New York Clipper (Apr 1864)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 8 THE SANTTABS FAm BILUAIID I%>Uia(AMEMT. Ttao fliWHl bOlUnl tounamoDt ftmoog tho loadloff pnfoialonil '^MdaA tlio UiiltodUiUa, for Ui« bonoAtot Uu Htnlbn Fair, vaihelilitlrTbigUaatoB.ttiii afteraoon tail oTsnlogot UuOUi huL IbaRTOilaiuicMawlilolitttMidoil Un Kmraamoat hold In iM( cllj U" auminer, naiiaalal la tho reapootod ox-Obunplon, Ur Mlidiw'l FlicJaD, Ilia idoa of ninoUiig II, aod doiutlog Uio en- lira pnKoada to tlio fooda of Ibo Sasllan Commlaiiloii, oiudiis In a Dructlol form tlio irmnaUiy of tbo' UllUrd proroaalonau of thla onml/T wllb tho ratrloUo ud pralio-vorthy objoola of UiU nolilii iMOolatloii* From otoit arttat of uolo, ho xcoalTod alsunaooe of v^rtT ca^oonUon, and wo nfiiot thai Qnltomoan canon alODO i)ravoiitAlM09wa.S<onllor and Folo^tlrom bduvtcacnL Tbn fonncr had Uao nilafortunelo luvo hit piano of roaldcuco dcotiojcd br flro ihortly bcroro, nhUo tlio unoxpoctod doalh of Foloj's buil- soaa lartner jirovonlad hla anHdpatod atlondwco. Tha playora «ho took paiflb Uio lounumotit won Uoaan. D«iy, of WaahlOK- tm; Tloman, of ClocluDidi Urd, of PhlladoliihLi; and Phouo, Bannoiili, Ooldthinlto, Foaur, Cahlll and laaooro, of Now York. LonU Fox, of llochoator, waa unablo to ptaj In conaoqnonco of a fpnluod nTial, which bu luoapaollatod bfm from playing (oraooio molu ivat. . TluoallwiuflllodQpaaoDooeDaloaaof proTlouaiiiBtc]i06,witli aula rialog anpbl-thoalrladly aboro ooota olhfeaioimd Iho hall. In tho cootro' apoco waa tho taUo, an clogant block wahiul four soAot Slsndird Amorlcan, of Pholan and CoUondor'a manufu- Gn. Tho Uckott ofadmlaalan won ono dollar to ooob mm of tho aflomooD and jvoolng, ■ Tho lournamanlehsmoncod with a malcb bolwoou OoUtlinalU) aod DcoiTi ^ F^lnbi on, cuooia, Mr, Ohtla. Dlrd acting aa urn- pin. TborannoraoomodontorplB7,andI>ooiT«ostaiMadvrlUi -fii-miTiK npklil7, noialng tho balla In hla iianal ortlatia and offco- dn> itjlo. Ho turaod hla llnl IM alxtgr-two polDts aboid, and on tho acooDdbundiod bid laoioaaodhlahadlM points. Hoto,how- ovor, ho fen off In bla iil»; and "tho boj," atltllng down lo hla work, wontrcaolQlolyla to wlji,whlchhodldb7 3t potati,aeorlng V ISO lo hla oppononf a Uff, Tho following la tlu aeon:— OOLDTHWAITlL OiitOcmLTolaL 1., a 1.. «.,.. U 3.. 0,„.. 14 4,. 91..., 33 «.. 28.... eo C. 0,,,, M • Safomlas. deeht. CounLTotaL 31.... 31 U «,„, W »,,., 100 103. 0.,n-9W OOLDIBWAirC ShoLOml.Tolat. 7,. 04..,,10) e., 35,,,,191 0,, 40.,,,-J35 10., 0....33S II.. 2..,,337 U,, 14,.,,291 DonT. CoMiU. Tclal 3.... 911 0.... 911 21..,. 923 1*,, 934 B.,,, 239 \Tlonor'a avongo 20,11 ont^^hcal run, 04. Veafa higtacat Vns, 103. ifflW i, f Tbo Bocond garao was iMtvntajllOMn Bird of PhUaddplila, and I Jaadon Gajiaud, 2d pdnta up, I^oncb thrco boll caioiiui, Al* ') thouflb tMa la Isoulon'a fovorito gamo, ho Bcomcd to bo oomplclcly ^ out of pU7 on Uila o<xuk>D, and Bird, who played admlnUjr, won rlOpoUita. Thoaoon:— U 0030313110)11001—2S m OOOOOOOIOaOOIMO- 7 g third gamo waa bctn'con Mnan. KaTUiogh and Foilcr, EOO nii4 up. caroma. Tho former did not acorn IncUiipd to put forth »nal atroogtb, and Foster, plAjiug In ezcollont atylo, prored tho "rbv 123 pdnla. Wo glvo tho aeon:- faan& \'rf». OmhL Mai 4 1,, 1.... 8 i~T 9., »,... 04 S--S('i3:;-,3«;.., w "Ai '4..-'0;... 7U KATAMAOH, CDua/, TclaL 1,. 0.. 17.. 17.. M.. 0.. «.. S.. 3.. 0.. C. (.. 10., 0., 3J,. 31. II 7 . 14 . 41 . 01 . 01 . 07 .109 ,10J» ,106 .111 .110 .120 .1.19 .157 IDS . lUonil pocket of o\ni iHoul nuM. a\'ongo, 93—14 oror. jVb. CounL Tolat. 17., 19....109 16.. o..,.iao 19,, a....977 90., 0....977 11.. 10....193 99.. 50....343 23„ CO,..,300 94„. 11...-.m 26.J19.. M.,' 3,. 97., 9,, 98,. U... 9I>.,'0,. 90.. «., 31.. 14,,..480 39,, 99,.,.(03 MIL t Salt) mlaa. ..411* ,.4U ,.410* ,.401 .'.4C1 ..4M i Safe pocket nigboat nm, 90. Loeor'a kljli- pamo waa between Ucaan. Pholan and.Eavnnagh, 100' taionu; tho puali shot baircd, Tho .fomior non by 43 0, 0, 9,14, S, It, 9, 3, 45, 3-total, 100 lib 0, 0, 0, 10, 20, 3,10. 9, 0, 0—tobl, 58 ' _/Thb Evcmta'w TOoonat commoiicad xvlth a gamo between ■^aiB. Qihlll ond Dlrd, 300 up arouud Uio table. Ibo play waa yay lodllTcnnt on both aldea^ CohlU'a hlgljost nina liolog 40,35, , ap, 29, and DIrd'a U), 25,31,91; tho former won by 00 poluta. Ar- , anjio, 0—13 over. .. Tbo nozt f^o, botwoon Measi& Pbolon and Tieman. 800 up, ^^^aionio, oxdlvd uimaual lutcrcat TIonuiD conmiouecd In duo kylog nia^^nlflconUy, and making 40 on hla first ead 107 on pd soiint, whoii bo oaaod up, and beyond a nm of 74, did "'HLher worthy of apodal noUcc. Ue^ howorer, won tho 1 polnla. wo glvo tbo score; CouHl. Tbiat. 40.... 40 107....ISO 4....100 2....101 • 2....101 0....1T3' jVo. Coiinf, Tclttl. 23.. 51....150 24.. J...,239 23.. 3,...309 10.. 0....209 27.. ll...,«3 28.. 19....2851 29.. 3., SO.. 3., 31.; 0., 17.. 9.. S.. 12.. 98.. 5.. 3i., 0.., 15... 7.. 3... 7.. 0.. 32. 33.. 34.. 35.. 30.. 37.. M.. m.. 10.. 41,. 43.. 43., 44.. baU. .291 ..907 ..314 .310 ,.321 ..333 ..359 ..304 ,.3«:f .307 ,.382t ..3!l9 .309 .399 .330 tBafojnlaa. * DnlnlcnUonol pocket of own \Vlnncr*a aTongo, 11—17 over, Ulijhcfit mo, 107. Tho thlnl and concUldUia fiauio waa betwcoo Moosrs. Kavinagti and (Soklthwolt, 200 pulnla, coioois. In thla contest, Kamiijib give, a Ono display of hla wonderful akUL running coniplotcly away from Ua opponent,' and whining byl49polola, Tbo aoon OOLDTBWAfr. A'o. OowU. TotoL ]., 0,... 0 9.. 3.... 3 3.. 0....I3 4.. 0....18 lUTANAOn. CiMin/. TUaL 19...V1J 38.... 00 97....147 9....119 OOLDTnWAIT. iVo. Cbuit;. TotaL B.. o..,.ia 0.. 20....44 7.. 0....H 17....01 Winner's average,'25. Hlghosl hiu, 07. uruAOU. Voml. TUaL 14....103 U....i;8 1)....I87 13....20U THE OBEAT uTT.i.npn JUTCU FOB TIIE OlIAJIFIONglllP, UErnzsH SBDLEY KiVVASAOlI AKD PITTT.T? TIEUA^r. ExTiHiou snu, CiLuino:* or Asizjuca, An Inmenaoconcoiino of people aasorablcd at Irving Uall, on tho ovonlug of April 7, to ^vitucis the lusmgo at 6uea petwcon Dudley Karanaili, of Voa- York, and PhUlp TIcmau, of OhiduiniU, for fl.OOO and iho sccpin of Uio kingdom of tilIUiid«Mho gold mounted ouc—1,600 poluta np, coroma, sa ono: of nalao'-A uol- bndcc's stiudard fonrpockot laUsa, lUa waatbaseomdef Iho pnsent sorlet of mitcha (Jsmd nndar Iho ngulat^na ^<4M ta; allthoUUIardmagnatca oMIia laad, la'<UM«a uoomblod/ln thla oily 111 Jane, 1903, by wUahaU ••«<haa Ibr the i^ptai|Ajp of America wooin Mttso !»>• gOToniod, and • lOr wWob Kem Pholan & <n«n««s«i iiiinmisilaaoldmoanloJoof, tobodofonded by tho tfrPI'^ 'TT '^H*""* ooman (Or Uirco ymtn bcfon It should baooad!bvpnpe*^, "to have and to holil, X;c.." iieruia- ouullj. DwilwfwsniiijiTi Mniml tho trophy alter a tiylng or. ,V dastfllfiiMiZug^obiiuambTa lo Uio touruameut of Juue, 1803. f ioblSonitA ot'lMMtTwaa Uio drat to "shy In bis aslor," [V.>ttinB 'VidtaeA In tbo nco." Philip TIcmsu then thnw ^ downUto'nanllot, tho'xcanlt of which we hen proiioso lo tell. Fanetnuly at tbo tlmo aorocd upon, 8 P. M„ eufoivd Uio oicno, . TUman fliaf, Kax'nnagb following linid upon, when both of Ihom ' wen moat hearUIr cheered by uio "bonso Ibll;" wo cannot give ^' .thO'flvuca, but tnoeowho know tho utmost eaiwdtyof Irnng HsO hnowjoat bow many than wen present to guo opou tho cuo-rloua display, Wbon "order rolgnod In Wamw," the'toralor ofUioovenlng,"wo*dou't know bla name^ polltaly ivqnostod tho peotiletoictabi from applause, a> It disconcerted Ibe pkiyen, and to oboervo decorum, particularly towarda the Champion of tho ^Tort, Mr, Ilcnian,aa Uwas In oreiyaonao of tho word a fHoodlr malob. Onstrlogtogforlead, Itwasdlacorondtbattholablownaoutof ine, owing lo Uia weight of tho many apoolatota on tho sprlna ^ floor. Tbat diOlcollT ovor, Tloman "laid off down tho table,' \aiid Ravanagb bad tho fliat shot, bnt failed to count To fol* low the gomo thniiali, allot by shot, la not .noocsflaiy. aa we have appended an olabonlo table of counia wnleta "ho woo mna moy resd," and glean ovoiy InformaUou from, <*on Uiat scoro," Almost au ibe May up to turn 38, the ClaolnDallao had things about 08 bo liked Ibem, and, by runs of 77, 58,08, AT, and othbn of lesnr nolo, got 210 nobila In advance, thus maloilaUy rodudiig' the odda of %W> to t4M offered by Noll Bnaatbn Xannsgb, and taken, Kannagli, during thla time, played badly, and had wono luck, poekcHng nls bsll uobilonUoiially no leas -than nine times. At his 80tb hun, howovor, by some magnllleont akoii, and adnltljr nuning Uie baUa, bo inado Ac Affteif oniiif fn On malA, Tit., U3, which garo tlu gsmo a men favorablo aspect Ibr Urn, and cauaed the ooontonadcos of hla Mends to brlghton np liko lunahloo after . an April abovor, Ftom thla point lo tbo doso of Uio game, that fickle (Omalo, Ulaflntuno, waltod on tho Cincinnati baro^Inatead of ' Kew York's leproscuUUve, ssd, do what ho would or ooold, and in epilo of bla really atoady lottfpldl^, ooohusi of calonlaUon and brilllast eiceuUon, net a rnn did .OO' mikit IIT- that of 83 at hIaOlUi tunM-orcr 48, and veryfowor JO,.'It la well known that such figuny on by no means tho moinn of Bdr. Tieman'a capacity; Imt Vdioy roroal, bi a very piolalnent manner, " that gtorlona ancalalnty " lu bUUards ofun stliibulea Is cricket, bnt which CTldenUy doce not belong to It oxoluslToly, Eannagb, aabedosod np ttao asp between thou, played men and mon akUfnlly, and, at bla 77111 tun, mado a run of Juat 100, whon ho abrupt^ tanke off br making a mtahono. Ho tuhicd tooOipolnla at twelve Cclook, ahead of hla opponent, ana lUn Itwasaetdownuaforogonooonolaslonbyhla mends that Kav- uiagb wonldwin I Indeed, hohas the npulsUan ol losorvlng hla tone nnU tin latter part of the gamo, whon ho la snnslmostto OToiiake nla sdrsmiy aboidd bobavo one fortunato eoou|b lo lead Uffl. He haa won loott of bla malcbo* bi Uiat way, tho most notable ono being whon bo nn 117 In bla malohstDolnlt at tbo llmeof Uie noal Fbelan4oonllar set-to. Betting towards Uio cloao ' of t£e gune ws& u might bo mspoaod, aU In Ikvor of Kar- uogta, and, as esob suopeaatve 100 pobila wen turned, Uio odds on hjm Ineresaed, MtU, at li45 A. M., on tho 8Ui toatThe mide Uio ■ 3?™'^ J**!. •'I'"scouring to UmscK (Or Iho time bobig, tiionrandUUe of "Championof Aaorloa," Uio goU-mountod cn£ yfl Makes, bcsldoa trapsfaniag thanby some Uionsandsc} doUin tai bola bm Uib bands or the tamnMur boldon' Into Uio VMAets of his Mends, who, as might lu&talij be oipoded, sn highly JobUsnt ovor his Ttdorr. TMmall;ietikUsdaratmoathe- nioslly and phUosopbleoIly, but told lu Uiat ho waa nady to ntar "any othir man" Ibr the aano amonni on tbk next dusto IbMw* ahsU not bo sninrlaod U oooe again, and u soon utiaOB:"iinder ,tho mlea of Uio hotts^" be oaUn tho lists fbr another Sjuio' lbs obamplonahip. Theprssontmatch waa not kbtHlUnliMinlM otrlolost ionso, the avongo being oonaldenbly ItastuEUt tad wH aomowhit lodloua to look upon, s4 the manr smaU ' akUl; ndUier nan glvtaig mora than two or tlimo eihlblUona of that stylo of plsj, Then won a gnat iiany straugen ki Now York preeont at tbo molcb, who wen ovIdenUy doUghbd with Uio display, Tbon wen also s number of nolay people who had mon lunge than brataia, and did not know enough to keep oulot, al- though exhorted eo to do ftoqncnUy by Mr, Fhelan and othon. (Ion. McCIeDan waa lo havo lioon pnsont, but we didn't see bim. Fooantarlly, Cho slEilr wos a groat sucoeas, and as tho iiroccodii, of, tor piybis exponsea, an lo bo divided botweon winner and losor, Phjicnd l>hirwlU liavo ample means to pay bis fMgbtbock to Forkopolla, Br 9, A, K, Irving HsB was desortod, and cnwda flocked to Ohns Connor'a for "gnoorlos," and to absko bauds wllh the losor, who nbUuod that guod'humond amllo on bla cuun* tonanco (Or whloh bo la noted, oil Umsgb Iho aiuoezlng ordeal; oUicrs nude a desoout upon the Champion at bis rooms, corner of Tenth stroot and Broadway, and congnluloted him npon his mic- ccas, In which wo Joined, and "ainUod and smiled again, niy bon- nle luslo." nio ebore onnoiy nvlow contains about all "tbo Items of iDtoreoi" connedod with the set-lo, saving tbo flgnrcs as niada which, however, will bo Ibnnd In tho tablo hereunto ou- noxcd:— KAT.INAOD, Ko. CmmL TotaL I 2. 3, 4. 0.. 0, 7, 8.. 36 9.. 42 10.. 0 U.. 5; 19.. 7; 13.. 7 14., C 15,. 91 10,, 0' 17.. 18,, 10., 20.. 21,, 0 0 3 1 '•t . 31 0 0 0 3 4 ,,. 11 ,,, 41 ... 49 ... 77 ...119 ,,,110 ,..m ...ill ,,.138 143 mUAN. OotiiU. Total. 9 3 . St.,,, S 0»..,, 6 13 ill:;::'" .116 4t ' .154 ^ J9.-,\2». 29., ■. Tt. It,, 0*. 35,, n. 98„ 0 27,, 10 98„ 0 U. 49.. 38 . 43.. 10 . 44.. 4t 45,. 20 4«.. 4 CI.. 19 08.. 0 59.. G 194 157 167 167 .150 m ,ico ...let ,^,1«9 ...119 ...179 .,,179 ,.,119 ..,IT9 ,.,119 ,.,193 ...301 ...921 ...324 ,,.994 . .,.249 ,,.401 ...401 ...443 .,,481 ...497 ...501 .,.530 ...684 ...540 ...661 ...037 ...017 ...007 ,.,C91 ...C08 ...712 ...734 ...747 ...TM ...7ce .789' 10 10 00 ..109 ..1C3 ..104 ..167 ..173 ..199 9 ..,.194 9 ....lOfl I-....197 3 ,,,.200 St....903 19 ....979 0 ....979 9-..,,974 309 ...,400 ....403 ....403 ,„,40O ..,,463 ....4e6 ,...471 ..,.415 ,.,,4;5 ,,,,488 ...,488 ....491 ,,.,494 ....498 ....603 ,...6W .,..639 ....633 ..,.661 ;,,,638 3 ,,,,101 2*.,..6C3 ,.679 ..616 679 7 6 4 S Ot. 1«. 6 . 3 . 10 . 10 . 5 . 3 . 5 . 2 ..684 .,,684 ,,686 ..m ,.699 ..508 ..618 ..C93 ..620 ..031 .033 KAVAMAOn. iVo. Oounl, Total, CO., . 3 . 01.. 3 . 01.. 31. 03.. :ilt. U.. 25 03. 06 87. 08 09 70.. 71.. 79.. 73.. 74.. 16,, 18,. 17, 18. 19.. 80.. 81., 89.. 83.. 84.. 86.. 80.. 87.. 88.. 89:. 90.. 91.. 99.. 93.. ,94.. '96.. 90.. 0 .. 17 .. 0 .. 10 ., 0 .. 8 .. 1 .. 18t.. 0 .. 91 .. 0 ,. 6 ,. 100 , 5 . 0 .,,,1044 16 ,.,,1069 3*,...1009 784 . 787 TOO 829 817 817 . 804 . 804 . 881 , 889 , 885 , 880 , 904 , 904 . 02S , 934 . 939 .1039 .1044 TIGUAir. Forfcltuns.—* Ono for a mlsa. 9 94t. -St. 9 . lot. 99.. 11. 101 101,, 88 im,^,'lU IOi„ 14 106,,'49 io(r.._o 107, ,#5 108,, 9 109,, nor, iu„' ui., 113., Hi.. 116.. lie.. 117.. 11 118.. 91 ,1131 ...1134 ,,,1141 ,,,1143 ...1161 ...1166 ,..U71 .,,1110 .,,123311 I .,,,1234 9 .'...1130 ..17M ..Ilia ..1965 ..I3«S ..1984 ..1980 ;jw....l309 -3 ....1312 ,.1360 ..1301 ,,1876 ' ,,1417 ,,1417 I ,,1413 ..1431 ..1437 ..1440 ..1419 ..1491 ..1151 ..1450 ..1400 ..I40T ..1410 1000 0 . ^91. Ut. 2 , ■ 01. 5 . 4 .. 1 .. ... (OS ... 041 .,, C14 ... ooo ... 009 ... TI3 ... sua ... 819 .,, 814 ,., 810 .., 830 .,, 836 .f. 851 .,, MO ,.. 900 ... 900 ,., 916 ,.. 917 ... 917 ... 934 ... 935 ... 991 ...vni ...1031 ...1011 ...1011 ...1039 ...U53 ...1091 ...1054 ...1054 ...loco ...10C7 ...ino .^1010 ...1015 ...1103 ...1110 ,,.1119 ...1113 .,,1130 ,,,1133 ,,.1133 ...U33 ,..1139 ...11(5 ...1174 ...1183, ,,,1191 ...1291 ...1108 ,..1110 ,,,11<3 ...1148 a ....1260 4 ....1264 11 ....1309 5 0 . 0 . 0 . 40 . 5 . 18 . 93 . 0 . 9 . 2», 14 , 0 , 17 . 43t. 0 . 0 , 15 , 3 . 0 . lit. 1». 30 . Ot. 0 . if: 14 . 1 , 0 , 0 , 13 . 1 . 3 . ■ 0-. 6 . 28 . 13 . 3». 0 . 6 , 3t. 0 . 0 , e. 9S . e. 9 . 8 . 11. 0 . St. t Two for Kolua In. tbo pocket off the wlillo boll, t Thrco fbr pocket off a rod bolL Uiuplra—For Dudley Kavniiatfli, Mr. Chris. O'Connor, of N. Y. " For Philip Tloman, Mr. May, of 'i'onmto. Boreroc.—Mr. Ilalpb vif^ij«miw, THE BILUAltD MATCH FOB TTCE WOBKCiO WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION, UETWISH DBDLLV KAVANAOn, TBE Cbasipio!), A>-D • JUCUAEI, PBELAN, nm ES COAUnos. Tbo attendance on Friday craning, the fltb Inst, at Irving Hall, lo wllnoas tho match or LOW iwluls up, eanms, puab shots boned (the proceeds lo go Into the trensuiy or the obovo named sssocla- Uen, and tbo Imor lo donate SlOO to Utc Sanitary ConmiLulon), between Uio Champion and ox-Cbamplon, was not one rourib ae numcnus aa at the Kavanagh-Tlooian act-to. At Uila wo wen sstonlsbcd, bccanso wo folt sun that It woidd bo a most Interest- ing bout; snd Ibe result showed Uiat our Jndgment wna not at lault Moreover, we hoped fbr a larger attendance, booiiuo of tbo cause Iho odmkslon foes wen to,be donated lo; snd wo bono that tbo sum received Ibr tickets wOl be brgcly sddcd to by suoserto. Uou, for tho working women sn our best women, and their effons to amcUonio tbdr own condition should bo heartily seconded. But to tho match. Some Uttlo Uno waa again occupied in adJus^ log tbo Ublc, snd Iho oamo oxhortaUons uttered In rogard to sp- nlauae, etc At about 8:16 P. M., plov bojan by "startnging for lead," romlUng hi Pbelan nuking tho ftret attcnpMo count In tbo ttrsl UoirKlozen turne at tho cue, Kavanagh toolVbe laid, but at Ibe tanUi, br a pnity ran of 46, Pholan showed In front, and the gomo stood seranty-alx ogslnst sixly-one. At tho slxtcontb ho again spread himself In soiiio socio shots of sbiilllant descripUon, for which 60 pobits wen ciedltou lo blm; and ot tho 28lh turn H was ditto roncalod with a ran or 60. which placed the old war borso Juat 100 polots ahead. Kavanscb, somouow or oUior, did not seem "lo got the bang of It," and eoiiio of hla lieat ufforts wen marred by kiascs aud mlasca. Tbo blr married and misses of ibu Fair Coniroltteowlll probably mskouplo blm forthoeo Idsscswhon bo bands In tho $100. Photon, on tho ottior-luiid, kept "forging ahead," and at tho Old turn was two hundred in advance. Ever)'* body now scciucd to toko It as s moral certainly tbat "Tbo t'other of tuc Gamo" waa to win; apporcoUy forgetUug Kavanogb's qiecd on Uio homo stieteb. To bo sun, biscirorlo on tbo pru%-iono ulubt and tho couacquont cxcltcmoDt and lato hoiin bad taken tho steel out of him; but prcscoily honuscd up, ond gndnally approached the figures of bla oxiiericoeod opinnout, who gave blm eomo bard nuts to crock In the way of "safely ploya" Alter tninlug tlio sovenUi hundred, look soomcd to act lu against tho votcnin, as lo ovor twonty niraa at ttao ouo bo only soorcd 03 poLnta. liodJoy iravoiiagb, nowow, kept goliiij In lo win, iintJI at Uio llltb turn bo passed Pbelon by a nm of *J8, when It lacked 20 minutca 0(19, WonocdhsrdlyBay thattbopTOBicBMof Ibo game was fiiomUila timeout, watoodwUtathe most bnaUilcss suaponao, and each man oxerclBcd tho most oonsummato Judgment and skUl In try- ing lo count hlmsclC sndpnvant his Qd\-orsary from doing Uio samo tLIng^ At tho one hundred aud alxtecnth tnni, whon Kavsnajh md but 34 polnla lo go, ItBooractl almost a ctrbin thhiii that Ravanagh most win, butln rjuldiig a iirclty recoU shot, which would have left Uio balls well logetlior at llie lop loft bond comer intkct, bis <mn nnlbrtimstoly went In, and, ns wo beUoT& aooichcil victory from bis grasp. AnoUior nund O apiece, md- Phohoi ;TOt tlicio Just wbero bo wantbd tbsm; and, by a scrlc^'of aUBfti] shots and "Jir'tfTr"--'" iitattflssaos.i*o49p(nnts, wblcfa, atflvambiuteathls.Bldtt'of jiiJotebt,gavo blm tbo aamo with twp to span'-^TMm'lxi'o »1tb whloh ho ins'grsslsil upon '^tshdlmg, and ovorybody seamed dmlgbted with ^'^^ a-tbat they nsdwitnessed. Tboaver- jmo any runs of ;a <*cOnturv" apiece; t tbat 60 points on os dlQlcult to looko ~ 0 Qltb. rLot those who differ with .TIio votorsn \ic\of allowed 'In _in4luu not yet lost tts cunning, dt IjlUlards bi hardly worUi kuow- ~ of tbo pntUest shots mado I to, OS figures have the roputo m toU tho truth of tho sloiy, UTAHAOD, mat, COunL Total. Uio snpotloilty aUalnad from oonUntitl nao ot Mr, S, D. Kohoo'a colcbralod Inimii dubo. The Billiard Champion Is a firm boUovcr In dubo for proparbig a man fbr feata ot oodunuce, uud bo la loud In his prnlso, (Inst too from pracUcal oxperieiice,) or Uio wondurfiil beueots lo bo doiivod from Ino use of tnom, filr, Kehoo an sui»- ply evcrj-lblng in the dub, dumb-boU or gymnssllc line, lu sIujiKi union or by Uio groes, Psillos wtahlng anytblug In bla lino abuuld drtnUm a lino In can ot Uio N, Y. Ciirrcu; or, at 11 Walbi street, Now York. Toz Tdub Ball Fusxcb Oau— On Iho aflomoon of tbo 8lh Inat, Msssrs, Bialslcd and l^ooman, of this dty, played a iiialch at Uio Unit ball Fnnob otnm game, 100 pobita up, fur $-160 a side, whloh, after a vo7doeooontMt,Btolotcd won. Itwusnor. tlallc cuo-rloua dleplay, and flir superior to wbst ^vos oxpcclcd. Al tho dose, Mr, Dralslod, wlUi bis diaractcriatlc Uborallty, h'avu (Ki of bis winnings lo Iho Workbigwomon's Hodety, Peter U to be couimonded for this oiblblUou of gouoroelly, P, 8.—Mr. Freeman having omdUmiml Mr. Dralsted to pby another "'■'^^'i tho same gamo and numbor of iiolnls, to coine mr In throo month's time, tho latter has accepted tho il<l, and dqioxit. od $160 lu the bonds of Mr. PboLin as (brfdt, which oa-nlU belli;; cbvond by a sbnllar amount by Mr. Froomon, ANomn COAimosnnr Diluabo Uatoi "O.y,"—Wm. OoM- thwolt, who nconUy ntunod from Osllfomla, hn iirodnlmcd Ills bitontion of being tbo noxt ono to enter tho lists for tbo Cbaniploii. ship ond tho Golden Cue; aud aa tbo "dingbats" liavo been deiion- llcd wlUi tho imper parties, tho niatcli may bo considered as "on." Tbo dsto la fixed for the Isst ^vcck lu May next, wu on InfbrniGil. Oon BiuJAnn Pxctuoe, on tho Urat page of Ibis Issue, contains tho llkonessos of nine of our loading bUUord pliers; or whotii Ibc rollowmg Is a brier blognpby: Miofun, biuA, ox-Cbainiilon, and Inventor of all tbo Improvomouls iimhoXCioilcau UlUanl tobies monursctured by Uio firm of Phclau and CoUcudor, has doiio montopopularico tho beautiful parlor puiUiue,or wUiclj bo In coneldervd the fiiUier, Uisn any other man. Ho im bom in Ireland bi 1811, sod Is, thercroro, 47 years of age, PiULn> TiaUAtr, the doTiatcd cumpcUtor lu the hto Cliaiuplon. skip loatcb. Is pnprletor or a billiard asloon bi CbidiiiuU, whcrv hu has a first class nputsUon. Uu was bom In Uio Rlngiloiu o( Hanover, uid cmno to this country when bo was but six years nkL \\'hat his exact ago la, wo know not, bnt Judge him to bo atjool thirty, Dddlei Katamaod, the present champion, possesses skill with tho cue that la truly ii-onderful; heneo ua oxsllcd poslUon. Ho waa bom at Lngoar Cumn, Queen's County, Iiebnd, March 6, 1839, bdng now 111 yean of age. Ho cams to this country when two yoon and to Uus clly when 14 years old. MicUAU, FoiXT, tho toughest opponent Katanagli hss j-et had Is now located at Dotnlt Ho was born on Dcccuiber 23,1838, al tho vUlsgo of Lome, near tho Lakoe of Klllamey, Irchmd. WiLLtAii OOLDTUWAiT, tho bUllard mcloor, and llio next isi4. lant for tho Amorican Cliamplonsblp, wae bom at Llltlcton, Onf. Ion (;a, Now Ilampsbin, on February 11,1812. Tsklug bis youtk. fubieaa Into conaldcratlou (93 ycarv), ho la a wondoifolly good player. Joicf DkEET, another youlhfUl billiard vroiidcr, was bonitu Cincinnati on February 17, 1844; so that bo Is only 20 yoon of ogc, and bos been known as an A No, 1 player some three or four years. Loon Fox, of lloeluslor, M. Y., was born lu Prussia In 1833. Uo Is as sbnwd aa any Fox ot the game, aod liauiilea tho coo wlUi groat eklU. W Vicron EfcT^ns, waa bora In Marscnics, Fiance, on December 3, 1831, Uo Is mosftkfUful in what la tormed the three bsU >^iieh nrom game, v ' JoiDi Sfixnom, of Detroit, Ulcb., oformoropiionent ofPhelaii, thongb unancec^atu], ond tho flrat to enter Iho lists ogalnst Kavanigh for tho Championship, was bom at Alaco on Ibo Hbluu In 1820; and Is now 38 yean of age, Uo has an oxtonalrc rtputo as a Ural cla^bUUard pUyor. THE Ttl^G. INDIAN CLUBS I INDIAN CLUBS Il-No better symnastto snpUanecs exist for abnpUdty of na« or lending mnn to a aoooraido%'QlopmontandslrciiglhoDing of tho pb^col sj'o- tom, tnsu tbo Indian dub, and It Is lost coming bito public favor as a muna of oxercbo. Mr. 8. D. KEUOE, Iho iirlnelpol mouufU& turer or Indian CInbe lo thla country. Is now In receipt of orders mm all sections, and bo Is fiUlog them np os rapidly as i[K«slble. Mr. Eebuo mode tbo Qube need by JoiiK C. IIec«a2i and Joe Co. nuuM, tho Pii(;Ulatlo Champions, In their tninlng. Also for Dcn- xzr Kat,u<aob, tho Billiard Chomplun, and Jamui Haidix, Uw AquaUo Champion. , Clubs, 4 to 8 lbs. .' $4 per pair " 8tol2 " 6 " Pmnb Bolls, from $3lo4 " Ordera sddreseed to B. D. KEUOE, C^urrcn Qfflco, Kov York, or Post' Utficc, Now York, will rocdvo bnmodhila ellonllon. P. B.- AU ordcn oulaldo of Now York city must be accominnlod with tlie fflonoy. ,A i-u HARBY JENNINGS boa mode many now Improvcmonts hi his popultr • ••HOUSE OF CALL," tho moat froqaoslod slioots In VIrginIs, tho nigbt previous, ond not sotUlDg the same ttapy ognxd to moot on ttao oomlng morrow, not In a ooUsge by tho sco, but on the bosth, Burroiuidod by only tho bioaxos and treoses, Aooording to appotaitmont, Uunfim, they prooosdod with their frionds, on tbo morning of thu 'JtU or Mircii, Just two yean sgo shieo Uio Monitor aud Morrlmook bad tboir fiimoas sot-to bi Iltmpton Botds, lo a placo called Uti Mile Camor, Upwards of one Uioosond pooplo won presont to sco the Am, bidndlngtwofomalcs, who sppoand to enjoy ttao sport as lioArtily ai any of ttao male parsuaslun. The ring waa not pllohod iinveiiranioolhor oi-on groond, but wu tho best that oonkllM found HgtfWie piirposo. Fnnk Bradley was much tho smallcet of the tB and nUier sUmty put logathor. Igtsy Foy, nltboiigh a loigo BB^ookcd awkward and c|umsy, andflkioroUiomUl com- monoodnad000of bLioptica slinudcuvrlth a dork doud, obow- hig that Uo boil boon lulng hinuelf nttaer nngb of tats. At 1:97 P, It, ttaoy bid doffed tbdr togs snd stood up to contend for hon- or and senlo who waa who. Foy won the toss, which ivos muctU)* lu hit liror, as Bradley wu obUiicd to Agbt up hill oU ttao tlnia TUB noirr. Bound 1, Havbig advanced, shook banda, nlroolcd to tbdr cor, iiors, ond ad rati uod to tbo mark, and after souio snojrliig slid a llUlo semtcbhig, with bnt few bloivs, both olbiobcd aud Brndloy nalhnxTn, (Checro lOr Foy,l ' 9, BoUi come lip smiling, but toon began to look as though hard work won ahead, Aftor eomo dodging and relnls, they cUndied sud Foy was thnwu, bnl lightly, (Cheon for llraaley.) a TiOB was short and Bradley was thnwu, Foy fiUUii|{on hliii. 4, Altor sorao backing from ono side to tbo other of tho ring, tho mon dtiiebod and su oven ihll look place, (Pint bhMd claunod fbr Uradloy.) 0. Tho luen elludiod and Dndloy . wia Uinwn, • Foy AUl- bia hea\'tiy on lilm. IPiad' No. 32 POnTLAND STREET, BOSTON, and added a complolo and unliiuo GALLEIIY OF POBTItAITB, many of which can bo seen other saloon In tbo coun^. Bparldlng Viands, prime Havanas, aud tho best ot ovoxyUilng to uo bad at Uio bar. ^ 4l-tf ALBANY SHADES, No. 3 East Housion ttreot.-- JOHN DWYEll, Pronrlolor. 6Ir. Dayer hereby Informs his friends and the aportlng piiiiUe Ibal bo liis taken poaaoaslon of tho sbovo elegant Saloon, famous for Its superior wmes, Uquora and Clgirv, sua hopes bv cl\-lllty aud coiirteuusGosa to merit Iho oonlluued pnlronaoo hlUierio so bvlshly bcirtowod upou him, ExTiu No- nce—liinto Iiubnicllou hi Ibo ,lrt of Boxing. 1-Ci* 1». 37».. 10 .. 13 .. ,404 .441 .467 .470 .418 .481 .500 .615 .520 .510 .696 .639 oxUbllcd in tho table, wlU ihow to Uiota'flunlDsrwIUiihri Both apa made manyteilltht anrile ahots, and .'tanked" wsDi bnlttacli"niirslDg' «tt not upTo Uielrir«U.kiMiut«laBtel9r' THE NAUTILUS BRANCH.-THOMAS C, BURNS has nmovod from the Old Homcstnad on 6laton Jokuid to thla City, and can horconcr alwa>a bo foimd at No. 1 BAUcniT hinur, un Uie comer or Broadwii>', when bo baa laid In a storo of Uie Choicest Wloes, Uquora, Alos, and Clgan, luaklng Ills bar unauriiasscd bi ouaUty. Mr. Duns wlU always bo luppv lo boo Ids friends aud the public at tho Dmicb, whoro all tho obovo luxuries can bo on. Joj-od lu Oriental stylo. 43-3m BOXING GLOVES I BOXING GLOVES 11—OLD BILL TOVE& MOstor orCoremiNUcM ortno runir, frill sead par ox- rmaoniiSoyioaotaLOVLn'B UUXINO OlMvm. la any uisio uow lo Uie Union, on recolpt of (S. GLOVES CLEANED at Iho shortest noUco. Address \VILUAM TOVEIt, Mf No. 676 Second av., corner of 39Ui at, N, Y. aty. "ED. WILSON," of tho Rulni, Weehawken, has fitted up tho dogaut and oxtcnslvo prcmlaos at No. 16 LEIIUY PLACE, Comer of Bleockor aud Uraono strocts, as a fliit doaa Bar and Club Boom, when Iho worthy host Is ready (o."bld 0 hearty woloomo to oil, Ula Wines,'Unuora, and Clgan antlnsuiposaoitaiidovoryUibiulsurUiobostmialUy, Asploudld POBIBAIT GALTJT.Y on oxlJblUon.. ^^•..^ ... • I . .^iOUPPER SHADES," ''.-!''\"' 61 McsitioiumT sni£ET, Jeeset Orrr. Best Alca,Wtaies, Liquors, and Clgan constauUyou band. Clubs, Dnnib BeUs, Boxing Gloves, frco tot Uie nso of vislloro. ' : Piri EB UALLOY, Proprietor. ''JMvalo Instruction In the Art of Solf-Dofonco, Mll< "THE PASTIME," No. 16 EUT Hocn^it amzcr, Between Broidway snd Crosby stroet ° Best Ales, Wlnos, Liquors, and Clgan oonstautly on bond. BIOUAIID UOLLVirOOD, I r Proprietor. N, n,—Priralo Loaeo ns given In 6^«nlii» > . , , Mil* THE LONDON TAVERN, . ^ No. 105 Mnnnucx i JACK TUItNEU Tho above oBtabllahmont la noW:l Wines, Liquors, Ales, snd Clgara.*' Ibo Alt of 8olf-DtMct^gbV SPORTSJJj gonoially that bo It nioir. AktIo, aud Uio wU do bB In his powal . PubUo Bpanlng enryMuda; o|onln(s Privals fossona giv«r|a Uio Art ot Bor' _^e pnbUo tills sportin^bcstolry, and vialton^'caBs sgreojtalo. 1.7t» TO THE RIDERS an^Vltltor* of "ihe Central Park AND THE BLOOMINGDAUE^BOAD.-TbePnnielorofUiewoll known Wavorly Ilotol haa leased tho hirgo Maiidon aod Gnuuda from Nlooly-Mxth to Ninetf-sovcntb etrcot, on tho Bloomlnodalo lload,aud opened Itssauolelsnd Bcstainaiit Meals and frcalimanis sorvod at Uio sbortoat noUco at all hourv. Tlalton slopping tt ttao obovo Hotol wiU find ouo of tlio moetbcsuUfoi sp^'on Now York Island. Tho bouBO nnd biwiu command a ^londld view of tbo Hudson lUior; Is mdl slisdcd wlUi trsee, and Is free from dust; and on the grouuds an .swings for ladles and eblldron. Also, attaokod lo Iho bar. Is on Eatbia Countar, sup- piled wiUfoyston, ousts, poultry, and gamo al all noura, Mio ' THE X-IO-U-S, ' Xo. 19 East Uonmni siuect. ,' ■« EABBY UEABDS Proprietor . EvOrythbig'^KonoPubUoo." Sdlbles, BIblbtos, and Smbk- tbles, all "non^B psntus cat" Tbon welcome all, taosrtUy woloomo mif oMT . ■ THE CHAMPION I THE CHAMPION I l--Qr«at«tt Mnslo Hon B^id Conoot Bsloon In the Clfart Ko. 604 Broadway, between Blewk^ and Bond — ^ ~~ ~ Fnprietor, ainebt Idas XATE BTANTON, The goagsona dsooraUonsLsnhiisotnnlbeaaly, ana capsdousneea of tub tnanunolh Mudo UaU an unaaipassod In tho world, Tho mostattneUveaodbowilohlnglady wallsnontob> aeon at Iho Ohamplon. Superb VUnda, fit Cor an emperor: giaad orohcaliol mualo; an nnsiupaasod Shooting OaUery, undv the aaperlutoodanaiutPnt.JulluiD<»ga OEAULZSOIIUVEIITEEN, Manager and Dittctor, AdmMmfrtol Mm* tTwotOrpookotoff whllolitlL jl off nd ball, or withont hllmig any baU, •Dpi, of BodKster, N, V, GREAT DOQ FIQHT IN PHILADELPHIA.—Pat Carroll's dog, "Yonng Bonsy," and Boghy Buoy's dog, "SInu," fight In PbUtdAlptala on Hay 6 (day atut Uarrla and Msrley's fight), at 64 lbs,, for t200, A good time Is snUdpalsd bi did miy, _ l-lt» mPBOkPTD APFAIB BEIWKKK TWO VnaiNIANa Tm iwzi loio ui mvAiu. Ever tinoo ttao abooting scnin at JMeyand UcGratta'afigbl when Hncbacho was killed, snd Hairy iMams gothltbysovctd pistol ahola^ one of which ho oaniea In his body to this day, (hlogs pugillalbi have been tii a sleepy, dormant slala. ButlbosiiKlolnod account of tbo imnd mlUlog match between I'obiy Foy and Frank BradloTi all of Virginia Clly, Nevada, when tbo Menkon Is riding wii''_jjWlflV^— ' _ I bor miU while Blood in retailsnuaand pnmpa^ will woUilnkBii CHiiMaadr BnuAU UAnn aud KEnn's Clom— u'lo baU In motion for i7ion of tho samo sort It apican thai Pot. KimnRMrftir I>ud]<7Eanoagh, uloaoltagipnot of .J (ylodFnokhidtiottcfiODBtaand taunblo IffllioglloInoDO of „ ...jdloy camo np name u ever, whcu lie got an ui>- bandor on tho smeller, which mode him sUghtly weaken; Iho men cUndicd Bud Bradley was throwu, 7. Bndley caino up to Fay's ooraor, but only lost by this BS hoias sent to grass. 8, nqr eanght a punch on tho poetier and another In tiio ilbs,:Whloh Bcoincd to sUgbUy wcnkon lilm, snd lo save punish, usttt tao wont down. -^fjtoSS, In nearly oU of ttaoso rounds but iho foinioonlb, Foy i^ slBier thrown or got down lo save bis beooii. In Uio Touiv lifailh,'<7 unt Bndliiy klUng by a hot 'un, whleb so tickled one ef-.t^Aminlno gondorthst ebo ecrcamed out, "Bully for 'oo 38,-BndJey thrown. Then wan some blows got lu, but most of the rounds to tbo thlriy-ntntta'ondcd by one or ttao other of tho men bobig thnws, 69. Aftor hard sparring, during which lioth men fonghtwcD, Foy got bi a lick OU lliadloy'a ear that sent lilm stsggerliig lo ttao gnund. It waa now about su ovun Uilog bolwecu the mon lo Iho foriy-ftnirtli round. 44. Aftor some manoiuvcrlng tho moo camo lo their work, ond Foy getting tho worst oflt wont down, Bradley walked to hla cor- nor and was cheered. % to 69. An oven fall snd both men appeond to gain their wind. AtttaOfU^-dntroiindUie mon ollnobed aud both came down. TtuttweiacileaoflOul, but tbo nfoiad doddod tbat Itwsa an oven thing. Up lo tho fifly-sovonth nund Bradley scemod to bo KotUng Uio wont of It. At tbo coronioncomeiit of this Itaon waa gicaiuioorlDg'forlhiulloy, who gained coiiragoand gave Foy tho wurat of the round; lio also thnw Foy hi the uext round, but lii tho one IttBowlng, after some sparring, went down to avoid punish- ment on betn aides, and tbo heads of first ono snd than tbo oUier ns lu chanccfy. At tho elgltly-flnh round Bndley s«mcd qiUto acok and wont down vrithout being hit; tbls ho did In two or ibm of tbo succcodhig rouuds, Foy asUiig lilra what he niotnt by falling, and aomo In the crowd crying dnt—"What kind of conduct U Uiatt" In tbo dgbly-sovcnth rouiKl tbo men dbichod and llradloy went down, Foy crying out Uial Bradley liatl uoiigcil blm; llwBs decided that then bad been no gouijinB, Dniiloy u-ao thrown In tho el||it>'-dcbth and clghty-iilnth nunds, and bo(;an to took a good deal used np; In Iho 90th lomid, however, bo got I'oy down, but wiUi very bard work. 91 (and last). Foy in lids nmid simck Bradley a blow while bo n^ilcyl waa dowu on one kuoo. A cry of "ronl" waa al once nbnl; tlien was much oxdtooiont among Uioso present, and BniUoy'a second domandcd Iho fight file us man, as hn was ■truck while down. ItwasdeddedlouLandttaefinbtwaadeckirod son brUradJay. Bradley was but sllgbtly piiulshed about the fioc, wulle Foy's left oyo was dosed and bis Acs torrlbly bmlsed. DnuUcy's body was txuUy bruised by falling, and blown rccolvcd la Itiu ribs. Tlio fight loatod Just ono hour and Uilrly-lbne niln- ulcs. During tho fight belt of twonty to flftoou wen offered on Dfodley, wllb uo taken, WHO.IS JOE COBDIlHr TO-TBE Lomn OF rut Loheom Iixustuaud BFoaram News. —Ji'r—As an anawcc to tho above qucaUon might not. bo unlnlov eating to your ten hundred thousaod sporting rcadofi,!. lake Uio- Ubertyot Informing Uiom that Sir JoscpblsadesccodaBt of one of Albion's sturdy ions who crossed the cbsnndwlUi King WD.' Uam 111., and nmaliied then. Also, tiiBt ho nmalncth Imo to the principles of hla ronlatheTS,beliig Imbued with Uie spirit of sn Oxangeman, It not an actoal momuor of that sode^. Ho waa bom St MlddletowD, oonn^ Aimsgb; and many a madcap ASlilto- boy vrill TCAiomber the Cobum tomlly, snd feci tbo uffccts, to their dying day, of blowa rocolvcd from Josopb or hla brcUinn on Iho anniversary of Iho non-sormndor of Deny, or at the conmium- oratlen ot tho oalUo of tho Boyno. Mr. Msco wIlL tbenfon, have to contend wllb an Irishman of Uio right and best sort—with ono who la Saxon by descent and no less an I^lsbman than himself —barring being bora on tbo oppodto dde of tho channel. But niy.Mvioii to Msco bi imt to fight In Ireland at oil, unless bi Ulster, when be poedblymlgkt get fair play—and then byoB mcanaia biju bo Bocomnsnlcd by snoxtxaordlnary strong fnee of bis own srmpaUilsera,uut on no account let tho ring bo pHcbcd emong tbo dcscendluls or old Spain lo tho South or Weat, bocauao dosUi or dcTcat would bo tho consoquonco, The intonso hatred that ex- ists smong tbo Ulllnahi Irish In tbo BouUi against aU EngUah- mon, JuatlAes mo In thus'oounsolllng a nun whom 1 adnilro, and I Iiotv £< »iu lake the hint and not suffer the DnbUn 'I'ettlDionlal to blind hliu to tho danger which awdts blm in Ireland whoosver he sliuwo fight tboxdn.—I am, air, yonn truly. EnKbiOLLEtf, lOUi 3[arch, 1864,» Jauis ILunioii. For Iho bcnuOl of Cobora's friends In Inland, wo an roquestod by tho Cliamplou to state that tho above sloiy la Ihlso In 0V017 pa^ (jcular as regards hlniselC Cobum Is not, nor never was' ' Oiaogcmon, nolther Is bo a descendant of ono of AJblou's sto.-. sons wko.inssed tho channel wlUi the hero of ttao botllo of the lloyuo,'akifie con pnvo lodlsputably. Whnovor Jafflct Usddon may be^fno ouKht to t» mon csntui In fabricating atatomenta wbub can ndtlK'r do hlmsdf nor any ono dae good, and wo trast tho Irish pcoph) wiU not bo gulled by any such cock and boU stories. COBDIIN IN BOSTON. Buuons or a Matcu iietween Uqi and Ini EsBttn, The Aiiitrlcou Clisniplon gavo his Ant fhrowoll ImucUI at WU- llam'o llnll, Uoston, on thoUtb Inst; bofon on audloiico of Huron tir oinlit liiiiitlrcd iKnttIo, about the osisKlty or tlio hall. Tliu en- tortalnmout ooualstMl oullraly of fiparnnir and club exondMi^ aiicl traaviiiUelniiUycxolUiiff lo bo'lolorostlug; sod long onougb Jini. tmcled III bcBKUjillicti>iy. Pick UuUlt and Moloiioy opened Ibe boll In a eleoo engagement,, uolng hi mon tor In-flKuUiig ond bugging than real sparring. John Shay and tbo Oanlcsa Boy foUoweid In the Club Aot, with a pair of 20 pouiidon. After that MIkoLcavlU and Jack Tumor had s very pplrltcd engsgeniont and ono in which ihen won aomo bard lilts, niild eouiitcriuff. 0 good deal of oionoiuvTlug, aud n lUmv or siirtirlslng oalllly. Tumor dollgliUng tho audleuce with hbi profldeiicy at '•gcUIng away" and bis smart alappbig. In ma- 1^ rroiKCts tbls waa the most lulotcsltng "" of Uio evening. Tlio Corclcss Ikiv Slid Tom Fonluii won tbo noxtooiiple, renisrk- abbi for thu biulffcreiico maidfcstod by Fcntoii Ibr tbo hard nps of Carroll; It waa a llvdy affab, Uonest Brock and BUly Bond, two Third wardcrH, had a imx someUitiig ou the rougb^nd'tuniblo style, both doing liot work, and OghUng aO over tiio slsgo. Uo- Corty Slid Doticrty come In for tho ususi shon of punohTng, but 6Tao was hio iiiiicu for Jack, as ho Uod hbn ot the first shot snd handled libn almost ss lio Ukod. Tho enUirialnmout tcrmluatod lu a vorv Uiiu dlsiiUy botweon Jim Dunn, of Brooklyn, and Joe Co- Inmi. ^oUoalon/feroftlthusnflsntotheRcUtoi "Cobum Is a handfionicly.buUt mau, ayrometrlcal and solid, -Dunn opnearod the taller snd had the longer reach, dlhungb ho la the Uglilcr by Donalilcnbic, Tho first round waa dcatilolo of lUla, both showing 'stops:' Tbo second ma mon effective, and thero wun snveru lnlerc«tiiin oxohsngos, bul none of a weighty duraclor. nio sot. to apiicarod to bo auiiply an exhibition of Aw to •do It,* and bollx ahowcd Ihomselves ox|iort Cobum pnsenls a bold fTOiit, and makes euddon snd Ilubtning sdvanocs, whiob must tcU ticavlly on ally ■objscttre pohit' when ho Is In oaraest He showed himself to adioutoge, and encouragcil the audloooo In tbo bopo tbat bo would do wuU abroad," Toe recdpta of tho bonso, wesn inform- od, WCEO $311, Indopondout, we presume, of tickets disposed of oulaldo, ' ^ All last week New Torii waa ago^rlth ramon that Jim Heenan had come over with no oUior IntonUlon than lo toko out Sir aspb's plu-fualhon; that John 0., Iielngjcdoas of Cobom's algn- Inj lilmsolf "Oisniplon or Aamco," lud sont ovor Jim to ongage him untU ho could come audtond to lila caae himaelf; Uiat Jim Ueo- nan hod soot us a ohallniwb that effect, etc, aB or whloh wepro- nonnds to bo wlUuut inim or foundaUon. At thla atsgo nobody wUta a giabi of sonte would think of eSallenglog Cobum unUl he bss got through irilh Haoo, and bo would bo equally Ibollah to tikosnynotlceofeuotaaahidleoge, ^ ■ NICE UTTLE FIQHT IN TUT AJIKY, ■ Lmnnis Hoimra iMna.iD. AnInloresUngmlUcamo off ruar Foiwiouth, Ta.,on the 4Ui tns^, for fifty doUon a aldo, between Tom McOabe, of Co. K, and MoniaWolsIi.orCaO, Ninth Bsgtmont^Mew York Volanteera. manly eondnct Itanmghoot Us pUied an.additional host of friends. AaUds mm passed off so dlckly wUhout any lntaf£ encofromoulddon^.oUienwUl.inbobly toon be on the Ma. udltlsevennoirBSMrtcdUiataniateta It'to be nsds belwiSn porry Tucker and ytmngSinally, of Co. E. BoUianscknowledsed lobosomeonUicmnatlaandameRy ndH liuUolpslad Amid UieymcotonUiegroonswaidlodataalUs. . „ BITXT UoLEAN'B I'BOmsa' . The Blnyvnant InsUlulo wasnotufUIlontliegihlnsLuwe snUelpsled, llio bouse bdug only about a Uueo onartsr one, wtlta room Ibr many mon, Billy draemd, tnd onskl to have had. a "^.^'■"".'"'^"^■■*n>n>4** lH> Iihnselt has atlsnded exhlbltlom and siorrcd when sarooly lialf«-ilor«n itgnlat boxoa win 111 Uio hoiiac, and most of Uu oUm Mt^to wen £y •• dnflbii," Mas d^iln't do all this fbr noloiloly, u lomft IMks sn nngnlotU enoiiEli loUilnk,bjitMsnocoonin».laUonaadlo servo a friond, Slid he lias prolably ftniod otat by Ibis Umo who bis "friends'' an, Uko soma ollirr pooido wo know. Bomo of On old. lunlUai ,^ pbyslon " worn than, such oa Jacob B. Bmau, si-aaalstant on- £biceror the Fin Deisirtnient: Israel laionif/bislnistorjn Is uc to Ibo Nsphew or Ills Undo, now eccambig tho Bourbco throne, aud ilynasty, loo, for til you ox we know : Geonre Loess, " Bnatebom,"^of Ibe BnilUisonlan, ouo of Plill Okrtfa old antagt, snd who ones bad a a llb tho Champion of WeebawMn when tbcy boUi kept ssloona In Csiul ttxtct; tho "Okl Pnbllo Fuiictloniiry," Wm, HosUuga, Bodtey Moon, uid so on. Bx-tinnd Master of Uio Dtulda, Mr. WUllain Taree, Qnnlra, ' was tho if. or C, sud ss sudi mtitbaUed bis rorcts and dlstrlb- nied his men like Uio onieriencodold general that hols. Tbo flrat couple lirnlded by uo of the Iron-gTcy hair, wen Pataey v Marloy and bis trainer, Pat Murphy, nbo bad (eou to great Irooblo * aud Ineouvenleneo In leavbig their trmlnhig axonnds, snd desorvo much iinlso thornror, Thoy made a nlco, Ught, fhnoy UtUu box of It-and when Polsoy filarlcy's bonoflt'comes along, wbettaer before or after his AghtwlUi Doouoy lIorrliL wo tiuit the occom* ino<1atlng dlsposlUon ho hot evinced will not bo fornoUcn, Palsy In Koliig tbo right way about it to moke fkionda lu his forthcoming slmiigla, Mlduiel Cosb>llo, tho yonog student, and Jli ceedcd Ibo two Patsy's, pobig bifOr solid BitL Iho Ikncy tniicbn. WliUo It wos ytt early, i__ drainining np remits, Iteddy Ibe ulackmilUi gently led Bull lInn * Peter to tlio iringa, and prctwully thatworihy rtappsaiod with tho puddbig bags on bla.bauds, folded Ills onus, sralbd a aarcasUo amllo of donaiico, and stood, "walling fOr s customer," Immo. dlAloly then srosoo cry OS fnm ono loan, Jbr Iho nut Impipi- nlous. "Tovcol Ttovoell to-tetlll abootcd Ihe moscBu Christians. Baiiionstnnco was In vsln; ttaey would havo TOvee, so the oM genUeraan, wlUi a look ot it«rancss in bis rnUd blue eyes, took tho cue, doffol bis tile, his bonlsmln, his waistcoat snd blue bird's eye, snd (kced iho oiusio llio a maiL AVhon bo'first putQn,ho merely taliped tbo war-worn sokllar snd \vanled lo havo a light sodablo UltJo ecnp, bnt Peior played tough ond bit ont with Ills might and main. Says T^ivn to hlrnsd( JlnunvKorrlgan sno, ■imr^PUng wlUioot ly, an^vneio Bill was "two con play at tbat game, my eoveg know, Peter was golUng waraied nlcal pitching Into each oUior for doir life. and Uie fltit Uilag w« , Iho two old game' oocki Jo Bin DIstribulor to the 1*. B. fijtrlng Uio high privslo DO tbo broad of bis biok, while WO- Horn, in bla ovor aoxldy, tripped up too, and camo near ^Ittng bis wcsUier-bcatou pUa ogauist one of tho slakos. In tbo suoceed- Ing nnuds, T^veo spared not, udltaor did bo show morey lo Ibo horo of many batUes, planting Ills ••dangoious right" so hard and often on Petor'eloft aurlciilsritaattaovrsa lUii toorfbr quailed and ending ttao combat by nuhtbig him down to Ins copes wlUi such fOroo that ouo of the stakes snaptied like a whip, and Toveo thus srorrd aootbsr tlolai;, to tho bomenso doUght of Uu lookins on Ibcnct Dick Hollywood,' who bad poatpoood Us lUt to Albany to oblige McLean, snd OharloyFlynn, then bad It ilgbt inetrlly, giving a dovordellnoaUon of tho sdcocn flsUc, wbonTii DIok showed that If bo was lltllo ho.was aO then. JockLeoiMrdudJooOraham didn't socni Inclined to got too doso, biitsnarrauia tbo siandKiffurindple, Joo spreading bla body too much to oof' on, recoKr, aodgot away sagood ss ho might have done. Williams and Coioonn, two sailor chaps, went at It tonghly wllhe<il dbipUylnn any romart*. bio points. Tho set-to between Dublin Blike snd MlhoNDnsnivas aniinrrnvofflontonthatof tho Jack Tors, sndweU eppmclataSi No fiindaiigo or byporcoon, but good iKixing, each man nnde^ st^dlng bla bualncaa. Blljy daxko end Jimmy Honlsy's box waa not as IntcrcsUns os ono might oxiwri bom such old banda at tbo gkivea; aod fbr llanloy to perform well His scceassry to hava some ono In front ofhlm who will bit turd omt do bis, best tb draw bUii out Uko MIko Dorsoy, for InMsnco. Clarke womd ban - r oxtalbltod to bettor advontsgowllta Dick HeSnrood, . Tho dub bndnoes was hen lulndnecd bv Joo Foots gobg thnuKli a variety of manceuvnie wlUi a pair of Kehoe's 96 ponod- ora, aU the whllo koepb» up a rannlng otsivcrsatlon wlUi hmsdl tbo dubs, and tbo aiidJoncc^ On bis getting through ho callea upon Tim Dcrmody, Ihe racket pkiyor, to conio and show hlnseli^ hnt Tbuothy'B nsUve modesty lorbsdo ovon Uie thought ot sueh a thing, notwlttastandlng tbo ciilbusUsm manlfoalod whon ttao thing wiiVpnpoeed. Anamoalngpassogett arms Aillowed bctweonthe Count tnd Jap. UoLean, Hualiy's obodty nnventlng bis lindliig Iboae liflbU handen which Ullago waa so loth to ncdvo. Tommy Vsaon, tho oyUorman, and llillbewa, tbo wikl Irish boy, hod a vary Uvely Uiiio ofiM, slashbig swv iO quickly that It was hard to toB who got In Uio nootcracka. Pnvious to tho wind nn, Tovoo apdoglied for Uu thMOce o< Jbn Dunn, as bo bad a iirlor ongagcmont to spar wUb Joo Oobun In Boston on Iho night foUowuig, olberalao Dunn would havo beononhsnd. No oxcoao waa oflerod fcr Uio other TonngOlanl's absenco. In their tbsenco Ullago OomoU voltmteerod to^jgot on tho Qulshlns touches with BUly nciMn, sod s right mem'tlmo tbcrliadofiL TbeConnt shook off Ills motley sad loond as Bcrieus as sn up-rtter doscon, aparriou Uko a race bono, as svery* boily bss to who gets up to lako McLean doom.. BUy bod tbo advantage In bolght and reach, and performed In bla nioal Optimo stylo, liuslllna around ss II lis was oontsadlrui Ibr.'Jttao . fair nso wllh tlu usbte loeks," or aopigod In a Ibcttod fight at Oarryowon. Thotf ••lounumong" gave great saUsfkcUottandthe mssB mooting sdjoumod to moot again at Jin Heenon'l^ Johnny Murphy's, or Uio Widow PhUUps' benefit A Ifnca—In tho msloh between BUI Davlf tnd Pibwy Daisy, of Vlrolnia dty, N. T„ Davis fiUbd to havo bla money then st tbo aocond deposit, alUiougb DAr Otve bba twenty-four boun gnoo. Wo believe Davla waa not sltegsiaai to bbmo In ttao msltsr, sd :ta« sent a check tor tVO from Beew Blver, whleta didn't arris* In sosson. Ddoy, howovor, baa kindiy cenaeiited to lot the malok fo on. Usny GribUn bss ■nivsil In Virginia CII7 from fin ^clKo, wbaohoaiidDlUyDvTarsio oogsgod to train Dalcj. Kaiz SxAwnni't XarifajiifiuK—Ttas Opchamplon fttmab Jlc dancer liss bsd filtodN^Huher orctty sakon and bar«>on at 101 (brooby stroot, vA^lRi^nloEat^''It snmiinded by on ' hnlmy one. Mlas slo liults and oonccrt Dy''ls Uiu presiding genlas, tonds to msko this life a gay and long oxperloiico lu keeping ma* Mko kaDa from Uio vtUago oAlvingslon, N^ J„ and Young Wclab ■ about five foot oi|bt Wbea in holgbt'Bnl wdghat lM pounds! from tlio Emenld Itli ibeth City, N, j, Mao, ss'bls nlme Ibdlcstot^ Is a son of "" snd MBUown to bo b game boy. He shmds Youjig Woldi Is uso a naUvo of Uio (Irsoii UfJud aKtaongh not astalltiyaevoniltoobee,hQliasproVodblfflsaiXjajims^aiL' Mao was seconded by Dorrv Tucker, ot ,Co. FTWelsI'Su.lisrtfled. by ltaukBeUows,ofCo, K; both paitica won weUsntatsd by tbdr oddilnrs. Some time was woslod In tfllfyljog a ra^no, tnt flfloly. UioyagreoduponEi|wacdMora',aaonUomatikn<r«i(Movin sport In this vIobillT, Edward Coidley having boon aoleoed as ilmo keeper, and all being bi readAuao. a move waa msdo towards Uie ground Boleoted by Uio WelsbUosliiesr Fort Ulngtbocy, Tho ring was formed,ted Yuuog Welsh wu the flret to fly bis castor In tbo ring, followed by Mao on'the doidilo' qulek. Tbo men qajoiy dls- lolKd, and at lou minutes to ono ^ttomonccd TqaiuBT, Bound 1, Moo led off .wUb ■latt, but was nsaUy ttoppcd, nnd teodvedasUogUigsmaokonibs nasal ottsn, whleb caused Uio blood to flow lu tomnia, Wslsb followed uls up wlUi amiUnr on Uio left eye, and Mod got Saym, tmld the dhton mm the Wr''*"' ■■t»..MntHooifirVtU)i.: i!, X Tho Ing 'ub come UD msitnlng mltobiet brt tho UtUo *iiBi tosdy waiting for blm. Mso lunged ont wlu bli hift and OMfBt WdstaonUioJaw, seudbigtalmtomoUicroaitb. /VXMieetdown fir Mac 8. Wolsb flrat to toe tho senlch, wlien tfac soon n)st biD. and B sklmlsblng ensued for soma minutes uiitU Mto -.was ftiught down St tho ropes, CbooaCDrtbollUhi'an. ^ 4, Welsh ogolu up flnt Mao lookbig mUgned, bdt novorthdets ho waa tho first to ooramoneo the Ogbung. A* Velab ntrotlod ho waslbUowedupbyMacwbaneidiangeatookDItoo mottlytoh- vor of Wolsb, and Mso gut down to avoid ^UDUninont 6. Wobli, dUioiigh much Uio suuBor inan, apnared by Ikr Ihe frcslior of Uio two. Mao sparred ^ntiirtlBiy nnlQ an opening waa ihown, when lie sent Murrls to ntss bTamaiabius left-hander on Uie side of Uw bead, and neajly flmahod a Mao again first to the front Welali, baverer, wis no loonor _f Uun be oommenced tbo flghting right lively, whleb so astou. Isned and dlseoncorled U»B, that bofon he waa avran of II, he wu on hla beam ends wllh seantly dgn of life In his body, so sovenlywu bo handled by bit nluntDlllo opponent From this to Uio dovenlli snd last round, Qn UlUe fellow liad It aU Ills own way, and tai Udity-aeren mlnntoa Welsh wu declared the victor, BxHAau, . Many •'good Jodgea^'wen dlssjipolnled stthorcanttof UlamlU, two to one having, boon Ikooly otforod on Mau wlUi but tow tdiera, AlUuniub be wu dettalod Mao proved hbnsdf a good iMy, and bo will yet glvo Iroublo to any ono who may in itaeuf hand on hbu, WdshlitgeiunlfkTDrito wlUitho mMt Boglmool, tul by bl« Jomnx Mdoput's Bbdr.— This iip.|own boy, one of Oon Voley'oprotMft. who has rouglit throo or four good battles^ for •nwll oiiioujita. Is u n Ibr a benott st tho fltuyvcsaut InsUtnto on Monday, Uio I8U1 of April, In honor of tho bsUtai of Fledcrioka. burg, Va., wlUob took placo 011 tbo aaine day two yaan'tock^ "Young BUI IIayes,"aii lio b <aBcd,iilll bs aadsted bymsny good boxen, and Uie wbid np wUI bo lictwesa Johnny Huipby andBlUyDonoUy, Tlioeouqucrorof BaBBwaPotorwIUofilaats, Bcnnr ion the Woiow Pftruira.—Hie Bont boys, William ond John, aod Mlko Bndy on working llko bun bees toward* goUlng tho latont logclhcr, who an to riiow on or about lbs 91st ot AiirU, at Uie Htuyvcsaut InsUtuto. For Ibe ssko ot Uio widow tnd tbefhUiertets, wo pray It may Iw a bumper, Tlio lato Ohtrisi: I'hOUps luul on Inimonso drelo ot scqualiilaneo In thla dty, ana Uioy iiowlisvoadisuco tolidpdoiig agoodcauae, FuBnarUso. Ian wUI bo given hi our noxt In Ibe mesnlkne Iheae deauous of appearing alionld aond In Uidr names to us al tho csrllast momimt Jot HiENAN's SojODnx omong IhoCocknlos and oUior oaUandlili spedfflons of Koglbih Sodoty lias boon Uu means of sbaost dung, tog Jim toto ono of Ihom, for by tila dialect snd cnlume bstooS* men like ttas Duke of Devonslilro than one of tbo gayspoili b« oaedtobo. Ho does not eomo to abide with OS pwman«nlly7biit' rpenly on bnsbiess, tnd Intends to rcioni from whenoe he oas' 111 about two months time, Jbn says Ibat bla broUuv, John a If never coming home, but wlU make Eunpe hla horns fbr tha hfaua,' Ula Art now la book-rooking at tbo racea t and at Uu Warwick- meaang. Johnbsdahotao or bit own in thoisoo, HolastUlina' very iMblo etoto of health, bnt wo an as mncb in the dork u oTB H to who dosed Urn. aauTExBunnox ni Aisor rm BaxTTAni Oamnauii.—Tbo noxt grand oomblnaUon show will, IT tbe orlgtnaton cany U oi|t bo in aid of ou.wuundod loUlom, wblcb la ot llaelf aungb to flfl any.hall lo Ibo dty, and we bare not the tllghott doubt of Its ncocn, f ' ■ ■ , GoiKo orr oa 1 Tbim,—Ullsge OoniO, Iho Conot ds Psrlt of tho sparring school, and PioC John mUlaey, one of tbo. dsTorest leaobon u IhantpoUtointlilavlelnlly.tofond ahoitly to start out on a sparring tour, llaygudehukboiri'em, DivoBOEn.^-Tbs bettor half of tho gty Ommt do Paris recently proouredadlTOteofromhlm, andMlbigeia again In the maAot briome ono to than bit Joya aod sorrows. To OAmnm,—Hugby Bller bos ihieo dogs weighing respso- Uvoly 10,30, afldas 1-1 pounds, whleb he la prqiatsdlo maUi against any other dogaot the sanuwalgbt Ibr from onohuodtw to two hnndrcd doUan a dda Dogs snd greenbsoka nady at' Baraoy Atnn's, •'Star or tho Wcsl," 109 Contn etroet - ■ SXAS,—Usrry Laiarai' ddcsl boy, n pnobdog lltUe tnUow tP • sbont four yesnof sh<^ died oa Tuesday, A|irilt^alt<ri*^T«T' abortlUness, of diplberii. ,.i.'l;;'"r''*,' TksinionAL tm Waou Hem 10 Jamb Hiw'iii ' Mm'Q, Ueonan'a youugor brolbor, Jim, who went to ""^■•'j bi UflSiralld has been away over two years, ilurlugwhiw Urns b* bHtniSd' much and altractod great ollonUou m blsdli^layaofIbso^UaMly' siTlved boms 00 tiio 4Ui of AnriT, and tttotUlulsnUon'ofsSs of' tbe sporUug magnates to toodcp hbn a iMnplbnontizy, to ooodst' of a dmlltr progrninmo to tha Uedarai Eehoo tnd Jamta Torn*, moot, to eomo oif III abmli'tca daya- JlmlsavoiygttllnDianly,: sensible youngblkiwjandws hope UimwIBbesnotbsblgbonsa - to SCOhliuspar wlUilbs bost'msn to bofiiuaatStliadfav Hela- aUghtolngboxer,aadlbaDamollacltlaatower ot itnngUL' Bs bas our best wlabstftir hla tncecoa, ..".'-t tMOUr roalbnui An lLiuu.-Ihe dopoaUa flir Ibis tolmt* tog malcb tasnt up u regularly u okichwcrk, Ui» atoUb bavlair - U»M«i«dt but ono of ISO t sido must b« fotttooiaogat toobootfof BsddyUioinMkanilUi, No. 3 Otastharrsmnb. nn. dcnoMb the Post Ollle*, wbai tharo wlU bs a i>tmS\Saia.' JlnlinrllUott Is Iratolng Doouoy nsrris st Mark MwoWt, Ib-- pomVa Dan, while Mtms, Morphy docs Uie same te^Ptlsy Mar-" Isj at Joo (tooke's SuaiMde, We shall Isko oooulon to yIM Itadr napecUve tnbduj^giKmds bdon theflght^^ ' • ' SlAniorPocx.UABXO Jaik— Jerome Lavdoe, belter known" v.L''!°*,;5!'*?' '**^'! nnanddenlrsoroe time bod, at ^ yirgtolaClty, of oongcetlonortbo bnto. Jake wu a native <f- New York, about 86 yean of sgs, and ns one of Uio plonoen of '.' Nevada Territory, having airlvodtbae In 1869, ■ yi. Beixub or Joumi LoiABoa.—>To naito menUon, a ftw:ws«to ago, of the srrcat of Johiiuy ijUBrus, OU ue eharga ot bdng llo..rl' eossoiT to Uis murder of Jotm Foslor, to ouforals, bnt wsbtTs auice inraed that bo has boon dlsotaigod from cnslodr, Itaora b» -' >^ tog no eridonce to Justify bla betogbcKL .~ .utfT:: iKoa JnoR enooia Jacs MoNAnB.—Sexton, or "Irish Jliniay>'^ '''^V •' as bo Is called, bu been aelthig hlmselt toto a sbooUng.*aBs.M " "v'^ Tiridnla0ily,l7ustogtbliision JsckHoNtbb. Jbuiu'find two', ' '•' abo1saJsok,onBlgtatandJackt«laInedlbeflIa,lMHllrialXim's^ BkuU, UoNabb wuairotcd,fast to It now onl on ^Sapmit' ■■i^ Uio samo todlridosl wtao alioi ofloer BlidstU aoTa(il.moiil&:S,'^fjT alnos, ^. ,;.j|.f;-', ' Diix Faodook Aim Billt Ifalntaa oil Sna dtn^-irbesAA'/ ^'" wottblcs bad a fist figbl noanOy, In Ttallti* Oily, IT, XI Mertlf^" Paddock got qiols knocked ont of bisi, lbs; an'Dotsd '' out tbon, J.- . f . , • • EAnmquAir. n CAtniniii.*-AbOBl I nunWliimi It of Ban Fnnolioo hsdu sttMk of ^^y**; wUob old plaoo abako again, taodtedloini mttanloti|l«t off (Including am Ciatii7i)andigur' oilt, 'I(WMieii«d Mkh|^'