New York Clipper (Aug 1865)

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THE ISTEW YORK OLIPPEK. Iteld wUb, waOx |U0| Via Kite L«lla, • cMpon tn^SSSL tuaai lion, lor Ihelr twwt wubUsfi uJ MimUnJ^IK'^: M«I Wiarkli>dt,M|«d>lll » flnUcUM TS?SS'J! wBMl9lfiu«vCknDigb,«llaH c*id lUjbefMM unosf MI ■dTVtifSIB62ltl. L OBnu Box nuit * bU tt tbt TultUai, OlBTtUat. lut watt) ■be wu «nccR4, we Imid, tn Umm dnrit g ib» ermng. Tu Br. TX)int Tiinnn !• npoited to bire done i gooa buaua iMt week, vlib Sate Tiaca u Kiupi>*. L. Don- ■OF M AMff . (Uiouai AooiTi, dmme, tsd Mou Wellboft *«llel amt, ntobedB«a>nacl«»onialr8d,teDTI>i|loUpiV. ) n aium SuRU. tKu Ten lotely joMg "J* ''J Bt]biiiaraSoai<ivatar,b*Te nude u tmaniue Impieiam M «be Owlao, ead tn iilgbUy wpUaded to Ibe ecbo. ee • WbMe tat Mult twmnlflnSlnn. ftaelUwa Oudnw dreM lamta- Ur, wlUi • demo of «•«• Out few Iidiee In the ooDMrt wj* •Ion cu equC TiMiiglit nbtj «ag one of tbelf pleu^g dntta, tadtlKxpprirln iiT>TletTaf duce«,«blc)> coniUtaU tben two o( tbe moit TemlOe I»ilei In tbe oonntiT, , _ ^, , in Oiwa Piiiniiiia norm wereil tbeUx(oid, Wuhlnglcn, D. a, lut week . ...^ OouwBU OuDo, VwblnolaD, S. 0., wu opened on ue Mlo nil, with SUtFuker, Annie Weet, BUlTHoiieD ud Obule; Kue. Tas Albihiu Piuo, 81 Lonle, He, np U> tail leoounU wta doing > lary Air bnilieet. Ibe UelTllle Brolbeni gjmnulii woe the tauet uoTelUee. IdeUlde Muon tUU temilne tl Ibe Al. biabn. Km Aam Buiewmluid bee been lairing (be Bcolamen dt •lonn et Ike Bowen, 61. Loola, Mo, by btr rendering of "Tbe BUblaod Blita" tod "Ibe klaJregor'e Otlbiilng." ' At Tea Vumna Tbutu, Delnll, HIcb., Kite Erellne I^bman made ber flrtt tppeartnce on tbe 3Tlb nit) tnd wta well neelTed, ta were eltoHul. Ficlcber. clos bomplp'tt, tna Hial. BDly Bvton, oontortloolet Ibe drmffli of **fetnne fngol, or tbe Idlol or tbe HoonUln," wta pm on In i Tetj fine Dtnner, tnd peifonned to crowded bontol, wllb Big. Conitanllne ta Ibe Idlol Olindc Hinel. Among Iboee wbo lenleted Ibelr pena In antfffOtlTe minnermiybe mentioned 8ig. Con*tanlln^ Fnd. Botk 0. A. Wilcoi, Hra. O. W. Blake, Jennio Allen, and t few olhett. In IbeoUe, Fttok Woodinblaeonganddaaoetakeawtlli and N. B Hblmer la >t]d lo ea "biperooon." kl'lla Lonlae, Annie De^ej, Femindo Fledrr, Burr Olltfozd, and mtoj olberi tie Id the comptnr. ^m WilUami, Mn]o>fOlo paiftrmer, wae underlined for ttali week. OlroHiM. Boea a Cabui'b Oncm performed at lb* Dallm, Ctl., on Jane Bib. Ptnnr Brown coiUniea to be one ol Ibe principal feitoree of tbe aawdnal Ths Wnaoa-Zoiiu Oncm pllcbed oinna at Brown'a villef, V. T.. on Jal7 Sd, tnd waa to be at Oiata Vallej on Ibe aib. TnBt]n.ox. BrasuDO a Boan'a Beow wia to btve opened In LonlaTllle, Kt., on tbe Mib Jnly. Ibej will pnbtbtj remain tbere Ibree weakL San OMKLLO'a Big Bbow eommenoed a aeuoo of one wetfc In LoolaTtlle, K>., on Ibe Utb Jnl;, openlns to good btuloiaa. JOHii BoBneon'a Ore tt Sbow gaTe lie flrtt pertorotnce at at Lonle, Ho., on Ibe Mlb nil., ana wu to remain tbere one week. LAD'eOiBcualettai. Lonia on the 2U ult.,and opened en Ibe 911b, al AIIod, Dl.; ItntjifBt, UUi; SpnugOeld, le'b; BlooouDJiton, 97tb; and ao on to Ohioago. NDOiia Oiacn relnntd to Mew Tork, lut week, from Ibelr Bootbem trip, alter nndsgolng a eertea of ml*b»pa on laUrcada down Boutta, Ibej went u lar u Newberu, Ba- lelgb, and aoldaboro, NorIb Oanllna,! Newbera nailing Ibe beat leanlla, being pietly weil fllled wllb aoldier*, wbo wei« Silla floab, barlDg lott been paid oil CbtrlOT Sberwood, e ■■oilgbul Fito Jenklna," Cad a Utile "didcnilj" wllb tbe black gnirda, wbo didn't ■ ktow noibin' abont Pole Jen- klna," and looked opon him ae an Inlmder In the abow. Charier etc e netr being baroneted In bla effoile to |i»t Into tbe dreoa ring on one occuloo. It'e roogb tnnllng In Dixie Jnat now. "SnuczlLB."—Some of Ibedinu folka bare been on tbe itm. pege abont an oil wellealdto ^aTe twen ainick aomewhere In Fonulnnla, and In wblcb aome of Ibe boja bare an lotereat Jaa. Helrllle, AnatrallanrKs, IbinkaofattiDiinptqaeelrlanum, be being "m" with the atilcken wel*; Blscalde la another. 8- C. Quick la alao aald to bare an tntertat In ibe ollr cono/m. We might credit tbemparl, wrie It not lhal Ibe well nppoeadto btTO been ilmck la located on Dan Bloe't farm; thattpolla the •toiT, to cat opinlan, Dan and bla Ikim betog more Iml ol gage and tbIiaUunof oil. TBI Bran ud Roenox Clicna feu gone Into Ibe Blato of Vs. moot, and hai done ao Ibr a eplandld bnaloeaa. MadiBen'e diooa wu Uuough lhal aiato In Itai, the flnt that bad been there for orer ten rem, and made a gnat deal of moner. Blnce lhat time no oInna bu been tben nnlll Ibe prearni Tialt of Ibe Slooe and Rotslon party. Aa rldln • on bonaa la not allowed, ifmnaido perfocmanoee an the feilnn. Al Dnndon, In two aja lut weak, Ibe lecelpta wen orer tJ,l)00. Tbe managera bar* oerlalnlr atmck "lie." The drcoa biialiieaa hu not been Ttij good IbIa aeaiOB; In Ibct, nothmg oompared lo laftaeaaoo. JoBR Foeru, American clown tnd performer, can be engigel u per adTBrtiaement In tnelber colmnn. ODjili Fsxd —Slke B, Upmo, of CtodnniU. bu received a letter tern U. W, Wattrman, ol B. B. Howta* Clrctu, enoloaing W, :be aecond iBelalaent ralaed by Ibat company lor the O'Dale Fond. Tbe lollowlns an the amonnia anbacilked:—Dick Hannon, 110: W. Waiermao, J. W. Forbiy, Bam Long, Jaa. Ctockeli, B. Walaon, T. Valaon, N. HoUowty, Fete Conblln, Utile Uao. nee, Btnng. each tl; Lake TUden, (I. Bunnell, Bg- bert Howea, each 19: John ConfcJo, llerbrcn, Uanonaet Oalad, Benaald (Arabal, J. H. Uarab, Edgar Wiencb, J. Kandoipb, A. Flairce.N. D. Bmllb, Jobn Ptltni, e'cb ti. M. U. Uenebaw, 0. MoCIaln, J. Coireat-,Phil. ZImmer,U.K.Edgar, each tl. dent occamd wblcb wt an about to nltta. In Ihaccntee of the atage, it tbe baok, wu let a btUlltnt ea<a acene, ibivugn ue middle of wblcb Un. Benry Egerton cant cm Ibe alage, trip- ping orar aome rerolrlug oUndcit, *blcb were allferM to itttmbia running water. Sear one of Ibeae eyllodeiB wu a pezforale^ gu pipo, a loot or two long, and Ibla wu the amy art cf tbe wbou acene •bloh wu not Flr« gauia. The chltdian wbo dance In tbe ballet had no bnalneu to go near Ihu mtmlo water cne. Ibey aniartd Ihetugeltiraagb a nnmber of boiren of roaea, each etnylng In ber band a bianoh of Ihe tune dowen, tnd tU of tbeae bowen, wbldt ware Ugblod np tt Ihe ba;k wnb Jala of gaa. wen ctr*full| pntaeledby wlra, nan wu Ifflmanw apnlatiao no t a entnnoa of Ibe otaildfn; the band wu playing brTakly, Hra Kierton had naohed Ibe alage throub the tnt, tbe flnt dance «u orer, and Ibe obUdren were In the act ot gronplna Ibenaelna, when one of them atamUfd, and leu upon tbe gaa pinlag lb tbe care aoana. In u Uitaut bfi dnaa caogbt Ire, aid tben waa a about of horor In tbt ladunc*. Ibe ohlldrtn ran aerou ibe atage towaida thelafi wtng. followed by Mn. BgertoD, eager to-reach and aaTt tair, Tbe andleooe nee to th>lr feel, a nnmber of men apmng from Ibe aide gal- leitoa OD to Ihe alaao, the moalo ceaaed, tnd ibe ay of "flnl flnl" wu thonled all orer tbe ball In Ihe momentary fright, aome alraggled for Ibe door; bnl Ikey wen few In nnmber, and, fottautaly Ibr Ibe Uiea and llmba of Ibe lodlcwa, tbe Tttt majority rettlned ibelr plicae. Uetnwblle a aoene ot inndi terror wu wlbieued on Ibe alage. Bgoton caogbt Ihe child, wboae doUua wrn on flI^ and to atmgallog wllb bar lo put oat tbe flamea aether own area on Are. TIbree or mnr of the ballet ran lowtrda toe two who wan on are, In Ihe hope of being able to do aontlhing, bnl fortnnataly for Ibamielna wen tbnift back by Iha iloni anna of Ibe ecsnr abtlten and oihen wha wan abont Tbe acuilc eitlila, on aeaing Uuchlld In lamee, bad caught np a nngh working lackei. and inmbig to bet tbmw It roond ber, at the aame Ume aefarallngberliom Hia, Egerton, wbo wu at tbe aame moment aeleed by another member of Hr. Day'a altfl; who threw ber on Ihe nonnd, and by rolling aome rough dolbea orer bar, effectnaUy put onl the flamea. The cbOl wu found to be only allgbtly bnmt about tbe arm, and Mia. Xgeiton a blUe mon a-rlonaly-bnt not dauBaioiuiy— aoonbed about the arm and aide. Ibe remalnloi mtmbna ol Ihe ballet bnnltd ot to the wlnga. where Ibey tumbled abontfor a moment or two lotamlng or orrlng Id terror, aon wen Iba directed to Ibdr a«D looma, Ben Ibe IM1« ar>tiurea wen uilaled In taking their finery off, and the Itliy bUlet abowed Ihelralroni bnnianlly by onlDi meet ot iha time. Aa one or anotber ol them lot daeeaed they would alart np atana again lo laaulra alter Urt. kaerlon, for whom they all appeared to bare a moal Intnae lore. Tbe aerelMa af Br, Baufca, Kr. OaVi and an aaalatant of Mr. Hadley'a, anineona, were Obtained, and Ue UJnilu 01 tbe girl and Hra. Zgerton wen canfolly attended to. Mia. Egerton appeared to be more concerned tor Ihe aafety of berliuTe ftirr who wu hurt Ibta ahont benelf, and It required toe repeated aiauiuoe of M'aa BInart, Mn. Biward, am) other kind belpen to calm ber. From tbe ball tbe fearlbl ay of "tnt" bad reached tbe atreet where It arreal wllb amailog npidlty. Borne OTer.rea]ona friend carried ibe alam lo New atreet, Ike tn belle were hina, and all the eigluee wen taken to Iheapot. There wart ibonaande of penona coa^ngatol'to Ibe etieet, wblob became ImpaaaaUe fcr lome Ume. Order wu obtained with dlfllouliy, bat when toe real ilala of aflUn wu made kne wn to Ibe oro vd, and ibertialnaoflhe band wan heard, a better feeling prenlled. TBI flinuaar Tbutbk, London, oanllnned the mn of " Brother earn," with Botbero, up to July IMb, whin the aeaaon doaed, wllb a benedt to Mr. Bnckatona. JoBB Owxxa bu raried bla penonaUona at lb* AdelpbL Lon- don, bynodndog "Toodlea," audwllbdrawlDB"8don Shingle." Tbialoota like anyIhlu bnl aiieceu for nr. Owena, and onr old Inend Solon, In Enalm4, TaioDoa, with bla Mnaeum of Arte, cesclnded a eeuon of eight wetbi, on Joly I3lb, at Brighton. Un Ihe 111 Inat. be waa 10 appear at Ue Cryatol Palan, Bydtjibun, England, "iBiuB.NA.PaoDS" reached lulOOtbnlgbt Utbe Princeaa'a Tbeatn, London, on July IBlb. Una HDnoH, Ibe ballet girl «bo wu aevereir bnncatBold- er'a Coociit IlaU, Blnulnghtm, on July 41h, died al Iha hoaplial, to toll city, on July 181b. Mita Talhot, ao aotreea wbo bad retired from Ibe itage aome Ume aince, died In Londan.thelatter pariof Joly. Ur. NswTOa Qothold, aunooncod In toe London En aa the 'Young Amerloin (71 Trmgfdian," made bla dtbtd to London, at tbe Victoria Theatre, on July ITth, In "Ibe Uunmaker of Uor. cow." Tbia la Ibe flnt time we ever beard ot Mr. hewDn Qot- hold; but be aeema to haTo gol-bold of one ol tbe London mana- gera. DoiviTO, Ihe original one-legied dincer died In Fnooe, lately. ADAS siAca Uajimi loot ner flnl benefit in London, on July IDIb, atAatley'albeaire. Bbe appeared for theflnttlmalntbat country w William, ln"Bl>okBTed Suain." Alibongh to Ihe belghi other popniarlly, ibe Menken wiacompdledto tormlnate ber metropolitan career, to nroo' ed to Fnoce, on Jnlr 2IIIb, on bnalneia. Bbn expected to ia .re LlTerpcd by the Peru, on Aug. igib, lor Mew TorL Bo we miy look for "toe Menken" ibont toe let of Beptember. CANTERBURY MUSIO HAtL & THEATRE, wAsunoioN, b. c. OBOBSE LEA.. JOSH. EAST... PBOPBIBIOS 9TaOX MADAOIB IB now OTEa FOB lO WHUEB BSAfOK, (lytogtMriMOf LIOHT Ain> AHDBraa nTKBTAIRMEIlK, eeiry ee enlng, ud oo lATDBDiT ATlCBKOOM. Ferfcman ol Want wlaUng enmemanu for tbe Fall and Winter aeaaon, axtandlag otm' ■ peatol of tan monlba, wU pleue addreai aa abota. BALLET omU ALWATB BEQDIBBD. MISS LAURA BERNARD, COHBDIEHin ADD VOCUJBTi can be engigad by naponalb'a partlai by addAialag ' OEOBOB LXA, ir llL Oantaituiy, Wultoglon, D. 0. MlioellMBOu*. TnOamaZonxTBTionnperttarmed al Amatezdam, H T,, Jiilr ntb, and LitUe Fane »h and IM. Tim BuraDmx Bnonma 6wm riww.w. Bmona, an maktog - Ihdr afcond tour Ibroogb Ozmn, <w mife for Idaho. A OooD BDi 8bdw, with qiulo a muaenm or natural cnrioalllu and Bodoglcal aperlnimat la adniUaed u for ale to thu lane ot IheCumx Tainu HiLL'a VanDn Tnnim li nid to be doing well iud0 the "oti.iptii, Dt of Mell Crowe. They wen at Bockpore, Maaa., July 17ib, and I^wrmce 38tb. We And to tbe compeny toe namta at 0. W. BU, Pnr. Knnn, J. Corbet, E. Bauell Crowe, Carrie Onwe, H, P. Crane, Big. Blgnoldl, Billy Btonr and Mali . Crwwei Tma Hxm, Ind., la a place of oonaldenble importance^ and bu a numen'Ua population who an reported at being hberal pa- frona of amntementa. They bare a conrenlent hall capable ot aeaUng tome 1300 peraone, tnd wall adtptad fcr coiioerti. lectarea, diamulc entarlalnmenta, etc. It la known aa Dowllng'a HaO, andmanaganol tnveltogtnnpea ou accme Itb) addr,Mlngu per adTirflvemcnt In anofoer ootomn- 11 aain BiOBtiD OoKn la to glra an entertainment to Bptbig. field, Maaa., tola week, Miu Hioon Nicaou, win wa'klat la enoig'd mak'ng wire aaoenalona to the different campa oulalde of LonUTllle, Ky., and doing Ten WfU toenby. Foou i DomisLLi'a Viaim Conpan commenced a abort re*, aon al Bpriogfleld, Maaa., July 9tto, andbualneai bad been pretty Mrwitolbem. THUnnew pdccea of mualc, by Oeo, Slaeana, have Jul been pubUabed, and may be procured by tddmialng u per tdvertiafr ment lo another column. IBB Ztmnu TnoDrn an at Utile Bock, Ark., and will open to NubTlUe Aug. Utb, Loolarilla Itth, from thanes to Flke'a Onan Uonae^ ciunlnntU. tnd Ihenoe to Crotby'a Open Houao, Cnlaagn, Faor, EiBLKiBa, Ibe pnalldlgllatenr, tdTerllae* to another oolumn to n^|Ollale with aoma Aral dau manager. Tbb Bimab k Bbblbt Pabti baye dlabande£ Ibey bad been playtog to latr boniea al Odd Fellowa' BUI, Lonlartlle^ Ey, bnl ibe managera, Andrewa and another, conld not agree, and a bncit np wu tbe reanlL A comapondent nya: "Ibe mauagaia agreed ao fkr u to omil paiing Ibe company their Uat week'a aalary." Bdob Ounaaif.—Ootlaobalk and party gate a oonoert at Crua , Tells; la'ely, and Ibe MiMeiul ol that d^udulgu In Ihe follow- tog blgb-flown critddamt "It la Impcaalble to deaoribe Ihe Attrri- amaqfaHufc wblob be (O.lerolrea ftom <be Inatrament He oanacd the old lamlllar liuea to daaea^ glide,* nUttk, and far (AfOHflA ffppfea, vobiMee, Coniadoca and uhWpeett eoHafionf to a muner lo leave Ihe mind almoti oppraoied wlla Ihe keen- neu of lla appreciation and toe nptnn Inaplring Ita every nerre and fibre God bleu the maDwhooaaglninohaipreaBlon to Ihe longtogi cl lad and aantlTa boaomal Neil came a giud walla, aeloded from •Fanal,' by Hlaa Lucy Blffloaat whOM iM(aiicr|a(a(.r<|!pllRpeo<o( enchanted Ihe audience," Bl,hl,bll and cbeen for toe Orua Valley olckat ' Amanmm to t^anada an not to a flourlablng oondlUon, comapondeut In loioato aya: "With tbe eicepUoo of local coneeria and tooae of Pmme, toe modom Fagantol, we ban bad aothtog to enliven na atooa the doae ol toe Upyal Lyceum, until Uat nlglii, July 9tlh, whim Toronto wu iiaelt agiln, and Iwalf- fiv hndrd people ariembled tt toe Borllcultura] Oardena, to do honor to aome or your New Tcik talent A aptendid concert look piac& toe band ol B. U. i7to Be^lmeul doing tbe Inibm. menial, while the vooal porilon of the entntalnment wu fur- nlibed by Meadamea Merle Abbctt, W. L. Flake and Mr, A Badg- wKk. all ot yoor dly. Mn, Abbott proved one of Ibe grealeat Ibvoritea toat bu tnng to Toronto alnca Madame DIabon'a lut . ;vl«lt. fibebuaflnaftce and figure, end poueaau a rich ao- pnno voices which atae mtneged wlto oooaummato laila and akUl, We nLdonland II wu toe with o( Iba direclon ol toe concert lhal abe abonld nmato ud fbvor ue wlto anotoerap. pearaDO«bul ber pnvlooauMamintapnventedlk We can uaore her a hearty welcome whanaver abe vlalta Toronto." Onaiui BBii'a QnuoDTLau, ud I3eleallal Troupe did a good btuloeu In Bt John, U.S., perlhrming rlxnianta, and on Baturdoy anamoon, July lUh. nom Bt John the oompuy wmltoFitdeilckloii, for three ntghia, thence to Monglon ud 8bedlas,aidweie to have appeared ludercuvu fur one week 1u Obarleatowo, on July 30Ui, toanoe to Pioton, Truro, Ballbz, Wlndaor, and back to Bi, John tor uotber week. Tbe compa. DT will not lay up Ikia aeaeon. Ftank Wllaon, Bihloplu come- dian, ud HIa Addle Jobnaos, tfonanue, an now iraTdtog with Ihecomptny, IL Jobh Dbkiu la creaUng qolla a aanaaUan In Ibe large towna 01 Culnl New Tmk, by nia tolrapld ud utonlahtog cope eaeeoauna. m July Mih ud ITih be made two otnd dgbt- ropeaaceaalonaUIUon, on a rope dO feel high end 130 feet long, oawhiah the cWecna gated wlto tnaakcladaw& On Ibe Wb he irpeated bla perlloua mala at Oneida, wlto like aucceaa. Then la no denjlog Ibat U, Denier la a favorlle u toe region round about whan he la performing, All EmBinox, whlen, from toe adratlMmul to uotoer ootama, we abould Jadge to be lomethlng good, le tor lale tbr 9dB(L • TMi Fiana'e Combination played lo a large ud blghlr oaUfiad houae, Jnly 3Ito, al Mntfc Ball, Maw Haven, Conn, al- though It nued "great gsnai" tocy bad euagad liie hall lor Ihe MlbTbntgaveway toiha graiid galbenng ot ud dlanei to the gradulu who bivt parUdpatad In the war. Ta PUB TuoLT of BwiM BaU Btogan gate paffotmanaei at Olonnatar, Mail,, on Jnly Slat udAnguitlat A nanaioiui. Baritone BInga adTarOitB tor u angigamant to *!HTthir column, Amittur. Td >oiiTuiii,rnDtlIa Aaiodallon bdd lla fMrlh ananal mealing on Jnto Mlb, al toair old moettog noma on lib aTuna. tolhlialy. Ae ollloantorlhatnratogaeaionwandaolediU wta ba aau by adTacUannant In anotbv celomn, The kdlu tnd gnllamm ol toe eompuy are requited to allead the nait mMUafiMbebeldoBtoeUllul, Bee adTaxUaamini, Fonlgii DrkmiUe tiid Show Ntm^ Biuu Obu 01 tni,—An lialdul al a noil onaaotl ocoBr, nana tack nlaoa at Balds'a Oanoiit Bill, Birmlnihtai, Bbb, MMy, wbkVcntM aa lamuM axdlaank Joat u Ihe actnu van itt ta the ludtoi flaaa, •Ibt Mil or.8aHi^''a« aaot- JOSEPHINE PARKER, TBE OABHDia DANSEIjBB, can be eigaged by raaponilbla muagera by addreeelsg OEOBOB LEA, IMU Oularbury, Wuhlngton, D. C. BARNUM'S •MUSEUM AT V»INTER GARDEN BPLBb DID AITBAOIION EToy aflamoCD at Si Svenlna it TV. Tbi Orand BalM IllTertlMemmt^ " TBB OBAUTT or BBViLt,E, la wblcb lOMT DBMIFB, HONS. BAPl'lSTUO. MART TIMO. TBI, H'LLE AUBIOL, ud HUB E: BaBI.L wlU linu iMci ttaer with ' ^ ^ A rOLL AND EPIICIXNT CORPS DB DAILTT W. F. BARBIB0X,C0HICANDSXnHPl)BANM1)8B»ain. HISa CABBIE A. 1I0OII& TUB CONSOltD BSalBBT vriU cxecnto Ihe mori Ulrlrale novemrnla on parior uilca. THE NIOOLO BBOTllERB, T\>giibef wlto lObMO mOOLO, ' TBB CniLT) WONDER, ON IBB PEULSOdB FLTINO tBAPEZE. To eondnde wlto toe Comlo Putomlma of - BOBEBT AND BBRTRADD: OB, 'iBB TWO rooinvEa Chtrtdan by a E, FOI. tOtei DXNIBB, ud Compuy, AMOeiNa IMOIDBNIB ud . LAnOBABLB BirnATIONB. ■ THE ORBAT llVUia omiIOSITIES MAVMOTB FA'bWOIIAl). WElaHWa 6«a'l>OUHD8. KOVA buOnAfllANTaiBLuTBRB PEEtUlaH. TBB OIROASeTiN FAUIIT. EOROTY BAKNCM Pearl of Ibe Bet ZDlnUA AOBA Bbwof toe but CBLA PAUDA Ike Bojal Qem DOOBt OPEN AT 9 O'CLOCK. Admlaelon.McoilB: cblUrtnnnderten, Idcenla; Fer<]uetud "wSiTWNe'of ooBiOBiins fob tub new IKTSBUM BKOBIVES AT OBINBBE DDILUINOB, M AMD Ml BBOAOWAT. _AMpenBrMmNTca. NEW MUSIOi "la« MABOHtO MABCa." By OEOBaa mnCNB, Lead r of Ue Orrhaatoa, . . . u col WOOSD HDgBU^' Oh'etaB- ' W, A . POND k Cj„ B:Jldwr- NEw Moma "TBI B OMB I BRfERLT eCBOmBH." By OEOBOB RkTHlai loader otthe OrebaaSir ' It Ool. WOOD'S HVBWm, OMCHB. Forule by W, B. BBIDBUBT, 4M Broome ainct and ' W. A. POAD k Co., BiMwar. NEW Momc. ~- ^ « "THEMTOOTHPOtKA" By OEOBOB STEVENS. Uader of iha Orehaoln. ...... Ool' WOOB'8 WraEUU, OblaMm. Foradeby W, B. BRADBDRT, m Bnoma atreet, and "-*l W, A. POirO « Oo„ Bnalaiv, DIOK MoQOWAN'S VABlBnEd TBEATBB, LRtU HOOK, ABBASBAK- Thta moatbaanUfal temple ot amnvemantwlil open to iba voUte- ooorabonlAngutlat. Mo expenaa bu bau apired la naii^ tog It too moalbeanUrul aa well u Iba moal coavinienl ud arranged had In Iba aonlb. Iba plact wlU aaat MOO pat*o»*aaA will open wllh Iba gnaleal eombmailon of aitlaUo Uent B** vorld, Ladlaaandgentlenunof acknowledged abOlly and an*- rienea to toe nnalo un proteaalOD, dealtlog good and peamanam engigemuta, w|il addreaa, BliHng aaliry,llne of bnatoeai, DlOK HoOOWAN.lf augir ud Proprietor. B.4 LTIMORE MUSE i/m. BALTIUOBB, HO. , ^ , Tarmlnatlon of the lengthy ud prciperona engageffleni of five waeka perfbralBg than and ooocindtog In Ihe aeDllh ot i-^ ^QViUi BBTOBNS WEST. UnOBMB WEST, JOE WOODS. COIUC VOCAUST ADD OEHEBAL PEBFORMEB, cu be engaged by reapcnalbia managen by adcivaftog OEOBOE LEA, ITIIL Cutartrary, Waabtoglon, D. 0. NINO EDDIE, THE INFANT BLONDIN, (only e yeara of age,l Iha wonder of toe woild, hu ]oit flnlahed a moat racceeifnl engigemtnt u Beaton, ud la now playing tt FOX'S AMERICAN TBEATBE, PHILADBLPHU, for a then period. Managen wlahlng to negollato Ibr KINO EDDIE wUl addnn OEOBOB LEA Canterbury, Waahlnglon, D. C. N. a—EDDIE la wllbout doubt tbe beat muagera at preient to Ihe boaloeta. •lenitllon ctrd" for IT-ltL WALLACK'S. THIRD WEEK OF TBB DDITIITOUISHEO lODNO IBiaU COMEDIAN. MR DAN BRIaMT. On MOSDAT EVEMINO, Jaly 31, to csmpUuce with nnmer- oua urgent requfala ai tbe box ofllce, will be produced Mr. Dloo Uoudcaall'a obel d'canvn^ TUB COLLEEN BAWN; ' or, ' TBB BRIDES W OARHYOWEN, with bantlfnl Bcraety by laberwood, ud Ibe fullowlng magnll- oant dlatnbnlloa ot chinden:— HVLBd-NA-OOFPALBBN, vUh Bong, "Lim- erick la Beantlfu)," KB. DAM BBTAHT Dtmy HaDD Hr, W. B, Flvyd (file ftnt appeaiuce tola aummv.) Father Tom Mr. Cbirlea Flaher Oortlgu Hr. John Hiuu (HIa lint appearance hen) Baidieuangu Br. J. & WhlUng Xyria Ddy Mr, WlUiamaon Bertie O'More Mr. Bnwn Blly O'Connor, with acnga, "Tbe Ciulakeea Lawn" Ud "A Pnuy Olrl KlUMg ber Cow" HIa lone Jurke Mn. CrtgiD Mra, Faaru iHer finl anpearuoc btf&) Anne Ohula, the "Celleao BndL" Mra, Janntop Bbdah Mun Un, John Bdton In prepantloe, ud will tbort^ be nrodnoed, u entlnly new IrlU Dnfflh written emreuli fjr UB, DAN BBTAMT by kleun. F. e. MAESBB and T. B. UcDONOrau, ud enUUed SUAUOB O'BBIEH, THE BOOLD BOY OF OLINOALL, A TALE OF '38. MILLIE AND CLARA FONLER, toe moat arUatlc ud beaaUtnl OANCEHS to toe pnfeaalon, wUl oonunuoe toeir atarring lour tor toe aaeon Aug. lib, appetrtog FOBC'S HOLIDAY STREBT TBBlTBE, BALTIHOBE, HD.. for a abort time. Hanagen wlihlag to negcUtle for toe lerTlcu of HIUJE ud OLARA FOWUR wlO eddrea OEOBOB LEA. OmleabacT, Wtablngton, S. 0. MULLIQAN AND LEAVITT, TBE TWO BBBT BTBaOFIAH OOHEDIANB Dt TBE PBOFBBOION, commeon a ahoit alar ugagenut tt DICE O'NEIL'B OANTERBUBY, BALTIUOnB, UD., CD Mondty, Angnil Tib. Mtntgtn wlahlng to necoUtte for toe tcmcea of MUUtOAM ud'UAVITT will addreta OEOBOE LBA, IT-lli. CularbuJT, Waahlnglon, D,0.! NIBLO'S GARDEN. Conimenefl* Bt 8 o'olook, Leaiea ud Hananr WM. WREaTLBT. THE OOOLEST THEATBB IN TBB UlTI. aBBAB.NA-POODE, Bidoratd br PabUc u< Preu ihe greataal anoceai of tbe Maaon. Hnndrela turned away nigbUi, unable to obtito admlaalon. MONDAY EVENINO, JnlT 91, ud ercry erenmr, after toe moat cenlslprepanllon, wlUbeDnauled rortoe BEVSKTEBNIB HUB Ol AIIEBIOA, . A OBANU 8VE0TA0DLAR DBAUA, Inlbreautt, by Hr. Dloo BondoauU and B H. Hooao, Eao,, ullUed ABBAB-KAPOODB; ' OB, TBE WICEUlW WEDDIMQ, . toe ide ilgbl for toe prodoodon of which bubeen pnrcbaaed for New York by Wm. Wbealley. Tbe oaal eipedally aelaelad:- HB.^. B. OLBNMEV, u BBAVR, TBB POST. UIS8 J06BPBINE OBTON, u ARBAH HEEUSH. Ike otoer Impottut chanoen by the Oompuy, Baala eeoured elx daya In adTuca, WOOD'S MINSTREL HALL, (It BBOAOWAY, Oppcdto Bt HIchdu Bol aL ftcnriator, Ao BZNBI WOOD, TBB BBBI VSNIILATED HALL IN TUB OUT. CBOWDBD U00SB8. DEUOBTED AUDIENCES. ANOTHER OLOBIODA BILL. EHTIBB OUANOE OF PBOOBAMHE, TDIOHPaANI SCUCEgtl OF TBE NEW kOBE FAV0B[TE9. NEW FAOEB, NBW FEATUBES, UOBB NOVEL CIEa. MONDAY July 91, ud eveq eTcnluR doling toe week, IBE BTAli TBODPE OF TUB WOULD Intteir CBALLENUB PnOORAtniE. HAKDY ANDY, BDNMUia THE BLOliEASE, TUB OLU UAIDB, IllE MEIIVBS, VLAT.VUOT JAS^ MUBlllSIPPI FLINO THE BOUNTY JOHPBB^ ^CHAUnON OLUO SAMOE, Doom open at 7, PariormaneeaOomiiMnca U 8 b'dcu, NEW BbWERY THEATRE. ^ ddi Leuaa ud Proprietor MB, J. W, LIKuABli, BL-l'AINTED, OEAKD hEOPENVa MEWLY OPHOLBIBRgD, OE-OEOOBATED, TBE BUT niaa dbama of Iba modern Ume c< KATHLEEN HAVOOBRXBI), NEW BC&NEBY, MEW BBILLIANT BTFEOTB. MB. WALTER OHIBDAIB, MBS. W. 0. JONB^ OGOBGE BROOKES, 0. W. THOMPSON, UB, a. UROABD, HISS ANNIE EVATT, MRS. HABB1 JORDAN, kUSS SIUMOMBI *c Tbe Drama of IBB Buna ntNUEBs. BROADWAY THEATRE. SnUHER BBAflOR, nader Iha dlrecUon ol BAMOEL OOLVILLE. FIFTH WEEK of toe Irinmpbul ngjscmeat ol , ^ UI88 KATli BBIONULDB, pnmounoed bypnai and public toeOBKAT OOHEDIENNX of toe Amorlou ttat^Bha '^j'g|^>>^ eminent aotur, tnd a Foil ud affldaat Oompuy aanadallT enautd. MONDAY AND TOISDA^; ™a.*.» PBO WOFFIMOTON (new Tunlon). WEDNESDAY AND IHUBSDAY, ' LADIES' BATTLE and YUDIBf OL DAYS OB DICHEUEO. FBIDAY, ATOUdl«, FiBST BBNEFIT OF mSH SATE BRIOBOLDB. JEALOUS WIFE and ANDY BLAKE, BATOBDAY, BnONOLD'S HATINEB, Boi OOca opu lh(M(hont toa day. MILE EHNESTINE..^,^ TBI OBEAI AMUUAH «M ba eagagad ttroBib DANSEDBa AND VOOAIin, IMld ^"^'fl llSSjbiiiaa t/ttm, k I. MIAOO BROTHERS. TBB BEST TBAPEZE AMD OYHNABTIO PERFOBHmS OF SHI SAY, Cu be ngiged by addnaaloit OEOBOB LBA, n-llL Culerbory, Wiabtogton, Dl 0. BILLY EMERSON, TBB BEST SON a AND DANCE HAN tnd OENEBAL ETBIOTIAN OOHEDIAM IN TBE FBOnaSION, ou be wcnred fcr ibort angaianunia by addraaitog OEOBOE LBA, , IT ItL Uularbury, Waahtogton, D. 0. J. W. THOMPSON, TBE OELEBBATED UELO-DBAUATIO AOTOB. wUhnla TWO DOOS, HBOIOB AND BBDIN, cu be engaged by Kapon^lble nuBijieia by addreattog .OEOBOE UA. iriU, 'oularbniy, Waahlnglon, D, a JOHNNY REDDEN, BONO AND DANCE ' ud , OENEBAL ETHIOPIAN PEBFOBUB, to now playing a alar angagianl al Ibe CANTEBBDRY, ALBIANDBIA,.Va! Uuagen wlahlng bla aenleea wUl addiea' \ irib, OEOBOB LEA, Culerbury, ^tahlogton, D. 0, CHARLEY KANE, OOHEDIAN, ^ ITHIOPUEi PinrOBUBBr a tad . ' ' ■f OOUO BINaBB, ♦ » laDowpla|lBgttltra|«|<BU^*l<M ' ^OOUnmA •ASDEIf. ITABlllNeTpVf D, a, Oaa bt ogigtd fey adtaa»«. * * , auA&iUA, K-{b (toliib«iT.WaMgftM^»a neipcnrlble Menegma nnnliing tbIa popular perfbmer ud hie mcceaetol euro money dramaa, fur two, four or eight weika, wUladdreu ' JOHN mLLER, Aural tit Pice auht PbUaddpbla, Pa. MISS KITTY BLANCHARD, TBE STAB OP TOE WEST. Ible beautiful u4 t»OfDplletaed PUOrEtN AOTUGBn CANfATRICE. PANTOUIUIBT, AND D.tNBIiOBE, bu loll doted beren|ib.emenulu LoniaTllle. btving pliyad four weoka al the Loularllle llbe noat tncneifal engtgement of toe Miion{,ind twowoekittUiuager OrllB<b'e Nevlbealre. bha opeua at Leilngton for two w, eke, Ibuoe lo New Albany Tbeain for two weeka. ud opena it Davenport. Iowa, tor two weeta, com- meoolng Best Sttb. Huagen aiablng (o negoUtte'wlto toe tt»ve-ntmea Itdj, who li ONE OF TBB MOST ATIRACTIVB STABS of Ibe preaut day, can eddreai ^ MR. W. U. HOLLAND, IT-tt* Box ni, P. 0.. Luulinlte, Ey. "ARRAH NA POGUE," Ibaetoer wltballtoe MEOHAMCAL BFFEOIB OF TBB LABT HCEME, BINKINa . lUWEB, WABDIIUfiK. Ac., l:c, will be prodnced by 3. B. UaDONOIlOB IN ALL THE PIUNOIPAL OITIBB IN TUE WEST. ^ kluigen can addiae J. E HcDONODOD, irtt* 1338 North 13to Bireet, l>blladoipbia. SAVANNAH THEATRE. T....W,- .„,! I in- RAYMOND, LeuMa and Uaia«eTi{ju^ jHg„_ HAtULroN. Lad lea tnd guUemen deilrout of engtgomcnta lor Ibo tbove Thettre during the ipproicbtng (all and winter aetaon, or STABS WISUINO TO NEOimalE, will tridniauatt WBiiBLINO, WESrEHM VIIIOINIA, TILL JULY 3«IS, TUliM AT UAHUnTA, UUIO. TILL ADil. 7tS. 17.9I* RAYMOND » UAIULTO*. N, D.—No nlgbu need tpply. UuleBock, Aak,. 1T-Sl» PROF. KARL KAHR, THE PBEnlDiaiTATBim, Ltuot Brace k Co.'a OUl Itoupt, la now open ttnegollal*' wlto B«me firai eliu Haoager, Adorea PBOF, KARL KABB, . 17.11 in care Judaon Bonaa, Lockporl, N. T. THE FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING 01 tbo NONPABBIL DRlMATlC ABSOCUTION wu bild on Tnaaday evealvg. July Mte. 18M, al toeIr old mat- ing roome on Bto'Avenue- Cbe toetlmg wu called to order by toe Fnaident, Mr. H. Bflpt ud bualnen ttaDaacled that bida lairtobaveaneDlettalnmuiveryaoon. The old orguUon hav- toi dona toelr duly lo Ihetr nmntry, have doffed the "army bhia" and donned tbe aobk ud biukto once more. Tba toUewtog et- fican were nreauti— H. BOLVT, Prealdcnt J, PROOTOB, Vice Pitatdant UABBY A. CALLFOBD, Staae Huager. WILLIE BUBINBON, Becordlig Sec, \ ; ' ' J. Ik (;LDB, .IHiairtr. Ibaneit natiUrmeatlDgwIll be b, U ooln.idaycvrnlog nex', when all toe lady ud guileaiu mamberi an requealad to be preient A lew vacand-a for meuiberBblpat prvaent axlat All appllcitlona aual be made In wrilliMr, ud addrraaad lO "mi* B. BOLPI, maldeai, 311 Elgiito Avense. THE NONPAREIL DRAMATIC ASSOOIATiON mtcl BveryTuaaduaranlng. AllcommunlcsUoDi unit bo ad- dreaed to a. BOLPr, PieaidoDt 311 Bto Avraue. IT'Sm* ACADEMY OF MUSIC, OLIValiNO, OHIO. WANTED 1UUBSIA1BLY-A OAPAULS LEAtilNa HAN. A young fflu pnfemd. Be nual be a good dRacr, cmneltnt, JuIlN A. ELUiLBB,Jb., reliable, Ac IT-U ELOCUTION, DRAMATIC. <nd PiilnPgrlur Resd INO (tnghtbyafiiildata Elocallonlatathalf p:tcr. Addieu ELOODTIOH, IT It' Sudan 0, New York, LtUISVILLE THEATRE, LOUISVILLE, KV. Tbeabova ealabUabmenl will opu for toe FALL AND W1RTCB BEABdN of (en uootlie on or aboot BliPIBUIIEB lar. FINST cLABd STARS are torited to negoUtte F. L, EBLLBB, HIage Uuiger. Additaa u tbove. Mtnager. CLOG DAKOINQ,~MR TIM HAYES, the to- knowledaed OUAMPtON OLOa DAMOEB,hiTtognocampeUtora to toti une ot bnalDiaa, alUier le Olou, Du<il,0TPnfflpOucrr, bu oopyrlgbled three New Blape, wbiob be will le ob to partlea appljtog peraonaUi, or fcraara Inairactloni ud Cbtrt, by which they cu be letrntd withonta maalei, for II ud etuip. endoaaa 10 Ua agut, FUAKK TuYO.i, Trcaaunr SAM FiiANUIBOO UINBTUBLS, est Broadway. P, B.—Will gninn'ee to learn u apt acholar to dune either a Clog, Boot or Pump Duee to one muLib. 17.31* MISS ADAH MONrCLAIN, THE FEABLESS EQUESTninNNE AND ACTBEHS la Jealrona lo utar iLto oufjagtmaoU wlto eome aenileuiau wbo hu a wdl Inlnad Bone, to produce Eqn. atriu J.famu, Will alio produce "Uaiappa" lu toe Fcenoli or EuoUab langoaffo, ANY PAKIY WISBINU TO TRAVEL, WITU LEASE OUBEU, will pleau addiTU UI88 ADaU UUNTCLAIN, P. O, Bui it. North Adaoa, Uaai., Or (Tllppir Ofllce, 33 Spruce atreet, Ntw York, 17-11* UnUl October let, MISS MAJ-L- R PAULINE CUSHtlAN, ' ' TUB UNION SPY AND SCOUT, aaalaled by JAMBS U, WARD, Ibe popular Iri<h Oomedlu and Vocallat, will camD>nca Uirlr fall ud wtoler toBi ou ccabobt Auguat Itto, Huagm wUhlng to ncgoitato engigameiita wlto, Ihere taluyad arUala will addieu.lhtlr lutoorliad ajeul. adagei _ D. f ITOil, IM Orand atrett, bew Yofk.; NEW THEATRE. NASHVILLE, TENN, o j The undonlgncd bavlii|lMagbl toe laue udenllnlntorwtcf J, B. AUu ID Iba abota place of amuummt, are al piMul nde<y anitog toe tbeain ud sulUng u a new diau drde. jfVinl dan Blara ud lidla nd genu ol ton uroieaaloB will td- £!h . ' WIOHT k kOLLEB. , Bavto#a«ld BywUnlnlirreattolbe NewTbcat.ek NaalivUIa. Itnn,, to Mean WlghlkFullar, 1 cu mat cheaitnlly ncna- nand toem to the pro eedou gencnlly lor bdug mm ot honeoty and toiegrily. . ilt-B.*) J, & AUJU>. DOWLlNQ'S HALL, IBBBR-BADTB. INDIANA, wm eat liOO paaoDi. It bu a larne BUge, Soesair, Draadng B<,aina, Ac. IfU conplato to all Ua appdntnunlk Opu hr Uoncerta L«ctiirea,Ihial«caJ<, Ac. CuMmladtytoanlgbt, week, or muto. addrea Aug., IIW. PBoritiETOD OF Dowina'a hall, (IMi'l Terra-^Bte, Iidiana- FOR SALE, HOWARD ATHEN>EUM, BOSTON. ■ ■( NOIIOK—Tba Udlia ud guHaman aagagadallbU aUbUt^ ment for tbe entiitog aeaaon are tequaitedtomeetto UwOnam Room on WELNEbUAK.AUtt,IdiB-prMantcty to ontbtoa an ■ ■ 4 noBfiffjONEa, toa 9lit uat 17-ai» Bilge Manag>i THEATRICAL WIOS, kUNSTBEL WIOB, oi,owN wum OSBLS, BBABDa SEOLL CAPS, UOUSTAOBEB. 7ekup uaatortnul toeibovogoofa alwiyton hina,aaa dec make toem to order at Terrahcrt notice, OUB WIO* ABB UOBT,' DOBABLB AND OBABAOTEBDTIO. We have obtained a BBONZg MEDAL IN PARO, IBK QOODfl BENr lO ALL PABTS OF TBB UNION, Addiau i^AUL DB BPORB; ■ fbaaMca) Wig Maker, lt«* 16 Weal Bouaton aneet. New Yofb. M'UE MARIETTA RAVEU JRIBOB OF TBB BBNOWNED RAVBLB.) THE BEAUiirUL, YOONQ, AMD TALENTED - DANSEOSE, TIOHT BOPE ARTlSr^ and PANTOUIHIBr;. •boea torllUng FEATS IN MID AIB bav* aidud toe aaloalak- meni ot tooae evu who ate Ibmllitr with tlmilar tUempied laalB ol othergrat artlalw wbo have mm lime to time appeand IB Ihla conntiT. uc wbloh, nddod lo ber tordlneu of |>ereoa uA leatnre, ud bewltcbtng gnu ot action, ban OMlcd a unlvnran fnron of •xdtemont . IN PABU, LONDON, AND TNG PlIINOIPAL OITIEB Of AKERIOA. UtXl RAVEL bu u cxiouetve npertoln of Pjutomlaola Dramaa. FRBMna SPY, WEPT OF TBI WIRH-TONTTISR, BRUREN SWORD, DUUD BOY OP UA.ICaESTBB, WIZARD B&IIF, ' MA88ANIELLO. ANOBL OF UIDNIOnT, MOUNTAIN DEVIlt Ac, fa. Uuigen wlahtor to negoUato wllb tola popular Star muai ad* draa M. W. iaN(,Br. <tn'o( le-tf Fnnk Edwirda, Agent, 818 flruidvai, N Y. MISS RAOHTL JOHNSON. Addren 130 Foorib Avenue, Oilcago, r.c 111 !r WANTED IMMEDIATELY-.A FULL DR/VMAtia TROUPE for Byrtcutc, Oiwmo, Dlnqbomton, ud OUavis Addrai £. U. UU.VUEBVdRD, - l«.3l» Wttort;wii,». Y. a ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NEW ORLEANa . WANTID-for the Fall and Wtolar Seawn oMBU and '00, FIRST CLASS DANBEDBB8, VOaALISIB, PANTOIflHIBTB. OTtlNABla BTBIOriAN OOUEDIANB, BBN8ATI0M ARTISTS, L^DIERoS THE BALUT, Acta. Addraa HON* LA TUUUNK lOlt Oaioaol toe N. Y. Ulppec PEARL STREET HOUSE, " NABUOA, N, B. Pegaona TWIIng Iba WhMa Motutoma wUI find tbla Bona •> idaaaaDi bome, taiaa located In one ol Ibe flnat dllaa In toe Raw BngUnd Bialee, and dlndl) u nnle to Iha Mouiilatoa. Alaa^ conceitlitrB will flud ^bu catabliibmeni well arruucd lor lhair - accontnodatlcn, Iha noma b^toa in aniti, laige, airy, atd coal. Ibe.ottaer tceompuimenli of t flnl daa Honaa wa will endeaaa ■ fbrnnon reoelpl ol vlalton, Your pitronaaa U reaped lullra» lldlod. a. V. WaLIAMMltl, N. B —Ihen la a doe UV07 SUMe to coniiectliiu wUh lh» Bonaa. lium IVERY LANTY will bi> at llbtrty to neaolltte wlto maoagan after the 38tb 01 Angnat Addnu ' ' 10 3l» H. UAMMOilD. gualoga Bpttoga, N. r. OIL CITY VARIETY THEATRE. B. D. DUOB Prnpriolor. W. BALL Traanrer. BILLY ALLEN ading Hanaier, Tbla new udptmnlar place or imuMmaal opntd on Wedaadtt-j evening, July iBfb, with a tnil variety ccapur. ILn (nIertaS. ■ ment will coudalolbtoglng, Dauclog,Dmna, Pire , ranlonla*; Hlaibcliy, OODio Acta, Ao. Artlala 0) acknowled)*; ability can dwaya ie:OR apgigrantaii byaddrealng DILLY AT.LTN. lO-ai* i.ll Oflf. IV BELLA WALLAOE, " ' OBAUBEBMAID ABO BUBUSQUE BDIIINESft, la now pnpand t> BafoUala adua muagan of ileal claee Ibratnn, (or toe ooaing aawn, AddrtHcangtOUilpdr.. 1141* SAUL 8ERTREW, tha poputir Bona Writer, oom^ pnaaSongaonanyublact at Iha aborleai not'ca, Addreaai tto'^ Uoganbjaot - lADL BER-TubW. IMI* Na U7 Anilty atreet, .Son Torlu MR. QEORQE OLAIR, PREMIER ENGLISH SEN* SATION AOIOB.—Atl.tiertrlkoffl Jnly eiat nam Ibo opanlnaar tha Beaton Ibeair^ Aug. 38ih, New |dac*_f, nevat aelad to^i* conntir. AOdnaanilaBavarAiBonon, l|a>L 18-tt* A OOOD SIDE SHOW, wlto UonUecWUdOda. Prdris Soga, «aitaD DoL Whtta Bmii- rdi, Wolu Ball ud Mice, Parrcia, Bean, Daera, Oooni, OiOnaa Plea. Foiaa, wlto muy othor apedea ot Blrda, ud wl'b one bnn- dred dlflbiul VIewt, fOoA Cuvaa, ntw lUa aprtob two OrgMU to eomplaU radar. Andrea C J, R, ij.n* "— *~- — Bob 8878, Ohk^c, tl). II 111 . r . r ii - i nr . ' i ' ' *' ' ' * ""T**""'*'^ ~ ''".~irir'irifirt.fUejOa. COLUMBUS OPERA HOUSE, Leaaai <..KiaT * HABDVI. 1 . FALL AND WUtD BBAHOH. Ladla and lamlanM dautog opiaiDuU, apply to FBlS. I,. KBRT. V. B.-.FlBSt OUBS STABS wblbaoOkred ud may depend on u Ubaal aatnatga nvD lb* dllcua a toey nnnaSjraln any Wealem d(r. A PROFESSIONAL SINOCR (ftiriteiM) whilst tn uinta aiBt. Prteaie |ai«ai snhnti. Addnt* klB. W. I, utSSjSSat, ua Ban ua tttaal. Be* York. . IT-U* NEW CANTERBURY HALL BXOBMONO, VA. P. B HAauniB & 00 Pnpilelon. BOB.BALL DualnraAgUt CHaRLEY white B age Uuitjtt..- The Ojmpariy couIbIb n( lb- trllowlng ria-ai— UIB8 IDA DEVSDB, . Ua VUANB KEllNH, Negro Delluulor,. MISS ROBeri'A UALfi, Vocallat ' .VOUNO HOnnUHEV, SongudDuoe and Jlgttal.v . ' .. Ut§B OAIUIIB UEDTLBt, CliUBCbiri'lla Dabaeuaa^r HUB HALL, Oeiioral irerturma, .v MISd LADllA GAIN8, Adroa. COAttLCS WHITE, VeruUle Artlal. ' (.' , B. E. OILLIOAN, Iriah Oomedlu, > ' V Flnt citra performerb cu aoon enHageraonU by 'uUreaaln'a- - P. B. HAUDIUB, New Oanlarbarr'llall, Biiflim«bdr4k'' 18 3m (La(«Frorrletoro(thaAleasdriaOablnUififMll - II 11 - r ■- - ■ .-1-^-^ i n- i rir i i i ?K la 1( ii j ki VALLEY VARIETIES, WlAohcttir, V«, Vji.-u. . FUIUI A OHABIBS • .teoprltlai«>>ii>l'>. klACr wnBELBB Biage.Matajira -c:' .Opued Jaly Hto with Uiefollow nsOonpuyi. tba BalivSIMitT. Fiuk CbriBlophar, Job UIOeTiToiiog WdHaT UattiCL Brimmer, John Y, Eueokerl, and L. A. Btatobnkir. 9, 8.—Hlta HiaBlr MalraudldaWallaccvruuJoQdciidlaappaatJulyUlb. m- formera of acknawl^died ablllly ttlB ba mated * un on IRiaal ' Dl. Addieu tha Haoaga. ROBERT BYRME8, BARiroNE. Huagen wlaUng to eninge ttie tamcee of the above.nameA aingw for Conoen or lllai£e] Inn nn, will eddrcaa , 18-31* B, BVUNKit Mill lloireiT. Ni» Icet-" MISS U CREED. • ' ' \ THE OHABMIMa LITTLE DANPEHBE AND ACTBBB,.. buJnaioumplaladBneogivim.nllnlllcbniuuil. and wnuiiaeM onUpodu.ihaMtoot July, leiAal „ ^ OKIOBO halI, wabuinoton, d. c, > andar Iha managemeu or Uciara Fox A Corran .1. Uuagen wlebto, lo --"^liKlSS^ia;'.*^.:.- ■ ' DraniaUc lACuUudOcitBlntM; . ' saWeetNoualon.atoMtaewYcdt JMffl MR. J. H. CLIFFORD, Ihe oelebnt«*ETNIOPIAM ABTiar, comrarneea a alx weeke' ngagemut wllh D>eklBi'a. Batoadan on iba aial loat Indead, wa anal uv lhal Mn Om. Ibrd U ODB of (ba moat flolabcd pofomen In bit nna In lbilpr». faaloB. MMBgarawbo may daali* hia aarlcea fortbur or oIb wakawlDaddnaaaabove, orB88Brsoaait, N. Y. IT-II* SAM SHADPLEY'S MIN»TREl8,«0i Bewirir. M BEABPLEY A gANFOBD .Mutwn tni Pi I lalilUB ...» . . BBAflpN, BEVENTQ AND LAST \ SATUBDAY EVHMUI»,,FABBWELL HfOUT AND BKIIIRE'*' Of ' 'itt • Bilt a BARFOBA > ;. Tbt Onopuy agpatr al Biooknu Juu aUt Aamutlal tDd M; Wmiimiburgb, Aogaal 8d| Mawnrk, lib ud tibi ahittog «o Ikair. molar tourlton flaw Haven AngnatTlh.g , . BA.rOBiys OPEBA BODs£^PaiLAtEUHfA,-jbal ■ndImtaoramanto,ot ihU alabtlibmeal IMlpla,' iKaeHKMk kvl aiab. n« (MUelHag pnmiaehbarraeca;j iMttotvayleirflfiiiak An>>rl*