New York Clipper (Sep 1865)

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ainiBii, I Frsprtatoril NEW YORK, SATURDAY,. SI^MTEM^ER 33, 1865. rjvob zm^a. at' OB. THE HISTORY OF A MYSTERY. FAB.T l-VHB-JtTVEaT BDRIBD. OHAPTKB y.—OomsmD*' ' Mew. lOD miiT b« wondtriiig, utonlly «ii(ni(ti, «b>t on iiiUi U ocsld M whUn Ahn atulTaiT that fmdl«d tsd unmA He TM M DO nuna ft f OTUg min of ft romutJo or lentbnestal tnni. Ee wu, oaIkeoantiUTi qnlta UicnruMi balh«ini, tecaMit to bift mtuiii ft f >y roiiw mm of tuhlOD. H» wu in tdrnMr of tto Ml. tkongh OTDlnl! ho mi • loTot of Uio Udlot, tSima tt moke Ml7 of item. He bid bftl hU lliUe SliteUou, p>l •» hidbMS nooeartdlioUi ftt tte Bun ftnd tt the E««I«l /_ _ „ Bat wiut ne Ibli tlut be hid tODBd apoD bl« d<■k^ well. It ma one of tbe moat banUtal dark Tlolat Ud fiartf f'^'^ Utadd- oTldanUT belonging to ft ladjr, and marked Is ^Oa mtailor, ''mm tte feoeft did It corns f»om » Jobn 0h}'««7 aakedkln. atir. TbatwaaUioQoeetlon—WhartUadence/dHM'nenomt aDdwhothedeaMleftltUieiet J.. w.-. Be laid it down vhlle bo mlied bla dnnBr> <>' >>*™S nrtaken, bo nanmed bla mental ioquIi1«a. ' ••II uam't hen laat nlgbt," ho ia& •'!»' I«l7. came hen ftt- (anlar. OonU anjbadf bare bean bM«»-da7 before I omtt It imt UleU. Bow am I to llnd ontrB?"" won't baahto to teO mt, ba'a anob a fool. The old wof*» t oommnnlcftUTi, ----- —we e been uotber woman ereaaon or otnar. 1 don't i only teaoae It wiatad II; r time Ibaee ten jeaia (aal, neiloTe ean'tbeldnglo her, "2" rix ud ft half. Vrbo the da«e doealt belosgtol I'dheKar tacklo Ike old woman*** / With thli tnlantlon he lafwia room end deacandad the kllabea lUfia. Thcra, in • dim »ecvliT, bo wllh aome dlfBsnUyde^ oM the gannt foim Hudeker morln* to and tte, aa- (W<d In p^puing <11B«' '«>"»df and Hikea. "The lop of thoopnlnstA r«n, ma'am," aald Ur, Ohalfatr, ckeaifUlT. Th* old woman uned her head at tba aonnd of hia TOloe, but Telnateend do ra^T* ••Bhe'a In od< »' ber nrlr mooda Mtf," lboa«ht CbaOiiT. ••Howerer, eV eban'l get ont of anawaitng me. I hope I tao joi well, ma'am "1°tUHlon're ulobrlona, Urt. Haidikar." ••I'm weB engngb." , ^ . "Tbafekeenr- Toa'ra bnij, loo. ain't jon I" ••I'm t'O bMT lo talk." ■•Oelug tMlT for Ibe miater'B oomiog. I dateaajb" ooatlnntd tiie .oong ganUemao. afle.ilng not to noUea tba lebDJlf ha had ar">iOi, •Do joaeipeet blmaoont" ■'No." "Be dont aeam to me to pay jon proper reipaet, Ita Hard- aker," •'What do yon mean t" "Why, be. might hiTe the poUteneci to write to yon, end aar when ha wia oomiDff—not pop Iq allln a minnta. aa u ba WftSlM to oftlch yon on the nop." ••Be did wnla.*' "£a< ba comMhaa t" The old lady did not Intend to aayaa mnohaaabe had aald. and Mr. Oialbry.wia ao eitoaordinaiy ahaifi awtnkwia amy bllftaeeodftaftDodtatalm. - ' . , • i < SM'taiwaa aataf the bagBOw.and aha Md sokwioUolaa anrIleirabaotlhaiaaM:-«t1a*at,anyllaft'i£ii oodU haatfy fomd ant, altbondi'duwonld neyer htya told tha tralhlf aha oonld bare helped It ••He tame home yaalad» nlabL^' "IbellekaDihadldl Tnen how la It ba baan't beaa down In tbeolt^t" ••He went away tgatai Iba flrit Iblog Ihla ounlDg." ••Wlfea'a he commg back again t" •1 dont know." •1 ranwae ba came into tbe offlu laat nifht Ilhlnkhemaal bate Ml aomalhing there, thoogb I hudly tbiok it la mach Id bUlIoa." ■ - "Wballallf, •IVtU; H'a-li'a aonelblna belonging to a —. Bat I dont aae how he ooold hare left IL He hadn't got—Ibat lib than wiaa't ft lady with bim, waa then f" •Teft." Ur.OhaSkiToptnad hlieyea. . - •Then wut"^ •Tbata waa hie wife." Ur. OhaffeiT opened hIa oyei wider. Tbe Idea of hli employer geltlsg mmied quile took hIa bioaib away. Ha ooold nartlf beUen It; nd, Indeed, ha wu joat abont to nr aa mnab, when ft lonndin naptiauie ab^ra inddenly arreatcd bit atleotion. . It waa the roalie of a lilk diaii. It could be none other tbu tho owner of tbe glove. - Ur, CbaOsy akipped ap Ibe atalra, and arrlred In the eaaaage jntt bi time lo ate the hem of a black eUk ihirt diBppearug Ion thtoOoa, "There aba la I" ■lidJobn a(airery lo biDueU, and followed qolckly In punolL OHAPTBB VI . >I THH OaaLIOBT. Ir waa Indeed Beth Banl'a wife who bad enl»ad (ba olllce. nearlng a lootatep behind her, ehe turned quickly round, end eoelionted lha youDi'min fkee to fees; ' - Bhe wu daadlT pale, It eeemid to bIm in the (Mmpie that he golo(h>ti forebeatoodwitbbtrback to the light, and her face wu In Ibaibada. Blie wu pale, bat beanlUul, Bbe ipoks In a gentle loos, and ber aeremenla wen Blow and graceful, BerOgarewaiaHmaiid lllteL Iten waa aaiii of weanneu end laoguer aboni bar tbit atruok him at aim, and mide htm tblak that parhipe eho wu 111, Bbe wu Tery young—he notlood that;' and be wondered lo bin- eelf how mnob lOODger then Beth BaoL It ttrnck blnvalaa. thit ahe wai Ibe TOy rertree of her hoi. baidin look and beanngi and; ai Mllly Budaon had done iMfore blm, ha Ml ft'Wonderbia how It wu ibiiabeaadBinlhftd oomi tobeminlcd. Bat Iha. Baul bnke In upon hie rcSecUoDl. , •1100k tha liberty of bonowlng an lokaund Jnil now," aha uld, "Tk«n wu nose up-itairs. Iwantnowtoborrowtpn." Hr.ObaOleiT eagerly opaced bla deal. . "Allow me to aaelalyog, madam, ffhalaart of a pan wooU , yon llket—aileelpanorft.qalU, fthudnlb orftaoflr' •'I im not pardoular.^' • Dmedful weaibai ws hare got lo-day, iDadim." •Tta." •'do V, I) wet, and looka ai Ihongh It wets going to laiL" ••»#*." •■I hope you «IU flod that pan lo nit you. WQl yon try It hent not If It kboold nol,'I iball Im happy to find yon an< othar.^*. ••Xhalik youi I am lorry to bare Inublcd yon," "Don'tcallIItrouble,ffladaia. It'i—It'anotnnble, Iimtoo deltahted," ., ,■ 'Thank j«a.'!. He no lorward ind ope. ed tha doei for bar. Aft aba want on^ ba wu abont to atop her. to aak whether 'the «loTa that Da had (amid bdonged tsberi bnllMhaatlatad, .' Mo, be il)Oiubli he.wou .d not d<; lhak Ibat would do ftt an- other Ud«— wtun ehe oaoxi back to ninniha pea and iak, whieh ahe nlgbldoduriagtbodiT. •'BbelTdoddedly pitliy," aald Mr. ObiOery lo blmiaU, ai be telunadtolladeek. •'andyoung Baal'a daaablar, I woDdef tow abe'oins lo many him, I wonder whether ii wai • lOTMaalch .'Sbe'aaoutaboteblmln tha aoolal aoala. Iltaould eay. Sba'a a lady, decldidly. Bba'a rather too oeld, though, and aha hian'>much tony lOr hanell Bba'a like all the rwt,roi Ihatntft'terj Ibere alk^ljoo many watdi loot among any of tbem. I wteh ike'o oome hick end twriow aomalhing alaab I'm mtnlA ahe'a CotanCl Uiat pen holla her. I wlih I'd glf en bar a bad one^ became abe mlBbl txare oome back to obaaga IL I'mnthai aony aba atw ue In tneas ilippaia; bat my boole are Mpplag wet ind Ibla coat.iool I'm not looklog my beat, by asy mMOi, Bnl liaog me If 1 think It maltera; iba bardljr ioemed to noUoe me." Ur, OaiSoty, howerar, waited all day to no purpou, for ibe didoetretDhL Abcat Dodn, when he wu doeing belbra the Ire, than came i abiip fcaOok at tbe offloe doori and rneblng eagerly to opea 11, eipectlill ibiMI wu tbe lady hstaeV, he lAndluiread a rasgb- loo lug, mldole^aged man, aabtlad m aonwwbal Dinlioil fuhloa, and looklnd far; aallow ind aonbucnt, "la ihU Binl'ef.''eiM lbs eeefkrlDg penon. "It li," npUod Mr, OhaBbry, eyeing him ap and down. "Iibelnr'aakidtlieihnuBer, ' •Ho," ' ; ■Til wait for hint." "I don't tbink il'a any gutd, air," "Whynott" aikedthealtnger. , "Btcanasil doa'lakeel'hia." replied Mr; OheCary. ' "I'll wait,«hoa>h," npUad (he aaetulBg man, ••bamie / do." Mr. Obatttr^SmM WT bid It tke'elinfeT, whb walkM atialihl Into 111*.cOas '.itlar Ihla, took off blThftl, and'kdned hlmiali taachilr.i u. i . ■■.■■<..•■:' "Han maaan lb,Bial Ulaly, aUt'' Ok|a«y aakedprnenUj, "Hotilwelaa'ieen,fi«niedlheilMnger*aleUjr, " " "Sid ba make iM tnpUaGal to'M yoaXue ncrtli| t" "Oe wralaloauabb Bonfaa^'-' . '•And aald hifdaea yoi hetef''' ^ „ •'Slid I wu to wit, / in hare » atka wbOa Pa ftkoal, It, )f you den'tetteeLfu m >■■■ "I bate ao obJeeUon lo ft sigaf whin I b*Tt one gitea le me," raplltd Mr, OhaltirT. ' I'OMcb, ibea," esld tba aaaiulog man, ebaeklifUmft BaaaUi. "1hinkyoa,"taldMr. Ohanni'^yoB'nfttraBpl" ftiAthey Ul their wetdi, ftnd pnlfed In " •t '■■'.■5; , ■- ' J THOUAS HANLON, Qtiihast. For Blogrsphloal Sketoh aee another oolimiiL "HaTm't yon got aiylhing eader In the way of chalnr' uked the ilraager, pneestly, when he had flnlahed hie otgu. ■•He dni'tBaamtoeomabandlfoelu tbooth I oonld go u ileep ft mt'f ■• nue wu aa euy-diair in Ibe flent ofisa, or Mr. Btul'i pri- nta room, u it wu caQed. Would he Ilka lo ait in than I The atianger iild ba would; and uubUablDghlmaeU torltawitb, with bla (eel on tbe table, ba pnlfed away u befora. larbape be wnt to deep amoklDg, aad amoked wbilit aileop; for Obaffeiy, looUng la leronl tlmee, found him wllh hli eyae abut, and apparently UDooaidoni of outward thlngi, but alill pafnag at regular lulemla, like a alaim,eDglaa. Whan twIUgbtoima on Mr. ObaScey Ul a oandle and placed it by the itiaDiRr'a elbow, but be mads no nmark. •I'm attald yoa'n Ured of walling," aald Mr, John. •Tcetly well," aald tha atnnger. "Ton won't giro It npl" "Ho." "Ho r long doyou mean to wallt" "IlUhecomee." Tbe young wile ramalaad all day long In ha own room, and tbough uTariiUmuJobn Obaffrey.-baeybig that bekadneard ft fOonan upoa the elalie, popped bla bead out oftheoOca door Into tha pM■[g^ he wu oa each oeoaaian doomed to dluppoint- mant ' : •ighe'a lure (obrinii the Ink bottle hick," he tbonghtio him- self. "gheH be down In a few moment>-«ilabi," . . But atlU ahe'did not come, Mr, ObaOiey wai, nudw ordinary dronmiliocae. nry nano- taftl la leiTing bla offlce apoa tha reiy atroke .of flTa; bal tbia snclng he Ungktad natU almoat all, b> the hope that be ibould eas MTa. Sinl again, Bowerar.'ltwu not lo be eo, and haying reaamed bla liat. boota, aad o let, now to lome aHent recorered tram tbe 111 eSeola of tbe dienobing they bad bad In the morning, ba caremlly locked air the daiia and oapboarde, miat of them coatalnlsg only cobweba and dirt; and not without aome doubt on bli mind thai aril blight coma of It—Ibongb In wkil way, unleu thealnnger alola the year baton leaf a Foal OBca Dlieolory, bo oonld nol aiaoilT lell—be leR him In poaaeaalon of Ibe oflloe, lo will u long ubelbonghlllk ■ ■ Upon the Ikreehold of the door Mr. Cbilbey lamed lo eddrew tho anesge kentletneafer tbe lul turn, Delon ba took bla tun of blmlortaanlgbl. "Ton mtan to wall, dn" '•Of coaias, I do." •'Mr. Baal'e Tery anoerlals, aometlmea." ••He'll ooma Ibla time." "It'a galtlDg late, too, Cerhapa he won't oome alt alghi" "If he doua'l yoa'U flud me ben la the moraing." "Ob, TeiT well; then I'll wiih yon good nIgbL" • Oood nlflhl to loa," Mr, Oba&ay cloaad the door, bat opened U again, lo add another word. "If yon want eay men candle, peibapa tob'11 hare the kind- ■aa lo ring the ball, and the old.woman will bring "AU righl .1 will, Itl wanlcoe.'' I you one up." The obe yon'TS got won't laat mon than aa hour." ••I don't can abant a ouidlei I'm not going to reed; nd wlien the llgbt'ebunt out I'd alt In iba duk," ••Tan'U find II rather lonely, I'm abald, and niher gobUaCad, won't you t" •I like the dark," , ■Aid gboala V •Ab I gboaia, too; Ikey're Tery Illy loit of oompany Ja Ibair war." "If yoa'n igrHftbla, I'm aan/am," uld kir. ObaSnyi ••and 111 wieb you gpod-Dlgbt" ' •Ton're wiibed It ma baton," uld tbe strangir getUeman, UgbUngfttreeaolgar. : < John Obiffoy oloaed tbe etrul door upon bloiiel( ikd look tbeihorlaelioadtoHoilos,cbuekllnglawardly.< I ••I hope he'll And It oonfoitabla'.' t£aughl lb loha. > rBe'a • qneardihl annnnifimoDqueerfiabl Inopaliewen;irtnaway wllh anything, unleu Ifi Bonu or the old woman, ,1 (ondef wbil Ml*. Baal II dOlpg sow f I wondu where old Baal bar up r I wonder who ihe waa; and how' eha 'came to blmt Tben'aanawfal'myiloiTabontlt, I wonder wb< ahalleTarCndltoatt" ■ Aad ba went wondering hone, aad wondered all the onranyitaBbarol ettoogplpea, ard weatls bed tad _, lhatbehidlbaDdlialloai,ciily lhai,wbea he awoke In delight at the diaoonry, ba Iband. be kada'i. Tbe itriage lenllemia lat natU Ibe light burnt low ^ Into Ita HokeL Then be nt witehlng It flkiker and sphlter aiUI ll'ooald fliUar and aplalter no Inger, aad fall dowa Ipsa eaaald4,a4dwealou«erllb»kIndptgiia. i He aat a reiy long wbUa aflar IWa pnfBng hli olgin, UgUlag tnaboieatomtbaetampao(lhaold,aadimokla(oentiBar ' All the nolMa wan biabod In the elieet wlthont, aad the 1 ilieU wu u rileal u a gnve; . ; :i . 'Ha saTa ab hla ouen It liefc and arraaged hlMsaU men i_ iorlably ln!bM chair. Ee.began |o feel diaway, aad to. nod,Vad toteleahimkallab.ehdrt. < ' MthhUdibVralbaitialobger. lasfavmlnatuafurwaidehebadtallanlkat aalaep, audi iblttom ftilieellampeblnlaf thieagb the wiadow, teD a a awuthy hoe, lbs baid wnall«a U hialonhaad, Ihealngg jta 01 bla blaia hair, lad hlimoathi tittle open. , I^lag Ihan^ with kii heed threwn biok ud bis Muk b* stnamlDgtromltihehadTaiy mnoh the tppaarinoe of • aian who uiii oeea diowned. Ble b>ad only wu rliibli, and one migkl almost bare tbougbt that bla body wu floating In aome black and' many pool, aad tbfti tbe face bad ilian la tbe pale gakUgbllo tha wauralnrtua, The bouio wu itUl u dsata when RasVa yrtlt, ooenlog her chamber door, peered witlfbUy down Ibi gloomy eialioau. It wu pui ten 0 clock, end elooa tbe old wooun bad brought hex acme In at fire, iba bad not .heard or eeenanylhing of her. Perhipi Mrs. Hardakar t^d gone out la ooupaay with the Idiot The old won^ bad told bar that wmetlmee, et night, Ibey look tbe air together; lor.BUu could raiety be Inaucod to tKe tbe ilieela Ibbnaddiyllght, bawieio beutand loruiealed by the etnel boye, who, ft'brioled by bla atiftnga appearance, flocked after bim,- and hoolad him, aaa badgereif Dim almoit oat ofhlallre. ' • Bat eureIy,ehathoaghlLtbeo1d woman would not leare Ibe houee wltboDt Btylag anything to bar. Bull abe ooald n9t beer Ibe ailgbleat eonad. The boaie mail be anpl*, Tbeyouag'<Hfetbouglil, w1lhaebadder, thalperhapa tbe old women aUght be gobe, am tbe ld:ot lell, end that he mlpht be croucblngTn eome ttrk eotaiay. waltmg lor her upon the elalra. The Idea wee ao botribla tbal'abe wu ilmi again Into bfr room to fetch b»r lamp. But II wu beary ud onmbaeoma: and, beildei, wen nol inoh ftara ohildlab aod unworthy of but Vo, abe would go on. Bhe wantf d to like back tho Ink-boUle, ind ibe bad delayed doing 10 untUoow, became ehe did not wieh to meet Ibo young mat asuD whom abe bid teen lo the otdce upon her till rlilt. Holdbig the baniileten with one hud, abe elowlydtscended Iba alspi, paueiog eriiy aow and then <o Helen. She betrd notlilng, bowenr, and aw no oa^ and at Icoglb reached the ofllce door.ia ufely Bbe wee qulls eun thai ahe knew the eiict poallloa of Iba deik' tnm wbleh aha bad liken lbs bolile. end entering lbs room nolU<euly. aba tepleoed 11 In the black boi. Tbroegcawualmoet lalolaldarkness fort Tan falDt llfht, indred. airnggltd In Ibnngh Ibe window at Ihe baoL ThedonrcomoanlcatlDi with the boat ofllce wuopen, and tea auiiaktaluitingaoroea the room fell upon it.-reflection the namevoik of tha window in a cnrlonaly datMllo ahepe. SnmeaearrlimmlMunedbiirto appmacbdie duorand look Into tbe io.<m... Bbe itsopeA forwaid when ihe bad pat away Iba lob, ind iiutd ^om the darkaeu which hvl lurronndtd her Into in laae^dirkaeia which at flnt tight appeared ana more lotenae.' ■■ r» 1^.^^^ enbrokan blaansaa, aire in one ipot, when tba g*i- light MO spbn a aallow faou II Aood'obl trom Ihe dark bukgreund tindly dlHlu'ct-a eight that, rome upon Ibne auddaly. might hare lUrtled the bnTait Bnl then wu aometbing In the nortor of Ihe woouu who now looked npoB It,' tHifflg trom i br deeper moUre than tha men tamr of ft whild boa in a lark room. TnmbIlnalBeTaiTllmb,wllh wlldly-dlliled eyta and qulTcr- Ing Ilpa, wllk ka'ita that knotked logether, and banda (hat wrung each other la Dwla agony, eb« itood Iheieipell-bonnd, nnible to drag bemir awiyj and itraggllng with Ibe fuelsalton of horror which aeemed l« Ibnaliar Hawiid, Thai fore BODant abe itood la pirlbol aHenc. aad lban her tortorsd eoni eeamad lo And relief In worda, aad ftom luw whita Ilpa (Ml brokra lanlaneu and balf allaied pnyen, ' ^ ' "OQodl O Oodl Jtarglrel: Tabs Itiway, tahallawayl'.' iihftll go mad! I cannot bear lU" Noi Bbe conM eadart tha sgonr ike inffered ao Isttet. Al tboBgh wranctaad (torn he* biesst oy eieeu ol nUhrlng,' Inoke fbrth a low and pluntlraoir, half algb, bilf noani and ahe fall aenaaleei on Ihe flan befon Ihe anooaadoua object of bet terror. OUAPTBIIVII TBIKADaOOTOB The rata wu pouting down In tortanU, and than saemsd ao llkallkood of an Improrsmant In tba wutber for aome lima to oome. Tb^akyoTerbeidwu black aod IhreaMnlng, and loan WUaoWbaie.TlalMethe'amallaat opealag la lbs oldudi Ihroaah wbleh ahoMtaJaUaipMDfftftaa day wu obuloable.. At teaat, ao IhongbtMh leal. Mo, npon the motnbu of the d^aoccaad- " ortlep of bla h . , , ,- ^wao, npon the morning of tbe dCyaoccead' lag bii r*hlla>abie, itoof apon tbe doonlep of bla houae In Pikealieetllgklly baHaneAlnft rooib orercoikud pnrldad with a begd useraUa and a pair of walaiproef legglnn, u thonah he medllaiAk)ouniey through me nlT "It'a wteia thai •rar,"be mnllared to blmieir,wUh a fleree aoowl. ft( Hit ebUaoey poia orar the way-"erer eo inaib wane than ar«rl 'Anl ll'i gomg to lail for hoan-tbal'a what It'a going to dd," .Tbanla6eri4alyc^Uniledtoponrdown,and hadooatlnard to pour dowa M aome Ume peat, wlib a penietanoy wMob was tsionlablng. Iba guUaii wen flooded, and great poola of wate^ atoodlaUisiesHllw.'oriUa'ainaTea paTemant A^loUdOf. wet tothe, ekta,i((4nohed and ahlreied In a doorway OBpoalUi'a looked oal eallaawed ptteoaablaluidJolalM ftraa-eftmriasw IbaiewennoHaaa otm nAlaTr: . .™ i. r.-T.-^iV-Tf. It sunniarly-hpiniTili o'eloek-and day wu brukhiial ooeeDdofQkealmel.wLlleaitbs olber It waiitUl Tarydarfc aad maiky. One ooeid eeoeely bare i"*giitd a aeeae matfi nendnai7t(amla«hle,or ftBotalig leu lOTtUag to lara oatof doonapon,iad wihe moaey lodar seamed to thlaki MhipaMhtt<oslooUirav«b«ii)bl*stn,ftad ftltuft biM bat Ttgoreaa atngria with ftomi obaUnate mtehaolan In Ihe In- tarlprof hlenmbnlla,ftlamoied thedeorto atler him, and Ml off o»a hli Journey. '•ThiB la ft nice trtat," he^wlad,. u he itoaggled wilb lbe wind aod rain at the atnerbomer, ."But Il'a Ilka By lueg,: I dan uj II win be flatthli ftltatnoon, whan I don'l wtal to go out It'a ODiy going on thli w^r to eplle ib»—\ know ilhit wall enough. I'm lull one of Ibou unlucky dania that ersnlbs weather dose It'a wont Is. Mil; I don'l cue, ITU rainedperlog Bloura I'd riak a smubed'eiiiil to go where I'm going I Be Bhafat think I'm afraid of him, I'm la bis powsr dsepenooflbsi It la; bni no deeper, thank yon—ao> If I kpow Vt, HI, ooftshnaol an ton uleep, lou ftnl I" . "Not maob of tbiL I think, nuatar," aiild a aoulng apeolmen orbuinaoliy who bad been, abaorhlng moUtan fortoun put npob the boi of tbe oniyliadaey carriage of wbloh ha wuihe ditvar, and who euarly rtapOnded to Baal'a oiy, la ths hope of at Uat eatalag a trifle befon be took hlmaeir off to bed, aad put ■way UiaJurd hotsa aad ^Uiptdatsd Tehlola for aaotber twdn boura •'(! ainl eiaelly the weather tDX eleep, muter—lautwayt, not BfOD Ihe leak." ■■So mach to do, I nppossr' eild Biaf, miUdonaly. . ''Well, 001 loo mask of Ihil, nsllher," nplled ths cabman. "I wlab then was. I'm pretty well itIS a wiUbg/or* Job." '' ••roa look rather mouldy," obaened Baal. "It Is a prorldeoca I hippened to want yon, or yoa'd hare llUIaa to blU, perbapa. If you had.oeen Ml >hen is yonrulf mach longer." "Im glad yon did want m^" aald Ibe cabman, eyalag the other aoeaally, hot qalta euliig bla drift, but bneylng somehow that be did noa intend to be (utieilng. Meaawblla. Baal had Jeraed opea the cab door, and aow stood oonisaolitlnnlhs Interior with sn sipnaalon of diagaat, "^bat'e a aloe thiog to call ft cab I" he ramirfced, with aa oalh, •■WhU'illaaadforl'' "Veedfarr" "Ah I doa'e yoa aadenlaed t How long la it since yoa earrled ft dead body. In III Whan did yoa go lo the ferar boepltil lull And Itow many people bare died In 111" "Nobody ainl died la III" reioiled Ihe cabman, stngely. 'If yoa can't atra aa aotblak alu hot them snaen, yoa can keep 'em 10 yoaraev, aad go eomewhan alee; for I (on'l want year sua- torn, Thanl" The cabmw ban wm for bftnglng Ihe doer, and driring back to bu rank i bal Baul atoppad him. Tbla ina tbe only cab to ba bad, lor lbs nterllT of the weatbar had dilTen aaay the net a loag lime aga Osir a cabman who wu Tery bird ap Indeed would bin elopped ont In aoob an awfai atormi and both be Ind bla bom looked ao Jsdftd and misanble, tbu Ibe moneT,laDdat thought ha could hare no belter aporl than In dngglDg tham oul upon a king, waariaamajeo'nay, neb u helntsndad leiahe. Iberelore Baal wu befonband wllh- btpi, forced himaalf Into Ihe may nhloK and bads lbs drlTsr to "look sharp." "Whentol" "Drtra to Xaoaalgreen," replied flinl, "and (ben IH to'l yon." The aaa alood laoklBg it hfm with rather ft raefal e ipi e e e l oa of coaaleaaasa, holding ths haadia of Ilia door lo bla hind, "la It mreh beyond Kenaal-graen I" be naked, iller ft psuftt. "No, not rery mach." • naosaaa "WeUJ" , ■'My hone la nIher dooe ap, aod —" - '■Toe don'l want to take me, AV ■ "I didn't ur ao," '■Beoaoie, yea'oin drfn to tha poUos-Blatloa, If you'd nihari onlTj doa'l waits or tlmei" The oabmiB gfowlad to hlmaeir, aad leleaicd. '•riliaeyoatoEenBa]'man,"ha aald,Bioontlngto hit box. . "labould If I wan yon," replied Baol, wilh a grin. ,i^EftTe yoaftlueifhr mitohl" . . - ' - "Ml" nplled ihl oahaua grnlByi and he ehoitiy Merlrftrda Ul ft pipe for himieU wl^i odd fniu be bad got Iq tals pesks^ tloalsd ghoil in tiie cabman's (hmOy, and ha didn't Uks JoUng •"<«^ Ihe sableeC Bs ahoddared a Ultls u be laeiined his i| andkswltbtd Ibat tas could kiTs sasa an eaily hoass Bl(blhftrsgoltdnln,fbrbs bad got ikattrnn tudn «ttsa, to lai any ibajHit - he iniaanble uiutey* TMHt'ParhsBt, bare been dUBeall to la4 a» i . hetiMabautoeBtiong toipply to the miaanUe t taee in which Baal found himaNri aad lo do the mcnerisodet Juiltos, bs bupsd upon it, without onae eUchliig bit In MM- plettrak ao mnoD laaull and dirlaloo, teal II eia i lAada he had ftiiybreftlblelllobolly Ihedrmr «lth, when, arrlrtoi il lea- ntgnen, thit funollonary came to a hall to laqulia the wiy- U wu a long and weaiy way, liiag among utUulahed ba&dlnflt balf-mads ro^e, ,tbe carcaau of an anuyo anbark ulSe' uhu of daearad brlck-delds, Tha Joaraey e emod Inlermln- ablei and u Ina dlnctlone wm doM ont ptocamial by bla e» caiulo fkrsk the.drlnr waa obliged lo pall ap aray quuler at ft mile to receire treek uutriicUoaa. ind thai gn rambllaB lad tbemplng and bumplna on bkiIo, alJliUa bcUar than • ansO't' pies: for hsd Iks wnlohed hick ind the bnben-dowB oak bsM e<pabIeof npldmonment, thebedoeuolthe nida Ibibadslfes attampL On Iber wont, lotttilog, alaggering, and wbieilaff, eniydteah ml tartitanlag daeiructloa to the tnoUfligcai- Tojaaoe, araiy naennneie in the road cauilni it to —'"^ •earfoily. Binl,4iielde,aiiabletokuponbls sul wliboiil clnlcUnf at the can-aide, wu beard ebon Ibe nolae of the ntUlag and acneoklngaidltngUngandJaogllBg, Bwuiing borrlblyt lad U taraa laroklng earuB upon Ibe cab end the cabman aad Ihe ftboaJnahly bad weather, wbUb, laitead of mniding, ataaed la gnw momeaiaillr woraa and woiae- ■•Tbin^B nol a d ry thread on tny body," aroaned Ihe <-'■■»" looking deasalrlngly at the bleih ind unlnrTlliig pnntetbtta* Blm; 'le there enr RclBg lo be in end of III" BnlaDthingibaTaaneiid, andaoiacouni) ol Ume Sml eaDed opon Ihe dilrer to itop, ^^^la Is u fir u we'M going," uld Biat • lull ap it tttt He dilated to the elrosa wooden poilals oi l nd bilek baata; " II, oawhloewutobe ' lonoandtd by a high will, on wblOh wu to be uei ftmiof broken bo(ile«idi. »od ebup end iuitr.i gilts. TbewaUsaadtbagiKagaTelbahouaeiua Menafomklahle dfcagaaentaod • v>wu, auuuup bareeroialogthoeewlndowewh'leSweie'^riiS- - bla orer the wall-lop added to tail appeinace coaetdenhly, at' ,wuiiDejnmaerap. .- ring puead Ihe oaler-gala, thinga won a nlldv upeot ■ wllnln Iba walla a prlm'gaMeii, tiilerully laid out irhipa ft trifle too prcclai lo eeliarn. Then ware bare thealalau of nymphe, half-hidnaa la lauel-bBahieu loaga Old coald hudly kelp IblnUog they were laad*< . ^llisd lOykls iBClamenI esaaon-Qail bsTe bees T«r la tbmtner; whUe a gcldlelt-Dpa'i lU ibt ailddle 'at • |ti|B, when the BMBeoaed to naya dlrad deeply to.set %ei^^d be'«<£tft plaftal»H eftet toiS!? f.fl?^ thoagh II wu eomewbat perpleilog to dad, ^ooorillag fa a auttr- euculed lomlpHoa apon tbe peeia on ellBcr eide of the aitu. lhattbUedUcewucalUd"yoyHouaf." ^ ' *^ There was Httle of Joy. It moat be owned. In Ibo boane, claak- IngBound which Ike bell emiiled nnder Ihe drirsi't hiniTaot wu the conntounoe of tbe unihind Iireiy-ermiit whormond. ed to Ihe aummona mueb mon Inritlor. Nor, tgalo, was there aaythlag of a cbeaing or aoloooe oherMler in the lend aad entry barUogof ureratdoge which the nolie hid aionied Horn IbaIr alufflben, and which appesttd to be doliiK their, but to bseak away from their fUunlsge, and ooma out lo a bo^r, open- mouthed, to Ul Itie Intruder ap. But baring ' Then wu wll _ Ihooahperhipaa . — and (here tha atalnu of nymphe, half-hidnaa la lauel-bBahieu whl^-^lhoaga Old coald hudly kelp IblnUog they were laad*> qa4lal)l'ftaiisd,al.fbla taclameni eeaaon-Qael bsTe bees imt preUyla tamtair; —- — —• -■" ■- aailllUwa.^ oalefHiei "nunwas^ttmotlbeeoafeiied, rtlhertoomnoh.ef Ik*oisM element awal tas Hoau of joy. wbleh tbe gudta, ladtaiBy other UtUa omamealil ailampta Tlilble, bed aot McoeulbSy ooaoaaSedi To gaal's InqolfT whalhaw Ihe "Dooter" wu la, tha wu&srtaa ' llipjieaaiaBl rrallad toagbtr, "Vui" aad Mar atuliatlMB ' rmf but, eendnsteg iiis^aaylni<M.|fcniali HMgUt^Sar the hoau. . ' j- rr r ■ ••Hem be down to breakfait (n's few DolDolee," sil4 IM wua, abowlDg tha tlallor Into a kandaomal/ ftaniiaked siunasBtt when a table wu laid for one panoa "OhI" aald Baul, with a grant, "toll him I'm hireihaisnd tar m ceme to bceakftat, and I'm huagrT." ^ "VeBTwaU,"' , As paiaen tnUnsy retind with this and anothtr lliiiL hardgt Uua ths flril, ud wu piemnlly bsard lacaadlng the elaui with beary tread, biylag prrrloaalr lamed th* key aoM the TiMtt. Seal aotioed this with a gilmemlla, aad alioDbrl'lthewbidow, aettcedilaa the aaong Iron ban, pelnlad oeea, which oiaidaa It without, aod round which tha nmalns of s withered ontptaic plut Billl clung tsnsdoaal/, flgbllsg sgilDst wind aaC nla. As heeatered lbs houee he hadaoUoaAlbe elteogih^ the onler door, end tbe londenni nalnn of Ito holla aad bai% aad ihatlbe urrant iinlo<:kad it wltb one at ureral keya whlohha kept upon a ling, md awnni lo bla walat by a Bmall ohiln. Bal Ihli «u qot his Ont tIbU lo Joy Bonie, and Ibeaealgnsot aecniliy pleaied him, for reiioua beet known lo hlmaeU - "It wonid have pueried Jack Bbeppud to hare cracked Ihla etih, I'm thlnklog," aald Baul aloud, ii he holped blmaelf ao- ■ - — "It'aae oennonloaaly to apleoeof dry tout. "It'a a aau with lay poor bentr thit geU Into Joy'k cluubee." While he wu raoilnatlDg npoa Ibli lubJeoLtba dootopaid, BDd the aom'it agala made bla appoaiauoe,bsuglng la wllh bh andchnokledlntenialyalttiapreTailcatloa. , Sml aiw him do It taroaab the glau. and rowed TtbgaaaeeL "Too won't hire e flrthlng orer yonr legal bra, my maa." Uld he. Bhaklog bla tat at Ike ba«k rlew of thedrlfti'shairiwa In a dripploK and palpy elate, and arldeally In oae of (h* lut ttaguor dmonpoilllOD. "Itt, yoa mey amoks.yvar plaeu my maoi butyoa won^l," Itwuagnatandgloonu nrenge fbr lbs aatasatWii.lhat refaal oftneloelilfrmaleb. lad be obaokhd oyer hli brtainpb IntsuMly, Freaenlly, bTwerer, ha wu mhe* metuM tarOad ibetbisbnbiddlieoTeredsmilohhi «ae of hit poeksit, tad- had ooBlrlredtollghl bis cigar wllhoal lbs olSer'ahelp, Iba oabmaa wu erulfilleai Ue Tengainoe had bUsn hsraileuir npon hie eoemy'a head, 'inutoouldhedor fit stopped tha etb. "I bw TOUT pardon, alr^" "Welir "Boiiy, elr, to dlilarb yoa—" "Wbatdojoawiatl" 'rthiamoke.air. 'JMdtcftD'IMIroadoU,''. " .. "Why noU" • ■ , I .ris?^°bM£ass'^-i»i' " "Whak IhecapMet" sled asd, wItt « bo««e laaah. "Tell their ibosts to caq apaa lU, thio, mA wSnZSeS! wJSH OTtS, netfthmia tenablia ap M bk bea t^ tsd dnts oa repjOi. HIseuaniftmiB wSo wh noTSsbs Mfed wllbi psrhagsbe hid beit be-Mt riOMb nen wm • weUMlhM. egtaaodcoffeei. ■'Il be oomMg down I" sftked BiaL "The Doctor wlU be down dInoUy, elf." "Wbiltlmedoea be nsaaUy aetupl'! "Ueosnellybtaaknttolabad. Ha tild b» tipeoied MM «* to biaakbal wllh htm Ihla moraing." "Tbe deuce be did I WhowulhfttI" "Wbal'a your aams I" "BauL." .. •Ihen II WM yon-'f .. "OhI" , ... nemonsyleodsr greeted Ibis Infbrmalldn with a ItDtB. . '.. "Be felt sun ot me thm;" ha mattered to hImleU—>m« Vi. mat directly, Onrae hbnl bet made op Wa mUm he'agi' tobinllaUbtaownwftti bnl rilahow Urn he'smlitktcil' Hehida waTOfshewlag. bla noder llp wbea bs wKwL.- Unly InoUaed, which by ao meena Inonased bl^'Manjbr/TBt" Itood doing 10 aow| then, with hla hands ftildsd ander hli aoal'' UUt ha lialkea uioti tha room, takdag tbe artelul par toireidonlylnlhieatnoflhepatwoef (ba auprk up, he bund'Iha ayu of the llrery aemnt isad upon him, ••ffe1|l"i9ledBtaLflarcely. . "WeU I "Slid Ihe other, I'^bal tba OaTfl an yoa Blarlnaitoeibct Doycanpneta ,. I'm a loaallaf r. "I doa'l know," answered Ibe mia, elowlyi sa^he sllll kBM ' b'leyuflied apon Ibe Tiallor aaill he sol to the door, wha fi* made hii^aU with bla bee (owirts Baal, sad, u bslbr^ JamsC■. ""ti^iU down Mid Isn'gbtd. , "I rather lias thai /enow,'' laid be- 'I woadsr wbtttst be. , laokleiemrybodylntbeumeeiyle.BadkaepahlssyionthaBl' ,.. . Bat whlto bs WM baihtog, tos door waioMaia noitelspi^, ., and Iha.persen who bid been ipokenefu lob DoctmiilUM inie ' Ihe toinn and tlood before blm, almoal befota atid.waa ftwmof' hlsjppraanh, '..;.■•. .'i ''WeU,Mr.Bsnl,rmglidtoieeyoailbtp«rsB'n.waD1'ri.'..:. v r '•I'm well eaongb." replied Baal, hatitlaBlly, taUaa ana* Iroabls to arold'Aiklng tte hana thai w>s ntsadedtewdtds'' hlmibyliUtoghiehallkll, and ilooptoglsplcbiliip,' •O'nwtn anoagb." Tl'm Tdiy glad you'n wan." i < "I'mneyerlll.'' .■ , '!Bow fortanata. lamanebenlonlldl"'' ' ' ' , ..' ."I.bopel harea't palled yon out ol tied snar baoit Wan yonraaatlUnel". — ■ . ' . ■•loabareibutltlaofnoeonsstasaet.'' ' •Tn denned bangiy—ltt^ppossfoa tta noti'' —'.^ ••Baoaauyou'dalldownsndbealnifyoawBie,'' ■' '' •'I'q only walling lOrOM lblM.7 . . .1 '•Wbat'Blbitl" ' • 'T^ ' "roryontoabakahii>ds«rilbne,"rip1ledUieDoclor,'aalsfly>, . , Biul gluced al blm wllh a llaah of shimi ind iniier tarnlaM , hlsbee. TbeDootorttoodi as at Bist wllhbiahand e i tuded'' ;. ud bis syu fliad apen the mqnay leader. The Istter bogbtd <' >■ aneuily. ... » i-nHf.,* "Obi wan^lbenl WillIhtlullafrtsar' ^w i.t: r.>-..i •Thal'a beUer. WlU yoa ellow me to oflhr yoa eema taea^ r . lull" .■;.;[. .f. • 1 • . .i^^^iit- Baaithiawtalmeeuaanily tain I chair, aad, by way elH«»°",; ' helped himaalf to an asa i bat Us Booiar wu eel u bs setMlllt^Tr.^ '■ Bs ttUI remJud etonaiDg, wlUi hle^d npoa lbs ball, iad'tk '<' - -ru, M baton, upon f '•-■-'— "Dldron a» yeel" "Mo.Idlda'ti but I "IdM angel yon." ayu, w balm, upon the «leilot'a lace. '■DldTotia^faoY" . Imuntll. Toneeemedtoeipee^Batf'... . "iootSBu'fJr granted I ehonld comer' I.. •Idld." I ', i- •. ■,' ', ;),- "' •4ltmn me If I eee why yon ehoald 1" , ' The Dooiorimllcdind rang Iba btO, Wheti lUi atmatedAe' In. be ordered eoolber cop and Banenaad HMe BoM sMti and dHperalely b tokeaailona ■iln hIt.AlqHtlea, and abtfld aboot , BUW aiaeaa aaw VWdA MI«W« tmUe HkWH«M he wai'aeeperalelybunary, did MtuMe »Mh Wiyi fcr »»•»• neeredtobeuilonatoburwhittteeatd'hil lo-wtftp Oia. Smnl Unei bs glanced oveiln hIt.AlqHtlea. and abtfld aboot lahlB^tlwIlh a gaalote^of • - . BpMarednM w aoUee hidij i eo»»4nliaBnoone«ntdly,_: ; i • • At bel tne money-lender, biTlog kaeoiM his close, allar welching him for • ftw momenk loel i ud diuBBad Ibe Itble eMh Uekalb-hmdle. "Vbatb Ihe mailarrlle Doctor eOed mIMIy.'"1M 2 fht jsnenylUngr r .» "Tea eea gtre mi aaau la'brmatlCB, whsa yoa'cl qMr,**^ "WHb plessare. Ofwhatkladr' ^- "Whatdldyoaaaadiaraetget" _ "HsnyoaqalleaBlibed bnekbitr ilt i