New York Clipper (Sep 1865)

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rtHB NEW YORK OLIPPER. THE WHITEWA8HEB. _ ^.^^^v • tima" loi'Tn m to«« eiarv, •n.*. o.w:i. vMut. m r ' ladliUkltiiiAui* .- r . >or tmtr *)wii»» ""fiSi I«. dit I cS*. OT MtM., .M» Ub lotg dIJ! ?- WI4itt0B«liiBa««ito<*lnV , ' Which un twUy.teW tlwfU*. „ . ItDMWialiillin*, . _ iit*euluaa*teteUbiItou «<ilenuMrai" iQit on (enow, Ian OD baiua. la on plHUr. Lm mt ton joa benr Ibln. Ill ion mm'*VII AUin kiwi*u>>«u W lookk Itlfl* vlillat I on loon niki jom winpleiloni toiawMl llffur. - Hj bni* ob ptio hna naijon whM U do, ; - ToBworoid,«lion<»utt , -^iorlitlt,(>toriBi]],^ _„ M«unli ud my m3lM*,f*(m tlL" THE THEATRICAL RAMB:£8 MB.. i.SD HBB. JOHN OBBBNB, Wnh Bkttehti of Popular Aotora Md AotmMt, noxiiuioun. nnxn imBBi ttm na nv xou wm*> BI /intBT.l BDBiSO. OHiFIIB UUV. T T,wwM in nun or m lum wnhh iii mi 'i mioiiUi AirnuiMB—TU MUDS or naxoji ucinu a bumbo, ' n* iiaMmtnt af Dran Lua, >t Lmidon, «u prapulBg ■ BMBttsMnrtnlatxSlDalMr/'ftrKouiuIiUr, IIuleWMi ar aadncton of OotanCtltid^n. in* neni ilnl of Ui» ottaar .koaMb d<tonnta«d to (ontUU ihto gnnd alToit Thtj hit npon BooftteLMr.nquilHTaor Ihagiwtwlor.inuuthitbang la rappoMd nuipoiM uilnit blm. Booth mi tbu eoawed for ft]jlatt*9 nninDsr of nlA£t% depmdlna on tbo fooai* of tbs pUf fat III «ontUiiiasce,UjC)0 per nlaat ud ■ banoflt, hla put on that idobtto Iw aelacM ti7 Unad/. Tha pUxol "L«*r" wu Ihna oat: I4W, J. B. Booth; Unar, Ohirlea Eambia; Edmsn^ Mr, Mioaidr; OorttUa, Ur*. Builaj. After a few nlgbu tba Itealpla Hdinilnlibed ihal tba play wu dlaconUnaod, After a ooBaDltUloD wtlh Iba pai^lea aoma n^wanDgamenta ware madfl^ Booth ajRalDg t) a ndaoUon of £10 par nigbt from iba £^ nu aipoilmnit wu lanewed on Ibeaa condlttoDa; tba plaj draw 111 itow langin tloog for a faw loaing nigbte. Booth sow look * bauAl, annoanclng bloiaa^l for "Bubard tba Tbiid." Ibta also pnrad a ftUnra^ and igraaably to atar angigemfloti there, ha wia abUgad to par on tha anning momlng Into tha tRunrj Iba tnin of igOto maio up tba dafldanoy of tba nlgbt'a aipeoiee, Tbla eonnniadallhlaaantogaontbefonntrparroTmuiofa. Hethfn YUlad tba ProTlnc^a maUng np. In a maasora. bU London lOMea, and kept hla lanrala groan and eo oame to Amsloa, wbera; Kllar ha had many flUal waoderinaa orortba ooDtlnent,oo iba >Oth of HonmbOi U51 ho died on b»id tba atnmer J, W« Ohanowaclh. W» ara udabted to a IMIow paaaaogcr of bla, of Salam, Hew ivj, who allanded blm In bla leat momaota and fllof ad bla ajta on lha watara ol the Ohio, for tba foUowlng nam- ttra of Iba ennt It la plain bnt aloqnaDllj afleoUng; It wtn •paA for Itaalf, and deafrraa a record In aoj dramallo work, II wni pnMiihtd In tba PhUadelphu ltdfer. The writer wu a boMToMit, lellgtooa man, and of bbatal views m tbeatrtcala:— Bun, N. f,. Jolr Itib, IBM. I Bniioas,—OnSrsiai:—Bxcnso ma for Ibis Inlmalon upon ;onr time, u Una Is Ibe only meaoa ( bare of miUng known to tba fiuuiy and lha nnmerona Irleada and admlnn of tbacraai tiagadlan, Booth, the droonulaiaesof blidtalh. An f am tha-oalr pa*««n Ibat wu with him and nnraed blm dnilnghls aboit oatftlal llloeaa, llstooad to his last wordi^ and igif himdts^ I laal thta information wonid bograluyiog to his temllj at least, ba it ever so meanly exprveaed, or bowaTcr ham* blsthoaonroa. t bad lakn passage on Iba ateamer J, W, Oban- oworthfirom Haw Orleans to Clnolnnatf, at the asma lima Ibat Booth did.lbongb at tbittlmaonknown te ma aara br npnU- Uoa. Wa nad bean one day onl from Hew Orleana, whan 1 no-' Uoad a man walktng back aod forth In the aalooo. wllh his hasda . bahlnd blm, bli bead bowed In deep Ihonght. I sat obaerrlng hla oloasly, trying lo Toconezt when and whera 1 bad acan blm, telhatlbadeertaiDlyaaanlhat man I wufnllTcionTtncad, A ta oama np to na and lamirked, "That la lha tragedian, X than rememberad baring saan him in bla laU play ai Um Bt,OkarlsiTheair«, R. 0 Tha loeond diy oat ho wu ab- aeot tnA the ailoon, and, on InqoUy, X fonnd that ba wu con- 'nnedt^khlssUtfrroomTeryalckof a dUirbcsa. Well knowing tha osnlsH lagud ilrangera bara on Ihoaa boals tor ona Ibat Is sink, IM once iMted his room, apologising tor my Intmahoi, snd offlmd my aerrioos to htm In aoy manner that might bo aaafULi Allir •wmthifl- be iriih a look of peoatiaUon aad lorprlse that I' can nenr forgot, he aooeptcd the offer. On oiamlnlng hli room' X fOnod ha baa baen neglHlad. I Immedlalelj called tha porter, had tha koom elsaned oat, olea a Ibien pnt on him snd on the bad; ~' vma graal to ba made for him, u ha wu loO weak lor nomidiment; bol tbesa wu no medical aUaodant at: bud, and ha »ul(d amy Tery fkaL Tba Ihlrd day aflw. ho wu likanbaroonld nollnm Ofar witboni help. I saw Ibat howu gaMng Jn ■ hopaleu oondlUosi, and Iblaktog tosUmnlalahla anarglii^ gars hm aoma brandy and water, banog to catorate a ' puca It batwian hla teaih, hla Jawa baring become rigid: ton ttaJa«mtt»ybi4MaM««f(omlbB«whJal^«2 atnsATlUaMtMmtobaUare Ibal a handiom tmtf ittM HlflMlirWMIIl lliaat thorn aliMi pS»J.SIlJ^ afMiMMnhiabMDpalnbd; aniAd aeats; an ordioMoi abUUr.te TUilaAtoaannlBaanactoUonB,aadnoUantroi uaTib* larnaa ot anituwu Ka nawacauatobrtidd. On lEa oo«ny'a arrlnl. thay butentd wllh fall spied and jue » aaa tUa tampU of TbalU and ^^a^P<»n^n^ whm w ttab aamaUhotisia, Ihei beheld an Oldlagar ban adorn In H« BMM mSm» %nd giaasj •J'*, JJS ,£S OoondwUhun-uudbcude, lha wlngamtda of soUad mra dfandmpar,l£adiopeanaln a faaeopleoa ol>«*>w mnaun, not ntiSlu ika ataga b; a Ibol and a-balf: loa teaaea, (aU dim. not itSTflaa Uia lai'hiadsd paraona who P>»»»«^„,'{'"y mar* danbt of ladand yallow wataroolora, and "/"J^ wan sapor, of flgnma, and Cbmtu ntwai a >H,wa«" muy paitlSolan, for • Orawtw ioom BraaatU <>>>P^VA fln^! SmMwhh the "inly of Lyonr," Blald. ai OUndOiMra Onj" u»i«lln«. Thahooso waithin, and lha appUwumiMi^ To ens lha oUmii. dorlog ihe m^ totetaaUog a«»e^ ib» PUf^ rig., tha patting of OUnda and PanUoe '» 'fS^lJrvJiS ant^ scna fefi down, luring nolblng lo '*ew hot the bare bnck dlBST wall at the back, wblla Pmllna ~ 5»^f'V'S.rJSuJ and^btmu wtia In aUimdu, while two darkles played tba nanu KanalllalM bjmn on a rtolln ud a bsyjo. RuArtle, Waiting liir i boit (Or terotal warka to '^},^^,SS^^. IhaOraaSeawoa obliged to ramam ln/"l",""'?t',„a,b i5b lags, imoiia a mde and raiy id-brod "««'f"'"i^SS daSnd boa aiTlTM, and Iba aiMoe* mada lhair cami m ncr tha Osmbeiland rlwr. A 8HAKE8PERIAN ENTERTAINMENT. tauMLT ton TO «»w 101. ourrr.. BE H. A. WCSDEH, SLMTn?* e-S^oVrm^'MiTM J^fliuSr uwen ki?mli MHo u Jtflttam B, .^JJ- fc^tSl^fc pi'fonn doty u Ookmel In the Oonfedjata Sofca iJSrSsSSlontWe i«"ais,and ha uislU Itoo^yttlnj klmrl^ded and mada a falhue of, Iwo lOOa ptoro that bo UtSisSTtoSipSVbnllal. •»4»«'lSi™2h'iS2? WMoiDlnrrd u ha bu boon nii«ortnnal»-4».h»tb rrspacta. SSlSpIhto; W» of raising lha tta^ POT. Perhaps, yon don;t know wbo Oor. 'BAlXi vttAsr. > AtniVB Ti. UVXVAI, I Iba foOowlaf li lha aoof* of tha maloh balwaa lh«M doba, not piailoady pnbUahedi ^^^^ Amn. Btdmaa, 9d b Taodaiwetktri It... W«^aan,ti Baenay,lath....,,. Walkai, B OiawtoH, U b EL. a. ...» a 7 ,4 • ....1 ...,t jtuoSlalea tnhidlti'VtlsrUirvWdllVrniamb man wbotiaTals wherabapleaua, llrai on iba M ol tba land, and paya for—nothing. Dick aomewhat d^lfdra from Dorr. Total.... Utmut. au B. •'Bdwuds,"lf I t X>niry.adb aoMla,Mb.... Tbofs; p Daryr.a a Bnnt, 0 •^lor,"3db.. Wata If Hanl^ of I ..a ..« ..4 ..4 ...a ,,a ..I Total aftn HiDi a mm maroi lal >M Id iih »lh tlh lib 8lh Mh IMh Ulh AoHTa....t '9 « 1 9 a 4 0 4 0 a-n Kntnai..! ig oa a 8.0 a I 0 8—n Umaot lana—Threa bow a aad dflaon mlnataa. Soonn— Maun, wSlkmaon and HcCord. Umplra—T. JnaaeD, ot Ibe bnplraelnbk lb calebts-Acilre, 10; Mntoal. IT. Pnt onl by ActlTt—On latbua, 14; 3d btu, 4; home, 1; fonl on lha fly, 1; fonl on Ihabonnd^ it fair en tha dy, 9; by Mntnel: on 1st baso, 7| 3dbaaek4; boma,): fOal ontnaflr.t; on lha bosnd,]; lalr CO the dy, 14. Taaaad billa-Acttra, 4; Untna<, T, EDBEEA ra, TIONEEB. A match game «r ball wu plttrd at Mewirk batwaan Ibeaa dnbaoB IboailhAog., of which too to lowing la Ihe acotar Biznao. OdUwar, 1 t.,.., lhomaa,a • Bmtnall, a Ultlamod.ot.,. llomlMltr,Mbi. Pailonia, p Morlbmp, r f Eewaun, gb Mina,lslb..,.,:,°. Tohd:; B.L. a. , a 1 ...a ...3 .. 3 ...t ,.1 ...3 ...4 ...8 ROBE Woltara, p nosgUnd,of ... Ns«te,lf DovdJ, 0 Leonard, aa Cuirlar, 8db.... Ford, lal b Parril,Mb Danlap, r f • lolal I. Bb a i a a a a 4 a a 1 1 1 1 1 0 e 0 0 I out "floab," naing all sorU c( rupecteUa dodgea. ted, talented, good looking, aomewhat of a "sponter," cal, aBocdtlorr Idler, balaaJoDygoodoompanloo. noTf r kiiew him tobomw a cant, bla iptelallly lagoiaaln 'flunV aiiQcomlngoc * ' Wen edncaied, qnlla mniual, aBM. . , Tmyrarasgo I passed Ihe rammer st tba "Island Bonae,' BanawaPsDf, 7ennont, then kept dnely by my lamented host, OoL abuOeC Whan ibo Cobnel had Iba balm. It wu a gnat tcaort CirMetroMililanftsblan and baaoly, who tamo tonrtlln the oool air of Iba Oraen Monnialns, and lara In Iba oyalal watenotAbaraglospnogs. AtlhodmeXmenllontbahotalwu czowded by a Joyooapai^^ of meat tespectebla and repnlatala paapl*-ofo au aod pisca It batw buontosttni llbai «ioka with dllllonlly, "no more In Ibis world." X atw Ibat ha bidnohopeaorUTing, andfellanilonain laasid te his bom for tontatnro, bnt balog a yonog man and an anUre elraoger, I felt II to ba a Terr dellciu allnalTon (Or one of my Ineiperlanca; but wllh a mrntal prayer Ibat 1 might ba aoaltlned, X commmcod by uklog blm It be had a wife; he enawared, with a look of attoa- lihmeni, andao emphaUo "certainly I hero;" I Ibinukcd him If he had any miaugt to aand to bar, bal X oonld not nodarslind blm, bnt ha aenned to sty, In bis look and fValures, "oh, that I conldtilkl" Bui, poor man, his power of nttemnca wu 10 Im. palitd, thai ha conld sciroely ntier a word distinctly. Ha attempted to tail ma of his trards In Ctlirom a, bnt X oonld nn. doatand nolblng bnt Ibat bahtdanfferedagrMtdail,and had been aiposcd rrty much. On Ibe (earth day alter ha was taken I uked blm If I abonld read te blm hom my T<alamanti ha seomad anilooa that X abonld, when I ealaoied an enconiaglng ahapler, aad road, while ba gala tha dcapul altent on. I then takad bun If I might piay for blm; bte oyta became dim with mdatniOb and he ■gnlled hla coatanl, when I kneltby bte bnnk, and beaoaahttha Oratt Valhar o( na all, bafore whom ha wu ae aboniy to appoar, to ncalTa blnv ibongb at ihia late boor, rot tha aake of Bio that died that abinera might taut bi bit nrtoy. He seemed Tirrgtalafnl, and aitemptad to pnt his arms annnd mynack.u I baotortrhlmtoamoolhhii pillow. Battbetlih d^i abont one o'clock, ha died. X wu wllh blm all tha morning nntO tha ball rang for dinner, when ha repealed ihe words aar. anl Uaea, dlstluily, "pray, mj, fnj," aoxmpanled by a bo- Beaching look. Wo were tben^owLcnUnUa.Eenlacky, where, npon tnlTlng, Ihe captain pnoorad a metallic colIln, and tela, gtaphad to bU wife In BilUmora te meat tba corpse bi OlocunatL whiib ahadUL taking It toBaltlBOte for lotermul. Bal u I SBSf,"!? jy^J'?*.'^' <» arrlrlng atCtodnnill, ud Imma- dlatalylaniha boail aawnooa of hU tHands, and on reeorari lag, want aoalli; ao that I bare had no opportnolty of making tbu known iolham, jr B sT Bla laal a^eaiBuoe on the alaga wu at the 8L Chailea Theatre Xew Orlaaa^oa lha lOlh of Noramber, USl; on Ibatoenalon ha paitUBiad Blr Edward Mortimer, bi Iba "Xron ObeaL' and lobik Lunp, hi the "Barlaw," JohB Otaana wu notenly lha moat abaent ormtnbnlaaotllr oattleuolhia stopeatyand lalentU: loo olten tba chanctetl IsUea of Ibe bUyer, donbUautba effect «f Ideil Imperaonauon glTUg the habit ot Ideal Impieolnia. When hamsmed bennt hlinaelf onl to nirta lo hla wlfkibe narer pnt np hla own draiiea, or bla properllet foi tba stage, which propirtiltma ware all mide by aw: aba picled np arerrlhlog for trarallng, or Itar the nae of IbaperformanMa. ar«an^haTlog an engagement at OlnolnnaU —.{"•^ ' time, knoalog bU nnlbrtanate want of system In nob mtlten, aba caratalli packed np all hla aoUng pTmorllaa In MOomptny blm"her.elf. In less lhan a uttk ho w;oto "My dtar Aan^l bare most nnlortnnitely Inst my carpet bjg." In a (ew Sili.!J^lV.''°jh "■'''•oontenlsw.le SiSSS-^mi.. T,'I'.''.'",°'> ""Wndad Ihe neit news wonld ba MTSffiSlSnSii^iWf?'™' A»l«ogtbheretnmedwllh M|Mbiut.alnnahslf oflu conlenb. Thla wu Inckr. for MhnHiMne'spuaonal appearance wunnloas Than au • Srtttta. tadWdullly ab.ul'h'S lha. ai^nS. SjJik ASrc^ten! In Ua plain bnt genteel gttb. Imparted umlhteg of airlonteoa^ jute and walslcoal, wllh wbiio cnrat which rnvA km a Tsry oletical sapaol. he wu taken lor a Oaihdlo UrtM R a man wno addreatod mm with raruanc^ u; "FalUcrl Iblredi!. llrered tbaa booM u yon dultad." To which Orcme replied £ a aolamn tonaanl alri "Son, you hare done well," Be know no more thin lha "man In Ihe moon" what he meant, or o( lha na. tore ot Ibe book deUrary. Ihna they sepiratul. 'ohn Oraene waa olearly not a sUUonary rainsjer. Srer on tbogai vlH togim nitoly to hli profeailon, II he conll not nuk a Innk, ba ooold porlnw a low Irishman, Aaatn on a itul lha luMly coUecttd a amtll compaoy, and want to Olarktnlle a ■brlnng UUIa tean below KubTllla. Ihla company oonalsted ol MT.Hleld, Mr. CUode. Mr. Hamilton, Mr, Benil, Mr, Urtana Mn,(lnan^lIluHateHac8lolta,Ao. ' Tha OlsAstUlians did not Ilka the company'a acting. Mr. "oooad loNuhTUl«bad brongnl hU Blattabl^ aet^ company to OlarhSTlUo) bnt baaoon foond onl tbeyknewwhttwuwkti. uibey did not lira In a oily; lhay j^JSt"?? "tro too anilgtatoned for Oreasa's onnpav.lbaydacaBpedror other parts, known and unknown, tbaiafanlhayDanlthelrwartenUadorpromlu oalled Xrtni- Vina. OBthaIr vaytbey called at Iba s^ tom^bfTrentoT >han Iba Mnn fotbida their bUia teiiTi^TUmtaM lb* ooinpaay baSf b hasty retaaal from Ibe pfiST^HlM III janira aiaara, pngOTnoad bte Mrtlng bliaaing on tba mayor isd lU oorpraaaosT 3Mi oliliot balog Srinnni!, they . ^ oonrso—X wu iim, Ona day, altar dinner, a parly af na were sluing on tha Aront plaiu amoklog onr dgua—the stega diore np fifm lha d*pol, and who abonld alight nnt Blck L dnaud In tba halgbt of (tablon, hU halt brnabad caia- Icaly orarbli brow, and swinging a cana with a fUrer knob on It hka an old habloned band Iron. Aa ho alighted I got np and wu aboni making for blm, when be gara me a wink, and pwaed Id lha offlce where he reglslercd hla name, & Frrral Stmlle, tngiSm, In tncb luge leltna, that, wllh a momaot'a cbal, ha so pertelly charmed tha bookkeeper u to get tha beat dgar and nominlhahonieiXmw It aU. UU wu broke and wupcr- ftcttoglomeplantoraleetbe wbid. I wu elmoat choked with langbur when be atrailed onion Ihe plast, bowed to Ibe gn- U<anen and ipoket "Tbte la a beanUlnl connlrr, ganllsmen. soanary grand, Itdlu bunUfol (he'd taken a gllmpu at the parlor], nugnlilceDt Held for sindy." The ganUaman looked np. "I hare been lO long cooped np In London (he'd nerat bean oat of Iba ratted Btales], and the tax npon my ayatam bubMnio giaal, ImpsmonallDgtbe lubleat worka of Hhskupaara, while ibe TOTtge wu so nnpliaaani, that a few days In Ibis nmanlle spot, baioie eommendng my Anancan engagements, wlU be. moat accaplabla. By Iba way, air, ir I may be to bold (addresalng ma) conld I Indncs yea to show ma tba Falla I're heard ao much abonll" I lold him X won'd bo bsppy, and we trotted down te Ibo bridge which arene the yawning chum. When wa got there. Pick looked aranod to be ante tbare were no uru dtoppatn, tad bnrat In a loud gnfbw, What tbathaDderhub»ogblyon here?'*aald L 'I knew tbtt would ba Iba drat qnuUon; wall. III tail yon In a [Uy. I fell desperately In lore wllh a young Beaten lad*—fol- owed her te Burlington, Urlsbed my money bcTore her eyes, and wu aboat making a decided ImpKasloo, when her lather smrK a large alzfd rat—round out who I waa—«cd I tot a 'dead, cold abaka.* X left and upon retemlag heard of Ib'a apol, plenty of people, hotel rail, lieentyand laablon; delermlned to atop, did ac^ and here I am, B. Forreat Kamble, lha dlettngulahed tragedlin. on a pirunre lour, bnt if preucd rery hard would condescend to giro an eatettelnment, not for profit of couiee, Jual te smnu tbegnetla. Amattatlbadepotssaurodmelblawuagrattown for abowa of any Und and I atatU scattar myself around reiT laomlaencaalr Ihla aranlcg at tha bote], ahall raiy upon yon lo con- coct an mnisncn lor aoma Sbakespertan laadlnga for the Orphan fund, Ibtt tikes tha ladleit Iba rest I'll manage myself. In other woid> I im deed broke and am going to ttlie the wind." Xn IheoTenteg, whan dancing commaooed, Dick eprwd blm. seU How be got aoqntlnled wllh Ihe Uiut, Iba Lord only knows, bnt there bo wu, at one moment paying hla addni sm to tha mother snd the next moment fltrllug witbuie dtughlari now capUratlog a rich aplnaler, and now wallaing wllh Ihe belle of Ihe room. Once In a whOe be wonld glTemeawlDk,aaipuohulo uy. "alnl X Inclorert" and when Ihe bonra grew small and eom- nua orentma Tcrplscbore, I really bellaTa ha hikd mada a aanaa, Uon, (ot X bcaid Ibe apuskr obtctra: ''What gentlemanly td- Iowa ttaeie play actora ate." X bad drawn np an InrltaUon, had obUloed Ihe signitnrca ol Iba noBlnant gnaata, and when we wont np steM I presented ItloDIck—I should uyEemble—who waa ao aiat<d Ibat be or- deied a bottle ol Knmm on the alieiigtb of It. X did not gat np nil lite lha neit morning, bnt upon going diwn atalia looked onl of doota, and upon the fence, to my aalonlahmant, uw Ibaen- lettalometl annoanced In the Iirgeat Irps Ihe OauUe oSce wu poutued of—and "Biawiter'a Rul, Ibu eranlnii"—wu to bo lbs time snd plioa Bow the day pasaad ott, I fbrgcl; but at some part of It, X went te Dick's room, wbetebetanofflnflnealrlathe aalectlone of the erentog. To add tarlely to tba "sceanca." ba had angtgtd the Dllage fiddler, at Ihe low price otono aollar, lo "tosln bis bow" between Ibe acts.. Tbo gaeala had pnrcbaaed tiokate lo a mao, at tha hotel ofllee; which, by the way, ware some minatrel'o tlckete whlob Ibe ffacetle people bed on band fbr noo Kjment, and there war eome snickering when tbapntobaaar ol a "Sbsieaptrlao Bitertalment," recalred a llckal to the ' Bane Bliok Ulnslrals." Brawaler'a Hall wu In the centre o<|lhe Tlllage, a nice room lighted wtlh <!</ a fine aninnoe In front, andaatalralnlberur mnmng te the alsge. tThen tie time came, Plok plutcd hbnself behind the labia, taking and aeUlng Itckeaibntetranga to relate, note slngla hotel gneuwupreseni, aloall they had purchased tlckete, and ha wu a little nelUed when he thought he wu obliged to giro bis classical performsiue to a poor house. Eight o'clock oame, and DIclr, porting lha Janitor oftbahililablt place, started out, and went np tha rear entrance to the dreislng-raom, where, adjusting bla toilet, he walked on the lUaa. and lal down behind tha llltle tebia. But you may Imtglaa ate aurprlse, wbenj npon eutlog'=te eyes npon the audience, he foaod lha ban to be crowded, and by u motley a etowd ot eoatieu Tagabou'la u one could wjeb to aaa: railroad men, with check eblria on; ba^r^omkee|lera, In lactallktndaol tbe^oituAcno. Tbr secret wu out Ibeybadcomalnthabac^ .war* PIck'aflretlduwuto tiape, butaUowlog hlajodgmant to gal the baUar of bla paaalon, bo gara the cne lo the fiddler, who began aawlng and sonping wllh a will. Atterhe got tbtongb, Pick aroee, when oheer npon oheer greeted hlitL He commenced with a dlaaeilallon neon tba lumottal bard, bnt cut II abort, u ha tonnd ha wu walking npon too olaaate ground for the mental capacMsa of hisandlanee; ao belawhad off to Bamtel'a solilo- quy, Itwunoga Tbeandlencewaoledtolaagh; moatoftham were u Ignnent ofSbakeapeie u they <ere of Oopamleua. Joe MUler wu their delb—lot when Sick aUempted to speak another plaae bis rolce wu drowned In an outbuilt which wu quieted only by a large lallroad chap gelling np, damning EQukespere, and demtndlog a comic song. Two or lorea feUowe by tbli lima had auled themedrea on the alage, apparently ready for any- thing. Dick tamed lad, then almoat black; but alter a moment'a hoalBlloa opened bis budget—sang songs, lold sterlet, danced and kept Ihe aadleoca to a roar for more than an hoiir, en ho did cloaabe had to make a atrataglo bolt down the itilra, and mn (or tba hotel, fire or alx aflat him, Bhoilly alterwarda X went to hU room, and a'moie oretltkUen oonntentnre yon norer taw, "lo tblnk," aald he, "that I abonld be obliged lo make a nlggarmlnilnlofBhakasHre." Iqallcdhlm,byobterilngtbal bewuwellpald, eTcnlflhe pntchuare dlda'tgo to Ibe ahow. ''0omePlok) oomadoimalalra^ anHlat'a lake ablgdriik.'' ~ «B»»»at«j«»XTff nh ath lib ,'.1 '0; D 4 3 I 0 a a-13 ..0 1 a I . 0 a 0 0 o- Pmplt»-Mr- Van Honlan, of lha Eureka, Scoere—Messrs Holden and Mooraa. Plycalohee—luieta, 8: Pioneer, P. Time ofgama-lbom BoaaranabyLIIUawoodaiidBtentnin, BsRka. Pioneer. BTIP80K CUT n, WEST HOBOEXir. An totenetlDg mtfob took plaoa recently between the TTolbn B. B. Otab of Hnlun City, M. J., and lha Alert (late the Ama(ear,) B.B. OlnbotWeatBoboien, Anneiedltlhasoare: ubuib. O, yitttasa^ lalb... Moloaa, 0 Ftttar, p B. Nittnta, a a Ftrrlngton, Idb.... Perkins, adb.,,,.,.. Flelcber, It Bennalt, r t ShelH^ 0 f Tebd., .30 aoaa hibb n bicb ntanraa. 1st bd id 4ih 81h Mb 7Ui iToion 1 8 a 1 I ar s-ta Albert 0 7 3 18 8 3-90 nmplie—Mr. flinclsco. Bcoiin—Mesara. Banian and Eeoutt Time of game^3 hours aad 80 mtontea. !ly calchea made— Dnlen, 1; Albatt, 4. PIONEEB ra, BALTia The foDowtog te tha aoore ot a game played between Ibe Ploneera and Bdtlca, of Bellarllia, M, J., at BelletUta, on tha lllb InsL Tba Ploneera were short of PorsU, Parall and Dimlsp, but Ihe subaUlnlee played raty welL Potd pitched alter the tonttn Innings. BtTTDO. Fmima. Wdtera, p Hoigland,8d b.... Leonard, o Haglcif Cutrier, a a Noitoo, rf 8 Croiamin, o t 8 Ford, let b 8 Sweeney, adb 0 .,..1 ...,3 ....3 ....4 Tobl., BiLTia Jaa. Swln, o WUIelU; let b Bsnlord, o f rryatt. Id b Jarolomon, 8d b.... John Svm, p Osboina, rir. BLiSwln, Xf Treeland.a a aL, ...a ...8 ...8 ,..a .. 4 ...3 ...8 ..4 ,..1 Totel., anits ifisi nt kich unmiaai lit 9d 8d 4th 8th 8lh Tth 8lh lib Balllo 3 4 0 0 1 8 0 1 0-11 Pioneer...'. 3 8 8 0 4 3 1 8' 8—37 Umpire—Mr. Brenlnall, of the EntekaOlub. Bcoreta—Uaaara. Dtter and Wlllltt Fly-oitehes made—Picnear, 10; Baltic, 7. lime of game—Two hoara and fifteen mlnutea. BALL FLAT XM NEW JEBSBT. A match game of bau ban wu played on lha lath IneL botwaen U» Tnaoaroiaa, of SosMrtUle, and the Baeolntea, or Elltabetb, on Ina grounda ot the lormer, with the foUowtng leault:— BUTIBO. BieoLtrza B.t, w- nallar, c,,.... ...;'...'..',0 ladlaa, who,wilhAamnaoponharAoeLnaked Plok how Shake- ipeieiraL That wu enough- He tnahadnp alalia, doted him- self In hie room, and look Ina fire o'clock liun Ihe next morning Ibr BoetoBi and erea to4ay. I f yon wint to aae a miB mad, | nil aak Dick If ba hu beard lately mm Kamble, THE QAME OF LA 0R08SE. The umend lallar. In rclaUon lo the Jala La Oioaie FullTal lo thu dty, te from one who eridently nndetilanda whaieof ha wtllsai Orravi, 0, W„ SepL Ith, 1888. Dxaa OLtrrBB.—In a reoaal nnmbar ot lha ojrraa X wu raty much pleaaad to noHoe an ably written article On a game of ji Cnut j|a)ed in your oily, hni which needs a nitte onrreatlon aa lagarJa lha mica. Iba rame te purely "Canaok." uiaae- laeoUy IboTnlea ware made In Oanada,tnd being au old admirer otlliagane,IhaTawaUbadand atadtad It wltn grial loiertat, sndihamlorekaowli tboroaihly. Yea aaani that Ibe plajare aia nol allowed to niteh the belli tkia te wrong, beoioae tia moot BclenUfio portion of the game la to do ao with oonacinesa. In Oder to aroid the "goal coranif," and plar into the hande of Iba "boaa men." Aa legatda the mlo of ao pueblug being mowed, It would ba almply abautd, becanw In ao exdling a game one cianct well see what he It doing, and Ibotetoro a gnaf deal or puibing likee plue, although Ihoaa who ate cool enough wlU taytoiToid ILbeoiaaa II te rery fatiguing. No definlto.rnlo being made by the mijcrlkyot clnbaw<Ih regard lo throwing Ihe atlck, It la genenlly aetUed on the field. ErisluiUy, I think tba tola will bo, "no UuTlwlng ot allcki aUowod." ,1. manyLi Oroiae Oluoi In Ihla city, Ibe rrla^lpBl being the 01 awa iibopioaeera ol Uitewt), the Tlctorla, and Ihe Tonng Oinidlau (Etench). Thefinl-nimod cluD haro beaten tba In- rSSir"'^''" '™"» CanadUn, Tna lonng Canadian beat thq T1ctarte,indcojic4aenllytbeOttewalluaretrieobamplana. They SilTV!.V *»» o*"* Oonlral Uantdt lor a puna, or a iteud ot solorai bal nol baen aMepted. The Otta- wauas and Tlcloruna oooptelo rery mnob o( Ihe condnct ot the moool tbeToang OantOlan OInb. Ihe oOloeii of the Ottawa SSw^'f:.'' "*'?'• Praddenti J BIrkttI, VloaPieeldonti B. P. n^L.'K ?S5?^.'"* Treasutori J. B. Eamonda, T. Dirkelt and A. j^.l.*«?""S5?l,„''"" of the Vlcwrte-A. Cowin, Praaloint; J.l>ntljTlce Preetdanl; a BnUblnion, Seaotary and Tiaun- vLmuS!P'S*''*^^-^- nicbor, Piealdentt X. HDIawa»,Tlce S!12 i A ."t,"' aecrelitr and Tieuntet. Hoping I« .tJioaae wUl fiud mtay Meada on your aide ot the water, lt«matayanTs,rttpeottuUy, PEUiota, Tntouoai. Dongbty, 3d b J. Smauy, p Buuei man, e f.....'. Van Btayker,lilb.,c a.8nully,lf...; Van Eeronter, o VanParentar, r (.. Caiildy,8db Toonuoo, as Total au ...a ...a ...4 ...a ...8 -..1 ...a ...3 ii Brant. 1st b... KtogiJey, r t Hcdormaok,aB., J Smith. If HoitOB, Id b,,,. Smith, 9db Powdl, 0 t Amory, p ..8 ..,4 ,..,4 ,..a ,, 3 ,..4 >,..l ,..4 ToU., 23 ams lusa ur xicb mtriok 1st 9d ad tUi 8tta «th 7th 8Ui lib Tnioaiota 8 * 14 4 8 8 3 8 0—43 Betolole 9 0 1 8 8 >3 0 3 8-33 Home mns made—Tnscanra, 8. Fto^atchea mad^x'naaaro- ra, T; Beaolule, 3. Umpire—J. 0. HcCleUen. Bcoraia—Ueaari. Cook and Bilitoa TioB ol game—Two hoara and mlnutea. * OBEENBUBaH Ta. ENIOKEBBOOEIB. On Sept lllh, tMeadlygame wu played between theabora named cluba, Iba one being the reteran ornnleatton of How York, and the olher a oompatatlTely young dnb, balling from Dobbi' Ferry, on Ihe Hndtoa Ae wJl ba seen from Ihe score giTan below, the game wia rery dosely conlested, Ihe younger dub finally wtonlng by two mna. The grjna wu played at Uo- hoken, on the grounda ol the KnlckerbocSere, The nmpdto gara sniAul uUsueUon. . > Binnro. Darla, p . Elasam, If Hloadare, lalb,, Oharcblll,of..., Beoell, 8d b Itaylor, 9d b Tnomu, aa Do Moll, o , Totel,',. au ,.,.8 ....8 ...1 ...4 ...8 ...3 ...3 ...3 ...4 OnznmtnuiB. Oamay, If. , Coohtan, a a F. Tatry, o Donaldson.'8db... Hyara, 3d b Armour, r f niffflp, p &Tarry, o f Lefnrgy, lal b.... Totel.. au ...3 ...3 ...8 ...4 ...9 . 9 ...8 ...4 ...a Umuire—Ut, Znns, of Ibe Mnlntl Olub, toorere—Meatrt, BeniU aad Barbour, Fly-oatchu mada—Enlckerbcoker, 8; Or«enbnr|b, 8, lima ot game—Two houra and llfiaen mlontes. Two more gsmes will giro the Enlokerbooketa a sulBaleat num- ber to htre their aTctiga made up. Misna Ts. mnoN. The match between Ibaar doba at Ihe Bid House groandt on September lllb, rtanlted to Ibe algnal anoeeaa of the UorrlaanU sarly. TbaplaylngotlbaTrnlOB ntoewuntrfinr, Ibalt balUng oatog splendid—pnndpallT long low gronnd baUa. The Mriilca wen appaienlly In good Itin for pity, bnt (sUod to acqmt them- aelm reiT oiedllably. lhaUmptie oilltdlbegamaaithaelew of Ibe elgnlh Inning on acoosnt of darkneu. The foUowbig te lha soon.: nana. Hndaon,lt.. amitb, let b Plncknay,r f Hulgan, a i NIdiolion, Idb Blrdsall, o Ketehnm, of Tan Antwerp,p,,., Austin, 9d b Total BU a .... 8 a 3 8 a a 3 a Mrano, Ohw. OloTer, latb.. Bamea, p Marlacn, a a Kelly, 0 Dillon, 3d b W, Olorer, o t. Baynolde, It Saunders, 8db 01ark.rf ..84 Total g BVn lUDB Ul BlOB IKBIBaa Xsi ao DO tlu 81b OUi 7lh ath Myitlo 0 1 3 3 0 3 a—a Vnlou 0 H 8 11 8 8 0 t-B4 Umpire—Mr. Oomerfoid, ot Watariiuir <nub. Conn,, late ot dolbam. Hew Xdrk. , EAGLE TB. AOnVE. On Friday, SapL ItUi, Ihe Eagte Olub nndeitook tha teak o^ ylaytiw Iwo lamu In ona day, wllh both fiiat and second nlnu short hindad, Iba fltat nice maloh teaulllng to a bad defeat, oil- ing to the absenoa of Silltbuiy, DemsieaL Obasm, Bcbaffar, Slote indOongb. The Aollrubldan euy Ibugof It, and won a sig- nal Tlotory. Wm. Ulbneyi ol tha Olympic glob ot Fblladalphla waa cbOMU u umpire. By tha wiy, do our cluba know that the inlu ol tlie game axoluda all persons Irom actlog u nmpitea or Korfta wbo lo nol bdong lo a club In the Kallonal AasoMUon ( BeetnleSd. Wegtrelhefullacotebdowi • BtTmo. BioLa n u lozxra Hodman, adb... Boooey, latb..., 6ioahBan,is..., Seney, o i "Allan," r I iXbblUa,ar. iOrotge,8d b... , Walker, n 'Onwbnd, 1 f,.. au 1 ' .....4 . ...9 ....a ....9 .....a a 8 ,...-.a Totd.',, oonins, ad b Becd,8d b Paiulnglon It Fhaltn, a Doremni^p Ichaffkr.e f..,.A.'.. Oca non, lalb. Thompaoo, it BoUnJb a I ToU .4 ...a ...4 ...a .,.8 ...4 ,..a ...0 .,..3 ana hadi di hob ntBDraa. Ill Id 8d '4th aih aih Tlh eth 8 U 1 U 14 8 3 t-U lasad balls, KaU 111 flycMhNiD«9*,Booaiy ar 1, drawfWd I,'total 7; Bchate 9l OoUai a, OonnoB li IVm> annl,tclal8i catohwmluad, Phalaa l,B«ed 1, nnnlaftntj, nompsoB>,BchaflKl,Kaneyl, Ctevlort a, Oaotga Si pnt oa onbaaw, AdtraUttmaa, BagtellUDaai put onl on firal baOa, Aetlre 8 tlaua, Isala 8 ttmai) mn onl, Donmva and Oonraoi» Faga; llmeof gaaa,ahonnaad W mtontaa. llmpMb Mr, ait>- Bay, of lha Olympte CInb ot PhnaddpUa, Bootbil Maaati. Wll. llemaoa and KellaT, Lettosbana, Bead I, BcbaOb 1, Booney ItOaoiieL The aecond Blaa maloh icnlttd In a tta, 83 to 81 JinnOB MATCH IK PHILADEIFHIA. OBThnradiy, Uia7lb lnit,aBialob aamaotban took place In lha "Oily of Brotharlr Lore,'' between the fltat Btaat of tte Ex- celdoiB aad Sipait Olubt (Jia). Tha game began wtUi Ihe Bicdslot at the bat Tba play npon each side wu of only a me- dlnm cbanciar, and we are aoiry to hare to laoord that haimony and Irtendablp did not lelgn Ihionghont. A cotiupondent aaya Hut "nau tba clow ot Ibe ascend tnnlaga Ihe ExceUcn took ddM agtlnat the dedalona of the nmplte, at the same Ume Ihieatenini to break np the game It he wu BOl lemond. The umpire not wishing to larra In a aantaily when bte aerrloea would net baacceplable to ell engaged, realgned taU poet, and Mr. >ick, ot Ihe Eerstene, wu choian, but be wu doomed to lha oame trutment u bte predeceasor, and at the coorlnstoB ot the gib loilnga Ibnw np nU appointment In dlaguat Much dla- uUstscUon wu arlnced br Ina apedaton by ue otnslant snd nanacsttsry sppeda wblon wan made by Ihemembanof Iba Bicclslcr,wllh a Tltw ot tofluandog Ike umplie to decide agateat tha Eiparia, Be would not, bowerer, diow himself to be Inter- fered with, TheEipeitewere minaa the aerrlcM ol Mranlof Ihalr Irat nbl^ which oonlilbnied grul^ to ihalr defeat, Tba EiceUlora mtesed McEnlgbl at Ibe lal bise. When bate baU malchts an played (especuny when lallea an sieacnt). It la lha duty of those engaged to abelato bom sU ptoiue snd abnilra lugaage duilnglhe piogieu of Ihe match. Baae ball, u It teaUy la, la a manly aad tnuy mtcnsUng game, bnt If wa cannot hare It wllbont mingling wllh II discord, ptoltntly, and abate, U wen belter to drop it entltdy from the teglstar of onr pullmea. One word In rcfurnco to nmpitea. The dotlea of an nmplte are by ao meua pleatsnt, and when a genlleman te appolnul to that poainonltla Ihe duty ot Ihe playeia 10 gtre blm Ihalr support, and to abide by Ihe ieddona of lha one so appolntad; aLd when ban playara aeek lo go uliay from Ihli, Ibe standsrd rule of gen- tlemen, they 0*0 denatlng from the conru which hu made Mie tall Ihe leading game of Amarlak Wa Iroat that wa shan hsat To OoRMpoidiiila. ' ' , A.{.r„aaaam—L WaCalii roBirintil balew. inb one of onr bast eoaUBmton ud fate IHBH aad poMoBi «• if dead fine oaeB,8Waraa Tha poaltlaa yon Mat oa. White wlna. ♦ . i^—>—. a. Hnto—WakBTa BOl looked te.'tkaladsg aonia &Biii>i podtlott* Oime NaL 8l.>^Mi Xin. Flayed In the late Obamnloaahlp Medal Butoh batwa« Mem. BntreadDuntet,Bept toTltU.' > 4 Dnalan, WUIa. (•r» to II U 11 81 U 33 18 38 aa 31 17 18 8 80 as aa 38 II. Blackwlai, (() (01 White played la aaoooeedhm same 33 to 17, but wllh no better an cese a . 98to38talhaoorratplay, (>| Holed oompletely. i Oim« No. 8i.-Vol. XIIL Flayed by two good playeaa at the I>BndM Pitigbt Olib, IVoaiaslfetUyjrm, uuBiiaao J. B.i Blank. Tbb Oiuicpioa Cowme— Tbb ATBLmca Abbid IB Saoauio- Tbb AnumiB Basr Afxaioa—The Atlantic dob hare thaa tar nhyed (onrlMO gemea tbte aeaaon, and bate acored 448 mna to 991 on Iba part of Ihtlr opponente, ud hare not loat a tingle game. The Alhletlca biTO played elgbleeo gamea^ and hare sooted 880 inna to 904 on Ihe pert of their edteiaarlsa; and they hare won aU bnt ona game. The Mnluali bare played eleren gamea, and bare aootad987 rms to IM agalul them, loaing two gamca. The Bnreku hare pteyed ta garnt^ and hare aomed a<0 mna to 178 aoalnat Ihim, they loaing fire gamea. The Ao- tlree hare played tUrtaan gamea, and bare acomd 113 mna to 344 against them, lhay lodng flra gaioea. Though the Alhletlca take Ihe lead to lha totel aeon obtained, tbo AUanUea btre tha beat aTengOb ibe ratio cf lha areragewona to a match teufonowa: Atlaniln la. Athletic* W, Bnieku 94 ud a ttteUon, AoUna 94, andMulnateaa. The close ot the seeioawUlabow how ter these fignrea wUl ba changed. To Correapondentt. MamLB |H. J.) Can CLira.-Of cooiu yon aaw yonr dlffl. cnUea with Bari Aadeiaaea'a Bnlgmt dIaaeUed laat weak. Tbinka for tha tontellon: abonld be meat bapiv to Impnre an oppcortOBlty. We ataould oe happy to teodre, and would pnbllah, alielof yonrolBcaia, wllh yonr piace and ttanaa of meeting. CBia C-BiBBxa.—Welcome, as diraya, wllh endoaure. "Slan. loy'a Maaulna," and '■Motpby Teattmontels" Immediately mailed. Will write about tha olher magulata. Tbb Eubi tlDBBit' PaoaLHL—Onr contrlbntor, B. H. 0., of Washington, aenda oa the foUowtog InteiasUng Item. "I endoee lou a aerlea ot twelra ^i*;*""*. wbkb X dadgnate u the key to Ibe "Eight Quesna' PmbTem,' a brief mention ofwUcta may bo fonnd on pp. Id and 87 of the Oamea of the Ohcn Oongreu o< 1819. Itino axe nlnely-lao dlSirent waya of lolrtog thla Inte^ eallng problem, t e..- To place atebttjaaena on the board ao that no one ot them aball be en prlie of any other. TUa beautlftd serlee I reoanlly warked onl, and commuted to dtigrams, when I llnmd by careful oomparlaon that there are bat hoefoe abaolntely dlShrani dinatlona pracUcableklo which aU the ninety-two can benfOrRd. By a brlet examination ot the ennlcaed diagrams ion wlU find that each of lha fitat eiaran reneaente eight poal- ona,Bnd Ibattbe lutonegirtatlaatofonr: Bencell X 8-f IX 4 b 93. Tbna, tot example, laktog diagram Ho. 1, and concalTtaig Ibe board to be fneerfm, we obtdn a aecond poeltlon, miklDg K B eih (u at pnsant) beoome reapectlTely Q B 3d, and Q B Ith, we hare two mon; making K B tth become Q R 4lh and Q B 6tb, rwpactlrely. two more poaltloni an obtained; and, finallr, con- ddaring K B sq to be, rtspecUrely, Q B aii end Q B eth, while Q B sq lu before ns) beoomu E B sq, ud Bih, two mon dtoaUons an obtelnad, making eight In all, wblla Ihe Qaeeiu remain nn- mored," Kn(-AiiM)ii.-PlaTe Iba Q'a on Ihe Q B aq, Q Xt 8, g B 8, Q 8, Ka,KB7,EEia,andEB4th. &omd.-Qnecns atqBaq,QKta,gBe,q3,X7,KB4,KSt 9b ud KB lib. /' mrd-queenaatVB9,qKI4, qB8,Q8,E8,K Biq,X Kt 7, ana X B tlh.-[To ba contmned.] Enlgmi No. 498. Ftoe Ultte atndy tor beglnnata.—OUed by ArM, BI na tOBBt. ■ atQBiqi J. at gad. i ' N: atqs, QBii gB4, qEta, gssih. While, with Ihe more, to diBW the jurfte, Problem No. 498. BiroBaoaaDiD. WHTCL U J □ □ BLAOX, White to play and glra mate In twomorea Gsm* No. 498. PtrHt by oorreapondenoe between Mr. Jackson, of Ibe Eg- mondrlUe 0. C, C. IV,, and Mr, Hendanon, of BL LIboln, 0, & Eiira'a n'a oikbit. Pefsnoe, Hendtrson, Pto E4 XP Xf P-KK14 X B-Et a P-ER8 P-^4 Attadr,. Jut bob- l,.PtoK4 9..F-SB4 3..RXt-BS I..EB-V4 I. .Cuiles II. .P-bl(al 7..PXP<npiuB$ y P e.,qxuB8 qxt-s8 8,,gxt-g8 ^ 10..P-Q4 ii..gKty Et 11..Bt < gEt ll.,q-Eaq-i. 14..F-«BV II..P.EB4 18..BPy P 17..F-KXtS Alttek, Deftace, Jsokion. Hendanon, 18,.hiPxF(t) F.toEXta lv..0-XXt8 XB-home 90,.F-XBg OB-hllB 31..qv XtP-f K-hteBaq 99..EB-Klq XB-B8 9a..B-XB4^ 34..Kty XB 98..Xt-Et8-)- KB-Xd BFXB Bxgp-i. q-KB4 q-xxts U-X Usa B r K? 88..E-blsBa S4..q.K u q-KB8 KB-Xtsq BPxxr iBXB KB4 ■home P'K Kt 4 X B-home B>B8-I- g K UB4- B?^, and drawa the porri*. (a) ImgnUr and prematuie, yielding out a weak tUack, (8) For a oorteatondenco game tha lul te qnlle apilghUy and a m us i n g . OEQSQTTSZUS. To Draught Plsyan, IBB ELBMBml OF DBAUOBISi OB, BEQIHinBS' BUBI SDID& BylheDnaghlEdltototthsOurrBa, Tbte book hai bean ptwiuunoedoytbc Edi tor o f Ben'aUfa to ba *1HB BEST ■LBMBHTABITHBATIBB XVBB WIUTTEH OR THE flAMX," Mated en tab mar, gilt UndlBg, UlutlnM wlih dlannu, and esulobed br aomerona gamca turn the beat masleiaZiidet* *'!^<'lj!*<7*^:i^''>>' PtUenon'a ayaum eom. ""I?' ?5lt!J" F"«i "7 ad dreuln Uia United Stetai, An H teott. AdditM l P, J. BWIOT, Ourra Omoa "w Ra,99 8pnceitiea^MtwXo>k. Ou corRipondai}, A, J, F,, wishu us to correct a blander la Foaltlon Mo. M, Vol. XHL A Black man should be on 99, and themaBnmoTadftom7,lhenpiooaedwllh "White lo play and IkrOuiDtoiiBD MiniB.-ltr. Ban iim letalai lha Madal, iMt, Danlap nol bateg nooeaatnila hlailtaBipltownalllfnm lUfWpoaui Ih«K<nt|««4t|tlw«iUlh^B«ir,S|Dialip,l) J, B., Bliak, l,,ia to 18 9.. 8 a.. 4 4..10 8.. 8 8..18 7..18 B,.ll •.. 0 10.- 8 ia,. 18 18.. 7 14:. 3 IB.. 8 11 a II 18 31 II 19 14 14 31 « II 7 19 F.n, White. 94 (o 90 98 94 19 33 98 18 18 98 10 90 18 81 98 38 93 18 II to 34 17..11 1» U.,11 1*., 1 30.. 8 31,, 7 31..11 38.-38 34 97 9B..1I 3S..S1 3T..1I 39.. 97 30.. 18 38 8 14 11 IB 17 81 II tt 39 98 18 18. Blaakwina. F. D. White, 37 to 90 90 18 H 18 18 I II 13 81 38 38 34 34 30 90 II 18 11 II 8 a 4 80 33 4 8 I*) Tha ireeUii tfau bu pnbUibed aererel gamea on thte (13 in 18) opentog, and we caa aee no good leaaon why It ahonld nol be grtoed with a nam^ to he dlaUngnlahed from other opanlngi- aad we win ntmelt "Dnndas^" u the mora 11 to 18 te named "BitetoL" Wa wonld like to tea man of the nndaanfiad opeik Inga played, andysed aad pnbUshcd. The pteyen of tbte coon- Ity aaem lo tblnk they cannot play oat Ibtee or lour of Ibo timl- liar openlaga, aad let tha buntlia aad Intricacies of new ud an- published, optalaga go snMsd. Solutten of Poiitlon No. 43»VeL XIII, Blaek- WUte. I to te 31 38 38 18 37 81 38 . 38 18 18 8 White. U to I 18 U 11 8 7 a 4 8 7 a 8, andwlna. 10 14 34 19 18 a 7 19 18 U 8, and Wins. Solution of Poiltlon Nb. 44.-V0I. XIIL BI JIHBS WlUt. Black. While. I Blaik. White. 1..38 to 80 8 lo 14 I a.. 4 te 8 11 to 4 a..aa 3i 31 aa m is u 8..II 19 90 11 e..98 t, andwlna. PoaHIon No. 4B, Vol. XIIL PoalUoii No. 46. Vol. XIIL m T. c or iBiasxD, BLAOS. fVoai ae OlaipoB SaUntl BI BLADE. WUITB. Black to mora aad win. WBIT& White to mora aad wia. THE LATE EABBT OBIBBXH. XB ouxtnt lisaa we UDonnead tha death of poor'Harrr Otib- bin ei baring occnned U Virginia City, V, T., on the lOlh at An- gnst, attira brief tUnete, from a complication ot dlieasei, re- matomg consdoas and conraralng wllti tho«e annnd hbn no to Ihe laat. Orlbbln wu weU and fkmnbly known whenra pngUlsm had a foothold, ud the moamfu) newe wU) take many by anrpriu, for to all of poor Birry'a late conuan* nicatlona be dwaya spoke of bte hcdib being toleiably good - but we prtaomt the nature ot Ihe air of Virginia, ntostal u lha Elsce Is many hundred fket abors the lerel ol lha aaa, wu loo can for Ortbhto, u It prored for Old Jack Balh, Bin Lee, sad oihers^ Who wen unable to iMooma sodlmated to Ibe pltc« Ibe 'death of Orlbbln, (wbo wu la hla 40lh year.) bu pnt an end te dibte tnnblee, for Hanr bad hla share of admdty to lllk, If erer any nisa bad. II win no doubt be frah in Ihe memory af many Init wUle Inlnlng tor Ue dgbt with Oobnm, he lul two ot hla cblldten by death, and a Iblxd ona pter ens to bte betUo with Hed WUsoa He hid nol been In OiUfonte long befon he alao mete (Oorlh and terrible bereanmeat to the loaa of hit wue, and an thea^ added to not Ibe beat ol lack In bndneas, doubt- leas caused him to brood orar his aflUctlons to bte loody boon more than wia rapuoaed, and battened hte tad. Harry wis bom to Ireland In 1638, stood eft. lltn. In helghl. and weighed 1441ba Ha commenced hla pagUlallo career by a game ud » tolnie baMIe with Join 01alk^ of Inrcrpool, (at wbow aalion i capital photonaph of blm mar be leen adomlna tha wdk aent on by Orlbbln to hla old ttiend. which wUl now be of gmatsr rdne to Ite ownv,) on Ihe ITih of Horamber, UU, when, attar 89 ronndt wen longht In C7 mlnulea, Clarke cams ont tbewluisr. Hla next appemnoe wu with Motaton, near Ltretpool, whom he ranqnlihed lo 9ar, 90m.. Hor. 93,1841 Bo wu afterwtrda buten by Mark Brookie, June 38, 1817, to U nnnda, Oilbbto'e flnl eppeannce to pnbUo to Amailct wu whsD he wu matched with Jem Farkei to fight to Canada on the 98lh of April, 1884. bnt owing lo a mlasndentandtog bolwMn TankMSnlUna (Parket'a trlmd) ud Wm. Budnga (Qilbblii'a npreaeatetlni aboo I the exact spot, bolh went to duSoent places, and conae<inenliy what might baTe prored a batUo well wolh vtmedag ended In a wnuglo and law ailt. In which ndlkat of the pttodpite lecelrad a copper, wa hare bem informed. A lllUa orar three reua af<or tkU nnrertunala slblr, Oribbto becemo matched wllh Joe Oohnn, (then occapytngsn eorlible MalUoa to Ibe eyta of the pogUidlo world hj bla WO mtontea batue renl wllh Hed Price |i tbte maloh wis for ilOOO, snd at Ihe tlmt aeaup no tooonaldenble exdtemani emonglhe aporte; U wuwoaby "— getttog home a terrible blow In the regloa of thebeut end <of the 91al roiud, ader tbay had been flgliUng Oobnm U tha . , , 80 mlnutea. and look place on the ISth of Mot., 1887) oa Ihla c» cadon Jack Fybura and Hen Winkle handled aribbto,wblla Jim- my White Orlbbto'a tntoertt and Awfol Oardnar aecoodsd Jo- sephna. Bfforiawenanetwatdamidelotenaw lha tulch, bul nothing aver came of It; and after ailendteg atoadlly to hte bust* aeu u a publican and taiobet ot spairtog, tor a couple ol y tan K ao, be agam ertoo'd a dedn to trt nil f ortnnoa to Ihe roped arena, and beoamamalched wllh Hed Wllaai; IbeWechawkeDlaampIca, tor tlOOli lhay fought on BIket'a Islind, 89r, 77mln., ending In a dnw, with both men rex; aoretoly puuiabed. The lite Harry Laaama auii Johnny Uooigbaa seconded Uie bold Hod- ward, aad Orn Foley and poor oil Jtck Bslh looked dlar Oiib- Un—Tom O'DonuoM wu Ihe releroe. Tbte wu Qtlhbto's Isst appearanoe In Ue Btog, ■ Wo neat find blm keeping a saloon on the cotnet or rill and Broome ttneb, bol not meetlns wllh Ibe raccau be deserred, be bought out Jemmy Masaer'e old place <n lha Bowary, and did tamarkibly wall, but he jldnH euy e great while befote he beoome poeeeend o( a Blroug d«aln to vidt Oalltoinu, which he did and opened a place then. He rabaeoiiantly ao'id oat Ihire. ao3 went to the Moun- tdn. wban Ue illd a Ttiy gtod iiadn>aa ITo vu getllug tircdi howerar, of the Trirllonei, end had b*sn trying to 4dl out hU ptaw tbetalnihebopeaof rtranlng to good old Hew lotkonce motabul wu ctirled off wbenrlteal einotad, India now nam- bond wltn ho dead. It la pleasant to now, howarer, tbU hi left enough behlod blm to uiaaraa nBnctona tunwal, and Uiat he owed no nan. Hte temdnt wars taua charge ot by Mlchsal McOloakay, a partlcolar iriudof toe dtoeaaed, who kept a lalco on B atreet, nmr Oribblna' New York Shadea on 0 street, udby Um eoanyod lo Ban Fnnolico on tbo laih ot Angnat, whore ba had a rety line and roipecUble fuoerid, Tba nmerd cortege alerted from Jis. UaUoy's, sndamoagal tkomonmetawan neti* the whole snotHag fraternily of tbo city, who followed Ibo motid leiBBlaa ot Iho boxer to tboir liu reoUog plioe. Poor Bany wiB much ealeemod ud rauoted by all who know hbn, A ktod hualend ud Iktber, an bonomble dtlnn, and a mend to hnmtnlly, dl wlU twd of hla death wUh mret, IBB MABLEZ AHD FOX MATCH, For thla promising bilile Iwbloh wta to hare baen fc , Sunday, Aag. 90, near Idaho Cllyl, Marloy went Into Iretol . momlog alter tha match waa made. AI flat acconnte ba wM . ktog hte breatbluga at Pete Douabue'e CaMn (no relation to BDy ol Uie Hotel de IrlabL about a mhe tnm Idaho. Mike HcDer- moU wu wllh him, giTlng htm u oooutonil rab. Fdsay had takao to UM a pair ol Indian Ciuht. Be aiya Ibal It i| better «• emire than tbumptog Iho aack. FoTbsdnotcommamid towoti by tha aoih ot July, but he wai gotog orer to tekil ibsiifil alFto; near Ulty,or "Bog'etoi" u the F>*oe Is commonly caUcd.<a Snndty aitesncoo, July 93. Hs lud a baneai itMiho on Sunday aflsnooB, ;nly' II, which wu wall attended,.: Ibe boxing wu good lot thai country. Sootty ot Brooklyn hu chaUaaged Ma^ IV, ao that MirlCT hu aU that he oan altand to, for wmo ttm* » aeme, u he tolnde to go ores to Montaiu to gtra Onm a thaUh npilacasaheoOfflifoSladvlnttilsinateh with Foy. AIMna gate IhioDgh Bllh ika-tMorado ohip thtn h« ulU be ntdT 1^ mnlBeoUji BoTiilhitfotimviimiMt X' -^OB the B wu ta-