New York Clipper (May 1864)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 58 THE G-AAfE OF OHESS. To^OorrMpondent*. H. A.'Bli IMndL—Botb l<tt«n RO'd the nma iMj; stUhor aonlilagd tb< andotan BiaitloD«d, Thuk jm la Uw guua «inglTath«ilKittoRS,naii. thuOi for other InfonntUoii. /. P. Bvint IMnlL—W« ust jDtt • npj at "Ouma CHxa FiOB. Xwnm." br Uio huiU'of Mr. Elder; ooild yon uectttla WlMthMbMOniCMlt? OMia>Wom—Wo bare t mus oosr auh oT "JiuiCKlk CAeu ftliwdiili." bT Wilkar; ud ToL I o( Qia "Ckea MtmlMi," wUcb wididl bg irUUiig to dlspote or-tb« tonnoi it |X7<, tlu Ultar tt».V,fUlpald. Dt, and OuB FMBUia.—lo oidarftdlTCoappraolila our pieaant, and oext wMVa pmblao, thej ahonld bo pliccd aide b^ Ait, tUa ona oa Iho loll, and ba atudloa togetber. Enigma No. 430. Antsgnl {nnn play and dadleatad to bcglimara. II1. X. maam. # 1 ^ <^ fi atblaEtaq., SStS, QBO, QBD, QKta, QKltlh, # A atQBSd, alEStllb. Tndta to play and giro mato In thm moraa. Problam No. 430. Tlu Simdt Tubu-ChMl. n UKia 0. wuoam. BLAOE. WHTTH. WbUa to plaj and gin mata In Ihrta mont. flame No. 430. AnauaHeotlUtlogainaplaTad In lhaN.7.C.C. bctweon oar eoDbibnter F. H. Our, ci Sotiott, and Mr. Zinga. Dctauo, Ur. ZsRsa. PtoQBS ' EEt-kl ER-Baq ER-B< EB-B4 OKt-EI OuUa QPy Kt EXEB E-QBaa SEt-B? tadPXR E>QHtaq P-QBO E Et X Et Iba 3d, "bleb IB Pwoold be Mr. Elds. 1..PI0E4 a..SEt-B8 ° a..KB-B« d..P-QEt4 C.P^BS ' «..Oaallea T..P-44 a..BPXP •..P-48 10..P-is U..Q-B4(-(-(a) U..EB-EtI U.:P-E • u..qxQB U..OPXP l«..4XEtP Mr.Zenga, PtoSI B^t BxKtP B-QBi P-gS . KP XP EB-Et8 gEt-E3 QB-Etg Q-har3 F-QB3 EBPXP BPXB Q-bcrB3 QEt-Et3 Defenca inl(pia. (a) ThIa la mncta atmiger than 11..Q B to Et nalh slajad at Ihli point (UQBtoEt3dvinatbo aiolunge.bat aa tba E eak, iha Uno of play adopted la atxongor. M:.0EtxB 3I..EBXB + 3a..Q-hFr3 + 3T..KEt-E< 3S..QBXEC 3» j- 30..Ety EB 31..q-EBA n..QXKEi,and Briaant portte batween Heir Blalnltz end P. Dcacan, Eaq., In tba ImdoD a C—SeU't £Ve. Atliok, WanSteliilu. l..PtaS4 a..P-EB4 9..EEt-B 3 4..P-XB4 •..EEt-ES «.,EB-B4 7..KPXP a..p-q4 •..qsi-B3 U..Q9iIpxP 14..KB-Be - • •■|Ulh« Attack, HaiT StaUillz. U..B t;BP4(iq 10..EBXEt 1T..0PXB u..4-sa U..QBXP(«) ao..OHtlea,EB 31..QB-Be + 9a..EBxB + 33..1t-EBa<i 3I..QXQ-I- 35..B-EEI0 ag,.Q-barS + 37.. q D-E T, and wina the pariit, time. XEt q-Es Otaooofiha ,.) HowbeaotifnlybobaaplaTUallllilit M Sbot Ola plwsbnt baa gnat oommandot tboboanL Ibla at emj da^ of iBicf. dfUgbftai nfding. .# . ' To Comtpondant*. . W. B. Bxniu., PhQadalfiilk, P*,—L Bam fOmidad joa the dooomantilvElnl^lM^ao'alnnaa.. L Mr. L. retunodttom ^o3 two «l4b atnoa,7^Tra baj acnd (or tboaa gamoa, biiti3ipmant ban • asmlr «D baaO. 4. Tbo anoljiU of Ibo aaoondaatotipaalilUi-Sstitf - KmB—Ho nmitnm tha Oballenga of 0. W. Footer. It naybanbaaaenttiplntboTlclnltyot tbogitat Lakaa, tobaTe ruttle "b.41ilng." 0. W. Foam, WaiTon, Pa.—EoKabontthsdopoaltandasalxsIa of yonr oballcngoT ). A. Db Ooh, BnoklTn, N. T.—Tbanka fbr rcoont bvon. Jnat at pnaant tba •'Cbamplonahlp Oamca" dlfplaco all ottaen. In tbo neantbna tbo gimea aball do oxamlnod. T. WmiEB, Vronoaior, Haaa.—Solution ootroct ^ amnion , Mgw Tork.—Mr. BeUull'a "wbonaboula" vo rainot doAiii oiactlj; but be icaldea In Pt^Uadilpbla. Wylle and Martina " Played Out." In Oamo Ho. 3, Vol 11-tlio aeoond nateh otma of Wyllo and MiTtlna attbentbinotoof Martna-weaald 11 tolSwaatbe moTO thatloat tbo game. Tb9 ••Bnlblo Obamplon" OTor (oriin* der) bla own algnalute baa attomnted to abow ua wrong by eeTBitl "analyaea, note* and TailaUona" In tho following atyle of play: Martina. Wyllo. | Martina. Wyllr. 13..11 to 10 13 to It 16.. 1 to 10 33 to 18 U.. 3 7 IS 0|l8.. Ha) 14 18 . 0 (a) Tbeafonaald Indlvidoal aajs tbo gamo waa not loet nnlll Ibla mora waa made, and Martina abonll havo pliyod T to 11 (6)80 to 30 gg 91 36(0 39 81 37 33 17 16.. 7 to U 17..10 34 18. .14 3B 13.. » 18 10..U 10 (8) BeaaUtnll boaoUtall.1 bnt ou atyle of play la tblll:— 31..l3ta33 IS (0 15 33..11 18 33 7 33. .33 30 19 16 31..13 10 37 34 3g..lO 17 Drawn. lOto U 18 14 31 8 8 8 30.. 3 to 14 ' 3 U> 7 11..14 IS 7 11 33..18 ' B 38 19 13..16 33 Wyllowlna. 16.. 17..10 10 18.. 0 37 13.. 6 9 (el avfrUUM anblbar analjna. SoIaUon of Position No. 6, Vol. XII. Raaarrad nnU neit weak. M. a—The Ebig on 7 la Vnill«. ipImM I Two bluadon In ona gamo. Qlvo na SohitloD of Critleal Po6ltlon. ST J, snnaioxu.* to n 3. .37 31, and wlna. ' * Tbla poalUon la llw 7th of Mr. Dtnniniimd'a Tlilnl edition, bt4 ir wo mlalake not, It la tbo compodtlon of Payne. 17*To 3d P osition No. 7.--V0I. XII. ootonnaaAiBD bt bmbu. Crltloal PesHlon. Bf J> DiyilMOinia Gtnw No. 7-Vol. XII. Bmnrn Qua of tha Ohamplonalilp Matah of Great Billaln. (d) Drmmnond pb^a 11 to 10 for Ihla more. Original play tomttalapolnt - OUR DRAMATIC PORTRAIT GALLERY.^ UI88 roiTA, Tbx TcBaimK Oauiositu Comuiim. Tbla popqlar yonag acheia, known u Mlaa Lotta, win bora In Oiand atnet. Now York, on tho 7th d^r of MoTomber, 1847. At (ha age of di yaai* aho left Kaw Toik, hi company with her saioita, for (kUfonla. Made har drat pubUa appearance at the ageof dgbtyean,iaaTOcallatwltha (JencertXronpe, when aho na TenaaoooaatulIn thoInttrlor of OalUbnia; altar which aha vlalted San PTaaclaco for tho fliat Urna aloce her airlTBl, and Joined a email dnmaHo company onder thflnanagamantof her pannta,andmadaherllrBtappeaiinoeaaan actieaa In tba town oTPetalnma, In tha r^r"!" of Ocrtnide, In the tuta called the "Loanof aLorar," In 1858; attar which aba tnvellcd tbnragh (3aUfarnlaand Oregon, aohlerlngtilnmph upon trlom^ tlD Itw, when, by the offor of an eaormoaa aalary, aha waa aecured by Mr. OObeit, than tho pnpridar of ODbeit'a Melodcoa, when aho aoonbeeameltaopefofueSanFlanalacopnbUol aincathattlmo aho baa appealed aa a alar at Magolte'aOpaia BoiaeainSan ptandaco and Tlxslnla Clly, end played bar laat ongigement In (3allfonjaat tho New Idea Tbeatie, where aba waa the lelgning (aTorita for all conaoeaUTO monlha I Sneh a faTotlta had the aobjeot of onr akclcb become, that not a night paaaad that aba waa not the redploit of aoma niaable teatl- monuLandonmanyoccaaloDa aho baa been lUnraDy ahowarod with gold and silver coin, and another and Iiat ovldeaoe of tho poptdarity of Mlaa Lotta la, that a oompUmenlaty beneSt waa ta- dered her bybarMcndaaad admlieia, which took placeattbo MetropoUlan Tbratre. Ban iraodaoo, Jnat pterlona to her de> nattnre, no othor theatoo la OiUfnmlabdng thought large enongh br thatpoipoae. It wia one of themoataucoenflil aflalistbat overtook place In that Bttte. MIraLoUa left Ban Frandaco for Few Totk on the 33d nit. and arrived In Kew Tork on tlio IStblnat It la hrr Intention to appear for a ahoit time only In tbla dty, ^revloua to her doptrtnie for Eoiope, where ahc wlO pnbabiy remala for one year and then Rtnm to her home In Callfonla. AlllKKUh the Ameilcan atage poaaeaaoa many repicaantatlvci worthyofadmliatlon, there are few wbo have aomeny eaaanHala which command ancceaa aa thla lady. In peraon, aho la zathar fNl<C(: and her fkco, though not what might be termed daadoally Deaunfol, boa anch a winning eipreaeion that all moat ba channed. Mlaa L. la perfaetly flunUlar with the bnalneaa of the atage, and laalwayaongoodtozmawlthheraodienoca. In male ehaxacten ^e cntan Into Iho pantaloona and part oanieaUy (Inatead of try- ing, aa many of the actneaea of the pieKOtday do) to make the maacollna attire an eicnao to reveal the woman'a channa." OUR GAME BAG. Vnr NaTTnui. Iti]fAnx.—*>I have Jnat mot yonrold aoqoalot- ance, Daly," aaldanlilabman tohlaslond, "and waaeonrtoaee ha bad alffloat ahmnfc away to nothing. ¥oa are thin, and 1 am thin, bnt he'a thinner than both of na pal together." A Dumn OomiD'a Cm To Tea Moon How bawUftd la thla an nlte. How bilte the otan dn ehlne; All nater ilepe In touUlnlar, Bot thla lono baxt of mine. Onr dog baa kwlt a barkln' now Alt fallen paaaln' U, Ho'a gadn*^ at tha for of mnne. Vlih cam and plaaald L Vhon vala tho tbon pall face thing, A bangln' In the akiziB^ Upward on with nntxamled wine, Ml Ihaata cnta dnat and lllia. Bann Oa Thb M. D'a.—A p^mt apeaha of a man "who died wllhoot the aid of a phyaldan." Bach Initancee of death an ex- coedlagly nee. So Wia Biasr.—A lady friend of onn wan In Avenoa 0, Iho otharday, andwaaaakedt^aoonalnbowabellked thoBalmonl atooUnga. "Well. I dent," eald tbo oonatai, "nor wonld I wear them, dthar; IH ba hanged if lH make a tarbor'a polo of my lag fortha aaka of belag foablonablr." VauT Iter So.— Oodhleaathawlvea, Thoy an onr hlvaa With UtUa beea and honey I Thoy eaao llfe'a ahncu. They mend onr aocka, ' Bnt—dontthey apend tbo money? Wbanweanalek, They heal na quick— That la. If Ihey love na; If notwedle^ And yet thoy cry. And nlaa tomb-aionoa above oa. How SaoDin Ton Ejiow F— Bome maiden ladlea made aoldJcz^' Alrta about a foot loo ahoTt, having no tnlten to go by, and Imt UtUe Information. Some wag wrote on their bundjo:— Like a man without a with, Like a ihlp wtthouta aaU, Tha oddeat thing In Ufa, la * ahlii without a—proper length. TBI ToonmrL Tebolooiw a amen.—A olercman bdng reoently ITem home^ hla eon, of ten yeira, waa aakod to pro n on n o o UuUaailng. "No;"berapllad, "I don't Uka the looka of them laleni" Fjsddi CaowsB&—^Vother, when'athemangolngtoaleepY" aakedaglxl of fifteen of bar mother, wbo bad Jnat momlaad a traveler a nlghf a laat In their ont of the way hut ■'Illhaveta pnthlmlnwUhyoa and Jack and Hate and fine and Bet, 1 aup. poae," waa tha reply, "andlf It'a too oowdad, one of yon mnat tam In with me and dad aad Dlefc and the twlna." Tann'a Loeia—"My1ord,"aaldlhefonmanof aWoIahJnry, when giving In their varalct, "we find the man that stole tho maie notgimty/' Toe Newu Maoe BaisB'e Wm.—Oharka to the altar led tha lovely Jane, and to bar tohar'a houea returned again, whan (o convey th«n on iholr wedding lonr, abeady atood a farilllaat ocacbasdfour. Wheolol thegaUietlngabewenatoneedeacend, cloadnnaondoud,andwaiTingwlsdaoontendi thlamovaahlm not, but In be handa hla brides and aoM hlmaelf ennptured by boraldai when thua to cheer tho folr one ho began: "I hope wo icon abalj have a llllla ran." Bnt aho to whom Iha weather gave no pain, wbo heeded not Iho bleat nor paltering lain, but moat about bar futon alate bethought bor, replied: "lly dear, i'd nOm ImtaianfMerl" K TmoTUXB'i Poll.—A weatara editor, deactibing the atbola of aaqoall upon a canal boat, aaya, "When the gale waa at ibo hlgbctl, tbo nnfbitnnate CTaftkoelod to tho larboard, aad the cap- lam and another caak of whlakay rolled overboard." Tnn Dnmsr Tmim Baoma.—"What baa beeb your buel< noaa 7" aald a Judge to a prlaonor at tha bar. 'Mffhy, your honor, Itieedtobeadonaat—Bowlau apugOlat: then I put teeth In— now I knock 'em out" An liuBB Bull.— A Hibernian wriling a akotcb of hla llfb, aaya ho early ran away ftom hla (tthor, hccauao ha dlaeovcicd bo waa only hla unclel B uwL i u io TUB DxviL WITH Coau—A UUo daughter of a pio. prietor of a coal mine In Pennavlvaola waa InouMtlva aa to tha natan of bdL apon which her Jalherieprcaentad ittobealaigo gulf of fin of prodlglotu extent 'Ta," aald ahe, "oonldn't yon got tha dsvO to buy coal of yon •" OuoiR TO Wait TtLX> Ten Ort Oun^Tbe following ad- vorllaamentamwarod Isatecentiaaue of an Bigliab paper: "A clergyman wlahea to eukange bla two little glrla, aged 9 and 7, cither together or aoparato, for two boye." Toil iMFoniin ttfOiaUTioii.- Bnaen atop cooka do not crow; ntact peibapa yon didn't know.) Obureh yard ''alaopata" do not anon; ffivar beard of that befon 1) . Rnnnhig water bu no foot; (Wladon hen that can't be boat I) . "Jolly tan" ain't alwaya raoiry; (Very wlae reflection—very.) OongieBa "Bpeakcn" aaldom apeak; (Sage tenari. bnt rather we*.) How my wit u onlie ran out) (Faotthon lan'Cono wm drabtl) The Old List aim ibs Udob But— i!| aa old lady in a red cloak WLTu to oVoitaha a Qorce nm In a nanow Itno. what tnna. forautioo would take placo? Ibo nm would ton to bnttcr(1iult her), the old woman to a acarlat rannar. Bow DioBT Loons "Vstx He Va Boaxa-People oRen won- der at the moat nalnnl Ihlnga In the woild. -a aay, Slgby," aald qnllp, to an acquaintance, "yon lookaoborthla monlng." "And foe a very obvloua naaon," aald Dlgby; "I tit aobarl" Hot B«j> Foi Ak Old BDrrza.—A few daya alnca an old brnlaer made hla appeannoe at the Rfcorder'a Court, and ad- dreaaed tha beoob: "I aay, yo' honor, my wlfo's habit I' drink 'toaacat'o lU^an; 'nl want you to forbid anybody aol'n 'ar a elaepaymafill'doll'a" The Judge wID attend tolkoaigereqni no PmLoaoraaiL ABoaiom-A "Ug Ipjim" having atny* odftom tho camp, found hlmaolf loet on vying to nton to It Afler looking about, he dnw hlmaelf np and «»««<j KiataQ loitf'bnt recovering bioiaclf aad beUDgnnwUllBgtoackaoWlalge ■uch ahortalgbtednets, eonllnned, "So, Ii^un .no loat—wigwam IOit|"atraiagUabtcait, "InJuD heni" Ir Hna TuLoaa Mad a Milt, EmiREni Hun Mm Two Mar. -De qulnooy aomewharo Idle en anecdote o^ a man, wbo, on be- Ing threatened with taaanlt by algbtcan laUon, cried out, "Coma on, both of yon 1" Agninoa di Pbiusiu'Iiu.— Mr. Diehard BInunona, who pur- obaaod the ealabntcd tw(nly.ali foot yacht Hairy L. Barland, hta bad her entirely nbuilt and enlarged, making bar ono of the fin- cat pleaaunyaohta on the Dalawan. WonaleTataadthatamaloh la ponding balwaon Iha Hatland and DalDdaar, to aaO to fTbeatat buoy and return, the faraier to b« Mlled by Ur. Hmmoiu, tU latter by Ml. LonlaZalglar. . A Tb-VEItTISEMEKTe. To SulMOorlbors. IhelaDewlBgaNtliainaeat latae of BnbaolptlontothoXEir Toaa Qi0Fnt ainilacosrof tbeOllpper.dotx. |Bubacriptlonroramanllia,il 60 IbWtaoleiBleDalen tela. BubacriptlonfoT4montht..l oo TO Balall Aianla 434 eta. Chib olTour 10 60 Babaalptfon. per annun-ls 001 OInb of Qght ]o 00 8aha£bm tnOanada and the Brillah Pnvlncca, Que Dollar per wnuntiUitoooverpoaitge. In an oaaea In adnnoe. FBAME QUEiai, EdttoT and Tnprlator, n Bprace alreel. Hew Yctk. D ,0 TOD WAST 8PODTBD8I ANY KIND OF PLAIflNa CABSSt Bend to 7-11* HOWAIIS M. OBAVEB, 18 Eatau atnel, New Tork City. O YOO.WAHT ANY EDiD BEND TO OF FAItO DOT? UOWABD M. ailAVBS, ISNaaanitreet, New Tork aty. 0 TOD WANT AMY IVOBV QOObS? Such aa FABO OHXCES, POEEB OHEOEB, a&«D TO 7-lt> TOFS, DICE. tc. UOWABD U. OBAYEB, ISNaaaanatroot, New York City. T\0 YOD WAST AMI FABO LAY OUTS, BODIiEITE aLOTUS, OAUFOBMIA LOTTEBIEfl, SWEAT 0L0TS8, OB AKY PAINTED BFOBTINO OOODS, BEND TO UOWABD M. ORAVEB. 10 Ntaaau atiect 7.1t» Now York Oily. D ,0 YOD WANT TO SNOVr AT AMY OB ALL OF THE ABOVE! HOW TO SEND TO 7-lt» HOWABD M. OBATIS, 10 Kaaaan ilrocl. New York Olty. rF Yon WANT ANY ABTICLB in 'IBIi BFOBTlNa UNE, son} TO HOWABD M. OBAVS, 10 Naaaan atreet. New York City, AND GET BIS OIBODLAII. amsa list of ooods and pbioes. BEND FOtl SAMPLED OF PLATWO OABDa Ac, Which wUl bo aaat PltSB to aay addreaa upon oppUoaUon. wniTE NAME, STATE, AND COUNTY PLAIN. 7-lta PDBOHASINa AOENOT. THB LABOEBI IN THE WOBLD. EBTABUSHED IMO HOW IK TBI rOLL VDZ OT FBOBFIICCT. IMMEMBE MDMBEBS OF BP0BT8 In all parta ol the Onion terorthla BeUahle EatabUalimont wUh their pation age. e ipnaaing every mmlfeataHnn of delight at the mAOrffUL) BAOY, LOECIOUS AND ORIOINAIi BOOEB, PBDIT8, 0ABO9, un BPOBTINO ARIIOLBS o E7ZBY DEBCBSTION which they coatlane to re aln tnm ua. NEW OABTES DB VIUITU ncalved dlnol bom Parla by each ateomar. aa- She gayest thing out , ^, PrioatOconlacach, orlhieoforll. TEE BOOK OF NATUBE—Oonlahiing 0- Mine SH 191 49- Nina highly colored FRsch atgravlnga. The moat to atzuclive and amunng BOOS oror pobuihod. Moiled tna fOi P D D B a- How to Win at Caida, Dice, Ac. 4a> How to Whi at Ouda, Dice, Ao.-ea AIM, OUR NEW UAIIMOTH OATALOOUES, Bent poet paid to any addreaa. "All letters ouaworou by ltotum_Uali'^d_a]l bnalneaa con. fldcallal Aildnsi 7-ll» V. a. UNDBAY A 00., No. 10 Naaaau atreet New York City. MASKED DACE CAIID8-SS That you can toll Iho SUIT AND SIZE BY THE BACEB. BENT TO ANY ADDBEB8, FREE OF ALL EXPENSE, At tho foUovlsg pilcea. SInglo Faoka,aacb • 81 00 aixPacka for 4 CO One Doiou Packa 0 00 Aho, . ALL EIMDil OF HTORTINa OOODa Call on or addtraa W. C. UOIOW ti 00., P 0. Box 6868, New York Oily. Office 31 Mtaun street 7-lt* LJ.^ ^ ^ lotrfiHaNHW, mUr rgX MAOIO LOOEINO 0AS8I * • g^ THE MAOIO LOOEINt} OLASB.'^ J0-THB MAOIO U>0EU)a'OLABg.-«t Bout aaaled aa a IcUcr, poet paUJIOr U 0- 49- TUG wn ALBUM. -a fi' Oonlalalug -S» 93' 13 'E(V.4a- Bplcy-n aa-I'hoto- gnpblo Von,-a 4V taken ftom lUer-«» 4V-Very rich.'«» 49-andI>aautlIhlaathaHlalui8unl-8a «3-Bent rat paU'E» Mr Lit $1 60. -Ca or fir lluoo 'fia 4^ an dllTcnnI, for W.'W»» - a^ FBENCE MAOiri HBUAtt OASES. Contalalng TWELVE BICa FANSY PIOIUBES. Price ai. 89- XLEOANT OAETES DB TIflDK -C» HMO MoniM eobnoe Iha nkeaeaaea of many noted beanUat. A nice Foekat Album, conlalnlng . OnlylL Addresal 0. B. LOBD k 00., Box 8398, P.O., 7.U* New York City. .... ._VW AI>VKRTISBME]VX8. BOOEBI BOOKSII BOOESIIl DOOEBIItl UauUful and Original OAIITKB DB VIBITE. I'bunny, PhroUcaomo, PhaooUoua, Fhanoy, Photognpba, Yankoo NoUoao, London AbeurdlUca and Parla . , RUMBUBIIFICATIONB, Send for OUB SELECT OIIIOULAB. It la AN EYE OPENEB. Wo Invito cmnpcrlaon; rJioUnnio comnctlllon, and DEFY DPPOSmON. THE OLD ESTAllUSim) AND ONLY BELIADLB lUECIIASINa AQE2<'CV, AVUEBE OllDEBS FOB. BO0E& OAIIDS BOOES, ENonAViNaa SIXI>, xiaUBti^ OBAIIMB, An callhAiUy oiecQted. Avoid ooontry muahroom cooccrna oal ona hone dty aatabllah- menta. Bmd In 11a only, and aaveyonnolf from being haniunlsd. An Booka aud k'ucy Oooda yon aoo advorilaod wo will furuldi to Older. of BOQUES copying this odvextlaaaaiit for Ikaodnlent purposea, gea> 49- 49* 49" THE FANOT BUDOEI ( or, Fladi Cove's •V Bang Up CompaaloiL—Don't tonfnmd thla wllh onr old "BUoa Package," It's now and "Smarter," wlUiBonga,Jokea and Toasta. An "day nietcr" hi oKh package. Our mammoth dica- brs,gnlla. Scnavccntaandtvorcdatampa. —^THE LOVE ALBUM ; or, THE OASSET OF LOVE. Containing 13 Blob French PhotcgnphL ■tchsah|octa"Hunkoy Dorle." ilaautlfully bound As Iho pocket — Price only ILOO.-Va Mailed post froo. CADTIONINa ADVICE, OB BOW TO AVOID BEDtO SWIN- DLED.—THE aUNOBY HOWUBS AMD BYBTEMA TIO SWIM - DLEBS on tho rampage. Don't bo tnppod hr thalr PUFTEET. llOOnS PB0M1SES, and LYINO ASSEBTIOMB. Thoyan PBO- FE88I0NAI. PETElt FONE& 80LDIEB8 and olhera, to avoid the BABOALS, ohonld deal only with the houae of UOnPUY <: CO., ao long and Ikvonbly known "I Punhoalna Agonta and Book Puullihcca. TEE 0U)E3rand ONLY upthht.w FDBOHASIKa HODBB In the U. S. la MO HPHY t 00. We atead upon ou merits, and reanlie no PDPEINO. To avoid the nnmenna ROQUES aad HEAVY SWINDUEBB, aond for onr OBIQINAL MAMMOTH OIBOITLAB, enunaiating every artlde thatlaOBMDINEandWOBTB HAVno. Send no inoney topartles for artlolea not mentioned In our Clroular, or yon wOl be BEAT. Any Uud of marcfaandlie yon wont (torn Maw York, Bupplled at adverHted ntca. Our amngementa wllh masu- faoturen and Importengln usarntfodUtrn In that teapaot Onr atcndbat oppoalllon to tho BWINDLIHa hOOX. AMD FAROV JOB BOia cruahoil Ita monopoly, which eraotcd a oomblnatlon against us, but wo "aim Uvo" to gcad thorn to deapcnUon, and to oondnct oorlniAlneaa on folr and bonoroblo prlndplos, ootagonlat- leal to their coiTuptlon, ftond, and decdt BPOT THE ENAVaa—A certain nnidlabla partr. tdvacUalsg In thiap^ternndoraoveral dUfonntuamca and addreaes,oqpy nnr Qlianlan fbr tho purpose of deCraudlng the nnwoiy; alao oopus our tdvortlanienta. Ws canUon tbo pnbuo to bewan of the on- ■crapniousrogaeawhoaoekto rob at of our Justly earned npnla- Von. Bend tone only, and get our great Oalaloguet. Addmsa MODPEYkOO., PnbUahen end Purcbaslng Agents, rtf 81 Maaoan olnti, New York. THE BDBOPEAN TDfS-EEEF- EB.—Superbly Engnved, Bi&a Double 18 k. Oold, Wed Hnntlog Case Welch, Ibglo Sp ring Ca se. OENUINE ENOIjlSH JEWELS) MOVEMENTS, Equal Balance, In- dependent Action, Fine Enameled Dial, Fancy Cut Long Bweqi Hour i and Small Hcoo nd Haad i, and 0OB.I BEOT TIME-KEEPEns. Wamnt-I od for one year. WOl itand odd.! An exact ImltaU on ol a 1100 Walchi oaed bytha DIUTIBB ABMY 0F-\ FIOEBS. A ainglo oua ottha abovo ' eent by mall poupald, In an clogant moroeoo caao, for only |30. U re- gistered, 30 cents ostn. Addieas orJen to T-lt* a. O. BEBBY, North BtraEord, N. B. BEFOBB AMD BEHIND THE OCBTAIN.—A aerie* of twelve Pbotagraaha, reproaenllng; The Advtnlageaotihe Stage Box; The Dlsidnaagea of the Stage Bos; Tbo Inltododlan; Tho Bob- BOriber'a PrivOcgo; Bataplan; Bucoeaa; Tho Baheorad; Tho Audi- snce; Tbo Oenllaman'a Dreaslnjr Boom; The ladles'Dneodng' Boom; The Lobby; The Private Boi. Price |1 the tot OEMS FROM UVIXa MODELS. Tweln Nos. BichNa conlahis bor Fhotofnaphs, taken bom living Etauh Modal%—tha moat oxquldto thing m the Photo* naphUne. Piice, 38 ota. each No. Fira for 11, or twelm ft>r (3. Tbo complete tetlnanettpoeket Album, 13. FBENCIH DANOnm.aiBIA ' —xaMmdldgiapba of French Dandng OUIs—lOO AUforenl Uoda. Prise 30 cts. each; five for $1: twalva fbr ta. A neU pooket Album oonfolalng twelve of Iho above plfitares, 18. THE MAOIO PBOTOOBAPH ALBUM, Oonlalnlna twdn genuine "Oay and Fcatlvc," Fnach Photo. gntgtu), a£ __ Any of Iho above will be aent by maO, on teodpt of the prlco. J^Oomplote Oitaloguea aent to any addrooa on reospt of stmp. Addnaa F. 0. WATSON, T-It* Naaaau sbect. Mew York. AOBAND EXPOSE OF THE SfllEHOE OF OAMBLINO, oon, taUilng a complete dtaolcsun of tho teoet of the art aa prao- tyod^^^^aadonal^gaiAblcn, togethv^wUh a full ei^odtlon of I vol. HWm 07 |ll IIIIMIIIIWI SWUUJVn. H^DUJW WIM. • lUU fT JWI* on oonadenoe gamuts howplayed, by whom and wher& Alao tcrj of totarFQBka and eonfldanaa ' —" '— cIoUl PriceOOoeotB. Sondotdanto 7-ll» F. O. WATSON, Naaaau stnet. Now York, EMS FOB OENILEMEN.—TlioBoOkot AmoouaSongaaad ' Poema, with 60 IDoatiatlons. "Iho gayest Utooiy fasst tbaUra ngalad Iha haman mind." Prioe IB ceata; or ntaUy boiuil In cuth, got edges, 60 oents. Ovid's Aai or Leva and Amoions Works eatlrD. nhutiaisd, Itoenls. Tss Enais or BtuuMius an BonDom wllh BRBULumra InfoU. nioslnled. Itoenls. Sent by msll, postage paid, on lecdpt of price, by F. 0. WATSON, Publlahor, Now York. 7U» EW OAJID PROTOORAPHS.—Hornlagr, Evening, Eefbre, After, Scene at a Oamp Mooting TbA ^.f*. The Ooocfa. Tlia Ooiden Age, uidanmmcr'a Might, and hundreds of otheii. Price 38 cents esch, fivo for tl> twelve for 13. BaaaUfoily colored 40 ota.eacb,orWperdoion. Bondordento 7.1tv F. I). WATBON, Mtsiaa at, Now ToA AUD PHOTOOBAPHS, BIOH BABE, AMD RACY, Just re- _ 'cdved bom Parla, 80 dlffenatklnda. Price 38 da. eaeli, or Iwdvo fbr $1. Colored 40 cts. each or tS per dmen. Bent pos^ paid on ncclpt of prico by 7-lt> F. a. WATSON, Naaeaa itnot Mew Totk. rriBE UTILE JOKEB, FUU, OF WH AND HUMOB.-8ont X In a sealed Envalqpo on ncclpt of FIVB OENTB, or wllh an exqalaltc PHOTOOBAFO, for 38 cania, by* F. O. WATBON, PabUaher, New York. FAOTB FOB BOLDIEOS.-Thnnghont tho Indian and Oilmoan Campaigns, the only nodldnia which proved thamaelves able to oun the wont oaaea of Dyaentery, Sonrryand Favor, wen HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AMD OINTMUIT. Thenfon let evoy Volunteer aeo that ho la rappUed with them. Only 08 centajiw box or pot 328 AVEBY 'TEODLIAB OONFESSION.- (Cheap edition, Itc 8 ooplea for 11.) Kntlralynow. Sent hi doaoly aealed envelope. Alao, a very rich thing In vene, porfoolly now, and a rog^ar alde epUtte r. Price 10 ccnU, or four copies for IS ceola iBA N. LATBBOP, 7-4t* 7 Dock alroot, Brooklyn, New York. T OOKI LOOK HERE, WILL TOD t-8end 10 oante and ivodn I J one of Iha Funnleat and landaatThlnga Out Alao , Oala- foRue. Addroea ODSHIMa k BBOTHEB, 7-11* 1303 Dtown atreet, Phllidalphia, Fa. LOOE-'tOOIbrlScenla.^ 100 Photognpba, 36 conla. ■> lOOPbotosnphaof Aottesaeaforsacesta. 100 Photognpba of Aown for 3a oenla. 100 Photogrtpha of Oenanls lor IB cent*. 100 Photographs of Handsome Ladiea in U ceata. ^ k k b k k b k 43-Addnaa aUotden to J. TAYLOB, 7-U* «9-839 FlOwt Street, lUladalphla, Pa. 8 0 0 0 8 0 L .Dj, El^ FInlahed Fiaoih Flstoes. Set In 47 Pocftat Knives, ^EBlnga, WalohOharma,, ta, la, I l^podmessl I fnMiitA fna fbr 47 $1. Hsa ^PMntct BAda to order. . UAiooLM ii oa, ■ FortOOcak . MswToikOltr. LOOK THERII—UOof our Oeoerala forlBoegls.—Oa- ' erala Ortnt Meade, Bntlar. Bniiialde, MoOleUan, Hooker, Sedgwick, SIgel, and 91 Pbotograpns of other pmntsont Oeoenla, all »r 38 oania. Address all orden to TAYtOR i ^ i^i i £ 41^839 Filbert atreet, PtUladalphla', Pa. GAYEST OP THB OAY I ^ UBAUTIFUL PnOTOOBAPIN, TAKEN FROM LIFE. THEI WILL HAKE YOOR EAIB OOIIL. They an mailed U 38 caolaeachi Five for SLer twelve te|L THEY ABB ALL DnTEBWr. AlaoOatatognaa. Addnaa „ S!R2! J'S?' IM* Sox HOI, Phlladalpfala; Pa. NOnoBl^ The unleisltnodanneninato miiply tba aportlog oommnnliylbee of cktigajwlih a aunple attt- ..Job they now masnbctiiro.' Bhs^ ws in dilTan to gteat ex- penasbyso dolog, but He aura fbtufo fMOliltynd I mand Wm tallylelmbniao na alllai|aMUaya not utt the artlde nntO we have placed tt bafera tb« publle, u a lla ascdianc* and of our being Ua any ptodneen. 10«' ranoy or Blampa murtaocompancvttrtppUoatlon ma thla month, or 8130 alter, In onar that we may not bo bypoatago. L 0. BEEBS & Oa,Itantoa, hTJ. BIHNINa FOB THE PSB8IDEH0Y.—One of the moat ax- _ tnordlnaiy and namoftraaPlctuna that ever waa got ont Berloa No. I BCDt to aBT addioas OB receipt «f 18 oanU by 7.1ta OAaBOT.BEADOLBBO,€areo(boi872I,P.O.iM.T. mBE OU) BBTAB MBHID BO OK AOBROY. Bend ftc a X Oicalar. BBIBT nKFHBIB, 88 KasMi at 4- AOVERXU&IEMEIVXS. >0OXSI SOOKSII BOOESIII ™''S!'iMW''"™^ . WATCH ^'^^^'^^S^;,^^ PINS OtW- GOOD BBAS0N8 aOOD REASONS GOOD nsAaoNs why lUahonld deal direct with unn J. a. FAJaHECL, BooianLxi an PmuiBEi, No. IB Ann atreet Maw Toik. Ela la tho I^reett, Oldest Moat Fkmlahlag and Moat B^thla EriabUahmant In the suppLYiMa AND pusonASiira BDSCnB.^. Ho la an Extsaalva PubUahcr, and gnia ont an tu imt tat Mo« Bdeahia Dooka lhatyon aae tdrvtlNd to iif liliilj in tkioogh the Union. ' Be u aUe to refor the worid to bla wbble past btiatbaii OBito ■ a wiD known finrtolaaa, naponalbla Book fimhaat MMdM tm •AtjimlfooUng, hi oToiT reapoct, wllh onrlaQart tSSSaim- haalnsaa pttedplas. In a pnbUo Btoo-not hi an obwan a rerba pa ,^ily aoinwAL place of lnudnaaa,aa la the poor srafmi who dlignoo themaelvM and dabond ihati autcD. ais. - • Ha oaa rat* to OUT moat reapectable boslneaa meg, md to BOtr of MtMeat banking inalltutlouu to btepariMmouoSSS tod'OFmplata aUUtytofuhUloUbls angagmote of avmrlSS andchancles. Ihoa ovoT penoo who wlahoa to odor BOOU, OABDS, ■■ STATIONEBY, OABTES DE \ He alao imnorta direct bom nmce all thcetUnlnStBUBUIiaL Ttatatnl, Bechsnhe Aflklrs, sneh aaBwaf Caaas,0ii<Bsd7VlSa. Aa,asdof eonsela auhud to tunnahhlB omtomaaMhOa SEAL Ihlngi, lastaad of thoaewntchadooualsdtllAoiUaMl&t leaemble netlher art nor natore. ■ ■ ' ■ Be has alao muaual flidlltlaa for obtaining the n Carla, plain and marked, which ho ou nuslah on _ both wboleaale and reteO, than any house In Iba tatde. Bo r kind of )baa event ■ FIOTUIBE, BOOE. BTEREOSOOPK, OARTBS DE VISITK PH0 T0OR4 BNUFF BOtBi to., fa, that can be funlahod byanypemon In New Yak, tad ■ ml many other kladanuTiio on SUE out suirusornmtr, ' We append a ahgbt oeleeHon bom our OBBAT OATALOOUE OF FANOV AMD HDMOROUS BOOESi Thaae Bootf an got up dllhnnt ban anything of (he Ual erat ofland to the public. nn aas HunaoKEiT niunainD win runa. Ttaycaabe aent by a iui eaa or matt, Peraont eaderlngiiitynit ast orad tha t they wUT recdra (bdr Bocka wUh tha skaaal ~io0mia, roar pad. Mow ready and for aalo by .v n wmnwr.v. No. IB Ann atnetMawTert. As a sample of Ihovaluabls and oitanaivs aaleoaoB of Boo* loM and puhUahad by J. B. FABBEUi, tha fonowlngan ennmeratad: Famy, 60 cante; Arlitotle'a Worka, oompleto, 11| IBoanlaiSharpaandFIataLOBceala; FIonHoi ' MdBfcitoeeti; FhnnyGrady, BBoanla;EateM.i..naiaena.s lorn Biown'a Jeat Book,MToaitai »rSr>v39US?S5i? cnnla;Talaa of Twlhght si«ntr«->'™»B<>* <* ., FBOiSlilBBB IB MY MOTTO. / Addren ' J. n. FABBELL, / KaiBAaaabeel, / HswYorlJ .„ 0 KenthaAmeftEnMas BEAT BOOKSII NEW BOOESI NEW BOOKSII . BONi FAIL TO BEND FOB A OATALOOOK firni llwy n^ T /^j^ jylnw Mnxg aJ.^tVT. / ' BDIT FBEE-POBIAOB'» aiu r< ' ll ."m| ' "" *' ^ i^^n t/nmmtm awn nilI.Y -HmABTJi BOM. AMD SFOBIIMa GOODS AOKNOI When orden an pnopUy aad biihfolly axaonled. Addreaa IBOMAS OBMESY, Mtrbls BnUdlBA M 88 BaMaoalnat, BewTok. A GAT AND HAPPY" _ A MOMTBLT PATEB, ' Edited hyOuLBmi Dai. . Band In your snbsolptionalffloiadialely. Only . HRY CENTS A nuk Oar ur Toub Ouai—ForllBOwairlll ttnd 1 nar; (OrllwawlllaaadTWHLVi coplaa gaeyMri oo noaMof lUwawlUtaadTWBnt-ioua oopltaoaaiaai, aad aaaito cost tolhagsttsnsotthadab, ,. AlUitas BI-Bm* JAMES DAT k SON, PubUahtas, . 78 Cbnnh alieat, Haw Eavaa, Oonn. i^TvO you WANT wmSKEBS OB MOUBTAOaiir'— Xr IB 1813 I first aakad this question. It was aaawond by nnmenas people: aad I aak If anv of them gvar hBewairOD. gu<at to foliln doing all I claimed fcr lit namely: Aat I would ocanallhaBeudorMosatache togrowupon the amoolhast foea wlthmaix weeks bum 11a first application, inriiilliiiiii ifiil in veBton,Ihavahadtocoal8nd with a host of'IniUataivaoaauf whan avm go 10 for u to ocny my advertisements, Bowav*, tanlh is mighty, aad wOl trnnO; and yoo, my baardlaia Undii vlQ tai that my Ongnanl ia the only thing that wlO rally dace the Heard to grow, and win aeltharatalBnorliilaNtlieala. I aad it to any part ef the oonntt^ boe of noetaga for II.' [Un - & 0. GBAIIAM, No. 109 Maaaaa atreet^ M.E, JAMB GOODWIN, Oomiulsdon Paper Dealer, Me. 110 JOHN BrnEBT, near OUff, Maw York. Mews and Printing paper maoubcturud to order at the ahorteatnoHca. U4t AGBNTIBIAM ODBED OF REBTOUSMESS, DMAT, eto., aolnslad byadaalntobeBafll others,wHl bebsmTUftir. nlah to an who need It (bee of chano) the redpe anddueoUons for maUna the Bimpls Botnedy naaalnhls oaaa, Ihota wMtlng tobeauAt nrhls eipsrianco-end poasaaa avaluabla Benalj- win leodve the asms by nrtnra mall, by sddreaalng JOHN a'OODEN, B»«n Ho. OOMasaaattaeotMewYoik.' A POOEBT ALBUM, conUntaia A, 11 PABU OABTES DE lOaiTE, FBOH LIFE, seiltoaqr addnaa on recdpt of pric*ktl aidoaandatampfor Onular. . H. BROWM. .1 l.Ut> Box 37731 N. Y. P. q,, PADIS OABTES DE VIHITE, 1000 dllbrant alyla^ at 16 ds. aaob. Ttr (Mow Styles lecdved by oveay stsoaar.l •-.f'; Slenooeepls View*ptato, 74 ds.| e^oed^to iL ' Hlcnaeo(to8taifPlurPookatEatvaa«.WakbOlBnBa^««l< TnnspatantCards,Dlo«Advantage'—'- *- Foaoyllsola of ovary doaodptk Tenu Ubnry, 8 vola., 11 lOaai ~ - ndalampfMOIicDiar. 1.191* a BROWN, Boi8Tl^ltT.P. a-. miD-I-EOM l-4)U«loek4r ta.iopt Wlaeoola I taw-kaakfrdnaa, A Bptaidld Ihotognph of I NOB. the beaaUIBl' ladlaa aalden, doogUar of CbKoeaMg^ Ohlaf of thaTMhak soiled by tha duaky iranlon tha Bellaat^S DohL Tikaabomllfo, tothetrantyooatumoot harwlldtbods, A PERFBOT GEM. Alao, of the Bnve Otaledahi, In natural oostnme. > '" Fifty oeotsoachi throe for tl. Oidonlllad promptly, Addnaa OOMlMkOO^, 'T T'il'* < FortEoaruey, NabnakA fu-i^ aOMETUIRa PEOULIABLY BtOH I 'SS ULf SBOBEF IimOBY OF THE OODBTOF ""lari THB8E0ORD, Indadlnji tha AHODIIB of the Duke of BocUng- hamaadlhoBtriotSoohcatei. The whole atay oiqaUiUly toll bylhaOhevallerOonntOtammoBt WllhaOtyFnntliploooaaa a toodBg Appeadli. Jsst snbUahad, In ono vol, lima, cMh, fit81^By man, II16, OT DLAMOBABD, Publlah«, MoTB D Stnet V.T. T-lt, TIB BIOH, B0I8, BEMD FOB IT.-^ Bouthora lady's bat •94honnof MtnladUfa,aa deacribod byberioltlaabiE to hafFeaaloFrioad, taken ITom a Saoeab mall hat tat BvatiC WDIaiBdyoaaeopyfoilBaentB. Endoaealaapb^nllpartiea- tan to FBin T.IBBTON, Now York. :' 1 Tit* RICH AND FANCY I . ' BOOE BI BOO KSH gg-NEW B()OK«lll'«a .. OABIXB DB VlBITB(bertbvargo>up)ai>dFA]KirSmaUB of onn deseripUoo aoUIng at the vary Lomtt Prieaa. 4^ AD ordon promptly aad foltUBlly filled. rCi . ' OaialcgueaaontonieealptolaSoastalanip, ,. .i.!>, BEND FOB A OATAMpUE, . , ■ ■ ,i BEND FOB A OAtALOOUK, ^ , ./ /Vl.. ,, . BEND FOB A lUXAlUXniE ^ AddroM CHAE tt-WpOD,-, _^ j.', jrj^£Z: y. 7-3ta aiWtmttifaoetHawTiikOUy. r.