New York Clipper (Sep 1865)

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190 THE NUW YORK CLIPPER. VKSATXUOAli BBCOBJD. Ollpptr. Port oniofc ». B. Bobcrta, Uniid H(«aun, /ouWJJ'Jj^^'o^p^^ S. p^Kodtfl (9), H.nDDiMr. S'^n',^ eTl^ noiiun. Jr., Jobn H*"W*i *'"?i>ihflii. o a. Uttcta. T. Husiv iMML jTh. CUldtn tJ>, Hiuh ninull, T. P, S!52'o5T?.lteii«r.M.B. IttHU. S«l I"? SnVk «r>ut S>T Ocrui), CMJUna ZiTiitowai, Ette Biymond, aSSSS. nui roiU'. OhviT B UII7 UowUnd (Hi, mmLbMih. EarnkT. Hndwi, km\% BuHion. iiiLl« BjiU. ManvTMiO. Utuit*. lonl(ii, Uu). FontiUU, ui« Bumb Stntr. Otty lioKSii, BepL 18,18W. nnpMllMt<ITlMUii|ljntond to Ihc sotellrof "wlnta lia(wtai(liiUuUpe(i;TlDg,"bD» It tkitumgui(liiMrel Uia ■otfo Btchto* btd bat llTed in Uwm lilti ot StpUnbtr, h* might teniintdklaMUnliiUUiMiUi od ihttsbjectof nnmn It- klsi • tat iMt In tkg lap or tatniu, inl cnwUng Qia Ulta w Jtetw«b»«iH(i|«thtr bMn daprlTtd of tba liTlgonUsf piti- «ea •! Iba baantlftU a«iaan vbaa tha (olUgt ekaign ookv, and ' IfttbadngaatiunnaJtlrglTaaualnaklaaaaoflUa. TarU7,ln tk* klatorr (('lb* moat anll^natad raUeat, ancb anttiy wtukar, to neb a eonUsnad and kng-dnn-oal parlod, na na'ar Hon bafon. OI«ada galkand ttonnd and aboit na, Int thaj natiiHifl to bo ai dry u tha frobaaional bnnuncn who air Ikamiatna In mtantactooai, and dilnk whanartr aaked. To JMtow Iba Ibmd of oor piertou'jani, pannlt na to xaoutk Ikat *• (jmpubJtad with tba enwda el poor anatniaa who a*t «nt Ik* nerumaaoc* at tba dilTerest Ikeatrta and oilnalRl biUa lait waaL taoh a deap aarotlon to tba aito, aocb a aacrlfloa or luna conforta, mcb "oooloeaa nnder flra," It wnriky of Ika moat honanbl* nndon. Bo* tbar aal a plar ont Uat week, laapnalalona. Tbaycoghttobaprooragilnitall tatoMpnn- lakaant, Wabapa.wa baTaal liit aa>Bthaaid<iriliadotdara and Iba btalad t«m Ona of tba aranta of tba put *aek, van tba opmiDg of Mi*. Wooit'a Olmpla Tbeun a ooHoe of vbMh wUl ba fonnd to Ibia tfapartmMit. lania of tba crlilaa •nd fanlt wlib Mia. Wood btoanaa ake aUcki lo bniicaqna and ^ ildlcnlona. and idriaa bar to *'catar to Iba mora elarated tela or Iba imniiiiintlT." Bah I Ura Wood tiled that a aeutn •c two ago, predudoggood, loglHmala plm, wdl cmI, and una- ' UaDT ivfami'di boi 1/ wa ire lo Jndg* of Uu atalaa of tha aommniliT, by the alKodJUic* at Iba OI)iDplo at Ikat Uma. taa •^Tatad taata" wai oonAned lo a ooiporil'a gnaid; tba people iWued to anpport Mn. Wood and bar tbtalie, oiiiU aba «»t kMk 10 nooaanaa and clap trap. There la no elarated tiata ken Why, Ika tsj papen Uut adelaa Kn. Wood lo adoot Ika leglil- jaau, kaTa bean piofpeiing for fonr long yaua on talea ot blood, ■ttfTitton, and kaiharlty; and now ikat tba cmel war la orcr, tkona papen oannot gat aloBg vnleie tkelr dally meaa la aeaaoncd with repoila or aedoeUon caaea, bank robbetlei^ msnlm In artir Aqa. lallww abngblaia, otm conai and kbidrad llgkt reading, ■araud laala, fMaoolkl Wkj, we are laMier back la Ike ' aeala of itflnament asd morelilT Ikan wa woe ten yeara age.' Uanuen of tbealrea nidaialand Iba pnbllo luUe TOT wall; IT Ibe pnblie -will luppoit the leglllniala, Ikey woTglTa Ibaa all Ibry want 6r It where one Ikeatre pmapeie vliklkelegltlinataorgoad old aludard pUya, tweoty bonaea tkilTe on Ike aenaaboul, Ika buleioor, and the Ulegltunale. Xookanmndyon. WkerewlllToaflnaBkakaepeaieortneetand. •iddraBal InnolbtaminlbedlycanTonnDdtbMn. Btoold tkey be attempted, It la neceaiary to ambeUlih them wllb novel, acanloandotkereffeclatolndncalba "elevited pobllo tut*"lo patronise Ikam. Bkape la a far beuer aonrce or attiaollon then Bktkeapeare, and lege will ditwwktre tke Itgltiniite talla Tba "aonlpnueiqie," ea eomeboOy ctlla Beles Weatnn'a nndreea ■tyla, will aowd a Ikeatre wkcn erarytblng etaa pioTea Inenffl- dent to atliact eipenMa; a prelly pair o( ekoslden will nrel the nllAUon ot **ike meat refined and ^Udlona." and canr a me. ' dloofa pcrftarmanoa Ibtongk to a aaooeeaflil ;t(uZr; ao will a petr •twall-daTalaped lege: and the more an adreaa aiklblU her cktmia Iba batter will aha anit onr "elenled tute." Il'eill book to talk abont neb tute: we're got lo leacb tbit point yet. In Ika mean lime, let Mn. Wood gire oa tbo boileaqiie, and plenty or bmale loreJloeaf, and aba will not lack enppoit. The dimma and all aoita of amQeamenta are aiijoylog a degree or proapartiy ■'bajond Ibe anttdpaUooa ol tba moat aan- nine;" area the ncent hot apeU bad lUile effect npon rtoUpta. Imd perlensare are gieai^.ln reqnral; In lacl, Ike aop. plj. on bind la not eqoal to tba tenund, and the few not alreadj engaged,' em "get' their' own' tonne." Snob a - faafUlantopaiiDg baa probably nerer been experienced before. WebaregoodreporiaRomallpariaortbeoomir/. Onrownad< raatlalngcohiama afford an Index or Ibe ipread oT amnaeaania a* w«U u ot the proaperity ot manigera. EraiT week we kare lo record tke opalog or tome new Iktalie or ball In placea where tbednnuwu acanely known before. While proepeilty alteoda amnaemeala here, tt England Ike ibealiea are doing not little, oompanttrely; and adore and ecteeaeea aiekegtniilsii to look with losglig ayea towarda the Vow World. Money la aonndaot beiei tke peo^ mate It eaay. oralaal It from eaoh other, and ikayepadU Joataabeelj. letna lire wbllew* lira Prea- olaltana will be In order u Ike alar aeaaon aeta In; oil watcbea ■le being bpnlabed op, elher tea eele replaled, dlamonda InoaahtRomtkeliaarepiaeta ordepoalUasdarerilnlnR In the lhav- ■ — — [ eerl . tieaaea will renew "ike kappleit momenta or tkelr llreai" and hj ■bape or pieacnta that bare dona eeirlce for Ika liat Are yeaia 1*111 be cauad Into itqoleltlon again, and be preaented orei aad orer egaln. VIn tke »i1nolpal dOca or the Voion;" actora and an. tke '*aolldlallona or nnmeron/ dllaena," wiU eonaent to accept compUn^laiT taatbnonlala; "br nnireiaa) reqneat," alara will Uiamaelrea lo be lodoced lo ''extend tha period of tkelr numt (Or elx men nlgkla only ," aed elf tke gaga and *Mooa"-ol Ika peat wl>l be irjnreiiated, iJ)d put Ikiongk ibe nanal canine otlkeaUcalapronla. Bo areio: tkereiackaaUoglD'eeeiT bnilnea bnt oqn, and Ikonunda wke aie legdlng Ikl^Jilll ear tkal a Wggar aet of cheata than newepapet people nerer eilaud al oompanr excepted. nTli)g*a Uog a ling—op goee the cnrlalDtfoa cmne lae peopK and here we aee tke pbytr and Ike jkm aadeploledlntkec L'm'a weekly leoad of emnaemenla. t In Kuaa appeared Uat week In aercra] of their meet popnlar aslM^ rta, "OUuUo," -Unla Ibe Xlth," "King Leer," "Uacbelb," '■wfnff ni,.}iATd ihn iT,t." and tko "Stranger. "Leer," whleb we '■Xing Bicbard tke nd," am aat ont one anltri ereolog, pcifonnabce.. Mr. Keen en , war, taken on Ike wholes a rery good vcifonnabce.. Mr. Keen emiiodled It wllb tke moet Ikltklnl and ttaorongk Impanonatlon. Tbenlaln li, to onrrlew, amiitnre •f meeknaea and aablimlly, of petulance and kiodneai, or ranlty 'and dlgal^, ol ckolerfo Impetnoally and tender palkoe; and Maae modnlaled tba whole of Eean'a petfbrmanoe^ rnnnlng Ihnagb It wllb fltmi and rapid glanoea or paaaloD, and elecbrlo Innalhoe^ bom one reeling lo anolher. It la In Ibu power and tiattBllton we wenld,ur, that Eean'a acUng la Inly wondeifoL nia wu moia eapeolaLy erldent In the mad aoenec A half aeea Ikoi^t, a aliOBg and dlijolnled beam o( rtellng, aeemed melaorllketaekdbtaaoialbadatkcbaoaorklabrain; and look, tone, and geatnie gara It with aa Inehnlaneona an expceaalon* Zkle la Ibe teat or ikal Ina pualon which Una In real emotton, and necda not look for Ita llIU^leg^ ea penou atarch a dictionary fbrforeignwoida. IkamaledlctlonotaosetUwaatienuadosa. Tka eoaalananoe, tonee^ geatnna, Ike eye rolling wltk mad and wllkartag Are, the ban and ntmlead hand! lo bearao, all apoke tka fkiml meaning or tke &tker'e oorae. The man, the fuber, ■ad Ike klnf, entnyed and Inanlled, had Joined tbalrwioaga togelker, and woKa ramalnad tkelr only weapon*. Ikeaoene alaoal tke.Caille or Oloatar waa noble. Tha llety apeeob on Ibe refnaal ol hla danghlat and eon In-law to aee hla; doted in a tne >nnt, u be aMl, c '<kid Ikem coma rtrlk, Or. at ua ehamber door, I'll beat Iba dnm Till It cry, lieu le deolA," Ike alarm had acent luelf, and then eami Ike metUng of Ika kfokenoatonberonBegan. TbeaoeaeawllkEdgeronthewaate wmgloifooa en botb aldea. Notklag conld excel diker; and tapeoaDy In Ikat part where Ikey reclined on the imnd, It bad uribatelognanceof ezpreealonaiidpoaiUon conld give II Mr. Calkeaiiaa Edor waa exoelJent,'perUouUrly InthlatoeDo. Be deitirca onr hl|heal ittnbnte, and that li hot aUnpla JoiUca to iSi mailla. Bla mad lone thnogk all lia bigbw put waa nobly nitalned. Be bad many maiked and toacblng beanliee, bnt we 'pirtlcnlirly noted tke.exoeodlog palkoe wblcb ba breathed Into tha tliaple pbiaaee—<3om'e e cold," and "Who giree poor Tom aartklngt" leanwu eooallo binueirintke letter Inlerrlewi wllk bllultd Qloeter. Hit deeodpUon ef Joallce, parUiularly, ''• waa keen knd bitltag u II need be; bnt bla aonl aeemed lo awdl Ita kigeel lorUneaa m jhal Utile aenlaaeej • "Ay, eretr Inob a King." ne ftyilne ol Bean la enonlr concealed—II la a complete mieamorpboee Into the weak, alck old man, whoae mlno bu been orenhnwn and ehatiered ly the IngraUinde ol bl* dangh- tete; and yet ha kela the pilde of a' king. Fnm Ike moment I4lr oonae on ibo tiage. the aottance forget Bean, and lee nothing hat the whllfrhalnd, cniy old mu. tir. and Un. Kean'a eongenent, ibui ftr, bee been a moat deddod anoceat. trjar ge and enthntleello nudicncee are a cnferioo. Tbtir aeriea " "1**"'?^"** " Ktoidwir wlU leiuiloate on Ike Ud Inal. •'.JinOannB.onBioadwtyabore Booalon aoeet, baa a boat ot feiMmen mgeged there tt (geaent, amnig whom IWI'fc ■otind •^i.f^bnaop, WBll known Jn yetre arno by a* a rery M g tf II mnjo alyr at the old anh Blieel Theure. PtlladelpSU: al|IM|n^|g* m imtntu, rooluia, kc, I'm paitkmlan tee .• Jan Auoai, taown lo the eqn.'ttrita niofiarion tt a ■•■WilJi.V'* In Ihla city on tke l>th tram HarauL BowlUebatUyietnin.andwtnlalobhe iiltbklndiBiMiaA8yinniala,aa«baie, oqaeetnue, ko. Bee bla adirtrtlM«ei>kfl»perttcn]an. ' " amuo Qiaan, a Cambn* Oennin tnhnUe, It expected to ■■ntaar^onat IkoNew TMBtadtTbulie. The Teutoaloelv ' ment It awfnlly exdled at Ibe pmepect ot eeeln^ asch a celobilty bom Ika ftderltnd. ^ DEiueioiu ere In order at tba Academy el Mvul\ Uemov IllUng tip the preeent week wltk kl* magical ilcwpuone, to be lolloeed thonJy by Meretiek and bla mualcal deluetoni. When nerrmtn Ont came among ui ebont four yean ago be cnelad tulle a aentailoa, bnl bla preaeot perftiimanaa hm nUedtORoewUieeuceeeakd then acklered, ror wlih lecoUeo- tIeu otUeller, andhli wltir atylDga, clerer manner ol petrorra- Hffcjtlrlcka, and the excellent mnale with whl^ be rariedhia aDtemlnmentfi, Betrotn doee n^ appear lo the aamo adnnligo ■ when he ome to ue iwtn Iiora the und ol Megia Since Ihil £5&J*''%t upon Ibe field, dnwlng Ivge end de- BgMtt anllencoe tor moolht la euore*elon, end only auUtlog dkke bad eihtotlea the euhjrct or lla atbaeUona BrnjrxLooi'a la Ibe prceooco on the eaat aide of town ol Mr. K. EddK the populirfmnto row In the eecond week or an en- gagmentatlhejeoilo'elheelTe, Ike New Soweiy. Among Ike B'^IP'*!^ ?^ S'- !••« week WM Ike nantloal drama of the "Wliird of IkeWaro,''which held poeeeielon of Ike alago Air ■erenl algbU^ tliptdlog a rich bill rl lue for Iba Mew Boweay kaMfaei, and girlng IheaUr an opuntnou, lo tbine In one of bla neat effwlire c be r trOT*. A norelly la eanonnced tar Ikia eren- Iqg, being aa adiplallon trom Ikagnncb ol a new fire not dnmt ■iilliled "Ibe Lire and Tine* of nichardlll," alloatlb4r Iteak, ■d bttring not Ike aUableat ratcmbltnci t) far, gbikaeoetn'a! ot aay tihir nan't BlehaiJ. Manager Ungttd platea fbe new jdnaanpoDlka boardi to nurt eiceUesttliie, wilkan O^e a*^ oeaaoriia Deeetaarr to aid Ike enlkor In gtrtng II dot Hew BowetT la lalnlng rapidly In pnbllo fcror, BMtatu» geen (rem tke Broadway aide e( Ike oily sow rlaltingaeeilath DakBanl, knowing Ikat it* andjencia are ot tke meet mfx**?! daaa, Ikat the kosM la oondndad In an orderly Dinner, ana that areiTrfaHor It baa from conttetwilk Ike dirty and rowdy "Utrai aio otow wa" U one of the wlie uwt haaded down to na by Ikoae who Urtd befnr* onr time, ir It It Irat Ihtt mncb Ungblag maVee mnch laioaea, then Ike andleneia at wioier Oardaa thoold wax Innpenbly fit, ■ai Ibe bUU le'°r<° ne lhal "Ibw* honnot incemi langhlfr" are nmhily «'JiiJ»4,!'»A" who rrttneaa the oooloel Impcnonalloot of John B. >''*"*i "BreiTkody'a Prlend" and "loodlee." We bare hewoie eo wrn acqnalnled with tkeee JorUl end conrlitil croallona, that« Bow ■xioUr wtoito buktnd*oio that In Ihelr menrt^ ment Mr. Clarke'a andlanoea are alwaja lo enleon, end '«•'»'"• nerrr mar Ibe effect by langhlng out of lime or In "e wrong plane*, a* te done treonenlle hy ihe "mote refined end PO«f™<™ lUWiiei'' of tba Aademy of Motlo doling the 1^?!: AD ye, lh«tafal^ who are of epero habile, "rtrf <«™J»»2^'.V fnnaraal dbpomlion, akould et once make lor the Wnter Oardea, enjoy "Ihiee booreof lnceie«riingbler,"and «"»'»»'[*'; yon wOI kare to ehake ont a rear or two In your '"Wlamenl^ woe iamedU'ely alter. Biollng tenant 'io;<<>,'""f'''|Vfr and Win Intd iha exoetlaent on thooitnda ol at AndeatonrUle-bat CUrki leana yon how to gtew (itaad Hamuli, the Mhar or bU dinahltr. lotiodueed lof' OB Ihe lltb Inet. a newly Impotled canltljioe, by wim "adame Parepe. lb* Madame met wllb • "»7 '/SSSS irom a rery "edect andlente," "S'.JuJSS? aillallo anccaaa: her eppeerance U heelUiy and of Bn<i feUae^ bar roli« la oiear, nSilM, '"U. ""'^"'•'^i.wiSS^i nIT eomptea; her execollon >e greBd. and bar Her au^ttanli. one li. Dtnnienlkcr. and one Carl Boa, the toiiSpb.!llt."etaliara fiddler, made •~"1R""" tadlkleDadaikaMadema'ainaemthenondedded. TouwIU beanaatli notUe, IT you nolUe anything, lhat a handwme woman wOlhara lore remalecompeoloo eome ewlwtrd,ngly. rjowty, wreteked-looUng cnitnre, to Ikit her own lerellneu may be the iSSeipmntiS contnat Bo wlthPanpe.and hermdecom. MnlantMhit bllei'a fanlla only kelp to hting out In more oniutnt colon tke betmiee of the tlngT. 'TheFaRpaconceitaanoflhe one-aon»«kow chancier, with Panpa ta Ih* kene, and fm BttaBtDtadlreelvof amnaemnla. InBucnOmuthriree anace, and Ike admlieii of cork rarel In ike enjoyment or tke oolored raoe. Thiee fcmed Week band* bold nnditpnied iwty wllkln ti many bloett on runed Broadway; ror bat week, be It remembered, Biyanbi opa»d tgain tkelr kill, lo a crowd u tklck ai ItwaataU. Theain Fnn oieoo bom from the "Ptdfio 8lop^"hne enjoyed of late Ih* fgllett tcope In tkelr enleittlnmeob; bnt Ihe newoomtninaeii- ed tkelr pfie a mat, yel It It not Ukely tkU Ihe lower houee will IbelTToloeattlfie; forBlnh, Ibe Uring tkdeloo.ea In den of Kie,daUgbialnoampetltk>B,aadboldl7Ctl«eiormore. Wooda ya auiSwIcbed between the two, Ibe erea tenor or Ibdr way paieaei thev lear bo Biyaala, nor eaa nendaeo e, they, ao we n heard that other ekeleton. Blower, aty; and he ought lo know, for ke'e been e long time in Ikat aeli, and wllk an bande la bale fellow, wen meL They de ay that naok'a roof In oM Filly, a rawdiyeago, waaaweplawarlo Ihecnatdehigeofnlnandcon- arqnenl oniffow. Iph Bom ennpethbed with bim In bla eon dutieee. ei did Dtn and Blitb, lo a high oil time wkl:b made hb toriowt leea. But thtl't neither here not tbcr^ we'n apeak- log of the onllend maeee, (not the gentlemen en the coraeri who poUebontehoeeea.|o(lbDae who cater for onr enjonaeni, by wblcb meana they bbtolnateady employmenL And Inenjih the three bende In rlralrr coopet*. yet tbeir friendly rebUoneare all complete, Ttina b* It erer, let Union be their motto. In wklck, llkelkeiaceikaynpneenl,thanlaati«igth,bntnotof otto,of naea, or oiber aaonut fiowera, wblcb deaceaded Ibe olkn night at Mn. Wood'a In eoplona ahewere. Let ptiiont of mlnatreby, (com erery dime, rbit each konee, If they bare Ike Ume, ror three better ttonpea. In erery debll, no when In thb eooalty did erernnrail. A Wna Opsaaioa U amcog the lint appeaitncea to-nlgkt el IkeVailelea, In the Bowery, ahore Barard atrecl, Tbliwln nsformer le notapoUllcal win pnller,ne<lkerlaheawitealnkar uke the gentlemen or tba Cable Company; but be b a walker on the wlI^ and a wciflormer of mirrelloae reaU on Ihe deader ooid—bit name b Martini ChlilikL Alikonik'Ibe Taitellea It a ^aee or reaort for the mtaaea, let ua tell yon that the palnnaof uatkonae cannot be dacetred loticklng the mcalta of perfor. meie; tkey ate among the beaiorltlce In towo, eapKblly thoee young gentlemen who more In the bighet olrdee. For example, a doiuaut waa recently gotns tbmnghher leipdchoreen eroln- aona,whmacanpbor lorelybcquataweie c*a| ether ftel; et the ''oneluxlon or the dence, Ike lady made ber exll without picking up the fioweiy inbutea-knowmg, u the did, that ebe would retMre a can, contlme H Into eu oeorr. end come off with flylngcolonend flowet^ Well, ebe voi caUcd, emiledlaher moet bland manner, and wee about lo npeat Ibe dance, when one of Ibegodaftomabore, ahooted—"OhI here, we don't want no mon of > ear d—n dandng, pick up tbetn tblogr, and dear ont" She leilred In Ike moat abject dbgntL Another, a geuUemuof Ihe botnl cork perenialon, wae down for a atumpapeech; he oame on, made Innnmcnble fluunahei, and ebpped hla um> hrelti 00 Iba tabb In orthodox airle, when a voice crlid-' 9b I bdl, whale beat" "aetont,aet ont," vodfoieled Ikecoufed. enle cillloab and tke etnmp oia'or "got op and got" at nry akoit metre, lb woitb a dollar to watch ihe /aveolle criUce when e new peitomer comea along; they appieeble and appbod til good performen. hot let the Uranoa be caiefol bow ihey offend tb^i^gode or the VaiieUia A nn bill or fnn b provided thb Oiw.—Qeorge 0. Bonlfice. in exceHeot totor tod a whole* aoaled lellow, aaU'.d for Callnmla, on Ihe Klh Inat Be goea lo play an eogegemeDt with Magnln. A laigoaowd loglveany actor a "aeil off," we never aaw. Bealdee a large npreaenU. Hon ef Ihe profeiitoo, then were many frlande onUde the "pio. fcab," who bed taaembled to wlab Bon. a boa lOfoge. Among thoee pieaent, were Fnnk Blower, Jaa. Clule, Jaa, M. Hboo, Mt. UDgard, and a bott ol olben. At the ateamer cett away, three cheen wen given for lb* BonUice family and ttiiee lor the Kkw Tona CUFtan. W. B. BAaauoH. the great Impromptu poel, la among the tt- tiacUona at Bamnm'a new Moeeum. Fbabx HoBia, one or the wllUeet Ethiopian couMdlini In the bnmt cork bnetneea, baa, wa are pleaeed to Item, been lecured tor thb dty, asd wUI cnmmeoce wllh Wood'a Mlniuda, on Ike lamboiina end, on Ibe 901b luL Wm. Fooia, Jr., contracting agent for BoMneon ft Deery'a World Otrrae, It In town, on bnabeee eonneoKd with the Oircni. . (.'1^ muoiixoif fount the common mind," a worthy phlloto. Sha tod tlodant of knman natnm once renurked lo a aelect en- leace; but we cannnt agree wltk the gentleman; (or Ifrdue:- Uon only forma Ike emtua mind, where akall we find anitanance for tka uncommon Intelleot t Bepend upon It the gentleman made a mbtakeL And Ikat brlrga nt lo Ike point tt Itme, wkelher Tony Putor kaa a nalonl talent for kb tpeclallty, or whether It baa bean Inttlllad into htm b^ precept and eaample, for a mon aucceaifnl comic rocallet doe* not eiM, and that la a wide range, yon win olMerre, and lahea la "the real of man- kind." And Jut aa nnconunon u Tony b la kla line, lhat Uttb weaker, Bl hlao Eddie, la on bb Un^ lor be wilfca on the rope, and peiforma feab therein that thouiaoda are nuable to do off the rDp& Ibia la Eddla't hat week, ao II yon want lo aee Ihe child, attend Tony Paelot'a Upera Bouie at onoe. Whiu BmuM b "'"'«g"'W the Fiiena Ooncaia 'it Irrlng Hall. Frank Brewer bcondnclbgihe "JullleaMonater Concerte'' at Wood'a Hlnitrel Ball, on Bioadwn, cnatlng a aenaatton bke which nothing baa been aeen dace the exbaoaled Jnlllen aaik down npon that old aim chair prepared expreealy for hli ncep- Uon yetn igo ttTrlpler HtU. Thipngnnuniolbredby Wood^t MInitieb bit week waa of rack a dathlng, tebcthlng, mtilk. proroUng cbancter, tkit It will berettinedTor tbepnient, thow. Ing Ike ounnany In a Lumber of thdr beet acta Letnoitnoger In Ihe city deput without rbiilng thb betntlfnll hall of min- abtlay. BionoB Bun, Jr., win dbbribnte a nmnber or pretentt among hb patrana Ihla week; at hb hell, na Bioulwiy. la tddltun to BUIa' own magical performancee, hb canary b'jdt will be ehnwn; tkb eiklht Ion of leuned blide la, In lleell, worth tke coet ot ad- mlaxlon. Bhiaronrer—the birdtlikewbe. IXTimioalo brloga new place ol amneenent Into pnbllo nollaab and eren Bamnm hit learned that II lea muck more diS- onlttaektomabbnewHuteiun ibtnltwteto engines the old etlabllcknienl; bnt itlU the new pbce b getting on griduiUy, and whan cool weatkerbbly aeb In, the popubi cnrteai will aet In wltk II, ttd Ihe g]eat akowmin will aoon find "old time* coma again," Among Ike butt addlUona lo tke lellce la whit It pro. nonnoed "Ihe Identleil log cabin hniJt by Abrahim Lincoln In niinob, In leso, and In whlc'i he retlded two yean." Iken am many cntlodtlea to he teen -^tn, end freeh once are being edded erery day. Bimum Ihlnha ha will be able to gel bold ot e poU- ttdaa who don't waot an offlce, ror hb eknw. bnt we doubt It A apectacolardnma entitled "Sadak and Sallande, or Ihe Weteia of ObHrion," la on Ub week, wltk lea) water, and red remale aoldlon armed and equipped for manual drill and wer'a alirmt. Let ua tH go eee Ikem and the Log Gtbln. BooxBioio Finaouaii, a youog tngedbn, win make hb ap- peanace at Ike Brotdaay TneaIn on Sitiuday aflanoon and evening of Iki* week. He b aald to be a actadar, a good itader, ete. In form, be bnot oalUe Edwin Boolk. A UUIe enronnge- ment mty aire Ike young tngedbn a good poniloo Intkedn- matlo wor^o. Thb BAnu-at leett two of Ikem, Qabrlille tad Antoln*— hive relniaed to Hew York after a few yean ibeenoe In Surope, aod will make their fiiat appearance rinei theli leiun, at Nlblo'i, tbb evening, BepL leita. In addition to the two old feroritea, loung America win thow; tbo Signer Feplla, danieiur. her Bnt appearance in America; Mona van Hamme, dancer, flom Am* eleidam, deo fiiel elghl tt Ihe Ttnkeeai U'lle. Vandrb, tnm ?iib| Man. MaiieUI, one of thn old etocki Hlla. Dealtee, ditto; Uona. Milhleo, dlllo; Mona. VindrIa, SUnot Oanla Uona Bel' aidt—dl fint appeanncea; /xlel, Lthman, and ike Ma^ III i-iil Funlly—old llmen, njareneted; wllk coiypkeca aod h Vet The pantomime to be flrtt nniavded br the liaveb It uur Did Mend the "Maglo Trumpet" and a oomedlelia called the "Wbltea and the Browaa" wiU commence the ahow. Mr. and Hie. aomereaU-^r-engaged.lor-Blchmond.bat oouldn't-get-tb en- notoriety—wllh a dnnuKo,company, will do the "Wbltea and the Biownfl." The Bill fnuidMO Mnttnna tut bloed a liifllog let down In allenduce owing lo Biyinb' opening, bat the houee wtt the moil comforttblo In eonaeqnenov, the ctowda Ibal htie held poa- aeedon then tar aamlmonlhi making l( hot work to ibroul a perfoimance. BIna and Biokua appear In a veiy langbable Uie^iffoolhemegiclaiia, airordlsg a gleet dcd of emueement thenby, Beckua abo appaan In hb remittable lialbltoni of the pecnlbriUa and readlnga or prominent aeton. Toe Uel- Ifomla boyi give a big'akow, and will ao donbt have a lull ibiie or pnbllo patr^nigc Tea Baiiim' eommeaoed thalt tenth •eiaon on the lltb Init The honto via crowded, end u tntnv people eon turned away aa would have filled the ball i^liL The compiny number In tho Bnt pel t twelve peironnen, wllk Dan Emmelt behind Ita icane (and not teen hi the ludlenoe), pliylog ihe big fiddle, '11iu com- piny apneued b ntbtr a noraf aoit, that ot wblln renu, black red, and dteia coil, and wbll* neck lie, Dan liced bon ona end and Dan Dfjant on ike other, wllk Hdao Seymour at Inler- loculor. Tho Intlraocnbl mndo doet not pioro to be oxaclly Ihe tbiogi tbin en too miny tltlngi tad aol eoouith or irind utlnimenb, a Bute being the only one need. A cornet b wioted. The quirict It commicd ol Julea Btntlon, Chaa. Templeten, W, ,' Feirlor. In tlio eooud pail, Bph. Horu appeared nhla Womin'aBigkblectonindoonmbed Ihe tudleiicewith buehtei. Dive lieed'etocg end dance waa laplld, and IkepeN toruance on tke whole 'wat good, ind erI4inl]y gave latlifaollon lJLrlSV*J!i' .v9' Brjani wu lb* abr of the even- iJSl^f 1J!?'**^,"" <« ''80»1 lot a burit of !!S!? 'l'"^'"*- ■»« • •<»« Wd a law new jokt*. new feeiuiee In negn mineireby now a diya. Bndnatt nasieeUcnt Iknnghont Ike week, Ibe honteNIngomwdid erery BlgML ' i.Jftiif?SiJl?S.'?""**.'?'i*'i"''" *• Olymplo on Iha lith "Oaplala*f tbeWdi." nw houee wia pnlty weU AIM, but bjav ffltta* atowded, owing to the night bdng ucwdlngly m and not at aO anlted to lb* packlna bnalnaa*. dltlta wu idayid inii It iffoideS Mr. J, X. Mortli^ ally la diapby hb powen u «ne or the beat eocanlrlo u well u ...t. ' .17- . EaUHawt«o,femerlT ol lie Theeoma- X. liortlner oppoitO' ^ Bew *tl*a«*(ibeday. ^ _ refT. aad lattaly ot the Bonllu(-ntwU».Allbnce, made ber itat tpnaunoe et Ikit ihiaite u KrltUna, and citaled quite abmaUautntMalonwliblkeaudbnce. She laarerypleulog actna*. abowi to mnch advenbge on llle'ibls^ and will no doubt iHcoffle a Ikvoiiti wllb we Olymnldle*. Mia* Loulia Myete, a r*ry dever doglog cbimber-maid aclieea, appeared ae SeoTn, aad tccdvcd h<r lltib "recep." et Ihe bande of her old admlrea*. "Poeaheoba" wu given u the aller-plece, wllh Mn. Wood la the title rde. We never eaw tke Iklr ntoeger to bet- let edvanlaga; ake wu lull cf pplrit, and rattled thnragh tka pert with BUIba abandon pcailble, erinaing the beaiUeal or ap- pbnaa tor ber ctplbl burfeiqua iinging and daadng, Ber In- dbn dteaa wu really manllctnl and dardlng to behold. Elba Hewtea'aOtpt John Bmlth wu every bed perfDrmtnce Indeed. The lady did not have the letel Idea of the chiiacter, and conae- qoently made It a aeooud Oulc la "Hamlet." She came en the ttage, oaitaytd, and Jumped ihout like e Jeck-daw. She dnaaed Ibe okancur ridlcniondy. kailog on atlin ekoea, while kid SlovN, etc Harry Feeieon made an aiooDent Powhatan, and letlon'a Mynheer Bnlff 'le ibe beet perrormauoa of the ehanc. Ur wa evet uw. "Pocabontia," which b ona ol Ihe beet end wllUeat bnrleaquee ever produced In Inia couniry, wu put upon Ibe aba* at the 01^nplcwlth greet can, every atlenuon bting pild |B the mlnutiat detail. Dtuing Ihe tummerracatlon the bonae hu beea painted, bit nndirgone a tkorongk eleenlng, tod look* now It good u new. A new drop curtain au been paint- ed; It b reiy pretty. Ur. Jimee Lewla, a low comedian, who hai beea pbrug lor eome lime wllb EDtler, at tke Clerdand Academy af Mnale, and who when vn law bim three yean ago wu rery derer, baa beea engaged ror Ibe low oopiedy buiineu tt Ihla honee,andinakcahled<Au.'thberaiUnguJoha klropg, la Ihe bice of "Tour Lire'a m IMngar." Mba Ln^ Baaht:n, a London artieaaL formerly mtitel to the Hannarket and Ait- ky'a tka*tie« wni abori^ mika ber dOut In * firorlte chancUr. ••AnaAB-va-Pooira" wit wiihdrawn mm HIblo't on the Ifith, In Ibe bdghl of lb poi ulirilr end after a biilllaut run ol nine weika, Ike gtoea lecelpb dnriog lb ma aia Bid to be la Ike neighborhood ef IIOO.OW. , . „ Bona AOAis.—Ollfton W. Taylenre, who accompanied Mr. Owtna to London u bnilniu miniger, ntumed to tbie dty on Ibe nth iBtt, and Immedbiely proceeded to Baltimore. All taiA of Ihe blent engaged at iba American, 444 Broadway, may ba bed hy looking orer toe following Ibl of peitaimen now playing lha«:-Hbaet Llitle Bcbullie, annetb ta Point Lottie LaPolBt Emme Boea, Mary QotenBo, Ameib Qonoflo, Florvnce Beynolda, MUlle Floia, Flonnce Wel'a Lltse Wbdpley, Vlio ramnd, Julia Mdnile, Jennie Lomlne; Ohailcy While, W. H. Beitholomew, BlUy Holmie, Johnny Tbompeon, Meet lomuiy, Fnnk lecT, Jia. F. Waahold, Billy Blmpem, ftank Eeena, and Jaa. a MatBtt giiuia—Tke company cngeged Ibr'the VaileUee Theatre, H< w Orleana, under W, B. Floyd, etlled for lhat dty on Ihe Ifith inir, Tba following b a jBt or tke perAiimen that bit:—N. T. Daren, pott aad lady, Mn. W. H. Ldgblon. Mlia O. Adima, Mra F. a Cbintau, M. Fbher, W. F. EoeUner, E, Bmllh, J. IL Blib, 8. J. W. MlDUer, J. Oreeawoed, U. W. Fbke, J. B. CuniE, a T. Hagtn, O. HUbard, A. P. Baywood, and W. a Floyd and ledy. A BOW of talented nerfoimen win put In aa appeaiaac* at Tony Paalor'a Open Honae next week, among whom are the tdoled Fowler Blaleiai Mulligan, Leantt, Bob Bart Bin/ Putor and Bbody Magnln, PROTooairHio oiao unman of all Ihe prlndpil acton, aolreeeee, end pexfoimera In erery Una ot the drama, of mIn. abelay,et).,may beprocniedoflir. D. 0. hia agency, BryaoU' Hiottnla, m Broadway. Full partleulan an glren in Mr. Wlnena' extended adreruaement la thia Mo. of Ibe Curna. OraiMtlo. a/ina BuDOia waa In Ogdenaburg, H. Iwt week, and tbb week u well u next will play In TUnarllle, "Bcnnb Elolae" la ono of the Bridgra of aba—roloptnona looking and aU that E W. Cainai, heavy man of Hyet'e Dramitto Company, It ttni lying dangerontly Ul at the Oily HobI, Portamonlh, N. H., ol inflaaunaibo of the howeto and typbcid revet. Mb. T. B. Milzj will open hlalall and wtnieraeatouatiha Acalemy of Mode, MUwauke^ on the 9d of October, wllh ao enllrdy new company, Mr. Milb, In hb endeavon to eabbllak a lint elaaa Iheein there mceb the eimeat auppon of the moat Inffoentld dtltena. Mamhi BCHBLLBa caallauca at Ihe Bocbeeter CIpera Houee u "Cbdenlle," (third week of the "Spedtde."; lo accordance with reqneat abe win appear la olhet chaiactan tbb week On the Ulh, Mad, BoheUer commeocee e three weefce esgigemeDt It Ibe Mempolibn Tbeain, BnOilo. CaownxD noutzt an now Ihe order or the dty it the Hemrk |N. J.) Theatre. On Monday, llih laat, the "Peep o' Day Boya" wu pioduced, in wblcb Mbe Major PauUne Cuabmaa appeared u Eaihleen Mavonmeen. Our coneapondeat eaya;—"Uer act- ing wu veirgcod. She hu a good vtuce, a beauliful face and figure, and u quite ai home be!On tha fool-llgbla Mr. Jamet M. Ward appeired aa Btiney O'Toole, aod exdted the mirth or iha andlonce by hb dnll aajlnga and actlont. Hany Eannagh wu pinonaled by Mr. W. B. Higgioa in en accepbble manner. Mr. T. W. Kcene. u BUphea Purcel), had aa uaihaukfol part lo pe^ form, and did It wilb one or two eicepUona, lo the life. Mr, J. M. Pine looked end ectedJUBtuO'Leairahoold do. Mr, Oeorge mould bavedonebet'eruCapt Howard. Mr.ClnlttTwaibanh and unnalnnl u Mr. Once. Mr. J. W. CoUyir dlil the email part or Andy, Ibe Poet, rery nlcdy. Molihee waa well made up and utcd by Hba Kelile Palmer. Mba Mary Woodward, uUaiy Gnce,wu too timid; abe did not throw ha]! enoogh luelnio her expieadon or word& Ur, John Hunan la neeired tot the lul. Be ippeared u Black HulleBe, and a finer portnyd of the mtir- derona, nngiloly.looklcg rllbin, tua addum ir evet been aeen, Ibe Hewarlitu are proud lo hare luch a fine ador amongat kCiu HauxTta Bini, tke pealomimbt end tighl.iope per. former, contlnuee bet ancewaet in the EttUtn Stttea, andre- celvea the weB-meiited oonunendatlona of tho preia thereaway. The Haiifiird DoUg All ot Ihe tlh loat aeye:—"MUe. Bevel made her fint eppearance In tkb elty bat evening at Allyn HaU, lo a houee filled to lb utmoafcapadty. Bheenatiioedlhepnn. dpd ehaiBctcr la Iha military dnma of Ika 'French Spy.' Her giacefol, winning wave aoon made bar a fhvoriie whb Ike audience, who appbuded ber nptunuely thioanboai ih» pi»t. She li u light aa a r Irr, eprlghUy, and hie luoh a pbadng way that file nmootrauioAiiAtui bet audience^ She wu nmarxably good in the fencing acene, wUch„wy u Bndy done u any we can temembet. Mr. Connolly npforled her In an able manner and the entln play paaaed off quiu nBOothly, To-night Mile. Bavd wljl appear In the drwne of thg 'Broken Bwoid,' beeldea inlndndogherwonderfnlevolBllona on Ibe dgbt-npe, wllhout Ihe aid of a balance note." TBunjciiam MiLwanxA-Tbe manager, T. E. Mille, hu returned mm a aucctaafDl lent, with hb dnmatle company, through Ike Bine, having pbyed with marked approbation u Madiion, Fon du lac, Oahkoeh and Janeerille. He la now or- giniiing a new eompaoy for the Fail and 'Winter teitoa. Boob wu Mr. Milb' excellent management in that olty for Uiree mooiha—doting the heat of annimer—that Ike nerckanta and weaHby dtliena an now determined to anpport him In hb en- deavon to make the Ihntie a prominent loailtullon, and bare lodged a handioma mm In the Milwaukee Hdionti Bank for that putpoie. '"** Tns Houux Oraaa Taoopa commenced a thort auatn at Ulica on the llth of Sept HaUa were it a stemlum la Vila, when Inrding companlen anttdpabd a rich aaneat during the Bbb Fair, which commenced Bept 19th. Fob IBB HiLWAnnB TaaaiBB, and drcull, a number ol per- formenanwantedroraaeatonortTomaixtoelgbtmofitha, For partleulan, ake Manager T. E, Milb' card among out thealncal advertiaemeab. BUKOBB Dl BiB b the pnaeat alar at De Bat'a Bt Lpob Op- en Houee. kloLLia Wnutio and Fehx Vincent commenced an eogag*. mentd Ih* Athenaum, Celro, DL, oa Ihe Ulktnat opening In "Irebnd u it Wu" and "Jmny Lmd." EULT TaoBHB wu the altraollon bat week at the Sr.LoubO^ en Honae. On Ibe 13th eke appeared u Fortunio, in the ex- bangania ol lhat name. Tax "OctOBOOH" wu produced et the MempoUtao. 'BuaUo, on tke nth, and kept the boarda during the week, Btl>y Allen, Ethiopian comedian, wu eogeged expieaalf to danoe the *■£*. tence or Old Vinlnay," laliodaccd In the piece, by which te gained mn-Ji applauae, MinBS. BnoBiM Bunoi and Hany Bapgood-wiih a dn. matlo company—commenced a thoit letaon on Ihe lUk Init at jBckion HtU, Jtckton, Ulch.. wlih the •■geiloua FamUy," Iha "gwua Oollage^' and the taUowiag oompany: Meaan Brawn, Dunn, Buike, Lampee, Bella Wallace, Mba Davie* and Un. Duno, TBBLumiwouB CrtT Tbbiibb opeiicd rot Iha aeaaon the tth Intt. to a ctowded honae. A oorreapondent aayai "Ihe play adecied wu 'Lore'a BacriOce,' and the toilowlng liaportloa oruiacompany: UclbBBiadabaw.badlngbdy; Bacbel Cantor, fint old woman; Uta Chu, Joroan, Jnrenlle lady; Mlta Kate Taylor, alogtng ohambermkld rhtt llnl appeaiane* on the itage ror acme Ume, ntrioKinaiiledlnBtLonbandntlrid for awhil^, Min Cole, Mn. Beoilr, Min Annie Jamlaon, Charley J. Fyda, Fiuk Howard, J. E.Vernon, S. BoeweU, a Jordan, D Cameron, J. Brealan, H, Fnnbllo, Qto. Benlley, DIoomlogdale, Wlliete, Booth. Heriy Linden, ectiog and atige manager.' Use EHnaiB ToxiuaB-anuouiieed in Iha bllb at "a efle- biated CdUoinb acb.*ai"—made bet dl^ut on the 13th init at Ihe aalionil, ClnolnnaU, aa Uyothb la ''Flowen of the Foree:" LOT» wu the telgnltg farorlte lait week et Wood'a Theatre, Cindonatt "The Sereu Daogblen of Baian," produced en tte llth inet lo a Urg.- tudlenee, wu conUnaed during the week. Lotta waa encorea In ber namenua tonga and dinct^ Her en- gigement w,a t) Icrulntte there on the 16lli lott The teaaon at the UempoUlan, Direnport Iowa, opened well, ltd the " Duke'e Uoito" wu a hli, allliiiuih the weeihrr wu Inlenedy lot Ikle week Ihe great fdr takea place. The eom- paoy bnlbetahoil-handedi rour or the people enraged did not eome to tioie. Manager Wyitt tavrrtiiet lot peoplu in tbb bine of theOLlPFZIL Tbb Fioaexoia an doing wdl at the AthcbBum, Botlaii,wllh oldpleoee. "IBB BiBUn or Hew Tork" will bo wllhdnwn riom Ihe Boe- tonTheatn on the Xsii. Fiank Mayo, tiom Cellfoinie, hu made a hvonble Impicedon br hb perrotmince of Ihe abanctet ofTomBadget. Ut. and Mn ohitloi Keen oouuneoee en engigemenl at tha Boalon on Ihe SKtii. "tgnt'lBBS Bill" b the titl) <.t what la caUoJ anenllnly now comedy, produced thb week at Ibe Boalon Mueeuak It b by C, H. Oaren, and hu never befbn been pbyed In Ihb conatir. Ut, L. & Bhewen ind Ulu Eate Denlnapnar In the cut OoBioot ATTiiB.—Allhough mlnltieieof the goipd lomcllm' a denounce the diaua and lb teaohlnga, yet tbo brolbaihood an not ell tree Item woidly dedtce, ot an Incllnetlon to toe what la going on among the "wloked^people." A cutlona affilt vru bnnght to light at Col Wood'* Tnetire, Obloigo, on tho lib Inat It appean that during Ike performance ol' Bpeed Iha Plougb," a genucman In the audience annonaoed lo the atleadanta that he had been tobbod of five hundnd doUan. The detcclivoa woie put on the acent and boian eyeing Inquldtlvoly every coonto- nence In the Ibatre. At length, Ur. 0, Mwatdt, aupeifniondeut ol the mueeum, diacorered a couple of "gay aod Inlire pel*," with cy*«la*aee and cenei^ twuUeg their mooelachee in Ihe moel bihlonable abtndon, and appiinBllir wllh mnch'oipertence lo Ihe bttabeu. BbqulckeyemaoorefcathattbehetrwutumatunUy long, and lhat It at niher too Jauntily on the face to be the t^ tnlt ol nituie oronguenia Hetbenfon in'onned the delcotlroa, tad the two fdlowe won "pullvl" and taken Into a prtrale room. On aearching them, what wu the bomr ol Ihe oScera lo find be- nnth Ihe gay whleken and flaahing breaal-plit, two doigymon, who bed dltgnUed tbcmtelru tar the purpoae ol indulging'In a Utile "unbwfol and unholy amaaement" Ona of them had on an enermona fabe monaUeba, aad wu fixed up la the molt n- ckereleelrle,rcgaidleaiof expenec. The other eron a tbIn muk era the lower pvt of hb fece, which completely ditguited hie rettnree. Papoa or a Iheoleilcal ohanelet wen (bund on their penon^ but (hit wu nnneceaaaiTi u they made afnn coclenttn and begged t* be dbobaiged, •aylng lhat thev only dedrad to eee what Iha Iheabe wu Uke, In ordei Ikat they lalght tcaoh Iheli it*- pietlrefloekt te tknn luek eril place*. On* of thn* tbeahial etogymsa tptod* bb Itbkalhila ntaidilag ta*t1l«p»Ohl»- aiIadl*Boe; Ikeolbtt b a iBlBirlttfteeB the eoonto, *bo baa bbflooklotafewdfoatavMilk* IM* fiut-«adtheIkea- " ». ■, Pna'* OiBU Honn anelBBaU, eonanota H* rtcnbt tea- BOB OB the lllk ioit, witti a pntty good dnmall* eoapany. A brae crowd taaembled at th« theain la tnaogonla the aeaaon, welcome Old ftccanjlpaaaiadgunt aotn aaw candldatia lot bla'rionb hondia "Benool fiv Boiadd" waa paifbnned, with De Oroat u Bit Feirt Teaile, Mn, bBkerrrtt a* lady leaiia, Ur. HtU u FJr Oliver. 0. Radcllib u Sir Benlemtn, and O Met- klff uObulee Burlaoe. The comedy wu wdl peilcfmed. Uie compeoy glvlag labalkcHoa. On Ihe foroiilng ermlng "Lave'* Sioifioe" aod "FnUca of a Okaabermald" wae peafotmed, nltk JnUa Pdby aa Adeblde In the faice. Oo the 13th, "Manled Life" aad "lady Among the I lone" wen lo be pioduoed. Fain OBigTBAD produced hie new piece of "Bam," wiittea for him br De Wilden, at the IndianepoUa Thaalia, ea Ihe llth Init, wllh the anther bi the piece. It la eald to be of Ihe Dui^ drearr ecbool, aad, conddered with nferenoe to Ita plJt alon^ la not perhipe volaUle or atilklngly orlglnd. It abonnda In muck well elmed aatin, Ita inddenb am weil connected, lb plot la hi- nenlone end well woven, and ator* an it hu Ihe merit ol ine- t ilued and prognailre lotenet from the Inception to the donou^ ntot The piece will ehoiUy be produced at the Bieadway The aire In thb city, wten we abaU hare an opponunlty of eedng "Sam" In jTrepriapenona WauTut a eompiny mm HIblo'c Qtrdea it performing tbb week In Hew Harm tod Hirlford, and on the 2tih coBmence at Ihe Hew Unna Honae, BprUiglIdd, Maea, Ibt three nighta, and Ihe biluce of the week et Pnrldenoe. "Airah-na-Fogue" le Iktlr card, wilb Ibe cett the tame u at Hiblo'a, except J. Wal- lace u Bhann, Mr*. Ague* Perry u Arrah, and Qeo Baeka at Feeay, A uauuio ConPiin b wanted for Fort Weyne, lad. Sea ed- renleemeat Hua Janm Biobt, a riatag young comedlena^ b now tal- BlIlngaaeilMorragagementalnrariouaaectioBt or the Union. Bbe tppein In Diranpott Iowa, Oot 3d, thence to ClnclnuiU, Loubnile, HaehriS*, etc Bee card elaewhtre, Tbb Daaiu (a miklog a atrike a the oil regUma of Pennaylva- nIa We have dmdy made mention or aevenl compenlea per- forming ont there, aad i,ow wa leara thit the Unrpby Brothan have opened vrith a company at filHob, Penoaylvuia. 7heee- tabllihm'nt la <dled "Uurpny'e Open HouaV and la now open fir the fell and winter aeaMB. Performete wbbing a ohance to ahow In Pll Hole an ttfenM to the Brotben Untphy'e card In another column. Dna at Hocbeder, H. T,, Aug. Mlb, at Bt MatTa Hoaplbl, Thoi. B. Dnncta, egcd 83 yetia BltOltnae waa coneumptlon. Mr. Duncan played rot aevenl yean In Hew lork and Hew Or- leana. Hewuobtorblamindap lo the day or hla death, end wu without meant, bnt a corveepondentMye that "a Mr. J. w. Cbarlei look bim to hie Iraarduig-iiouae ud kept bim for fire week*, peying eU bla expenaet, with the excepiloa ol (l< eonlii- buled by the company at Byncnae, Mr. (Aeriea kaew falm In lormer yeira. and woiUd not hire pnt him In the hoepl'a] bad he not been ao weak u lo be unable to help himadr. Mna LomxB WanniLD made her firel appeannce In thb country u Margaret Ellmore, In 'Loie'a Sultn," at tha Hew. ark Theatre, oo the 13th. A eoiteapondtnt eeya: *<Bet debut waa not a lueccnful one. The lady bcka lorre, and needa pndlce bekn aba can become en aocrabble edreea Oa the aame tren* lug Ihe young aclnn, Ulu Jennie Wadei eppeaied u Bancy Blocker, in 'Irlih Aatunnce anil Yankee Uodeety.' and acqulttei keieeir credlbbly Mt. J. U, Ward appraivd u Pet and u Eu- aenoDeLorme, inbolh of which he wae good. The 'Colleen BawB' wu rironghtout on the Itlh, wllb J. M. Ward u Mylee, Ube Malor Paolioe Ctiabinan h Elly, John Hunan u Danny Mann, W. a Hlfglna u Baidrete Ciegin, Mr. T. W. Keene u Conl- gan, Mr. J, W. Pyne at Filhet Tom, Mitt Maty Woodward u Aon tninle, HeUle Pdmer et Urt. Cngin, tad Uuy L. Berre'il u Molebee. TheplecewuweU pbyed thioughont and wu weU attended." "TBB PaoyLB'a Lawxbb" wu produced on Angnatglh, at Ihe Bait Lake Olty Ikeatre, alik Ur. Dunbar u Bolon. II ma r» pealed ou the lltb. In oonjunetlon with "Larater." UOBoiB am) ALmnDn'e Cobpabt hu been dnwlng good boueeaat Cotiy. Pa., to weaniorormedhyacorreepondeolwbo, writing on Ihe 8Ui loit.Mya: "They hare pntenlea in tha cltl- aeot orihle Iowa 'FutLynne,' 'Our Ameifeao Coudo,' 'Cbailee the Id,' 'Faint Heart nerer won Feir ladr,' 'Dick Tnrpin,' Tom Elng,' Ihe 'JtooUle,' tud olheie. Lul nigbt wu the oceulon or Blr. Ed. W. Acker'e benefit and a larijer and more appredaUre audience wu nerer eeen in CooVt CouUnentat Bdl- The bill nrtaenled waa The Btnnger,' and 'A Day alter tba Wedding-' Ifr. Ader'a teadlUooe or the binoget aod Col. Fteelore, wet* Immenae. He hu become a gnit ravorib here." Bav RTiB hu been engaged for low comedy and ttage mintger fat the new Opera Houm at TllnavUle, Pa, A. Uicnauim, havlog Inted Blchmond't Uoteum Bill, UeadvlUe, Pa.,bu oiiened II with a drimitic companr cooalitlog of Ueitn. T. M. Tyidl, W. a Formt H. Rynar. J. B. Unmy, J. J. Sulllrin. K. U. Wright P. Bnth, F. B. Birria. F'Ui Spear, A Uicflrlird, E V, Onroiy, U, Forbuib, J, H, Erini, and O, T. Eteney; Bale Bynar, Jeaele Uac'erlind, Carrie Wright, Imo- gene Tncj, LIUlan Campbell, and Clan Evini, Hun Bmont concluded e ni nlgbte' engagement at Ihe Columbna, Ohio, Open Houar, on the 0th Inat Ut. Beimour will ahortly pby a engigeiuent at Hewark, W. J., wnen he will producebbnewptfoiol'TheFenlan Chief." Be haa t'me to apan lo February, Bee hie card. laz "war or the roeei" hu been rcpiodnced In Ibe rira'iy bC' Iwren Iba two Ibntiea In Pitbbnigh. thouih It b not regarded u pnbiVe tbtt like din conaeqnencee will enttil upon Ibe peiti- tana ol the ptieeot oonteodlng liauaea u It did upon thou or Vcik and Laaculer. Our old correapondaot "Adelpbl," who b at hb poet once more, nye—"The couleat la being waged rigor- ondy, Ihe managen of the rlral edabUihmenb pulUug in their beat Ucka in the commendeble endreror to pnecnt inperinr at- tractiona to tke drami-lorlag public, who congniuble tbem< aelvn upon being the gilnen by the etmggle; and weU knowing lhat competlilon la a nn prevenlire or moaopoly and Impo- dHon, give thdr encounoemeot to the bdi]gaanuendenj3r the dmnatla nrlnL There nu been no poedble abalement of the dran^ttc fever during Ibe week, each ptice bdog unoomfoiUbly crammed nightly, notwtibitandiog laa-horrible weather wUa wblob we wen favored aevenl ereainga. Bach a mab la eome- tbina alipoak uuurvcwteitcd in PlUabnigb, and eetabUabra bO' yoDO doubt the net that onr cUicena wlU erer extend a genaroua euDport lo merilotlona apnilcenta fot tkronble eooddentlop.' Haikett'a benefit «a a neat anooen end netted a hand- ioma iuai A>t the 'emlnenfalandlifgioom being outofthequea. Uonaahoil Ume nbtequent to Ihe opeolng; IhedKncbdeprO' tented a daxsling una of ^nairltgetble daoghten tad ooBely mamnat while the other polloni of Ihe honeo wen denaely paAed wllh Ihd 'lorda of ere alien' and the ■goda' of Ihe piru room. Ur.HacietteppeaieduHlorodWUdiln and Uona. Uallet, Uiu girlng hla audience en opportunity or wttneailiw hini ta two widdy diffennt cbtnden—an oppratnulir wblcb hioogbt eooridlon to thdr mindt tbit 'FaUtdt though hie great ipeclalliy, wu Dot the only chancier he wu cae^e of enacting in an ap- Itecld^e mgnner. Ulu Ada Uonk'e peifbrmance or Min la. minary wu rery attepbble; ebe druai il In eicanent lade, and looked, irpoaainle, men cbannlog than erer, Mr, Wentwonh waa good u Perclval, and B, Bolto made a capital bigh-preeanre 'cullud gemblam'in thenteorOaeat. Mr. Heckeltcloaed on Iha Mb, appealing In three plecu; ria, Felix O'CelUban, Mona. Md- let and Wildfire. A dinee by Ulu Jennie, a rery pleadng dan- KUK, wu aaadwicbed bttween the pbeea. Tbb (ball week we bed Ihe young and incceuiul Ingedba, L. PZ-BaiKlt who opened on the Utb la Leeter Walbck'* aeaeaUon ol 'Boaedab, or the BIfle Ball.* Mr. Barntt'a rendition of theromaatlccbaraoter of EUlot Ony wit a natural and llnlabed piece of ectug, and hu eaiblad him la all p el once into Ihe good gnee* of our dilisgf.' Ihe piece wu placed upon the abge In a truly cradllaUe manner, with new aceneir, coalumea, etc., and dl In Ihe out wen up In thdi paR', cauilng Ihe dnma lo pan much more nnoolhly thin' la cntliimaiy upon a fint night The acenary b weU executed; lhat of Boeedde Manor, In the fint act and the Qlpay DeH, In the (ourth, an upeddly beautUBI, aad chaUenge tbe admtnllon of an. Ur. Want bona of Ihe beat loenlo aitlita In Ihe weet and baa been oonneded with Ihe Hiabllihment for a apice of aeren yeara. Ur, Baitptt wu greeted with appbute erety time he af peaied upon the tbige, ind tt Uie oondualon of the performince • ttodledbefon the cn'bln, wh>n he bow'd hit tcknowleilg- meab to Ihe thnng, but uponded nottolbe Inmaliuone ip- pwb for a tteech, hb heart, I preinme, bdog 'loo luU for ut- iennee.' The Matthew Le* ol Mr. Coiaawall eaa a fine piece ol uilng, u wa* alao the CkiLUeyet Ur. LttUe. Ur. Hann,u MOu UcKenna, appealed lo better adrantage than in any piece we hare yet aeen hlm-be looktd tbe rory pononUlcaUon of the tuIBkn and cnt-thioal. We would auAgut ine piopnety ot hie af • baring to that Ibe, Ut, Holto wu exodlent at Bunbeitr Hob, and putevaiybody In Ihe beat of good humor. In the bdiee' de- ptrlaent udy Flonnce, Bon Xrtlgb, aod Lady Adcda wen ec- aeted In a pnlatwoithy manner by ihe Uleeee Uook and Un. Hollo, while Tabltha—the pr«bf, good, ooit, detr, bcirid old womtn—wu well done by Urt. Bylreeler. Ihe Rmtlnlng chit- tden were irell performed. 'Doeedde' bat been on tht board* irery night thua far, and will lomain eo Ihrouiihont the cnn^e* neni, which terminated on the LOIh init, to give pbce to Uii* Laun Eeene, who wiU aojoum with ut a week, Oomlog u a* attuiger, and liarlng anch ittongoppotiiioo ae Ube Tbompeon le contend agalnat Ur. B't eucceu epeaka rolume* Ibr the'merit of hla pertarmancu and of Ihe pleoe be preetnb to the publle- Buoceia attend him .... Tbe fair manager of the Open Houee It mthlng the thing droni thb week. Two rlan now glitter behind Ibe looUightt.> Tbe bn Impormtlon b anolh'r edition ol ye 'fkadnatlng anil accomplKbed'^ doniewe, leapondlng lo tbe euphonloua cognomen of BTDe Biaedlne, who made bet obe!* aenee on Uouday evenlnfL aod made a hit Ike ben, of Miu I rell not abort of antldpallena; li wee a pet:ect oral Ion, the maxT admlitn of thb gifted eotnu bung packed away like eaidlnte, tolbewrloua dairiment of eipentira eiinoIlne,eoftaheUonb hab, and olhe- ippuitentneei of tbo detr creaturct who have nothing lo wear. Bhldda Inuit ol 'Zrtdne; or. the Bbinc' wu preientcd, with Mbe I, u tho berotna. Tbtt It a rery irdaoua coancler and one pecnUirly adapted lo her aiyle or Ulent and tboanitalned II In L very able manntr. Btaewu talcectllcJ belon the cuttaln. and. In reqionio lo npeded demanda Ivr * apoecb, addnaied Ibe net audience. On tbe evening or tke llth, Ulu Thompeon't new priie pity, in Ameilcan pby by an American eulhor, and enUUed'Brinoi; or, Uie Fint Revolution.' wu produced u a coonler allnoUon lo'BoeeOdo.' UbtT itb dated, said 11,000 lor the uw or Uiii ploce. Oen't ny—mtybe yea, anil ruaibe not ao muchly. I enona* yon Ihe oorreaoon- deuce relative IheKlo. It wu cut u foliowa:—Drloca, Min Tnompion; Walter, UhiplUi: Tbad Watgnve, Eameal Laualole Booney; Beoben Baolcal, U. & Tike; Sol Pcnnywiae, Setlon. Ibit b tho firtt Ume Ihe play hu been- ptrformod, but u I haro not bad an npporinnlty of wiioetalng U, I rennet apeak of lb merit*. II la evident bowovot, Ihet It wu not nee ved u wdl It bid been eipoclcd, ror It wu withdrawn tfiet ihe aicocd nIgbt Wedne-day evening, Ulu T. dUplay>d bet LltUe Bue- root to tn tdmlring Ihnng, tad to-ulght iltHi) ebo noeated her perromaace of Camillo. She rcmilut two olchb looaer bdna tnccotdcd by theao ehetming end vcrutUe yonns ulieaaaa the Webb allien, who open on Monday, ]glb, Inuroromenttliaie '^?!'ttLW''*?'l."'"°'™5 ■?"?"' put week. The front of Ihe hmldlng hu been npalnled. and a haudiome dgu raited, wiUi Uie name, Open Uonie, in tha centiciand at dtherend! orer Uie rupeeUre entnncca, Ibe worda 'enlnnce to dieu dtde tod pitquet* and ■enlnnce lo Ikmlly dicla' A dnie of Umpe hu alao beea wnagid around each of the lanewlndowa la tnnt which, when mumlnaled, preaent a reir Eandtome ap- pearance.' UBBanx iin> HiBBieoii'a dnoeUo com] I.Vb*i:ii wett*tlhiM>B|i« Open float*,'RMg Ih* prindpil Wi (or •Itrea nlghli. Orlun* aad UoUl Mtnh. It which iWil nO-.wiDoa'' Iha parly nluin to fork ror eat week, tod thea go lo Htrrit- hurg, at Bnat'a Bill, opening Uete ror Uie winler uaton on Oct. •Ul IheoompuiyconibborMr. andMn.MBtkDtba,Mr.and. !ftS I,"!!*'""*.'"''' »• B. BeUbr, J. T. Batatt, 0, B. Howaid, S'.^'iSf^'.i'" °f<^,»". Uonltaid, UuM Iteddle, Alice SSiJku^ ' Bbaley, Emm* BaUitinry end Mra, 0, P, Tbb Wxbb Btngat bare tbtlad ont foi ttieir fbll aad winter (oat, amnmeadng at PHbbtigb, whan Ihij are pbyUig Ikl* , j|tolhey appeei'U aieaa'a 'o thence to Cotimbu and tD "~ atlndbnatolb. Dee. MUi. Memphb Huhrine. HeV UmeU en filled up to the middleor — . , -jey expect to return lo their home hi BnoUrn, indprepite taraMp la Ennpe,offin bavUig ben mide them by a popoltr London menaget. Tbb Old WaaaniaioH Tbuibb baring been laaecd ror a *e**on of nine monlhi br Meten. fenno ud Uiglnley, hu is- dergone a rejnrenatloa; the houee bie been pelnted, newly m. holeUred end carpeted and w|il compare, it la aald, &ror^fr wlUi any place In lhat dty. Tbe opening will lake pbce en tV* 9d of iMoba, and the ladin and aeaUemen ere rniaeated I* it- lemUe In Ibe green room oo tbe 39tb Intt Tm pnuB Plii called "Brinca." tor which Mlu Cbarlole ThompeoD i* uld to bare pild tlOM, wu produced oa ibe lib at Iha Opera Uouu, Plltibnreb, bnl wu wlibdnwn on tbeaceotf nIgbMt baring proved a fallun. We bare been Inlormed tbu tbe lady'a agent Ut. OamU. le Uie ■ tuoceiifol" tnibor ef lie nuuocenlul prbe drama. It b not probable that "Brinaa" wiU be reentdtited. Lorn cloaed a btUllut two weeka engagement at Wood>i This'ie, ClnolnnaU, on tke itib, when ahe apyaaied u Tartarini, Iniho-'ScrenDioghlenoraatan." ThbweekiheU atWood't IhcatrtjIiOubvlOe, "Aaaio Hi PoauB" wu to be pmduoed at PIke'e Opera Honae. Oinelnoaa on Uie IBUi, wlUi John B. HcDonongh atd Bopble Oimber Ul the eaat , »5f ^'5""""'?" ■"'he ate bat vrwk at Olenn'a Open Home, Hotfdk, Va,, ud remalnaUie preaent week. Bbe ptodund Uio "Angel of Slldnlghl" on Ibe liih, lOTTx laoMtioB b Uie ate allndion thb weak at Wood' Tbialie, OhidnnttI, .J?i*h*?? 'I ^'I''"''". Ohio, lul with played the "TIebet of Leave Min" at the AUunmm. Tbb week Uie eaa:* comiwiy appear at Eiliter'a Academy ol Hualc, Clirebnd. tnen- bg Uen on tba 16 b In -'Botedile." ''P" Mna. FniBi Obibim can be aaraied fot ibr fnnanmeBlr. Uinigen wlU mike a note of het adrertlaamaat la anoibir oolnnm. IB PBSUDiLtBU, the wann weattier bat week Intnfered wtth tbe tbeilrea tomewbtt tllhougb moatoi laemdld a(a^ bue;oeee; Ibe American, probably, bad the largut andlenoee of all, Ubt Kile Fliher mil "Maztppa" pnring rer/ ittnclire eatde Mu- •ger Fox vriU nitin the piognmm* nalU fntlker notice. Tbe AmtricwTbeitie, ttaniiar, Getmel with eitnoidlnaiy auooeea. Un. Drew oonc:ndod bet eerlu of pertarminoe* d Iba Arch, ou th»igth, Bbe ii inccteded thb week by Edwin'A^amt. Mra-Boweiab In the aeooud week of hereogaaemratu the Walnut Bheb doing tdenbly weU Helen Weelonb eboalng off altha Chedunt apdahape altitcbaUvely crowd to IhU honae. Jode Ortm b wl'b the company Ihla week, oprnbg on Uie Mth In Uie "Comlod Couoten." Mr. and Mn Bairr WaUrina an ami at Uia Aeaembly Bunding*. KiTTT DLaaeman asd W. U. HoUuo condnded an eiaage- mentat tbe Auollo Ibeitrc, lexington. Sr., on Ihe Igth liiunt firodoelog "Little Binioot" On Moadty, (Ifiih,) Ur. Gcob nrt, the energeilo ettge mtntgar of tbe thealie waa to jrodnce Ik) drama 01 "Ten HIgbb In a Bar Boon," wiU(awdl leleeltd Block comnny, conebBng of B, T. Clinton, W. L. Loweiy. C. J. Foder, J. B. Jarkaon, J, H, Pnther, Ur. Jame*, kite. Hebon Snetu, Bin. Oea Buif, Mbi Miggie Uayllng. Ulu Ella Pdmer, Mb* Uonioe, and lltlb Eltu Logan Burt Our cor- reepondent ''Claudio," remarka: "We kave had ample oppor- luully ot Judging of tbe merlla of Ihla company, and can honntly apeak of them In the higbiatlerma or commendation. Into Ihe ebuuleieof (Iringolaeand Mone. Zephyr, Ur. Bortbroeeaa aplrllof aprlgbUlneia and nnadoltcnud good humor, ihit 1* reiUydlfflcnlt to excel, end ooewededdedly eojoy. Mre. Hilion Sneita, «• an adnia, b Uvaly and pleaaing: aa a voctlbt excel- lent Berelngbig la chaticteriaed by a dlitlnct ennoebuen, aod a modobUon weU executed, and wllhoul appeitat attempt Thenalnnal favorite of LeilBgton, however, appiaia lo be the ftUU prodigy, Ellia Login Butt Bbe b acareely fin yean old, and welgba only 30 Iba, rd aba appeua on the dage ta tone rf tte Doal diffleuUplnadui, ind ting* i eoag wlUi the aoiidtolinoc or an old alager. She b Uie people'a lironle, end like* theli ep- pboie Wllh anfreeniug auig/nfif." AtThz Pabb (BtooiLmi TaaAtBi numuu wit not u mi bit week u the week prerlone, "Leak," though wdl piteeated, not proring to be Uie aUncllve card eipeded. It ran lor fire nUhti onl;, andUten wat npliotd by tbe ttupldly heavy piece. "Ingomir," which even tbe floe ictlng oT Ihe Cmvnjt could net redeem from tedlouineee. With the comedy talent Uia Conway hit In her compiuv. wean lurprited it ber goug Into tbe beary budneea, u iba did bat week. By Uie wiy, we notice tkit that effldont uiuiant of Un. Conway'a eabbUahment, Ur. Joha H. Cirr, bu been placed In charge of the box cfBce. Abclttr telectlon conld not htve been nude. In WuBiKOTOg, oolwlthebodlng Ihe very wenn wetiher du- ring tbe put week, tho dUTeient pitcet or amoaimint have tieen thronged nightir with the loven ol Ihe dreoiB, comedy end the bdlet. Our coiretpondent ''Amicue" uya—"When a drama b ao well enicKd u'Annn Floyd'bai born, during tbe pnaent week, by thatxceUent compiuy atOrover'e, It cannot fiU,even In uld aunmer, lo dnw crowded honaee, Tbli pby wae fint piodoced on Uouday, llth loiL, ana wu reproduced on Tuerdiy aod Wcduiediy eveulega Much bad been add of Ura. Jonlu, the leading acireu or Uie company, and tbe people wen very dt- alrona of heinng eml Jodglug ii.r Ihemadvee. Bne wu tn- nouneed to appear In tbe 'Heir tt law' oo Ibe 61b. bat lo Ibe dlt- appolntment of manr tbe eaat wia changed. However, It wee coDcllbtory to know tbtt ibe would ippeir on Uonday In the charaeier ol Aurora Floyd, rnt dl knew tut if abe could portray tbe wUd let gnet-attlcken Aurora, an eilremily dUBcnlt tait, ahe wu the card that would uke In Wieblnglon. Althonph noit oflbeaudlencehidnerereeenUibbdybifom, yd ibehidihe beet wtehea of aU for her aucoeaa^ and wae loudty appbuded upon ber fint enlnnce upon the atege. Bht not only equaUed but fee autptited Ibe eipedaUont ol ill by bar poilnyil of the wtywuir bu .'be, Ur, Lawlor, aa tke honeit Yailehliemia John Melllib, did e>en better than ta J. UUdmey in Ike comedy oi 'SlIU Watin Boo Deep.' But tbe featun of the plav wu Ur, Binge' lUoitifr Uon of the Belly. Blare Htignre. In tbli chtneiir he wuu dlignlaol Uiit ob Intlnuta wquttntincra oouJd binly leeog- nlu bin. Mr. Baoga hu by hb frank, open ccoduct in pnblieh- log tita caid wblcb appealed In ona of our daiileaL coupled with bU ehlUiln u an ador, ao won ihe armpaUiy o) Jbe ptople, thai' not a word of dlui«nbaUon b now beatd. HnWhlDhg u Capt. Buletrade, aad J. K 8p«ckmia u t^pIT Prodder, .thaliiler a*-, pecbliy, alloUed idnaU ol apflnue by thdr fing- ectlng. Ihe 'Ladr of Lyitta' wu tnnoonoed ror the Itth lait, tnd will ptob-- ably nnialn on Ihe hpirdi during Ihi week. One of',the pilnil- pelalOactl<,nt at UUa Uitaln b UademetaeUo Auguita^' Ae char- ming rfem n ii r , who appeui nIgbUr la'eome ol hct'apleadid denoet She la a gitai brorile, u lae 'eacon' aba alw*ys web beeuwilaeu." J.'B. Baanii, late of Ihe WIntat Aaiden Compiny, la pttpand (onigotbtevriibminuenttpreperlrmin, deeedrenuemeit Tbb Fail tad Winter tutoaof tbe Detroit Atbeimum com-- mCnced on the llth lait, Ihe opening play being "ISe lady at I^ona" ' Onr coiretpondent "Meteor" tiyi—"The Clande'-Mel- BOlleorihe leadinggenUemao, Mr. A.O. Mniar.wuaotqolbnp- tolhaatendard; hb reBdIUon being loo tame. It being erldent" that in bb eObit lo avoid ruling, be fiB Inlo° Ihe other eiHtme, akowbg a lack of force ai d power. Ube Cbailolta Bidbardion'B PauUne *aionlyaralrnpiea<nbtliii,andlhe(<ctwulmpreaiia open ih< audience that the gloift company wia not equdlelba compiuy orbttwaun. By br Ihe meet balanced performance or lae erenlog wu Ur. J. R. Eealej'a Baanaant wblcb, together wllb Ura. EUia Hedey'e Madame Seacbeppelle*, and the Col. Di- mu or Ur. J. B, Fuller, made Ibe pur qnito elTectlre. pbya during tbe nmiinds- rr Ibe week wen pagfornea la a tomewhat Detler manner tbtn on the fint night Among Ike pliye were 'The Ilru or EUimey,' ■Lore'a Sacrifice,' and ■Roaloa Ueidowe,'" F. f, OBiimio^ eogagemenl taa IndbSitpolb termuitted on the IflUt. J. H. HitaBTT I* Ibe tbt ihb week at the UelnpoUiea Thutre, lodbnipolli. Tbb Nxw Cobubutal TBBim, Doalon, now In courM Of erection lot Uorrit BtoUien, BtUaod Tnwbridgt, It txpectid lo open about Chbetmaa. The managen want a fiabnte jaw. oomcdian, and fint old mia, S^ their card. OlroNMt. YiBiBB BoxratoB'a homa wM nude dcgdtle lately by lbs, death or two chUdien. Xlnt, aa Inlkni daughtet died ur cholen biftulnm. loliowed, bit week, by Uie deaUi ol hla bob Cbirley wllh Uie une diuaie. EaiUi lo earth, end thoae lorelj chlldnn bowed their Utile hude and bid them doan among their kindred Bowon. ' J, HuBTWHiiBTbu lott hbwir.-7 Bhii dbd lately while tJire!- ingwlibaconiptny. PauiEB'aCiBOiia dbbanded ont w, at, and tbe pally enlvedat Bt I.outa, In aquada, ob the 8tb laat ^ Taa Buiswo, IIoobu a iluiiox Vibibtt Baow, which QrOcd Id Cbltago on tbu 8tb in"t, hu done a aplondid bnalncti Inera. Thereeeiplerbrthof'iiir (Int eiiilbltloui amonalcd in Ihe tggregale lo mon tbin lie Ikouund dotlart I The ctanpasy dona their enterulnmaitt In Culcuo un tbe 19Ui init Vonnfioa t Dagai't Wobld t moni petloimed at Batten, Pa., ontbaitth.lolhblwolargednouau ot tho aeaion. A eoim- pondent lajt: ''Longbelon Ike perroiin*|icei began Ihey wete obUgcd to clow Iho Uokel wagon tor the want of, atandtng lOonf, In the evening the performancg wu broken up by e heavyjtona of w,nl and nin, wb'ch ponitd ihnugh Ihe canrae, lilenlly deluglna ertty body. In bnaitnule* Ihe ring rcwmbled a hone- pood. Tboandleoce nmalncd under tbe canru, dandljg la ihotlog, fnrahouttwohoun; the nla abaUog, Iboy quJeUy dla- peraed. Tbe audlenoe were In the beet poulble eplrite, Ihe men portion In many loabueei hdping the arena people to gdy the eanrai with ibe belt petdble bttmor. huloo It a model (own for t clrcua. It la cJiuDAlr d lhat between four aod five thonttni' people Tbited the olicut duriog the day and eraning, tnd It ma nmarked by every membet or The company tbat aot a dnukca nun wu to bo uen, AU clitus companln ihould uike It a pobt lo ridl EutoB, u tbey appreedala e good ahow there, Bud know how to redproealo tbe aliuUoa ofpartlu artUig tha role of gen- tlemen. lit. Lee PoweUaad wol OdeU Joined the oompiny at AUeolown on tha llth. Dan BioL'a UBiuoBniB exhlblu tt Obdnnttl fonr diyi thb wrek curatneneing on tke 90lh, Tbb '-EQUBBOnBaiCDLuii" wlU le In Lexington, Ey., en Ihe and a3d UiBlant BloiiB k Boidon'* 0 rant b billed to tbow In Potion. *t the Fdr groondt, on tbe BUi, dlh, end Tth of October. Uxoxaa F. DtlLBT ft Co.'t Uimageria end CIron* Comblni- bon pbyed ta * ciowtlrd canrai erery arienoon aad night durlag thoU' abr In Oilumon. Mu8lo HbIIi. SouB of the moet altncUve card* In amnnment ol< cice mar be engaged Ibnugb Oeo. Lu, ol the Oenlerbniy, WaabUigton. Among them an Uia Fowler Blilan, Ih* great daaoarai U'UoDek- nhlne,' Jig dancer, comic alnger and reiuUle perfomer: W. A. Wn.v, laotbirgnttreneUlepcrionaori Unlluia tad LetrUI, Elbloplan dellnotton; T. P, Ctmy, Iilib roulM: BlUy Emtnan, etc. AitoztlonlidlieoledloUr, Let'toudrorpartlonlan. A aioH FBBBOBiuxoE U>ok pile* tt tho VariaUea Ibeatn, De- troit, daring nbeaiul one morning lad week, la which Ulu Er- ellne Lehman and a reilire llonlenant formoily of the tltt Hew Terk Tolnnlaen, wen Ihe pilndpal adore. It appear* thai tha Ueutenani wufortunato enough lo ohidn an InlioducUon to Ika Ikir famflue. and allU mon (ortonde, be had iheboBor of puta- - king be crcim with and aderward acoompanylng hot hornet upffi the itnngib of whtch he waa lodbaoal enoogh to elrculab eom* naughlF atorin derogatory t* the young bdy^e prirale chanolar, in conaequence of wblcb Uie Injured party determined to mde out Juitlce lo Uie oOgader with beiownhandi. AccordUiglr OB tbe foBowlng momlna the Uenleuant alghl hare been aeaa wen- dihg hi* war lo the Uieelre In compliance wlUi an inrlbaeDh* had recdrel tiaa Ulti Lehman i be.reubed the ban la dat Utae, bit Boirody had ba cnlered Ihe potbb than ha wu adied by" mde hand I ^d confronted by Iha ennged bdy, who in item ao* cenb qawUontd bim aa to the ttfith of the charge*'bnught agdaii him. lb* qnikbg lltaUnant coab*^, nut plttdid