New York Clipper (Apr 1864)

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the' new YQRK pLIPPER. Twi. Bukittat, and 'iwOenU 0>t ThtdrMl, ..^V . OurLett|r-Pox. cily*unim«ry. MonuT, Aptfl 11. J8M. • "ill, n Via la Bin* of to" «ldlhoe«aobnlod«p«*lB, MBaOplii,(BiOB«<Uur DOted chinoto; udsncr «M^thl< tnfli 10 ibaidj aeopUflod u ilpnaait,lDUil«a>iu>gooiUj tfjotHairI<rt,«l><nUi«B>nllii7mrK •oliliigiU'UiriU, «aj iflMIng * nam ot ttliuiloo to ou coiialiT onuliu «lil<l> teBot taan cfiulkd dan ttao d>7 wo kid oat Uw AUuUo aUo, ^ /.■■Miii^ It Uio ams ttme. Too tunot tootoUioMr, BQbtk 'WeuiwikMricaorUliulnlloiuof tbeFWrtmlUlajt, got up'^cffoHoi of co(t;"' JfTooniBltotahiUKd downiUttto, at ndocod t MIKgolo, nd Uko tho lanoD wc lo ftcipiniUrbaror, getiqaccud. V« Wad ouKha Uicn on tbo llh liut, * 10 out^, 'vUch wa wen not iirareof •tlhoUmo.or wo lionU not hiTi AM IL TrolDOwaulwowcniIl tli<a»wbcnwowonttn,biit r tbn nob airkd no uoond, and damped^ fiotridA rfnj w« OH MnJ »• Ihlp. ud opoiltaecd ■ loit of gmtif ^Voa'TC am 'on "nim" * fenow with > gIlodriDn^ in the pu- taibn^hiTaitjaat \7cll,w*faltjiutwd>tudnippiaadun ganglniftamttiepaUtof tlili lUr, u ihs grbuMono Tldlm In ' tta plij. Ondooi Inon, u Iho old lidy Slid, "U't * pnnlo ^KnillthepeopIo'comobDffl, when to muj mentnttwvl" b*n b«tn ^Ung Inlo iho dtr tern all MClloni of lUa "wldo donifai," aa iha pmtlj wiltcn call U.;,TlW7 ooma In alagea, andaOiorla of ooDtnpUons, aa On nador mij ico aj kAIng ai Iho annaiad osla,wlilcta wo hara had mfttfti at "anor- mii<apaBaet''Uicatrlcalljrap«aUo(, oijmaalyto thobontfltof flvpaliuui' 2g^jSSti WTjl* ilWl' U^Owwopanl jKlthachUdial OhI xmnarcrBwaiuha aoaor'aoL naj g«t ao tangltd'and al»dnplnthes«aeial MmhlhalamancanplckoDtanjbodj elaa'awUobcfino be can Ma own, aid a good mani do H, loo. ChlUnn annaabedlniho «nwd, bajond bopaa of RcognlUon. Obi bntlt'agoigooaaloba at Qia lUr, and no on* ahookl mlaa tha fan and tba aqaealog and fliapattr glila to be aeen tbcxc. UcnlaaplotanofaFalrglrl M ^krignad b7 oar ipcdal azilat I DwIMrhM IbaafkrnatlaodabontbaU ft minian of ddlaia, and IheirapoelBarollnlrfaranotharlhalf million FMcada, wa 0 our aerlea of <*lalia" for tho twelfth Tohuno wllh moob ; and waaaklbo attention of an Iniatoitad pabUo tponrwork. WahiTabaanlodtaandatakolhlaJobfromaolni- gajae apriigtng ap, and, bj-lho-wtr, talklDg of aprlnglog op, what JamorofpiiDgrthan a fiogt Tb aoo thla onaocoonlaUo tnacct ■<ing pjlttkM, and ilBadlag whcnhoalta,lntho green flelda—and agciUagof fldda nrnlnda aa that a gimTO jaidaffoTdaagTand taU lor oipailnanttUjoa aland bealdo a gtaT07Bid,ofanioon' Hgtit nights and out a ilono tboidn, yon win aoon bo ablo to torn • praUroamcteaUiialaaalothoapood a gtlnialld>la capable of l1t***'"g Aswawtieabonttomnark, If wamlflMaandtwIat • ft»paaaag<aof89uk(apeare or Hoiaca Gnalofflufwo dam Ageoonuni^ aenao md rorelatlooabyballdlng 1raBiDdouaoon< t^juAnnm upon infoffldcnt jRmlaca, or no pianlaea at all, 70Q to be gntafDlto aa tar tho trlnnpb wo aohloTO for 70a OTor iba iiaaimlinj powoi of nun of InlaUoct, who will awallow oar sPb of nonataafJn tbo aagar coat of attlaUa natter wblcb cnTcl- cpea Ihani, fcrciv oplnlona iro oortaln lo be oBdoned by Ibem, and aa n fbHoW'toellflg makea na wondroaa Wiead br ill wboaa ImaglniHnua at« an J-jOK^a patant Harlog thna nllarod -larln oOailng ou wiaU; dlah of amoaei atBnponiloa of the aoaMlnlng Unea Steal not theao thlnga, n>: For foar the gallova maj The gallowila high, Ibei . And areor moment you think 70a' Doothand Oaikawlll have thair handa faa Wo admlm Ibolr aplilt, howoTOi oar Ihealrea. ganonlly, f«» I'S^S'lIf^iJ; da Itio oonlrol of the (onign element, but of Wo bare oonncnoedia look loltadr own inleieala, and lo do ■ UOIs managing 00 their own book. ^t^ntt,*^^ In'* AHnniBuite ekaed tor the aiuon on tho Whlnal. and will at once prepare for Iho trafeUng ompa^ wW<£j» •» huid. l^il-acoiSmliilieaaondJdVSeadldbnalW tho BUtea tad the Quudia, and Horn wWwa can kan 0/ the eharicter of the abow tor the comlni rariu uAfaomv ^ we tolly eipoct thU Managa UnlwlU haiiipiilherbilikcani. "^SmLociB wia In the dtylaat wo^ "fte perfonnlng » aoleaof engagemeula oat Weal Ho goja among tho y. 1. V. a Ihia week, opening at Aleiandi<a,Vi., on Iho Itlh. WiiJicnillariUgbUr b"*'X,lho/alr tot weak, bat Uiobad. nenlalUUIklr. "doeodala" and old oomcdlea rolaUuroaatat "Omco TO TOPim" U the "apiopoaa" UUo o f <aw gbable akeloh lobebnngbtoutbrWood'B HUiilnta thla <A?'t^,M duringIboweek. ItlafullofaparlandJoculai'blu,^BeoouM tho eooan wlU go off with "mocb Tim," Tbo oowdBBaUnUy Doing to the Fair didn't affect the bualncaa of thla MW*. enm SeabihiTlngtobepIiMdlnthA alatea eovaral nlglitiidttilnalho week. Chuloy Foi U In nirroim again. Flank Dtowalooma npaaaennoaae«er,andBayoa, the other comedian, keei* hla end np with oommandablapncUou. . . ,v. mvi "Cunio'a CiTT," a new aanaaUon, waa niodacod at Ihe wa Bowvy, to the fliat Uma, on Datiinlay orening, AprU tlh, upra- aenceoIabrgeaodUina. Ilwia uora ofa raheaiol PO*!™- anoo, and Ihla wed wo may tho boiler be enabled to ace anOludiB oritanciUa. Wo UDderatand that Manager Fox baa Mod UmaeU on thla piece, and that namenua auilUailea bare boeo eonged to glTo effect to the bceoUea of tho jioifonnanoo. In oar nextwe. abaUi^afcatlanglboanoonilog "Cudjo'a CaTO^" and thoao wnO| Airauia can bo icen at Ihe Menagerie nnia Thonday aw ' sing, April Klh. only, u tha eloiihauta and olhor toOa mmt ur- me&lfly pock thdr crnnka pnpaialoiy Is taking lo the read Ibr a llTlng. TheMouigtrio of Van Amburgb k Co. baa pnred one of the moat ioccaafu exblbllloDa erergt^'on In thla city, the cecdpta of the aeaaon leachiog beyond aU caualatlona. Tbla great eoluo- tlon of Urlng inlmala wlU now retain tho rlatta of our coantrr conalna. Bland ailde for the "Bnllophanl" and "Hyppochoiean,' tho 'ICngooomoalor" and "Badllcnm." ' Tbe rauTUcix, working mon garo a ban at Ining Han on tho 4lblnat It waa woD worked np, and added lo tho ninda of Ihe aodely. Ma. uvD Usa. Dazhet Woxxaio renew their porfonnineea at Dlblo'aOaidan,atlbeckiaaof Edwin Doolb'a ongigemeat, whkh win probably bo aboat Ihe asih loot. „^ iH BaoAnwiT oonlalna enough of tbe fair olomonl lo aUsy tho laain of aU lorora of tho female form and foralnlno lorelloen, fotthatoUtf lacompoaodof abrietiegtment of beab aid goih- Ing danurla of flfleeo aaomen and upwaida. What a luacioso algbt they piewnl, bow tbey daolo and bowUdar ono'i ptcccptlTo &caltlea,andwb»alotof appIodompUoga thoy conaume when notondaty. And amid tbla anay of bcaaiy we find oar old (riend Cbatley White located, lalUng hla Ethiopian yaraa, aInglngDigier •lodlca^ and dancing high, low. Jack, aa thoy uaed to do » "down in Alabam." Bntthere'a m mocb U> be aeon and board at Mr. BuUer'a American Ihealre, that wa cannot apan the apace lo fur- ther pTtlmlfririftj eooept to aay that In Mono. La Thome, the elage managv, Mbaaaaliooghand. Be la 000 of tha moat alBclQ^ ^agedlndoro In the oonntaT, and what la to tho point, la none don't know that waaroaulng thla about talm. r E.Lua,aiprcaantwlthmiaaaoy'a company at Nlbki'a, goea withUn.Wood naxlaeiaoo.^ FbjjuDisw baa not IncraBed bla popnlaritrallfaoOlympIo by blalriabchaiadariaaUona; thoao who law blabiolhcr, Iho lale John Dnw, In Irlah poria, are Tcry apt to make dnlkTaimble com> pariaona when Iboy ne Frank on the Irlah hoiaa. Borlwiao la probably Ur. D.'a/orfe, and Jie wouU do waU lo atlck to Ihal Una ofWi. Oajo . BlBy Florance, alter wllncaaing tl OunHiix,wbowreletacba guahing and lender eplaUo lo UByFlonnce, after wltncealngthatganUeman'i pctfonoaiiceof Ihc "Ticket of LoaTo Man," at tbe Wlnlor aaiden,lua nude a now extiaTBganza out of Planohe*a old one of "Fortonlo," ind It la (o be asred np, wllh caper aance, at Mm Wood'a Olymplo, Ihia erenlng, Apm II, tor Iho fliat tune bete. Aa adasied to Ihia region of eonntry. It la ailed "Loyallna; or, DrigaoJcr Qoneial FOrtnnloandhlaBoTenaiftadSemnla." Onoglfted lotaotlaa noroltynow4.dw aoiriiatmaat Iheae aavon be? lo order to gin fan elbct U> the anihot'a Ideaa,' Hn. Wood wID biiog out Iho aketch with new maalo, michlnoy, proportlei^ coatunica, aod eraiyllilngcalcitlatedloanaaraKaanceeaa. In tho caflttroMra. Wood, Ihe bold toigadlar: Mia. Sedley Brown, Mm Oiener.ltUaa A. Hairi8,'UnL Toong, lira. 0. Browne^ Mr. Fiank Drew, W. Dar- Idgo, T. Owenii elo, A now comic diama called "Our Wife," la BlaoonlhaMa I«tnaaUgoandBee"OnrWUe"andlbe"8oTm aiflodStnante" Ma SutA WUB lectond on Mlaa Anna IHcUnaon, at Ibo Cooper InaUtnte, on tho IBtb inalant, and the prlnclplca adrocalcd by the young lady In Out lectonwUI pnbably be Ihb meanaof throwing her bi^ a couple of ycaia. wo go in for tno dIacnuloD, and have no obloctlon lo tho lady lecturing aa ofUm aa ahe thliika It will pay, bat when ahe atlempta to boisler up auch didojal charactoa u TaUandlgbam—wbom aho tetpia "the gloiloua and patrloUoVaUandlflbam"—and endcarora to playlhocidqiiavloa clique or domeatu tiaiton, aha moat take tho conaequencca, and thcao cooaoqnenoea wlU toUow her, wo ftar, aboold •taeieaumo her drmmatlo perfonnancea. Mia Eoajna Webb, by her lecture, baa Injured the repulatton of the "Webb Blatma." Usu Atohu Joaov daa^^ter of "Count Joannes," made Lcr fliat appcaianco In this dty on the <lta but, at Ihe Wlnlar Oerdco, in a now drama baaed apon tha Apooypbal atoiT of "Judith," Ibo daogblcr of Manri of tno Irfbe of Baohen, widow of af>i,«—h ud all that aort of thing. Bha (was tho alayer of HeloCiMnos Jkd IhedellTenrof the'—"* —*" ' —' " nomi OT u "lOXDT iubid" wrm ns nniaa. labtaUng gioandforonilmpinh annuel cralae, 11 glrta ia maebplanie to note the piaapaiouB couOIUon of emuao- i^llTSlktodar Thoalrta.^nSiSol halta. dreoiu, moaUi lenaaUon nreacbRS, aU uo.dolng an Imnionao bualncaa, SdilSngiSotiwt»«>o out lead. lo.,nao a "S™,"'iS"*^ Itt iba •■lodotaUsiblo and appAaUro" reader caat bla ena OTor OT^rtB-lUlSrolamna Are Ihoynot brimftiU of durering afr mnlBot allplacee of pabllo^uaementt In Iho Eaot,In the WeriTlnUiolSotib, aye, aileron In tho Boulh,u thru wo ban ■naDetiatod.ia>oriaaroaia>cocouiaglng. Oroat lomlnarioa and BtUatwinkllnailan Id Ihe theatrical dmanicnt cast their main "•fr-"" -—wnupuie acnalbUltlcaof thegionndllnga .,'AU right; amuBcmcnta but aorro to n- fftga the duties of Uio moiTow. As klia. Hnb. iieoown, once aald—"All work and no pla^ 1/noihcaliolmakca John adanboy,"and tho tt In her locioulug. Our lore of amuaomonis ranerdi^; now thoatxta. mlosMthalla, maalo ^aQaandarifinarpUccaaro being built all OTOr ihe countxy. In theondliljlMd langnigo of QcopaHa, who Ut henelt wllh a ""^teiaii np tlHea eonmcto oar powB«, „ „ „ But ua whde boundtoa eonllneut [oicept Uailcona oim" 3M 0110 in, therolhrei and Impnra ua cbancM; "langh when .maa'and-aap aertowwllh the poor." And now, In the «• r'naSre worda of Bnlhor Beeober, baring shown m bow wo r Sm when we are, and what we am gobu to d& we wm ptwocd ',<' to 4laoaa the newa of the week, and leonid ihe donga of the Ihea- f4haas nnd ihow plaoea gcaioiany, ' MBuanaiiDsan be au^edwllh snpetloi lastnmanis and .iinalobyH. W. Deacon (leader of Oodwonh'a Band), of ITl Bffl ^dnel, on naauiiililii iami, Boo adratlscment In anolher col- inn* Dot BauifTWBSon Babirda7 last, snbaeqaent to tho erenlng mtelalnment, the nolplent <^ a nluable leatlmonlal of pcisonal oiaan and nspae^ In tbe ihiDe of a nugnUcont aoUd aU«er tanlo, of f T"'-"- manulhctMcinade by — Dobaon, of Bleaker ^ " • -^^^ "*-■ leaewood'aM, In which Itwaa contained, [tar alddd with the fbnowlng loeeripUon— ot br J, J. D., O. a, and jTB. p., April 0th, 1 of Jhe sTonlnff, Dan waa alao the dqllromaTalued poiaoual fr1r~ DDSta. Ihe coUbialed clown, and gyninail, la at the Maw York BoqiUal, aulcrina Mm a dlakKalod hli>, I t^.a fhn tcom iho trapau. Tout la the pantomimic aitlat potormlng at tbe Old noweir, wudie bo waa Tory popular, tog dayn an onJMBVdaya and Fridays, from SloA odock P.M., '^^ to bate hla Wonila ttll and see blm. I off iprDowhat aAcT tho Fair got fairly oodcr dhoaMonlhoeUi. Tnlaopcnfetchce Da..-: One of tho eccrcia of Its ^ocoa ICal the opera on "Fauil" njgnl% and t tho itinma market aflonla. _, nnder ue {nmuariahtfi of DanncUl BryaoU, . man) Hu^wM poco wllh the Itlh atictt nhop, for nubhig stops kFli aaowSflBigalncrtniiatMecbanlca' UaU. If Iheboyamdd m- largo fESwuTby Ukmg In Croaby alitcl, wo boUero Iboy vtndd atlii lam moniiyany. We tried looddo In at t71 Broadway one slabthat woeb, out wa got aqueczcd wono than at tho Fair, and wsthsicton beat what a brigadier general would can "aaaalaly Zoe, Ihe bcaaUfn] panlomlmlsi and doniailf, put In one ~;-atLthoKpw]]onex7, cloebiix on thoOtblnat Ilor "French '"^oxccUcntbeslucaa, and her personal cbamu and grace. } were much adinlml aiid ooiomontcd upon Zoo a to the new drama, by J. F. Peolo, called "Cudlo's CaTO, tie Cry of Fieodoni," announced for thla oremng, Ulh, Is of giandour not accn at this Itouao for MToral mooiha. J; Bcguftea, Mlas Eato Nowton. Ura. W. O. Jones, and Geo. ~ lia^aiiMaiAonglhoiocaatln "Cu<\|o'a CaTo." Tucaday ' .'oreDlng, Ulh, the euUio roeelpis, wllliont deduction, an to b« , MtmbyAlr. IJiiRaidtoihoHiullarTCommlaalon. Ttii: nniia Aranlcan tragedian, aa Ur. Edwin Booth la caOod, ' IcuieettncMlb niueblkTor at Nlblo'a Oardcn, when bia "Fool'a ' ^vcng<i''^>n<m.i to plfaae ao woU that It baa been found unnecee- ' -..;^Yboaida. This week, bownrer, la announced Mu'vUstv Ula roTengafulplay for tkopreaeni, and next week V-^ "^iVin^ti)ndilbb ..'<r. DooUi'a engwoment at thla popular plaoo of ('i,^' /^Swmiot Ihoalio*. I'le'VlnWO'uden la now tai tho keeping ot ^.^l£^S^itoBooUlandJ.B.Clar)'^ Uinugootfcmou having acmuod a ■r Sbot Itsoaotwoorl' -^ce ^Te<llS ago, Ihe tcrma of Ibecoiitnct - to'lMgln wllh tha o>plikUi.n<r Mr. Jlckaoh'B season, in a few ijh noDlhsiVaaawIng h>doiheitloanUchuii.;llk Jack80u,woaroln' ''^ AinMdibasUwi&nHtcainttniror'V uewMMea Mr.Btuart ' ' L'IfSdiufcrihem In ihe onadly of nunau.', inih the Winter Oar- "k^^^SilS^attToaavto I'UlUelpMd, ^belong. ^'mitt^m/myn^m WfVJlf^ U'X' >nor<iria:)Aiik[easrB, at a critical period ot thdr bla- loiy. Tbosloi7laaBliDpIoone,IUaatiitlna batonepaaalon,and that a moat lof^ and saulme one,—deToleu, religious and all ab- sorbliigpatriotlsnL lIeaia.-I>ellBlo and Daly, ofthla dty, an tho new anlhon ot " Jodllh." Allhoagb placed upon Iho olaae In a superior atyto, (a noTolly at Ihia boaacL) Ihe piece pnrcd a UtUo too baiy, and In that lenect opaiafed aomowbal to tho diaad- vantage of.lUH Jones; bnrneroAhetas she waa well recelrtd, and made ,1 hit impnsslon npon the audlencea In attenilanco during ihe week. When she agpeBi betoe ua In aomo of thaw playa In which aha acblaTadanlttiinad^'ahs WlU meet wllh orcn greater IkTor. Hi)iaaoK,thegayandlMlnsMBlte''AitnnmaWard,"diapp«] In to BOO us on tba Mhlot^nid lalt (own tbe foUowliig day far Boston, whe n ho and the, Mwipdggvinaa"holdcoancnas lo futon noTemtfits. ■MoKzui BAbbiiraii, wtib snd .dangblor, aiilTod In ihia dly on tho Dth InaL by BtcBQicr Illinois ftom Ban Fnnolsco. Br A HoncEolsowhexe^ UwfllbapenelTed that tho great aen- BaUon drama in threo acta, calied VTbe Ticket of Losto Woman" eon be obtained by thoataical nuiugcn and otbon byaddreaslog Mr. C. E. FOX ot tho Old Boworr Theatn. Ihe dnma ths wriU ten by the popular young American authoraaa, Mia. 0. E. FOi, and waa niy succctaful nl tbe Old Boweiy. - It la a dt compaidon for "The Ticket of LoaTe hfan." ' Tbosb TBuniau, Aosra^ Hon Oonner t Co.,. iikn by dial of CBanv and pui aei ai a n c^'^ m sdrartldng in the C£lm^ bnlJt opsn extcaalnbasliHSS,snd now set ler a largo number of nciaoua, iDcludlng managen and pcrfonnexa. TImb week, OB will be a<«n on tcforcnoo to anolher coluiun, ^Ihcy ad- Tortlao in tho Cluter the bualncei of Uioso flrab cloa itnn In Uiclr tcapoctlTO rol0, M'Uo. Mario Zoe, Leo lludaon, Kato Fisher, Buean Denin, and Allco Pladde. Wioa lor thcalrkBl, miustxol. and show people ecncrally, can bo Biocured of Paul Do BpolU), It Weal Uoualon street. BcoMr. Vo potto's card In another colomn. Bamo Up Bawoa,ihat will aland banging about, an monntic- lurod by Bogan, tho banjo man. Began alao banga banjo ploy- ing Into tho Djolns of bonjolstle aspirants. Seo.bia advcrtlscmooL Dramatic. Tax MnnoTOUTU, Ban Fnndsoo, wna closed forabriofperiod for tho purpoao of nuking aomo altcntloiu In tho ftont Dart of tho bouae. Thooniiana to tho gallery la through whora tho old box oQlco stood, and the box oflico Is placed In the coniro of tho h)bhy. Tho roopenlog took place 00 the 9d of March, wllh Ihe foUowlng com- pany: Fruk lAwlor, O. Mlloboll, Tbomu McRcon, Fred rranks, wTB. Uimlltan, J. H. Baby, F, Percy, B. Anhor, J. & lemneo, J. Bloe,Tuyor, J.Tttomw,Mra.8.Btark, Mn. Vlslt- 'smwhso < lOylor, Mis. Slaekhense, Mia. Bines, Hiss C. Flllmoie, Jordan,, snd Mn.Jndah. Uio Melr^Utan la still under tho management of hlra Btark ond Emily Jordan, with UcKeon as acting and stsgamanigor. "Loah"waa produced on tho opening night, the principal pistloD of Ihe cat being a foUon: Joiioph, Fruk lawW; Lorenzo, O. Milcholl; 'Father Ilomionn, Thomas IbKeooi 1Mb, Emily Jordan; Malhan, E. V. Tbaycr. A hrio sndlann^ltla aald, witncaaed tho Initial performance. On tho llth of Uanh *1locle Tom's Cabin" waa porfbimed, wicb Lawlor aa Bnde 10m, Un, judih u Aont Opholu, Emily Jordan u Ellta Hania, and iUu C. Obapmin u Topay. Lnton m Uiasi'a theatrical boupe bsTo been plsytna ihe burlcaquo or "Manppa" at Oarsoo CII7, N. T. On Iho aeth of Fabrnary iho Ihroo came near ending In a tagedy. CirrioCbap- nun. In a awoid encounter, waa, by acddont, atnick amoa tho temple with her adnirssry*a Treapoo, and sank '" "iiIm' on tho floor, ehowmaprnmpUynmOTedtothogreeoroomflnaphpl- clan wwMnttor Immcdiatoly. Tbe ocoumnoe croaiia a great BouaUontoi afowmlnutea, but the aniHonws having boon In- formed that tbe wound was not fklnl, disponed In good order. At last acoounia MiaaChapman wa tocoTanng npidly. Mn. Waldroh's Tnourc—Mia. Julia Dean uanio, Salllo Qood- rich, Aa, loll Foiilaod, Onion, on tho iBl of Uanh tor Iho DoUcs. By Iho way, wo an Inlotmcd that Ur. PIcipont Thayer and Balllo ~ * Icb won lately mairied., „. W. U. Lsiotnnai.eallod fhim Bsn.Fnndsco, Usich 5, lo Mr. ^Vud's company at tho WlUimelto Thoatro, Poiiland, on. >L'uc Uofsoi wa playing to cnwdod bonaea ibo accondweok In llirch at Magulre'a Opera Uooao, Virginia City, N.T. On tho 1th of Uanh an audience, netting lo Ihe tnasuiy of Itae Open Uonao Bomo $1,800, wa pnnnL >Ioii;sui OocOAitAii snd bis dangblor Virginia oommmcod a Uiroe nlght'B enguomonl at Uaguln^a Open uonao. Bin F^ancla- CO, on the iBt of Ifaicb. . At MAoimE'tOpen Honae, Ban Fiasolaoo, Iho "lickot of Lcare Man" wa produced on the tlh ot Marob, and wu played four nigbla. On the OUi, "The Duke's Motto" wu lo-produood, with Frank Uayo aal^gadon^ and Bopblo Edwin a Blanoh do Hovers. On tho IlUi of llanh a fknwell umeflt wa tendered Mr. ond Mia ifoEcan Buobanan. "London Aasonnoe" wa poifoimed, with Man aa BlrIIarconrt,Ula Virginia w Oraeo, and J, IL Allen a Cbarla Courtly. Bomo ot Uio papon out then aay Back bu plaTod hlnmuoal 'Tin Jumn or Lun Man" wa nroduood at UoTie]rar*a Thain, aUosiD, lat wak. UoVlckor, 1( la said, propoics aoon to rapend twOOO In tha onlaigomant and dcconOoa of hla thain. TnaCmoAooUoaoii hu been playing tho "Ticket ot Leave Nan" with lucoeaa. Bndlay la said lo bo fiasiaue a Iho Jew, andAlkon'aBobDrlorlylsgood. Mia Woodbury, n now seces- sion lo tho company, la highly spoken ot Bho la pionoanocd to In oae of tho flneatselniiiSistentn Iho West . Suaiaa's Amaiixuii, Ootumbtis, Ohio, Is doing an exccUcnl nubioaa,whichUgUytatlilhelaTstsleor Ihinnbasihnulslod UantgerJohnA.aiiloitognator oOtirta to pleaae. Aa wfll bo aeon on nfeieuoe toour adrtftialng w T"""* , bo Is alreadyio* ajilllng toUio feU and wlnleraimpalgn, and wlaba lo engage talent of bolh Iho male and lOmale ponnalon fbrelevonmoniha, U la hardly neceaaiy for ua to caallon tboae inlonatod In make a nolooflhoama KAT» rnain's talo engsgeraenl In Montnd, a£, provad a ToryloonUioonetobonulo KoUi. She brought harslaythenlo a dose en tho 8th IniL, on which occaslou aho look a compUinon. tary bencOt. •I nn Tmora or Aaass on performing thla week el Iho Uonlnal (TboalrcaB. M. W. Flake, Iho low amcdl^ HhiTuinr Ma. J. W, tmuuii nluncd lo Delnlt with Ida tbalrioal company for a aeaaon ol reur weeks, openhig then on tho tlh Inst., al Young Mod's IJaU,irilh''lUch^on." uio tm Uiia.BromuLLhawllIiOnKnlh>miboBoaloa Tbeain to ao- cept an ongagament at tho Chicago Uoaoom, LoniTBOnnOBwathdaliplat week at Ihellew Nabrina Tbatia Bbo prodooed her play of 'JJttIo Buctoot," and It aao- oooded In altncUng oiooltonl bonaea darlDg the week.;. - ,_ At ™ Oui NuHmu Tbbai»», notwjtpijandliig tho TsBr In- dsomrstrio of Iho weather bat weak, llr.'tel Oto guldock wan weU nodnd by lugand appredaaTe andtonc gL T he play of Ihe "WlOow Oop«>" wis Uu princ^tf gtMoUra oAnd durlug thewcekbytboasrtlala. .j™ i« ih« Tnnu DmuuTio EumTAEimim wan la||>-in the ehorch at Pdcrbon, N. Y., for tho benedt or til Bttllary Com- mlailon- Acoireapondeatayathochnnhwawell Bllod by tbe eUzena of Ihe phoo on Iho fbst ttto ovonloga. Buckatono a oomo- dy, "Ihe Mah Lion," wa tndy performed each evening. On Uio third evonhig, Mirai 93, iho cnwd llllcd OTornook and comer, to, in iddmon lo Ihe other aUndlons, Iho Hen. Ccrrilt SmlUi appeaiul hi Uooriah costomo, snd daclahnod Ui lino atyle "Othcllo'a Addraa lo lbs Sonalo," elc. Bia ilaugbter, Sirs. MOIor, appartd a Doadomona. Tbla «a QorriU'a first appcaianco oa anydnmaUoatagc, , , , TncBmoiM Soinsof Italian origin an nocollariy unonialn, and OTcn when you haro them safely caged luoro ia no ccriainiy Uiat an inoinioiiune cold will not InlcrvenoloCiceio Uie notcoin their thioala, and pnivont In return a correapondlnii bjue by Iho public In postal currency. Even when Uie aviary u all riebl, tlie director, Aapreuori^, a it la Iho bahlon lo term him, may trip np, aod thus la It with Max, sir.namcd Mantick. Manager PUic, of tho Clndnnad Ooat Uouao, made a poaltiro engagement with Uaretzek to bring bJa company to that aty and oonuucnco a abort aaaonofludlanOperaalhlsbouMonthellUilnsL ForUionst throe or four wcelu manigor Ftke ba kept Uio tnnro nnilerUncd on hla bllli, and In ricw of tho engagcinent, anangemcnia won made by Mr. Pike to play his dnmaUc comiany, during Uio open aeaaon. In Cleveland, Ohio. At Uio last moment Mu qnleUy In- .fenna Mr. Pike that be cannot tullUl bis engagemont in Clndu- naU. AUofwbicbwUllendtolcauinfaithlnilax'Bcoalncta. At TUE JIxiBOroiiTAii Ibbathe, Elmlra, MIct CharkHIo Cramp- ton was Ibo star lam week. On Uioldlnitshearpeandallam- lot lo iho Ohat of Mr. Leak. Tbla lady'a engagemcnl wa an- nouoctd to terminate on the 7th Inst The Btocx Coutamt contlnuoa to dnw paying housoa to tho Academy of Music, Albany. On iho 1th and nth insl. "lUcholleu" was performed. "Bob Hoy" and "Jcsalo Unwn" an underlined, a being in acUre prepanllon. UfssEHiuCiiuiiuii took her Int hencllt at tho Metnpolllan Ibeatio, Boflilo, on Uio 6th InsL Dickens' domeaUo dnnu of "Dot" wa performed. Ua. Ci-AuiiE Uaulton, who baa been connected with tho Bonthoru Ihoitiea for lomo months past, mado bia ILnl eppcannce thla season ol McVkker'i Tbatro, Chicago, on Ihe lib Inst, play- ing Uawkahaw to Boaau Donln'a Bob Urioriy hi tho "Ticket of Lcavo Man." Ua. OnAu, of Itahan Open nnown, ha InsUtated a suit sgalnit tho rdl-Mallj, Oeniiaii paper nubllabed In ClndnuU, laying the danuga al $13,000. Woudor if the FoUcMaU chap an make up Iho amonnt It'a a heavy atakt^ and wlU hdp Oiau along woodor- Ibllr—ifhogelsltaU. HiiuioiiT among maaldana la not ahraya iho-vole, bat occaionally they agno woodeifully well. A case In point, and what ooma of IL During the nccnt performanea of Uio 'I>aveQport.Wil1ack comblnaden at the Brooklyn Acadomr, the storm ncccaaltaled a poatpoocmont of Iho "Iron Uak," which iraa uio have been played. Aboutadotcnperaona won thonwbobad ^mrchased tiaou, but tholr money na ntnned. Among Ihoa who bad aaaomblod, aln, wen the orchestra, who thinking thoy won not itqulrod Ihal omnlng, demanded their pay all the same, sad Uut in such a manner a to ellell a piacUcnl rrnnko tnm the managor. Finding them ao chunorooa fcr pay for aorvica not rondorcd, ho made thera occupy Uiclr accustomed acota In the orchealm and ordered UionUo play befon an audicoce compoicd ofblauclf and auch oftbooRDpany who had noUilng bettor lo do, and for en hour coiialdciablo tnn waa had by the poriy, who quite enjoyed the extcmiiorlzed promenade concert Tbcu peribraen wen then dianilacd, and tho next night new men nUcd their nhices. Well, wa don't ko that ihe muaiclans wen wnng: thoy bad pnvloueiy been ongigod for that evening, and probably llirow up other onoagementa to accommodate the Aadcmy people. Thoy could hna alTord to ioso Ibon tho oombination could. It ns not tholr toult that a laigo audience waa. not praent Honor'bright, and shame Ihe dovlL TANnz LocnE concluded his engagement at tho Pittaburgh Tbatn on tho 2d insL, and wo loam that hla brief stay Ibcro GDvod In o^-ery respect not only a meat brilliant one, but one of 0 moot Bucouanu played by any alar thla scaaon at that eslab- Uahmcnt Iho following noUeo wo dip from tho PitMurgh £«• flfnoCArotirc/eorUaich 3lBt ^ Mr. Locke at the .TnEAioE.—Mr^JMByppcarcd again at tho theatre lat nlghttoabrifo and iS^^Hwent eadicnce. .£%'ciy icat wa occupied, and norcr han^^^^Kpcrformanco glvo men thorough and genuhic aatfl^^^^^BLocko wo ro- gardaathomoat succcsaful dolincetofl^^^^^Kaiacterwlio baa over ippcand on our stooe. Wii^^^^^Hn our tlue Yankee Hill. Josh Bllsheo^ and oUicr celcbflHHHoQne or bus- Inea, but in the fldolUr with which Mr. QBI^ellnntca fito traits and pccuIiarlUa or the Yankee character, ho surpesaca thcra all. The great Itult oral] Yankee Comcdlaua wlio have iicratororo appeared bcforo tho pub^c a Teprcseatallvea olDowu-Eaiterltrni, baa been a apodcs or groa exsggcnUon aod OTer-coIorlng,,whlch, whlJtt It might tilesso or amtuo by its ludicrousucaa^ norcnholca ftlled lo aecompUsb Ihe great "pniposo or playing whieb waa mm tbe flrat ad la now, to bold, a 'twcn, tho*mlnor np lo Natiiro." Tbna, Ihougb the peculiar nasal brag with which other Yankee parformon have Invariably delivered tho "voids nut down for thom,"lusDovcr, perhaps, oiled In lis offoctoo tho "gnondllnga" and tho lojudlrlous, aliU, those who look upon Uio slogo a s mighty pichuo or thlnga a they have been oru they on, have rcit keenly Uio lack orroollty In nU auch ddlncaUona. Ur. Locko ha uolbiiig moro ol this same twang than actual clrcumatanca Justify. BuipcrformancesaTCiiuirkedbyasubduedgnvltyordo- mcanor and geaticulation which, though lea broad a a caricature, orntboriiocarintunataU, unmistakably Blamp upon bia act- ing tho Impiea or gcnloa. And when it B nmemboicd Uut since such cbsiactenbcarae popular In thla country It ha been tho Innrlahlo cuatom lo mlarepresent and gaibki every fcatun of Yankee life and cuitom, no Ultlo credit la duo an aiUst who boldly acta aeido the tnmmela of uaago, and dlvesUng bis rda of much that ba rondertd them Uio rage, appean In a proper, tmUiful, udnatimlahono—that eta r«al Yankee. Mr. Locke oppean to- nlcht AH jMUoiAb in Uia *^rtsii Mountain Voy," a cnaiacler In wlildi he aann-cr been approached—and to-morrow night be wOl take his bonoflt Apart from hla admitted merit a an arllat then la no mon worthy or houorablo gonUonian on the atage;andvro an glad, Ihenfon, to see blm do such a fine large bualncaa. On tho llth Inst, Ur. Locke commences s short engagement at Ford's New Theatre, Akundria, Va., appearing In a nund of hia Jptanllar eharectera. (KTnE.WALUca.DATBinBT ComUnaUon follow LannEocnoat the Walnut, Fblladelphb, opening ou Uio llUi Inat. Toe New CnoinnrT, Phludelpnla, couUnua lo do well with ihe "Octoroon," Uio picco drawing meet acdtcnt bouBco over alnco it via Ont put ou Ihe boards there. Mordauut's McCluakey li «eU spoken of by tho prea of Pblladdphls. jK UBS FAnn B. PnicB ronuUicd tot wwk at tho New AjBuiy find.) Tbatie, her succea Indudng the manager to nxngago bar. Bho iw anggo itol bj^ i>aMaii8'^^ -y''tf^i 'y"^^^ EnnavUlo, Indionn. "'•flSJl!]^ "IloucoALc" wu pndDccd at Iho Arch Glnel Tbcatn phla, 00 tho ith, to a cmdcd houao. Mra. Jno. Drew To-apiicanacoon tho occnaUm a Uon Leigh. Tho ptcoo U -vu caat—BtiloD mil nltlahu the character of EUlol Gray. The tableau In the BUrlit Bell, atthoondorronrthactlaniBhUycR- oorvil. TboBcener7, by Eawlhomo and It & SinlUi, Is mognlflccnlr Ut mon donriabbig than might bavo been expected, cenaldctlng that the two Saultaiy Fain, paat and prcaent won such a dnw on Iho supcdy or span gnenbocka bi tbe banda or Uie ploaann- aoeklog Aowd or BnoUynllos, snd also Uut Uio weaUier wa a tukvoiablefortovlnaco^patlaii at home at alghta......I1io CoOlvays at tho Park Tbeain managed lo pay eiponaa during Iho week, and In conaldcntlon or Uie hwvy tragedy boalnca Uuy brought out ror Uidr tnunp carda, they won lucky lo tchlovo orcn tblasuocas. Tbey chsngcd thdr taoUcs somewhat befon tho week waoni, ond tho result wu beUer bonsa esch Umo ttia did so. On Monday thoy pisyed Uio Marble Uoari, Tuesday the Wlllo^r CopaOiWodueadqr London Aannnco-wlUi a flnt appear- dng, Bob Bart, BUly Thomas, Cavanaugh and Low once ftom tho DubUn Tboatro-Thanday LnaellaBor|;U,_M Itao vlalton laugh by Uidr wtttUy-totd riperlimcea. Loudon Aaauianco again, and 00 Saturday tho Foop 0 Day BoySi Iho latter dnma ellaUng the beat attendance of Iho wcck:lndced, llasucctatnUiIsrespcetbaledlollsbdi% placed on Uu bins rorUu present viaek.....'.At Ibo Academy the Floronca have been pbring to only moderate honacs, tho best boliig Ihoir second night Thoy opened wllh llandy Andy, and tho Young Actrca, tho Ant boing well dono, and Uio laUor Uio rovcne. The Tlcket- or-leaveManwaglTaneftCTM'ards.butiidldnetdnw Iho crowd oxpoclcd. At the benefit or the Floroneea on Ratuiday Uion wa OL'aicely onongb prtBont to take Ibo cblU off tho bouae, and it Biovcd to be anything but a bencllt On Itao lib but Msx [orolzek look hla Open Inupo—or ntboi a porUoa ot Ihcm—over to Dmoklni, oipoctlag to dnw a good bouse wlUi Ula Harria, Brlgnoli and BcUlni a the attracllona, and Ibot loo nlUi iho alalo opcnol Luda. The Brookljultcsdluii't ace It, sndMoxntnrned to the city ont ot pocket ' TiiK roLLOwmo ladta and oentiomen have been aecnrcd, we an informed, by Managor WUIard, for tho Howard. Beaton, next soo- uu: Messrs. H. A. Lanadoo, £ W. Oonorai], C W. BcatUe, 0. L. Faiwell, F. C. llo\nird, \V. U. Ceilings, J. U. Rocen (arUst), W. P. t (luncUnist), J. L. I«pbon (prompter), N. D. Jones, T. H. Connor; Ueadama lnnf;don, Ilogon, OolMngi^ Oomenal, Far- well; Missa Louise Anderson snd .M0III0 Nonibn. Bnion ays UutEffio Gcrmon hi to Oil Mto Josephine Orion's posmon SB cbombermald at tho Boston UuMum next fiossoii. Etzte Hetoebsoh, hexing brought her Nabvillo eogagoment to a Bucccssfnl tonolnsUon, Is st tho Howard, Boalon, Inbi week, opening then on the llth Inot. in "Kaihleen Uavoaiuoon." YttiTVALi ha been n-cngagcd for bIx nlghla longor, and contln- nea tho alar thla week at tho Beaton Tbabfe. "TaBFAJBOHEvidlhtbeaoldoaLocka" proved a saccca Isst week at tho Tremont Boston. On tho lllb a new oomlo dnmu onUtlcd "Tbe GonUeman In Black," wa to bo produced, and on the Ulh "A Bull In a China Shop" la brought out TiiE AiiBUCAM Equatrlon Uiamatle Oomfany—n. B. Oata' man Black Beas, with 0. D. CoUliu and la Dale Oocaiu—com. raenco a tiro weak'a engagemont at Ihe Udiopolilan -Theatn, Bocbcsler-N.Y., on lbs ifUj, under tavorabio Itoupieoa}auaplcca. *,Mexeiipa'*lalhofintploceon. LaunKocnoaTronpo'whoanto makoaloarllmugbNew Yorka tar a BuflUo,fbuowttaeaala poity. Tbe szouuin Boaaon doacd at the Rocbeslar Tbeaire, on tho id inat J. It Flabcr and Blmcba La go to BnflUo; Tboe. A'Becket goes to Cblcaco; J. £ Irving to Now York; £. A.Locke, labeOs llowitt Mia C.M. Burke snd Ula Rebecca Adama to Detroit An amnslng luddont occunedatawdays alnaln connedlon vrilh tho two latter Ktrcssa. WhUecnnnto to Toronto, to play a irsok with Manager J. H. Mooch, they paaaod on, ncglocUng lb "see" Ihe CustomHouMofflocr In ngara to their ba^sge, which vrade- lalned- Tbey reached Toronto, but no baggage came. Fortunate- ly, Conductor Touch, on tho Great Watcm Rallnad, who approd* ata Uip thalrlcal proreaalao, kindly aaalitcd them to findH and eent them oa n^oidng. J. Wilezs Bootn noialned at the Bt Charieo, Now Orlesns, st tot Bcoonnta. "Laeria," writing on AprU I, ays:—In conse* quencoor aaoven cold fnm which bo osd bcoi suflerlng for some time, Mr. Booth wa obliged to lako a abort respite on the 30th nit Ho ha entirely rccovciod txam his IndirqiosiUon, and nappcaied on the ttlh a Damon. On Uio'iilUi boappcanda BapbaeL In Uie "Marble Dealt" In which ho crated a very fk- vorablolmpieaalon. Uobrinn hisengagomoat hcrotoadoaoon thoSdlnat appearing a RIchaxdin MalOdaHfron follows blm, opeotog co Uio tUi At Uio VarieUe%bcncflla conUnueto be the order of tbe day. On Uio 3«Ui ult Mn. Aloxbia Flsbcr Baker wa the rcdplent ot a grand complimentary bcoeflt tcn- dcrvd toberby auostof pmnlnCDtdtlzens, hadedbyOovomor Habn. (M Uils oeeaalon, the " Heart ot Uld-Loihlsn'' wa pro- duced, bi which a young lady of tbla dty made her first'sppcsr- snco on any stogo a "EiBo Dean," odmlmbly auatalntog her rofi^ and achieving a derided sueccaa. At tho ond of Iho play Mrs. Baker ond the iltbgtanU wen called befon tho cnruln, and ucarly smothered nitbboqncis, wraths, Ac OnbetoacaUedupon ror a opcccb, Blrs. Baker, In a row anpnprlato renuriB, rctiiracd her Uianka to her friends end the fp^c generally, for tbo many marks ot spprobsUon which she baa received from Ihcm during Uio lat two leaaona In which aho ha appcAied hi tbla dtv. In cxprcsslna lierintonUou of eoon retiring from the stage, one to- tiodnccd Uio debiifaflfc, pndlcUng that tho day la notur distant when this, ber lutlvo cfiy >a-11I bo proud of hor. Tbe "Duko's Motto" Is still thawing crowded honses, snd well it nuy, for In Uie maimer to which It is produced al this Ihalco, It really Is worlh gotog to sec. Mua. GuuNTAifE remains iho sfau- this week at Pike's Open Hoiiiie, Clndunotl. Buatoea with this lady last week at thla cs* latjUabmont larcporicd a having been good. "Lady Audiey's SecRl" wu brought ont on the lib, and wu played tbroaghout Uio week. ^ Kate I*iiniEn la the star this week st Wood's Thatn, Cin- cinnati. IL K. J. Mnxs Is tho next atsr at Plko'i, andnnaU, opening Ucn on tho 181b inat Jons E. OwDU la tho attraction Uils vreek at McVlckcr'a Tbe- ain, Chleago. A TOVNO LAST uamcd Uaigaret Hoeney, formerly employed at tbe Aadcmy of Music, ,\Jbany, uaballctglrl.wuaccidcalaliyaboton tbe 81h inat ot Uie Eagle Dlrccl Hold, to Uut dly. Tbe ball en- tered hor bnaat, Juot uiovo the heart Tho unfortunato girl vra aUTo at last aoooouts. Un. OHAnuB WiLsxxMK, comedisn, who hu for some Ume been acttoaugent for Mn. Olailstane, bu resigned hU poettton, and BcceptaVan odor firom Manager Uondenon, of Illtaburgb, and will make bis fintoppoaiancoln lhatdlyat an carWday. We bespeak a hearty recepUon for the New i^ni»»'i comcdiAp at tho banda of tha pooplo of PlHaburgli.- New Baiuioxt, Ind, la imnonnced Iho "mmmioat" of all **nim" show towns. Tbey nave 0 bautlful and cozy IllUo Ihca- In, fitted up dcganlly, and oTciybody goea to tho theatre. Then Is only one church to town, and Uut bu fieonusibera; It had three, but 000 moved away. Mrs. Welsh Edwards wu Ihe alar at tbe Ihalro tot week, and wa dnwlng well. She oiwnol in tho UUe ro/e of "Medea," and on the follovriug night snstsUicd tho part ' Capltob, to Uio "Blddon Hand." From then aho goes lo U Tom Uouto TbniR, lor two nlghla. OEOitoE fliir, whoa conduct we nrerred to in our last, la ai to bo a plcoalng art or talker, ot good oddnaa, sud well cahnilnlcd to "get Into" allow people. This week wo have other Icttcn cor^ robomting what wu aald orhlmtoour tot. Let Ibo profcaiou bo on UicIr guard ogalust him. Uiai a«LLie St. Cum snd Mr. Charia Banu coco ou onRBgamont at tho Qufloto Thatn 01 when tho "Woman to Whlto," dramatized 1^ dalrby Mr. Cbariu Barns, waa to bo mcmbetcd, howorcr, that be coton to a dlObroit clau or than thoa who on to tbo habit of vUttog the tliAlia, an, prognmme iircseotod ach ovenlng partaka of a conJc and l. provoking character. The rocal a wall f tho baOet ceiu 'i matcorapleto mlaccUany of varied alinctlona, collected byv Bgqr Lea, and bound togclhor by ihe judgment ot Ida Maoa- Dlnxtor, Ur. OaTenaagh, for the pnaaw of dUfUalng enloiii' to the Tiallon, and aUli non MiV'eelabllahtog the n« already cnjoyea. Among ihe srtlsti engsged, Jcnnlo Engd Emma SoboU aUU remain giat fliTorilea, arid to the panbin Scbdl hu pnred herself veiy Teraatllo u wdl u onto 1 Bovl 'apcdAlitc'C a on also Uio preincUcs and coatumes. "Ilosedalo" prbmlacs to bsve a Bucccetf ul run at too izch. Laoiu HEENEand tnnpo doacd tholr ongagemeni at tbo Walunt Phlladolphla, en iho 0th, wbcn wu prcdnced a now Torsion ot "Eut Ltnue," dnmallztd under the auporTlalon of Mrs. Wood, tho aulborcaa. Laun Keeno eppcaied u Lady label. Mto Eeono'a ongogomcnl lus not pnvcu very nmunontlvo. At toe aESAiAN TnEATO^ Pbllodelpnia, buBbou uono ot tbo beat "OUioUo" wu given on Uie Stb. Tho managoniont' al this catohUaliniout, "Hawisfaaw" says, la loo doa with mouoy, a. Uioy will uot prodnce any piece ou Uio alago u it ahouM bo; Iho' impciUeSiCatuma, and acouorybetog or the poorest ktod. ' JouM U. NicacuoM's dcaUi wu neently noticed to our paper, and we an now to Uio receipt or a loiter from a an or the da- coisediicquesthigastomsiiD acotTocUoniuanrnoUc& Ulelct- Icr, wo should mention, ought to bavo reached us aome weeks sgo, bnt Uio genUomsii to whom It wu eolrusted did not hsnd 11 to ut until tbe aih but HonlsthebtlorKrorTcdto: ' _ . - QUBSio, 8d Mareh, I6M. Diss So— In eomnon Jnstla to my motoor, Un. NIcktown, I beg to requat Uut you wUI"correct a stalsmoni nude to your is. BuooflhonUiulttour, thst Ibo lato Ur. NIcUuton, whom dnUi £iu BO Mndly noUce, naficfce married. This I must deny. Uy Iher hirt but one wif& my molher, who Is imw livtog, four dsagh- lenandmyBeU; toe CIvU Sorvlce or CaiiatkL Howa never divorced, and Ihoicron could not bo twin married. Agiato thanking you tor your kbidneaa, I truat that you wlU permit mo to further trcapaa on It by aaUng for Uio tosottlon ot Iho sborb to your next Yonn truly, Jomi NicnHtoii.' O'Hahra aud Hiu's Dtamallo Company wu porfonntog at Oawogo, M. Y,, tot week. On tho 81h lnat;'lhe orenlng'a entor- lalnmat ana for tho benefit of LlzztoSmltb and George H. Barton, JouM 8- OLAnxE conUnua ihe star at toe Uelllday, BalUmoR. Iltobcnefllon Ihe Blh inat la said to have been a big alhlr. Lccnxs WmiBHdid agood week'a buatoea at the Front, Ba]li< beuns on tbo ripnUng, dandng wuTca^dcddedly pretty, oiprca- slTeondvelaUle." whuwt Uto.WcatemconUnanthoaltncUon tida week. auom, wllh hla company, at Gcttnvllle Tbnin, Vlinlnls, did goodbuabicM; 00 IheOto, hotuniodawaybnndrcda; Uiopcrfor- nianeo couUteil of "John Bcbmllt" Glonn a Iho Persecuted Dutchman, achlovtog tho most uproorioua akoowlcdgoment of auccca; the "Conjugal Loason," and "Sarab'a YonngUan." to the foimci, Mto AdoUo Andciwn appeared a Un, Lullaby, Man. ton aa Simon Lullaby, aod a Bam BloTolcaf to Iho lattor, wttti Mto Boa Friinoo, u Banh. Tbo pcribmunce wa a auccca Ihnoghout Jom McDoKouon, with hla spedallle, "Tho Seven SIslon," wu to open at Uio Oiton Henao, Norfolk, Vs., on Uio lIUi, Kcb. appoutog u Mia. 1*1010. Kate vntot aud Bam Ryan ammonce an ongagemont at Elia- ler'a Alhcuaniin, Chivoland, Oldo, on Uie 6U1 Inat., and romato toon two vetka. On iho 6th of Uay Ihoy appear at iho Dellanco Thatn, Cain, AL, thenn to NaabvlBo and LouhivlUa. Tnoiua B. Dx Wauibv, dnmallat, bu leaaed the Foriland^ Thatn, ud wa topnduee on Uonday ovootog, April 11, andoTciT evening until further notice, bla aeuaaUon drama ot"Pomr Cndjo's Ckb," recently pctformod st tbe Howard, TbooomptnyconaMsofUiefolleirlngladlnand genUamen J. p. Button, Harry Jcjmonr (whoenacto "Cad|o"),W. H. _ W. Bnnler, T. a Byrne, J. Nekui, H. F. Lampeo, Un, aunh-Uj Uto Annie fipoar, Uia. D. It ABen, Uto CongTOTo, do. Pratt ia tho buahica managor. W. W. FuiT hu inat finlshcd a now Tankw comedy tor Goerge E. Locke, cnUUed "Capo Ood in CalUtamU." It will be produced by Ur. Locke at Alexandria iho present week. BxnuArm A. FlRtm, lato pn^ierty-man ot the Variety Thatn, Chkaao, la toqulnd tor by George F, UeDonald, to an adveitlsc- mont In tols iauo of too OuppEn. Tub OaoAxour Deautt, u performed on Iho tlgbl rope by Ua- rietto Havel, lo lodood a boautlnil tbtog to iritoea^ and tho udy's serfonnaneea to pantomime have be^n i^eaaliig the people who nave vislled Uoosger Bhm's, NaUooal 'Aiealer, to OudnnaU, lor aomo da)^ past She to aald by Ihe pita of that dly to bo tbe most sccoianllshod orilato that over npnaentod the gncelUl totp- alohen on tuo tlohlniio tbore, FoBBisiEn ft Oomiaiu's Dramtlle AlUann opened at Falorson, N. J., on Uie tUi Inalant and played "Dnde Tom's Cabin" two nights, tho "Octoroon" on Wednesday, and too "TIckcl ot Lave Man'* on Tlmisdsy night "Uncle Tom's Cnbto" dnw Isrgo liouaco, but then wa a lUgbt fklUiig off on Wednesday nlghti on too Ith tbo liiUmu about hro-UUrds full. . '-<> ' Maj, MoHnoE's BicsKomcox of the Wsruonllodal nuorton, N. J„ on too 8lh, to alay to Uie llth. IUbatiucau m nnooiu.TN loi Uio wook ending April IHh, wm Capo Thoatn oS Satnidsy, tS?nh tost ' TiluOLufnaealc'eiKctado ciiUUcd tho bnrg." put upon' tbo bIiro ot a eoat of 93O0O, Is Iwviiii: a good run at Uio Voiletto Tliam, Mra Ciuhlotte TnouKOM foUows Moggie Loiils Thatn this week. M'ux VcsrvAU bu been cucogod and will Loals. FniNEUM's DramaUe Troupe have beck nnlto su( Olrardau, Uo. UAOAHsAmiA Bisnor, assisted by ber daughter snd Mr. A. Sedg- wick, wUI giTn ono conocn at Fatoison. N. J., on the ItUi. J. a. ■Wmn ba iriUidnm .Aom bis partnsiahip with '■Ooauu.-»i!d is new Stan nunagiaor the Ceottaanlal^ PhU^ detobia, rice tli iliWgriin, orcunla tSFpalUimS. scttog nui^Hcr and olniXiSitj^ ratobuidaaonL ■ •■ •Muifo'Hall^^ ■"•^«^-;r Tm: Tonx (Pa.) Meuseon baa'prospered ifiU* WW uee Mean. Schdi k Dcsoh^nndortook to mansgevtha^ fitfp^ .the je^thH^ptoirto smusemout el the Torfcllca. Among tho puifiinu s t w- <u^ „ by tho proprieton an Dick UcQowan, Fnc Rctoseh, balaneeii tUn Adda Bt Oalr. Mto MalUe Sbichilr, J. & Bort, "' ' Betosch, Frank Diamond, Harry Macon, and "FuU They got up Ihb diow to orthodox style, and haro a fin and red a any of'em. The Natxomai, CtoclniiaB, cihlbits a crowded and an unsnrpsssed variety onldtainmont* Tho ( Oonner" la among Uie latoat prodootloiu. Clan Bui Uorley appear nighUy to now baUada and oiien oUractlou offend Ihia week by Managor Bton, la a tog too renowned cqueslriso sctieas, EsteVsnco,. put to an appcanna on tho Ilto Inatant, to Iho oj of "Mazcppa," with ber liatoed horw, Don Juan. UxM VicTonu HowAiu) wu toe new aqiilollJoi attbeVaricUca,Cbksgo, tot vreek. George W plooee, new songs and now donees an censlantiy produced, w'' couaUtule a loaOstono of eUnctton of neve^lUllng dnwlng.pew The BAX,TiiionE Mxtonioif Company bsd posseaalon of t Uaacnm la that dly tot week, and gaTO pcrtomuuca Ibcrr, b conacqaena of too Udodeon undorRotog a thorough Tt4u\" Uen. Laon In daln appared nighiiy In a llTclsand nl Ikrce, aupjiorttd by Magglo UonntJoy, Joah Hart and r ' Mia Bordwell sang tovcial bautlful ballads, and JnlU L.- TIUyForbaandFannyDoTcnappeared In a new baUet L._ " Cream of YaolUa." Tbla week Uie Company la beck to tbolcold quorlcrs—the Melodcoa. . ; TOUMt Feel and Johnny Mason wen the redplenis of a compb. mentor* benefit on tho lOlh ot Uaicb, at SutlUTa Uuato HaU. Vlr. glnla City, N. T. Tin NUOASA Concert Hall, Virginia City, bu cksed. Una Doiu Daweok, tha donbIo.Talctd elngcr, lato of Bamnm'a Ununni, had arrived In New Orieans, and vnuld ahocUr appear atthoAcodemy of Music. yooHO NicoLO Is doing ihe flying Inpczejil tbo Conttoontal. FbUadelpbta. ^ At tdi Coatoo, FhlUatlphIn, Hernandez tothe The UEL0O11O5, BalU^' having reedrcd 1 riam and proaconlna,' and OTcryUitog IL. 1 „ the andlences. Tbe vnlicr gma hare (by act ot LeglSlatan) been diaponaed vrith, but the managon pnmue to offer Inatoacd at- tnctlona on tbo stage. Br. JosEPB, Uc, la to pooscalon of a Uudc Halt u vreU a towns eta larger growth. Fhcanlx Hall to now open, with a com. pany among whom vra ilnd Ihe following: Messrs. McAnthnrsL Tboo DsTls, Drlscol, Cral), and EMelle Franwls. Ftecols t Co. an managers. Em OfPEFATiOAnLE and nercr ceaatog to ater for too cntow mcnt of hla patiena, the manager of La's CombtosUon troupe now poiformlng at Ibo Academy of Unilo, New Ortona, bu cotcnd with mon than usual cntoiprise and easry for todr enjoyment dartog todr aby to that dty. Xhff'taallly of the cnlerialnmcnt and the nnmptoca wlto whlcKAt'.novdUea succeeded aeb ojbtr, reflect grat cndlt nn^qKmsnagorlal abUlly of Mr. Frank Riven, who bu 1noiig]it|i|^rRO oipcricncc lo bear upon Iho buslnea detail In a most rerinBable manner, and wo can only ungntoiate Manager George Ia npon havbig secured the aerrlcta' ofananxUlaryao capabloorauTylngouthlsriewa. Budneaa,.in learn Qrom a arrcsjiondat, ba been Ant nto for too psstqro weekoi In bet it bu been good ever sinco the company matt Ihm. Tbe Combination lematoa to Now Orlcana nnUI Ihc Inh of Uay, and then movnou up the UlsalaalppI to Natchez, Vlcka* burg, etc. At ms Tons Uiioseo:!, Haiiy Macon, nonk Diamond, Adclla Bt Clan, and Geo. Arlington an now pcrformlnfi. Llda While andBIUy Ward make their flntappeannce on Uie UUi. Negro MInstreliy, DorsEZ a Onax'a UoisnnJ, Ihua fa, the preant Mason, have met with better auccca than Ihcyoven anUdpatcd when slarttog out In the eampalgn of 1M3-I. With but few eicepUoiis, thdr eudJcncTs ban been largo, both to tho Btatcs and to toe', Canadu, In which btter eeunln Ihoy bagged pkniy of game, to tbo abapo of "oUvler" and gold, which mclols an amcwhat "skiirco" to Iho happy tunlly fcuppoaedtoneatlo In Abraham's bosom. From SjTacuic, wbcn wo laatlolt them, toey went to Blng. bamptpn, and played then on the 28Ui -ult, to a crowded boua; on too SOIh and 30th, they took Bcnnton, Fa., when tho Scran, tonlana wen a eager to see Iho obnw Uut tho doon had to ba cleacd, en eccoontot toe crowd, halt an boar befon Iho time u. nounecd Tor commcnctog tho pcrfonnana ; and, on tho occood night dcspito tho atorm, too hall was sgsln crowded. Tbo earns gecd luck ottcnded Ihcm al Plltstou, on Uio Olal, Wilkcsbam toe lstorApril,nodatDauav1lleonthc3i]. On Iho tto and CUi too Iroupo wen blUcd for WUliamaport, Pa. Tho presmt ocuon win Brovo the best ever experienced by Messrs. Diiprez & Green, and icy will wind up tbo campaign wllh mneb " croonlea." It to pa- Biblo that the band may glvo 1 look Inat New York durtog Uie sun. mcr, provided a sullabio placp con be bad. All riglit-Vet qa see and bar the tnupe to Ito" entirely," u a leaned pedagogue eahl ona about a nan going Ihe wlio!o hog. HootEi'e MnmiEU, who hare become part and panel of the goodly dty of Biookl>n, anvftotog muoh to tolUa Ufo and enjoy- ment toto tho reddcula of that fhmous bnigb. Mr. Bectber, uor Onclcy, »or Cnyicr, can develop mon real merriment Ilun yo dis. dpia or yo bum-rd cork pcnuaslon, under the dtarcdon or nclth- borUooloy. Great "Iafiun"doca bis famed black bond evoke, ond eke vo pearly tear Is made to flow, u the sweet end plalnUn sliatos of the patooUc babod on besrd. Bonner's tot horses, nor Henry Word's Out temiona can eoino olongslde ot Hooley'stkst mlu^la for sre<-d, logic, or contrabandUc Ion. La I you ahould bar 'em. T wen worth a Ung'a lonwm—u kinga an valued now4-<kiys—lo pnl to a nJsht wlUi Iho boys. Am EnnoniH Comcdlaii and Banjo Soloist wania a cbaucc to sprad hlmaeir. " See D. McG's " advcitlaeratnt to tola Issue. Tbe Eobcsa MiKtrniEU, am Fmndaco, luve been dotog a big busuica since the nddlUon to their tooupo of Wambold, Uowy and lewla. For a few nlshls WamboM wu unable lo stog, owtog to a avero rold, but, at hut occennls, be bod recovered hla voleev S?;} "3? •J^H'!''''^ «•» oudleuca wiUi bis swat otogtog. BUly Blicta is noted down u being u hrcalattbly fOnny u evcr.^ Wambold hod appeared to hla fonny bustoeaa, girins bis Dutch Hug, accenpanytog bhnielf wiOi tho bsnd«rgan. • The CAMpnai. ilBomt, nnda Uie managemonl of M. 0. Campbell, a tart on todr uinal tour, abont ib« wib or vipiil^ S".?, '•^•Of'C''''- •incirnnto Is wc«t. pcifomiUig at EeiioaS.' BeUdcbem, Alloulown. Uanch Chunk, Hadtog, PottsvUle, LeiBfe non, UanUbura, MUleisburg, OuncanuonTelc., to riNsbuigPw then west Tho company conaiata of H. a CampbeB, Managa A Charley Fell, Trcaaiinr; Joe Cook, Bnalnns Manager and Agentl^ 5S)?Jf™'l"'*> Meager. Feifonnen-M. C. Campben. •■ —Svcnport, BUly Bmlto, W. R Barn. Charhiy Campbell, ^■cn. Tommy Florence, Fred WlUlaras, Ned Fatcr, Dloy Danree. Pnt Heniy Bchmirtz's Bran Band, tnm Iphla, win sceompany toe Campbells, AUxnME's SEODiAsim^ a now minstrel organtoUoa n glTtog urfomianca atoa'our last to the amall towns up 10 lludaon Blver. On tbe llth, 13Ui aud 13th toey wen od- vcrttod to show at Tvcddlo Albany, but we bellovo that too ancerh hu " gone up." Tou'Dainos, Ethiopian comcdhm, wanto a dt Uaybe wme maiugerwin give him a sight • Sau SuAnrura inE<lada atmck New Jersey tot week, and to TTenton bad an jam at todr onloitabinicnls. Tbey ato dW wall al Bordmtown, New nntiiswick, etc. Thoy ahow at Now- ?,",?'''' \^-! v*" 'l"" '*'i' Pongbkctpdo, 13lh aod UUi, end finish Iho wcok In Roiiilout Xeit week they give toe AJbanhiuo and Trolans a alghl at tho mlnstnl cicpbant Uaiiacer Bharploy la puahlng ahead riconualy, and uiaktog plenty of moiioy by ablcl alloiiUon to builncM. ■™-'» Ti^!S^li?i™7'?j2?'' ^i'} ««"'"»'8. P»., Uita week, Ucsais. 'T°a!*,J^'«-,"ea((cd to commence Uionou tolS^hUThXk!'''^ ""^ pcrformuica JSr™^P"™"" "'"''j organized band of MtoHlrota rave Ibdr first pSrfonnaiia on too cib tost, at ColUnaville, Conn. Darid Dorran, ?Z^I?"j,i''^J?^ "'!=''''"''>■■""' went throiioh hla CI. orelM «1to a ICO pound dupib bdl, ato wlUi bla Uilrty pound ^r clicuBa and nig- A nigger . by a'tttoslRl n^b lo iili??«y?i ^^-i" *M toWia good' toiri^ r ponoiunaa an4 nica IE InglEBll tlAMAofli HiTCBCoci Is prodoclng now fSca Uuslo HsB, Uarriabuig. I^otweek BlUyHohnes, Nellie Edwaida and Goono Edwanla wen tho new TnK DALLET and gracoful danctog aro among toe falnra ot our icuslo hoU programmes, snd an socomi una is sun to brtog down tho bouse. Bach an ono L gnate, now peribmitog at too Cblaga VaricUcs, of whom otthatcltytoaepeaka:—"Tbe Variety Thatn wu filled ioTlla ubnostapadty towltocathodefuf of M'Uo Augoala, whoa 10- potaUen oa a dSnuevK auard a grat deal of Interest. The lady ha too advanlaga of a aymmclrical, eipitsslvo form and ihcoL> »ad la neBy a pretty, yea, a bautlful young woman. WeUde-ii vdopod, light buiho and quick, she Iropajta a gracoful aUvlty to bwmoTomcnIaUiat awaken admlndon and brtog out a markoF enUiaalasm. She.wu loudly applauded and vucUaroualy oKond^ and Uletally won the bands and boaria of Uie people." ■'' At THE Natiohal Tqeatbic, CinclnnaU, Manager Ston, aided by Stage Managor Gm. E. Edcaon, a pleutog pngnnmo of great va- riely.lagottennpiUgbUvandperlormcdbya woU wloclcd com- pany* ^ong iho popuW people then on Maridia Ravel. Ula Kato Daaiaon, Jennie Eagan, Julia lUelunond, Emma MUa, B. W. Euan, Uons. llspUsUn, Jea. 8. Edwardaand J. & Ctoke. Tbe libcnrmanagemcnt al tola bouae brtoga lis rowaid to Uio ahapo of liberal patronsgo. ' ...^.''f ?*"£F Joqua made todr Brat appearance at uo VarioUn Thatn, Bt Loula, 00 too Slat ult, and wero weU n- cdvod. Tbe play wu "La Tour do Ncela" The above named gonUemen bavo ncenUy arrived Itom Europe On toe Ito tort., tbo "Naiad queon"vwu produced to a aljlo otaplcndor. Tbla atabliabmenlba become noted for Uie producUon ofapoc- tacuto plocn, but Ihia ISr oicdit ad former oltols. It vns iiro- duced under too dIrecUon of Mr. 0. J. Foster. The Fbbttt WAzn Gibu or Fhlbdelphia have .tot todr bohl, too LcdahUnn of Uut Slato havtog paaaed a law agalnal employ- tog giria to ancertaaloona, do. AtUie Caatoo, toe palnna an now aUeiidedtobTgenUomenottoo "celeied penuadon." Wo aballnotboaaiiirlaodtoflnd Chatont stnoi mled wiUi nndof ground ftee wncert saleona, en Ihe Broadway plan. LoKO'sVAnixinaL PbDadelphIa, la almat nlghUy lUled vrito weU-|ilcaaed natnna. U. Uullto, clog dancer, JtAnny Forbes, W. tlh tosL* '""^ fl™ appeaianw (hen on the The GuuFic, Fhlladclpbia, wu dosed by Uanaar Alma on the Oto, toe nednia not wananUug tooproprlelorto kibptog toe place ninntog any longer. Uamaoeo I^, of the Oantorbury, Waahlogton, oonttoua to produa novdUa to rqild suoecaslon. On tho tto tost toe trick pantomime of " The lloea toat Jak BnUl" viu brought out vrito new catoma, acena and machluerT. Cavanaugh appeared u Clown, WUIiaioa aa Fanlaloen, Donnelly u Uarlequto, and Emma ScheU aa the Bprighlly Columbine. Tbla ia too tamo piece that enjoyed auch a long run at toe Old Boweiy Tbabe, a abort Ume aina. BUI)' Thomia mado hla bow on too 4Ui toot, to hla budget of Btoloplanlama. Iho enlorpriatoit manager of thla atabUah- ment finds htnudf oupporiod by largo audiences, doepllo tho pnilnilly of his eslabllaluneni to atomtr onn. It must be n- ly ihowlng 110, to'American enondent Tbe I ^. _ ,£11 ato nights, .toi by West ClUronI and Wdien. On the. 'Ime onywhen, a efrn oHarfeU& by Dli IToid aud Uoalcr Wallcia. A Tore ' too llurawyn to ebow thirty-two and give toem $100 per ulgt OS., Fell and Trobrii '10 pantoiubae of ipanUon ror a ~ illnctlve. contlnno Uie ong tbo new ' Coptoto of toi daylight); •sierootf"" tho am] ly acroi oiaptf alllU' ,*criC« "ihlngf ladla, trunl In toi wen tooir the managtt. tho arapany bis effoiis we vcsad, when the' bad aafdy carried, Souto America, to CIroua lEiiA' Ocean Clreua,^H^^^^HIinr lasl, Uiclr own brig, tbo llo^^^^^^Pree o'dock of too_2d tost, sumo ton^H^^^Hof Bamcgat vcaael flnt alruck oMooutorbor, ont broadside 00, towards Uio nidu aliore. Be] and Uioebiuicaof esape won Imniedlalely nindo to get ^ad to lean, ivu an cceaaful- IngloMid. AU toe bursa but tbo canvas, sals, and 'etc, bclongluB to too con- ooAipany lat nearly every- Uio. Wurhuid, ono of tho ijheavy anffcrer, loatog ber Onnond alao Buffered botonglug to UioM ladla ~it pinta" gnltcd toem of Ur. a J. Bogen, roperiT of 1I.-U, II,,* tof too i 1, which ' porta to to avo Uio proj*„ ^embon safely raudcd«nut the viatar.flUtoB too loworparte' "' '^".,'wenf placed. Tho Hannah,' y from Ihia dly to variooa porta 1 wuu, owu,.^ w viuM, wu finally alinndcd when but a abortsallfromNewlark, Aad-ln a IllUe while aflcr too people bad left ber, aho wont to pleoa, and beame a total lea. - The vea- sd wu eimod by Uessia. Bpaulding k Bogois, who flUed her ont shout two yoonsflo; sho wunottosured, snd tooloaoonsoqnent upontoevrroekortoebrlg.vriU reachsboul $28,000. Dr.Bpaald- tog, who wu to Albany when toe nowa naohcd lion on -'the tlh. Immediately atortcd to Iho scene of Uie dtoaler to Mmptny vrtUi, Mr. Wonlcn. of too Wanhm Honlo, oomer of Bowesy anuBayazd I street and the ampany wu brought to ihia d^ on BatunSay, AprU 0. Ur. nosera, Un. Worlsnd, tito Rsto Onnond and oihon an now al uo Wordon House. Oondderlng that toe brig wont aabon during evident gale, at night, It la moat wonddfiu that not a life wu Mat The land ptntoirho robbed Ula ladla ot' what liUlewa left to toem aftor '~~*r'ifl Item the nmdbne* disgrace to bumaidly. YAM AanuiuB'a UnuoEBtE maka II* lint sUnd this ataaon at' Mow Roctaollo, N. Y., gtvlBg Us lint pertumann nndu canvu oo toeSutb. Ueltiux's Cmcin conttoued doing • splendid buatoaai In Nabvillo. Ontoe3dtoBttteiiiaoanrgaTe the pneeodsof ihb OTentog'apertomanatothepoarratigeathentoihatdty. Tbay an to clnnliiiuti *i*i« weak, BoBinaoii AiisHowE'BbroiightihdrsasonIn ablcagotoadoao - on Uio Oto tost On too BOi John Davenport leek a beneflt Tbe managen an now busily engaged propartog to an early atazt out to toe tenUag season. Iboy will bavol by taUnad toalead of hones. Hi UiBia^ cloim. Is now to Cincinnati, dlaengaged. He bM beeaulkruumelloek, Arh.i anddldnotntom untU loo lato to get hla eU tit with I^e'a company, wlUi wbem he bavdsd tot IOh Sno'lEioelilorClicuclotedto PhUadelpUi) OD Iho M