New York Clipper (Apr 1864)

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1 THE YOBK clipper. a n rmoAU itEOORD- mm, md MUm^^Jm ThieMtii, Our Uttor-Box. ten Utoa *r XM> HelBM, l^tatm TtIMm, KmiI* Ttnoa, Ed. ATWr Woo*, " koa MOiuiMiintof UMMrt en ttui rida ot Km City Suminiry. Haul, Asm UUM. L.. . Siwtf a<ffrtifttnMo<;nTtoiMiud f<ii%tut4hw . ..wtata boAafrtacoa^r innnBa, far Afvflliu bdandtaiUia ^^dHI Ill ■ mrikoUthlutmltUbanvMMl -^n'AfA'-JtUekli^,^ tt tno^.wtthU bail, now.ilaelaiid ... afc.'/ai^faii^ain<iatJ<ini<»»llWI«M<«g»ateid«y,»MUiy ' A^.taqibfaBaBBp toUababatD anilud udiUokrnMctf Hv, ad culBf ■Bat* toonUa to our onuOr foM flBBvaarateaatDiiudia inOaieiaof ••aUuald wa diteal iB th dioi. let na koyaUiataiuk C^vin aameoDia atiliir,....Finloa<Ut OBoalMtedlfm- fttaftb vUh'n witta a Ulla puff ilmit «ha VavTon Ooni. Pattt ko>tiya»di«Bala Ua»«>aaHil( Iwit ■I ■iiMiiiiiil iiiiiallliUi lha oomnanaatakaddjeAtbataikf VMxfe Oa OunnalUaf baotr. and tfeoata^ aootrting * a* afUaaea ctaor owsaeoaaa aod tha baat aathcia^ > Kt D^OP Oa lMWM ' i d areaanmoe of oar ihaa^ and Uia I foaattt^ (C food nadiUa mitts autamHttd fottba D of oni laadfl^ vv baTa baan gsaatty ooagntnlatBd, * la *• fNfsaillj air of-diamaHa dAttoi'a. Iblveald m i lulu i mj a n d of tha good llitiiia mM ilmiil 0% ftataa ttoaaolba najadU>)>i(le lajbodr bat omaelnib w« ^hlfeMVi flirt of'frICBAlj uSlUoVtlOD ftv tbo OOSOftkt of OQT lain Bal ttaC mjia fi a nity ibeat and a hniidredyeaia . fioai MrjOBvID baiblato Bajmnr aba lot tan tinua ' pant coat TosaUck a idnlbaa....«ttlUn(abontllilsgaa i Miln a laia toooiub bilngita ndada liltia Inddantwbkk tekskca aenaBinaljTaanigo. It wia la tlu laar mr IfCBrnedactkalattOtdlmBiadL wfacn tha Fftnch paopia woa 1 iwUh lha "uMoaan," ud took idnotagaot aratf ' ^— —DlM^or adlatln- I tha Bilfloaitk) Ibamobinlha atomaAteia an object or thdr dUUha bj thnw- aiBila tatotbabox. Iba Uuoolada la Fafettainilji tha -igitiAabe^ ada* lha Hinmcllon. Iba Comtoa, vlih gnat Oo Bidad tha appica, pnt them Into a hindkuchle( 'B atitDd to tha Hirqma, with a piper pinned on the which aha had vrlttcn with 1 pencil—"Xba lint ofXibv^'' Jforal.—TboaevhollTelngliaaboaMaabould ifeiiiBrfnii ,jiieFUrlalUU"oo,''^bot Ihotroaannm itiiiiUf io aiuaj/and faaoltlhcnL A coiulc ■A teOTiba iasptwd lo be Inclined to 1 VwaitlMopaaMFaili^lnberoira boi. : '«tHafali^'*H eoinnmdaliepoi1nnA7, and nobod/knowa Atw 'MalBB& WaAi^Ihe peoplawho hiTothahindllngof thaFalr anv anan bontatind Due,ind thilnona of themglTaoiit. ^ . , ^in ehange^bat tbdria n nuA nlndlliigaolngonlhtt'tpnttiaitiuli w Alioineoftbepliccaof lonnma U lha Winter Oaidan, Ue SSSa^i^JSn^jMtoBrooUjii. wSaa watn»^<^ JJSSfiJlKiSllUndiSBoweiawouldn^ •Iand,in4 tooj Ih^Unttdi. lha oiitor of the aranlM being J. T. BojjJ «e rfStateSiSIllonilo thli tionpo oTahUma,and, by ItobTJ, lhibiSn«1«idlad hta nWect with iomoi, now loai^ SS tba^i«"SC«nin«.Ung Into ntty fnalgnltoiw: ISsiiSaSMirbla own pecoltar manner, ud br 5««» ff™ S?£Sda3Uoiia,lh Sa JS3Sr«id agalaiiuiiglliig mtfiail and «»«7jbtog Uut ZtJ^ hit mumUod mind. HIa manner wia chaiwdfriwd^ J5l StfSdMmorenienla. while hia adlona ipdu toodtr 5ii hSwSS *la incorpoiata loma Te«7 pungaol £Ha Into Wa SZl—. imcblng tha aiw and ni>7 on the ibw, wheia lh«e Smitoaila wedMisTlngof noaik,and hnooklng ipola ctf of iSiSiT oontndon and hti own ombialla. lha whole thing la a ^-i,.l faw. off npon the Anna Dicklnion ichoo) of lectoien, and aUdled milked applioae. WebelleieltUonthepngnmnutUi week 10 If TOO anjojr bnileaqae onUon^ "go In." tgasmaa k BooiW Ocean Clraui oompanr, noenlly wrecked off BunmL uncorded In laatweek'a CupriKwUl mike their StSS^^^ (he BIppottuatron,Inlllh ItnS, and nmiln then onlU farther notlea. nil will be the flnt anieaincaof the Impe In New York for mon thintnjtara, SSthalr fiiitippeinnoealnca theirrcacne from the wnckedTea- ael , Mr. C^jTBogen, director of the con<eni,bianoelrtd, aliaa'tja ittnm homo, a moat beaudtol whip, of im workniio- ahls and nateriil. u 1 token of ippnclitlao of hla Undneai and UboilttrtoaboapllillnllonleTldeo. Thobnttof thewhlpla o( drerBaoWleljchaied, while a band otjoldwlnda ironnd Iho iudle, on which li oaBimtad the foUowlnglniaJptlan: "freaenled 10 0. J. Bogara, Eiq., In icknowlcdanent of theild giren to the BriUih Hoa^til of ItotetUao, aWh itaich, 1M3." "CnDro'iCin" haa been pnt npan lha New Boweir aliga In manUcant iljle, ud daring the' week helped lo ittnct Tttr kne buliiaia. We eodeaTored lo eOoct u aninnoe on FtUir 'arenlni, April Ulh, bnt, Uai ni, lh4jhlng wia lapoealble, ia thaooirdliiitteadinoa anINhoae Olkig to get Inilde the thea- tre nathed cot to the ildewilk. It Kite Newton'i bentdl, udwareillTbtllaTa lha yonnglidTWU iillillcd,b7 the demon- ■InUonimidethiteTenlng, UutinolaafaTorlto on oar ildeof thatown- Ur. Faola,thaulhoroflhadnmaof "Cndjo'a CiTe," ai pndnced it Ihli honie, mail ilio feci hlgblrgntldadwUh the incccaabli work bia met with doting the weak. IJ147 will keep «aplajlngI«oleill<hlawaek,Bndmanloo. J^v. !lSiciowDaTei7 plica, ilmoil. Jut now. Hr-ue Ulb, bT dlntofavlgoroaaiuaofalnngmia and wminfl■Ddf,vaeon' trifedtoflMallghtoftheatagaand whatwaaon ItittheAineri- an, noadnT. Kj, how ther do eqloj IhamaelTea it Ihli frvoilla reaoit; 3ba moiv lha uMlua get aqaeozed, the more Ihejgoln. indlughOTcr tha fan oonaaqaent open 1 fiimrd inortmanL Weremilnedtongenongh toleir acme opitil ting- ing, fanny jckia, indeeaiome dehoooa dindog briomeoriha I 1 ■wi mom a UtUa aupMoof 11 Umci, era abont uieao8nltai7 ittni. Wa ndaweat uothffioDeMe it theltlh itroetihop lalwaikbal'Aaaipaiaiaaof theflrat Inlcnfew wo hid with •Aaaawd knead oi up tha aecond cnoounlcr, ud we cmoged ^mfteodeal In aprellr gooditalo of pRaerriUon. Tbefre • ■■Uadto tbaariraitDKtUoihdnce bitwe gued on them,end ^Adnotbeniprliodlf IheTfcnoolnereiT dcptnmeit,on lla •owB^hpol^ and cbiige 3S oenu to ae« oich ihow. In iddlUon to tMMS fiiA oiiiald& Mind,» don't mind Uuae extna; we're --HMtoBigi, and expect'cm; bnt thoae people who araHiingen .aMa^ ad ban onlr proildod themaelTca with a ■'dollir or two," tmtmttt toitona doUirwfllaee them dean Ihroogh l^malo ad tta other doDarboroTOT thing woith bojlng—lhoee ~ ' •- V, B7,in deatrring of abetter Mathutobe [ten lo eeo otn tnMmnf^ extn ■"'"■■i* ud ud ptchuta, ud the denca known what elie In the Bot lha nlr'a • big -inoccn, ud u the oonnlrTmu oar Poet Offlce, "thoy eoem to do a laraitlon big bade In We an now Bolng lo let out laccnt which wUloeale among the iUliLmli, the amaamU, and.the lltaaU, SBn Xhomo got minted to Uln Wiiren, the eenuUon wia \io oaeamlld word, bat uolhor aonAdon lion the lipla win pnn "torUccr." In J11I7 or Angoe^^<11llla 10- ' win oocor In the funUx of ur. ud llm lliuinb—u r, one poDjid ud a hilL Borne of ouUii^te the oruUbntwehare J Ihit no "icddent" bia lhaateoo. t and nme'cu occur Ban ahont the Hme mentioned abon. jMtolhlnk whUaftrttvlUewlllmaka In the kihlooahla and >nifil>ah1nnible world, andwhataacnih then will be to gel a - -■ of the'-dearllllloUilnp.'; Aa we write lhli,tho ran la ' wwmlj, ud eveiTthlng wean a rejnvaiated appoumnce, aamwaalhar c< the lilt month or two. Bnodwirla the Air am, masT of them on their waj lo the nb^ w at Iho Air Show, but In which, owing' tohamalUrihowit thej win meet wlQi dluppolnbnait Spring la mi7. fea»klBliega7, bn^whllewe cm, and danoa while we m '•<>UK ap the (recnlnlat, udlet thapla/tnappear. wbUo ... |asta» our pari of lha woekl/ onlcrtalomont glru-on board (hit ■alaiBitheNKW YoaiCumn. Ttng-a-Ung-a-llng. Wa uw •■Boaadila toi the lOMh Ume," ttWilliS'i, on Thma. y-*Vannlng,AptaUlh. Wo pliktdanlthit night boaouu hid "~na''nliilngncul7 alldij, oat "dear me," le Mm. ftmra tmr tadlidr-^aaTa-when iho "nlaca (heprloo of board." we fonnd It-TV"** fall,and iIongQot people iwilUng tbalr timtopar 1 Mr lavacto aad cntranc7'to the ticket aaOgr. When wagot ^^lUa tta udUaBtam,we felt ai thooghwe had been training forth iBea,the prolan wii 10 opprtaalTe. Well, wo aw ir Aafflar wea lhare, and all aeemeoparfeitlf. It eaae In their jmM qaartam. Bosacf the plajeta hiTO worn oat aereral. jefdotfiea la theltpalbnnoranoe In Ihla "Beaedile" iflilr, laOof fham,tliepli7<i^ wo.mean,look oldud woraaatln t Wtea of flhla dimm^ Aoiudlueo know the whole thing *^beai^"andlhaolinoUoghlngor irolantUng out of phuo— ft9 A-Iha udlenoa-Uo^ togelher uke clock woA, ud ip- ated In paritetnnlaott. fhoao people "which hare acan" the &nr tan tboia which bin not, what lilo come. "Nowjonllieo milMkknockthU bigbUcr down, goer Kow,hell aar ■onr anr Iba damaged gooda.' Didn't I tell 700 f" Another wlOei- afeakrMlDw (ha chad flela.ilolon—MUea IfcEenna alwliltud tta ifv^j hilt Jnat wall; Lealar WalMJia^fl*; Ii<tU7,whm heringilhit wog, 7ooHeea tfca chodoawloni feanuatlliUa tent lack then. Beet Boo It cmwlln'along—alnt ttnolr." .Whan the llilencreipicacaiamw that mice liibool to^teaiaa and oocopi" the child again, the apcakcroflheflnt ' .ail lamorea ill aoiIet7 b7 aaTlng—"Ahl now youll ace what .;GtsWallacklabeaaplo. Be'a got all hla aoldlen hack then, ...adwhu thaglpalago to take Iho child from Looter Wallack, ekgr an aidng op, nnbeknownil, ud point their snni at the "Sam. Ohiuaiuendldtlhitpiit." "Mow.llitwaltamlnala. .' SEi WM a LotdTahlsDboni lord:' that'a whit'he'a alnglng- "SSTm the chu2: oWUie doerUUlo loed." And In that way la the toagaM of lho"poitid"to the dlagnitof eTci7bod7. Xbillaj dnwaUke fnrr. udwe begin to think. It «idd carry ttM^Snn throoghlf porloimcd evoy night, Initeidof aeml, or MamklT Sai m Eiwo, Dnono Oore. who became a Uon aomi fow yean MlB K8Und,andor litootealid a aenaatlon In California, ar. 3i«d In iUai^ on Ihe BIh InaL, and will ore long, |irebibl7, ■hatha Hew lok pabUo u opportanlt7 to wo him among the ..Eata. HehialnnnladadReawhlchiaallegedtobalnpenteai ' toflnand'WhlchwUl pntocttho body, Ihoogb conplolol7 lai" ' nailadhyli Vwia Quarxn who onoa thoogbt then wen dx Rlohmonda In lUle thing, ud waa tolonblr well pla7ed, Clarke ud Beiry do. aerrlnfloapeclalmutlon. Hortimor wia a UtUo too "eibiva- 1 tint" to be natntiL We can make ilmoit oroty oxcoiofor a mu Aa tdd. but had lha crnal ud bloody Sick Urod In tboeo diyi of ' HttoTliawoald teiiOTllutwohidiiooreortwoof Riehmonda feoppoaaiia,Bodl01aaltlaltto"goton"totheflntorthan. Dnt ^aam moat dealre to Impnaa upon onr fiiondi li the fret thit In .^S^tywa DOWbaTOIhreo manigcrlil Woodi In ILo Hold, the ' •■tiiEit lha hiadooa, langhlng ud lovely Ualllda, of the Olym' ''*llQf ihaaaoood, Ihe prime ud popular prlDco of mlnalnlmu. "^^^^BamyWood; and the Inltd, Iho g»aheid Weatam min- JHV, Qeorga Wood, «ho anten npon the frtendl7 Add In flew ^MkwtUi a dateamhiallon to luooood. If 00007 and onom wUI ' aaaaipUakBacoaa& Tothitcnd, Mr. WoodhloleollmdM]^Wal• •M[>a old lhatlrahtBroadw*7 near Bioomo itreet, and at nnaest aoorea of workmen are bnally engaged In boutuying Ihit fmrila Milt fln-""* r** Iba wbolo interior la to be ram ' jMad, npholitani. frtaooo^ ud otherwlu improied, ' boaalatobaeaDadlhe "l)KBWwa7Ttioitra,"ud ftlathonghtit .an ba ready to oommeoee QparaUnni about Ihe let ofllay. ■ flo^urnLibiMonrelamdlaWalattoneToverhanlodPluche'a aikntcaus of <Tailnnlo," and ad«lad it to thla locallly, Ihil we AaoUBkato aeeUmliyhlapanon-aB colinlynewburlcaquo, —.M | Mi^ wriUan, ud unnged tapnaaly te Ihla mirkcl" ■e, All'a*'Loya]lna" waa produced fbr tha Jlrvt time at the Olym. Ilofln yoranlng, Ajali 11th, in tha paeaenoo of one of Iho Kpat aodlaaoea emr aiaemhlod wllhln thow "wooden willi." ITidldn't golhettrttnlgbl, beoaueewe conldntgetln. Weput' to u early ippcannee on Tocaday, April 13th, when uother bugo HAIaneowaaprcacDL Much enjoymut did"LoyiUna"iffoidua. ~ ritlitolloftolllnilokra, happyhlla,double"onlondan,"ooTol *—'i,ai<d oatlonicliuictorladona. Ilioiatlnd|iil ohinctorli aiialned br Un, Wood, wbo unta ihroogh uo nil ona degroce of h«iiiiiii||iHnaHnn fiotn 1 pretuly-dmeed fbmalo wonun to a full- Hnm and gdrgeoualy attlted ^inilo mu In lha ihano of a Bflja- ,dlar OaneraL The prompter hid to lulit Ufa. wood onoo or twice daring Iho evening, aho having fornollcn aoma of her Itecai ' Bad OD the whole aho wu uoriteoiu, ini nulcd off hariofea ao plaaaullyand IntelligiblyIlut no oneoouldlill to oas . apnealila them- innk Dnw, h King Alnjiflt\.i hahldudolnipnUy fair minnor. but the nun "Tl _ ,, , ■Da wia u "oponUo ulo," which he gate wlih gnu humor, aod ^whlsh ha wu honored wllh an ueon; Ihla tnuiloal buruaoM' la one of the ainng teaturea of the plooo. The "loot nee" va due, too, even to Uio blanketing ud rubbing down of tha _ioted podeatrlui arior Ihe oonlcat waa over. We have not, alontartoihe virtoua parte, but thoy wen modtnielyweul ■aalalnedforaKoondpcrronuucoofanowplcoo. Thomuilowul Boiugoodia uiuil, ud on two or throe oocatlona then acvmcdl ■ iobeaaortof ImprampUinoobclaeeo Ur. llakor'aoTcheatnand > tha "fnn atrooglh of the comnuy" ongagod In Blnglog. The bur- ' Itaqoaii a BtipocM,ud will Oo ropenlcd until furuiarnotloo. Oo Ball, and enjoy tho fun. ^ ofBhdicapouo'a birthday, VA of April, will rTqVf P*"* TiTti^mvj mitny ftf thw AmrtMn^ alrll hlTO Ugl liko Ihoaeof a hired mu; but hem, oh, yoa ought to aea whit aym- metty there la ahoot Ihe Umbo of lha gnahlngdamaeli who dlipUy Iheir polnia at "lu." TctUy, Iber poaim lege like Teana nn. adorned. Ko vrondor we amid longer thu weoxpectedtodo; no wonder Ihe girl wa dluppolnted flow away from nj like a tnoked due whu we flew lo Imprint Ihe Uia of Inoaeenea upon her cbatTT Ilpa, ud gan na onr ticket of leire. XioL Bcbulize, Addy mion, llUle Fhsa, and all tha other "Ameriou' Fiona, yon hare much to uiwcr icr In being aooeaaory to thle (Uipenutlon. Bnt III we'd go right book ud aee too ahow all over again. If awhole army of ouUdera atood Inlhebreaolu And "Ihil'i what nlUta." RTTMfTg are Tili ot a iiniltiiitr''^*'^ movemonl 1 lonlaalhaiirloeaof admlaalontolhclrreapoctlTee ^ It*! a rlakr Dnilneaai and nnlea lha thing la aaBoa^ It hid bal ^ not be attonpled; bnt mlatt that needy m apnaVSnimbK andwonldlliitotryllonatoncc. othen eontend that |he pro.^ poaedinoeaaeiroald take better If Inaugnnled at thoebmiaeno^, mentof next aeaaon.^Ono thing la certain: if maiiflamt and hooia rent, ud lonch, ud dolhee, ud whlikey-ceotMa' to .'^ up" u they have beu going up for the laatdtinflBtta^ pM^fm* on will bo compelled to demud mooh Ughef adariei Ihu they raclre at praaanL Bomamanagenhnavolniitydly ad&dtotho aaliriea of thoae In their employ, whlla oUua "remain without ohuge." If lhegfcatdrTgoodainio,udmeDllk#libncontluuo tolmyapptovlilooi,inaalliia, dothea, etc, u thay hive been doing, ftv Iho pnrpoea of running up prlcea, ud pioBtlng by Ihu neoeuHlaofibe people^ ^Mla hard to tcU whera we'Ube noxt and that Gon^preaahiapaaaed alawaamlnatapecalatlng •be done to ^revut our £7 goooa ivlnoea JagM, _ _ from apeoolaling in food aod nbung tha pe^la. Aaaome'know. ing chap once aud, theae food ud ralmeni apeculaton will get "bolit by Ihdr own petard" II Ihoy vraka op Uie people on Ihla aotdoct And Ihit'a what we know, and what we know, wo know 'wainow. Whan did wo leave off t Obi yea, abont railing ula. Ilea aod prlcea of admlaalon. Iho p r o p oie d imogcment la only talked ol; but when It lunmea aomo dednlto ahape, thenH be *'a child amooff'am takln'notea. and Ulth hell piint 'em" In the Cuma. Bolly for oa, bat down with the bnltffiapeailatora. A Ujuc of poor but honut pannto wu once npon a time at u evening party, ud being aafced to alna. Innocently npUad cu'taJngmraelf, butrvegotaellterthit playa the IheveiyoevUl" WeD,-wehai butrvegotaellterthit playa the piano like kve now among na a geotuiiun who not only plaja the pluo equal to Ihe young tidy "above aOoded to. bulimfoniutrickiof miglo which ilinoet makeui believe him lobe In iMgue with old K ick on thii l»ao wall aa upon Ihe pluo qneatloD. Bia name ItIa Holler, and hia inltlilory pnhllo peifonnuce of "Mualoudk^tory" la to bo given thli eru- We hive baud Ing, ISUtlnit., It hli "•ilon,"i)o. la Broadway, moch cooccmlng the mnaleal ud dlaboUcal tbllltlei of Ur. BobertBeller. ud now the opportunity li offered ui to Judge for ounelveft We'll do IL Uaa. WoirxB raado ber lint topeiruce at the Olympic, on Uonday evening, April Ulb, In a drama called "Onr Wife." We uw hor on the 13th. Bhe hai 1 pntt7 atrong voice, ud ipeaki the worda aat down for ber with conildenblo enoigy, but abo lacka action. HairJofi idvlce to Iho playen mlgbt be of aarvlce totholidy. Bhe did u well u nuny deoufontonivo done In thle dty, ud mnch wane thu otheta; bnt aha nay iniaar to better loatoalo.,cabai>ocaiadoftha nlhor. Id toib. FooVa card In.aaotba oolomn. Xaittgen are r*. UaoBi^ of lllaaHarila;Utli)anor;bolhfrorDtheA»*JB7 of KBdelnltalaetty; MoUalnair, vlolouelloi A-H.reaiM«an- lat:aad|[.Bcbrta<r,aooan)panytat ^ tioioomOTLiOitnaaotvarTm uyof th e n"*!'!^'*; faaaandautiu—oftbadav.maybe piocarwd of W. 0. wamyia, Mo. tw Broadway, In Ihii city. , .. .. Jfm Coarna ha been>ar7 ■nocoarfU vrilhUa bujo daaia ialhladly. WaoanihaattuUonof thcaelnlaeattdto hla ipa*. dal noHoa In thla lune. „ yianBaoww,oBaof IhajRltlaatlidlealB the dnnallo pro- fkaaloil. latenda iMVIng for CUltorala by tha next atcamcr. Dnmatlo. Laou Kim'i bivemnf comedy company appeaioJ at Ihe ■ ■ 'onliSirihlnit.lhel43_ta.»^^ ^''ibSiJ'^S!SSJ"lhe°£aJ«,''uTllie '«oliU?'»'>W'''S[i Tha "«^—T on the night In qoeatloD wu only lolenoly gooo, tboogh one ot the bMt bouiaa thU ban been aeeo at the Academy tbewthieaweakapaat The flnt dtuia, u flu nito perform- anoeaof lilaEeenerifeaaa.I.eriek,FDtoii,andBoyd w«n<°^- caraed waa weD nertirmed, but we cannot aay tha lune of ^on a Paraontllon of t£a OorponL With a vivid nmoabnnee M Ihe amaUamndlllonefthaiame chiraclar by Qua. Wbeallelgb, we oonldaeamlywltouaDyotfaaroriawlthpatteooe. lUenakfrup wtaanpnteadoniludcinleiilnthe laat degree; In EicU bid be bea durlved ot hli wudrobe (u Academy eicaaa litelyl he couio DotwelTluveupearedtolcaaidruttge u mgirda blamike.m than on Ihla occaalon. In tha "Soldler'a Daughter" bo pUiM with Uivepnled can and aklO, and Ihe dnmawul off tmUlaoiy. On Wedneadiy, isih. Ihe "IhriDlngly effecllTe drama"-ia the una bars It, called the "Wtrcaot InUnd, or the Foaler Brother,' wuglven te Ihe flret tlae In Brooklys,udlholulalaolf II BilaU lla dae reward. Ihe drama ttielf, well pliTtd,wai]ddotiU- laa do well noogh, bnt la Inlcrpntcd on Vftlaaiuj ugbt It would not do oeOI to a wcatcm Iheatoo oompay. I>y<>tl arted wel, aod ao did Veten and Levlck in their aenral chuactera, bnt Via Eeeoa, wdlMaheoonodvedthe chancier aulgned hci^wu nomonndudtoltlhu Un.Beitoheii. AaforlLeKccuoilea, thav weanevuworae thu nauil. "Slater laom" ought to know wed uonih that aho li dCy Interfering with herfntiiniacoeaa, InkervUiato Bnokfars,Kplulugher pleceaHahe hu done Ihlatlma. Ihieearfcnr gmdartlitawlll notanfflco tonakenp tor Ihe glaring defldandM of wona thu third rnia aarittula. lauwniiZirun an advertlaed for In Ihla laaue for Ihe theatre atAnguala,Ualne, bymanagaB.£Broinie. The regular aeaaon then will ooirunuoo on April 33. Una M. A. Won, u a groat alar from the Eut, reached (kllftmU from Ikw fork about Iho let ot Uarch,aod made ha ddut at Ihe He&^poUlan, Bin Frandaoo, Uarch Itlh, u Oaame, IbaJfenunfthniapeakaofher:—"Eaanotbeuooihe boardi long enough to aacnflce modcaty to vanity. Shelipoa- aeaaedof acapllalfkce andflgunforlhealago—lookaalXibleud Jolly—hu a bid voloo for tragedy—pranundaoon faulty ramlllfr Bgb;lierjbrte—Luciatia Bogli, In which aha appeared on Ihtua- aMnnlng, onllnly too muy gnna tOr her—anould not attempt w tngio—woold bo plMiaat, apahle, ud attractive u the haro- Inea In daahhu comenlea-^iad better go Inio that line at once— Id the pith^c, dbphle Edwin ou douhlodlicoont her—In tha poet* tlon to wUch we would aKlgn hcrabe might become a popular frvorilo—baa much inlelllgance, ud hope ahoU take onr advice ud go lo ud win." Tn UsmopouTAir, San nudaco, aeema to ,be nntetniula. for It chaogei minigen ahnoit ererr monlli. * On the 3lat of Uirch, Keaxra. a H. Thome, J. H. Allen, and &. O. Uaiih ra- opened thai eatahllahmut under thdr control, with the (bUowIng oonqany:—UlB Virginia Howard, Un. M. A. Wins, Ura. ALda Thorea (UudovQle), Ura. E. F. Stewart (Woodward), Ulu Battle Johnatooe, Ulu natUe Archer, Un. W. Hunt. Hn. SaUe Clarke, HMtte Jobnaon, Jenny Amot, Kaly Archer, ud Ueaara. Tbomin, IIUchal],Cruahaw,Ilamllton,C.B.It)inu. 8r.,J. n. A]lan,B.O. Uanh, Thayer. Sd. F. Ihomo, Baby, Penler, Earl, Ceny, Smllh, ud a. W. Marali. fievailmambenoftboreoutly dltaolved orgulaUon known u Ihe "Manh Ttonpe" an engaged among the above. Ilieflntperfonnanooconalatadofthe^Dniok. ard" and "Toodlei," wUch, we Uilnk, wu aomewhat crowding Ihlnsa, to put two'^nm Intcreat" plicce on iho ilage Ihe ume avonlng. Perhip^MVwvor, Itwu done for the pnrpoao of ex- hlbltlng dUferratpaBU of the ume vjea—the wnlchednea ot Xdtnru Ulddloton, and Ike drunken Toadla Jolly nnderdlfflcul- fla. Wo might modemlao Bhikeapeuo tor thla Inahnce, ud uy htawBlMug, the appcdto may alcken ud ao die." ^ Mattoauany from the Cbcetnot, Philadelphia, la at Orn^a TliialM Wiahlngton, D. C, thla week. The nak** utuaiamiua oMliyi to be performed ia act down u fol. Iowa: Uondiy, '^e Oooou Bawn;" Tutaday, ,110101 ot lean Bkn;" Wedneadiy. "Fine Old Bngllih aeoUcman;" Thurmla7, "Ihe Tctoru;" Friday. "Pore Oold;" flatorday, '^3te Octo- roon." Bcvxnii. chueea have been made in Bonao'i Dnniallc Company alnoo our last Ulu Joaephlne Tyeoo, F. L. Rent ud 0. F. UaU have Joined Ucl'arlaod'a Compuy. W. Ware goea wUh 0. A. Uougl to Detroit, tUch., Ur. ud kira J. Sunn and MUa Wllford 80 to Uallonrd'e Company, now at Mow Albany, Indiana. Kelly pragaa la now tha leading lady for Iba Booae party, ud among thaiMwaddltlmiatotha oompuv an JUciuder Flabor, Peter BynaadUr. UcAnle^./ Barrlioorg oonttnoea to bo the bead- inartaifof ihaBouaainUoatloD. . . ANnrTnuncbaa mbeaiobmpletcdlnl>ctnll,MlchIgu, Un. Angnala Page ia "».<hig lady, and kUu UoQIa ~"" leading comedy lady. A. lLL0iu.uiD*a dramatlo company la In pcaaeadon ot JoIUen Theatre^ Dubuque, Iowa. "Ingomar" iru pnduoed on Uie Sth IniL, with F.L. Butaalngomar, and Joiepblne Tjmn 01 Far- Ihenli. Wllllim klirble pnt In u aTOcannoe on tha 6lh la Dlggory. The company go from Dunaqao to 8C Paiil, Uln. nentk Qaio'l Ililkn niiaiidriwIDa opena a ihort aeuon of lUlu OpenatFlka'a,Cliicliia|LtoViaSMhliiiL Thla troupe Ijoom- of live prtM doaa^L-Vlrgbila WhlUog, Sophie Von Lorlnl, ir. Chain and UoiaaaL Flka pcomlaed hla palrona Ihe UantECk troupe and dluppednled them, but mikv Itup by giv- ing them another trouper .SiB. W. H. Ixubia. been engaged to do tha lading bualnoaa at Ihe Academy of Unalo,AnanT. Bona to hire made Me debal on the IMh Inalul, u AnnandDnval, In *'Caailllo." Una. Uux QLiMun tnughtlw angisemmtatPlke'aOpan Honae^ OlmlnnaH, to a clou on Iho I61h Inat On the IMh aha wai lha redplut of a oompUmutaiy benefit tendered byaomoof the leading dtliani of thit plica. Ibla week B.R J. Uilu lithe attraction, opulng on tha IBIh In "Uaxeppa." Cmoiyiun eeamatobapntlywell aiipplledwlth Uueinapor. tOrmeiw Ihla week. B.&}. killuiiatnle'a, Kate Flaherli at Wood'a, ud Eato Vance at Ihe National, ud all playlog the grtal aenaatlco hoiao piece of the day—"Uixepja." - TaxOiiniHiBCtoskubem parfarmto^atlha dab Ibeaira, n love, but there an boonde even to the violunt cxiggermtloni of tho "tcndor paaalon.'* NnL BvTin knovra u well how to train ud manigoamlnatrel bud u ho known 'how to train a bUUird champion, ud that'a Iho raiion why he li enabled to ba7 a big houae, ud live Uko a game cock. Then wu anoh a lucccnton of crowded andlencea to eeo Birant'a kllnatrela lut week that the ticuutcr muat have got tired nailding out Uckela. but not of-taking In Abe'a "nicter papen." Crowdil Why Ihe people ruih to uo piece u If they wen holding a Sanitary Fair ther& Don't believe It? We'll juit bot you 1 cool thouaud that li'iao. Go eeo for youraelf, EDwni Booru-tomlnalad hla "Fool'a Bove<lg^" atNlblo'^ on thelglhlnat,InIhemlditofproapeiooabaalneaa. Thlaevanlng, April IBIh. be vlll eomo bofon ua u Daphiel the Boolptor, In Iho uUarUa Heart." Hla ongagemu^ which hu been one of tha moat noceiafol over played, will dole 00 Ihe tad iut, ud whm we next aeo him It wUl probably bo at hla own thcaira, tha Winter Garden, illomiling with John 8. Clirfca, comedlu...On Iho 30Ui InxL, kir. ud Ura. Barney WJlUami oome igiln, and awuh —" woekaalnee. now paria daring lha . - 'ory good, yet Ihe lady'a porfonnucea brought bar mon into tkvor Ibu Lcr nnviotu weera rnitertalnmula. Ulu Jonea ihould not bo dlacouagod the angagameot j^nmatunly doied aomo w< Uiu ATom Jona appeared In aevenl week, and althoogh the GnalocM waa not ve beiBuealM hu not beu pecuniarily woccaaful, (or aomo of onr beat iton bare fUlod at the Winter Ouden. Thla .week aho to- pcuain"CainlIle." IM iak<lMal«l hj per/ormonoea of u appropriate at aov- latal of .onrllieaoca, Ibr tho bonollt or the Ameiloau Dramatlo .-^Badand'Hlout Joaruioa." Among Iho manigen who have ro- ' abedtoglrelhoproeecdi of Sjlurtlay'i perlbrmioco to Iho Dra- aatto Fond an ). W. Llnjttd, O. L. Foi, Wm. WhoiUey, P. T. JW. /aclaou, J. W.AVellack, ud Uoym and Uirrmu, orkiUra.aerrctsonudMtn.Drow,orpLl]adclphli; W. UH. & WOlard, aod llr, Fldd, of Boalon; John FoiO, otBd- .. ttaiamadWaablngton,andTliamu klaauln, of Hu Fnnclaco. .Ta Rppou then will bi> thoatriiali, ud dtonen,ud luppcn, gal iiwai Ilia, mil mnch oILor alull of tho iort,ind reiybo Iho ■'.'.•Vnbd" imiget a Utilo of trhol la lort iflor pejlng eipenica. V, Baia'aklllllavcrMby Oarrick, oud "idipled" by lU: U (1. f ■ aoA^lowIng Avon, by thy allvor atream, Of thlnga mora uian tncrul ei/i-ciBhikrarcan could dreimj ISio frlrlca by niosnllqUt iIapcc round Ua green bed, Hgr baDowad tho turf li widoli plUow'd Ua hud." i nk a mL ball la to bo lowted In Ihe Dowory, of wbleb u.OampbQll,u orlgluAl Caiapboll,ud ono or tba boat lAehln Iho biialucaa, la to be Ine manager. Ihe apot aa. lorlhanawhallli lii tho Dowen, onicajta Spring alroot ecoi4«d lo I(r. Undeiuniillen ur. OunpVell win. gtre lha '«d|Mei|E&oaaraiodQlllng,uda]aopul Ina nawCrouL It la ■*=^-^''=-'^op«n tha tot'isrpart of Uu. WeD, a good mln-. laoiatoago cf It In -tharBowaiT, tolhen ka MtiVMtanatoago ( Fox'a Old Bownt flnda "Oudlo'a Cave" ao altitotlvathit It will be retained on tho bllla It hu dnwa iplendldhouaee, ud wlDnodoiMoonlinuoUdaealbraometlmeL With new aeenerr, ocatnmea, ud nnmeroua auiUlariea, the i^ew play la one of tho moaleffaotlveandexdlingwohavehadat Ihla tbeain ot bia, and thoapplaiueaoUbenllyMatowed upon tho perfbrmera eeuary, td)leaoV»t«>, ahowa that "Oudlo'a Oave" li 1 gannlne ucceaa. UluEanny Honing, J. RShidloy, O.X.F01, >UaDu»ll,udO. W. Ibompaon an In tho caat BoonaoD Fuadonon, a younglagedlao who hunotuyet btd in*iT" i ' i " " * " " "'** ^'^'•*""''^B'*^ff qT'"*iin Tft nf the h^w York pufillo, la U towi^ ud U ia poaiQlIt that he may Boon faava a chance to give ua a fiwMrfonnuraa - ' BiBxm la giving a vMon of "Cndjo'a Cavo" at hla Huaeum. "CpaiEanLi.a" wu peifomed at Mlhlo'a, oil Saturday aflamoou, .tprlTI6U1, for tho bmeflt of the Fklr. Tht plooo waa. poformed by chlldrai, ud Ihif aolerlalnmut<wia Ibr the amuaient of daunn udfkmUltKsjnio UtUo folka wan packed aw»7uclcao uairdluca. Inlho4tl>lnganotlibr ulcrtiliunealwu givantOr blg(olka,whanth(aowaauolherjam. Edwin Booth anotha reg- ular company performed. Thla wu alio Ibr tho banofl^o^jtlyt ^'Amma Waan ud hla agent, Elngatoii, are il pnamit'in Iho dtj. Tbt7 arrived hen on tho jeih, all the m from "down -let." , Uas, UETixuA.8cnzusi Bchlovod a great Irlamph u Opheha it Ihe Blidt theatre lut week. BhepUyodltdnlouWodneida7t)r tha benefit ot kir. 0. llojm, ud the crowd wu ao lounanio that by 7 o'dock the wbolo Ihoaoa wu oammod from parquet to gal. .lery. Thla Induced Ihe raanigortorciloat it anFria». Tfaouffla orpwd again, ud hundxeda tnined amy uniblo to gun admlaalon. bme Amcriona pneut pronounced Uid. SdioUw'l Ophelia the baal thoy have ever aeon. ahowaamoatulhuilaitlcaUywoloonud tBd<ppIaaded. Hoym pbrod Uunlot- In apludid alyle, in iho — Iwnat oonoclvca It Ho wu called out at tlie cloio of erciy — made a magninrrnt Ohoat, and proacniod a very Im- -rnuco. Uo ejioko well ud roecfvod great applinao. 'a Quou wu ilao a lino plooo of acting, klr. Euorr TtayedthoRliigvrelL lu view of euch auocca^oaTklr. Hoym ro- qnoatod Had. Scholler to play at lout a iliort itar eugagcuoni, to wktoh alio gave her oonaout Bhu will oouuncnoo uponner ntum trom^lidolphla, whoro aho pl»a Opholla on tho 33d, ot tho Aademy of Uualc, to'Dandmun a Uamlol, bothhavlog boon in- vited by Ui« ehakcopean Oommlltoo lOrlhegnDd Jablloa;'Among tho tela eliewtupfeaoot to lha public la loulae UUlar in-Bchll- lor^a hnone doDicMlo tragedy''laTbud Intrigue," in which aha "HllSi*!. » auco*u I fcw aeuoni ago. ™™"-'town'ixnuionCirtnia and Monagorl^ conalaling of a nomlOTOIJporiorniUigUgonandlloni, logolhor wtththoTlidlu KiS'SLtK^i"',^'"'"^. arrived in thla dty on the mh «li''^!?"';'""tonoa Ihoy aallod from Iho Uo 2lJ;il:*.'2iJ£fi.l!l''-°,'"»«b, ua afler eisariondng loven I3KiS['-^'vrte?"''!iV"3'°""'4- AmoaigtSoarrintoarelhe SSH^S; j^iSl* ^^i^J-^"- Tnbir>lr- lanbelli. Mn. ^iS?k^J^f^^' »"«• PTJfclaoo, AnSSntoToy, |IarteIlujr,JahalI«d.Kmmi Enuvuic AIloo CatUe ud Miiy the oompuy ragaulio, ud from nhrui dty they riaiout on thdr' tianUu tour the acuon, nboul the laicrSrtMSta mouth .„¥,"riS'"*^S"Tif*L,i?° Wi^udautoSriZgiSSSof WI,'"r«torncdto thta dty on Iho 11th Inat, teJSSrtiltoDSSonl 7oM F. Pootira drainaof •■Cni^o'i Oave," now ninnlnit wllb BUOMofaaaif, Himaonpt oojIaofUw play, wllb moddr. every oocaaton the thoetn hu beSoSwSB'ffkflBjJKS^ byanenlhualuttoaudlonoa. WJt"'!W TBI Katobix, Um, Theitn li open, under Ihe muueneM' of Ueaara. Bmytho ud Wlloox. Bealniai la reporledaibetoi good. Ur. WUcox U UldlDg mu ud Uarloa Uadditaii li^dlni ladT. -Carrie ud Lottie Leater an alao In the ccBpany. I WizBun HinaiHn la thought to b^re done belter witb Ihe Boalon Theatn thu uy other minagor who prcecdod him, hovliig kei)tttaebouulnqperanononeooaaoni|lUiout aaUng tho alock- holdera to "come down," A "Duiujuun" Uciaporled to have aken ptioa roeenUy be- tween Ur. Fox. ot Ihe Oailno,fhlltdelphla, and Ur. WhlUng, of lhoNawCheilnul,ooiioemlng£ilniult alleged to have been of- fered by the tbrmer to tho wua of tho latter, for which Ur. ^Vhlt■ Ing called Fox acme roaghnamoa, and Fox had Whiting aireatcd for ddamaUon ot ohaneter. Ai MoTicm'i Bieatre, Chicago, Iidlei ind gentlemen of talent ud repntaUen an wuted for 0 long acoaon. boo •Hiniger J. H. UoVlcker'acard of Inatmcttonalnouradvotlilog coluima of Ihla ud uooaedhig lanu. FBoapiia la now fnlflUlng in ugngoncnt at the Bt. Inula Varletlcawllhanquillfledaoccaa. AaLaanxiclla,ln her BhidOT Duoo, in 1^ iconlo ipodido of "Ihe Kniiihti of tho Lurlabuxg," lha lady la nymph-llko Indeed, ud la Koortad u bcLiBoneotthochlofattncllonalnthoplcco. ' Una. Woau I^Waine wu engaged to perform a couple of avo- nlnBatlholheaM In Vlnoonnea, Ind., and on thoao evonlnii, thedlhud0thInaL.tho aUudancewuqultolargo. Shawuto appearatlemUaBloacouphiof nighta, udwoidd lhoa.snba- tdy^Rtnm to V^nnanei. TBI "»iii4;;gto," It Ihe VirieUci, BL LouU, bia been dnwhig a neocaalon of crowded houBoa. Itliaildto be one of IhobeeTapeotacta'a^preaulcdtoUunotlco of the publto of tut dty. Lanu KxBn, MkhcrdiuiBlIc compuy, frm two perform- anooalaalweek el.jwcddk Hall,Albany,opcnhig there on Iho Ulh in "Bachel, flia Boapor," *—-e u»> Una Cuouni BtanLioir, daughter of Wm. B. mmllton. ud niece of Caroline aad Iho lite Wm. Chapman, mido bcrllrm aiv ■ I Ikn 01 Jma n.k —.—' «. L r• R''™y"??"'S,!?!JJ?Tb-lro.March 13Ui,aaIt bua In the-jKoiiejlUoon," inpportcd byUr.ud Ura. Edwin Ibome, Uln OuoUo Chipmin, ud lha memben of tho Daalu- way Htabrlonto A^odition. Ulu Uunlllon la aald to bo very young, budiomtL«id lalmtcd. poacniig ill Ihe nitnnl ouiUlI. oMIona to nicoaiin the^toaaloii of which eovonl of berIkmlly an ud have hook . ably aoon appearoa the |ht<at onamula, BhewUTproth Ihe kletropoUlu Theatre, Bu UMldAoanlli^r made ber flrtt appextmcn on UTiliae Uinbrloih. itHiguln'iOpon Uonio,Btu FrutScftVjOlUio tho "Ilunchbick.',* - Ihe Ueratry ot Ihu dty aoiW'—"illlu V iauuplrlngh4Mn^udhu entered Uiodraniailc hall lo her way to baa and slory-lndcol, aho would 'dutch at a dule Iwuad the dnmatlo dladi'm.' She la graarul Bi^uro hu a brtobi, clou oumplexlou, a flico tuU of Intelligence, aud an'can or adBCM becoming u Bdnaa. Ser itbtt iru 1 moit IM/iHiia auo. oNlludwllhlodaalrTudu unikltaring purpeao.abo mariur lain to high dltauUo houon." She la 1 pupU of Uln Annette Inoo. She nude her eecoud ippoaranco on Ihe following ovcnlno na luilluo In Iho "lady ol Lyona," ud etlnoed. It la nU, grealu caaa of aiaan ud mon it-liometlnncu, ao to nioik, on the alat;o thu narkod her debut, hlitt Uian;Paovon vlillcd Oiwogo, Fulton and Synauao, laat weal:, ippaabguIlobort llricrly In tho "nckekot-LciveUu," to cnwtlo^BOUA^ Bbo wu moil ably aupporiod by UUli and v.ii,n«.. MnMin Ou tho aiilh, aba oommonoa a briof engage. inoioompany laloly porlbrmlng at Capo Olrardeaa itola tnvollog lour, udwia atCapltaflliU, Bprlng. flold, in, whan they caJoulalcdIonniiln for a couple ot woolii. JL L BlnenatdloUug tlio oompuy along. thamauge& ^WukLUirlelluh la aald to 1)0 a v^ olovor actroai. jpuy along. Boujamin FnnkUn la u. Uarlelu la dolo^ Iho loading bualnua^ and Cor. Wooiv fit Chicago, aUU koepa tha "Ticket Mm" on the bUla,udU^lnay Judge by tho honaea It la dnwloai II la good for aouia'Bortf lougcr. Claudo atya: "All Uio.people eviiice a marked iili^unuiont dnoo the opening, and are now well up In their parl^ - ftadloy Impnvca, ud bli make up la apleadld. Ura. i/tati alao Improve*, wbllo Aiken nnvca that •Tben la BoniagoodlnaTlcket-of-LeaveHu aneralL' IheyiOU at Ihla caUbllahiuent on Saturday (Olh IniL), diy ud evmhig, onr l^aoo Uokala. Old Torn A'Bocket,from Phlladalphliria en- gaged, and iriS toon appear, Wliit they ncod hen DOW It a good paloiar. noaomcrylaruillyahocklng." At nn Philadelphia Acideiuy on the 33d, Jtmea E. Uuidocb trill /UUti u ode lo Bbikctpeiro, and the great apeeohca ot DruMaandAatmuaboforo tho body of JalluiCaur. Pleturea will be ropnaulcd from Sliihcapoaro^ life ud hli worka, taken from the grand dralgni of Xinlbaeh ud Comollai. BiLLU Br. Ouiniookabondllat Iho Buffalo Theatre on tho Ulh Imt The bul wu "Bcrloui Family" ud tho "Ilypedion. drua'^Mr. OhirleaDarru u Vertigo Horblil. ... Ihe"Womu lnWWjW|Wa glvononlho lOth. kllnStCIalt appeira In 'IBUikiuu In Blmlra, M. Y„ have tcmponiUy oouad. Or TO sbany Academy otUnalellUle biB been aald. Aoop. reipeDdaat a^i "Albany tua one of thofineat Umliea In lha oonnlir. Qwaballl by John M.IHmbli^lhe blind HewTork - tilUar, and la managed b7 hla anob John H, JUjB. lili. Ti. wIhOMmbiiIii iiiiiin mill mil) Imiilj ran jrii nf mt" 111! I iiiiiMiMliiiiii iliwii iTmiiltiltmninnilllfifi TflnuMiaDla !■ i» >■!>■!■■ iTiMlin III TliifMii H.T., wUfihaltowlirbeaillad the "Attdamt <rf Koito/* laJ whfeb ba littndi to opon on or •faonilholfllof Jnl^W* mdottind that fODM of Uuoompttny inalnadjmtftoed. BidneyBoltbtalolwtputDSlJilbaftror*- «ULa^l>laH**BaiIUi uonUiiuk* a big tMta UraW.E. liSliaabeenavMedialQidlag man aft lha AUtany honae, and made hla dc^Mf odSb Uth at Annand DanL BCiss Zoi, Un popnlir and mooaaaAil pantonlmlal aad I'Mnob ianiaut, la the priitdpal caid Ihla mak it tho fioaton Thatiep opening Uian on Iba 18th Inat. In tho *'Fftn«h Bdt." _ Jom Onm aweeedod Baau Dsnla. at ItoVlekar'a Theatn, Ohlcagow opening CBk (ho 11th, for odo wok onlj. Tbt vealhar had bwa T"'"'ff rflfs and buBlc«aa only mlddUng UUo Vcat- Tall la OD the Uat to foOov Ovcoa thla weok. Una, ottssM BoiB, who appeared ioc«ntlj In the plar of ''Pkn* un," at tho Now Cbotsm Street Theatre, ftdlidupbla, haa wn moat Caronblynotloedbj the pnaa of that dtj. TfeAcnday Timu paUlabad the foDowtnff arUdo: Ciciu RoiML—Os Batnraay aflonuon. April % thla ladf mado her appeanaoa Ai Iho Cbeatnvt Btroet Ttaoatro, In iho ohanctor of "Foncooo," In ■ new Tenloo of thla play, adapted eipreaalj for Mri. Boab by George Uazlow, Eaq. >Vo had aomo andetr lo aoo Ur<. Buah npon the bosda of a Iheatre; harlnff been gitUfled on lovtnl occaaiona dulnff iho paat few jeaiaDybor'Taadlnga," and alwaya beUorlng ibat abo poamaawl neat dnmatlo power, wo anUdpated wltnoaiu ■ pcrformanoe or oonildanble onlt; bat wo were not prepartd tn Ihe lntaU«taJd Irai that eTon In the put of "Finchon" aho gate na on Batarday aAomoon. If an artlatoooold be termed "gxoai" In meii a rots^ It ooold be accord* ed to Un. Boah'a repTcsontatlan of tha oharactor. Hor rich, ajm* pathetic Toloe,gneenilgcatoio and ooncct reading. Imbued the Krt with an Iniertat we hnre heretofore faQed to And Inlt In r BOSDea with dry, especially tha one In ibo third act aflar tba feaat of BC Andocbo, odo forgot tho artlato, aod thought only of the noble bcarted. neglected nri, ■ecktng for tho lympathy and affcotloa thai had been denial her. Tho aimpio palhoaof her Toloei Ita nilonlneaa of eipieealan, and her enlnnoe into tho feellnfa and promptlngo of Old Fadct'a denlaed gnnddanghtcr, aoaod tho tcan to etml mon than onoa Inio tho eyea of bar andl* ton.' It wia tmo and acnolne acting, "bidding tho mirror np to natnn" Indeed. And nor rendition of Ibo meeb "I am no beg* gar, Father Barbaad." brought ftom her andlan« that approda- tlTo appUoio, that tho Indcpadent oplrli V3ha girl woold mee^' with m>m eTer7 body who can respoct tho^Mbla and moatadml* lehloqulltteaof homannitoie. we ahonld bo glad to aee Mn, Baahuanmndof rbinrfoia more \rottLy of hg aplondld abfll- tlM than that of FUobon. The Sming Tl^^gnp^ olao ooot&lnad an artleb toQcUng Iho lady*! appeannco, whlob we annex: CiOLS Bdsh.— Thla lady had a fine honio on Bitorday In apUe' ofthedrBDchlngralnpandplayed'*FUichon"toaa criUolanaa* dlenoe u haa erer boon contained In any of our theatres All ihe theahrlGal profeaalon, Dombon of newipapcr fcdka, and ■ boat lawren, wunoaaod her periormance, and though ihe appeaiod under many dlaadrantaaea, yet Iho oxpmalona of ntlifhctlon aad pleaion at hor tKaottfiu rendition of toe Th*Ttiifr wen numenma andempbaUo. Too modi oannot bonldlnpralsoofborobaato and bcaattfnl reading; ber artlcalatlon la wondeifbUy dear and dlathict, her voloo rich aod melodloni, bar action gracefol, and ber face Intelligent and oiprcaalTe, aa well u remarkably band- aome. "f^choa" la not np to Un. Boah'a abUlUca. Bray one we apoke to about Iho pcfonniuco od Batuday uipnie e d a do- dn to eeo ber In what la knewn la the "itandard dnma"—a higher order of chancier than that aho on thia oocaalon appeared In. Wu hope aoon to have the plcuure of leelng the ladylnanothv Iiut, better fitted for her atHlltlca. Ulaa ward dcaerrea apcdal prkleeforherpofonnanooof "OldFodoL" Thorcatof tho com- pany won exccodlnoly imperfect Ah AcdDKifZ took plaoe at tho Cdomboa, Ohio. Tbeatn ono erenlng laat week. In tho icoond ict of "Uemo tho Hnntar." Mr. MUaa* none Mlnnohah* leaped from a ougviy twelTa or flfleeo feet high on to tho floor of iho stage, nitn Ur. Qumll and Miim Culler on hla baok. Tbofkllwia a terrible ono Indeed, and In- flicted aoTere^ thongh not fttal InJnrlea npon tho twoactonopOD the anlnuL The horao reodved aercn internal InJorlea, and bled pmfnaely. TbOftTdtomailntbeandleneCr^qMwHaTW miHfmg thm ladlcSk wia Intenec, bot the dlatnrbanca wna quieted npon the ex- planation of tho itaao maoager, and the play waa flnlabod wJthont huthcr difflcolty. Uat week waa tho third and last of Ur. lUItt' ongagcmenL Tbe nouus Opera Troope are lo give a aerlca of their mnilal perfonninoca at Ihu Park Theatre, Brooklyn, commondng on the 18lh Inat Ur. A. L. Itekea, manager of ttda excellent operoUa lioD^hai been preparing for tho ootcondng of hla company at O'Hinu A Bni. open at Oawego, N. T.. on Ihe 18th, tor a abort arinnn, irllh nnain rniln in the j^ynlnrt ettir PLOMinT'a company, which lae^tly doeod a'aeaaon of Ihra montha at Fott Wagner, Indiana, opened at lUBn, Ohio, on Ihe Uthlnat ^ Una. Dicxmton accidentally atabbed henelf on the Uth Inat, at the Columbua, Ohio, Tbcibx-, by (ailing on a hnlfb which aba had at the Ume; iho wai not dingeroualy iulared. * Dim BETCiixixwaa ao 111 In MewOrleana that tha oompUmen. lory bencAt tendored him bad been poa^nod to the Ulh of AprlL Tbe Varlctica, It waa thought would Boon doae. lllia Uary 6haw waa up for a benefit on tbe lllh. Mm Matilda nanoH commenced an oigagnment at Iho Bt Cbarlca, Kaw Orleana, on Ihe llh -Inat, appearing in hot great fharartnr of "Camilla" tor tha wad time. "Camllfi" hu beu on Iho boirda for four nlgbtai diavring good honaea. "Seat Lynna" and the "Mew York Belle" were In ithearaat Waller the Irv godlenne. Kale Vance aad the Uartlnelll Ironpe, tmm Btvini, ivo been engiged, aod will appear during Ihe eeaaon, Ulaa Baron wia np for a benelt on Ihe tO>, eppearlng la Flonnoe Uo- pciton In tho "Kow York Belle" J. F.Mona hia Jut rtoovand (romoneof tho wonrt Hla that lloah li hdr lo—amall poL Attbi Delanca IhealrekCain,HI,, they have boon mnnlnit 2"" °Ui?" Man." with J. K Noyee aa Bob DrlerlyTitrTi Noyea u Sam WlOoughby, and Aank Ftayne u Hiwkihaw. Mln M. WlUlima loft benelt out of the cut ™«M"|t mim Eimrdi the walking lidy. It la Ihooght that tha piece win have a tons mn. • - 'fi. £ Baown aud O. W. Plka'a dninetiooompany are dohu well with Ihe "Ticket of Leave Man" In Iho larco lowna and Mm of Maine. Hen ry Co lby la their agent MruoH lUilTTDRD wlahca to engage In the vonenhle avocation of "Ont old mai)" Ibr thla aeaaon orneit Bee Mlllon'a advcrUie- meat In another column. Tm Mxnuwoi^ I™™> Bochealer, New lork. ol which Ueiira. O. B. CoUlna and a B. Oatea are leaaeoa and managrta, la doing a good butlneaa with Ihe American EnueaMuDnmaUo Tloiipe, oonalating of the daihlnx eoueiltlennek Oceana: the noted melodnmiUo odor, 0. a Colna; aod the man Black Ben. claimed to be tho chimplon acting horu of Aonlca. Mia EmFams baring brought to a aucoeaatal oonclnalon hCT brief niamigerlal career at UonlreaJ, 0. E., opened at Wood'a Thalro, Ondunatl. w Iheequetbriin tfr, on thollthInMint lo iltBAonia. Tho l^Maia there fbr two weekL with a ptoaptci At TOB Park Theatre BrooUtn, the "Peep 0' Lay" hu drawn lilr houae^dvutng Ibo week ondlug tho 16th biitant indwbat la CiswiLLiDia aurma, one of tho oUcat abuo eannirf. i. the ptorculoo, died on the lOth Inat, In BSLJ^hlTJuhJ^ad. vancodagoof'IJyeara. Uo wu conncdad with ffiToid ObMtJit BlToet ■theatre up to the Ume of Iti demolition, th?t toe Tbe Wiuici-DAvaxranr illlanca anolivlnii iflnitmnnm..,.! OTttoKlh. "WlUOcIa''ind "Scalp Huntora" eoniUhSJi the mitcrlalnmcat On tbo 'JJtb, kfi. and Mra. kSoSS ooramonca in engagement then. rioronce At na Cuestmitt, Ihltadolphli, Frank Uordannt mule Ua flnt •ppeiranco on thoHthiftora'aovero IndlipSuoS . Tbf'^S loroon," which hia been dnwlng ctowdaXhllv wiV 'Jw<%,^ ontholCthto mokowjy for^ oSSiT^ ^JaS^jKh JSuSl'^vffl. '^^"^'^ "Uartha."^tho aXl'lJSif Anna OiiauK Ihcatao, Philadelphia, yohanna Clauaaen made ber appoanneo during tho paat weak'iS puSSuto^SdbilSS? her bouout aod bat appearance took plaoo m tho uST ''"™"' Iho VarloUei, New Orleana on the tib. Thooccarionwaa that of i compUmcnurv be^Sl to Mr Lawrtuco Barrett Uo letdlng m.-> of Iho SSamijhmont IBiformauco oomuoocod with tho "Klnr of the " whervlu Iho benuielar}-. u King Junea/jX waWnS hto latlon M norydovof iclor. "liSlei^" "S tto .I^J; Ihe play, Mr. ^tt In oompluSrSithTo loud SSa of tt. •umauc^, oni«ared before the' cnrialo, when a ahowSf K <|ueta nlnej upon him from aU parte of the houae. id 11 wu u much u ho could do for aomo UtUo Ume to niuui,^ il, ZTitl wlngn Thla flonl dtapUy over, Mr. BuvSt JriSS^™.,iii7.! nmirki. relumed hla Ihinha lidSiXS 1^ iiSta VS^u Pllklu E«i., 1 proinlncnt Uwverof IM^M^^iu^'iSi elagofiom onoof the private toiri, and In a n^"|ito^?ScSi pr«nlcdhlmwlthamijnUllconlHoldwiicb«ndoh5i,lnt^^^ of hli numoroui frionda ud ailmlnn. Mr iSS^...iST. preaaod hbiUiuika and wlUidrew. bS Ihu'wiStiU?^,?; lad bardlr gotten behind tho curtain, wheSrjfclSJkTliio ir^! aurer of iLo tbcalxo, mido a dcanerale mah it him irith « mU. headed cane, (nobody hurt) wbfch ho bealowod upon hlui u a token of regud from hla minyIMcndi, Ao. BIr. Bireetlnow b<! came aomewhat dlKoncorted, bntwllh a deiperitilftrt ho mS?^ aged to drawl out a low wordi of icknowIed^e5it^.;JJlM.' 411^ Mlt no doubt highlypleuodTlbuS^lvTnlSS'^aSJl "^ ''»"'"»• bu been ralherTluk Swy it he mbUo placoa of amuaoment, owlna to rumor, of FoSeit b!i tog In Iho vldnlty! eonie«nonU» iB lie troope in kept mibdr compiijjftcrn^htlUl,andlhoaoldlen.boltkno\ra.anlSpri^^^ ■unorten of imuaement......Atrlbe Mow MomphU, two nowao^ a^JXc^l If' ?^' " "bo bL. lb", a "V?Ji» S SJ^Lm,"" Oopojmoon." J-rauk TannohlU. r.?"".?,' Waiblnglon, thit ho wu nwineigod, ud Minuor Olann Oiled Iho week It Iho Horfblk opora.£>fia bySvlnirlhfeo icnUng on die other nighu iltnoUvo bUIi lulled lo the abMlM S.'ij.'ff.'l °VStl^-J"^, ■"«"» wwirded Ue appeala.7. " On iho UUi a Ul£raa pahiier, a domeua aud pantomlmlat nadobetenlw,aAaaiing Uie trio oharaelon to'^Frenoh Bpy.'.. On tho;«lh BoDonoujh ud Uio "Boven Slatan" poaltlvclv appear, and WIO conaUtulo Uio attraction for two woeka. ghing place on the ad proilmo to MIei Mary Mitchell WiMBi'a play jDf"i Bull In a Ohlna Shop" hu proved vary fi?*S? V' ™ *«™»b». Doelon. Mcaira, Haddo and Cbirlci ^VheaUetah antaU lo beoapedally nod. Ura,Bimw huln •"^f^^""'.'''* EngUih piece, onllUod'Hie Winning Bait" in d'Tto lnj;aDnUorty." " ^ Brnx Unniiaoa conllnnea anoUier week at Uie Bowirl rBoalon. Du^lMa li tald to have been pnlly good dnilnathe itweok. UerFinchonwumuehllked. Thlamekabaannara Iho "FnnchBpy," "Wept ot UioWlahton-Wlah,"udolhenof Oolcato'i (kvodie nfti, "—-.m Atthi BottaR Hmonin Ihla week, bonollla win have ton away. Pint on Iho lU cornea Mr. I.. Ik BhowiU, who liaaed hla oaida fbr ameoUogof bliOlendaon Uia I8Ui lo ko Uio Anr-tlial narlbiv muoa of "BCatdila." Ur. Babburt, leader of the oieSaatr^ oomea noil, Sd then Mca.yiaoat uiuimi^ Mm Umia Wanm't adg^<maittltttINntilralra» bs, BalUmon, bia linu Ar moTCd ^ut aonh a a ■ ^- •■ ifthlilhvorllaa ' aa la due Tha aManduca lolhannftaaionilDCriUol Uinnghont bar angagaminthu boon laroa. Sba canttnnu lul waak, and pw daeea 'Wean Boabea" on lha IWh. li WnjM Boom oo ninianna a u epgag awiant irf t^^'teat. at tu* BoalaiMaaaam9alhaUUilnat •▼••««ai»iha TtcETui'a aBgigemesl'it lha Boatoa n||Ma olcaod on lha ausaoL HAMMMi'a ooaplfmmfiTT b&fli la to'tako liuman tb»3Mlofft,atlh o T*^*^y" *'^f pV'**'My«ifi.' tf^vi Ean FtaBD baa pnmn * eaplMkUrasUmi alTrood'oThatr* dndnnatl, whcm. for tha paat wi^ aho haa been altatcttng moA eieeDant honaea to wllne» heruilng oonMrian fMli. on SZ UthihetookabenofttpplayWUUoUartin and UaxepuTirhlSi oowdedthehonac. / Edwdi AiuaacIoMd«twoweeka*engagem«nt on Iba liuh •! IbeFtltabnrgThoatre. ^' " Ub. Edwu l^SBSvrlaAiUUllngabrflllaBt eogagementUFord'a Wiahlngton Thcntro. ' J. a GhoxM, who bu been drawing eieellont honaea to tha noniday, Bi]tlmore{(br the paat three week^ oootiouw the at- traction tbia wecL ^ On Batiirday aflomoon, tho 33d Intl Ur Ford will colebnta Iho tax^contenarr annlreriarT of ahakapeue*! blrth-day, In n niod Dramatlo JnbUco, when *^'«^'"ni fr<nn Iho neat worka of lha dimnutlattBhakeapBorlan Bong8,n Bbakmeaiw Ian0d^ andotbaanntmrtUoantoztalnmontai^beglTen. ibe annlreraary wDl bo dodlailr bonored at Ur. Ford'a Tbeatn In VaahLDgtan/ BolUday atrwA theatre win bo teflllantlyiii iuBiti^ ^ on tho oceulon. Negro Minstrelsy. NuioUmnBEUTUontheranpaBolnareatSrltalo. Acor> rcepondont, "Wldo Awake." who la wide awako on tho "ulgatr aueitlon," glvee ua Uio following aummarx of tbe movomontJi of 10 Tarlona tundi lo that country, aud of acme that atarted tnm thore fbr dlitaut place*. Here la bia letter: . LmiMou April 1, 'c^. FaiMi QtJUK—Herewith I dot down a nnmbor of mbutrvl Ueuia lurtho btncfltof tho rcaden of tba Curpu. CSritt/t MOutrtU aro lUll dn«1ng crowded hoaaca at BL James' Hell, LlTetpooL Ibia to the eighteenth week of theproaent aeaaon. J. P. Crocker ta dotoganewaong and dance. 'lIlThrowmyFoot Down BO Uraccftil," wrlttun for him by O. V. Uoore. Uiater De la Tory good—In Uci, the company la A No. 1 The "Btar Ulnatrola," four In nomber. In connection vltb Ibo Panorama of Hew York, tinder tho management of T. Donaldaon and H. Uam* Uton, commoDccd hero lait 8atnrday orenlog In Durton'i ChTlity Ulnitrcla tbora has been another flan up. Tbe BpUUr Brothera hare left tho company, hare atarted auother band of Chilatyi. and aro playing In concert roomo In London. Don- Ikntty, fail agent, baa alao Idt and Joined Doualdaon'a party in LlToipooL UtUo Uovard and Bobby aro attU with Burton OoUlna and Browo'a Chrtaty party, when laat beard fkom, wia In CalcDtta. Boalniiii not very good, owing to tha Auatnlla Uio- ithda Jnmplugln ahead of thorn niab'a Gbrlaty UQutrcIa aroUaylDg a Btx montha* engagement at Sidney, Auftralla, at th« tarmhutlon of which they purpoae TlalUng America Butter- worlb'a Bogua Chrlitya an In want of one or two petformen, lo tbe paperaaya. Tho rcaaon why la, a oon^ of Ibcmwerelll, and tlitt 'dooor told thom they moat take aomethlng, ao ono of Ibcm took a razor, lold It, and got two montha for it A good pun. thla. bot It'a true, a-pun my word There are aboot twenty bogua Cbrlaty paitlca traTelllng in Kngland, Ireland. and SooUand It prcacnt It to rumored beie 1^ tho Uorrto BrothexiaPdl and Ttowbridgo tllnitrela aro coming over brre. Tbes baa better find out bow much other manageia haTo laat by coming bora Onaworth and Eugene aro atlO at the Ox- fi]Td,'£bodon. and u great CiTorltm aa ever Dob fimllb and Harry 70z are doing four tuma a nlgbt In London—hard work, but now mind, they are miking tbe ipondolUtand tfaeyira atving t( loo OUver Porkw to dolug tbieo tuma a night; be to ••ODO of thorn foUowi," too Tbe great Uackney to only do- ing ono torn a olghtat prcaenL J. T. HmnxKT, long connected with mlnatnl Intercato, but who for tba laat year ur two baa been out of tho builncca, to ucw ' ' ' 'the Hudaon lUvcr Houae. vhorc be will b* I and entertain all ahow people and othora tiavolllDg proprietor of the Hudaon lUvcr Houae. ratlaVlll, whore be will b* n»PP7 tOfjM ai_l - - - . _, that waK , Bee Ur. Hnntley'a card among onramuaemenladTrr* ttaemenlB.* • - Dcpnn&OnxDi'BUiNBrarLa commenced on Ibo Illb at Con- cert lUU. PItUbuTRb. Thx ball of IhoBacUoyB, In Boatoo. to now one of Iho poputor rciortfi of tbo city. The micccai tho troupe baa otrtalned to fully merited. The Buckley Dnthen aro among tho hardeat working men In the mlnatrd profeaclon, and Ibolr management to charac- terized by Iho oonataut production of aorolUca. by live cnterprtoe. ud by tbe employment of lomc of the beat taleut In tho couulrj. The progiamme for thto week to replete with good things, among whlcn wiU beftnnd the borlcMiuo of *'IUchAra thu Throe," I'n^ Bucklcy'a new aong. "Sad to my Heart," aud "rao tho Gil wot'i DrCBoed In Dln^" Josvn DtTLXTi an Ethiopian performer well known In. thb country, waa lying dangeivuidy lu 11 London, aod no hopei of hto rccoveij were entertained, llo hia been ilck tot a long time, wo believe. Uonas BaOTBua; PeD t lyowbildge'a Uinatrela, of Boe> ton,haTalna«aaedthatarUICarwllncadiugtheliabowiram ttto 90 ocnta^ (o wbkb Ibo pvbllc do not demur. Bcaaon So. 1 la^ that ibo Hnbllea are flnab. Beaaon No.3 la, that tho BrUhaia k Co., nft^ Hm* th^ o» <;i»itiftit fn» ff * g*p*n i of tho Indofitlgiblo Lou Uonls, give more than ^uU pn qho In thdr hnmaona pcrroznianoea. In " Part L," thai oln conlo and acntimental aonge, Jokea^ etc; lo ■* Part n.. c»Uai aaleotlona of daudng, epeucbUylug. oomic aing- Ing; and ■* nrt Ut" oonatota of the pantomime oi'^Tbe Uooao that Jick Bnlltwbtob baa been ouUrely ro«mn«d by Lou Uoorla, ud aa now pivftnmodjtakea down any piece that haa ever, beau ptoeed upon tui; ptago of tho Uorrto liroa*. Opera Hooae. ■ Bnalncaa, aoootding to one who known, la Immima^. TijgmWa CUAiaiM Rraiif inrta were reported in onr batia^ bavliig gone up. Wo aro reqncet^ to atatolnat tho oompurto not dtoaolrcd. althongb thoy were oompeUod to return to Now York In oonaeqnenoe of Iho two end men, Uoome and Rirora, lear- ^the tronpo without notlee, afln- reodving a woek'a aalary each. In ana and onlr playing two nlgbta. ThU ooodocF placed tho maoagtn J awkward poalUon, aod prevented Un-lrgMng perfomianooa at tbo plaoea for whloh thoy bad idvcrtlacd. The troupe, wo arc informed, to now oomplele. and wUl start out at onoe^ BuniLKi'i^ Romaey'a, Newoomb'a and Talenttno's mbitotrela in on tbolr way to Ofwego, V. Y. \Miit wfD tho CewoROlana do with *omaUY Tho Snnoruit Ooibdum, Tom Brlgg^ advcrtiaoa Cor a chanee to keep hto endup In thto toaitc Bowhk and Frmdergute Uluatreto bad a veiy fine reoeptloD at their opdhlng at tho Udodeoo, In Boaloo. Ur. Bowoa na called out lithe ud of tho Aral part,ud made a clever UtUo apeech. Fxa&dexgaa^ who to a naUvo of Boaton, wo ball ore, wu more than fkroiably received by hla old triandi, aa well aa by many new QBCL Toe ahow aeama to hanglvan gnat aallatlcllon. "'flBKff"^'''*^ ir/>rtUy'« iiinatrua, Brooklyn, to making '*M"*»mratia in tho good City of Churcbca, Like our Now York Qlnitrel managen. »ir. Ho(doybiii ilready InvcateU to a big houao,and to accumutoUog a nice pUo wlUi wbkb to por- chaae oUur pUea of brick aud mortar. Wo an gtod of It; ho to a hard-working manager, and ono of tbo moat Uboral and guUo- manlv men In tho builucaa. Thai'B what hto people aay of hlnii and Uicy ought to know Vt. U. Lewto mado hto appciraxfo- wltb tho troupe on tbo 11th IniL, oa did alao H. T. budga Uio clog duoar Hooloy haa a big company anunil blm, and not ooty big in numbon, but In talent oa wolL ArnarojuBwonchdanoertoadrerttoed fbr In Ibto lone by ittm Binftrt. ftw hto opera booM, Horrieborg, Pa, flanavrii thrwteua to ibow In Now York In July and AuguaL Mullo Halte. Lju'i^onblnation troupe, now pcrfonntoa at tbeAfeadomy of ?o ^i*??'-?'*^ ™* ""Oiin in Um amoM^tw^ tho Academy to fiOod wlUi an odmlrtnTaudlonS uSealffil wS«*?2lii"'S**^"'*,^"'* tocrowdod^idSSaaS jJS^Ji^ffi JSf^oupotoBOnooDo.ind by good management ore nicoUng with dcscnod eucccea. Utoa Jolto Uatimer,Uio revorlto aongatieaa. to a big card; nightly aho haa to oomo down to U^o ffTKr^LJ^.-lumiaTi^ '"S.^■"'i'i ."d baa a aploidld wirdioVoi^aa Agna ■■ 8uUiorlai41alaldbyUiUweolttabSlngunderaoold. HlaaSm. i^^JI^>^'PS<»nBaoa]MtlBS)iiiUj for Uio drat lima< in Ihla dt^. She haa oroatcd qnllo a aonaaUuo, her atrlo of alnc- togbalngnow InUiUieeUonofUiobnd. BhivS KoiTaaaP tndlveard, Judglnotrom Uio reeeptlon aha nlahl^ recdra. ^ "e" "unioFowlJlTiSalVSwIlh MjA^aaUafadlon. Ulaa data ia on Uio Ugh road lo Ihmo aid meoeee. Too ballot troupe la a alrong one, under Uio direction of Ifou TopboS; who, wlUiH'Ua Eatilu,Uie graotfid ra^^ fehor^ iilghUf appear In ono of UrdTIkTorflniaSot S£ laalB and gjrannslie perfonnincci of Don BinUago GlbbonnolaiiL ?S'!?4iT"5,«".?'*i?5!^raealvedS rfvagSmI aatlaAoUon. Iho i2antrotla'a aro gnat bvorlta hmTidlto oomlp portDrmancca of Mooa. ZanCteUa tahaweU amons hla "T'i"^^^^* mlnalieli pnt In in aopcaruoa, lo Iho dSlsht of an; BUly anonon'a aono rfiSdiS wlSer bSi, whojiinooltoatoongnumbera, iarUoKeuS throw a iS ^^S.''£J??.*»^°*3«'°' Ihelhvotlla biSalSAndj lS via. Tho bonhivo nude niuif warm frionda hrnriMO lha ihowatotod. Charloa acomnjuio woU namodi5u^iaan eapedallhvorilowllhlbeircqucnicnof thoAeademri bia dlUa^ ontactaaroroMlvod wllh marked mvot; thSjronng man la a hardworkei'aad la making hU way to Uio ton of Uuladder In Ua pnflaalon. Ula "Cun" and Irlah Jig tale wHh tho Loualanlana- Iho great canl la Iho colchralod fymnaal, Mona. L. Varecto. lOoK daring portlirauncta on Uio Trapoie have alampad blm "The Pwfonnw of the A(io;" hja new end wonderful a5 pro. duced thla week haa lUlcd Uio mlnde or ealonlahad baholdon wlUi »n>^J«wnl; ovorrlhlng la done ao ocaUj Uut It ao^ Ihu^b M ahouta ofepprobauon. Tlio Aoidomy baa held Uu awaTSMo tttacojtbnted lroupoiliet arpcared, aud Uion do« Sol aaoa from Uio erowde Uiit nlgbUoriawimblo wtlhSTlta waL, to b?S throe montha to come. ™. DiLLT Uoijua, oomlovocallat, la now ono of Uia nrlndnal ittaacv vogllama, DlUy haa boon caasylng Uioloai\lng partln fcreoiiitor «n«l ""blnaUoSlimp^ljdiwS* alngajaCTObato,ela,ln)urod Uie bualona of G?i<owOrlS3 Ihoabea iloeebotookpoaaottloDof UioAoaaemv,the novStod Uo onlorlilomonu ^ Mr. Uvnn atliadbSg Uo Ihnm to uoAcaaomy. i' applauded nlghUj. Uaw&^« a»ra-"i1io management wooli jonterafcvntuponUielrpafinuIf thoy wuuld^ioo inoaonta JSJ "Sinr ^}"^ o" Uw >"b taoto wai MO oonUnu^op^ ■ o—r--"lr «wv. t vu M.V ..M. tiwwv WH OBO 1^101101101 UO narudlgldlngoolngonbetwionboyi: boUdea UUa Ihoblto? of aoveralwoafd'bol^M*'^^"---^-. ' • - inlgbf _ Jit nut m Bwu w Hl««> miHUH, DUOI plo wulnot vlalt their calabllahmont' Who oonipicd Uie mtvalo boiei m thoidgbtlnqaeaUon, woe really mnit —• - • -— —v> ••Hiw aaivaa uawwiiBUIUUUh ■ ■ Lowo'a ViiiRiD, FhlUddphla. la dolnitaaoad taulm The 'Treitv Waller Qlrla" oui bo kSu 3 lito ptalTwRl!'. ind dwMfJddy.Hthlop* leave for cUoSf S?'Sa MUi...r;.Airt SSwteiS. ""^"Ili STwMlor^lJSrtilitoSl! -Sf.'T^i""!'.' AnnapoUi, Md., Ihe only plico^if moM- montln Ihit town, wit reoponed on tha lltlTinitraad agoed >w Progrinuno,»lUialkvorlloandtulonl«loomiaay, wiaoiven. H. ft.'t" Vnplntot, and Pony Binlih iDho tian oanwer of Uia aaUbUihmonL boUi of whom an determined to rntkeil a popular rondiivoui It poailblo. Cor "bUl ot Uie slar." and tb* P«2leiiorfcrmlngUi(To,acoadrcrUaarnonl Oiniuoo "Variety Theabtt" under Ihe naniinmant of 0. II. Obidwlck « Oo., baa a m offlclonl oompanynow nertamtu Ultra,oomptlelngMlaaMaggbManhall,arafarUllant^rila, A? gnri^MHiJulla'yalo, MSaTla Ilmi^uZtir U^And^ wioaun'oafOBii&nBamT. o, niggi^T, Ik nui, vitfr