New York Clipper (Oct 1864)

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taiiU'iirviV' fciH 10 in; .DuiPl."'*^''''-' In -Jilt' Jaw i ci' Viiri : .1. I'l ,1 11 i.fM^iVtMV •fwl r 1011 I-.' • '■ .1 _^'^bS^ (>P» IhaliinMt adil. •iTOll Ui All' V)r. t,U> .Uinii-s':". •■■ »*v oil ■« 0<:i In).' • tnlr.pz'j I i ■ ■ .4'.-j t v.. •m/ 7»'"' '* M; ' . ■ ■ jjh'l 1' ■■ Hv.lil\ri: I ii Hil ell .IV ' ■ ■ ■ •u f i J ' ■■ ' ■ ^ o/f -I '■ ■ ' ■ .>i;,. . -'H: i: -ifcwcia.;!-: V/ SfiJ4'7 Jillii..'" 1 • I ' ',. tiSiSS.. MiSurlniid amB o'tr Ml ; Q 01NO FOR FISH Cttehtng ■ »u6k. •OT jPLOTO OF OIJBDim «»» *» it^ ifTe4d»iB'ar« nwort/trat rot all; 4f lien, ■""^SBTSrS, about "an hour by rjjl" ftomthe dtyM^horo "»'^fiSemgoSulno "Bporlman'e 5all?;-.whoro Ctiren „ "Silofa 6CTD0 whon wo wonttlioro. plokorsl Ashing ^r. .,ttw dSTS 180. ttal« obafitor bouroUi tesUmoor. - /f-^,j^So wuaflKloeporWof lU.iome.Oolkmltoei ono wtS? iSSi^ gTtJ; aT-aokcr of HamUJ'a from the «*l«iErty<5tr;dyPltt»burg) ond .a ftlr iprtokUng of tbo ■ aSoeweoDtod part of oroauoni oominoifly known, as lamea. -™'""i5K'toUb«Mi oarlr. anSgot PrinooJoromo to orepai-. liii|i>itufblBboau;llniB>bAllaandaoforlb, faragrandtUmo. rfjjiSjJS'oTloinpn^^ ' AtlSliuio boftti wore Mad/-ono, an BnoIent.,whaIo "iJJ/lii& naiaBd tbo aofcBanU,.was Wloclod by your bum; j,7rti itffiertantftndBOouiilB.ofoUiorB, who meant flift, and * wt fSnaidmruV 4h«.>'l<i3y of tiaUko." a prolty .M,. nU boat, vacealeoted by $ioi Aleiaador, our h«ro ft-om ttf xlStUfcib'*h» of oouwoTa a bovy.of fiUr ono» ,wlU li/^SSrSriiiilB a I'sport/'.oflho flmt'walor. Anolhor . im t?!tS>}f wUota oboe did daty aa a iborth oalter to; a. ablp « 16 to thi'HiWi'toiok m.tho rtst'of- the party, and woll: sup- loodlaoklo, apd pUolod by a tiuliant fallow 'who had ■""''■^Biitietiatbidttaplocoa In Ibo Army oftho Fotinnao, '^^'iMMgwdtlAtilRUtlo tbtco and fudi pound plbkerdl wltb Jiuipmrjjljj rS|^ pjj^ (jjj ouUor, ngl eo omiiltloui, woro ^.jflMWCwmworma'oloao'i.D Hboro.^t^ euffVali luid j^fop«reiii>y.ibe»«ofcUDoi^ . ■ King Aloiasdor, with one iroUlng, line out,: and ono oi njiiwtlWtbfl»l,»po!)u»iekU)» end of li, wW aalllng ovor, "''"S^iiiiMlilEeawlldTovor aa bo U, abowJtag hia dexterity S3j£liisuid Tpenng, and eholUng prolty aorouiu luid - ' ■' 'Mavftoftthe ladlea/'oa an oooailoDRj 'Equall ' llloilinKttJo uadoTiWator,' ' ■ •, -; |.miiS#on>'a|i'obOTed In about'aeven' Ibot jibaTLtUut^pes and bkc-wbod bottom, !but iM tbloi. . . ■ i _io r.«Bl old "Byo" wUb hltn la the anU.boat, me tird all "Byv.voad"' to drtnk out of, .)io by tbo oars, aptrUuoJii/spoaklng. want waa moatitaolulizlug) tbe. man would rounil .tuoi trdl lido) Jl'Jh )I .-lU. t70> • ;i«A»dliJ»liOBt^t«o, e vaqr_Uttle whlle,.;n» Windward Of u; a'an bn'tbo item of the 'b«ai7 shaking 1 Btnldk the OUI ^omWe^SffrTldb < vf, bodo;''1I)tUDg':|i»''l61ig:leg8 a . .^lup, oniTseDdlng blm oVerbo&rd In leas umo i'tb<iliniaV«>ulie'«Uti'lUoW dyo^ do." „ lug,. Ji)8(,'.en)ptfbd enough to - float handsomoly, |)angM toward us, aud.poor Aleo, who was so twlmmor, 1i:m»i9tMWV<>*>Ui*;^<mm, r.JtajWojMniliilrly i4HjHrp«mln(. wall no rOfma. M J.i,.but sooa iiMi'aDd.nsar'Bnongli for'grasp hbn f'*|rdiniobg,"aiirUng'lialiv: .Ueutlmo tho jiigoame Uoat- tvti|gWwardrtts, ana 'I''ratbiT ttiimk'our adouoroomo up: <'<u«ir,.aiMl4ur4iil«iTtrd'speedliy out, wbiloAre apod to. the raM(U-'UDt'Of ' A(eo,fte' fiiir hundswera diiujiiliiK boat, DutM-tUatpteotoup Jug. ■ •• |6uKd'IK ana td6k'a'''hoi'n uiV round," and ■^^turn,'aliookllaVtt|0 dripping horti o^.tlio, rortua JMa."' In vain did 4)e luoad. for a drop to, "IJom' lukbu' obld. W "couldn't sod lt,'f no. oanrlagtr, I waa irtven on board »»««»«> Wt'^Wj;"^ twe?n me »d,Uie aoeno of:iny " ""^ ^tiSma 1 refomed my profession,ajd ftr y^ nlBhUy llilonad to tho ptoudlta o/adnJrlng crowos. dimmed'by the Taasing yean, and again "JJifmiii h^a lovff, Uat loTO tffit bad tomptod mo SlVe/ tto memory of whibh' b*'"" "f.ylf''H;7it h3St'.iS forever/. At,flnit ljt<m}i,^,,^i J"".,- JeMthi.noTed by the faaolnallon bis almost super lISm bMttS. fooosanted to.booome wu'haDPy. bntlD bla absanoe tho memoir of ^tS^lhS^fti>Si^!mi hatred of blm who had, K aeMlTlng me, boon tho oauso »'PJjr'nio, boooino SlngpfasIonV' mod from hlmj ha IMgwcd mo. In hlapioaanoijl.^.aa.holplesa. ... . ,.,__„...„.j . AtlaitIdslonnlned to freemyselK Ilenlhimpolaonod wine. Ha must baira anapeotedmy Intonbon, for, wniio I waa iwaltlni la -a itranze, nanatoral oaJa>.f« »' h5?enHf^llI.'atood befor^mo. Standing {b-^'/M &» inni the wlne-tho poisoned wlno that.Ibad sont hn^andTberore I oonld oven summon sssutoMe, eani ai ."Jw'amSti'lpisd spon-biiind upon the ruin I had okwia.'tten UpB.y£to iSMdslbllily. Whe°,anor low months. I regfidod' consMousnoai, I was oonP/'J?^ otoSed. Mrbeanly, ofwblab I bad boon so pro"^. goSoT I was old, doorepld. you sco mo now. Bit i oar*i.nof/l.««uId inda home among atrongors, S?d gatoraahM over the momorlcs of the past, andin uttorttwUUen wall <br donth. Such has bcon my 11^ Stono mSioiita that the fooblo old woman, who tottor, slowly by>r blear oTosbont upon tho ((ro""<l. imon'whom they onoeMaflshod applause, when abo boro the proud naino of (tneen of Tragedy. . THE'>ANTHEB HUNTEB. Om the banks ofth8beantlf\iI8osqu«barnall7ed,insny years «o, on Individual whoso life eeottod. to have boon dovoted to tbo'woods and tho stresm.. He had firown old In Cftwsrbut Hke'thp a.ed arid knoUv oak, a vesUso sUll ronialiodof Us (inUqalty and bardlhwd.-^'Whon i lawhlS^nuberemlndod mo of a dilapidated and d^ loAiafi^^, ddowihg, but still strong. I eo"^'''*' arauolBtiDoeTind matiy a timo bavo I wnrmod mysoir, durSg d"»r/, woary monlba, at tho brlRht "rf the In- (luslry of ago had kindled. I loved thisold man.but Ibot lo« oould Sol havo^rlglnnled Inpityfor bU mis ?rMmos -no, he was happy as tho spring birds; thoonlj regiol for bis mlsrorlunos iprlng birds; tho only regrot bo c'ier'eipresMaVaa Uialtlrie ''£l«f'"W''='i;?"7dJ'"r driven away Ibo gmno. .Ho waa himself 'bo Plo°odr of tbv forest, and olvllUnUon bad deprived him »f ■"'J,''"f jm; uoi^vuDlou .uub IV uuu-liiB suoak liuu run ID i, and'lKDd whore Prince Jerome oonld suuply blni ;<<k oj^^4Xb.!i>edy," and giva him a phanoc to d^y. bjs lauvt /■'rtSjr.'[iSe.^'b'td:bls Say, lind nqW ouxs baii bfAoI .c:i:Jtai3iad;noi:otanloo but'to trUn lils sheet and run In -.,. ,..::!iliorej rl'ii^n fwtUr Jr<.» i'ly^Sjlft'/^'a^iiiuldiAolies, uid'drajllc td (he;hoaIlh'if: iM^vWmMt^^xM i>^ -^<>'it: w\^^ wo hud- ati tt (WMU»Bi!tMn^ 08'Wd' ti{flir9inai*sriOiVia(Mawaandthesun-llsu~~ EinKJltBdl] f.Vvl;r.iJ«D| ,\/( M p td jifi- loiiMr-.jcd' ii-'/il ii'rfcl. n s^.'iOi*;?.'!!!'.-!'I !. ■ .'i-i*f 1 I ii I'./ II. J I '■'f,.*''''V'> the'dlm.dark'pwif,'wl)loh8efm»,!ob,'*o[iftr away, "t.,^\ '^t.-'etiWlbU'od In.tho oloudetbat IV Is almost aiurtlege to ilA 'Lpt the' voll ttiat.'bldos it Trom fitq'ulslUto oyM~:in that riui I '"68 Agotlmo; I 'had' mony.and' doitr.'lHi)nda.''' I am an > .1.1 r. lOla womain fiowi:w once ravon,halrBlIvdrod; biy form,' osoo so oroot, fa bont and droopliig,' Tho yoara weigh —----MWly ujon me.-^TKo friends of my youth have pnaspd Id _ J. ■ ((or 'odomy to the tmatlng girl whoso oonlldonoe bo whofq hopes bo. ollghtod, who but for him riOiVia(Mnwa and the sun-llsli porly'.wont Into Uio h to.see'boir.'Aloo and bis party got along. yea geVdny Hsb, Alee C wo asked.' ; . > . - ° i>''^ Vafy;tsb l"'M orlsU, wlih'a inopt lugiibrlons 0 p;jl4W,''i'^ntI'oHlifcWB toosVlhftrnardook." r;V,i,' ^.„7?iU4tli^M»l»,tfio'flrsiloagto: . ^ ■ .'/.OJ ful liro,andwcopofldIanghii8h6.reooi,ntedlbern.__ ''On, sAld ho'onoo to mo,"l bavff scon tho fool-prints of llio Indian and tho panther, where now tho Holds aro woito with the harvoelB-; they bavo both passod away with the Irtldorae^snd m • owS grayhoad will soon lie down In tho duil-Imnstnol murmur-yet I shall bo tbo last who bos wttnossod nature on this spot In her simple and solllnry grandeur? biit If loould onoj ara n eihUilt a pnnihor akin as the trophy ofmy ago, loould forgot pyen ''iboro was somsthlpg.patboUo In the manner tlila w^ uUorod-somBthIng mohinoholy In tho Idea, and It wai In vain I nUonitfel aTfoplyf It waB an nll-absorUpg thooglit, and have tto wlngsofiinoyto rcJouUon-ltnilghtbnve hcon propbello of.the oldman'eond, for on tic next day the vlllagora «rero aroused by a report that a. ppnther had been soon In tho neighborhood, lllaoycs briRlitoned at tho Inlolllgcnco—lie seemed to have shaken off hie ybarsi And I shall jiovBr forgot tho Drainess ol hi.i slep as bo shouldered bla rifle wltl^ tho hopo of Rmning tho tro- phy ho doalxcd.'. . ' , . .* . , ''iniiinTtlio creature,"aald.ho: "It.-uiBt>to thosppt, ahdJMbOiObI man's eyes doiti^t all hlm, I shall have nu. ss^'task—hot there's hdlcnawjiig .wjiatmay tnko plaoo,: ■they^artdangorouB.nnlBialSi" •'■ I wibad bfrn success, and :hO' dopartod,. aooompaAIed only by bis dog. - ^ . S ■.BBe'day was fast waning away^ and the shades of sur- tonSdjlag ,Ua«8 onvelopea the warohful hontor us bo paoed the margin ol an almoat Inaoocsslblp r&vlno.oagor to dlBooverhlspreyi botthopnnthoruppcarodnpt, and he'bogan>ta think he waa doomed to wauh In- vain. At lonalh ho loaned his riflo against a tree, and commpnced nartoklpg of a slight ropaat.ho. bad. provided; all was BlIll^rnmiiLb^^ "So-a^fow aaWS? i^,CT>f-prBoiBlotrTO - ilsOiriSiVarir i^eih'y'BSDto than a hundrodi^st. Thitherward tho hu» terstmyedrlebking upon tho stream and thoYaUaybO' low, orlmsoned-wUbtborays-drtho setting suD,,.wblle thoughts of other doya' ohased .'ana.aqotheroaoross' his. bra]n«b'imiW*irvet&u<l(ieBSt'thelr mokorlDg shadow^ ovor 'a harvostileld,. - He. wa4 aroused Us Jatooray by aruslUngln theBbrubberynsnl^ hlnf,:and turning, ho beheld a'panttaor'across'bla path.^ Tie shuddered/for his rifle still leaned agnlnst the tree where ho had loll It; and tho panther was botweon hlmand that:trael:i "Oh,'Oedl"'ha orlod,<"be thou meroinj to mo." '' Tbo a^mal pieraed to bavo obso^ed'hloli and,'spring- big loff) a Uau; wlth'n'Boreabi/ now sorveyod tho horror- slrlolun btinlBr; While Itstirco and flery gazojnado'blsl) roooli (b the jory brlpk of tbo proolploo. Re'oabt bla OV09 ovor tho aDyas—(boro waa no retreat—doalb stared Ulm lu thojhco on.olthor side, and be gave himself up to despair, ret thoro might bo hope; he held his knllb-open (none band, whilst, uncensolous of what ho did, ho Arm- lygraspqd a tmoll sapling witu tho other; his doe, how- over, Instead.ot relieving hie fears, only excited tliem by Irritating bla foe by an angry bark, 03 It' lay croiiobed S' peh th« llmb like a cat ready to spring upon her proy; \it-allll.(hnteprlng was delayed; .as IfltfeU oonaelous 'that'll^ trey'waaeeoure, and a..ploasuro In holding lis vfetltn ln°torriai)"suspanse. At length, ripping up the bark, and wUhAforoolous and plerolngBcream, It drew OUR OBAI lATlO POBTRAlt OAIiEBY. ' ! gOBH K OWBHS. Uik Owns «u Un U Urenool, Bkf, of ITdsh pontage, iD of •« byhl* BtnU, who flnt HUtod In BMmm.l^hA whanMcOweoa «« ptrauuraUy ««t«bllib«a BIoimU to hart- Jirefauice fcrphyiologlod iMdlng. the boat of bl» dJJI>Mltl«n -crhliAilaiArtJBM Wud would "'T-««"«'*«<«*„^j; the aUidTof nadldiio,ud pli«d him undu U>Bwdl-taoim deipgll Tb,|i«ltoai/;iui,lh<mlDhi.iW«nlh youvdl|^^ ooDOrm hU Ikihct'a oholco, howevtr, but, hiTlii "JJ™- Uuongb hla laHcUUcn with corUIn unatont Ihailitadi, a pu- •Ion fir tho •Ug^ ha nMoWcd upou jlvlng Oilon Ihj S>b7 "d ia( wu mtdo nndti Ui* muMtmont o( the Ilia-Wo. B. BbitOD, el tbo NtUonal niotut, Pblladclphto, whuo Ohirlolle Cu»hm»n. wu then •Uttllsi Ibo pnbUo wlUi bs m i nlfrtl a l l nn a of a p»er- (UlgoDlui. IiwMtoboiD prortigiooo««aftil,op OTon ««ooii> aging Is Oia amutlou drauni of our joniig aaplnit, vhA uler ut wcolia' esdoruM or Uu> dmdgojT of lb« itags lnU> nhlob be wiataptdlraMUinsTtookeoaiiMl with Ids prid*. and dcapopO- eoliyntangdtoSipbumHKoUal poiMta. Hli dUvoaUlon' wia howmr, tooalitllatartrumlong dsiraaed, and, ahiUng 08 Ua dlMppolnbngal. ha datcimlnad upon enoe man euanng hot forlnuaa nBOD Uu aUgr. Uka Ltilao.BiirtDB, aidahDn- dtedothaiawlioluTottlaliicdlha bUbeit bono™ rf Iho oemle •!.«, Owen, btesaia Inlbaad »llh tt. Id«» «-» k»S»MJ«d tragia povira of no nmf"""'" oidar, ud nU a mnlllan binng bsoatoUDdladby "A mik Com Bb«ke»p«»ro'e miiaa cl m*" ; bo diredsd luraabila. apon his tatnn to lh« boarii oi Uie MatWu), lo<Uia UlDilnUon of the paaalou oKtngtdjr. .Tbla •awnd attampt to snip lha Uilrlonla lautda wu evaa ItaS no- aetital than the flniT In Imtb.thawould-bettamdluwaiao InimodiattelT laaahed at, Uut tha bUutoaa eSgct of tba pensrm- inoa auggcucd Ua ^bibla aiMllaUMinconiedy. ind acttag upon tb« aunnittonrBartaa—wboea keen ptroapUia baddls- coTond In yoiTng OMia' <^ lha gwm of .that opinio g«lua which ha llvod to wn 10 liStuii} doralopod-jMt Ua f«»ajb; oidlnttddtado obonow, In a drima c«l^''3»50«",5Wi nil poCmntSM of Uo part pio«a an.niunliiliMila "b* f "d last a matked' nopoliiltr lo ibo pitco. wUch had » ma of four weeta. D5o5»fiiiriiMnwri(bopubUohiidlk)riU;ttyt<i^ tho power of Ibo yomroomnllu, "d *ba pfoaa aJdlM Ita Inl* lljttSl lauOntlona to lha Mpnlarapptaoao, bad Mtsbllahad Yor hHTo OuterSff^uSonrilotlu aVanglb of Uda luoua^ Mr. Owtm.^S?X?r.iil •«"P'«d »a «8We""»'^„«J'^^ cOBcdT at Ibo Hollldif Btnal Ihaitrc, Uammore, undar Uia manaeommtofPctaiBaniiga. Allbodoaaof'Jioaoiaonbawaa milled lo Phlladolpbln by Ituitoo, who bad aaauud. In cjBjimo. uidahtnid the'ooincdTbaidDCia with blm, until tbo olMlnto' the houio by Burton's ««tl»n»'™^2^f^V.5^, lomtoK lo JJalUmott In 1841, which bo tbinceionnira mada-hls.l tabn^ Mr. Owone aocplad an enipKcracnl >l Uio MuBum. Ondar Bun and Silahoo'a ownigfrncnL Tbo ccmiiaiiy wm a tery good ono, conndahig aooli arlUla u Mr. and iSxt. V. R Bowaiv Mlu JoaopUiio Shaw (now lira. Uoo;), John MeUnaott tt*. daughter, lud Ulaa Crodier (now Mr«. F. D. Cmwi. On Uie MHior Augu»l.IBI«, Jlr. Owonaicappo»redtoPIaUJolphI»,at lha Pbllidclpbla Uuatuni, In Mvonte uati, ns Jatk Hompbrlae, In "IniiilnB Ibo Tnbica," Ittt tba t>onallt o(«. r. Bowcia. In ISO bo boeuna Joint nunogar ol Ibo DahlDKTa alaaoom w'lb nuio, and Iho aoocccdlig icsr aaaumed aola oonltol of tha oalabllabmoat. which ba aoon olovslad lakrcooonlzoa poaltloh among lha flnt diaa Ibaliaa o( IhaoouabT. pooljb, Obatlolto Cnahmu, Julia Dcao, Jamca. B. Mordoob, Obia|as Slbdeo Pitt, Eliza Locnn. Jiun IL Dannpoit, tba Bards, James W. wallack. and UrTaod Ur*. Oincy Wlltina pbued aomeof Iholr moat brUllut ooaaiioounla at that houia wnUa ondar Xr. Oft-ena' niaugamrat. It.«aa alia at Ihia raiy pododi that Samay WU- Uama'pcrrarmed liUfiat.tarnifi<)maL Jlr.Owooa'rcjUaaaan- 'tcnriaow not oonlnnl wltb tba. nolablo auxou It hid lohlercd at the, UniauiD, aou^ht oikcr llelda of tiiampb, and doling bla muagamanl of Uio Ullor oabblUbmoat ba dlrnclo), « oon- tnllcil atdUL-rcntperlodj, Iba Sollldaj BlttetlheatKL Waahlng- ion Ibcalio, Katlocil Tbcatro^ FhUiddpblo, an Ilallan Opon Cpmpuur, aud tUo aiblUllona of Turn Thumb, . - in 1683, at tho oarucit wUdioUon of hit friend JohnBrongham. Ur. Owuna oonacnlcO to Iniuguialo, with Ida-parfonntncoi, Broiigbam'a Ltuoiu (now tbo Dniodvar), Kaw Tnrk, then newly biiUl, and met with avtry cordial reception. i;ia angwanest Uated aavanl woakv, uhn boaUicaa called hlni badi lo JJalUmoro. Boooaflarhlantumbodli|M«c<lol bta boumt bilhoMueaum to UaUT 0/ Jarrelt (or |lS,0IMi and ddr. Owona purobuad a niag-. nlflconl aatato of aonnU bundled acres In Iba immodlala vlalnlty of UalUinoxo^ uid tampomlly nllriog from tho ttago, xaoloaaly dovoted lilmaoU to. tba ImproTOOiont of bla fum'-ojiaD iyhloh ho TCl itsUai whoa piofoadonally dlwneagod—and to tbaonJoy. moat of .Turai foU:tUta. On tbo 2Clh of Juae^ ISNi and tuhio- ?iuapt u> bla retUamoaC ftoo maauomaal, ba for. tbajblid or eunh UDia aallad Pir Eonpe, and dcclbilng a fltUarlag.angage- maui at tbo Adelpbl Tbaaira, Loiidoa, Ihaa under ^d. Colcata'a jnaaaseniaalilioiodo aa axlODalra tour fver Itao oonlttiout— matlna tba aacaotof Uoot Blaoa. Bctumad to: Ihia country, andlsTa U EhUadclpbl^ Biitlmora, and Itala city, tola Mont whKb . To Oonwipthdentia-.:'. ^ ^iSSjgiss^ssr-'UTiiS^^ i.toOB OcuMD^nsBkiltar QisasvPsoblaoi Ml iivoUa good locA and npoii U'aapIaa»nroloaarvaa««aIbU ooainn- utor who navar u1<* to huny. Enrgmt No. 44.8. mm ooe of our Ohaaa Bomp Boeka R a I4n. athlae at Us 7, 1 KB6, '.KM 1. liai^ i EEU. Whila to pUr ind glTvmite In'fnxr noraL ' irobltm Np:'448. SBtd.. i KSt;UL EUdS. Cram earth and lellme'. lonely, witherod, blighted lo thi irlnte'> of my' life. It Is of'ine of those friends l wtuic k--onqo a flrlond, but, In tbo end, nlssl a blUor, wrvdgQilr. .Wlivw (iu|iuo uu. uiikuhiu, wuu uub ' might to thU 'day'havo boonpuro and Innocent. .. Mi.Tii,.it.'!»,J»5,roinbjans: wltlt .no dopendonoo hut my owtr .i.t b vxsraw nr. 4iiyoiiliooi|.'.phen^flrsl.m9t tho man whc i.'i) y; ^itratfbeneanrlo ta bo myoosUny. Hlsdork.rlob beauty, ■•I -lOi I the^TophialaplMdorof tfaosoitoep^dAtk eyes; tho wenllb ^ i.... J .V. .... _.J ^^j^ .uiM,-.',4r.B>tdnlgbt'iiall','8nd:ihB mellow ondenoes of a iPiY'« M'K'a?' ' have rrevef heard equalled, w^otrnly heart , ;"ri°ur r '?h»o>beh he tOWbiB thaw^ ■ MlxlA.! J^J|jiiL_l.,.vI . "^'■'•1 iiKlfeW-%!r''^'I^»'"I?'^'{^^^ IWiirdw'.hloh'Sy talents I.'..' i<nM:>WtbtWddyo, t was fascialltsa.'. .nr^athlDul/l llatonod i3/oirr WUM M loldmo of (ho &nio >whIaK,i:i)algTit win In tbo ■^0-|!7 proftailon of wblob he was a diStIn AolfKhori .'■ -'i'V-'','^ ^y.*"*! fo^P'B'oly won, 1 put myoflttsJn >blb hande, i^'iK???'' 5"^ ^Vj" o*enlowlng oup of myfau rota Tapldly la my priH ' pd oven S«>o:wrapp.aViS«S?l^^ ^aljnoUoef ifiai ihp bii&tiTbiit valued g ^flray loved, that I searpaiynQuuou inav the hhmtilo but ■ 5'.^*'°S>l'"''P»S^«'^''^' Toosoon^eSvrlhSSSC?"*^ i0(iif^«5Unodto rival mo In tho lovo.fcr wblohlwouK™ tiartorod my hoppe of happbioas. ■ Ihon I urgdd hfmTS 0 0 o.O 0 makacmo .hie wirct hut no,' he was- always .roVirv'w S AffHSEI'lSS'iP^^^^ ftr TjprosiintaUon. iv,-,,: Jbougbtthnt sFo (honld: n.Yij ii-PW BUlTO.W .M, ^Jotondori hut I wsa t£d slavooX ,,ifl%l..>Jrpa|n»Upg(W, .^;IWU rprood. to'submit. torSslng : KoihanysSfbl my rlohesl aUIro,.! dolormlnod'lhoto^r^rk■ • ^wIng Itodon boautv should ovorshadow hcff^Hdor .noorj .■g5»)'9Wan* so wlpijm ba«k lo.-hls alloglnndo, ValK auc'Hr,«iAitl..^Altbongli .I.Bifipassei. mysollf thdlh-fi? .:uit /uHjrtW^Jeoklces, yot ppffeet Imperaonatltm, brooghl down Wi'y^KrSL'I.''''''"*"'^''!'"' ' niaraed Iho dlfleronop In ISS'^lwSRiSSff^fi'''' "iri boonmo /oonvlnoodiboyoUJ a,douht SfTR!!S?Jt5!?T.**J5''»' Obi hoW'I'hMedher.viaddonei *T ^^''j'^i*'"*'^'') '^WWn* the 'pl*«o,''.'ll»''tt4f\»^^^^ tfiDg,. I rushed upon tho Blneo, and wltN'wMIJSf^a ! , on Iho Olr faoe which iad robbed mo of all I hold dear, l , \ Pinnged my dagaor to tho very hUl In hor broast, lie Bew lo hor, andTknoplIng by hor prostrate form, venlod his grief In alternate valflngs of eorrpw and fWnUo onneson the gullCy woman who upit stopd opnsplence- ilriokeD, gating apon her work. shriek of horror sprank osldb,' but "Ibftunatolv hold to tho sapling wltb on almost oonvulelvo grssp. Tbo sharp olaws of tlio animal fixed In his ololhlng/md seemed nigh to hiKvq earrled him .bpsdlpng yitb.U ovor Ihp drpad nbyas.; Far'a'nlpmontIte^omedthat thd'pnnthor would irdoovor Itsifbotlpg,. hut jnltli' i)n. bttufUve 'b'rpseqco .cif ollrid'tlle^old.uan'lnBtsntly with lila knifo rippod asunder his elothJng^ and It fell from orag t], eragi markbig tbo Strp.prbjMUons of the rook with lu 'blood,tlll the wel- dBsaDoqilof Its fail to lho earth struck' on his ears as ftiTly'arf.tli* epnnds of liberty to the oaptlvo. Bi rusbadforward to Ms rlflo, fearful perhaps iboi life was notjSoxtlqotln blseDemr. Soon, however, the oon- tonta^M t>!^JP)BqKwprp.';lo(Iged In tbp hpad of hla foe: while a preiye): wont up to heaven from bis Hps In grail- 'tiide:i))nblaprpB«riatlo.h;: . . ^ '> .(ihh'.hnntarioxhlblted bis LropIiy,but thnoil and tdrror tadbfron too gro^t-Jila ago oould notonduro II, nnd his romaJns ore-long reeled In the earib near tho scene o(I[||s .terrlflo aohlox omont.., ■ . .. . 'r''. '.;j;;",xHi:^iSAw be<?ruit: - • • , . HtfW lO'Entflt'Sotdtert In Duloh. ..Tan r6»d»r''nJuit'irqllir«(:.14'^Uiai, .blg.beilled,'afii' halred^'rpffrmtlDil'idotb'i'tMtll a 'bluo.eail, 'htoaa. BI irontisbleppVai short aWdrdrblno'uolfUiw a slto.too'mi andarawou8temer<rp.m.''iMerUnd,'^tMUtyflPdon qh< and a longiloilod gcfty'doftt; The'pfllboi' Was aftopro* crulls for a Oormiin regiment, and thus went,fPr'1^4luB>' cpptlblo^ouutrymon).,..' ' >i';v ' - r- • '•Col doro, UtnB,bjJ"di»tTouI- ' • ' "Come mitmo'to ho aRt|J«r man." " , "Nolnl" - '.:.'.•)'. , . . .. ' ■•'Yawl 'doniel It boaonloo." ' , "Nolnl I getsshoole." . .. "Nix 1 Py turn. It la better as' good. -It been foon all 'Eeb InllBt mlt nie yon gels neln bundnd.tollarif ''ran'.',''ii)d yoil gets suoh nic'p clotKcs as'npvor vas.' ShiiatTbokolmol". .. "Sol" '■■ I ■^''. . ,' ■.; : •VT«W>- 'And In the morning vqndatrum pqnle.datls do gurool'a gpmpliments te oomo nn' glt your-sphnapps ttltblm.!'...., ;, a'.,..- li.:-' ..'.'.>. . ''. '.;' ', "Bot" . .■ \ ■ ;■ ' 'Tawi'^-And pnrtyioon,'blme. by.lrums,pent again, and dat Isb de gursqi's' gompllmonis to oomo oat uoroe s«ur.krout'tiil'*essagdm!t;hlm,;()y urn;" r . ' , "Bo.mynhdOrr'"^'''.V". '- ^ , ' >• ' "Yaw, dot Isb so. .Ion putty spon, bime by, der trum. pea(a,and<lat Ish do gorpol's gpnipllmonls to rldo mit nim In dor oafrldge to 'sov '7pqr vrow or your ICatrbio. And deii you rIdoS tnlt' bltf- ■•" - * you onp lam oenU . And ';b^ ■Wi do'gamaVa gompllmoaU .mlt'.MQir — — '' Ifllf to ponlo and gtt yo'tlr 111 xiihi do olty, and no ooals tPlnl boalB, and dot 'oan0,tto'9^binoko erblpa lor And don blrao -pyiipurtyitodPi'^lgUbawny db tioals llko de tuyfol, aadidarrsb d« guniel'pcompli- jiomm and gtt yotlr nltobandrad tollara boun- .USb,! tlnks, huti guess not, py ttol":! < '■ • , ?Xl»'W} SogOOlV' .'IV .l:;:iv..,.-. J, '. I'Yawil'. And.dendor aenonil'iinll dd'r'D^tUililent'l hhnJsimIt you.nnd yea eat kroiIt^ittlt'd3i"firoildoA'B' (vrow nild shust .llve llko . one flghUnH'Mflsteri tiUb 1 'Ajid den In -a^ lltUo wllo. you eay'der fir«sl«nt !li4.b)i* ''."Si 'S5^'''.*''*«'"HJo'" annthsr.hundred'lollarftjiijqm llBhVnAd' tier Drealdonl makoa one gtond flotadrnl mlt you.purly soon I guess, but I Unk not. You go mlt "Yawl" A Panrxa'a On.—Wbloh la tba mosldlllloglt pnaotaaUon? PnlUog a atop lo a weoaa'a longnS, Diana catarlahunant. «lth panonmlo tlluatntlona, Iba popi Irotwbbgh rlvnUo) that ol Albert emllh'a lu London, by • Ubid oTidenUyDcaa a°«e»lid. .Ilia antotltlnjuautwaa AnnllT ■Mfcfe-Tntr^EiiaJwKr ifis"tUi-J3p«Efas«w!!!ii'iSSi more, which ba ooodiiot<d opo aeaaon wltb preanrltj.. aa had .inUacoBiwiT/ofipbJaffanonnBd.JoIui8.ularSa. OnlhoUth olOetobaiv usnnt v thaatraa* liaitfodfort,ataa; At • briafaeuoo.. InJSMtbreaeana.DuaaiVsflba.VkiletltaA* .att^Haw Mmu^ wUeh Itaooadoatad wuh,i«3artab]anoaaas' Bmce thai parted be>tai pnfocmtd with ccW Ihrougboaltba eonntry; and'In tbaomeaoriIoalon,8LLoala,Clnclunall, FhU. adalpbU, n'aihlaeloa ao'd BalUmora, nnU amcnn the moat pop- alar.aadproBlsMooralan, Hla aucccsa la'lhla city, at tba Broadway Tfaoaim, biabaca itally briunpbaat Tba building baa been aigbUy tbnnccd wtUi ihe idmlrm of Ua goaloii aad on aaronl ocadoaa haa proven. of iaaolllnlant cn^a^ to eoaomaodata the viat orowda which fladiad'to.aao'bin.' UutiaaiianMiilj liiiiiiiitijiiju mblloand IboortltalwtthbulBlnaiiblaMiiaauffgotoa&S^Z f^raopla's'lawytd" wblnb la'asHMtOy eanctdad.(i>.lw eoeor tho moat pctft-ctUBpanonaUonawUnbiiaa avar graoad tho ataga 'of any oouany. ' It waa onoe Rmartod of a faTCijla actor, Ibathe conld noro nadllyiotibalbtatntbanOioublolaareu; indwab<Ilivatb«' ■nma obtonatlon tioldi goodnanedbiglha greater oumbarof IbaaMoal gaatlanoD. uuny ptraocs ml'laUog Uiom mben utter- ing Uu good Utu> of B« Buibor.for viioiing tho ooui Mbinot Ihdr own. aad Imogfcia ibat tboy oca dw aa much wit behind aa before (ba cnrlabi: but ln,tnla thry ais grcaUi dtoalilSl: our prof enl aobjecl. bbwaver, la ai fac pilon. for ba la dialUnibbcd for bla couTlvlil powan. y\lM dnU atonea, innf, ran^Su. and genual whim, wblch an tut* to k«p lha company Vive and la good humort and not ttae'ltaat reooairaendaUon of Utftcutloua- ncsa la, tbat ha aaldoni If ever mixca It wllh Bttaa or mallgnllT, To follow tilm tbnugh tbo rarloua icuus whlch-ho has wltaoaa- odJand lo repeat tbe many'ten tult be haa otIaRd, would 1111 two portly volomea.' i >■ ' Ur. Oweoa' bomor tt aioMdlagly unetloaa lad devlig. aad la narbed at all Umaa .wllbtho moat genial aad keen apprehaa. aloa of mirth. Hla penenaUoaa an all atrongly lodlvldiialltad dtlln'aatleu of cbaactariaud are Ideal idibUioao lodeaorlbabla tonebea of aympatby wbfch oouallhita'IlK akqnanca of sahue. There la aeaiedy a aldgla, eharadar eanealty eaaayed hyuf, O^eOsla whkb hsikllaj; aaanibia aapMorHyovti lbameal, If act all, of b'lartnla.'..Au piMmlaoDt excallandotoparlloulaiw ly apparent In nia i»VailBgXot tkoir effoct' npon the jlaaiu of humor. Bla kaen Inatlact of mlnh, aad bla aiqalalta aenae of tho ludlerona, anabla feqn lo aalta upon palali of diandtar <rlth lhaeooadoua power of gonla% and to oeotnat tbalr abaOraof humor Tilth tbo dcllotoyand lldellty at a dagiaeanatnie, u It ware, Jalalalkctual appiMatlon,ln «ynipithetlaooIoiug, aad In tba varied flow and plq^ hnmor u dlatbgulahad fNm dni- Ia>T, Ur. Owena la, 1^ many, Ihoagbl to bo Iki above aay eom^ dlaaaowonlheAmeniunalage. > RAOINQ VI. POLITICS. Ar the rata erdhiary at Hvertoi/'&ig,, on the MCb nlL, lord Palmenloa wai preaeql, and while reionlng lhaaka for bla health bebiniiropeecd, Utradnoed Iba ftUowlsgHmsrka'ffhIob. anhouh a UUlo fir fottbpd, art hen glre^ beeaUiB they aro aa- to the Pcealdennd reca'foat now beglnalag la tbis coon- try, Uy lord aald:—■■Iba chdrnaa haa Mted'that noUttea ate hot to Uo edvertcd to.'-. But I beg leave to jidverl In a.colaln degnMk f will not aay in poUUei t>ur to poluioal otndluena, add oapecLdly togoveianentaddptrllamoeluyMndlUonai fOTUilim la a great almilailly Ml*e«n gefenuneBtandfaTllameataiT oeo- dltfona and Ihe raoln}\Vhlch,we have been atlandliiB: today The Uouao of Conuqbaa veiy Inndi reteohlM a' nee .ooiuao. jElNt of aU, puUca M Ibefo apd tun tor the Queen'a Plata, It ft a leacnl awcoMUea, aad then lhan eee lakra the aUes If 'be wlca Then, a^hi, Ihero 'I* Ihe nulcb, and be la • hukv man who don not mwt with Ui match; but ahdeel every man doca meet wllb bla nuteh, and belanoiataUeontenladlntbal aaoonnler. Our rules an aomeWbat dmilu loibeoa wlileh guide the Tuif, became then ia that good fedlog tn tae Uoue of Commena wbkh giree weight ftr ago^ It la vety-tna that the young enea are aometlriiea vaiy apt to bolt out of tba eouraa' we ban ose rule, wUcb (a not enjeyod to Ibo aame degree bv U)e Tutf-lbtt la lo a>y, that adlneUnica wo tun a dead beat ' Mn paillaihonbuy laaMikgo la atproued by Iho worda ■'a Bat thon onr Jnd^e 'ilom not nuo ua ron-tbe heat over .(.'.. ... WUIUL .;' .^nue to play and give mala la three movea. ' Qmi tio. 448. ■■ latereaUag hUIo'jwtti beteean our oentdbvlv, Jaa, 0. Var. aar, and a mend. AHaek, ' nr. Warner. l,.Pto xa ■a.,P.KBS .S..EP.X P :'i..BPy P »..g Kt-BB e-.p-o i 7..Q Kt-BS. 8..KB-D1 . g..CaatIea 10.,QKt-K4 MuUon Of P««ltl9n. No. 23. Vol. XII, . WUta. i..ntan 9..9T 9t a.. •. u I to 11 U . IT ii.'.M w n' 1 lo 10 a..a3 Handwte Solution orDniimHbitd'g Slit PotfUon. '''" (Hdrd Sdraon.) TOta. • 'Back: V - 'WIdta,- _ l,.ntell f'toU I *t*'T ' i flsu l!.U ' • • 1*'. 1 Mbandwlu. > berlhaMpoaUlont taifotankthtt Ihayin^be tBan':ieBdllin> • "to. . : : ■ ■ . > 1 .. Mafeh QanM«i . MIWMH J. lUIIROea AHD J. UpaBXOCB.; HHnli t IbL ' \nill»-J. lifce, . I., a u : a ■u 1..U a.. 8 8.. « to II u - I BBOOaiXUU TTtttaLif.yUL . 18 to U « . IT PoiHIoh No, 24, Vol. XIL 'Tti« SSdCrlflotf P^iWoi nranvtui. - OVSBtnilIOink>'(ldadlUtB. .'. ' BLAOK. WUU'iL Blaek to move aad win. Etoeedlngly beaatUul.-Ea O. D.| WHETB, I Black to move aal wtoj MDTDAL VI. ACTIVE. Tana wia mill* a lively Ume at Hoboktn oo Wedneaday, 8«l aiat-lha naiid nitch at erlckot—SL Qaeige vs. Fblladalphia ia. lag played there on that day. aad-.lwo flnt<laa gamea -of buMheHatualudAcUvactubatfayhig Ihelr laiaincu gather on tho north gnmada. and tba Smplxo aad.^tamrtji ohiha in tha aaolh flald.. Tha foxmaf matob waa.ana or iba of bM fune to- Deirae*, ' llr;0^—. '■ FtoKA. ' P-4 a SB-g3 KB XF I'll) q UP B-hIs3 Q-home SKt-KS CaiUn KKt-B« ll..QKtxB-f <J>; QKt , ' Attacki ■ 'Deftaee^ ■ ■■ VkWitm. HcO—« M..EEttoKt QBIoKS ie..RB-Q >(») P-EStS . l«..P-EKt« O-hene 18. g3)<.Et(c)KlPXB 1T.,Q-Ktd-I- K-hlattaq • lB..P-EB8(d) KB-Etail(«) IO..B-KBe SBXQ-I- M.-KlxElt XI-OB0(/) SI..B-;il1 + ^ Mlaq U, .Kt givea. chaelmiatft . Notes, byonr oootrlbator. If«;;QleK RUh 4-, IhoepenlagconUaneathua: QtoBsV nuqSdPxPrlt XBP 1^, .u » u u T . ot.r _ _ »..PtoEKtB Q-EI-t- ^ »..Q-B4+ ;4«9 , O..Q-Ka 5>0EB 1I).,P^8 .. QKt-BI 4..PXBdla-f K-Qa4(l) l^.^x.^riSndwUia. 7,. UEtoBair. 8..g8dPxr QEWBSbol . baa lha advantage, (t) Wlanlag a pleoe; (or tba rofence 'oumot aave the Iqnat- (i) Ua could rafcly have taken with i>, bntitfcfetnd Ihe pnt- Uei Uosot play In lha text'. ^ -~ fl..QtoKKtr Q,>CQ .V ^ 10..K B X AtUck rvi^irm^ISj^^S^ .,»:M^ Alllb..., jra.B|n*.,, l.J: JOr. Ami. 'IC'di tint;:' lT..lkpyp + .tiKx5tP S..F-X B4 J>..SKt-Be B..EB-q3 7..I<-K»(») 8..QB-Qa , •..QBX B(p) KtX BP 10..(^bara. KtXKB-l U..qxXEt OaaUea U..P>-KBa Kt-EB3 u,.qB^a ■ ■ xt-KEts M..X»41>S.<l)lP-KEt3 IB.. 10.. 30,.Q-tur3-l- ai..CasUca ,.Q-ES'. 8 ..Stt-hJ.a Et-EB8 ' x-Eta P-OEtS(Ii) aa-.tlB-Bas Kt-SB4 93..XB-hla)rl-S-hUBaa M..BR-Ua8'4.EB-EtHr a5..p-EXtl .qB:sta >*..qB-BS ' q-Eaq I aT..qjt B 8, and tha AUaok 'fs) Ur. A appeaia to give np hla E BP designedly,'but Uwu hudlyrpmdeot play. . ' "/ . . ' .(H) Pnm lhla point the Attack la mahiialaed an Ihioagh In gal. laatatylei ■.- , (i) Bold,'but good aad aeuad. (J I Notasneable, eeitalnly, but be dm lo nothing better. (lb) irair:Knb>kt3d,iho Allachr«l<>rUwlUia3..q BtoK B aq, and tho Dcfonce taie no raaouree. (•) ItUann InatlatUa odda,wbIrh PanlaeblntUTStlsma- tieaa oa producing only a mongnl aori of Obaea, to lOMt wHh ao noab eud vlvtoleua an epaalng, and tba d<6itf tallowed bv s mna ao really, boM ajd biUUant-SSo. wi«nroa oy > game OBX:Q'U1i»19; To Drgught Playarfc . .THE KLBisins or DBAnanisp.oB, bshnnebs' sube OinSIt 'By the Draught Editor or tbeOLtma. Ibla book baa ibeenprbnooaced'br toe Bdltdrof Bell'a Life to be **THB BB3T ^BiiiulENiAny TifpATiaE evbb vmirrxN. oh the oaub." Prtntcd on floe pver. gilt bli|dlng, lUnalnled wllh'dlagtaaia' aadeanehedby.BumeiousKanieahron Iba beat maatark >indet-' aon'a ayatem ol leeeMbig; (ogelber wlDi Pitlaisea'a tralom com- Plata. Advancedplayen iflb flod thla'tRallaowall worthy their notlM.'.8eal, peatpofd, to any addTaaa hi tha Halted Btataa, forSq eaota. Addreas -L D. 7. SWBBT, (bjim (tonoK ' IS-ff . ' ' . Ke,9aBpricatliaaVMawTork .. i-.: . .1. i . ..'-' , . ^ 'Tbm Olah. meeto evsornlgbi bt. the week <0r play; at IhalT aAMiB«bitheVeroanUle?Bptel'l^,Dnano atraatnMr Budaoiu fitraogeraudtilaadsof lli«8aiaaarohaarUtj:'wel9pnio. / . . does not make nil go Uinngh tbo debate again, aad lake 10 dlTlBlou over again.' Onr Jcdgo deddea the matter on the' epo^ '.Bad,'a dead beat baVlng boon rue, bedcddce lu hver of one hoiaa or Uia other, Juat m he may think It beat lo do. The Bpeaktir selUca iho mailer. Bo glvta the MiBg vota Then there Is anolhw thing lo which wo cmthr rcsemlile tbo Turf— tbat la to aay. It oOen iHppma that a veiy good-lcoMng horae bieaka dewii. there la a gmt aaaloay la laaUly bctwiea tUaga that appaiantly dlgbr very much. I lUnk I have ahowh— petbapa you were not aVan of It balbre-thib Ibara la a great aaalogr'bolwMafarUaanatandlhoTart" llccaoae a reaf lira lord utioted the abovN laughter,. cbcta and applause tbould oerae In abeni oveiy 'dosep wenls; or lesi. lo cennrm to Srltlih .otutom... Wo give Uie m/t heni bacauw wa have taken Ibellb- erly of praabip them bom the oaovoqqelaUoD. — ■ •. ' f- ' > Wonn ran Join!i.-Kot'(ar from Onitnl Hew Jeraey lived two yogag laivjen, Arahy Brom and Tbm. Joaca. Both wart Xobd of- drepplag Into |[r..8n)ltb'a parlor and apcadlog an hour or two wtlta Ilia only daughter. Haty. One aventug. when Brown «n4 Vary had dlaauaaad almeal eyoDr lopla. Brown auddaaly, In hit aWeeteat lenea, atiuckVut.u wllewai •<Doyb£lhbih7Mtr7, lyoq.couU leave falhar uld.ntflb'K'.lhls Meaiasl'UmoiiiHlKaU lU.etSe apd eomhltU, aai ftp lo l)io U msi MlUk yeiogkif. I froAuilimto depend upon, . ^ n jjuj^il ^ jogr hSpsTlllieitblat" ire MdancM/'a . JtSa'llTiiiJjonie, Pn mention lltqfUi/'' • - .——^ *^ll^ Onur.—"Throe aad alx potoe per gall "udalmed lbs. Par- Ibiglon, on looking over tha prIoe-onneaL "Why, Ueu me, what la the world cambig to wben the gnl am vlloed at oUy three aad ali-penee." ThnoUUdy pnlledollherapeelaoleablhnwdown the paper, and went Into a bnwn aludy on tha want of a proper appradallon of tho tree value of lha landnftai. yu, who had but uuio bealdee Ua ana vlUi Um to s(areh out) naw' joint duly to bcluUiy and mAe di VroDpfag.ber head aofjI)AW,hl uWi X:fould, dreby."^*»ll,'" wn«'^j)<)>.og,neal, and waiU to gi . ' ' To OomiMitdmti. Exraa^NewToik.--.Wohavs'omnillti'.wllK yoii .. _ you will peiuetvo by rofohdnJ lo Uu olagram'tbla week.: Begiiidv log Ibat gamOriTSmlltiklnUiaaitoUamerlla, andtftoondvimliy' 'ltahafl'appear.-TPoalUannoalre4."nianka.: ■ ~~. }.'Wlnno*.'MawYorfc.-^Byi4(attneato Itaa OtirMn miiiflli And Ihe tpeals«f theHatropoUiaa'SraDjibt OMl vI& i.iguwitlio 0olal,'.IU Dnane street' Ce>lalBly|.^'Iqwaleoou; < ; ' ;H.'Min«i»;WeIla^ uaaetltlDaahotttlffle. WUl lead yen Iho Inns rsaniMeaai aoonaswSrcictlTathaffl. '.'.; .'".V" ■ i' ;,r.A.lI«Oum«B,Btiaio,SiT,rHavewrtl(an'yoa.' li '' A. KxU, diaagew,' Beo<IaBd.^Beealva4'tw((pteksgaa ftob yeU by laal itoamar. wo owe yon oaa^ j ; r . - ■' .oimo.NOtie-VfiU.xn. :,i , Twrnr-tavmii OiilB'of IheOkamplnutdnHkHhief Oieat' ' 7'- Billala,.. I .,11 tola .. 8 u 4!!i?"i3' •10 H 10 ,•»'■. S..10 7.. 7 e..M g.. 3 10..11 11.. 8 la.. 4, 18...»\ .TTUIa. 3« to ao ' 93 18 ' 9e(a). 18 ^ a* -aa- .10 at 'my,. ar 80 at: as 81 ' ao- at .11 U at ao M' u. . it - u- ■a 1(.; B;'- HI_. '■•'';»• it;;i1' iB.,ia i»:.'i< ao;. a at..38 43/^34.. .33..a8.. atiVM''' tsivar^ •:.vlrll-ll: II ' }•'...• as at .38 I' ao- ■ ■'Drawn. ai ao as '81 .'81 13 M.' » 98 18 18 7 33 aa 37 M 18 11"<t vi.'.iiisiSi''; (e) 'The. virlatloh.' .'New pUyaHogetSn: WjEt loMTbuldhavaTf - - - wfyTfUlsInmiie, Black ilv "."■'.'••j '' ■■' ■ - ' ■' ;./.-i;; ■ .Qims'-lJfc'.illi'l-Vofiijj.^i'i-i' • PlayedatMsdee, BdftUnd. ''lIl^ilir^itM:!^^ .." ;• -1 ■■. :itii>i»i^.iini.-!::'.;.,'.'',.if ' - .,'..''■■" 1..fiw'H dl%-'<' . IS'to^O ->' vr: t,L.t, I ell 8''i'i'38' :.»,.■ lv:--''T, lo:.'Stii>'M ll..l3 17 la,. 1 8 8.I.—>. l^(e^ .ll • .lat.ll I .U.l V T' 18..1l:lbl7 WUIV,.::;,. ^..'8- all;i' ,i'.n in'-: itv.ii .rill '. .'■■■■'.n-- atrr,. a.. 0 IB - 17 It.I Ui.'U;: 18 i!'., I 34. vl»:\c 4..10 17——tt—14- la..18. 37 aa/.M.) B..I6"'.18'; .'.M >8'-U«3f;ii- li.. 8 11 93..Tl«j,i - ik.ll.- 18.:-.- M...,i.l»„-, »./ITj'I. 33 i-:;,-: il,: 'It aoi.aai'" aa^j.ii i m. ]\u i "- ].. MKB) 14 '1' 38.' i.-nir.- .-0.'. 31 • 14 33, ao 98^ M, Dfvwn. (alAoewmova AllUiaaiithorlUeeplty94(oa0fbrUilsnu)va. (t) The board new pnstalt iilngnlaT apBaartnoa, battUnr In font dlvlalona li U 18' 18 qalotart and UvaUcat et tba vaaon, aad a well-oontslad auto, teoL the play being oicellant en both aldea, The Actives had eel lhab: beat nlnerbnl tha Untnala wan.mfaiua UWiSenlna of UeUaboa, Brown aad Davyr. Thdr plaeea, hswavar, nn weU-Ulad by good dnmtlai, aad the play of the aaoa piond <ii.t but UItU waa len aadone to mark tna conlcat. aa one «l Ibsbaatof Iba aeaopa. Wa hadoorhaadaAiUlnaltffidlngtod Ibne malehce, hot one otharnportet bebigprtaaoL lha great bid aUraeUagtheaavihoaltaad lo Ihe dalllM.. On thla aeeeuntn arqeompaUed to oooflna ouiaalvea lo tha balUsg aeon of Itt gtmav wnloh waa aa given below: Hnoili. ftttertefl, 2d b.... VoOnlloggbiSdb.. OoUle, fib...... Qrwaa, of ZeUo, If Cavlgaa, r t Haina, p Waatley,-e. HaSweoay, e a.i.. ...a ...a ...a ...a ...4 ...4 ...4 ...I ...8 IMal.. a. 8 8 3 0 I 1 1 a I 1. .14' lOUVBL Page, adb Bogen^' r f ■•Oaarge,''8db... Baonay, lit b.... Habbanl,lf. Blaataaburoias.. Eallay, o Saundka^ o f Walker, p Total e.L a ..a I ..a ...5 ..3 ,..S ..4 ..3 ..B ..3 aoBs luna nr bacb nmios. lat ad 3d llh tUi 6th 7UI Mh «lk Hntoal'.: ...'..I 0 a I I I a. 4 O-II j53»v».— ' f—•> 9 ■» .'• 1 1. 9 1 «-• :, Umidiw-Hr. Tbao. Bomalaler. ot Ihe Buret* dab. ' Boonm-aieaBn, Oaita and Okaaoa. " .raie of gamo-rl hoot tad 48 minute ,'..';. BnxBPBiSB Ta.'E)(nnK TtDt ratan maleta between Iheaa ehibibpbvedonSqilaBbet Zlat, reaullad lak'Wtll-mDadvlelaiyfez.Ihe Zmplna, UuVa, ona o< tba wlnno* of Iba priws InibeJonlOFCUHViiadt Ul •s^.u.-uuf Iba Bmidra pltoban oatUteooadon.andbawH veiyaaoeeaarui, 'ThotoUawUglslbebaUlagaeei:aofU|anuteai ■oIlllwiL lit t mmm 8d b... a gmllh,<^3d b... TMal.. ..4- . V ..4 - 1 ..» ■ B ' .'.1 ;'f;; . » 1 ..8 a" ..8 0 ' JewwU^. 0.. Wealerval^Ub.. Di;fieII,p..'.i....' B}da>,aib.....J. BnatlLit.%.....' inSS^er:.;,... IUiIa>,]atb *laon,ll Behrlng.rf ' letu.i B.L, ft I i % I t I 1 I Boa iUDi m BUB nmoa. let 3d Bd 4th Mb Hh Tib gih n 1 8 '>I'"S ..O 8 4 S-S 1 9 'I' 8 . 1 10 0 1-11 Umplro-Ur. Oatta, of tha Ei^ie ami).' seorai*—Uoatra. OomeU aadOnusL nMa ef pmo-9 hoot* and as mhulea; Bateipalao. Bmplro;, Bnoun v^ 0BBk.—Tha flnt same Ihaaeelnbt ever ptajd togelhar, took dace on the Voloa Ball iMnad^ WlUltnubat on lha lOlh ol September,' Ihe retolt belag t vIeloiybB Bi DUcaaaocoidlagtotbtappeadedaoe— BUnjw.. '7 XAOLtTttJ'.* . Regerat p.;;...'!... wSdaa,£tb. Oreagh, r f ,>i J.wfiaon.ef ..'. 8teama,Bdb If^Ma.-t Wardoek, a a. BX. ..1 ..4 >.,8 ...8 ...9 ...4. « ...4 ...1 ...a VnoR. Atatmt, 3d b Hudtoa.e£.. Matth. lat.b Kelqbaffl,8d b..:> VmSifii .'. a. oolUoa, p....,, n.b ...4 .1.4 ...a ...I ...1 ...8 .;.i .1.3 .Rilal ,....,..18 . " I',.relil..'.;'..,. -BSHt nana n laoa vaamm, ..'. let ai>sd tihsibeuiTihaihia , Beiohila i...'.....l .1.-4'. 0 .:'.» .. 0 :>.8 . .a 1 <-> Dnton ;.;...;.».■.'♦■■ :9- . 0.' :i- ;»;.-.» , s M | . .gtaetd bana-BMatll lll Banaag«B,iai Ibdweoa, IL Boma mna—Wamoei^ 3: Hudaon, li. Hartb: 1: BaaodUbl fliraak out-Oeagh, l; Blaana, l: I<pekwood, li Wmeck t 'Hy-eatehcr mtd(Ubrtmt,'8rHfiuagtil,'8i Blidatll. ti 8td' wSi'i-JtSSi t' -^*^ ''' ^•'^ OMihctinltMd-fleUntid; Wllie^a; y.Wllaoe, 1; loekai* I .1^WaedM^Il^jBrtiall, 1) Albro, Pi.^Xeb^am, 3; Hudaa^ I ,1, Iwloei ; B«B6|ntek18thae« rPllt but on haet-IIUon, 13 timet: Heto.lqtaa, < ; Pni eat on fOdl balls—Union, 7 llmea; Beablnb 2.u>> dot— Bogen. '. ' .'^Uaaofgame-^houn fa mlailef.' ■ i ■ . Umpire—Mr, Wanaley, of the Untual Oinb.' ..XMiOn' hatea'-Abrama, 1; nndaon. 1: Hatches; 1; iln'l I Begat, 1| CRl«h,l: Aleapu, L,', . T'. ':':; . | Bita BiLLiT-: tntbat'dbr, ooS . Mrtdale,B.I.,taj ftiUqwlaglattiaseoi Wlggtan^ltlbi ThoapaOBi of....8 Bitn,8db,. 8 .warnar, o ,..8 .Onnl, St... .....0 fTiaban.r f..............8 A^HIckerip. '.'...4 .HnrlaytMo. ......>.'.. .8 .B..IU(^oyilt ...4 eieapiB,] {iygaateef baaaWwiilkl!'I ; ;7tb, bttwata the-roiteUala Oub of I 'nVoUl^raabOtPTovldtnee, otvhUblti ,in i\-.-.j"-i niiirik''•■•-' -> Uoinxoa. Budlpng, a a,; Bund,e..... BaUabiuy, p.. Aldrleh, iet b Total 'ISnfe Ktrtaln,.ef...... Hyde^ r.jf.., iDltl.... ...1 ...s ...4 ...» ...4 ...4 ...9 ...« BUM luai.oi xtoB miBaa' . itt'ad sd 4UiettaaihllhaihA-l «?;;™::::2 "2 ? ? Tj ^' o1Idplr%-AilKW.BarvtrdCnh.'' Seonm-Uetatt, BrewneBtnUOarbii. ' __uaI Home cuaa-Uoplloy, Byde, 11 SUltbor^, 1. ■ nmn*"| flteqt,!.- '■ ■/ • Ttand of gtate-8M Vioiv^'. .(.■■'n-j Aiuivno vs. itBaoum.- /ollpwlM.U the'iew; mateUnet ptwvtoaalr'repeittd.'V.V'.^iiaf^edbal Se"^ | SepLlai '1,1 ■' • . : '0 -. Aiuirao. PSaree, e nin. ..a.I; .,3 : Bmlib.Sdb.irti. martilatb....i'.'>v.8 Bld. 8mllb, rf 8 aelvin,ee..,o«.<^..8. - b....:,;-;.„a ■ ,.1T,'..,,...'.S :i.8..d '. 1 T.i, rA ■ ■■■■ .1.11 jNhii . I vaaaoioi*. JlCtecltfPr. ...>i (Wta<en,.'adb>,. Ontgh, ry,,,.. VAnkwiwul M> .. •rv Kb ...e ...1 ...a ...9 ...I ...9 ..4 Joekwoo&o Alleo. Ub. .wiiw,if.. 8leane,of,.|.;.t/—j • 'Qo5»^J^»'''t'r" - ,iy/iv; ' , v..v'ir«5^ .Paaxod, 1| P.<p!Bflep, a. '",'-.".,'■■ Pdi bdl oUhtaet^Alnmfta, a; lUdHiKt, 8, ."' Pnl out en foul balla-AtlantlaBb 8| Baaolntet, 8. Bon out—Smith, 1| Allen 1. ^ nme of game—a boun and 88 minntet. .«.«rt«.(t^ Dmplto-Hr, Button of tho Allanlie. aoorerf-K)'" ICoeee aadDr. Wation.