New York Clipper (Jun 1864)

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THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. THE GAMS OF OHESS. To Correspondentot « n n Wi»l>liigloo.-Mon«r duly ree»l¥eJ lad M»iik dU- ^; ^PSiS^-^ d« do«" . 3«»»or, ofth. iljw to your „ nnom BL Loii]».-Many tlunta tat jonr kind «• ff f:^ta-ni««nwhU« Bubjoct It to k ooupto at Uino «lftlii«i £Vitotproc»BUon. 8«ntj(ra»Job. J<^.a»nii »nd Eng" mlb »oluU<m» U>»a Mirprobltouwo'Te 2!!, lS-»Bio monlEi; ladnunioroiii are Iho oompUmmta to SSforttomTAroUioMnloacliiidoiiMiboalrmdyt WoihouM Ciiid l« KO • few gpeslmuu of joor oolamn. n F rbUKlolpUh—Think ;ou for tbe iU«ntlon; v* aktll il- „n bo bsi'Pr to kotr tram /ou In tlikt or uy otkoi lino cboul- ^ BoluUODB COITOCt lurtB, Baltimore.—Tho book you oapochUy onciiilto «boat vrai .H^lonod. ThoranewTO, •ndforyotnoiniaircflyb^oo a collection of Amoilcu Fioblomi, In nuinbor, wlcty, {oToicellancc, u the "Cuttd Cnra FnonLBi Touimhbht." ggnoli, p«tp<iliL If PI Himns nn> Hionon Duboib.— A paldiiiM oo n l <w l < >i 1 bo- mta Uiew eminent pUyu* In letS, •boat lb* remit of whlon iiMiscmitabeoonuiIentilemlapimliaudoa. Tbeeoonme, Ml Signer I.., Id the £ra, diswnS, M. de BlTlneei SlgnorDn- bolill. I^H 0ON Onxsa Clttb.— Tbero bia beeo for eomo time pMt • lort d tna flght tonnument gotog on In tUe tlnohononxl olab, In (hick Ihi mrld-ienownod menn Oeorge Uedley, Eeq., 1< now nnlobearofftrlnfflphiaUTtheoUethoDOTf. Up to the lut id- Ilea, be hod not kwt»ilngie gune oat of hie whole Milee. Enlgmi No. 434. FMm the World'i Oongren Tovney. "Onmiun Virutur," ^ ax w. MiTOBBiow, saQ. EB3, EBT, KKtltta. In four morei. Problem No. 434, Bnggeetod by pity; wnnged for Stadtnle. ST 1. E. Boaonu. WBITE. BUtOE. Blich to pUy end gtvo mite In thr«e mone. Qame No. 434. Otme reconlly pliyxl tn UemphJi, botwoen oar oonlrlbalai JHOb Been ud Mr. Uuletoc vtnon'i ranMcC Attiok, Mr. UUlelon. l..PtaB4 t..KlU-Da 9..KtX KP I..K BUDS I..F-Q4 t..E0-q3 t..Oullea B..F-gD4 9,.BP y P 10..qKt-B8 ll..KtPy Kt 11..P-KR3 l>..P-SKtt(a] M..EDX U U..K-hIaRt9 I(..KI-hIig(6) Defenoe, Ur. Elion. PloE4 KE(-B8 F-qs Et >( EF P-Q4 KB-qe Culloe F-qB3 BPxP K Kt y St qs-Rts qo-nt U-KKt3 OP >c D qst-qi K R-K sq(e) Attiek, Ur. UtUelOD, lT..qtoberKt8 18..P-qB4 I8..qB-Etta 90..P-EBa^ ' 9I..EB-Ba 21..KX EB 23..F-KB4(«} . M..qBy B ia,.Kt-KB9 34..q-hODO a7..q-KBBq(/) 98..E-hllEt3 »..ll-EBaq(a) 30..E-hUKta 31..E-hl(Eteq IheAttia rcelgni. VQB + in-KBaq Et-qB8 4-B« + qEi-q7 q Kt-K a -I- Q-K7 + Kt." :t-Et8,uid ,. _. JVoto—by our conlrlbatar, ffiwi'l^'il?''^ »nil«lmllirpoiItl(uu,tailw»yBdug(iroia Jk ?« 5«",Pl»»»d the utnnl looking movo of Q L. H^,^^^ <J»«o«» a»M. wo«lQ UTe ODtalQed tho better Buno, (<l)To eoible him topliyKttoE4Ui, Itwu in InjaOldoai WT^owovcr, ia It allows tho Befince to get np a atroog ooun- tkl^-'.' ^ ^ *>>•> Dofonce plays E to B aq. Vl There la nothing better for him to do. (n firlaontly tho only move. To OorraBpondanti. Xcio, Kew Castle, DoL—Tho Idea of Igaoilna the Dims of the (ealngi la piepoileroua. We bin oiimlncd the work yon ro. <* to, and tho principal obleoHon wo hno to It la tho euladhu t Iho nimee of the opoolnge. It'a toct unLindy and Ireoble- xnotorofortoon thataceoQDt, and nothing Is ao ouy and pUln I dnogbt playera, when mentioning "I pUyod tho "Old fowe- enth,' or 'Croaa,' or I piiyod aotlnai tho 'whlltor,' or 'lalrd ud idy,'" ud not "I jdiyed 11 to U, 33 to 18, a to II, 21 to IT, 4 to and IT to IS," If no wished to aay'I pliyod tho Old Foor- enlh." Zhiioldnimo*aiothabat,aameiathtoMploncen>t noghla termed them. 0* W. Fosnn, Wliren, fa,—So you tntond to mike yoar stake •oo ohiDsnged > "Eipicas" hu gten yioor aotutton ud atya J that la your stylo of piiy yon oan Incnaao yonr ohillonge to It or IM, jnst as you pleiae." We ahill eipoot to hoirlhim niIn*few days. ). I. Conn, EMn, Hlob.—Kaitlna aerer played i mitoh with nunnond. inUClbechsIlenged htan to pliy forX80,but no- dog esme of It, as Htrtlni wished to pliy all Iha' gimsa on Iho hllc aqures, to which Dnunmond would not agno, Hsro Ibr- wdixl yon 1 copy of Anderson. A. SEnn, Olisgow, BcoUinl.—1. Did you locelvo Iho psokigo *4 IcUer wo forwarded yoa i few weoks alnooT X Mr, fiethoUln boat pUyor, 8.. Wylls wUl bo plesiod, do douh^ with tho witila of tho seoond Dutob guno. 8. II. B.—Acoordlng to last week's promise, yonr Foslllan ip- Ml. WeshsUbepleasedtoreoelTomorotnmyou. Qame No. II--V0I. XII. &nsna auiE of tho Ohimplonshlp Mitoh of Qreit Brlttln. 1'. • to 13 1.11 iixa) J.. 9 !..» ;..( 1..H n.u U..19 1!:;!S 11 8 19 18 10 10 e 0 11 13 •a «|t) 33 18 13 10 10 now nova. Btarges plays 10 to 18, -■ ifwoi one j J e»d motoj 11 to If wonld'lou. lis this the best? Solution of Position No. 10, Vol. XII. jio e BI L D. I. I. Blsek. I Wbllo. BIsck. II to 4 8., 3 to T II to 9 4 U 4..10 e,andwlna. •■oilllon No. il »» V B. n.-BMIKli| DUOE, Vol. XII. Orltloal PosHlon. BtAOK. Vblieto WHITE, novo and draw Iho game. Solution of Critloal Position. DT Ja SmOfOXDs Wbllo, 31 to 33 14 17 IT 33 13 18 U 17 and wins. OUR DRAMATIC PORTRAIT GALLERY. JENNIE PASEER. . _ „ „ JBRiaaPiBZEB wis bom ne<tf Iho dty of Boohortsr, H. Ym in 1838, and madoberddiilto thedramaito world it dIuo yemof age, at the Old Eaglo Biroot Theilro, Buffalo, as Uio ^0 of Vork, to Booth's ElchMd. Sho """"""^ J^'^jJJi'JJicSjSS? and wL'moIl El«S&y rrcaKeSpli^ boya' and diimbemiul parts, monelghtoen ycmof sgosbempcoKd In jOTumo lJ^ godyis thooupU^iltcr Lomin,TtaltlM^lho prludMa oUlos South and ioulb weit When Ur. WmTWheaUoy w«« Insaeoof the Uontlnentil ThoUio, Phlladolphla, ahe beoanioi member or Iho oompuy. ippeailng Soptomtar, 1881. Tho ohmctirs abo aaaufflcdihab wweof aaomowhil dllTerout ohinetor to Iboso sho hod (ormsriy wpcarod In, but bar success wis SiUeiing, snd sho ostibUahedMnalf Ilk popular faTorlle. Atthodoaoof the sea- son she wis eiusged for tho Winter Qirdeo hi Ibis city, but ow. tog to 1 sersreuillspodllon wsa unible to appear. lUilng r<- gdiisd her hcdth, abe rMppeirod at Iho CuaUnentaLonder Thomas UoEeon'a muigsment OraTor'* Wisblooton Theitio WIS her nszl hilling plica, where sho rsmilned until the close of the season, July 1301,1881. As i h<v«*«*«i i*"'"''',"'? Pu- lses to aasiune a high rank lu her protaalou, hot Is ilrcuy i shining stir. Hor ippoannos on the stage is ittnstlTe to the highest dioiee; her ittUodcs ud gosUcnliUans ore strikingly gnceAil and indloito i rara dlaorhntoatloD, ud her Toloo, (or power and pathos, la euMllent Bho poaa c ss c s an eyo of stognlir btllllaaOT,a '^''.'•iw'wff nofoct/e; is well as niluntoeiis ef minnsr udexproulOD,andtfioaesddootalltUatohtrpUylng. fihohu a good wardrobe and ilwaya dnsaeawlUi good laato. Harper- fbmanco of i*'**"'*. , to Shikcspearo's 'impost." while en- gaged at lbs Conthimtit, waa mnch oxtoDed by the preaa of Fhll adelphli. Tbare Is sot much acting to the nl<^ but ahopreaonlatl tho Ideal ud Innooont jroung vlrgto moat auooesaAiUy. In every altllnde the beholder waa nmlDOSd of aomeareekaculptuta: ud a penon of tiato oonld not hdp wondering how i hindaomo womin, who cu ippor ao besutjful whsn dressed SffiO T Tl In g to trne rules of art, cu, under any drcumaluoaa, be toduoea to dlsgulseksrs^lf with hoops and orlnol'D?. In thespiijigof 1863 Hiss Firker was married to aomo "lord of tho orcitfon" who «*s nporUi IS being Tory weslttay, ud the lidy retired torn tho stsgo ud took up bar iwlduea lii BrooklyiL A short time since, owing to some fanilly .ikiiiihIHm, « nToIallai took place to the psrkor flunlly. ud Jennie eepanled from her liege lord ud ooco mora took to the slam, ud sho ls,al tho present wilttog, one of tho .M.iiig lights 01 her profession. THE TtlTSa. WIIITE. While to raovo uil wto, The Ring. TBESIENOoniS HILL IH OALWAT BETWEEN THE KBXIOAN CBV8UBU AND AN BUSH OUNT. Ever Blnoetbo annoonoament that Cobumhad agreed to Sgbt Usee to Irelud, the admlms of the P. B., to utldpstloil of the groat alruggle ttUng plioe to Ihla locality, have been endciTOrtog to InlUita Usbmon Into a knowledge of the grand flitla adonec. In order that the ground whloh ahill be honond by the toter- naUonal combatanta may upon tha same day bo alU Author ren- deiad memorable by a battle for tho Obimplonihlp of Irolin& Wlthto Iho liat time woets Ato giUut enooDateia hiTo taken plioo, all of them being foramiU auma,ud got op fbrthe pur* pose of tarlngtog out two men who ahill be well worthy to do honori to "Ould Itelud'a" new belt. The last ofthoio Sve lour. naments was one of llio moat rtsolattly contested baUlea eier wltoeaaed, and took place the littar part of Kay. Erarythlngwu most Judldouily irnoged, ud the Sght dme off without ^nle^ roptlon on the aweelost Itlud that nesUaa in Lough Conrlb's mien. The oames of the men were Oeorge M...hJi lU^, Mozleu Omsher, and BrUn HaeDermott, the Fair dill Olut; the former being 14 at 13 lbs., and 8 ft, 1 to. to height, the latter respcotlrdy 18 ai. 9 lb. ud 8 ft 4 to. Toa noBT. 1. On the men Hclng each other the dUTorenoo to height, al* though two toohea. waa aoaicdy perceptible, owing to the Im. mense slu of oaeb, fant tho Slant's loins ud shonldrrs stood more baldly ont, clolhed with splendidly dordoped maades; his arms, too, seemed ntlur nun lengthy. Bowonr, the betttog waa eren. Both men hivtog put their huda to poaltloD, smiled, ud aparrcd for an opening. After aome aeoonda' mumvertog, Harahall let fly aomewhut slowly with his left, but ww easily atopped, tho big 'an scknowlodging the sitanpt by s tarrlSo hnook.dawn Uow on the nose. First blood ud Irit knock down alilffled for UicDemott 1. On the Uoloin approaching, Brien dropped his hinds ud langbed, bat qulok as Ughtnlng bfousht thorn npi pluthig a hot 'un on tha right teleaoopei Fotrflu sichangcs followed—tho Crusher twloo In socoasalon on the chto, the QUnt on the ne^ udahooldor, lUs mind ended by a hsoA-down blow tern tho aiut 3. The Oraahar was the flist to ahow Bght letltog'go his left oo the Qlut'B right ear, but to following op with his right was neatly stopped. Bslh meii oownabed at each clherMlh the fona of a aCeam-eiuliu. All ahoto atialght on to the tonllspleoe. No atopnbiR, the bctles of lioth being "giro ud iaka" Thla rnund, which luted dgbt mhiatee, was at last termlDitod by another kDodt-down blow from the Qtaot. 4, On tho Olantmnktoghlaappoiranca ho allowed 1 large mouie under the right eye, ind s wide, gaping ont on the r^bt Jaw, whilst the Onshci'a noae ud upper up presented a honiMo a|v pearuoe. Thalr wtod waa ooapantlvdy aonnd. Both cautious, seeming to think that it was not bribe "give ud take" aystom thebitUewaatobewoD. The QhuE tried the lafl, but the Crush- er was away too quickly- A pause, both moo eyeing each other with dongorous alflniScinc*. Tbo Olut agila reached out tho left, but wu this Bms wall stopped, reodnng a ellppir on tho node lu return. The Crusher followed up tho bkiw by a ahot on the left ogle, whu the men clomd tor Iho 8rst time, swsying each other like two Hereolcs, till both went down, Ihoaiiiitanaer. 6. Both men blowing-, the last round hivtog damiged them a bit In the wind department After a Utile spairlng ud fdntlng, both hoioes matnally stepped back, ud agim adnndng, renewed the spsnlns, when some leilithu cxuingea took place, tho QliDt stam'pug all upon the knowledge box, Kf'if^'tll auoottog to open tho na£ Agito wu there a draw, ud sgain did they ad- vance—lUs time not to spar, bot to test tho merits of tiio doming system. Thomiv thump, thump wut the blows—no relresuig, ooh holdtog his ground, when they dosed, the Cmihcr bomg thrown lieaTily, the Olut telling on him. Tho Sghl hadnow lasted 33 mto. 3. In thla ronnd the men seemed ssdly distressed for wind. NOTSifheleas, bolh seemed eager for hard Sghttog, end stonco rushed to a doeo,whutbeCrasharmdTod a dospoatoaoss- batiook from his heaTler onponent T. Un time bdng oollea the crusher wu the first to toe the sAntoh, bis ftoe pjosenting u undiatlngnishshlo mass of mu> gled flesh, ud the HtUo finger of his loft bud betog apratood ud muoh swoUu. IhebetlugwunowStol on thaOlsnLwbo opened the round by a shot from the rigb^ but wu out or dis- tuco—thoGlsiitontnB neck ud left ear, receiving a atonner on INDIAN OLUBSI INDIAN CLUBS M-No better gymDastto appUuoea oilst fbr slmpUdly of nae, or landing Dora to a aenersldavelopmaotudslnnglhoDhig of Uie physical sya- torn, Osn tho Indlu Club, and It la Oat oomlsg hiio publlo Ikvor as a means of •xorolas. Mr, B. D. KEHOE the prlsdnu Innr of Indlin Clubs to this oouitry. Is now In receipt of ordori tima sn seoUona, ud ho Is flUlou them up u rapidly u poaalblo. Ur. Eohoe made tho Clubs usedoy JonM(J, Uzraixand JobCo- BoaH. tho Pngillatio Ohimplons, to tholi tnlnlgg. Also for Diro- iif RivjuuoB, Iho millird Champlou, ud Jims>T u,, AqniUo Chimplon. anbs,4to SIbi. Hperpdr " 8 to 13 •' J .. Snmb Bella, from 83 to 4 " •■ Ordora iddreaaod to a n. KEHOB, Cuppca OiBoe, New Vork, or Post Oflloo, Now Tork, win rocclve immedlila aUondon. P. B.— All orders onlaUo of Now York dtymust bo ocooupulcd with the fflODOy, " HARRY JENNINGS luc nudA nuuiy seir-liDproTonionta lo hit popolAr "H0V8B OS CALL," 85 u?5S"nJIi^'!S7°ffnotnii,-Jo» Orihsm, the boxer, uo Fror. Dusty, lito bsMender for Oeo, Lseae. bars bouibt out SST'i.SJiJSfiJ?,"''"'' » "PPlyof ihe best the msrkst sf- 22! 2.^155L°fil"'?'""^*"«»"■ ThTSitond awsimwsl- ™lJ?fM«^!?.* ^."^ "Id one or both may s^ waya bo found at home to give tho grip to ibdr trienda. 7-U No, 33 PORTLAND SfTOEET BOSTON, ud added a complete sod uni(iae aALLERY OP P0BTBAIT8, msny of which can bo scon it no other sdoon In the oountiy SparxUng Tluds, prima Havanss, snd the best of aioythtog to be bsdUthebar. ^J-tf N. B.—nsiry JoDDlogi, 83 Porllsnd slroet Boston, Usia., ottars to the publlo hla inftlllblo ARSENIOAL SOAP, Ibr Iho do- atrucUon of deaa, llos^ bugs, sbeapUcks. ud vermin of aB do- acrlptlona; asudlOoonlaaboi. warruted to kU all vermin to flva mtoulsa, (and not to Injure the anhnd), and easily applied. B. J. has a aureoiuo for Mlng^ IXalonper, and all UnOa of dla- eases, ud smt to uypaitof the Vnlisd Btalca. Also, igmts wulcd. ^^^^ g THE NAUTILUS BRANOH.-THOMAS 0. BURNS hsa removed flnm the Old Homestoad on Btiton Island to this Clly, ud cu hereafter always bo found at No. 1 Buoji sniBr, on the oomor of Broadway, when he has laid to s store of Iho Choicest Wtoes, Uguore, Ales, and CIgan, making his bar onssrpsssod to auilily. Ur. OumswOl slwaysliehsppy to see his IHendi ud 10 publlo at Iho Blanch, wboreaD the aboroluutts cube m- Joyed to Orienlal style. 4Mm BOXINQ GLOVES I BOXING GLOVES II—OLD BlLLTOTEEUutorof Ceromonks of the Bbig, will send porsx- pnas a supolor solt of OLOVEB'B BOXIHO OLOVEB, to soyBtsto now to the Dnlon, on recdpt of $8, OLOVES OUANEI) st the shorlsatnoiloo, Address WTT.TiIAH TOVE^ 1-tf No. STSBooondtv., oam<Bof3(lhst,H. Y. Olty. "ED WILSON," Uu flUed up tho dogut and extensive pmnlacs at No. 18 LEROT FLAC^ Comer of Blaedisrud aremeatreotsi as a Aral class Bar ud aub Boom, wfaero the worthy host la rasdy to bid a hoartr welcome to sn. BlsWtoes,Uauon,sndClgira are unsurpassso, and eveiything la of the beat qoality. A apkindid FORTBArr GALLEBT on oxhlbltlcn. ■ED'S" ConnlTT Bcddonce, 'TEE BUINB," Weehswken, la also opu for Iho Bniiuaer Sesacn. l-3m* "CLIPPER SHADES," 81 UoNTaounnr snsxr. Jam Cin. Best Aha, Wines, Llqaon,ud CIgan eonslutly on hand. Ctube, Dumb Balls, Boxtog Qlovaa, tree fo r the use of vldlon. PEIBB UALLOV, Proprietor. Printo Insfructlon to the Art of Sclf-Dofenca. l-ut* n.-?,^^iJ"^''^""S * lo;; a«s. Muy other now pictures uiytlsa be scu St Dick's. '* uuior of a^US !^iS"i'f ^•f^"'**™*—^otholltlitost, Ihodonlsens In^^'?^ vielnlty wcrolrost«l loaoewaid novKl f.;/SSi",™' ,?'*P*<»" that John MoUen. (orawagcrrf SM He iJi?o iiw'SiJ"'^'* • W""""'"I»'>rtck toSSh hid.' ihl K? i" 7^ baokwwda ud forwarda across the xlrect and set Sj;^fJ*i2'r" on e«h dde Iho slnet, and pick Ihom^np^ »»If-P«lono?'dorto the^: ^^SSl-rf^" t^tnl Jldlp ovor to the olhor S?f!2f'i„".t'l5L'«*5' *»" ^ brick, ud plddng Som WL^"?'"' *f»part Of tho aflemooD, nthortog tMothor iboul Shad ffiS'h5r"i> V"', ■■o'Sl'borhila SSS3^SnS iSm .iT^^.?!"?? ^onon. UuUu conltouod to walk uaUl dx 0 dock, aocoinpllsUng bU Isdi. winning tho wager, ud Kd'/^Sf"?!! •«'™'X-«kt«>mll.a5f?nmndto'lhe ftShou™ and a halt Tho alEalr, dthough gotton upon tho asur of tho i'iS'fS,^.''.'???*' '^1 f« tk»^POito to lb" iSuiyt frim ^ack Duula'Oiyatal away down to Odd FoUowa'Uaa TS. Q.nEAT BOOESII T~ "EW BOOKBI NEW BOOHBII DONT FAIL TO BEND FOR A OATAIOGDB. Otra NEW CATALOOOE NOW BEADY, SENT FllEB-POST.VaE rADMJH APFLIOAIBB, TEE OLD EOTABLanED AND ONLY BEUABLE BOOK, AND HEORTINO OOOBB AOXSOt When enkn an promptly ud lUlhfblly executed. Addreaa TII01IA8 OBMOIY, Uarble BalMlnga, 88 Naimn afreet, MowYosk. C-lf AJJVEIITISBMENXS. X<o Siil>8oril>eina. The tonowtng an tha present rates of BobaoipUon to Iho Krw YOIB Cupm; Hnstooopy of Uie Olppar.aets. I 80 5? * SubsoripUon br 4 mouths.'l 00 T» AgwHa 4K da. Club olW 10 00 Buhaoriptlon, psr 08 lolab of Eight u 00 Babaolbeia In Oknada snd tho British PraTlDOsai One Dollsr DO annum axfra, to oova pntoga, Inanoaasstosdvues, FBAMK qUBEN, Editor aod Piopilelnr. 33 ^raoe street, New York. D P YOn WANT BP0BTSB8I AKY KIND OF ILAYDla OARDflT ,0 YOU WANT ANY EDID OF FABO BOXr jyo YOn WANT FABO OBECEB, AKY Bnoh u FOEEB ITOBY QOODSI IPS, JtUX, kc THE CHAMPION I THE CHAMPION M-Greatest Uuslo HiD and Ooncert Sdoon to the Cllyl No. 8N Brosdwiy, between Bleeoker and Bond stnda. UliSS EATE eTANTON, Proprietor. The gorgeous deopiatkins, archllocturd heau^, and rapaolftuinifan of thla mammoth Uuslo Ball are naaorpaased to tho worU, The moot sttnoUve and bawllahing lady wilCeisan to bo aeu at tho Champion. Superb Viands^ lit Zirueoiperar; grud orchestrd musto; u nnsurpasaed ShootiDg Oallaiy, un der th e anpaitotonduce of FnC Julius Dorgo. 0HABLE8 auOVEBKaN, Uuagar ud Director. Admlsdon treel l-9m* THE "STAR OF THE WEST." 303 CENTRE BFllEET. WINES, LiqnORS, ALES, AND dOABS or TBB rmesi qdilitv. CANINE BP0BI8 EVERY UONDAY ETENINO. The use of tho pit gratis for sosUexicn to try their doo. ...v»....«r " .r^. HUOU BOEY. BABNEY AABON. tftfl THE CHARLES H. MARSHALL HOUSE. UJOHAEI, HENBY Proprlstor. Na 89 FDLTON STBEET, BBOOELYN, TBB cnoioEsrr ALEB, WINE8, LiqDOBD, AND BSOABa 8«n* now ensued, to favor of doee—bolh noudowD, the forehead. Some shup, qulok hlltto| the Olut, of loo rapid a Idnd to DOto. the Cruiher under. 8 to 10. to thcso rvnndi'lho man tixod Ihdr utmostpowera to gain tho outory to wrestUng. There were hsrdly uy blows ex- changed, ud tho frOs wen ul given by the Glut, who csoh time fdl heavily on his opponent. 18, TwontTtoonotfeelyoffand on Iho Glut, but then were no lakers, u all sow plito^ saw that Iho vlctoiy mutt bo UoDer- motl'a, The Giant at onco rushed to, lelttog olT right ud lolt with fearful severity on tho month, wnloh eont tho Crusher to UoUier Earth. IT. Tho Crasher camn up much dislresssd ud very ilcketty on bis pins, every Inch of bis dial aistUllng the ruby to obundsnoe Be shot his right straight on tbo Glut's Icmplc, hut the blow seemed to' lock nrce; the a Unt grinned, rushed in, ud croas-but- tockU hla opposont, failing hoa%lly upon him. 18. Tho oUntatonco rushed to, mvlngtho Crnshor a levcn biokblL 13 ud Isat Tho Onsber eould hardly hold np his hands from downright oihsasUon, whilst tho Olut, likely (ram tho near sp- prctdt of victory, wu Orui on Us Umbs, ud seemed to hsvo atul a good half houra Ogbt to hUn. This nuiid wns of ahoct'dun- tlon, forthe Obnl at onco wont up to the CrDBhor, aondlng him senseless to Iho gnond by a blow on the right ddo of Iho nock: ud on time bong called for Iho next round, tho Cmslier,aUU to a alato of atnpor, was unable to put to u sppcaranco. 'Ilmc, It was not until after many mlnutca had elspsod that the doolor could recall ulmaUontothesoemtogoorpsoofthegaUutCTuaher. Whu auOldonlly realorod, he waa romoved to a nalghboitog fish. ennu'shut TDsaisnl,onthsJonnoybuktolheeteamer,wu u marry u mnn oould bo. froah as a delay, ud bearing no marka (aavolhe fewonia onhlafiuoi otbavUgbntatewmomcnIa before figured to a prlia ring, OrrllAKDXD ExoomnKii ditwbbii Siorn ixd Auxs.— Bob Smith, of Liverpool, ud Tom Allan, of Blrmtothim, mot on Juno 3d, at Fiddler's Ferry, near Ilveipod, to aettle ddgrlevuocs, haviog sgreod the day boforo to have u oif-hudod onoouutor, for fS'a dda Anmwas msdetho favorito st the oommeneomenL but Smith aeon had tho call to the betting, u holookadeddta lead after the third or fourth nuDd. In all, fifty rounda were contested, oceupytog two boon ud forty-aeven mtoules, when Smith wu hslled the winner, ud left Iho ring with but a slight mark on hla right aye, whllatbla opponutwu moataevevaly puDlahod, tMth about the taoe ud body. It will bo froab to the memory o( our resdera that Smith fonght ud defeated Uarry AUeo (brelhor to hla prosut ulsgonlst), ud the above meoUng emanated from • dl^nlod bet over Iho fight between Smith ud Barry AUsn. HalUier won to oondlUon, ud It is expoolod Ihst a fresh mitoh will bo sun to tske pIto«< DnAnonman iwhki tbb Batwa-Dick Bdley, of West, bmmwloh, ud T. Taylor, of Wslssll, met on Tuesdur morning, Msr SIsI, at BlokenluU, some ntoe mllsi from BinnlDgbam, to contend at eateh-wslaht for jU8 a aids, but the (ktca wen sgitost the enitgemut, as the police mnatned to strong foroo. DiUey Is to bis nrcaty-seeond year, ud elands 8fi. Oto., ud trdned ODder E Tlomer. Taylor hu fimind Cteqaently, ud with varied sueeeai. Ma Isat engagomut navlng beu witti Alf. Nawton, of the Folterirs, whlehranera>plrllodeasl<at,ondedtosdnw. He Is to his Ihlrty-sooood year, standing u toch ud a half ovor hla Siponent, ud walghlng a good haUatons heavier. Having ar- Tcd at uo rcnSesvoua, u above, and finding the oeonlry anund dotloil with "blna aptoks," animgnde movemmlwu made fbr Dlrmtoghain, ud uo parly met atBodgsr Oiulchley'a. Hen a tongdlaonaalonenaaed u tothes'todlon otanferee, ansponslble penon connected wllh IhoPnas betog nsmed, ud stonooso- ccpled by Ddh^'a party. Ikylor'a haclian would not ame, but propoecd one of their own party, Ur. Geo. Rowley, a wen-known Sjbllciu of the bladt diitrlot, and, aooner than not have a flgh^ dloy't parly consented to thla anugraieiit The men were ordrrod to meet at Dalvea Oraen, near Waliall, at two o'olociL which thny did, but It wu evident to ill preacat (ud thon could hardly liavo boon loaathBng,000)thattha polloo hid Ixu aut for by Tulor'a party, Snowing whldi, the reforco, aooner than bond to drcumalineoa which muit hive obliged himtodeddo iMtoat hla nu, throw up bh oflico, aoiuellilug unprrcodontcd In the innals ofpoglllimi for, had hen^lt disposed, he might, yt a ' " ilanr " jco,havo got tbo amir off without Inlermptlon, It Is mpch to be itg^tcd (hat thoro Is not a liw In tte ring core- very short dlsQ iH-llhui those who liavo donod in agreereent to contend anniKlbig to the aamo, or forfeit the batUc-noney. It la thought that In Mmosa nolloyla onilUcd to tho siskcs, u the oppostog party shirked business to oTOryway, "THE PASTIME," NO. 103 EAST HOUSTON BTBEET, East or rna Bowanx. Best Ales, Wtoes, Llquora ud Olgirs, canstuUy on hud. ataSiBB HOLLYWOOD, Pnprlelar. N. I).-Pilnto Issaoas given to SFABBtNO. T-Tt* DO YOD WANT ANY FABO LAY OPTS . BODLETCE CLOTHS; CALIFOSNU L0ITBBIE9; SWEAT CLOTHS. OB ANY FAINTED BPOBTIHa O0OB6, 0 YOD WANT TO ENOW AT ANT OB ALL OF THE ABOYET HOW TO WIN IF YOD WANT ANY ABTICLB IN THE BPOBTINO UMS, SEND TO EOWABD IL 0BAYE8, 18 Naaau streot, Mew York City, AND GET BIS OIBODLAB, OniNa LIBI OF OOODfi AND PBIOBa BEND FOB SAUFLES OF PLAYING OABDB, ko., Whloh wlU be aut FBBE to uy addrraa upon appllcatlmi. WBRB NAUE, STATE, AMD CODNn PLAIN. 11-lt* MABEEDBAOEOABBB-CB That you om t all the SUIT AMD SIZE BY THE BACHB. BENT TO AMY ADDBEBS, FBEB OF ALL EXPENSE, Atths fonowing prices. Stogie Packs, esch |1 00 BU Packs fbr 4 00 0ns Dosu Psoks 8 8 Also, ALL EIND8 OF BPOBUNa OOOSB. CalloBoraddRiis W. a LEBOW fc CO., P. O. Box 8688, Msw York City. OOoeaSNsaasaslieeL U-ll* > OITEM AWAY FREE. A BIOB PIOIDBB wUh SSob OATALOGOK Band and gat one; It will coat yoa nothhig. Addicsa H. H. HOPE kOO„ 18-lto Na38Naasa«atreel,NswYoik. SADDLE ROCK OYSTER and DINING SALOON, 100 CHATEAU STREET. Ales, Wtoes, Lliraon, ud Began of snperior qnallty. Bofreahmmts at all honra- > U TBAINOB k U. STANTON, PnnletDrs. PBI7ATB LESSONS IN THE AST OF SELF DEFENOli by IQCHAEL TBAINOB. THE X-IO-U-B, Mo. 13 EiST Hoonox HABRT LAZAB08 Proprietor Evatythlng "Pro Bono Publics." Edibles^ Blbtblss, wd BmA- ahlea; aU "non com parstua est" Thsn wdoome sQ, haartily wdcomo every one. Opon Day snd NlgbL ■ PRIYATE LQS0N8 OIVINIM BPABBIMa. 83-tf SPORTSMAN'S HALL, _ Cob. TmBD axd Wood eta, Piiiasuiiai^ Pi. JOHNNY LOUDON wUhee to Inform his friends ud tho publle generally that he Is now proprietor U this sporting hoatolrle, ud win do an to bis power to mako his vidian' cans agneoble. Public Bpaning ovory Bstnrday evoitog. PrlvttoLoasoDSgirautotho Artof BeilDg. B-Tt* IZZV LAZARUS. ^ Eagle Sliades, 333 CENTRE STREBT, One Door frwn orud sL Chdoe Atoll Wtoes. Uquon,udSegai«. Chops, Sleeks, Welsh RsnUla, and OoU Onl)h at sU'hours. FRS AMD EASY Hon- day ud Saturday Bvenlnge. IZZT LAZASUB, Proprietor. (8-11 STENTS NEW YORK HOTEL, NO. 7 ROB STREET, LIVBBPOOL, Fadng tho entnnoo of St. Jobn'a UirkoL The Proprietor roapootfUUy tofonna hla Amoileu IHonda that ho hu lomond from tho Talbot Hold to tho above named pnml- ses, when thsy wlU dwsys itod hhn on dook to give the Up OD sU Sporilag Events, past, present and futuro. The Mew York Cur- ru, Willi dl tho AmorlOBU and EoglJah BporUiui Iianen kept d- wsya on file. S-3m* JAUE3 BTBMT. ATLANTIC HOTEL. OBATUAU SqUARE New House; 100 nowly fumlahod rooma to lot by tho day, week ' ~ ' ~' alhor Beds. Oiien day ud S. DREDElt, Proprietor. or'month, night. Myno'a Patont Spring Ftalhor Stda. (0-at»] THE CLUB HOUSE, 123 Prinoe street, next door to the corner of Wooelor stnet. "DUBTV" le J08. GRAHAU Pnprleton. Tho above named tako this method of informing thdr friends ud the Bporttog Communis that they bivo boeomo tho hoato of "Iho Club Honso," 113 Crtoee street, when they msy dwaya bo fonnd to mtolato vidlora. The bar la atooked with the Obolotst Wtoes, Uquon, Alee, ud Cigars. Csll and lee thoai. IMt* JOE COBURN, CHAUFION OF AUERICA. A SplendM FULL LENGTH PORTRAIT OF JOB COBDRN, to atUtude, ongnvcd tram an Imperial Photognpb, asnt byoiproea, oarafnlly put up, to uy part of the Dnltcil Btatea on reedpt of OdoDoM. Slu. 13x38 luohca. A liberal discount to Iho tndo. ^dnsa OLAV k OOSAOK, IIHI* Eognven sod Publishers. BuiUo, N. Y. NED JAUES Is Agont ibr tho sde of them to this dty. Tub Tiriow Bmnxa's Lnawisi.—The only pletare, a photo- gnpb from Ufo, of Bill Perry, the Tipton Blsshcr, who foiwhl ghiaiey Froonan the Anortcan giant, can be seen fora UmUod perleidatNed Wilson's in Bleeckor strML The Blaahar only sat for two pletnxos to his life-one tor tho Usrqnls of Wstorford, ud the other for ens of our SIsfi; who tnvdedover one hnndrod miles to get It, udeput two daysto 'Wdverhimpton balbnbo suoeoedcd. You cu bet nioney Inil nobody to the werUbui duuemotspe or photogiapb of the Tipton fromlUb, exoept hlm- seSud the afoKsald, not even Newbold, the great spotttog prtot publisher of Loudon. When Tom Uyor wu to bis prime, ho diiUcngodDUl Perry, tlmugb Iny Uxsrus, ofibringto givoor tsko ^00 for expenses to figlit dther bore or there. Wllh snch a hatooftoddenft duatored araund tho old Sluhar's naoo, his mug U somethtog to look at, U you on't see the origtosl htoistlf. Raxu GBmBm's Nww nB40Q»AnnDia.-Tbo vrorltur Sir Hany, who fought Uoreton, Brooks, udClirke, of Uvorpool, (whose Ut- lar aoauunluco Joe Cobiim hu made durtog Us brtef slay there), nitohed with Jem Parker, and (ought Joe Cobum. bu open- ed anew plaoo to Virginia Clly, Nonda Torritoi;. ud csUodIt the New York Shades. Grlbbta loutd tho lot inlbad the hoiue buUt, diowtoghlmseU to bo a Uvp, go ahead sort of a fdlow, who won'iletthegraugrow under bUftet- The Shades Is on South 0 Btrtot, Ho. 177, ud ho hu a gnnd dub room eapsble of soaUng aoouiOe of huadrod pooplo. Harry, for many yean, kept a publlo house on Hudson Avuuo, Deooklyo, then bought out ono of Win. iiuUnis' nlsees In Droomo street, and aflerwarda wu landlord or tlw sstoon tolho Bowery when Jcniuiy Masaoy kepi Ho alsohad aftDsiilsceto Bau Fnudsco, ud now has one to TIrgtolaClty, Good for Harry. Wile's loDLiMBt—JImUuley and UIko Doraey wen to hav« fouoblltara smsU stake early nu the morning of the lltb Inat, butallhongh^onoywaalhe^•. rosdyud willing, snd carriages wen In walUng at Harry Clarke's, no Hanloy showod up, ud the fujjla Uiercfbn for the pnsent, lu iboyuea If Uuloy had Iweo bdf u indotia to hive It ramo olfu Doner irss, wo iidghl have hid a merry mlU lo rceonl for our roadera thla week. How- over, wo don't aeo how ho can «dl frt out of a fight of "pnio Wiul, and ifltUonlymanagoU right, Iholioya can have a UlUo eport- '^TTOPB I DONT mrauSE" • Of ooniae not Tbm ri aand ud gat one of our OalalogUM, ud a OAY FICTtll^ IBEE. ■« Address H, U. HOPE k 00., Il-U* Mo. as Msssu street. New York. WAMTBD mUEDIATELYI EVERY SIOBT to the United Btsles snd Canada, to aendtn one of our NEW Clmulan. WE SEND A SPIOY PIOFUBE wllh each Olioular, 8^FREEI-e» SVFBEBII^ «rFBEBIII-0 REAL French Plsyiog Cards, fl per peck. Hudsems Imported Segar Cues, |3 each. BeuUfulPnoketAlbams, lloich. EVERY YABIETY OF FANCY OOOM, aUPPLIED AT THE SHOBTXST NOTICE. Mf a-IO' BEND AMD GET A CATALOGDE AMD HAMDBOKB PIOTUBE FREE Address H. H, HOPE k 00., No. 38 Masm street, IMt* Mew York City. EBTABUBHED ..UIO. BOOEB-PBINTB. PLAYING OAfiOS, DlCi; AND BPOItmG GOODS OP ETEBY SBSOBIPnOM, How to Win at Cards, Dice, tio. B D B B .AMD ODB MAHUOIH OATALOOUES, Soot iyee to uy Address. AllbnstoauOONFIDENTIAIk ud all loltors anaworadbyro- lum mill. W. E. LINDSAY k CO., 11-lt* No.l8Nasaualnet,NewYorkClty. LOOK—10O for 35 cents. ^B 100 Fbologmplu, 38 oents. lOO Photognpha of Actresses for 'm cants, 100 Photognphs of Anon fbr 38 oents. 100 Photognphs of Osserds for 38 oents. 100 Photognphs of Hudaomo bidios fbr 98 oents. k k b ft « k I k b srr Address sll ordan to J. TAYLOR, IMt* BS- tBB Filbert Bboel, Fhnadelphls, Ps. 100 i PHOTOaRAPHB OF HANDSOUE LADIES for 30 cts. von Photognphs of Fomdo Doaullosfbr 98 ota. They an very rich, very nrou ud very raoy. Addroas all ordozi to Kk tm la k J. TAYLOR, 833 FUbert afroel, ll-lt* III|I!9l«89-«a-<r I'hlladdphla, Pa. 1 A A A A COPIES SOLD.-THB BEST BOOK PUnUSa- lU.Ul/U ED. VENTRILOqUISU EXPOSED. Pookot edition, conlatohig tho wholo art of VOCAL VENTRILO- qUISU, together with a groat variety of Imitatlona never boforo publlahod. Anybody cu loam thla wonderfd art. Frlcee—lu pa- per oovera, 38 ola, or haiulsomdy bound In doth, gUt ddcs snd badi, 80 cenli. Bent by mall, pnpald to lull, to OTOiybodr on to- odpt of price ud two ted atampa, by ROYAL GOULD, U-U*. Blddaford, Uatoe. RAOY . LEITEIl AND sul to uy sddreu for 98c, neniuli Addreu BEAUTIFUL FEHALE—^The two Roan of laughter '^Tl''' "* Mo. tS North 8lh itraet, phlladdphia. mHB SOIJ)IER'B TRUE FRIEND.—lUr over forty yesn Dr. J. HoUowsy hu beu aupplytog aU the armies of Eunpe with hla PIUEand ODtTUEnX, they having praved themselns the only Uedletoea able to our* the wont eues of Bysutory, Bcurty, Bores, Wounds ud Bralsss. Every knapsack should contain them, OnlySSoutaperboxorpok 333 mEB ILLUSTRATEE PHRENOLOGICAL JOUIINAL for JULY. JL Vol 40 beglDS with a double No., now nady, contdntog Por- trdta, Ohaiadara, and Blognphloa of badlng men, living and dead, such u UANCOOE, SCDaWIOE, WAtlSWOllTUTlIAW- TBORN, UUnnXO, Presldont of ColombU, & A; the DYING GLADIATOR, with I'.irtrdts, C3isracten and Bloanphlcs. Also, ETHNOLOGY, or tho Raecsi PHYSIOLOGY, the Uwe of Ufo and lledlh. PURENOLOOY, with Choice el Puisnlta PIIYBIOO- NOUY, or "Slgna of Character." PSYCnOLOOY, tlio Bdenee of Uie Soul, ud muob other maUer, to be found lu no other puliUea- Uoo. li Is a HANDBOUELY ILLUBTRATBU MONTULY, with NIMETY-BIX C0LUUN8 of RICH BEASIXa UATTEB. News- men have IL Sold st 10 cenis, or (3 s year, by ll-3t* FOWLER k WELLS, No. 380 Onadway,N.Y, FOR BALE OUEAF-ONLY 190. 9^ A "PORTABLE PRINTlNa OFFICE," 40* Cu bo packed to a common bnink. For wut of nae, I will 0- sell It for 130. Just tho Ihtog for s "sporting" or budnen Xff- mu, or oOloor. InatrucUons to set lypL kc« vrlU scoom* fg- pany IL Prtola 600 Impreadona per tuor beauUfully, to Ink 80- or gill, ud to admlnbu adapted to moaat Photognpha ud 0- copy Leltera. You wtll uvo T8 per canL by DOUlO YOUR aa- OWN PRINTINO. It comprites "Lowe's Patut Portable g^ Frees," Plato ud Fancy Type, Ink, Ink Roller, Cases, Fur- aa> nllun, ko„ ka Doiod ud aut by express. For parllca. a- Ian, address F. P, CABSONB, ll-ll* Afield, Conn. SEND FOR MY MAOI O LOO KIMQ OLASB. '0 cts. FBUALG DBAUTIEB, Stz Odond Watos^ 80 els. FANNY UlLLER, 88 da. U-lt» F. LAUBEBT, Box I8S4, Philadelphia P, 0. Anfdthfonyexccuiod^ Booka and Flnoy Oooda you aee adrertlsed^lSl^i^SSi WE DEAL ONLY IN OENUINB AB'norjta Conldnlng 13 KIdi Ftach'lSiS^Sf 52^, « THE BOOKOr NATURE -"V^'o, nice 8L38. monoacopio F«a (v^wd?,7p*!?«'Sa " "-^ ADVANTAGE CABD1,^pS pSTiidriLOO. NEWBOOESATLAST'^^'"" A LON G WAN T BUPPUED. THEY ABE JUST ISSUED. OAOTKNl ™™ * »«™PnVE OIBOULtt. {«d by their PUTVEBY, BOGUS PBOMISEBrud LYlSia AbSC «• raoraaioNAL wStonkr SOLDims and sihsn, to avoid tha BABCAIS. should deal <Bl* Sos-cf uoRPHY * 00, ratoLbmrsSoOT* BEUABLE FOROHASDIO HOUSE to than, B. WastaadnoB oar merita,udr«qaln no PUFFING. t,.«™ii^ „_Oigi OaSGIMAI, KAUMOTH OATALOGUB EHUHSBATES KTEBY ARTICLE IN THE nute. ' THAT IB OENDINE, OR WORTH HAVDfoT Bewan of ROGUES oopytog this sdveMssment tat fraadatal '^TTHE KNAVES-A oertdn wmlbUe par^.sdvat^ to UJspuerundersenml dUtaatnsmes anTaSra^m 001 OrouJan br the porpoaa of defrandtog tha nnwarr-dsoo^M oursdvertlsemenU Wo cuUonthepuUii to beware tft£i» suupulons rognea. Bendtousimly.udgttonrgnataataleinoa. Addros UORPHV k CO, Puhliahen ud PnxchuliiB A 81 NaawTiSeeE Mew Ycift, BOOEBI BOOESII BOOESII I OABDSt PRnn, STBBEOSOOPIO TIEWBl CABTBB DE VISTTE . WATCH CBABU^ POCKET KNIVES, AMD BCABF PDiB OOl. TAIMINO uicnosoopio viEira, GOOD REASONS OOOD BEASOMS GOOD BBASONB why an abould deal direct with J. H. FABBELL, No. IS Ann ataeefc HawToA Els Is lbs Largest, Oldest, Uest FlonrlaUiig and Uost Bdlatla EatabUahmutlntha " ——• BVPPLYIMa AMD FUBOHASIMa BUHlMSBBL Ho la u Eiteiuln PnbUshar, sod gala ont sll tha Beat sad Ucat SslssUs Books thatyou sea aAotlaed as axisadvalyril thxoogh the Union. He Is sbis to ndkr Ihe world to Us whoia past bustoass oanar M swell known gi«tdM^ wspaMlM. lUmfc M«f,nl... t rf.»Jh.. gp u equd footing; to snoj reaped^ With ourlsrwest publishing e» tsbllshmenlB. HshuslargSL i<AU > m«iw.^_ rmA^^ omLT. ooftir business jaindplss. In a pobUo storo-not to u obaean gamt e> parhaps oolyaoimuL plsca of biidnnaa. as Is Ihs ossenUilte pftnr .PMWM whn At»p»M th^wnfa^wm mA Atit^t^^ ttlirl|'fftSfai|- He cu nier to our most respedabls bnahieu man, and to I of our Blast tanking lnstltulIons,H to his parfbct ns| ~ and complds ability to fnlfln aU his eDgsfaaanta of t aod character. Thus even poBon who wlshsa to crisr BOOEB, OABSB, STATIONSBY, CiBTBS DE VlfiRE ko,, ko-t wQ at onoa aee the Importenoa of daaltog directly with him, to* stosdof irlththo ooehorsivrlchettycoaoemsthst spring npKka mushrooms only to ddudo ud deodro Ihslr unwary aod frnjOBg also Imparts direct bom FtUM sB thoss Unique^ Bsnlatt^ TSstotal, Becbenha Aiiataa, such u Segar Oases, Osries dsTIdH k&, snd of couns is ^^'.i.i^^ to ftimlsh his oustoinsn wtlb Iks BBii. things, Instead of thcaa wralched wnntafeU sbartlooa^ 1^ lesemUsnclttursrtnornalurs. , Bo hu slso nnniud frdllUes fbr obtstolng (ha newest ablss ol Cards, plsto snd msrked, which bo cu fumlsh on listta^scnBi^ both whdeaala and reliU, thu uy booaa io the tnda. He h u every kind of ' PICTIUBX. BOOK, BIKBEOSCOra. ..; CAUTES DE VIEII^ PH0T0 OB8 SNUFF BARS, kcTke- that cu be fomiahed by any penon to New Yak, and a gnat many other ktoda TUT 10 OKBBLai on sums Birr maiBir. v Wo append a alight adsrtinn from our GREAT CATALOGUE OF FANOY AMD HUUOnOUS BOOEB: Theso Books sn get up dllforent from uything of the ktod sm oSbml to the public Toa AiE tuBDsoua.! hlosibiib) wrm rLixB. They cube sent by oxprcsa or mall Pcnona udoriogmaf nsl aasnrod Ihst thoy wlir recdve thdr Books with las oonosl Fno)(m<ts% POST rim. Now ready ud for solo by J. H. FARREIX; No. 18 Ann stnet, New York As a aample of Iho vduabls and oxlendve selcdion of Books sold ud publlahod by S. H. FABRELL, the fbltowloA an uumeaatcd: Ftaoy, 80 cento; Ailalotle'a Works,oomplets. Hi Hairy Olndcn, 38 centa: Sharps ud lists, 38 oenU; Flon Uontgomery, 88 cate; ZMoa. 30 oenb; Fanny Orecly, 38 oenis; Kale OuUeton, 38 oants; Tom Brawn's Jcat Book, 98 conto; Femato PoUor Detected, li centa; TUca of Twilight, 30 outs; ud tho Book of Famale Bsnky. (Cculs. FROUFTNESB IS UY UOITO. Addnsss J. D, FARRBLL, Na IS Ann streoL New York, 10 Near the American UOBBOsa. THE UAGIO LOGEIMa GLASS, price IX n- THE UAOIC SBGAB 0AS4 price |L 49-THE LOVXALDUlLprlas|liB0,arBfn|3, mr TUB MAOIO POOEEI BOOE, idea II. 89-THE UAOIO POCKET BOOK, prise tl, tO" BBADTIFUL OABTEB DE VISnB.Btor tL 49-BOOKS, OARDS, PBIMTB, And all ktoda of BportloB Oeods, tor sd). Addiau sU oRlrn to a a LORD h 00., Box 8988, P.O., MewYorkCUr* /Wa FANCY BOOESI 7AM0Y FRENCH CARI»l-«« UlsT a9-PASISIAN CABTES DETiaiTB,38^-fit OU) JOHN BROWN IN COLORS, IB eta! SEND FOR ANT B<X3K YOD CANT GET, I HAVE IT. FREMOU TRANSPARENT PLAYINa OABBSL SI 8& THE LAST FIVE FANOY BOOEB OUT, ueh 11 IBL OAT AND LUBOIOUB PHOTOGRAPHS, difor |l. FANOY BOOKS, dx colond plates, 80 ota. MATBIMOMY UADB EASY: or. TBBltaounov MiTVn Ba- VBAUD. Six Colored Plates, 60 OIS. Band fbr my UAGIO LOOKING GLABSi alx colored plataiL 60& BEND FOB THE GAYEST CATALOGUE CUT. ll-lt* FBEDE. LAUBEBT, Box I8S0, Fhllad. P, 0,, Fa, rriHE OIJ> ESTABLISHED BOOK AOKNOY. BsDd tor A ± Clraolsr, HENRY STEPHENS, SB MissSBst f. tS5 FUN.-Bcod Stamp to P, O. Dnwor 8831, Chicago, III., ud ra- ccivo by retura mall aomolhtog thai will plceao you. lO-Il* LOOE HEBE B'COYS AMD G'UALB. -61 • Bud ud get Old John Brown, only 38 eta. ■ B" 8^ 89- Fttnch TnospsRot Playing OatdSk * 49* 8V aim pgr pack. Gay ud ^loy Photo-- a9*a^49*ffn|>hs,3Scts.esch,or8lbr|r, 8«i<^a-„ _ 49* 40* to- lor our Ilney Bewtog Uachtoes, onlr ^| •« 4^ 47 49-18 cants, GiT ud BplcT Songs, -01 49'49-4a-cts.cteh,orMTor|L Behdandgrt'-Ct'^i'S 47 4V49-onr Qsy Caldogno. ^^'^•O-n'na aira789* Addrcn all orde«s to -Qt-SB^a 49-43-43- J. D. UoSMIOT k 00„ -VK^^ 49-«7*49-49* Box 1881,FhllatelphliP,0, ■«S'5-S iMt'tt k ^ ^ ^ .^.^ k k k k V k fc( mo BE SOU) BY PBITAra OONTBAOI ONLY." X PHOTOGRAPHS. lUOTOaBAFHB. Simple ud cttilogno tent on rsodpt of 38 oenls. Boot hU to i*od, Addrtw J, OUOROT,BoxlBH,Phllaa's,Fs. U-U*