New York Clipper (Jun 1864)

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THE ]srEW YOBK CLIPPEB. - .i.j THE OLbV^oUi'' ROOM. Turn oU mo >^ tiT ^ oUmatr iMei lUatMiniinliikkdtDawio, ia ha la*]iiid tmb hU tauAi on bli aloat <»1< Ai If tU hi! mrk vu lout. ■' HIiienakiiMof goodbiafctliloiieiliinf. Llo 11111x17 lido ^ Mil Tbs old avm Utod (o atlr Uio Am Bo niar blm Uio «ong« woro kof t. . Somotloei bo Bt and iltFt 1 ■mutnwho In Ihopmlion «!•">» . ihl plctu™ at oUior yojni ,, . iadnowudUumUiV ■ ■ ,Butellcn»l«rtidl««'* nif good Hito »»i oa '5;.''!SJf,''''°' ■.i£?jS5ihto«piioorii2">"iia«P : XbaahoMiof SurillW^-. .hapw took m h«c«o4 too, A> tlu bully talU for Blin, Arf hSio tokoo np UwotUchM dropped, yoi gnndootlulr'l 0T«i «» 41b. Tiuir ddldroa oibmt inA md Uio' Bowi, TopM«Ui6lljao«Widtyj _ . ^ . Bow It illn Uu Uaod In Uis oU;DU't bout hmr of us iltfU twv- Hi t bomdj •ottUL t toM Tod u, But BlMBSt U U U vlsw; At lauUthoagbt It M mruir, And ikctdtu U dom tot jotL ' 9itliljgAnnlatb«oU,mjfriond, ,,;', ThM'towoniwUhUiioworWuWfcw numA tnTdr onn pcKhftnoo Uuy IMgiit Tboilon floralialUo of Ufa. TboT tonjibt ou jonUifDl f cot (o dlali DpwuSiUo'i rumod •joopi Iba let 00 RmUji'^''■°''> To wbm Dia WMiT aloep. , ^ A SWiMMINQ RACE; OB, 'l' ' Daiperatt Enoounter In Water. "'•''ilT «hniB, Tom Haw»or, did not long rom.Tln In T.Tjp.-j. ■'rffio aft«r he was dlscbirgod from ths ship Cumborl.ind. .'SinauUaalnow lod him book to tie walor. „ ^ , ^ - VHoSlppod In a Chilian vobmI, bound to tlio Bandwioh 'liiudf.' Tbo oraR wns a bonuUfiil one—a tilm llUlo brig wvltfa mule that ware round and taparlnR.IIko tlio up- 'lUtsd anus of a bollo, and a bov na ^r.-iooruUr moulded ths bMuiD of a Biran. Her woll-proportloned liull '■eomodioarcsly totoucb Uio wnlorirhon, with iwolllnit ialli, aha glldod upon her eo'uras like a wbilo-wlDgod bird 'a« It BkJnu along the gTiua of tho pralrlo. Tom was do- llibtod with Uio brig. Tlio orew, Iiowovor, did not ploaeo ^h^lll■ . Then were four mon In the foreoaella bcBldosblm- nX aa dlrlr and disngrooable a set 33 bo hiul over en- oonntsrod. BoTon of them woro Cbllluis and tlio rost were Kuaka<. Thay would ewoar and wrangle n-om tnomlDg till night, making gotnuoli nolao that Tom found (t lnnoalble to sleep In the daTllmo whon It was Ills wtton below. . ^ . . , , On a oertalo occasion he romnnatv.tud, wuon ono, ;i 'big, burly follow, wlUi roonelroua bond, nod with ■houldon like those or n giant, skirled to bin feet, imd diawlog a knlfs, oiderod >Uio ooBplalnant to He down again. • "Mo win out TOur throat If you miiko olJeoUonI" ho - added, brandlBhlng his wonjion nith a tliroatonlng air, asbewltnosiiodthaaiigry llnsh that glounod in Tom's •oyfls. ' The bullying manner of tho glnnt qiilokly roosod tho. Ire of tiiO'Amorloan, and, oboylngB sudden iDipaleo, ho dashed tho knlfo trom the grasp of the owner with n; blow npon his wrisL Leaping from Ills bunk nbnnst ut the same momoni, ho tliev hTmsolf upon tlio poreon of -the burly Chilian with a force vhloh sont him hsavlly; ^baokwords. As ho foil to tho doek Ills temple oame Itv oootaot with thoedgoofnn ouk otaest, and he lost all' oonsoloosaoss. ; When Mb oounlrymcn behold his motlonlcaa flgnrcthey lavellod aperroollorroDt of yells and oiooroUonsagainst .tba American; sod hardly bad ho regained his feet when they rushod towards bin In a body, with the Intoatlon of •Tanging their sblpmata. <- Tomj howerer, ploked n handspike from the deck, nnd .Bwlgglog It about with a will, contrived to keep bis an. Sonlstaatbay. rosgrihglaia.jie would soon Imvo haoa oTorpoworod llCBoTDoeniaruiolnlorroronoe or (he oaptaln and hli mates, who, attraolad by the uproar, arrived upon tho spot at tho very momoni when two oftbe mon and nooeoded In wrenching the handspike ftom the grasp'Of the yotmg sailor. As Tom wb4 tho bostsenman In tlio brig, and as a faw ratllae wore rbqulrod In tho forolopduut shrouds, tlio oIlDon took tho port of our hero, nnd ordorod tlio Chili- ans to disperao.' The oon obeyed reluotrntly, uiurtjng . many dare glanoos upon Tom, nnd broathlng low, mut- .loroa thnats sod oieomtlona against him. In the meanUmo, the plant havlngreooverod hlascnaes, had risen to his feet ana commencod to wash hia head In oeTd water. Althoughhodldnotsay aword to Hawser, not even look toward him, Ibom was a oorUUn oiproe- slon In Us eyes whioh warned tbo.Amorlcon to bo un his 'guard.' He oellevod that his liUo uutngonlsl would adopt '.some sooralpbtn of revenge, wouldawallan oiiportunlty .to attaidc him while ho whs nnproparodfor aeronoe—to : itrike him from behind or In tho dark. ' 'Asday oflor day pnsiod away, howover, end the Chilians iUdnot attempt to Inlsrfero with him, Tom come to the ^oonoli^an that ho hod boon .mlslnkao, and as a natural oonsoquonce be booomo lias wntobful. '■ Opt: morning whUo thovnusol was within a few hun- dred miles of tuoplaoo other desUnaUon,Bbe was brought to a "atand etlll" Dy a dead oolm, Thesnrfbis of the son was like a polished mirror. Not ft Tipple opoh tho water, not a aloud In the sky. The Bun'i neat was' IntensOL tho nitob started from tho doek- ,plankii,'and thomoHoaUT giLatoned upon the shrouds, Tba meq who had boon w the habit of going bare-footed ; were oompellod to woai shooa.upun tills oaouslun, ether- I «h» the healed planks would luvo bllstorod the eolos of- their feeU '" Presonlly tho oaptaln and hlSimntas woro soon tn make Sreparations for swimming. In n Bhort tlmo they wore Iving ttfm tho bulwarks, or rolling about luxurlougly la -the water.' - ' Tho moD dootdod to follow their oioniilo. Tom Uaw- lor was a good diver and an oxcollont nwlihmor. Mounts Jog to 1 the foro-topioll yard he run to tlio weather oiid, mud sprang.UilD the asa. : BO'Was lollowed bv the OhIIInn giant, nnd then striking out slmultansouily, Doth miin swnin nwiiy from the brig. ' "Amoe I n rase I" shouted the rest of the orow. Tom ghinoed towqrd'tho gisnt, and tlio latter roturaod Uio glonoo In A mnnsdrwblob saldiilnUily, "lulmllengoyou." Resolving not to bo outdono by LIS burly nlilpmnlo, Uio AmcrjpAii pXorlea.lilmsolf wlt1i.4UoU skill that ho wiis soon onabled to pass Die other. . Heoould now liosr itho Chilian blowing like a porpoise bohled him, and as long as that nolle BaJutod his ears lie contlnuod his .ooursei' for, nUhough bo WKa already n , leag dlsumoo from tho brig, ho dotormlnod that bo would nclDothoflrattotum.. Tuoglontseomori tohavo formed tbeeame roselaUoD, and followod his. oomjianlon boldly. . He will a good swimmer, and tuul Toni wnlolied him oloioly, ho would have neroelved thntlie did notoxert hlmsoifBomuohashomfght have done, but soemod well BBtliaod Uialtho Amorloan Ihould take tlio load. The dlitaneo botwoon the two mon and thoir vessel was boeoming greator every moment. The hull of thn brig, ag tho AmoTlonn oouM norcelvo when ho threw nn oo- dialonal glance behind him, seemed to lotllo lowor In the ' ■ water every moment. His arms and legs nohed wlUi his •Mrtloiu. HefeltthalhlnlrcnglhwnsgraduftllypnasliiB awny. But bis rosoluUons bIouiT; refused symnnthy with tho^ warnings of approaching woaVnoEa. The porpoise- itho Oblllan wu suddenly beginning to gain upon him. ' Tea, In spite of his ulmoel cITurts, bin foUowor was ran- 'idly lesaenlDg tho distaneo botwoon thorn. ' f Hearer and nesror ho earao. ovory moment, nnd at .length Tom oonid boar him nulling close upon hie liocW ,-. tut'game moment n fuarruf Bight hroko uncin 'hls ^ew—A long hlaok fin oloaving tho Bmuolh surface of tiia.water.lUto b knlfo. Itwaa approaoblng him Bloadlly and Rionllhlly from an oppoanc' olreeUen, and already 11 was not mure than forty.lUhoms In (rant of him, BIB bloo4nn ool4 In his veins. The lln w** that of a abark. Before be Ofuld attar a word, howover, ho fell a pair of bands griqi hla ankles under the walor, Thase hands pulled blm boneaUi the surface, and tho next moment . asoended to his throaL They grasped It^tliey proniad ' upon It like a vice. He struggled vainly to rolooso him " eclf. The terrible pressure oausod bis mouth to open. Ko BsIt water rushed Into .It, and lu) felt that lie was :BlraBgllng^thatheaen1d live buta few'minutes longer. 'A benlble pain was In bis hosd, n loodpn- weight seamed 'to hive been placed upon his brain. ' •Opposllo to him, while his eyobolls woro foroad almost itoa their aookots by tho great oabAy ho suITorod, ho joould see the dim eulllnos of tho Ohlllnn's face looking ,lnto,t))e blue depths of tho sea, llkp tho boo of soma IildeouinieDslBr of the deop. Tho oyoa. wore of a dull, ..'areenlsh hue, and the dark skin ecemed oovorod with a imalUtuda of. Illtio brlsUIng flna, This appoaranoo was OdoM by the dlaordorod Plate of his vision, , Id a few minutes botb mon nroso for an Instant nbove tbo aarOioe of the water. But Tom know it net, A yol- lowlib vapor seemed to Joatboforo bla oyos and ebsonre hlislShu Now be oould not evoo aoe Iho faoe of the man whose band was upon bis UironU. FalUng ooosolous- noss seemed to oonvort that bund Into a Hery terpont, tirlsllng lis folds abont hla nook;' The yollowlBh vanortQmod Into a bloou-rod color, Uicn suddenly grow daikor/wbllo a swann of locusla aoomod to buu In his brain; Tho men woro again under water. That torrlblo' serpODll How UghUy lis folds woro clanpoil about his neok I Agony—fearful Agony I would bo never die t - . Ahl whatdldlt meant Tho aorpont suddenly unwound llfolf from his threat. Tho dark vapor grew lirlghtnr, tho licusta flow nway from his'brain, fio felt bimseir asoondlng. ■Buddonly ho soemod to slop I Tlio vapor was pnssini; fromhoforohlBpyoa. A swcelfooling of rcllofonlcreil hw besom.'' ,Uo arose to the surlheo of the eon, nnd broaliicu a raoutiful of ft'osh nir. Uofero he sank again oonsclous- noss rushed Into his brain, and govo him book bin natural ilght,-8on«o and fooling. . . tt, , ..■i He moved his handssnd koiithlmsclf afloat. Hishcwil- dormont pheaod nwnyos ho looked oround him. uoro wils Ho Boa, Uioro the sky, nnd for In tho dialftnco tho III- Uo brig; But whoro was IiIb companlon-Uio man wi o had auemptodtomunlorhlmt Whylmdlio rollnqulaU- od bis savage inlenUon 7 .j.i„.i„ Botb qiioaUniiB were soon answered, for t-o «"ddcniy noUced that Ihd water In his Imraodlato vlclnlt) w:ifl Ihlokly clotted with blood. _, ■ .,„,„ Then ho romembored Uie shnik. The "orco creaturo hild snvod bis Ufa, and allnokod Uio Chilian while the lat- ter WHS engaged in his foul work, and dragged him aw,i) IVom his Intended viotim. . ,.,.„„ „, It was ovldont Umt ho was not aware of Uio vie nity or tho oroiiture when he mado his cowardly naB.ault upon Tom, OS Uie head of tho latlorhod concealed the approoco- Ing On from his view. . , , A oeld shudder ran through tho veins of our hero. Tne shark wsa probably engaged nt Ihot momoni li\<loj""f- Ing tho poreon of the giant, .wav down In Uie <l"l\«'on"^ or Uio ioa. With a glance a£ Uio blpod-stijlncd water around him.tho young Rallor now struck out for Uio brig. But bo fonnd that bis laUi oxcrUons, Joined lo the foarmi ordeal through which he had passed, had weakened his frame aoBiueh that it was dnubu'ul whoUior he would sucoced In reaching tho vesul. .v,»_.» In a few momentB, howover, ho was grntinod to obsono a beat shoot out fl-nm the sldo of tho brig. It approachort mpldly and ho was aeon ploked up. Tho offlccrs hiui feared that his companion and himself would not bo able to got beck to tho vtsiel afler Uio oxorUon of swimming off to no great a diBbmco, and had therefore sent the boat for Uiom. Tho reader oan Imagine the [nw of the orow whon Torn had mode thorn acquainted with tho facts wo huvoJuBtrelalcd, ..... , They woro all moro or loaa sapBrsllUous, and tho torrl- blofhte of tho glnnt, toceUiorwfUi tho Ihot that be hod boon utlAokod by tho shark irhllo ongaged In an attempt to take tho llfo of our horo,lnHplrod ibom with feelings of awo toward the lattor, su that ho remained unmolested by them during the rcmalnilor of Uio voyage. AN ACTOR'S WILL. 'Tm late T. P. Cnoko, of England, It sooms, ehnngoil bin mind Just hoforo his death ok to tho dIsposlUon of some of Ills money. Bis last will reads as follows:— "WnEBiisI hsd It In oontomiilaUon to glvo the sum nf One Thousand Pounds lo "ThoGonorai Thoatrlcal Fund," and by a formur ytiU I had givon offoet to this IntonUon, but as I oenoolve this InsUtnUon hasshioo mot with much encouragement trom the public, nnd Is now in n oompar- ntlvo Rlate nf prnsperlly, and nol so much In nood oras- slHliuico as oUier InatltuUons having for UioIr ohJocl tho promoUon of tho Intorostnf the Drama and the protoo- lion of the persons by whoso t^ilont and oxerUona tho Drnraii Is sustalnod, I nave abandoned ray former Inten- tion. Now I give the sum ofTwo Thousand Pounds Now Throe Pound per Cent. Annuities, part of n largo amount ofsuch annultlRSSlandIng Inmy niuneln the Bunk Books, lo the Uoslor, Uoiiuly-Huslor, and Wnnlons of tho Royal Dramatln Collage, to bo hold by Ibem and their sueoos- Rors for tho Umo being In perpotulty. for giving a prize for Uio beet Drama on a Bautloal or National subjoct, to be onlled, "T. P. Coon's Kautioil oa NxnONAL Doaiutic PniZE," and to bo oempelod for on the terms and oondl- tlons borolnaner menUonod. And I diroot thatsuoh my boquost and IntonUon shall bo oarrlod out in the follow- ing manner, viicUcU, the Intorest of the fund shall be In- vcstod In like annulUca, nnd accumulated for sucoosslvo porlods of two or throe yonm (In tho dlsoreUon of Uio said Unator, Deputy Uastor and wardens of the sold Roy al Drumiillo College), ns from tho time of my deoease, and nt the end of eaoh auoh period this ncuiunulaUon ahall bo awarded as a prize to the author of tho host Drama or any NauUcdl or NaUonal subjool, Uio plooo thon to bo sold or disposed of at.lbo bogl and most ellgl- blo ofTor. from Iho Mi\nuip,i ur iu)> UeUujiulluui or Fro- vlnuini Ihoatro, or Llocncos for ropraaonlaUon thoroof, In be gnuiUid upon suuh torma ns thn IIiiBtor, Deputy lliistor, and Wardens of tho 8ald,Royul DramnUo Ooiloge may Uilok HU Tbo Copyright thoroof to bo always re- tained ns tho property of Uio Oollogo, nnd Uio nroflts arising from tlio s-alo, LIconoos, or disposal of tbo Fleco, to bo rooolvod nnd held by the tfastor. Deputy Master, and Wardens of the ColIogiLand to bo applied by them for thogonorai purposes oftno InsUtutlon. Aud Judging from tho prefltsef some of tho pleues In wblah I hiwe myself been engaged, as "The Pilot," "The Hod Rovor," "The Ply- lngDutoliman;""UyPollundUy Partner Joo,"niid"filaek- Ev'od Buaim," some of whloli hiul a rwi of two hundred and Ally suoooselvo nights, and oven onlculaUng on moderate suucesswlthouttaklng lutoaooount tho ohauoesof "an Im- monso bit" on » nouUoal or popular suljeot, or favorite actor, or fortunate east, tho peeunlary roaults to the fbnds of the College I should liopo would bo oonsldera- ble, Irrospeetlvo of tvhat may arise from the copyright from provinelol noting and othor sources. And I noreby direot that tho terms and oondltlons upon which tho said prlio shall be oompetod for shall be us follows:—Each o.indldHto or author .eholl on or boforo Uio Ut of January In each year in wbiloh n prize shall bo glvon, sond in to tho Uoslor of tho Royal Drnmatlu College his work or drama under a soalod oovor, which oovor shnll bear seme mnUo or Inaorlptlon, and his namo o'r ndt^ross under ano- Uior scaled oovor bearing Uio siuno motto or InsorlpUon, imd no cover oonUlDlng a nemo and address shall bo oponod oxooptthoono bearing tho sanio motto orlo8arl|>- llon ns Uio oovor of tho work or drama to whJoh Uio Srize shall bavo boon uiUudgod. Tho aueeessflil oandl- nto or author shall assign nnd make ovor lo Uie Oollogo Ul hie Intoroal In tbo copyright nf .hla prize work or drama. And for the furpose of determining Uiework or driuna lo whloh the prlro shall bo ndjudgod, soma dialn- torostod person of oonipolont taste Hnojudgmont shnll be clioaon by the Mastor, Deputy Master, nnd Wardens of the said Collego, to acloot tho six best plooos oCored for oompeUUen, and thoso six soleotod pieces shall bo roiul to a oommlttoo of tho Ccllogo to bo ohosou by tho said Jliistoh. Deputy UasUir, and Wai'dciis, uud such commlt- toe shall dotormliie and award tho prize. And as a mode of giving publlolty to tho soheiuo, nnd Inducing nuthoni to compote, 1 would suggest to tho Uaalcr, Deputy Uiii' tor, and Wardens of the said Colloge (buliwitliuul Impos Ing any ebllgaUon upon thorn In this parllouliir, not wish' Jng in inlorlore or m niiy way to eoiilroi tlio wise and wliulosoino illsoroUon these gootlomonwill,! fool certain, excrciso In iho trust roposod in them) that nrtvorUsc- meulB should be publlstiod In such nowspupors or other- wise In liueh a miinnor and nt siioh tiinoa as they shall think proper (the oxnonsea of sueb . ndvortlsc- inouts to bo dofrHyod out or tho dividends of (he snld prize fluid), lotlmnting that ovoiy two or. throe years, OS may ho, a prize would beoff'oi'od forn "prlzo drama." In neoerdanoe wlUi Ibis ein,- nnd In the same spirit I would llkewlso auggost and express a wish that fermoro eflbelually ourrylng Into eporatlun my IntonUoiin on the twenty-third day of Anrll In eaoh year, whloh Is tho birthday of our Immortal dramaUc poet, Bluikoapoaro, and whlohls my own natal day also, a publlo holiday or treat should bo given to the I'onslonors of tbo CoUoco for tho eelobraUon of this day; and Uiat on this occaston nn annual dinner should bo provided In Uio Hall of the Col- lego, nt whloh the Uiistor; Wnrdoos, nnd Uembora of tbo CounoU should preside, and to whloh the whole of tbo pensioners,and any supporlets and patrona of tho Drama and well-wlshera to the Cultege, and auolf mombors of my Qimliy na shall bo living, ana tho trustees for tho Umo bolng of my will, If any, shall be luvltedi and that after thU toost of tho dily, "To the Uomory of tho Immortal Bard, BhakDspearo,'' shall have boon duly honored, tho terms nnd pondlUons of this my gift shiUI bo road, and In every year; in whloh aprlio shall, in uumuaneo of my gill ior thatpurpoae herolnboforo coDtaliiod, bo given, un announooroent made of the same of tho auoeossiul oandl- data, the title of tho plooo, and the Tliaaire nt whloh It la lo bo aotod,aBd a statomentof Uio fUndswbieh may have arisen from or in eonsequsnoo of this my sli^, nnd of tho npplloaUontheroof. And for providing n llindfbrdelhiy- Ing the exponso of this ontertnlnmont, I glvo tho farther ■um of One Thousand Pounda, New Three Pound per Cent, AnnulUea, lUrther part of tho aforesaid larger iimount or like AnnutUes standing In my luimo In tho bank bookB na aforesaid, to tho Master, Deputy Uastor, and Wardens of tbo sold Oollogo, to be hold by them auil their aucuoEiera for tho time being, In trust, to apply tho dividends Uioroof for tl)la porpoae. And in uaso 1 should nol have standing In my name In tbo Bank hooka nt niy docoiieo Bufllalonl Now 'Throe Pounda per Cent, Annuities Ip answer tho said two boquosts or Two Tliousand and Ono Thouaand Pounds, auoh annultes, I diroovmy oxocu- tore and iruBtoca appointed by this my will to purobnso ny or out of my gonoral pereonal oatato or tho procoeds tboreof, Block In tlioBo Punda for that purpose.'' .»i?*."^!'f.f'"">7*^ V—^o w» fladln'Toppor'a g«k of QM :-';Lovo la lUo wnpcn which OomlpoteDoo rosorv- oa to oooqiier roiiol nun when alt also had railed, noaion bo pii^ rtcti fIsarLo taawcra blow lo blow; bntlcv^-4bat sun tidimt whOM mtdtlngbona wlnleroaimot tUnO-lhal eon, lubJulng alarabor wLtob wnellea down Uio gliiit-lbcro ia not one bomin crealUTO Is a million, nota Ihouauil neo In aU oarth'a lari PLAY. TUB-LAST OHIOH FUZE OAJB D) BROOSLm OS Tuoadaj, lh« 7lh Inat, Um Iwt of ilio bmIm of nolon Ma Oimeawaa pUjed In Lrookljn. on Ui« Union Ml Oronnda at JlcdTurd, bolwaen ildca of ton mo.-., ukou trom Uio Beiford aub on Uio ODO band, and Ui« EisoWor, blar, md B«io>''*« S!l^,.<!! tho olhor, tho nsult bclig Iho dcfut of Ilia Eckforda by tho Field parly, by a eeore of 34 to 18 In a full Rmrno of nlno Innings. Tho l^oMird Club having boon very noatlgont in tumlog out on lliolr pruUe*days Uila woaon, noro nolln uy condition for play ajiiln>t OTon a alub nlno, much low •stlnrt raoh a nno tom of pUyoia u Ihoy met on thla ooeulon: Uicnfoio tbo rcanlt bad boon unUolialudi^ the «iaL Aa li «v, Iiowovor, had Oioy played In Iho Uilor put of Itao gimo aa noil u thoy old tn lb* majority of tho Innliwa, thoy woud have boon aiiccotifuli but no aoonor did Uioy Kblalo tho load, Uuui thoy >l unoo bogin lo play looaoly, and Uioroby lint all thn vaolaiio siouuil Uicy bad provloaily gilnod. Of Iho ISckford Clubruio only inoinuen of thfIr last aeaaon's nJno pruunl, won Wood, Moiiolt, Unify, Joah Bnj'dar, and Bwan- dcU-BimguOk Boach, and Sov)n not being In Ihdr abio Oils aoa- aoo, bavlogloftlhadub: Ilouli, tuo, reoUoabi FhSadolphla, but ho wSl pbiy with tbo olsb If Uior pliy loalchw. Tho auntttatoa wen prludniUy old On*, nlno iiiny^ra, the aamo bolng UlJea ,<Bolcbani,''^Joba Snyder, Dromi. '"d Courtney, Iho laltoi bolng a new and daainbla aocoalnn to Ibdr Hit of Urat clias pbyin. Of Uio tieldablo, Waddoll, NoiIud, Kip, UcDlarmod, and Xolly wcio from tbo Staza, Clj-iio and Longloy from Iho Excelalon, and llogcn, Wnioa, and Wainock bom the Dcaoluloa, ill being flitt clawnlno^ At iho tlma appointed tho gomo coramcocad, tbo grounda being lo the flnaat ozder InuuriDabu; IndcoJ, wo novor aaw a boltar pro- pand lA-floU than on {hla o«caaloD, ETOirlinaiequlrodtomark out Iho aovoialpoalttonawialild down, and tbo pUcber'a and catcbor'a poeUlona wero modola for duba to Imllala. Fmableat Cammerar knows bow to aUand to a bill gnrasd In ovary napect, aa Ibo condition bs bad Iho floM In Ihla gama fully proved. Tbo Eoklbrda opened tbo game, Bccrlng ono run only, Wood be- ing tho lucky man. bis aucccaaon belog well pal oot by tba ibie oalohca made by Noitm and Wilaoa, and tbo oicaUant baao play of EIp. On Iho ridd aldo, aoTon nioa waro acoiod Is thair tnt IsDioga, this nanlt being fkom good battlog mlifod bv looaa flddlog, Iho EcUbtda being tonlbiy ruaty la hasdllng the bali. In Iho aeeond ljaslnga,lhe EcUorda added two to Ihalr eooro and pot out tholr qppononia for Ihioo nme, two good fly calobes by liufry and GonrtDoy, and good Holding of John Boydar In zuU' nlng out Waznook bobg noUceabl& Is Iho Iblzd inniTiM Iho EckforUa Incnaaod their aoore to 7, and only allowed thdr opponenta to get two rusa, Iho toUa at Uio cloee balsg 19 to T, U ftvor of Iho Field. Thus far the Bck- foida had gaUiod graund each builngo and Uie Field loit It, bol In the Ihrco IbUowliig isslDgalhoEclifbrda acorod but ono xno to their oppoaonia' two, Iho totala at Iho cloao of die alxUi Innbiga bebig 1« to 8, the Field party etlll teadtng. In the eevenlh Isnlnga the Eekforda icond flvo nme, milnly by good batting—ellbougb eome wild throws bad aomethlng to do wllh it—and put ont Ibatic adrenarica for a blank acoro, tba totda now balsg U to 18, Iho Eekforda only ose beblsd. Is the dablta Isolsgik too, thay addad thno rusa to their aeore, Ihoreby lodlsi Uie neld by a aeon or ifl lo 14. Up to Ihla period Iboy hai played a vary oedllablo up-UUl gimo, asd Ihcli proapccla of ul- Uinala anoocaa were voy promlitng, much to tho olBguit of a party of the bettUgfrataral^ who won baeUng tbo Field aldo to the luse of ttB to 190. In tbo eighth Isnlnga of Uie Field aide, however, the Xckforda played almost u If they dealrcd lo lose the game, ao im looao waa Ihdr fleldbig; wild thnwa, ovor pltdiee, mlsaed catobei, and ballapaaalsg tso fleldoro being very marked featoKi of their play. The ruultwas as addlUon of eight mss to their opposonta* aeon, and tho almoat eaxtaisty of a vlcloj, and the flBU leaoll pniTod It, for eaoh aide added two rasa to their aeon in tho biat Inslnga, tho Field winning by a ~xn of 94 tolls. Tbottgh defeatod, nsder the dfcosiatancca of tbo match so dla- ortdll aitaobea to ibe rtab, for It waa nol to be oipecied that a nine that liod not bad oso daya' pzacUco could enter the Uala agabiat a team' of flrat^iaas playora In flso ooodltlon for play. Horeover, the ^ehfdrda bad uorer played a fly gama balbze, wbUa the Field aldo weta aconalomod thereto. Aa rogarda lha Umo of the gamo—Uiroo bour»—It waa tbo long- cat fly gamaoBmCord.lbta boloi mainly owbig t4 the InBoenrata nltcmng of the two Eokford pitchers, sollher olwtaom had prac- tlood under the sew rules. In Iho placing of tbo flold on tbo Eokford aide, their playen w(ro not on tho best podUons for tho fly game. Of the play on tbo oocaadon In fielding on tho part of tho Ecb- ford aldo, wo have to sotioo tbo good Imio pLiy of Swasdoll, asd oredllablo oatobioaof Ectcliam, Qkowlao oxcdlent fly catches by Oonriaer, Brown, wood, Uanolt, and Duffy. On tbo part of the Flold ame, Nortos'a aplondld pliy aa catcher was Iho featnre of Iho game; Elp'n baae play,.ti», and tbo out fleldbig of Kogare, WU- 100, and warootfk wore prUaoworttay iualoncca of flno Adding. Indeed, an of tba nlno played efl'ectlvdy In lUelr poalUons, and KoUy. bdng well anppoited in the Hold and by the ralnhcr, pltob- ed bettor than we over aaw him t)efoni. Tho EoklOrda, wo soilood, apedelty admlnd lila pitching. Is battlsg, MoDlarmed took tho lead esd Iho priao os the win- ning ddo, and Wood on-tho part of Iho Eekforda; the fleldbig prlua were lakes by Wllaon fbr Iho beat fly catdi os the winning eldo, and Conilsey for the best on Ibo part of tho Bokflnda. A filature of lha oosleat waa the iiood reeling that pnnHed Ihroushost on both itdea. Wo sever aaw a ddo tiko. a dttfbat is betlar bnmor than tba Eddbrda did. They hare medcaUy worn the lasrala of the Obam'pionahlp for two aeaeona, asd wo have no dosbtUiatiflt la their fate to loalgs them ihla aeaaos, whloh their over aasgnina rivila think, tbey will no doubt u orodlfaably bear Ihetr defeat Wm. Duma acted aa Dmpln on the oocaalon, and dtacbargod hla dsUea with hla nanal'lmpaitiiUty. The rollowlsg la tho full aooro oflblalstonatlBgmBbA: BATTINO. FIELD. UlUon, whose day heart la bardeucd agalaii Ioto," alargequln, parlser, the lattor being bowled by a working ball mm HalUa, after be bad t>ean Is ena boar and ten mlsntcs for a aoora of 39, mado up of two Uirees-a leg bit and ent-dabt twoe, asd ten dsgIea,aUflaelyobtabiodbygDodbatUn«. Badltr took bU plaoo and Boon began lo handle tna bat In bla all England eleven style, ho and Hammond ^Ainn 35 rnna to the moto, Uinunond gotung 11. mm four twee and ibree abides, and Sadler 14 mm a Itareo drive, four twos, and throa alsglea. Many of Ibo bits for two aoored in tbla innisga weald bavo easily ebtalscd three or four either OS Ibe old ground at Uobokes or tho Bt aoorga pousd, and cODBcqneaUy aveiy nm mado waa fully oamcd, tho flddug bobu very good throngboul, capedaOy lUdd'a atpobit and Aiml- tago'a at cover polnL uosusond loUnd ftom bdsg boaullniuy caogbt at point bySlddwiUi oso band OS Wallcn, aad Sadler anocumbed to a trimmer ftom Uallle, Bynn and Sharp being tholr aneceaaoxa. Sharp bad aoored a atnglo oil Hallla when ho gave a chance to Kldd oS Uu flnt ball Cram Walton, ud aa Uio ball waa wdl beU, tbovoloian New Yorker reUiod to Uio Olab nouie to ae« abont dbiscr, anylUng but daUibted wllh ma btlor career at Uio bal, Crosaloy Uklng Ua plioa. Tba atoidy WflUam and tho poet of Uie club wan both Is when Sharp, wlUi clarion voioe, anoatcd "dinsorl" asd a truce to boatiliUea at oseo oom- mencod. , , As la sanally Uio oaee, iftor dlnoer Uio fielding became leas cf- fecUv^ asd Iho romabidcr of tho wlckebi foil for inult acoro^ the 7Ui wicket fillbig bororo dhmar for UO ud the bat aflerwaida for 134, Croaaky^B ahaio bebig 29, not oo^ hla aeon bdng marked by dgbt twoa aad dx elnglea, asd Byrcn'a aooro bebig It, mwe up of four twoa and aaven abiglea. Buydam waa bowled by Bu- lla fa a ample, Tyler for a alsgle, asd I,eater dnwlng a bUukoff Walbn, Byron bdsg asottier of Uallla'a vlethsa. The totala wan IM-of wUch lie wen off Uie bal, Uio oitiaa bebig 18, of which osly alx wan wldea, a lolerablo good proof of Ibe acooiacy ofthebowUsg. Tho toslsga ocenplcd two boon and forty mlnales, and at a:H Uia Newark doves wool lo Ibo bat Jeilataos asd Elsan were their fltsl repreaeslaUvea, Ihey fkdsg the bowUng of Manb asd Sadler. It waa aoos apjaroat that Iho batUng of Uie Newark einen wsa sot np to the mark rsqnlrcd to reeceaafnUy defend thdr atampe tram the aaianlla of ue New Terk bowlen, u waa abown byUe fact that tba rourtb wlckel, isdudtng Ballia'i, fell fbr II nua. In Ikcl, ont of the whole eleven, Wdten asd Kldd wen lbs osly players that made eves an avenge aeon, Wdtna battlsg flndy for over an hour asd a half for the good aeon of 99, made spot a drive for three, alx twos asd asrenaUiglea: Kldd marUsg bla won ebtalsed aeon of li with three thrsee-drivea asd a leg bit—asd alx aln^ea. The laat wicket fell for U, of which seven only wore alsgtes, the Isslsga occupying oso boar asd forty mlsolca. AIllbswlcketawent>owlodeieaplone,IIam- mond laUsg tba laat by a pntty catch off hla ows bowllsg. Ibe tolala wen now 134 to 68, and aflar a brief interval the Now Totken began Tua BxooHD Dinrroa ghaip asd wi jtiatn jaad ofl^ Iho bowling being In tho basda of Hallla and Wdton aa befora Fnvlonj 10 tbeao two men being parted—asd a right good tlma of it they bad whUo tbey wen to- gether—the aeon had bees run up toM, of which nigham bad added 18, lo which were fonrtwoa asd eleven abiglea, asd Bbaip 14, all alsglea euepi a flsa drive for 8 aad a leg hit for 9; two rhanoea being glvan, one at tho wlOket and osa is the Add. Ham- mond followod wijhaw, and Sadler look Bbarp'a plaoe, Ibe pair addlog 23 to the teen, to which the former cmbibaled 14, is whloh wen a flse lea bit for threes fonr twoa and three alsglea, asd the lattor 0, two drivea for two each, and five alsglea marking Ilia acoro. Hudaon and Byros auooeoded them, asd wen well Is when Iho atsmpa wen dnws, the giasd total at the time bdog 91II0I8. TDBmAT'a PUT. At 19:40 Uieaa batamos resumed Ibdr places, asd, befon tbey wan parted, tbey had rus the aeon of Uio aeeond bislnga lo 110, of whloh Hodaos had oontribattd 18, marked br a lea bit for 4, ItaRO twoa asd flftees alsglea. Byroswaalnattsebatdlogolhar Is Ihla Isslsga osa hour asd a hair, aoorisg a total of 88, marked by a aplasdld drive for five, Ibree Ibrccs—drivea and a cot—five twoa and fourtaes alsglea Ha gave cbaseea to Hallla — after aoorlng S—Walton—aAor goUlsg 19—Annltigo and Elaus, all of which ought to bate bees 1akea,allhongb In two isataacoa they wero nZher bet balla to bold. Vans auceceded Hudaon, and Oroadoy Collowed Byros. Uanb waa is orer two houn, during whloh Uma be fSood so leaa than aavau dlffsrest bowleis, Eldu flsally boing Ibe leeky mas to get is oa hla atnmpa, Manh'e aeon, total asd aloglo, bdng Ibe beat of ths match, be obtaining OS la Ihla laalngs, coaalallng of two threea leg hlla—alitccn twos asd dghtetn alnglea. wbes ha had acond 23, bo gave a obance to Kldd which wia not taken, Ibis being lha osly offer made fbr a catciL Croadoy addod 20 lo the aeon, marked by two throea—one a leg hit-four twoa asd aii alaglea, asd lyier 14, lo which wia a three drive asd a two, leg mi, Lealor dmwlsg a pair of apoctaelea Ibr bla tolala. Bnydam was abaest, Iba grasd total bdsg the sseonalled aeon—la asy match played in Ihla consby—oftOL TheNowarkoewontlDtoibelreoeosdlnnlnce at 4:30 P. II., to obtabi the seal UtUa econ of SIB to wis, bnt at 8:38, tho whole elovos bad bad a obanoe at the bo^ asd Ibe beat aeon any of them oould make was alx, Wdton bdsg tho lucky mas, tbo laat wleket fklUns for 39, of whleb IT only wero off Iho bat, no leas than 13 widea being among the eitna, of which Leator waaabargodwlthlX nien wero so loaa than alx oatchoa mido ia tbla umloga, Htgham taking two, ose bolng a tiuaty right off the bat Sbaip, bealdea long-atopplsg Is anlo, aUewed but ono byo to lie acond, raai Borobal] out by hla flse flddlsg, and Leator ran out Himter almilarly. Haaunoud took the ma- jority of wickets, bla total bowllag flgurea ia the match bebig 80.18, U, 0, and no widaa; Hallla'a totala on Iho other aide bdng 3Stt 134,28,8, aad bnt alx widaa. Ibo total citiaa charged to tbo Mew Vork flaldlng won but tt, whllo thdr advenailea wen charged with ti, Tba following la the fall and correct aoon of the gamo: Kiw Ton. Flnt Innlnga. Second Innings. HighamoDurchardbWdtoralO rus out 19 Hodaos bUaUla 89 e Wallan b Elinn 28 EOUUIID. 0. Wood. 2d b .1 Uasdt, If 1 Drown, r f.. Dofly, a a Josh Sqydor, 0 I.. J. Buj-dor, r a HUIa,p Counsoy, 3d b.... Bwanddl, Istb.... Ketoham, 0 .4 ....4 ....8 ....1 ...'.» ....8 Tolol.. 4 , a 1 1 2 2 a a 1 2 .u WaddoU, lalb 4 Kip, 2d b 2 Bogen, If 2 McLMarmed, 8d b 1 Norton, 0 4 Olyne, aa 8 Kelly, p 3 Wllaon, r f 3 Waneck.of 2 lASgtoy, r a 3 Told.. .24 no;;B uasb in each nnnNos. lat 9d, 3d 4Ui sib 8U1 71b BUi 201 Eokford 1 2 .'4. ,. 0 0 1 6 3 2-18 Fldd 7 J ' : 2 .0 ' .2 0 0 8 2-24 Vnplm—Ur. Bursa, or Ibe'Uutaal'Club. Bcoren—Vcaais. Wataos and'Oruia. FaSKd Balla-Kclobam 9, Uas'|>lt 1, Norton 3, WaddoD 2. Home llusa—BwandoQ 1.', NFly Oatobca Mado-Noilon 8, WOaon 1' Bqgera 9, Wamook 9, Edlyl, Etpl, HcIHarmcdI-failal.UL 'WdodSt HaaoU2, Oourt- Boy 1, Dnws 1, Duffy 1—total 7. ' . ''.1 Catohoa Mlaaed-Norlos l lugln 1, Uanolt 2, Eotoham 1, Diownl.Co<Irlneyl,Ulllsl , ,,'- Hun Out—Woruock by J; Bsydar, and Z^sgley by Ullls asd Wood. Vol Out on Doacs—Eekforda 7 Ibsa, Field 12 Umoa. Fnt Ont on Foul Ddla—Eekforda 10 times, FloU 7 UmM. Htruok Out—Courinoy 1, Ketoham 1. Time of Game—Throe hours; The Capltollna Hotel, DBDFOBD ATE., near GATES A'VB., BBOOKLVN. Johsarai'a Oelsbntod Old Burtos, Eaat India asd ZXZ Ala OS draught A 1 Llonon asd Began. TUB DEBT QUOIT OBOUKD IN TBS OTIT, la perfect order at aQUmea. A OOOD DHXIAIU) ROOM, whon parties caa cajey a quiet tiaiuo, with Good Altondanoe. 1 "IintOi;," 0^ CniUUET BENOWN, wlU be happy to meet aU Aomcn la a Meadly oonteat 9^m* Matohei Arranged, Jun 21.—New York va. Bt. Ocorgo, 2d dovon, at Hobokoa, 21 and ta.—FbUaddpbla ra. Now Tork, at Bcdfonl, Brook- lyn. 98 and 90.-61. aooigo va. Willow, al Bodfbrd 98.-New Turk, 2d eleren, rt. BatcUlto, at WlUlamiburgb. ICLJ 6 and a-^Now Vork tb. AU Moiaichuaella, at Bootos. 14 and 18.—SL Qoorge. %'S. Boalon, atBoaton, A ORAJO) MATCH AT BROOKtr/T. Tua Nsw ToBxaas YioiOBiooa BV a Bcosa or 409 10 001 THB'LARaBST ATTENDANCE Bif H. AT A lUTcn von nina. Tiu flnt regular matrhof Ibe acuos look place at Dodford, Brooklyn, on Uosday and Tueaday, June 13tb asd 14th, os Ibo old gnmsdo of Ibe Long lalaod Olnb, now knows u the Dodford Oilokat Onunda, between the flnt dovesa of the New York Olub and Ibe BOW Dnioa Olub of Newark, the nault lulng tho suoocaa of Iho New Yorkera by a total acoto of 4021 to 00 Is a full gamo of ton houn asd'flrtooo mlsstoe* duntlon, eooupylng porta of two dan. 'The ITsles olavos wu sot Iho tlimigoBt Uiey cas pnacsl, albeit tbey Bumbend aovrnl of the beet plaraa of the Newark Club, bi- dudbig UalUa, Wdteia, Kldd, Jeffcnoo, and Ford. Thdr object waa subdy lo bavo two daya' good pnsUee wlUi Ibe oiporiesccd team the Now Yorkcn cas turn out whan oooaalon roqalna, and aa the nanlt ahowa, Ihey Bndoubtodly.bad It Ibe woaUior waa truly dollgbtful; two bettor daya for a crlokel niatob eoidd not bavo boon bad. Tbognunda, loo, wanlaroaiarkably good order, condderlag tbo time that haa elapaed abibe Ihey woro uiod fbr cricket, and thowork that bad telle done. Some mora mowing In tbo ouhw portion of Iho field la atUl requldto, beddea oUior Im- provomonts In Uie war of aeala for apodaton, a epcdd tent ror •coren, te., tbli bit bolng veiy neoeaaary. for on mle occaalon, wlUi Iho crawd round Ihem aa Uioy wOre^ it wo* bnpoidblo for them to attend lo their dulln. Tba alioodasce, we wero pleased to aaa, waa ibo meal numenua aeon on tho grousda alsco tbo match betwoea tho EogUab asd American orloketon In laco, and daddodly better thas any acen ou a iwlekot gnund tn lha maliopoUa or ita ddnily for aovonl Joan pad, Iblaihvonblo roaull being eaueed by Uiepnblldly given 10 match Is all Ibo papora which make lha game a apoclallly. Wo won gratlAod to aee Uialmon altenUonwaapdd lo a proper ebaorvance or tbo nilea of Uio ornc tbas baa hitherto been done, the mob bdng ready to go hi whan called upon, and Uioro bdog Ie>B Umaloatbclwccn IbcUinhiga; Ibo game, too, waa comraoseea wtlhin a few mbiutcii or Iho hoiur samed. Then h> itlU room fbr Impmement bowcror, and wo hope to aee It continue untU Uia rule* of Ibe game an aUcUy obaervcd is every match played. », . .. •'oroiT'B rLiT-mirr ishisob. nigbam and Iludion won Iho flnt to lake tholr plocca at Uio ULlkolsg the bowling of JfiUla aad Wdlcn,Illgbam loading oB wlUi a bcsnUfnl cut off Jidita Fefovfr twenty mtoutea iTicao Ibie batamon dlmlnyol llitlj. ablllUea bi bimdllng Iho wUlow agiinatuie awM bowltcg of tbebr two opponenta, boUi btlag wdl on Uie wlckel and good In Uie longib of Uiolr bowling. Uighau ?*• !?.'''o™nib, a ehanc« lo leg bebig well taken by DurobaU off Wdtcra,two twoa and dx dngtea Edng HIghain'a ahin of Uio aeon, bla widiit talUog for a. Hanli Buuoedad niDi and bo waa hi wtUi Iliiaion Ulro^quarb!nor an hour befon bo 1 f^S'iJ?'' ^f.^*"'."*ben howaa nm out from a woU-fldd- cd ball from dton, Matab'i 10 conalaUng of Ibiee Iwoe asd four ungles, HammoBd caoio ncil, but ho aoon toil Iludsos for s Hanhrunout 10 Hammosd 0 Kldd b Wdtan . 11 Bidlor b Hallla 14 Byns b UaUla 18 Sharp 0 Kldd bWalun 1 Cnadey oot out 22 Buydam b Hallla 2 Leator b Wdton 0 lyiorb Hallla 1 Byoa 7, log byea 3, wldea 8.., 18 Told., " b Kldd 80 oUlddlalonbBaUla 14 b Eallls 0 Etaus b Huator. bKldd 24 b Annllage 28 abaant 0 b Annltage 0 act out 14 Byea U, leg byea 8, wldea 80.40 Total. .2ta 184 NlWUH. Flnt Innlnga. Second Innings. Joffoiaon b Sadler 1 0 Uanb b w«t«™ n..< " 0 Elann b Sadler 0 b Leater 0 Wdtera b llammond 32 0 HIgbam b Bunmond 8 FordbUarab a 0 Hudaon b Lealor, HaUlabMarab s eHIgbambLealn. Seeond Isaiaiia. 0 Goodwin b Panose, sot eat epraka oi; "Idling heavily" ttinugb bla amUUeo. Boe la aeon: _ SUOLIOIf. Ftiat Innbigs. WChlldabPanosa 0 Snow b Fanona 0 UKonsodycJUanoedybBo. gsrt 24 IbwbFarsoBS UuDougaU 0 Oiohnloy b B» ocit tl c PanoBB b Bogert TUIUeaplooSptaggebllogertf 0 Uaward b Begert T Oeddca 0 Ilewaid b Dogert 0 b Faraona WUaoKaybDMert 10 candbBogert jUltb Brunelb 0 bBogert.... ODuggannotout 2 0 Kennedy b Faraona lIBuubDoerrt 0 c Bogert 6 Fanona J Young e Bogert b Fanona., 0 e Dogert b Fanona ' Dyea 8, wldea 8 8 Byo Total., Hcward run out 2 B Faraona o LllUe b Kennedy 3 J Kennedy b Duggan 10 D Uogortrun ont 9 T Palonon b Snow 27 B Bpngge b Duggas 23 Uomo (ieth reg c Kessody bBsow 9 ...,02 Total.... Tonoxxo—Flnt Isslsga. C Oruscfb Snow Cbolmley c ChUda b Snow' aoodwbi (18th rog'l) b Bnov! Ddnca not out Dyea 2, leg byea 4, whlea 8.°. lotd >U .1 ■ 0 ' 4 ,1 ..Itt KlddbMafab U Armtligob Harah 3 Hunter b Hammond 3 WIptilAV* « »nH h W.mgH^i^^ g Hiddlelon b Hammosd 0 BurcbaU not out 2 0 Lealar b Hammond,, b Hammosd runout not out o I^lerb Hammond... run ont.. Byea 4, leg byoa 9, vridea 1... 7 Bye 1, leg bye 1, wldoa 13., Tohil,, Uanb , Sadler Hammond.. Qnaaley.... .',1 Hammond,. Lealer Oteodey,... HalUa Wdlon Hallla Wdtcn.... Kldd Baun Armltago . . Jefforaoa..., Huater..... Bdfi. 78 84 34 18 ..89 ,.39 ..18 88 Total. AxALVHIB or BOWURO. New York—Pint Innlnga, Am. 17 .99 7 8 » * 8 1 Second Tnntnga 12 8 2 8 a 2 ....112 ....leo ....108 ....188 ....TO .... 38 .... 40 .... 90 .... 4 NKWiax-Fint Insist 81 12 87 14 Second Isslsga. 78 13 88' 12 34 4 99 0 94 1 10 0 1 0 4 2 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 12 1 3 4 9 12 0 3 0 1' 4 Dmplma, KeaaA Qardde esd BalL Cbiohr at Montbzaii, 0. B.—On Saturday, the lllb but, Ibo SL George and Yousg Oanada dntia of that dty played a match, of which the tDUowlsg la tho aoon ;— YODSO Caradi. Flnt JssbigB. Second Isnbige. JopBonbltwklbSwalse 1 bBldloy o 0 Tuggoy 0 Tobx b Swalse... 8 run out 0 EUlotoand b Swaino 2 eHberoor bBIdloy 1 Jones 0 and b Bwdne 4 bBidloy 0 MatdiittaTetu bSwalnc... 0 bBldioy * g Blarko 0 asd b Bwdno 2 b Dldloy r J Tuggej not eul 8 not out 0 Vonaor bBidloy 1 Flahcrsotout 1 Court b Swalse 0 Harrla b Swalso 1 Byo 1 e Godwin b Ridley 0 0 Godwm b Bldky 4 bBidloy T7;.I !!!; e b Swaino q Total. .28 Total,. Sr. Qxosox'a Flrat Inntaiga, Whllctaead b Jepaom IS W UcLacblan c EUloU b Jep- aom 0 Willla hit wkt b JopBom 0 Bhlpwayrnnoul... 0 Swaino 1 b w b Jopiom 8 nidloy 0 Blorke b Jepaom.... 7 not out J UoLacblan 0 J Tuggoy b Jepiom 8 Fowler b£Ulot 0 Godwin b Jopeom 0 Tclu hit wkt b Jopiom 0 Uoemernotout 3 bEUlott Dyes 2, log byce 2, wide I 8 Bye 1, widaa 2! Second Isslngs. eaod bElllsU 7 not ont Q b Starke 1 4 Total,. .89 Total., *'r*°JFS,"' GAHADi.—Prom that portion of Uie globe eaUad To- ff".'"' baveaoommunlcaUm ttrna "Sport," wh"siTe lhat:-''Tho nnuaual amcnsl efrdn and cold wealhm Ihla hu made Uio cricket aeaaonnUier backward. What la loit iS Umo howover, IB bahig made np In spirit The lis* of nidcha onUioUplabiUrge and Uio record a&owa that quite a nuSbS have boon played aboady. The Toronto Olnb bdJ a moeSna to Ibe olecUon of oflloen bi April laat, whan Uio Em. W H nSfrw,? Oblot JuiAtco of Dppor wm d."SSn ptLrafj.^o' Howard, Eaq,, a player wdl known In cricket dSoTvioe piod dent, and Cnpl. Iloggo and Mr. Goodwin, of lOlhlSrimSl ofn M.'a root, Fallcaon and B. Fanmsa, Boctitarv M.l lvIli«,,J .~ t £,7'lJSf.°hS?"',°i'i"'i,„""^ BH'-nnrffv'Si rdJTdlC BO tho ImlghIa of Uio willow may cipect a good Uim oumII. PublloBtlrsUos hu foraevoralymiabMn JirortS tol?.^! t^iiZ ^^f.'if '"JWi^,. ^» oni| b!u toS'woJd''l5^ ceplablo hero b Uio crlokel bdl, asd wo liopo lo ace It hm Mdn «w"eriS^i^?ira5 SSSII,wi?ft''T. ■'»'" one Is to oomaoihMS lo-nlght (14Ui liiBl,), bi Uio Uudo Hdl to ranlaalah Uh«^M< n. obequor«ru.od,.b Oroounoilwrni^^^^SSiTiDSS^SpS SJ'.i ,bin„';,.'?m?*^17^''' V"" '°"'l xSS^Olub p'Sed llio aiubtUouB llttlo eilv and come oat aLoad In ono bmlngC wlUj eight runa to apan,llomlltoii,like Iho angcU 'WinlroiSiSpe^ AQX7ATIC. Hace, Sail, and Fishing Boat*. BIOLT IN THE BBSI BTYLI^ AT TES BOAT OUILDINa ESTABUBHHENT OF STEPHEN BOBERTS, 114U1 STREEI AND A'VENDB A, Harbira Blver, New York. Hamlll'a champion ahall boat wu buUt at Uda oatsbUabaiiat Boats of aU kinda os band for aale. Max FHILADELFUU YAOHT OLDB. OPEXlIfO RBOATTA OF TBS ASSOCIATIOlf, A Dimsio BAd Dmnia the put year a sew crganiaiion has apiuiif gptg Fhlladdphla with Iba objocl of inculoaling a love lor yacUas and aquallo amnaemenla on Iho river Delaware. It la lalaadaZ wa ImUoto, to eonduct the afliiln of the dub aad the variooa n"ia,on the pUa adopted by tho Now York Ya^tdub, lii regatta of Ibo Fhlladdphla Olub wu flacd for WedatMay, Juno Ulh. throe priiea bdsg put up for oofflpeUUos,ona prtta for eaoh olasa. The yacbig esKred wen u fouewai Wm. A. Da. laoy, Olosgary, OUBe, Abeli, Lolna, Julia, Hartha, John O. Bi» ley, DroomalJ, LlUlet Secnt, Luff bern, Qulckatep, T. E. BuML Aimalrong, NeUle, Guyos, and Eagle ^r. Tbo day wu fdr, but wbid veiy Dgbt ladacd, and lha pins p ae li of a good Bailing race nther dlaooiinglng. Ibo yachts wen u. raaged between Bmllh'a Idand aad Camdca, oppoalto Fliliadil- phla, aad wen to be guided by tho foUowiag rulea of tbs elsb: Yachts wUl abtftfrou their reapecUTO podtlona at ■"ft^'iiiagii aaUfromtheaoototbeoaatwaidorHoiaoBbooBuoy; ikomtkenta to Ibe weatvaid of Uio Block Housa; ftom thcnco to tho eaatwiit or a flag'boat anchored off Bllbngeport wharf; from Iheaoa to Ite woalwardorchcslcr laland: dows ahlp obassd to the weetwiit of llarcua Hook Bar; rnm Uiosco to the Uarcua Hook Bncy, rouBdlsg Ibe Marcua Hook Buoy from coatwaril to weatwirL Ilctunilog, to tho weatwaid off tiaroua Hook Bar; from thence to tho weahraid of Choetar laland; tram tbonce to the o ul w iid H flag-boat off BlUlngsport; ftom Uienca to the weatward of lU Block Uoueo; f^m thence to Iho eulward of tbo HonoBboa Dnoy; from Ibesce caitwaid of Iho flag-boat off Canidea,Nii Jeraoy. ■ Al 10 o'dock 46 mis. a gnn wu flred for Ibe third dau yacklB to atort; flvo mlsoloa later another gus wu fired u a algnd te the aeeond olaaa to move off; and a third gun, flred at five mi^ uuii Bllcrwarda, eon I off tho flnt daaa yochla, and pot Uio wlttla fleet in motion. The wind wu very light, and lha veaiala drifted dong wiUi lbs Udo. Tbo Glengaiy (lat claa), wu aaen i««Ai«t Iho UMt off Glouu'alor Polsl, three or four mllca Ihim Iheatev Ing pobil, Iho AbeU and Dolanoy, dec flnt olioa, dou np wUh her, Iho oUion tolling off bi vartoua dlracUoua. At BllUni atjoul hdr way to tho tumlsg buoy, the fleet pasaed is tba Ing order: JV'ame. Olengary. Wm. W.Abdl..ld 1 Julio 3d 1 CUHo 2d I DreomaJl 3d 1 BtoUa (uhrj...9d 1 Clou. Tint, .lat lA OOn OOl 11 19 18 91 29 tfamt. Clou. nu. Ioto 2d U Luff harry 9d 1 Ddasoy lat 1 Qulckalep 3d 1 Becnt ai 1 Llllle(Kbr)....Sd 1 29BI 91 97 n 47 They contlnuod drUUng "dows the rtvar" for mon ihaa two houn, roACbtng Marcoa Hook, tho turslug polBl, aa Collowa: B. H. a Oloogary 3 81 80 W. W. Abdl 9 8S .88 Clflle , 3 17 08 Julia 8 47 U Tbo othon won appannUy uowben, and tho only tiling iala- roaling thatoocuired wu Ibe doae conteatbelweea the Julia aad Clflle Is going around Ibo buoy, resulllog ia tkoOlfllabdnga few Boconda ia advasce, Aa it wu erldast at Uila esd of Iba Ids that Iho yachta would oobUouo a drimsgiaoo or it fbr wast of wind, and u U wu known that thoy could nol reach the atartlng point usiil after dark, lha atoamboat Ariel, with Ibo npreaoila- Uvea or the prou and olhor dlatlngulabcd poopla 00 boaid, Idt Iho raco asd prooooded to tho city, reaching then otwul 6 P. K, The leading yacht or tho floet did not got up ustU 0 o'dock. Ibo foUowlogls tba olllolal report of Iho Judgca appointed to decide u to Iho winning yocbia. The Glangary arrivedabreaat of Ibo flag-boat ataUoncd off tba Club Honn(lse alartlng point), al 8 o'clock 88 mlnuteaandS Boeonda; the AbeU at 9 o'dock 9 minute* and 10 aoconds-flnt daaa. Tbo ClfBo al 9 o'clock 14 mlnulca and 38 aeconda; Iho Luflbarn at 8 o'dock 28 mlnulca—aocond due, Tho Julia at B o'dock 99 niinuUa and 10 aoeonda—third ebua. Of couiao Uio abacnce of wind mado the tegdta aaythlan bat aallifietoiy, a drilUsg ma bdsg a veiy alow and oU imlZ eort of conloaL Had then boon a good bneu, then would Save been aomo very good aaiUsg, and aomo very devcr atntegy dlanlaved. fbr a Bumbcr of Uio beat nlllng mulen os the Debwon woo Is charge of tho t-aricua yuhla. It hi to bo hoped that bctlsi Inek mayatlondlhosoitrogatbiorUioFblladdphbyachlChib. Tin Bicoud Coluoi Beoaita—Azothbi Baton noH a CoaB£sioiiDiirr.-"0«tigto the acddcsta Is Uio Barrard B^ Etta or Saturday, Juoo 11th, Uie wlnsbig crcwa offered to noeit 0 raco OS tbo Monday roUowlng, for Iho aamepiizea. Iba wa csme off aooordlogW' os Uooday ovoslog. Tba wcaUior waa floe and the water amoolb, and tho conteat wu wthiciiacd by a lane crawd of Inlcrcsled spcctatora, lha boats got into lino at a quarter past aoTon, and a man boantiful dart wu never made. Tho Sophomon 2d crew look Ibo lead by a IcsgUi, wbicb aba hell for about a quarter of a mUo, when aho wu paaaed by the Eoibo- mora clau cnw, wbokeiitUioloadforIhe Rmalnder or Iho oooiaa, the two Fteabmau cra«sbrlnaUig up the rear throe or rour longUia boblad. On tbo home atnteh tba Bophomoro cnwa BBlaod n> Idly on tbo Frsahmas, gradually Inoeadng Ibe auaco betwem them, asd pulling about 40 to Iho nUsuto. Ibo cheering wu loud asd losg u they croaicd Iho Use and poddlod un u lha dub-hooao. iho foUowisg wu Iho tlmo made: Sophomon daaa (iboll) Umin. BIL Do. 2d (old Uarmrd BhoB) Mml?l5i[ Enabmas Claaa (eheUI aiming bT Do. 2d (lapatieak. 92mla; 4* Ibe Freahmas 2d bad on dlowonco of 27 aocoudj, bibia a lao- alreak. The reaalt wu Ihot Uioio who had taken Uio vrtteatai tho noa of Bibuday kept them. NoaeddenlBboppcBcd,aad Uie race wu oso of UioflscatasdprcUleatwo baio ovoraoou.'' TBI BaooKLTW Yaobt Om will hold lla aovesUi annual rent' ia on Wedneidv »f tbla week, Juuo 28d, whon. aa Uie entries aroaumetona, and (bo modd cn« of a ipcody sort, ahouid Uia woaUier prove aullable, thoy onUdpolo a happy day to the wnahla or Bt Neptono. The alouner D. II. Martbi, ror iho acconmcda- Uos of UiopreuasdUia Monde of the olnb, win caat oAf ftom IhofootorFnltonatRotBnokiyB, atl2U„<ilani. Tho Itaiiaita Oomndlloo Isctadea W. U. Pem, Jobu JL Sawyer, >. W. OatiiSer' A. H. Cunningham and S. HlSyer. ^m^uua, ^ornsn CouxoE Doia' lUOATiA.-In conBcqncnco of lha vnriouB mlabapa which occumd at Uio laco of tbo llarvard bods on Juno lIUi, the flnt and aocond Bopbomora cnwa Who toS the two prijea agreed to roUnquIah Uidr ddm to Uicm pnrldbif Uielr oompoUlon would engage In oaoUior raco on Ibo IsS whon. It Ihcn WM a diango Tn Uio rciull, Uio awards abould 5 mado acoordbiBly. Ihla wu agreed to, ind a laterbour In iS day Uian Uiat oF the lIUi wu fliod fbr Uio raca From^ld noUco Uiotowonrow presesl oiropt collogtass, dUiouabUien mighl bavo been aomo nvo hundred epcotaSra at Uie noS; wu In met a nppUUon or tho proWoua ono, Ibo aamo^Swa I0«- big, Uio aamo Juilgca olBdaOng, and ad, oxcoi? uS^ooSSi Bophomoro cnw. ualna UiViSo boots. Aatio boat oftSa cnw wu bJuied M badly Iboy uacd Uie Old Harvard boat on Uda WIcr ocfulm, but, u Uio reaultwUI diow, wlUi no beUar auoK" Uianbi Uidr pnvlouB Wd. About baJf-pulooviir^loAtte word waa given to go, and a flsor alart waa nover aeon. Boon dtor getUng away, ifio flnt Scpbomoma got tbo lead, folbwed by thdr cbuamatoa, Uics camo Uic Fredimu boat wUeb wu SSoly pnucdliy the aeeond crow of Uio aamo dau. In thla ordv UieT cosUnuod to Uio doao or Uio race, dihough. u wSl boa^ by Ui» Umo gives, Uio anico botwocs eaoh boaf wu matorialW widened SSS'«,„'^H;^"f'i'"'r- J»», river wuu iSSSbTa^Bor, S, "'° orow la oonddond vaiy good. An auowuco or Iwonly-aevcn aeconda la to bo deduotod from Iba Umo or Iho aeeond lYcabmin boat aho bebui a laostieak. Ike foUowtaglaaaummari:- Sophomon daaa, boat 'CO, abdl Itm tOa '' Second, Old Uarvord, abdl 20m ItM* FrtahmaadoM, bod '67, dioU 91m OoSa " Second, lapalreak g2m 28a By Uio above II wUl bo acen Uiat ttie nault wu Uie aame u at Oia flnt rogaiu, "only nUiermon aot" and ttio conaoqaenco If. tboBo who hdd Iho prlua kept Uiom, IlaiAL ItAUTAx Yacht OLOB.-btnrday, Jane 4Ui, bdng a aali- mg day of thin dab, Ave yicbta tendoanuaed off Iho Quoes'a whatt and al Ibo appobitbd Umo, alarlod upon a crulu about Uia harbor, under Uio erden of Ibo Oommodm. A proUy atroeg breeiafram IhoaenthwoatpronUad an theaflemocn,andatbi- tovala lapsed toto ahaip Bqoalis, wbicb loBtod the woaUierly qnollUca or Iho orafia, and Uiod Uie oklU of the yaoblaman. Tea ~ i en Ihla occaalon wan the Falcon, Oommodon), Bale, Ads, aad Secret 1, and thdr movementB in taokiog bi Buooeulon al varioua pbou In Iba harbor, wen moob admued by namanua apeolaton on tbo wbarvai. We loam that ether yachta bdongiig lo Ibeohiberanow being flitod up prapantory to the Bailing aoaaoa. Ibo torn out on Ihatlbwu hlgblyatta- tautory and onconnglsg to aU intorestad in Ibo club. Tbb Ehousb "DmAi."—AJitenehnian wu eno day blindly nmonatnttag agaiaat ths aapcrcUloua acorn oipreased by Eog- Usbmea fbr ibo uarof Ftanoe, which ho, for bla part, did sot find BO Isferior to that of England.' "I have been (wo llmoabi England," ho remarked, "bntlBovenflndthebltao superiour to onis. I find 11 vary eosveonioDt that tbey bring it you on looUe piocoa of aUck, for ono penny 1 bu tl do not imd the blf auperieur. un boirina tlila, ibo UngliahmaB, rod with matenlabmont, ex- oldmed, "Good God, Blrl you have boon eaUsg cat's meat" MsAH Iiism.—Tlicn la a grocer who la Bstd to bo ao meas Uiat howM aeon lo catch a fly olfhia countor, bold blm up by Uio bind ICKB, and look bi al Uio craeka of bla fool to ace If bo bsdu't ' bees Btcallsg some or bis boat augar I