New York Clipper (Sep 1865)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. _ jalj tnd emBf LuvJv, to Uw pulib of BspwiUBliBi Me- ' honMtlMliaAN * UlftlBOti BfflDtfOl* uA Iha dafmOiat Tom Kaa s IBllM Oout, Tom n UMttaC • horM) 'Si, It tppBna Uul h»mm! ' MBBWHoa HUD aiuull'i ai Mlgnttu, <%wii Uw ilnel, ■» MniaaBr. Tta hana uomad , AnlHitdeiiKdUiktlia bid UlnMdtha honk tnd Bid Om^tl' fecodi ba bid ba<a a pabUo nu for Taut, n* bad unr Mas ltd a abino ot onallj snltntd anlDit Mm. Hon* ■l^™' ■faheiiSIoabiualt. ftebmch Oitd blmMi. Tbadaftodiat '{lUPu^oaex,batnpiaiKdblmieUTair(UiaHaloA «U>> iSwnlbrtba nifllitntei. ■i'jfcaii*.-Pidar HcCaflrar, ono of tba "ntaiitdodBoniomcir Ha^waatenstlrtbondpltnt or a uuaalra gold nog •» tb» Mada of Uttla Jicl MoOrr Aj, a aporl wall taown and lbonagh> trappndaledlnPblladalpbla. ifooaftay tptmdabottijonbaiid toinaaaatbagraat Fltaman'a Toomamanl Ibata nnt moolb, than tUoga wlU ba tot Utatr In FI11». jlaarliu a citj nllnad oar, aonaj and, aad naaii tba badga ^nbouo Ibaftot OoB O'Bim UD Soma Tou Bwim nt a Omm.—Tbaaa toitbiw, btUliig cram difforaslpaita or tba cit/irbaietraalba itapa of Ibo BiaU Hooa4 tba DtdsatloD of Indepandaiic* ma Mdlntbagood old tmaa of *7t, bad a bsfftUog mitobnoaDtly It Jobaios'a Fam, abost aaran mllaa ont o( (own, to dadda tba nuattan of adoatloitly for a osa bimdrad dollar giaanbact, aod ifltr fiabtliic flltaao noodJ, Oob cantadoS tbapilmofTlctoiT ind tba greanbiok. To Ibooa tuacqaalntad wllb Cob, It win be H wall to oba^a tbil ba and Binine bolb appatral at SMak KolBtin'a lata bbatflt iboia. H, B.—Oob talka of 1 trip to ou lax-ilddcn tnd nliatablj dcilned dij. *Ila well. THE HUSG. TRY HARHY rATon lueu JENNINfiS' ntlAIXIBUi Boa, at nSAS. feo., IN DOQB, and an othw ial' AM IV tba Palaniaa at eaiiU poBoi, or M pat )il*nd8blppannvpUad,tT . ^ ^ - BiBBT JKNItlnOBt n lartlud alraet, Boatoa. unr TOBK iaraOT,—Hr. aao, M. Bobaitaon, Aganlfor tba Bair^>pantlDg Sawing MiaUoa, (19 Bnadn;, la alio Jennlnga' acanl to npply New itoik Oltj wllb tba Hagto Soap, taaua waniad. * Gkimplonl Ohimplonll Ohtmplonlll (M MDDIO HALlt Ut BBOASWAT «M na 00^ placa of anraannant o> Bioidwar wban abangan and Maadimaatwilhiecapaoaallkai Tba Obamplon baln« tba aa- baowltdgtd baidsouiaia ot tba mlrlb-lorlna ftUamllr of Hew Toak, iod tba onlj plioa wbara TlaiWn can lecaiTa liarUsg In- fonutlfo aa renrda tba aportlng OTanla on tba "tapla." THE HOei OOHPLnS OALLEBV OF BFOBTINa PHOTO- ORAFaS IN TH* WOULD. THntTT BBAOTIFDL LAST WiUXSa, KATC SIAkTON, Pnprlatraaa. OHABLBT QBOTEBIEEN, Manuel. IMm* ADMlaSIOn FUBB, Oome tnd (m th* Smilleit Dogt In ths World.' Xogatber *IUi • Una conaeHon ot JapanaM Ball, all aolonh nabuin/ lama, and a nnmbar of Ibe Canlna Bloat alao, a Ana tUtm QtlStrj. Tbeaa don are kept far elock, tnd can ba aeon u FLETCBBITS HOTEL. N. V, eannr of Iblilamth tnd Oliwd ATenna, philidalpblt. Bala al- wajB on band, and good acoommodiUoni for doga. 4^ Doga Mmnud and trealad for aU dlaetaea. IS-tt Tlw ChtriM H. Manhill Houm. . MnOBAEL BKNBT FioHlalor. tio. «* FDLTON BIBEET, BBOOUni. THZ OEOIOEST ALO, WINES, UQDOBS, AND BEaABSi H Red Houu, Hirlam. TUi once popslar place of reiort, wblcb li locilad on Bagea.: iTanne between loilb and lOMb itrnla. li now nndir tba Dinage- oent of MASK UAQOIBE, wbote aieitlosiwlllbedtrectadtoteaUnlDgilaromierglotlea. Allacbed te II li tbe tunooa Bate Tnok; BttUlog for fUlr bonta; BUUiri Boomi, Ball Boom, and BeaaUfnl Oronndi lor Flo Nice, Bow Boala, etc Ibe doeat aoallUea ot Wlnw, BpUlla and Halt Ll- fOon, and tba cbolctat bnnda ot Bagira kept at tba bar. Hotaea trtlned aod taken on llToiy, T- 8L Ronin't Wall, nuifitng. L I. lUa dallgblfallr localad OBOTE, dlutad oppoilte FLDSBINa BAT, la OFIN FCB THE 8EAB0K, for Ua accommodation of nONICB, KXOOUBION PAI17IE8, BtC. Tttt MICHAEL STANTON, Fnprietor. ■•Kinfl.QtovM for 8tl».<—The Veferra Mnltr of taeaionleah OLD BILL lOVEE, wUl aend, on recedpt of It, per B^naaitnpirta^aelof BOXIMO OLOVES, to lOjBtalenowln tb aPnl o». aloraa cleaned tnd npilred. imc ABI OF BELF-DEPENCBtngbIb; Ur.IOTee, either at klBKnm qt tba ptafU'i leatdance^ on reiaonible tarmi. ■ \nLLIAIl XOVBE, . / MMit teanna Plank Bead. Boibwlok, BiooUtb, Ik L F. O. i4lMai,^Boi 8M SrooUjn Poai Offlca. The DeKalb ATasne Oaie, FiHoi Fany, lake jm te Ibt old ge n lle in i n 'aia eld i i j . HBrtnto Forry Heoge, [FOOT OF aWl ST., EABI BITEB,] Tba udenlgnad'woQld napeetfollr Infom Ua Crtenda and tba psIiUatbat be baa liken Iba tbore named beanttfol annunar re* aat^ wbiob be baa fomliliad ud'dacoraUd In a ttyla of comfbil and elaguoe tku will be found wortliT of tbeir patraiage. ALIftWINISl LiqDOBS.'andOIUABSoftbaTar7bettqiialUj. ■eHOPS, BTBAKS, and DIMNEB8 imed to order. av BOAIS^ FISHme TAOELE, md bait costtanll; on band. Mi roBN LAWBBNOB, Proprietor.. Tanunmy HOI, Qto. U Tinmtn, Pm'r. Ml BEACH at; nth Ward. PHELADKLPHU. OHOIOB WINES, SPIBITB, ALES, AND OIOABS, R.B.—ThaSmalleatBliakandTiP In Itae Ooonlr/to be leen at lauanjHaU. Dogaaantrlfflmeo, and all kindi of canlna dl» ■aeeaniedwreamTiiblatamu, * 1-lf THE ^kHtTE HOUSE, Ho. 118 QBARD 8TBEET, one door (ran Broadwar, IBB HBADQCABTEBS OP THE BPOETIMa WOBU>. Wtnaii^Uoiioi*, Alea, dgan, and aTarTtUigol Ibe beat qoalllj, PBIVATB USaoNB uTiPABBINa, bj Kr. Joaqib Oobsm, ellta tt Ike ptpU'a tealdence, . . OB AI THB WHITE H0D8B. a • JOE O OBDBH, Pioprleler, Soddls Rook Oyiter ind Dining Siloon, IM OHATHAH OTBEET, cono ot PearL Alea, Wlnaa, Uqaora. and Benn of anoeilor qulltx. Bebeib. aaU at an boui,' BIOBAZL TBAINOB, Pnprlatei, a-U "Ed WBmii." •« WUien," No. U LEDOT PLAI Oan« of Blaeckar tnd Qieena eta., U] MnwTOBa. Sanplo Rotmi. n ELU BTBEET, BOSTON. ADDIBON B. DOLE Proprietor. OeaitnitQr on hand, the beat of WlHEfl, UQOOBS, AND'OUIABS. U-em A.a.I>OLB, a I I Wimim Hlgslm * . . . v„ v. Hu the pleaaoie to annonnce to bla Manda and Ibe pnblla Ibtl ba baa opened Ibe liiga and oofflmodlona pramljea, gaiJBOUIlK, oomer ot BnlllTtn itreela, ta t riBBT-CLiS BAB BOOM, wbm be wlU be bippy to meet aUwbottTorklmwlth aoell. lMm» Kll Bariw on Diokl 378 WATSB BP, BaL Pack Blip and Dover iti,, Newlf Atted np at a Wboleaale and Belaa Lunor Bune. FlBST ClIbB ALES, LIQUOBS, AND OKIABIL [IMb< Juk MoOrvitBl'* Sporlng Home, N, W.COB. OP UtACH AND POPLAB BM., PBILASEPHIA. rbegrealfalnrlaljof dgbttaigand fanar Doga In tba Slate to btnaatMoOBTBIAL'S. 18-tf Hcuti of Commoni, v ^ ^ U Wm nODBTOH BIBIBT, Hew York, and HZBTLE ATBN0E HOTEL, >grBaMjit]atndBiiab«toktmnea,B>ockln, ^ BOBKBT BMITH, Proprietor. ConoRtt u nanal, arair MondtJ, Wedneadirand Balnrda} eranbM at Ibe Home of Common*. Onnd Obowder ereiT SandvattbeMjrUaATannaEoleL l»4m* Oemo tnd See BAH TDBNZB, TBB OBIAT CAimlB HEDIOO. The DnIon Booae. M Portland atieel, Soalon, Wbara dogao' aU klnda are bought and ioM. I biTenowtbe handnmaat Ilalltnitock dog In America, wblcb la now to be aeenttlbebar. DonlWwa^eatoiUparUot Amn^^ Sogi Healed lor tU hlndi of dUetaee br Mr. lOBNEB blmaair, wbara aTarraltanUonwtU be paid, Frontier Houie, n6. ej NEW BOWSBT. - JOHN B. BOOBB Proprietor Baal Alea, fflnca, Utsot^ and Begart. IMm* lini'e Exohinn. No. 26 Eiit Houiton bL IHBBBANOB, Cor. of Third Aia,k BaTent;-ATit it, Are in Iha foil tide of noceeifol operation. Tba paiaonil enper- Tliln of tba PnpTlelar at TBI XXOHANOBt a« beretDtar^ dor- lag iha neniDff, and at THB BBAMOH Inrtngthe.aflamooD, guiilbttia lhepotlllnVle*'nn and enJOTaeni 0) ererj TlUlanl, It beliii in nUTaraill/ recetfed ailom ihit EABBT knowa tnll w^Tyrnr to EnptO ood Hotel." , . aM«« Pat DInon. 138 Avenue 0« oornar of Ninth etreet. .... AUa WlalS. UQII0BB,- AII1> dSABB, WHOUSAli AND BCIAIL. jtnt elf iriie>i» It r eaeoMMa rated. .)Mt* . Fof. Sile.-A bMoo of Superior Jhorouahltrod Bnm&OOS. and TWO BnOAD-BABD OBOnBS amiB, HOBWOODi., Boi l»t> ^Mt Ofl«*> nikMpUi, ft, o^'^'i")' man's EMPORIUM. IHUB >P(€KWITH OUR PATBOBB. "OOOD FAITH k DnPATOB OEBBTFT M. EVANB * CO.'l NEW lOBK FOBWiBDIMS AaENOT, No. 93 Libert; ttitel. New Tcrt CII7. BIND FOB ODB CATALOODE-FOBWABDtlD OBATia We have en bind, tnd will toward at tba ilntaat nctloe, aU titl. dee niedbj IBS aPOBTXHO MAN, THE MAN OF LEI8DBB, THBMAN OFTASTB. THB LABOIST AND MOST VABIZB AffiOBTMEKT IN TBI OITT. J0-BOOE91 BOOESI BOOIBt^ SDBBEB OOODB OF THB BEST QTrAUTI Pocket Albnmi, PIctorea, Btereoaccple Vlewa, Cartel deTlaltt Icroacopio Knliei, Walcb Cbirma, Plna,'C{nr Omti lobaocofioxea. Finger Blnga, Porta am- ofioxea, Finger Blni*,Pi nilea. MtlobBaiea, to, ko. BOVLRTB WHEELS, FABO BOXES AND TOOIB, TP .WkDRS BBXABS, DICE, PB0P8, DICE-TOPS, FABO CHZCU^ OABD BACKS, PBE83BB, POKBB GBIPSl tnd BVEBT KIND 01 TOOL OB CARD D8ED BT SFOBTEia HER, Wa diim to I17 orer aTtir eatablMunent In tba Union lawu jnat apedaUr of 1^ BfAJRKSD OAXUIS I JM The dneat tarictr, seweat atrlca and netleal lulab, Bampli ahaein and price Uatt flmrarded FBEB to aoj addrata. JVOABOB OUT TO WIN AIEVEBIOAMB OPOHAR0K.-«| BPOBTma MSN, BUI lOUB OOODS OF A BPOBIIHO HAB, and ym win be dealt wtib II (5h IBE B4UABB." WB CAN ZNABLB lOU TO WIN AT STBBT OIUB. Wa Intlla plaiart to aend foronrdrcniaraand price lliti be- fore bn) Ing tbelr (porting ctrda and looli for tbe coming teaaos, ai onr gooda are not onl] tor SALE bn. for UBB. IZBOB'S INDIAR OLUBB; alto, BOXINa 0L07X& INFOBMATION forwarded gratt I In riliUon to iB DOBTIHS mtllera and eTeali. Oooda I* Ike amonnt ot Id aid nowatda aant bj e iyif , PAIABLB ON DEUVEBT. Bend jenr tddreta, and jon win reoelte on baadwBt and oomplala Catalogse FBEE OF BXPENB& All letten aaiwared, and an oiden dlled Immedlilelr on Ibali receipt, Addrett aBBBITT M. ETANS k 0O„ a»tt No. 33 Liberty ttteet. New lorkOllj. M E D I 0 A L W 0 B K B . VALUABLE PHTEIOLOQIOAL WOBEB, Bi Ibe Oelebitted OB. HOLLICK. ILLUBTBAIED BI COLOBBD PLATES! THB UtBBUQB QUIDS Bhonld be In the btndi of eTarr mirried and alngle penan In Iho country. Tbe price of (be book la 11.30 THE MATRON'S MANUAL OF hUDWIFEBT. Erery mother abonld poiacu It Pilco $1.30 TBEATIBE OH DISEASES. Price ll.SJ Tbaaa booki are bonnd In clolb, and pnfaaely Uioaliated with colored pliUa, andare tbe btat pnbUibed on the mtinege rala- Uon, and Iha myiterio* of Ibe organa and dliaiaet of generation. UEDIOAL COMMON BGNBE, ByDr.Foole. Price tl.W Any ot the abore beoki aent, poalige pild, by mall, by JAUES DAY k SON, 70 Oburcb alrcft, 34-13t New HiTtD, Conn. ■WStBiXBB AND MOCBTAO|^ IN FOBTI-TffO ^ DB. BOND'S CELEEBATEO UPANIBH BALSAM la gnannleed to ton:e a tnU ael of Wblakan orll KODilaobea In all waeka. a CANNOT BB BEAT BI ARIODOB, ONOU^T, FLUID OB ANIIBOla EVEB INVERTED. fg- Bimnonoi aciummo on Mom Bmmiii. ■/ ' PBIOB 0RIS^i>OLLAB, orepaeki«iaibre0. AUr«aaUOTd«s«a. 4. T. OUTnROk 00.. UB Detrbon atreei, Cuome,- ^ 9 f 9. 9 B 8 < BEAT THIS IP TOU CAN.-IM for 31c.—Oa receipt al 30c,IwlllaendlOOPIotsniiortbeBANDBOME8T LASIBB g^Qi AMERICA. Addreu TATLOB, No. 1 Elilea Ooui <0-M-lt*«a- 49- Plibert tt below Mb, Pbljadelibli, P^' J « a p NOTIOI. NOnOK IM forS ^ « I ^ 3»ota.'^ on re ceipt of ^> ^^*^30 0(1. I will tend 100 BPI£NDID PICIUBE8 OF -V^ 4^ FEMALE BEAUTiea They ire liken Don Ufa. . dV Addreu J.TAILOB, No. SHldae'CooH V ■r>A-lt« • FUberi etreet, below »lb, Pblladelpbia, Fn.-CB SBBAUTIPUL BONOB for tbote that loTt llrely alnglng, fhr 10 eania, Addreea a.UOUSHIHO, M-lt* n, W. cor, Third and Arab eU, PbOadalphle, Pt. aa. UATBIKONI UADB EAST, or Mytterltt ot Making * Lora.^^ Fnl y eiplaloed, wlih 4^ 30 iptamaa^B Lore Lelleri tent b; mall. 30c Uim» F.LAIlB£CTMOOBEkCO,aOgAichit.,PkllAd'a,Pi. 100 PBOIOaBAPHB OF FBHAIB BBACTIE8, 30a-BB 100 Ameiloan Actrtaiea, colored In oil, 300. -CB Itr 100 BeanUinl Photographa, colored In oil, 30a < ^B i^tm* F. LAMSEBIUOOBB k CO., 306 Ar«b tt, PhlUd'i, Pt. KOBE BEIMOUB, or Iba Ballet Olri'a BaTooga, 3(c Female LirelaNewTork,4V«'WengtmTlnaa, Me, The Bean- tlfol Ireaob Olrl, lUulrtied, 30c F. LAIdBBBI HOOBE k CO., 30<Arobatrett,Pbllidelplili,Pa. Sl-Om*^ > BOBB BEIMOUB, THE 49- PBEITI B^JiET OIBL,— 4SP Uluilrated. B«ntonrKelptofa0canli. - Aaaitaa - J. lAILOB, Ho. 9 BMe'a Oonrt, ^ ■9A-U* Filbert al., below Nlntb,Pbllidelphli,Pk THE BEAUTIFUL PBENOB QIBL. . ^ 4V-Benton leoelplofaScta.'^ Addrea J. TAllOB, Ho. 9 Elde'i Oonrt, -. 3i-l|e FUbert at, below NInIb, Pblladelpbia, Pi. FEMALE LIPE'Ve IK NEW lOBE-^ Uliatrsled wllb <0 EegtaThigi.-^ Bant on receipt ot 80 cenlt. Addreea f. TATLOB. ho^i HUt'aOoort, 3t-lt* FflberlatbeiowNlBlb,PbIladalthla,Pt. HOIXOWAI'B PnXB tre a lore remedy for an aemi eon- plaint! and may be taken br temilee of all agea, wbo are Bul&rlng from a diaorgtnlied ayalem, or thoae dlatreailng die- eiaaa in partlcolir whjeb treqnanUyoocnrttrom lonlientlon) at the tun ot life. Tbey are ao mild that tbe moat delleata female maybkatbemwithpenaoleatety. - 'IN -TTANOI PIOEONB. JJ FlNOIPiaBONB. FINE POUTEBB WANTED, Plcate addreit, itiUng leggth tnd ibipo ot body, length ot agt, tlte crop, leelber and Ofiiitt, ■ JOHRKAIEB, ton FUbert etreet, ai-tte Pbllidelphli, RIOHI BABBII AND BAOIlll BOOSBI BOOBBII NEW BOOKS Beauiiml Llle-llka OABTB DB VIBITEB . And PHOTOOHAPHB. SFOBima oooDs and ubbobandise 47 OF EVEBI DESOBIPIIOM 49- AT SEDUCED BATES. -KX Send for my great titcnlar. All otdua, una aod amtll, thinktolly leoelrad tnd loma. dUlaly filled. Band aU otdeit ta Ibe old eatabllihed and lellabia finn, tasza B. dbxteb, 9«0Btoadwaj.N.T, eirailiif forwudedaiieeclplottgcalamp. 91-11* RATE VAUOB,—Bent (lee by niU tor TVELVB OBNIB. Twain tot ORE DOLLAR, oy DAI k BON, 91-Ut TdObucbitraei. New BiTu, conn. TLLUMIHATD 1 Talaa^FUIKBN cent! leeb I eight for IL gent tfee by null m reoelpl ofpriea, by Snwer tl. Mew BaTta, Conn. 91-181 ai IBUB ABT OF IBODUOINa A UEBSBBS OP lOUB FOTUBE HUSBAND OR WUE. MADAME IX OBAMD, Olalmyut, By thb aid of tba ptychonotnp^ a ntwiy UiTeBtad Inncb In tnunenl ol Inlanie power, eaa pndb^ *'t poiaet Uteneaa elyoor fntue pirlatr.wtUi tnlUilaol aaoa,pedabliiyaliaunatiacii, tildditdofmUTtege. BbawUltltotalfnaiAaUieryouBtr- tladlUewinbabinyoreibanln. ntbHe.oau'iitbtltand p. 0. SnMt (1), OoiMM, Hi Xi tifd aieg, ndebolM " . AddNU SMI* • BOOKS BI TBE Mn.UONI „ FOH TBEMiLLIONl AT PBICES TEAT CANNOT FAIL TO OIVE CATIBFACIION TO EVSRI BOIBn. J. B. FARBlLL, No, 10 ANN STBEET. (ORB OF THB OLDEST BSTABUBHHBNIll IM TUB OITI OF HEW TOBK.) bu tbe Itrgeal and bott aa'attment of Booka, and eruy aiUole ntsaOy (applied by the iridn. Any ullde that cu be obtained In any iter* In Ibe United Butea can be oblalaod a No, 10 Ana atteet Doa't fill to otll tnd enunlne the aloct, ae II compriaea eyerrlblng la the iportlog line. CaUlognca ttrlng ihe foiled partudlaie la 10 atyle o; Booka and prion foialahed 00 ^pUca- Uoa. Dethra iboo'd glia me a otll, ta I im TBB LABOKET POBLIBHKB OP TBESE BOOES, ke., ^ . LS TBB OBIOH. Tfaoie tboot to coomirnaa bniloeie cen obliln eTczy Informa' Hon by applying ptraosallj or b] letMr, CiUoraldnaa J. B, FABBBLL,' 31-lt No. 10 Ann ilriat, icu Drwdway. UAVB lOU SEEN THAT CATt THB OLD STAND BBOPERED. BOIBl I hiTe Jut relnmed (rem Puli ellb Ibe OAUL DARNDB8T tiTOOH olUie "BBALIIMUN PDBB," |<VATIEB BVEBBBBD." None ol yonrclBj pfcyed oatmbwab, bnt lome- thlaglhil wiU nuke Ton 'leNUnV^anT OUT," uo->DB JORleoBpm cteb. BUT 'EM, IIB BBITBS^StN BlBlKIRa A PBOTOORAPHIO: ilOVELTI, coiltlDlng U parieol OUT and OUI Vlewa. tor 0«cenli. ITBABTDN^EB,BOI& n DUbrent MtchtnlcU Plctntaa, In colon, Ten rare. Piloe t3eich, A HANS8CMB BOUND ALBUM, It Large Cototad Begrar- Ingi. "lOOIUUL." Price 1100. AN IMUENBB BOOK, Wllb 19 Bleel Eagrailoga, aent by eipieaa on receipt of |8. 0(0 Other Onriona Worti of Arr. ta- BEMD A BIAMPbD ENVZLOPB FOB A 0ATAL0aUB,-O Addreti the old eettb'labed and weU knows Arm of MOSPDI k CO^ n BI Naato itteet New Xork, WONDERrULLI BTBANQBII TO THE OUBIOUB . By a new and identUc procaia I am eotblad to modooe a oorrect llkeneu of yoor partner, Aoy lady or gentlemin. by tending Ibtir age and color of bilr and tja, will reeelTe by n- torn man a phologiaph of tbelr wife or bwMnd (bat la to be) alio date of mtrftage, Addnia (eidcain; tO cenia anditamped IddretMdenTclope), Mra P. A. MASON, 31-11* Poet Office Dnerr 33; Albany, M I, FLBE MOUSrACBES IMPORTED, ill colon; ptioe «l a pelt. Marked PUylng Ctrda, $1.00 a pack. Btlr £itdKitor, II a ptckige, by miO. Bead tump (or dmlir of 40 dUforeot artule*. Addreaa JOSEPH L<kUTQN k CO, »tmK 80WUtoatieet,HewIO(fc. ASK AN? BOOKSELLER OB NEW8DEALSB FOB IQ^^g^ AHDSOOUEBIEBOFNEWIOPK. Nov iv*Aj. lolli til ftboal Lofc> lerlot, • Pull>7 Cetlon, Mtlrimtmlil AdTorttKinenti, oPuaoDtU," Fortune T«lliog, tfitohu of K«w York, ainconc«rliiod Oin JcwliT.aimblenud tbelr Ylc* tloMp (HnvUag, aigbny nooberr, PlckpookAU, FaUot Bafep Fock«t Book Drapplag, Tblml|^r g, CoDcart Btloon ud "Pifttj Wftlter airl't" Soclftl EtH, Pro otmim. FtDd Qune. HickmeD. Qtuck* uid Medlonl HumbJtti, 8. T. 1600 Z. Uof Uohe Fomn tnd otbar twladlefli Pctroleam BirlDdlAip Babblo Gom- puil«i,aoUMIaQaud KloLog Oompulci, Lore Powden. wbal tbej an iaid« of, Uoir to B«oomo iDvlilble, Agrlniltoral Pnpbeti, TruimaitUun, SltuiUon A^eodet, 9ewtDg Utebloa Bwlndlrs. FwutbuUtlug tftrtsdlen, Coofideuco Oimai, Profti- ■tonal Bfg^TB, Heln Wnted, CooDtorfrlton and Oonn'or-'elUnir. Expom 111 BwlDrilrs ourled on throngb tbo Uttl. 6bo«s ap all blodiofHucilitj. A moat Ibtorottlog took, and ooonf great Tila& X20 ptgHa brantlmUj Uludtnled, only SO oenli, poitpald. kold bj all Dcalarc J. C. HANET & CO. FabliahWfl, 100 Nuaau it., Not York. I REMEDYiirnitllMIICET oiv II K 1 r, c & GOLDEN ODOR DB. BBIOaS' OOLOBN O'DOD Will force a beintifol eet or WbMen and Monaticbe on Ibe amoolbat lace In from flia U> diihl waekf, wtlboot atiln or Injon lo Ibe akin, or bilr ou bald bceili In elgbl weeks (and no bnmong). 1 recelro reoommeodtUone neirly every day from penona who biTo need it and looud II genuine. Dead ttatl. DB. BBiaoS—Dun Bb: At I bira peiaoniUy etperlenced Ibe benefit ol yoor Oolden O'Dor, 1 oennot refrtln from frtrlng my leetlmony ii lo 111 merll,. My fice m entirely tmoolh, tod no whlikera to ba aeen. I cuDmencad nibig yonr Qolden O'Dor, tnd lo tlx ve^ki I fonnd i dne orop of Wnliken tnd Moniliobi aiariloF, and tbey are now gnwiog tnely. I dncerely Irut Ihli teatlmonlil mayproraof timuen benefltto you tithe O'Dor bu to Tonr bumble lemnt aod well wither. ' I will tend my OOLDEN O'DOBhy mail, poet ptid tnd tailed, tor 11.30, or lire for |0. In order lo obliln Ihe geunlne tiUele, tU ordera nintt be lent lo DH. 0. DIUaoB, lO-et P. 0, Diewer 0308, OUoigo, ni. JUBT PUBUaBEO. FURI FUNIl FUNIIt TbeLUfeindldrentoretofJEFfERSON DAVIB, Bendforlt Bent by mill lor 30 oenli. Addreea C. L. DBiaOB, IMl IM Dearborn itreet, Cblctgo, m. HARBACH BBOB. JBOTOQllAPn AND ALBUM DEPOT,— 80 PICTURES, BPLEhDID ALDUU, wllb openbigi for 00 Cmt, fine morocco, ebiied ednct, 8 iToiy oinmtnti tnd Ufhl clupi. TUi It the oheipeil book erir offered, Milled teW iddren for only 13.00, by UABBAOU BBOa, 08 North Eighth iuret PhOidelpIili. Bune aljle, holding 100 ploturei, millad ftr 10. Albnma in areiy ilyle. 384t A LLES HOUSE, ^ OnuRD AT. AND 19rB BIREET, PHnADECPHLA. JBFFBIB BBOTHEBg Proprielore. Penona (torn Newlork and other dUea Iniendlog to riallPbll. adelphla to ate Ihe Ptremin'a TOumiment, tbonid notforgat Ibe kbore eiUbliihmtnt 93 0t SUSIEKNIOBT: or,TheTraeBliloryotaPrelty Waller OltL ABIOHandBAOIPoem. ttpigei, hudiomelyllluiirtled. Only 90 eta, Addreea P. O, Box 1 J, Ulnidala, N, B, l»-8m* (fanOP QOEa THE WEASEL. .'.'"-AUhiDdi lonndit Jtr APlckpfTBANSPABERTOABilSlei 1100. A Bnny Boyt'Bong Book for 00 oenti. A I'Snippltb'' BloiT Book lor 90 cenlf. It loBU lOTaly Pbolograpbi, ll.H, A Peek of Harked Oarda, 11.00. Audi 11 — A WbBcUng, WoUleklsg, Wldlckuumt Clnralir te HU. ' JNO. BUBNB, 18.11 10 Nttain meet. New lock.. TBB tiaOtST THIHO OUT. JEFF. DAVIS IN THE CALABOOBEi ^ THE PLATBD OUT OONrBDEBAOI, Ibe ahoia la a new book, lull trOD ler preaa. Italn'tBoueof yont biokedoc ptiyid out beoki, bnl It u entirely new book; BBVEB OEFOBB FCBUBH8D, ItUby&r THB 0ATE3I BOOK EVBB PUBLIsaSD, ud liket the tblne out ot ereryIblo/, Be eaie tnd tend for II, ud foUow tbe old miiln, wbub iiri, Ungb tnd Orow Fit Price 38 etnli, Utiatlndnoaininutoihotnde. Addteai XOM OOLLINB k CO., 1941* Drawer 800b Detroit, Hieb. XUBEBBB, MODSrAOBES AtiD BALD BBAI«.-8ead for my ONUDENT, (hleb le preptied byin emloal Obamlil In Ibltdlr. fflU foroethe baud lo grow In from flie to eight weetifwuttnlediiaDdlinotlnJuriouitotheikln, llperboi,or IknefoTU, Addrea Dr, THOMPSON, . 9841* ,,' BoxM«>,BO(UB.Mait. StAjDlDlD BONOS and two PBa«)OBAPaS te 98 eta. and tad tlam», Addrau ttW, BOLAND k 00., Antwerp, 0. [18,81* V: '00 OAM on' "IHOSa books" b* men .'lO. K.,'.' or ;by "0.0. D.," or al No. 90 Inn aireet. Haw Terk. MonaitempedaaTelmtoceaaUlone. . Illbtaonl. aBLAaaHABO,%Ultber. X aipiens. 'v.v.II.." oral a«nd yout addrao on a itamped (Mm* . .Ogllbtaonl. A OOOSBOOK'roaaATBOT&gOd^ ••lUbla|n''inMhi> "CteARK CONVKBBB'BBANJO WITBOUT A MlltlBi aeo- X Idslag a cbolcce coUectlon of Baejo Boloai Jl«. Boci*. Betla. WaliRlieunda. AUpWnlyeipUiDed: PrtSfJoMBlfc , TBB OOMPLXTElaOBlIB tAMVR AND^rABRlKB, U JOS. tiled tnrKtrey tnd Xnowlton; eootainlng nanynlsibli tadpni, BlOHlBDBON'B MONITOB AND BITUAL OFFBEEM^BON- BIl 89 degreta; lUnitrated wllb nununue agrtHnii, Pater eoTan, priee 00 oeniai bound In ekrib. Mice II, . COUBTdUIP MADB BABIi Or, Tbe Myileriea ol ten Miktaa FoDy Biplihied; containing nummu apadnan lore Leuera. Price 10 eenti. BOOK OF 0OO PUZZLB8. Blaabtled, Pilee 00 ceali. PABLOB IBICES WITH CAB08, Beroity bgriTlngt, Prioe BOeenbt OAMBLXB'B TBIOKB WItH CABD& Orer 100 THcti. Price BOeenIa, LB'MABOBARD'8 FOBTUNE TBLLEB, and Dnaner'a Dto- ilonary, containing Lncky Nnmlxn; To Enow wbo year Pnlare Hfuband or Wife win be i TO Know whether youBweetbeul lorea yoo, Ao.' Bound In Dearda. Price 40 cenla. CBBSIEBFIELD'B LEITEn-WBlrBRlndCOHTLBTCBOOE OF ETIQUBITE: or, Oonda^ Byitemallo DIrecUogi for Amiia. Ing and WrlUng Leliera. Alao, Model Coneanondncetai Priead, ebjp and Booneae, and t greil nriety of Model Lon Lallare, Bound In Boaidf. PrIee 40 eenia, HOW TO MIX DBDIER. Oootalnlog Rtdpee for Mldng Ame- ricao. QigUab, Freoob, Qamen, Ilalun, Spinlib, and Kittlan Drlnkn-mcb i( Jolept, Pnncbee. Cobblet% BUogt, Cocklalli, Ac. ByJenrlbomaa. Price 13.80, . TBB ILLU8TBATB0 UANIVOOOX OF BILIiIAnO], D; MIcbielPbelatfatdOIandluaBeiger, Price 80 oenla. TUB PARLOB MAQICIAN, Oontalnlng orer 100 Trirki with Dice, Domlnoee, Oirdi, Ribbena, Handkirohlclk, Coin, Ac, ex, Slalned wllb One Uundreil and Twenty-One Bngrarlnge. Price Icenli, On receipt of ibe nine, ellbtr In Cub or Siampak conlea of en; of the abora-named Booka wlU be aent to any pirt o( the United BUtet or Outdu, either by niiU or eipnu, tecucly tnd naitly ptoked, poit-jpald. BECOLLEOII any Book yen Vint yon aaa biTi it Iho idret, Add Uied price, mo ddreee DICK k FITZaEBALD, PnbUiben No, 18 Ann atreei, New lork. WH1EBZB3 MOUSTACHES FOBOBD TO QROW UPON SMOOTHEST FACa- IN FROM IHBBB TO FIVB WIBE8 IT maa Sa SEVIONt'8 BESTAUBEIUEB CAPILLADIK. Tbe moat wonderful dlMorery In modem lolence, aoUng npon THB BBABD AND HAIB IB an abnoet nlnonloua manner. It bia been oied by the dlle of Piria and London with the moat Haltering anceeia. Mimea oi all purebaiera wlU be reglalered, and If eittie aitla- ^tjon ll not gtren In arary Inelnooe, the money wiU be ehaerfni- ]y refunded, Prioe by mall, aealed and poet pild, ll.Oa Daa- oripUTedrenlanandteBtlmonlalamaileaaee. Addreea BEBOEB, BCHULTZ, A CO.. Chemliti, P. oTbiawar 91, Tioy, N, t. Sola aganti for tbe United Blalea, I4-aow0ia fclP0BTBl S BBADTBIBl WBTrnjiBEND TO ANI ADDBBS8 SIX OOLOBBD QBRUIHB IMPOBTBD PICTDBB8. ALSO, THB LATEST QAI BONO publibBed. AND OUB OBEAT ORIOlNAL CATALOODB FOB FIFieER OEMIB. WE DEAL ONLI in OBNUUiB DOOD.-l OATALOOOBS PBE& •«» fW AB letten utwered by reinin mill, 80BE. Addreai W, 11, FOBD k CO., IS-Bm* No. 107 Droadway, Niw York. j^UAN: IK CONVBBSE'S OOMPLEIB BANJO INBTRUd'OB, WITHOUT A MABTEB, Oeslalnlng a ohdoe collection of BANJO SOLOS, HORNPIPES. nBELS, JIOB, WALK-ABOUNDS, BONOB AND BANJO STORIES, ProgreaalTely Amnged and Plainly Explained, ambling Ibe learn- er to become a proddent DaiOolat wllhoat ibe eld of a leachar, ThliboOklinooalcbpenny aAlr, but lajoatwhilwe uyttii. The Initrudor 11 Uliiatieted wlcb dlagiami and ttplanitory ajm- boU 100 ptgia; bound In boirdi, doth biak. , PBIOB 00 OBNIB. Coplet of tbora tent bee of pottage on receipt ol priiM, eend eaahotdaieta SIOK k FirZOEHALD, »4m* U Ann Itreet' pBOIOaBAPBS. PLAOt FIFTEEN CENTS BACH; SEVEN FOB ONE OOLLABi SO.- TKEN FOB TWO DOLLABS: EIOBT DOLLABS FED HON- OBED. OOLOBED TWBNTI-IIVE CENTS EAOBi FIVB FOB OXB DOLLAB) FIFTEEN DOLLABS FBB HUNDBED, SENT FBEB by mall on recdpl ot named pricea, on receipt of CASH, by MEW nAVEN PHOTOOBAPBIO CO., 19-8m* Drawer 04, New HaTeB, OoBi. PBTCOtlBTBIO /ASdNATION.-A treaUia en Ihe art ot "Mul charming," abowlDg Uie only true and edanHfloineitaodof gaining Ihe lore of dthareai. Sent tcee on laeeliit of ■ lUmped tddietied enrelopb Addreu box 18t«, Olerelud, 0. ll-bn* rrmosx pBTite, OHABuma 4- MICROBOOPIOjTIRWS. IbiTeilirsetiiOihnentof ^ HICaOBCOPIO VIEWA letlnWttohCbinnitnd Bciif Pint, Ao. IwlU tend yonoie mmpli tcr 00 centi. Preddenia Linoolo tnd Jotmion, Geneit'i Onot, Bbermin tnd Bberidu, BtcretuT Sewud, tnd Qenetaliof the dllennttrmli), Rorib tnd Bonlh, In gnopa ot large number ot baida, aal In ua Poekal Kniraa, linger Blnga, Opeie OUaiee, Pen Boldara, PeacU OaaeL Watch Xeya, Mlalaliire Druma, Cannona, Oitriaiea, Ae, Bona, iTOty, Pearl and OntlA Parcha Oroaieij Dlblu, 17> aUaaeaj fintntloal and mock caricitnte Obirai Heart and Breial Plni, Blnga, Ae., Ao, of aUrar and lold, gili pWed, Ae.. of nench duliiD, ranging Item 81 np to ltd at Wboluilo tnd Be- lAll,'wia a large dleoonnt to Ihoae ordariog by Ihe doitiL IifcrmaUoo aent on receipt Ola red Blaap. Addreea FBANIZ LXaBABD,. 39 Jnbn atreei, IB^mtl* New lark Oily. PHOIOOBAPH.OARDS lOB OBNTLBMBN. , ■ Simple, along wllb a new tnd eiiuliltely iter FMm, "ISI FIBFI FALL," aent oniecelpt of 00 cenla. Addnu 184bi*' BLACKIB A 00,,.118 Bntdeay, Niw loifc. yOUKO MAir, LOOK HBBBI-Do yoo dadre Luoiiant Whlikait or in idmlnblt MoniUeba? If ao, eend for tba MigleOonponid. Warranted to tony Ibam upon the amootbaat ftce In 80 dtya, o( money returned. Milled ftaa Ibt 80 otDtt> Addrcet OnEENB k BkO,, , „ ^;L'_ r l»Bm* Box 8l<, fiiooUpi, M. I, GIVIN AWAT.-BOW la talaeWbliten tnd nuke Htlr fliow on Bald fletdii bo* lo Oorl Hair) win el Cirdfi enie rtecklea, Plnplee ud 90 olber leoraii of greet vilge lo all married tnd ilugle ptteoni. Bent free lo uy addreu for one red dimp foe poalagi " IMmk 84 nwitn lineii.Biv loik. HOW 10 WM AT < UXUi AND DIOKI • Bend yen addieu lo IIOWARD H. OBiVI^ ei ud tf Ntaaae alreei, New lork d'r, ud he will (end yon'By reliun maU ^Vae) a aUBB BtUiod of wlnoIbB al ALL OM ijutont ^oite. InTtnUon wblcb eraty min of wii ua ntuon ihotud poauea.' I WlU aaod thla beautnm pocket anaagummt by n^gat paid, lbr »lj Afdtau la narbon •l?i4tohl«^5.%. rAOIOl MAOIOII 1 A beuUtul morocco MtOlOPOOKIt BOOK. Thla ll an iVenUon wblcb eraiy min of wit ud tublon ikotild 18r8t ^OVERS "if/U |hwt andepldeitlililo, Monjbly e eeutitlnlng widliy^kboBia erer litnijL, l^ao't'bbl^ LIZZlfSHOSI lenTi (Tfcryboiftbotiour old mtldiand cnilyoldbiehiknlike rtini*r»lw41liaiirea«loniol a»Ught .iSf. o7 ipedaeoa (aU dlffiienil ML Mt^Gd,- M*tl(etaekaga,0Oo. dOr Bplaia adored l. 169 ▲DTKBrnssnaoMonBa. piBlAB>«iIIItB«VaD -BtltUBD tktt, \ .■ DID OOKBINATIOR OUBBIOHB. neaaBIlUiidllliiltahMeiecelTedibeuaquillfied tpiiDlH ■ ktbeaipliyen iBdaoil eompeteni jadgea, who hareaflme tng^gonouneed tbaq irtbtntlled tor genaal (ueDenoa taj <a BereBdlillnelpatanlitolinpraTematilnBiniirdKbM Mfi been nmled lo ua by ihe United BlilM Pitmt OfflcMid wtCrc latelyohminedaprientbom the AndhOomma tototfia, proraoHala in billUrd cnalilou. iVe employ, m the ranatneitan St oar lableaL a ralaty KM chinu apacuUr nude tat th- pnrpoa^ bf wklen meant «i an M' ibladtolnnieaadanttiloanameebuki) aeonnoy lUlbcrt 'i^ known In bUIUidnunnthct-ie, -f Hariia i lona expotenu ud Iboreagh haovltdai et an lb* i» abucnof bUlurdi, tndeonalutly onbaada laat atoek of fit but tnd meet ibowughly teaaoned mitedil^ wa are f Usm tA tt tnmlataenryUilagn«uliedlnibeUllltidlin*ajihB dlipttch. At amhiait French bUlludpItyer, M. Berger, kl* i UieMUowlniiopinloni . . *^aw Ton, 9d AoglA ML "tin laeeieof leanng the UnitedBtalea, 1 tin bipnlo iliitea lo aU amitaoie of bUlluda thu, aHar a low oi ainaD ooMg Ihiough Ihe prlndpalabae, Ihuebeen enabled lo lodge is a ah laticlOT aunnirof thenponoiliyof the UilUird Itriea aiBI. lactnredbyPbelU'k OoUeoder, The aysaa ef muenulare 18 10 npertor, that I am aappy lo introeoce iheir nyle ol oulhMB Into raaee. Tbey bare united to their muuHctnie ol AuEh BUUirdTlbUi tait oilhe •iinthTiblea, otremnaoiaeBellliM udbunii, FortlietercuonalimbiBpylomtkf Ibladeclaiallaa '•BEBOER, OLAUDlUB, PloreHor ol BUIIudl. Pari^" tirlUa erdsing inm u wOl find our prieea u low H ned tan eupoealblybemidaror. WeiiU8nl<liuardt1eialAMrfBB(. tnd will not make u Interior artldaetuy price. ' : i Ordete by Bill ctrefg Jy ud promptly eieontad. AtaititMl Caliloguet and Priee Tiale aent » milt "tm BiuuiD Ont" ajDutsBlnbUakea lO ibemiaieai ofinlUaid^ aadcooMUaf Mi lalli el all nerelUie, a oooloaa recoM o( bllltaid newa^ aiid giBji Ihlig liteieeUag to uiateura ef bOUiidi, tent free «inllMtgai PHXLAN A OOLLBRDJOCiiI 88, gf ud 08 Orottn itrett, H. Tx ' I ua 194 tad 790 MoalgomuT itiaet Bu FtiintMv Oil TO ALL FABBIONABLB OBNIB AND FAIB LADIBBk'WI would ley, forget sol tbe dicldad idTSiligH IMU tilaiided , u uaual, by ina renowned DB, FBLn QOUBAUD, ' _, Whoae ItAlIAH MRDI0A1XD SOAP I* nUl lougbl after to remofe TAN, PUPLBII. FBE0KLE.O, IBUPIIOHB, BUSBUBN, „■ Andan signauBKMBBia of tbi seib. AU the nobillly ol Boglud ud lluoe me IL ne Doetet ll ItUlielling uenomouaquutllyof Ibe BOAF. Tba Oeetar'a eitabUihuwnt No. 408 Broadway, la a Mrlalu algh^ a Ibliy Palace, end woalby aTlalL . . , ,i AOBNTB-Baiea, 190 Waiblnginn atnet, Beaton rOaBuiu, PblUdilphlai Xejtar, PIttabnrgbi Jobnaon, DcMI, ud DltuI (lataienaally. . BMt GINGER SNAPS. lOD CAN RAVB ITFOB NOIEOIOIII Wbalttf HyOvaa lour Eyei Clronlir. Bud few It l».tl JNO. BUBHB, 7INuaiutlreei,,«(wTai». w ni IS TBUt THUS t—Became IBIS, my wondetfU OIna. lir,UTaU8:-4a--*. Bent free. 18-tt JNO. BUBH8,70Rtt«tlteel,K*wTor)l. FBI IT 0Nlll-4VMy Clreulu Iaf«»g9-lll Won. d>r I) f « «r Bent noei frw 111 1»^U JMO.BDIINB,10Nauasataeel,NewIoA. PLAYING CARDS, And every Artlole QBed In Qsmea of Amu«> m8Dt or Obsnoo, kept ooDStantlj on hind And Tor itle. Sample Sheets of New Uarked Cardi Asd CiroalerB Sent Frm! Aiinu. CRAWFORD A CO., No. 167 Broadway, New-York. tjLktima OABDs, .h AadaUartleuinaedIa aAMBB OF AMUBBkBNT AND OBAROl, Wanafaflnred, aad Mid at Ibe lowut Prioea. by ■..NBUOBi PMitnaWJIi e-ti tM.aioo«M Xn I«ki li O 0 B Bl,. yjr ' - ' - ^ jWKBI and BAIABD RBXklli H. I qaaataeutieaeeranaindated withBowni bribe d» oi'wnfc ■Uk,bt «Uhonl)nirl. OBa F.- WOBBD. Iwpriilar, ■' W OqiWER OF i]^ OAH^BI faOS^BOO^ to Ditli^. n«^. 0.P'.i"«• ItNo^M Abb iliail,'NnrTa^ 'lal onr'tddreu 6naa'umpei) annlope lor aOaLkgi Out, O. BLANOBABD, PnbUiber. l«.ta*^ ft k X-i k i i i i^i t liiu^.l IM A.J I M Ul 'AIRY ALBUMS. Pabtiodlab HonoB TO BPoniiNa men i UOWABD M. OBAYES bu remoTed from 18 Nititn itaate lo Noa 00 aad 87 time etreet where cu tlwiyi be found tta LABOBSI ud llESI.elookof 8poillDgaciodjTDibladly,tuk U AU VAHTA OB OAHDB, FABO BOXS, OIIEOES, LAI AUlE BOUtBITB WHEELS, RENO, DIOE, POKES OUIPS, At/jM ETBBV aitldeuaed to WIN wllb In iiiyaimepItyadforinMVa A bbeial dttoosnl te Ihe titde. Send for Olronlai. AUMIM antwetedbyretnn nitlL Direct . ' ^ . BOWABD M. OBAVISk . > 80 and fl Naaaia itreeli 4 ' aBPflOIOOBAPHB. CABIBB DB VIBTT& no, ' ' ■' ' BOOMOF ALLD ESeBlPTIWB. : - IBBHOH ALBUMS, PIOIUBIB,' W0BI8 OF ART, ITO. *t*'01talcn unt on lecetst of aliari.' Addreu ■ ' I ■ . B.Q. OABSNO, IMm*. . 901K Court tta«et,BH<eB. PLBA8B TO TAKB NOnCB-Tbtl JOHN ATCHISON,^ M tbefulbfolioiwiiderof B0ob^Prltttik'Otidt,^,Itte«f ■ Doiae ilieat n. I,, inurtDOW be iddreeiM ' " ' ' 9V8a>* JOHN AIOHIBON, 117 Oreuwleh tt,',II,T.' rnHH OU) Qlroals, I8IABLIBBBD ' BOOK AOtllin> HRHBI RKPBKNB, 80 RiamJ It C(-QOiBDIBa SCHOOL LIFB,".>-'Blcli, • JD'Vur>.d«TeMnulL Price 800, ioi l«4FalKo ibeal, AotUln,». I. UOBBmS IMOL* 'abd- Pitothig ib«iteitaa«ek ' •SOODK^ nXRET. OemaMoo Ftpa StiMi ir 0114 Hew lo rk. '. paper auamactond U Md« U • . . ;■ Mf..; rcW TO WIN A eWEETBBABT OB IiOVHB. _ UuyyoangganlIeaiuotledywlab«l>kBewho«l«b^ liaLoTe Oweapoadanoe, orif tbey wiahlnapeek ikdrmtiB _alirdr, btabfhl or oareleia way to tbelr laTer,.ikla book ten* esMlrbowltiboold bedone. A teUa you ksw to wiiU Lor* Lttlen,ind how lowla your Swulbeait cray iifflM It tali yea bow you cu marry wnoerer job wlib, uA bow loa eu t» eomerlcb la aTaiyabaitllaie. BandmnalyboaiidiiaglltBiiia. |la, ,geitbymaU,poalpaIatl»rll. SndaBoidanlir 0. lu BBUOa, FobUiher, U4 DiiilKre aliy CTUeage, WBIB^EBS AND MOUBTACBB IN TKBHTI-ONl DAIB,^ JioyonwutlanrtantWblneTtudlbualicbar lAK^ myVegelable OoiapouadwtU.tnoethamlo giowhea^lnll SI gpoD the aDooibeet taea, without Injury K Ihe ekin. The r thinglhatwOl niiketbea gnw InlotlidrtiUffl& luab ■ tre ^onderfoL 'Sent, poeTpelA lo anyaddrau lor $U ettlificilon gniruieed, • Adiitii ' „ .'. 18*0.' . , i U, 0. BOniOK, niid»0B/N.l.> IMI PHOTOOhAPire FOR OKNTLgUEN.-ilend 90 caatt Inanti .pla, lo E. iLOBE, Dnwar 400, Deirolf, Mich. 9*4t* UrAHTKD.-iaula to aeU TUB LINOOLN WAIOB,' Iba W BnalKttblhgoat Looki Ilka eUror, wdghi foot ajaejiv hnaterehape. Thf. Walcb bu b«*« *aeki, CTSey are now aent Horn Doiioa by Oa ovtloaA Mto i falli, £id for Oltoularud price llrt. :Hiwapaman«laUiats raalfeourulTerilMmutpleea lead qoBy, i | i a< M e j »lt Ort : 9)jt*' 07Waahlngtooik*el,Baelu^'lkKi M-B, i-x-a 1-0-0, • nw-_n-A-^ I OAT SFOIiTa tend for Jaffi Uari* iad Hotf Ha ll l« Bl Bow io oenla. BiokMtoeati ud ataA-Bl* w New Oilakigue'f* iu0. '. OTHUBIBIt «' 'v'BaaUlgFbpidetihlaP.O. nuiSA BuiuBuu or aaa ITnOBSl BIAD rOBD * 00^1 ADtamUMT. IHH* jintwM la ihll eean«K,\iulM^';