■ a cbiaoo, sobjiom— u wia^tbo — - " quntlAln ifBortso-Tbe usntl moitiiin of ttao Doaton (Mokst OtaUtoA blade da the eranbigot 'Uu Uh liut, the Proddasta ynaUkpnketti'of tb* Bromfiald HOiuo,-lii the obalr. loaddi. tton'td'oihir boiliieas, and a bdsanil eanna of itaoooinlsg h*. iML>diirtDg which tk«T oimct UhtvssDOlharorthoHfrlaidb. boidi null the Nm Votk Club, Uio olBon Ibr isei won deotod, the oholMbelog u lollowai VnaldoBt, B. nuk Cnclivtti Vico KnildaDl, Wm. lAmbi DcmlUT, W. B. Saftel Tnasoror, A. J, Uontf; BailnoM Conunlttoo—J. 1>. Itood, Wm^Sflnor, W. IL Jo*. Un and u, O. FORy. Wo an iiloasod to loan that Ihoj biTO add- ed a lam mmba of new momlnn to Uiolr pliTtng 'and paying lUta, andttutthodab 1> la a mott jmaiwraus owdltlon. We ungntiilttottudrWRtby Fraaldaot, ur. Onckctt, on hisnxloo. tloatasohoD€TdiU.aiQraloe; and wo an of Uio opinion Ih^lho" ^olcoof Uuclub lyonoof tbooo who' tin Add, pilot a TaiVswTona 'ToikCibkolClnbti the Bonn o( Lonla, mineliitl buslooaa onneat joar, vhoo danti Tboa. tStif" Sba Ozvond Haflaon, Tilor, —. gamo,BuoSdandad. A ' will* the 4lh mat, aratlDii game bafon D hu aeored 30 !.<il<a. A dalmt that no haa won the rubber, tho but gimebeliw a doane, whUo Uoontouua that the fifth gene ronatbe tiUjod DCfonthe ■takaein bo clabnodbjolUier. Which Is itgbtV' A'acbho lailapiT ftdicnloiia, and Fa olalxnthat tho filth gamomoAbo pliyodiUconoct. mcsnnnjiT.—Touloao noat empbailcallr, as we, indlTldoally and coUocltielr, smt to Uio edllor of BaTi Ufi In Londn s dnfl lOr AM, psjablo at tho tanking hooao of Abnhsm lid's 8pns,Toolo7 street, for andonbohalfof /ooCobuis,to bbidue ,Dutch with Jem Mico, Just two weeks sgo, snlhoilslng tho cdUoT stOfoaald to name a place for tho men or thetr loprcaootatiToa to sign aitlcica on tho Sut of Hay. In a week or ten days wo etptd Jem Uaoo'a nplj and aocoplaaon of Oolium'a toima. QOAXai Muncn, IMcrick CItj, Ud.—"In |il*;liig tho gamo of twontr-ono, Is It not prapei to make yont bob after tho luit cud ledealt1i7thobaDkarf, ForlnslAnco, X am tho banker, and^D. ^udOanpIaTlngagahiatoia. I deil onocud ronnd, and IheAy .<l«aU mako yoor bote T** Uols most bO mado arior ono can oath la dealt mmd, allhongh II any player haa a cud dealt Ulm on theaecondroondof tho aamQ,Tiluo as hia tint, hecauBpiUUicni and goon each the aiuoust bo wont 00 tho flrat card. Ann, Hairiatmis.—1. The isdj la not befon tbo pnbllo at pnseot Bha la Unng In rotlrcment bi a maH town In Mas- safbnaettSi .9. Boo our dnuuaUc aiimniary Tor tbo whoraboutaof jullA Dean Bans. 3. EUia Logan is married to Mr. Geone Wood, thoWeatom usnsger.aod tus ntlrod from Uio slago. 1. Atlut adTleea Jean Savouport was attondlsg our alck aoldlos in aod about Waahlngton. c, EmnugbuileyulnBngland. Wi A L., Blockading Bquadfon, oS Mobile.—John C. Hoenan waathe loacrlnblt luhl with.Tom King. a. Ihe ring wfi not ^fcsptuUBhonldhare Dean, and Hocosnwu mon or leas inte^ tnedvllh. & Itwuao canilda«d,bpt then wulllUoataiidap fighting about tL JObn'sgams bohig-to wrcsUo; owing lolho dngglng or doasg,or iffiatofer else It was, bo "couldn't light eTan»llnloblt,"'aanalUfflMUaoki|owlodged * OimnB, Ctaulniutt.—Xn'the'.lnni op batwc«n Joo Cobmo aA Pitaj Fbnn early on the eih' dt AugntI, 1857, Cobum dM not "taueal,'>bnt got all the best of tho fight, and licked ttUjnry cuckly. Tljmn was not In condition at tho tino. 4Wo noTor uOkea npon Plrnn u a flnt claka,boior—ho waa a good nragh gbtarwhanhohad thlsgshla'ewn wsy.botwaa nororpnpeny Bern, Bmklri.—"In value, with tho -m^teil ckanca, and tho two highest caao-lhatthatwo blgbattUinnVals otle'on %,tho., dlapstola, whclbs the two St'seacban enUBcd to adnnce, or wbalharthoyatoanlylohmsofeantobetwoon thorn t"..'....Tbay am each eatulcd to a diancak' . \ Ebvn Teais BuiscioBiJ V. T.—L lone Bnrke b finesihei of Wallack'sTbeatncompanj. 2. She madohtr flratappMrascoin thepiD&aslonln tho ballot, wbon Fnnk RlTcn fiList opened the Holodoen Is thia dly. 3. She haa been a member of the WIntai Oiidsn oompany, and plajod FoUr Uanhin'a chuactcr hi tbo " 7on aWon" St Lsunt Kaano's wfon FtjUj seceded. C She Is' years of ago and Is ^^maiiloa. Pott Dojil.—Tho brolheifof John taya Beanan waa ilmck ea In'tho lutexcatof^lUng,'u was shown'bj.his hiQlaod in when the mob doaed aronhd thorn when It wu Ibonghl Smg inM out of tlmo. It Is aald he was hit with dubs, and uso kicked. Not lielng present^ wo esnnot sv whether tbo alalomeni Is comet or not TooBiT, 'Port BofH, B, C.—L BobacrlpUon itcetvcd. i. Wo faelioTotho SomeClicoll Is nndcntoodtobotho llml(s; tntoor opinion la that, to eomo down to does buslnccs, tho Cbajnplon would hsTB to moct an opponent In any part of Sngland uamod by the pnpor offldala. HiSRS, >*., N. E.—L Wo do not know what Iho Ian an In yonrSlsle; but In Kow York,fine or loiprlammentiorbolh. 9. Then Is no penalty, wo belloro, Ibr using a CotlUous nano unless fDcpoipoaeaof nnd; and Iho natam ox sndinsud dolonnlncs iii»in>Tiwfti. «Ti^ iwiiwttftf p.fiut, Tn ft nt. 3. 20,wP. H. J.—In playing bu4 wo hokl that a playw need not ahow hla band umcas ns Is *<csllod" In tho oruodox manner; namely, by tho callar dnoaltlng the aamo amoodt of monn In the poolaa henuybaro tl^vln, Halther need bo show his hand to soy playtn aicept those who do so call blm. A H.|nillAdolphla.*^)BnUiie ni..i.<i.n« wu bom In Englasdln 163L She mado her flnt aopeannce In pubUo aa a pianist, Iff or, SO, lHT,lnmiadalphls. UadsherllntapnesnocoonthoalweFob. 9, iSBX in tho opon of tho *H]lilld of the Ijcglmont," at tho TValnut, Phlladelpbls. ^ ArPLZs uiD Wmsm,—"A, B and 0 on throwing dlco, A tbiowa M;,sn ontsUeibets A that M wont win lbs pot B Ihnws U, andOthrawB7. The question la wbsthotA.or the onlsldor wins Ihob^t" Asiadtdwlnlhapot, Awls^tb^onl^ldobel. . J. A—John Dnw was sn Irish oomedlso, and a good ono too,. Bo dUplsy the "Iilah Emlgnnt" wllh gnat nicccea.. nia sinking of tho "Mah Dnlgraut'a Lamont" haa neror, to our knowlodtfo, beon B. P., Bamn HID^A most oflbctoil nmody lOr mango la to nib tho dog tadce a day thoroughly with a mlxtun or aulphur vires Bor. woalUdl 1 pbit, glilug caator oil twice a week. D. Ih, ulibnon,—L The Western Blatcra an both at plsjlng In this coutiiy. X Two cannot play aloiie. D point only, and O Dothlog. OimsT.—IhoLycoimTbealn, London, oponcdnndor tho dlno- Hon of Louisa Pyno and Ur. W. Uanlnn, for the flnt "EugUah Opera Oompany" season, Beptomber 91,1M7. "Cnwu Dlamoods" wistho Inloal open. 0. U., Cain, BL—Oompailng jiounds with' doUazs, thb etahia AmoK, PhUodoliihla.—1. Tanhoo BnlUnn nad Uonlssor fonsbt but onco as antaHonlsla in tbo V. n. X Hyer'i flnt nsutwos wllti I Conntiy McCluuoy—itwas Moirlsuy who fougbtlhobipson. ' J. F.B., Clneluutl.-1. Ttao lady wns bom In this hi 1B3T. X A blognpby appeared bi lh« Oumn of Unidi^P, lasi Wo tatvo none or that Issno. PoxD, Winiamiborgb.—"A, B, 0 and D an p1a>lng BlolT, A deslsi B goes ono doUar blind, 0 atnddlcs this blUid ((3). How loucb dots 11 cost A to come in >" 11 lakes g< for D lo eomo In. Two BDmoiumiBs, Pnvldenco.—1. Tbo lady was not divorced ftDmberhnaband; hodlodwliUothoywon InroUogtogetber. 2. Bholanotmarrlodnow. a Bhowns. H. B. L., BlonbonvlUo, 0.—Not bavtog occaalon to purcbaao fhnn the Ann, wo cannot speak of tbolr roUoblllty. TUoy bOTO Imwu eatatdlahed long enough to bo truatworthy, bowovor. DauuBi, Blddolord, Mo.—Tbo lan to Ban Fiasolaeo la, abiK t39d; aocond catiln, $9(0, and steorage, tl39, Tbo aleauon aa onlho 8d, ISIb, and 93dof eochnionth. W. B. 0., Balthnon, Ud.—It waa stotedat Iho llino (b be 193 lbs., Imt as bo waa notwelghodoutbudayof fighting, wo cannot under- taketododdothoboL " ■ , T, J. 0., Boston, Mass.—In our opinion, Hecisn ought to have bad the light iMtvroou himself and Bi^en If ho had had juatlco doiu^ to IllfW. , i . 1, n. Buxr, Fort namlllon.—Wo can fomleb y'on'wltb Iho OuvPEB containing the flobtof Uconan nnd^og, but ihoouo giving Iho occoont of the Soonon and fiaycn^lttt out of print & S. 0., 9d Voilnont—Wo bold to tbo opbilon that A la only " * to ahow bis band to Ibe player whoTsjs forlhoprivlloge make ns appear ol that photo. 1 at proaent Imakosctt tarllel^A '0 bavi^^y i —Xho money aont was all snf. Ol E. P.—1. Thank yon, but that egoUatlcal, "which wo alnk" X Wo y ol T., Philadelphia—Beery haa mado Iho'blghast count In a patdlo bllllanl match at the catom gvno, ria., BUT points. B. A &, DotnIL—Wo have not got them. Yon might pmbsbly obtain Uwra by sdverUsbig ^ Ihst olTooL Jam B., East Wobator,%aea.—1 flcdanL Siosopnooii Pnorannoa.— your addnaa. Wo ban two or thxoo oommunlcaUoDS Ibr y4^ Jump, Plillsdelphla.—Yon an too lata in the aoason. All draia managon hsTO bad their company, filled aeaio ^ms ago. 0, A v., Waahloglon, B, a—Tbo'monay^aont will TlMtT' two loaerilons of cseb adrettlsemonL v.'l - ^ Out nxASDV—WoboUerolt Iscompalsoiy dnW. . ImpnredoD, furliolsempliatlflal. tboenalr at a mooUut', a wlokotln ;tMteop»^otoL" 9iX^Tho annual moeUni; of llie Now on Wednoaday o\'oolng, Clb luaL, at ' Omaby and Ilouslon atnots. Tbo _'was tho oloetlon of ofDesn for Uio . Wm. MoCutchcon was ebotod Presl. Proaldoiit: James Ulgbam, Tresmiter; _1 Wu. Hall, CoiTopondlng Boonlsiyi CoiumUlooa an Btcaara. BIflbam, Bhaxp, , , , : aud Hall. Tbo old imlOaalonai bowler, WULCfottly,waan^BOScilfortlioRetaoil. TboTroasurer*al>al* "~ tbeetaliowtdUio llnan<l>l coOdlllou or the dub tobo In a flouiw atsbvandanunibcrufuoirinomlionwonolectod. Owing Atftnctlon of llio old cridcot gnuitdof thoolubatHolMK hftTO beon obliged to oluogo tholr looaltou, and In eon* Uh Iho waiow aub baTo nulcd tbo oM ground of. the d Qob alBodfunl, L. L . CnioiET Oluo, of DoKbcalar, UaaS., hold lla mooting on tho Sd lnat,wboQ Iho lOUowlog uamodgen- " elodedofflooiv for tbo ensuing yooriPTaddent,tf.T. .JO Pnallont, Walter LockoU; Boerolsiy, Wm. R. Bay. torar, CcoUdgo Bamaxdi Busbioas CommlHco-<3. Oar- ~4nw, Aod Book. Ltnn—Thoeo parties i .... inD hsro an opportunity on Thutaday altciuoon Mdngonsctf thoMsl,aallwinbolhobui,aliaif« of iOASIt et.lho wen-known and popnlsi old Sport, IB TNiff, «to haa moTlded a grand proimouno ol mwHWiaUMiineoeaalon. Iboewul be ton and a Battle Beyil-enough fon ifjBPil A UmllsdMmbor of ''wOl fee iMoet. Pont neglect fSfi tho blgbeat double to play tt.. Bnauonr.—Bbi conia per copy; thieo doDaia per'' laaues. . '<. JnUA, Btaton lalanA—Tho latgeatAmailcan,eeliooniB yacht la Iho Uarla, of 910 tons. U. J. T.—If ybohavo a taato tliat way yon can begin at any age;, take some amall ppltlon at llnL AaiATSUB.-Would It not bo well,* wbUo conunentlng on tho ablUUoa of boxen and olhon, to gin us your nomo and address T ' OoKsiuiT IlfAsn.—Wo sn not siiffldonlly aequslnled with that oonntiT to warrant M In oflbilng any adrice npon the aoblsct. F. d.—The PaloMB Daco Oonne, N. j., helonga to the Fasssle Oo. AgrlonltonlsdSoty. dK O.W.L.—Thobooklsal piasent outof^Bl, Another odlUon win iboitly be published. aR^. CiiAnin, ptJladol^ilalTSununedraaalt orJdmmonet aro both oquallycomct •■ ■ DnuuTicBalon, Ohio.—Tho Obeellllnalon was first produced at tho Tolytacbnio InaUloto, London, Denunbor 9«, lasi BuiDOLpn.—Wo ean 'ftirnlah you with tho noonan and Elpg paper) Iboolhorlaontofpiint'' •' ' Firaa Box, Uawloy, Pa.—Addieos Ur. Bawoa, No. 3SX Dlvlalon ataool. Now, York. WtL B.'UoSlioi.-You can W tham at Vlllolt'a, Bo. DDI Bcoadw^ . ■ O W A iiL a s n. BuFiiKZ.-Forwiided a iBno nstftSflo of lottoa on the eih to PlUsbutgb. BiasT Dluc— Vouhadbetttrdnpa noie tdaonuot onrtO. voitlaon. J, B. B.—Will appear In our next W. F, a, UUlo York.—Wo ate not "on" (bat aori of Ihbig. K. F, a, Low^L-Joo Cobun'a height la 5 (oet t^Kini^ea, 0. a, Bocheater, N. Y.~Pnt Olllgnoo, of HoptOadway. Orriwi, 0. W,-Soeanswor lo Bmliet, ^^H, Ue. ,'' Fun OuiTOH.—1, Maiden name, Uarlaffllrl.. Bill BaaarLn.-^t letton to New Bnnawuk, R.'J. C,lI.,Boiton,-SaronneToi fought lUoe,* ^ WE ARE ALL HEBE. . . ^ Okce moro we start our little ctnft on the sea of popu. lar favor, with a full and ossorlod cargo, with all sail set, .and with an Incroased ftrco of assistants lo help us work tho CLirrER on lu twelfth bnnual voyage. We think this No. will bear inspection; tho paper is good, tbo matter Is good, and the general appearanco of tho shee.l Is good, As we said In our lost, wo thank our friends for the, pa- tionsgo thoy have heretofore bestowed upon as, and wo sball'bo happy to retain their favor. We shall noko no promises, but will let the paper speak for itself. With these few words, wo "sail In." . • < •■ ■• (^BR lUcosD OP AmresMB.TB.—This dopartmpnt of par paper la now one of,Ms prinolpal features, nnd It Is griitl- lying to know that our efforts to provide the profession with a rollablo weekly summai7 of .the movements and business of acton, aelTessce,Bnd show people gononilly, aro so well appreclatod, As an' organ of tho profbsslon, the CurrER Is a sort of directory, of amusements and of all persons oonneotod with them in any way. Through too modlum of tho CurrDi, managotB can quickly socuro the services of porformors, and pprformpni can as quick- ly llrecuro engagomonts, for our paper cironlatos every- whore, and Is reed hjitnoarly overybody connected with' tho drama, minstrelsy) olrousse'S, muelo halls, etc. ^Ith the onlnrgemont Just mado, wo shall be enabled to givo additional Aicilitlee to our ftlonda to make known their wigis, and to bring tholr business moro promlaonlly to tho notice of tbo general publlo. iXook over our theatri- cal nows and advertising columns this wcok^ . Toe Fau—a big thin; is Uio Metropolitan Sanitary Fair. The plnco Is crowilod, yhcthor the Uirilf of ndmlt- tancb bo high or low. I!popIo don't mind paying double prices for tho nrtlclos offered fors.ilo. Inking Into consld- o'rallpn tho deserWng objects to which tho proceeds are to bo clovotod. . • , THE TURF. , ^ fbrflconffig Ti-ottbtQ and Itacinff Setum-^nlicipaUau a*>9rt ■ ^ on a« AiAtm, Tnltnig dmf CVn/rrnVf Traekt—Tht BoajMe^'^ ingi <n tkt North and Wat-'^r* Doraer and Lady ir« The Pakhtn and Fiabi^him ChaJUn{fff—Ftom Templf* Tnm tho tlzDD-bonorod trotting tncta of cUsalO LoDff tho Doto otpnpftntlon f» tho ^ipxMchlng Msaign's ipoitf^f'the' tori; ts 0000 Qgiin heard. WithlhoodTcntofiiiisff, trtlnotaiu] drlTOB, ihiktiig off tho lothargy prodvcod bjr iho ^ng trlnta^s In- '•ctlTlfcr, aro oheerfbUy nnming tholr actin dutlca In propnring the Uflh-motUod nea tnd tho ftsi-rtepi^ trotta for thdr tbtI* ou flngagomcalfl. on the idrf during Iho foribeomlng actaon. Oaoo moro Mi etrlj. d&wn, tho Tolmn of tho tioltiog .tarf; Plold liTtTiihril Blnm Woodmft cap be won gonUy Joggliig sloog tZie rood in hla light 0olkj>to the D'nloii« or mayhip th^7aahlon Cotum, to giro esoh In.hl* tun* thoyoongbor^* In his charge and aaparrlslon, -their' dAlIy xaomlng exerdife. Did Pflfer and Fdham John maj alao mcli proooodlng on with tho aamo oznnd, tho JoUj, nblonnd Cioo of tho fhrmor bcam> log^th pleaaorb and daUght at odoo ie*lo bolng able to eond Along Ills fiiat Kioa, after tholr long holiday real In th'om^ ^V'Uttand iCooao box.' flom Tomplo'a old pflo^ jjmM&anD, tho ilri^y^oet of lAlkyetto IIdI1« can dally be seeo on tho Jaekaon aVonaoroaO, drlTlng elthsr his. hay gelding Gadlna]| .lhe *'g^Il£it 'groy," Ed. Eddy, or his weD-malched imm Of -blaoki»'ftn^]^ &«w]y<«xwtod'and compact stables a( ifniftar'B Polnk'.^^CBlf^ mooa ttown stoiuon Ilobcit FlUloghaiDt dxirenby^espierlss^ Bnn'MaLMi^blfs, whoafatable* aio nowlocmtcd aioo^ddo^ of,7fl> ttfe at finodloor'i^ and tbo oqoaDy teoovned cootniijad, tho blaek goldlng Oeoatil Ik '*ir, vlth many a TrQn>kntfWD ftit ooo on lhenadand(be lne^( 'U to bo aoen at "dsvy non" at their oxbrdso, getting lid ot lEdlnporabiuidant flcah that rat and oaM tv fceoodlng tn or alx months hare oublod tbom to aoq:QJr^- Ucam Shaw b Whltei so Ifflig iho ensrgetlo proprietors of that IkToritotnudCrthtvUnk^haToputltlDtoadmltablfoonUltlon for trotting) and liiotOQcbly' rcpaliod tho donstatkm oonunltted by Iho Slaaochnsetts nogintontonoanlped tl^eiD djiring,lhs sommor of 1681 A now ioiM, stands^ and raUlnf hsTo.boon erected, and iho tnck Itself gnoUy Improrod, vhilo the pro^ammo of sport llsotf pubUsliod by Uioilhiprlolan Is sioroil Ingly liberal In tho amount of added money. Tho flnt iiot of tho season smionDCod Is for a tllO pnzBO, mile heats, boat 8 in-flf in harness, 6b Thui»>. day, 14tb lust, and for thla Afoam. IMffiinn, Uacc, Pflfcr and an oyraor have ontrius. .Tp^4>lhar ^Bnes are oObrod daring the cffiwlng iDODdi*'u>gctll«r wllb tour iotCcliosl ChhUtlif bctfigbf twcen Iddy EUa and Jimmy Lynch fiv f1000, mllo heats, In hai^ nose; the eccond betvoan CUftos and TUlogo Maid, for 93000; tho third for a stmOar amonnt between Baby BoUe and Empress^ 'wngon -ond drirer to wdgh aTIIba.; and the fourth between tbo Iny goldlng Goo. FMmoat and a t»y abUIon, both belonging to Oohimbia County, for $1000. The moath^of Juno has also four, puifca ond six matches, maUng a grand total of twonty<onelnall, whloh, together with those wlikh will bo arranged aRor tbs com. QODccmont of the season, will'suko tho prospeda of trotting on tho Union bright and prDalslng;.and vo taiiy anUclpato wHn^is^iigi under Ur. Shaw's*^auspices, trotting on the Union CcAirf)t,onco again popular with tho ^mmunjty.* Uaoj an tho altonttpifs and ^?'Sr^K^feo^i!e^^wuBb^JofJ^^ ' oiaEnoUro OlubofKowTork, ^hoo In llis ptlmleel days, uaodto hoHl tltclr wooUy reunions, butuhlob has boon cloa«d for tho tut two yoon,' la now bolng ronontod and almoat rebuilt* In tbo on* UelpaUon of bollor and bright* days on tho old Union track. It wni bo kept by John L hlmscf, and win doubUeaa bo as woU pa- tronized as In days of yon. Wfam WoodrulTa hotel, of courso, romalnilnibilu{[uo,and.theobf<AirDWlllflndtheBamo admliab^ auOu during tho season, as tmt wOoh baro reudorcd his dla^nt so fiunous. There Is a otmn31 on Iho other aldo tho roadfitaar;^, oror,rQrUncIonUIyBhiw(«h so dellgbtdQ to "talk ho]^^|%. pcolaUy raco bofse, and torn to tho "goodlid times" w^ho^ trabod tho famous "Llttlo for %1ctor7), la uow no long/r lo bo found Iboio, to gnllf; bb tally momlsg cuatomua |il^,t>la IncaUmablo oomponod of *Qbi and Tuuy," w^lch Joo EDlolt anan tnodm thg bitten of jloatottor aud Baker, Tonovid and Tbo old taoaliWo knotra mm no ihD," Iban vbom a t»ltor Jodgo or : oilst, la sow Ibi ooonpant, wbclbot wil7,To canuot aay, Normnrtwo, in apoaklDgof IbeoldUoloDi fbigottbat pilnooof good follows, and Jovla], boapUabla boil, ilorloua Tbm Btonul, of ttao woll- hnown "Halfway Hooni," cloaa by Iho oemotcry yolopt Q;pr«aa win TomlaOrertoboltiBidnadytooxtoaaibohandof woloomo and 0 chootful gnctlng to kla'Uood^ and Ibdr namo la iogloo, aa tb(7 go to and idum ftoaf'inia on Iho Union; and bi bla picaoot profoaalon aa a "Knight of Iho fiplgot," he atanda aa uoappnacb- ablo aa ho did In hla former ono wbqn aaanrlatod wltb tbo aawduat andolnsua. Uarbtaabadiwnovariiolaaa.'' ' Walking np Broadmy Iho othor day, wo mot^JoOr Joo Cso- oharoD,. manager of Iho'Faablon Couim^ evor on Long laland, and btd a long "pow.won"; about tbo dolnga of Ibo coming aoason on bl* track. Joo spoaka in sangnlno larma of Ibe proapcds of good IroUbig, ihd Invltod ua to the opening day wbloh la fixed Ibr Ibo lIHh but„whan (or tbo olfered pnrao of tip), mllo boola. In barecaa, for horac* that noTor trotted In pnblo, ban ontocd, .AUhongta tho nlaanbUi wcattan^wo lOr tbo laal month bla almost onllroly atoppod horew In work, yot if flnowoalhar sboold fairlj aot In, ao ea If giro Drake bito ■ "cocked batf mon, ondhODoek "Folhim 1 trainer of bonofloah does i pormanontly or moroly tempi oUk>on Qou worl 4 'faUson a ohaooe,wo may vltaioaa a good oonloat, Ibougb offbuno Ikal Umo la not to bo oipodod under tbo dtonmalaBOCo.' Allo- gelbor, Ibo Faablon OoDno AaaodaUon oOOr In purfoa |9,<f[l lo tM Irottod for, up to Iho latter ond of Iho moothof June lioon- trlcf lo eomo of Ibo puraoa aio qulb) numarona, Iboxo bdn In ouo Iblzlhon, ^two otban twelrb, ond In anotbor olovon honos entered. 9o of Uo puraoa oOcred, of IIPOO eoob, irllb a atako of lUP cac^ p. p., mllo beds, to banoaa ani 'tagon roapeoUTcly, baro dio Ihroo loading InlUng oodn <f Iho day—DobortFUIlngtam, JOtmUprgan and.Oon. DnUoiM^gaged for tbom. The Interoat would bare been vaally ' • FlonTofflplo'aronpiincdanlagonlat, Ooo. N. Faloheo, tend for tboao pnrMi A little Imbroglio baa rooenlly eonncctloli witb.lhia hnso. Some alz weeks ago, ilr.VVillumlre, Iho owner of Falobeo, pubUdiad a eballengo lo maltb hn against any bono In tho woivil, mllo beats, beat 8 In 6, and two.vOes and repeat^ taibambaa, fir tMOotllPOPeaohnco. Ho diallcngod Dobort FflUngbam any race tho owner might name, for IIOPP or aa mnch more aa might be Aabedi Iho race to oome elf OTor iho Faablon Course,.I* L, y Jononeit The paper lu wlich thla challenga wia imbUabod/obaorred In reuion to It, Itat FllUngham wu engaged in a/'play-o^pay" I bdm, (iio last of wblcb oama offontbeijdotJuM conaoqnently Ihoie'would bo no thne fa) Hot Iho two noes that pintb, and ptot- ly plainly mthnated thai, wdl awue of Ihl^fto^mo ehaUengo Is- sued by Mr. ^Vallermlre hid not bconmwul alneorlly. Tbo owner of raloben, hi repoalhig bla cbaDaogo, lUvhiee that ho waa wUllng'to make a match with diber nuhibamor any other libne,oitendodlhoUDotolndudo Ihetnoinof Ifayaawollas Jane, and alalod thai nellhor nUngbia, Jain Morgan, nor Ooo. Butler had any olher cogagebiaol tu' Jono/aeept the two on the iUthandlMhut.,eoaioqueatlylhsnwujUclont Umo In that month (tonitoen days beta^ the tot nop ial«ight days (flet the bat),' te Iho mildi he offarod, wltkoot conUcUng with these en. gagoneals. The paper In qoeaUon, which seems to be relihied aa a iint of apodal plcedoi on behalf of llatMrtnilin(hsni^fs,i|]eo. N. Talohen, Ibon boldly declaroa that Mr. ^altsUie never fflWDt a tilrr'tMa JIdt trot, and that knowing the above.aamcd tbiw hence were sngsgod, had aalectad Iho oppoitnnlly to muiufoc hue "bnnlaim." ItalaogrataltoualyaBaemcalhatWaltennlrDdldnot enter bla horte In ibo puraas where ho conld not meet UorgaOi DuUe^ ud niUngbam, beotnae In iboao ncee, thtn waa no "gate money," and that ao ataong waa hlapncUvlly fer "blppodnmbig" ho woold only trot where the gals mooay was certain to be groator than the stake llacU The wbole allkir baa oi«aled no lUtlo esdie- mant, and caused a vast tflal of talk among the JtoUlaei of the trot- Unglitck. Kelt Ihunday, the oeUbalcd iroltuig mare, lady WoodrnS so liberally prcaanled by Mr. Dobort Bonner to the UatnpoUtan nir, te ttie'bencfil<tf Iho alck and woendad iddlai*, to to bo aOld by andioa'at tbo^air Qroundi^ In-Pdace Qardona. A few yap ago, betom Mr. Bonner bad Boccoeded.hi aeonrlngUeiica- aonightnlng team, iiady Palmer aod Flattmsh Maid, It wia a rich treat lo see blm acod along Ibe Inatylddy Woodnifandbervoll. matched mala, I«ntam,on tbo Jaduontreoua rod, or lo wimeaa blm dilre np to Hliam* WoodrulTa abed at tbo Union. The old mare (aho la now twolro ynro old) can boast of a capital Umo record. In her firat race at five years old, Ifara mllos In fbanua, for I3C0P aalle, aho dlatancod lady Suffolk In Smln. 93acc, and tbo ensuing year abo beat tbo ronownod Brown DIok; to wagon. In a rue ot lire heala, Iho best being a dead boat Ink Bhobcat Jake Oakley and Mlllor'e Damsel, In three e^ilgbthoals. In bar- noaa, In'kSP, and repeated bi and bowled dver Ibo former In Ibreo alralgbt beats, to wagon, b) MiX, the aloweat boat being tSia. At aovon yean old aho beat Monnlaln Boy (wbogi Jim Sovloa sent over In Sun MoLangbUn'a care to Eogland to wlu or- (Bything twroro hl^ but ttuongb tiad management aod worao driving, was beaten In Ibo great Qnrpool troUlog lacoby a bono lo wbom be could show bis bcela at any time), tro-mllo hcoli. In bameae; but bor greet pcjfonnanoe vae wbon aba beat Ooo. H. Patchon and Dromi Dick In a race of alx heolnbho first was a dead beat 1>et|ccn bcr and lutcbou. In kSPljImewn ^lok won .the aocond; Falcbcn tbo third; ud Ibo Lady tho fourth, fllib, ud atxtb. Bbo la now going as ftst, if not flater, tbu aba over did, ud tbo last tlmo that a waleb was held over bor, Mt^opklna, of .QrooDpolnt, droS' bor In 9:37 lo bameea..|^o cicmpetltlan for "^"^among Iheeo who love a Cut rold^ano la ^ililn to be and wo j]|gy]0 jjgUieayBli^ u the "^dgsr" nun'a (ftatlBtte fhnds of charity. ' "^f..' tt U thought, Is gaining groimd In popnlar llflnr In the tforthsm JIatea, and orolou^ If condufted with sbUt&oOrr' VbiialllySd JudgmonI, will Oijoy aa oxtoislro a ahaio of publlo pelnmage^ ult did among us Indaysgtoieb^, when the tnrf wta supjurled by stach men aa Ibo Jobnslona, SlopbaaH'Iivlogslona, TojieB^ dlbbonac|Ud other Ibmons man. The Patenon Badng AaabeWion lye^hown a splendid cnmplo of what can tw done tolampVu recnatlonsof Iho turf populuwllh tho people, by UbdRuy hi*1ho offering of puiacs, which Is cerlabi to atbict the beai claasof horaeo; pnnctoahtyln paying ihom whoa won; Im- partlAlltyln deddbigtbcnCud'tbe manlfiatatlonof adeelitito consult 11)0 comtbrt udpleasnrd of theee who attend their meet-' Ingn' Tbla leatoii Bt toait (^>ena Jho ball, Ibeir qirlogmeeting commencing'May lltb, and laattng.aovcn daj^ doling' which fmn/yOoiuaiiddor^nln puraoeanilstakca willbb rnnfir. The' Washington, D. 0. Spibig Meeting eommencte May ITlh, l<slh>g tfvodaya,aiid nnfortunalely conllctlng .with the Et'LonIs Meet- ing, owing to which wrdcbed ud mlstnanagcd axrangcmcnt, Iho j^xospcota of Ibp mosttng aro by no mlans flattering. Owners of llMiopgbtireds will' go wboro ttao'meet money la given lo bo run Sn, ud Iho loTors of tho turf go whan tho beet bonce ran, ud Ifnbest spoitwilncaaed. Iho Patcraon'Spring Hooting la held on Iho 7Uv 8tb, ud Plh of Juno, thus allndlng noiiig men and ncohonca ample Umo .to return from' fit Louis'and bo fit for uotber wcek*a sport The great event of thla meeting la the raco for tbo "Jency Derby," almllar to the flunogs Epeom Derby nco tij- England,' Ibr which thlrly^wo ol the beat Ihtee year old Ihoronghbrcdafai .thecomtiyan enlmd. The conditions are, u Bweepalakea entruoe of %K oaOh, pby or pay, wllh IIPDO addodj' oneudabalf mllo dash, each to cany IPPlba, fllUee and goldln'gi^ aUowedSlba. For thianco Ibo betting haa already been very heavy, acvanl turfinoD having opened "hooka" on It,' and ate Inglkvoiltaa are Kentucky, against wbom ^jp^ji^^la offend! Minnie Minor, Leedstone, and Areola, all sS^|qJ[^3taiold ud the Olorlana colL It Is oipeeted that aoieir^raln or Uleen bones wOl run (Or this alike, ,boIog a larger number than OTcr atutcd before In one race on Iho Amarlcu.tnr£ At Philadelphia, Ih^ Pobit Bnote Park Asaoditlon biTO orgioliada Spripg Ucefc, bg. wbtch^oomihanoaon Ute'Uthof Juno, tidng the week suc- ceeding the FateiecV rsces, ud Issti Ibioo days. Tboy.bavo Issued a capital progrummo, ud from tho admliablo muqer In wl^ tho aaaodatlon have olwaja cendocted Ihdr mocttngs, wo feel aaauxed they will moct with auoccas. BIthcrto tho itccs hare been bold on tho Snflblk Park Tntk, but from bad nunagcment never were aucccssfUL LctuabopeferaliotterBtatoof Iblngeon thebeauHlUl Fobit Breeze Conno. On Long ialud. Captain T. W. Moore, who gave ns two aactUigB laat year, at ono ot which the Jkstest four mllo tlmo on 'ncerd In tbo }loxlh wis made, holds his Spring Dadng Ournlvil on tho Contcrrlllo Couras, on the Slat, 23d and dllb Juno; the whole being under tbo monagenumtof tbo New York Jockey Club.. Ttao Santoga MocUng, which . Jebn Morrlasey eo sqoocaefUlly IniUtatcd laat year, udj^hlch la now "ns^ yi'i'Ttthti'rii l'''•'l'^^11l^"•'^f^^illi^ tm moncts en lha.3d AUgS^ni now nee conno us nab pa^flScd and Uld ont, judgaa and grand alands erected, ud atabUhg Ibr any number of hence bullL Tbla moetlng iirooilaes to be aocond to nonetu tbo North, Jodglng from the energy aod'tlttefaUly.^Ui- which It la managed. ^ Many-aie the hiqidrfcs ttait mo have bad made lo ea itapecting oUJ-IMsea^ttbefrotlbig TUri;" Flora Temple, uhI whether 'shasflWwg^'or^ibo "wv ofanhoraaflah." Laat auipmcr' mb-Wut Iha.ti^d uf the movlncidiavcn tbffi IfeaSanpiAln. Tlila^.|»^tn(ip.wM>lmlal>kr at Uio cUvumstuico o^''WoM.';lg9eh]lulnW. '~' jSipo having been given liML.nuie' of tnf 'UtUo and "gono under." Driving ou^the^p^or day ilcMuuto ace hla uowly ereoted atablca over at Bui 'vo asked him alter the favorite old mare whom bo pUotodlh 'victory. Ho told ua that aho waa si mC. her otrnor's plnco, nearDalllmon, wheroaboleinlsl cum df^Koic, alter her long aod fariumidiut '* Bbo Is In spkndld condlUon, ud sa lUn(nv'ta Ho said her owner was wlDlog to match-hs? Patchon, two races, one and two mllo hesia, to SJtPPor ItOPO a aide each nee. .If IhooM greet bvcrilo with tbo New Tork bor appeuueo ou ttao tur^ abo Ibu^itr evor boon soea'oo A BrenDa EnxaxinoiBrT, of u nnnsnalty pleiahig chaiK- Isr, wu recmtly glvea.'ln the large askwn of the City Aaacmbly Dnildlsg, nd the inaanar In whjth the whole ollklr wu managed ud earrUl out. Is credUiUe to the gonllemon lotorested In It. a nriotf prDgtahuoe was annoimGed, and with but oae*or two ex- coptlons-^d those Owing lo inness—the oSdltlons of the hood .were folfilleA OnsLOf the most respeciible end orderly sasea- blageolhst ever gathered at u mteilalnmont of Iho ktndwfs hi stiondsnoe, ud when wP say that upwards of two Uionaand per- sona ware pnatotj ehd no( a dlsturbuoe of uy Und oeeurrtd, " onr Mends on the. other B]djB^.'^-es they aay of oppononis in Oon- greea—abonM give tho sporting oommnnlly that credit As orderly behavtor which they have hlthszto doiUed them, Qentlsmen who never wHiuaaed public eparrlog befim, wan ddlgbfaid wllh the friendly fautlog, etopplng, and other ladles oxblbUod by "the Poji," ud ainally well plcaacd with tho quiet, and order, ud good nalniewhich prevailed "among Ibo roughs," as tho "respect- able and other'religions pepon " term our pogtUollo Mends. A stranger la as safe at s apanlng eahlblUon ea ho would bo hi any othcrmliedcongregatlon,so]ongubebebavcshlniself; sndthls, * you know, bo bu I4h|P even In church, or ho wlU be banded hU llckot of haavo." ^Ae good result wtalcta atiimilftil ttala entarlaln- monl will bo filt by parties about lo got np alfflllar oihlbltiona, pro.. vlded tho aama rules of order, and the eamo sdhosn pe to the prom- ised performances am obacivcd. Qood order, coiiMeaiy, ud atten- tlmi to the comfort and accommoditftn'hf pitrooa of our sporting uterlalnmonis wDl slwiys bring their own rensrd, ud wetrast Hut cor frhnds win not lose sight of thla fiict In all future ohlbl. Hons, Wnmn dknia a AosnuiL—Instead of eating turkeys, drlnUnghottoddleSbUd such Ukestnff, uwedohoreatCbilst- nus ttmea, tbo "outaldo barbarians" at Australia were enmibig themadr^on Chrlslmaa In boaUoA salllug, atlcndlng,outdoDr ccocerta 4*owcr abows, ud drlnknig aberry cobblen anl^giUit Julepa. Dul o^u^^ omnlng, boys, "wait a lltUo longer," '' On Einmrnoy.-Amonnbo ettnrtlpns oecailonally oIllRCd lo tbo notice of vlslton at the lUrj^'lho thieves who ore caught shalbig from the stalls, udpIOU^iicketa. Tbo word "thief" lsafflicdloach,"swli\|nlser," aiid In that way they are paraded around before ttao assembled thousanda. DnxXAnns.—Qaewhera wo give fnll roporla of 'the milchca ud game* played during past week, Including tbo match for ttao Chimplooablp botwecnueasrs.EeraoaghudTlomu,ud that between Mcaan. Pbclu ud Kannagb. : •» r. NoacE TO Boot in> tmn A junmiaj ^—We should take It is 0 llivor If our Mends would word their adynttliemonla la a n^'' 'quiet" manner 6iu somo an In the habit of doing. If they can- not do this, wo may bo compelled to omit them. - i m thslhrt abo was. IjOeorgo N. for cllher who is such a ense again maka iw s greater attenduco of Long Ialud. Nor if such u ovoni '"^g^^^H'T'/^KsWuiifyiib Mr. McDonald Is wUllog to malcb her agalnat.^atwan^, eo^naaly atlpnlattg that It lOaU bo trotted on th6'Bildm(l(t hiii£''' If, bowerori-iio would 0^ totiot over the UnlMi jOoorao oh Loog Ialud, .which, wo ^eve, la acknowledged lo^ the (aah:8t track Jn Uu ePiintry, wo an autborlUtlToly Informed that Iheliis^ Kew.'^a^'iilsnion would bo ready to Join lasno Ibr u much mweyu the Bsltlaon mlUlonaln may name. Dropping lo Lafiiyetio Hall, t^o other night, that bebig the plaoe whore borsomeu most resort to talk' over the'comlog tnittlng campaign, wo came across Jem Eoff, who It will bp nmiombored waa tho Irtbicr ud driver of,the Callfomli bat'trettlng mm PrbKcoa, wbu eho was first matched against the Utllo bay mare Fl<i|MpDmpIo. Ho gellnfaiBome dUBcully«o,hIs ^bmlbSu FrSSooaomo two ysoia sgo. In conscqnenee of .shooting a dead 1flpl^room, but It qipcan that bo boa mugged to escape Iho codlqnences. Next week we shall giro a fjill report of the openbig tnt ot the aeison on tho Bnlen Oetiiio between Jim MoMann'a Cardinal, Don Maco'a WonlerfUl, Dan'Furar's Ids and Q^es'a Sally Come Up, which comes off on Thoiidoy.'- Tni Kon Lunmo DiixuaD PiaTimi of Amorlea, who com- posed Iho Bmiiyd Congress of 16SS,ara° Iho snbloots sekctcdfor the first page engnvlng of the OinTta, fOr lis flnt voyage hi lis jtweUthyeir, Itlsooplodtlomtmostbeautlfiil^eiocatod Ulta> ihrocnntlypubllabed by Mcaan. Phebn k Collondor, Iho Ik. moua bOUard libl&puufMi)ren; ud iHtWndly gave Ibelt pcr- mloalon (Or Its oaoby ua. no lllbognpba on fi>r aale at tbo n- ilons loadhig billiard aaloons, we boUovc, at tl per copy. Meuiktdbs niov Looiour Moonim.-a M. Johnston, who haabecndolng tho oonnby goodsorvloo at Mlaslen lUdgo and Lookout^eutahi, Is hen on a abort Airloogb. Ho bnnght ua aovotal lliils nomutoes of tbobattlo ground on Lookout Mountilo, a pipe, cue, book, etc, made tnta laurel growing on the tdaco where the "battle above the doods" wm IboghL Ihsy were sent to us by Maj, W.' B. Uwreneo^ ot Otn. Bcoher'a stiff: Muy thuka to both gonllemon. Wbo Tnannn Enil-Wo hoar that NoU Bryant, Ohrls. OoniMr, ud Jhn Hecnu put' Eavonagb ihroagh a aeHea of "physkal eierdsee" fin hie bmiardmaleh with Ilomann. Dudley Is ssid to have taku to his beef steskuUsdlyss snymu they era knew. Wo presume ho .took jtistlis Idndly to the stake he won on the matoh, Tho three tntaien above named m "goPdptevUm," ud like lo see a mu eat well, and hi thlaieQeot Ear.lsasldio .hare given them petlecl ssUstiotton. 'BoiT Bacdo n lbs Navt.— Wo are gUd In noUco that mu* Jolly Jack Saie, when ndt'acUvely engaged In thtlr hard work for Uncle Sam, make tho tlmopaaa pleasantly In filondly rivalry vrttta tho ears, ud of lata qnllo^nnmborof oiddng boat raoM have taken plioo among Ibonu 'The Ibllowlng socount of some ....^ which roeuUy took place between the ciews of eeveral Mon- jl''^ Itors, off Port Boyal, Bonlta Carellns, are sent In. by a oerrcapond. ul, "Tnrrctt," wbo dates bis commusdeaUon as fbllowsi D,&MoxnonII Iiiwi llimi, Wrt" Blbn3,''ieci. . ^^■s'OiiiBI KBawln<f.Tanr paper la dovolM to nllklndiof nott IsendyonadeeolilBon of a bw.cxdtlog boat noes we bavo nad down ben. Tbo United States Mmllon OaUaklll, Fat-, aalo and Naflut eomo down hen to repair boQcza, ud tbo rcspcc* UToaewatbongbtliaflood tlnio to see wbo were "^e Uunkcy * Bevi" In the botta. Wo first had a loea'Wltbapalrorscnllg.ln ' tboNahut's dlndo, against-tlmo—a onO mllo-race Ktwccn a MUchell and W. Darlaen, for a putse of Utj dollars. Mitchell wonbybalfamlnulo—tjme, asPmlnntcs Tho next wu bo- tweuonrtwocutton; oocb to paH alx ears, Ibo eomo dlituco, forapnieoofonohundivdondlUlydollMa. Our Prat colter von by aDoafalengtb IboAaaalc boys acnt tua cbilloDco lo pull Ibdr outter a three uillo nco Ibr ono hundred dolbra a eldr wblch waa gladly aqcoptcd. You wonld ban (bought It a llnmlll and Ward allat^inagrr were tho mu lo strive for the champion- ahlp. Ibobowjitregot in on dock, ud acraiwd; oan were pLalDCd dowu, unamy were the opinions formed of each boat UaD, afleraUlttinUmlBaryarnngemonts bad been made, the oo^ts were placed In poaltloii, ond directed topulluonnd tliuborfc Iiniisldes, ooontomlle ud a half OlatuL Wo were la^g hi ron Crcok, about half a mllo from tbo entrance, when thi word given. Tbo Poaaalo led off on a apart, but II wu plain lo bo aeen that they could uot keep up that heed of itcam; tha led un- til they reaebcU tbo turning post, wbon tho NabantegalucUaUibQr hadloaL Tlie Paisate again took ttao lead, ud at tbo menlbor the Crtek tho Paaaalo wu threo fnll lengths ahead, but witubel- lowsatwork, Tbo Nolunta were slowly lod surely golnbiMnd whenwllhlnone hundred ond flf^ yards were bow udnow. Here Ibo eidlement was tremendous; all wqrk waa auaptaled, tho rlggtOB wu full of men, oipa wen Ibrawn up, ud cheer after cheer greeted tbo boata u tbey passed ths different vessels la the Creek, Tbo Fasaalcs did not feel IncUoed to let our boat pais, ud they fouled tho Nabuls agobiat Ibo side of Ibo United •itea ptMnierCUidrill, aadwo-hadto 'ball our iltuboanl'.^8:^t It did them no good, for we cuio In linlt a length abcad,.owiDs to thoikUloronr Coxswain, u old nlilte noJIlxMt puller... JTTllio United Blatea stnnii<r Caiakin then ckoUenccd the Kabuclo null tbom a tbmi mllo nco In Ibdr pontooni. They an twAy-two fwtlongudelglitcu Indies bi dluictcr—four of Ibci^luhed together. Tho Calaklll was two feet lougcr than oun,WCd vo wen to pull four eon cecb, aud to bavo a Ceiairaln, Ir\\.u a comlo auair; but tbo purso wu worth pulling for, «j(xi Tills waa thought to bo a teat of bottom In tbo meu. Hrybody down bore that beard of tbo affair waa anxious to aco l^Tullois Gsmo fivm Beaufort uil Hilton llead to aco ud olUclac. Ono of tho cnptalns gave tbo word, ud off thoy wut, tho Nolumt losding (ram the start, ud kcepbig Iho leaA Tlio OabiklllHiineared to pull boavy-i4a keep bor bead under tbo water-udln puUIns ono milt It was easily aeeu that thoy bad no sbotr. 'Chi^ Coiamln, be- big aware of Ibo Ud, balledM&ponloon, ond aakcd, bi a loklng my, for a tow, Tbo NabMdnHra dcehuod tbo wlnnon amid the cheers of Iho Oalsldlland^pP™' " ~ »~ ""™" 'ES.Y. THE SEASON OP IMI. Sl"^, ^i??-""" "> hear tbo comments of Iho SJfJ?"iJ!l,ftSteJ^S "^i'"""?*" Ibe proapcds™™ oeomlog aeaio.ijbcleh^ forth like Ibe cnuka of a pawl of buIlCroja on a worm Spring day. But Uko th^wludy cmSoia o}lS?"«nd iiuSSu tou-dliC JbSf Uredoflbosainfcmoutfeipooiuraol thdr wLdica and uotot ^!SSkf ' """oert"! sceaon for ISPl aieToro .fcvorebloUian IboodV uy aoason staicc ISO), at wuS lEno ■« .buUy^K«o^" wi.,nln«d b. Ill0.*»)j;y.,^i;r^'=».,"3'lto son, prefaably tiiu um uioy nare yet prci docs, such names as Brewn. aoldlc, Vanaliv^h Mol^ Campbell, MeSw«ny, aid bSl 'a dSJ? now , Tbo Ootham Oub, too, bavo roorgulitd IbeIr nlno >k,i .in Thoy Btlll reldn tboso ablo nlavm bJS™ T?,^^2r^Jy Slokem, Harry WrigbtTwoUUiB, IjSua. '^^^ b«o bcald^con^fo S( cbJS?; mu tJuSThJa ta'S.^ Tho Empires lulend condng oot strong this year, with a vin nr wbuHng badiBomeof tho Iropblea Ibw tort Tart aSioiJ ThJK most of Ibdr ddpbyore. with u addlSS of^Sii'X'i?!* Tlio Eagtoa an going In fbr fun thla year, ud with a view or Sisr^o&tsst^^^^^^^^ KJuWJe'Si"^'" '""^"druTuW.iK Wo are glad to loam'that tho old Knlekerbocken mn, ^t„„ i« roTlvo th.o dub, ud endeavor to brin?lt5?tol£?0eiS S^LiS ^.^HV'T'L'^Jfi thsy iSre dot&mbSd to l3uJ?SS2 younojnd aettn blood Into Ibdr vdna bySSBln •oSS^.^SilS idayeSaofnotaJ.Had they done thta aB SSfih^3^j^ Uo been «^-in ihS«r of Ibdr ^^^l^ugiZ'^ wJ?iS«^n'hSI!5!iaSSL'5^,« WP"'thloouiilri'. . jfho Eokliird and nesoluto dobs havo been to a atsfaiat nnefi.' tatoty to ngwl to Ibe BTOuda thoy ore to^lStaluiS^ ™^'n?„"" '"PIS" of the Uilu nSta bilTX5tuJ?tho moundtotoueqnoetriufioU, Woangladtolamlhata ^i'is^'^'^'Xii^ ^"« The Eoystonoa, too, of lbs ~ ' in ibo race, ud ~'~ " ' Ihs field, vroi.^ 'i'^BieAtlanllo ud fiL. P |SyjM Dwn In the aunilsof their llet^' of iho year. tm'i^.Sii'iKS"'**^*"'!'' •Wfftag to take ahsnd wlIIniikaUielrmsik,no4onhCheIbn the.oloo .SiSi£lf^ E£f presjsots.'are very lavoiaUo for lRJ^!52™""*».1*r"V"'«nd,ss nsnsL tho little Ouprtn 1121525 KMi «he cargo of m2^ that irStobo prepsndibrthe msikototlSM. . ' ™ •miu i™ Boat IlUB iitna nm Suoa^-Our Jaok dohur Uoehade 2?S'.,!?i'*J?'Sound, OA, on board the U, a OnnbitBton uftoine uAn^TW a six-mile nee (Or (MOalSto mlho nsan), M^boTba^n^^ by twelve oariSSn udroni- tniD,.whki^^lIU^l'i boat's vew won hutett^ ■ .