New York Clipper (Apr 1864)

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THE NEW YOItK CLIPPER. 11 THE TUHF. TIM tartttunuon. »t UMesLosgldudrajOn ThawUr. oSin conn* took tti» maUTO-Uio proprfcto" glflOB.* IM f^n bat thns In flTe, In For tUi thus wu« foui en- Sm ftniT* KoHun't b t Ulnni WoodniS'* br m So^-Camo-Cp, Dm Uioo't b g Woulorfa), is4 Su FlUar'i • m '^UUiongh t)u monlog of Uiedij'wu bit uA plottnt, th« kmTVlUIot nin Umiuhoat UionlidJ of tbo praodlng d>7 IM U?WiiltJ«< UioiuatarltaKtiMof ttnbnftobclloTothMUie tackinalii boMbMTjru nt wu t r llytoloidtoipoi^onemoBt ottlutnt On UTimgitRlBinWoodnS'a, w«vcnttacnfon iMt taoAnA to find bat fawhonenm uMmblod, ud we ee- ' rnted the old Held Utnbel'a lnTlleU<<b to take (look at bU iS<^ NerarbclbntatTebli ilabkabeon eofdllof tnltcn, oi |.im».if lobonr lntnlnlngtbemtDTlhidreDjegefflODtiUilanni- aec Amongibemwe notlood Ibo eoncl mm IiidjEmnie,s dto^ler ct the BMbev bono, Jnpltor, irbou t\dm OTer JUt two ran* uOiOB the VublonConno, oner loeing the Bnt beet win not itJIiIt be Cngotlen by Iboae wbo irilniieaed "Old UoBOtj'e" ■ucnUoeDt dililng on that ocoilon. She at that time bdonged Is Ar.OeoraeBnm, the well known petnaol aqoatlo ipotta. In dtuAilrenlntlilael^, bntibola now the pnputj of Mr. Lew Pettr. 8he le enflegedlDanco oo the Union Cooiee, for which fcnr ether fint euee bona haTe alu enleiod, viz., Soyelone, UajQuean,Lanoet,and Dan Mice. Ula a mOoboattaoe,beet thne infiT»,lnbanien,andir tbe Lad; to In good foim on the day; we ahell eipoct hor, In the hands of her clorordriTorand tiainn',to abownarbeeletomoe^If notallof them. ilacilet,a DiagDuoent yoosg bay alallloD, with a eoperb head and nook, and an eye beunlngwIlhlnlidllgeDce and lu«, oeitaltiacted our at- tention. HetoaaonefVolan1«er,andgrandMnofHamblotonlan, and bad only airlTod In Hliam'e auo two daye belbre, to bo trained tbto ecaaon. Hehaa no engageoent atpTeaant,bntWfl ahjdl be mnch mlatakon If he docs not prove a dipper, else there lanobeUerlnglngoodlooka. The old Field Mai^ial must onto- tain a Ugh ^nlon of the handflomo brown gelding Dexter, or he ' wonldnotbave enlendblmforso many of the nahlon Assoda. tion panes this sunmcr. He hie also a brown maie, Baby Belle^ that be baa entered In toorracte of $1000 a aide each, one of them being to wagon, agalnat SanPllAff's brown mare Empxcaa, and the ott^er three agatnat Fflte'e Port Boyml, atone, two, and three nllsa eecb. Hlnm baa oonaaqocnlly got hla handa full of bnal- neaa, and with hla brother Ike'a able aaslstance, who la now with btan, win donbtlea* ptsee many t winning race to his cndlt beCcn tbeaeaaonlaorer. By thla tbnOb aemil bmlUar iKea had arriTcd at tho bold, among them Aldeman UoUahon, the owner of Ballr Oomo Upj' SlfflHoaglind, bins and JOTlalaa nana!; Ur. Potty, old BlllWhaa- lan,and Jim l(alIahon,lhehoatof laCiyclto llaU,ln a atatobf aniletyandmeerlalntyabont Ua hone, Cardinal, whom bahad dlasatchedtwoboinbefine from hla stables at Uootm'* Mnl, ana bad neither arrind nor been acen or beard of on tho nad. It leaked oot that neither Dao POternorDanUaoe'aontalw wonld jnt to aaappesnnoSbthoagb we didn't bear any oanaa assigned; joDbabtyttae late nnlkTonble weather bad stopped tbsm In their work andnmented Ihem getting lU for the race. Hlnm and Bal- ly Oome up won all ready, and the Cardinal aoon aller"sbowcd ap," the boT having taken the wrong road. Anhougbthedsywos nnaettled, tnTcatsoiiw rain, and tho atlendanceemil], Ur. Bhaw, tkepnprletorof the back, was determined that there abonld bo no poe^ i o n e m ent or disappolntmeiit to those present, and an ad- leninment to tho track took place. Tho Judgea were Dan Pilfer, Blabopk and *<Felham John." Wodldnotbcaraalnglsbetibado, , althouh tbore were plenty of olTcn to back Hlxam's mare or take tV to 110 abont Oanllnal. MotwIlhsUnaing the great qaantlly of r ain th at had Men, tho tnck was lu &lr condition, tftolHng the ~''~*~Ue absorbent nalore of the soil. As might be opectcd, r, It was not bTonhle tor the oihlblllon of fhat time, being r holding. ■• t Hat diiam bad the pole, and alter fonr tUaa iilarto the Ins glTon' at Ihs lUlh, Cudlnil about halt a length ahcod. latler led roaml the torn, but breahtng on the first quarter, B pasBod httn and was two looRthe ahead at the quaitor pole. ■ BUM the fkr side, McMann tnttlDg Ihst, closed np the gap By, mitbnsUng agialn, bsto the mars a laid of three lengths ^alfnilla,whlobw<a trotted In l:3t. At tbs drkw^tfo Ijar- nks again, and Illnm trotted leKnrcly np Uw bmiNVtRlcli, g&obeitln^Jl, .^- aaeaL Ike)-got Ihs word at the second time of aaUng, . _t hcldlnjiln for alao. and allowing blm on snibnnco to lako I.pole, ftaeylnglhat tho onlsldo Hack wonld be harder end larsDllEd to his man'a going. TheykeptcloeetOMtberonthe first qoartsr, Mao gndually dnwlng away on the nr side, and paaringUisbalf mllo polo a length ahead 111 IM.' On the third qoarler Ulivn went np, and repatUsg this on the bomcstrelch jnstas be waealchtog up nplcUy, Cardinal cr oas o d the acoro half a daen leogtta In (not In 3:61 H, IMnt BtaL-A good sand off, lllram with a aUgbt lead ronnd the first tun, and a full looKlh at (bo qoarier-pole In OJi sec HoUann dosN np half thla dlstanco on the eecond quarter, tho polaot whlch-nspaascdto A good lice ensued, both trot- ting Andy, wfasn luram went up, but «.«*»*'|"q again Immodlalely, thoy swung lilo the bomeelKUh on pretty onn tcrmt. ' Hen OanUnalbnk^ and thla proved Ihtal to his ohanaiof tho heat, as BaUr-Came-Qpvthe slnna,fourlcnctli9iiUIonkin2:ff2,'X. nmhBeaL-kttlt alati at tho fin' attempt, Illnm leading a half length onnd th4 fint torn, and gained double thead- Tantage at the ^oarter-r^' ' ' ' _ . trotting aqnardj^dhnlnla dmetolafl. Tniyke^ when Cardinal wVcamo '^snsned, Bdly —=^ Vu the seoond quarter, ^^Minai 1 the Iflsd onft-half, tho half mllo being v relatltepiialHnns Into the elralgUt, r hla (get, but.Ipoonalng, a good race inlng b*« Jaaith, the gelding tareak- wontyyirdaiMlItssland. Tlmo9UllX. SDHVMir, Umoi Oonac, L. L, April Itlh, 18M.—Fme t(0, mllo heals, best 8 to B to haiwss. H.Woodraftiaoedbr. m.BaSy Coras ITp.r. I all lT«M>f>n tt^trtfA I, g PbwiIIwI , ,,, ^ ,3133 •amt3:Sl-lM)(-iM>t~2.iin. Thns ended Ihs fint trot of the sessoD, and ■ wen contested one It was, for II most bo remembered that neither of the horsee bad orer befon tntled to public and the tnck Ills al least ten seconda alowot tluii wtts la cood condition. Hlnm hu su:sd Ui« int "wto of the season ana llr. McUahon, wbo owns the mars, also oommsnosd lbs naaon last year by winning the fint trot on the Ikahlon Coune. He celebiilcd the erent In Ohampagne on le- toning to the hdleL Bs t nm l n gbaarwtrds, we called at East New Teik to see our old Mand, Blm Hoagknd, and bla lamous Uessengsr stock. 81m, at onetmu-wisaaountedoneof IhobeetdrlTenontbsIaland, but now aeldom haidlea the r^lna to public, to oonssqaonce q2 his (ood temper anlieo'.al dlspoalUon bsTlng tocroaaed nla tonwrtal ponderosity too DUCh- no last oem^oa en whlc!^ Mttwhim wu when be dOTO and won wllb Lady Feltner agdnat ua ni oeallydeceaaedeliimbla,Ua37Slbwagnn In 4;IB. It was this extrsordlnaiypi^Omnnee that Induocd Mr. Bonnor to purchase her of Bin, tbdne latter sobscquontly aold blm Clatbnali Uald, and thus Mr. Bctner became poaaeaaed of his present onqipraach- sUe taam of fifn. 81m now dorotcs Us attontlon men partic- ularly to bneOA, and bla stock, althoDoh not numonms,a»aU ' -fint dja, and t unusuot siccUcnce. The two most'promlslng we saw, an amy colt by Uray Ursaonger, whom Blm owned st thetlnMothlsualh,uidwboeo losslssdU dasply nnattsd by sU bceedoneir«<tings1ock, outof FlalbuahUal^auwhomho has named "lJuei,"aud anothcrortbeaansoolorontofihecelc- biated manJUoy Uoecow, whom Blm slso owns. Tbe fomier Is " itcolt, < Tcsis old, neerly slitaen bands Ugh, with lianca to Us sire, whoso loss as a stslllon ho Is well laptedtonsce. Allhougbhohas noTorhada watcbheldOTer him, hS(^Twnat piomlaoof nnktog anunuausllTiast trottor, andwfn sonoay, u fortunate^ sukoUs markbotaon tiintroU ting and brallng turl n>oaale/the celsbntod trolling mare,Lady Woodn4(Mr. Boanefa nblfioent donation to the Banltan commlaalOD), came off on Thupay aflonionn, tho KIb lust, at Uio Ftlr Otounda on fouxtecnlMtieel, The old man was labottog under a touch of vdd,buk ferwiae appeand In her usual Insly beank. and the Blatementlads in tho adrertknmont of hor salo, tfakt *'ahe Is capable oBottln^ Ikstcr this apring than abo baa srsr yot ahown" IspnbaUpot onfOnndcd* llioro woio not so nkny pexsoos I anticipated acdng, and but few fiuuQIar Dues of re there. ■ Hr. Behenok was tho oiDdstlog auitlonoer, and be e^meooed with a $1,1100 bid. Thla waa nm up to |1,800, by tlireelceomlTO IIOO bids, and no adnnca on that aaoont being omA, ahowas knocked down for that sum to Mr. X. B. UowBidl WIUlamsbiBub. - The lucky purchaser (for b« fns loekylifttlng her for that amount) almoet Immediately iMold limto W^amca Irrtoi tn $9,000, who owned her aone low yean 'ho toOeed sold her to Mr. Donnor for $3,800. Bhe now 0 his possession for $1,800 lees, and In u good. If not 'Uon. than aho over wu to hor Ufb. i day of tho VbaUon Oourao, ooonn on Ike lOth^ t racelafbrIke asaoclatlonpunoof ona hundred r borsee that haTo uorer tiot^l In public, bUo heat^; 5 to to homosa. The foUowIng eight horses are' '. F. Modlne'a g. a. Ploaaun Boy; u. weed's b, g. Cap. am; IL WoodiulTa b. g. EUp-limber; i. B. klattlira k; D. Pfifcr'a br. m. Coaotio; n. S, Jonoa' br. m. Uu ; Owner's br. g. Ooncral Grant; and B. Ogloa b, Ison. ■ Such an outiyought to tvodnoe a good neo, lobe feared that tho. bad wealhor wo bare bad Ibr the kawUlbaTolulcrforcdso much with tho tnlnlnffof t Anr of tho abOTo will bo In condlUon to show on the onooed. Rumor haa been busy for soma tlmo past J notaco Jonos' ouhry, the Thomas maio, who In raport. 'eiy (kst He tins entered her to five of the mhlon ion porsss, ao Hut 11 la ovldont bo hu a high opinion of rila. Wo near that Tunis Durland has malchodtJohn . gny borso Sfialual Ocorse a Uall'a Itotato, mils beats. In fiTo, (br $000 a aldo; MeoikTa horao to go to haincaa and ' to wagon, and Uio nco to come off Uio fint TuesdsKto Hay, iTnlon Couno, pmrlilcd Oio track la at liberty ontnat day, loagland Is stake hoUcr. ^' lee Bun Peiklna cot noawsalonof the HartfiodTcsck, trot- '1 that locsllly soemslo bsTo recclTed a poweiflU'lmpulsO to rht direction. Tho Diet nalOt oa this traA oomu off on Ih of Hay, and la bclmon two three year old colls owned by BeokwIUiandBam Ferhlns blmaelC It la/for tSOO, mile liestthnetoflrs. ,The next Is'for $0,600, betweenB. a rllh's famous borso Prtooe, who hsstnrttsd bis mllo on tho fblontrack to 2M, and J. Meade's somlDao, mllo koala, best » u Sto: Prtoco to go In hamcaa and aotRl Dan unBar aaddls, Beekwilh has also nalchnl Prtoco agaUkt tho renowned trot- Morgan, (Or $3,800 asldo, niIIO'>nMU, thrno to five, to . tooome offon tho3dof June. j^As John Morgan laowned same mntleoun oa Sotnl Dan, lila agreed that nboaooTer be naloh between Pduoa and BerrdDan, shall baTO the 9 nf naming tho course (br uo Morgan tnL The laKor new taalnlng on the tluUon Course. Mr. BoeMlb, tho '"'"■■oo.lsanenUennnpf Immaso weallh, belonging to partial to the unnscii^ts of the turf, and poneastog V,. ,'*^i'<>''''*UiatCHlnot eaally bs boalea. In Act. he SSjiaSEjf? '"jgi'ttll'oofhra horses, of whhibMuo aJL!^ S?«Un««''oniItoBtothosama oner, for tan then, ^nar^ tkonttseaehtobsmUo beais, best thno tofire, L Sam Barkt^ olbra to match hla eolebntod blaOk aWllon. "Uj6«Mf best tbroohi flrft In harness. If smntod, such s -g^^^*pn>« • toost oidltog 000, as be(h hotisaHS known 'it^S"'.?*"*"' •ntprloo and connHat smong barsemsn «hK Botwlthstandn* toe Ugli price* wUrli young tnOte^oS jemmand Inihe mAel^ (he breedcnoa langlflailaSlSb! ™««dto Meet any sires to put toeir mares te anspt those g»»s«nl|issaijSs«6datlhe Tery laM prlea. ^SflTwrrtr S*wo« (nmshorss pedl^ uTdraUfnl or itStbii 2SVt^iawn,jnd wbsposaeasn maa^MttousHsedonsasa apsed, andnrsaos snd aioellencs of lbs hlfhest'^ar, but for whose soTlees twenty-firs 01 fifty dollan la obsi|sd. Wo hare known Instannw whnepedlgrooa of Long Island staDfnns bare bem mannOntond to order, yot theyhaTS been niy suocesiftil In getting mares, owtog to the low priso at wUob ther aland, wUlo such a boras u Japlter, by Long bland Blad Bawl, whoao podlgieeransslnlghtuptoUnnd'Ilaahaw hlmaalf andofwhoao Mk the M"g Ladyfimma laagood spednus^ wis oompara- urely neglected when ho stood at Hnedlknfa by tho bncden of Longlsland. WUle we acknowledge that tobrosd fint nto slock, good mareaaro Indlspuudble, ret wo cannot eipod tohsTsany yonng onea worth rearing and training, unlaas good, well bnd sires sn selected. ItlsthubsdpnctlssoD tbs partof brecdera that oattsea snob high bled bones aa Lightning, by Andrew Jack- eon, and Nomination, by Wild Irlabman, ontof adam which com- btood both the Oaahaw and tho Mtaaengst stnins o( blood, to bo neglected and naemployod as stud hoisos. MomlnaUon'a aire was by OlencosiSn Imported Engllsb Ihoronghbred, who was descend, cd to a direct Una from Eing Uerod, one of tlio richest and purest (ountalnsof bkiodto IhsBntiah atod book. Tho adnnlagcs of breeding trotting stock from a thorongbbrod sire and half.bred dam Is conspicuously evident to the caso uf Mr. Bonner's flying maro. Lady Palmer, who waa by aicneoo()lomtoallou'sgrandalm out of a huf-brod dam. The blfiAi prices wUchauch stock woulii toevllsbly cbmmand, would amply repay, the breeder for the ex- pense of cmploytog tho serrlceii of suoh well bred alaliions,u well aa Impnvtog the breed of tho trotting stock. THE Rmo. INDIAN CLUBS I INDIAN CLUB31 l-No boHer gymnssUo appllancea oiMtor almpUdty of use, or tendtog moro to a gonanl derelopment and strengthening of the phyilol sya- torn, toan tos Indian Clab, and It Is (kst coming tolo public bvor as a mosDs of sxasdse. Mr. 8L D. KBHOE, the pitodpal manulko. torer of Indian Cluba to this oountiy, is now to receipt of ordera from all aeotlona^ and be Is fiUng them np u npldiy as possible. Mr, Rehoe made the Clubs nsed by Joioi 0. Uagtn and Joe Co- BUBH, toe PnglllslioCbampIona, to their tnlntog. Also for DUD- ui Katwiob, too Billiard Champion, and Jains tbs Aquatic Champion. anba,tto Blba, $4porpalr " 8toU~ 0 " " Dumb Bells, from $3to4 " " ' Orden addrssssd to 8. D. KEHOE, CuPFOi dies, ysw Totk, or post once, Ksw York, win reoelTO Inunodlato attention. P. a— AH Mdon ontslds of Msw York dty must be sccompanlcd wito the money. \ 1-tf HARRY JENNINGS has made many new Impronmento to hla popular '■nODBE OF OALL," Mo. 33 PORTLAMD STREET, B08I0!(, and added a compMe and unique OALLERy OF FOBTBAITB, many of wUch can be aeon at no other ealoon to the countr)'. BparUlng Vlanda, prime Bannas, and the best of evcrylUng to be had at Ike bar. W-lf ALBANY SHADES, No. 3 East Houston street.-- JOHNDWYER,Proprietor. Mr.Dwyerhcnbylnfoimsklafrlends and tho tporting puollc lhat ho has takoo poeaeaslon of tho abovo eleaant Baloon, mmous for Its auporior Wtoes, Ltouora end dgariL and hopea by dvlllty and courtoouaoeaa to ucru too conUnucd paUonige hltoeito so lavlaUy bostowed upon Ulm, Exna No. nc£.—nl»to loatructlon to tho Art of Boihig. m* THE NAUTILUS BRANCH.--THOMAS C, BURNS haa romoTcd from the Old Uomestcad on Btaten laland to thla City, and can bercador always bo found at No. 1 Bxbcl&t iaubt, on tlio corner of Broadway, whcrohobaslildina stoio of the Choicest Wtoes, LIquon, Alts, sod Clgin, making Ua bar unsurpsased to quality. Mr. Boms will always be happy to ace bis Mends and ue pnbllo at tho Bnnch, when all tho aboTO loxorlaa can be en- Joyed to Oriental s^lo, tMm BOXINQ GLOVES 1 BOXINQ GLOVES! I—OLD BILL lOVEEL Maaler of Ceromonlea of Uie Ring, will acnd per oi- prtaa a aupsrior sett of OLOVEH'B UOXINO OLoves, to any State now to toe UUon, on receipt of $0. OLOVm CLEANED at the ahorteat notlco. Address WHJJAU 'tOVEE, l-lt No. 6It6ccondaT„e«inccof3nhst,M, T.cily. "ED WILSON," 5* Has filted up the elegant and exIanalTO promiiea at No. 16 LEBOY PLACE, Comer of Dlecckor and Qrocne streets^' OS a fint claaa Bar and dub Boom, when too worthy host to ready to bid a hearty welcome to alL His Wtoes, Uquors, and CIgan are nnsurpaaaod, and OTsrytbing to of tho best quality. Asplendid POBTRAlY OALLEBY on eihJblUon. "ED'S" Oouutry Besldsnce, "THE BDIK8," Weehawkcn, to also open for tho Bummer Season. , 1-tf "CLIPPER SHADES," ' 03 HoKmoioaT snzwr, Jnsn dir. BeetAlea,Wtoes,II([non,sndClganoonstantlyonliand. Clubs, Dumb Bells, Boxiog aiores, free for tho u se of vislton. PEIEB HAXLOY, P w|al s tol. Printo tnstmcUon to tlw Art of BelM>ofoncc. l-llt* "THE PASTIME," No. 10 EAsr Hotnaov ersnr. Between Brosdwagr and Crosby street Best Ales^ Wtoes^ Llqnors, ana dgan oouslanlly on band. -LlUUABD HOLLYWOOD, Piopilctor. i.ut« N. B.-Mnto Lotaons giren to SpsTring. THE LONDON TAVERN, No. lOS Mnwiucx sniST, BosroM. JACK TDBNEB Tm-Jtetai Ike sboni eetabUshment to now fitted up to good stito, snd lbs Wines, Uquon, Ales, and dgan an of a auperTor >{naUty. Ike Art of Belf-Defencelkugbt by Jack Turner, i-jt* SPORTSMAN'S HALL, Con. Tuno iHD WoOB fiai^nTBionjn Pa. gaeniiy that he la now proprietor of thu aporttog hosteiiy, and will do ail to hla power to make Us vislton' calls agieoabls. PobUo Sptnlng every Saturday aventog. Pitnto Lessons giveu to the Art ot Doling. 1.7l» THE X-I0<U<8, „ No. U SiST Hotmoa nkStT, HABBT LAZABU8 Plopiletor Everything "Pro Bono Publico." Edibles, Blblbles, and Smok. Bbles, all "non oom pantus eat" Than wolcome al^ heartily weloomo every one. Open Day and Night fi3-tf THE CHAMPION I THE CHAMPION I I-Qreotest Mode Hall and Concort &iloon to tho dtyl No. tU Broadway, between Blsoeker and Bond slreola. M1£S EATE BTANTON. PMprlalor. Tbe gormoue deoonllons, arcUtoctunl beau^, and eapaolouancaa of tula mammoto Mnslo Ilall an uusurpatscd hi the world. The moat atlnctlvo and bonltohing lady nailen are to bo soon St tho Chamiflon. Boperb Viands, fit for on omiicror; grond oidiestral mualo; an nnsurpessod ShooUng Oallonr, under too loperintimdanceofFrotJaUuaDorgo. OHAllLESGUOVUITESN, Manager and Director. Admiaslou mol GREAT DOG FIGHT IN PHILADELPHIA,- CanoU's fight flghl), REAT DOG FIGHT IN PHILADELPHIA,—Pat >ll's dog, "Young Bonoy," and Hugby lUloy's doc, "Slras," to FhBaddpUa on May$(day after Harrto and Matlsy's |,at 3< lbs., for $300. ifleood Umo to anlldpated ^^old IN PRESS, and will shortly be published.—The AN0LO.A1IBIU0AN FIOTIANA i oa, ORACLE OF TEB DIMa, Tbs mesont Edlllon eontatoa the Resnlto i FIOHTH that have taken ptaco to OREAT DDITAIN AMD THE UNITED STATES from tho year inw to January lit, 1804, Alpha, betically amneed and in Ohrouologlcal order. luaddiliontothsoontonlsof too London Edition ihtovolomo will oontato foil and authentlo Ileporto of tho Flghls between TOM HYER AMD YAMKU 8ULUVAM ; MORBISSBy AND JOHN 0. HEEKAM ; TOM BAYEBS AMD JOHN 0. HEENAM, and TOH KINO AMD HEENAM—thna (brming a pnfoct Oyclspodia of aO aflaln oonnsctsd with tho Ring to boto Homtopherea. The vol- ume, with the addiUona mouuoncd abovo, will bo DOUDLB Itao die of too Bngltah additton. BUT A LIMITED NUMBER WILL BE PUDUSB&D. PRIOB $1.7S PER TOLUMB. SENT FREE DT POST, ON BBOEIFT BY THE rUBLIBUERS, YOUDALK H BROTilEItTON, a.3t SI Chatham street, cor. North WlUiim, Now York. WALTER FIELDS, the Favorite Sentimental Vo callst, Rivos bis FinSI OBAND CONCERT IN SBOOSLYK, OH FBDAY EVCNINO, the 93d, at DNIOM MALI, oor. of DIvlalon avenuoandC^jinoratroet TIckoto 98 oonta. 3.11* -COBDBHUlU.t HacA'a RiTLT Dailt SmonD. Ve have liiUo news to give our naJtm eondemlog tho anUd^ Sited groat puglllsUo trial of aklD batweon too Chsmplous of Us Id World snd IhoNew, but tho eidlnnont to none too Icaa great, for whcrovawe go, wbother to a sporting drum, among tho proily wilten, eratalenipeiaiusnoeltog, It to too talk of the lawn. Both gladtoUn have (hdr opkoldsn and doprocaton, and aa they are men aUko than any two men who erordoffed aBtilrt to sup tosmalchgemoBtpuomioUng, thoarirnmonUanwirm on L,_ ddes. Letkn of Inquiry conoemlnglUa or lhat man'agameneas oome to us Itom sll aouroesL and to bti^ooma His not an uncom- mon thing to bear their coufigsimpugDedl^ parties who, were toeyoverptoesdtodmUar podUons, would nmr slop ninnfng. In renrd uOAnm'a grit, wo havawrltoesssd hlih on two or Ifareo ocoulons, t ot uei«d. and to a very tight plaoe^lsarroundcd by psr. Ueaiedliol br miacUef, but never aaw him ibow toe first synip- toms of (ksTj when many another msnwoaJd have ahook flko a haf. Cobnm made out capllaQy to Boston, and looks like s raco hone —Ua friuds any that they never aaw blm to bettor (btllo, which la adgnthatbotooionghlyunderslanda hto ginatle mdortaktog, aodlstbenenotaktogthe'bestcan otblmBelt': Haoe we know notlobeadilnktogman, ortotos haUt ofDooturad earousala, so that be is aaitoersss fiddle all tho Ume, and llie Zlngme fid- dler having gone tfanupb too mill so oflon, bia bAIning will not oomo so bod on blm. It to not vet doddodsbontOolmni's bone- fit to PblladelpUa, but wowoild throw out ttasUnt to WMui Joe, that If be wanin to make bay while tho sun sUoesi tbiwe's no Ume to be lost, ass month Ales away befon • matt hardly knowa It' Wepmufflobototenda lovldt BdUmon aw Waaunirton aadpornapsoneortwonoraplaee^sodao,aOoiliig onlyawrok fromossnlbectoer, llwtlltMwdlonto Hay, ibd tlino to bo gotUiif ready to start Weeipecisnplyfrom Kllfe toUme Ibr jmbyaggm ja^jiid i'sOiim^ipd bnvsitodwhtti (thttsTai7 Oobnrohubeaa negotiating ferth^ooiTugaledclrensi or Hip- pothsnlion,to.wUobtoglvahla ftnweU sinlbltlon to thto da, and aa, l>y tbe time he to ready to go, tbs CIrcua may be oloaci), wo aoo nothing to tbe way to undor It The Obampun'a Belt to now all Onlabnd, and wtD'.pMbably bo preaonlod toum aoms evontog the current week at one of our dly toeaires. THB KABLEY AND HABBIB MATCH, m LAST SDOsrr at codosm'^ Tbe last deposit but one between Patn MarlCT and Dooney HaniaL ot fii0 dollan a dd^ cnntualad at lloddy toe liladi- amlto'a, on Tuesday, tbe 19th Instant, when too nstunnt ms ovcillowtogwlto lbs raqieotivs trionda and admiran of too gladl- alon. nioae who thought one or tbs otoer would foridt an dio- gotoor out of tholr teokoning, sUhongb wlto one wity, we indor- Blind, thsn's been band aoratcliing to got too flunsaya together. Jimmy EUott has got Dooney to a protty good fix, aud l^t Muipny to particulany anxious to bavs Ua mddon aitempt at tntolu to ue Mew World Rficstaedlt on Umaolf and tho bold PatqFuarley. Ttasteosntwot speD baa pnvontod toolr dolig o'er nmch walking and rowtog Over tho water and over tho lea. Over toe blDs to Charley Moon's; but thoy have performed pkstyof bard work to doors, and tro boto looking as well aa can bo expteted. ■Tkentoto and kist dspodl of fifty doUan must bs taUcdat Joe Cobnm'a, 113 Qrand aireot, thto ovantog, April 10, botwcea 8 and 0 P. M., and we may look for a meiry tlmo of it Dooney Ilauto fighulSeatch weight while Uarlayeonfines hiniaelt to 141 lbs., and toey wdgh too morning bofbfs too fight (May 8) at Aaroe k BDey's, 903 Centn atieet MiLLDia SI UooKuoiiT.—On tho Sat of Febniaty, saya a Rctio Bivei paper, too doniiens of Austin, Kevida TbrrUory, were ds. turbodfrom todr dumben by a ami hubbub in too ndcbbor- hood of Mato and Cedar Btieola. It sppeen thatanlitohcrsad a Britlaher, who bad some hard foeUnga towards each otoor, nid In a diving bdl, and toe old grudge waa revived. Not'wtolilim to have trouble to a good mon'a boose, tbey agned toacttkiUoat- aido according to too Outfes doctrine, and tooieupon Imsxdi- ately adlouned to tbe alrcet when Mao Watsbouso was sdettcd by the F-rr l'*'"""' ss bla seoond, and Qeorge LoDoy by tbo Iitib- nan,ondaftertoe prellnlnariaa had been gone through sttb, toe nunUng conunenoed at abont twdve oVock. Twcnty4na rounds wen fought and for a long time toe batUo was very Mly oonteated, both giving and rocdiujr bard knoolia, and sboilug no Bigns of yleldtogTbut Johnny Bnll'a endonnce ms too moh for Irtoh nil, and victory dedded to ikvor of the EogUabmao. It Isdairaed, however, that tho result waa enUnly owtog to Ihilu. skuctlons Mao gavs Ua man on toe twenlr-flm round, "to Unt wlto hto lalt take one atep back, and give anupporeut nlUhIa dgkt" lUs direction was fOUowsd, and gained too fight Both men were severely punished. A laiga orawd wltoosaea tho on- tost many bdng preaoot to dlahabiile, not taking Ume to dress toomsdvcs whan uioy Jumped out of bed to see whst was golni on. IhU to much better than ahooliog on sight and wo hope It ell to faturo bo moro emulated by our brethren on the PscUe slept Orv AoAin roa tbx ^ais.— Hlohaal Iteegin, "DnbUn Uke^" who bu been on (orlongb (br some tlfflo, ntumcd to hto r«|l- menttoe Mto Pennsylvania, last week, mr toe eiprees purpeu of being on band when Richmond to taken. BoaayaMlke. LxfxTowii.-^BUly McLean has packed up hto goods and dau Ids and left the dty for PhUadolnblB. Utonealto to nonod Ite best butwheuhorcaultaupaUttlahemay give some ot oor Ug guns a fight for money. Tnn Aliumt8ixo&— Onr siwrting friends wen around Albaoy pretty lively last week. A friend Just ntumed from toen s^i that on one aflonoon bo mot on Stato street too foUoving camed sports: Jos C^bnm, Mike Morton, Mike Brady, Jhn Cobnra, llughy BUey, Barney Aann, BIDy Donnelly, and many otlien. How an you, subs t Eiaoi'l DOXAHOK to m BAinrABT FAm,—Mr. 8. D. Kchoe has Jnstbsd finished three bsndsome seta of Indian clubs; 8,10; and 19 pounds eiob, snd three pelra of lignum vlls) dumbbell^ A 6 and B pounds, snd picaenlcd toem, through Messrs. TreadircD ^ jarman, to too CommladonQn of tbo Sanitary Fair. Thoy are of auporior qnallly and workmanaUp, and ate on oililblUon to the firemen's departoicnt Sou OiHzn Fellow.— Jack Turner, of Boston, Inlbms os Uiat the up.rlver Qoorge Baker to not too one who fonnbt Bob ^ven, Winn, OnckoU, ondotbere. Jaokand Dooney Uanlaban both aparred wlto and aeeo Baker of.Ohalham fight and toe; pro- nounoo tlie other Baker a fraud. Tde Dalv axd'Davs MATcn.—EvTiythIng looka rosylbr Uu culmlsallon ct toe great $9,000 match belwcen Palsy Dalyand BUI Davto, of Vkgbito dly. BUI Davis m at AusUn on tko 13(h ult, and gavMn cxUbltlon toore. Billy Dwycr will tnhi Ddr, and Uanr Otfbben bas sold out hto pIsco to Oallfomto to Inta Davto, If ne can got the Job. OooD nn Billx.— BUW O'Hdl, the Iriah comedian, nceoUy Sreacnled a bandsomo aUvor goblet to too boat anarrer at Billy iwyer'a benefit to San Frandaco one Sunday evemng to Mreb, and too same was won by Tom Odoy wbo aparred wlto Dwycr. CoBoiM AMD ma TrsrrTo PrmjoMrvmi—Jim Cndck bas been on a vlalt to Phlladdphia, engtoecrtog Cor a sullablo place tot Jue Cobnrn to give hiaJknwdl benefit toon. So (br, he baa net made out pretty good, aa one ot toe mualo ball or toeotn proprleton wanted $300 ana halt toe reodptaet toe houao before lh« would letltfacasparTtogboncfit WdlmayCualckeiolsdm, OToiponl 0 Mores I Dndsr tooes dreomstances. If thej don't cone ilown to their price, it to a doubtful matter whether CobumwlO appear tocre unUBsaa a special feature at one of Uetoeatres Uawonld bo very foolish to pay any such oom ss tost sskod for any thoatro unless bo himseli waa auxiouato loac,Instead of makomoney; and Joseph to not too man to do that It be does not appear Ihcnltvalibeagreatdlappotolmontto htofrlendi. Taa CaAKnoB'a Belt.— That bdt for Joe Cobum, gottaaup by Ball, Blsek t Co., to now entirely finished, and will befonnany preeenladtohtoiBOBieevsnlsettWttsk. It to said to ba a "ilp- per" by tooeo wbo have Been and handled it Itvfould'ntbesbed Idea far somaot our tocatn (hiks to hsvotbe presentatioD take nlaeo fiom too stago, and too public to bo zoado aware of too fact a day or two beforehand. TUs metood wouU bo a big card tar toe tboatr^ and give It too Importaneo whioh It merits, aa he Is soon to leave too land of Us adoption to uphold tbo honor and coniago ottoe American Ptiso Blng. Let the. Belt Oommltlooaeo that this la done. ma Son Down Aoahi.— Tom Hytr wis very knraO last week, and for two nights he wasn't sxpeaod to recover, tmt on Sunday evening bo raUlod and was ablo to dt up to lied. Htofirland Mod Wilson to very attentive to toe Cbitt, and vldto blm frequently. Orxiaxo BnniAT ni Wesbawus.— In antldnatlou. of a fine Sunday, too Weohawken burgben got In a good uock ot laser and UUngs on too 17to, and met wlto a good reward. Nod WUsou'a summer nddenco, "Tbs Ruins," tias lilenlly bedraed thollvo long day by fiiir women and bnve men, and great was weohawken Isat Sunday. A NioBT or Bom IS Mm BaooMLn —Wdtor Flold^ oae of ilT jiiiiciwl iinjI-fT *■'"'* toe free and easles, totends glftog thepoorloot BfoaUynntresttotooway of vocallam on Inday, tiio 33d. Tbo concert cornea ott si Union Hall, corner of DIvldon Avenue ai^ Clynior street and many.of the mualeal talent of Now York win lend tbeto preaenco and ohliiup some of Ihdt (eat mcU> files, Thi Widow Pnnjjis' BnEnr.—A party ot Bendtnieii an badly angiged to oonpleUng toe anuueansnto Ke this pnls> wwuuroUect andbytoolaltorpartot tho week Ihs ItiUauoei. pectMtoboout . • Tbb Ball BHOAOto nn Jtu Hnx ail's TBinrnnAL—Acoodlng to too esmest soUdUtlon of hto fdendsand too trionda ot his brotocr, togcthor wlto too sporting friterjity st IsrgOL James Hccnan bu very aondbly oondudcd to g«r. up an ontstainmsnt sImUar to toe graud variety ihow glvoa a few wcaks ago, and too City Asacmbly Rooms hovo boon enf for tbo porpoao, on Tbunday, tho 98to toit WoibiU bo abh> to gIroaU puiienlan by next week. Jhn Ueonan'a namo has boon so pnnihiont to England aa ailrst daaa spamr Ihst evoybody to anxious to m whatbecando. Wo believe bs Is willing to spar too best regsrl- Icaa of alio, and tooto who ham Been him pwform ssyhq'silglil- nlng. Oox FrrzoisALD Mov^ Blwr.—II wu rumored sll over tbt d^ last week that Con Fll/'^enld, too boior, bad been ahottonUHh the head by a poUoeirian -en tbo comer of Broadway and Elghto street, but we an atilo'totitoto tost no suoh toing occnind. Cou bad a little dl/Dcnltywtlb ouo of oor dty guardlana, and the dob.' btot la add to bavo opcntod aomowhat on Oomolo's flaum-bosd, bu I that's alL We are glad it waa no wono lor boto paioea. All Aioirr I'atdt MAULn.—Tbe dandng gisdtotor has loft Joo Cooko'a andgono to tooFluahIng UotcL kept by John JmUns, neir too FSaUoa Couiao. wherebo totcndafintoning hto work, otwbleh ho haa ooiiaidombto yet to do to roduoo jilm to tos proper welibt Ihenliaa been a mutud agnemont enlerod tolo where- by toe namtog of toe place of fighttog to to bo given totbs Spartan band at Marloy's ovm houso, "Tbo Aldng Son," <8 Ulivnr street three or fonr davB previous to too figbt lusteadotat toe laatdo- podt Palay will bars lito colon out too Sunday before too figlit andwinbehomethatdayalldiytorcolvovldla. Uofetto"llko a mice," and to taking good can otUmaolt Joi Oanmii'a BnzirT nt PmLAniLFBU on im 30ni.—Tho AnierioBn Ctiamplon atarted for PhliaddnUa on Monday ovcutor, and arrangomoito have now been complotcd for him to give his grand tkrewoB to that clly on Wsdnoaday, tho 90to. Fnm Phlla. delpblo, Cobum gooa to Pittsburgh, and will probably honor Bt Louto wlto a vidt Jim Cuaick and Jim Dunn win ocoomijaoy him. DooMTT Babu, now milched to figbt PahiyMarloy, lokoa a benollt at too Stnyvcaant luatitolo on llonday, too Stth. All too tdentwUl ' FooT'BAca AT Oiuxromr.—A foot nco tor $100 a side, bo. twoeu John Barrtoon, of llnuklyn, nnd a WlUlamsburih sprint runner named Prinlcy, camo olfon Monday afieraoon, )8to InM., at Orecnpoint There was a largo nnmborofnornoni present the race ercatlna ooudilerablo Interest'among tho sports of Drcoklyn sod WllUanubuigh. Harrison lisa 'for a teng Umo past enjoyed a high npulaUou to prlvato ss a fad mnnor, while llto opponent has run to public two .or throe times vrUb varied success. There was a good ded qt boltlu on Ibo noo, Uarrlaon being tbo tivodto. Tbey got off wdl logetoer at the fint attempt and a oloao net oniuod Ibr the (list Utf yards, when Prtotey ihot ahead and won tho raco easOy, Hairlson lalllog down bofore half the dlalanco waa run. Tbs race was tiotlinuML Qvon Maicb.— A match at Qoolta eaino ol^ at LonlaTUIa on toe 14Ui inat, between Dllly Wcatwood, of LoulsiiJK ij; and Pitoy Shoildan, of St Louis, (or s Puno-dlstoned pUdiid t yaida. Sheridan led oSwito two points, snd led Weslwood all lb< way throogb, endtog 0 pototo ahead. ThanwuatoiB«e»wdofspoiv (atontowltocsslbegauicaiidtbssxdiomenlwu bitsnao, boto mon bavtog many (Honda on tho ground. Westwood was consid- ered tovtoablo by Ids (Honda, butaltlwugh ho met with debet Ida friends an reedy to bsck him sgainst ghtrldan (br another hrld ot their sklil at quolUog. Thoy will also back him lo nn a loot nco Bgalnat J, Hodgda, of Newport, Ey„ one hundred yards dlstsnee^ to slatt by repot at pistol. Match Brtwin two Bat Door ^Morris Broonull haa oalch- adUsdnt"Bosa,"toUlllsnntotolesa Umo toan Bnoch Hill's dut "Klitls" csn UU dghloen, (br (60, wUoh (too nwnor end not toedooBandnto)ha»bcendopodledto too handa ot Old Rooks, olborwlso known aa Jack Stones, vrho to alao to berakrer. As one dut belongs to Rsilncky snd the otoer to Ohio, toen promises to bo some eidtetnsal when It oomss oS AqoATio Obalurox —T, WOltom H. Bisvona, of Toigbkoepds, «tll row Jsmea Uamlll, ot PlUalnrgb, a five mils nee on toe PeUghkeepsto (ndr, any lime between thto dale and Uio lat of Jidy nest, for tbo sum of $600, and allow him. $100 tbr opsaaco toeomatothtodly. Agooddayanlalklrtnok.' WiLiuK' n. Strma. Fm Miua n EiaiiT Mmns ware flown by a swsepsliknsnntended Ibr ODHaitfaSKbi near Bf— atn lag. SPECTRE BOB, V 01. A'Legend of Gotham.'' laiLiu wo% Tn nw lou cuma, BZ BOOIHDOYD rAIROLODOB. Up town, near by a nob ao gnad, Bold butohor Bob did dwell, sir, <.' Wbo like a tool, at Ua demand, Gave credit to Ike awdJ, dr. Thto nob, alaal beeanoitstronc Wlto 'rtatooau' perdatsnoob Tbo blUa tooy grow bo 'tomd loig. Tbey sboiun'd Bob'a eilstoncel In vdn ho oun'd and ten Us hair. And soak'd Ua hide tn mm, dr, To all Us nvtogs of despair. The gont wu deat and dumb, air I Of an toto big Bug'a monatraua debt For many a monstroua roast dr, Oboatofaoentho uould not get So Bob gave up toe ghost drl And, now the bouse, u I've beard tell. Wss qoils a nob^ mandoni Wllhin wUoh our gallant awoli Indulged lu Ua expandon I And newB bad spread boto Ikr and wide, Thto domicile waa haunted; TllatghoatotBomoon^ who had died. From otoer worUs hsd slsnted. And to tho parlorv jeEuf and grim. WoaM Blalk andt^$ eholr, dr; Aud when you ffOI a gisaee at hluL He'd oooUy all and glare, alrl ' And foartli] noises had boon hssrd. And (earful dooda been done, dr; And what to Bomo aeem'd quHfl Bbsaid, TO otoon vna no fun, drl TUa gboat seemed notof Uneng* high. Nor gonlls to Us mlon, sir. He won bto hat codi'd o'er Us syc; In which looked nothing green, drl Some friends, wllhto toto banntad pOo, ' Met hen to meet hto frown, dr, Oonta, whom ghosts could not bsgnlK Nor splrito oould knock down, dr I The only splrlto that tosyjHr'd • W«e splrito lhat wen air. So when tUs spedd ghost^oar'd. They'd make too vulato spuk, drl "And tell what 'twas ttaatrlhd him tbua. And what had gone aniiaa, dr. And why he eUDrd and tnade a nnss . In such a houao as this, drl Around the teble gatoer'd thoy, Withto toe parlor haunted, in bright and biliik wlto laughter oar To anew tho apunk they rauntsdl nius, aa eveiTtbtog went well, Behekl, the ghost bad come, alt I One thought he smdt a snlph'ry stodl. Anotoer toougbt'twu rum, air I Then stood tbo goblto, fierce snd dread, Hto look bad nothing tender, Hs won hto bat oock'dTon hto bead, Uko Moas upon a benderl Wlto mooairons strldca bo march'd opoD TUa bnve devolod band, air,— Hto strides, to Ikct wore only one I— And dendi'd bis dexter hand, alrl Each fdtj among toto gallant folk, A buEdoR to hto head, eir. At longib; Ike gboat too allenco broke. And tlilB waa what bo aoM, sir— " I'ae faulsher Bob, yo oheaUng crew I And hen'a Ihe calTjf^H daughlar. And when your carcaaa I'ae dew, . I'llaktotoom, aa lortorl" - Up Jnmp'd tbtae septa and out Ihey M, And then, dr, rvl a noUos, Each work'd Ua taecb to Mve hto head Ftom violent eonunotlon I " WoU, dam torlr plcturl" muUoied he. When bo waa loft alone, air, "It tooy bo gens, 'tto tlmo for me To dear out add tiegonc, dr I" And toon bo took a final glare Around the parlor haunted, * And winking at Us (kv'rito ehalr, Tho spectre, air, bo slantOBt lUm AOAonr Tms.—Ilr.0iiitls,ta amitenr ranMr,Msd Ut needniBrlhsFBahlanOonnsaitJialMb,ata nllsdaahapiast tune. Ho'to said toban ieeompllalisatbadlstaneainaiU(wl» ntodlhewagir, wblcb wu to IboeSMIhs* haconldntdo H IB IM. Tbe roods wsra bid and nuokot tbo noswu Dp hlD. Tnx Cnian BuaoictoIngland,lbrUM,lsiiotlIka|r tobeu biUllant aa usual, owing to the abaanoaot a douo ot toe leading pluren In Austnlto, tons pravanttog lbs dsrasu vs. twnty^wos and too match between too two elsvau lakto( pikes uearly u Wdtsnir OOTumn—Aneutamta snyi tbtt Ur, Charles W. Barber, wbo reddca to Cordon, N. t., noantly llflo^ to smOlto Ihinklrk,awdghtof9,mti>onnda. TUilsSMpaniidSBionthaa the edstnted Dr. WInsUp naa titled, and vns aocompllalied wilb. out the uao of ahosldcr soaps or olhst appantns Car dlstrtbutlnc toe wdgbt Tn Mm, Doi ILkTCnD.—Ttei Ooi, oUos Ihs Pitaiato MH' IBoT, and Oeorgo Oaultos, ot aomiantown, Pa., are -rt**^ for 200 a ddeto runa300yarda race atPUladotpbia,onJConday. pill 90. TboIastdopodtbaatobeputnpMDavldfarvla'bonse, In Noito Fonrto street PklUddplila, on Batnrday sveiiing, Apm 93, whan toe place ot miming vrlll bo made knoim, ' CoHmtroaAnt LmnAioiis.-In ordar tnHy to sppndate toe genhisotSkakospesre, andeatlinale kowtarUswrlllogB were to advance of toe age to wUch ho lived, aome acqoitotanee wlto toe stftoofwhatpaaaodulltentonatthat Ume U neceaaaiy. Tlio wilUdams that appear to have amneed the BUbjods of Queen Biaabeto contrast snrloudy wlto toe genoino humor of toe gitat finmatist whioh bw so well withstood toetcstof ttrnftaad r> talnsditafreahnoutluouah all too obangea to toe popular taste. AnaxcaUanllUualratloneillhtototaMsdlvrefoiTtog toawork aljadsd to to "Much ado about Nothing." Bonodlat aecniea Beataloe ot gotttog her good wit on* ot the "Hnndnd Many Tdon," Thto book, printed to btocktotisr, to the idgnot Hsnry Vn., appean to have been too "Jos Miller" ot toeperlod, and maybeUanua blroionplo both of too spelling sad wllof Bhakespsan'a age. Tho (oUowtogcitnetto copied verbatim from tbe volome^ wbuh bean Ito own conmendatloD on the tltlo page, "laics and Qolek Answcra, very meiy, and pleasant to tads" "mil»l»atABo<mU>lk)/in^K (down list wu tiowirdeto Ua wife, vaod tobo onto dryukyniga many tymia voye lata. Bo on a nyghto be tnyad ao tonga onlsL that bto wyre wento to bedde, and bados bar mayda make a good tjn, and taryn «p (br Imn. Abont lU ot tho docka bomo he eania,anduhsatodewannliige bin by Uie tyre hto bode waa so tottye, that ho tbll to to the lyn. Tho maydo sdng Ua ftOo nnne op oryenge to her ibddrea, and aayd: AlasmynialstartoUlsnaadlyeto tongs staiughto to tbo (yn. No (ores, mavda^ vUd her matotros,let him lyeand take bto plcaaure to Ua owns bgnso, when ao onir him liatelh." BETODE AND BEHIND TBE 01TBTAIM—A wde* tt twdvs Pholognphs, npreionling: Tho AdvanliMIIIhe Btua Boi: The DIaadvanbgea of too Slagv loi; Tbo Inlwdndlc^t Bo BoU acribor'a Vilvllego; Ratoplan; Succcasi Iho BsBMlWl lbs Audi, eooo; Ibo aonUiunan'a Dreaalng lloom; ZfkiDUIes'Preutos Boom: Iho Lobt7: Tho Printo Uos. Pries ^O* sat OEMS FBOU uvma UOSIU. Twdve Noa. Each No, contdu four Fbotographa, tokn from living French Kodels,—the meat exqutolto toug in the Phol» nspbUne. Price, 99ots. each No. Flvofor$l,ortwdnlbr$9, 'no oompleto sat to a neat pocket Album, $& FREMOH DANOmO OIBLS. Card Pbotognptaa ot Fronch Sandng Qlrla—100,dlb«iit Unds. Price 93 ds, each; fire foe $1: twdve for $9, nsat potikst Album contdntog twelve of lbs atMTO plcturta, $8, . ' THE MAOIO PHOTOCiBAFn ALBljlL . ' Oontalntog twdve gonolno "Gay ud F(«liTs,'*7n«ach Pbol*' gmphs, $J, Any of the above will be aent by mall, on rccdpt ot tbs pite 43-Camplde Calnlogaea sent to any address on reodpt'of a stsmp ' Address ' F. a. WA1BmL> 3.11* Nssau street Now fort. XjAxsb Foraaow sports, THE LATE OREAT WrwBKATTnwAT. nOlIT J. 0. BjtENAN AND TOH EXMO. Hiatrto]ofthsso bmons pugllists,wlto s nnmberof otoon, was fixed to Isko pWe at Lewes, Busses, on April 6, so that to our noxtweatiaU hr, able to give tbo rceoH. In dliidlng thoroto, Btll't Life ot AiprO 3, saya:—"Our naden know Ihattho partlea coneoned In too fight between King and Hoenan won remanded tilltba April Bssdons atLowea,and lhat effoitswan made by oondveft aud otoon to ponnado Ibom to remove toolr case by oaitlnnm toto toe Queen^s Bench, tho expenses of wUch proceed, tngmre to have boon delrayed 1^ a aubaodptioa among tooCor- tomiua, towarda whlob upwarda of iOO wen placed to our hands. All offorls to bring about tno trld to London, luvrerer, fiUIed, ow. Ing to too obaHnscy ot Ssjsrsb Bsooan aad tf***^*". ail of whom iiiai b n ed erfony ebar ohaDo* at rswes. CMog to tois Jo. ceimlaaUon, too gojitlenieo who aubscilbod for tbo eipress pui^ pose of trytog tbo qusstiou to London have domandod tholr money back or applied It to ohaillable pnrnoacs. 'Then la, theufora no fund lo defray Ike aipenaoa tit the Jatniet d Lewes. Jeny Noon Interna us that Etog, whom hs soeondedi haa left Um to the luKdi, ud he bsa not recdvM one shllllna ttom him or hto (Moods to hdp Um to toe soape In which he ouy tovolred lilmselt tat thoirsakes. BoveialoUisriuflbrenwtaowae lailoulsooniola London an to the ume category. . • CoVBini Poooisn i> Tuonu.—Oineotar Hid Iamb and ten otoan wore aummoned to appear at aobhnll On April 3, to u- awuriOr todr aban'to the pngUtoHo oauUisI on Saturday, Karch 10. A Oaiuxt Mill.— On Wednesday, Ukrch 80tb, young Tkkon snd Complon'jtwo novices) mot near Corentiy, at cstdi weight tor X sovs. The Isdt wore bached tespocUvdy from tbo amo houses u Cujienlor ud Iamb. Compton to a inrly cuslomor of aome ntoetoen oummon, standing Oft 7to., ud wdgUng on the present occadon shout Ost tDb. Vlokols, tooogk to Us twenty- second year, to a more stripling lncompailion,aUndaO(L Oin., and lUafighdngwolghtnotmoTOthan7)iBt Oottahsdoctlvdytrained, and were m fine fettle. Hie tou for cboleo of place haviiig Umo won by VIcksra, bo named Whllkv (Common. At seven o'dock ttodosttosHonwunaohod, ud, early as II was, too "bluee" were toon fint ud sent too parhr badt At an adjoumod mooling. It wusgieedto Iryagdnln the same quarlor.and lUsdoverniie threw ths indeflitlnbto "bobbies" off too acent and u early aa bolf.past ton tbo lada atoppcd witUn too cords. Botohadpref^ donal talent to aaalst them, and, when tooy stood up tor Bound l,toae inaa greatdlspariiy In toolr also snd dovdop- mont; (^mptonoomploloiyovortoppeaklBuiUgentot who, toelcss;WBs brhnfol of confidoooe, udtbe pntly snlotowtilcb bespsrredfiir spopening prevsdbowu doToron hto legs, Ac. Oomplon tod off with Us toft, but wu abort; toe oeit lime he landed slightly. Vkkcn croasoauotcred wllb Uio right on Iks left ey^ and u ugly lump got up on too toatut Thoy now fousfat vigorendy to all porta ot too ring and to Ibo ropes, where Vicion got down doverlr oat ot danger, 9. 'Vlckon landed wdf on the bead,*reedvtog on too riba—a nasty tapi thto brought toem to half-vm UUtog, some prolty fibbing going on, when Vicken got down cleverly. 8. BoUi countered dmuHanoously on the ttn, whan Compton followed up by auolhsr nttler on tbe tiody, and Vicken got dowu, i lo 7 wen contested very equdly, the "Utllo 'on" atandlng his ground wllk too most nnflinchtog pluck and detenninattonagAinat Uio oxtn weight and strcngto oi>poatd to him, 8. Tho lada, liavlngwamiod to torlr work pogged away mer- rily, toe exdunacB boiog (kat ud furioii, uompton rspcalcdly golling on the nba; Vicki:n nluraed on tbe'cose ud mouto, and at ton rtuisk got down. On tJoropton bdng lakm (n bto comor, too blood waa found flowing bom lila noae, and too first event waa claimed and sUowed for Vicken. 0. Tbo lada bad now been at II exactly half an hour, and Uiaap. pcannce of Compton—Uto lelt eyo being "up," ud bto nose any. Uilng but Ito natural cotor-ahowod thsT Vk-Von had boeu bnay about him. Compton aomowhat wild, ruahed d hto man, ud ulUinatdy fought Vicken down. 10. It waa now plainly discernible that Tldion bad ansldnod an injury to Us loltlillidirlMliiB which, Compton took tho tolUatlro, and, changing hto .mod*, of flghUng, weat lu for the head, and Vlekos, from bistojajT, was unable to sUll^irComplon's nishea. At too flnlah, ufail^ some good oidiui'ea, Compton lauded a IcrrUki rlghl-handaeoivtiio tbrost, whkli sent his man to snss to doubloquick ttme. Coinpton's bookwa won now loud in their oflfara of ail to one on their pet Ulo9a, andtoat FKmtnodovento nund Iho baltlawtavlfr tualiy over, ud to enumonta them in dddl would bo tedious to our readnn, Sufilce It to say that Conplou'a oitn bulk hldJUId Ito own tale, u Vlckon fell weak. Coniploii sUll oontliiued Itrcipg, and agato doorod bto UUle oppooonl to tho tiri'oUclh ronndl iBd after ther had boon fighUng flfty-flvo jnlnulci; VIokar'a .atoMd, aeetog his case hopeless, tonw up Uio iipooAo, snd OonMoo wu pmdalfflod the winner. Ronirts -It must ba admlflld that Viokon, who to u game a lilt of sliifT so over alilupad, ma orar- malohod ou the prcaont ocaalon, but ogaintt a lu ot his own vrdght he wouki prove a lesser. OfConpton,lttoilnqteiaytliat be tougbt wlto a manllncsa woriliy of lidtalloa, as on aevenl oo. cidons wkra he might have taken aa tdvnatsge, hs nfrllned fromdoiogso. ■, Tn PimcrrAL ItAcmo MKEmras Ik Kngknd are faed to coin- nenca on Ike following dales i ApriU-BBsom Spring, Tlh i New- nsrkel Cnven, llto i snd Xownsrtct 1st Bpnog/UtlL Hoy- Obraler, Brd; Eoaoni, 3<Ui. - Jnns—Aaoot TUi. Julr-Hewmariot Ofhi Opodwood, 9CUi.- AwnsUBiichton, Indi Derby, 61st 8«)(nnl>er--I)onnaler, UUi i Kswinsrkot 1st October moeUig, 3ini. Odober-Newmirkst and October lOlk: ud Newmarket Uougbton, 34UI. Nonmbsr—WorccaUrAitunn, lat Doii't Dam TMTAsr.-AUverystabIo keeper wooldnover tot s hone go ontwlUiont reonosttog toe leaace not todrire Cist OnodutTmuwmu called to get* tnmKNit to aUoiidatanenL "Cortalnly," tbo stabkr, "but" he added, DirgetUng the sol. «nn porpoM (nrwUab tooyonng nun wulet Ibo bono; "dont drive frst" "Wby, lost look hen, dd Cellar," sdd lbs sonuwhst sidled yoinginu,'Iwutyouto undontand ItaUIsballkMP Bp wlto ike pioossilon If U ulto tos kons I" OBAND ElfOBB OF THE SOIEKOS OF OA ^ tainingaoomplotodiadosunof tooseavtof thai Used byprefesdand gsnbletiL tcgotoer wlto a full —^f'"'~ ot all conlldeooo gamei^ bownlayal, by whom ud where." Sm a Us- toiT of Peter Fnnka uif oonfidsncs women. 1 TOL, tomd to doth. Pilco 60 amis. Sendordemto 3.U0 F. a. WAX80H, Nami stnet, New r<rk. EMS FOB OENTLEMEN.—ne Book ot Amoiou G Poems, wlto 60 iliuslntlons.. "Ike gayest UUr^, that ever regaled too bunuD miod." Prioe W oealii or naiUi bound to doth, gUt edges, 60 amis, Ovid's Ant or Lava and Antonrua Woks oUn, "r"""'. 39 cento. Tn Knsn or BioDiiPbs aid Bonmon^ wlto EmuuBnf IntnlL niuslratod. 30oenta. Sent by mail, poatage paid, OS tecdpt of price, by S-U* . F, 0. WATSON, ftibllAar, Ksw Teak. N'^&^^MisataOampMceting,^S«Bilb, lbs doaci, Ibs^ Oolden Age, MIdsnamer'a night, ud hnndnda at otoatb . Mas 36 cento each, five Ibr $1, twdve for $9: BeatiHtnlly cdond M da. eacb. or id per doxen. Bend ordsn tor 3-11* F. 0. WAI80H, Naiiia at, How | CABD PBOTOOHAPHSL RIOH BAHE, AND BAOF, , cdvsd from Ikrto 60 different Unito. Prise 36 da < Iwdrelor $1'Colored Mela, eaok or (8 per daien. Bant pod- paid on reodpt of pilco by 3-U* F. O. WATBON, Kitaanstrost Nsw York. FDNNT BOOEB FOU FANOF BFORTS. A nd otoer things ot nrljus sorts. H othlng wlto them can oompsro— N dtharcanUieybabadolaowliere, Y ou need but send P. jmsB a letter— H tod, writoltpldn,it'aaamuahbsttar. 1 1 you wut rour ordar sxscuted, X, at your sddfMo be not dispulsd. T.HIB. Buy it ud own you on suited. Persons sending an order wlto tbs nuaey, $1 MBls, for tbt above named twok, will nodvo a niss pnsant witb It^ P, JXSBK 3-Uo Xo.3IUvtogtontlTsetiauihsBowfi7,R.r. iXqmaiTBI-TIIB "SBASV ot WJSBAZti&--Caili» tf thto gnat pkitors Mut by mall OB nedpl«(Ha AddKM J. 0. uoBBorr, Ml'* Box IBM, P. 0., PhllBda|p>to, Pi. 5F0B$L THE HANDSOMHST LADY IN AMEBIOA. . THE PEES A BOO. . TBB LATEST NOVELL, "WHAT IS IT," LADIESt' ^ THE "NEW WAS." AU, STVB FOB ONB DOLLAH. • ■ MASON ft 00., 3.1tv 08 Noito 0th street PhllsddpUa. NOTICE I NOTICE It NOnOEIII-Any 60 oonis, wito a Btamso' • - wiU recdvo TWELVE of iCe ovor aeon to thto eouni Enough sdd.-%A A< 3-11* oonis, wito a stauped onvdopo "bearuto thdr addraa.'* " 16« moat aplondld "FARCY PiOTDoS" itiT, Just impottod "and TiR. ohowi" ddreu B. vsnuiaK 'Hoi B," Shiilsy Vlltag<|'|faa, gf nuiALB IIBiOTr. f» Iho thros torms ot Female Beauty sont to in ona lie 9B «!■. s copies for $1; 13 copies I Broadway P. 0.,'oare Mr. mlLEU, Now,TfaL map- Lock Box Na«, Newport Ky.. <•* adrorttoaBsnt to tUa •■P week's Ourrn, . • aite SENS AND an ir.-10O aSa iM IOO Atln^s to 98 oaato. ~ OHA». BEMDEB.^ "-«>»". 3-U* 6,JT, oomorotMkandllBastita., Fbiadd^ilsiPa, I tUD loo^Aomaoa FOB 9s orna HOOBE, 306 Arok street PUIsddpUs. WHAT HAVE WB HZBET-YosI whattoltl SoaMUiggay, tobeaore, Bend tor nOatotoguo. ,-, i.v •» ' I,W,IlAIlNEB,No.aj8r " T OOKI LOOK UEDEI-wm yon asBd U'essts,Bnd ncdva Xj ous ot the Fun n iest and Ikndsst Ihlngs ontt Cau. Cniot Address O.I« ODSfllHoriaoBnnm stnet . Iblliddpbto,Fs. •^Ec Lock He x No, t, HowpoitSy, Bee sdnrilssmsntto toll *«0 week's Ouma, 3,i(* IB IT POSSIBLE that any soldier eon bo BO Ibollah M to laavs'Uia oily wlthOBt a aupply ot UOLLOWAY'8 OINTMBNT and rtUfil Whoevsr does aoirUldsoply regret lb Ttasao nsdldnaa iro too «N> oettdn ouo tor Bowd Complalnto, FsTon, Sons, and Bourry. (nlyUiMatspocboxorpot ' Ms , A BOtJT 801-UIg tUngf New onsa now loady. Vary nloy andrlsb. SomdUngloraa I>ogettbaD,ltyoawlaliBoin» thug on ibo tuoy, Tbey are enormous and gij. Four suiples, togeUiorwlto toe "Amoilcu Eagle," sent tew cants, ■ Addnsa Bn 76, Ann Arbor, Uloh. t-ti/t cm ABB YOU, a AY AND FANCY t-A Mew Sloiy.Juat nub- _ Uahed, wlto two "Euy Ploluna" ud a bully lot oraketdus, oKcs, IViuta, and Seoigi. «>• Cu't bo bastMoeOOota. Addrcu ALEX. UOLFEU k CO., Box 1031, LoutovUls,' Ky. 1.3t* H' Joici A lOnNO MAM fond otllibud fun would % OPEN A OOBBESPONDBNOB lib tomo young lady of llkadlspodlton. Address F, X., 341* ' Dnwordl8,Dsttd('UidL VERT PBODLIAB OONFBBBION-nlast oU-BOthUig lOo It _ avor seen before. BaitlndosesealsdlsttatannUoc Prloa 96 oentoi J, N, LATBOOP, 7 Dook street Vn YodT^^lt* Y tba NonoB. A. CerreapondenIs and ptirana of OUowi Bpealal Agonoyi nawir 0630, an roqncslad to addnas tisnatlsr' OHIOAQO BPEOIAL AaEMOr, S-lt* I)nwarOO«4,Chtoago.nL FUN.—Bond Stamp io Bimwer UU, OhlcigOb HI., udteoain If nturamalliomeUiliig that win plaaao JOO. PHOTOOBAPHia lLBUHItU(86 Stalloldlng N tWoiet, •entODnedptofta, SifianPockMAIbmaaBnlL TtToi wanBs^araBmdwv.KMrTiiA