New York Clipper (Aug 1865)

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mutm BBt FrapxUtar.l AtJGTJBT 5, 1860. THE AQED STRANQER. iS AoonziRa noBKn (ft tbm wi& •4 «■ wUk Ontf'-Ut itniia nidi ■«> ftr.fMl VMI7 •I WM «llh Onnl"—tba •tataga Mid; a±u iiiA (iBBtf: 'Kiji no buu^ I priilM iU u mj knnl IKMM, And ml 4 m J hombw iton, ■-floir ^tm mj boy-mf toMla bof, ur Iks Old Mnih Ami Ooiptt— I wimat u bora hlnnOuUr In Iha note uo MtVi nol «I tiow bin aoV ttw tiM mm: ••And, u I tamuttd balon; '1 ma wllh Oi»nt"-"H»y, nij. bo bo*. WU Ito Uimn, '-StJ no a-cni H« foD In bntOa-I Mt, tlu I 'Xboa'dil tmooUi Out Udlngi o'ot— Hn: ■peutlisualb.whilsrorub*, tlinfh U nnd my ttowm't oom. '"Eov MI bt^wUh bin euo to Ibe b>. Upholding tbo flu ba bore ? O, M7 not tut mj btr dumcod The uniform tut b# wore I •1 onnol t<n," old Ibi and nua, **And abOQld bm ramarkai befoiVi Tbal I ns Willi Oiut-ln miaolJ, Boma UuM joua baton tha war." Tban tba ftraiar apoba blm narar a wort Bnl bail wltbbla flit fuUaori TttX agad 910 wbo bid worfcad for Oianl Boma luaa jeaia bitotd tha wai I OB, THE DAUQHTER OF MIDNIQHT. A T/UiB or STBTaBIBS OF CITY LIBV. . OHAFIEBL. ■CIOBT it IBI HI So one wia withlD the door to walaoma Ibam. and thaj walkad m tba BU^a tn grtat wood-rr aad aome Uapldailoo, Arririoa at tha ul hoaoter, whers than waa a llola bar acanilir (Unlahed _llh ooounoa Jiui and pola, a Dtown J t or two, • net of lemona, and a baikat o} djitj loobliu UMalta—utinog hon. a alouhlof man In iborl (IstTaa mada nla as;«iraaea ttoia » lua door, and «Und at Ihaia ainpldlj wUboat ipaiklng. Mair bad hoped la bava ni«l wltb aome woman. Bbi wiaiataarooatoaadandtihaa abattbi'tbailghtoC ihiaappulUon, hat aha .emaatlan atlar an awkward paniw. . «la—Ii-«aa lata tba landladjl" ^lm»lwf|Btyr' V ^^nSaJokadbls baidaUIIIaoiat bliabo^iM and'oalM' In aooa oa« la the baobgioud *<Heiab nlaaDal" ' Than a «llow-rKad aad Ikr ftom eoneUlaHog looking ftnula «ama out bablnd tha man, and iiared at lham haidettbanba via ilailng, "An }on the Unllad; I" *Tfr«a.'* ■'We want a bed far tba nlgbL" ' "A belt" ••Yea, wa bare coma down from lAodOD, and axpaetad lo alaap aionr frtaadi>,batcooid not gat accommodidloi, lo wacama orarhate." ' • "Whoa do joor IrleodB Uval' "Kht OhiDotliroC" .... „ . Uaiyfall atflntlooUnedto reaaat the lomertinaDt tneitton, bnt npOD aacoad thoogbta iha dtoidid Ihil no impantnanoa wu Inlanded—ibit It waa the wonun'a roogb, boorlib aanua Iboa apoik, aud 10 ooailion blsntl; In aaarcli of auck Iniornatlon aa aheitaind la obtain. Breo, boweTar, l( ttarj h<d koown 4hit iba woman bad bam pnnoaalj nile, ihe wonld not hare tUI todinid lohaTa uo laadilj taken olbaca; becaua, U ehe weiadealed abillarhara, howooold aha tall what dlaiaioe ahe voold not bin to ga befoia aba laaobad aooUur Ian, and tha nln now waa dtioanding In toireala. Bnt tba voinaii whom ibe two tnnlm look to Im the landladj atooa aralm them illenUr tor tfwhlla; "laMag atook," aa tba aaylog la. >la>7 nfaated bet naaltoi. ■- • oin fon acoomniodata oaf" tbaaaked. : •<VM^"aild ihawooiaa."Ilbli>kBa. lit wo." 'Ibenabe tookaeandlaoBa ubl^ In Ibe room where ahe and Iba Ban bad been altUnr, and led the waj Ip aoolbar nxm—a «DBt of • lata'pulor tl appeared lo bo, amtlUng TO IT o'oia and atnlQr^ "WIOTOa laka'as}tbln|it" aleaiked . ••OmwabiTaaomettar'UaiT Inialrad. • - iiji]! lea." .' And Iba woman loll Ibem. The hoaiebold wai notaoTtrr iarge, abr tha demand for locomoodailon ao tot great, one wonld hare anpMaed, thit It wni atceaaarr <o ocoapr macli Ume In-dtllbmtion aa to wbetbrr or not'toe traTelara eboald'ba takan tn lorthanlgbti Avar; IongllDe,bowerar.elipaadbatbra Iba wemaa ntanta tolberoom; and Hair and hor companion at aoMallf nvalUaa her airiral, wondering wbat could oo- caatoi Iba dalar. tIut woald biia been adU more uneaaj, •tbongb, bed ihey bean awire tbil tha landlord and landladj war* rallennfl one another al'tbe keyhole. Tha two maawari tilkat In • low tone of Tolea-fkr loo low for Ihe woida which Iber nllared to penelrala lo Ibe careadrop- parawlihont; andthoaa wotlb; people, allbooAh Iber aiaited ihanaelTea to Iha nlmoat lo heir all that paiaed, heard nolblng ■t all.' After a oorddtrabla Ume hid eupaed, Ibe worn in i*. anUradtboelttlog toom wlttaiea-tray^ „ .. " •Ion can hite a bed, >t nn like. Uare'a bnid and bnllar. Do yon weal any mote to tail" "Mo.Uunayga."' .. .. . Iba wonan aptaad the dolh orer^ne end of tha table, eat ont Xiatea tad ktlTc^ and fnued aTnnt, tlaiy ihonghl banaUcalled npon to Dike aome obeerration. "II attma Ten doll berr." The aomao fiUred at brr alter Ihe (kihlon of an uednoated nalio atao ukei any obacrralloa ImperfeeUy nDdeiatood lo mun anlaaiJt. •dl'adoQ enoagb."ahe nld. •<Saay <inf Iowa cnetomatit" «Ioaa," MAO oelgbboia. I anppoM t" ' "RotBiiiohol that*' ' Miiy fell nihif eonr aha bad apolen. The conTeialloB did aoliomiTeiTfloalnglr.or ImpnTo aa II progteised, Bntaha 'wugUdlo'learnwhatebebad laatnt tklt waa Jnat Ibe qalet eon at pliaa whlob loar wonld hare aa1«clad had ibay an oryu- 4<iidly oil cbooalng^ Thaia appeBad lo b* nobody In iba bonia auaplibelaodloidandUBdiadr. If II kept on lalniag lo Ibia way.ncbollbe n lgbbora wbo dropped, in trom .tlnitotlma 'WtnudDol be Tin likely lo drop miO'nlgbl,. If asyonaaamalt wvaidbaalnTeien - < le loy ODD likely to oome In betel" aaked Uuy, ."MOk" lepUad the woman. Aad abe left Iha room wllbonl aay nnbcr remark. Tha; did not Ihtok that Ibey woold itay np nry long, to? (ear lOmi onaiboii]da>me. TetllwuTeryearlito golabid. They aat a ihorl tine alUr lea, lljleaing lo Ibrraln iBlUlag beaniy agaiul Iba window, and oostnalrg logMhrr In a whIiDar. IiaaenU; Ibi ludlady again snl In ao appearasoa. Tbia tluy atked bi a bed oaadla, an i aiU tbiy weia brad, and wanted lo be no rary aoon In Iha mommg. Toe womin led tha way np a oiDokod alalroaie full of'unooarottable ao<lea,wen'idapiadto the bnnplDg oJ heada, and ihoaad ibeo tola a mean lllile apait- nent;.wiih a aloomg touf.. Vbni tba womin wu aaylng "Oood- night,'.': Utir, tit eoma rauon or other, wbloh abe ooald not VMwirdi Intelligibly explain, Ihoniht Ibit na wonld loqnlia what wonld be Ihe prico or ibo aocomaodalloo, and pay lor It Ih^ In her tloie, ihe bid known wbit wia pororiy. oha bid badtaptscb and eluTo—lo lobome and plot (o make both ende .'me4l;-lo eke ont to Ihe fortbeit tie eceoly conienta of her pnria. Bulthitwaarometlniagoao*, and theae maUeri war* locn terBDileo, In a llti, of aaio end afflurata.- Tbua wee It Ibit ihe mada • great niliitke. which m Ine end wei Ukcly tn hire mock inoi»iec(oui larilla than at diil iba woold hare aoppoftd to be poulbla, ,Bb%bid formed oo no'lon u to whal their aipeoie* .win likely to be. Bha bad lu hai nuT'Oabaik nota for ftra yonnidi, ind A eonpio or aoTiroigDi,. Witbost rageoUog what aba ]fi^^a<^H^b*handed\tbe'Woman tea tankuotei^tAlilDji httto l^wie; Ika.w'omin.'alarlD'ii at'hor'iadtha papir'wilbVide josIoakC (Jomaawvl let «• »<»l 1 "Howcaa pdaim*^ ^'Miyi' AaduL A^annwaa a eevra niv, wmivi "a, • lata M mild ai ba «wa milk. II ""JSnS warKaBd ■fconld laekabillathan, •keraihey '^^.ffJISp-^^- rtoep a few bonn wltbon».««tt i»a» MMaUag a| •iM-dtuOff'-^, „.^^««wS&fl»l«halaa4ftitlpoe»ftW! aa MUmoa. nay roUid UumHiTt* np ^TT™>*S ^Sitnt •Mw. In Iha WUEUI on-.. tbw^fooU obooi* ano ™^ ^ «^5«,Tb.y.<»i|.^^^^^^^^^ that nadibg« ILnMarw. 'nr.f«{!"*»'^A*a'!a(L^!^ J aiXilaep a lew bonta wlUiont.^ticbiy .aJO.. iiS;SItwoi.all.lBlbaWl^«.»*»*^^ , cU«(«ottj(«MwtM alnmbar o(bilafduraUoo, Irom whlobr o. "dJ"" la ahnnalaeonndwlibout or wiihl.i ♦''•i'"'^',?; «k*y tannd ihit their f( an worw »m™5.''™ii2il; I hind, ihiy aank btck M*!"". «■•»♦>• tut tbelr hnN odrcraaloKe.lnlbe worn ind Jidjrf e« • ""'"^ ,t (mneyhadreln»d ibem <»•'U>itf«"JSJ^iJ^ifbrt end al«t rery peaceiUly it lorirtb, and ^J! Ji?S«Sn iLlS Ibe-^ind the tardaTKHin «»'"^t"'i'^JJiSSa ^tmnd IbTilndow, ud 1)1 it om. IheTwo •;2h IhiT clnlfb»aa-u lad mido tolle a IWy klgblLlB Ul( •lienToand , lantberattheaouDdor Ibe door opealnR. ^ ._,„. ™„, , SEa?a band, and lay perletiiy "ji'; '^J'.ijfJS'fhiVlb^ ang mile neat, ind wen eo enbedd<d In the itfiw, jm. buSg ptace could nol be diawttted ?'j;S,*S!fa.i" tnibed. Dot tboy lay u ill I u <oilt, boMtaB ttjlr brfclb, aoMly duug lo brJaUio. Thty could no« Jndge IbtmetWea .SSlhiiiTo!IheiwereTlilblo. Pybap.a'.maHnifnjmjfl^ IkM drttata might bo peeping out, and .""".""TJ"*^ Bieyaipaolrd erorymomen.lloiew • inan'a head-a djtoell^ rtlleenwihaid, noii ptobibly-glailng al tbemor rlbaJON OoaUoaoliBaw wblob aunomded (hem. AbnDdlDgtogelber.ud onewtol orer lo tho Jlde wbai^lba *«»ii'Surnrf«rM w.'u ii-^-o^ «tt lo iJi« tUlm*." • »A ' Ha ttored tick tomxdi the door Kiln j hli oofflpimin »m»P« ^Ufl. bOWVTQT* ' '"Ton tMAyon'd got a Indfer nilch, didn'tyoar' ■' bo-fniOb" ' . .- . . 'Td like to light nyplpa, Ibf D, befoid we go any IWIbcr. '. "AH right" "Wa do II In bare, on! ef Ibe wtnd." : •■Hiie'iloenelobi tabaeanor IhatpanaA ^ . .„ •ailbaraialU. IouhaTen'iaaofapol»aper,binT'a» ••Wali„ DOi bnt Ibera wu asm* l aiw on the: uell aom*. Tha p*opl* of Iha boaaa appeared to be rery (poor, for Iba place wab wioKbedly taniibed, end bid thit hare, naked look which can ODlr aaaoolate with exteme penury. But Ibot* wu no. reaaon lot thinking ttiem lol to be booeit. The day hu long gono by for mnrderti^^trareltn In lonely loai In Bnglaud, or eo i Uaiy Iboaght UUy'a etpeilenoa of Ibe awtol den iroia which ibe bad maSa bar eeoape aome Ume ego. led bn to a dtffknnti eoncluloa. 'Bn< abe did not Ihlok dt (o onmmnulcato liat kno«l- i adi* loHary, who bad infflolei loameforfoaraadapprahagalan,! ult war, tnun tall nnm'iiakeable daogori, witboui counting no ImaglneiT onee, for which, alter all, there' migbi be, and In aU proSabUIl^ wu, nol Ika e'lghleet fun dtrtoD. They walled, lor eome time, anppnalog tb I the womin wolild n tuin dliecUy; with Ibe cbioae, end, for that rcuoui did not mik^ any prapan.: l:one for retiring lo reek The woman, howoTcr, did nut letom, i and at laat they thonghl they wonld go lo bed. Taere wu no' nfo In watting aay loogT. out Inet when thiy bad arrltvd at ■ Ibledelarmlnitton, aknookeuieatthedoor. Iiwjathe woman, ralonted. "WaUl" nld Uary. "Wa haven't obaog* enongb In Ibe honee." "Oh, II doein't matter I" I think I have gold enough pay Ibe bm." "Ob.baTeyonI" "Yea—will you glTO ne hack Ihe note t" "I'lliee.'' Bilt landlady to "aea." Attar a abort pinao, and aome momb- ling down itaua, abe camebackagiln. "Toncaa'thaTeltbiekyek The muur'a ItkanUont down lb* village to get okange." Tm lorry to btva tioubled yon. . it doean't^mallar, only our cntlcmen doo't otneraUy give notai for what they bny of aj,aDd we ain't pnpited alamlnnitrt noUce.' 'Ho-no _,\;>iui) Of whliU tbey bid Jail paildien, and lo bring no Ihe IS,i»«e/ Tke.womio.alarlDnaihor iadtha f - " ri.%<«> f ettred with the nott Id brrbiadi S^^twonldoiva btm belief, aotlo bare Riven 1ii'rl<ial,'! Mttv " jiU loein u Ibe.'door doitd n^n Iba'wtman'a lettfallag 2»*.byl" ; UM^rulkedlke bnll Ihlok II wasf hVftbeMibialoel." mailer o<er for aouie tiDe, and at lul decided ) pirllonlar bmn oonld eome of II alt t alL Wbit could' over anotbat aa alaepy. They connllid l»«^"'.KIL^S SS«Jt«S^,5.tb!5raniblnga iwmihie offlSualm It which tbey »old wI^haTO urlnd inaltail Iheyebonid both Ue down upon Ibe •n^M?."' ttoiXwtihoutundneeleg. "li^'>'»»,|S??HS°Ji^^JS to^Unl'Wwlnkaofaleep. m>>5<»'W f.'jrJJKJJ ItoT^brttlUly ot any dinger eriit»«-of wy Jumta Ibem: ind, lu cue olilaim-ary ll»''5iS!S'?!m» would ba inre to awake finotly. Betor* Ituy Ihonibt tta>y would mike " ?' ■Tb? thing Uuilbey dleoovered of •»»^SS^« mat ihanwii do boll to ihe door, neither wu '"JJg tnlh* lock. They wan ptlmlUva peop>edowu In '^•^Jj^ inrhipL Tbla «a not ilttr aU • "7.«»4.«S»- 2!\h^ SlSiAitloo, Ihiy dlaoovoied, or fcl<>« Jf??^S2?I; ariSLtbailhabffibadb*.nt*mov»d. .»»7d^"*!»SS?. d^ewTb'ion th. door with u UlU* »»'^liJS,**SK imdated e eudden .nbanoa in tha? dtaotlon laKlri2rL« ?fe7tkon toroid their attention to Ibe window. fulmtog ben eltber; and .what nude lb.m "h «mf»iabls t. aoactlni ible part of the room wa>, Ihil beneain S?vSSo? ^a!^Sf, Sandog roo», the very oadoit eppioaob l^ a\S5rd tob?r Joe tt-eloped down to within four f«l of the m!^ wi" Vi l" good Sfharrloidlng Iha door »»d leavtag !S *£iow Ihni t .^allhen after aU whi; uae wj« Ibj^ inoy 35r rig.lo t txttn^9» If ihey maaot them in* .''O'.W Sxi hope for E bMi, lodput their Wlh mibed'"^ SSoy. .Aid."^.; I«gik.ll^.l«l5« «^»ivj5:»^'ss mSS^SftSf^im'^U'iSrftal-ln.-trtn™- . Itwuvaiylbonghlleia I amaolnlbe habit ol—I nain—y te—I am vary a^rry." "Oh, lldouB'l mailer. Wb<i I wao^ to aiy wu, Ibal I•^ bipi be would ba a long while." -lea." ' "86 Ibat U yon ate deepy—" ,"Tu" "I'd give yon year charge In Ihe mon^log." "Thank yoni tbat win do Juit u wall." Taay wen vary glad to get rid of the women when at lul abe took bitaelf oft They llitaned lo bet rootil>pi le ibe winl otaikbw down ilalta. Whea ibe bad reached Ibe paetego, i till Uilanlng, Ibey hftxt aomelblng Ilk* a whliparlog bitweea two paaona, a woman dbd a ^nan. Uary pr aently Inraed round to bbr coifr panion. She fonndan anilooaiook.upm bar pala faca-aaan^ itoua ae Ibe eipieialon wblob her own won. "Wbat do^ It dean I" abe iQod. "Tbe man la down at tin/' "Ton don't tbink be hu jnat eome In, do you t" ••Mo, didn't yon bear him when eha wvnt down Jul now, aay' In^ iha wohld aea It aha could get tbe nolo back I" ^'Y>i.IUiongbtto." "Wb%l mada her ear that ha wu gone onl r* *I-t-ioni'l think." "tvbr dod'ttboy gtve no back Iba nolat" "I-fdoa'fkBow.^' ■•I-Iamabald." ■ go am £" They could not t«U eiaoUy or whaL But deeldidty Ibey wen alhetfHgblaiM Ton may aay that Ibay wen CooUab, and Ibal ben iru BO otnle for ilatm. That la vaiy Irae-at leail, It-yoa aay Hi on)yibe betaaviot.of Iba people of Iba beiiae .wu very 'myiletion*, not al all agn*ab1e'or aaaartngi aad Ine-oUonm* eUnooe of tbur lllgbi, edded to their Icoely and iwpm'acM can< ditloii, nndried tbem vetyUmtd, laepllaol IhaelbKl Ibay midt 10 be ooungeone. What ahould Ibay dot That wu tbe dni thing lb be decided upon, Ihey agttad. Bot dot Than wu nolblog (o do but to walk Oo to bed and wall. "No." nil) Ullr, "I think wa bad better nol go lo bad." "»nd I am 10 Ured I" elfhed kary, "My poor dear, I am nn von mail be Uiad lo death aflat all that you hivo gone Ihrongh" "H.>-no I I ihiU b« better preeeiUy." "Ton—youliukeoweeryaadeouLdeul Tonmnitlladews." "Bailcai'il" ■ . "Why!" "Booinio If I do I abiD (bD M aaleep." "trail!' •• ■ "Veil, I maaln't do Iball"' "Why not!" "Daoanw ttainle noknowfn|wbal dinger la la alcntenJi ird wa mint beoit laa alert I" - ' •Tan'tlwulcht" '•Tou/*y ynur«lf t" ■ • '•Vol, lobe innl" ' f'Mol al ail I .1 im mm I ab*n nol allow yon l« do anytblng of the pirti, I abell nol lake any rapt nnlefa yoti do, ler I aoi oe^ tilbibiiiyonioqninll.aamitohu Ido,aadnani tordtdyou 'notwitoB whUalwiaialeepI'.'■ . ,.i •■. ■ :to lEttlHTeib,U^^ poulbla Mf aa¥ada'tDba. BUIookadp^latadutgar^^Har.air* wen &< ii<lblHta"lnle<d,U'>M(^ wm>>'* ficaQiaianiiy ibitaha oould keiothem op'a el all IhetalDratI wu very doe talking of keeping vralah-ot cna aleapy petaoa keeping aauh 2S!?iSMnTer.lW^^^^ u!). oIlnaloRlo the lodUloa of which It wai, In nofwu net eloep. aud Ibe taak wu pot I Ta>y dlfflndl oso. JS I™ "riiffiS ih^bid both oWy Fu«bod Ikon tb.y hn-ritd iway Into tba rtallatlag dukne» Tiey bid i^o« of mind anffluent aoMO go In Ue wda.dlncUon u hat In wblob they bad CO 01 a. %^ihw»kneVwblonwu lb*wky to London,' 1««Tf.^ bereom^aolon; ";crtb*ttatbaBrNtp1.ic*.lo>ni tob«Ui. I am "thSi wu ni moasaot aaertlalninir UUa Ibit nl«ti^ however, and .h?y birt?d «. pel hnowlog wbTlbar ^g Ibem, but" *— — •-"'*••"'»« 'b« dl* tance between LSSdTar..".b°Ta'iiriSom«iw«,^n*^ •t^^TT. III.,, /ImnMA. Then anoltaer tunone dar*-* •«y Iha winder _^ •4*a ■ down the itoplog not'' ?Ona of Jh«m«n wait hick to Iha oow'a.ilde «y,tta abedkikiok iaTtaJf ofpipar, andddgelodaboni lor. Il.amona lafwlnm. tat, IboSb wiUionl eucoeee. How iBlclenbfa wu M |Mi May iTUa inmbMoB or-aluiei to Ibeip U.dltig.j,1««l, How vbtaitfialbdrinilfalbylolobidcoJneteiIhitmonmll IfII Uambmtu tbit penoD winllog b lieblhia pipe, tbv wdnid have gooa away long ago UUr a waarliome d*y. ud mnrt nmiugltig, the nun iMUsg Ibilbi piper de^lUF^ >>• IkkbOlly ^>'l%g^'Bdu,taMptliUibia'(tblDVni I.dro^^ <|kDtfc; linn *^%u't inU«il year plpdaltbemitrbwllboaleoaiteb Aral" ammVlid IMiSJ. "And ban Mel na look al tbebm," Wban TOIlBtti It t" • 1 ■ • '' "iMl ltfrom a bib wbo TOiPOiUpr tbm Bi .ikna lb* I'bbSXid Boadi U'l a)Kiai lU tagoM* gi«l.«in.<ban,.I.«u "Bo by lota1 " iQdi f*w«d(lit .Ma»TOUv*tlng| ilTt.WblDaUndlitt.". ■ ■hi wMte'l bit* bavaplMa'tif liking .. Twohandnd.pnii _owlibon'dli|[iilokiivi!, "iTct mnrt cbuie*; abk'j ~ "Ofpen«|ailMla. " ~' ■'I iboa'da't al a'l wondu II ba bunt bdpad bar Id tifUtt't la wiy." ■ ■' ■ •.■Nof 1 donbl of 111 Ibalaoa.Uta ilo't midaeot tb*ridk na tti >ot; She'i mlira ewiy by now, ind ihey will ae«r cgteb bar." . __.l)bi»g ji ht Ibe" Unit, thai Were la uftly. Bui'bow long piald IbW ba aalb?; Whojuowal .^Iliirf,"*.?^ tram one danger . loHywIlb'tha llioaibl bapa'mnhiifc'iai'onglnloUie llon'e itcnita-lb* moaib of a gtaal^ ngibg, bongry Uon, , nidy to ddvout ihaai. SaMip.aciin, than dropped. Then "Otter hirtTOiflar*--* Svito-Sdam JtiM diokar-lhen It went out, and Iba tooniwiJi nfitol* x£i^wSa*bel«wu veiyiimforiwblW Tban h4* m a lilnl^Jbli5).i1ng audlbla-lba opoilng ol a door Mto w-a cradtlog npon Ibe ilaln. OBAVIEB LL a foor raLL on tn «nii>. Onlyarilnl«re*v|Dg. AitwlrtT/w^*"- '"•,??fS!j2 baUwey ap lo the room w .en ihe t" P«"7""ffi !Ki,'S1& iGg." II wu tha woman of Iha bou-e. wbo irtihed » If ibau Habl wu cat. gheiiluraed lo berhumead wilb Iha lol«lg*uo* that It waa. Then b*»aa a^greal wh^patlng cmiolUllon. Bdddinly Kaitr iwok*, eel np la bed **' iSJi"^S2 *bo«tha-m titror. How dark It «t J*"""" •^•» J.^ butd Iha dnoi opening below, and a •"''«'«*;rB»» of ibaUtdlord-matog. Itwa.Ihinrtie of Wj.«'»»^lS atlb*do^« >hleb bad pr^Mb y awikenad btt. She aU np In b^dlvtebed. "HtiSii'; ebSheardtbd woman a^. "Wbu'i lb« r'wl" Tbe bndlota'4 voIm Ho'd In loen. ••W.'vaiav«lennpilalttabid,"heeald. "Wall, bai.g your iravelan-cm'l a Bian ijpaa abon M* btntb) Tb-y'iiMleep; "'S 'i^i!!''^^!?/ *^ "Ooma In het\'Iouii ft want U ipeak lo yoti .»bont ttem. Then'* aomtUilM vary enilone-'- ,„v__,._^.„„_ .„ '•Hnih,womia7'lb* linrlord aald,"lhey'n oJ**k*» JO" .^l ''mS'I?* bJwfiben, a d we can Ilk II over. WJju'e'mtJb'you . "I wu d»wB a Ible in4nrel*V'r al nirtmOBd." > "Wbilf bnVietaaa Ikit wu murdrndJ • • "Ay. Tk"»'f*>"*l.?".''_JCSt. f»*'" y«o lilnk Uiey'H brought Ibe veidW IB igilMit; '.-Wbcr* . „ * : ■ "tbeudyof ar/oboOJavarlaa'aapn. . . "WbUIMfKHafhOhveilnglaatdoei to motb load lo Bia poort" "Ay." ■ "le ibalwprlian. Ikaol" ■ ''Rotyel-ebk'BboIM." . • *. • ••Bolt^t" * ' - ' * -Ibiy don'l know wban, u yil, b?' tl>'7 Wpjo** U'* to Iflft- «tn, aad Ihey'd afler beti and eo— "IWBif '.'•Wbainaay" a ,. . ' "laibealoBtt" . / ' ,, "1 don'l know, I'm nra." "Bare you am ee*o barf' ' . - <'Xm." ^ ^ •). J , ' "Doyonboow h'rby etgbif" • •Tom con I do." -.t^'- "Coo-etB bwa, ihaoi I winlyoa lo laniBijywuha'a llkfc'' Tba ilUog toont ddor abnt npon ibem it lUi iflft, |)M Uary bnrdii^uf, Butibebidhaftdenoilia,. , •lLil^r-Miy,.wik».Bp-'ir*i*npl" : ■ "'Wmililif' • ^ , .. "Wrfrt'l-iooviiMi. •WemnftByl' . ^ ... "Mypoof daul'wbigbu *':ff^\,;t22u^t^tJ^' «noni*. aome, lib aooBeiilone. WehivButiattolodk ."loa bavawen d aanng."^ ., , ^ Mnli U :. 'JV-J "HOk «* '1 hava loee ovarbauf lk«B:«Mji> doWBitWt*, W«n)iitgaMan(e.Uwlllfay<a la inMinifijiMa MIIMI aafa" ••Bnl go-how can w* got" "By Ike window," ' OBIFTBD UT. k fni«oi,Anvianaa. They ran OB very rapldiy.tor i«ma. Ume, nntn ihw »ijd »«" sauly amiln torn lb* Uu.. They wen ao Wdklened, Oat Utij ru aloai thtuk wllbout faaUag how tired ibey wow,«' Ihr Riey bad oona. Bat nennlly Ibey pulled np abort, oul| e(hiuUiand.p*aBng :. 'Jldwtai^lbw'dldao,tSyfcnndill atonnd Ihem aUentend •Tr'xhwwSe nol paimid.- Thar mlghl panaa now to feel a - 1 oalckiv lor the talntw. An.; utile, ned go nof a . ptlaeandvemlOB, "WbaUibemnHatI" "Kywaiobl" • :7,Sill>1rk.J.-^ to laid II b,! "■•^j^^bavetagottiBUr ' Thi»iw5nM«»lfMKKbet (or noma Ume to ilMnoe. Tbeir' uiSSiTn decwedly ftoin belag "^^fflS' jSl!;, it bidbi«ir.lhai •n.nntalnnil* Idra, tilt. ol l*n« lulla at title roedalde Inn. Tbey bad eecapad, It U, 'i'"5*1 *fi tboTUiwIltoadr Ibognatt part of iheir Uula ln*nta and* wSborS5*IbiflfoBmeaTbe Vila*o! lb* moawOnbid SS, a JoS not do bo b*ii*ve IB Ibu «»r wBtrerw jb|iy w« oTto «*T*odni1y lor bait a ntghl'i lodglog. .»ut:llwu_. ^JSn£owlbelrlo**«. Woil wu dooe conid aot ba vn. SSSS^iS^ilaallSwMtt^od be wImt tor Ibalbmn.' Aa Sff/ri^SKh ~ tS^Ky -n-d oily iniai a-tba; Ume. nlSa wu • Mot todioSloa of diyllght in Ibe mK It nnit, SS; baTibmt tour «-atook. lb • Mr wu veiy cold and damp, nTv ibif^lirtta Imeio. and loohed aououlf nood for ^Idii^flhEul^ ^iiu wir oir. to tto twltteyuwa SmS^MIbt* eluding onl bla'k a«iluet the t«ad4«1ond eky, v^J^iPir^Iir:!:?,. . •muaouam ImL aa ihav ao ahaT-^ Wt'??yn,?.'?Snb\'S:a.riil°:4;y, w-tuHbj. jdvan^ ^ .nrilnii to the ihad very culionily lneeed-lor4h>T wen S^o^Sy oirtl IbtltbriBWhl nof flnd II InbaUui. Id;. <' SadiwbeTlh«i«cb.d Iba wlodow, lh*y ■iddjnlToamot*/ . iSSaUlTralpRllB* Tban .ai a notaaudi inUde. BUO "OfpeniBeibtla.''lhi "Orblddtnlnaomaanua niece In iMdoB. TbeMirfMa*! tfaua when the poUn wonld naiet b* able to laykaidioB htr." ^nr*lL Ibey do aai Ibal aba wu » mlgbir ktodrbaai^td .woman (j^epoortcadd thofb pulf, ud ibU iba wyuiAttautUb)u ' "Tm: hw can hardly help'wiahtog Uill alia it, avaf V bkadid un IbU thap.'' "I»«peotlberewuacani«»)rlt." • . . .., V n dan aayi aad ll'a a Ana ■bow.ap tor lb* magutftl*** nmlly, - -t,„„ • •■ ■ ■■ J «*», '.'] poor; . , . — ^Kol Uiey, toiplto of Ibe daewlpUoD jtil to |lTPi,:k«n of tUI elie looli like, lod wbU •b*.b<a gotbn." "Oome on thm, Jiok; if yon'relllyonrrtp*, let'* b« roortofj'' A* b« apok*, IbJy bdh novtd tatted* lb* twr, end «*• :IM. enen beud them nWlIng wllb • etnet of rellat which m*y»* readily Imailnad,' They p*u<d,'b«waver, apon ihalbrubaliL "lookUian,nai" ■■' ■ "Wbe^l" ...^^ . . ■ I :-i/.t--ji i luVnld aom'ellmw Ibal a neiww nimto wllhln lilibMUHk* a cnill IB lU eb*n; If Slery Clevertag BiB hat onapbaW eonld hive done eo et lh<i noioenl Ibey cerlilnly won'd. A*-il'waa, however, tbe ds>lnb>a opanltoB'batiig! lamuHnbl*, ibtt- Tf loilned motloolFie, Ibeir face* Uraad la Ibe dMottnoi elllBi Tolcea, awcUng n»rg iBO inen Lt k M llw would. ba.,dli«mnd aad draMad'titTU, n* ipadw waenned. ^ _ >.; ' : „.'. "Sid not yon bMt m* Uil hlgbrton iSitl boy Tom to let Ibb plioaattalglitl ' • "' ' • "Tel." * • "y»ill«ok. Ihen,rttbawayb»'il*(llhil**wl" . ^ "Jnat u If eome one bid b«ea bavtoa agtne otromM to IV? "I'll <lry*a hja -Ja^al for himl pi|(.(aoa on, worve no ilaie to '"ind 10 Iba door wu aTlmi»e4 lo,'iDll tb*' •P^«*«.ilWtot: l*iiAM*d;taMnswllb tban lacb iwelabt of aniely liVil'tmoT fromtMBaaita crib* Uitontrr,'(bat iheyftn weilplill(Uto>i<h othat'* arm* .wbintbay one* non found tbaiaaelvew aloui •■ Ml peifael'T iiulel, bowevrr, for a loitg whll*/ MlBbtog IbM Ike miBnigblbya-BI*cbuea ralun. Thiy oouldburlWryeto**, tb?d£rM)iBa ViStince off In the dell. IheyllitopTdTwidl*)! wu altool, thea roea fkom emoug tbe ilnw. Tbe man f*f catcfMgttaadBoon* wM lob* Km. Now wwlhe ltaaato toave Ibto plic*. wbloh wunone of Iba aiMt Ifoo* i-flhakalba^ H toting bat .itin wban wu iheteaaalrrpleMto be fraud r Thar ware yel In UieBetobborbood.or iUohmondi enar alllbeU. windarlnga Ihey could n't ,bo veiy fir off. Mirj adrMW WBi deeerfbad In a tandhUL II wai not ulb lor them to^.wrn abooi One Ihougbl only gara tbm buy oomftm, and 'thai waa lM;ia.BU prehftllltf It wia not knoan Ihit Uuf wu toMffl. p»nl.d by-htrpoofcompmlon, TDo >"%'»f''f!3iy,'£aSSrf SCnia* Ihoe* *Vo wen endiaTortog lo fled out iBbf dlneto of Hny'adlkbl.' ■ WbalIhey nut do.Tiowver. m iway bom Ible dangttona n»'«''*»'''*J',,"*»lSS^?l* Ibatlhty wonld keep In Ibo roid le long u lh«y «nld. mdw BOOM Ibe delde wheoevr Ibey could, aSo rutdlni tbrmMlrei *i onaku neilble by Iba dngervoilj. r~" — ' "^in* all vUligai, xb(» g*' ^trt delloblVd to tod I ■MI* tltef reAd on one Ifm ' . ^ -- t- - don?' Loadon wia whllhor Ibey woald'bava Mot 0*ii Blen. but boweonid Ihiy do 'o vritbont puring tbnnUUBIlAimdr ^fedTlSey won hf»|l«ti™. lb'/beard Im .•indof wkitfa aj- taMihloBf'om iha'ailoollonnftewB. ' ' T^' Hr-J^- TliAldnllbeylbbngbl ol ieUrlBl egals behind'tba badg« but they peeped n " " aadiha apntoiBBed bin wllb a auU^ ; . — i.. _i. Toflull'ord., Wpold b* gl"ilhtnl*Utlaod■ Iblf .wy^ K himt They .wen very wdeoma to Iha .•eld, aod baaJed Ibera Into bli voMol*. Then Way took Iheir laiii W • J5JJ"' aad were eo oonon<ed by Ibe covering of Ibe waggon Uul mtaVi wilboulcomloBootwetowiiid'fUrltigtn at Ihinj. could hive ■een tiieni, When Ibey. ^* MM**. I*V't'lSJIfc,^ aRilnalnjay, But tbeybiaiol oooe Tewflrwhttlh^^ (fieivandolVioru'ehoJf* BthlndIbim. wnypw^idoiabjrS wbSPn dT^^hSrScllo bra .iuioolUgal but, a. Otey ap ' MdnaMariolt th*yfi>oul Ibal It wee an ealbonia,m JSobaSSyoni/ta UBbln. time by Ibo iaiephard, Tn*> SiSfaw nnohSlfltonlly Id cl'ioblog Inio lb* deldi aad tbey taeot L thinking lbi>, for wint of a b*Uer, Ihn "WbU 1* thai r- a*k*d uiy. Bublcvy bdd ap an dogec. at a cinltoB to her lo be atlirahd Uran. : Wban Ibey did ao, ihoy heird raUllbgoraohato 1 en awfol nottlng, aodlkj;! •'tihJ<i*«.IameoW«bleofdrort«dUllr. . ■ ■ ■ • • ■• ■■ , ' BMIfUTbadeeaBioiaetLlngof NnBifyUt«,aBdviab^nW •itdd'tfonbairlbUtbi'n'htktoir ■ ; ••»*nf:' . 1. ■ .■■ , . , ..ii>^ I ''And lUl dreadlnlgioentoaf" ■ • ■• ' ■i!c»e|.r' ' ■ ■" ■ ' ••1 "nbillalir' ... •LetuagoandloeklaittbAWIadow,", . . .•.••|.nll rik»woridl'' ■ .■' ■■■i' ' t •■Whitalt" "Al lul-ib>t-doti'lyaaa«af-lba|ttaoniUrl" "WMI da yoB think U tot" t OUR DRAMATIC POIITBAIT OAUBRYi;< '^ . '' ■ ' ' ' ft H. MKLT, 'VH AS^Hmi toSfoe cite of M<ibil7«iiilton lo- tl>fiS!SSi ftivCllf"-*"' »»J<iH<*». B« B'M'J WgSj 51.m;,''li?v.ito,,wlib &ein«BBog the ""Wio WVj;'^** it,> the a-aeoo now aboub eloeiog, bu boeii "I'^i.TSH.TK I»|53 * d.y lb"! wiiM. lHiion.'enrt oo lortrtl ocMMMW BU SSd <«tii. Wu k-toSly a grutlaipet V^SSllfiS in Sowisis: oi, Tn hnw SriooL VoB J«^*f^xli7 in j«wiBa»,^a|^ij^^^ pnbilca.l Ba of #nd:.A;Hlldy, f Hn. acre, » out MD.9SAm>*<hc%l<. Y. Piloe eg mU, to pip*r. dfc.