New York Clipper (Apr 1864)

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THE N^EW YORK CLIPPER. 15 oohuBii* _iw Ou St Deal! BtTd watkoTtitotlMontbtUlh la<t , to IM •dTsttHOiuit m MiaUiar "^HL M-CT wi Bini. ttat innAil paDc, ud ikadmUiu aZSSSmSat, In* nowlM tern Ite Kidoul, fflnrinn t ri , ^|T£||JIlb0tu«loB«a«t'iRmr Tbettn •« OhloigD, wbm* <t !!r«iSrnnipo<ilffleuo(h«t«flKronUwtl«litK)pauid llgbt ArBsua'tMn Thutu, CUage, VulMk lUM Uou s^iMlii, A.Mbal ud Enist Vita inn to tppoiT on tka 18th SfL, bttlnf <liUUM Unit eagifomeiita it ths NtUou], Ctsdii- '^'^A^Hhloplu doBeOkn, brtiigi bto SDnmnitnt U> t ckiMttnrkor'iOnnHoiu^ Alemidfit, oatlu zu Uut, ud Mu Uia HtUonil Cl>a< >!>< tnTtlUog leuoiL Tsa OoLiniBUV Itovpe of mile ud fnoalo mlniMi wm un* ^llnad on the bUli of tin AtlunBUD, (Saralud, OUo, to com- am» u esoiganaiit on Iho uth InM. g uiui 'J vimm. Colonbiu, 0., u wpotted to m doing wtll. OnsShtvlndtilsfknwell butlltoiitlisUUi, nd left for On- dnnitf to Join John RobUuon'o Olioai i* flows. TnB MnaomniH, WMhluton, B. C, with P. A. Iltznnld m dut nuniger, liddsg tU Mliilun of thobnibuaaof tut"dl^ leMlible dt7." ' !ra OlwnCi FUladdphli, lantlu do«d. Ml le nunorad tbit J aD>*l't>uneuRdt£(il«M«ot ttaobulldJn|^ 'Tm Onu Hovn ai Tolodo, Ohio, la nov opA ondar tho mu- uaBestofMaMm.B>T«udH*Torl7. Lut«a«k Uu piliulDil Z&iioitautalend hj too nuDMon ooniblod of tlio'^UM fkmuf, jolKIHwaoii, Mtekarittud fhoi, J. Bllor. n jMiBlIcaowAiiclondit Iht York Ualodoon, Fa., pn Um leih iBii, ud kM joined Vu Ambura's mougnla. UniST. Ountirhohu Jnilduud u oogiguunt at GaxT'i lleIod«ODi BolIUo, hafl beu Hctiied for Hemxnlngi ft Oirdnor'a wnoi, and Kill Job tlwin on the JSth luL UnBuBuiRwutlwcudlHtveakal tb« Baltlmom Kelo- 4ooD. ghomnalnithlawnkiudwlll oonUbnla to tha eQ|07- -nentof thojatranaof ths bonaebaldtd bruamjrof taknlof Uw moat atbietln chancier. Bmi Noox of Iha HadonaL fflnntnnatl, wia ocenpled on fiis lllh Uutint, to wtaaaa lh« dttait or Eato Vuoe aa Uaiqipo, who, U la iaid, made a troTOfindnqa hit Aalda from tho natoia of lllaa Tuoo'afMi. tboipectaclolamld to ha ondUahlj prodooel, and oral u a ahow plteo la altncHn. TO OiinnsoiT Uoalo Hall and Ihmln^ Waahlngton, D. a, Iseiaae* In popalar ftTor nlghtlr, bteanao of llie ^reat Tarietr andoiodluooorthepiognnimea (hen pofonncd. It la a won ksam botthat Manaew Oeoigo Lea, the pnmiiator, naeeeToy eflbittoceoonallthe talent that eutw had for nionej;aDdto ' ihiaeodtpaynlnuneiuoBalarleBtoafQll eorwuf tho beet AimmiUioeonowpafomilsgat tbo Culennu; are the Ulnee Jennie Foncat, ifaiT Conlnon, Loolaa Bolotte, Hellj Ralnfoid, Eetelle Fonnt. Uiggla WUaon, Naomi Potter, Flonnee Blran, Liior01Kton,'Bnma Bohell, Emma Ibomaa, who toaeUitT com- pilae "Bit Domiet of Beu^," ud John Uolllgu, Bob Baii H. Eanor, W. B. Oanaangh, Wlif Wcet, Lew DonneDj, BQlf nomaa, J, H. Doaahatj, Delohutr and Waid. The putomlae at'1heRoiuotliatJaABnllt"baaMen dnwlng fall hnueaof lata. '*The8poTlnof tho tatf'bj the ballet, alao mores u at. toiotlTaiiiectacle. Famllr matinees an glron on Bttiidayinar- Boona. . Clrouita. BnXiomn bad ntoned to Memphis with UsCIru panj, onnpililngirile Malls (Vn. Ben), The Oonkllna, Hsmian, Powiva, <lo., ud the wondarfhl Qnidrapeds, ths tilak hons "Monitor," ud the odnatsd Ifanma, "Don Joan." Its winds arehlgh, udiha ahowgnhsarr, bnt haiTlarstUl lalhS luodof miumrpoww, wtdohkeeinoraTthlngIn thewsfotamnaonent and plcanrs, "don, nry down." OnoR BiOTKDj* Clrns starla fftm Xndependonee^ 'lawn, on IheWhlnst, wtththefbOowlngpooplo—Mr.udMn, UUes Or- tm, Moam. Dennis, looter, Chstles Tuhbs, Pattsn, the EUdo^ Faollj, Master Andy, Misses Inae, Jnlla and Celeste, Janss Al (Ulklsan la lbs down. T.iw ft Go's drsna nukes lis oUra In Clncbuiatl on Monday, Mar 34, inoeded by their Dolphin Chariot dnwn br tnt^ konoa. 0, F. Oxm and aoni, wUh BebasUan, tho eelebnitd eqaes- liiaii, miTedat Talpaitlsoon the Ulbof Febnia(7,«<lsca na- ■geof flJ^4hreoda^fltnn8uFranclaoa In a letter dated Val. paiilao, VaRh 17th, Mr. Onin aayi:— Funs Qmie—We opened at the Jitden dslleaeo,s aoit of Cremcme Oanleo, on tho Slat alt, to u honsSL and por^ Ibmedhere eleren nteklo, f niehing on the Hlh Inat, wlih agood bwliHsa. We lears iodar Ihr Santiago, one hnndnd miles tr nllwar- Oaz CDmpanr wUl giro the tat parfbrmanctisllowcd then linos thodnadfmboning of thsOalhediaL WIIlinitOTon ftomSantlago. Was swakeaed at a onaila hetDndxlkla morn- ing, b/the ihoA of uesilhqnike. HidaQod4cndlien,liaTlng been able to imrrhitft four copies of the Curm, the ftntl have ami ilnee I toft flu FTudsco. Tm Minoiui CincsB M on cihlUlton In Balttmois^ Ud., this week. ThobojapUehedlsntontheBelalrtlarketlotiOtttheUtb IseL, teonAwodu Bim'aandTomElng:'iEicelalorClrona pitch cuna on the aSd at Wilmington, Del, Ibr one day only. Dix Bicn'a Show appesn at DnnklrK N. T., oif the 96lhi thence to BoiUo, when tho etakrs an driru on the 3Tlh, and the jaitjnmalnfourdayi, OnthoMofMar, LockportwUlhareu oppotonltx of wllnesdng the show. 8. Q. Stokaa la hi tho diow, and HauT Cooke's perfoimlng dogs ud manUes^an among Iho great altnctlons. Ills. Ou Blco ippean and Intndues tho filck hone Captain Qleneoo. Jon O. Brass goes u clown with audser ft Hemmlnga' olr> ma this aekson. Amateur. Tax Philo Lxman Boazrr of PlUabntBh gave m ontotahr menlfir the benefit of the aiii»i'i«n~ nmrniH.. .» i^thjM, Hall on the 16th. The fitja on this ooeaslen were "Men Blnn- den thu One;" sconce from "Ihe Lady of the I^ke," and MgltOn.". Ths entire noifOrmince gars Iho ntmost ntfefkcUon, -udetlooBoenied eeoalnod IhomaelTeB ondltahly, cspeotaUj Ed* «tairmhsiael«er(a. A. VMs) od' JpAAimiil. MiMJannle Ooodsl, ss FUny, was iMMak Bib liat jleoa waa weD indarad; theesDllemu slaying Valalnghtm Pottawonmuyadmlionby hlaflaihlng stTle; the tidies In this nieoe werereiy Imperfect The eronlDB'a enjoynost was brongbl to a doeo wllh a crud hsll, -whUh will uog be romemborcd by all who wen piesuL So nys soomanondcnL To wuua DuuTio Aoocunon, of Philadelphia, at a meeting held on tho 19th Inai, ohoeo (ho fonowlng oSoenPrcs- IdeatTC V. Jew; Vice Proldent, F. Haoa; BIsgs Manager, J. Wil. lace; Bnalneie Maniger, J. Floresoo; Treanisr, Bl S. Dnmont; Seootuy, WUUim Qay. Their first peiflumsnce takei stace on IhoUftlnat, MItoellansoua. TBI amnroBD Baomns hare changed thslrulndi about ae* «eptlagaig<8ementiatthestne,asunonnoadlnoarlasL Hairy lojmia na that One of hlabrothen haa gone to England, and tho other la wllh Oudlner h Hommlngi, thus prorentlng their accept aneo 01 a twolTo aonthi enAgvneat with Bjonnm. Buiiixu.ft PBsacoTi'aMDsKuie ud Booinstoel ZMUtolA St Looli, his been doing a good bnalnow of lato with iho be* Lion. HulrltM Mucl AlbinoQlrlud Twin Bnther. Thomno,which la a boutUol animal and the only halrleis one now Urlng, we an Intenned, 11 loontobe taken off to miko room tor other cnriosl- ties. The kalrlees mare, with other fialngs for a aida show, la ad- TOtUodforaalel^MiOorBorscIl In uoDier oolomn, wlyap- dleatlon la necoanir. Brirr Hikui, reatrOcranltt ud migldu, wllh bli wild woman, elo., wai Id Harriabuig, Pk, last week, doing Tory wAU, Louu ZiTTiuusT, a traroUlng moalclu of Pir~'~ -when lilt koard Own wsa with tho Old Hnndrod.Oi , at UonlgODory, AU., la idTerlUod fin hi thla lamt monobaa Ajiy ooo knowing Zlttotbarfa wheieaboal a fliTorby f*nn'^n»'^""ff as uutnoled In tho adrea Bax PosmsanTerjnseral muDbenofaodcty,ua of these Mr. J. D. Wyman, of Troy, la among tho most cotcipilBiDff. Tho iMIvrreuotlhatcllyiayaof him:—"Our dlluni oannolfiill to hannotloodtbeDtitudsenlcesbfoblll boaidawblohhaToboea '; sot op about the city by Ur. J. D. Wymio, tho ootoiprkliig bill foia. dMdet those hoards, ho has eeoured tho eulttslTstiao of agreafmii^wallaand traoes, to., BO that ponons baring bOls to u posted Old feel lasored that thqr are well, seimmonib aid sd- nnlHoou>7 displayod, Besldot poetlna bills, Ur. W, alio it- tendsio ths dlslilbtrtlan of olnalan ud dodgarab and whatonr la •Ittn him to do he does prnnptly ud tUthfuily." Tn FOLIoaiMi of tho War, known u Qoodwhi ft Od,'i, did > thilTlsg holiness it Nowbnrgh, V. T., Ust week, and noiilni there the ptesont week. niang them. la Bt tools he had "a Mg take" dnringthofiirt wsA In April. On Ihe 8th and HhATwas at Humbal, Mo., on the Ulh it Oape ainadeaa, and coiamosood at Cairo, minoli^ on Ihe Ulh, for throe nl(ftls, whsrehswOl sihlbU hli "Splrlhial Ohost" Bli igesl, B. V. Dtlaan, la maUiu a^ rugsmula to ihow In Ksw Tork, Bestcn, phSidalihla hnd Biltl. mors, wo nadentand, doiliig the oontliig sesBOik. 2 OuanuTiD Fid's "OMIoIk^' (six In nombetlSatet appear to giro great istliflrtton AnEister, K, B.,papa«MatlUid qf e odnnm to Ihelr dsmerUA '-1^ % J. B. HotT's (Denier) Itonpe "eiplodod" st BimMleld, MataML OB the till, sad Ihe ■■gnat (scamotosrud polyphoUst" retained to hia homo it Lowell, Miai, Tn Br. SxaD Rarel Ttonpe, Indndlsg those pleasing tigbt rope daooeniBoslta and aider, ire ahonttennlnaUoa their Ohica. 9 ongimment, ud, by adToilisemait elsswhoie, sisa Mas. TixiAitudMr, EdwardHofhnuglToseanoertat Corln< go_ IhluHan, Bocheitsr, N. V., on Ihe 18u...^.1breo hnndnd ohlldnn wU giro a concert St tlie oamo haU on the 191h. BunioiB ft Foon'a eahibltlon will opu at Oolslok'B Kali, Fort Wanu,Ind., onorahonllhelSlh hisL Ml, Sonuow, Wliaid of Ihe East, wu to conmenco his Heanoe^' si Cotnmbna, Ohio, on the Mth Inst, scedmpanled wllh • gUI antstlilsmenL nor, Bnoioii^ thelDulonisl, Is gMsg the people of Boston csnsetowoDdersthlspapUlnadona and other minnalea, Inelad. lag the ■' wrlnnjf on the arm." Iho aama.of ths mod< . soienUfle em Athens an noted Ibruofr seanlremonis L gRseuch, hnlhlsgoryohliogiapbyla allluodeapor down In Iho realms of oyitaiy thu they ban yet delied, and "wllh one tcooid"lh<7 prononneo that not eiminODS rakea Ihe par4lmsiona In hla lino ofbulneea MinaiiB LooBi Sz HoRBi; oekatd lady, gsn a poblto lodfaig lnOsw<|o,H.T^osthallthlnat • . WooDiosTB'a Bohemlu OUss Blowen wv« to close at Maionto Hall. PlUabugb, on tho lUh. A ULUtoriawutol by a guUamu who Intends gtrlngen- tortdnmuls thnnghlhecoinby. Bee sdrartlKmnit Pnor. W. J, McAumii, the Phyils^ was giTlsg eihlUtlona st the Bt Chadca Hotel Hal, Oilio, 3, on the nib Init Tbc Hlbernicon waa on sihlMllon st Lockport, N, T. on the leihlnit Tn OntT Fax Snto, reoenlly from tho Oromotne QaTdoos, London, Eog., nay be engaged thnngh Mesars. Conner ft Co, of this city. BeesdrertliemuL "Tn OuvnoM Lun Jia Dtfcn,^' Is tho Ulle adopted by Misi Nelly Howard, who haajoit rotomed to Ihli city from a lac- coeeful engageoml at Ihe Albuy Theatre. Jw.0onner<:0o. an her agents. Foreign Dnmatlo anil Show Newa, Tn Enmu of MaMHe lanntoaled the Leeueahlp of Mlai Loo. laa^fsasndMr. W. Hanlaon,atlhoBoyBlBng]libOpeii,OoToni Osrden, I/ndon, after baring, for eight eeaaons,e>irled on a cam- jdhymuypcnonalaaalAccs. Daring the eight en opens and fire oporetlas, togeUur with eleren ro. tlnls. wen prodaoed. The doslna perftirmuoes wese for Ihe benefit of Ihe Leasees. Aasoonaa the cnrtatai had deeoended,a acme toohpliooon tho stage. The whole of the .oompaaj, end thoto offldiA connected with the eelahllibment In other espidtles, together WUh a largo easemblige of welthnown Mends to the mnalcal pnfetaloo, aeaembled to pieaent the Lea- aseswIthaeDinnilrappiopriatototheoocialon. The tasUmonlila glTsntoMiisLonlssAneud Mr. W. Hinlion, on the hot night of their long udlsodibloinuioalil career, were,lnBllnspects, predielyslmilar. Theyoonalslea of two Tesy elegut sllra break. Bit asTloea, ud corered wllh rich and taslefgl sngntlng. The setrlcedosUned tor Miss LoalssFyse bore the foUowlngumlp- tton, written by Mr. Edward Mann, the able ud ooorteons Acttng-Maniger: '■Prcaooted to Mlis Lonlsa Itne by the arlUa and eiiptoyei of tho Ronl&iglllh Open ud a nw loren of naUre art, uaHflrato of nantndaud admiration won by the eminent aervloes which she nil rendered to the KtUonil School of Moilc, by affording a home to Esgliih Opexm for eight sacoesslTe BcaaODS, ud by Ihe DrPUantbdent which the his du^iysd In embodying the cresUons of ^uUsh compesen." The compudon aerrloe In. tended far Idr. W. Harrlion bore the same Inacrtptlon, wllh meiely a dungo of ^"^^ Ma. &B0II bad made qnlte a bit In Uroipool, as Jonbo Jam, one of Ihe late Daddy Rlce'e pieces. Jiu Uru'i Ciucoswaa doing a moderalobuilneMiln Llrerpool, with 000 of the best companies they hare bad then far some time. Mn. Bmo Bfjon hid reapparcd, after her late Illness. She has become a mother; may the UUIe Boio bloom ud be ai lovely 1 flower la the nulomil "parlcnt" BfixT AnyarnoKO wis at the Alhambra, London. Mn. A. wai rerrUL TheyantololveforAmerk*80on,lfthohealthofMn. Armilrong wUl penolt IL QEOiinE HoMox, Irbh comrdlin, waa glrlng his enlerlaln- moDt, "A Voyago from IrvUnd to America ud Back,^' it tho Bo- toads, Dablln. Be looa alarta tor America. Mb. uvs Mai. BoooioaoLT oomnwnced Enter week In Dublin, with the ■•CoUecn Biwn." "Lxu" wi» nprmeated at tho Adelphl, London, tor the Ktlh Umo, on thq SBth alt, on whi^ occauon now drcBm ud new Tn TDK Tbdud parly, Indndlng Commodon Hail InAMlnnlo Ranen, lie eaRylngallMfon them In this btals, Nonrtlhstaad. Ing Ihey giro threeiereea esoh day, hnndioda fceiinently uu to obtain idmtaileii, eiOQit at their early momlng uee, They are to be In SImIn Ud ud 33d, Blniihimi and3l)th,8yiscnM9a,Sd,ud tlh of Mi^. A ■■Utilei pnbahly weighing a poond and s hsU; Is oipeded to occor In Ji ^ or Angml, whlu wlU render It naceassry toholdnpthe show ''Aa^lhe last of Jons. Thity hare mado a hlgpUo, udinto Us s tfsBsan tonr to Boope neit bIL ' WoonvAiD'iMiroiiBiAiidluWiiiniat Ctmdeo, N.J„lisl wet^ A nmiiilheatiloal entertatoment wu teceaUrgtren at Capo Oinrden, which must hare been unmenio. Tho show la called ••UUIardi OsUt, Beomett ft Bliho'a Chor te eo m o wd a m ,'' mmlstln g of alnghig, Juoing, ooojorlng, Juggling, labloaui, ud llnwotkx We some cotneto from the prognmmo: Pasr WoMt-^ Moslo—Onrtoje by Ihe Bud; Oiud Opening Choras ■■See How Brtohlb Breaks the Diy:" Biliid, "Whu IhliCraol War la Orer;" Solo on Iho Oombodicam Tual; Comlo Bong, ■'Come to aiur'a Weddirg."-P*»r BaooiiD, DAXcnw-ftngle-fOot Jig: Ohluse m^Xm (onosolbol): Eshooo of Old Ooarboni Indlu War- tuHolwlUia hoop). Paar Tbdu), Coiwonno-Mysteflotts dto- appearuoeof aptatootbaahudeerenbolledeiga. The hlddeti tail, or now you see and now you don't Ooacooontaue dlaap. nanneeof thepiocoodaoflheahow. FUioon misatet'totumla. slonfbrstnwboirltaudcrcam, PAHTFonnra—drma JTonddj- Oround ud lofty tombUng; Mr. Millard wlU Inliednco the odi- «stsd mnls, asdalod by Mr. Foi—Edacaled Mule, Mr^IBue; Funny romarks by Ihe down-Clown, Mr. MinanL FiarFBrn- TasuuD m FnEWOixs-Tho May Oneeo; Uberly and Un- «eln,piodnclnAUioininoatypio;lamillon In finworka. N.B.— The aboTO labloaax are prodocod rogardleis of expense. Tho <loddea of Uberly win bo peisonstcd Iqr Mr. aiUL Th^msnager derims to stito Uiit not harlog foand a nnper baking .person to lepieeuttheohanolerotMr. Llncohi, ft will be Wlontof the Isbleanx until fnilher notice. OSBUM E. Donoi, issletea by wmiam H«wud,ttfhdJsl, mre hla first concert In BuFnndsco on tho gad nit at Piatt's Ball, ud announced another on Iho following ereiilw,'' One dollir wu Ihe pilooof admieaion, '^y Mas D, W. WiuxB garo a reading of liBinilot" at While' Hall,Toledo, Ohio, on the MtbInat . , ,^ Mk Woodwuu) hudiiposedof hli liMsl In the Polyonma otlheWiTtoUr. BafOsAomerby. 3 Da. BonxioB, the well-known lootonf on Boctildty, was at Anbnro, M^, on Ihit Mlb. Nonwoos, a Fiklr, wis at Aogasla, Vs., on Iho 19lh, In oonneo, UoswllhakrUonsihiUUon. 7 Mas. Eoonx aam,'s (lo osnedyTreapo won meeting wllh fine noooM In Ihe Eiiton Blales. TleyanunoaooedtobeatLowla. ton, Hahio, on Friday ud BaUnay, Md and ISd. Fnna'aDrouaiA of th»wir wis st Durham, N. H., iinlto i» eeoUy, / / SuuKOToa, the Bonn Venfarlloqulal, has been spondhut Uu wtoter to great idvvMige In Weetam MaiaachnieUs and Norlheni Maw Hampdilie, ^oflmin, hli plultt hsa oonlilbatod lanaly to Ihe laUadelloaxililaaudlenoca. ThePnioaaorwutobeailew. Mon, Mahmrthne nights, nnnmeeiflng net Osy, April Klh,' and digodto cloaa hli season on lliy lit, baring been j>ierreonalhieomonlha'Jorr at Boauni BO & M, j,hlsagenL wtDberdlSTedt>flb"p)oketdotj"widlfklL ' Tn Woaio Doslneu wpesn to lake wllh the Weatempe^ pM, Ibr W, J, MallMsf 6 "III ttmli," Ihs tesiH of Us pei»' .CANTERBUnr MUBIO HALL TBBATBI, WABHINaxON OIIT, S. 0. |, OEOBOE LSA t.,:.,.rtaiMm. '^ii . *.- > * The abore^fotlle pUes ot^ amssount ritD eonttnta tta nnln. tomiptodeonneofpioapstflj, lidjAsalhaOcooaiBaiDBWold toeqoalltln • IBB nOZLLEKCB OF RB XmSBIADIKEIlT, THE BIBBLDia ABILtTX OF TIB ABHSIEBI IHE BISPEOtABlUn OF IIB FATBOKB^ and In order to merit Ihe encomiums dally bsMowed upon It by a dlaolmlnatlng poblle^ thepnptMorbu detenniiied to soipsis an ftnnec efiints to prodndng HOVELTT, TALENT, and ■ AITBAOnON, 5W? • The foOowlng Aitlslea ate nowpertimnlnga IhsOutsAoiy Waihington>— JOHN MDIUaAN, BOB HABT, tf - . W. H. CATSHAUOH, DEI2SANTT and WABD, J. H. BilSOB^ y BILLT WEBI, I'f J, H, DODOHEBTT, BOXTTEOMAB, A WAT.T.irr lH^DPE LEW DOmlELLI 1 aolhor, died at scenery were Introduced. Mb. OaoadxlDAmxL. a wed known EngUi Stoko, Newlagton. London, March 30th, iged J. B. Ooncf Ifl at the Cuterbuiy Hill, Nottingham. Mb. J.B.Hewxbiabroagbtoutatthe Fnlllon Theatn, Loo' don, anew Irlih-diiini, from his own pen, celled ■^e Bllghled Home." . * 0. T. BnoonhMbeen ennged In the manager of Baddler'a Weill, Londoo, ud anpeared on the aih Inst ss Othello. He to tall soon for Auilnila. A xxw xmaTAOirai wu produoed it the 17ew Boyilty Ihealra, London, on Ihe 28th of ar»»A qq uhlch ooeasion a genilainan of the name of Benunrpaifbraied a leading tart The blUa staled thatltwaahlaflntappearuoe. The pan he had to play wis one of thsmoslhamoroiiaof thobarleeque obinden In Ihe piece, and he obtained oCDSidenhlo spplsnse for **** delineation dailng the earlier acnnea. In ihe touilh scene there wu whit li Isclint oallyoaIled*'awall,"udaTBiTlong one. The nsoal manifesto. Hons of ImpsUence by the sodunoo were made, and Ihe acene^ OTldmllymahnedhi consetuenoe, pncoodsd withoat Mr. Bey. moor. In the noil aeons Mis, Belby bad to mike her fint aneojn Iho piece, and u soon Meheoaote open Iho — proceeding with bvnsil, stopped fesvnO. in lha : «U1 s h s hid a pstoful annooncemept to mifta. Ur. B. . had been raddenly seized with s fit whleb ihemnch (oared woaU bo MaL Medical aid wu Imjnodiatoly summoned, bat It only needed a gluoe to ehow that Ihe actor, who but a Itew minales bo- fan had ezdtcd Iho meiTlmul of Iho hoas^ bid peaod away from the eatth ud entered uolher world. Memurr, wife of In Aldrid«^ wen known tn Ihe i>i,«Mmi wootd u Ihe Afrleaa Boadus, died at Buianah Villa, Upper No^ wood, March ISth. Aji OrXBA CooepjuiT, oompoaedof aliHperlbrmen, and nnder the maoagemmt of H. C. Cooper (formerly of tho Cooper EngUih Openltoupe), Is perfbimhig il Bidler'i Well^ London. Annie Kemp, of this dty. Is the contralto, ud Biooknoaae Bowler Ihe tenor. Mb. Ou inugontod his open tcsson it ths Boysl Uallu Opore Houae^ Loddon, on the 991h of w*"*** Belllnl'a "Noima" waa Ihe open ohoeu for the Initial perlbrmaneo. "OOB AMxnioiir Coosni" waa predneod at the Eaymarket London, on aster Monday, for Iho tuth Umo, with Sotkem u DundreaiT. KKh tlme.'^Mr. Fcchler had not suOdenuy re- atoscddaai to resume the chandor of Angelo, latto^, lOrttallOth t eoTorcd tnA pflflato a bat Qeorgo Jtgdu contlnuea to perfem tlie role.' EVENINQS or J-lt» MUBIO AND MTSTEBT, wllh RODEKT HELLSB, AT rns SALON DIABOUODS, U5 DBOADWAY, EVEBY EVENmo, AT 8 O'CLOOK. NEW ORIENTAL MUSIC HALL, U9 BBOADWAT.aboTO Blocker aiR«t «9 FUly BemUfal Lady Wallen Dreiaedln FaioyOoslnine. Call and see. 1-lt* FRANIBUBNB. MILTON RAINFORD, First Old Man, la prepareil to negotlalo with Uanagen either fer thla leeeon ornmi Addreei MoTIOEEB'S THEATBE; ML* Ohieago, IQlaolB. J. T. HUNTLEY'S " HDDBON BITEB EOUB^" CatoklDFolnL nEtSKKT BUMHEB BESOBT, WDH OOOD ACCOMMODATIONS FOB TBANSIENT AND FEBMANENT BOABDEBS- g^ HEALB AT ALL HOim^ g^ Albany Day Boata, and Hudioa Might Boala land to front ofthlaHonae. MinatahiEoaaeBlsgosstm&omthsdoor,onlhe iRlnl of TMss ud Bosti. I ^ TkoHouelsnoderthopeiaonslBnperTlalanof 1. J. T. UUNTICT, TO BALLADtSTS AND OTHERS.—A Celebrated Protealonal Vooallsk Author, Leotoier, ud Humoilil, U deslioas of mgagliigaitetdyrnagmuwbo cu BINO AND PLAT ME- LODBOn or nOUH AOOOMFANIMEMT. Tho adTOillier oom- muds first oliss sndlmoea throughout the Blates. Addreae,far one week, "OUO," dipper Ofilce, Now York. l-lt* SIGNOR CHRISTOPORO BUONO OORI, THE FIBB BINO, ITAUAH BALAMANDEIt LATE OF Tim OBBMOBMB OABDEHB, LONDON, B OOHIHO. <i Minucmof OaidonawhowouMUketonegoUalafor ~ TUB OBEAT ims EUia, wOladdiesa JAMEBOOllHIBftOO., 1.11 U West Houston stmt. Hew Tork. MISS NELLY HOWARD, <■ THE OBAMFION LADT JIO DANOEB, HAS BSTOBNED TO THE OTTT, after a sneoMsAilcsgigemut In the AIiBANY THEATBE, MISS BOWABD li open tor engigsmonii wUh itaponslblo Uinigon through her igenls, ^ lUt£B CONNER ft 00^ g.U U West Bouslon ilroot. New York, TO THE DRAMATIC PROFESSION. THB ■•milBIBATED UFE IN LONDON," a New London Fa. PON-no. 1, Now Beedy-Oonlalna DnmaUo Kewa sad Foilillla. KSTa MAMMOTH 8BEBI ENQBAVIRa, M ^ 38 Ulchesb oTlho Th«ln BoysL Bsymirket, with Uhaeuea of OcmpuT, with EeiT to same. Thla Eagnring, which to pilided Hpinto tnm the paper, ihoold bo In Ihe buds of all. Fitoftfor Paper aaA Engnrlng-MeenU, Addnu nNaiSS^tl^ork. MunfrtureraadTeaohor'of the Banjo , M York, Onwrtplof ♦l.IwmiudTHlUB onlhsaatoorJIgOsaolBg. N.B.—libaa Htay to No. a BHODd SToans. lOtef , AmuSbNsw IRIMBBOKB en the let of BnXBEM TODNO LADIES, MIS JENNIE ENOELt NAOMI lOBTEB, EBIEUJS ud JENNIE F0BBE9T, MAOOIB WILBON, NELLT BAINFORO, EMMAIEOMAft EMMA BOBElIt LOXnSA BOLETTB, LEONOBA CREED. UMeaUnCoBipnynnmliienneaily ,^ ONE HUNDBED FBBFOBMEB& .AJMTTSEUlCmNXS.. CUDJO'S CAVE, OXIMp'BOATE, m OBIAI BBNBATION OF THE DAT, Ihepnbllo Tsrdlet nnanlninmly prenouncee Ihe s^sndld dram. auiatloB o( Ibis great ilorr, BT JOHN F. POOLE, OTDJO'SjaA.TEi OB, TBB BATILB OBI OF IBfEDOM, •■< ■ upiMnoedat ( IHB NEW BOWERY raEATBE, - , to be Ihe •.' TXBT BEST ADAPTATION EVEB OFFERED, Eowss eiOTdsdfWmparqnet to dome greet caoh Bene with spONrmoDB SHOina of APPnoBAnoN and delioht. IVIB.IHE ORBAT HIT OF THE StASOX. 'I. '* Now in Ito second week. HaMWhsslcal eibeto In thla wondoitullyaucceaotal place hire nererbM suisaaeed torgrudonrand olTectoach id udlng wlihinxnalol GRAND SOENIO nXCBTRATION, whichnarkathliTualonaaabaraallothen. Ills I IN EVERY DEIAIL PERFEOTION. UHfAOEBS AND BTARS deslrlsg to produoe thla great Basaa. lion Play ean be lappUed wllh muosorfpt coptea; modeto of Ihe miohlneryi the burning monntalni and reione of Virginia (a scene prenonnccd without u eqail In Ihe annals of the nodera ■tige, and which to fhund lo no other renioo of "Oudjo'e CiTe")i the mrtoe; Pomp's swlnfi for life; Ihe ciscado In the Cumberlud Monntslnsi ill of which cu bo ntoduced (torn Iho models at a companllroly trlfilog ciponae; alio, the itrlUng wood cat of the but loeno, by addirasing the ulhor, or N. B. Clarke, Eao.. Bow Bowery Thoalrc, New York, "u JOUN F. POOLE. Mia WANTED IMMEDIATELY for Sanfora'a Opera HooM, Bairlaburg, Pa., a first eliu Wench Duear, one eapshto of ' " *~ None boi Ant elasB, And without ihsreu remain oneyear,Ihey need not apply. Flank bowaid and wUb, Fonrtannt wen aeceptod:u yen hare diaasnolntad me, I haTB answed otbem. BAMDBL 8.8ANF0BD, Mana^ of the oldest snullihed Itonpo oTMInsbeli to the world, who win 1] htTB oldest sstani iineg itonpo oTMinsneii to the world, who will ippear toNawTcrkClly to Julyand Auguat with Iho largeat ud Met Coinpaaylnexlateoce. 9|.lt* THE BANJO.-Frank Converte hereby gives Spe- dalNoHcB that ho can take no men Pupila after April 39. S-ll* J01M LOLOW, Clown, of LakeA Norton'* CIrou*. Eo* long mnal I wait tor that money! fyU JOHN BITEBS. Aum, nnO BOTLEBft FXDUDflt AND .,n •• ,.,95 ..9* ■ ,.H Popnltt Family Matinee EVEBT BATDBDAT, < KM8 OF THE FHOIOOBAPBia ABT.—Olaulcal ud Once- ful Boilea, oompriaing the foUowtog beauUAil plcturca;— \, Apollo ud Dtphne, Amo and Payohe, Ailadiu, Angel's Whisper, Antonu, BatlierSi Balhen Bormlaed, Bathanud Bwiai^' BanUesoflheSenglionia numboL Bosom Friend% Ctmasslu at the Bath. Cupid ud Vaaha, Plana al tho Bath, Ete i.litming to Uu Voices Eilgooo, Ftnt Elaa of Lore, Calalaa, Harem Bconea (0), Innocence, Joaophuie, Lost Bird, Ledaud Bwaa, Momtog, Mual< den, Nl^t Begrols, Retiring, Return frem tho Bath, Shower of Oold, Seasons (T), Sappho, Bacontala, Three Oiicce, Toilel of Ve- nus, Two Brunettes, VenoaOofnlllft Venus BIslog from tho See, Wood Nynrit ^Istar, Aarorm, ApoUo Crowning Vutae, Adam sad Era, Aflar oa Bath, Angela' Nook, Apollo and Ihe Muaea, Ama- ions, ApoUs da Belnlsre, Bacehue ua Ailadne, Boo, BIrde' Nest, Hondo sod'Br^etto, Bnttcrilies, Oymon snd Iphlgenla, Dephlna ud Oilo^ Dots, Dar Dieim, Diana, BTening Btv, Euphnsyne, tiaher Olii. Fauhfol Meesenjer, Fountato'a lagt, OargUng Mnok, Oreek Blare, Olrl at the Well, Hebe, Higblud Man, HSaifs Arowal, Emh of Nalnio, Jupiter ud lo, Judgnuat of ISrla, L'Aurora el On>hal^ La Nympbo Enlgone, laooooa. Morning Bar, Nymph, 'Neath tho Birer Bank, Pygmalion, Purity, Protect) lag Angela, Paadon Flower, Bomu Olna Bathing, Bonaud ano' ArndnoB, BeposB, 8uIIrla^ Bumnnah attheBith,Bli1en,Bilalaa, 1hom,Tolltna do Belhubee, Triumph of Lotb^ THIu'b Flora, TenuB Obeomus, Teona at I'Aiaonr, Vuus do MQo, Tmos In a* Shell, nBan'a Mliinas, ud hnadRds of other Card Fhotognpba, X cuto each, or li per doien, W. C. WEMYBS, tit Broadway, Hew York. K B.-Bend money for tho arllole you retain, or •endndBtunpforOatdogue. 3-11* JL AOENTBI—ToaetnaelBiyBoekyoawBtalTaBnRIBX' m Berth mrdsasstPlillidsfeW*. lbs feitowlBg Books INV BBADTi MEm wnxB or loddor , 'AMRT , yA BIiNNE i or. The Beutlfnl Int^euu OOXrasiOMB OF A LADY'S WAmKO MAID , HABBY aUNSOBI] oKlhaMuof Manytklma,.., J OLIA M AIWELLi or. Mrifaatos of ftooklm IRBTEBIiaAND MlsSaB OF BAN FBANOnOO,. ORANOB OIRL OF VENICE » " NEW YORK IN BLIOEB It - OENTLEMAN'SpAWHTEB ., M •• 1SP'KSSI.*£PJSS?*™ 0' tobk,,.. m - THE B'HOYB OF NEW YORK i B) " HELEN ORA NT... . M " JEW'S DAUQBTER * 91 LOVE MB, AND LEAVE ME HOT 60 •• BELLE OF BOWERY .IlsB " WOMAN AND HEB MABTEB . ... ;.!!«« " MATBI MOMIAL MIBFOBTUNIB ,,, !!!ga •• YODNO OHEVALIEB ,jb LA TOUB DE NEBLE i , tO •' BBIDAL RTQDEITB IB T-AWB OF LOVE !!,.. I! !» ■ OAMBLERB' TBIOKB WITH OABDB ■ ' DOXINO MADB EASY ,".\m -t MOROAN'B FBEEMABONBY EUOBBD ,„!m 000BT8BIF MADE EASY !5 (00 CDIUOVB PUZZLES « " • BOOK OF BIDOLBS » - FABLOB TRIOSB WITH OABDB W ■ BOOS or FIRBSIDB OAMEB M •• BIBANOB BTOBIBS OF A DREonvS OFTIOEB <.I0 •• LA MABOBMAND'B VOBTDNB TBLUB M •• LA FONT AlNB'a " " M "■ OHEBTEBnEUl'S ABT OF LEITEB WBHIKa ■ " LASniS' LOVB OBAOLB M " LADIES' ODIDE OF BEAUTY IB FANOY MAN !..!,! . ;!!!..!!. » •• OLD MAN OF TWEKTY.FIVB .! ?.,! !,.,.„ ! » " POCKET EB0DLAPIU8 M •• DICK TUBPIN ea m JACK BBEPBEBO PERFEOI'OENTLEMAN EAST LTNNE BABBY O'BBBDON . ,. ag - LEOEKDB ANPIOlim OF IBELAMD M . LADY AU DLETB BBOREI „ .,.ia •• ABT O P OOH TEBaATlON M oALLopiavsiaE .,a» •» BOOBR ODONOUOH » •• BELLE OF WASBINaTON U M Copies of IheaboreBookasuttosupaitof IhaUaitedBtolai free nf ehime on the reednt of ntoeTBsid essh cidsn to JOBM ao - ,,.,1191 ....:..s« ■ TBENWITII, lOT Boalh lurd sBesI^ phikdelltal& and ChBdron. AOADBfT OF MUBiai NEW 0BLEAN8, U. OEOBOE LEA /. Msnigs. ThstonowlngArUitossniiowpliylag s mostbilllluloigi(». moot st <he ibore ealibllihmmit:— PHOTOOBAPHB of Eito Eatomu, Miggto MllcheU, u Fuchon Itposlttone), Lsun Eeeno, Lodllo ud Hden Weatem, Oaro- Una Uoblngs, Mn. John Wood, Mrs. Bowers, Adah L Menkm, u French Spy ud Maaappe: Suasn and Eato Denln, Finny Brewn, u Prince, Emily Thome, u LOxntr, MUlida Ueron,u Cimllle, Mrs. Hoey, Miaa Henriqaes, lono Burke, Ads ud Emma Webb, MDo Voenini, to chancier, Chiilotto Thompson, Eato Flaher, as AnbBoy, Wu Oillotl, Cubis, Zanfrolta, Zoo, Marietta, klarie ud HOBTIMEB, MIBB AONEB BUTHEBLAND, MISS MILLIE and OLABA FOWLEB MXLB KAnSBINA, < I)OIIA.;^WB0N. TWO OBAND BALLET TBOUIBi,'' V- The Fraioh Balst Iloapo tods thedlnettooof Mens. Top- hoC The QpaslBh Billet Donpeimdar the sopenlston otMHeEato- __MCaia. VEBBEOEE, '. WAii* i'iMi mrraTgwij y'^^^- THE ZANHIEITA FAMILT, MONB, oibbonnaihe; CBABLEB a.OOJJJtn, ANDBEW UATOCT, BILLT EMBISON, MIEXMoEBnU, (V Vnjia ABIffiTBONO. And the enUn Itonpe, finmlng f . ^ THE OBEAIEBI OOMBINAIION OF TALENT Erv wlhiessed to sny establiibmant/to.tha wmld. ^^^j^",^,dtBOwn°abllitywliloeiisull their own toloKsIs by flnt spplying for engigemento to OEOBOE LEA, ' SB be hu *^***— (or eftiploylng then to .h' V BIX DIFFEBERT CITIEH, « snotwhlehire . FIBSrHtiUs EBMBT.mBinNTB, snltabtofartDkindof eslardlnnientL ^ The fbDowtog performenannowonderwiilten oonlnd wllh OEOBOE T.gA to poifimn to any dty to Iho United Btatea, Mu- igen wlihtog to aegotlito cu do ao by addnadng H abOTo: HIXE ANNEIIA OALUITI, " The premier French Danseuso, ud greatest Sueer in Ihowoild. MONK TOPEOFP, PantomlffllBl, Dancer snd BBflst Kaator. THE SNOW BBOTHKBC^ with their troupe of y.^^. DOaS AND MONKBTy,'.Ti DBLEHANTT .. ; WABD, The giostest Clog Suoen In Ameslca, Ihe Pnpilslar d|tDenges any two luoai to Ameitos for ONE THOUSAND DMXABS to cmnpeto s^ these two new ariisli. Adama, WlUua Boolh, J. & Claike, Du, Nell, and Jaor IBTFant, Ooogo Cbilaty, Bph Bom, Flank Bnwer, and bun. dreds of other oeleutUea. Tweaty.flTeoeAtoesch,or|9 perdo& ADIhaASneiiou and EngliahFlaya. Bond red stamp forCata. togueo.'^W. a WEMYBB, (TO Broadway, Mew Yoih-WEMYBi' PUBCSASIHa AOENOY. Send oaah ordsn (or uy sitidea you wut (Postage orEtprcae charges must be toduded). Lettossn. oolilns snawon mast ban stsmps udoeed. 3.1t* W. a WEMYBS, (1( Bioedway, N. T. XrOTIOE.—Parltea mdlng ordaajWU pleiae glre name of JCi PIscs, County, end Stale. BOLIxraS, i^to Uts of Coo. puy, what Beolmul, (and fron what Stale,) and Cfflrpi. NAVY, gtre name of Veaee], where DlTlaton, ' fta, t& CompUanco wllh Ihe aboTO mica will greatly facHltato Ihe oaiylng ofletteis. Ml» W. C. WEMYBS, sn Broadway, New Tork.. ABMY, ABMY, ABMY.-<]enar«]a Hilloek, Orut Hooks, Meade, McCtoQin, Bhsrman, Btoneman, Buinalde, Roee- otana. Bailor, Foalor, Offlmore, BloUei^ Blecel, FflntMlman, Antta, Barry, Coreoran, Cnwford, Anger, BueS, Oaaey, Kearney, Bloeum,Bykai,Bhl dda, P ouch, O toy,_rln ianitnii, Porter, BliBkeri Wadswunii VmryBiuuiiMtDtKi Banted ud a number os olbsn NAVT, NAVY, NAVT,-Adminlsrool<Ll>nponl(aoIdiboiDugb, Bhringham, Stewart, Panldtog, Ftnagn^ Bhnhrtok and Bmllh; Commodenie Wflkeih Ballsy, Binggold, Motrin Darli, Sell, Brotta, Montgomery, Hul^ ud bundreda of other Army and Navy OfBeen, Btalsemeo, Adore, Aotreaeaa ud other celefari. " ~ Card niotographa, 3( cento each, or 19 par doion.^aDt dltoanyad£«aaon reodpl of Frioe,'oy w. 0. (7S Bnadway, New York. by mailtoanyadmpoaaon reodpl of prioe, . - Bend red wamp fig dlalngnoe Ml* WEMY8&« lATENT SAFETY MONEY lOOEBr.-BTen Pumister, Sut- ler, Buker, Bnker, OoUejtor, Boldlar, BaOor, to ftd erery. should bsTO one. The IttonI VDcket caanot be picked or cot Pltoo only |1 SI. Lsige die, liroosls, II10. Ou bossnt by mall (10 oenis sxtm ft>r potlage) to a hitter to any address. 1-lt* W. 0. wmYSS, (71 Bnsdwsy, New Yak. HOI MASON ft 00. • No. 08 NoiTH SniH Br., Pnusnmi, W H A if . . BeuUfnludUewllohlngBeaulleab llg,; ' LifeFhotognphs, ANcl, OOo. ^ .„■• Ned BunOtoe's Books, BSsi to |L Rich Rsn snd Btor Works^ (Oa to 10. nandaome I4dr (dnly Ouolne) 3(c Douhto Tube PIpea only |1. Army Bongs, per 100, |i, Pbologiapnsof Oeaenls lOc. Fhotognphs of Adiesscs Uc Boldlen Mmey Betts $X Boldisn Medloled Safe Ooards IL ODTATOBB OAN OOPY * ALL BUI THE BITLI, Bend your ordoa to MASON ft 00„ n Kolh <lb Ereiythtog yoa wut maOad taaof poshusoni tall price. P. B.—ntusbateda P. &—No, 9, We nsd e P. &-No. e. Bad thee P. a—No. 4, Beoember Ihe sddnas, lUBONftOa, NcttNoilhBlilhilnei - FhHadsljUb. Addendum—Beware of ccplee msdsfloffloar Llbnolain of UandsomeatLidytoAmei^ Sm IT AWAY ABAOZ." Bend for onr LookiSUysOaj MAMMOTH PAOEAOE, Price (0 oeots, Booksylleaeh. Femile Seuty,lUubaledwli UtUa Joker, 9(eenli. Photogn^Uoentaiaak. . L Toolond plates (JasI oaihl >^ahATslhslHl(IlswI BsadwUh stamp Bt'oor ' ■ NEWOAXALOam For sU Ihe Sporting flood s to ths m ^tatisad to j, b. jerewb ii co., BoiUHl • pUlideUbla F, IXiIW F.a-8ml9Ioentoftirthe —T WHATIBITI SondlSeootofhrthe WHASB-JIll BudMoalatelha ' < WHAXD{III1 KliOfOiH PAOEiOiaMIt .BsndtOeeotolorlha Ml* ^OMm^^mBjffC.OPia-Tl^ln.q»tnlJPyJj, 9 f^f D e auU fnlflowfcwndPluliLlOparto; BloglngBirdsorAmaus, Spaitoi ButtertIss,lparto:Ul>o(Ohildhood,9partai udComto --^ J • Filce (0 oentoEAOH a parts. Bach pai^ s^ FABT. BeBtbyaisll,toBn] ' B-u* V ..• w;o? L nt Bioadwsy, New Toik, . Hentoichsnoeforsomoof the •■••aBKAT CHAUXKOE OLOO'^AROEBS-^' Money ilwi}< ready, by addicsstog ... OBOBQELEA. Xhe ihOTo Ohallenge Win remato open to an csadldalea far three meotha turn date, * MIES JENNIE BKQEL, - . Ihe Bwettost TooslisI snd Iho IT an d so fne a t Woman la the Pi olMj ' don, JOHN MULUOAN, ANDBEW VATIir, Ihe OMtostElhloplu Comedians of U^.Ags. " . MONB VEBBEOEEi ' tho Wonderful Oymnast ud nspsM Fdtenar, itoelaMd b^ all who have seen blm to bo tho wonds it Ihe IMh emtoyi' jiAirnNi ^miBCi, Iho Qnatost Win WaOor to the Wsfl. MISB NAOMI FOBIEB, ^ ToeaUst and Duamse. MinigeiBwlihlaguyot Ihe ibore Arttitoi ouTeDnfuQ p*, Uculsn by sddiesdng to OEOnaSLKl, . Osntflboiy, i wishiBgton^to. ft - K, B,—max CLASS TAUNT ALWATB WANTED. BalMOllililwaifWaitod, Mt ' ' BtlairlUlo.ijMawatk: COMIC OAMP BOENEB—U of tho most hnmoiaua plotuies published—Stuck to the Mud, Hud Tick, Burgeon's QH, aniidHouie,AnUnFelc«meVlill,Bidto|^na Ball, A Shell to STAND FBOM UNDEB.« ADnwbo ban aair span chugo to torest to something rANOr,«a tt w the ehessost firm. V Porlrslto of allttogamale and Mile »i<iiiiii OnlyVeato each, or both fiirU cents, Mg- 49> av a^ Mr, FudestOacdPhotooaphaont Only 90 outsb or ( M tl> - WebaTegotthelaatNewBaokaoat FitoeaOoals. flsnd for onr Mammoth droolar. O^Ual Eatreaot Ihe heel woikmaaahlptwllh ths lBeM _ tnreesellniforlllD, . 1 TheFookatStoreceeopebwllhUrlswa. Only|9U, Old John Bnnni, "gsy sod sptoy." OsIyUeala. Oay and Spicy utUaPapir. OnlylOonle, •Vi GsySongs. Onlylloubosah,orUtortOoeals. Any FAflOY FBBNOn ABHOLByoa wu^ ssad 1 - W m i nal uieor asouMwewlllBeadasanMilhoa . _ tor ooe ibaMHhM or whuen lo diweekLlaapaolM ai^ eonly pecked bm obeomtton, - Writo nnr addren platoly. Bend all oidin to tlie well known film of J.aMOBTJMmftOO, .... KeaalngloBP, ft Mt* HiUidalphl^ Ik- . Coming, ToBstofi is a Blanket, ftc, fto. null,fatlOc<n& ~' Ml* t to uyiddren,!^ Beto not bro ken. Send order to . .: W, a WEMYBB, (7( Broidway, N, T, JOHN a HEEHAN AND TOM KINO'S Photogiapha.-Hoanu In 8 pcdUons—Elng to dtli fai's d ress, 90 cents each. Ml* ^ W, 0, WEMYB, (W Broadway, N. T. CABO PBOTOORAPHB of Miaa UO HUDSON, u Maiepph ebeauUfol podUoas, 9( cuto escb, or tl tho sett W, a WEHYBS; (W Broadway, N. T, nado suppUod, Ml* « 17BEM0H DANOna OIBI&—7( dlfbrenl posWIims, 9S«oonto X aich; 13 per daen. * Mt* W. a WEMYBS, (71 Broadway, New York.' BEAT H IF YOU CAN." T-»!_M.J^^ BEND 3» C ENTS Wl'LOOK BOX No. 4, NEWPORT, BY,, and leodn oy return maB one of the FANCIEST FIOIUBEB too erernw. Ml* rpUB MOST POPDLABIALE8 FUBUSllED, BBAOI'B rmpCUttt" BTOBIEB. $a-^Om BEADT OOMFLXIS'Sa TEE BObND PiOli A Till OF THE FOSKS) DEEB. ■•• DTD&.J. H, BODI ' ILiostaATXD bt ^ItLir. Mt ILLUMIHAIED OOVEB-FBlOE SI OENTB. tprlee, A. BBAOY, FBhlliher, Mailed free of podsga on receipt of price, FBEDEBIO ■ •'T ' No.a4Aimilioel,M,Y. i^TkO IT AOADC'^by tho author of ■■Who'a boenlhen." JJ .FrioopUtolL Ooloredll AddrenBoefeL Mt* Soxi381^.T.F,a rW\BZ BT. DENia BAVlt TBOUP^ Ihe saeceasfOl ilvils of Iho X BsTd(unny,sntboutflnlahIagthelrUgigemenltoChlcsgo. The beralltnl Bodla and ilsta, tho greit npe ducan, an eoll wllh the oompuy. Muagen wlahtog them On address _ 9-91* B. AlkOUSr, FiescoU Uonssk Chicago, IB. LOOK I LOOK I l-lto s Ug Ihtoo, Our OAT FAORAOil con. tabling 18 Osy Plctares. Bent'br 10 canto, Addnsa . H, inrrOBINS, t3S Booth Fourth elroel, i^) • r Ml* Phliiddpbl^Ik; LOOXIIEREI LOOKUEREII-ES Onnbrn gnphsofAhlonft>r9(cents. OOTliundrod»« orAdieiMfor98eento, One huDdnd Fhotogiwha to^to, Addn» ^^,^J ,IM- IK^A LUIOBIANT DMM M •« fr-.OEUBBATED "BT fBENOH FREFABATION. 'Gl nul nbe a hindaorae ^wd'to throe weeka, and not Inlnn IBS lUn. Botpostpsld. BiaUke (I oenIs to Boi 01, Thompacorflleb Oosu, 3-Jt* ■Krm BOOHBI NEW DOOIfll I JN - _ _ FAlfOT BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, , -. JTANOY pnOIOOBAKD OF ALL SIND& ' ^ FANOT IBERCB FLAYINO OAIIDa BIOB OASIRB Dl VISITE. ^ , Metares of sUIhe Bsadaone BtBes of Ihe dir.' BEND roa Avion oATALodm Ibe oheaMStpUealBlhawOildtobuTOf to aandfbraitoekot Books, CardiiSta. MOOSE'S, JUST OUT, THIB DAT.-The Osyest Budget whleb ... ennlhlubetetotoregoltonnp. Bentmreodplofade Also, the "western Oem,^'a DOW Fooy Book, PnosMosDik AgnasttodueenunttoSallassndNswsDedeis, . .>., Bond eariy oidois, and they wUI meet wHh srangl atlntka. Addnes OHA, DB WINNAlftr^'^ _ Mt* V ^l2lldAlS» Lodf Kewport,'1tF" See sdTsrllsidnl|UM£ ggfm "BOLDIEnS" OB ANY OTHEB MAN snpiUsdWUb ' «v arUetoyonioaywul^ by return maO. • avTUELOV&A.I,A-MODE ALBUKI ' ' , ocntalnlng30BlobPholognpha. Vetrltauy, Piloa only HBL' Our . . . ^ ■ ~ MAMMOTH PAOEAOEBI ' .' ooDlalna 4^(0 New Bpi<7 Songs, av a Large sresch Steel Bunrlngit jBT 0 cotond Oaitosds ThMft tL "FEAST or BAL8BAZAB," ^ Ibe Gayest PUun of Iho sga. — AtLi , FOB IL - ■SKHD AND ay- AUiF On IlS " . OBI THEM -eiiSi^v. Sr BEND AIlD OR Agento Wuled, paittoahim to Ihe Abd;- SIX PAOEAOXB FM U, ' Boys sud for on^ ud youwlB besars to ■^ omeiasla." Address araOBlftOO'- a.9t* . Waahlagtai.I>.a Look Sox Na <, Heliport, Ey," week's Outni,' .Bta idiuUssoiaalta 'i-iT GAYI TIF lOPJ • OATI TIP TOPI • . OATi •attOB'' ; >,PH0T0OaAFHB COLOBED n OIU • -^'^ > i:: ■ only30oents. Send for CB^ ud gst s Citaicgus fi~- GATFHOTOORAPIIS'ltaDUIa." pie to P. 0. Ooi •■Ma," Eiliaiid, qooa. aaaa LABOE MIW FBOI0aBAPHB,-Blss U X U > fiat. ' _ ncdred fromFBla. Fl<ee|l aO xiade,orlhelhrNteBL, Xiyoneiaod barsaabslrlskffli off yourhasd with lha stoblS.- aomethiBg rteh. Bent ftee by mag JD8T OUT, BIX OABTEB DB VIBITE OF BIX ' : "OAY AND FESTIVE" NEW TdBK BlUal ' the noltlait women to Ihe dty. - Fries 3doaBtoatogla, Bra ten. . or«£sstHotdxfi)r|l90, Addraa CmaST ■ ' *" iSw ri*. , ■ - Lock Box No. 4, Newport, Ky. vWeek'sCuma. Bos sdrertaemenliBlMB' WANTED, COBBBaPONSENOL •GB Throogay, dishtog'SantackyglrlswIsbtooooevondwlUi aA^- . "gay yoasg men" tot fos, ranaiwe er emuseiDcia. lattats ftiK' ~ Boldlen cbeeifnDy reodred. Oar 'HfuUf' will beseat ta'mri'. iigufadoatogthMyeenU to coTSr oipeoses, WlaaaidaaK; owa ■fhotognphs" sad not Ihoie of others, Addroa Ml' Utt ZiAUBA, OOBNEUA, ot BXn^ ,' ^ •:"~'-'lLook 1)01 008, ftoitaitoB, If. LOOKHEBEI THE RIOHBBT TUIMO OUT,' Bead lOcMkl ud get Iho Blob, Ban and BsoyPspsr , Ad dnu 0, auBmNa,.,' ll03BrowBsteeWFWli<Wpllk A Mt* FHOTOOBAFBB Oinbartitnel, I FHoioaBAFBBi'■CB n>4gpni^ • ISM&, Fimls nisnHia tstosi l ■■r ; Bpaodgel a ctMkb, iM«iJ,TU|kw