New York Clipper (May 1864)

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THE i4-EW ^dTlK dUlPPER. AaitTSEMENXS. AMtrSBMENTS" MISS KATE FI8HE THE OSUI OBIOIHAL I im KATBl > ffTEED, L^rSknd dSoSon win, taci*«rar, ba mdateunnif '%£;34»,ttiwiarilinidiilL»la«a«i». "T**!^ | .p,^rt in'tt>« r taOta p mlim .to jSSSSfM by Mondar noraliig, ol hlot, ur BiUmtoj, U P»- H,^i2£^aaiaita UiaHmBoinRThcttn, SriD4Ulv«iiblyb««<lo««4Jo DEVTOBE, Mo. J3Bl«o«0ltl»ft N' It mlaidiai Ibirtw In 0>». '■"** """^ BRYA'taTS'' OPEBA HOUSE. „„^^ i.BOS8,oaaar. WO M, mTArn'MDIBTBELS, ' i-^ TiSwIii^SSowi<rf}|if';JS»'*« ''^'^ .'dtOOBCUyl Humt i.THT.n; J.W.HILTOK, jAinS MOBBIBOll, o. a ooimoB TAD I EfS OPERA H2aS^„"Jl°°'^'^'{' Sknvm ii«iifc>- .„ — A.HnoHn, in BTR. a.innxiB, •«UBT b7 tbt J. BIOWR e.A.FABXIBSOH, ^ of ElUi^ HS^tnlax l<eU>B*<>>7 VB^^ uf) tacoBTiasait 1 ' .^j, "l(c»«o»e«nta. PrtntalloMta. ■ [OTHERS & CO S MINSTRELS. — L HODBB, BOeiOS, tUBi , TBiD ornnB naoLU BU03, MOMDAT, AOODbT Sd. „ ^ ^- „ IBLL k TnO>VBBII)OB'S MHSTBEIfl of Uu tDllowlng GtaUamoi: ICS UOBBIB, „„._ B. U. OABBOLL, J. QDEBN, F. WILUABIB, B-TBEDBBIOKB, - J, J, ffiTTJAim. D. J. tuaunnna, L. A. ZWlg ggB, /H&o, JAPAUfflB TOMMi ^TuUsDlnsoUato Uu dMn (LMognlilh Tickets MocDta; BownilBMlsIOceabi, — ""^ ™1 BOUAHT OH BBOOBD, boon viDC — — 'InaVairlbMb* • TBfiTHBBe VAST MEN, ., , ,. . vmibiwl by her tan Kr. Wm. & isgUA U» ■<">><>'• •.VlBl ia, JAOE BHEFPiBO, SIOK iDami, OLAUDB BDVAL, HEBUS THE HUHTEB, «., a«L im vma iobieb, I now snuir OBOBOB LEA, ' AT TO • OARTBIUUIBT, WASHIKOIOK, %1A1BJ10J)AH0KB , „ ,, iBBiu^. " Inihe^ltodBhlwtoilheiuniof TWO HUKSBED AND FUTI D0LLAB8, STBAIOBT Jld. • CuitobaiT, ^UaagtcD, p. 0. DEAGLE'S VARIETIES. sr. LociB. „_ TBB TEST FOPDLAB BBTASUHHHENT, Am m Luam m tbi OitniD Btith, d bow m tsb FULL TIDE OS snCCKSB. VlntClteSIABS ln>toilirltlitttUlliB«a. None oUwn ooed HARRIS & CLIFTON'S „ BiaHTEEH^STAf'pMj'OBllBBB. -"SSlSSSS'i^TSS^^IOrTAI^HT. I I, W. CHABIXB, faioiiAl" ot r«m«toCli»iMn«, AOI^KiurSSo ud AB.iom. OEO. HOariBLD. Sooood VloBii nod T«n(ir Hoid, ^- "^^2^ao&iA». Fi-a. w «d o«.«ij«. OBAB. BTBVBHa Vo«I l)li«t«J «od „„ iSmK TOIBIOW, B«coiid VloUn tad OuUtt, WM. SHnEAH, I««d«r of B»» Buid, THOe. TATEB. Doable BMiTMidTrtw, OBO.EDlIOin>B,BFWOoine», ud F. T. COKWAT, Cllliosot Md BuiijOT*- Bdeosy Bweatd* «uh etenUH. pmteiu to oponliig of IM | BIUB8BA1II). rwsMtleid3nMa>iDillbl]li. ^ <^ ^ . TS«?SS»Soled'I*>aP» to Mwon « ««g><>«4'Sti , MttSnSIjSllciDdimiircniliago, Bt Looto, K JW Otl«»ii« and WotlnltobUiidj. -.oom , BABBTVnUJAMfltBii^UMAgat SAM SHARPLEY'S MINSTRELS, BBASS BAKD, Aim BDBUBQDB OFEBA TBODPA ^ . nuUa to obWs A mlteUa biO la Ihli dty, win mik« u •ilcsdn WOOD'S WN8THEL HAUj Sli BBOADWAT, MO^SfjCaiii »*»y SAMOR AWT FTTglAB, THODOfflTDt. OlOnOW. COROB FIEU) BfORIBt rODB OBOVB, KUOOLOOT. HAPrr DHOLE TOM, COmO BAHJO BOLOe, FLAT FOOT JAEB, I OHABICT FOX, FBAHK^BBOWkaf i. 1- BOIOE. W. a BOD- I TOBTB., kc DoonopoiitT. aoBUDoetitBo'ekick. ndaH » Mnb. HOnoa-Ho oonMollan wttb uy tnTeIllii« ocnioBy Mnmlng ttia nunc of Wood'* MlaiMi. 'PBBLAK'B IMFBOTID BILLIABD lABI, AMD OOHBIHATIOH OOBHIOOT. nuwBmiirtbUmktnnodTedlha imqsdlM mnn m Uwbatplnan udnMAl conpttnt l<id8«>. wbo btr* au iwi ' ■lUTncnaniiMdIhianuaiuUedfbrgtiww oueUanMiM d* "^jSl dlMaot laimli fbr lmininiiimt|ln Bmud b^nm^S^^lbe OidUid BI>lM Fatoiit OOm, ndvtS; lAUtrobtalnadApAimkfMmtiio FraubOoTflomMD teov Ja. ^(ormorti lo bUUud cuUoBi. tonr la Uw trait BsniiA Tomo, MiLnsin. THE OBEAI nOH OLAIie vmabartlyaniearit Onuao, SbPAVh Bt. Lam, tnoti LUUUIILLB, HlWOlUlM, AMERICAN THEATRE. ' t4t BBOADWAT. THE OBAHS BBBOBT OF TBB UEIBOPOLIS, . A SoooMidoiiat Cnwdad Hoiuaa Otael BDTUB'B aBEAI OOKBINATIOR TBOOF^ Emj H l«l»t TiM mAii Qoanliiioiu toluDi of annral, ^'^"^ Ibe Fnta tad PabUa, '"^TBE^M^ VABiaV IHEATBE OF THE A0& Tbt eompaBrii Foritetlsn la aS lit dateOa. THE MAMKOTB KmOPIAM TBOTO, * TBB OBEAI PAHTOimnO IBODPE, THE SFLEHDID "'".gr TBOOFE, *° "to oiSuiSo wmarPoF thbiot obitobt. taEall«Cb«^<rf^ggg.E«^.A KOm. LA THOBHE, Btago Uanager. J, AMHEBMAH. TnaawA ABTONIO onOBStBalWMaatw. DATID p"'"*", KudoalDliHtar. Utaaaor and Fiopilfitor. 0. A. BOTD, Laadar of Onbaahb K T, BLAOKHAH, Voeal Dlralor. FBAMI BOWLES, Lctdar of Braaa Baad. 'BAHK onJUR, ) ^ jrarttolas WM. H. DATO } *"»s3r* CBUfl. UHDEBWOOD,) """^ BROADWAY THEATRE, LATE "WALLAOKB," BBOADWAI COBHBB OF BBOOME BmZBT. ^Mgemoiiof Uar^ OHAHFBAU, I Wbo irtll tpjco» la tto _ lotSloiidbeabtI (bbothebsam, mia't bjthly ancocaaral Comedy oDcUcd FJ^"^II3r8"ISs«iiiM S^SSdr tort toar North «.d Eaat daring U.. fitting up of ^ ^ ^SSto* jSSm SmiOD^ Mia, FAJWY "'•'"*"^'^lBBTABPEBrOBlIEB8. — nprlaing the following bmlllar nunca: tea. Homi^ . THE LEADINP MOOEL^TROUPE , TWENTT-FODB . BHELIAOT BrmOPlAH BTAB8, BtHas nd ftr «BtlBng aB oomp atlttoir. not eroa metpttag ton - • • • - nox ous HnmaEUf. THE WOBLD OUTDONE. . Bt Iba fiunana tad ow ranltr nvnaz k OBEEN'B MtNBIBELa, " OPE^ mOUPB "TO BBABBJAN^ ^otud moat oompWo I»''I»«'«„'2fSj2! BtKi*0o4 ____. A UOOtOTH OBCUBBlllA MaSdaiia,ea<A an»b(itog»«)lolattad mat. QUABTSTIB ■ UiA nmomed HgTO Qua- tadTo Btibop, ^qoAitetta J.E. lUiai aaadc ^Wi4^Afei2?^ BAND OF ginmt pmnsi, ^gf»g>tta mort «rtc^ WpMlad ¥ f wnh lnt B Dil of talffit Spuria as* UAIQIOTH EKTEBIAinUENTi ro wdfld bontflt—la oaaylaaluoaa imndxodt of I awar tam uo doon. 1 Sana la Iba oouabrwUl got hold tho Immeaaa < 10^ ruah toaaoandhatr Ihla aaappnadiabla nrgaaW 'gaB>»^ i uj i?E_auiANTic Poms faai (tat hlgb tuT Vran^-fin foat lone, womo m batig iba moat ootllT (and nlntttoa abaal* laigat Una tay) ertr baton lulatad la Iba voild, and wtalcli ooat acarly two Ounai^ dmttn. Tha Sist twoorlhoao Poatanwanpataa la ■aw T<ak,ia<h<Oonhilhik,'fOT tb« pubUotogaaaoniiidnaat ttlMsla' Ink to thdr beait'a eonlant. II eoran oanly trar i M d H dataawftatiorftoa. lArgoEaounoibBaaidaancncted MMAA aipnaa jaeraiyidtyto pot np thlaamBMo^ aaderay. Sbla amaiad,ind lookapon U wttb paitatf^ go^ni auuiiiifflia aniaipriao. . Tb«1koiipaanagalaon aaflotoulTOtoar tbZDagbontlboEut> ■a Oonliri )ntt beCon Ihalr dcpaitOM for tha Oaaadta, Uw gnat Wirt ad the Booth. fun ptriioiiltn tea pngraauaoa of tha day. .'OBtbaaitralateaabAy ueBraia Band will manb from iba apply. ■ ■ JAMES (*HNEB * CO., Aganto, "fSf - or OBOBOE piAOLE,». Lpgla. VAniETIES theatre" '\ ■ . OBIOAOO, ILL. . „ • a M. OHADWIOK k CO ...Soto Le«eeaB>d Maatmaa. . lbs fiillawlBa lalaniad Aitlala an no* angigcd at Ibo abon | Dopnlat plaoa or Amaaamanl:— ' l^i>^r MT.T.-g KABIEFTA BATKU UIBB OLABA BDTLEB, - MISS IDA DITVAL, WLUi LEOMEITA, MISS .lUUA TALE, M T.T.y. eloibel mTiU lore it a, MOSa BAPHBII N, HEH MASON, TOM BUSgmJU I B. JEITEB80N, 1. W. HoANDBEWB, oEOBOE wrraHiP, T. 0. niooe, nANH BELEB, I- BIEHL, W. PomTD, P. PANZAB, B. HoUSOD, T. L. PITCH, Pertuacn cl adkaowledRod ability ota ilwtji hiTa A OOOD BNOAOEMENT. Nona bat Fliat Oltta and apply. T. L. FITCH, BtagaUiatmr. P. p. Bnwei OML Ml* "new'idea^ ~~ OOHMEBOUL BTBEBr, ABOVE ESABNT, . BAH FBAHOISCO, OALIFOBHIA. E O. BEBT. PnpiMar tad Manago. | Iba PrapiMor woold napactfnlly call the aKanUon or Iht Pnb-1 Ua aad PnbBloa 10 ttaa^ thadthla BBATJTIFOL ^(D OOUUODIOTm THEATBE bv ban esUidy nfiltad tad dcoontad, naUag It Ibcmoat com- tnrlablo wltlatbanott . J >■ POPDLAB PLACE OF AHUBEMEMT y .- J-. . . O BtbaPaoUl DCoea t > TftE HEW IDEA IB OPBH NIOBTLT wUh,aa , "ABBAT OFTAMNT" . BnpQlor totny Compaay oraroooiblnadlaoaeTbeatnwaelof j taaBo^ Modattlna; JOHN MoODINEBa J, FBIEDBEICU, E a FABNSWOBTB, PBOF, HABBOU), 0. 0. BTANLT, & a BOIXTTAN, B, JAMBS EZLLT, FHAME FDBBB8T, FBED. BHABPLET, MED TUB WEB. BENBT BUTLER, SIOK PBIOB, J. H. JAOESON. SJOIUEL A. POBTEB, UABTEB JAMES, KABTEB JOHNMT, P. B. HILL. The BLETEB BBOTHERS, Uiatan Jtmca and Johaay, 11 i«an of age, appear each ennlni la their nrttact, •»"• i-iT— BoDMf OLOO HOBNPIPE The BEBT BRASS BAND tnTcUlng, tiador tho iMdcnblp of JOHN C McaCINESS, playa each eTcnlag In tent of the btU. FRANK F0BBE8T, Pnprlatar and Haniger. P. H. Hnii, Allltt. CAMPBEa'S NHNSTRELS WI LL OP EN NEW HALL m ud 301 BOWEBT, Oppotlle Sprlag Street, , I OH OB ABon JURE lat. Tho moat Bleitat, .__ AND BZ fab THE BIST TEMTILATED , TEMPLE OF AHDSEMEHT lathe Valtod Blitat.' Fall paitlCQltra la foton aonouncemonta. BBOWNE,and Ulaa MABIE BONIFACE wlU make tbdrtliatap- I peaiasoa hon. ^ONDAT, MAT SM, tad eroiy arealag tCI futber aoticr, ODB AMEBICAN OODSIN AT HOME. LotdDsndistiy.) m, F. a CHANFBAn. BiotharSam. 1 •**•'" For Fan Ctat. ByaiWa of New Bccany, Ac. ato BiuaU BjUa. 6AYETV MUSIC HALL, ^ , OBEENE BTBEET, REAB DEAVEB. AlBAHT^. J. Open E»«i7 ETonlag to Crowded Houeae. with tba follpwlili totoil tfw.ooaSraT^ tombboobpield. j. afiBBBi, £ BmOH, PAUL CANE, TOM PENNINOTON, Z. W TT.l.TMAV , J. BUNBBT, MAST . PAU L OANE, UAST. CHARLIE DEWEY, PBOF. EUAFT, KISS AUGUBTA BLASE, MIBS LOUIBA ETAN8L and C0BP8 DE BAILET, With a Fan and Effldoal Orchcatii. •v.v.-.v.=v.^.D^S WANraTniMEDIATELT-A good lady Vocallal, good Dan- aonaa^ and Lady Jig Dincar. , FlntdaH Ulcnt la any Uoo can alwa^ accoro aa oagagcmont by addmlag tba proprulor, aa aboTe. WeaBplsy.lathaainBtnioUoaotoiutablaa, a wiety otM- ■loos aMcUny made lar the puipoee, by which mesas SedtolannaadaalllloaadnMchaalcal acmaay hUbedo m- lOwnlablDlaidmaati&cttua. Hailaa a loag axpatlaaoa tad Iboioagh knowudga of tD <ha tp. sbno«iot^lardi,aadcoattBntlToabuidaltip alack of£ leat and nioat thoroughly eoaaonod iBit^ala, wo an pai^aied ta Sntob a«vythla«n4alnd la thshllltoid UaawUboamadaM tC. Baigo, baa pntUikad ''ISimlaeat Fnach bOllaid player, ttafBUowlagoplaton: To.^ aiA,g«*,Utt iOa lbs on c( laaTlng Iho United Stalea. 1 am hamy to dackn todlamalsunof bUllaida thai, tftar a ton ot^araa mouta Onv^ ths principal cWta, I hare bam to Jadae te aitt. SKSmmaSDWoirttsanparioritr^tha BUlliird T^ auu. SteialbyFhelAakCoDaadar. Tbo ajitom of mmtihrtiu , || riSraKff.lbttlambAiipyto latrodnoa Ibi^ atyla ofeathlai JotoSSS ThaybttsMltodtottelraiynfcctanof Aaualw Smard Tkblea Ibal ol Ibo FitmchTri>laa, <rt raoiutaas e»^^ Pirttos ordailag tran na will fiad our pilosa allow aanodwiA caa^oZblybailor. WeaaHantdaasajtlclataaltptia^ aad^SnSmakoaalafeilntartlclaataayprloa. Olden by laiil carafnlly and promptly e»«rotad. IDaMri Catalonia aadCrloaUata tent by miU. ■'Tn Billubs Ciia> ^]S^2l»'^ed In tho la(eras(of bUUuda. aadeentak^ tdlsaf aUnoTdUaa,aotolouirocoidof bOlltid nem,tadsnn. latorotlia to lauinn of bUllaida, aeat tnnm an^^ uuDg 0 PHELAN A COLLENDXtr O, W, n and IB Cnaby straet, H. T, Aad ra and 736 MontgoDoiy itiaet. Baa Ftiadacok (M. TO BDTLEBB, PEDLEBa BOO KBTT . T . KBH . AND AOENTBI-Von can gtt lay Book you want at TBENWDHl in South Thlidalreet,PblladelFhlt. Tba fUlowlng Booka ROW BBADT: _ HEBBY wmS OP LONDON »ek PAHMV **•*•• •t>* ataoaU ^ MARIANNE; oV, Tho BcauUlul Inb^^Male.^. n >• CONFESSIONS OF A IJ^SJ*™i?„?^-"" " HABBT OLENDOBI; or. The Maa otuav ouaaa... jOUiJlAXWELL; OT^Jggriwofljoo^ tdBTEBIBB AND UlSEBOIS OF BAN FBAMOiaOO, OBANOB omL OF VENICE NEW TORE D) SLICES^.. OEMTLEUAN'S DAUOHTEB .. • • • • • MYBIEBIES AND MISEBIES OF HEW YOBE THE B'HOTB OF NEW YOBK HELEN ORA KT.... JEWS DAUOHTER •"•j.-li; LOVE ME. AND LEAVE ME hOT BEILE OF BOWERY WOMAN AND HER MABIEB MATRIMONIAL llIflFORTOKES YOUHO CHEVALIER LA TOUR DB NI3LE BRIDAL ETIQUERB LAWS OF LOVE OAMBLEBS' TRICES WITII 0ASD6 BOXINO MADE EASY :^-r_',; MOROAN-S FBEEMABONBY EXPOSED OOUBTBHir MADE EASY. NEW! ..V •• ..U • ..H • ..M • " ..U *' « ..H • ..« • ...H • ...U « ...R • ...B ' ...U ■ "'« ' CANTERBURY HAUg^^ HENRY BYRON'S GRAND MISCELLANEOUS EN- I TEHTAIKMENT. it CllatOB Hall, Mh atiwt, acar Bioadwv, TUUBSDAT EVEMMO, Juae 90, oailalod by MaOime a A. Boepi- I thai, M'Ua Weel, Mlaa EUle MelTllle, Maana. Arao, Utrdlag, Ony, 1 Fimaor, Runor, Bhacklaton, Jonnlags, Edwaida, Brroa, Robo- tham, tad othera. iflbkjD ">alai Reaarred Brats CO oonla. iDoonopcattT; comffiBusP.M. ForptrUcnlira, teotmtll I - --.^ 7*lita AUGUSTA OPERA HOUSE, AUQUBTA, MAINE. Sola Loaaca and Proprieton BE BBOWNE aad O. W. PIKE Will bo oomplaled on or about the lat of Auguet The tegular DramaUo Bauon will commence on or abont the lit of Sept The . , , present aeaton win eloao la Newport, R. I, July 414. AUcommu- UrgcMtad Best Compeay now la thla dty. eanowl-1 £iati,sBahanld be tddiataed to . _-1 At. VII—alu* in tk* wtilua VarfiH■ Ultra I «tnn«mTB 1. nrirv J. H. DOHNELL. ^OE U "-^^"* HABBY WEUB... Proprietor. blAgo Manager. .. .Leidar of Ortbeon. MtetkUbt BAM POND, I'^^l OHAa KKUFBEK • EM-INGER & FOOTE'S ' '~ OBUI MOBAIi EXmBmOH and ' ' ■.• ■ OONTINECTAL VOOA LIHIS. '* ' AjnlaibiioBa EciiAflniDiABil UnABAiuLia SDoaatt '' *'-Q*XiireaBnallestHamtnBolngalaEilateaco. Iba MkilMt Maa in lbs Wodd, U nan cld.iB Inflm a hl g h . ■••.r^^^ aadmlghsSaDa, .'^'^BIs'Blila MISS EUZA hESTEL, (ths FklrrQaeaa,) . ■'•"^ ^yeanlAd, 17laohMblg h^aadw clgbaUK Iba.,aqd IT yean M, 80 ^(^ublgbt^and welgha X nB. I VToadotoI UWePoipla en the old, Orlglaal, 11. Aatlatlag OONTIMEMTAI. TOOALlBia ' W. D. FBAHEUN tad J. W. SMITH, Mitt K. a EUnOEB, tba oelabntoi TOcalltt aad PtonM, ■idlnil.O.B.BBOOEathsemlaeBlPlaalataad'V'ocallBt ; j])SOaanaaysnnowonsn exteatlTa WesUia Tear, ptertoua 'INTERESTING TO MANAGERS snd Aa«nt« of nivnUHO mOWSb ZZHIBIXIOHBI MINBIBELB; ta., AO. ■ISB'BOaBESTn'^AILT EV^SINO EX^BESS li tba brorlto titi^ iit^<niii«ini«nt intifn yriUlo of. B ofij w Ii i randTl' dnllja'il -I*!.'"'' ' I • 'idoDiiccied with tb« pftpai l4 u «z(ciudn JOB FRUTTINO wWilliliiiMiiit. f"* Sbowmn tn furnished with Postora,ftiv (fm&of, Stiaw.Otrdi^XUikota, bL* »t niaeoiublQ ntfts. 'Bfa0wm«n pttn^tSag tb^ dpitiM will find thtt txnple att«nUon 'wfll to glTcai thdr «ntortalmiiaiiU la local oolunmit (be \mA . tlMt41gP* of ftdTCI!ttBlQ0> ParCornm of MkDowlodg«d ibUity ud npotoUon dMliliu (o tIsU Gtll/dnlikODCDtor Into ponnuianl aogifeiBmliwlttiue TtOBtMott hr tPP^floff to Vajos oohhbb * oo., Pramatlo aad Kualesl AganIa, <■. 9SWeBtHoaatoaib«et,N. r. ALL HAIL THE STARS. . TIM HATES k FBAHK HOWARDS HINBTBEXS, BRASS BAND AND BURLESQUE OFEBA TBODPE, EIOHTEEN UNEQUALLED SIABa Tat HAYI8. I p_rtrf_. fRENBIDEOLERQUE; FRANK HOWABD,; nopn«»«B. Ja 0. HALET, ■ .' NowoathatrPint ■ --'AWi nyiL-toP B xaBou flH th b ranco iPAt " *" WEnSBH AND BABIEBH OniEB: TboabOTBorgaalntlonlaoeui p osedofaomeof tbamoatmarilo- riont Bitlata la the Mlaatral Pnreaaloa, a ad th e Miaagomtftt la, laadtoapannosOntatamaklaathe HATES k HOWARD MIN. STBEIS laak A Ho. 1 amoo g ins auny rimUti oigaalimUont now brsTellag. The BPLERDtD BBASS BAND, lad by F, Bpoiar, wlIIglnaFBEB SERENADE In ftont of the baBaveiysTeo' A Oood Flnt Oaaa END MAN and good TENOB BIHaBB enlag. [Btwho raada muilo) can btTO engagemaat lor twalra monthi by addrus. ■ ■ ■ FRANK HOWARD, la^l^hioagh Cuma,) Boalaeaa Manager. NATIONAL THEATRE, OinoiNNATI, OHIO. WM. E i .ftoprlelcv THB MODEL UUBIO BALL OF AMERICA. TBI Haiii>i(AI,wII1 acal Thne Tbosaaad Pooplo. Tbo Stags to Eighty Feet Deep. ThsCoinpany The Beet la tba Worid. Oood TUaat Alwayi Wealed. Noaa Other Need A] t-U Addieaa WM. E ' ATHENEUM ..!>■■■.! ■ HPBIOHALLAHDTHEATBE, OLETQ^AND, OHIO, . , MOHIFHUEB; , .Pnpilatoiand Maatger . . v,' 'D.'T;O0BIIIE, i Stage Uaaiga it-'. I doflacatplac^oraauMBaoitlaAjntiics. lAdlMnd gsnttamin of ycputottoa sad abHlty alwajB wantod. Addreseaagbota, -'i-...M..:. jfU l"-*n* -Wj iJu>LJ uigJiJiJwJ*J>*<.^f*^**»r>rwww^rirBp<~^ — — — — — — — THE THEATRES QKaD'm MAKlOBnT or MR. JKA T. FORD, BALTIMORE, WASBIHaTON, ADD. ALEXANDBIA, VA. Memben ot the pntudoa dealnoa of aagaglna wllb Mr, FOBD IgrfostycrmonweakitbecaeulagseaaarMeUhcrof blatbzso |Li' *1M dtai thoalni^" win addnaa anti] June III; elMtag Indacaa, l^«an>a,ata,IHOaA.UALL,noaidty8tTbiatnkDtlt, Ml*. ' LEA'S MELODEON, ' ,,. BAihuionc, Md. oaOBOBLBA Pitmrletor. . Tba MelodeoabaTlag boon t(Tpalnd,u i^gtis In tho fall Ude of saeosaa. AiUato otaclmowlsdgsd ability, BDIOEBa DAHCEBS. - ACBOBA TO. BUDOPIAN PERroitHERtL wis tad l( to IbolT adraaUgo to addnaa aa abon, to OEOBOB 'XXA^cr ' ' JOSH BART, Mlaamr. 7l!7B,-^<lnt(HaasBtIlalMaBtsrWaated. <:aai VARIETIES, ■• ' ■ OD LUMBUB, OHIO, ' JOHH'U. EINHBT....:9ol«ProiirMoraadMtmw. Ibe TuieUes to now la Iho rail tide of asocoaa, tad. If to ono ot IbeflisdlaitUntlooa of Colnmban. ladlaaaadaaallamoaor thaprofeialoa would do weD to ad' ditsa the pnprlator, ataHag Una ofbutlaeaa, tanna, tc, with pxogitmme end stamp enclosed. l<tf THE LARGEST SHOW BIUi PBIHTINa GSIABUBHAIENT IN THE WOBLD, OLABBY k REILLBTJ (Snccesion to John B. Baeon,) PRIHTEBB AND ENORAVERS, 19 lad 14 Bprace sbssl. Haw Turk, , Fay parUoslar attaaUon n gotUng^ap aB Uada ot FAHOT SHOWBILLS Forlnmllngcompoaloa,aadbaTaoabanda large aad aploadld aasQXtneiit of largo aad email WOOD OOIB BullablofotOlionias, Horagailes, BliKiplia Paifcnaan, Oym- nitti^ Mtgirti..i> tec, wbUh caa bs pilatad la oas or mon colon, to suit ouatomora. ja-A dtpoaHtequlndoa an work ordered. - An otdonaddrcaaod to "OLABBY k BSILLEY," Bacee Prial. tagaadBagnriagottabllahmoat,' U aad It Sprues etnet, New Yak, win M promptly attended to, t-V • BANJO INSTRUCTION. • ~. DAHJO rrerBironoH '. BY H. 0. DODSOHj ., :MiBBOADWAT, W BROADWAY, ■' V'tS'SBOADWAr, 748 BROADWAY, ~ ' rsanAalsiPlMoandHgbthSU.NewToik. la Hsw. Honl tad OrTglaal, by which anyra ktnea to perform idl Ihe popular Baalo pTcc THE CARTER ZOUAVE TROUPE, »ni young fa BUleBnaaBtnd, twenlrlninuBber. Sola prapiletar, J, Heajge Otrten MnalcalDlrector,PnltasorJ.J.Wataoa LetdoaadBnas Band iDstmctor, 0. U. Utnh. The nantger feela It parfkctly anai]L lastly to taj a word la iMhtlf ot htolnupe tothoss who btre oaoe asea them. To tboeo wlio hsTO merely aeaid of tbam, ba would lay that thoy are lllartlly and ualvenaUy scknowledna to be "tboDtstaod noat popular oihlUtloo of the day." Tba aoTtl^,'TBilcty, and eioiDonce of thto eitxaordlaary compsoy, ni^kea II atand aloao tad onapploachablo. It bia likea yean of labor aad twiao ra onoo to hnag the troape to Ite ptcaeat hl^ staadaid of neeUeacc. laeecuriagthoTalaahlt aerrlcoaof Pnv feasor Walwii, tho eminent TloUnlat aad composer, tho mania ftaels 'tbtt fat offon the beet gntnnteo for the oicoUmoa of I aQajealdepartmeiiLaBd In ntalalng tboao of Mr. Manh (tbo eflldeul Initmolorla "bnat") the "yoaagfemaloBnaaDand" win tlwBjB btTO mon bnaa In their b<Hs lata toy modest young ladles wen ererbelbnknowB to baro. The oompsay wlU laaksa complete loar of Now EilglaadbeftinagalagolBgwosL 1.3m*^ Ihs^; 'tntM mit'MV. ProtualonalBtigc. BdUntlbaM UstAOaikilB la tho Cosbliy—aoat to any addreaa, OB nedpt of tb «pilfl»->l«. -' ' _ ^ , ' _ _ BISHOP'S OUMBERLANDJIINSTRELS. OPEN EVBRT HIOH^ AT THEIR , NBW PATILLlOH, _ lIalacStaeel,ObAltaaooga,Tnn. • . By aathorlty of M^lor^Hnenl Thomas.^ Bfiaop ii d6whB PnujlotoB, . T. HBIQHAJI BIBBOP Manage* aad Dlreclor. DOWHB. Tieaannr. ' -AlftfMllatot.good readei anduptalhibttednaa* Itaaertadbaasalager. Tba beat of aalAiyaad ran sl^l^KoAlll^BmiayUne, tlnwinted. FRONT STREET THEATRE, Baltlmore.-LadiM uidOenUon.os doalrlng Eogtgsmesta la tbto Theatre, aa Mom- oan or the Dnmillo Oomluy. Ibr the tnnlag naacn of 1804'n, *lll plasie addnaa OEO. KUNKEUMaaagor. 6- BEI8SENHERZ, Leidsr New Bowery Theg' tr« OnhcsltA, will t,, hi™ (, nsgotlaie wllh Watgns for thi nondngeMton. Uta one ot tho lamet Ithnrtaa. Addnaa OBaJ; BERNABD, 48S Bnadwiy. TO MANAGERS. V. . .J*"? ^ DATIIAWAT, at the New Boweiy Tbeatio, can bo ennsid ( by addraalDg OBAa DEBSaS), for the oomlng aeaaoa Iwty. ' Mm* be .hired , fa myrespe etiMe aRonooa entaWaaiailai)llnt» notuwiih the petntmanoecf weod'a Mlnttrda iBibesrsnlag. AMlytotbepiopiMor.ntDnedwiy. "™™"™»"'™^' TUa popnlar place of tmaaament to now la faB Ude of tuoccs. It to Ibo Urgetttad Best Compeay now la thto dty.e^owl edgedtobeaoby thepnhlloaad abo bylhe preaa. Fsformcn otaeknowlidabllliy,inch u SmOEBSL . . DAHOEHS, ■ * BTHI0PIA5 PERFORMERS, .0 ' aYMNAEIB,Ac, Win find It to their adnntigeto apply atatlag line ot boalnaa, | tame, Aa, to sHowM^'M^rTiNu- the large aad Oentamlly located Lotot Onuadoa'ba corner of Hndaoa, JtyandSwiaaiRrto, Albaay, BlaOSBbyMObet. Two eatnncoft OABoathakH^anda Itrae Ohaadtflvwtth OObnin. en, lafflolent to Ughl Iba Ingest Tenfthat caa bafumlihed. Wileralaooalbepiemlaea. Apply to H. BBOWEB, 4-3m on tbr premises. Tnterestinq TO TBAVELUNO COMPANIES THROCOB CANADA. WI L BI0 HABD60N hta remOTcd bom the American Hotel to the nrrBBNAnONALflBmorly tho Burhngton), KOtO STREET, BAST HAMILXOH, q. W„ whan be to better pnpand to acccm- iswM tka lnmmina^B&^ that aeeSoB of oouolry, Aod will be hsppy'to WBll on Ms^IdMsada torn Iba United BlAtea. Dealen la bonea would do waD to gin htm a lalL Bar- ing nan oooTanlcaoe tad a much larger hoaae, be can eommead WM. BICHABDSON. Eamlltoa, C. W. BROWNE A PIKE'S DBAMATIO CO., 7.ate Can of LB. Pike, Boia»4, Beaton, Mate. MR. J. M. WARD, the Celebrated Irish Comedlen, BownUytauanKoatanocetatDlslareagagemoat at the Academy of Maale, CleTeland, will commence a STAB ENOAOEMEHT OF TWO WBEES -wTiSabS'iwS^ili^'DiaS^^'^noed apoa WtrdwlB addreei HABRY LAlin£nuA/'>»iiii«er,^^ 74t* . Columbna, Ohla A FINE STEREOPTIOON, wHh 130 superior VIewo, taCtogiOaans. Poles, Ac, all oomplatofbrlnTallag. Utedonly nontb, and will bo sold £» |W) leaa than coal, by L, Room A, 113 Broadway, New York. addreaalag 7-U* , TO MANAQERS.»Mr. 0. J. HEARTWELL, now playing at Plke'a Open Eooae. Claclaoatl. to prepared to negoU. ale for Loading Bntlncss for tho enaulng Fall aad Whiter Ecwon. All oommunloulonB addreaed aa abore wlU receire due atteaUoiL 7.JI* blBUeUtoaU. 4-tt* THE TALENTED YOUNG ARTISTES, OBO. C. BONIFACE \ tad MIBS KATE NBWTON, WlU oommenos their amnmar campalga at BnflUo oa Monday, Jalyllth, 1804. Lettan of ncgotlallon tbr iheeoaalagCiUaiui wlaf tour may be addiaaieil to H. H. WALL, BualaMa Mauger, Can of W. 0. Wemyaa, 3-lf «TI Broadway, New York. PITTSBURGH THEATRE, ladies aad gsnUamea wlablag engagementa fbr the eoiaingaea* ■on, opening about the middle of Augnat, for eleroa montha, wlB plaeaedlrectto 4-tt W. HBIDEBSON, Manager. APOLLO THEATRE, LEXmOTON, ET. WEAVER k GOLDEN, Mtnigen. The aboTc Theatre, altend and iaipnied, win opoa for tbo rofrulir aeaaon oa Moaday, Beet Ith, 18(4. Ladlea and OenUamen of aemowladgod laleal dcairlag ongagi^ mania tnm that dtto antll the 4th of Jaly IndvalTe, wUT apply u Iboie. . FXBSr CLASS STABS TREATED WITH ON LIBEBAL TEBMa . 4«n UNION HAU, Wn.T.TAMHBPBOH, LONQIBLAHD, weU fcnewa ta the laigsat, most popaltr aad auperlor Has, located In the dMliaWe ponlan of ths cUy, completely Ibralahed la .elegaat style, aato rooma, atago loenaty, foot UghtL Ac Capadf 'txVXO peoplssested. To bo rented for conome, eihlblUos., do. Apply at the oflloe oa the promisee, coraer of Dirlaion ATcaueaiutCljmcratn>et,oraddr<aa ynUXC k DBOTHEBSt Wniitmabargh, 1-lOt* Box US Pnrt Office. BUCKLEY'S SERENADERS, Cor. Sommor Bad Obaaacy aticets, BOSTON. Ealcitainmuita Br cry Ereniag, aad IMm* Sstnidiy Aflaraooo. J. T. HUNTLEY'S "HUDSON BivsB house;" OilkUnPoInt PLHABAHT SUMHEB BB90BT, Wim GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS FOB TBANSIENT AND PEBHAHEHT B0ABDEB8. gg- UEALB AT ALL BOUBS..^ dV Allaay Day Bcata, sad Hndaoa Right Beata Itnd la boat ofthtoUouie. tioiinlAiaHonaoStagctatutbDmlbodoor,onttao azrtnl of TMaa and Boata. Tbo Honae to nadar tbe peneaal supenlalon of >■ J. T. HUNTI£Y. U. S. HALL, Wooster Olty, WAYNE OOUNTY, OHIO. W. W. HAMILTON, Proprietor. Tbia ipadoua and newly llUed up ealabUahmeat U now opea ht tho Show folka ud Tnrollen gonorallT. II la eltuatetl noaiiy la tbe ceatre of (ho dty; baa a dinlag tocin for eighty people; etabUng lot alily home, sad abed rsoni for flljymorii. The wholo ander the penoaal auperlateadenoe of tbtt prince of botel keopere, W. W. HamUloa. 44f CRANDEL'S EXCHANGE, WOOSTER, OHIO. S. D. ELY, iPioprietor. Tho Toy best accommodatloai IMTnTtlkn, Cims, Tbealrical and now People. BUnLigfor ISOhoiaea 4M THE WEBB SISTERS. MISSEB EMMA AND ADA. Maaagen wtihlng lo engage tte aecrlcesof these yaiy Ueatcd Aitt^Ttor BIARlSiiagimmla, win addreaa Ihem cen of . 4Mm OusfiB Ovnoi; or 17 Ntaiau street, Bnoklys. BELLA GOLDEN, (he Populer Comedienne, Dan- BEUBB aad VOOALKT, wOl oommenoe a atarriag tour la Bealem- bsr. Mtaigenwithiagtoengigebetservloeswlu addnasio lbs can cf Tbestae, Lnlnjton, Ey. t-Sm TO MANAGERS.—A Oontleman who poiieite* I fl^ MtBO Boinnuo Toia& wbkh eaanot be dlaUagnlibsd ftcB a " itlonin BOma liinjllngocaMlaBaiyboope HatBlf*»MMiUla knowMa«,jg( IuMmd bdr'^ wlilHsaaUBatlsn I ta Sopnao Slagec. ~ playlBf. Aldna. CONTINENTAL THEATRE. Wtbot sliest abon EWUh, FUtodelphla, 'AXUHBOII k EWaRHN,,., Soto Lenses aad MaaageiL JAa PILOBiM ActlagMaaageraad Dramattat. J. & WHITE Stage Maaigrr. TaBPomxABPLuzor AnutaiuiMTXiiTaKOirx. Dentedto thepradacUaaof Eq[iuatrtan aad other ScnaiUon Dnmaa, MnaletlBailstlBe, Fareea, Bittanganaa, Pantomime, BaUet, EthlopUa »'t«»«»»f«, Ae., te, wUb a triple compeay, aSlooled with greetcan fromamangatt' moat talented mamben in the piofeatton. Mf Tbb O uiimaiA L B«An 3000 PBni0Ba.-O Senatttca tad other BlAnwlthiag aighto wlB addnaa aa abore. 4«.tf JAM&^tLOBIM, Stage Mtntger. :"::::::::;;:::::::;:|: 000 CURIOUS PUZZLES BOOK OF niDDLEa * PARLOR TBIOKS WITH CABDS, BOOK or FIBEaiDB OAMES... STRANOB STORIES OF A DETECTIVB LA MABCHMAND'S FOBTDKE TELUB LA FONTAINE'S " " ■•-.j" « u 0HE8rEBFIEIJ)'S ART OF LETIXB WBITKO... J , LADIES' LOVE ORACLE ' £ . LADIES' OUIDE OF BEAUTY 5 . FANCY MAN S u OLD MAN OF TWENTY-FIVB ' S u POCKET BSCULAPIUS " S . DICK TOBPIN.- • 5 . JACK BHEPBEnD 'ii'S > PERFECT OENTLEMAH * £ . EAST LYNNE S " BARRY O'RIERDON t < LEGENDS AND STORIES OF IBELAND " „ LADY ADDICT'S BEOREI S „ ART OP CONVKRSATIOK 2 a OALLOPINO DICK £ > ROGER O-DONOUOH "Tim BELLE OP WABHINOTOS V'.V; "TinitoA'aSta Copies of OietboToBooiBaeattoanj,pactof ttoUnllaiej" ftee &charg e on tbe receipt of price, gead ouhoidaato Joat TRDrwnU 101 South Third ifceet, PhUadelphla. CARRIAOEa-A LABOB ASSOBTMEWT of «g;!*^,i leit^lea FIBSIOLASB OABBLAGEa rill Ftaa BhlWngn aoaa la- weal of Teblelaa ^a-|BTltid Ib'csll aad f " iiifii abon atoek of oanlagesk u.liito'tbs torgsst aad best jeletW aaaogtaaatiaNewYork, ^ . ■ ■ . ' / ■■^^ . MOtRiodwaysadM.cieobytM OSITIOy . H Al BDI CoMPABnoit latliia, abd, ecoplc Fhotograpba a Wi^ charms, open gliaaea. AoVAa.Aa, on band and ma byndfurlL Atwhrteaiili .trade, Addnaa N. B.—WtWag auKi; Baa tun 9, aad IS, BidoaFiS lAkon ban cartode Tli<in,°ftair|a to (IS, Nice pUiedfhaasa gad pMnA' H AHSSOMESt.LtSr'Dt BdnU* w. LAYING !(«Rai<pi».v.''i: , tm»k ooL,^ 0 RD B r-H 0 u ■ I, CORNER OF 90«IBT AHDlBATABD-l Guesto caa bo accomnMUIadwIA BOema byiba I with or wlUioQl beard. QaO, -P,:WQBDBH, J 0 A'&'D S, ' . ' And tnutjabsaaed^ AMUBBl(iH'.X'''A< AMES OF AMUBBM¥H'.X'''Ahf D OB A'RO^' Manatutniea^aM^SDld'M M. HHIBOH. .'■'•, W ^ 444Biootf»jJM(Wh^»( 4 4 THE BANJO TAUGHT by FRANK B. CONVERSE. —A chttoe colleelloa of prooeaalToly amnged Tnnea, with an tbo noceestiy eiplintltnni ind,Jnstnctlona, ant to any addnaa Oboloe and prepailyceoaliRuiledBaBlos aelactedtWDurehaaets. Addnaa, can of P. a CAMPBELL, e4t 3n Fonrtb ATmu^ Hew York. CASINO I CASINO 11 CASINO III Ohootaal Sheet, abon Stdb. a WTT.AT^HI.UIIIA TkoBlaadaid Hnalo Hall of the Qntket City. Waatodoompolmt Aitliteala thanrionadopailmentaconaoe^ ed with tho Mualo HaB bualaeaL Apply ponoaally, cr by leltei, to , CUBia KOBRia (Solo Lcnae), 44f P. 0. Box 980, PhnaddpUb "WILIARD'S HOWARD ATHEN/EUM," BOeiOH. TbeKlUindWloleiseuenof Ihto bnrile ealaUlahmoat wB commeoeo Aagaat IStb—neat Stan wlahisg nights, wfll addnaa BZHBT WSiLABD, 44n . . « MARY QLAOSTANE.—Managers wishing to en- gage tba aerriceaof the.abon.pmnltrAttlale for suoagtge- meata will tddteaa bar, can of a T. PABKLOE; P. 0. BcsM14, NswTork. — LEWIS MILLER, BILL POSTER, No. 10 North 13th sliv .-t, abon Uatket, weal aide, Fbiladalphla. AU ordcn^eft with n. A. Brown, third itcty. Ledger BnUdiagu, or Rlngnll ud Brewn, PnatBulldlags, frill be promptly attend- ed to. l-7t* W. J. THOMPSON, the celebrated melo-dramatio Aotor, ud bto highly Maod don HEOIOR aad OABLO, hariag Intt cnbolndod a bighly moamtS eagagemeal at Aim'a Olynpio Thestrs, an op«o for eagaacmenta to pruduoe tho foUowtag pltyBi "CatUs etealm," "Dog or the Old Btoao Creaa," "Forcel of Bon- dy." •Voantiln DeriV' "The Walchwoid," "Idiot of tho Bhaa- Bon," Ab Putlta wtoUng to eaoage Mr. TbompiuB wlB addieaa JAR OONHEB k 00., as West Booalon atreol, or W. J. THOMP- SON, 187 Fonyth itreet, H, Y. CUy. l-lt MoJVICKEH'S THEATRE. CmOAOO, ILL. ' ladles and gaitlemea of acknowledged tblllUes wlahlng to ea- nge (or a loag sosson iMI plesss tddreaa the oadmi^ed, alaHog the amoanl ofadary nonired per week.' AMaUaeouglna eaoi week. J. H, MoVIOKEB, Ml* ROYCE HALL, Bloomlngton, III.—The mosteom- Ihitableaad lanest HaU in the Oily. WeD sappUod with Btage Bceaerr, Oas, aad good VaaUlallan. Has aa aamBoe oa Mala andFnntitieeto. DIreotto ■ A.A.LAMB, a Baaghaa's Mniio Btoie, Main atotel, 4»«m* . '. BoomlBglcD, DL Mm* PHOT BTAHIHT,. : ' • OusBsx817, PRtBnoulb, H, B, , THEATRE ROYALr MOHTSUI* OAHADA. TO m,HlgkUrM wM&tyorBiMngsmentoiffll be madewtfli any IM alias enMalamsnt OV I, W. BUOXLAHD, Lnw, [OSB PEOULIAB BOOKS WITH ESQUISrtB XKOUI IHoa, pnbUihed it Na 30 Aaa itieet, H. Y., by OALTO BLANCHABD, Bend iddresi on a stamped anTolopelbrCiRebL YoaangetthoBookabyaiaa. W H^ffilBA BOOK THAT WILL TAKE TBE HAIR OFFIMI XHETH.—II to maUed for W cento, at GEOBQE SMtTin BoxlS81.PbnadelpUa,Pa:' " S-91* BEAUTIFUL FALSE. Bent bee by nuR i Ml* B0USTA0HS8, SO da tad II a pk- IditamptorOlrealtre. Addrea. C.>. PBILO, BiooUya, H. t SOLDIEBS I—A beautltuDy engnnd gold plated WATCH, of* ttee, donUo otse, small aire, enamel dial, fine cut handi, feed' Bogiisb moraauiats, ia-perfbet ruaDlag 'oidar, wanaaladeM yeu, sent by mall in a noat oaso tor only till If reirialand, V& > eitif. AddieeaG.G.nEBBY,Horth8Sairoid,N.E S^ GBAOIOUS GOLLY 1- BDT HEBE'S A TICEUER B'bon, it wfll mike jronrheadaswInL Oucaawhtl it Js. ifii a a, 01) I I can not tell yoo. Bead BO ceato and aaa Iks atotMai Addnk GEO. A. WlIiIIAMa Boi 14701 Detroit, tltb.^ N. B,—All finaa or parties act "nd boll 1" win plaan ton "haokeeata." -IWrKk BOOKBI MEW BOOHSII KEWBPAPZB8 OF ALL EINDa Doa't lUl to Bead to a Hew Otbilosae. Smtbeeofpoalage. Addnaa , JOHN TBKHWITB, . Vt J(o.l(>raThlrdifaeel,PtMaMptHv .0. LESTER HAHV, VCntJKt BEPUBUO, Boom 18, COURT HOOBB, BT. LOm ~"—" ■■ ■ "mowiedggiial* Ma, WlU attend to IbUag DepodUoni, the Ackaowl Deeds, and OoBesHon of BUto, Holea^ntla, Aa ' Wm. O. Dogga, Eiq,, Brooklyn, N. Y. a. a Tin Wigmor, AMney it Law, St Lento, Ma Oeoige Winhill, Altoney at Lsw, 81. Lonls, Ma MS NO FBiUD PB^OIIOED. ' ■ '*'?*'' ^ JOHN ATOHISOHi *8 Daaae iMa^'Hew ToA ^(MKB, PUNT^ aAU>8, ka.::8nd ta By tJiraalw. VBHTRIL0OTI1BU I— VuH lailnctlosa' la lalam, 10 tut any peraon can lean tba ait w Oca Baatfbr 80 eena. Beuombor, full prial dayspiaeHea ttoaa. BsxinjBeebMter, R.H. _ Vent* -.with tM prtaled^J* TWrOriOKI HOrtOBII NonOEIII-Anypanoa i i.1 ' 10 cents, with a stamped enTelope"bea>iag their addi«4 wUnmireiaof Ihe laost spliadld "FANOYlllOTUBD" ei« aee^Jhla oooatiT, JnsI Imaorled, aad "nay cben." gq^AioighnliLre* Addnaa E TSfBAOK "Box 8," Shirley vmige, Mia, ^gg-DcB'tMltoaendfarCatalcgnasofsn^thlag'TOi^ Vmr BOOKS OF ALD KIHDa-Don't "tkll" to sand fa t a 1^ iti ... ... uatm JOHN TBDWRB,^, 107 Bonlh lUM ataeeTnllAMpUi'' i.1 .eallatOalalogno. Mf ■ 1-ta* B«i