New York Clipper (Oct 1864)

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>" .tfiBTiia&BaDiuKa ohautioiibhip. ' : OHimtiii Ti. Ciiona jji bMaujamoiuitof buloliit ud )lan0ii4i<>|i|m^*>* tho txiu Oliuiplan of ^ • ■- ■■ nUonjiotliiT- ^GartQIuqi^ai^arllobarlCoapor, Ui«qtte<l — ■ItohirtnrUTtotttoa, owlafc to«n albioil fool tt (lull; iof,. JChU'n^ of oiudUmant ind InoortitnJe lirobibt i| «Bll<iijn«Moinitbi)i.wLlahvu nudo la Ut^.lut tat tM • rfia'<imh a)«a in loallQn ot flnl clilk rem^i^' Ctuun^n » ... -ptelillft u AiQArksna well br Uu effoni that wvo nudo to -" f^o^ tiDAtoli'bttVMDhlmuid /fwfa^Wird' pf OorowiU*' Ttia nM«ullx«d lo Uk« pUu on Sapt tUii iUMlnmilte •o'tloik P.ltUi*y«Urt*l/ar .r. .-^ ,; Olumban took Uio IcadatUio luai, *lUi • powarfol fholM. ' IOmM) hiir • boat't-loogUi la iho nv. look abort and npid r..rtrox^udli>it<ado(piapallliiftUaakUrihniigb ttamta u ffalongbf a aoooaaalooof onlrk juka, «taohlflhlyatfoottTO aaibo graodar I dnt 100 yaidib' Oooper aUjhUy TniOD^aaU«akaiidatu<I)oUI»'Woik*lbt Olumplon oouU : awnalj o>U t*e jwda bla own. Tbo pgopio on abon who hid > bawdldclr aUUIsi^ 8*^' daaranlag nan of ohaan aa Ihor aaw I lUialt Zrsaald* (tTorlla Onl, and Iho old or of "Had »w»', Obim- 1 Mnl" oouU IM haaid hlih aboTa aU. Tbo tnaktn ot Ooopar ^««n aihmoad, or, if not illonaed, Uujr bnlowed loptaoaUoDa od I U(rak Som«dn<>klnaDd/to ,nvlro Uulr dnoplng aplilta, ,,■14 IM ma]«rlt7 MU7 agnod that Cbimbvn bad UwMTof IL ~>gm Ooopar bla haek-waah, tad aaeanr and alatodwin h* i4u< manda Ihat.lhardld ooknolU It waa loo lata, obatiralhat -.-^ ObanHn did, ha aant ha mwus u : I/iBO t miiiuoAii aaiMiilr. but ■)« ai ..: aljlaot hlacvposeoti Id Iba flr :. dnwnioD^aau«akaiida(th<l)oU .^.1 „ . , - ■J i»n ataadiic dlneUr bilo th* bill ot * katl moored tt tba . > l*91mait .Coopar, uklag pnmpt adTaolago of Ihla aoddonl, , i; mpaaipufcaBdjOF'dtheadt KoaoonerwaaObambanolav Bun ho alaited In punnlt, aod. waa itpldlx regaloliu hla loit I.: .:|niiiiid,wtienwlUibl«ltfl-b>bdaonUb« foaJ«d a aacoiid kret, -.':. aadoileaanw ihatOhamben waa baalan. Aathoy rowed alen? . . <numbei%iii»roDthaaouUialda*ndln Iho biokon wilor Im- '. tanedthodltlancalMlwoenlhsiD to Umo^oarlen oft lemiib, and savac.wu »ipnn oulling race rowed than tbla lue belweoo ' the two ooamplona of the Tine, aa Ihej appeued oppotlla Olaa- par:a boat-hooto. Iherhtdconinlaleda mllo In nfii« minnif, and won sow itniceUiif aide br •'Mo almoel, ud with bat lllUe Unnlago lo.altber. Cooper held • ali«bt lead, and a* thir . I MitiiptbeobanaelbetwcoD 'tba Annie lalud and Ike mala.. '. . .laal, llwu anppaaea br*omothatObiDbenwwbe*lBi. Thla na not ao. Cbambrn, rowing doao lu ahorr, «m scgcploii no. IdU nh and wu nearly level with Cooper, when* tbnl««oiun£ tho ngbl and lelt aouUa of bolh mra beoune ooated, and tor a . iMnuntortwoboUiatopped,aainoekodlo|eUiar. Anerifani. ■ung a few aeoonda Ibey aepanted, and Cooler oantlmud with • lUlU lead, but Obimbon oaloblog blm, tho two went on, back ' lanl.wlth back. Air a few lenglbi akog the Moklowi, and Bob . waa dicercd to the echo by the eicUed people who wUneaaedIL , . Bat nddenlj a dunge eama Orel the aipcct of thlsga, and wheD opnoalla Sir William Armitronii's Worka. and about a inile and ■ half bad been tnTcraed, Chambon wia aeen to flag, aa If beaton, and tbo bcWng, which bad been at sreu at alarttog, bounded an : toStolonUiaper(offend). .IhoObimplon bltoted • moment la water, and amlilat • loar of tnmondosa oidtemoit, be oaaKd rowUig, and then pat huk towuda the oOdal boat, whieh .: WH oloje at hand. Hla aklS waa full of water, and befon be ■ naehed the piddle-boi of lhe."Irtnce of Wafc«" be wi*lB Imml. nant danger of being awimpod. He waa lUled on board the iteamer, where he received kiadneaa from thoao who at tho no. nenl ware probably bUlerly dlaappohilca at the Imm Ihor : thought they might aaaUln. Hla aturwisdnwaopkandlalhe canna ooTorlog of tbo atom a large hole waa dlKorend, about An fael lnftontof thabodyof thoboat Thla ho:e, tSimben ■J*, ksd boon aude by Coopcr^a aeull In.Iha fool, ud to this be annbuled hla auddm stoppage.- Oeopcr rowed lelanirlroTer the oonrij and after aoms Um^ waa fOUowod to Seolawood irtdgo by theofflcUlboat ■HsthanTowednhdertbebridgeand'completel • tka oouac. Alter what ocancnd, the dcdiloa of tho reroieo waa • . ■- JoAcd foT wUh aoma curlodty. ■ The backcn of Cooper aeomed . taUto ju donbt that they had won, whlto tba «endi^ oSS . h«w apaaand to'entertain bucfatot hopes.of a daolalon in thtir •■: '2«l, A» •oon,lhe<&«,a»:OooMrh«dooi*tfc*ed lta«^ ..hladooWoil^td belhntof "Mo nwe.-andaponbffnsISSlh.' .- gnondfor thla dedolon, ho aildtbj bolh mSnwerTfitl^ ■'. Eft!.'?"" *"'«<>!l '<ral oceoiredi that both bid oWmed It '. S!I*vi!JSKi*'.'?f «'»'«'cd the fbal In duo order i and th^oU S..fI!f'^'"[.''I <"°'™>>»"' WhrtboenheUoTcd ' • •»» j&ooiMT haS won, and hs had been aheend S rttobUy . 'noon WIS made, the populace on the b»ai«'.4beeredlu«tlJT Tbb Bboovd Eacb. ■ . ,iI}«,«>"<U«')B»ofltle mat!h required that tba men, to oi«a of ', iSiJ L" S1.'!S^>?' •» owwllblnaapecUed num- , ■■ fcl5''5?K''^'''*v''i'* clrciiniat«Sea,tbe ' ' Wlhe-nianbada'maeUng on '-nieidsy momlns(Tcon. . idte tto matter, nd_«wu than dedded lobavrffo SifS, ■ SS^U. n-'omeSaidwIth A Qaoii,IIuo>.batman,W. VhllUaraad Baoklahanrael, <«aie off asar Ifafi a n a atar on Aog. Mlh.. The terais wan to play for.£10 • nlU aaatlj vA auMdloa SKta.. In dlanuter, elghlaan prA^ and tKf<m ahols up, ,Aan wu only a mod- ante'»ttea4«m aBd.i;o_ODO .pnsaat appeared dlspoaad to spaeulats on |l)a,maU. lbs suUh ^ won by VhlUakerby nlna ahota^ the soon at lha flnUU belagi—WUIItter, U: lahai^ wood,4X ' Pnon 'SiiTiiuvaa.—vrhan tha Usllad Blatcs Oonnunoot nlladapoathaUalledSlatetllatlagiiauard to nllyronnd the flag Itor (bo period of one hondred dan, many of ths oonuiil*. WIS oidsred to nport at Johnson's .&land. Osa of the 4«in^ nanles, open dliembaiklsg, was onlercd to Ikll ia and march uS by ths oaptain. Who did not know aalngle command. In Ihls wlas: •«hoo«a partaeia,'Btntlemen. Oat Into two nwa, and minb endwi^ aa ymi did yasteiday" Scrhini m Iteum' £in.—An anhsnga iiki. Toy tnnaastiUy, U It any him for tauog ladles to alt Is tho lapaa of' ajaat AnolharntUcs that It all depends on thaUndof agessdaSed. Those from oighlaeajo twontj.flve anput down at hahardoos. Tbb BaoBS SiibBsnx—''Oomsk i^on't Iw timid," •aid a^Mvlo of silly snobs lo two uaohanlca; "alt down, and jiuk4 yonaeWes ou .eqasls." "VTs should haia to blow out oqr hrahiru do Ihsl," was the reply. snoad NewsMle,and dnrlng lhs aftarnooQ^thOnaaHa found their way Into the town by tiU and almoat eTnToneeinM. *" ^ bitont ftom which Ohunben ww ob««rTo*^^m7K^roi^ v.,^ai£««off.i«l wllh hit loDff. floe-flnUbM, iiJ«LtISu <cnt«ab«»«*A#«.KJU-«-4. woioopuiBiyInUnittfOthowlRL^uK ' fcTDQT la.vhlcbho Ub«1db7tho gcnonl publla. "Jott at thla. •'momant-Cooper pnt offftom tb6 Quay, «Dd aUtaoafbhe wu' witcb«d wtUilAtn«rt,>nd hUbcanufoi oculllnff drawtbrlh tho ■dmlrtUon of tlL bo ecucclf iccolTod a ohecr, or ovui tha aUffht- ooiigi«tTiIil«Y7 Adnioiflodgraonk Aflcr • faw praUmlour ' *f(iddleB"inarlttflpokt,thcjwt>n<mwn oplolholn&Uoof, and 'uwafowaeodDdiapaQlapoa ffeflliiKonIoTeIt<iiiii«,iha7gDloSot precljiQl7Ulilttceiipiiiu.andah4l/paatOo'clc«k. Coopor, with his wul quJok4Bd powufn] Btro)t^ golan ftnpnclabia uVinUge.JbQt ■ ^ hftd DOl 8on6 fkr when bo wan OTprtuen by Obambmi whoM > w«U>taKnm long ud pffwor fti l atrotoa wm* nowhroaght ootfai- '|kU fom. ud oa naduog' tho Utnaton Booio. about ona hun- dred jinu higher op the ilTcr, ho was aotaillr no lets than half ■ *• ' ' ^ - ■ * -^k Dl (A , .. - _ Jonei ,. . lowed gviiolJ ^ ^ wnkp, bit alroke' being qolokoncd a* ho ad' • length In front ' AAt raida higher op^ Obanlirfb In Jllrontor Oooper, oail bit Tlgoroot dfmwii hJmaatf a (detr loogUi >uU took hla boat farther After patstoff DaTimo'e Ploor Uiltt. aaothor - - * (Tadd^ *- - ' ■ , . _ ■ pul ■way from bit orponentU etoh atron*. Cooper, hoWoTor, fol< lowed gamol J In hit wnko, bit stroke' being qolokoncd at ho ad* <-' .vuced to tbe Skinnon' Bon) bat bo made f ory lltUa prognaa in reduolng the pnltywldo gap that now lay botwrtn tha boalt. ' Ooopw^ttlrakeswonthortibatbadbabrosffht Into roqulalUon ' tbe WDg graining ttroket he used odilonday, wt hava no doubt Out he i^oalu bate ftred Biudb boHcr, llie wator wtft^ lampy - Ki*<«nd fftroDg, tnd'Oooper, with hit Terr qokk end rapid pnlli oflea ' altied Ihft water» woloh nnooMtlODiLly placed blm at a oonaldei^ ablo dlaadfutago, aod» loaood, wont flir to pzoro thSaX to. hit obtnco. ObambaiWp who had from tho flnt rowed Tory doto (o (he thore* waa oflen in groat danger of coming In oooUot with VDtll boatt and Umber that wit moored to tbo varlout qaaj*,eta. bnt (ho warning crfei ot. tho cioUed attemb l tgt gentiaUjr made btmanteaf mt poilUoiiu Ii^thltir«jthtirmwontmi,Ohtio- barf IniButlng bit ^eir.fenr yfidi^tpd tuhoogli Ooopoi often tpoitod asd:«ndoiTond to JattaQ ^ dltt^not f)^«een UtfO. tf wwb» 00 nnmofe, apd Cbtmb«|T«atutli> won by not leu (htn two hnndred jard& Tbo botllnff, aftor be ununrd a e.Ja.oodcitUKidi thttaarttteffectwlU .beiwidvlikatborttinie jtzMciit Obuaoarf. wlTbatUTor ,qap,.4f.a qiark of ptbllo re* *i vd ttWun.. Cbombcrt* -llme.wM 99 inliL SStoet., tnd .-,.WTPwod nnder Bootawood AHogb ox|oUr 1 mln, i uta. after uo winner. jh-wdgi ^ times at dlffonnt ^^ocs, tfao' anthonUes pnred too powerful for ,. ihapngaut>,and tboynadtaretam to NolUnghahiwithout ar- ilttng at any doAnilo resuILffNellber wis ennlihed to any orient . .In the fewroonds that wan fought^ as'at tio oho time did the ; 'jeonhalanla "bOi" sufBolenUy long to wtnn Uiemu Ihetr work. XWfS net ivsaln on SepL M, at Derby, and entered Into treah ar,' acIntoOghtoaMeolay, Sept. Olb. ond laiocortoe<iwlUi<them .,- 'tbeynttaiidlbaglitror < houn lOmln.,duringwhioh,firty^li ' ■ ;»J?«n*id-ready rounds wen conlaaled, toUi' noelvlDgoonidip.. ' 'I fi»>j1!vt^«ut nisglns was aoconded by MIek.HcOaba and. ■ «dwedlU8tt,T»riorWaokToriyM^ ThepoUco ) • • P"••topioth<<ghtandjrtiagainaltsppUngtomewtineeod- • Inpti}foaftrtrfood,>oaulhort^ Tho , . nfmo Iketi orfilnid lha tieHlgitraits io.miel at An o'dock on tho " MSS'°S!2J'''*''9V*<^P'**«'8nKJngloUttia<hdplace. Tay- ,1* .ahOwrt M at tho nnper hour, and lie referek aflSrod Dlg- gllisaaolWihoutWrfilTfLOpnifdQjIngthat aaldohtmco,hut ^rtlin'SrollC^htT.-^ a.on d«ta,^.tCta,lor .{ n i i' i i li nn » l t';<jiP;BijiBbrr.—Theae.igeni who fogght at eatob- weight, for tii a aide, on Aog. SOlh. whod olghty^It rounda wen .'(i''gainaly «ontP4l«4 Ift' l tnnn «mln„ bsTO agroed lo draw Ihe . iiistakett' ," . ,.', .;. . ' • ' . nn BWDoaxa'Cttaiiinoiainrof lha London, &ig., Otnb waa ' deddal on Bept Milj in the Tbameaj Ihe coiuia being nsfi oppo- '' ^Is-'lhs DoTea,*''to the Aqaeduot at^fttnay.:. Qen wnnthne enbrtes, and thsnooirasan eiolUngone, aod^u.&aallyii^ohby . 'Bahyaoir In'Mmin. tkaca.i his oppontoV time being,'Peter. 1 'Jobnaan, 81:Ui David'limphllnj S3Jli,. ' ' . V . , BF»oimiiuiU<xttiia UiTCD.—The mabhtor the doga ot ■ Hoasn. BbaW and Baundcn, to destroy sn nta, ttrxnp, iwas do- ddedstlho Queap's Head Tkvere, wlndmlU slnct, onAnguit Mlh, In the presence ofa nasta of the highcet order. Uuch la- tsrtalwoa eioltod, as It wts.ihe largest malsh over aonlaited. Both tbo doga'an'named Plachor, Sauoiler*aawbltoooe,and . long oonaldtrod lhaCbainirlia, 10 yeinald,'snd weighs 13Ibi.;' > -Bhaw'sk<abrlnaiad,.ll -yean old,.at^lbf.'. A heavy turn da- , sended mwn tho reeiUI, Rhaw'a dog tho favoilla.' Mr. n,iBang- I •bammsreftraa, bhdur.B.PearsontlmokciW. .WhltoIlacher. like Ohamplon) destnyod' dnU aad went off in his well known ' uaBtfIe.aad fW lhaflrel 'Kn looked UkaawlnnarideMo^ng . .-that number ander 7 min.' Prbm bis enrtlass ho ftom this point ' '{•Uoir,'aadwhaik''alldaad'.'of1hs9a0ins«allod,33mlii,40seo.; ' Slr^I**'- ThsOhimplon'wa* well asoondsdby.klr.!ru'ppor. ■ ''r£V?.°°8> atylo, on commadngi aatonlahsd tho gaaUamcn ' ' 'T^i^fl'*>>°o his 900 wws killed, and UmanaUod, ho had '... oeaapled I» tnin. to aac, thus winning the malah knd tho .Obsm* : \S^!ISP?J^^'-t^*iOu which'oxdlcd considonble'ln- f • 2u^»; nH JiSKS* ilP'«»linhsw''aronnas, 01dhsm,'<iin tbo Mlh'' MiU«y, 0' OMhiAi, the condlllonl bdng Iff wSRla two out of .- :Ite^JS4,'5!^^fcJwiffK5*^ '^'«'' Mh* itaWi ctn,-for <Ua ala^ taVndlhor Ibab to eiteed a scato «lb. The balling biienod ' - !A.*i?".S?L^''A°* At.tho.fpbolStodTmo ■ '• iSiP'ffSSffi'M''"^' e*>*« wtmuag'DanUey ., ■bitmghtlitaBabtdgiaullmillnbtcL'^ UeHlDg nOw b^ ' aunb 9 to 1 on BonUey.' Altar Ib&na^ial (oat: the nlba akala came kU^, andIkU(eqA.»«V. it oach^other Ibr: iboak-bne hoar. ' rroi':, 6u1t»soiHl1>ers. The Ibllowtng are ths iinasai niit of sabsMpUan to lha Haw Tou Oionai— ■ " ■ ' lis aopy..........'.lOoeBla |BnbaailptlonparaaBiiD..K 00 ToWhoIeaaleDaalen..'«M•• I' '<• bh«maitha..3W XoBatallA^ganto.. T \ ■ ■ ■ >' ■• • " ii • . ,.J 3g To dabs of four ai mora, a dedodlon'or (D caala wOl be mads ftom eaoh aanaal snbsorlpUoiL i Babaalbenln Oaacda and the BittttbPtovlues^'tl par aanani' extnttoooverpoatagb.' "■ "Of a£u.oASM'Br'jujTaais. rSAMK qOBlQI, SdlUW aad Proprietor, 1) Sprite ttraet,'Haw ToK BBOADWAT . ' ■' OENEDAI, FUBOIUaHa AQEKCT. ■ HBW BOOKS 'fi ■'MOWBBADr.^ ALSO 'fXEW mOBTATIONS Of "PAXCS oAlDS," THAT NO OTHEB FIBH 0AM SDPP17. ' iiiSw aoNos. ! ■NEW 80X03^Si.: c '.MEW SONOS.rW.i, ,[ ... .;. '. - . :r. f^. JDBT PUBUSDZD. " . n-. JDBT PUBLISQED. i: jari DDLLYIHOMOa-JUST PUDIiISHED. ■«n '. tf.SVUii BONOS-JDST PDBLISUED. -m ar.PBICB 10. CBNT8 EACU; OS A «7- PACEAOi! -vt OONTAIlilMO 0> 8 MKW SOKOS •«•««- Oim OBKAT CAT- ALOQDB AKO A. OAT PIOTUBS'« BENT, POST PAI1> FOBj«B-.M QEHXa-rS» • . . AQENia WANTED—To whoia s ilberal dnoount win ho msdo. ';' n-ii£ND IN Toon ouDBua-a EVEBITODT'SEND' rOS ODB NE(7 UAUfOin . .; I . CAXAMOUB. . - . WHICH dONTAISg'A SBaOBIFnOH OF BTSCr ABnOLB inAT U eSMOlNE OB WOBTH HAVIHO. .» " NEW86Na8, .NEW'E[CII]BE& OABTISg DB VIBITB^ BTEB^ OSOOPESl SEOAB OAasa 8NCFF BOXES, POOEET KNIVSa 2S!i,Wl!£''?*?'O0"J""I%«D'aa.PI,AYDfO0ABD8,DI02 KNOBATiNas,, aubbotypS, albuub, bdbbbb ooora^ AND EVEOT VABIETI OP^WlNolooliMBnmjS ..': ;^'stthsshorlestnolloa . - "HdPB 1 DOSTf/IHraUDE'.': •. Of oomn aot Tha'asiid and gat ens of onr QBEiT OATAI,OOD£S 4V ganiT^^ HEW BIXLB or kfABEB) OAIlba, JUS! laSDED.' SEND AND OHCA BAHPLB'.Snkra ,bp ALL '!thE jiTESI BTZLEa ALSO LI«I:0P*BlCEa.7^i-^^ HANDSOUB DIPODTEO' BEOAB OASBB.. Prise Meaoh. •. BBADTITW, P00KBr.'AlBini8. Only«loaoh. 0"i9:?^*Ju9iJ*''^"S VTSrm' Virrtoh. jg'dseach- UEUi EBiaiaH XBAK8PABEMT PUYntO OABDairpeck. PICrUBES that ileal tbe World. Bite IOl$.' CO ants aieh. .. ' AOVANIAOB DIOBt PABO BOXES ud PAUO lOOLB ETKBT UAN BHODLb FOSSmS ONE OF ODR ODEAT CATA' LoouES. ODB aiRODLAiuao AHEAD or AmriUNO THATBVEU WASPBItlT£D..'aENDANI>0BrONL TTWILL GOBI Ton NOTOINO.'i MBT ALDlfTIEaS ANSWEBEO DT BIk XUON UAIL. ' Jianm Hi a UOFE « 00., >»■ ' '. i ■■ Wo> M Dnadwan New Tort Olt;r; HEALTH PJt . OEBTAIN AND r09 TWt BEUdt/AI, OF OBSlilDOrnNS ud TIIB tvott BANOE or BEoniABm m th BEconBEScj OF THE UONTHLT PE lODa '"^'■'^ , 4^TksyenreoTohTlate ths^enufflctl s lUoan tbaltnrln. ftom Irragolarlty, by ram«vlng 144 lr»# rtir lacif. g9-ne70unSapprcsacd,l!lC(i«dTasi Puoftlirenalnuinn , arlhey euro Qr^n aickjiiai (Obion :). -mm, ,'.>B:Theyo<u«KerndkandOpliu)Aflb 0M.|«in.f-fi,|.v, ^ aai]owsrpar«oflliebody. Heavliicsh llm«on aUibieiiS tlou PALPRinON OF.IDE UEABT. IV^-^ Or Sni^ HYBTKHIA, BICI UEADAOHE, QlDDl S8, ito,, tic. L?i wotdfby nmorlng Uio IBBEODLAIunibor reuon the caoBL aadwUhltALLIhoeleobitbitaJrlna'nfcll ™™«»oia, ' gar Compoaed of.sUppla' rtgeliblo UIKb. Uity oohlib noth- ing ddelaitoua to any oonltllulloa, hotri^ lUlata, tlKlr func- tion being to aubatlluls strength for.wtaicsf aucb. when nroni ,erIynsfd,thoymTcrMltoclo. ^ "™.»«npnp- «J2r5>SLai? aaab)yu«oirnt a jtm, ael at annerlod, ExoEPTDiJBnfaTBEriBsr^Bi idONrag, duriw^idi Ikf onfaOlng'nahveof tiicli aeUou.' ojd lauinjly P|£VEHI pragnaaor. , . ^ AlIkUosMcUng Intomatlon »sd»tte»uibapremotIf. ftaaly.anddisaoelly answand.' . . ' i>v> 4^ Pall dlieolloos''i)Ccofflpaa); caq bx. /tt: Mce tl per boi, or sli ntua k\%n. aa-. Bent by mk4 ftca ofBOitige, 4i bcdpl of price. gfr Ffuophlela sent by miU, tree <>pila;i«, bi . DB. W. It MEBtyiXjk OjWlBlam£t( WAMH OHAnsa I.ffi9P«?,?J™5^ OOOD iS^'^ GOOD RBA6OK9 why an ahooldilal direct wUh OOOD ItBiSOm ' _. It PAnnET.T, ■ ' BooisDjA t^iirsxnuKsa, ^^^^XS;^^^^^ and- o,w™ Kff*^ sea *fi3tl-« » otoaaltalysll through tho Union. , He u able to nlbr'tte wprM ^ his wMIe ikst bntlness caiW as *woO knownflittouoCraapoiialblsSooktfanliutilsndlag On 11 uusl Ibollng, to onty roniectrlHtt TniiiBnfnehlii .-^ ;\Hlihttalar|»j4m«ctabIob«alaoBiOoniIa^ — M^eea pitodpM, & a'lqhUe btora-ntrtla an ohacoi^ gnnoi,^ parba pa only KOMifAi, plijie of biutoeaMs la IUm wluTthi poor aoratns who dlignc« themaa^ dfiir' ■^^'^ - PB. WBiai HBJXI VfiN.AXlH OB,- EBS8NCE ( Pr^and ftoai Fan 'VogalaUs Eitrf . ' tloas to tho *"owKort,mpiirtan. iMSIBI ' lU'li, K>nUhiliignolUag inla- delliale. 'iiOio Phnnlx rltoa ftotn tho I kiii ol lu Are, tnliabM wllh ncwlUbVr-so dotatlUsBlilrreJiti'lnile tin s) atom andmucoDa g9-.7^.It<JincntUoBEIIIlrlslhe ksnltof nodoradkcoTorlca .In thejegetahlo klngHoai; bolna 'an nUroly now onl absliact method ot.enra. lrre.'i><>cllT«.(>rall Uu <:i and nora oginiUms S^ Tbls.nedleinohat been lested r the moat cmbeet medi- cs] men of the day, and byihcm pr louncod to ba caa of the grnjeatmedltoldlicbTdHcJ-ofllieig "acaeor uo ,a3r.Ons.b61tla wUleoM gencrel Dc Uiy. n" A few doaei aulas Hytlorlcf In inuica aw One boltli) cures PalpItiUon of 10 Heart' , g^Fnmonoti lhreobolU« res res the nunUuaaaiiiKnll itgorofyoath. . ——luu 4^ A few doars rcatoriia tbo appei :- Ifir Thcca.boUIcs cur£|i|tho tror^t: 'ootlopotner gEir'Afiw doiesouxcl^Uielow apUllAL One DoUli rjcelorajmentil pwtr. r A few iloaes na^o^s Ibe prgWs of cenmllon. 'A few doaas being Iho roao M be rbcck. W This mcJldna rcslbics to Blnly tfeor. and tobgil health tha poor 4eu01UIed, won down, aJ dce^ttlrloji. - .. The llalloia, ooerTatol youlu tbo oTarluYel mm ol bnal- neas, i)ie'Tlctlm ot nervous dcpreuon. Ibi> lndl?Uutl auffetlai from aoncnl dobUllr, OD rAOV.TTL'AEn^gs op 1 6INi3I.X .OUaAS.wmaU endlmmcdlaloaik pernr ■ • - ■"""''^ jjeg. HBfiui(ut.MT BEwacnnfa titin bsavuho jj'tr. an-DATUKUS BDBPBiaBO, Tbe BATil and'ThVtHOOa. eaob ; as ■ OLD JOHN BBOWN. In blgh oolora, fBloh] 34 " ■ „ TUB OAV.OIPHVi OH TOd aiOHLAMOa. (Photo). .14 " 4»-.TOUBBOm'SJB9nBOOK(oomplttofttll\utntedl.34 •■ 4V OBIBinTB;.Or, Thoday Ufa of an Aolnas. (tTbew). ,<a •• 4V(>AVUrBataBtwhlon*bIaWataringPlaoo.|I]Inat'd).«0 " — TAUa or TWILIOBT (laiy rioh and sployj to " _ FAN NK m LLEn, tha ladyInT.O.T.(gay)! -...lO •< aVIMAItDmE; Or, Throe Lonn at Ones, (Vsiy^pIeyl.M " ' 4V TOU BBOWN'a JBSTBOOK. (oomphito«lllusbated]:u " 4irrA]nty.Miii<ih) n •• 49T THE BAB klAlD~whaae gay aohloTenamto mada her' the envy of bar own aea, (Alltbtlr) « .<0 '* OLABA UOWAHD: or, Ihe'Anneror iybura.(aay).,<0 HYtfTEllUS OF AN ACT1IE88' DBBSaiNO U)OU..e0 " aV-TBE PABISIAN AUOEUQB: ■ir.Tlui WliUsOroaalnn. Ill gatrlUuilriaoni) 40 " «9-TlIBOAYI,miOFaMOOBLAItTI8T.(laleelpIalai)3a " W COUNTESS ; or, Ufj amontf UuOay Bforls. (no;)..00 " 49-THE UAN Wirn TBHEE UOIflEBj; or PoUslien of Paris. (Qay) „...<« «' •IHE WOUAN or FASmON. Written by h#dt - '' ' (IBustratod).. ....'............,...>M •> 4(7-,AFEWUOimia'IHL0N0ONONAI,ABE:or,11u •' SeaBav :.'..'.'. '. ;;..;.-...'.« " j^TT'g-tnw iTiiTirr.T.t ,....-........;M' <' Kt THE WEDDINa NIOITC (all plataa).-'. M •'. '49- UATDIUONY-HASB BAST (alx oolored plates).... .» J' ritUALB BEAUTIES (all colored pUteej W " VBNI)BINTBECL01BTBn.VrrTrlsb.(Ocol'dpUtes).W ja* HIQIT LIFE IN PARIS. (ISmo alie, Clomplsle trans- 1 . Istlon. niastntcd). 4100 ALDDU OF VENVEl-eanUlnlng Lon Ttfos, Poeby,. Bongs, Anecdotes' Fiui Pas, Funny SUpt^ eto, (Ufil'd) 1 00. fm MADAME CELESl'B. (Iool'dplalOBpT7 24 •NE\7 FLASH AND PltlSES;BONaBnEB. Just out:. ' (ooloteaplat«^.........:..V. 191 - CABINET OP VENDS UNLOCIEED: (Flnoaleel plates). 1 20 OONFESSIONB or A:'WASBINaTON BELLB,' (Col'il ptalca v:.''..i..'.''..,i ■ l.H, •LOTB"ALAMODB|"or,tIai8araiIIoao1eaa,. (Ten . . ateelolaiss) 1 00 • OBHB.FBOU TENUa HUOBLLANT (tan Ino steal platos, handsomely bound 3 00 Mf LABI. NSW FANOl BOOK OUT. lemo, dia (Col'd /^ates).'.>....;....'. 110 QtorUlNB IHPOBTED ; FBENOn. XBANSPABBKI 1 PLAXINa.OABOa , II 00 _ OAT PUOTOORAPUS.(taken nomUfe),alx(or...... II 00 The trade BuppUad with LUaPleturas, no par hundred. \ atdl* r.I.AUBBttT,BozltSg,.Phllad«lpUa,Peiyi..^ nElT3?BWTn(Q [Ut) lu IhaflWfsia, com' ir? iHfaa purchase at a t^Juug than they oan 00 -^'bMllh, aje. tho hoallh of iTtd by fuohunprtndpkd IICIS&. AND TAKB NO mediate ait peraiauml rcUefby Ihouae IhlsEltilroiiEfieneofifL'fAT uiwoymouso .«9r Prtoe, t3 per botUo or. UicefbolJloi for U, and tornaided by Biprcas, on rooelpftoi mono/ i^kaj addma. gs- nis odrnoEEE pills ara.soid br all enlerpilalni ~ Borne onprlnclplod dttlora^ _ pounds. In place .of these; tbi ibeip price, and make mors theaa medlclnea As yea your future'Qflbprinif, do not . Dnigirista.. Aairton .IUESB -ju-. ——•-; - -,ri„-i™, 0IUEB3. U tba Dragglst wUI not buy Iham tor you, any we thoraoaey ln aloUer, and wo silaand ibom to you by Espnai, secnnly sealed and.rackod, fr« turn obaorrallon, ,11 ' . LvUcs and OonUotnen can addrets us Inj perbokoo^fldrace, lltlllwMlWig'tfjilnlnir. their iltoKt aDd.Aymp>«iu^*si« Mt Mt boaltsttt becalfiS^'e'eninaMloor (■nwlei/' P>9V,**ne« tnatod r-'-T.^lT''"!'-"-inlKltona of tbt otTjUaed gloSe byoantapona^oe. . ' ■ . 11-.,. ^ • • '. ' fatlsnta addiesilngnswfllplsaeealato plainly an the snnplonr of Ihehr aomplslnts^ and wilto PoKH>(aee,".aaonly, Blato and nanieorwrller.JiUlo,aDdlnolQaoMatBsoelaa^pfornp)y*i . .wB ssNDona.BiPAaB PAu^ia,sr.raits to waddi Addreu all I«tten flir X^pblda oi advloo (o Uie propitaton, • • - •• - 6b. W. R UBBWDf ti CO., , No. 00 Liberty street, Now York. Ho KMt ataiuar- in^m(mt|Cpcsiipoap,'lhlcn«ijtliit the aneoutora'bnka In 'tarof «nkrt£r,tt!ti ahadwIckllhepraprietor|,d(<oUMIUtialsMt ahd being rHtored, tho match proceeded, but Lowe again thnw his man wiihlhautmoatoaaolna fewmlnatee, aiiil was Ihna deelared tho wlanu. EXOmNa BBADINa FOB TIIH AIOD OB POOB, . ... OilhoaawhoanonatraTellnglonrt Books Ihit ace bolhrichand nrs, WrlUanby aalbarawtthBaateani . When them yoif read jon'U own wo an right '.^ney.^•lllao^aa«youeactlaUnlght . ' Foraaldlas or allon they are the atrle, .;'Or for loTely maids who know no gnllo. .'11. Now sand hiEaomo aod Judge for yquraelf, , , Bai^'IflstDttoaeadthoPeU, I' I iWODcanthaiPifMlnllUlaaraiuDiis, T. .. ..Thty atassnttoali aiUct, Downs or dsmps, 1 BymalLoraipn'a, wooannotwhich, : ., I But lha Booksl Iho Boobsl I an Tory rteb, !'. jllisy anmallsd wllhoutoaienso to yon, '.'/ Tgyograildroaa,and jionpUy,too. . .1. .ni9crdarthaD>anddollitnlgbl, .: ...If by.upraaa lOD MT theftdght .t .'ilhonsmn of some I'll Just write down— ' lha Milk Wild; or Lore In aOoanbry town; '. ...ThsChUd ot Nslunlmprend byolianoo; I :.->' aaalirns, tho Deo Jusn of Pnnos; iMbalof Atogoo,ortlialnulgucsofaCaurt; .i :v'iiIbslIaroulsot Wat(afo>d,orthsLireof aSport: .1 iIhsTwoLoTara,orrt^InarUi I;. His Uonialn of an Old Han ot Twenty-ali; '. ij'. ..Oonfeaslans ofa Lady's Waiting Uald). Tho Usn of Flcaaure^ or ^ko's Aftaldi ■ Maigoeritoof.fiorguDdy,crI«Tour.iiaNotlsi . , .i Aod a gnat many uUtea that we eannot tell. Bend ifinocont stamp for oar flicatUat, • . :." ASUINOTOH « 00., It canTba miaaoil, No. 113 Fulton aU\'Ot,NaW'Yarkolty, Noir.wbst do yea think of tula oar aKtyt 34-lt MiaBOSCOPIOsEHOTOOBAPIIB, on BUdas;ftir ithe Ulooa- oope, or est In Watch Ohanis, Eeya, Boaif PIna, Finger BtoM,' Optta OUtaas, >Bya Okines, Pen-knlvaa,,Walking. Canes, Ptnloldan, Bmoklng'npoa,^Iobaooo Dans, Maieh Uoios, Bresal PlDB, *o.', U. I LIkauaaaia ot Bmlneal Hen; Osnenls of tba ep- poslag Aimlea;;Hoitl, PouUcat nalJgtousand.i^tbologloalauS. Jeola) >I1 Uoads In Doa noupa,! nanua .of aaeh aUaeboiI, perfeoUy dIaUnot;'tO Headaof IJnlon,and MTIlaadaof ConfcilcratoOch- aals,:lna|raui»; tbo.LohVs.Pny(r,Teii 06ainisi)ilmcnto;<a.' Ptotuias msds to arder< AClnu]ar,glTlngial««ailio.,ferwirded toanraddrcaaopoueppUosllon. Addnaa ALBBBT BOBS & 00., BhioUyn P.O., Now,lark. :' . , ./ - I U-M*; KM.-BBND FOItTOROATEBTBOdsoirr,—aiXBODBB a 'IN AOONVENC (nieb,'ranaadn(9).MalsrTWonder jfT-of tlWWorldl ltoslhlsl>Whurr oolylata. , SporiU'sBod^ 4[r8et~OontalnlnJt It of tbi ntioleal Bongs onV IS alK . FanoU sEfeat Jcat Book out (M' —• ~ • M large lllnslMllaia.) 3) ala'' 1 I 'M.U*' ' 'OHAltliEii'OLATION BoiBTl'PhUaddpbb, Pu rnnE poivatq couparion roit Ttm'iujuiiBD.^ pri- ''JL '^ti loattdctoffoi'married peoiM/iiaa thoaa about lo nsny', 'Dcibi dtila^ filaile,.' Thlk l^ Mjoud aonpdrlaonrIho ihest at' IhMltLalyiftrktW (lie ktnd ertrMbllsbod.; No tnsrried psraon «r«llief sat abonldMtrftbouilt/Ills nnllks aayotbstbook snr Issued- and Ihe realttr II conlaloa can ^a found nowhon else. Bent to any address, otoaely sealed, on naelpt of II. Ad- drees Bos No. W07,Poit Oilier, New Tofk, 2Mt* LOOK HEBE TB OAT BFOins AND FESTITE MAID- MF^BNa-QDi 0> No* Books JiBtnMatndfnm Parii.^M la-Lalast Hooka, Cstds, PifhU to.. In tho Faaoy hne. 4a- Our now Chrtea do Vlalto are eapcdally rioh. -^'Ct -ii> 4:^ Send fbr them. 98 cts caob «. alx for one dollar. -~ Alaoold John Brown to all hla gbry. OtJglnBL Stota. IS lUch. nanasdIlseTSongit 10 ct). eaeb. or 11 per dos. -Qt , Soud tar a pick or tho rral French Transptreirt Pi^y- -wa jg^ log Cards, OUt cdg^ Aflr-tao In a pack. Each card 49- conlaloa a aplontid plctaia. No humbug. Only 1100. -es 4V Oay Colored Fhotognpha Ronl (or Ihem.' They will -UB take Ibo bair off of your bead. Onlr S3 conta."QB-CB "OB or Ws han til ths Fancy Hooka yoa han etor. seeo or ITT'bosrdot SsndforaCatalo8ua,frea6(poaUae.-e»-st'6> SfVBead'tbr onr new PstratBaltoa Hole uacblnk Thiers B^winmakeyoaahntTfureyeL Only 31 cents.-^-CB 40-Female Deantloa; BtcSttoIEngmlega. OnlyW.oU.-«* •a-The Wedding Nlght-SUOoloreilPblai:'''Oaly 00 cls-'-ca 49-Tom Brown's Jest Book DlgTUngoh Bnwn.OOcts.'eB ar FemslePoUcyDeltcllie.' DnullfttHrlDuttittod. ooota. ^n' 49-IXtn't nid this. A HAONIFfOEirt AUBUlf, gOI-Ct 49- edgo, containing Twein Phologrssba of Vemalas In ^B " ^ ...T-?-e . ^ lufwill'bo SI— 41^ ever; attltud;, taken Cram I sent by nult'W ftse of poatoge jkn: Thno Doua^^^-C|l'^-;W 4V*'BeBd lor our MammoUi vBVatamps;. (WE DETEST I) 4(9- OOOWT -OPPOSTTION.) IM' <0-Address an ordan to • - a j-ll* nqulre'no _ ON'AND' -wot I. ALBBBX BtmrON k 00., : BoiieS,'Phlladelpbla, Pa. • BTANDBAOEI LOOS HEBE; .OAT BP0DT8. ^Ilaglo Looking OUf a V«iy rioh knd Baoy. . sAncy Budget One of the gayest thlnca oat.... ib'Ufb In a Botrdhig BcboOL.' Tcfrrtok " ~ ibalodiAthanaateol plates.. (Eni)o teld).. ' Btnd (lanip Tha Bjbk olintare. MVato Ufa ^piTlda Vontoi. ,.:ID ds .llO CIS. ..WcU ...Wcls ..M OU circular. 4a- , ; 49* . '■ 4S- AT- Bmi tUmv ud get mr circular, 'ZddrM iCbUBUa CLAmN,BO«.^^ U-IIS 1 Aa PHOTOORAPBa or BAHDBOUB LADIES for 99 His. XUU Un Pbotographa ct Fsnials BaaaUesfOT 2( ols. Ihsf an TtfT rloh-'niy nro, and toty rany,. AddreiiaoU ordon to . iTXf.IAYLOB, Ho. 3 Judas'Court FUberlatratt ilMt* 'H Bdir 4a' Ninth.Phlladelfbla,Pa,: SONOBI BOHOBI n-BONOS I Two of the Fandeat ' 8on£fl, aantftaoof poatJgt,-fbM0eaDts.'or One for 10 cents. ^ ' • ' ' ' "OBOnOB BUITtf, • I ^g.3|« - Btn'2UI, Phlladidphls, Pik W iarFANCIBSI.'Sk ga-roc^i of ten osnU.r5> WliPhlM^lplil^Pa. SOLDoas, ATTENTIOH.-'Ptlai dtai^ aad aspoaaro, wllh a hot eUiaato: muddy water andiMd ^Mr irlU be asaroldabls, bat armad/'wllb HOllOVAlt'S POIOnraa ANI>.BinEN()ra' EMINa PILU,ryoa oaa andoisall ihsse and allll s^Un goo health.. . ■ •:: , ; • ho ;ood fOCEET ALBUH, nNB IIOIIO(l0(>,' FOIt 0MB SOKSNPIC- TOaBSr-MoaoUi JO -'-' * bsanlltolOABSPIOIUI dolaiM;(j,(bj .U pMunii,«l.2a. . \i oalled.vl^ (sbh Albam. '' '.. ..BAJUIASU DBOg., 84 HoribSglMli atieet p^ladelpbla. juiiuuv'njuuuf oymaii, ■•v.fl.," _ orby onRss, ■•a O. r.'," Or at NbJM'Anil street New Tort. Bend yoiu adoress on s slamMd ajntlope'for a (talsloaue^ 2Ml» '. 0. DIANonuro;abllslitr. OntUibout AKtK&ihTTjr. BEI.T. (IHBITA; nVE MEW FOSniONB Ptiotoal and betWItmiy oelorai). Niihfe'(,b< cento each, or tho f«t lor It uallkd Sriok ' Addiaas ' ,'".OAU tta> FOB DBAtmr. phsd from Iltb, Album slso, it hit ' Just out* ^ce it iMo bf charvo on jeoflpt of 01, BkllBtD k CO., ^klM8,'D0tnltUlch. -TtnlajDrtT uttcoiM j$D, .Jr c4lbna;0ud Xiy thsU 4>r 10 cable wch. Dit TuWttbaJ by J. P, HAflir, flr"^ .Uc^XBLLAN.-BasnUAil ' aod UcOLEIXAN, aeni slled at lO'tO par 100. li;S||f^F.O..boxlOSai sell' ' nt-r ^;^J''''9„.?'"?'-^^- ^-li''^^ * .''Meonlaapitos, iiA^ F&oroaBAPns . . j i.. OAT AND FANOr'Un UU EKOBAVnOII ST ALL .-WWfl-WWSI-O-kB - oiatafcrll, _-.'_ <'■-■'■ '- '.iinOBOnOB' SHTTQi 'ivi 'SOi IHi; Phllsdslpbls, PIk.' poamoNi.. , ■': f,. J Addrtta .' U-lt* r ONLY SoTeuDollanfb* a Splendid BlUerMoanled Oar' I .ttldtsPlsl«LAdilr«aiJ.F<LOWELL,lIsrtfoid,0ou4, U* who dlignc« themaaltes siii dabsad Iholr ciatoa^ Uo can rotar to ournoit reapoolsUsbnalitM m'ca.ssd toinsnt or oursaltat banking ln>tlhitIons,ks to Us perfect tesponilbUlS and completo .ahUilytoAiJdnallhls'esgagttnanU of nan Una aadohanctdr. .' ' Ihuan^panon who nUua to oxdsr ' CABBR • STA'nONEBT. ' . ^ OARTES M TBStTS, Ac., tc, wul at oaca aaa tho fannorianes of dealing dIrecUy with hUu, to. Blaadof with the one'1)^rs^ ricketlycoocarna (hat aprlngnp like nuahrooDis only to'delnds and deodn their nnwaty aad tiwttns oorreapondonls. ' ■ ■ ^ . ■ ' r" ^? »l«>lnipirt1Ji direct ftWB nines all those Umijaa, Ezo^lslto^ Iweful, Beaharehe Allkln, such as Begar Ouu, Outos davlsltoL 4a, ■najf ceWtaiola mataled to fornCh hu outtomenirttb ths " ""M «n<«k«> oountcrlUI aborlionsb thai rcsemblsnalberaitnornatnre. 7 Ha has also .unusual bdllbea tor obtaining tha nawast Ityla 01 Caidsjilaln ind matked, vhktiha can tntntah on belter laima both wtdeaale and reliC than any house to the tadsT^ Hi hs s'areiy kind of . - FICTDBe; " pO Olf, arlEBEOSOOP^ . OAllTES DE VIBITB, ' PHOTOOBAPH B.' 8MDFF BOXEB,' '' BAFEB, ko., Ae.1 that can .b« 'Anishad by snypenon In Hew York, and a gimi many olhet Uods nuT no on nae ois buppli an biiibixj. ' Ws append a sUabt solecdoa ftoiii our 'OREAT CATALOOOE OP ' FANor AND mjHonoDS dooibi Tbeao Ddots an got up dUEerent ftma aaylliing of tha Und era oflnod to tho public.' . . ran an'1ui(saoiis.T nuitUTan win ittm ' They can bo sent by eipnaa or man Panails orderUg may rM m ured tha t they will nodn thalr fiooks'irilh tlu oBnosI raoMriSEs^ nor pid.' Nowiiadyand.fOrssleby J, B.iwin nwT.r ' ■ I . ." ^'J. ' '. '■ 'No.UAnnatieetNowVork, ioidaSd'^lSStail^r -"^ iaaaxt*.lnaaS!lon 01 Books J. H. rATmTTTi I. ■ ——" ' Jle mi J' ' y >'!5*'*^' OIndon, Rnny, to aalrri^'S'^^^^jJlP'V''^*'^'^' •* «"•»! 4a^^i,tf«rvalmy Oraely; Ueteta; Eato OisUetoh, u oeatsi ifown's Jest Book, 19 bniUt Famals Policy Deleolsd, 2a ^Is; Tales of TwUlgbt 89 cants; and the Book of JtensIeBsaiity. 00 oenla. ' __ ' " PBOHPTNISS n HT Mono. Address ' J. Hi FABIlELIs ' NcUAnnstnet HewTork, ' 33 ' Near tbo AmeiieaaKaaeaa, pHj5LAH»<y IKPaoVED BtLtUBlT;!^ naaa Billiard TiSlS*^®"'*™''' SeTcodlsttoctBU«ulafhHinr»r__ . ." ''" ■ "'■^™ bmt gnntad to S^ff-SSSaST^^ ^""'^ has* UWy obtained agwitftiih?.SSi!^JS' «llo* •»! waKI pmesnantatowEardciSumV ^^"""nnasi ' "Mtnicflonof onrtnbfcs. a <uM. .kitowglnhUliidjnaaiiliieSi^^^ •ooaiacy ^ pjSrof^wS^* WM aaa ni"} thoroughly^SScI mstarisls.^S;.'; J^.tV7lhh>g;«j,|^tau„iSJ2f-^;~^«l -tbrauh lha prtDdpalatkt». 1 ham been eiwbloi^la mfiam a nl. "»'»P»r » mtrodoos thsir stytaioroiahtaa •'.•HS".'nna oiuted to their manolaatan ct BlUlard.nb^suatoilhosTenoh-niblM^^^ •nd.beauiy. For tbOfoVoiMns I am hapn to mao tUiUBn^Z •'HEyEU,OLADDnm,PioftiiiorofBUllsrt£pSy .. PaittaaderingtommwmindourprioaaakwJripodwak upoastblibomadolbi. WaaeUtnl-£narilcliattAWDi1ec id win not make aoto^rtor article at any prioo. ; '"T7 Orden b^ mall ekmfOjly' and- pnmpUy. eucnt^j DMnM CatslogdesandPrksUatiseat by mdC><aiiaSuancn" ijoarnslviubllahoadiDieuiAratof bililirds, andIS3lElnc3» ills of dlnojauea, a ooplova leeonJ ol UIHart nswa^-toifmn. thlngtatstalli« to smateun sf.faiuianla, atMbsa oaaiakaHiB- • i . PUKLAN k cnT.T.mmifr. «t «^ 07 and go Citia& atracVHTr. Aad rat u4 7M Uontgomot stteot asB rnitlseiC OM, l°^?5!I29M1I BoiJifflin' BooKBiii i TUB OLD ESTAIlLISim) AND ONLY REUASU PU&. ' 'QBASINa Aara0Y,"WBBBE OBDEBS rOBi'.'/ AND A liSJJ vaSSJ!?'* OWIllumii HAVIHO. • .BSWABEOrTHSG Jgd^ theUPtm^R'.,, ~ 70H0HABIliaH0 BitciAimAir, Gieneral Purchasing Ag^ent. fiOOESL PIOTDIIBB, AI.mniB. HDBla KIOBOBCOPIO WATOH OUABUS, SOAItF PIMS. ENIVEa &0., bo. 0TEnEOBOopE8, LmiuaoAPiis, BNanAviNUB, pnoio>. TOORAPIIS, fta, *a, *&. Aa, La., kc BEND FOR ANY ABTICLBS VOV WANT. OABD PHOIOORAPHS FnOU IilFS, 39 oonto each, baauUftiUy cdond, 00 oenU. ABUT, AJlUr, ABMY. atnenla Halleck, Otanl, Hooker, Haado, MoOloUan, Sbatnan, Stoneman, Duroalds, Boaenonn\IliiUi.<r, Poatcr, UUbnon, Bicklss,' Blegel, Hajnlielnian, Arerilt Barn, Comma, (^wford. Auger, BoeU. OsHy, Beunsy, Bloouin, Sikca, Bhlelda, Conob Obur, Plata- aotonitPoiter, Slenkar, Wadswonh,'Bialr, Bumiar, SU( Baalord, and a nTifflhec of oUien. NAVY, NAVY, NAVY. . ' Admirals Fools, Dapoot, OoUabonngh,8trliigham, Stewart Paulding, PairagutBhabrlok, and BmliE; Oouunodoraa Wlllm>,' Bailey, lUntnoU, kunriaL Darts, Belt Bnoie, Uontuomeir, Hult and hundreds of other Army and. Navy OOloers, aiitssman. Act ors,Aoties9es,aaAothercalebritles. aardPbatognvhB,3laasch. , AOIBBiiSRa. Eato Batsman, Maggto Mltoholl as Ptnohon (9 poallional, Idon Ksano, Luellla and IJelon Wealara, Oarollaa lUchlpga, Urs. John Wood, Xn. Doweia, Adi^ L Masken aa Ffcno)! Bnr snd Usieppa, Buaaa and Eato Donls, saany Drown as Prinoe, Einlly Thorns is Uberlr, klaUlds Uann.aa OuoUIil His. noay.iHIss HonilQaesi loos Burk« Ada and Imma wabv, UHe VannU to obanoler, ObarlotIs IbonpsoD, Eato. Fisher as Arab Boy. llUo aaUsUl, Ouba^ ranfrftia,:Zos,.Uailstla, tbrie and AngluU, Kato Pan- ju ojrerjiltt daaotog aoatops. II WB8TEBN aa Fzeuh Spy. I af lendll plctoras. thoset ' . • KATSFDHEBaaPtanoliBpyanaUauppa, SpoeltkuiB. 94 oonto eaoh, or It tbe aot . LEO HUDSON aa Uastjipa and Fnnch Spy. t poalUona. csnU raobj oi> II Ihe sat. '. U'LLB UaJusITA EATEL is Ihe Onek S« In'O beantlfu] poalllbsa. 20 cento eaelu or II tbe act ~ ' : CAAPAION IIEDALS. _ .' LINCOLN and: JOONBON HroAL, UcOLeilAK AND PEN. DLEION UEPAL,. FBEUONT AND OOOnHANH MEDAL, Fitoo St oento eaoh, . . . " HONEY BELTS, FOB ASMT and; NAVY,OFFIOEns, SOLDIERS, BAILOBB, TBATELLEBS, ka, Uu pockato for money, letton, and photo- gikjiha. Price only t&'by mall, to any address; i tOnr OABD raoiWllAPlIS-TIIE BTATOEA, lO in nam' bar. 9lai>ntaaacli,or|9thotol. ims I&LININO UEAUTIES. S in nombcr. SSomhi eacb, or II the set FBENOnDANOINaontLS. lOOdUrerentsoalllona. JOcoacb. OBUS or TOE PHOTOaBAPmO AIIT. ' Olaastcal anil Oiaoeful Scries, comprising the' following boauUfUl .filctuiesi Alarm, Apollo and Dipbno, Amor and Fajchq, Arlsdne, Anfd's Whunor, Auluno. DathorSh Batben Suimsed, Datban and Bwana, Baaullos of tho Benglto ig In dninhrr). Bosom 'mends, Olrcssslan at tUo Bath. (Japtd'iodYonaa^Dlsniatths Bttb.ETo Llatoulagto' the Vow, Bigona, Pint SJas.of I^n^ Cajaba. Harem Boenca (D). InnAcenoe, Joaopblnb, Lost Bird, LS' ds and Swan, Morning, UoslSora, Night uegfota, neHilni, Us- tun ftOD the Bath, Showof of Oold, Ucaaoai (I), Bsppbo, (boon. Uaa, TbK<) Onoos, Toilet of Tonus, Two Dninrltoi, Vonus-Oo- oulllo, Toiiiu Blalig ftom tbe Bcs, Wood Nymph, Wloler, Aunra AnoUo Cnwning Tlrtuei, Adam snd Ere, After the Dillii Angels Nook, ApoUo ana Iho kiusei^ Anuuwtas, Apollo do Bcltldrn, IJao- ohus and Afladno, Deo, Dlrda' Neit Illoodo and Sronclto, Uuller- llloa, Cymon and, Ipblgonis, Oiphlos And Obleo, Dove, Dsy Dicao, DIaut Brchug Blar, Euphrosynr, Flihor Olil. FalUiful Veaatnar, Fountoin's Edaci Ourgllng Brook, Orcck Blarr, QUI at'lho Wad, Habo, IllghUnd Mary, Ucarfa Atowi), Hush of Na- ture, Jupltoc and lo, Judgment of Paris, L'Aunre ct Coibah<, Ia nympho Erttaow, Laoooon, Motnlni; Bbr, Nynipb, 'Nealh Ihe lUri't ^onk, Wsmallnn, Purily, J'rotocltog 'Angeb, I'aaalcn Flower, nomnn .O'rTn Datlilnr, Itonini] rnd Annrn<le, ncpoao, Bnntlae, BOSannsh atrlho nitb, Bbilen, Sabrins. Thorn, TeUetto do Dethubco, Triumph of Lore, Tillan'a Men. Vonua Clseomns, Tonus at I'Amour, Tedils db lUlo, Tonus In a Uioli, Illlan's Mla< :lrcss;sBdbandr(MlsOfUharCsMI>boloiirapbi, aOconls.uch. I POOSZI ALDUH wltU 1 dox.'PIUTUnK3 OK TOUICOWH BI . LBCWIOM (or 43.; wllh OOLORED PlCTCBEfl, 14. • . Addreuoidsnto ■ W. 0. WEkWBft - J . _|. J3'0l» ^7«Ilrosd«ly',^r4wIot*, QUI Abo UOJIT-HAND Wllbont a' whlsh-'tbo art n*/ <» learned laa few hours.' aentpoaUpaI(lltfilp««n(a/by nK - P4uiED k 00; rnblbihOrs,,Jf, K ; ' ' ' , ; .ai.ii CHEAP IdHEAP II onEAPIII—Daalera Im.Meh aitldca oa the toUowtogi Hooks, OarlssidsVliIts,'Snlrei^Slercoaooplo Tbiws, Harked 'Cardi, Pnoeh Oaida, Ao, te; «IU> Oud It gmlir to their adradtage to up]y to — " " Parlies.aonillngoaedoUar ofcllhn.Uod ji-itr'. Vafota sniclu'lng elsewiren: >tlTe a damplo Book, or a pack' 100 puo '*?.-'S£JESSK*5^™ orAoroBH tor 31 oif. IS^OIOaAAVm'QF OENBBAIB fOr tS eta, , ..< »t loo.PEOToaiurBB'iOP fbhalb bradtim tbr Ji.ata^ 4V Addieta aUoidaiitoJ.TAYLOItNo. SHblo'aOoait • h A *\ 1^ 1^ *^ Filbert at below lib, 31-U* VBVBtVWSVJO- Pklltdelphls, it. ' BNOBATgaa piNB,'""Wfi*"r ■fOnAain , . ...^r ., An Mlhfblly aiMiaied, Ayold coantiy moshraom oanoarns sod one linst cMtiksUkb, manto. Band to us onlr, and ssreyouittolfftbB being Bvnamlsed, All Books snd l/lansT Oooda yra sse admtlsed *s wlSAiffdah to tBdor, ' J ' •• • , n>«_ JSSlik''"'' o?M*nm ABtiouiii;*''' OABTBB DE V1BTIS, (NoloaptatJ -ntoag*sndlOMtttia. . •• .XHB lot! ALBO»t-i>',, ,; .,, • , . ).: ,,, HIOBOSCOpioi ASVANIAOE r ,''; ""nAaipndBafBTlnR MMneuD OTO OtojiNAL loMEIlATBB SVEnv J - M i».^Jt W WMH '^ySS. -.jAtALoatm- 'B Df TUB TRAO% 5imS?^raStoft)^ ,onriBsrlls,andnliulna»PDFriNO. '^ • •• ' : "•!;■,' ''bowSa BoSto owhig thl» sdwtiiSI^ ""SSto ni oniy,'«iill((»^aria<SW^^ a3.1t 'DVlS?3l'S5^;^BM OB HOOTXiOHBr-- ■': ±J in lan i Bmasisfs:;—^^«|, in «s» snswand by nnmenms sMpIe: and I aaklP.JIinS^ta am ki»waiy .«» gusn^to fklTln doing all I clalmt^k!u^^BiHi*lpl''that I mA .■ or MousUcha tognwnpon'lni'aaootbest ts MmltollistsppUaUoa. .'Iikaall1ntMaafal I coanol ths Bi^rd 0 wltbln six wooks ftom Ito Hist spplTu—. TaalomtuTohadtooonload'Wtih slioaloftellatos, aomstf - , iwuu w)UI m-aam mi w i n ^, ^.h.w Whom oreo go'ao ta'n'i^ eonyuy adraMtsemaol&dUowsm^ ' mighly, and wUI tnnlli and you, ny besidlsaB ftiend4 iV la the only ihtotfikU will naUTlbna troth la mighly, and wUI ^ will And tiut my Onguoui la the only tho Beard to grow, and will neltfaotatalu r IniuA'tho aUfi, 'I send It to tny part of the oauntir ft*oo dt postage ibr IL 131-tq n. O. OAAlIAUi NA In Maaaaaatnat, H.'K c; lOBDBH AND MAOBIII . ' PUOXOOBAPIlS^JOE.CODiniH, itsg oeahmi^ and dib len'a dtcsai fEH HA01% oltiisu'a di«ss,,slandlng .boslda hla betla,ea)M. elwJOUN a IIEBNAN.Ihno.ixik|Uon4( TOM EniS OON onKU ami lOMUYKIt 31 cento eaidCTv^Vjfllt M par dna BYBNS'B AIN7ID0TB FOB ToilbQO. inibis I OHEW INO, BMOKPta and gHUrro«>..<d ' FDTY OBlm per package i nVB i<it T1?0 toduMmtntotoAgenls. AlllhtsmnMst on Koalpt of namod prkits, by , JAMES gAlTfe yUKTENTS ' 7. ■ Prlaa OBKAV jdb,m£l 70 Ohanh street NnrHaTn, I ,4arBEND FOBONBOKOUUOBBATBOQX^ PUOlOanAPI •nTsiAHONEBY OUlCOLAUa. . 'TUrtai* f OOE BEnet-THEBLBPnANT. ' . BTOnOSOOPIO TIBWa 'Li srtUi Ban and Fincy.Waleb Ohams. Eays-Mngsr lUnn Pus, Pocket l(nlrss, ko.,Ae, Samnlaa sent by malt for^l UK ncea laksn ftom Card do Tlalt^. ll DO to 110. OeldPIatsd Eeyl ana0hinns,l4. Knlroa, II, |3. K, 10, Bend 11 cta.Dostagsoa Enlrea. At WnousAin asp (isMa, Oanls, Ouvks, riliila,sto< Addnaa HAltTMAN * Oti., IMm* Boi bS), New York 0I(/Post OIBm I:'?.-:- WAN T E D! WA N T E D ftTBIBKEnS AND UOUOTAOUBS -DO. DUOOr Tf .'QOLDEN ODOlt Is Iho powerlhlnt iHinpound tbat lsUtthawitrld.' ThnOoldouOdorjirill IBRsafuII act of Whiskrn or Monstaohoa lu On weeks nnon tba smoothaat ftoe, wltoeat slain or Inlurr to ths sUk Wsnantod, or monsy ntunded. Also; Hair oa UalilUoada la woeki,<'8snt peat paid 3 jtuikogea (n |1. TasUmunlala tt thonaands. Address V& Ct BBUIOS, Dnwar OOOg, Olil^ilJk UL IMPORTED 0ARTES.DB.TIStT8 AND STBDBOSOOPIO VIKVn received regularly P'-r aUauier. Inm Curop*-. A handsoma Album, with twenty plotaros, aant by .mall (br IX latalOiiusi aent oa'ncolpl of atuup. 0. Jt EAoilUON, Post Offles, boi 2Ut BoitoiCUaas. ll-*n» W^ pa»1nll; /ND HOUSrAOBBS In U daysi HnattBg nl B.onta'TW'.liXi'K^'-''-*'*^ " Now'iaidy.^rlcs, only OOooalj, or.t (;' paid. AddrsBs lO-Tl* .'^'^iS Tklnga?^ " post> WoMMaiThL ^^SBlMnuU l«w<aa, Myi .yMtago, IlL j-lELEPmiED.FBgOg,^ ^ -n ,,„ -mi>w ^ -IBANHPAtalrf'ljiaDWr^^ " , .'BTOBTIHa OOI^BI^ ^1 fall add Ibo MMd'gikht M/ab and seht Mst-^lo, by BIOE N.Y... '^■r 39-lf Ilahns, N. V, N'THIEELBI A-"*»ah" worit- Wsat,' end what Bbe -saw' aad 'Bid,' iidll fitr soda.-'AddnSs ' TfbEP. Ll WNOWpN, aiffln, Oble> (gsiraninrWda. Addrm FBEP. LiyiiyjUiPyi^ljgn, Ohio. irii'BonoBijt .XTDTltiti NonoEir notioeiii rc,.,^... _ JN^Snnmn aesding nit 10 otBla, wTO.I'Mataiped ML ^ ySSriXMoM* wlJl.r*MlTs'u'V^lfa«'mos|, l^am PKOTBEB" »»ai i.wTjt ,ttWiwdl?W»^ adTorllaod In \iiSt^ 3«-3t* a TJNnAOB, a da, iblilsy BblilsyTUlarvlbat,