New York Clipper (Aug 1865)

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mam tctrf. TBorma a *hiiiU)elfhia, MWk rmt, r»mit, My u-taoo (tat ud pnt, ■ MiiSE bM amTla Ati^ ii lunM*. JokaOodM^'ibhUttUlIio 1 1 & F. lutm'* b m BotaliMi > ■ Ox iiM lltlion'ibiaMeBatTgBon MtM..., I * Tlm*-9:ni IMX 1>HN- _ ^ Tbomu ud M na MO >u4« fot (UNMi llii temacw eMllj. niM-W Mcooli. AaolhR hot no*, •!«>, ni mid* ud ran oat tmiti ilauai wllbont uf iwtnn of oawqnuM •BoptotamlnowlafdliMtUtudoa. _ . AtfMr ito*. IVtfqf, Al^ 11 f 9M Bliab, nib htoln b«t Ihm 1b At*, to mamM, /ohaUBdioj'abtaUitUKu 1 lit Wm.DoU*'oblk|PkllSb(ildu. * I I 1 Tme-lMi liMXl iAK! i'Vlt litT, Auu itajr.—noo itUo 004 pom, inflo kotta, bMt IhiM la In, Hr. Ooodx'iblk mLtdillioopton, buiiMO i III' Mr. fMkMMi't Ob g SoBol Nod, mcni <■•■•< 111 Mr. Huluig'igmLod7>lM«binaM 1 lit Mr.MolMs'ibgBntobwBar.bunooi I i i I lloo-liKi 9:IU(; liWi >d«tf. OMm Bull, nUuttaf, Aif il,—flW pono ud lUo, mOo beoli, bort Unto to fln^ In tainun. Mr. jHkton'fb a B>rBlll7 1 1 B.p.Bodfon-dib OHM 1 a Bi V. BIOUCB'O b m Htltr • I Tlai^lrM; 9iB9; 8:00. naowMnioodnoirdtDnUoadtoce, ntpooUwo* lold b/ our food isoUag young friond JeSriao, wbo hw Jul opos^ • uvKoUoint ot airud Afonno nod tirollU> ttnat, whon bo wooM bo plooHd to OM tiir of Uu Now Torkan who ohonld hip- pn to otnr to UiottiUigo. IHI QUXBBO IDBr OLUB UOU. wan DAT. SI ClmUi Ocmm, Mtmlf, Jutt 17tfc Qnoon'o pUlo tt N nlno«% (or honof bnd In lonoc duodo onljr. Mr. tUomi'o b b Tim Wbifflor, i (ton i D. Boodi'i b 0 Ur Jobs, t join t A Mr. Kirou't th m Non Oolr, ifod S . Tlmo: lOOi 1:0IJ<. Saw ilay—Lnnibonnai'i(aiooo(<Hb SbOo bail, tttrTdoti woUhUi D.'Stods't gr h Tbnider, bj LoilngUm, 6 yotn i 1 B. A.Tdbal'ObrIiBupor, DjLoilnirton, ejeai* I 1 Mr. Enoi*! Ir b Bonuuio, br Bilrorinlot ogod dill. K IhoniDwn'o b o Junmj Kdlj. 6 took 1 dlok Time: tillk: i-J»; «:OilK. ami Jto);,—I«dloo' puio |uO, mlio ud s hiU diab, hudlap. Mr. Bogon* eh h Hoalumer, by OUrar,. 0 joui 1 B. Tbompoon'o br o Lo TloUme* bj Tondi^ B yoozi 7 Oog BiMln'obhPlMb, by Tailngteni i jtut S P. Bontay'o b h Onnor, by Boronae^ 4 you* 4 Mr. IkUfloM'a br g Doncoiur, by 8iiany Oobblor, igod dlot, Tlnio; 3:UK. aooao PIT. Stmt Onrte, Julg 18.—Bnrdio noa, 1 bOoo, oror 8 budloib 8 • «In., lUH Mrnbar, wdgbt IMlbo Mr. gmlto'o eta m Mdnlo Cndook, agtd 1 D. Boody-o br b Zlgug, 9 yaon Mr. Biiid'obgH^igod Won by • nook, tdor i nlondld noo. fine: 1:71. Samt J>>p.—Hcrchinto' pane |loO, 8 mllo beotn. D. BooOy'ogrbllinndtr, byI.eiliiguitt,(yo>ra.i 1 Mr. Ttlboi'o b b Bupor, e yooro 1 xmo: tMHi «:MK. tau 0iy —Oonoohtlon lUkao. B. Boodi'a br b Zlgng I Mr. Buklu'a b g Plata 1 Mr.Mbo4'obba*ipu 8 Tlnai 3:13K. TioiTna IT Coim' Fiu.—Tbm »u o toit lilmtiiii trot It tbo aboTa sunad pork. PUtabiinib, Pl; on tba KIb all, bt- twtata Pttai UOMy'o eta ta X. X, J. BolUar'a g b Cnnr, and Flo III4 0 aotrell hoiaob bobniliia to "Maryland, my Hinland."- no milcb ma oponooriMD^ ra'lo bc&io, beot itano m Aro. Ho NIo wia ibo bToilIo In tke batting, bat didn't win a alnglo koot At Uia word, tboy got off Tory OTonly, and nflor a gmno ainigglo (or iit oapnmaoy boiwoon Ooriy and ttaa iirorlta^ tbo tgm«piOTodirtctorloaalnl:IL Tbi ooooad bait wao alio won by Oain la >:U. and tbk ioUowigg b/X. X Ingoodaiyla. Samo aUaa-Park, rtUaf AMIL-Ponoot 1900, bMtllnl. P. UUIaty niaoi cb n X. X a a 1 J. BalUernamto g hOoiry 1 i 3 Owner ninai a b Plo Nlo 0 0 0 Tlma: i-M; liM; 1:48: 9:U; a:IL au oujon, van nace 01 xieir lora eoicio ' Van* ^"wllh earail olber noted raoani Oragin of tnUr, among oitaero, "Eeni7 Olay" ud "Bblp- ta, (run Baruoid, "Poang UotTUl;*' and Jonw^ A Tioi TOB |tOO oamo oS on ttae FiukUa Put Ooano, Boe- loa. on tbo MMh Jaly, botweou tbo rou KOldlng Otaonpion ud Iba bay lelOIng Mao, of wkloh Ibo following la a inmnury: f>«iiWiAirkOlnira^/ii(f 9«tt.-Bileta lor |g(iv,nitle boaliu boots In8,tobarn«*i. Bout 8mith aamoo r c (JbanploD ^...,1 1 1 l> E Moiaoa* nioaa b g Mac 9 1 j Tln^ lillXi 9:i8M: 3:43. Taemaa a Boenx, Him—A Irol took plan oa Ike Blrenldo hrkCouw, on Jaly Ulb, bataeen tbo muaa Blickitono BaUe and Tib Woodward, of wblok ibo loUowlog la a aanmaiT: Maleh itiO, milo haalk, beat 3 In 6, to wagoni. fj. Bowta namea Blacnioae Belle .1 1 1 W. Woodroff nimei b m Tib Woodwaid 9 9 9 Tlmo-9:39,9:37W, >lVH. AflerttaeabOToran a malota waa tnttad belwees Ike black nuK^ Olpory QaHa, aad tbo bay gelding, LoiHir, wblch tbe lonwr.wonlniM ud 9A Taen ware tbrM tatHi tnttad. lhamBdbalngadudhaal,aadiniawiimadala JMK. TMTRaa ta SraiunBA ItiM.—Ptom Ibe IM to tbia 9Mi of Aogont IndomTat Hanipdan Pai> at gpitogHeld will betbeacene of eemo eicmag raoeo by Mow Pork, Boelcn, Barliod'aad Bmlnglolabaneb Aboot |3,0M wortb of pramlua ace lo be |lTaaawv.'''TtaanantolMllTe "etablao" of konea enlerel. Jamai Tains of Maw Pork utan "Ban Haoa," •tfohn llargan," «Wel]awood," and olbara; Dan Mace of New Vork enlaio "Tan* dabUt," "Pulft" wlf New 1(wk will tnUr, tlmbai"Parklna, (r% _ Balbrd 01 Boaton tbe nare "Knpcaai," wbloh won the awaop- •laka nm on Hampden Park laa* fan. Tomltulof Booton wTu aattz Ibe "Blaokatano BoUe." Ibe raoea will open on tbo 91d of Angtut wllh a trot bttweu "Xouag Morrill," owned by UhaIo. tanoOQaildo. Tnomto n Boanui.—On tbe Wita alL tbere waa a teat at tbe BiTonMo Pack, Boaton, Uaaa, beiweu ttae br. g. Uiloc OirlaUak Ike bk. g. Moooo, ud Ibo b. g. Book, for a porae ud lUks of |100, mllobtaU) bott In t, totaarieab Obrlauo wonltaedntbiatin ItUK, and tbe aocona In 9:U, Mooe ttae tblrd la, ud Obrla- UeibolciutblnliU. Aaaoonwlbot(otwaa.oTar,aobaigewaa madabyparllea wbo bad bet on tbo raoai thai Uia dilTtra bad "Ibrowa tbe riae," ud ttaey aaked to be beard by tka Judgea. Tbe tau.liig WW giuud, ud, after aonaallaUw, tka Jadgv an. nonnoad tbat bom wbat they bad aaen and haavl, they deolaied Ibe raoe Told, ud all oulalde bete oC Taoimo it Pniniui Paax.—Oa Ibo aftenoon ot 4be 37lh nlk Itaen waa a good attendants al toe Pruklln Itoa'nt Park, Boaton, MUL, 10 witooia a oonlaal (or a pniao ud atake of tMO, bttwru tka botaaa L*dy Wiahlnglan, Andy Jobnaoa, Siimnger ud Paroon. Poor batta waie tnttod, tbo llilrt belig a dead oaf, ud Itae bay alallton Andy Joonaon won tbe other Itane ud tbaiaee. Tlme-3:i7Mi 9:W;il9UWK. Id Auaicui Taonzn n Eaaun>.-Ono of ttae moot ail- maUlaubtaoftbegiaalbonaabowaneootty bait ai tboAgrl- callsnl Uall, London, Eng., laya theiWI JfoU Ouell$, "laUo eiblblllonol ibenadatar aliea oteryaRomoon abom 8 o'clock. Tbo prtdomlaut color of tbeao round, atoat, actlro boraea la roai. Than an alio among Iheji aome good browni ud bUrkA QoUbinier, Ibe winner of ine diet prlio, ta a bilgbl red rou, of aorpaaalog ooniada ud ecUoa da aoon aa the naditoa bare ntlnd, Bbapbeid Kuipp, aoheiloni trotUog auniro from New Pock, wllh a white blate down bla lacc inaYoa hia ipptannce la alight Batch oart, ud la dclTan aronnd the arena eta pace wblcb abo|ra that, apeody aa tbe :ior(olk hciiaoa are, tbua ace none of them that con-d bold their own with ttae'r Amorlcu ooaaln. 'He la lighter and mora highly bred than thoy are, ud bla blnd-ieg aotlon la trenendonaly powecfni abd thte. Tbo Ibaolooa area or ItaaAgnonltonl BaUlafartoollmllodtoallowblaailrertoeiblblt ebappard Soapp'a tall apeed; tke perfdtt lonper wllh whlah tke aatqaiabtd ulmal gnldad ud oontcoUod by a amootta analflo^ al. Iowa hIniBCll to be aaddtnly'ud Oially palled ap whan going al Ihanlo of twenty milea an hour, dill} eUolla Ibanden of ak> plaaaof^^mtheedalrlng apeclatora. Tbelr Boytl HIghbcaaaa', lha Pilnoe ud Princcii of Walee, tialted the nail on tbe MIta alt. and aoamad nach abmck by the pecformuoe of Itae Amarl. ou hoiie." teamlng't CBBUJOAL BfiaBNO^ na LtHBNESti nia waU known ud InaUy. UOBSSa OB .,..inffi«.-J INOLISH BBItaDT,' la iiiiiflntHli reoinmaiyieJ lo the Amarldaa pnbUa u bolag r7: XUBTkBI BBltt BXTANT : . ' OBitlRAXB ()ASI&v ' , BPIJNT3, efpi^HB oir daob, BnrewB, 1 vaOM WBATEVBB OACSB, UD VOBAIL DKBABE8 Wnigii;>BK1lnil! A SffBAIIHa , , BLiBiBBUa AmioanoN. : n iS|iau) iNiT8V?SBAnui>. ■ : ; ' .. • jMrat^iaiT Bi m BFPKjra, HBtxHftt BLB%aaHlHaj>B mnmika'nia bau, .' Boff£m'omn.iPPUEo; .' ■ mb THk BO^ HAt BB.WOBkKD ttPirlBow, aaan Bam'a Oitt—whatotar lha objaol of tbo etaallanfar Burbo wbo mt» looi ftom Albany, aad ibKadtbat Joha Borte. Jirl!i32' If S*>?*J<> *"» Bakar agalaat Bkkayt wa ou- aotna^ ondaiatand, beeioae It ptuMnalthor lha Baker nor tMBwkalaa vatp etiTlabio llgbl. wbUa at ttaa nme time It £?^'!j'^.^'*^ one Jo^ U ibal'a what M waa latonded Mr. WhanlblaUeioama, wa aolmadnited theieon, and on the weak toUawiu wo learned to oar anrprtae tbat Oeofga had no br for- gMtaa blnatfraa to get looked no In lhaOosnty JaO. (br what Vi ^5t*?W°»*„"<>">»obeaUDg. Binea then, a Mend of John BoAo^ lojully ceiaraed (ram Albuy, Infomit ne that he had 1.0 hud la aeodiog tbal cballaage, neither doea he Ihlak ouragh of Baker to back bim lor a an: tarttaarmoco. he apreaoM tUmaelfwilllu toglTo IN 10 dlacorer the perpetrator of that eh^tanga. 'Wid'r all ibaie clcenoalueea, and tbe ttol that B^iTwaaaccalodud locked apbaorhia friendhun'lmade beaaa^ tteopenUon. Ae a wiod-np for Ibe preeant lo bu "Inglocfoaa" career, we anau the foUowlog eklraoi bom. a Tm papers- \ Uita pnilllal, chac^ed with aleallng |3 from WOitaBtloCoTalek: airaModbr oOotr Loadoo; Ja'J SRy daye." arrMod byofloi ■Mbbabgthecae^ oobody wlU belrooblod In that (Bartar mH tto Idea of September baro let In. Ttala I • the aama Dinp '*R*^«'>«}<*<»niebeit,pa«edhlBaeU off torlka Bakar, aulforthUanddlTon other Inngiaaalosa he hu been la Iwi witarorar ainca. taBnaail>ipi'aLiin>.-Wllhlhaabdlot«loa ot Jtff ud bU hMla, aad Iba fHafree of tbe CnloiiiAMnyin(2r lha dafsnot Om(aderaleoaslU1,thlagatookatn<alar;the ballarTand, fiom tU aeeoiula Ua'a gnat atedbgboU^romlaea to Nooma • IMTing, boaUing, bnay illy aiwttie wlnlS baa paaaoddbd gone. Bot to be behind ^er enllgbtaned elUMoa, thb b:ian1^Te alraadr tonn« a boma tbna, ud Information "dlreot from Blah* nMadJ buboenre«f|Ted,wttie effect that the lal of Angoat dwy lot apart for u aagtgetnenl on eaoal leraa, between AM Boaa, ot Pblldelphla. aad lob Anan'a Big 'Dn, Billy Ken* «tB<fkoond,(ur8t,MOaeM<lacome off, ao u Intelll fMM|a (Com Ubby Prlaon. Tue laat depoell of Aioa waa na'a gwOBIuiD ObuTte Obadaa, uu nmm BUecf,iHiweea aiet aad 9U alceela, on Friday erenlng, July 9lat, when the loia tar obolce of gnnnd fell into tbe banda of Sendrlck'a friud, who named the Bare Ooncae. Boae did bla training at Bacon Quarter Biaocb, nnder the oire 0: Plom.'Baiar aad jim Ounay, while Bob Allen ud Eaalar Plleb looked after Kendclck. Ttae belting et lut aoconata waa at the cato o( dre to fiiur on Boat. Thb Ciono or Tsa Una m Bjomian).—Ned Pdca, the PngUlallo Dimo..thenoi, Unvnlel ud Bcholar, baa been baring a ualtygooa thing of It of latoln Tlrgtnla'a Oapitol, along wllh ua regiment Bdmaod eoatemplatea alopplog Itaere nam the month oiAagaiteeta In, ud ray likely wt l be a apeotauirat tbe Boaa ud EmdiKk mlUlog match In DU'e. He wul then re- turn to bla home In Wuhlngton. Price writer that bla heallh la erwillent, lhat be bai eatuely reoorerad ftom hla late aerero lUncaa, andfoelaUkeaJay-blrd. Chimplont Chtmplonll Ohdmpion III IM MDBIOBAL'v 691 BBOADWAT Mi The only place of aoiaaemenl Oi Broadway where atcugeca ud trieada meoi with recepilon alike. The Obamplon being Ibe ao- knowledged bead^nacun of the iblrlh-loTlns fcatenlty of New York, ud tbe only place where rlallon can recelTe alartlag In- (ona aUon u regarla the aportang ereola on the "Upla." ~HB HOST COMFLErE OALlBBT UP BPOBTIMa PBOTO- OBAPUB IN THB WOBLD. THIBTI BBAUTIFUL LADT WAITBBa SATE BTAfilON, ProprieMa. OHABLM OBOTESIBBH, Manager. lMm» ADMISSION FhEB. Frsntlsr Houib, KO. 8) BOWEBT. lOEN B. BOOBEL )«_ WM. a OOOPEB,/™*"'™"- Boat Alea, Wlnea, Utaon, and Begaca, M-Sm* Ooma and 8«a the Smalleit Doga In tha World.-' Togelher wllh a floe collection of Japaneee Bala, all oolora, natmally taine, ud a anmber of the Ouloe Baoe; aljo, a One Picture Oallecy. Tbeae doga are kept for etoek, ud cu be letn at PltTOHBB'S HOTEL, H. W- coraer of Ihlileuth ud Olcaid Arenac^ Philadelpbla. Bala tl' waya en band, ud aood acoommoditiona for doga. —r Doga Mnmed ud tnalod for all diaeaaea. U.|f mNARHV PArEHT ■AQIO lENNNer mp ar.T.mi.a SOAP. Par ttae daatcnoUon ol PLEAS, ta, IN 0008, ud all otb« Aai- aala. BoIdbyltaePaientaeBtPUtyoentaperBox,orHperdoa OiagglaU ud Btaippera anppUed, ij BABBX JBNMIMOB, 19 Ponlud ttreel, Boatoa. igaata wistod. t The Charlea H. Maraball Houia. MIOBAKL HBNIU PlOIlMab »a arioLTow gmgr. aaooiLiiir- - onoioBsT T HB ALsa WIOTBl UQUOBB, AND man's EMPORIUM.; TBm. .-'^-i^C*'"* "I* PATHONl aOOD FAIIU A DISFAIOB, \W TOnK PORWABDIN0 AilENOP, No. 31 Ubactj ytaaai >•« Tork city. (BHD lOB ODB OATALOODB-VBWABDED OBATIB. Wa ban'ea band, and win ferward at Dia abocM BoUeo, all art claauaadliy IBB apoBinia man, i- ' i_ IBB maI or UDDBE, THB MAS OP lASIB. THB LABOBT ABD MOBS TABIBB ABSOITMENT m XSB om. MfKXfEai BOQia i B0OEBI<CB BVBBBB OOODB OP THB BtST QDAUTT, Mckel AlbonL Flctncta^ matMblT>e Vmt, Caiiea da VlaM lUcroeeopIo KalTf a, Wdkb OloBU, Pln^ Oinr OutiL TobaeooBoiea, PlBMMMin. Poite UoB- ^labBonl^.Aa ABDIOOIATBIMMIBC PABO OBXOKSk EVEBj xnn) oi iookub ut& xmBn apomiHa wm grStssiiSiy ""*™"^"^"" MARKXID CABDSI jm The Aneai ralelr, neweat alylra lod nealeat flnlah. Bampk ahaala ud price Uab (orwacded PBEB lo uy addceaA aasa cm ib win ai Evmp OAUh op chanob •« BFOBTINa men, BOP lOITB OOOSS OP A BPOBTlNa UA5, ud Ton wOl be dealt wllh " on TBE SQCABE." WE OAS ZHABLB 1017 TO WIN AT (VSBI OAMK XEBOE'S DIDUN OLDBSi alto, BOXiNS OLOTBa. IMPOBHATIOK focwaided graUilnroIaUen to all STOBTIIIO mattara ud ereaila. Oooda U ttaa amount o( II ud apncda leat by PATABLB ON DEUVEBT. Saadyoor idfr«ai>.tnd yon will caoelra our budaoat nl oomnleto Calatogne PREX OP EXFENHE. Ad letttn acaweiad, ud aO ordera Ailed Inmedlateli oa itaab receipt, Addr«»a OBBBirr M, ETAN8 * CO., •If LUOBT HOMbUwIMi tba bZa dSaL? ?a?vif.'^ BonndlaBoerde. PricelOoaala. -w>™a auaoad to II BOOK OP MO FUZZLX8. lUaalraled, PritatOtanli. PaSauTUIIJKII WITH OABI>B,8eieal/Bo«mtog^ Prlee OAUOLEB'd TBIOKB WirH CABDR Onr 100 Trlda. Price aoouta. LE'MABOBANS'S POBTDNI TBLLZB, ud Dcaaaei'a ma. Uonarp, eootalalng Locbj Nnuban; To Knew wbo Tour Pntani Hnabud or Wile wUl bei To Know wbelber >ouBwte£eu!^ loTMpoa,k&BonndInBoarda. PilcetOeula. °"™"«« 0BBgIkltPrnj>'8 LElTEB-WBIlBBand OOHFLBrxBOOK OP BIIODETTICi or, Obaciae, Syatamallo UrecUoaa (br Anui. togaadwHtlngtaltara. Alao^ ModelConeasoadaiPcelarnend. ebipi and BoatMah ud a great Tdttoty of Modal Lore Lellata. BoaedlnBoaMt. hIcelOceala. "• BOH TO MIX DBlNSa Oattlahilaa Baelpea for Mlxlsg Ame- rican, BngUab, Pranob, Oaraan, llalua, Bpulata, ud Hoaalan Dilnka-nch u Jnlepa^ Fnnohaa, Cobblaia, BUnga, Cocktalla. Ac. By JeiTT Itaanaa. Mce It.tD, • TUB ILLVdTBATBD UANIVBOOK OP BILLIAIU)). Di MietaialFheiuatdOIandlnaBeiiar, Prloeiaeeet& TUB PAhLOB klAOIOIAN, Oonlabing OTO tOO Trltki atlh Dice, Dcalnoea, Oardi, Bibboaa, BudnnblelB, Coin, la., an plained wiih One Unadrad ud Iwenlp-Ona Kagrtvlaga. Piiet aocanta. On reoalpt of lha ralea, etiba la Caab a Slampa, eoplea o(uy ofthe aboTMamadBooke will be laal to uy oart of the Dnited Blatea or Oanadaa, altnerby mall or eipcaaa^ aaaordy and neatly r*"V*^ poet-paid. * * BBOiiLLEurl uyBook yoawani pop ha k*** *l the tdfe^ tlaed falea. Addraaa ' ' DIOK * nTZaXBALDj PnUlakei*, <4a,« No, 18 Ann d'nat, N(W lOfk. P ■ ■ 1.A »' I IMtBBTBD ■BIHIA»D tAM 1^. ADD pOMDINATIOR OCBBIOmi''' Ibaae fiiniBcd TAba bam reeelTed ihe onnijttaf «M he beat playeiknd Stoat mapetail jodgei, wao kan aU^rauiouncadilremanatiBiHdlargaaanl aieataaai daran diauadtateata tatopwaianuDla ta BflHnd r*a Iwaa granted to oa by Uw Daltod Btatea laloit Ofle% ^ aai UtelyobBuned a patent from lha UmihC iroTomaau In bilUacd cuabloilal. ffeanploy, In Ihemnatructtonef oarttUei, a «ai«4r tf 1 ehlneaapeolallymidalorlhepuiiieaKbTWkkb Beawaan abledjolnraraaaclenufleanimechuleal aooniiej ll« 1 n builacd manulkdace. 1 a long upaHence end Ibotonah ksowtedga cimam uf bUliarda,andconituUy onhanda Luga Mas af noat Inotougbly leaaoned wa acaaraaal V BhS OABO "OINOEB BNAF8," PUhWHXBB. U.U BBAVTPI- ADBUBN, aOU)KN, la-il Ho. 38 libnty alteol. New Park City tf BEE CABD "OINOEB SNAPS," ELSEWBEBB. 16-tf BIG THING LOOK I STANDI SBABOH PODB POOEEIBII and lounadUialy tend na 10 oaat note ^* (It yon aucoeed la In ding ooei for a book THAT WIUi DO IBE JOB OP TU IBB BANDLB. OoBlatailng g^ E ^ BIch oolond anaraTtoga. Bemimber It taken only Oif ceaila to own oneoftheioalnnnlng booka. 20 NEW ENOBIVLIOS JDST BBOEITED. DEAOnrDLLP COIOBED. Plica 19 eeata each, or Are tor fL KAOIO PIOICBB OiBDS. Each ptotora dlacloalng, upon doae axanUnaUoo, laech nom Itam la al. flcit aeulNEff, DMIQaK, OOBIOITS, POZZUNO, and AMUSUia. Tbewboleaat, wlita KXPLANAIOBT BKI, aent, poal paid for M ecola, or POUB 8BI8 (or $1W. Addreaa CEAB. E. PABB, 18-lf 81 Nuua atroet, Naw York. Bad House, Harlam. - Iklg once popnUr place of leaort, wtaleta la located on Seaond arenae between lOSib aod IMNb alieela, la now under the manage- mml of UABE UAOniBE^ whoae eierllonawinbodlreclodtorealoilngitaftitnerglorlea. Attached toltlalbelimoaaBaceTiacki'SlablldgtorAnyboioea; fill lard Booma, Ban Boom, ud BeaniKUl Orounda lor Plo Nioa. bow Boate,etc. Iboflneat qnalltlea of Wlnea, Splrlla ud Mall Ll- 4U010, ud the cholctat bianda of Begaca kopl al Iba bar. Boiaea tcalnod ud lakm on Urecy. T. 8t Rinin'a Well, Fluthlng. L I. Thia deUgblfally located OBOPK alluated oppoalla PLOSHINa BAT, la 0P2N h B TlffijBASOK, jgr^tne^gommwlairnn ot lit PIONI08, BZOUBBION FABIIE8, BI., UlOflAXL SIANION, Proprietor. Boxing Qlovss for Sale;—The Vstartn Mcitar ot Ceiemonlea,t>LD BILL TOTESL will tend, on receipt of 88, pu a ip ieaa, a rapattor aet of fiOXINO OLOTES, to any State now la Ike Unload ' Oloraa cleaned ud repaired. THE ABT OP SELF-DBFENCEIaagtatbyMr.Toree, eltheral his own or the papU'a realdonco, on reaaonable tcrma. WILLIAM TOVBE, Myrtle Atenne Plank Bead, Buabwlck, Brooklyn, L, I. P. 0. Addreai, Boa Sid. Orouklrn Poal OOce. The De Salb ATuue Caca, Fulton Peiiy, take you to lha old tentlemn'a realdonco. TBtmnanf HaD. Qeo. L Tillmin, PropV. ICS BEAOa n., nth ward, pBIUDmPSlA. OBOICB WOES, KtllUTS, ALES, AND OIOABa N, B.—The Smalleal Black ud Tan lu the Connby to be aeon a Ttmmuy Ball Doga eara Irimned, ud aU Undo of ouloe dia. ita ound on reaaouaUe tecna. ll-if TME WHITE HOUSE, ' Ke, 113 ORAliD BntEET, one d oor tnna Broadway, IBE BBtDqnABTEDS OP THE BFOBTINa WOBLD. flnea Llouora, Alea, Clgaca,udcTe>Tthbig 01 the beat quality. FBITATB LESSOKS IK SPABRINO, byMr. Joaeph Oobun, ellbor al Ibo pupS'a ccildence, UB Al' TBE WBITE HOUSE. It JOB OODUBN, Prop^etor; Saddts Rook' Oyatar and Dining dsloon, . U6 OHATBAM STBEEr, comer of Pearl a^ei, Wtaae, ioauon, and Seeaia o( auoeilor quality, mento al all hoara. MICHAEL TBAINOB, Mopnaiot. Bofreab- '^IWOsen," ^ "EdWdion," . No. II LBB^I rtAOS, ol Bloecka ud Onene ate., [lO'l'l »M"V . , Hewlfoik.' TM tUl Odndltfoii Powders . FO B Hoas xa iNTiaoiUTnid BOBSB , : BRtBBa Aa iar^ailblt TOMiaSTIMDIfAHT . ... . I:..: B I . . ; LOSS.OP APPinTB'PBOK SKBrUTI . OyiltWOBL Ao.' . > ' . IMPABTS TONB'AND oTrait'SZBKMOiTH' 0 TDX.AOTIO!! OP IBB SXOIUail, I :,i:,'. I I '.^ I AtW'l . . I MAXEBIAUiT UPBOPXS 'TBB OBNBRAL OOSDITIOH OP . TUB aNIMai.. : I I' . . Pog.M'aby ; D. baBNEs &oo, IMm* ' < ' tl Park Bow, H.T. f , ' .... ..... if't M.''»\Vv4ii^9Ub)ik, iorniH of Mir- 01 Oni*dr)a.tnd*rgoipi r^paliTt ud will be, ready la ^.^ortJi ''■^>|feSTbe.'SS5i£ which II eaUnlyaiw, M ^^Satd' MlVTOBE. Hurigat* Farry Hooie, [FOOT OP eCtb ST., EAST BtVEB.! Tba imdanlgaed would reipe.-IAiIly Inform bla (rlmda ud Ibi pnbUo ihal be hu tikeo tbe abure nanbd beaoltlnl aukuaei i» aiBt,.wtalob be baa rnmfaked and deeoiatod In a atyle o( com(Oit and (dMuoe tbat iriil be lonnd wortby of their pauoaaga. ALbC' WINES, ugnoBS. ud OlUite or the Terr bMt onallly. OiOPB, KTBABaud DINNERS leHed Id order' a^ BOATi), POBINa lAOXLB, ud BAIT conaiaally on bud, l-U . JOUN'LAWBENOi; Pnprieloc, Ed^ Wnsob'ii OouhlPi it-tr . WBEBAWEEN, N. J., . ROW OPEN kOB THB SEASON. Samp'.* Roema. _[ 93 BLU STBEBT, DOffTON. ADDISON a Doua .>. Oonalaatiy oa Uabd; Itae'bait Of ,' wiiiBs, .ugaoBs, add oioabs. Proprietor. A.BDOLB. WMIIimHIgglnt HaithaplaaanietoBaatnucato hla tilandaud tbe'pahllo llitt jio baa o^ed Ibe biga aal oomlnodlona prtmliia, , ■ ■ ■ ■ 831 BBOuUKoornerotUaUmnalraala, u a PIBBT-OLASB.BAB BOOB, where ha wIU be hippy la meel AllwbolkTarblmwtthacaa. IS-Sm* L6n' D(«k 1 . IfkLIPidf tPlp tad Odre* lU, AU^b'kktt^(61a aadBetallXlaaar81M, I8T qusH Aun;LigupBtCdA piuABd; (it-am^ ' Tho oiobai-... . :. ..By^'Pat. Diiioii.':- *r BAST BBOADWAl, FB » mil • AI.ES,.WINBB, UQDUBSi AND OIOABS. Ifit* . Oome ud Ser ■ ■ ■ BAM TDBRBB, Tba great Otnlne Madloa,|Wlio baa itoently tiken ilia '.pdloL Bcubeit) Pa'HK'l'*?1*>Jt!V^'ii of all U>df( MMlIt lad aold. Mr; TiiMWlita)t|joetaqyV(il((&iiiM lbs ba2di9ii|!lk IlklM ai«>boaDdinAmerlck,<tbkfti'le'tat«wuita'a6anU'iielAr. DiXi IcMied fbrall dlaaawai>t tW bOA hrmMr. 1 All KAIIiUli <n(t1lilg paperatobabua<be.-b« |>. . ' fW.. Amarloin BoxIna Qlovia. to • aat^ br mall |3. Pm<ftPe:oUig7ol'a,'|Uakiiid.OtoTaB,aaetat8Bj>(lry ... . Baling IditraiSor, Ita 1 Dead Bmar, ke. 1 Amnaew p,toUtaa, nio. • - —^CBreeelptdl«l•^...Ad4nwdltUB•t.y tocatrded (boOf tiH) < tUI* H^i^tiLaa abaat, PUItdilpiiia, tt. PLAYING CARDS, Aod evory Article used in Qames of Amuse- inent or Cbanoo, kept cooitaotlj on .Luud And for sole, flamplo Bli«etf-of NflirlliiAed Carda ~- JMim^^' CRA>NFOf{D & CO., No, 167 Broadway, New-York, ■ B£B OABO "ODiaBB B-IAPS," BLSBWUBBR Id-lf EXOBLBIOB FDBOBASINa AaENOP. A KBW nau AND NSW OOODS. Jeal eetabllaked. and oow toady to forward all the LATB8T AMD BEST STfLES OP BPUBTlNa OOODS: NEW. BOOKft- 1000 STILES OP OABTBS DB TISFTB, AND. UAUEBD OaBDS UP lUB LATBOT STILEa Oenta, aene far a OaUlonnr. rr WILL oosi pou bdt a tbiplb. E. a. WILLItHS, 1711* 10 Naatan aireet, Naw Pork. YE BLTTSania maid udualoaalOTer, A Obuce to aolre roar daallay, Tour tatore buabina to olaoovar, Or your wife tbat It lo be. Daring a naldenoe In Sp^ I obtained of a Bpulata lodne tbe oalymainod by wblchalikeaeaaof u abaoot piraoncube ob- tilntd. Open receipt ot Ally oeait ^ poat-pald anTelop^ I will atnd to any lady or suUemu a ooni ct pnotemph of their fnlnio bnibud or wife, ud dale of maiTlage. Addreea. atallng color ot hair ud eyee, . age, UIBS F. A. FuSIER, Drawer 3),Aib>np,R. T, XAAA PHOrOOBAPHS OP Att, THE HEW BTTLBS, AI ')UUU UOBOOOI'S, to anil erecr ona'^Uale, al 10^ It, 30, ud 98 oeaia eaob, at SOBOaOI'S. All Ibe Unloh ud Babel aea- orala, ud all Iba aotabillUea of ibe aalloo, alago, elc., el 1919 Vine etreol, neady colored in oil. (or 98 oi nta. or |9 W per dot., or IS and 810 per bnndied, wbolteale, al Bcnoi OX'S. Alao, a lar^e ud ohaip aaaortoieat of FBOIOaHAPn AbDDUR, M, 78, to oenlt. lU It 10; boldlog iO piclurea, 13, aLBOnoaOVa Ordera by mid promptly atleaded to at BOltUUUl'S, 1339 Viae "irB.-Pbotogiaph Aram lite of Booth, the Aaaaaahi, 90 cania, No. 1331 Pine atteot . . „ ^ _ _ 1000 Boaga, all different klada. Bend lor uy Book, or Oard, or Soaga thil yon lUTa eiet leen or beard ot, or adrarUacd In Ihia or uy other paper. I an able to (lualak a' adrectlaed piloe, it ^ SOBOOOY'S, IT-ll* No. lU3rlaeaiceel,Ptallade1phla. BEW BOOS JOrT OUT—Ntter before subluhtd. jnai TUX (HINO PUB Idis B'BOId. 8O0, Mailed (tee tu uy addnea. 9>* 0. E. OBDBCIULL k CO., OiH Broadway. gr BBB OABD • OINOIB SNIPS," BLbBWBEBB. i»4l MAT •mil; IP iOD OAN.— 100 for 9I0.—Oa 1 BBAI'ZaU'lP X6D OAN.— 100 for lIiL—Oa reoelal al .9«o.^wlUaandI00Pl0tnr<aoflhanANOBOMBeILAOIBI aa>IN AlffiBIOA. Addcva J. TAYLOB, No. 1 Bldaa OouK a«-lMa*dV Mf Ptibert at below lib, Philadelpbla, Pa, ■ r39eia.-v onraoelpl ^fc.BOTiaB..NOnOE. lOOforaieta.-^ onreoelptof _ ■PTasieta; 1 arid aaad lOO SPLHTOp noipBBI OP ^ »• PBMAIiB BBAUItBS. Thai aie Idea Irom Ufa. 'Bt dS*. IStraa j.iATLU&.IIa. aHldaa'Oouit, •rlMl* PObert atraet, mlow 8ih, CMladtlftala, I^'«a i t 9 . i exit ••tuRoxB B)rAPi.".iUBW0Bak, is-u IOOKI LOOK 11 LOOK III '.1 i . CABOPIOIDBM all lha dlaUagnlahld Oanna'a, aceh jr. • . 'OiA]n',.BaKBllAN, SUBBIDAN, BTO. Band Iba a ample huadnd. PBIOB r Fiaa by nn' IS-lk* ONLt 88 FEB aUNDBED, 78 tJIMTB DOZ.;<0 OBNTB PBB BAU DOC.' I>.' Adflreaa OUaE X BOWl FEB BOWK Maritoaongb.MaiL .pia iHOTOOBAPH OABDS lOB OX . BaU^tL along widi a aa<aad ex«aM 881 PALvnedloAtMeli' I»-8mo^^ bL Po^'THC f, Kew Tofk. IU^OoaitMilil~Wdi»iKed til (oraatbeatUiM^liaAinfoUitK , D<«»ltfc«ioMya,W.T, STO.-Buibtll,<UokelfArcbarr. Le*A -mand.lka new giaa:ot Aerial OdokeC iplaaunla^sleiondoftlMbeatiqfkBb; AUa, Obai^.Okock- ^DeaUM^TniSlngCarda, Biaaiellt)lllTolVB)«lalU,Tieli4 QBItDOOB BPOJ ' and Full Oritioeaiiandc aalaanilj^ilail, oihir aooM ginua, trieaUal'oa'*r •laoUy on hand, at whvla. ■■p*i. .. ^ NBfoaaway. PLAXZN, AND SILBBN CDBL8, PBODDOED BP TBB USB OF PBOP. DE BBSDX' PBISBB IB OHEPXAinC. ONE APPUOATIOV IS WABBaNIXD < ' TO OVBl IBB MOST BTRAiaBT AND STUBBOBH HAIB 01 cdihar n INTO WATT BINOLBTS OB BBATT KAUBIVB ODBU, BaS BEBN DBED BT TBE PABBI0NABLE9 PABIS AND LONDON THE MOST OBATIf tINO BB9DLTI. DOES NO INJURP TO IBS HAIE Price by nail, aealad and poet paid, 81. DMcrlollTe drculan nailed (tee, Addiaaa " BEBOEB, SOUOLTZ k CO., Ohemlate, P, O. Drawer 91, mj, N. P. Sola Agula (or tbe United Slataa. 18-<feow S'o«"Udthis. r WE WILL SEND I TO ANI ABDRfSS SIX OOLOBED OEMJIHE _,„„_ niPOBIED PIOTOBEB. ALSO, TBB LATEST OAT SOSO PUBLISHED. AND OUB OBBAT OBIOINAL OATILOQUE FOB PIPTEEM CENTS. WE DEAL ONLT IN OBNDIliB OOODH. 4V OtTALOOUES FOES. av All lettera uaweced by reluin maO, SOBS. Addraaa W. U. FOBD It CO., 19.8m* No. Mr Broadway, New York. ■ BEE OABO "alNOBB SNAPS," ELSEWBEBB, ll-tt EldPLOXHENT F OB BBTUBNED 80U)IEBS, *»D ALL OTBEBS, AOBNTB WANTED, OBBAT BALE OP JEWBLBY AND blLTBB WABB, THE ABBANDALB OBBAT OIPT APFBOFBIATION. Oar aguta are naki g Aom Id to 830 pec dir, ud wa alUI need more, laie InTOlcee Aoffl Eaiope hare iwalled onr alock to OTec 81,(00,000. A aplendld aaaorimml of WAtOBBS, BUOS, LADKB'ADO OENTLBHXN'S JBWPLBY. OP Tax Moan pabeiorablb patiibbs, BaIllnBa(^8leaah. dBBD 38 CEBIS lOB A OEBT1PI0AT2, OB |I lOB PIVB, , . ua 81 FOB TIUBIIkl' . nd yoawlllaae whalpoa areesuiladtiii- aod a three oaat itampfor our (anna ao agaiila, which are 1I tio moil-lib^ral Uod. Agenta are preaeated wllh waloliaa fcii. m addition to KOWIB YODB TIHB. ABBtNDALB k I O., IS-Ul 187 Broadway, ^. P' known la bUllacd m.niSitaS."*'"'"' Barlna a long eiperience aad tboi oliaiuea uf bUliarda, and conituUy beat and Boat Uwioiugbly aeaaoaed malaiUlai wa area (Omiata eraiTtklttgcequlred In tbaWUIard BaawHha Uapatch, Itaa eminent Pcencta bmiard plarer. M. Bbmv a^ 1 Ihaionewtogoplnloni oarg*, aaa 1 *<Naw YoaaLldA^^^HK^^i «(«Itae era ollaartng the nailed staleariuntoDBwS^^u lo^amatatua ol WlUaida lhat, atlec a toiu aalaiaa " Ue^ I bate been enabled lo lite£a3 ^^ -j^^, . „ n>P«orino(ihe Billlaid ttSi^^S lactund by Phelu k CoUeader. Tba aiamn of wmu^^^m H anoarior, that I am aapu; in intrMuca itaair aiyia cci^&S inufiuae. TbepbaTaaaitedtothdrmaaulactnioalA^^S eUllaid Tablea inal ol the tfcmbTablea, otrenianaoie a indbeaut>. Pertbeaeieaaonalanbappytoinakathtala, "BBnaEOI, OLAUD.t]S,Fnifiaaac of BlOlai^ t , rartioa eidering tnrni na «ni And our prioea aa low tai^wM tu poaatbly be made Au. Wa aellAnUlaMacllda at tMaS ind will not mako u Inferior actlcia at uy price, - Uidcreby mall arrfmly ud promptly aacnted. IBatMIl Cahlninea and Fitca Uaia acDl by nalL "Tn Bi7J4ibb ajMiaaljubSAaa m the niacealol eililardiL ud cemaAMi tSMVUlIwnll'W .igMlUwuaoiBUt»lllfcitf ae*a^S«| PUKLAN AOOLUIQI '13, U, nudeaCicATelnei and 791 aad 738 Henlgoaiacy etraal, wa ~ neiiirc. PitBdac^ttL 1>BB PHOTOOBAPBIO ART, WONDBBFUL FREAK OP NATUBK Breiy < carioeltleeabouldbaTaaerpj. Slagle eoplea, 91c. ~ ud for aalo (0 the tra^e. FBBSIDBNT LINIMLR AND SON, One pbotogiapk, tOKtU colored, 8> 80; card alt^ 18, ro-ond,91c. .Mnlbyai]t«Baa^ alyle ol Aamr, Cram 89 coapMa up. TBAT HAHDSOHB LADY, a real baBe, eolectd, BEAUTIFUL WOKEN en one card, 380, U UF ISB — EST nLTDBES IR IBB OOUNTBP, only He TRADE 80FPUED. Bcod lOr Otlalogaaal OENBBAta to. BallBtCH BnoIBBRS' PBOIOaBAPH DBPO^ l«n* 8« Rnrlh Bight atntl, " TBBlUKOFlO FIOnmBS ARD OABTIS DB . lataat InporuHona Ala% RBW BOOKS ADD C ^ ABTIOLBB Bead row dnnlar FUBBB BOOB, d^i VAnaaukK yl t>LAIiaa OaBDb, ' I AadallafliclaaBacdta UAMES OP AUnSEHXRI AKD OBAROB, ■unrBctnrad,ud aold al the lowaat palcei, by £inubR, • II 4U BNoaar ttnailaw I OBDia Booai, OOHNKB 01 BOWXBI AND BATABO OBBH^ IL B Qneata cu be accomBodaled with Boona bp Um dap IT ' wllb or witbont board. GIO. P. WOBBIB, r ^ VTAOIO IBIOB OABDSI-ApaokoIOardathatyonaaa ITJl Aom one alia to uolhar In u Inalul withoal ' aent to ur addreea br Bill, poatage Am^ oa reaaliA al'M^ packaforSIlUDaokanrlX Addiaaa 0, L HAWKS k 00., . 3-ir nawSoACllyP,a,llawIia£ a a ^ a J I ^ ^ j t^ VOU OAR OR iaoai BOOES by naO "O.X/'aaV » X preaa "0.0. D.," or It Noi 38 Ann alreat, New Toat. Bal roar adoieaa on a aoBpad earelope (or • OaalofaaL OM binr. 0. BLANOHABD, Pabllakar, MM> ' k ft rft k i i i i i i WASaiNaTON AND LIRCOLR.-A beauttfbl aattMalk Fhotogiapb repreaenllag the Apoltaaoala of MbLBaMb 7aataln|tan ceoelna bun, and la la Itae ad ol ccownlag tkaSa^ I rtona Martyr wllli a cbaolit of laurel. Ihallkaieaaaaitf bafta ' Torp Ana ud ainking; 980 each. Trade aq PhlUdeipblA Photograph Depot, habBaOH ■Iraet, PbUadalpbla. „ lied. Bead tat. , II/tOR>8 'URITBaSAL FUBOBASmo BUOBnni;-^ I. to aar aoa, uy«rllola Ihaaoal aunalta' GINGER SNAPS. A FANCY VOlLEOriON OP- TWO TBODSANV BOINIILLATIONS OF as-PAHui wit.-a TBB MATEBUL OATBEBEO, AND TBB WHOLE JVBAIOU BAKED •«» In Book fom, wllh FANVT ILLOtllNATSS OOTEBB, by lha fbancy Pbeliow JO C08& Pilra,byinail, only30oenlA Addieaa la.U JNO. UDBNS, 78 Naaun alriat, Haw York. fwrmSKEBS AND MOCBTAOHBS IN POBTI-TWO W 1>AY& DR. BOND'S « CELZBBATED BPAMSO aaTiiAai la guaranteed to fert-e a full aet of Wtalakaia oil Mouitaobea Inaliweeka. ' IT OANNOI BE BEAT BT ART ODOR, OROnBHT, ^ FLUID OB ANYPBIMQ BTBR INTBNTED. 80- SiTianouoii aoiauRaiD oa Mont Bmavas. -Vl PBIOB ONB iKUiLAB, or 8 packagei Cor 18. Addreea all ordera to 4.T. OUnTRO k 00., 11.3m 198 Seaibom amet, OhUago, IS. - BEE CABD "QIHaKB BRAP8," ELBEWOEBE, I8ir TTIBANE OONVKBSB'S COHfLETE BANJO fRSTRUOIOB, WIIBOtn A UASTBB, Coalalnlng a oholoa ooleotton of BANJO B0LC8, BODRPIPES. BEXU, JIOS, WALE-ABOORDS, BOHOS AND BANJO BTOBIEa PngraariToly Amnged nd Plalaly Biplaloed, enabling Ibe lean- er to beoome a profldent Baajolat wlltaouk ttae aid of a leachor. Ibla book to no oalehpenay affair, bat la Jnal what wa aay It la. Hu laitmotor la Ilhiatrated wlita diagrama ud eiplaaalory aya- bola. 100pagea,bonad In boerda, doth back. PBIOE 10 0PNT8. , Oopleaof aboraaeottne of poatai* 00 receipt of price, Bead lab erdtca to DIOK k PITZSEBAU), ll-Sn* 18 Aaa alreaL pHoioaBAPaa • FLAW PIPTEBN OSRTB BAOH; BB7BN FOB ORE SOIXABi SO. TBBN FOB TWO DOUABS; EI3BT DOLLABS PftB jlO>- DBBD. * OOLOBED CWBtft-FIPB CERTS ZACBi PIVB FOB OflE DOUiiBt DOUj^ FI^ HURDBfeD. aiHipq^ by mail OB noelpl of named pricea, on receipt of GASH, bV' HEW BAVKH PBOIOa&AFBIJ 00,. IS-Sm* DrawordI, RairHAiaajOoBB. lOHl BABBII AND BAOYIII „„„„,i, .>, . BOOHBI BOOESII RBWBOOIBtll 0ABTX8 SE'VISnK PBOTOOBAFUa^. ARD SPOBUKa AMIOLBS el arecy diaoripUou . , . ■, ■: arBandftwmyg-igraap.rBB , OaUtogata forwarded oa lewlpl of aJ oaal.a'nap. Band auotaara to Ike old aelahllabad aadraiteito Ara of ■ JAM98'^ DXXTBO. ALL 0BDBB8FBOUPTLT' i,^.;. 38«Bnadw», 18U*' Riaxctkalty Addraaa. HII/tOR>8 URITBSa |or«ard,byBallpr antwUehBayaonealil ^ ^ . _ ^ to tbe warol B00K8,"PIMfe ABta BNOBAVIRd OBAFBS, FI0IUBE3, Ud UT oltaar artlcla la Itale mi leaned,' Extra Uaouaolh Oatabgua ipitotd), wkloh oonbUan ■ ttatn lOIIOVelumto In ennSepactmut e( Ularatnie, atdek , wtnforMrdFBKXtotnpaodreae. 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