New York Clipper (Apr 1864)

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lO THE ISTEW YORK OLIPP^IR. X Biniv^ |l«tm puMd orn Ibo tut of yroDivortb u ■'like iHdov fpo]i6* •<(l«bir'henldtobliiiMir-''tOfill iMtlbrotuhtU* aHXtwortlv PIM now. Lady Caw* to inUoM tt*t h»r, lonHenrtataaltinharlttha eaUtapao njrpooroWMWM taharww.M''*''''"''"""™'""''"'' Itoae two peo- ple hid ttolnlorait Inber abdaetton.ttTathe gain at- iigUaitoUthnaghthanudloeoraliotbertMnon. Iae$ nr wajr oloar before me. Un.'8eniniM>>" >>o added aloodfln avoloe of lubdnod effloUonqolte nniuaal to ;V Uai( "1 relieve yon of all blame, I tliink yoo for alt the V^'.-'^ladaeaayoabavo ahown mo throogh my otaild, whom I 'i' ^e^d have taken ao UtUo oare of In my rough nod wan- dtHiig life. Adleo, madam; aad, bollovo mo, I ahnll neTerfiirgetyoa." . •^at''tt0Ohll4—theohlldl" aald Ibowldow, "Wbetof berr' try, WeatworUitmtled. ' "I bellOTe is a prorldenoo," b« anawirtd, ael^mDlr. "I ahall find her tit good time. Heaowbllo, I will pnnlah her onemloB." ' > He tbtn reeo, opesed the door, nod peaaod out Into the olght Thn6 nJghta after; the aerrant annooncod to Udy Ca- row that a man deajred to apealc with her. "I oaa noelTonooqe,*' ihe aald, "who docs not glre blaname. Did be mention none 1'^ . ."T<8,'iDyIady. It WM aomethlng (Ike Fnliley Wedt- worth; hot I am not anre) He bad no oard." LadyOarew tnmbled Vllgbtly. She.had often beard her hnaband pronodboe the name of Falaley .Wentworth) knew that he waa the yomlger brother of the. Oarew flun' Uy, a<d' fiiared be might- epme to demand wjnt she bad doDowllhhla.oblld. ; .. >, . ,. "Bat no," abo mnrmiired, aa she dInnWed tbr mrranti andteldblmtb adnlit'lheatranger—"no; theae are Idle, fooilab ikara. He oannot aospeot me." h mother moment, FaIaley.:WntwoTthontBTcd. Lady Carow'gaied at blm In nftarJwKldoimont tor some mc menli, ■ V^-: : . "CidithlapallldiraggAtideii^ratemanbemyhuibBnd'a brother^'ahe thon^. , Traly, they wen ifbrntnut HeJiJI)^^^^' tattered dreaa, and with a Igare In- Bli«>laf«)y,lBdiy-llko, gontle-eyad, with a halo of gold- Ml oam arMMjier marble brow, and the glow of boalUi were (Mh deoelvots In their way. b.nla deJoeted, wretched nit and manner, nni- conid aoaioely dMoem poo rsy of the great hope that ir^ In him. In her.brigbt eyos, her ^Iph-Uko beauty, her gontlo ▼oleO) her Mm air aad oamage, yos oonld nerer have bebeM • put Wthat deadly, gerpent-Uke bate whlob ooll- idaroona bar heart Paisley .Wentworth sat down npon a obalr opposite to bar, ana gand at her. "ApiM^toymybrotherhaabongbthlnselfl" ho mat- tered.- ."Tm ion of such a woman shall nover be a bar to BohlMofmlne'.*' ' - liuly.Oaiewwas impatient of hie gaze. "Pray,'lCr..Wentworth," ebe said, "may I bo hvorod with yonr rMaen Ibrtbls sudden re-appoaranoe under the palanalroofP' ' "Tag, madam," said Wontworth; "I will eiplain It nidlly.' I have lost ny ohlld—I want moDoy to enable ae to aeareh for ber; and I bare eemo for Ibis money to the woman who has wronght me this.fbnl wrong," I^^trOoBitanoe started. *<I tfenot noderstand yoo, sir," aho answered. "Who Iiaadtmredyon of tUaohlldP' FaUey Wentworth's brow darkened with a cloud of terrible nats. <ffeo, madam; yon are the woman who bos dona this •tU ^edl I know It—there la no need to deny It; but I ean iAi yoa thlsr-yoor eon Henri shall never Inherit tbe wealth that Is my daughter's. BlUier I find her, ur I take • deadly revenge I" lady Oarejr roee, and appreaohod tho bell. Tlie color bad left ber pretty oboeks, and aha had bitten her Hps imtU the blood had stained them. „ ^ • "I cannot soffermyaelf tolw Insnlled In my own bODto," oilad;ihe; "I will see that my servuts torn you hence." ' He rose also, and eanght her wrist ."Sit down, madam; I am In my brother's bouse, and. If it bo neoeraary, will let blm ehare in our oonToronce. I . ' will let him know all thla preolona eohemo—lot him see . bow yoa are plotting to obtain for your bod the estate of the Qixtm, alter the death of thla Bir Hordaunt, whom foa aflmpM^ C^me, madam, understand me. What will BWaiS* the handa of my brother, I demand of Toa; beoanse yet, and yoa ooly, are the destroyer of my ' Aspplnees." ' ■'what la It yoa wantt" asked Lady Oarew, quietly'. "Pire hundred pounds. No doubt yoa gavemore to rid wouielfof thlaobstaole." ' Lady Oarew tapped the Hinder with her tloy fMt, and glanoed oonlldlngly Into the lire. "JtBdsuppoelngthatlAndpald these peopio to take •way the oblldr' she said, with a smile wnlon made her loay Upikpeem ghastly; "do you not suppose that by this tiine they woald be ao fkr away as to m beyond yonr leaohP' .:'. "tufil aearob the world, madam," rotoraed Wentwotth. Tarn oetsmaB to be daleated rand mark me well, IM Hid that any ftHll means have be«il:<«deptsd,vibai«.'to'-'a' lltUe boy In this house who shall be ollbred op as a saori- noatO'Siy ohlkL" TbBSe words, containing truly a dlaboUoal signlflcnnee, were but the outpourings of an Intense—a morbid father- ly love. I4lly Oarew shuddered, "Tour ohlld'a lift IB '^fo," Bho said; "I am no murder- VS." "ronoonfesSitbont" cried Wontworth. "Touoonfess, then? TOn have done me this oraol wrong t" The ready teats—the ever-ready teats' bunt Into tho largebluoeyos—tho plssUomoutn worked, and (ho llilr bosom taeavod wltb elmulated omotlon. "I do oonfoas, Ur.°Wentworth," she said In a low, hushed voloe, wblob could be hoard by none but he. "1 do confess that In a moment of madness I did send your oblldaway. ButlAareropentad: Indeed—Indeed I have I Oome to mo to-morrow night, and yoa shall have all you reqalr«^ven the latest elue I have to her piesant home. .. IwlD dethls; bntlaskof yoaono thing In return—eo' ''■ereoy." < "I tefll bo seoret,"rotumod Wentworth, "aa long as I find yon are not deoelving mo. Once lot me dlsoovor n proof of your deoolt, andmy vengeanoe will All heavily, unerringly apon you." He rose, and moved towards the door. "Adieu, madsDi," be said. "To-morrow, at this hour^ eipsotme." C Hfftbsn passed ont, and his footsteps died awny li) I NEW CLIPPEK. SATirBbAt; APRIL 23, 1864. Xo Oorro«poiidont«> CmuMt, PbDadelpUa—The «<»'t««».,»>*n«..f'«!!i ijAli the IsrtiBBCBt M ptopvU witaeisri or aotll B U mSXS to grt oo» of ti 1* cannot •«• that JOB pievert MiiL PMb^ It be lo mi IsloMt lo bava BotUiig oon to do'■lUi • wboae wort u worUi M Utile. Boston—L Bunin beet Wirt totWrlutnej. Mute BoaUu* wu fwmeiljlii tbe ballet at the lltlod«ooln Ihli d«r. U4 —mn sbt wm eUMjiM to o»j •t'B'SS tbMlraii at ptHent vlili a tivellliig oonpany la Ike New Ea|lua boWteauqiunca. Beaimolpliw. Aplinaili. anAUM soMfaalo UuOurmenln?' t Tf« ilnw.uidoneliw a"go''be>Id«. a YosTsitMalptlanaipliesitHO. AandacnHmoaua—WearmpaUilM")U>7o« Jow" wWaM . uiL Ton iDMlo a ttoBnls' flflbt of it. lod acHftta a QC tktei bnp-oorboji-aie "on H" Pn^„'"rfeJ""'i'.?^ Btoadmr ud tee wbit can be dose for you Uio*. POTiu*Dure Jomoaa-The Jonlcr CopvtnUon hasnolmel dan im end «1U not ptobdte meet igilo. Tbo take adjIJM bj the oonvimHon van nowheodtd. •ndte ffSUSi poaoltwucfnoadnali^stoltaannu. Tbe Janlonbadbtow piacUce the guBO tocatdlsg to Uia Beslar nkL C. a P., BpilaglleU, m-l. Of tbe three "amni" nimttoMj. Hrt Uiuhui'tiuhidnl iDlmportuiwii • •Ptftog^'SSiy,?; a. Bob SnUodna nolkoepa plioeis laidon; hliiuiciauie ngbeih, M-iii,n [h»m , Ilia ira o f^lhe W hite Lion, i. Tool no- smpUoD aiplni with No. Seuie jq^oDt ToL SiDSOnn. N. T.-''WhOa^ji(«J» three bril Fnaich cuom aamaat bllllartJi I anmed on tho while ud nd baO, (I pMUII lha spot) pocSclad the while ban end m/ own ¥^'*'k"uKi (nauSuiaaMgg. I claim that both the nd ud white ihoaldoo apelled. HowIaUr' BolhbilUmnalbaapotlcd. a K. P.I nadolok, Hd.—Than la no each noUca aa joo leOr If- The anavarwia to "Quktr Uaatcr," and prlotad u mcb. no ntaenoawaa nudato thodoftitmanl wUh which jontncon- nuoxT.Waihlnston^l. nsarBtownlsiiinaeBtlnlhlidtr, lha Mat bet Soda ihoit UmTdiice. a. Aognata bit OUoaa A W««re notpoetedaa to the falan awramenUot UlaaHtlB WaiKnL Juuui a, 8L Loiila.—1. Bon Is NewTork In 1837. 1 IM want atanlng In ISiSL A Ha vof ftnnarlr wmnartad wlu n 'npam tmpa. A Jonlgs Bnlna Booth hia bean daad luua >IaTamb<r, Ism A Tonuihaatpllon monar narar ciine u nuM. ' UnnxauLna, ChnSeOia.—IhaptoTaiti aajf''Waareaartr loooUtolaan." U jonralilala detanaiiiedto lutalhaiaga liaptotaalon.M hacataaoina thoataa in a asbonlloilapoil- *joo,aiidifahahaatalaiiiUwlDaqon bantfinih. Natu.— 1. Ton' danl aaj to what aqnadnn. 1 Hopplr fteamon ansaiilit ihettDoUaa; aad their dax of aalllngla soihiomto tbcnuolras ae laag Hoe ahead. Keep a good look out feraoUce ludaQfpapm ' ( i. 0. H., Flnt BUba.—I. Hamin and Btyan' baUo wia dnwn. 1 Wa aaie no charge to aniwealng cotiaapondaDta. 8. Wa Ibaaddnaaof onr anhsolbai wheneror noUiled tolhat F. a.H.,PltiabnigIi.—L Tbeche^eat and beat ronto Isvlaat. LoidL A Too caanotgobjwitarmileaaBlI loandbrBanFian- daco, which woold be much teihar apd man espcmdTa. P. H. H.—L Sean bait Esnnagb lo one of Ihe giati la lha TtounamaDl of 1M9, br n polota. A Uwaa enthaSlhcf Jona. A DaeiThiamadaanuiof SlSpdnbatcaioina. W. iL, TiUlae, M. 7.-1. Wd. Bijant wi* lha paneoT lha ffoatlcaan wa aant to Eaglaad to report the Haaoan and Bayen flghi A TbatUlaof&spaorltBiiiicclcTtolhatof King. **** FblTirtflTpMa. Jmnr Und'a flnl appaaiaace in Ihla coiiDliywiaBapteiBberlJ.lSHialCkiUoaardan. Fliatippeand In London, Ktj A IMT, It Har UiJcalT'a Iheitia, USKiOniai-Tea Atnbnnh pailbnned with hie Uoni October UB), al Dnny I<na Tuabe, Leaden, In lha apodada ol SuoOiPiovldenoa.—"What woe the nunc* of tho honcalhil wen the OooculnBL Lager In 18eo,'«l, ana'Sir Bt In UW; CiOei OniD UST; and the ^juijsla lo U«A a H., Wotccslat, liliai.-41» Bnwiaih wai'Ihe fM Tcaad Uui 'idanndR Viiml She want from New loik to lha AUiAl Ufeipool in twtntr rix iUja,')1iljr It, ISlt. a 0. a, Nowben, H. 0.—There la no "anlhenUo record of a hoiaa turning a mile In one mlaato and fonr aeconda." Noaoch petfamanoo avor took plaoe. F. A F., Wiahlnglon, D, C—If von wDI fOtwinl the munaolpl, wawIDglTa It an earl/reading, wepnla that yon ihotdditale lhaptioa. J. J. H., Alfaasr-—The Dinar on lha right hud of lha dalet euta then to him before dealing, and the one on lha left (or the ton np. T. BmTB, Bangor, Ualn&—L At the Pitk Theilie, Brooklyn. A Oorteraiafor advattlilnganU oentaporllne Cor each inee^ llon; MparoailofflfpaldDrthteinontha In advance. Muuuia'a AaoaiBoa, Heponielt—Ton had belliar prepay Ihe poalago at the oBoo of dallveiy. S. C—1. giyen got oattUcatoa firam two doctoi* to that tSadt % Aboot Ihxoe months afterwarda. ^ Box lUS, Wiahlngton, S. 0.—TOO lata to AugoU; abaadyio reaawhenyoanoioialohuA - 0. F. SaatDoa, On. & lat InA Civ.-^Tonr anbeolptlan mplne with Na T of the pioaeni vol Oaa.W.-^Jataotaeaawon the Deibyln 1M% and Ihoncewia nui on Batniday, 11th of Kay. JoBxbiawjTB, P hfl a dahibla -We have not got Ihamc o nplaU. sane llx nmnbaii an mlialng. Jl^murmwrod Lady OaroWr-M.abe oonmta-, tnibipk la her easy oUWr; <'^fKo^'fo.'qr5' y-o^Wcapongj-i Bi£<l«UM>wi: _____ 'i^jft••■ -»» How Riddy K ffly mWB * <^l'li Qi|||it Chloken. A repleTin suit of a novel ohaniotor lir^'^ed rooontly lo JusOoe Oogglns' oonrt. Ban' Fmnolseo, Pntriok Kelly belitg tho plalnUir and Edward Sunn tho dofonrtunt, for tbo rooovory of a hen. It was ollogod by Kelly that ho mado an ogroemontsomo timo ago wjtb Donn to loan him agapie.hon to keep until sbs should iAya"olatoh of eggA" u return, nunn agreed to loan Kelly his gnroe ben-until sho should lay a "clutch of egga." The ci- ohaige was made—tbe obloot being to Improve, by oross- bioeding, tho llshUng slook of tho two ownori. A "olntqhv is said by those who oro learned In Blbemln olaatioa to sfgnlljr n dozen. Tho oxohango was mado sev- eral weeks ago, but It anponra tlint the liens were oltlior not oonsultoa as to tho tonns or mlsundorslood'tbolr part of the programme, or claim that they are ontlUod to tho onllro aeason In wlilob to "Oil the bin." Kelly statoi that Dunn's ben had not laid nn egg, and thcrororo lio took ber homo. Dunn asserls that Kolly's hen had not laid an egg, and thorofOro he dotormlnod to keep hor until sho eliouia lay the rotiulrod nnmbor. In this position of nifitirs Kelly found that Dunn.bod a dooldod advanlago ovorlilm by having possession of both lions. Kelly allogos, however, thathe oon prove that his hon did lay two or three eggs mr Dunn, and ho knows that If she laid that number tbe would not stop until she laid a olntoh of them. Ho vnluee the ben at 1X0, end dosorlboa hor In the oomplaint na "n red and blank hon.wlth groon logs, known as tho half Ouma brood."- In rosponso to questions from Oonslublo' Deed he states orally that she has "no SpanUh brands" on h«f.: A bond In tho sum gf 1120 was Aled In tho onse, tho necessary papers woro iesuod, and tho Oonstablo tookj)ossosslon ofithe hon nnd bold hor suhloot to tho order of tho Oourt ' The game lion wbloh was In dlsputo . waa awarded by tho jury to Kelly, the ownor. Tlio costs of suit amounted to about MS, and woro pnid by Dunn In greonbaoks, lOiloh tbo JnsUco and OonsGihlo dl\1dod pro ratsbetWDen4bom. The hon of "half Oi.trpsa breed" did not by a "elutoh of oggs." She did, however, while In . .the possession of ConstablO'Itood, lay him ono comnll- nenbryegg. That oOloer plneod It In tho hnnils of tho Jostloe rdrlhs purpose of boing liatohod out and tho oblokca ralssd, No terms woro sncolScd as to how the ohlekaii, or tbe title thorelo,shall be divided between tho twAi)4o«(t—leaving an opening, thereby for another 148 lain^^Wti«Dsver the produot of the ogg shall become OauLis Dnbnqno, Iowk— The latlar wii not for yon. It waa fbr a Had, Elhloplia oomodlin. \ a T., DettolL—The Onion, CentnTOl^ aad FUhkn iioe tiicks an all on Long laland. J. a-BUl Poob «M Aot on tha nl^ Of Tieb, H UU> Ukd dlAd In ibont hnlra dflTBiftfirmrdi. Bnax, BnoUyn.—"naUana," piloa, gl3A eoatatna an ike in- temiUon yen iaqaln,nl<* of the ilng,attiil<8lbtapttea tight, oto. a A a, nttabnigh.—Wa have no nllihlo rocoid of lha loans lathOierotilbalUoa ttfartadto. ' ^ Yenv Out fiuaaomsn.-A wlna the bet, havtuK pnl on the boots asheingeiedtodo. The "snie thing" plaa la pUyod ont }. V, Buoni, Fhlladolphla.—Tho money aant pija foi two In- laitlons. UoBTDoa A. Co,, Philadelphia.-Aa It ajpaatelntUs Ime, Its: 81 tin all monthi. A A a, OtndaniU.—Toa; It la caUod Honl'a Maichisia' Uagubia, and la pnbUahad oomat «f Cedar and Winiim atiMU, N. T. W. a, Oodtur, AI&—L In London, Eng. X Ton can split on aUthnoaoca. BaooiLYi)—B must moaHon the enonol he beta baton E calls hIa hand; be cannot looraiao It altarvirds. ' Gut a Ca, Lockpott—One dollar eaoh Inaartlen.. Uu. BmimL, St. Lonla.—Bemlt |).(M and call It aqnsre. E.O.B.D.-IbU Peddled Hay lAieeo. . >^ PsiosOK.—The Old Bowaiy. T, J.—JohnnyWUdlaatptoaontUlheContlnental, Phlladolpbli. Fomua Boi.—A pilvtto note wu ncclvod, nothing more. ' TDOca,IWabnigh.-Itlaadnwbot ' Oonso.-Daaohod na too Lite for mo liat weak, t^ Otp. Bminzi, Camden.—Wo can aend yon Ihe Kqnlicd Ko. ■ ■ Bra W,—VUaga OoneU'a wUa wis an aetrcaa. j. Jfaonn Aiaox.—We're got a letlar for you. y:;JnfKnBiau.—A leUar for yon, loo, iB|ut DoimLLT.— As aborc. ."Jim OuBut,—Ditto, ' .,B|llln,, LonlsTine,—TontUomiwIllbeiecqitahlc, y-InoiUiBiii,—FaparnoelTod. Tbanka. 0, N. 0. LiaoT,, Co,.F, SSth V. T. T.-8ho ia ellll Uflag, nn BUUBD Oauaionmp,—One thlid of Ihe lUpnlatad three yean for any playnt to hold (be golden eno bcfonlt bocomeshls own pilnto piopaity hia almoat paaaad, and Dudley Savanighj of Now Tork, Its SM poeaaiser, still teaialna lie cnilodlin. He aeentodU In the flnt placoby winning a najoiilyot giniaeala tonmaniant bold In thla dly in Jnne, 1808. John SocreUcr, of Mnll, an old opponent of tbo ei-ohaniplon Fholan, waa lha fliat toallamptto wmlttio acoptn (Tom him on October Uth, of tho aame year, bnt made a aad fallnn, u Karanagh aooNd man than twopolnlato hlaonr, tho tolala boIng Eavanagfa 1801, Beemlter 71A The next oompctllor waa PhlUp Tioinan, of dndnnaU, lha teinll of which oonpcUUon wie tolly told lo last week's Ouma. He diora bard, and at one time U ndlysppairod as though Didley'i glory wia to piaa iinmjUid. ^Xhe talc* doaaod otho^ wise, however,' and "he atlll Une", .•e.;:^bamplon. Tbo New Hampahln Meteor, wnuam aoldOiwalle^'haa now pulln hla claim tor a trial of aUO, lodged hla lO-Wa^lh lhe proper petUai, and Uiaihlrd hand-lo-biodconlUcI will lake place In tboninalarena In this city, about Ihe end of Hay noiL What the melcof'a ohancoeaie toaehlevea iilnmpb xtnulnato be aeen;batEAV' anasli wlB have to bo on Ihe^alut loet ho bo onUankcd, tor Cold- Ibwilla la no player lobe tarUlod with. HIanorrala gtnd, hiaax- eoQUou ditto, and be ean make aome aatonlahlng .trig eonnta, nnlaaa ho hia tillen olf Instead of Improved alnce Wo last law hlffl peribrm lo pabUc ' We abill ke^ our roadcn advised of the ilale afaBklnlnlhlamilchullpreeeeds, ' • Liia Ajm PusLic Bnncsa or nuspmat Ijaooui, a work of 300 ftgit, oonlibiing much vilnablo InlOnaallen, has Jnst been pnb. llahed byT.Il.FotciKinkBiolhm, Philadelphia. F.ABndy Si Ann stieet, ia Iho Now Totk agent Iltcs Taica AT Mewdibx, H. a—Tbon ia a olretilar mile Inck U Ncwbem, M, a, and Iho pwnio Ihercaway antldsato aome good nualogtioce Ihla apilng and the coming icaam, Ibalracklathe one thai was need Iqr the NowhcnUana Mbn the war broke onL ' ORiluaoa mBnbaxDarjLiioanoinmK-EdUoOowinbaa a novioe lie.»lll match uabiil any notioo In MaavuhnacUs at ol(bor i'!'J',**£ffi'^.''i'»"5iiS!2?'„"" «»d money ready al Me- (l<ntan'sI1anU8aIeoii,llilftnd,KMS, - ' . A PLEA FOB THE ATHLETE ; ■ «»i ;-v v^ Th« Neoeeslfy of Phyaloil Trtlnlnfl, ' .-^iiia'popularldeaofeduoaUen-bBhl lttserade,orook ^ifjldl^loiatad. Even tbe few, who direct thoir alien- .Hon to tho subject, aro too apt to regsrd man as onlyn peranWating brain, almott entirely forgetting the bet, thatthe'aald brain la neatly and oompactly boxed ap^o.A fiohyotanlpm.snpporled by a trunk of mostolabonta workmanship, and ftiralshed wllb a pair of legs msgnlfl- oenUy adapted W getUag the whole maMdne ont of dan- ger, ruioaopbera aro too efUn llkb the astronomer, wbo,fkom oenstantly bothering bis Amd about the stars, WW tumbled by bitjtel headlong Into a yawning pit Bevarding man as only a bead, pedagogues cram the on- fortosato brain so fbll of heavy theories and dull Dansby- Uh platitudes, that the maoblne-bumon grows top-hoavy, tbo chest sinks, the legs spindle, aqd finally this aberUve attempt at a man "ahnffles olT bis mortal coll" to Ihe tune of a galloping cOBSumpUoD. Itls the "robbing Peter to pay Paul" over again; and simply demenstrata.q that A sound, healthy bpdy; Is one of Ihe chief requisites of a Uvs nun. This losson was thoroughly undetstcod by the Qreeks, and In a losa'pollshed dogree, by tho Remans, also. To contend for tho prlio, In tho vnrious games requir- ing skill, physloul strength, and nglllly, wns considered, by tho most civillzod nation of antiquity, as not beneath the dignity of alatesmog, orators, generals, and poots. And at tho Olympic gomes,—In so high repute woto they held—night be seon reprosontatlvos fkom tbe Orcok col- onies of Asia, Africa, and Enropo, thus presenting on os- semblage of Ui^Qsllenlo tribes such as no other occasion oeuld bring together. In point of Ihol, these celebrated gtmea wore only apart of a great religious rostlval, over whieh, as chief dolty, presided Jupiter Olympus. Tradi- tion also assoolatcd HorealCB with the festival—.ind a8< the strong god was one of tho principal deities of tbo Doric race, It Is not Improbable that tbo gomes were of Dorian origin. Uagnlflcent were the saerlloes offered to ■lupller Olympus by the competltois, and by tho different states of Oreece. ■' Bo highly were tho athletes esteemed, that gymnaatlo eierclses were very generally oultlvntod by oil classes of tbe peopio, and tbe resnlt was seen in a physique one- qnaled for beaaty by any - other nation in the world. Nor ean it be doubted by the reasonnble mind, that much of tho fresh, vigorous nontal activity of tho Orcek, was due to his healthy pbysloal education. Greek clvlll' tatlon was proMo In great aohlsvmehts of tho Intelleot— Itproduoodpodtsof the highest order—orators of une- qoaled oloqaenee—philosophers whose speoolallons, thonssnds of years Iater„were destined to exert a power- Ad Indusnee upon tbe European mind, and in tbo days of Leo Z., almost reproduced Athens In tho very heart of Italy; itprodticcd sculptors, whoso exquisitely wrought marbles were Med, at a later day, to educate tho mighty genius of Ulcbael Angelo, and thus odd to the glories of a period which ranks Italy as tbe Greece of medom times, Hlohsol Angelo studied tbe antique, bnt tbe Oreek sculp- tors studied tbe human foim, as It appeared nftor carefiil training, and by taking one beaaty bore and another there, were enabled to produce works thaCtiut required to move and speak to be the masterpieces of DIvloKy It- eelf. Thus the physical trslning of tho Oroeks, their love of all athletic sports, their knotty mnsclos and woll- knll forms, materially sBatod tho sculptor to the grand- est triumphs of art. Praiitelts was probably a robust, healthy man, and very likely prided Jdnself on his mus- cle quite SB much as on bi( art. By dcveleplug bis own physique, an artist would naturally acquire an under- standing, appreciation^ and love for tbo beauties of form. The Olympio games were open to all of pure Hellenic descent—only tho proOlgate ond unruly were excluded. Fatheis wrestled in the eame arona that already swam before tbo eyes of their ftllleg children, brother contend- ed with brother, and the oty of .the ohorioteor as he urged on his foamliig A(|dg (the property perhaps of an Alolblodes), arousoi'tSp ttsembled mtiltllades to the highest piteh of enthusiasm. Distant cldos, In tho por- sons of their representatlTOB, gazed wltb breathless eue- pense on the doughty deeds of their thvorlto champions. There bounded forward tho light well-trained runner, there was hurled the hesivy quoit or well-pelaed Javelin, and here was seen tbe ample lungs, oorded arms, and swelling masolos of the boxer. The fssllval over, the victor was received by his native dly with every demonstration of respset and admlrntlon. Triumphal processlens were formed to conduot him through the bresch, whldh had been made In the oily- waOa, fbr hie espeelsl honor. Ihe gates of a city wero Insnfflelent for the dignity ofa vletorlo^ athlete.. Then eame tbemenetbelslle age, with its intense spir- itualism, and proportionate neglect of the body. Uan learned to regard bis physical nature as hU most Invete- rate fee. The loul and tho body kept up a perpetual war with eaoh ol)--> and the soul, in order to gain the vlotety, subjected ,. 'ter to such todlous fasts and un- heard-of mortUcatlonii, that It was soon too weak to con- tlDuo tho fight, nnd ao "threw up the sponge." In the year 3M, of tbe Ohristlon Em, the Emporor Theodoslus abolished the ^eat Greek feeUral, and tho Olympic games hocamo a tndlUen of tho past. Ihe Oreok nnd Itefflon athletm bad long ceased to exist, when there iing Into existence, In tbe middle ages, a class of me jsenbllDg them In many ways, but noblor In Intention i for tbey proolelmed themsotvos champions of truth, protocloTS of virtue, and the scourge of tyrants. The kiilght-orrant, wandering from placo lo place, pone tratlng gloomy forests, orosslng rivers, and riding doll aotly through hosUlo noighborboods, was tho athlete of tho Christian age. These gorgeous tournaments, at whlob assembled tbe rank and beauty of tbo worid, were the Olympio gamos of Cbrlstianlty. Knight-errantry also passed away, stable governments were formed, the ab- surdities of medla)val Jurlspradence wero replaced by wiser legislation, gunpowder was discovered, and the whole Bspeot of soolety was ehanged, A nfw «n\ dawned upon tho world. ' Floto and Arlstetlo declared that no ropubllo oould be eonsldorod perfect In which gymnssUos did not form a part of the education of tho people. Tho most rigid of tbe oDClents In this respect were wiquostlonably the Spartans, among whom tho laws, reqtilrlog girls to be gymnasts, were so severe, that nnloss tbey were publicly proved profloient in atblcUo oxeroleee, Ihe privlloge of matrimony wad denied them. Tho result of this ourious legislation was soon in such heroes as those who guarded the pass, of Thermopylos. Tho forlUlcaUons and nallg of Spuria were her citizens—and they made It their boost, In modern times tho Qermans havo given considerable attontlon to g>'auuisUes; and tho French have inlroduced tho selence Into their army with great effect, as is proved by tho oelsbrlly of tbo Imperial Zouaves. In Bwoden, gymnastics havo boon Inlroduced Into tbe national schools. Ani^nerty England, as'wd all know, prldosborsolf on hor manly out of door sports. Now lotus lock to ourselves—let us nnnsolc our vanity, and look fketi eiralght In the fliec. Fsir play Is a'Jewel. We havo any number of gymnasiums among us—but as ydt,uo reaf^ublle Inloreathns boon oxolted—no public Imporionoe: atlnehod to tbo subjoet. Thle' Is wrong. Onr indlfferknee is culpable. Our youth are growing up with a Btngiilsr disregard of physical training. Tho rough and.-tumble boy who oould throw tho stone, run, leap, swim, light and boat Jack larb.uckot In a race lo the Boyisl-mnst-hcad hns unacoountably dlsappoered. In his placo wo see a llltlo dried -up, weazen fkcod old inan, whoso sole amblllon seems to have boon deposltod with hi*, tailor and ebocmakor. He looks killlngly at. young fa^es tbroe times his own ago, walks slowly, babbles ovorlasUngly of the lost opera, ond oven bints at a porsooel aequaiotanoo with one of tbo ballot girls. Two or throo more of such generations—and farewell thopridi, manhood, and virtuo of theBepubllo I fhrowell liberty herself I Bhall the Umes givt Arlalolte aad Plato proof? ifo-Bo-let OS awaken to the neoesslty of prompt action; and in the good work of pbysloal eultare let tho Bmpln Olty lead the van. „; ■ ■. : Wo sbouj^ erMt a vast arena, something in the 'ferm of Fianooni^s -ttpjlodionlo, where onoo or twice a year should bo oefsbiUsd the. games of the athletae. There jbonld bo beri* Ivding, boxing, mnnlng', leapbi<,.tanili«, and In short fi 'bUtUo exsrelses. Oompotltors for the, 'various prlis^?shoald be permitted to enter from all Ihe States of the ValeB, Oysmastlos should bo fnoorpoiated with our pubVe aohobl >y«tein. "And by this means tbe physique of the people would be Improved, healthy ex- ercise would rfmove all morbid - tendenoles, and 'tho mental and inoral eharaoter of tho nation would be pro* portlonably elevated.- Tho system of prize lighting at notepueMeof would be dene away with,-and oorflyeri and Heenans would win fhr nobler laurels In.the gnat national gomes than they oould possibly hope IbriBlbe puglllsUo ring. Transthrrod to the publlo arena, that wonderful "first round" betwoen Beenan and King wenTd have truly reealled the palmy days of Oreece. .Bculptors would havo caught from It' a new inspiration. Hceiiab towering majestically in the midst of a vast essomblege, holding Ms adversary like a ohlld In his grasp of Iron, gazing proudly npon the multltudo about him, and seem- ingly ancensclous of the herouloan struggles of his oolessal foe—why. It Is a-theme worthy of Praxiteles himself I I In conaoollon with the groatampbllheatre, there might be establlsbed a Natleoal Onllery of Ari, say on the plan of the Louvre, where easts flrom the mssterpiecoi of ancient end medom sculpture would be easy ef access to tbe studonl of art. In this way would our city ocnfbT a tasting bonollt on her own ohlldren, and the olriljaUon of tbo country at large be fouodedonabroaderand morq, durable liases. A race ef athlete, pahiten, soalplorsj and poets would spring Into existence, and la a. short tlmo America might rival the golden days of Oreeeo, when tbo market wemon of Athens were competent to criticise the worksoftbogrcatmosters. HEENAN AND MoDONALD. A "lew sheet" in this city Is laboring to throw tbe blame of Hoennn's defeat upon Jack UcDena|d, but It has up- hill work, Tbo best of evidence has been furnished that when Jack UcDonald separated from Heonan, be (Hce- non) was In most excellent health, etreng and agllo, end full of ccnfldcnec and life; when Ihby mot again, en the morning of tho fight Heonan waa petulant and uneasy, and these who saw him enter tho ring say he looked bad abeut the eyes, and that his skin did notshow that healthy glow wbloh they expceted to see. What was the matter with blmf Probably this question can boat be answered by those who Lad been with blm at tbo bouse ef a "back- er" in London. It must I>e borne In mind that It was at John 0. Bttrian't oan requat that UcDonald and Jim Heonan did not accompany him to his London baekor's, and slay by him night and day. Of all othor times, they should bave been with blm then; they had eeen blm safely through his training, and hiteoded to renlain with bin, IS It was aclnally necessary they should do, but Hccnan requested them' to leave blm olono, nnd as ho Is a man who has a strong will of bis own, tbey were obliged to give In to him, and let him havo bis own way. ^o censure UcDonald for giving In to him at all, for nt that tlmo It was more necessao' than over to be watchful of blm, and soo that his food and drink wore not tamperod with. UcDonald U a sklllUI trnlner, and knows Iho dan- gerous Inlluencc^Brroundlng a man on tho ere of battle. Ho should havolnslsted on his right to stay with his obargo to the last, or throw up the Job al onoo, no matter what night bo Hoennn's prlrttte business relations wltb that London backer; but he gave In to the headstrong Boy, and when he next eaw Hoonan, things bad been fixed In some way to rob people of their money. Who was "in It," it Is herd to determine. Heonan himself can ocme as near tbe mark as snybedy If ho chooses to di- vulge, but ho's as quiot as'our army on tho Potoninc. McDonald, In his last communication to us, aided by John Uorrlssey's loiter, pretty conclusively put o finisher on tbo attempts of bis enemies here to liOure bim. Those enemies of his Intimated thatUoDonald had been adrising Uorrissey to bet on King, whilo he was urging Uconsn's friends to put their ineney on Ihe Boy. Merrissoy's letter proves that UcDonald, in tho only letter ho sent to him, advised Uorrissey to Invest on Heenan. No one enn blame UcDonald for tellhig some unplcssanl traths abeut bis defkmors ader tbey had goaded him en to It by many fklse statements. We havo a letter before us now. Just received from England, which says that Heenan was then very III, and had two or three fits every week. Tbe writer does not think ho will rotora to America; he thinks bo will go os Charley Freeman did/who, wbon he.dledi.waa.ailmoeta skeleton eompared'to wbat'^e'wls'Wlen'b'o^fl'ivt'atTlr'ed in England and fought the Tipton Slasher. We hope the foais ef our correspondent may net be realized, nnd that Jobn C. Hccnnn'"may live to fight another day," THE BIQ FAIR. Tbo SaiiltHry Fair being bold In this city Is now In Its tbird week, und thoro is no diminution In tho atlendsnoe; In bcl, tho number of visltois is so great thatjt IsdiOloiilt to olTect saloa, the crowd carrying along everybody that stands In their way. There will evidently be a great many pln-oushlons and othor sluiT loft over when the Fnir closes, and these will have to be disposed of ntsuoUcafor whatever they will fetch. Vo think Ihe committee have aommlltod an error In placing the goods offered for salo at Buob high figures. At current rates, articlos would go oifmuch faster than thoy new do, for the prices oskedfor almost everything Is exorbitant Another Imposition is tho extra ehargo made to see the various dopartments alter paying tho rcgula^enlranco fee. There Is too. ^uoh of tills sort of thing; and though few care tospcok out boldly qgalnst It, yot all are opposed to oitertloii. The Knl^kerbooker Kitchen Is another nulsonco^ sow. 9oiniHc!¥d, en4 «r?RHs a gnM do»l of dlMatlsfiwUon,* ¥be aristocratic element appears to rule at this Fair, and they rule very badly, too, In some instances. They choose to keep their aeoonnts secret, and the publlo, tbe people at large, whose monoy alter all keeps the oencern in eperatlon, aro kepi in the dark as to tbo moneys paid into the bands of the treasurer. Why should not tbe committee be compelled to make a dally roporl of receipts and expendlturos r Is it fbr fbar of burling tbe foollngs' of tho arlstoeracy, who have oondosoended to lend their Inf uenoe toward tho sucoess of (ho Fair f It looks like lt< Tho sword business is another proceeding of deublfui propriety. One might Iniagliie' that: wo bare'but two Oenornls of any account tn the whole army, and that we are determined to set them and their rospoellve (t'ienila at loggerheads Ihrongh the proeess of voting. Whoever gets tho sword will get it through money influenoe, noth- ing else; nnd In that ease, altheugli" Utile Uac " is now ahead, the chanoes.wlll be against him in tho long run. Tbere Is much humbug about this Fair business, and allhough the procdods aro snpjiosod to. be for a most worthy purpose, yot we fonr that a large elleo will be do. dueled for "expenses" when the sun total comes lo be footed up. Saturday, April SIrd, is aDnouneedes the oloshig day, but we think they will run It until tbe Batur- jday following that date. BroRTS ortHOTimroommoncedlBStweek on Long Island, .but owing to.the disagreeable weather tbo atlondnnoe .waa not nuumous. A rotiert ef the pnioeedlDgs will bo found in nnofbos oclunn, _Thi Toar m Huoobd.— The tralttaig aeaeen at the Hirirord TtolUngriikopaaaon Ihe tsihof lUy. On May 30th win lake pUaeamalahbetwcdnlhaflHnoiulioUanMnaeaod BostalDan, tcr|9t00adda,mllah««to,ba«t Ihneln ih^Uu ftt^tohir. THE COBURN AND MACE MATCH. It <s net Improbahlo that'Ilii out next teue we mav ha enablod to give the answer of Jem ICaoe to Joe Cohuii! propesIUon sent steamer a few weeks age Wi! tbe conunnnieaUon sent out, wu also sent a deposit S •hew Uace tbat builnes* li natty Intended by tho Ih^ AoericM). .We bolloTe Oobuta's Aeoeplanee otlUi^ offer to fight:ln Ireland will create somo aarpilse bBi? land, for we do net (appose thatanrone there hssto! aglned that ds'other repre«entaU«9.from tho New WorM would cross tbe! big pond and intieavor to retrieve Um laurels lost by John 0. Hedpan j hit Joe is In earnest sad Is very anxious to hear.fiU^^ly Uaco will have to make. Wo,seo that a writer in one of the London papen das been oonverttng Joe Into an "Orangeman," cr boqs. Iblngoftbesort, wbloh Joe modestly disclaims, for boh pf the Fenlan-brotberhood persussloi, if wo have been oorrectly informed, Wo oan understand tho objootof th« writer—he evVleiiUy wishes to. prqjudloo the naasetof tbe Irish people sgsJnst Cobum by tho tlmo he reaohet Ireland, and thus make capital fbr hla opponent; but It won't do—all Joo wants Is a Ihir lold, and no breaking ig the ring; and In nil probability tho Irish peopio will ttt to It tbat^thelr countryman from Amerlcahasawolcomtto tho ll^ld of his birth, and supporters at the ring ait to see that be Is net Uiterfered with by outsiders, Usee has bcqn in Liverpool, and while there ho recently gars ^ private exhlblllnn before a number of yeung^ells, wbe examined his cups, belts, eto., and then liberally rowanled him., Cobum Is giving exhibitions on thU side ef the At- lantic, and making preparations for an early dcpsrion for "^iblon's'poneefut shores," Ccbu'rh's' challenge his liben reoolved In London, and la published In JMTi l{f( but It was loo soon to hoar from Haoe in reply, ' THE LATE CHAMPIONSHIP BILLIARD MATCH, The Billiard Fox's Position Defined. TsL Rochester press, as Is natoral, perhaps, appear lo bo very Jealous of the reputation of their represontatire, 'Louis Fox, and state that he is wUUog to play all tho boa bUllardlsts in due tlmo, and has bis money ready/ ffo at{ pleased to bear this, and we suppose that we miy therefore expoct tbat he will threw down the gamiUtt for the next turn for the Champion Cue. In detoing Fox's position, tho Bochester Biminj Expreu says :— "MoUIUaaxcllemanlbaa agNkladIha blBlard world alBcatte fljand tponamcnl which recently cama off In New Toik ibr Ite bancflt of the Banltary Fair, Wa annoimood some lima tan «,■» Loola Fei, of thla clly. would net ba able to piiUctpatf, owlni to ataadtyamlnedwriittinl he vaty ganeioiidy last hla piciaa to aaiurt In carrying out lha objecto of the tDunamaal 111..^, tha'affair. Ilia name baa bcenuaadlniTotjuiuereDionloaavir by soma of the Now Totk iportlog Jonnals, (the Cuma » ceptad.) Id lha way of annonnclng hlin for the malchei lu b> Dotmada,oraalhoilicdanyonatomakerorlilm. Thar of thla'dfy baa a oomnpondant who apoaks aa foUowa: ■U baa leaked oil that the bUlUidmen hidonlta aa timeaalghtoraoaftcrlhochamplonahip motcfi, coniJallngatlfeHira. Phelan, Eavanagh, rOi. Tl«'- Nell BiTiDl, CoUeodar, and olhen wanaaaamb^.:. and Ihematoh waa ciDad np. Tlenan'a Mendi . • laSo^nan COonnor, In hla uaual Impatooua at}.-' SAOwlhat SiTuugh could beat Tlcman'In OIdcU-^ Ectaonal and anylhlDg bat compUmentaiy, il,'. tndled, and hot Umea were feared. LoulaFOx «. match hlmaalf agilnil Kaisnaab, Featcr, or agw.. KcllBinntolIeitd a bet of WW that FMIfr conld 4ib Bochesbr, In ill montha'Uma. Foa did set aeoit'"' Fox waa noi aaked to 'Ko 111' bnt ha now anttaoiln. tbat he will play Footer. laadon Oayrand, or Drety, fora venlcnt nun, aa aoon aa tho BUgeon,who lafrylngtaii apralncd wrist, wtll penuIL He has not had a cac bi^ for aovcnl monlha, nor la ho Ukely for leveraL -aaoDtl Thoae who know Lonla Fox's plar, and who bare p bin, do net talk ao 'briah' abom malchea. Cerhaia I, wcB to die to them hla record at the Ual tonroamont M won tho aecond prlac, valued at %0SO, tieatlng Boerei. Eatepbe, Dcfir, Ooldthwalt, and beaten br laTanaglr j man. He waa alao matched to play with Dcciy at tUL wenl thoro to play, bnt Mr. Decry tailed to ooiae to Una;'i feltad. Fox •pocntbu'IL Waltawbllc,aastlamu,aed Hr.Foi wlU ■100' yoQ an. In the mauitlme If jou wlaV to make aae niAtahaa, hla money la ready to be pal down (or nji hmudlatdj." In regard to the " war of words" abore'alludcd to by tho Demoeral, wa would add that we too heard eomethljig to tho same^cSbot; but considered al thotbio,as wo do now, tbat the badinage waa the result of excltoment which usually follows ft eontcst where rlraJry and emultUon are largely wrooght np, as they wore hi the late Chan- plenshlp mateh ;^d we doabt hot tbat now " reason hta, resumed Its sway," an asporilios ere forgotten. '^Atleiit wd hope so, as a division In the camp will not add to He prosperity of .billiards. Dill Pur la Bocaaixa.-Baae Ball la looUia np bi Boeka- Icr, N. y. Tti» toOewlna la tma Iho nocbastar £mm:-U is learned that aaiovemantla on (bol In tUa dly to fbnnaneirbHa ball chib, com p oead of (to be allowod Ihe oxiniilon) 'lha cnan" of lha old daba of Ihla dly, Hany of oar Ant daaa plajoim now cngaaad la Iho "grand miti±^ agilnit Ihe rebeUlooi 'Ute" and already hata mado a "aeon" wUch, In aflaryoara, tbay wID be prond to look upon. It la not at all Inapprapiiato, thoogh lha sarlenamaUaroi wit la npon onr handa,tnat phyalcaj cdooOloB and lha .darelopmeni of mniela aheuM be sngandend br Ifr dalgonca in Ihla oihllantlog aad plcaaant excvclaa. It b w ba hoped Ihatlhoeeilho have taken hold of Ihla matter wUdaB wlthaiaat In view of the •vaota few plain sngieatloBa may net ft ^mSi^i^Jf bmby ginn :-ll la oaeoUal that the dob MooMMea of adlng, faiilKij niomtien, and nolol thaioiivhe never attend the bualncaa meeUnga—an not piomplly on Iba lUd at lha commencement of plar, or moat Important of all ftU lo eemoto Hine whcnaaacaaedby tho TnaaarerlhdrmMlciBCt iheexpenara. No pcnon ibonldho akctodto arailholcaalhB- nettunofflcaof IheAaaodaUoalor In fkct aarthlng) Inalbeenia bo la a "prcUy clover feUow," and who wfll notaSiclly ouirool hla dntles to nrevent Iho Inatltatloo ftom "niiinlng down" Ua Tteaaonr and Olnetorof a baas ball or oickat clob abooldba one and Iho aame peceon; QnawhocaabonliMupon,udatenld bepatdtoThlsaatvlcea. It la do email task to bo 1 director of a good baaabaU dnb, toptovlde all tbe Implaffleata foraeld ei. prolan, and to lakacareoJuiapnMrly of Ihe OMinlotlon. PlC Aonld be conunenced always at the appolclad time, and laanidi ahoiildacluapccUtota. To avoid being a "one hone Insdlottoii,'' at Uw otguUutlon moating eaoh chaitar member abooUW' aolbe 15 or no to make a permanent fund, and Iheae JotabK aftetwaidi aboild payaa anlnlUaUon teethe aame enmulbe original memben had aubaorlbed. An offlptr tnaswr waatbe oanaa of Ihe tiUan of Iho beat ball club ever orainlaed in Wtalen ItowTorki and had that aame dub bad tbo tuda It wonlA wMh S! Ei?' Plven Itpoaaeaaid, <ie Ihla have coped with eoma of the averite nines of New Totk and vldnlty. BoiiBO Brann n Auum—the itltma ifeni<ii« Eipim njt: pe .onnlng aeaaon, which epena on Jane lai, wlU. wUbeol donn, be tho meet auoocailnl one wo have had.In some iiaia. Tho m^ftatan will be the nee 16t Ihe Champion BcoUon BcA 'iS^ heaUhy spo^t have puichaacd a aplandld iDnr oel^ which will be rowed fbr on June IsL Our young oannm uentaUnggmiatpnniuallon tor Ihe oomlna oontc^nebcH win be placed In the tanda of Itiee ImatoeaL who will act In ai> oodan^ wilhaaatof ngnlaUonaand mleo which an Air aad ■fi* JtlaonmtoBllwhemaywlahtooompetofiirlt Hr.O.» Bhaw, the oelabnicd beat-buUder of Howbtuih, la now oopijed bullaingtwviwieiiuiaaeall boats IbrgantlaDeiibr Ihla dir, 'ub> U to bo 80 (wtln length. U Inchm KuTaSd fin wetghtMlba. Ihaklladn of Ihla boat la In ODO handnd aad di^wpantsnleeea, Tbe ether will be 3» feet long, U wide, nl 5 daep-wclgtal abont iO lb*. Whan Ihoy ate flnfilicd, Ihr DO two of Iho fmcal apodmena of boatlinlldlng In Ihe coo He la alao OTothanlIng Iho double ecoIl"Eodo^^" aad lha 1 sonll"Olpaay,'r Iho coming aeaaon onr float win conalst (rf Ihe fonewlng boali: ODoali-oat«dehaI],twofoni>oaredah<Ila,lhteoalx-eaiodtai8» one fbUHuod Uigo, two doatdo aonll bpabeaka, ona donWa a«B ahdLaadalahtBlngleabella, AH of Iho^ove ahella wtnbolH '"'KSSf."^ noWbnrgb, aad an flntobaa beata. Wllh Iho above ipTeDdldOect of boatakandonrambltteniyonW oatamea, wa can took fnwatd for a aplmdld anaon. , OaiiiD BruD.—Than la now bi oonne of eieotlon al Ihe BV view FarkBaoeConne. San FiandaoOiCaUAinila, a aland wbkb ttla Ihooght wlO ofual. If not auipaaa anvlhlng of Ihe Undoiw ^aatraiM. nartudbiaueaUonlsonatraiAndlbatlnl<n|lk bTtntr-lhieelnwldlb;biiUlof Ikimoln tbo moat danhia ud denuimaniier, tho vor boat of malolal to be naed throng*'; It will be tm aloilaa to helgbL wllh a plaUbnn or balsony rannlnl atlialyannnd each atoiy, thWecn feSln width, and im lha W than WOI be a gtOoiy BimUar to those on tbe snod alandi to B«- land aad nances Ihe whole apaldo of aeoammodatlng iln ihee- amd apeotatota. The baMoom en the dnt floor, ani cencokd °^j,Tfe.?°?..!*^ win be Oily fact In length, llUedep^ wlandld elyla, wllh card and rollilagiooma for gonllameo, Oa 1 ISS? '^.* dbilng-toom. twenly-Sve fcot In length by In widlb, neatly atiaogod and weU snppUed.wUlfbnnaDloipi't; ant feature, anlakllohanieplotowltoOTmoonrm^ 44 place. InlhoaaoondataiTUionwIll belm parlon andiKK"? noma for Iho nie ef Ikmlllea. ThaaeteemawUlboanangedwMa exqni alto taato, will be oomibrt and deganee llaoll anawlllb} ff?''*?^.'??!.'!!?.''^"^™!"''^'*- Iho '•onl «nd aUeaa this splendid bonding ara to boln rualle alylo; Iho bakonIM » beani^Mntod byhandaoneHatedoolaiana; and InfbctUiawbola aOgr will be grand and beautiful to the exlnmo. IhebnIldMl' toboflnlahed to Jnnoi Uacoitwlll belweatv-avalhonaaadool-. Jonng IIMII" la OtelnBa to nialth Um against "Oen. Uad^' tot MHO a aide, nfle heals, basi Ihne laflTe,lBba)iimUme to be i«iee|«p«o by lbs owMn of «aob bona. boll. Past Bizuooit Tub oh nia Sesaoii.-The ••Bi. Jdlm'LPl^ uwriaamer.laaaMaaahelanagnUoent. ElUrato.lhe'T'^ dobUr baa been deemed Invlndbta, bnt II la said .sbt.lS'.S tonnlllondav night by tho "Bt John." BoUi teaglM*tttg dodalDRtwVaiiatfenrmlnaleapaalalao'eloek, •nt^Vr off Bide by aide, nntUlhoy reached Btony Fotol, when the John" obook ber off, and loft her nllea bShlnA leaoblnn her 0