New York Clipper (Aug 1865)

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i*itMbtMMi«M .V — --—^ — WUiplvlA ife ttv AtiL — . ^ INtM Jb»C *ooi o«thl»(il to t» J*!*!«*r5jJS' Hf^ InMifaiMUaa or tli h(ttt aHar nmatDf kMM ikm IH* KM • gnMKik ct lili>IUt aroT Una » la ndi TiolaBt«I«IOW. ■ ■,^ JXrtM ATfUt lb* KaiilMa^ win tan «> 'n'^w,,*'- htMn«B Ci PbiUdtJ^of •boiloi bow mm or bow IltUa Ihcr bin proBM ibrlr wetk't Tlut to Haw Tork, and If wo slMkaBOk Ibaywin ncctrd befer tiiantbajbire aivtfone fe^on. BallnewdcIaaalalvBttjalawntdaabonI IbalTp.tcb- tec. Oopa, (bdr ngolw pllcbar, u an aioaUtat pUror Iqr Uia poaUhn. Ba la plaokr to 1babaakboiiaU>ba|lnwl<li.an1bta aeod btuDOT la a qaaliflcmlioo Ibal aloaa makea blm a dnirabio oaabCT of a dab, and ha caa pitob for bonra wlltaoal appamiUr Mini fatlna. Ha wslchra kbe biaaa cloael/ and pllcbea • good -tat, and' whan wrtl baekad np In iba naM wfll ptora a tnabl*- ^aoia opponant In Iba poatUon. Wa won1d> hoaavar, an-fgMt to ■Um to dnp Ibil btUk of bla o( following plajcn wban ranolsg thatr baaaa. Ik U not Iba right Iblng to do br aiqr maasa. In luti a airlot ooaatKKtlan of tba ralai ahonld Madan aaipliato nflMWl It tn Iba HnMind »l Uodrring tha flaldan fnn a ton a«<onUim of thali dillai. Brows makaa a si>li il obasf« 'SMw ft* Iba nina, and will rank A. 1 wUb pitCM. Ba M «Ta(Tnaat d^Tery. In condiialon wa bara to tji/ (uatnoolqv lUtoi tha aij fnm FblladflnhU tba baa lad * man ■ftttt^tla Iminaalon baklnd tkem than tba Eajataata, and II n ■taba bopad Iba tboT win annDaUrniaka It a tonroi* 'waak'a lUlL and tbat nail year Ibar win laka mora of tba Haw Tart aloba for Ibeir adranatlaa than tkaj did ibia ttma. Ibalr ■tgaiBma nait aauoa ahonld buloda Iba Eadea, Ootbana, id ■mplraa, of Haw Tork; Doloni^ af HonUBDla, and aloia and Inlarpriaa, of Brooklyn. MoniLn Ixun*—Tbagmnd matoh ol lhataaaoB conM aajtBohokaB,OBlha9dotAnguUU balntlka (at makkof is, Asufut, U bring iba JInt makk of ' 'ft»^n:*m wimimkwmymljrt^ lonniw thib Of llbanj, and lbs Mtar of Ttor, plarad a ball maleb on Iba M'b OIL, at Tn;, H. T., wbleb tba EnierpilH wen br a aaon of ST to 91. Tn IsicBaBocus Olub. of d1b«n7. H. 1., plajid a chib Aatob en tbo nUi all, btlwaan Ibelr Oral and NCOnd nisaa. ■Iba fint nIna won bj aoorlng 90 agalnat V. lamurau ta. EHnu —Tha laeond nIna ol tha tgnnai and Iba flrat nIna of tba lattar, both Albaoy oloba^ pl^ad a matcb tbero eo Iba ailb nil., wblob Iba Boplraa wwn bj a acore of 11 lo 91. THE BnVG. 4I.B0 > Flohling Plolurei. $'.60, mPORTBD SHOTOOBAFBg. FBklUHa RlZg; tlxlT. Sajara, Btanan, Mace, Bmnton, Haddan, Holloa Cannt (daad), fiwlfl, Oancan, Walkfr, Bowa, Alac Beld, Jrmaj fihiw, Toa 'OUrar, h<d Aoaini (deadi. Kangaroo, Oao. Brown, Jam Ward, 'WaaUuU. Jam Oroaa, Jack UoDonald, alo., ato i In cltlz>n'a droaa, tLMtacb. Addrcai - - ED. J4UE8, ITeow Car* Sew York Clipper. THG CUBES AMD KEATINa HATCH. irO FIOHT. Kumo AnaarxD ud Bmr lo Coonr Jail -THE STAKES DRAWN. ' Arm an Iba "naat axpactaUona" of tha aporta alt OTar Iba ' eaunlrr, at tha anuolpalcd aannHon null betwaan Iba toD4lla^ BIDr Olarka anl Jo&nnr Keailog. for tlMO and tha Paatkar Weight Champlonablp, tba alftlr hia endadlo* llzila,andall tbagraatbopaa an laR nnraalliad, gone np In a billoon. Al< tkongb wa got word lait waak ol the carlog In of tba nutab, ■ and fabUabad the aame. It waa aoaa dtya aflarwarda baton tbo diUr paptn wan atmUari/ entlnblanad bj maana of Iba alactric Aula. How (t cuna to aod u it did wlU alwaja ba a tlrrly anb- Jaot fbr argnmaol, and reanlt In many a pnncb In Iba "Irlih •aset" whm their napaatlTi friaoda gat to artolng Iba "pinl. One Ibbig wa do know, and that la, that tha baoken of Iba lade wan not of Iba nanal claaa of men who baok paglUalf. bat par- aena wbo anbaonWd tba mooej for Iba aaka of aaatng a pllobad - battle batwean two yoiugatan weU maichad In erair reapaot, and wbo didn't tipeol a dollar of Iba aUkaa whoerar won, wbDa Iba loaer waa to bare bad a lonalog btntlt a law dsja aflar Ibe balUa waa orrr, Tha match wia made on tba Hit of Jnna to B«hl on the 9tlb of Jolr, wllhin fiO mllea of ClodoDatl and not leaa than 30 mllaa. Qaofg^HoQeewmaappolDtad final aUke-bo1d«, and tba monej, wblcb waa pealed at Jobnoy Loailon'i^ want op as regiilar as ctockwotk. Botb went Into afttre training, and erentking be< ■ tekenad a aaoraaarnl laana nnUI, nnfortnnualy, EaiUng waa ar- raated on Iba 9llb nlL, aflar tba list dollar had been pealed, and ararjlhlng gone Ibrongb with aicept the wdgbtog eei«moD7. Tba alory aa told bj iba OlndnDall papara la thai two atcanboa'.e > for each part;-had bean eniaged to leaTa cindBsatt at four o'clock In uia morning for tba flf filing gionod; hiudnds of aporta, gamblem. prlxo-flghtarL rooodan and olbera bad anlTad fnm Haw York, 8L Loila, LonUTlUa, lodlanapolla, Chicago, Col- Ufflboi^ and alaewhere. to wilnaaa tha amtuemeot and ilak Ibelr moaaj—and aU to no pirpoae It wia wen aodtralaed tbat the lllbt waa not to takaplaoe In that county, bnt In aome portion of • Owe, Indiana or Eanraokr, aaaj ol acoaas, when there would be ■0 obane* far Ibe anthontlw to Intcmpt It KermthelMi^ one ' ef Ibenrtleak Hobble dark, gara bondaaaraialdaiaalnce. In ths 1 of tlifn to keep tha peace In BamUloo coimij. KeaUng OUTIBLI COMTBITED BATILI. '^^/fKtiinfplpt, orpmsBvnaB, iubplrarBvana. OP CINOtHNiTt. . MiwiuinVioioaniiBoDlBiMjldRrna. T»ldl>iti|l|H|l(illW> earned by tha nalookad for tomlnaUoa ol f^aalsndXaaiat mitcb la dnclnaall. aabinlly casitda tcvd'ddaldfgiowllagnom Ihoaa who want aotir feoa ton* In Ibe ac|l»|l ayhy, what no <ionbt wonid bare pmnT bad It boS (0 aae a llltls fan belon retamtof (rao whence they i a^AbttalcH waa thtnopon luproflied on ibaqniat ba* 1 Jekaaj Hawaii, of taa Ofty or 8m<dx^ and Patay Buna, a mat ancceadad In eoDadtsg a f IM pome, wUob fobnny and SMdtodgbtiiir. ' ' y nam BiuDUD newau waa ac one lima laiiea aoooi aa a m Ibr^nddr Wimlina, and ones open a Una bad a pntte 1 dtadilanRltoliajgbbar-rooia. Helaone of Jobnnr Mecl mBt, and In ma mildaa effort baa dona do dlacridlt V , the prettlaal ollata tba annla of American figblla^aaialtii, Bnt Iboiuh fooled bi Ibe one loflanee, lb ly wcrobo^ioaaanlT'" - ■ ' - c»n^ iwoao realdaal df MkdpoUa. Tha aana d«y tbat Oaa McQee ninnad tbsBOUtrtatftoasharacelndlifremln tba flrat nnoiad aOtlr, ■•ollkebaMaetlbairnoddltalo work to niaa a IllUarnn, niiiaa( ft* , W* ballara nallbar one of Ibeaa pirUea srar ap^ued In the riBg|_altbonjblJewall waa a ooa Uma talked abool u a inaloh eclie*'a effort baa dona no dlacridlt to tba ibleaamaof bli adanlUc tnlor. Hawaii la not alicgalbar unknown to tbia dty* aa ha baa kad on tba mln non than once In dWont pUoaa m nnbtla Ha la a abort, ibIA aal, alordy joiuigianow,andJaattteholldlorallgkUr. Of Soma'appear- noaof nertonnaoeaa waaiaaUmlbe dark, botfbr a norlceba toii iidlnoiaalf tobepcaaaaaadof loiaol phifb. , Abool ma hoot baton aondewn on iba91UinIl, Iberoedt landtag t» O o i luglii a, on Iks IndepandaBaePtta, wen besieged ' 'jgaatlaTaanwdaapaAapeerarwailonTlbaaameiiraand. —' ^wagoa%atpraaawigona,baaka,tndarMo<allabapea aenedtoeonralkeinyaDdreallTarlnggoaiatolbalr dciUMta^ while IbaeaaWi Sie''pana''to bin a caaaraB. had tonrattoahnk'eaM or May la towntlilllwivonr. The odet <^te OoTln||la^ wb^ybdtm apmtad ondar Iba boitna, - e( Uaok poller flQfn,' ^leb tba amaDclpnlad onea potnlad at mi poor while ltHh,and eompellad tfcamtoaailk mnn rominUi- qnarlan and llaa nom tba wnib to ooma, aa Iba "nl«a"wantafkrlbom Ilka amoka, and eompellad tkem to eaak freah flaUa and paatoraa new. Onraontof algbtof the ebony pkiloaophara, a ring waa pitched at Latonia Bttinga, where eioy- tblng went off Uke a newly graiaad coach wbaeL Ha time waa cotto male here, and the tirellmlnarlaa being ill amnged, aeo. trnAi ohOMH, ^> Ibe yeonf^ai' ahook thelrdaddlee lor TB noBT. Roond L Aflarallltla cautious mancaoveitng on ketk aldea, acme braTT body-blew* wan aicbanaed. Bona than aucceedad In gtttlni; In one at Ibe oiitoe of BswrU'a potato tns, which compliment waa nttmcd neaUy with a lefl-bander nader tba rjisbtear, which wu Iba measa of aeaUag Buma lo bla naUTe inrfganiiy. 9. under Iba nfnaUng Influence of boUla anil apogge, bolb cameto Ibarcralcb wllbaiacntyat tbeword, andalmoat Imma- dlilely Plliaburgb bore etr«lght from the abouldar agalnat Olo- dnnaU'e noae, dnwtng da/at Italy, but at Ibe ama loatant rccelrad one between Che peapara wnlch aent Um to nutbar earth. 5. Ibecontaalanlasgalnraaponded pnmpUyto tlBe,aad nri witb evident gotd bnmor. Meltber, aa yet, ahowed dana oi pnnlfbmenL A few body-blowa wen glean and taken, and aome good aparrlDg waa done on both aldea. A. BamahadlbabeetofUlBtblaroond. He alzQckont neatly from Iba abonlder, aod bla flipper told beaelly npon HaweU'a orflen,biliiglog tba roby. It wasmatly dona, andapoogeand boiUa bolb wen needed. Hewell aaemed to ban become conddanbly harmwad by tba allghl ptulatunent of tba laal round, and ha pot tn bla re- Joladan thick and feel, ooa on tba bugle, ene eo toe anont, and aaolber tmdar Iba atirboard tympanom, while Buma bad no ahow for a raluiD. Tba winding op waa ooa aqoan between the peeper*, which aent blm to gzoae In nobby alyle. 6. Bnroe foogbl thia neatly, golsg It strong eo HaweU'a aconce^ and raaoblng blm under the ear twice, and twloe Jon OTer Ibe Ian peeper. Hawaii, howarer. managed to get In one oodar bla note which aeemad to looaen bla upper grlnden. Tbla broogbt tba red flold In a toTrant, but wjtboot mlndiag It at all Buma ntumed wlib two or tbiee. In rary rapid aoccaaalou, aU OTer bia pblz, aendlng Mm to graaai T to 9. Buna got Iba worst of II, Jndgtaig tram Ibe pnfoae manner In which oe abed bla blood; eadba Tery aoon aaw at to aaaoma a qnlrtly recUohig podilon. Hawaii aaoaped with a **reniloder''^oa tba head-plaee. The two neit ronnds ware not of mneb Importance. 10. Scran tdia and nmgb bitting aeemad lo ban told plainly open Borne. Bla tsoboada waa badly awoUeo, a diminnlln Ibnnder-cknd adoned bla peepen, while bla whole mug, wblcb ahowed Ibe duet badly, buf aasnmed a aomewbat "JeniAed" ap- pearance. HaweU loo, looked aa thongb be Idt the ponlahmeot eomewha; but when ttme win sailed lor tba teotb round, be tnmped to Ibe arratcb with an eaay, oonfldeot alap, while Buna looked aa though ba felt disiy. Both aparred oaotlonily for aome time, when Ibe Pltlabnrab man made a rough aide bit and fol- lowed It np with a larrlle, oraahlag blow open Borca* bieatf- buket ana anolber opon nia smeller, which again goabed the cUnl In itreama. NewaU aecaped with one under Ibe chin and a allgbi npperaloi7 aoonder, and wound up Iba roond 1^ aendlng bla oppooentbeaTilytoaoU witb anoiber lei rifle blow between tba ayea. 11 to 13. wan almoat repeUlloaa oftbetenlb. Buros waa ter- ribly ponlihed In eaob. He managed, bowaTer, to niaka Newell •granny" celeitial aoenary twice with Ihompenffom bli "ATee" iquan ondcz the loft peeper, acd tomakabimBtln predpllatoly to the arma of mother earth. 14 and laai. Hawaii'.BOW ibowad eigne of rongb baodBog, bla wbol* lace bdiV4*d, blaok and VIxu. Bat be eame to tims wlib ^ ClmtMiU Fttl RMb. TO ooioiaai i^ AxoDin; or i FIBST DAI, ■iTIimiti'-l iffifWlfr™' Ot IM CAOH, Hall tefeli fbrcolls aad tOka sowlpHXan 014 tuoadeed: mOs beiisi to name and aloea Ihe |a4 ft>i | la in btt,lW; three or ■on to All. 'L**!- ■ IkKa Sir-Pane II0«; lor iD lipajwlla kaala. Sm DiT—Pane t300. open I* aU tana, onemlle daab. UBOOND DAT, VritDHeaBAT-BUBDU! RACK. Handicap at $W aaeb, hdr forftbt piuwe V*; onr Iwalre hurdles. Sleet A Inekaa blob: Uu« nllH; to cloaa irpleiuber liti welghisooioDIketlh; deolanlloo aaetbafareili iiib; aacond boraa lo moelTe anirance money and ftuMA; An o cnior, three toacoap'. BanDai-Purae tAOO: to inagiatlKuDebfan TIUBD DAT, THDBSDAT-BDBHR BOIKE CDP. Puree glMOL gUI of Mlas F. HiUfr. Bst;! Wel sake WOO each, iip; two mile bnta; foriUbonei; cloaoA^uill; IbieatoAll; our yean obi aod under, their pTO«rwal|bl| ArryeeriolUand oreri 110 Ibe; 9 Iba to maiae and geialna. BiMS DiY-Two mile daab; pona KMi SaOlog Bice Bonea acleraa u be aoltf Kit llAOO, Id our) their proper wdgbl; Ifaniercdtobenidlbr ATB0,aDa««d7lba; Ueutandto bsaald for ItOO, aUewed It Ihe; If eatandlDbaHid lorAUO, al. towed91U>a, Any hone entandand not lobe add, to carry 10 Ibaexit*. Iba winner to baeoldbraoctla after Iba raoe. Any surplus to go lo tbs ICanater. Aa ovaato rtfaln bla bom aboold ha not go onr the prtoe entand to ba oolt for. IODBTH DAT, IBIDAf-BWntBTAKU OF |I00 EACH. Half forlelt forcolla aod dlUw no»lbMayianoU; |100 added; two mile beala; to name and61dnell)#..W af S^tember, IBtt; three or mora to fllL . BuuDAT-PnraeWOD, gtft ol MeaMlMiUftplyno; %r best three loftst ' aUagaaimllaheatttt 1 afjiiialnliniaa. appeoad worth aad Bade nBilsTU that bar raotbar waa about to aaaeak byflabltog Tbalnatloe Ikerei^an euaed tba an«atof Eeallsg, and lno«rcei«led him lo tba oounly Jail on tbe night of Job «l, to defanll of bouda of gll^Ofa Tbaplaoa aeleoled for wdgblog wu loudon'a aaloon, on Oen- tnl avenue, near Htoth atieat. at which place Clarke put la an . appeaiaaoe quite promptly. Then wan gathered logelker tbare a eery peouliar crowd of penoua. Inlercated In the progreaa of tbeaflur. Every tnld.ibitaxrtTeddiutogtheday,braughldele- sstlons of ipoits, wbowenasilonitobaon hand In time for the bonis, and tbe exonu tralai In Ike evonlng leaded nomban of iporla from New Tork and other dialanlpolnla. Dpio a late banr of TuaaAiy night, tba 90tb oIL, tbe atnola were Uuoiucd lo maai placea witb Ibeae obaiaclera, all of whom bad learned ttat tbefigbt waa not to take place. Thoaaof tbe "Nobble" achool, tn gui ku p o llf, werelooil Inthelrexpnealonof Ihe belief that tbe ar. real waa a "setop tblng," on tbe part of Eaitlng and bla Arianda, to dodge tbe oootaat, alter having received oddi u heavy bela; white Eeatlog'a rrleadi^ altbousb tbey could not eiplaln how It happened tbatbebad not been balled ool, wen eqnaUv oolay lo axpiaaalofl Ibelr coofldeoca la Johnny'aablllty to wlilp ''Nobble" twice over. Eeabog'a friande irenmoatlyof tka Third, Fooitb, Stub, and Tbineenib Wards, while IboeewboplKcdtbetrfiltbln Clarke'a muaele and gananeaa wan prominent "gambullen." The Central annuo and Vina atreet dilnkhig aaboua wan largely patrosliednploalatohnarol the night, by hondndaol tbedli- appolntf d onei, many of whom aongtit mUef in tbe IntoHcatlog cop from Ibelr boxden ef diaappolntment and bope woraetban dabrred. On tbe ITIb nil, llr. UcOf e, tbe atakebdder, waa waited on by aoma of tba frienda of Clarke and EeaUng, and be .declared that, for tbe preaent tbe flgbt wu off, and tbe alskea wen Ibanupon returned to their nipecUn backer*. Lnu Fion anvrau Patdx EaanBa and Um Haun. Ibe HaahvUllana an bavlna their tun u wall u olhan of our erring, bni npenbut Sonuam cttlea, aod from tba B'obmood mUl and tbe ene lo wblcb wa an about to allude. It will ba aeen thitoncealarled.tbey an bound tokeeplbe pol bdllng. Tbe eiae lo point win the long-canvaaied meellna between kUke neara, al one time a partner of Jtiluny KaaUoa'a In a Boutb Brooklyn porter bauae, and Paddy Eearna, 018L toula. To pot Iba "cope" oSthe aceni, tba boxere made It up on tbs quiet lo settle Ibelr diffsicoces wlib oloeed doon In a room, on tbe Ulb of Joly; tha auno day tbat wltoeaaed Ibe dailh ol Iba nbd seoanl, aamelt,and Ibe ninal of Ibe "Johnnlw" fromCanuk'arord, Ta,,Jnat fonryainago. Tha men veoraoon amnged all m- tinlnailea, and with lleLaugbbn and tfhtoneaiy to look alter kllkft and Bethel and Unrtla for Paddy, Iba flgbl went onvaly on, witb bolb to tbesbit olcoaditlon. Eearna, wbo wu deddadl; lbs lirgeat man, with (pretty good delivery, foogbl bla man all tonther on the body. Be In tan wu oouulerad apleadldly by Iflk^ who fought allogalhar It Ibe bead of bia man, and bad Iblnga u be eanred altar tbe Iblrty-Biit nond, having till man neatly blinded. Clom tbe lorllalh roond, Eeanacamo op totba .oalladmeoiily to be knocked down, aid when Iboa wu called for the forty-roorlli tound, Saaraa not betog able 10 eland, bli aocondattewoptbeapoDge and MlkaHeama wu declared tbe winner In lb. 30 m. Wllh tba exception of aome alight body brnlaaa. Hike wu freab eoeugh for anolber booL Eearna bon bla pimlikmant bnvely, but wu no match for bla opponent In aclnce. Tbey foogbl at catch weight Blob Jaoxtx* on tbb Moaau.—WbUe a number ol Volonoa wen encamped at Coucord, N. B., walling lor "aalsry day," a • oooplsof ibau got Ibelr Irab up, and notbtog would do but 4beyBgrthavaUoat iBilegnlar Urenao and Sayenatyls. Ao . ooa^logly 00 Ihe afternoon of the 9Alh uli, they npalred to a gnn not lar from IbeHtitolloaae. Oooronndwutoaghladen- .uoaUi—time iM. Twain paraona wan Intamted, wllh Ikree aneclilon looking acoldenlnlly bom a nelghboitog hilL Tbe heavy man (ITO Iba) beat tba llltia man (UOlba) In the tnl round. Iliellillaone aald ha wu ilok,DUl whan weUooold whip any mu In town. Blgoao aald be did not want to flgbl, tiotwucbaUragedanaconid not belpll. Blood wu dnwnon both aldea, aovenl heavy blosa wen aimok, and one doaebog, botnellborcama to griaa Bo'Ji ataooh banda. Big man wu sponged o^ UUIe one nated a hw mluolai onder a ahady tree, aod all lubacqaeotly nUiad, acamlnglv aallAed wllh the result 'Ol an affair wnioh bad bean talked ol all tba forenoon. PuaoRniTTDBWuiiHouaE.—Then wu another pleaeant noulon of the p^nooil frl*nda andsupporlen of ioe Oobatn,at bla manaloo, the While Houie, 118 annd alteel, on Ibe aftemeea of Ibe 911b ull., when aome titenty or twtnly.fln enjoyed tbem- advea over tbe good thinga provided for ueni,and aftirwsrda held a Ssuntbttud, when, noder Ibe convivial cSbda ol apaik. Ung Calawna and Heldalok, tbe company had a epieadid ima In napoan to a oail bom Ibe chair, Aleck hiaaon warUad a homely ballad, ancb aa poor Welly oaed to sing, while Felix Lerkin, m5uilo-lnurr, made tbe Ward reaoond with bis deep, rich Dotea In rendering "WeaHog of the Orean," aod sibar natlonil iln ol lbs Gam ol Ihe Baae. Among uthan wbo either danced, tung, or made speeches wan Harry Lyosa, Barry Dater, JaaBlglbi, of tba Oollyer Oraw, 0. D. EUlolt, Peaiull, the Co- burns, eto, and all had a royal time. Tn Poun Air di Woaoatnay-Pnt Bhea, ol Boefcni, gave . display ol the fliUs atl befon Ibe olUxana ol Woieeiler, Hue, a norlleuUural HaB, on Iba 981b uli., aidalad by the lollowlng well-known axponania of Ibe art: Dob Haaly, t. Sullivan, Connor, of Worocalar) Eugene kIcCarlby, Toung Sndona, Big Bailey, Sin! Aaien, Youag Mdjaeaby, and Tom bloon of Boaloa Donng the evening Bhea aimared In hia colabrsled Indian Club Bietotu, swtogtaigIm SAID, dnba 10 tbo entire•aUaOuUoo of Ihe audience. Tbe wlnd-np waa between Iba rnfuaor and HoOartby, and waa 'fine display in atopptng, hllUog aod golilng away* both ma showing to advantage. FIOBiiMO Picmia—Sporting man sr ba^roon propriaion wlahlDg to have a coUeoUon of ran ploluna Indudlng Mike Hid- den, OwaoBwlll, Johnny Walkar, the late Ben OaunL and aome Blxly olbon, all d Iffaranl, hare now a good chaooa to boy obaso. fie* advarUiafflaut lo the Btog DapwtmenL ^OoKcaar.-A veal aad Inatmneolal ooneart'oonese^altha uonaa ol Oon>monab'9A W.- Houaton street on Ike AA^ Car tha aanofltolayiaagnianwboraocnUy loitthaoaeblUAhllndtaia M AOOMtM Witt • oUeolar itw. golahadngle iaatoi% aa ^ and tbe fan wu ao pnfled op aa la tffit H'Via m b level' with tbe ooea, wblcb wu terribly battered. Hewell'a lob wu an euy one. WaltlDg an opportouhr for a 'Hood thing,'' he aent home an awfbl Ibderonrtbe ameuer, which took tbe redplenldean offblslnl, and knocked blm completely outoliloe for Ihe next aU. Tha flght oocupled about foriy-flva mlnnles. BanHBtDoxni Duuv* Cbulst Rviw.—Some ol oor pu- [lllstle Irtende vrUl remember Barney Duffey hiving bad a little •Ulna out wllh bla old Irlmd Obwley B/an, while iba two wen traveUng, the preclae data ol wblitb we do not remeaber. but II la anougb to know tbat tbey agrud to flght In a oirtalo time, ao- cooing to tbe mud miee, and that they mat, u per agreemeat, >in tbe 9»lh of July, about twealy mll'a fr*m Brle^ Pa. The men entsRd Ibe ring at about 0 A- M. DuSay dnw flrat blood in ibe aeeond round, but Byao maaigad to get the knook-deen blow, tbua winning Ihe aeeond enuu As Ins flgbl progressed, Byao ilaated aome ugly tbuga on Dnffey'e rlba walla Barney kept obbtog at bla ayea tolryandbllndbim, gelltag much the worat of llwhenttcamatowrasUlng. Tbla proved thai Baraey knew wha he wu about u blioppoaantwumoobbuTlarand ten yean bla joulor, and il he didu'l auoceed in cloilsg op bii vlaoal oigana, tha Ada ol battle wu llkdy to torn la Byara «vor. Tbla ha avantoally aoooaaded to dolo^ after two boiua abarp orio- tloe,and tbantn won tha flght—number of ronndi not given. Thie waa Dulley'a flrat rtaft Aghl, dibough be debated Connan to Cleveland, a glove ooateet aome oma ago, when Johnny tlukey aod Dick Hoon aeojnded kla. Mica HID WoaiuLD.—Tble malcb tor tba Ohamplonahip, to ba fought In Hovember, drags lie elow lanolb wearily dong, with- out oteallng any tolered at all The amall depoelta -£IA a-alda— (or ao Impirlantamatdi, takea away moob of tba totaiset, aog Wormddudblafrtenda aieaooardaHthatonuntaiooeulons tbaybavocemewUbinaDaoe of AirleiUag, befon ooe-elgblh of Ibealakuanap. Thegporllssfl/kbulhe fbUowiagbtTalBlg BeU; "Wa cannot nndeniaad ua palloy of our ooatemponry, wbo Invariably announcn to Ita colaue Iba depoilla will not be taken alter four o'dock, yet In tbla Inalance, when tha moo ay ought to have been alaked on Ibe Thniaday, Wormild Is given inUl psat nine o'clock on Friday nUbt to make bla money good. Wedo not know by whom Woriaald'a mosey wu alaked; but wbenwelutaw Sou Tyler ha wu evidently 'full' agalnat hie tormerprclfpe. AalhamaUar now alandttba next depoell ol 110 a-aide hu lo be atiked on Thureday, July 21, d a hooie lo be named by Woruuld.'' ViifOEirT CoDV'a BmriT.-The young man wbo reoanlly longht ao gallani a baUlo wtlh Ja:k Lynch, bnt ud the mia- fbrfiine lo loee, on account ef bla banda giving w», hu bean In- vited to gin a apamng exhibition tn tbla dly, and latanda lo d* ao on Eriday evening, tbe lib hiat, when Us friendi of tbe Old Bevenib will see to It tba he hu a roanr. Tha affiiroonua off a Harmony Ball, Cealer atriot, near tha Boweiy, a large and ooBimodlona place, wilh Ms ol veolUaUon. He will have tha a a- alalanoe olbii bralber pun, and the CelUomla boxen alao, lor TInoehubeenin tba gold reaiona hiniaelf. Forlhewtod-up. owing to Cody'a bavlog ma wtlh a aaven aKidenI by Inolnring bla arm. Jack Ijnch and Dobllo Hike, bekween wham oondd er- abla rivalry exlata, wUl have a ragalar old-Caahloned dogging match lor mn-go-Dngh. Tbla wlitno donbi, provaasnaeaer, andmay leadtoamaieh, Flflyoeata to all pails ol tha boo ae, except the outaide, wtaloh la tree, BiLLl>wxBa,olOall(orala,Mlled a oorofllieonlheaiaolt, to luva a danodt and ohalleig* a party whoae name we do not mention. Billy want to tbe ofllce ol a eonianpoiuy to leave bla money and ahallange. Dwyat wania flgbl the party a oatoh weight lor tUOO a aid*. JoBHWT Roon'a Faomn Bona la at A3 JVea Bowetr, and not In tbe Old Boweiy. Qo ud eaa him oooe. Ju Oimozpuaad Ihtongb HubvlDa, lenn., tha other day, 00 bla way to AUinIa, Oa, whan be hai boatotaa, or wlU tava when be gala Iber*. Qoiut.—A Otodnnaa oorieapoadant aaya tha Ihe e ompllnunl. ary leitlmonid a tbe HaUouu Tbeain to Hobby Olarka wu a very aUmly^Uandad and ihdiby iBklr. Haw'a Iklal Joi Coraai 011 Voot m Phmudiubii.— Hatliig leeelvtd aeveni very cordid aad warm heatied Invitollona to mike an exounlon to Ihe Quaker City, Jamas, tbs biothet of Joseph, tba oenqueior of Jack Loioey, ala, pnipeie* gohig on Ikon, and wni gin an axhlbWon al an early day. Jim Oobuto wlU be aaalaied by Prol Whitney, HIckey Oobura. an< a f'lw other oale biaied Haw Yorker^ u weU u tba Broadbrbn Fanny. _ eotls'i^ inie* — l*tf i ii fa eldi >9AoBA«ff^e mile otHTbname eloutbsiaalfleplKa]>ar:lbteearmonto 10. ' .BiKaDiT—PnneYtOO;UaiidlcaplbrBeatanBoraea;mDehtats. AU tbs ebon race* to be governed by tbe same rolu u tha BpdngHuHng. AUenbrIn to Ibe above alaku to ba directed & E. COX, uq., Jr., Butnet Hooae. Otodnnah. Baoetary ol tbe Bickeye (Hub, B, T)|IOEBir00D, Haaager. July let, 18AA. 14-11 EITBAOBDINABY TBOTTIHa OH TBE F18BI0H CODBSK, aivu nun nxqinm n onmi ud On lioi'^^i Mlhi a im 0( ■ ■)««{ luiunal chaiAcler HA ilice oa the Vae.uCu CoUgi, 1.1., between lour feat road bona*, lelongtog to weU-knosn aporttflg man ol tbla oily, that bad trot- ted togetber tore aweepelake lha wtet pnvloui. Cb» >*ca in I ueitlon wu for a pune aad itake ol lAOO. mile beda, beat b l.u A; I Ir. Chit. Baaaom'a bnwo man lady Bbermin, who hid wOi: lha race the week belbre, gdng to wagon, while Br. Coffey's nan mare, driven on tbla occasion by UUes FWnn; I. Simmons' bay I^lding OouL Holt, and Dan luioa'a bnwo Inar^ The Bimmooi' Hare, all want to bamea. Tba latter wu distanced In tbe finutb, bnt It requlRd no leaa than aaven beala to didda tba noa; the' roan min taking the Arrt and aeeond hiala: Com. Hutt lha third and alxlh; end Lady Sharman the fbnnb, Afib and aovantb heeta. In the Mol ealea, lady Sherman woe the bvorlle. aelltog flir t9>0; BoauilanlAl: Com.NulltSI;andgtrnmooa' BuetH. Pinl BeA-Oom. Holt took Ike lead, cloaely ICUowad by lady Shermaa; tbe roan man third; and Slmoona' Uan eeveru lanfths behind. Tbey ranched tha qosrter pole In this way In lOaers. Ootog down lha beck atnlcblbayaU broke op, aod whan they paaaeJ the haltmlle poteIn 1:91, the roan manwuleadlng a length ahead of the "onoeyed mkn" (aa Ijdy Bborman U gen- erally called.*, wbo wu three langtha In frcal of Iba Commodore^ and no alx langiha befon the BtrnmODa' Mara. No change took place to Ihe tnreequarter polCb and dtboogb I^y Bharman and the roan man both broke on the bona atnick, the roia won Ihe hca by a length to 3:14; La4yBbiniao aeeond, three lenglhabfr fore Cool IlnU;Blnimoua' lum waaa vary bid fourth. Acoad JTeK.—Lady Bheman wu lUfl Ibe bvorlle, bringing In loola tlAA; Bean Man tTI; Cemnodon Null |91; Slmmona' Ian $19. .Oomnuidon Not! wu lint OB^ tea loin, Lidy Bhei^ man, and Hace'a man loUowtaig la tbe order naoiad. -,41 tba quarter pole, toe CoiomoAon waaa leogth ahead ol the roan, wllh Ladr Sherman a lha lillir'e wheel; UmelO aeeai Ootog down tha back atniob, Ibe Commodm broke op, and Iba nan man took the laid, lady Bbermao aacood, four lengtha baton Mnl^ aad the laljer twice u lir befon Ibe Bimmona'mam la this way they paaasd the half mile pole to LU. NodtenUonln tboaepodtlons took plan all tbe war bom^ notvitbatnndlng Ibe one eyed man and Nntt both indulged to a koeak. simmoba' man barely aaoped being dlelanced. Time 14X TMrd Beat—no naa mar^ havma won two beat^ wu now aet down u the abaoluto wtonar d Ibe i*c& Sba brought to the pool adea, $I4A; lady Sherman ISA; Oommodon Holt tlO, and tha Blmmona' man H. Jike Somchndyka laid ItOO to IB Ikd Commodore Null did not wto. Ae In tne piecedtog haala, Ihe Coumodontook Ike lead to Ibe qoartar pole, four lengtha ahead ol the roan mare^ who wu half ufkr befon Lady Shermao; time 38 ua. They paaaed tbe hdf mile pole to tha aame idabve udtlona to LIT, aod the Oommolere, Intling aleadUy, eema lome a wtoner by An lengths to 137; tbe roan aacood, three leoglba belbn lady BbenniD, and Slramou' man Joat aaeaptog being dialuced byronntog. >iiiirtt Reet-Another change In tba pod balUng; tha roaa man brlnatog $40; Commodon Holl $39; Lady Bnermao Id, and tba Slmmona' man IL The Ikvortle took Ihe lead, and after rnnnmg toto Oommodon Nntt, led Ledy Bbenoan two leuflUis to Iba qnartM pole to 40 aeoa. At lbs ball mile note, wbuh wo paaaed to LU, .tba naa man wu stlBalaagihaMd ol the old nan, AnryexclUng leee now aasnsd slT Ibe-way aad Ibe loan bdai bead and head Ingalher, tMtteJkBMIUIia btot^lbto a na, wiiU*aMiM*<BMAtaF«|KBke ooeaedhdf a AalBMRVaeroiao, who Joft^^Huoka np, and ran «va tha acoiw'The Judgee gan Ihe ba^n lady Shermaa, 00 aeeeatat of the roan mnn rnnn'ag,'ABVplaced OommodoB* Hn't aeeond) the Blmmona' man betogdMIneed. Time 1.43. PJA Hti±—too\ Bilei Horn Ban ISO; OeoL HutI |89: lady BheiminllA. Com. Halt uiuuatwuflr*t ol^ and went lathe quarter pole two lenglbi In front of Lady Sharman, and the roan u lir behtod tbe eecond; Ume lOsec Going down the beck atrelcb bolb the roaa and Oommodon broke op, and laly Bber. ... .— .. ^ TnEaraiai or mTnoTtnia Tirar.—The fbraoni little man, Finn Templi, now owned by Mr. Wdeh, of Pbllidalphls arrived lad weak atlhe alablea of bat old tratoer, Mr. Jamai D. HcUano, alHnntai'aPototL.L, to ba pnpuadforhar reappaannea oa tbe tuil tha oomlhg falL Every one wUl be glad to aee tbe uolvar. ally populir IllUe bay man on Ihe aoeae orhar farmer Irlumphs, and will niolce to wltoets a renewal ol her oiroar ol aiuoeaa. Bhelookato Ana condition, but ainee waasw kaf lad, aho hu been Bred for aims trifling aniargameats on bar lege, Bhould her lidnar, who knowa the min'a oondlutloo, temper and c^iabUIUeabeUer than any min living, flud her Improve In bla binds, the alU no doubl ba enlanl In aome ol Ihe panu of Iba forUuomlig itn Irxtlag aiuon aa Long iiiaud. Tn Foon uid Wian HiToiL-Jbe ramatola|4100 a aide, la ■onlllag-fflilchbdWeenJM Foola and Wnbb, whD the flve-mlla _ ., ..„, „^ noenilydareaiodBhoohan, wupoaladiln tba Mlh oil,, maklog $930 Irom OKU piriy, now In Ba Om. Harris' hand*. Iba race UtobelnllitBiUug-boila,OTar tie Hopln Conne,'aod will ooma off oa Saludty, * ' ' — tiaitboin BlWa,' nsled waU aod aaat ^ huthaeantolbabeillng-wka Ihacclaorw.. OnattUngsan " iBlhUWebb-ra^aaMu- • • a ■hlug-DOiia, ovar tie Bopin oonrse,'aod will nrdty, Auiosl Alb, belwaan 8 and A P. H., to ft, fool of llOlh atreet & &„.nolh mao ate r» aagnlna, aad galeae laonJarftelMfnr Webb' man puud too bdl-mlle poto two lenglba ahead of tbe olben la 1;9L The man cloaad Iba sip on tne third qaartar, and got ultlilD hdfalaogtb by ruonbig, Inl tbe old man orouedibe aeon flrti, and tbe Judgee a aeeond Uma gave Oommodon tbe eecoiid place on ei.ooont of Ihe roan mm rnnnlng. Time 9:lt ftiMBeat-Agdnagieat chugelewltneaaed In tbe bating, for Lady Sbarman aells lor $IOOi Bean Mere 180 and Commodon for IIA. Tba latter took tbe lead, ud wu never headed to Ihe bat Bo bolted aleadUytbronghootpaaelng the quarter pole to 4QH0., two loDgtbs ahead ol I/uy BbermsD, wbo wu about tbo uma diatanoe ahead ol the roan, and Iba ball-mile pole to 1:91i{. Tha pcalilosa wan oiicbaag^d throighout Time 9:11 Atenlk Ifnl.—Pool BettJig—Com. Holt |AA; Lady Sherman |AA; and ike roan man IIA. Dirknou bad now come on and it wulmpoaiihletodiatlngulah the honu liom tlie elarttotbe flnlah. Lady flberman oama In Ant, bdf a length ahead of Com. Halt Time 9:1*. Sammatyt AiAloa Cbane, U I.. M<mitf, fvt) 9t-Par*a and alake $A«0, mUe beala, best 8 to A. CBaoiom DamedbrmIadySbenoan,towigon...9 9 1119 1 BUee Farran named r m , to birnna 11 9 A 3 8 9 Jsinimou namedbgComHultInbiram 8819918 D Baca named hr m fflmmona* aiare^ In hkneu....4 4 4 dla ^,.rJ'l*S°''' S5^''« » Ilka afflaaati nallhet ol shieh oballingra waa* aocmlad. Be alio effmSuM 11000 IbaiYkaderbUloooldthanaaJthenIntasatolaleaalbu UAi bat this olbr, like the othaiab mw wit? as rwsaiMr Bun> Taiyi— " uto,baitatiiB.lahanc*a. -^^tm.awa D. KaceaaBlBA baCoaunodanVindrrbUt 1 T, Onna named bla Battr Clay ""'"diM. , >. 3Yau. ifBltt. Ha>f. uST Tha beat 3A> 1:11 jtj^ .TiOTTmo 0T8B in SorxDLE Piai, PsiUDiLnu—Tneadav Joly 14tb.-|IOU ilaksaod pna^ mile kaoe, bed tbiao to flie/to TO MANAGERS. Engagetaaals <9( Hulled parlods, and on llbent tarioi, may ba affeoled with 'tta^aknicd aad vanaille Aoenna 1 vuoailal, Bdtard HuUni'sani Owasn enlaied ch g m LadrUace.. Owaoa antrnd bik BLadf^rbompgtB.. 9 1 I 3 9 1 dr. .0 1 1 » 8 3 11 , .0 9 9 3 GacrgaHdaon entered bgButoberBOy 4 4 Tlms-9:MX, 9:49,8:0AK,A:09X,9:tAI,', 9:11 Tbla tnt waa oommaacad m Torauy, and Ave beala cloaely oonieited; all« Ihe flm had 11 commenced nining hwvUy, and tba word wu ilvta In tha tblrd beat Joat u the noei violent atoim ol thunder, Ughlrring wtod, hdl aad rdii bunt fotlh tba II hia ever beea our il> foriuoe to witoeaa; Ibe horaee ooald only be leca to ILe flrsi qnsiter pole, and oomtog home for about ihrte hosdnd yardi lo (he alietch. Ihe tnl wu flniabed on Thonday h) liij Baca sinning the lasti bait iHuaaniT, July 97Ui.—1800, ataka,Md pone, mile heals, heal 8toB,Uwagoiia: a Whilson eoKted b a Dalcbets W, Deiher ealetad ch m IsICk B, Bolhakaraonad bg Dntdunan Tima-SKW)?. il:0»:, 3:0a> Sua DAT,-l9A«^siae aad poiaa,mlle hsala, Ave, uwigoasi « .' « John Codnay attrt«A,b g Obirley..-. I Chka. Banter aalvedbgBlly.. :....».9.9 1 BdtartBaaltngaaoiersagg WhlUOIood.,../.'...^ 1,4 XaiipiIngBaenteredbIk a Bate A llA ' Xlaa-9«>M, tJIg, lilf, 9114. ■toi.—AaMmnoMUooa anbalngtnada' e Shaw, la ba htM at BpilBaAeid, nL.dailBgsii whoae mualod ahMfaad voea-laaiion eni.Ua her to ba aaSsd ^tU QDBBN or go.iu. n«r repertdra oTplaaa* oeaD ilea the LATtoXiUmAIIOH DR<UA<i, In an or whleta aha bwaoMtT«4d> unequivocal Inunpb.' Okr engagemeau Intariably uova a dedibl to Ibe public, and a PSOVHIABY^VaiOrai^ HANtOBRg Conmoalcaliona addcaaaed »lha ohdarrgntd, her tMJt agent wlB be piomptly notlead, "1' ■' ■ W. K.-S, JDDEntS, IT-lia V Hew Torh Clipper ofllee. ..1 1 1 ..9 9 9 ...3 3 3 i,%ea Ihne to 1 1 dqM IbaospaoUyolwAc ORIOKEIX'. Iba AnaiotiiBuan, phlladdnhla Is wllhoakdoobk entitled to tha palm. Tbe youth el tbat dty appear to take to ilBiota earawlly than iboHof say ether Amarloan dty, aadMaiporl, criekaiatothe Quaker 09 what ban ball U to flothaa. Duxlai: ibewarcrtokduifferedapartldeeUpssthara, u It did dmo* an over tbe oonllnent hoi oow tha peace haa ntoaad icepin, tha game la decidedly and laploly ap atudtothoeffecUonsollhs beys, a Met if not with the youth it .Li C .1 . . .. ' .a hXBILY MELVILLE, THEATRE, MILWAUKEE, WIS. ■ Lmmo andHsugar ,.i',T, B. kOLLB. wfll open tor Ike Idl a"! winlsr •esion " . BONUlY, BEPTBMBBB lln,'l(AA. FIrstoliuBtanlOTlladtoadilreu . ii ll-lB* T. & MILU, Bob lUt, IVERY LANTY will nigMiat* With tninioin'for fior twelve tigkto altar October Ith. BIsreparulncoadstI 0( foBowtog:- TBB SbATB BODLPIOIt BASOLD, TBB LABr OF TUB BASOB UHaS. ,COBBMEY DHAEB; or, TBB BBOEXM CLABPiEim OOTAVDB TABSA. OWEN, TBE COHTICT. THE PXAflAltT EIHQ; or, TBE FATE OF MOHAnOBY. BAMLST. . . ODB aOUAIH FBOH IBE flOOH niY. The beauUltal Soealo Dma enUtled TBE OOIM MAKBBI OT TYBONE AddreiB ITEBY LAHTY, SyncuavH. f, irTi* wInUr waKD Sept 41b, onder Ibe giinageaiant of MB. I. M. ~"~ - • ■ IbemootholAngaitlarConsaMh NEWARK THEATRE.--WIII opin for tli« fill |i»l aUr waKD Sept41b, r "^^ " WAB& oaobersatedda mnauahrfiilBiiaBit. i • ' WWABDI IWt* SLoekoood'a BeleL uketatKot Hawark, I, t. I8S ALICE PLAOIDE. AIL BBSINESBCOHBDIIIOATIONB FOBTaiS OELEBBAm IBAOIO aadOBABMDla BBM8AT10R4L A0TBE9B, wbolanowiwey lonegoflalewltb mauagen IM dx or ta«lv* mghk, una ha addnaaad to NO. 9A WBSf U08SI0M StBEBT, 1 New Yak dly. IT-U of other days, and ao utohava "awldarAMtl opeftUoha" a nasorickeigroubdbubeen Byrmad near Phlladaipkla, Oh tht llniof ibePennaylvanto rallmad. Tha gtoood wlllbeloaoga. , ltd aboot Ibe lOlh of Aogoat Oclokalan from all petto ol lha coupu ' V'xaat. tiaallamen from the tollowlog placM bm bedk- lavlled, and have dgalAed their lolaiitoa to take part lo the InaTiiniilloa: Rawuk, Itenloa, Orangs, and Patataoo, No* Jeney; Bldflhaiapton, Anulaidim, Baw Tork dly. ud llicoklyo. Haw 7«li:Tontins4li Brk PiiUburg, Scrutoa. Pann* ailiula; aad lait Ibsnak tut laaal tUMolDbla, Pa. We bope the pmgmaune ben act telb will be eanlaa out to lha latter, aod be aaoondad by eriakd ptayan every whata; tUo that Ibe an- Uelpellone of Ihe PbUaddplua sitokelam wOI be fuBy retUaad. HEW TOBE VS. ST. GBOBOB. Lur year Ibeae dob* played thdr flrd gaiae of otokei togOherfordx jeata put-lba conlaatosto belag lha aaeoad elsvana ol tbe two dab*. TUa year Ihto aoiaa-or' malchea wen nanmed, the Hew YoAen vleiUss tha 8t aeotg* gnnod on the Mlh ol July, en •blob day ua aeeeot auvena had thdr Ard match logathar Iblaaritou, tbs Haw York devSB wlBBiDg by a tobd awn of 111 Is one Inatoga agd'.a a total ol <9 U two onlhaparAol8ta*org» Ths appended aeon gives loll pa^ tlealan: Hiir Tou. Pliat iimliiga. II Tvltrb Bailey Millet b Bdley BatbBdley LIbdaay b Bailey North b Ballsy Deapaeyh Booghtoo.. Oaklev rao out Buydam b Bailey Flint foninga. Fold b Boot nil no out BaAeyb Natk Ooleibridga b Boot BnttdBeld I b w b SinrdaD Tu Boren 0 Tyler b MlOar.. lataigb north.. Bougkic Bongolon nn out Taadarllr e Bool b Nalh.. "bneu" b Heith a Wright Jr., b Horlh., ..14 A 0 ... .10 19 1 Bl. Ui 1 1 11 . A A I I 8 0 f 0 Oluves b Boiuthlen... Beach b Ouletbridga... Padmon net out.. Bjes^ I8t leg byaa^ 8; wida, 1.11 TOIal.. Seooid InnlDga. bOIavu emilerbOlnna b Ltodaay roB out... , •. diabled b V|f"^iay o Dempaey b Undaar.. - • b Mills oMnier bMUIer aetout Byakl; wldas,tA lalal , ..UI ... A ... 0 :.. I ... 8 ... 0 ... A ... I .. 9 .. A .. 0 .. 0 ..II ..M Bye, 1; leg by^ 1: wldu, 14.1A TWal 81 Oapbea-Messn. Blgham aad B. Wilght On Wednesday aad ThniaOiy, AnguA 94 and Ad,- lha Brd devms d Ike two Atobe mad Aogalba a Bebokaa^fa lha Bra S$fi leonb piomlauto 1 cdekataatoh ol lha'*e*i«D,' Tbe f < aaga grooada, fi* tbar ka»a ba« to On haada el Mr. Peny, have beaa tn* telkepiUls. aa)«ini«aahia*datlBglkssaaaoa> ^ ^ACADEMY OF MUSIC, CBIOAOO. BODWOBTB'a HIHBTBBXS an to Ihe flf Ji weak el Ibalr saason. and win oontlnoe anUl lot- tbrrnoHce. TbtTandolngagnabaaineaa. Ihe Company can data ol lha (aUosuiganittB,vIi :— W. aBDDWOBIH, I. DONALDSON. W. a BOBTOH, W. BODOEIH, MAST. WELLS, P. obbabd, w. J, atnanHO, H. MOBimR, EABTLOW, B. T. ALUN, DSAEB BROTBBRS, J, W. WnXIAUS, BOBDMAOEBB, ^ W. NBTINR WALTBhA, mae'tIri BBOIBEBS, PBOF, boam, lic, ho., he. J.W. BILtONwinpleawwrtte W.aBodwnilb, uabove. Ill* MUEQALETTI. Tdis great abtiste b DOW perfnalof d a Mvonie Watering Pttgi^ ^ oaeaU taady I* oiones^irBeola Ibrongb kareragisL " — OOiUIVB * CO., i/nmaBOAf * ' IMIa Dnnuhs Agaata aad OsalaaeaL - . AAWartHoaitoaa.lif. fORTER & BERKER'i DBAHATIO OOBFAIY. . •• -i'' ' WAHTBD-flBSr OLD HAH, "BrA," And FULL OOHFABT,- flv Augul SMl Apply to JA8 OOHHBttkOO, DiamiUo Agaalt tea Ooaloaan, IT-lls U Waal aoniVn attest. Haw tak. , .AJ>TX]RXieiX:ilfKNX1S. RIOBI Eioaii BicaiM AVEXTBA.^ go- HEW BOUE. -GB i^jUdToirr. "SB BXTIBELT MBW AbO OBIOniAL. t " 4^ 19 BaoUlDl Slael Bcgnvloga,HA'pagw, haadaemllir boaad. Band 8 oeol etamp lot a Oiinlar. Addnii JAHBd B. DEZTEB, 17-91* lAABnadway.HewYoik.'. - FEHALB LIFB-a HI NEW YOBE'«B Dloatralsd wUk : ' M Bnixavln|*.^B Bantonnodntol aScenla.^ AdSaa J.TAYUIB.lialBlda'aOoait mi* FIIbartatbdowHtolb,FhaStlpUa,Ps. , l> M SOROS A«- and the BODf>n ARS BEADY JXSt,' >^BO0E. Containing AO UioaltaUoja-<« BaolCor AAo^ Addtea. 1. TATLOB, No. 9 BIda'e Obali . IT-U* ' Filbert at. bdow Ntoth,fklladdpbla, Pa,. SOLDBIB OF TBB FIRST ABBY OOBIS. BV Wa want tha addna of evay aporlliig mia to BAB-1 COOE'S VEFBBAM COBPS, to waaa wa wUI and Infaaattaa orihsgiaatadlqparlaace. Addme LOMOLEY h 00„ IMt* ; ChleagatlO. : in O ^ffi BUT aa article aeedad by evaiy IPOBT In tha oem^, ma Foriailtoulan tddrra ' LOHOLET * 00., Hit* TnABO aABD»-Ia tbe Bongh, Santnd Or Oil la aay. £ ^adta^ byJOROm h CO., Ohloaw,» -. nil* fin FAtaE-ilwBieea band and flitalfi WMpiBdaaa'' \J qnlBlUlat,b^unaLBY k 00,, OUag^'Di;- M-uF.' 'IJUaOLATiOirH-lDiiaeledor d*th.d«*rA oB baadMii £_Cada^V)3o^J|«jD^^ KODURB tPBBADB-*U Atlaa and qodIiiu''wi'1i'M mk ! An Ida by LOEOLBY k 00., (RikBgOk UL iruD CBBOE BAOXa-ttam |A to $10 eaob, and aude IMI* LOHOUV h CO.,Chlaag«,IIL CUE EEEFBBS-AU sUea and atvla, tor aala by 17-11* LUEOLEt k 00., OhkagOk IB, DODUm WHEELB-al eniTklndaadprka,faal*by ' LOHOLET k 00.. OUaf, IT-lt* MOJitB CABDS—Ere>7 deeortstloo ol Card oaed Aor. al* by' IT.ue LOBOLEY k 00, OUa^ UL .: ■pi .BO BOXES—Hade to adar n 17.U* ir n tendndttk ibottaetlcfc by' lohoiSy Toa, cusmo, m •< ALHAMBRA, 720 BroBdwBk, Due noUoe wiU be glren ol the opening of this Haw and Buil^ lolly Deooroed Plaoeof ABoamsotoewondeigolngalhorsugk rtaovaUsa. All btdoaa Islian iddieeaed to JAMES OORMEB B Oa, Otamaho Ageato and Uoataaaia; IT.lto JA Wea Heostoo et, H. T. rpBIHUINa SHEABS-Uada to order or akBpened alsbarla^ > X tlnsaar«aaood>tolstasbyLOHaLFTaO(>.,Ohleage,Ill.(II*> . HOPE CHAPEL. TO LET FOB COHOBBTBLEOrDEBS, PAHOBAHAS, BIEBB- tipnooMS; to. naie. Pita heal Second bed... Third beat.... Fourth hat .. Flilb bat SUthbaa .... Seventh hat.. Quarler. ...40 ...41 ...8A .. *) ...40 .. 4A ...41 Bolf. 1:91 1:1« 1:17 1:91 1:91 l:9IK 1:94 JfUa. 9:44 9:U 9:AT 9:13 9:11 1:19 9:ia Fiamoa Cooaai. L. I, Jcu 9A—A eseepetaika of $110, pbiy or pay, mile heeu. In barneaa, su Inilad oa this dty and traek, the oontatanto being Booat Balor, Bl.ijk Diamond and P. P. PalebeiL Boned H^or wu Ihe fetorlte aoatoal tbe Aeld a IIOO to 180, and be won to two etnlght bale In ailAX; 9iaAM- Paub- en wu dlatanced to the ecooad seal, bat be wu fat fnm being In condition, and will yet make bla mirk on tha trolling turf; to ap- peuance be ruimblu Ihe dd bone very moeh. Honnl Ba|o( intted fatter and aleadlerlhsn ha ever did befbte. Summaiyi AtKen OtoitfM, L, I., Wtdnuia^, Jul) 9a.-8wapatafca |1A0, p., mile heals. In hatneaa. laau Woodruff entered ggEonat Major 1 1 R. OgleenlctedbgBUckDIamood 8 9 John Ctooka entered b a P P Paleben 9 die riaie. «asr«r. Uaif. irila. FIrabea ....8»M 1:I<X a:3AK Seoondbut..^ SOS 1:1IX a:9AM rUE COliuODOBETA>.DBBBILT AND HABBY CLAY lUICB, Tn LATns DisrwoBD. The second meeUng belwan lhae 1*0 weU-known fhsl bO(su, Hr. TttrnbnU'a b, e. Oommodon Vanderbllt and Hr. Otegao'a bt a. Batty Clay, br ItOOOi mile baw, beat three In flv^ la baroea^ aMnrtedao nnnaoally Inrge altendanM on tha Ibablon Oouraa, on Thonday, Jolyjn, to tba inUolpatlen ol wiltaaaalag a doM, exciting oonleat Tbey had pniloualy trotted a matoh ova Ibe ceorae to An 1 lao, tot a almllir atske, sad oodu Eiediely slfflUar eonlitioaa, which Barry Clay woo after Ave eala had beea trotted. Hr. Tnnboll wu far boa aalUAed with tbla teaail,aUribuUng (and In the optokni ol maar experleneed ludgae, Jueily aoi tba darnt of Ma ban to hU want ol oondlHeD, and Iba UtUe work he had done btlon Ihe nee; henoe the artaagemanl ol the pteeeat nulch. Dan Maee, u hllbeitei tratoed and dnve bla, and tha mapilAoent condltloo to whtoh he braught blm on ths track eontnalad widdr wilh tbe fmmhe abowid to Ibe prevlons race, llitrr Oliy deo looked to lbs flnsitpoedble iL and but for IheuulOrlunito occorroio* lo lh\ flnt heat which onugbl Ike race lo an aneipeeied^ pnuulon termloalloa, a good and very fki t noe would have beefl wlloueed, Ibe Oommodon bid the nil to Ibo betitos, IIOO lo $AOi and to tome toalanoa $100 lo $10 betog Iba cuRenl odde in hto lavor, Mnii;nil.-Tke black aialUoo got tbe beat ol the atart, ani qulokly oiienei a gap of two leagtca, wblcb hohaldanundtolB. tun, and to toa quarlarpolh which wu reached In 8A (aca. 'Ob Iba baok atrelcb Yandabdt cioaid upallttk>,butwasalUI over 1 Isnglb behtod tt lbs bdfmllo polA id 1:19, both heraw ttatlttig vary lleldlly. Going dong tbs IbrecquarlerniUe ettelch T*i>. dwUlt gmdually doiod, and got bla b..«l level wtlh Olafa wheeL Tbe litter, u be came tm the oomo ilrvlcb, awongoplufkt u poadble, carrying Vandecbllt aaarly to the onlaldaM ths traek, and aodng him to break. Crrgin then look hia horat to the middleofihetrack,and lolblaiimillonhewu obUgeO, by the rolaolthecoum, to kwp tolna ecore. Commodim Tasdet' but alter his htwk, mi qolclly bnugbt to a trot and Hao< aatng plenty of room on the lodda sitaoul tolarteto} vrilh hli opponent went in torn wllh a roib, and baton Clay ba^ reubed lbs dIalanceaUnd tbe bay ilalUou wu u hit qoarton, A la* atridee men and Otoy broke up, when his'dtlta poPsd to the InddeL end the vehldacaaia Into oollllloA,'andl)aJwntloaad toonwdthebiyunUI thoy wen over tbd° loon, Ihebtt^k alal. Hon being a nak In Inot Tbe Jndga wore unalmqpa>n IhaU dcdiloB that "Commodon Vuderblll bid won lb* be|t and ttet. Unit fllu dlalanoed." Thdr do Jilon wu founded An tbe fOU towingnieoflhaFtablen OoaraoAiiodslloni "In mming out on Ihe hom«ln'.eh^eub bone (Ian keep th* pottUonflrat teloolid, except tbo blodmoel haetb wka when ibentoanBldent room to put oatliolodda,oraiiywiiaalirth* boneanlob, ahiU ba aUoeed to do ao; and any parly Inw. futog to pnvani him abdl bo dlalanoed. or imA th* btaL it tkt ludga aaydalernlna. Oay party violating thtt.mto.viiruUg diaUbedatanAad." ■ . ^ —i, ^ .WANTBO IHiniOUTELY—Tbs tddraa ef evnySNBSi' INO HANtothe ooaitry, towbeawswailerwaidbyi^ laroadltolbnaatloBol lhaftetlaalviloatohlot Addtea IT-lt* LOROUn ir 00, OUoagilk lU.^^- TUt blU, Ihe only one new In Ihla dv, dtniled to a mat tilatiK lair, CBB be Benlad by tha week, aoalk JAMES COHHBB k CO., onUo location, 790 Biuadi or yea. Apply to Draaalto Agenlf aad OntnaeiL as Wed Booaton at.ll. T. HOW ABE YOD, BPOBnt-ir yoA'wanI a ton malhaS el beating SHABT mea la waO u "auAaau" a car^ aand !• oa,aadw*uaIbmlAhyeawttb AM ABTIOUiTHAI WIUi DO IT EVERY TUIBwIlkonl bar *l thdr BMlng II out Addras 1T-It« tOHOLEY > CO.,Ohlcag».Ul MISS KATE FISHER, TBB OAaBDla VAZEPPA, laengand In a tost weeks' alairlng engagemant te MumeuM oa ot about SaplemlHr let et Ihe MEW AMEBIUAH THEATHR, iLde Ooattoaitad,) Watoul atceat PfcUaddpbla. WAHTED-TUrtyToaagLadlea for Ih* Ballet Apply lo JAMBS OONMBB k 00., DranuUo Agenla and Ooalumwa, IT-Ilo 91 Wat Bootton drat H. Y. 008TUME8, COSTUMES. COSTUMES. THE Hosi aonaEODs wabdeiIbb foe laEAtBis, mab- qOEBASBS AHD FAMOT BALU to tha dly. HADE TO OBOBB and M LET, al 9A Wml Bouiton alreet 4^ Cun a no ilop wak, worn by aupernumaniy to olght aad by aepoa to-momw night hot ewb and av«f dna Imported Imn nda aad Loods*. App.y to lAHIB OOHREE * CO., Dramatic Aaasto aod OMlnmea. IMIo 9t Wat Bouauo at, B. Y. - THE GREAT SAHFBBnA TBOOFE. PANTOMIME, BILIBT AND aiMHASTIOS, todudtog tbe GBBaT aLEXABDEB, lha maalet pwlonlalM of lha world. UFA WINDn»lha mod adabntad daoauas to America TBB MiqiLOBBOTaBB&ladodlu the ehUd wondw Ml^ Itt BOBEBT HIOOLO aad Big. OUTIBA, the flrd amsB| Uvtog tegdha wllb alaioa COBPSBB BALLET, TWENTY-TWO IR NUBBBB, nil ooapiny wUI men hi rike'a Open Booaa, cinouaU, oi Saptllh: an4atCl«o|'aOp*nBoaw,Ohloago^S.ptlAth. . Wonld be plated to negoltoM with Hanann of Inl «lau Ikalta. Addrttt DEWEY k MAaiNLEt, Haaagen, Otoelnnall, OUa Or WILLIAM ALEXAHOBS, Eaq,, IT-ll* Suaday Manory eflaa. FOB SALE, One of Iks fluest BihlMUona lo Ibia conatry, aU eemfleto tat mvallug. lUi been nblolted In tha city with gral tosoea. Bvuy adUiy fbr toredigitlon glnu befon purehaalag. . ' LOWEST IBlOft JAM. _ ^, ^ 17.U# Addna 0. B. W„ OllppAr Ottoa. JOHN FOSTER, AniArloan Clown and P«rf«raMr, taa be eauagnd In Iheteuon by addreettoa 17-91* E.aPUrT,Blpp;>ihaitaaB,NawIak, THE LADIES AND QENTLEMEN •nqigBd far the BkBAODBt OBWBdO, BmoIIAlUTOH.TlflfAWA, AilD WATEBTOWH laBATBaB aa taipaclfally nollAed to mie*. to iba Oreen Buom el tk* NSW MKATBH WATBRTOWiT N. Y„ OR TUI/bBDAY, AOS. H iMvionstooponlngBdoiday, Aug. lib, IT II* H, B, HDBOEEFOaD. WANTED IMMEDIATELY~ArUAU for Uis folloW'i log lines olbualsea;-v ' ^ - 1 JDYIBILB MAN, t LOW OOMBDUN, I GOOD COHIO BIHOBB, 1 WALBiaO LADY that IDAHBEmiE'"""^°"^*"' FatUo* wliblnawigtgeama iB lha above Una of bddoaa fflut analen pnliamaie. elda wktU lul aogiged, and loweil uliry, Noanhilattlibef wdlknon ability oaed ennarlblt, Fold man, i walbiho qbnt, 9 OMD DTIUfY BIN, I IBADING LADY, 1 OLD WOMAN, aboigdiiilaldB had bean rew taelhamalehagdsdBigiy Ol .a fa II bApflyl ' n-li ly,lBBanaBothyMia,wlti> atama) rlTlB Oo!, TbaMal Ag<ili&,. CABB BACEAAKD PBESIESdwayaoa bead and mtdatoOF-' dor, by LOXOLBY * Ca, CbkBgo^ Id. IT-It*^ ' . IMFOBTAMT TO WBStEBR BPORTINO MER.-ICavlac!w eaonitd lha lamoa of one of Ihe beit paled fandealen U lha Waal, w* anaow fnparea tocnlFAno CAODA In any ma ana dedied WenaBMUagbglHart'ebatllnanoirdi,andeaafat. kith lha ptutaalon With the bed oarda made, dtbarin thanoah.,' equaled, aenltoaaymianadatrea, g^Domeabw, we an Qia OliLYFIUlUDTSIUEOFllBWVOBEwbutoopthalodaaknsv IkswaatoogUiapnItailonilaaorllnjiraaD. AddrtasgcctOsh tn-U* J. T. ODItlNa k CO., UA Oeuboia tt', agceula :, Ohiatyo,' .''in.' FABO DIALERSL .CB DO YOD WA^ ART KOD) OV ' FABO BOX, LAV ODTS, FIBO CBEOEO, 'TBIMMUia SBBABb, a aay tost need to tbe garnet Send to na, and wt guiiaalei la • gin MHaBdloa. Addnat, or oaU 00 • J. T. CCTIIKO k CO., 17-lt* ' lit Peabom ilrtet aUaH», VL_ HOW 10 Wig AT UADDAb DICE, bo.-Bad yoarad T-J['^I7.'1!*L kJPO'i >^ Deaboro at, oliinupt IB., latiTt a SOBS METHOD by ntota aad. 'IM fnO. M^Ttu BBW HABEBO CAEDB-J04 J.W Bask ant ba wt IlAH T o be ba d only ol 17.fie J. T. ODTrnia k oo, ohiag*, nt'• pOEBB caBOEB.-Fiea W to Jill' pa Uh U* , naoolyattoiv ntnttolhawaHoaabefooiid'al ' ' •.■.nU'. -.'Utt J. T. OOnaa * OVS, IAA I>aaibm itamlb OkMi*, n. 10 FABO OHA£BBa-A EUUi SHI OF FABO DHUEB, tvlBootptra Mn/||slaaUol whlia,Bl4(fad,lal A*(bloa^ •iapUiti 09'loSfii. Feraaraailam XT-U* aUonoiaMna* I. T, ODITIBS fc 00.; UA DtabaB alna^ Chkago^ IE, ^ tt*^"' ^ EBT Of FARO OHEOES of _ J. T. OTRtllU k oa, Chtaago, Bt , BPOBTEBa, .Mr DO TOO WART PLAY"" " ART KIBD or .YIRa OABDSI , Benito J. T. CDTUR 0 A 00, llADeabanaltaetaklaig^IlI.. . whs an Iba ONLY jarlia* to lha.Waat who kM a fa'I waoaliwt| tt tools lot apaU - " ' upiva ahergei^ 1 Ina Raw Yak, uflLix ^aruea u ua.vraat wno itvp a lai uaaiaavsv ■paUBg mea Seed to oa and live Ike axpoBM el tga, nd dalay oooiaioned by wililtg to gel^M ffiUAWATa PlUA AND0IHTBENr.-Wadanda^aital Ih* IhsBiaada hourly botriad to e prssutois gnvvvMaa ling uaGolad tho flrat aymploma<fdloaa BbaUuAA* onapkSI oildndei to tbo bodr, ot ba ^lUodueel aodddadljr thttmiBlh* aUa fktd null! fflV ba warded off by a Uaelr.ra • touHiaooaaboiboflhoMmadlitoaa. . 1 fpiRjpOBMATlOR^P^EOT^^ An^anlyAOdA ^^no^^^i^ ViBEHOU HBODAHIOAL FiaDBBSU-WeBdafal togaaaltT^ i^daddadlrrtench. Oay,fanny,Inlansllag, FOUaltoal/M mto CatikiioaAta, AdOias nKFOEfeOO., ^' 17*1*^^ Ro, 14 Ana iltsal, Bsw TakCMrf' GIYAH AWAT.-BowAenlas Whiaken sod.iaaka Bait ati» oa BaM Beadti how to (Mil Balii «to at Catdai eo* pnckltaL PlaaJta and M alba aeeni* ol gnal Tdaa lo tB fflUTltdaodelegit panont. Bant mo to any addraat to «m red attmp ttt foelagk Addnat, iL U. WILUU^ - imimk siRttBOttratHiwntb Uf aUlaikatoatBM ■r.AMBwMI*. a FDSI-OEBIB uod m addiaa to DRAWEE mitOUaMf, aad laeiiT* by adun maU loindbtoi thitwlll^ettk 1*0. g#U<t*yi«ailEbg.-SB ■ ■ ■ -.^y^iWl*-