New York Clipper (Jun 1864)

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Our Letter-Box. SuiS, Now »ork OhcM Club, Hon7 J^^ji. x, u. Jorlm.ii, > moDl iDd Kate Desin RJ"- THE ^^^EW YORK CLIPPER. Illfi billitl/oyUlio iaj City Summary. MoiiDiT, Jmo »,18M. ™in,i«Xo.MidteooiitiulUi<m Witt Iho pilntedindpowdonil U» coBMllrf lorflDg n«. .t —^ IhmMo: Uo I. doDO up loUU lootamllJiolaJJnilcoiMfromUiohiJiai .of Ihowiiill. ■ womu, Uio ttUor, Ihc barlwr. ma tt« <l70i| Ui JollJ loci, tnd •blskcn, mdUiit ollh bur-i graM, IwtoUxl ind ciufod, uo ii- '■ nogcd la • wrj careful vumu-lD kilt tlio contour ot llio foc«; hoiia»Mup«Imoit«»*«n Mttliefl»i» on; to ko Iilin f .iiAMUc taowcrer/ts iiliUa osoUvn mittte; vA Utoeo yousg anp • i'fooUih ddorlj ciMtnni who'jo to tho thMtn to eoo the •■hin4- r^ioao oaBodbn" irotdd bsr* til tMr Muuc* -diihod to iilocdB could lbi7,bgjlm^Ir^iquV.* Idol u bo.rjuUy li wltbonl Ujo Dili pf IKlul,D^iM tiiil'd<mttiti;iand.kiiowtluthii onni kwlle, o ■on ot "ulnetotn jcm.ojd," lod olbor IntorrtUng uiil «Bo-ri mladU>g'pt<ka>y'' 'VniO oomCB hero >, Uy our Ufo '11> a " vUlulii, the'fieanTlUiln of tlib-^. ■WUo.wpiUd nppow that mlia .9teiikUg|-.imiunnhig gmlleinui'tolKifi "bcutlcu villain ?". So: ' witb wbat caro trd iin\i»ifM\ii tbo' la>aci,:aotnaDf itqiplog In to tho olml, iiolllng:hl» «»in nldiljf-pollahid bwplii an Uiat tlw bovj of Khool glrU now luilog may not' bo liicbnTCnkiiceil lijr contact; fit la a gcnUonm, iron ton coo It In liU itciT nwvciuuil, ,;(anil( a blt'ot apbyilognbmM yuu mny Judge lo tl^ SSd ho, turning to tho .»klim«r,.Bt ooh »Uloj,-rwliJlVk tbo aiffoitmco bolwcon ao-boo* and .bladi-flah?" ''U* ma ai>ouiid,"npUcd tbo m*tltr«Mlci bnalncm nun.aa h« iimtd ki woliili a yoasd of lonio* f>ir a waiting oualoincr. .Ana Ilia llttio onlaoda ramlnda ua that whan pooplo uoud amnooniuit Biid rccnaUon alter tho lUi Idon't make thb cola, now) of Vie ilay, Uiiy haw but to "plod Iholr wuuy way," o" Mr. O'V forma Ua, lo Btblo'a OanloD «n DroBdway, and thoto, In a f(a»l or good thlnia, low'all ttaair cokm and coiMlonanoai In tho hilr- jnodlh oEnpeaof "Dol Domonlo," and ftrgat tholr wlv« and liitoR«Uni dioAbtan at homo whilo brchitlod with tho cborioa Old abort cott of Veetfalt tha Superb. Tbla li the alilh week nl Ihopaformasco of " Bol Domonlo," and the ay la, to oromia " Bl WIM mTmB, 'lla folly to defer " going to Hollcr'a " Salle Slabolliiue," Ixcanao the r.rogtamme ho now oltora In " rich, nre aadrKV." oa aomo of our ailmrtlMra »y. To dont ba on bond early, yon won't got ihn choice plac«;biit th»i only ma**. It tho moro nectaaan that yoB ihooM '^j" "IJ boeom of yoni own bmUes with tbo bowm of o""TJ";^ • teraUlc*,eretho"ahidca of etenlng doth fl'iw ' ^J?'"";! wmy wo do: Iflbe lady who» latlona we contra<* for la iiol nady b«ame«, or hanaa flre to delude n«, we Juat moke a Itaak moro- mentaround toMrft Joncaea, wboeoilangbloa are f ™">i and In •imy we bate the prellloatof Ibom Ihilenlog to our bonlud wonla, their bona leoUng In nnl»n with onn, and rooily to iMr- Saof "tholSllhematSel afforta" at a B'««»V2^'™t Thafath. WBTW manage dilatory iworle. " ,!?;?J^ early at HOllor'B. you muet be on tho «pct loon, at lc«t i« «e ban been Informid b» tho«) who haio b«n crowded ™'J^^ trancoua pnaaure. ^VlUl Iho view of enllvoelng tli<-b^^^^^^ menlj While avnlllng out nort nwy, wowlllpropt.nnilncujnin, SSS WhylaHSlCTllkoaollocUalk? OlvoUup? Uociuneh^ ploya on the piano like tho dovil. -'Ooui, Kold, gold, goM plai-bonaa- boaida i the honor wHh which hla etac «la ai j WiM' qpon iiy on '."ippioclatlvo aodleaico" has bad an; .1 .'.liing lb ](ij(owlW mMng' r«al Utb the oppoalto of what ho wsoma to benponthealag«...Uere'a"a JoHylooWng felhw,»li:i hlndneda beamlag ill oTOty liiuiaineilt ofbla open counloaaaco.' n ho ii 11.7 qookh tbe nnllccnaed loadar. That, mort obtuao li..iulrrr, < tziM^fu ^ ,'Or tho — ■ — Thcatrol' Ite la "ovoobody 1 Mand^'a amjlo for Ihia one, a dollar ottw« furUial, u'.d novi r 7 ino^ ilwipy than when doing a Und ootion. ,Bee bow tho panen I'by 'rengnlae blmi - Then bo goee with a cnnd Into -— - "'BilMn-toiaM thh'IIAte of'day,'have "a Racial glaaa'wUii bla ° Monday and-loll than "a little alory," for be la a btlUr atoiy-ldlcr even than ye hoooat old Abe, wbeao nomlna- ■ Uon' at' iho Ssltioore' convontlon la auld to have lioi^p _ oecuroil by'hioaoa "of alory toUlug. Our maiiagorkl frleni boworer, haa no aio to griud by bla atory tcllliig; It hi b • future to oqloyoU Ifie'good Ibtogaof tbla Ufa, and to lnlUao|> UUlo ol .the aome feeUng'amoiig Ula l^w mas. Aa you aeo blip now, 00 be la alwayai li tikein much to nf&e bla tenqier—ho would Boonerpaya>p«&|a boM.blO anydoythan {uoml wllli him. Btudaaldatlmijandlefthlapompona-Iooklng Individual I«M along. if<'> only ono of tho utility poophi np at — honao, yot by bla fptclRU alia ind arrogant mumera yon might Liko bliu forlAubZfapiilaco orBanbtatoi Fioloao; aeohortrhsfurcea Ibyi one Mrld«, nna over thai. one. and jmaaaa forward wllhont few of the couoequenoM^'Aj'don't get ootof anybody'a road; ha'a big man, ptiyaloaUyi'iBd like moat big men muet hare ovrryUiIng bla own .wiy.-'and iei,'thla aD-lmporlant big man In oiu' nr Uu: moanceTand amillral In Iho pi;ofcBaloii.. ncllol her '4 a turn on). What do wo am? Quo of the moat apluuiUd ciiulpo^ta on tlib llroadway; oiid'hiylng book, aa wo hope for pork and boaiMfi •>'o'nr dhiner to-morrow, la Mhia end by her aide ono ijf our city nianegora.' ^e nitln miribllidtiiibnl, hnraea^ wii11'K0|-u|i driver, and tho nccoamry appDrteoaneta wuidd ilo no aiacrctlll Ip FUUi Avenn'e. The lady la atUrcd to atyle, for nboiielooly drcpq' ca with elegance and toole pa- the' >li^. but ou Uib' alrcct oa w'oll; thero'a no aboddyaboni lt<r hamcoa; bar atUri'. from to|i pieco to •^|jinj''iHll admit of the doacal acruttoy; alio iipi'i|<1i lirr luoiiey *'rhW. lubonlaiia'diy gbnda nlorca'aiid poor oompitnoaof, and bnnuuicJy aaalata many a hmuan oowing niaoblno by hor oxpondl- rltarMtolhrihrygoOdeltoe. Tho^^lo goiitlemui who alia to do- iDVirdy1>ylirraMo,and'wii61oolia lorall thoworldlUia a tbeo- > logtoal otudcnt tAJoytog a.lkkpmiimonta reat from bla vmlavmo <'^lglla,^ one of tho belt cbmle o^oia to the counliy; and that '''^Iktej'wfildh DDW looka oo qtilbtau'd oail, Ta d fnrlnijb to llabnuor; ^Ifor'lt 'la aaacAptlbla ot ovary variety of ebangCi "fhun giavo,to ■hay irom llvdj' to aevrru"—and tbrongh all the lotormeillale " alaaoi.' 'bai^i be makee ftcea Icf aome pnrpnao what perfbmilDg '''bemt« IhbpnnUo! yet If yon ao« It onco off tbo boirda, you aeo It allthetlma When'.'not lu action." U woaraiho a.iiii« aulet ro- that yon aeo npon It now. Tho teupio aro no doubt 00 tbclr T'wtyferadrlve'thnngh Centnl Fork, to let tho nn-towneni ace ''that the "riidi and file" can tnn out a "turn out" of which Mn. Count Onimont might voU bo nivud. Pdoa wuon. Thatcariv. fuUy and taatoAilly drcaaod IndlrlAual twirling tho akolctifu'coiio la one of our •■nigger mintliohi." II Is a uolo-vtoithy Ikct Ihrf among tlio moat eubomtoly got up people that Iravenu Iho "Boutovoida,". qur .frleoiln of the coiv- p.-raiio.'^lon aland pro. ■' enitoinik A nlffler mloatrol la tuttfnjrlf hodoea apt aport bla 'dlasiood phi and finger rtoa. That ono wo oro point- ° Ini^at la only one of the middling claaa of perfbrinoro, '■yet Bonmon to all bin gloiy wna not arrayed like ono of thoao." That gcjgUooiau who puna him by, morbly nodillug, la bla manager. ■''B&too, la wall uimeaaed, but not eqntl to tho othbr; hla dla- '^'mpnda maybe laraor ondpuror.but bla atoro clothoa 010 anr- 'i piBMd by too quality and etylo of thoan ol tho anbonlliuto. Moot oTIho flaahlly^droaaod mlnatrela yon boo on tlw thoronghforo oio « Iboae who have uot boon very long In Uio bnalneaa; the eld atogeip *' have boon throunb Iho mill, and don't foljow tbo l^hlona iiulto ho < 'cloady aa they did In diiya gone tS; yon aoe that plalnly-aroBaod, tbto-vlaaged men who baa alopped to convErae with our mtnatrBl Irlandf He la ou Uie dowuwanl courao; aeo how polo and car«- vrom bo loDka; ho oauya to hiuIIc. but tlio cOOlt la a lamoutoblio follura; onco, that niau waa ouo of. the moat popular iiieu 011 tl^ black boorda; hulnoffbo can ocarccly "got a uand;"wliio aull womsn ond loto houta have played aod liavoc with bla conatltu- tlon, and aa hla phytloal powcra bognu to docav, bo foUowod the , moAtal, until now bo la a inoro wreck, alowly but aun-ly p-uwliig 1. gfroyiMthapa toapanncr'agnvo; Ukotlio iiariut'a Ufc^ that of ""aodie of.otir nonatnl menda"laaalioTtand many Dno,"diag- gUg^down 'al^ng with Ihein thoao who would long ago have hoc. rlQooil their very o^lotouco to aaro them. Sntlot ita loavo tho Nigger, and got oi(wllh onr penuibnbitloaa. Tlila pri'lty lltUo cioaturo cocuag lowarda ua, horlKo beaming wIUi aiullca oiid '■' liquid roiigo', la one of onr Drradny oclrcBaoa; Bbo Ioo'..'a ttru In- nocout, don't aho? you might olmoet tike her for a young ladv ...itoid thOSpbiglw or aomo other lliahlonahlolnBtlluu; ahodoeii :' not aeem to bare peoood through moro thou nvontoon bright and ''ftullnd'aUraroera—aa wo ooo lior now, yon'd awear aho waa a aehool girl. auni.. Lot ua lUl llie vdl—Kbool girl aho may bo. but .ohe oomea ftom tbo aohool uf orta, playing man^'parte on the vtago ..Vot lUb aa aho ploya thorn In tbo uiliulc ncouca, tjbo'a a gay do- " oblvdr.ahunhydor^ a deception, and u Ihuid. Tivlcobaa ohu en. torod toto connubial bouda, and Iwlca haa hor condnrt reniloroil a "divorcement" noooaaaiy. Now,aIiuoalauybnilToanlMlier"lIiia. faandforan Bbur"lfliohiBtlioprla\ Woacohcrpcrfiirmuiion : j'the pubUo etago to "Vlrtub Itewanlod" drauiaa, ami wo opplaud : Str tor tho vlitaoua parte aho aasmnca. Conhl wo aoo her a little ' ' latBtyhow quickly (ho vlrluoua aPoll would bo brokon. Lct.hcr go—If men Mt bo made toola of. wo proaumo aho ha< aa mbch ° right lo uto ibombB otheia. Wllbolyon the Inoreaaedprloouf a lmto^hauBo thuk that rou can't toll who tbla iisUy lllUo iiioii la Goniliig along; ho'a tho plbturo of noatooas aod lulgbl paaa tor b well-ditful "Quill uf tho Mualo Ilglli" b:it lie'a no biicIi Iblug— he'a a comic etogor, belong* to'ono nf our llral caLibllBlinionto in .llroadwdy, aud la ono of ibo moat favoroil porronnera In bla Uho . "ofbualneaB; he don't look coinlo,dun't look on If thrro waa niueh fun In Itlin, i\.)qs hrt Juat yon hoo nnd hear hini ot uight nl Ko. Uixudwav, and wo guoo^yottll think thero'a nothing clao hut uio and Jeulty to hla eonip<MUou.<':H'a a roiiiarkablo Irnlara thai the moal awron^looklog iioople In tlie world oiv "robiiulH," ox- borter?. inraedlBoa, odltora, cumld'alugora, aod olnwiia; yot our Ulllo Itloud Ik not B.I aerkiiu.lookl!ig u moal 6f hla daas, which nulygacatoaliowthatlfagoltaeonietohlm yot nuihingoloog tho atr^t Willi the vcloolly nf a Ituribe Qrcbleyabnut dhinor Unie, ■it "A Btrango Man on Oroidway." Lobk at hliu-bo lias not llinil oven to iioUco ofrionil -lib inhid LiliuaynonJurliiaup anmofhsh ■ L*"*" I";'"" in*"' to the iiunkmm „r 11,0 Ruillomon for whom holancHngo.jiigonL Uylho«lf.«ii«ic,i,i„||othBlplajiiaroutld . fteeomcreof hiBverjnUloinoolh.wi.kiiowtlmt ho hin'aoniolblo j - • gnd cn hand, aomethlnu Ui>t will anVt p«mh) atirc, end couke ooifirt mi. hvri ano B a ■ mii} uoj, ■ accnruing to ibo ortdi bl W MvUnalt who to Ihia daj ciiryabout ihoni tl» inuhB of lirt .Tj4brteaaiiio: alio'a all lUgnlly,oud tinloat.fl,iio toVo a 1ll«.rty wllhi abb .tooka 'noit but uot gaudy." unud Uil nui tom-nS: aoe howpolltoly that HonU'iinaii aconlB her-hoa 0110 ii[ „nr muit -nneMi|«Wl;lain"!»«i,»ud fk'ora niuuli tlio ilr.unalle lym oh well aa dramallo lore. Uow proudly gnind nhn InrJInn lierlKnd In tv- ^.Cfgalttov of tha gpulkiuiii. llcnulirul liifox ami lunn, iilioln lh,> "ObBa<li))d,of allobaerverB" on Uiatgreat avoiiuo of uvilili and ■ftatalbn, andxaaallty, and liypoctlay; jou in«y c ,. urr to-oichi nt _ in* of our tboalrta, enacllua a role lliol d™«a forth )i|.iiidlt« rmin 41u aduJrIui throug- Anil ao wa movo oiiwunl, n\tn turn and Uieu Bobtog aaip4>pU-rbmombartd (irn: Bont.i yoiing, Min'« "lil, 'aomo tolllog'uong tuo rugged roul ofUfo afiorlrulllnn llivlr httul 7 boor npon Uio inrre|o«|B/|OI aomoiirloudly eye grown dim, auiac toUerlug Uhiha-nByJng.iho wui:d-wc4rlca lonu nearer and wt ' 'nunx"toUilCbonniowhence no.invuUorrctiiniH." TIioIbci'b ''of moAythalwe have "oft toot .upon tho llloltob" wo nicel nn ,' "motb.aluU mniino more forever; aomo BrtruuwlangnbliliiK up<iii the bed of. elckncoa, while "abmo have turned to o)«'." but (be dpSait nilnoa them not—Iholr pia^i oro ollcil with now couicn f-Vua. Ihroug contlaueato mora on ai bofero, 11IU« hoedhig.tho ,' ''evtr^virytog chaugbB that aiO conltopally toUng place In.thatlin. SmopSS* "'""B thoiolighfita ot 1)10.Onnt fy. TMBOia through Iho niih-mariiot Iho other day, whoio Pco-Wa v'trM buUog In Uielr native olrinoiit, doundora floubderlng In n tleM, eela trying to wrlgclo IhemBcIvcB Into n new beBO, aod " babk'llah realgning IhemaavcB to llib'darii ahd tvlatlug niuw ^~lbal agnlrmed around them, onr am wbb nllnotcd troni liie fl|U nobUMbBlooklngattoonoddsori of Osh la Iba gWb bf' a ol l..v: • : . • ■ I , *1J.I1 .li'l ..T.- i ■.. ■■ .. . '■ bright and yellow, hard aod cold; Volion. graven, liommcrcd, rolle-.l, Ueaiy to got, and Ibilit .to holl. Hoarded, Mrlutil, Imuglit, omi noU, Dogged and Iwrrowcd, Biiu«nilore<l,.doled, Hpnrnod by Uio young, hut buggirtl by iliii old, Tu Ihc voiy yerto of die grave yai-d luoidd; Prlio ofiiiBiiy a crlnio nutold, . . UOIJ>, IIOtD,U0Lil,O0LUl" Tliiia apeakoto ouu of (ho lut laya of one of the leal nilii«lr 19; but wo UUiik bJt loo auvoro on gnld; Omii;h In iniiiu rrti^rtj llie KtnUinttn'a nnurts may Iiold good, yet \« onnot but ihluk lilnl iinlnillcnl. l^rwliv? .fore»uae-aUthBlhoiuiyflofi!..U,lminw ifliully apnili-al-le to onr pipe r uirroiicr. Ji ia not rrrcrsiiiy to havo i iiW M bl wonllliy. In fact, wo nro now aalioncUirUy prov Init that wi-ran net tlong wllhoutony gnM. If yon w:»li 10 vlBlt Wonl'e illmtrula, olio o( Iho uioal fjiUiliiuable RBurli In Uic city, yon nccil not bother oboiit gold, or even »Uvcr. Mr. Wood dpcl not oiih It of you; ynuf ^^•onhack^ ynur greyback^, your little old, dirty puBbge bllla all poaa currei.t at tbul bouse. If Iho pcr> formcr« d™BiiiTcd gold fToui Mr. Wood, Um lio would bo oblfecd 10 ask II of hla patroua: but tho perfonuoro, knowing Uiat tha Dconhi have tho "Hhoita,'' ao IBr aa a pjiodc baala goca, aay, "we dlwtain to lotu advanuiga of the uufurtultuoa circuinatoiicca to which Iho lioiimmcnt la lliod, and wc coiiaaut lo accept too pre valbug cmroocy In rehirn for Uio vjliiubli: aonk»9 wo render •» That'a bold, and manly, and chanKlorlitlc of tho men, and (or tola roBOO Uirlr cnlertalnmcnla aliouhl bo moat llberUly utJ ttndiil, aud their egoito to aniuao nuiat protuBely applauded; There la no ctolcr roaoct In the city than Wood'a Mlnetiel hall nor anch a cool whito nian for inanjgor at Mr. Wood omiiteya. No TAIN iiaanFrXB nor norrowbig carta ahould mar tho year of liilillnni. We 010 Inl to tocao remarku by tho aniiunnremenl ot tho ninnager of Uio Wtolor Uanles, In wbkdi It hi pitooUally act forth (hat "tho nianogeuent haa to regret bi-tog obliged lo nn- nuiinco the Iiat week of Wr. aud Mra. W. J. Klorenco," cl,'. Wi are laUier Indlued lo beUove that liiatml of Tt^/rdting the cloee 0 (helrperfonninevB, thu luaiiagur should H'Juko and W cia-vdlug elad Ihenat, In oo far Uiat (ho aUciidance and iccelpta In Uhhi ittor days bavn been arattcrlng and meagre, and cjlculakd (0 ac^ rlpni<ly Impair (ho oieliHjnnr of that cMnhlldiment, ond the Uttc- fulneaaof IhoperfonnpBi mgagcil Uicn-ln. Uhlrm 1IF.KMAN d'-ilnealilBuiionvlablo poaltlon ho ran n-ver bo cV^dcil to tlHi UrIIUh Nrllasiout, Ulat'a certain. Ilo la nuw behind a bbvk cloud, a "rubied man," Oivniug nnd bclUiig inl loco henv), and cningnl in oUier tnnaictloDB of thai sort, such BB n iHxr man tmuM bo likely to toko up nlUi Iii-toe laatexirain. lly. Willie wc rauiiot pmgnoBUcato wlUi any dcgrm nf ccrtnlnly tho fiiluro iinwiiwto of llie vIoUin of a Klua'" ooverlty to a fi'llnw. mull, vo iiro ha).py to know Mint Mr. M. 0, Oampbiill, the tirvti nliutrel manager, will drUne Jl'< poalUim m-it wi«h, In hln nc4 hall III Uie llowrry npnoBlto Hprlng aiical, wlilch bcanUIul, i-oul, nnd nouiinoi]li,nac«lilill«liincntlie will UirowniKU toihopiiUlcoo tho bvoiiliig Juno !nUi. BnmeUiliig of Uie tlml in lu-edul nn the Uiat altle. anil witli a goutl i-oiiiiuiiy, wliloli ve bollevn Mr. Camp- bell haa' gathered around lilm, wo M.-0 uo reuaon why tbo cntc^ prlae ahonld not prove auccuivful. ' Tilx "Lun HKiim" iif vorioiia plrmn nt Wallnck'a glvo token that tlie nhiilh m will imiiiI» put np fur Iboaeoaon. Whim "iMU/i," It woa gonerallv anppiwiil Hint Uiere wojM lie r. lively (Iniu orlU bill old Itox put nlloAd In Uio Htrlf.-, nliU tlizl clUiiilnalod In Ihii uverlliniw of Uio Oriental dyiiaity, Uie retlim- Unntop(i«orori]ryanu') nnd pUt-'liig tln'iu ii|i,iii an omliirlnu Uiniuo oi No. vfi Jlioadway. Tliiil'ii hittory—vf mir 'nwniuBka,JUid.of thu MuiaaUou onler: but If yon havo doiibia of Ua Initofuiucaa, clUior nl tbi< llrj'aul'i wUI uimiborato nil wo hnro uld iiiwu.Uio alibjflut em' uvulihig Uiia wudt, at Uielr fknioiia ball of iinnatrelay. IvocoiildoaBlIyeuljrcciqion thetoiiic. wi>reHat all iii.-ceHaar)i; bfUt terfitiai up—go see the Iwya. l.y TUB TOW of Tiatuvllviil a tnllor, wliobad a ana caUctl AladiUn, whowaaalaay, Jan10rnli7.11] aortofboy,nml liyiiln l-nd eoiiRioof ruiiiluct "brought hla Jlilher's gray ludra to arnow to Uio gravu.'.' TIioil hla undo, or aoniehody dalmlug (halroblhHi- ohip, toDlcbold of Uio liiUo dovll, and aent Iihn Into a uavo to (:ul a lna;jhml Iiim]i, tliopoaaiuaor of which wonld have Uio |towerto i;el Imiiiemoly tlcb without a|«'0ulattog to gqld or uctUng. eontiuilii for the unny. TIio luiole, who -woa iiu ukl Wall atrvct money Chbor, waulod tbla lamp, but o\'er-rcncbnl liiiiiiA-lf In hla aiiel LujoiitorAhiddto; for the boy dlacovcn-d (hepowera or tho lamp while elilnlug It up tor tho puruoaoof B.«UJDg It. to aii oM Jnnkdnlerln Coutro atmt. With tho dltcih'ur)'. he laivirlictl outJOBtUko aomo of our dry goods dorlca who gotaaalairof fSiM jm* yoor; ho hod fhai horaca, faat women, and a faat cattbilahmoiit goiiijinll)'. 1^'Yory day ho ironld drive out lo Ceniral Park, unil cut a nilolity apbsh on (ho "mall," au wo cull It up thera' llla ricbea, whieli ho giUborod by incoua of tlio magic lamp, gave lilin tho nifree among our beat aud woiat Boooty; Bud to a few woekd ho li^ 10 tho altar a beaullfid girl, tho youngoat daughton of u I'lfUi AvoniioAlgerloe. The tost yonnn roan carried tiiingn to aaob a blgb pitch tiiot bb "Unolb" got hold of 'the lamp whilo Ahiddln vtas hiving a game of Faro on-Bmadway; when '^'nla uu* do" got .tho lamp, Aladdin aud hla ricboa all oimo to grief, and tho father of his bride taadblmHont to FortLat^-otteaa an Ini* poator and a robol aympitolaor. lie woa pudonod on taktog Iho oath of BlleglaDoo, and at once aet out lo aeacch uf hla Uncle and tho lamp. Jle found thorn at a coffee and cake naloou to tho Uow* ory. WhUo tho.unolo wu drtoklnifhln lllo. In comiiaiiy with 0 "iirotly waiter girl," Aladdin bribed tho girt to put Soma of Mra; Wlnaluw'a aonlUng Hyrup to the man's aip: aiaoouaa ho drank bhi coUbe, be IhU over In a "connliiUun," nud dleil Aladdin i^avo Ihogljlabogua r,0 cent airrou'-y bill to got changed, and whilo alio woa abHoiit hu abaliacUd Uio lomn l>om hla uiido'a pooket, Kvo 11 a Moiidly nib, woa Irauaimrtuu to tho bouao of hla fothort .law In rifUi Avouno, and lUBt aa bo aaterlod hla (lUo clear to tbo hand o( hla bloomtog and bluabtog brldoi and aa Uio Ikthot waa crylOL', vlto upUJtod bondo, "blosa you, niy chUdron, blo^a you," Aladdin awoko ITom bla beauUfUl dreain, nnd found hhimoU making ehuldy ovorboata for tbo BoHUcn. On Ihia thread, Mra. Woodhaa'wovcu togethoroiio of (ho piettleattibiyB ever brought tolhanoUeuuf n Now York auiUQaee.'/Tho laoguage toclinsle and full of brUUant fkuoiaa; the acenbiyla reaplondent,'cairvlug toe apoolator Into the ftlfy londa mado Camoua by tbo "Anibluu Nlghb." ' 'Iho contamea aro of oriental TnajmUlopooe, whilo Ihe elTucta nre tlio most olfeeUvo offecti wo ban witoeeaed al ihia tho- aire tola mason.' OrvWda llock lo auo It, and It will reuialu on toeolllaor tho Olymiilo tor ooiho Hmetoeomo. "Aladilln and tho Woiidorflil Lamp*' nhonld ho neon by OTcxyhody, ■ rriiH-rieTEHVU.MitoolcanebannohntuBoaipleaBure. When Orant swung hiraaelf over the Uhlchahooilny, then along bla wliiilo army over Uio Jnnies Illvor, and lauded ou too othor end of llldiinond, nobody liut Ibo rebels wbb aariirlaeil; k all knew bo'd do It; re all know lip waa up to a tulghty Ug thing when the rubola mlHaed lilni from tho front,-alia thought.ho wasgolug back to Uio. WUdomeaa. Oon. Uront la certainly "a bully boy wlUiBglasaoye,"iir wo wouldn't au It; hla aualegyproi'cslt; hla aurprlsea rorrobontolL (Ion. mitlorlN anolhor goiiUcnun of ghuaoyoand bully boy prodlvlUca; Ocn. RobortDuUer, oflU .Uroadwoy, we Iiave rolorenoo to, not ho of "Doast liullrr" nuowu. Our DuUer la aiioUier sloleghit—not content with eatorlng for our aiuuaomont, be baa uiado drnuHomouta to inovo 00 tu Boaton, If II lokea blni all aiiramer; bo Inorefora pro|i090H to loavo hUprosont poslUon ouly In July, Tliow who havo a desire to wlnioaa toe varied porlbrmaaees of Mr. DoUcr'a com- lianr, wUI only have tols month to do II In. Oo early. . Mn U. loUD, lato low comedian at Mlblo'a, boa been tonderoil a coniplluiontary bonelllto comooOrBt UioWhitorOnrdeuou Ihe nth toeU ' A number of voluntooia will appoilr. Ub. J, O. Sionos, the popular low coiiiodhn, arrived Id town on Uio lOUi, oil Uie way firom Memphla, wherdbo haa bcenpkuiug for aomo montha paat at toe New 'I'heatre. ' MoKs. La Tnoaitx, tho poimlar atogo manager, and tote of 4M, boa withdna'n from that estahltobmont nnd lapreporodtn engage oa inaiiagor'ot a flrnt claBsmnalc lull only, llona. Thome boa bod a long oaporiaoeo In the ahnw bnaliioaa, ond oa atnge manager for a conorrl ball boa no auperlor. Ko undotatomla every deputnionlof thobualncaa, ond .fsaii Invaluablo manitir any eatobllilimont Boo his advortlaeoieatln anolhor eohimn. Mn. lIcMnr W. Davh, who haa lieeii ImvelUug for aomo Hmo Itost with a I'niiitnima of tho War, aollcd for BnnwnA uu too 16tb, ly the nienmaldp Viiigliila, (akinii the PAUomina along. - d!«o. M. llncccEAWT, died In tolsclty ouddonlyon tholOto Inal., of gBa(r(e fbvor. Ills toneialtook pl^roon ihe HUblnnt. Uo waa a member of Mrs. \f ond'B Olympte Theatre Onnp^ny. & B. OOWHIOH Is praparod to iwlnl show sUiia to vnlor of any desoriplhiii for (he coming aeaaon, and ecod iliem to all jiarla of Iboeounlry. Beehlaadvi'rthKuientelaewlicfC. M'lJJB Pluii£ Linni. as "Joan of Arc," haa been tho fbalure ol thpBlad(!IlicairoBtocooutlasL Not havtog lolaiire to aaoaiid hbor iho ''Xohd," n Mend of onm, "Calasv' hl> nem da pfamt, kindly oKbrcd to nnirtaent na, nnd gin w> Ills tuibUaid laipnvi- albn of thobdrondhDrporformanro^ and tbla la hla report npon tbo tmbjeet' Aa thb uurrrji wna tho llnl'Ainerlcaii ptpor to no. Uce thomoritotUsA. Hthlllor, ao It la the llrat to mehUon >f°llo I.iiod.' It nay bo ptoporM ronmrk thai the nril-jr don| uot knnr Ulsa Iiund personally, and never aaw her before Uio evviutog bo ottonilcd ibethoalro, aa atatpil. lie says: "It will bo a aurpriBo for Amnrii^n' readers to hear thai tbo illrty, dismal liolo, calloil tho Sladl Ttoalro, Iho, Qotaan's lilatrionlc (mplo, haa of hito I'ccii tho Bijeno of nnrtonnanooa but acldOD equalled at burAnglo- HaionThealrai. ' Dnt a few inontha alnce, 3(rs.Melhna gchellcr oa- aa^eil nJtt In i^hlcb, supported by, with put tow MOeiilMna, nn or ohWto' brf dished auolnsl that rotk wblcli kaowa no iiiwcy- jSblteoptalnn. Wbuherln toiia atljniptliig ao dllllciJilt n part 'oracldiiil Silas I.iind noto.1 wildly. I'nolRfffiic to my, toa^^ 0111 conOdcnt that Uiroughout bet wbolo ""^'4"''SL,*'i°,^SS; octor Hho bold sivayover Oieao ol her "idloiice who, hoUda brinii erillcal, >wer? toipartlal and Inijibt, bar cUnki countonantt varlea wlto toe onotloBa hupas- JS!ns^Mv«tt"hernioUon.Uio beau 'l<l!'.8r.Sl"SLnf fccllon, b(» monldliigs might bo a ralulor»«t"*Ji •;™J" Pfif,' iurmoiy, rich and inualcal--acar«lylnleri« to Ibtt of to. Dowora; olocnBon correct to a '"'^ SJ.l'j'JI iif.Si by, when I hod Uie plcflsnre of wltoewlng anch utlstoa as Malto Bbihack and Helen ^hr, oho iriumnhanUy oteicame 0» moat dincull jarla of hor moatardnoiui riiJe. Ihofinale of the Irat atf, sod too aolUoqny to the fourth oct, were aopcrbly tendered; the dcatooccnewu dealt wlUi In tone •rt'J'le.eMe^-'M^™"?) down like a lamp of lead, but gradiially ikdtog «wa^ltt tiUnoaM Brace and eaaa. Aa rcgnrda voice, nalaro haa wondoftUly glfledl thbi acconpUahod lady; but I wonld kludly dr aw her attenuon to Uiuca when aho seoma to be too eaacr to glvn oipTcaBlon to aopaJ lato ayllabtoB, ospcdally toe bat, Uiua randertog ue decumaUon BODOwbat nonotonoua; toit I would lain beUove thai, to this ro- apect, too poet la moro to Nome toan the arUi^; aadlttoquoa. Uonoblo wbathor snob deviation might not be clasicd aa an orlgl' naUty, ratoer than an error, and fully In keeplug wlto aevero, crillclsni. loongratotaloour Ocruian Mends to baring gatocd so needful an acflulsltlon. ,, , . ,. ' 'U*iJM UuUB ZoB Is enJoTing her efiun cuai cl/p, down by toe aca aldo, wo bellovo, and wl!l nut gnua' the boards nnUl Uio com- mruecmonlof the IliU soaaon. The lady can he engaged Ibrougb Ueaora. Conner kCo. ^ . . Mm BXLU VtooBii, hom Iho nowird Atoenomm, Doaton, haa arrived to tbla city rcocaUy, Tbo lady, we aro pleeiicd to leem,' haa recovered from her lato aevero todlspoalllon, and as hor ro- puto SB an sctiesB la guod, we hope to boc her soon on aomo of our metropolitan boaida.. ^ _ M'uxOalutt, toe pleaaing danaueae, end uona. Tophon both of whom are now portormug at tha Olympic Thcatn, wU bring their ttgagement to a eloao on or aboal thb fflto toaL, and| wlliuienbarwdy to negotiate for otoer angagomouto, through toair agenb, Ucwi Conner & Cn-, of^, 6« IdvtrtlseJ ment •, • A anoXD OOHTUUSHTADI TasTIMOiiUL wUI bo tendoTcd nr. 0. C. Bonllaco on Uio gist tost, nl tbo Now Dowery Thai tie. .(}ailo| a number'of flrat claaa talent have vuhintcei^, among ;)rhox]] wUl botound A. U. Daveninri, E. bunb, J, M. Ward, Maria Bonl face and .Cool. While, anil frank Drower of Wood a. JtUnatrelo. f I vo picooa will be iierlomied, whioh hi aulllclenl to draw an ovor- whblinlng. houBO, and aa 3Ir. UonUBco Ih a great fanirlto on Ui^ oast Bide of the town, ho will donbUcm havo a full hbuac,-... . Mn. B. DnADsnAW tokea liia benuUt at Iho Old Uowcry Tlicolro' outhol£4lhtoat., whona^orifiyofptocovwlllbonertorincd.- 1 Tnz Ktw BowEBZ contlniieo Jbgsing along, dblng a tail share of buBlneas fbr Mooagor Linuard. Tho"01d,lIouae on the Bridge" will be performed to night, also Ihe dramaof "CUdUvnl" and "Itrlab'O'Lliin." A farewell to bo given Ur. 0. C. BonllBee and Kato Ifawton on the 21al toat At Tm BioiswAT (lato Wallack'a), Iboro la an ontlra change to (he programiho' thia week. "Onr American CmtiM at lIomo"| havtog had a good mn, baa been withdrawn, and Mr. Chanfnni appears Ihia webk aa "Toodhui," and to "Tho Debulanlo.". Ur. OiianftnU'Waa dM-firal/aavo Mr. Barton, to enact the ImmorUl Toodles. noalneaaliaa been good BttblB bouse alnee onr laat. Ton n TU Lin Weee of theataylnthlacltyeflha Holibanj PanUy. "Beaaly ud tho Beaat" and "Wanted, a Family" aro performed (hla week, with SaBlo Holman lu too intoclpil nfei. At toe Old Bowery boatoeaa continues good wlto Manager Foi. Tbla evening a capital bUllsofruedoonalsUngof "Tho leo Witch" and toe nopuhir dratna of "Tom Cringle" On too 2lBt Mr. 0.; Fuator toVcs hto bonellL DrBmith). "The Bxvbi pUnna" ho* had anolbor good wock'a boatoeaa at too Now OhcatantI PhBodolphla, AltooagD much altered, and da ctdedly Inferiortothe original version produced at lania Keene'i Thcotn, to New Yodt. It la novertheleaa anffldently toUreaUng to omuso an audience for two bonra and a half, (me of the beat playod ehanetora la that of (hilfee, by Mr. Ward; ho la coilatoly a capital "nigger," and would make qnlto a valuable acqulelUon to Uio minatrel perauaolon. Elbe Oeimbh; ba DhiToUne, looks ei- ccodliigly preUy to her variouB coatamea, and drllla her ZouBveaf In dcver atyia; let ua aay to Elbe, however, that aho ahonld comJ |K'l bor BokllarB to keep atop; wo wero preaent ono ovoning Ias0 week, and were aorty to notice toot tho beauty of (he drill was greatly marred by ttia 7m Zoob being out of atop, port of toon kecptog Ume vrith tho hit foot and part with toe right, which luadu a bod faatiUD of toe inarching. Thocap(ato.^lasSl]la.acr. men, iroa oa much to blame aa any of them, for lAe ^ccailonally got out of atop when marking (hue. The glria maaauvre preKy weU, but wlto two or Uirco oicaptlonB—and wo auppo«o each ono will conalilar beiaelf an oiccpUon—toey are by no means remark ' able forbtaulyof ritoer face or form. Mra. Floto(Mr. UoDon. nngh, as the hlUa Informed iib) oamo very near maUng a meaa o^ It In hor opeolog aong; tlio orcbo^tja played a abort symphony, but the nmuble Mra. P. dhl not catch (he key, and atruek olf Inl an i.iittrely dllferant ono, Uio orcheatn playtog In one key; whilo tho Blogiiig was bctog done to another-II waa a moat horriblo go, nnd tlio dlaeord gratee iiiwn our whenever wo Uiliik of It. Mm. I'liito wna very badly porfonncd, and aa Mr. MeStmoiigh wna N'lDied for Uio part, ho miu.t bo credited wlto arnlsemblo fillurc. The "Joal" of too dismaUo auUior'a aittor waau't bad fur 0 "Josl" of real Odah and blood, nor Is Walter l,ennoi undo- lA'n'iiigof montlon'BB too gentleman who "couldn't ace It." Miai .Icnuhi Oourlry nlllbcoomon Ikvorito ol too KeivCbostout, wc iiidluu to bollovo, fbr Bhb dauece cloverty, and la qulto a pleosbigi ailreaa. "IbifBoven BiBtom" la allll un. 1 SowHUto rou (711JUILOITE Cdiiiiuah.— At the musical depart-l nicut of tho Cantnd For, lu Phlladdiibla, la a branUnil ubuoi lu- lenilol forpreaenUUon toMlasChoriuUe Onahman. ■ This ladv. Itj Is said, bos already donatoJ gtWOO to the liaollaryCommlaalon,i Willie hor unUring efforts to create a tieUng of ay miwthy In Europe for tlio cause of the. Union have been uf gnat service to her natlvo i.-miiitry. 'X'lio pibuni. jrhlch la a HphmiUd aiiccimon of workmnn-j Alilp. cunlaliia a ioriio number of beautltol ell pahillnge of dliUn-, gulslu'd AuKTlcnn utlalo. It la n well-ineriloa testimonlal of our, apiireclaUiin of Ihe Indy'a patrlotto eirorto to a holy cnuao. | nay'arolUiit It'ls AUod In wiUi much unintorcating minorbiial- ncsa, and too aotM aro (00 iBolatcd, such wide giiUk of events totcr- veiilng oa to destroy all oonncetlun between the parts. It la a air- rent rumor that the aatbor alucd to cevortly conlnal the two No- mleona In (hla'phrai'tlo-nranaeof (Iio*nephewof hia uncle,' Jilt wo fiU to dlacover iiiythlng Hut would ludieato such au In- Vnl, and we doubt If. tho oatato nephew blmaclf would bo ablo to dlacon ellher too bogtoiltsg or the ohd of an Invldiona eompari- Hon.'" -Mis. H, A. Pen? took a beneBl May ICUi. On.Uio ITth of Mu Iho house doBed, u;nndorgo a thorough coumo of painting add roHUtonllon, tnpanlolT lb the appearance of Ulsa Corollue Itlehlnga and Ur. f'eler nichlngB, who mske their dS>»l to "The BuchantrcBB." CinouRs lUcatxoB akd Frrpi riicBDtos arrived^ Ban Fran- daoo Uiy 17to, and wero to appear May Uto al Magulre'B Opera noiiao. Uiamns'B nw nounz, too Academy of Uuslo, Ban Rancla- 00, OaL! woa dnly dedicated tothednnaHomnao on Wbdhoaday, May Igth. It Is not Burpas«A It Is aald, by auy thealn of lu also to America or Eiiroiie to arebllectoral effect and Uio beauty and admlrablo oofflpklenesa of every toterior oppetolment. The dr«*8C(lo1e and parquet aro on Ihe aame elevation, and connect- ed, aa at NIblo's. From oroiy point In the Ikmlly and npper cir- cle, a clear and unobatnicled view of too alage la afforded, and too four proaconlnm hoiCB arc otnulsllcly fonlahed boudotn^ permlt- ttog a perfect obsorvaUen of all parts of the houto, bolbro and bo- btod the fooUlghla. There aro aesta for aevcnteen hundred pei^ eons. The celling to aupcrbly fresraed, and too enUre decoralions conceived and aiccnled villb the utmost (aale, so oxnense being spercd to charm tho eye and promote toe penonal comfort of every one In too apadoua auditorium. From uo dome a brlUlant uniro Ughl la refleoltd from half a hundred Jeta. The upper Uera are aiiapendod hylron rods from toe root Blity patent von- tltatOTS an placed to the waJki, besldea the largo one In tho dome, which, wlto the nafflerons windows to toa front, afford suppUcs of ITesh air conUnaona and ahnndanL BIrsngUi and aolldllT, llghtaeaa and grace, an tho atriUng charadorlatlea of too whole etruetoro. DQeattmUoDboa boengtren to toe provlelonof am- I lie fiulUtlea tor toneas and egress, and It Is slated that a toll au- dlenco ean make tnolr eilt toto toe atrect to lees than two mln- ntea, Ur. HBgnlrchu beos leaa than fourmontha In eicrttng Ub "Aeideniy'of Uuate," at a tenorlcd cost of one hundred thou- eoad doUara. II haa a front of dityfect on Ptoo alrcet (com. mandso ality feet east of Montgomcrrj aud a depth of one hnn. drod feet. Tho hdgbt la seventy feet, (be accond alory rcaling on twelve Iron Oorintnlan' colanmsj above which, and formtog the contro of toe front elcvatloii, la a baloabado, crowned'with a rich pediment supported on two elahctatoly carved pIDan. "The Ulnl and fourUi atorien aro highly ornamented with richly capped wlo- doWB In toe Italian alyle, ond the bnlldtog snrmounted with a aiiperbly diaste oonpiKdte cornice. "Playing with Tire," a com- edy liy John Brongbam, never before produced In Bon'f^claco, wasaeloi^led for too InlUal pcifomiancc. The cast Included Ihe prinelpal membera of too company, aa foUowa: Dr. Bavogc, Frank Mayo; PInehlieck, W. O'NeU; Uerbcrt Waverlcy, C. R. Tliorne, Jr.i Uncle Timothy, V; 0. Anderson; Ura. Waveriey, Mra. Bonhle Edwto; Mrs. Doctor Bovagc, Un. H. A: Perry; Ura. (^baUcli, kin. 0. B. Baundem; FerUns, MIsb Luln Sweet. Pre- ceding toe play, however, all Uo corpi dramoH-.ut, togotoer wlto (be ratal forcea of too mtoa(Tel troupe at toe Eunika, imKod to alnglng toe "Blar Bpwigled Banner,''^whlch woa fi>llowed by Mr. Mayo'a redlal of an orlgtoal ode, wriUen ftirthooceaalon by Mr. J. T, aoodmao, "I'Uytog with Fire" waa repealed on toe torco foUowtog nlghia, and formed-the entertainment for a Baturdsy's auiffftee. Mil Johh U. TnninLE, manager of .tha Academy of Mualc, Al' bany, waa "np" for a conidhnentary benellt on toe SOto toel. Mna. H. A. Fnai nottoee the protcBBlon, In IhiB lasue of toe CurriB, that ohe haj leased Ihc^Aoademy of Muele, MUwaukee, Whi., for noit scssoo, andUdies and genUemon whditog (0 ongago' should moke appUeatloci at oaoo. ' Thc AiHiHwm.Oelonibhs, Ohio, waaqianed on (he Tto Inst, by W. 0. bmytoe, for a summsr season. Ulaa llaohel Johnaon was too first sbv, fioUowtd by U'Uo ZavlatowaU, on toe I'Jto, to "Iho French Bpy.'.' n. .K. J. MOea and AddleAndenon watean. nounoed to appoar on toa 20Ub cure Mr. Pope for nights ahonld addrcaa him care of 11,1. ^ orMr.CtirfonT.Pantoc. . . """orthlaoBB Is Mejuuiu bualqeaa to the ahow we»ld U'fiot very noed « Charles Uonri was up for n benefit June 7to. Tha muI;; AuguallBt at tho New Theatre. , ^^™1<>acleK, AuoBCHBin 01 St. Loctj^ desplto too btotab-d atato .U'v- thenoomelor andthowUUngof aUrt eollan, oontbiuotoj,?,^ labUngtrcaaorerstosmUeaDdlnvltB their frisnta to Sals' wlae.. Our cormpondeot, C. B. R., trrlUnafToai that olh,m. Uto, aaya:-At Uic Bt. Louh< Theatm toe Uon Km^r,^^ tlOUi' n wuuoB DM oain coiianiioontlauo to'g.,b\<? enabUngtrcaaorerstosmUeaDdlnvltB their frisnta to Sals' >.. Our cormpondeot, C. B. R., tnltlna frooi that olh,m. i^ I, aaya:-At Uic Bt. Louh< Theatm toe Uiin Kmi^aZS* ,haa been playtog to good bouacB. On toa 13th "TheuS; waa prodncadwItoBn eiuaordlnary eieeUaotcaaL ByolialaL Antoony; Don Do Bar as Bob Acroa;I«vl^ aa Capialn Pctora u too Ynkahlrcnian; J. E. Caiden oa Ladua oiVbS nnd lady lama aa Lydki Tanyilsh. Tho plaeawaa tdtt^^ eelleiit company, aho kitufind berninrnnMoabdnilren Ihtt nolnni nihilii oiitilo boraeir. If iuob W(n poealhlo, and l|ow J have to re. onl Ibu api«aniica of laxoufigltdy who tt/dmihUcUi, one of the in'^atacnininiiiii^iefi^aea on'Jny olago. M'lle rjiao t,und,I nni le|AbyUiebina;waalbmie^Iya|iaebcd to (lie Imperial Court liii'atreufgt. Petonbiirg. Nfllv, It maybe a norehy for many Aincrtcins In h«r, Uiat rasto and legs do not consHlnIc Iho •1e^' nan a, nr.rather. Knmpean'a atandaraor hlalrlbblc art. Oiirlhea. lni<,and ca|iceiall.T our mdmpolltan bctrda, seem to vie with eieli other In rHalning Diniala artlstek gUlcdwllh toe moat do- gam fornw and vo|n|ihi<nia proportlone, who, wlto' the anperb jmiiery, cieelleiit nminUiig, rlmioroiiB miialodmwnedbyatoo rnmuont niiplanaoofan envUdiig but crltteal-audience, ore tlio' niBko up ol niodorn ao.c«n,;i acnaaUonal perfonnancta. Tboro la LiS; °I H*.*'''','' h<» iH'lwcMi Shakoaparion tragedy and blah comedy bnl litihi culilviled In ihia eounbj. I havo no name fir fci. "^'US "."'" I " " ""M ho draeriO, T shbuM dli It on n," Uio P*"« WifBonon 9r <le^ JhSi iSIJ*. J'.Vi"'^'"'". Vave Bininblfd over Ito briary natlii; time ud amblUun ;<4 leinalu, lommuj ^jiiy to toouauliiB, i'liii nAVCrr 'riii!.iTiiB,'AIbany, N. T., which |b' now ckiacd for Tcpalra bud aundry Improvemento, wlU re-open about the lattorl inrt of AugiiBl, wKh'a bran hes' comiianyand now aUrucUona generally, 'Xbo proprietor, Ur. Bamnel Fllzpatrick, Is now on-j gaglug people (Or too coming term.' Thoaayetywlllbegayorlban. ever ncit aoaaon. I ' KiTI ViNfE haa been engaged tor a short Masoo tot Monagorl Orovcr'a Washiiigtou Thoalre, making her dthut tocro on the HOto; Inat Mr. Seaglo'a horse Son Juan wlU accompany toe lady ou^ ber travels, anu naalsl In maUng long nna for "ilBKoppa," Eatol lisa Juat llulabed her Uoalon ongagemonL, ' . ' Tub OrEua House iiqw to courao ot conetnioUou to Aui Uolue. will probably be biropletcd aonio'Umo to Auguat. tlcaare. S. K. Browiin and 0. W. PUie, who will bo toe loaaccs and nlan- agors, ox|icet to toaugnrato too regulai^ dramaUc aoaaon on or abont too lat of Beptember. "Till: Cuo.\N BTLPn" Is enjoying bar o<hjm cum dlfi., preparatory to a ftesh start out aa a campaigner to toe field of amiucincnto nral falL Zoo baa dena'veiy well too preaent aeaaon, and havtog: worked uniianaUy hard, la ucaorvtog of a breathing apell during: too "boated term." Taoen Naw AspmABn mn BTisnTFAVZ—Mr.0.0. BonlbO0| and Mhn Kato Newton—aro preparing for (heir Aral (ravcUtogj campaign, tooir oponiug engagement commanelna at jlhe^Bttlfala ThoBtre ou tbollUiof July. Tbohidy'Bildeentreffl4il'kre elikK lavocllea lu tbla dty, aiidwa ahallbeplaBaea to loainUiat tooy! have mado Ihemsclvea sola otoordUeawbefo tooy may appear. Thdr hat of plecou Is voty o^tonilvo, und of gnat varlol;. Ur. H, Wall, who la their bnatoeaa manager, to a "brick." TuK New Tiieatuc it Oaiio,'Iix., Is oipeeted to'opcn the sec- ond week lo Jul)*, under too managcmont of UcasrB. Onimp and CarmlL • J. a RosEBia, bagedlan, to to FhUadelphla, glvlnd IcaKU on Ihn comet dellvory of toe voles. .:'.>:..'- j ' IDK aooBH llnsina of tbeentattatonoatglvoaatthoWatoal Street TbCBlra,PhIladelphlB, on toa IbU^ tosk, were devoted to tfaci UroatSonllaiy Fblr to tBal.olty.:. I IH TUB BniOBT LEXiHOTOif or EzKTocsT tooTO la 00 auch word on foil, BO Meaars. Weaver apd Qoldan propoaa to opun tho ApoUq Theatre, much hiipro\'ed, the Itst webk In Boptoiaber.' '-May, goldi-u retnrna attond toeir offorto. Uu- AHO Una. B. U. laim mode their Mid In Ban Francleco May Uto, nt Mognlre'a Aeadomy ol Mualc, In "The Ohlnney Cor. nor" and "An Ilour In Bevllle," Ura. Irwin assnmtog oleht chari aeleta to tho lost named ploce. Their engagbmbnto overland, al Denver and Central Olty, at <iKwt Bait Idko Oily, and at VIrgtslaJ to Nevada Territory, were v«<ry BUocoaafulj Ura. Inria (tormoriy; Mlaa Maria Ralnforto, of too Boaf ttllf mid Kubrrtle octreaa. ■ JuUA De.\H llinn oommoncod on oogafpmant at too UetroJ pulllan Theatre, San Flanclaoo, UaylOto, apncirtog as RoaaUud,' u "Aa You LIko It," (upporlod by J, H. Alien.oa Jaoquea, Mr. Courtabie aa OrlandOk E. l), Thayer aa too Duke, ud Fred Franks BBTouoliatone. "Barkneas andDoyllghl,"auewploy, draraatltoil by Ur. Wlllhun Word, bom whoso pen emanated Mrs. niyno'a nlio diaraa "Tho Woman In While," woa preeciited May jmth, and 'wou toe approval of all pteaonL It la aald to be totonuly aonsa. Uoua], nnd largely Imbued wlto too myaUiilooa aiul anperuaturul Inipreaalvo Blage effoots and acenlo anrprlaea aro fntroduood, whinh Impart a thrilling totonot to too dovebpuiont ot a eompu* ^IrkliorABLUiD'a DaiaunoCoaipinx aUU hold on to Dubuque, Iowa, whoro tooy have been performing for some Umo past to nood houses at Julian UaU. Josephtoe Tyaon. F. & Keiil,'B. U iloiaruui. W. B. ForreaL Florouce La Fond. Jcatle Macfarlandl and Auua Dorger aro to Uio eompai». They remoto at Dubuque unUIJulytto, niidtlionhol forSL Faull i. . > I AuoiEuxxn IB TUB (hTT or Tiu BTBAm (Detroit) are In ii flourlablug ooudlUon, proving boyond a doubt that tbo cllJienii ot that goodly town aio a play.goliig pooplo. Our cotreapouuent; "Flulo,'^ writing on too itlb tool,, aaya:—"At tho AthcnaHim buM. noBB has eouUniied lo be guod. Fbr Mr. Ungham's farewell ben. efll 'Ilajulat' tvoa proiliicnl, wlto MT. Linnham aa tho Prince of DonniariT £very avallaldo apot vras occuiM. Ur. Miighaio has, by'hla riaulleinauly monoora and Gainful attcuUon to bla arduona inifcsdlbn, giliicti niany warm-hcarlbd'trienda hon^ anfiahmiki iio oi-or rotiini, ho may look for a welcomo recopUon. Mnf. Ilge the leading hidy, hu become a.groat Ibvorito bore, aud aho la dc- aorvhig of hor wbU-oamod succesf^ for sever mora eallmaUo hidy appealed ou toe boorda of any tluatro. kUaa Adamo, to aome bf her oharaelota, la oiodlent, while In aome otoeca abe In^catoa a alight tendency to rant Ueana. Uamlllon, Ua,dey, llatoford, Wbod, and Uraoo ore aU good In whatover Ucy undertake.. Ulaa MolllB WUUama la winning golden lasrola." At UiuuiBu's Orrni Uanu. Bon Fiaudseo, Victor SeJonr'a drama of "The Man of Dcaltoy"sraa.prmliic<id MaylOto, Tha ilrinia la omnprieed of a BeeUooalanda ralherdlaeonuoctod BSrlef of five draniaUe UluatnUona of toe career of toa Orat Sapoleon, enmiiionolng witli hla lU-ahuTud rotroat IJrDm Mowow, aud ending wlto hla n-loni tu Franoo from Coreica, aud hla restomllon to lui> purlsl iMWor by popuhr aciilabtt* The A'nt gU-oa tho jplot .of tho pleoe aa fbUowa:—"Although Napoleon la Uio oonlral luuro of su Iraolkin, toooctiul liiloinstbf the piceogaUicrnalmut Joan ToK ricr, repri-aonted by Ma^ol and Iho hemic death of bla son. In thb third act, sffordn bim a loUlDg optwrluulb' fbr too diapkiy of pa. IhoBi.wMch Is made Uu moalOL C. U dnvey. In Ihe eloBlnif of Ibis sceuo, was but llUle Isfttlbr to Mr. Mayo. The Incldoni h tho robat nlfecUng and thb' mosl vlridlvllinncil to fhe (Ifama Jeannb do Bauiiola hi a charming ohaidcur, with a ramantlcaB Bublliao iiilsalon to porfbrm.' Dunlaylnp a love bf 'botintfy ao all coutrollhig that It bcgoto fbr her too darlbig xibrfpul^f 'Franeei poesessed of a pun, prc^ctlo soul, upon whioh comlAg evenlB 04at todr Bhodon, Bhe bccomon too aaffrgiianl and goni geiilut of Kapoloon. looking npon him a-i too peraonlflcaUon of her oounlry'a gloiy, IntulUvb^ waned of treachery, she rlska her own Ufo for hla proacrvaUoo. Sho Bflcnnrila rnlera the oamp ol Alai^ andc-r 1. as a spy, when aho to dlBcovercd ami eondi*mnod to death; from which alio i-ecaiicB^ bringing wlto lier toe plana of Ilia oaiii- IBM OOMTOiBiTii. Tbeiibe, Philadelphia, waa re-opened bv Ueaaia. ADtoaon h Btoeken, for a diamaUc aeaaon, on the 18th but. The company eogaged embroocs tha namea of Meaara. J. T. FBnnto, Jerry Tayhir, (Horgo A. Beam, Frank Bvana, O. C. Bpear, William T. Johnaon, John (Kwdman, Mlaa Agnes Tacho, Miss Aimle Fknnln, Ula F. J. Beam, and Miss Eniina Oanlner. Tho. opening bUlwaB"Iiaait«"aod'"The Two Illgbwayraon." Ulaa A^dle Anderson, eqneatrlenao, woa aoaouneed toopen oo too30to. Misa AXJCE FLAonc, a lair and Caaclnating fomale octreaa, ap- poam at Dufheld'a Tbealrek Clndjuutl, on too tU laat ' Mb. Wh. a BsTTRi: havtog taken the Atoenamro, Columbus, Ohio, for a briof aummer aeaaon, la In want of a alnglng eliorobor- maid and a leading ruan. Beo advcitlflement iu anotoor column. IM Now OnLEATfB bualneBB.baa continued very good. "Lacrioa." writing oh too Oto, aaya:—At too BL Charlea bustoeaa Is Up top, Those dIaboUcal lltUo dovlla ydept "The Seven Shtcis'' slPl zeign Bupreme at thiH house, whem tooy booUnno to out np' all aorta of monko)'ahtooB, lo toe great dollgbl of largo and apprecia- tive aodlencoa. A benefit waa given at this house hist night to .toe Loulshma refugees. The reeclpla of to-iiighl's porforroanee wUl bo given lo toe -Charity Uosidlal, ono of too nobleat luatilii- tlpna In too oounlry. For rcsBonn unknown to tbe poblte, tho HUaon U brought to a audden doae to-morrow night, Juno Kith. Thto la a great dlaappohument to our amuaoioont-sockerB, who wore all expecting a tare treat to kllaa Eato Vance, who wna an- nounced to appear Ihtoweok. Tho aeaaon might be conUnned with Bticceaa lor a couple of mentha longer, tor toougb too daya . aro very warm, yet thn nights are cool and pleaioot, and thoni aip ' enough pooplo loft to Iba dty to petronlao a well rcgubtod tooo- Ire, whore Ughl ptcvea might ho porlOrmod, aoch aa farces, pan- toulmes, stogtog, dandog, etc A new alde-spUtttog pan. tomtoie, onUtlod "Ualdlno,", .waa brought out at tbo Academy on Uib 0th Inst It has achieved a decided aucecsa nnd la drawtog crowded houscB. Ur.-Ufaiirica Moirlaoo made hla dAut here oo too Cto. T. a. HoiLuiO Is "ninnlog a show" at Ylckshnrg, Ulss. The company. It to said. Is very queer, at Icsel to potot of uninbera. lo the company wo find (ho namoa of A. N. fibarpe, 0. klauley, too Ulaaca Alice and Helen llome, and Uarloh Madeline. Un. BexJAunr Fluiiaux lioa a omidl company, performing at Ylokeinug, Mlsa. . A. U. WiLLiAiiB to ot nuntsrillo, AhL, wlto a amall company, doing a ".fair to mlddUog" busluoaa. A SniiiATio Company la porfonolng at too Paducab Thcalr& Ura. U. A. Fomioyor aud J. X. Uaaob are to the eons draaulif ua. in)''d campaign, and iccomnanled by a ronogado Vreneh noblo- mani whom aho has poiinadcd to return to loelly, and to whoso InBlroiiiontalllyhoreBeaMladua Bhevubaequeatlybeeomeatoo Emperor's eolo^bearar-m batUa^ aud hyberatogtoaeaa nfdevd- tlon and polrioUo fervv, citon tnma the aealea of reloclaiit tot- tfut toUalBior, IbaiirliHl(ialoh|eotlonatoThoUan ot Doa> rcnuRBa wo ffi rtowUibo nS leadtogmaa,^^ Tub.New TnumB at Cairo, SL. la nnnouncod tobaopem^ IhiB week. Mesan,. Crump aud Carroll 'are tho propriolora, and FTank Frayne etiRC manogor. Tbe Ihuno of too now alrucluru la already up, and tooro, uooo, Iho folka of Cairo con drive away dull CBTOOh. Uiar.\sxTD. Piuozlaat Dayton,Ohlo,Uilawock. Sho opooa tooro with a diamatlo company oo too SOto, to the charactor of JuUa, to too " Iluuclibaok," and la to remato two weeks. On UoyniT, Jnno 13lh, "Fnustiis" was presented at too Pork Theatro, Brooklyn, for (ho flial Umo, bud to a afylo, aocordlag to Uio bllla of too occadon, (hat to olaboratencoa of detail, gorgouuo- ncaa ol acehery, aplendor of appototmenta, powerful oroheslial Bcccsaorioa, end mccbanlol cflocts, has never betoro boon our- laaacdonUomotropuUtanahmo. Aangorda too Brooklyn alage, heso Buperlallvca wero not out of place, but to otoer rcapocia tooy wore ratoer oiageeiated tcrma, luaauut b as tos bilont of Iho tocstro, Uo eIrongUi of too company, and toe aUeiidant ei. ponaoB, wore of a cbiraetcr far more itoillcd than on maov ooca. Blona of dramaUo represenlaUoos of a llko character to tho me- tropoUo. The drama, howovar, haa certalnlr been plBoed on too Faric Btage to a manner very crcdlUblo to the maaogcrlal ability of Uia. Conway, for aba hue done much wlto tooreaourcca aho haa at command. The aceneiy la undoubtedly good, and tbo me- chanical cffocta woll amngod, and too appototmenta arc on b lib- eral BCBlo, whUe too ordibatial duUea wen lUlly up to tho mark ol the beet metropolitan catabllshmont The vonl mualc IncUootal to tbo ploce waa credllibly rendered to a mojorlly ot loalancts, cspcdally the porUOn oalgned to Ur& Conioj, bul too choruses wero sadly discordant at (Jinea. Tbo camlvol scene Is too feature offhopresGDiaUon. andaveryaUrocttvo ono to nearly every re- spect; but we mustcntbraproteat agatoat toatotroduoUon of a minstrel hnah-down, an^ by a llttto girl too. In a Venetian scene.; Tho baHosquo eavoloBde bt cqoeatrlanB. too, oould bo greatly Im* irbvod by leaving out toe address'of the leader, hla romarka he- ng BOdly out of phco. Tho pirformaiico of Ur. John Dcnlor contributed grcaUy to toe auccoes of tbla acooo, albeit hla monkey drcBB la noroiactly too atylo of thing for a sonsltlve audience. Ot tho performances by too miUority of too company, wo have to, speak In high torma of Iho offorls of Ur- Conway aa usphlstopho-: lea. LowIb' octtog In tiio duel Bcen^ loo, was prusoworUiy. DujffBUataliia bis rsputoUon to Iho drama, oa docs Vtocont end' Unrdoch. Ot toe ladtea, Ura. Conway's Adlne merits prabe, end Ura. Tyrnll appean to grest advanloge to toe carnival scene, to which Bbo gave ua anotoor Ulualrotlon other venaUllty of talent Ulsa Mowbray, too, espeelally attraols too attoilUon 'of Young America by too aUnotlvodlaplay she mokeaof bor finely-formed, nether Umbo, and Miss King Imparls coosldeiablo Ufo and vivaci- ty to too oharaetocaaalgned hor. The rapid ohangcs otacanery Incidental to toe dtama an offoeted wlto orcdllablo accuracy, and thocloalDgtoMedasla a voryoffeoUre one Indeed. Throngbont thu week toe pleco haa drawn remarkably well, and tho audlenoca havo'been as reapoclablo aa numerona. Una EiTC Tixci, known aa "too Queen of aB too Uazoppas," waa to commence at Orovor's Theatre, Washtogton, D. 0., on toe Mth Inat Uanagon wlahtog to Bccuro too aervhxn of tbla lady ahould addrcaa aa Inatructod In Ueasrs, Conner k Co.'t adror- Usemout. Iiu Hew Oaibo Tbeuhe to announced to be opened on too lOlbof July, and a nnoiborot ladlca and genUcmen are wanted for too aame for a season of eight months. Boo Uoaare. Ornmp A Co.'B advorUaeuiont In anotoor cdumn. Urn OzoLE nmui wUl appear at tbe Arch Street Theatre, PhU- odolpblo, on too nth Inat. ' "Fadsi AMD tUnaoEiinTE" Is to be rorivcdat toe Walnut, PhUi adelphls, tola wtok, thn "spectacular" being to favor to that city at preaent. Mr. J. 1). Itohorte haa boen oiigogod to perform too perl of Mephlalophlloa, and Mrs. Aloalua Fuhor that of Mar- guBrito. FaAKi DnEWa sNOAonmT at toe Ai«h, PhUadolphIa, hi an; nonncod to cloao on ttaoUUi InaL^ being the Jlaola of aovonweeka! perfOrmancce. "Tho Forty Thlovoa" iraa prodocod laal week, without much aneceea, llie attendance to wlineaa It nol being largo, whiletho ButoiiitoiDontfailal toiooet^riUi liivor; toe do- sing Boeno, toe "Ooldon llome of tho Fairy (jnocn." la* aoemtog feature ottoo piece..' IM Obseb to IlBKnia xoin: Eiruiive tho caat nf "The Hevcn Blalus," now bohig pcrtomed at tlw New Ohestniit, PhUadelphtal Mr. end Mrs. Joaopli Darmtt will bo added to tbo oompany tbla wook.'Mr. llarri-tt IntroAUDlng onr okl friend Dunilroary, nnd Mrsi D. (Viola Crookor) doing the Tankoe gal, wlto aonga of "Joalah and hla Sally," "DO You Beally Tbbik He DIdt" etc., whIoh have notboon given by tho kulyaoBumlog too part heretoforo. Aa.pai^ formed Uat vraok, too pUy waa oven Inforlor lo too verdon i^reb a year or two aineo, when Ur. UoDooough had the UtUe Olympic^ to lUceatreot . u'LLB Yjsnmmii baa proven beraelf to be a first cUas attiac- tlon ot liUaler's Atoomoem, Oilumbus, O, lu nlludtog to IhiB lady, ens of too Colnmboa ilatoea says: "The ougsiiomoutof die oharmlngbllbiiliiauuteand aotmas. Miss ZavJstonsU, baa proved the most adocoaatnl Biruke ot inanagemenl on too part of Ur. Bmytbe toatheoouU havo tceomptoibod. 'Pbo Atoeiioiuui, last nlglitandtoe niahtlxifore.WBsenwdodwIUitoe fashion of Uio oltal to witocas iirr wondbrlbl doUneaUons to Ihq play of top "iTonoh Bpy," and abe waa moat autoualBatioally applauded In almost evory Bceoa She la eiceedtogly well aupporlijd through- out by tho oompany, which for eicellence haa oovor been excdled b; any company lu OoluBibiis. Toalght we are to havo aovoral capital plays to which Miss Zavtstowakl wlU appear to advantago to ner nvorllo chaiaolerai and to addlUon to toeae aho wio okb- eulo sevital new daneaa whloh alona ore worto going to aea ' 0. K. FowEn, bla nf Uo Itoyal lyeenm, Toronto, 0. W,, wloIiaB to sueiim an engagmenlaa "llrBl old man," Boo hla ^rd to our odvorUdng colunina. ■TiTE Two aEHTLntEX OP VEiinHA" wus to bo prodncod at Ford's Thoatrt, WashlngtOB, ou Uo 90to laal, Un. CiiABLZs FoPB tarmtoatod Ida engagemeiit at Magnhnli Opera lloute, Vlrglnki CUy, on tho 19th ot Uar. Mr. Fope, ai wUl be Rcen by au adicrilsenient to thh laane of the Ourrlai, lb' touda columtog nhottlf lo Uila dly, and manageM wUilng w place to toeoomnny; among Uoab leai regretted la Mr, J. K Orden, the most po has been In BL Louis for many yeara. Mr. lenoyne (nr^' nun) goes to Cairo to Crump and CanoD's new theatre, ih^u Ura. Wdab Edwoida are among toa.ongagod fbr next aeasoa' S Do Vera, of the RIchmoDo. Va, oompany. |u!S Adama Is Uo last alar; he doaca iho drainallo aeaaon. (Snlhau! ofJnly toollavBlsopenIIfortburwceka,.At IhoTaruS Harry I^aUe'a paniomlmoa and Mlaa Bate Ponnorer's llibtiS lastto toe are toe great oltiacUona. I am rdlably latiaS UcrowlObeahnoetan entire change to too dramatic ooipaat uS ostabUshmcnt noit Bcaaon, -w M, Teuuco corameoccd a brief engagement at Uo Wb^mSi Ian, Buflblo, on the 16to InsL ~WT. . - oFltUi^ UoVkkcr aa Auguatns wh very tunny,. The mtoor chuaS wcrowcll Buslatosd. 'lOhhaney Career" waapiodnoedontha|£ In Uila piece. Nr. Uodiay. oa Bdemon Frohlly wss vaiy gn? M'llo Augiiito givee two of her brilliant daacas, and la ahtolKZ corol. Malllihi Ueron Ji.tbo. seal star, opening on tooMUhBi At Wood's^ "Miriam's Crimo" v^B. proilneed on the Uii Inst., and li:'i idilovcd a enccca^ folv ccnal to (hat of Ticket of LeavD Uon." Ur',PerrtoJsparUouIarIyano, while J^ Dillon aa UUcs Is very clover. . AUen, Dradla.v, etc., ore lU gm, Mn*. Pcrrlii toDk a beneflt on Ibb 4lli, and tbo house was flSri by lior many adnilrerv. Aiken lalfeb a "ben." on the 17th, ol. gooil Mil Is offered, Indudiug "Tlio Wolf to Bhccnrs CloUuiii.'' "Uncle Toin's Cabin"Is to prcpnraUtm,..,'. .Colodu.Woud hiajv turned, MiiiVbn.iichl aoino addltimm \o hla Mnaenoi.".-: The MAHmmTi t^D Mahzctti TpovrE Is resU/ing a mcdiaa amountcf patronage at Pika'e, ClucliinHti, but too wearber lafaia warm for Indoor ainiuemcnt, and noitoer toe Pantomlmo trpsaa nor UiemnnaeerwIU make a fortnus by toe bntegemiBt'.'lQa hlmaclt to lo New York for, tbe puipeee of cnga^ng a oosfaai for ncjit season.' Tho Opera Buuao wOl be cloeed after the 'Bft tont' So wrilca "Iniproupta." nnd«r dato of tho l7to Inrtr i' Tub Louibvuu Tbeusx Is aboutcloalBg, and thohuaai giving too actors and ouiployecs of toe bbiise their annual AbL Mn. J. C. MnsB dooed his season at ForlamouUi, N. B., oa Oi leto InsL, aud was to open to Portland, Uo., on tobSML Ite "Temple" was crammed to ovcrfloiriDg on toe occaalon of T» kee Locke's Hist snpeaTsnco stoeo bis raturu from Callfnala "ThcMorchantofVoaIee"and "Oulon a Spree" waatobalte opcntog bllMn Porilsnd. Ur. W, W, PrutI, of thia ooomny, ha oat completed a new drams fbr Yankee LoO^ enlUIed •The lag aelr, or iho Yankee Abroad," andiriilchwUl be imlaead tote gor iluring tho aeaaon, aa the ehaiaeter ot toe YankeaDocr— preaentod by Ur. Looke, la well known to that vMnlty. : Eaje Vamce doaed her eagagemoot at Ue Uoamrd,'] on too Hto Inat, appearing to toe "Flench Spy,"'Ud "Jift I Bbopperd." During ner engagement ahe allematad 'and aona I tlmea oonjotocd her reprcatntaUon of "Hazcppa" wlto lliai d I "Rookwood," boaldca appcartog aa "McCIellau'a Female Spytfl toePotomsc." ThelBttcrplecelaaaldto betoomoatesaenltallil aongnbiaiy of anyUtog of Iho ktod ever aeon, Ibongh kI I lengthy. It to ao eonlrived aa to demolish noarl)' dl Iho cIoi^b | eicopt toe Bpy hoiself before toe fall of toocnrtato; ^dihab^l atont exploalon of cannon, ahcU, pistols ond otoer wa^iosBota^ I creatca an .eidlemenl which may bo belter Imagliied llauidfr I acribcd. Bom Ilyan and Kate Donto wero to eomiuonco a Ibb I weeks'engagement on too 3lBt toat. The aeaaon oloaes July Mb, I wlto a beuoUt to Manager WUbrd. la The BostoM Tbbitiie cloved on the ISto Inat, toetooet pecml. I arUy aucctsaful aoiaou yet recorded or thatoatabllahmcnl - Ite I closing night woa for tho ImneDt of Manogor ManbnU. Ihstaa jin'ai're appeared an Febnichlo. Ulba Uaggle UltcheU repAaentri "Tlie Pd ot toa PelUcoata," and toe company and orchonra re). iinteercd Uielr acrricca for Ibo occadon. The floor of toa tooatn has been drawn oi'or the inrquot, and a series of popniir jTom. enadc concerts by OIlmorc'B celobnlcd Band, le to nlghUy order fbr the present, under toe Jotot direction of Mr. P, & GDiDoroand Mr. Marshall. THE Bcasou at toe Boston Mnsenm hi drawtog to a eloao. Bat tv.'o moro weeks renialn to which Ihia Block company of atara can be Been In coqJuiicIIou. "Iloscdaic," Uioiigh having been repr^ aenteit aoveuty-two tUiicB, la eUll the attraction. Fnou NonroLK.Vo., imder dato of Juno ITUi, wo ore advlaed by onr ei'TT&iwiiOi-ut "Tbisplan," of aliow luislnrss, aa fodowa:— "The Webb Bititora coududcd their brief engagement atUioOpoi IluiiKc, on tbo llto to^L, andaLio brought to a tormlnaUoo Ihi fall nnd winter wintor scaiioii, which iraa In Ibo 3Dto week aaJ XJTIta night. Till' closing bin eomprlacd Uie eoiuedletla, "Na lure ned Pblloaophy," fullowed by too protean fiirao, "UctrsBs'tf All Work," and coududcd wiUi toe fkroe, "An Alarming. Bao^ nre." A crowded houao greeted their hut appcaranco, and Bit deuces oropprcclation Umughont Ue p(Tformanco''coUfiliiald iu a opouhineciu and general coll bbfore toe curtato ot the.'te at Its clubO, which was reaponded lb, and ao opproprlolt firM apeech dellverrd by.MIaa Kinma Webb. It lo qnito proper, vhft ouiioundng the duao of the aeaaon, to pay tribute to Uaaaaal Oloun'o buolnns capsblUUea and entcrpriso In prcsenttogtolial alrlcalbahltoc'j,acoUBtootHiicceivluu 01 aloiaaiid dramsUa'nai-l ellloii, and a retrospect of Uo attractions pxeecnicd,' embndlll Neafl(^ Ura. OladsUne, Hden Weelorn, Ciiaofrau, KflloaanDOtl EmUyThonio, Lauia Iteeoe ondcomedy company, MaTyMllohtl| Proctor, and McDonongb, with toe Soren Slati'ra. lie boahUO'l tiou of a aammor aoboon comm'cpohig July 2d, ond ckistog al.sadl Unie as will enobloblm to make amngemeniB for the opentog.dl toolhllaad winter aeaaoo, wblcli la'ltorwlU Ito liuugumtad.llal latter pari of September, Ur. Olenn Is KorUi ]irvparlig .fotlti| coming season. ''.'I UisiAoviR AMDSOsoii, apnity anddaabtogeqiiestrlennMllI onoUcr eaiidldato tor Uoaepoooto honoia. wlahea to eplBr.ll|i| ongagemenls lor aeasons of leo or Iwelvo nights with respobilla I nuinagcrs. Measnr. Connor & Co. are Uo lady's agonla; ' THE Ticoa TuourE, not being too rcdpleiita of tlutapi Uon and oupport Iboy deemed their due at too Tremont,.! brought their vlait tooro to a close last week.. , Mn. WiLUAii Warben, ono of toe beat comedlona lls'lng, lock I his tbroaoU benelltalthe Boatou Museum oo Uo ISUi tost .Da | bonae was ciammed'lo repldlon. I^ Huinnii,' Uo repreaoblaUve bf To Mazeppo; lb nquMii I negoUaUwItomanagarsIbrilioooutog'SeBson. Fartlca wlaUaiI (o Bcouro tols daring oquoablenne, ahould addroBo hiiT'St oqoi I toroiigb hor agent who odveiUaes In (his week's naperJ-' , *, I The Oeuiaii OrEui Tsoors lb at (be' Ftonf Bbecl TIieah^ I Bddmoie, under Xconord Orovcr'a managemonL BobbiBB la I reiiorled an brlog good. ' . . 1 Makaoeb FoBobaa rerlnd Ue mllllary romance ot "Tho Ttna I Qnardamen" at Uo Ilolllday Street Tbeotro, Baltimore, pioauM | under iho Immedlato dlreeoon of Joeepb 0. Foator. Kate nEioKOLns Is making greatpreperaUona for her fbiUioee tog csgagemenl at Baltimore. Bbp will produce throe fowp^ writleo for hv, and which aro altOTards to bo phiyed of ton Museum. '-i ■'■"';.■ HcKcAa BtcDABAW opens at IhelndlinapollaXbealta oojttl Uto tod. ■ . Negro Minetrelty. Joun Hexby Ddlei, Uio weU-lmown Kcgro C^n^edlan; S London, Mav :ilet, to his twen^-nlnto year. ' Uo wbb weli'k In this country SB oiieiif thowUUest coioedhinB'to tbel He excelled to ovoythlng he undertook. When B. K' HakdMI was managing toe Bkvento Street Opera Honae, PhlladalpMl Daley waa on toe " £nd," and became a great thvorito wlto Oil Fhlladdphlaaa. When Ilootoy and CompboU'a Ulnstrels wal iliif•■■ ~ •■— perrorninig el NIblo's Saloon, In tola dty, ho waa a i tho company. He accompanied tto namaey a: Nowoombp Kngtono, wliaro ho tenutoed opto hla deoto, pcrftnnli Chriaty'a Mbutrbia, aa woU as at (he Oxibrd and Cantbrbtuy I HaUa. no died after a painful lUnoaa .of Ivu mbnlha„leatlB|>l widow. lle«aBa'natlve,wa'bolloTe,otPtilladdpl)l|k ..'i < I J. Taxnembadu haa Joined Bandctaon'a MtotDols al'Muytail IgsUlul^ BdUmoTa,'Md. ' '' "Xj JOHinrBoiD and Frank Iloward Jotoed too mlasfriel pnwl of I.ent'a Clrcns at Chicago, and are now trsvellnp wllhihniari^ I Ducuxi'ii BEBENinzBs uro meeting vriU i rniX BUCcesBlae short tour through Now England, dnnog wldoh (Into the re— Ingol tooIr Hall la raphlly gotog on to Bumnor sti«at,i- Tlioyiipened In PruvldeoeoitoovurHOl), allot too loworpartolg'I houoo, anil a iwrtlon ot Uo upper port bdng aold aa rcsernd a* hnig before too opontog of uio doors. They havo done a tn' bualnoas tbsn tooy anildpated, ond toey sot tbelr figmealV when toey alorted out They wore to appear at Fortluid <V> ■* IClh, ITto and 18U, Uonce vldl Portamouto, &0. c_ BTiHLEi k MisoN's PAimtWaa atWalerioo, 0. B.,taBts<<a They lakoBlcanur at Qu«beo Ula week for BL John, «■ B.r UAnnia k Cuirm't Buni.EBai:E Orsni TnouTR vras ptofh!]! theamalltovnaofConnicUcullaatyiock. .Fred.H.BprungaaB* W. Charlea an vlto' Uio company. ^ The IUikub Oamart Piun haa been doing a good boaug dnco tooy abrtcd out Tha rOiito ahnd for Uihi wqch It.aaw l»wa:—DUea. SOUbud 91al; SytacUBO, Tli bad 23d, andClas<r 2IthBnd24to. , I ■ ' 1^ Di;CB(X<'B UmauEua from Doatoo wlB bo toKowboin'" Hasa,, June 33d. , , ■ ^vA .TiiE Uoniua Bqoe, Pii (i Tnownnmog MiwraEiB aWJ» on Uioir iTBTolllog tour Ibib, soosou, coiothondng to Pronoa^ ofi Uie 20Ui, for ono wee^ ". i. Di'PUi ft OUBBi's Msisraiu am aUU punulng tbrlf <2 psign, too bcauty.of whIoh.U that'Uey,Uko Orant,do noi^ need net fed concemod sbont diolrbsao of suppUaa; fe'*''^ tar when Uoy make Ualr hoadnuarten, tooy an sun vJ^ plenty to lU tUlr havoiaacka, tnajasckn, baggage wagona. >>r largo margin ovot to Ue akspe of gnenbaeka U) .go toto WJIZ anry of l>aymuli)r.aoninr,D<iprca. 'Auotobr. dIaUoeoag mark of toolrvlclorioua'inarAle tHalUbpcoiiIow^ina'rj whcrovor Ihny go, and aro loyal to a man' to tlio. great C'^m corhologhmdelliioaUouliatlona,.agdfrooly pay tholr bllMsiB^^ puriioaa of aaalsUng too good cause. On tho llto tost, .toey i^u inoaa uleoUni alBSUu'j'Ball, JackaoSrUlA DL, aMr bavloa *^ woll Htlondcdberlmuos at Davenport. Ind., oo Iho bib aio' Kouhqk on Sto and 9th, abd'Qutotr,'BL,on tin lOU. Tha9E°|| aud mou of the command are to hoalto, and Uioir perfoiaia^ and niohuiuvro!! an prbtaoiineid A No. 1 by thooe wlio lee^ heorUism, In proof ofif " ' '-'^ fmoi tho dally Daveniwrt Mil - ~ hear tlisiu, In proof ofiUila aMorllbn wo hero quota a tmoi tho dally Daveniwrt Daumi of Iho 7lh InsL:—"DoraB OnzEM'KUiaBTUU,—Thh favorilo apd worhl TOnownee >r"r mvbthMr nratbnterliltoniont lidbn -a laisDaUdUbica at a>^^ hlofaUpronauL llfj'. 1. I ifluiion i'UKaTw WI iMU no inou;—""- --^ :u,—Thh favorilo apd worhl TOnownee teriMamontlidbn'a- '" ' iniliaiiUalh'laBt,eyonlng, to Uio doUgbl < rcmomborod lhai Uio company was hen ne than coaddenKl ono of lilgb rank, ai . „„_,. ilUiig mliuliel abbir In ealatonee. [ BInob Uron, however. H aav Kilved many Imnriant acceaaiona, wUeh, added to thdra« 9aIdnngUi,fiUrlytookourclU»iiBbyBuq>riBO. Tlieywe''^ woa than ;ooBddero4l ono of lilgli rank, and, in ftct, olUag mliuliel abbir In ealatonee. [ BInob Uron. howqver^li bv^ cell nal ainmgui, loiri/ wuB our ciuzeuB ny survnao. a'" ' " j |^ pocUiiaariah tival,bul found Uiat tholroipoelidlona baa^ noTaral deareea too low. Big. Bldeaui, the great n«P°h wbs: taOy BsUslcd every one that he bad no superior, and tbo^^, lnAOItd"broogbltatUBitoundlngappbuae. Low.Doaeoo hard man tobMtoa'toe *giw'oroomlodanoe," ,_jitfi FaiBK Foaavn^ UiHnniu ooiUnne doing a good hw<^ Tbeb- nnto tUa week IB Tnnton, D. J., BOIh and list, town )3d,Bahwayeid, and YonkorBllUi. . . _^im AniiNong, KatXETiLuM uroUoitB'MigamiLjtooiFjs Hon otTToed'a Theatre, LouhvUlB, «D Iho lathtoat, f« W"*^