New York Clipper (Oct 1864)

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■ f elc'cli .1.- ."•r;| -.K/' THE ]SnEW YORK rciB in;u'jt: In ■ ryvvlia Ion 04 W|tt d«tl •fl»)!v. .' n.iiK.- I'IrrmMptiifMUMralt' «IU iv>/i:J:..l ro 1:171 T•l(bdr«lllIlkU]••«i8«■•■<^. •irml 10 .Ml' ojf 1V vn'^. j: W.ld 'I'.' .': Tliii)iii)fr:. t2:ri 0(1 *.t .*. ■ ciJf;pL-fi 11 .■*.-.■ /; !• vi,' •till Cii »",• e?rt : (/■ 1 It"Riih'( c . ') ©jeii/vp::.'; j(I!|^-..; -fjv H(« i.:/r*r> •. i Xl<l'i T -I ... .! • Oil .1; \K • •■ ■to I.I.J ,1 1:.--' •la elf'-- . ..III -Ibw t>(*J .1 a 10 Jii»:iil ■■ • . .fino'Vfi'J'".'"' aJHb^'iV^ .tl ' ■:•|^,!7?«SB»»MW'»^^»^v«*• ;i ir'li'u»pnMi»w«Jiuiha, •J<IHttT«<>«IH<*«ll»ll"J. .' ,i^flDILUk*Uiaaau>d*«w»MU«tiln, ■ :., HanUpndUtaDduubo'«rtite.i 10 ..>ii'Btntb(eite(Mial|«." . QQINQ FOR FISH ■1' ' oitohliig • Dutk. ,1,-.I',-., i I.. . II - ■ ■ % ium 'y *"» »^ ° U Vfircifr THd«n'ire'airaT«,^t rot til - if .tiiao, _ Ihmtcft POiMl 4'"0''Byo'Ma'Westohestir <tanl7, ItWiTortiMoit"*" by rtJl"ft(jmth8 cityyrhoro, ten Is a g«oaliio'''Bpor(mab'8 9alir|( where tho Cufrb -adoUier.EaodUiliissoaaalnaveba round.' This Is not ■".""nTin^df iiaiioojiaboJa.buttlib'wator"la flro' and • ^i^iSi^'i tfSititTe bi dfiaiii oV Boutboo, bb ne oux (eetliy .wioiSomMCial.exverlonoe..... . . . ' .ai3>.iAiidotaBOSDawbonirewentu«ra plokerel ilsblDg a no iiiWidMa ago, tbU ohaptor boarelb iMUmoor... ■ ii'Jt n SSaeiWU a «boloa party oX us,«oiDe>OoUuiDJto», odo '>o>f:'«ii!tira' oountiT.gents, a' baoker of UaioUJ'a from tbo v'bx.|lfewkr4ilt/<'dr Pittsburg, imd a fUr.-aprtoktlDg of tbo ' siTMMcooted pati'Of oreatloD,' dominouV known us '. oMoi i^fagot tliero oarl}-,so7l get.Prtnca Jeromo to prepar-. bul^liivhls boMSi'llnte-. balbiand so fortb, fora gnnd! t:mo. '""^Ibt'JiUl^nillaMi did honor to- tlid name or tbo pond'by ■^'-'ttduEtiig'or iomo old "B70" «blob "Aloo" bad bVonght ' Mno.-.^iiiii^y firom Vlltsbnrgb, and the crlaolliies t«ok in a ^Htlbn orletDonado tuid eborry oobblen, to keet) ut from ■nl',^Vim>Di.- "'■':'. • ' f-,At Kst'tlio boat4 werd ready—000, m ancient..trbalo -UE/.lw'namod tlio JaokDunta, was soloctQd by your bum- eti-jiUsierVaDtaniBOOuiilo oroliiors, wbomeoiit/ZiA, and not fun and fllrUog.'' Tbe<"Jiidy ofobe take," » pretty •rifu rMit Iwati.vaS'Seleoled by (Jog Alei^dor, our hero from <tf jkMUsoargb,,wJio of oooiso Uau a liovj'.of Ailr qnof .with uhnrtliavifbrM/ls a t'spori" . of the. lint'water. Another , iaa <|i<Ml),*'wUolioncediddntyosa<bnnb outterta.aiSbip 1 lo tiitM'P««^;'took In tbervst'oMbe party,Bnd woK.sup- ''^.'^iWed'wItliwpdwIohaB, we started fur the Hablij;ground, tit ''uc'Vo'.jnttio wbalo bont'f well'Suppllod irltb llVo bait and , goodtsiqklo, apd plloUld by u golMtat foKcw Mo LoU .''"'V^SbiB'atiot'biLlf to iilccoB lii tbo Army of tho Fotomuo, i?i^°%miwiftao)pigln tlirco iind fuor pound pickerdi wiUi aiSl%.m^'t^^ parly m lta6,oultor, not so unottlous, wore ronoiWWni'iWi&iVonns oloso iii ubuto, taklog 'qui^u aiid in iu yeNtLPy.'lbe^tolf not by.tJie busboU King AJoiandor, with ona uolllng. line out,: and one of naiHgtte-boM-jW<>pus: at. the and of 11, >vei)i. aallbig over ^ m tjiiMikeiUke a wlldiovof as be li, abowmg bis dexterity. Julirttait«aklngUid.TeMtng,BDd'eIiel|liv pretty sorsnms luid loB bi/ttrlai:mSA>]»'tialo the liidleii,''as ou' ooooslonaJ .squall Jfdi T^Mfumtio iliJM^ Unrfor^wate?.' • .» \ ■•■ ; jaglrorN^nqn #OKA|ibbOTtd In 'dbont'seven loot (|.^(^B^ti^t((Uf^pe3ao^ lako-tvticd bottom, ;bul edJftQhe thing,'^'' , ...lltdiOie real oN 'llyo" with hlin In.tliesoU.boai, l^lbswkiwebr.dall''IiyD.poDd".io delink out of,.lie 1 ns by the oars, ipirUuaUy epoaklng. .ininlo'i lAod.waatwaa mop:tsiiiwliziug) tbe man would round '.'UitiMiBliibost^tao, ovety Uttle wblle, windward or un, I it' I VKmn ill mil m i " , .;,„' " tbaiuant^i*,.** '■^'i!?9^?^Hf''V!>W¥V>^li'^ one ••mil'widimiM WuTer » «»o«entspdl bonnj- Then rilSdJSTOtindofapplaosjeoholngthronghtte^^^ litf reoaUad an ttf • sense of ay simatioiu _,"'»",° ^£ bSTnSewiDy'ortme I had Sod. SpflBglM SwiSgcTl was SrtYen on board J^.tS'S anobw, and, while oHlcers woro mnk "5 f™"'"?if^?h2 fofme,'tha waves of thd blue AUanUo rolling te- twean me.aiMl.tJio seene of .my or mce. "najr an_a8. ■noodiumo' f rofamed my profession,and for years 1 nIghUy llstopsd to tho pUudlta of adnJrlng crowds, it last tane. saw my Beauty, enbonced raycr than dimmed br the passing years, and again "Jj"'*"'? his lOTd, that love that had tomptod me to aommlt iv d«me, tlio memory of whlbh haunts mp yo'.M^'""' hiinnl me forever. At flnit 1 spumed his olToij but at SrSefwMng me",' fo'o'n'thn oauso of py'orlno, boooino mr ruflogpuslpD.'; Ited fi-om him; lid Ibflowod mo. In 'jliii StnUlk Ihtf 'siUI 'Ih)MltroaSi-iildd of the jf. #mt'fte; bebtt;•Tiltung'-Jrill loligJegs a .. , nllpvaair ssnditig bim ovorboonl In less umo botfltluiv^ iung out, VHow* dyol do." Vt Jnst.iomptled ondugb to (lout handsomely, toward us,Bud,poer Also, wAo was noewjmmor; 3f9lllfmJl9W»ili^..U#,i<l}tfm,, SlUjWoaODiUlrly (MvrHnlnc; was/no (OaiM.iiiir'il, .fiiit^ iMWOiOpi^'aiidJutT.BnoDghWiStl'luiiJst^ bbn 'fV-lfi lobgj'osl-ling'halni MekaOmo tbo Jiigoame Uoat- "l "i,'''"9lS*"SfVi''u>U l''Jath*TtbinK'bur adouoronmo upi ' ■ •■r'5!"'''!>.'''J'??*''r.ddl:eV4ro'eiieodlly 6ut, while <m ■epoi to ; / the iW«itifti*ot br A)TO,'for lUir •-—' ■ ■ , A-v^^ , . — —-'hands wen) dtiuoilug /«,..htoO»tottr9.i)»at, hut 6f that ptt>c»ousiug. •• ^ took;it'Vhprn all ro>lhd,"_'Bnd' fnum 'liictn ,,m onr turp, sboekltnttbo drlppieg hero of tbo, Ir'O/^the.talOi."' In vain dldjhe pluud t'o^ a drop to .utUm .Qmn' taking obld.' We ;'vualdn't soo it," uo ttm, iiBSihad bad.bls day, and now ours bud qpitie. i.As And. no! oboloo taut 'to trlia Ids sheet and'run In hlspresonoel.Vras.htilplesa. .. . .. j . Atlastldetoimloodto ftvonyseir. ilenthtDpolsonod wine. He mast hme snspsetod my IntenUoii, for, while I tn> iwalUdg lo a, strange, nnnatural oalm'fer news ef his death, be stood before me. Bbmdlng tlin<ioior|> mo he itrank the wine—the 'poisoned wine that.I dad sent °4ihD;uid, before I eoaldevenstunmon asststitioeisaiik at my feet a corpse. , . J^.j . Fpr.a moment Igaxtd spell-bound npon the rem I naa oKut'd/taen lapsed bito InseilRlbllily. Wheo, nnor long months, I regalHod.' oonsOlousneBe, I was completoly ehanged. HytManty, ofwbleh I had been so proud, was goneT I was old, deerepld,-wrlnkIed,B8 you aco mo new. at I'OarM.'not>;L«diiId And a homo among strangers, and catbor eshes'evAi'' the memories of the pnit, and In uUeKdisdUtldn iftlt for death. Bueh has been my llle. Hono' suspoota tint tho feeble old woman, who totlors slowly by,her-blear eyes bent upon .the ground, Is aho bpon'wiram (hoy oneeMavlshod applsoss, when she bore the prond name of IJatoD orTragedy. V THE' RAWTHER HUNTEB. On the banks ofths heantirnl Sa8qaehannallved,many years ago, nji Individual whoso life eeemod to have been devoted to tho'woods and tho'stxoam^ He hart grown old ■ _ 2.....^ V... Uty^tlW^ arfil IrnOtty OSk, A VCBllgO =141. V. . ..ardlhood. 'When I taw hlorlMt, ho reminded mo of a dilapidated and Uo- eerlbd tiim*. deonyltig; but still slrong. I courted aoaaalhtancoj and many a time have I warmed mysoii, during dreary, weary months, at tho briRht lire the in- dustry of ago had kindled. I lovodthlsold nan,buttbat lore oonlrt not have orlginotod In pity for bis mlflwriiunos —no, ho was happy as the spring birds; tho only regret be ever oipressed.was that the "cloarlnqs" aronnd. had driven away tbo gamo. Uo was himself tho p'onoqr or 'thvferosti'nadolvllii.tUon had deprived him'of.biflf of 'llB'oh»rms;yethe'WenIdtoll oveMbo talcs of his.cvent^ Iblllfe,andwcopnBdIaughBahdreooOntodtliem. "pp, sMd he onc'o to me,'"l havff soon tho foet-frrints of tho Indian and the panther; whdro now the Holds are white with the harvoSts; they have both passed nivay with tbe wUdeinesSj'and my owirgray head will seoaaio down In the dnsW-linnBlnot murmur—yet I shall be tho last who BaswllnodKntnatars on this'epotlii hor simple' and solitary grandeilii', bat If I oould onee again oxbltilt a panlberskln as the trophy of my dgo.IcouM forgot oven that." Tboro wos sotnethlpg.patbotlo In themnnner tlils vrfts. uUerod—somsthing moraneholy in tbo idea, and It woi m yoli) I atti>m6VM| a Teplrr Itwas an nll-absarWeg tbouglit,' andligave tlib wlngsef unoy to rclootlon—Itinlghtbavo boon propbetlo of.the old msui'sond, for on tbonexl day thovlllBgors^eraannsed by a report tliat a. paiither had been soon in the nelgliborliood. Ills oycs brigliloned at tbo inloliiecncc—ho scomod to-have shaken off his years! And I snail never forget tho OrmnoEa 01 lils slop ns he sboulde'red bIs rifle wltl) the hope of gaining tho tro- phy lio (joslrcd. , '■ . , , , •il'U^Ond.tbo creature," "I jan ii> to tho spol, andJtflbOiOU moiti'd eyes do,f|et.all bim,} slinil havo an. eas^itask—bat there'aiad^now^ng .w^bat iSly take plaoe,: tbey^aredangorousnnimalr.'*'-. . .-1'. '' t^Msbed bIm snccess, and :he departed,, sooempabled only by bis dog. lir.Qrflo d^y waa (isl waning awa^, and tho sbados of sur- ronndlog .trees ODvelopeil thOr VaUbnil hdlitor us ho paced the margin of an almost Inaoo'cBslblo ravlno, o:igor to'dlsoovorbleproyi but tbo panther appeared not, and He'bogsn'U) thinkbo'wab doomed to watohin-vain. At ionglh ho leaned his rifle 88810.11 a treo, and commoncod partoKipg of a sligbt ropasl ,hs. bad provided; all was allil nrniin' mui VfTit'rltiilf-itiMilnllO his rifle—a few .fir».«hy^ro than a buodrodJML Thitherward itao hut» terstrsSredrlooUoa upon tho ^oom and tfao.-yalloy be- low, orlmsoned-wltb tho raysortho selling sun, while tbopgbla of other day«\obas»d .'ane,aiiotb«r;keros8' hfa OUR ORAIPATIO PORTRAIT {UaERY. JOHN I. OWBSa Hal, Owns i»is h*a In LInnMl. SB». of ^alah Mnrntage, la (Siktrat «H Unnukl to lb« nalMI Steua "htn only tbnj ytus of iga by hie ^.3., who bit Mtlled la adUmcn, lU.. tret, •tea i^da£!S%,(in Ulhii city. ""OvtJwm^Pb^ whoa Me, Owaoi «» ptrminimUy »liblUhrf htaijl m btut- nttt. -Toong CN^baVUKi eonplsKd In Uie QaatsrClly the Jp- dldoos eddeUoa bmn iaBaWnon. tl bwame a parutdaaM. tlen-|0d«1aiofaieSunlIiacfcol«><if •p»r<nlop. TfjJS^JS pnOMnca IbrptaTBkiloaloil rtadlog. tba bout of kla difpodUan -WhlaftitaaArtMiM Wud would laj-ooooniaged Wm In th« (tudy or oadldao. ud placed Um under the wtU-nown diugitt; Bunui laAwan, Twita uil Bstloowood atteoli. Fhlu- dtlp&'u, Ihs bccUna John.Uim lo hli alxlMnlb ;«u',dld not oonhnn tail hihei'a ehoico, hnrdrer, int, haTlng ioquind, thraajb 111* laoclallon wlUi coUla amitoor thMlrioalu a pa» •ton iSr the •tu^ tw rtiolTCd upou giving Oilu lb« go-by ud adapting tho tSkudbutlnof Thoapli. Ul<dnintUo«iiv<rc» aii<«uBi^aiid«rUi«iiuDi^iiuaior Ho Ulo Wm. S.ButoD, 4 the Nalloul Thoiln, PtUiilclplili, vtawa Otaatlolla Cuibmin lU then BtutUair tho pnbUe aim ha muUeitatlou at a power- at wu then Btutllag tho pnbilo (at gonlua. II ma ftr tram prating saoooiahil, or ovao eseom^ aeuglo thaimbltloudroaiuof onr joaag isplnol,«ha,aflar au wcaka' andansu or the ilmilgcn of iba ottgo Into wbloh he wu rapidlyamtlhu. took oonnwl with tiB jMt, and dcspond- eatlyntiinedtoui pbiimioeallcil pamllf. HU djlpodUon- na howavor, too alMls to taruin long daprened^'and, ihaUng oS hia dlMpocislaonl, ha detcnntnad upon oioa noia aiaulng hWrcrlniiaa ggon tta> alu<>. Uka Ltilan, Burton, and a hnn- diedolhata whohaTotltalocd the btgtint haooia of tho eomle •■aga, Owenahaeana Innnud irilh thar Idea that ha pontaaed traglopovffiofDO noooimon order, and hla i mhl t tfln havlag baoarcUnOladby ■ "A apark fl«m ghokopeara'a mnao ef fin." lie dlnelad hb allbila, upon tila latam to the boardi of the HaUobal, 10 iha nioitraUoo ot tho paxlou or.liagady. .Wa •aoood aliampl la Riaip lha hlitrloDle Ituids wia evao leaS tno- eaaAil than Uw im. lo truth, the wooia-botauedhui wis to hnmodciataly Uoghed at, that Iho hllirlona effect a tho paitoirii- inoa auggcaledufl nobabla exocUaaoa in comedy, ixul actlag npon the aunaitlon,Bu<iD—whoaa lean pooaptlon haddlsb covered Id young Owns'tho gtm oT.Uuit comlo genlna which ha lived to oeo n CaKuly doraloped—<aa< Um for a aab- orllsatrf«mlaohu«WT, lo a druna called «Tlia Ooeaii RUM' lUa per1btni«no« or ths part pi end to ainnlatalubla "hlt,'r ana loat a mirkod popoliiItT la the pleca, which had a ran of. faar trcaks. l]«rcn(tattlitdnnlthopuMloh«a4ordJ<tlyRicagaIiad Iho power orthaToniifooiiKidlu, and tho p<«aaaddlnalti lotal- Uient laudntlona to h» popularepplenao, had tttabllehed for hlia a flalleiloit lepnhdon. On the ilzenElh of fucoestb Ur. Owens wu offcml u>] acooplod an' eogogament of Oral law comedy it tho BolUdir Btrtel Tbeatie. uiMmore, nndar the mioaeemest or Peter Buhligj. Mthaelaioofthoaauanhewu recalled to PhUadolnhla by Buiton, who bed aMOOied. In conjono. tian with Pnll, tho muuKonKnl or Iho ChcatnutSHoolThealreki and ihued the cmncdrbntloeu with hini. until tho cloalogoT tho houio bv Ourtca'a tetliaaicnt Imm tho managrmentl t<<k taralng lo StlUmon lo ISU which bo thrnceTonnnl made hlt; Uiao,Mr. Owcneictepladaoonjiiieniontet Iho Huiaua, nadar Uaan and Silibco'a menigmient « _ - one, comnitalaa nc^ artitla u Ur. and lln. o. P. Bowen Mia foecnhbio Shew loaw Itca. Ucoy), John Nlclduoo' .PW;fbif'l>n houT.'.Mltwiiibm-.untll wo hud mtoy^ot: tho 'Vfrdsh-wulipf^'hnatka'' as'we' ■lo.'M9riien.w4 andthe sun-Ilsb paf (y.,went Into lUo Bi to seo'how. 'Alee and his party got alooit. :ii^i.i;cj«Biif7onget4ny:llsh,AlsoT''wo»isked. ^qu-;:^ji/ ii:(nl nwoJi .. 1- . - ^ ■" " * r..j-^i .1 c: 'THE. AOTHEM AHt HtH HIVAL;: .' •'-'-'I'll ■<.:.y,i-;i v ..i..t ri'.. ;i.; .•''';:'',"'.;l»,11ie ''d]m,'dark'paiit','whloh'sopnis,:olr, toi^ar away. ;j;\,ti«thf.vell.that.',hJdos It 'from lilouHltlvo oyes-lln that (! i, fm: anotlmo;' l,1>ad ronny,aatt' doar Mijnds.^ am an brahids.nOafarxalSiiiirfaast'tbolr'niokerlng ahidoM oversliarvoatdeld,--He.waaaroued tftm Us hiMity' by a mstllng In the shrubbery neiiV hliii, .'asa tbi'ning be Dohold a'panthqruoross'his path.'- Ho shuddered.'for hia riOe etlll loaned agninal tho troo whoro he bed Ion it, and the panther was bolween him and thalitroel .,' "Ob,'Godl"'llo orled,-''be thou morollhl to mo." " Thoaplma) seemed to havo 0bBe;i;ved'hInl/.'and,'spr1n'c>' Ing inw it^jwll^lek sereain,' now sorveyod the holror. sWplten.htthWf,'.while Itg-fl^rco nud itory gazojnade' hinl. reooll to tho v6ry brlpk of tbe proolploo. Re'oast, his eyes over tho aoysa—there w'aa no rotreatT-floatb stared Ulm In the lace op.elthcr side, and he gave hrmseir up to dospalr.. Vct.Uibromlghtbo hope; helieldhisknifooiien n-opo hahd, whilst, uneonaoieua of wbul ho did, ho Oiin- ly.graspad.a tnull sapling with Iho other; his doR, how- over, inateail.of relioving bis fears, only olcitod tliom by IrrllaUng hlaXoe by an angry bark, na it lay. crouohed npontbe limb like neat ready lo spring upon hor nrev: buVMIil thateprlng-wits delayed, as If it loll oonsolous taatlu broy wos^Baeuro,and jLploaaoro In holding Its vtoUmliftorrillb'suspense. At length, ripping up the bark, and wUhJLferoalous and plerofngBoream, It drew doughlor, end Via Cracker (uowMre. P. B. Conwtyi, On the Seili or Auoatt, ISie, ur. OwcDi reopiHuml In riilltdelphla, at thePhlUddpUa UiwuiD, InUa'ciilcUall. as Juk Uomphilai,' In "luniloie Ibo lahlos." ror the t»nalit o(4). P. Oowciv. In 1819 ho .laccanio Johit manager of tho Balllmoro Mnsoum w*th niim; and tho aooccedlBg ;cor easamed aole control of lha catabUihmeoC, which ha aoon oleraled la a reoKtnlzad poalllob amOna the Sratdiulhatzei or ihoconntzy. Boclh, Charlotla Cnahman, JollaBttn, Jiuca E. IIaiiloch,'Oliar|ca SlbdaoPtU, EUia Logan, Joon II. Dinnpoil, tbo Barclf, Jemes W. ITellaek, and Ur. and tin. Bwncy tVOUams plwad eoMcof thalr moat brilllut ongigemcnlj at that house whao unaor Ur. Owana* nuhaganicniTlt.aualioat Ihlaraxy pcdolt that Barney \nv lianupcrrormddAtr/lnMarfTt^apnncnl. Ur. Owona reatleiaen- iVPtiaOf notDODtantwllh tha.notiblo succotalthadachleTcdat tho, Uuaaujo, iought oiher' flelda of tilumph, and during hta nuQuomenl ot Iho laUox oatabilphmoDt he olrtoled, or con- tnUiS at aUL-nnt pcrloilf, the BollUiy BIreetlheaIra, Waahhig- ton Theatre, Katlontl Thotn, Fhlledelphla, en Italian Open Compeny, and the oihlUUona of Turn Thumb. In 1891, it Uio eeracstHlicluUon at lilt tdond yahnDnoghini, Mr. Owona oonfenleO lo Inaugnnlo, wlUi hiar parfonDUiKa. Diwigham'i L;unni (now Ui» Bivodwa;), Kaw Tark, then newly built, and met with a vwj coidljl rcc<pt:<(i. Ula eugeAcinent Uated aoToial wcaka, nheu bnelucucillod hhii hadi WBaldmora Soon eAor hla reluni bo dlipcicd 01 hla Incorvei in lha Uuecum to Hcniy a Jarrelt for 118,0001 aud Mr. Owene puichuod a nug^ nlOcont eatata or eoTonl hundred eaea In Iba Immediate vlchil^ of OalUmon), end tamporaillj reUrhig from the etase, uilonaly doTotbdhlniseirta.lboUnFrovoaienlof hla rarm—upon which ha yet realdoa when pfofealonallydUoagiged—and to theeuloy. modi of rural f<U:IUc>. On the Mlh of Juse^ IBU, and tnb<> lueptto Ilia retlremul bzm muugcmtni, lu for ihojhlrd or .'onrlh time allied for birope, and declining a flttleihigaogiiga- maul at the Adclphl Ibealie, Loudon, than under Uad. Cdctla'i fflaoagenient;horB3de an eatontlvo .tour pver tho oonllhout— mailnii tho eacantor Uut Blino.: Pctumod to Ihia countrr, • '-^ s.i.i—— ...1 11. jjjjj ipuloxt- whKh '*JCMX1 OASiCD OF" To Obrr«pMdeBl>i';, ■W. B. Bnan.—"An' Is U ih« yen irot"'" Ic4» waleeae opto- lla, Indleallva of leoawed health and iMrltat ^1^ an <a*fa^ win be gtad to kam. duly reeetred; _We ■ meetJjMai* ngej oulnaSlltytosem' fft'Timni LanreDlhali la t»s msHtt of glJalti i.LoiiB aouanD/-ThaBksltac Iha^PioUami good lodk and lepoi ifaapIetoiataaaRaasanidhlseonhdb- ulor who novar lilaa to huny. Enlsma No. 448. Dram one of onr Oheu toiv Bceka. na uim athlai at hla T, RBS; H'Sta], KKI«, While to play'and gln'nuta In'lmr oisim,' Problem N«'44S. KBtd. 1 f KtTth. BLAOS. mailnfl tho eacant or uut juino.: acnimou lo inia ecu end gara in £hlladalphl» Ealllmere, and Ihla city, hit : Dlino coterUlnment, alth pancmmloillui^ttou, (hopopi It or wbloh rlvtUod Ihtlor Albert BmlUl'l In London, by i Ithtd ovlde nuif oeon tniwcalcd. ..The onlaruinmaDt wu finally 'mCreiTEiSjSanigJMfl^ tfi-f bSSfrflr9K.JJ*?™iini8Si nna, whl^h heooodualid'oao aiatoairith In hit ampanr/oitpb JefonaD audi Jelia B. ol.Octoboiv leCT, lu uMoni a; tkottro at 1 shriek of horror sprank iisldb, 'fbHunitolv' hold to tbe sapling with on almost oenvulslvo grasp. The abara olaws of the animal Oxed Jn hlsololhing iiAd^comod nIgK ■)vllh. B;'oyor Iho dread to b4(re.oarrled bin^ .headlong' .In I: .eldwoman pow:.m' oncp raven.halr'Bllvored; my fermi- onee so erect. Is bent and drooping.' Tho yekN weiah —- -liMivlly upon me.- The friends of my youth have pnaaed oom etrth and left me- lopely, withered, blighted In tho wlatdTof my lifg.. Itis of ono of those frloSdsl irtSd spaakr-onco a frlo--" '—• '- ■- -■ - • ■.. " hi ' nlghttothU'cliy have been pure and Innocent. ;.tiMii..;*Ji|8iJB;<?IL'\»as. wltl^ no dapcndenoo hut my own lit O.QSBftlOttg-i"'' a nvnllhnilfl '.whnn 1 IIhi, 'ka, .L- . r . I i . -iWB^benatl i^iM thaUreptdalMiIander ''•■•Mniif ■ --^ "laoctkhOM Vu"§?ffi?iv f"i?''"^^«" wwram.BiBat'i"wa8n(h^^ -4'er^^i»a»don.of^ a(*-enco a friend, but, la the end, alag i a bitter. *e*'oiloiiiy'to-tho trnsting girl whose oonfldodoo ho f'JJlrtr.jnjsq-Jiiipos hO: bllghlod, who but for him' ■"•T havo boon puro and Innocent. W..: ^^P^ ilapenienoo hut my own yollbood'.phon rilmt.,m?t tho man who ivbe.iny.deslJny, fllBdai1i,rlob liaauty; M-ni.M t,.<J''".l2'.?"*"^f''' '**'!f "y"'' "onlflJ Unlgbt'hatl',.'and .lhe. mollow oodenoes of a. veieo lemujlo l.hayewvef heard eqa^led, jron-tfy heart w.VT:hm,-ffhenl»tflWftBmllVa8*^ roiiT WlJM! toldmoof (ho tunTiwhloli?. " Wjfwon.of Wbloh ho wasa dl»tfiigat»,«,a^„„, v:;'»:jKte".srL°L°"^^ dr^wljigfttvsy 0 c 01 jAl this time thTre'.wns addilif lo our comni»';,. .t- member, a Iklr-liiood. low-volcod ■,iin=ii.i,™''i"Py..'"'otliOT as a slooplng pdolWal^ '--'^^^^^^ «'^''' "oauUfbl was ,'tbr tltno rj 01 JWVkwIng ID my heart, until, at length It wiTroX' II e;5Jth»tlhUli spring. As yet I bod no prMr^ut fK?i V' fwSwSp?- ^ ""'''^ "° lonTe^doSbrth'at ho^Sa^ ''■'•■'^^ tor reprt^ntaUon. gowlng ItaQan beauty should overBhadowhiffMiJ?,: '^^.■feiri''^"?,/''' 1''^"'OK-hKo3an"o.*7j|J i.'?^J5i°iS^:v',^'"""'«'i il.' eiiriiMBed mynoln toiuoh'SIS tSSSit'i.'"'* maddened me aa I marked tho dllffrnnni in ijiMS&itteiS '""^"•O *o>X;S.toyffiaTaht' '/^ffla'ait?^^ ontEe flilr faoe wlioh had roWod moXll iSdoar i ■ &ho7.5?in«Mi„"S:".'>' hutin her hre2.t°"iii ».vjr«';«a L';;%7°Bro^w''.S7,M :nbyi8.f FpTamoment Itseempd.that.thO'bhnlhor would >rdoeverltaifaotljig,:b.ut tvltli an: InttiiUVe'b'fosedco ^f'lnBtantlywlth'hls knife ripped aaun(fer his oWlhlnK and it follflrom erag ti, orng, marking the t^arp.projietlons of the reek with Its blood, till tho woN noide soAntKorits'Tall'to the earth struck on.hla ears as J6yfUIIy ifa.tIlo sounds of llhorly to tho eaptlvo. Be rushod forward to hJs rifle, fa,tr(u] perhaps that life waa ^oitlnetin hlsenqmv. Boon, however, th* oon- >X hftJlopO'."e.'.lpdgod In the hoed of bis foe; while a prayefTiripl np (o heaven teom hla lips la srhti. tdde fbiiblapreserYatloti^ . ^ .: ' Thb''hunter-exhlblled his Irephy, but thRell and MiVor -liad beon too gro|it-blB age oould notonduro It, and hia romalns erelong rested In the earthnoar the soeno of his .teplflo ttolilo^ pmont,., ■ .■■ , -'iTHt^lttW REOBUIT .il..'>.il'u0B, ... . Htf'W tO'EntMt Soldiers In Dutoh. IB, roadar 'B{n»t'pli(tUroi.,a'?lput, .big-bellIed,ah8W- id: rp(fi;hlUB{^ifflpini'i«tU a lilw .oaif, ^toa'J, fSfi uipieopiit short aWwl^la ..TOB, halr6ii frontliL. and araw enswmor fybii{."iyef(iad,||iiKthVpai)on'Bh and a longttaUod gtajT'eeati 'Th'e'oineoi'ma'^aflatfre* oruite for a Oerman regiment, and thus woutfqr'l^iiaa' coiit)bleqo)uitrymeni. • 'ii';v r ''LoldofO/'ntne/bi'datyoat- ' ■ ■ .;^iTftwi" 'i . • ., "Como mit me to bo a Mlar man." ' f ' . "Nolpl" ' v.'. j^ . , ' ■ •"•'yawl■eomai ltbeaonice." ' ' , "NeinI I gets shnolt." . ...:..'„ '.'Nlii. Py tnra,it Is hotter.a'good. U been ftion all do vile. Koa Inilst nllt me yon geui nelo handrod tollarc^ bountlsb.!',,... ■''riijr.';','.i£i)il yoil gels snoh nlco olblhcs ai'noVbr vas. Shiist look iilnor'' • ' ■ ' ' : "Sol" • I- ,•, ■■. ; .::) :l/T«W>' uAna In the mbrhng .yqn do Imm pqnts, dat Is d« Buroel'a gompllmcnls to oome an' git your sennopps 1 J. .-u'.../.i. ■' ■ .. ^ ,',■', ' , "s?r" . . ■ ■ : ' ..'!. :.',' Tawi^'And pifrtysoofli'bims, by, trums pent again, and dat. lib do garsol'S gompllmonla to oomb catunme eaur-krout'tSil'taasikj[Oilllthlm,|>y Um.^> i ' '"So.myMhdorT"""' •;'/';" '' ""• • ; ■ : i. "Yaw, dot Ish so. Job .putty soon, blmo by, dor triid) fieals, and dat hib dagiupel'S gompllvonls to yido mit ilm In dor oaMdge to 'soff 'ypqr vtew'or your Kairlna. 'Aiid den you rl^hs init blttAll,iittTdoolty,nodboodal8 „K /. .. ...T... L^.i: . iAt«,anddat moke arbipe He hut ihoutlr atranZinr Oabmua, whlcl^ Pa aoadoated wtUi,naSAabIa aueoaa Blnoa that juried baiLu prrformed vlUt cclal Ihrouihoiliha connbrT; end tn tba dUa of Eoalon, Bt Lonii, Cbiclnnall. PhU. adoiphK Wuhlugbn intt Btllimon, nnb amng IhSiSiVji niar and pfoDlaliloortlan. Hla tuoxa m-thli tho Brmdwtv Theatni hu bxm itally Womphant Ibe bonding has been nightly tWngcd ertlS ihe tdn<lRnprUi80idof,tad on aeranl acctHonahta proven. Sor lafaOolent tataabr lo eoooaunodtta the vul orowda ocked t- no lliT^frjfriniiiMaH) liiiiijjiLjLii"_~urTZ '•Tecpla'a'IawTai'rwhich la'nriManyamcadedtalw lha Dostpetftcllnpencuttlont which ^ ever snsedtho^iS^ orany eounuy. • : II wan once rematkodof a raveitla aelnr, thntlioconliiinoM roodU, .01 Uia IhtttoaOaa the labia In aroar'j £3 w. bai"?2S' •ame obiomion hoUi good retpccilng tba gmtcr numbarlS Ibeabrtoil geolhlnion, unny.pencu ml>uklnii Uimn ahiin nii.^ lagtho«»d IM^ orTiiSr. torviSjig'IbL"^''"^^ before Ihe cmlahi: but Inlnia Uiiy an gicatlj dectfvSTnu pracnl labjacl, however, It ad tic. pUon, for he la duSAmlihrd ?ot hie coaTiTlal newan. Ma drcU ttonca, jiunr, ruMSaaT^nd genenl nhtan, which an kne to keep lha cOmpaiiySnand In I ] wilixii ■KUte to play n>d give mate to Ihna '■'■'•" • ■'•.-■oihio'rio. 448. . jnteKsthig Ulfia'piirM liefaraen our eatalb^, /as. a War. ner, and a tnend. Attack, ' ur. Waniar. 1..PI0 K4 -S..P-KBi ■B-.KPx P ■ :'«..BP)( P I. .lt SUBS «..P-4 4 7..Q Et-BB e..KB-D< . O..Ca>Uei 10..qKt-K4 II. .Q KtxB-l-QxgEt ^SotnUea efP«ilVon.(lo. 2X Vol. XII, . . WUIa. i..n to IT' a..M 94 8.. • . U . H tlldWiB& Solution of Dhimmerid'e Slet PoeHIon. - (lUidauileB.) •■ Whlto. • 'Hao»; :r-'TOta _ I..IT<al4 etaU I k. lU T . (to u 1..U .t .d' 14': I «.,'6". naadwlK ^ a moompUaafltwIlhlbaiaqnMlaf aoo'strihoftir Wtibil nnB. baklheaapeddans to fntaiOk that theymvbe monrlnadibn. 'mdto. 1 . Metoh Qime«i : . BETWBBt t. vuanoea -ao i. itfoataoB. ' »,.» U ' :B - ,. M 4..10 14 ' • M . 1» 1..U ».. 8 8.. 4 UCO; to le 11'. i SBOOXB OAUa, . » Id. U PoeHIon No. 24, Vol. XIL ' Hie 33ii CrmoirP^tleo ' BiJiiiiMwiua. ' ' OFBBUUtoirix'OUadUhB. Black l« mara end wta. boeedlngly bMUtUttl.-Es. B. D.] WHREL . ; Black to Dova sad win. MIJTI7AL n. AVUVIL ItaaBB wu iinlla • UtcIj lime it Hoboken on Wadneidty, Bnl elnba on, tha aouth field. jg^itel aad UraUcat at^lha eeuoo^ and a Wjff-ooDtoetad milt^ ' Attad^ * iDeftnce, . KnWanar.^ UcO . U..EKttoKt QBIoSS ie..EB-a 8(e) f-skis 14..P-EEt4 -a-homa 15 EjlX.Kt(e)ilPxB le.^etPxP QB-Ql 1T,,0-Et4-|- K-hlalttii 18..P-EBe(d) KB-EtM|(t) W..D-KBe^ KBxO-l- 90.,KlxKfi m-4)B9{/} 91..B-;iT-t- K-Eltil 33.,KtBivea, checknitla. •(a) ir4i .HotUfbyonr ooolrlbutcr. Q to K R Bth +, tbo opening canllnaea Ihna: 4.'. QtDB«-^ S..P.toKEtt Q-KB-t- e..Q-Ka Q.vKB T..PXBdla-f E-Qeq(l) 1.. ilKtoBto .B,.q8dPxP Q Et^B SdPxPrE X BP . i-B 4 + H-q 14 . J-<je QEt-ttS ,QX OP, andwlnt. ttoKKt*' QXQ '. B X Q. md tho Attack hu the advonlaga. (t) Winning a placo; lot the Doteace cannot uve the threat- ened EL ) lie conld nfciy havo taken with P, hot Stored thOpnl- .ena e d lha wlnao* or the ptltia In lha Junior cam^ made bH Unaolplvtnlhetaat' ■■ ■JJyjgj^jer the Empin pitcben on thls.ocoeaoo, and he «v varyraecceana ' Iho toUawlogIa lha balling aeoi;a of Ujenuiek: T'"- Jew ih roiect i»™e-«"«tfPtSlhfwooW , IL'da Bfioa gooahusuri udnotthe#aalnaouDendtUon.ot hIMicclkHu. neat It, that be teldonl ir erat mUca It with uttis or miUsnJ? To roUowUm through lbs vailou acuMwhlcbAahuwlboiil i%%Sy'^^S^ r?.."" 1« "Puld tn Mr. Owena' hujnor ta aetellii«Ir.anelloiia ind fiowlia. and It '^'^^ ■.Li" moai gamal and keen apiirehen: aion of mirth, nia potoaaUoni are aU atrongiy ludlrJitSaUMd deUneattouorchaiiKlar.'iud are IdtalMihthota hidtsorttvMs tonchMol annptlhy which oouUhile lha alonuuee ofniSnL There It 'ictnelr a ajngle,ehareotau lonettlT eaaajed bvia' Otfeas la which he talltVueeit hie «lpeilortlyTm tte ouL iraol all. of hla rtnla.;.«! prwuoUiant eicallanoo la ptitlSlS ■to tppueni la rekt <ephS&«.for their effect opon IhljIauMTt humor. Bit keen luUact of mlnh, and hIJ a^qnlalle icnao of tha ludlercut, enabta hla to hIm upon polnta or chaniil^wltli tho cOntclont power of -genloa^ tnl to oonlrait Itialr ihadracf humor nllh tbo dello^yand fldcliey of a dtiracRaobDft;uli 7°^ '^.!S'°J''**"^ eppiMaUoD, In.ajmnelhSaa ocIoKS, and tn tho vailed flow tnilplib*<^ humor udliUognlahad from dnl. toy, Mr. Owent le, by many, thcnghl lo bo above any como- ouo notf oo ihoAiDuioui ■uao* .* i BAOINQ VI. POLITICS. ■'•'ix, the neo orilnaiy at ;ilvartoa,''aig., on the Mth uIL. Laid Palmenlan aai pratenl, end while reuunina thanki rcrhii hortth biUM^prejaecd, InijodMWl the IMlowlnilremarka'whlSL althoiuh a UtUe fir Mehti, wb hen glre, beotqia ther ej^ac! - >jwlo th^Pirttdon^ rteo'ful now bighStog In Illa^S !bU«;J^W.'U)ilrt'66Ati,'and dat in blmo l)yiipart»iCH)p,.^lgllb away do _, --atuy(ui,aad'darribde8umel'B<onipii. 'w'?:?.;!""!?*''.'^*" yoifr-nlhe-hdadred lollars boun- lylJUks-hutl gueaa not, py la'mil!'i Xifwl BogoDtT'i ' "r'^j" i'.v..i.'. lleH;'to9''Uor'Brheldenl makes' one gmd.Oetiffrif yoiy purly soon I guct8,but I link not. You g< mo "Tnwl" lerni mit go mit ihiHJSTIKl'.i'Plr?*!*^ " *t« niortdidUnilt paneloallont Pntuag I itop to a wonoan'i tongqg. . }9 ^ oWj—'TOi. chilmtn hu Sbtcd' thai solltlis' an jpt t4 be ajyemd tc^Bed I beg tore to tdrett hTa eSuto degree, t wtU aol eay.^ poUlloflini to poliilol c«n«UoifiSS MpccWljr to gOTOiimalaad pnUuaenhuy eondiUocti rwihSS ?,.f ■Inubil''; W^eM P*«»>unentandparllaraaalarroS dJUoM end the nclnRchfch. wa ban been ^Uhmdhw^S? ,l55l or'S.^-.rt!?^--!?^---* — 'is a ffonenl awci •he wica Then, , !,^5!.'i2?k1? '^^^i but airaoeti;.;;^^ dees molitwlib hla lu^. and he ttnoltlalloonlenladlnu^ racoonler.^ <'"™'«i»of^ the Tutf, bocenu then It that good feeUng )n the BoiSlJ Comment which glvu .weight ftf V « U wirfrne uSt li ^oang onet on tomednu voir apt to holt cm of Iho * JiT"'J'* <* 00' •aloyod to Iho eane degroc 10 Tmr-Uiet It 10 «»y, tliai lAneUAca wo mHa Wjfchit rartUAcnltiy bSKlgo la oinoHod by Iho iSkfi . .t(A" Bnl then cnriuilge dota not mokaua ran the heatcTn ie?5iJ?£« ""'"i 5" dobeto'agatn, ud tfia-dlvlUtu ctcr agalC^ Our Judge decides Iho nutUor on Ihe ipo^hnd. a Ocid boat harlng boon ran. hedcdduuitiMr or one hoiao or the oihor, Jutt m ho nay Udnk it heat lo do. Tht Bbetker tolUca Iho uitllcr, Bo glna •><- ^ — girta tho caatlntf'foto. fOiiiB laro U uoiher thtog la whldi wo gnally 'SSntli (ho iSf- that U to tay. It ollcn tappeoe thai a ve^ Rood-loollng hnte iHt^.l"?"- Aad toUurelesgnuttnalMyloreahlyecMan thKalhalapparenUrdlgerverymech. IlSSnkKatoSSAZ perhaps TCTiweio not aWin or li ber»i»-«Bt .im 1. a awal a«^otr,bctwjjaPull»n>tntandthoTutt" lleotuee a reafKc lord Oterod the abovh Itoghlar,. cheln and appUue abot^ "if °li'"P' 'do«n wank or ieea, to ornfoSto BitUah cntlcra... We glra tiio out hai» becautu wa haye lakan tholibi oily.otaiaahielhoahDatheabavr .—.muiouo. iTing;r.w.'Anix,n4. k-diBfofc' 17..|PX ?4-A><»P • ie..q.SKt8 10..EB-hlt4 EB-S14C/) Bt-EBe ■ s-xia P-QE«8(fc) , ^ Et-EB4 -. B-bla)ff X-4iU~ 3e..Q-har8-i- ai..CuUea . 3)..<)B-Bta 33..EB-hla7rf E-4iUBaa 24..E B.hlt8'4.S B-eSi tq 9B..P-EEt4 at..QB-BB QB-Eta Q-E14 and lha Alfaek e,.aBX B(«) KtxBP 10..SThira ElXKB-k U..O.yEEt OaaUu U..P-KB4 Xt-KBS I4..2t-hl»B.<l)i PrSEtB ;;>rpl Ur. A. wpeais to. giro np his E B P dealgnadly, hal II wu nirdlypnidaDt play. ' (A) From' this point the Attack la mataiialoed an Ihr jngh Iq aai' lent ttylo.' .■.' (i) llcld,'bnt good and tonnd. (il Not aineaUe,aortalnlr,bnt ha can do nothlns better (I) U Jl^ n to ktSd, Iho Attack retorta wlth3S?^Q Bto R B K). andthoDcroncahia noitaonne. (•) Itltaruio Inatlnlbdt odilt,whl<>h PanlaanluillTatlinna. IIBW u pMlnclng only a ihongnl loti of OJioat, lo meet SStS troth and vtvulooa an opening, and Uu ibMMtoimi b< ao really bold ajd *rtmMt-?En. ^ ■oaowed by a goma T o Drggght Pleyere. . .THE ELEUUM'IU OP DBAUaBlSP.OB, BGaiNKEBS' BUIIB ODIDE ■ Dy the Draught Editor or the Ounia. Thit book bu iboeii pronouBced bj lha EdltdPor Be&'a Lire to lie "THB BR9T ■"ELEMEilXAnT inpATISE EVBB WIUTXEN. ON TBE mMW .. Printed on Una piper, gilt blndhig, tllnaliBted with ■dlasiama andeBrlohcdbr.nmnenasaanieafroni the boat maatera. ~Aaditt! ton'a ayttam of laeoidhig, bgelhat wUh PtMenoo'a tnlom com- plela. Adnnoedplarotai|rUlfln4.thlt'ta»tltawaUirorthr their notlta'.Scnt,' pottpalltto tay tddnn In lhavnitcd Blalaa: for go eanU. Aidnaa ^I. B, r. SWBBT, Ourm dmoK ' IS-tf :' . ''- ' NOi UBpraootlneW NawTotk. ,: Mstrojwlltsn'OrtiiBM «lub. ■ TaOhiVmeets svaiy.alght in.lha.week Ihal^ Aioiil«ln lha >(aManlUo;IIplatl|lt,Ihuno tlreet; nm BudwnL Slnnganandtilondaor Ihogtoaarehaaiilly wol^Bie. i' ; rtlnaeihap) ran fbr thoqiioen'aFUtoT II cepepket. ana men lhan one lakea tho atekM f r 1, tjjIUo, Iherails lha nulch,' and he It a led'.wlih yonir reobeeli ts~ ' ^.^tegud. rro^lallon. tTonn na Joan-Kol'Pu/tam Oenlnl Mow JaraayUvai ilSi^S^" '?75™"i Anahy Bro»» and Obm yonca. DoUa Were foiii of dropping lBtoUr.,flnitU'a parlor and ipcndlnsanhoar f-i M.-^Ji'^i?"'' daoghtor, Uary. One evtmag, when Drawn ditoataed ,fxmi ererr |apio, llmwp nlddenly, m 1V,WM«''«!'"JJoyiifcthlokriferT, emegjiKial *.^.o fc'd baTui&'wif^^^^ hlm_ to eeirch o|it> Jew homvwhMU ahd^d be lonr >jd^^^«^^»^^Mhl|r fo ge(i^iS7o ttahtlon lt%i ^SS?'' bU tweoW tonet. tliuifwi.i i>;pi),cauid Iciiva laikoradLidOlbili'.'.lhla Miaaai Ila raie end ccmiiuia, uH, op tolhe tir >Mt 1 " ' '1 b6 pr^lbi;^' ,_^,fiianiaiu>SHrcho<''''"' Jolptdnvtebtluuiyeoi Ptopii^gihelr. heed ton •T, Arehy," ,. roit,>ndwthu Oaitv.—«Thn>eaad tlx penoo pergall"eicltlraod UmPar- lln|>ton,on looklii|overlheprlefr<nrrenL "Whr,'bl»>smr,whBt It (he world eemlng to when the gal an vilued al ohly three and dpnence." ^ThooUUdy pnUedoffherepeoliclMsthnwdowa ... •• '.TO'Obrreij .ifowTort-'Wehiiva' Ton will pcroelveby ra&rdni to theOlegnm this week. '&*..*i*' «™»r«^taahiInemolU Doilla, aodlf (hundwmihy (l^haBapp*i4'.;-PoilUonieoelv»*.;lhanke7 ."y"'/ J.'WBcraoit/KtwToTk,—ByiWi»*noa to lha Ouppta vcawUl find the locale ef the VetrOMUUirDnnghl Ouh, via. i.Umuilllo Hptd,.IUIhianeStreet' cjcrlah))yi;otU'lq«i3ceBa. '^VJ!?*^t'J5^<^„'^*^ «*™ "iWvedj wlll.mtka utaot lIlBatharttlme. mnsendyoo Iho Kerns taonoaledu aoonaa.whtocalTa IheaL , '~ •. "".^"I™ '. y, a:, Wrbnnai, BndkiivHi T.T Have wiliteh iroo. ' t tin, Qltagew,' BRHUadASeeelved two paokagu tam you byltitileamar. WoowSyetion* . . - , ^ -tj"" .€iiM Noik 39»VjBV Xli. 1 TwimMvBnB oUa at the OkampicaihJp.Uh&iof Wat .' '! Britain. u: .i ii: \ 34 to ao ' -14:: 'I'to ij.-;,; j';;^M,tJiB 14'.'' >l*Ted'''atIMg^ Bee(Un<t, Qime^lfo. i^'Ji^-Vt)!. ;ia. I, .■|'uiXDi#:iiiU)i; :| a, a., g 4..10 8. u: ..'4 ,1 * 18 IT- IB': *'•' 10 t.-rt r.pU'i urtoT*''.' iiir 14,1 i i aet uB.' •e.i B'l'i a»'i f" lii n tO.'.iS.rli lB.' .'1' iS .' tBIr 11.,10 IT 11 ' 14 la.. 1 B 28 9B ir4iM«.^<etyjniai''ll While. , es «.;i>^ .,18. Si'.11. '. ar : 34. 81 ' Dnwn. U..ll:«>iT 14-/.li ., IB 'l..l<- : IB IT IB' ji-. >8..1f;': ai : 11^ ao;.n<" M''.'i.ii j 99. BlAlBi.r.l aO ifcM'. Ig,, :t>..eB^. .»jjiir. v(i u . IB.. (11 ' 18- 14.. T U 19 M ... '.a* /.' I-JB-, : IB (alAaewnova. AUIheanlhoiiHasptaylBtalOtbrthlamove. I^bMrt nowpiaseBU aslngnlar appearance, batUlng-ln lha phiy halng oiceUant on both aldea.' Tha AcUves had out thalr. bat nine, hut tho Uutult were mtnnt tha atliTlcta c( UcUahon, Brown and Devyr. Thdr places, however, woi weltmied bj goad drpntlas, and tno play of the oama pioiei that but hlua wu len ondoae to nitrk Iho ccnteat u ono <(' lhabastor Ihaaaason. Wa had oorhaodtfullto tltanrllng tod thru mtlohea, but ona other rapoiti r bdnspreaanL thagratlni ailiacttnglhoaa who attend to lha dtlllea.. On Ihla acconnt ai are comnellad to cooBna onnelvea to tha halting taora or Ihi gamek wninh wu u given btlowi " UsnwL TBlttraoa,Sd b.... .VcOallongb,8db.. OoUla, III b ■Oreaa, of Zeller, 1 r Cavlgao, r f Harris, p Wansloy, 0 KcSweaay, a a..;. B.I. ...9 ...1 ...1 ...B ...4 ...4 ...4 ...1 . ...8 Total..., .14' Aonv& Page, 3d b Bogan^' r f "Oear8e,"8db B Soaney, let b.... .....8 Bnbbud,ir...... 8 Bttntanbnig, a s.. 4 EaUay, e .' 1 Banndm^o f...8 WiUer, p 3 ■.L. a a I Iblal., seas lusB a tiaa okocos. UlldSd llhBihathTiatthtlk .....1 0 1 a 1 1 a 4 0-11 .............I 01 .81 1, 01 0-1 J Vmpli*—nr. Ibas. Bcioaltlar, oi the feneka (Sab. Booren-JCeam. darka and Qiaaaon. lima of game.—1 bovraniltB mlnulaa. "■'■• —A- Mbtnal ^ve .. EKTEBFBIBBTa ' EKPIBK Tn latan malch hetwaeo Iheta dnhibpIaredonStplember 2Iat,retnllad Ina-welteuMdvlctoiytoF.lho Emplna,. Uiilla, nit 111 b. liSd' PergntODi 6u b K Bmith^ ad b itatgtiTt..:.;.. Wadd^ p...... Tthd..;...; Altai priaa. Bmpln.... n.1. ...4 ...4 ...> ...I ..m '■ ...'BO' .. • ...8 ...e :.l.:.M JawatI, o... Wealcrvei^Bdt.. Ilr.BeU,B..,i.... 'S^er!'!;,".!! Hlller.lttb ,-Waiea.lf. Bebilng,rf ' ' Tefcl.... KL, a ..B i ...I ....1 ...» .. S ...1 ...4 .'..4 -,8 .1 O - l -B Vmplre-Hr. Qttaa, of the Eule'ClbK Sterara-Ueatn. OoracllandOgiuint lUid of game—a hcon and 90 'niiini..f M 34 8d 4lh Bib («h Tlh Bth Mk .1 e <i "B - 0 .''B 0 4 s-a 110 0 B«ioi,n7i'mt7noie.-7ha flht gane IheteeinhsevnrpM together, took idtca on the rolon' Ball Orouada Wllllimtbai on the iOlh ol Beplemtier,' ttie rwnll belos a vtotcrr br M Vnloiaaoalrllng to the appended aoen:--^ ' ' : Baouta.:' . Regera^ p..'l...'j.... We(daii,ldb. ?wiaon.o'f!.'.'.'!.'.'! 8leant,Bdb {fCOwood, -0 .BffWlclilb...., ... wanloak.a .Altl ,.X .4 .8 .B .3 .4. « .4 .1 ..t 4 1. a' 1 1 - 1' 4 8' ViBW. ai Atnint,9db ....4 Hudaon.ef, i.4 Utrah, lat b S Hannegan,a.B....>...l airdaaU, 0 ....1 EetebanL Bd b..8 Dnrall, ij llbro,if..-„. ,...1 a. ocivlafi, p.. ><3 naaoiuto, Union ...Total..'...... « lowt auni nr aiOB mnoK " let M M 4lh eihc.Bth .nh BIhM ,i,..',....l..'.4' 0 .= '.a 0:.B:.a 1 »-» mvu .... ^ .'.;.....T'.*.0 .'3'.^0.''l-'i9'-'jl a t-g Bisied bada-BlrdaalL Ul Otahagani^i tbAWoo<.'u Boma nina-WanoS;, 1; Bodean, J:. Atiahj -Ir&nocml. " " " -•- d. IiW«otk», ., BlrdttU, li Bi* I traraook, l; ick-1 90Ili _ tcekwwi. Al>liima.l;ColL,„ rntoutonbties-Tlnlon, 11 Ihnea: Kaojiiliwb <wl(tt Spt out en rodlballt—Union, TUmu: Bei6hiteLlBtlmea launOnt-Abivu by Begem. '< . T^r.i. almaorgaine—Bkbart IB mi" fii«» ' ■ ^ ''"''' :UDiplre-Hr..Wanal»',otlbalfalaal'))hib.' , jSooMa-^eaarB,'EtaShiaa and never, ^' , . lea,on' baaee-Abitina^ 1: Sndioa, l;EaiehtB, 1; Aln'l I B«|art,II Oretgh,l; jSlSaa,I.^■ ;. \ ±- * I ■' • ''.. '/ I Bias BuiiilTPaonDBMS.—A'<ynateafbaaattnwiiMe< I in that dly, on Sepi ITib, between ifiaPbrtettdtle Otab 31» I Metdalo, a. I., and'Un VohlWOab etPserfdanoe, otvhhhiai I Ibllowlngltlheaeorei'i ^ ^i' "■"'''' aiiittlii- PooaaiToiu. Wlgglni^ Ittb.... ThompaOD, of.;.. Bnn, Bd b., .wtnar, 0 Oroul, a a Otthto,rf ABlckey.p. ...A .lIurley,9dD... '...8 a.Olokey.lf ...4 ..4. ..8 ..B ..B ..0 e Total., 1! 9 * HoimoB. Bndloog,as,,.. Buud,o....,-. Btathnry. n • Aldrlch.|ab v -'l ! Moo>(, adb.i..,,.-....; < .^^(^^Ub„..-<"| I * ...BO Totel.. BCTit aim immraa ------ 4Ui (ffi BU lat Id Sd 4th Ptnettdala,.,.,'.:.:g 13 t 0 T 3 Vbnltor'„...;..,...'.-,....a 4 T r 1 ,8 Umpli«r-A;bons,BimrdClab, '^y Bocrni»-iroain, Otowttn and qarUo. ^' ' Home luna—Uonltor, Eyde,-l| 'Balltbnit, L OrouljL- ■ ■■ -' Xlmeofname-BKhenta, - i.- Aiuimo vf. I1aaoLan.-4h»followlia' is tbo' leere "f^^l match net pt<nloaaly"t«po>lad.<v».wt4liltyaili at Deil*" *l BaptlBi .'.1';/. 1. "i:'-iiv, " ■ •• .'•; ..I-/,, aaraw.'. Tj^ti-ci-i 'AnJjrm - Paarea, o., BBlih,Bdb.,r>i..... iBhBtilat b..<.aw<...B Bld.BmlUi, rf °,B aalTlnias,,.r..8 ,ten«;fdb.„.,.,'',,„3 ,t • il r I ;.ai| p».CT». ;': Sogm«i..,.>,v <Wae<eD.:ldb>|.«.. OieatfTrf. (,;... . :l4ekwQoiL.o:.-' " " ,8dt a2U|^mmot;:\'" :3'■o"..i?'.l ' ^;'I<i|di<irpod.8. 0 t • I lioadlihia;*' ■"' Pat oat on font baUt-Atlaatlai, B| Boiolnletk B. Bun out—Smith, 1| Allan I. _ Una or game—3 boun and BB inlnulae. ...^,..0,^1 Umplro-Ur.BaUcn of Iba Atlantic. Oaeiaf-u'^ ■ Uoon and Dr. Witaon.