New York Clipper (Sep 1865)

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THE NEW YOBK OLIPPEK. dnikiBieu to <xlniiii« ll» ftnlL lUi tuue. howtnr, n«nd 01 BO *Tili. ni la tplla of tali ntnitln At dtMciut Suptt * ccuhUc III one bud u4 thrcM coUu of (b« jnmf StB m Uw o(^-' ^ •bowtnd •omo tlx or urea Aoiin Uon ion* Ifii >»u ud ihooldtnot tba onliippx Tto<la, ^ta« «tl» sisi feeluB odIt tnded tnm ttaeu nhtntfloD. The llratanut ix«gc4 to b« lit off, wbldi bo m MinlUtd to do *n»tn- otlTts) t loonia portiUiliig to Mtsdu <i gtSMd ud lOiioti ibovl ltdlH In niUsnlir. , MU Jjiin WOOD, Ibe hmid oQiinlilauit, lidrtwa ncrowa . ^ boom tt Iba Oxford, WublbgloD, bj bcr e<ia«*MW ff*^ UKtu U1 we«k "jMk Bbtpcuo on HorMbwk" wu on lu bowoi, ud HIH Wool oidlad Ibo idmlnUo^of Uiindloocsbj ''^wrou^forni Hona. Ruo •tml, PblUMpbta. ■ nnaed «ltb » ■mitif tranpo, or wbloli Mia Ball* Tngbu I'lha .oblaraltndlOD. E. Prtblalatbobulaaat oiauiar. - tx m Ommmmr, IVaablDgtoD, ib* • »fTJ.'J.fJ!; b«a UtetKricllondartDg Iba ptH waeb, JoUHajtlUloglba fftoolpolpirt. M^.Boaael^th»col«leito^w.l^"^w^»S^^ • u efldeoce ofbla popultillr Tho Klaaaa Pojier ud OtnJioer . an gKit hTonlea wifh tba iaUiiui of tbto MablUbmont. Yniomu dnlriog uaigmurla In tba "'I'lT ™ "ualo biBUooorbojIoeai nil do wall In conmll »llb Ua'i Ki<ncT, 49 tonlalui itusa, Vublsgton, D. 0. B«e oaiii, foi ptrllco- Im, In uotbar colann* Avoiia Iba new boea at tba Culobnir, Balllniora, ira Wm. WitJ, Hlla Dalpblna, Jobnnj Htiila. Cairla; iwranar, Hona, Alai- BoldrudBtRTOuUi. Klttj O'Nall la itlll Uian At im Ntw Oifvo, BilUmora, KlUla Lowlov, Oltn Oadan and Obarlay Analln pnt In flnt aipouucea Ibta nodk. Can- natb'a plaj of "TboFamala Olnirt" koepe Iba bllla llia JOLU Diwum la Inonlnd for bj bar moibi r, In Londoo, who 11 In a tad ilata of mind at bar daofibltr'i cooUnno'l allnw, terloflaomaacddutbubalkUan bar. UUa Pawnn** altantlon iB^lracttd lo u adrritfaamant In Ibla liaaa of tba Ourrca. At m Tiunna, Bt Lonia, Iba "Wutrd of iba Wt?e" waa Mrfomad lul weak, wllb J. L. Conorr, Too Codj, tbe Ulti'a ■LafiOTi, ud Sallle Uaaon In tba laadbig obancUn. «llia Fm " wtltian bj Fred. Sbaw, wu Iba attraction hat week al tba Bowcrj, BL Lonla. FuuHTinOH.—On Honfa^ arminn. Bept Iltb, Uttt. Otorg*, ■of tbe Combination l^npe, now pJajInR an engegemtnt at tbe aajetT ttatio Hall, Albuj, N. Y.. wu pieionted wllb a aplendld baelo/br Ibem^mbeTaof Co. H. Tbirdlf. T. B. V, luuDU'a vumn, FlUabugh, Pa„ wu asnonnead to open OS the Idih lnil.,TiDder tbe management of Jobnnj Dongfaattj and Arnold. BInu lie oloania tbe bonte bii indergoae ume seeded allenllmi! Ira feat (oeatn deplb of alaga huBean added and Iba andlloilom IboTongblr Rnonled, ra.pilnted, ha. Ilia to be hoped that tba paw compuy will bo eompoatd of per- foraare'wboae rtptriotra are not ao pnlnaelj adorned with a . ^olee atoek of obacanltr, anch u cbaiaounted the uttrlalo- muta It Ihia honae for aometlme ^lor to Ita beiDf doa<d. Onr eoneapoDdenl mot W. 0. Bmrtb, tbe lormor muioer of tbe Va- tlellea, a dar or two aince. He muiged a tronpe at Pbllllpabnrg, aahortdbluoafKmPlllabniiih,fora time,butbu "mnalered ttamont"udlanow"on Ibelooae." Tu Fowin BlsTDS, tbe aocompUihrd donioiiet, bava met -wllb'gtHl anccata m Balllmore, In wblob elty their perfurmueea hate clldled ihe commudaUona of Iba preuu well u of all gaodjodgea ofdudng. Tbe Balllnore .dawrton aijaor Ibam: —■Do rettel lo learn that tbeao two jonax ladlei Ithi Foaler Blaleral aia compelled b; other engagemeola to leare Ihia ol^, udtbit Uatnlpbtwu their lut appaaruca for aome time to came. We had hoped that the; were permunt Inilltotlona of the Bonidar oompuT, ud their anddu wllhdiawal la a dlaap- polnlDesI, not only to oniaelTea, but to the thouauda who hive wltDeeaed their gzjoefnl eToloUooa In the popnlirapecUde of lha Ice Wlltb.' To Ibem mncb, of III popnlirltj la nndonbtrdlr dnf. We would not be tmchlng upon tbe liutb In »j(og, Ibit ttaer hare beu the pnoolpal altncdon with muT. The aeucry of the pitc* la ondenbtedlj nbllmr, but It la a deid, tninlmite aiaa, Zaabloned Into leemed life ty the gulni of tbe artlat; It pleaiea tba eje; TOn admin It, and It la fornollaD. no TOlopla- ou Ttalltlea, In the peiaona or Iba Fowler Bliten, howerer, Ooal- Ing dreamllj before jon Id tbe njuea ol Ihe fllry duoe, lot rxicale the aenaaa and make a durable Impreaajoo, a dellgbl that la Incnaaed by each repellUoo of Ibair peirorminna In other woida, wllhoot tbem, to aee the piece once, admire lla acenery and aoUnr, the mind la aaUallad; wllb Ibtm, the oNaner teen the batler It la appredatcd. We kaow tbe enlerptldog muager win aeoaa proper talut to laketbeir plioca; but II will be a Ioor ttna before wa can forget Ihe Fowirr Blalera The Fowler Btalen—what modttt duceit they art; how velMormed ud gncafnl; with beintlfal goMen hair floaHog abont In tbe llgbl, ally duct. Thay tbonld not hide II wllb ailiddal floweia; ii la aoiorely witbont aoythlog. They ire really charming ducera ud Ttiy iweet lo look upon." Karyknd buUtule lut weak, nolwllbaludlsa tha tIroBg cooB' la atOaaUon at Um tbeairt, ihemuilobinaandBalley'a Me- namU. St» Zoo Zona remain Iban lUa weak ud pndooe "Prolaaa" Ax tbe Bnt hme In thai city, f on Dana, tha "Blng of tbe Tlg(( Bop* PeHgnnem." la In Kt» Tork Btate^ Ind will perform°tt Fnllon on the Mlh, 90ih ud lilt, ud Otwago on (ha SQd. U, Uenler wUI dote bla Ootlat, alia wblob be can be eeiaged for thaatni; liaTallag ggmpanlaa, elo. Baa bla card In lilg luua. lai no at nila wu sot lunob, and all lha thew folka com- plain of being beat on tbe f round Cal Wagner wm to ban had a nig abow on ihe fait ground, but they wuM f 1 a (Oot lor tbe ground, ud all handa came to the conolnalon that It ma u In- poaltloo, ao Cal. wonld not faiTo ibe abow, Tban ware tola of tbowaontbegronnd.l>otlhtydldn'ldowell TbalowBwualto Hooded with ihowa ol wbleh a corrttpondant glrei oa a Hal, tM., Bbarplay'a Mlnalielf, at Ueebanica'Ball; Ullca Hnaenm, wllb a dramaUo oompanyi Oily HtU, with Bappjmu'a Siaauno Com- IMoyjqbnbbnck'a Eajl, wllb tie Bolmua: Oonoert Hall, with Nagro Mlnitreliy. Tbe 0Otb KifavuB Unanxu will toon 'lay Ihdrpontooni" again, under tba comaud of Aug. Bonmu, lilt of ibe U. & A. Uaitera nogera and O'Brlu, from Elmlrt, N. T., ate tald lo be aiMllut Jureolledogglila, ud biTo proved Ine chief illncUon of he pany wherever Ibey bava appearrd. 8u Batnrui'a UnnTBEU were at D ice a<l Itit week, reap- ug^i Uneat during the Ikir aaiaon. Thar ar* adveiUied abead u follma: Byracuae, BepL ISIh ud Mlh; Oawego. Mlh; Fnllon, -aiit; Olyta, lad; Ljoni, 93d: Anbon, Ulb: Oenevi, Mlh; We- «erh)o, I7ibi ud Cuindalgnv 28th. Cbaa. B. Orlale la tba ad- Tauca igent gf the "Iron Olada." Dpaix t OBsn'a Umnzu opened wllb tba moolb of Sep- tember In LeiTenworib, EanaaL ud up to the date ol our Uat advlaee, lib Inil, had done a remarkably large builneaa, tbe Learanwotib TbeaiR bdog lUed each evulog, at 7( cuta id. alaaloD; Ibty were lo leave on Ihe 6lh to loliUi aoffagemenle In other plaea^ On their way lo Leavenworlta thay appairedone sight al Ateblipu, to the largtat audience, a correapoadeot aaia, ever aaaambled In U.ion Hall They alio vlilltd BuiuOUy for two evenlsgi, ud peritTuedto very large audluceo. Thia troupe hive left a vary Ikvonhia impreaalon In all thote pUcea, ud cu ntamallhptollt when Ihty feel Inclined ao la d& . "jVjP** OtMtt Boou. In Brooklyn. toU telly. ■ii M I 1 - «B SnttarBtaohar'a ohnaokiud liSit aaylog a great dcaL ^Taay BnUa^.u^mnliba^^ld Uolhet Bnbbajd and*v -Wgaderfil W^iapttia al A>Maaeitar varlaly lo lha •nap- laOiBaDU.wbDethalllnaM^BtndoL a number oCnavaltlaa lha oanani week.. Oaorge Ohtlair la'wiun Iblft tronpr, alaoi Orlfls, a eleiu perfoimeraod good coupoier. Uaaiger Boolty biarBIca tbltgol II In Bnoklyn; ao baa Brother Beaeher. B. BnoB Qa^iTi la at preaut oifluiKlag a mUtltrel bud ud will abAniy be on the road again, lafi Ohriaiy la tf^aty oelloita ' haallh; and goeo oot agaio]lo rccoperate. i AK mtBomnim lata with CMIon tlfnriihy'a HInatrila, dealrca a poilll^ with aome compuy. Beg-H. Walah'a ein among our advezMtamenIt , ^ TBI Booim& In Borion bava' made a grcal* bU wllh Iheb mujlcal nudhma of Oa..Bberauu'a march through Oeorgla. Iba Bucili^a are taking % leading nud ihia aeaaon. 'Kiwcoio'aiMpnTUUi, perform # IndianapoUa, Ind.*, on Ihe .-9Tib|nat. . «, BoiuBaa, PamisBBOiar ft Co.'a ViwaTuia w»re bIQed lo ip- <paata)AllMyontheiaihHdl«lbkut, \ ' ,* -MiogltanBOUi. ' Tmofa WuBnoTOii Biu, WlUlamiburgb, L. I., (U ba u- gigMl for varldu exhloblsna. It baa a good alage, aoraaiT, ato., ud It wUI atal }000 pertona, Sea 'eari. BigMiB'a Btmnaa Coxxuz Bms, a party ol tO people, oom- .'prlBlni 9t plwea, tu been gMog oonovta dona the Una of lha K. 1. Oumillailfoad wllb g«>d racoeaa. Mr. EL White la mua. get;D, T, Uargu,'loader; ud B. W. Haaoo, agrat, They are nowtttbtWeat ' % Sail Eabb opabed at doling Ball, Aubum, B. T., on Ibe Tlh, but olOKd on the following nlgnl on aoconnt ol the Indtmul waalkir. .The Fakir of An la billed Ibaie for Ihe fwowtag waek. I • Tin h Co.'a Pabouju or m Wu openi In Auburo, If. T., '0B4be90lb. . • « BuuAnD, vtoHaktLBadaMbf HlaaOlan Btnun,waf to have altBi' a oouoeit at waahtngton Ball, Boehaallr, N, T., on IbalSib:' ... ■• Snmii Vamr wu advaUaed lo sin bla "Dnftlng Aboal" lnB«me,'N. T7oBlhaltib;Aabnn, Itih; Qanen, inh; <ka- aadalgna, aoib; Bfehealar, llati ud Balavla, 9M. _ Tub Hvm CoiA Tboitpb bu beta conmrtlalng lo Iny, Auburn udBmeoaFilaiN. X. Tbeyweteadverllaidtaiaanan . udCuindagaa,bnt*lled to appear.. RO lownaend la lhair •dvucoagul It. ■ UtmA UHIonlu Tableau of PindladOioat and Begalned, doaad at waahlMton Hall, Boshaaler, N. T., on tba Mb, and it- opened at Idckpoit, on the lllh. ^ Cma k Co*i qotsBOPiiTaioK, a eoncetn recanlly orguliod In Oiadilnill, la making a lour tbiliigb |he weitem poriloa of 'OBIo. ^ iddlUon lo vilUa OobVa tAbe of 'tialned doge,, m^nkdya ud goala, tbe foilowlnB named perftrman aia In the oompiny: Wuxen ud ^unle Bordwe)!, Euk Qoodwln, Ned Waal, the Uorlon Xrothera, L^ulaa Ballon, Haay iadrawi, the Xaaell* Bnlhen, abd Hut Uorrtaaey. WUIU Ocbbend-Hob ^orloa avt^ba maaagera; Chu. BevlOa, lieaidrer; ud,C. llo» nmer, idnaaa igeni. , • ■ Ita KteOLO' Tnoun, oompriaing a number of' vary axpezt 'gynnaata. win bo anbcny on or abont lha Mlh of Jntaniber, and a card In anolbei column notiBea Mnigota Mkug Ihek aervleea when to apply. At,A anun sio up of woAlnk man near BoaloB, lut'wetk, UatteTfruk Bwaaey, Bl Boatoogiedtad in anallnit atyla a glaee ^nulled Ibe^'Worklng Men," tat which ha «M deaervedly ap' -plaudfd. Kaittr Bwiiay, although ajata Ut o(a IbuafciV In net glVen evidence aTlhaVdlaeaalan of >, , natunt ntalal.Mwara. Wa aball wilob ibt'protitaa of young orator wllh much Interctt. . ^ Haani LuuB n Tiovbix— On lha 81b Inil Barry Lealta Tlilled BaySold, 0. W., a anall lown on tbe Orud Trunk Rail- war; ud having attelcbed bla rope aoroaa Ibe Jimea Blver, a dlaluooor0C0feel,ba propoaod nit only to ptrform bla cue. tomuT faal of walking over It, but alao lo utonlab tba naUvta wllb I diaplay of bla asnbaUo aklU. At lha lime eppolnled, he udblabuuee pole alattcdacroia tbe river logtlhu, ud upon reaoblng lha cutia of the rope, ho enacted all that wai aet down on Ihe programme; but upon netrlng Ihe oppoalta bank, be uw a crowd of men, who were evidently eidted, ud conld hear tbem any, "d—n him he'a tbo dovU," "cut tho »po^" "col him down," ■ha. Lealle continued to mora along on bla rape, but befonhe could Maoh lla lermlnua, the aluder bridge wu cul, ud ha wu allowed lo bD a dlaluce of nuily twenty.Ava leei. In bla del. ■ cut, he cinght hold of a IreOk and thence tolled down Ibe em. baokment to the walara edge. Finding that he waa porauadby the mfflana, he made bla caoapa In Ibe wooda, ud after traveling --aboul a mile and a half ha managed to get a bone ud boggy, with which ha laaohed Beaforth. Hera he pioeured aaeltUuce, .■adduponretanUng to the vicinity of Bayfield he learned that a nun named B. B, BMnner, who wu acting u bla agul, bad been I badly belles, ud that about a doien ol Ihe nlBua hid been ar- relied. Upon going back lo Beaforth be waa uiln beatt by aome 'Ottbagaog, bnllheTlgoroua nae of a loaded hotaawhip made hli progtaaa comparaUvaly eaay, and ba eeoaned Ihe aacond Umb IBirry baa dlaoovered that Canada laja hard told lo tc%n\ i Uie wUl probably avoid Baj add ud tbe Jimei Rivet bKcaftar. WBunR Ihe Bomorlat and Bnbbird'a Folyoranu lie tnvellng tagelher lo tha New bglud nMm ud lowna. On lha MIn lha ahowwu at Fall lUvtr, Maaa. since ihli abow oomnanoed Ihe leaaon It hu vlalled Newburypoit, Mew Bcdfwd, Tamlon, JBavtTblll, ho. Dtmno xn perfonnuca of Charley Bhiy'a Qnlnonplanl al 'Ballki, flank WUaon, Elbeoptu Comedian, wu preaenied wllh BgoM medal, wllh u approprlalo Inacrlptlon, bylilanuBeiona (nanda ud admlieta, u a teatlmonlal ol their appiadaUOB ol bla aianUon ol Ihe "Eueooa ol Ola TIrgtainy." Anma WiBO give bla Bnt icotun In Waibtaigton on lha Ulk, . at Ihe Waihln lion TbeaiR, In which be rdlated lo a crowded hraaa 'hla vUwiollheHotmona, hia anuluca among Ihim, and II- : luiMid 11 byhlapanorama,wblob,ubeava,lan»good, " liwoflhlhaadmlidon taaia lead hli nopuuw, la aiy ni siBaolMalngthannowned"wexftigvahowDin,' TnOiBnaXooiTi IBom lUnettd liiti lalliaoMlotha draznaUo i puy;Obn _ _ , _ the BoloUnaon Flmily: and Aaioclalloa Ball, wllh a walking match betweu i'lall of New tork ud Daggitt, of Byraenaa, 'Ibr 1100,'loata who conld walk tha loigtat or greateat number of bonra wllhoni deep or tret. Thay doaed auddenly aflat walking 48 honn; laal Inihe llat wu Bla Uoyal HIghnaaa, Joba Denltr, on a rope To feet high rom ibe ilua<nm loihe biMIdlug oppoelle, udthaaowdaidbadloaeehlmwatailabL He alto perhumad thaatwloaonlbeieih,andforOllbertabweflt at Ibi Mnieum In the avulog, which doerd bla pcrformincei In Vllot. All Ihe oomnanlaalnlown did well; but Bbupley'a troupe u add to have doubled an Ihe olheti. They doted on the l«lb wllh a bwali to Bam lanfbrd, Buis Ton win oinaa bla eihlbltlon at Ooncart Hall, Fblla. dalphla,onthe33dliut. Tomliaildtobaamnalcalwonder, HBLonioii, FbUaddpbli, cu ba hired for a minain] troupe or Ihr fflualo bill performuoea. For laima, eUk, eea ptt^ pTlelor*a card In anolher column. MiVAOBBB ud agenia of tnvellng compulea having builneu In Hartford, Conn., will Hod comfortable quartan forthemadvaa aoo people at tbe Amerlcu Bold, of which A. A. Bacon U pro- prietor. A card. In reference to Iba Amerlciii, will be found In ibia iLd anccaedlog laauea of Ihe Cupfbu. Tni "Caller Zouave Troupe" ud "MIcolo Ftolau Oimblaa. Uon" tn ddlgbtlug all br Ibdc divenlted ud artlatio mler- lalnmai,!I:i Bdllmnre. The "Uuledean"blowIhdrowa hotni lo aom** I'UriKitc. Bkllu Mill conUuuM bla "«eucta"al the Front, Bdtlmote, to a crowded audllorlnm, notvllbaunding Ibe oppodllon. Foreign Drgmktlo Biid Show Newt. A wminniiii eihlblUon ol learned blrdi, Inlned by Mlat Tan der ftleeoh, la a fealnre of the LooOon amuaemtnta of Ihe day. Tbe btrda are from Java ud J«pu, ud appeal rather to tba lo- talllganca tbu Ibe wooder of their in ilac& Wllh theiailatuoa ol I box of oirda, properly invenUd, Ihey l< II the Ume by a watch, the inonlh, tbe ytir, tbe color ol ladin' dteaaei, wllh varlooa other mallera, which exdie al onco Ihe mlrlh ud approbation ol Ihe andlaooe. TBI BuniBaitAWim Tritbb of BermlueUD la to ba tiled up vrllh alxty gu buroera, ud a royd decree li aborlly to ba put^ llf bed for the rcaumplion of eicarallone In Itati locality. Bblkor aiAOB la ugaged lo appau al Ihe AmphllheaIre, UverpooL eiriy In October. Atoxu Joifta hu arrived In London. Bar vltU to thai conn, try la aaid to be for pleaiun ud not a profcaalonal one. ThIa looka hardly poaaibia, or elae why did ue aand u agent uver there leveral weeka before ahe left here r euunri Ifan made bar dnt appaaruoe thie aeaaon In con. carl, on Ang. 38ih, at tha Boyd Italian Open, Oovant Oaidu, LODdOD. BiuT O'NOL concluded a lucttaaful Ave weeka ugigemul on Jnne Uib, at the Tldona Tbeiln, Adaldll^ Bonib Anatialla. On July lit be look bla fmwell beaelll to a crowded bouae, ud appeared u Andy Blake In "Tha Itlu Diamond"and Hudy Andy lo tbe drama of thai name. IIB. A BoTBDH bu been playing u ugagemut at Iba Tbeain Boyal, Bcarboiongh, Bng.,latba following blab prloea:— Dreaa cirde aidia, Ite.; dceu boica. la. «d ; tdl Ihe pit. O.; other ball al 2a. The bouae al tbeae pricea wu erowjed, the orchettn pliylngon Ihe alag« ud the mntldua' aeila aoM at Ta. U. each. Miaa Bithuk, pnvloua lo her departan for lha Bial/a, wUI appear al ihu Theitnt Bevat Uveipool. BIrmlngbtm, Dublin, Olargow ud UucheaUi, commmdng al Liverpool on the tlh loft lu AinuDoi, tha negro tngtdlu, appeared at lha Haymarkal Thcabo, London, on Aiig. 91al, alter u abiuca of tlx yaaia, "Othello" wu psfomad. Wdlei Monlgomery played lago. BiLLi BoiD, of "nbellnoua" piaellvltlea,lito makaher ap- paaruoe on one of Ihe London abwto, u It la reported. Tha paper don't aay what Una aha la lo take hold ot, <n) DiiD.—BIchaid NaaMI Byu, actor ud manager, died ncully at Bhedleld, Torkahire, Bnglud. TBI Adxlpbi Tbutbi, 1 ondon. Eng., wu lo be opued on tbe 381b iDiL, wllb "BIp Tan WInkI-,'' "lied np" by Bond- ciull expnaaly to latrodoca Joe Jelferaon lo loo London public. IS OPBU BOB TD _ , . VALL AMD WINTBB 8BAB0R, FBODDOnO N0VBLTIB8 IM BAPID BOOOCSSIOR, TbalMlo»lB«._„„ . TALBHTBD OOHBUIAIIOM in al piMint patfbrming al lha CularbBn:— THE FOWLBB BIBIEBB, VTT.v.lB AMD CLABA. JOHN UOLUaAM, AMDBBW LKATIR, JOBH HABT, JAZB BDDD, TBZ BMPIBB BOTB, TOM BBBaUL, BILTAT OUBEE, he, k«. THE BAIJXT TBODf l| andu the dinelion of MONB. BZOLIiOai, eotnprlaea lha fallowing nameii— LAOBA LB CLAIBt, EUMA OABDIBBB, rAMHI MAT, FL0BE.10B NAT, T 8U1TB| JOffiFHIBB PARSEB. XLLA WFBNER, UZZIB LE OBAMaS, LOTTIE LABOUT, UABT AMD CARBII QABSIiniB, ADBLAIDB NIXOBi with olhan, forming THB .HAMBBOIRBT BALLET OOMPAMT 10 BE SEEM" IM AUBBIOA. A ohaage of programme laku plaoa nightly, ud lha onlartiln. ment comblnea 0MB OF THB ODEATBBT TABIETr. MATUBB BTKBI BATDBDAT, H-llL BROADWAY THEATRE. Uuiger OEOBOB WOOD LAST nlOBTB Of Ihe Eminully Oteu ArUilea, Ma AND MSB. onAhLBS KEAN. HOMDAT ETBNIKa, BtoL 18 BIOHABD OL Only fame, moat poalllva. lUESDAT,Bepl. lOlh LOUIBXI. By tpeolal reqneeL and find finwdl. WEDNB DIT, BepL 901b WIFE'B BEOBET. Wrilhm eipianly for tbem, ud u which tbeae tttletii are u much Idenllfled u In Lonle XI. (AT, Be pt. MiU.. . .QBAND OALA-MIOBT tf^ BepL■B g ??fi^.: :f Lainll«^ iAMwt gi A Oitat BUI, AddraiL Ao. MOimAT, BapiMill, IboOiaat * 7!.- ■ > wina{siBrUtha,..,.X..'..--... .\iroUAH Of BED. ZiiM<oantpofia4elyUBiltadta,lbtitt«eBperformaiicii. ^' , m M l III OLYMPIC JHEATRE.. ■Bole Leaaee add Hanager«aa, '.UBS. WOOD. BMe Mannr i^........J. H. BEbWTM. 'BirOOESBniL tNAaaCBATIOM • OF Tax FALL AMD WlhTSB BBdBOM, wllh JoknJInogham'a cdabnled Burleaqua ot ^0-OA«ON.TA& . which will bt repealed BTKBT-BTEMIBCI IEIB WZBB, wlUlV *- ' MBS. JOHN WOOD ' ■ • In her unrivaled ImpdaonaUonol Uie INDUN t>BIHCE88, npportad by a Powof ol Company. Pievloaa to the Borlaaqne, * >' Mb JdHEB LEWn. win make bla flnl appeaiaaea befotaa* Maw Iktk andlinot M John Buong la Iba Vaioa of TOOB LIFE'S IH 9AB0BB.' iBkollvo prepanHoa, ud will ahortly be praduced, u Original gpaeiicaJar flenaation Dnmi. wrttlen ennaaly for MIB8 LBOT BUaffTOR, of Ibe Ibtiln BonL Baymaiket, London. yniOEB AB OBDAU I>oonopep«t7X; lor.commuoeatlK. WINTEB Mana|«...l.« Btagelunagv y... HOVBE OBOWDED TO OTEBFLOWINO. A OABMITAL OF FOW: IBREB.HOnBB OF IMOEdBANT UVOHTXB. . MB. J. B. olabeb; PBOIQDMCEDBr THE P0aUO AND ^ THBPBE^ ODB OBEATBsr oom:o ABTIBT, Eniy Blgbl la his two grtattolei of , IIAJOB D£ BOOTS, la Bteil Ml Oo yne'a ObanBIng Oomady of KVEHTfiODY'B FBIEMO, • And T00DLZ9. Ooon opu al 1% ; onrtnn al B o'dock. NIBLO'8 GARDEN. Leaaee ud Uanani WH.WHBAILn. BATELB AND OOMPAMT. OABBIZL BATBL, AMTOINR BAYEU TODNa AHSBIOt, Blanon PEPIXA, Horn. VAN UAMME, UUa TANOBIB, Mme. MABEBRI, M'Ua DE8IBE, Mona. TUIQBiS, Mona. MATUlBn.Blnoi OABOIA, Mon% BOBkDDT, 4 AXIEL, LEHMAN, ud the eakbntad * MABTlMBIri FAUILT, ^ BIX In nnmkar. »BVI MB. WItLIlM STUBT. MB. J. «, HAIOBI. C0BVPHEE8 and FULL OOBPB DE BiUJCT. Leadff of Ibe atiamntad Onbaain, Mona. BomalnvUla, ftom Parla. ' v TUEBDAT ETENIMO, 8BP>. I*, IBt, u uttn ehuga of pailoimancu. * 8ATUm>AT AVrtBOOB BExr, . SniafkiaileaotBATBL,HATIBBEB, ccttuaaadag tllP.lL ~ ^rtpaiatloB-"BIANOO." . ^ [«a of admltden, 74 omlai Beae ind W u ta, gl| landly Oiide (ontnnoa • Croaby alieet), M cull, BBAIB SECUBBD BIX QATB ,U ADTAMOE. - BARNUM'S NEW AMERICAN MUSEUM, BBOADWAT, BETWEEN BPBIMa AMD PBINOE BTBEBI8. DfCBXABBD ATIBACTION. . OFBN FBOU BUNRIBE UNTIL U P. V OTBB 100,000 OUBlOBItlEB. A SIXTH SALOON Hu Jiiat bten added. In which It exhibited Ihe IDXMnOAL LINCOLN LOO CABIN DuUI by ABBAHAM LOtOOLN In 18SC, ud In which ha teddid for liro yean. TBBBB OF THB TALLBSC UIAMXB IM TBX WOBLD. LABOEST FAT WOMAN LIVISO, Andpnttlatt OIBCABBIAM OIBLS evatl BOHEMUM 0LAB8 BLOWBBS. TWO MKAM OLASa EMQINEB IM MOTION, * ""•SSSSL,"""*"; •»•» without armi. Prof. HUTCBOiaB, Lightning Oaloulilor. AAemooaatB. • EnnlogillK. ANOIBEB MEW BFEOTAODLAB DBAMA, BADAX ABD EALIBBADE; Of, _,„,H5JI^M OF OBUTICM. BPLEMDU) BOTtHIT. 00OTUMB8 AMD EfFECIB. BADAX'B FEMALE UOBT QUiBD, MAOMUriCEMTLT ABMED ABD AOOODTBKD. Fravloui to tha Pintomlma, BIADAMB UABIA KAOUT^ In brOUul Hta, '•'•"""M.iSTiSssp'FSr'- UA0TEB TIKOTBT, wdghl W Iba., ta Oomlo avdotloni. Ooamoiama, BtareoaoofllooB, Laamad Seal, Happy FaDllr, Onnd Aqiarla, Haamolh Tnrtla, *e. idmlanaa, 80 ceatai ebUdno nndtrlai, It oaats. 191 CANTERBURY, wABBinaTOfr,' d, o. OEOBSE LEA JOSH. UABT JOHN E8eATA , MOMS. 8ZOLL08I , ' . .'i.l raOPBBIOB .ll,.>:.BIAaE HANAOBB ..LEASES or TBE 0B0HE3TBA BALLET MASIBB LEA'S TABIBTr AMD MUSIC HALL AaBNOT, 91 LOUISIANA AVENUE WABSIBalUN, D. 0, Engaganuta aactmd for every dtaerlpllon of lalut In tbo TarlaiT Una. Paaformera oaa dther make engtgemaota by the i^ar, alaataledaduy, at cubave ugagatuata mad* for them 01 a llmlled number of algbia. NO LOSS OF TIME BDNTIRa BKaAOBMCMTd. HO LOSS OF TIKE IB IBATKLIRa FDOH ONE FLAOB TO ASOrBgn. MO LOBS or BALABT FBOM FCOB MANAOEBS. SEOUBIfT UlYEM WHEN BEQrlBED, ud EALABIE3 PAID IN ADVANCE, IF WISHED. Addren QEOSOB LEA, Canterbury, Waahlnglon, D. 0. AU commnnlcatloiii uawerad promptly. 98 BALLET OIBLS WANTED for BALTIHOBB, WA8HIK0T0N, AND BIOHMOND. gALABIES FBOM gU TO IM. Managcn wlaking Idint hi lha Tarlely Une cu dwayi ba lulled In QUAUTT, qUAMIITT, ud PBTOE, by iddnaatng u abovb M-IIl .. ^ THBoniiai . .. . J,. EXnorUR OOHXDlARSi hu jual ««>ggj«4 , ^ /nnsp naAaEUEBis . . % 7 ON BEOOBD al tbe_; HABTLAMD Uliml'UTi; BU/incc^ Ha leaTH for Ntw Orleina to pUj a atu angagemul, and wUl be ready to negoUtta wUhaulgan In a few weeka. Addnia * -»a«- , • OEOBOB LEA, M.ltL '' ' . OUIarbUT, Waahlagton, O. 0. MUaiQAN AND LEAVITT, Xai .TWO BEST BTABS EIBlCi^Iul^ SoiESnOR, ounmancs a "^^jf^g^yij aoOSE, > BBW TOBI, OM KONDAT, OPT. IMB, ,I«ii,« •Id.tag to ..gollala «U addnu^^^ ^ M^llL ¥ Oulatbuy, Waahlnglon, S, 0, ** THB MOSrVnSATILE pebfoBheb ^0) Tffll PB0FES8I0H, OITIMa Al KHTIBB. I^WDia'S ERTEBTAIRIIENT, la BOW pUMag a altf eutgamrat al DUE tfMEiL'S&tNTEBBUBT, * ^ BALTIHOBB, MD. . .AddNH^ lor li^ ata. IMIL QIOBOE LEA, Cularbory, Wiahlngton, D, 0; MLLE. DELPHING. „„„ • . . • Jia AMD FAMCT DAMOEB, OOMIC BINOkB, ' and ,a TEBSAHU PSBFOBUEB, lOwplaittgWBdtlauidlam ba engaged byiMpeotfVa taaa. («l|^.d^udB«, OEOBOB USJu H-Va. ■■ ■ Culcrbury, Wiahtagln, 0.0. THE FOWLER SISTERS, MILUa AND CLABA, TBE TWO MOST FASOINAnNO AMDAOCOHFIOBID DAH0BB8 IN TEE PBOFEBSION, wUlaaaUBaaoasahaiiitareagagemanlal TOMI PASIOB'S OPBBA HODSi; NBW TOBK. OR KONDIT, BEPT, gdta. Partial wlahlag to BagottatowUlpleiaaaddnii OEOBOB UA, atlli, Culatbnry, Wsahli«l«B, B, 0. MISS JULIA DAWRON. Toulla^la eatncilly raqueatad lo talnm to hat htatt-biokn mother. CaU at I le UBigbam Theaiia, Loaden. ror bar aka^ baMadwUlbewdcomelaallbatnbUanilf lha lllliUidl» ulnbla. L«nl«B,&if.,Bapt 1.1888. . S4.» T. P. CAREY, TEE OBBK HUSH OOHIC TOOALIST, LAIELT ABBITXD IN IBIB COVMm Aram _ : niBA piLAOFi LOMDOH, hu jail oonclnded a HIOHLT BUOOEBSrUL BROAOHHIT alihe MABXLAMD IMSTinilli BALTIMOBB, and win opu at the AMEBIOAR THEWB* Mi BBOADWAT, MBWIOBI, OR. MORDAT, BEPT, 98, !!■••(«« trtdHlgUl unleai wUI iddnti g4.itL ouiMbiir,WMftii|i«a,s,Oi 1865. 1866. "fiSAKHATTAN" PURCHASING AGENCY 472 BROADVAT, NEW TORK. 91.000 CARD POOTOOBAPBS OF DUnNOUISBBD PEnSCNAaBS. 3tc. ewb. or five for II. _ TOCAL AND IMBTRDtlENTAI, MUSIC, FLATS AND fUBLIOAtlONB OF ALL EINO& MBS ADAH I8AA0B MENKEN OBAMTS TO MB. b. U. WINANS TUB HOLE BIOHT OF BEPUBLIBUINO IN AUBBICA UEB BEOUTIBED PflUIOOBAPBB, [rem nagauvea aheady taken in Eoglud, Truce, Spain, ud "^f^^ ... . . JOHN UACEENMA, SeSiiai7. London, 8:h m . lllb d., '6). TBE OREaT MENEEN PHOTOS. BIX BPLBMSID P06ITI0NB. THBEE BEPBB3ENIIM0 BEB AB WAZEPPA, TWO AS WIOLFTOR MUDEL.>I, IWCTAS WILUAU IN BLACK EIED SUSAN, ud FBOPBIA PEBdON/E. 3<ceech,or8forlL Trade npplled. DRAUATia Flaber, Cbarlea I Boymour, J a m a i— Ounon, Mary alao u Oottachilk, L. U. Ueiler, Bvberl, plan lat aodJIIgiJjg*^ ' Adimi,Ednln Allen, Mn. J. H. Boniface. 0, c., and EaleMewlon.gfonp Brown, Loulia, dan- aeuu Hlia, u Leah, B different atylea Bnokea, Oeorge Barrett, L. P. BaiTdt, Hlaa Mary BryutgDu firyul, MeU Bryant, Jerry Bryut HoDvenlr Bamum, P. T. Brown, Funy—dto In ebartcltf Booib, Edwin Booth, J.WIUea Bowan^ Mn. D. P. Otiabmu, Ohirlolla OUflon. Mlu Ada Cnbia, Benorlia,du- aatiae Chufran, F. B. Cbufnu, Mra. F. S. Dnw, FMnk, nega- tive, lakanrecuUy In London Onmallcal PottrdI OaUvy, oaa card. lag adon of Uia live, taken day ud the paal, vrtULlha naaua • Divupoii, A. B. Benin, Mlu Bala Eddy, Edward lltnaithie,M'lle,du- •euaa Freamu, UUa Iaa< bella Foater, Mlu Nina Flaber, Kale, u French Bpy Forrcal, B.twlo alao u Dbanli O'Ban BemuriVA'B^' 8eymour,NelH,niln- itnl Thumb, Tom Thumb, Tom, k lady Tbom^ Emily TbaMeal ArtrdI Qdlary, eonlalnlDg lOOPorlrdUot the Leading Actmiei oltheconnlrT,com- panlon lo out Card ol 100 Aden' Po^ lrdl% wllh namea Thampaon,Cbuloll« Thompeon, O. W. Walby, Mlu Wdby, KIM Augni- ta, dutauie WeUa, Bam,A., mln. aird Wallaok'a Souvenir, ooDlalnlog Bor* trdia ol lha com- puy at Walluk'a Ibeatn, oa one card Wdlack, Laaler WaUack, J.W.Leem ud child, group WillliTot, Buaar wmiama, Mti..Bar- ney . WbeiUey, WUUan waeatlay, Mn. Wn. Wood, Mra. Joha— alao u lavlMbla Prlae* Webb, Ada Webb, Bmi Webb Slum, group Toug NIooIOf gym- nui Bivd, Variela Zinfnita, M'llt,dU' Blocklon, Funy, op- aeuaa I en Eoa, M'Ua, duieuu and olhera loo Bomaroua to muUon, JU8I PUBLISHED, THE UAIOHUASBB, HILBNT BTBDOOLESi LUBIHBB LITTLBaOCD, Paper, II.M. Olathjtl. FBAMX B. COMVBIillB'S BANJO INBiauOTOB, IL BOOK OF UAMEa AO., FOB BOMB AMD CAMP AMOBEMXRT, Tbe niulnted ol BUllaidi, by Pbelu, TheUoofcoreoOCnrloua Pnidaa. The Book ol BIddlaa ud 100 Home Anmiemuta. Parloc nioka wllh Catdi. Parlor Tbeabrtcala. Tha Book of flrulda Oamea. ISO Trlcka wUh Oarda. by J. H. Onaii, tha BafOfmeA Oamblar. Fonlalne'a Ooldu Whed Fortune Tdler ud Drum Book.. PalUnglU'a Parted Fonuu Teller ud Dream Book. La Marchard'a Fortnae Taller ud Dream Book. Evarlaallng Fortune ToDer ud Dream Book. Price 81 cull each. Bent on receipt cdiha mark prlca. J. F. BJUTH'S OEESBBATED WORKS. Price Tiouti each. UlllyHoyna Hluteld Ball,9 vdi. BedmondO'MeU Prince Chirlaa |1 M Bella ndawney Oharlea Vavaaaeui HanU Tnoy Dick Harkhim Harlan Bemud. Henry da la Tour Tha TIagIn Queu ITomuaiidharKU' Itoddiaham BUenDeTen lax Bany Aihloa Qua Bowitd Fiad Aldan Minnie Ony Aaytawrance Boohaatat - TemplaUon Lullu, |1. FhlUpBluebita " 96fn| ^b, minatrd Hoey, Ifra. Hetrbg, Fanny, alx ebatuten living, Henrietta Juoee, ATonla Jeonlnga, Un. jonea, lira. W. 0. Jotdu, Mra. Oeo. Kallogg.OlanLonlao open, 8 dlffaiut potlilou Eeene, lAura, 0 dif- fenat pcalllona Ml Icbell, Maggie ud Muy, group Monia, Loo, mln- tird Morria, Billy, mln- ainl Mcrul, Fanny Menken,AdabIiuct aia «u French Bpy, 8 diffennt atylaa HllcheU, Ma;gla MItobdl, MuT alion.Ulu Adddda tion, Mlu Ftuk ■ ■ E. la. ntga- live, taken nconl- ly a London Provoet, Mary _ . Paasoyar.iiMKala, dantaua MUU Boat^ Ida, dutcBM Bldungi, Peter Bichuga, Mlaa Caio. TeinptaUon Fred TamoB. SI ROTkLS BT SaMUOi LOVIB. Hudy ABdr Tom Lloabu TiMBlieaeh. I BoryO'Mon lLnlc8 0fIrdaad,89 HUB or bobdeb adtkK IheBugerBlflei lefcoe theWoUoflhalb PaUi Sled Am, or Ihe B<,bban of (iailfoiv nU DIa Qdlalh, or the AiTOioltheMlnea Tha Bagulalon cl JArkapau BUlyVohnion, Uia OnilaworArkuiu U1S0BLLAMEOU8. The Iron Crcee Uebd ud Rover Tha Dooaaed Ship Lire ol Joaepb X Hero Biddy Woodholl Bvelton Wilaon LlfeolUarryllioiiu Tom Watan Davli Uia Pliat» BUvirudP««ttr Alaiaader Tudp )ledHaaUn>a • mu Hotton Nat Blake Bavm Biolhea ot Wyoming KeifU tna Buc a- Ikeania tint, AOi, ho., ta. rUBK Bawaon tbe TCprdJU Onlde The Palnl of the Mountain The iVoodmaa'i UUl' Che 1' la Uly, u In. dlau .'tie Moiw.. d, or Ufa on Uie fialrle The Bed Blgbl Band DarfT Bdm K t uia: -AJroemamBgrirg. NEW BOWERY THEATRE. 8d< Luata nd Pr<i|iMor,... .BB. t, V. URaABB. Soeoadiraakef \ _ ^ . , MB, E. EDDT. woowinanpautnaa . ERIIBI BIW SBAKA, » FIVE A0I8, takaa iB part ftom tha rnnoh and adapted lo lha Amirlgu atiM upnuly fbr Hr. Bddr, iSaiUdad "•-Baagw THE un AMD TIMES ' or BIOHAIO IIL Btfng a aerlaa of Ineldania and sMnu In Ihe Ilia ol thla^e» ■ffnl mu. Mofa.-No bioldani or acme la Iti'play baan Ike iVghlaln* •amhluco to tba pUya ol ghakMpaM er Oibbar. IBOEOUB SOEMBI, iLtt 1 >L TABLUr. QOB >RBW. .JE0U8 BOEll BEADTIKUL HARCB OX BOBWOBTB FIELD. OBIMD PANOBIHIC AND DIOBAIUO PIOtOBES. BArrix-BOgMBs, WOOD'S MINSTREL HALL, , _ biibboabwIt, , ^ Oppodta SI. MIchoUa Bolai. rroprielai, to BERBI WOOIh TSIUHPBANT SUCCESS or TBI STIR TROUPE OF TBE WOBLD. BecdfidalghUrbr OBOWDD BOUSES, wlUi EMTHUBIASnO DEHONSTBATIORB OF DELia.BT. Ibla Evablag, THB JOLIBN MORSTEt COIOEBT. FitBk Browir aa lha •ondndor. BONNINO TUB BLOCKADE, B> H Purdr at Jia. Honllar. NBW BALLADS by 0. Umry, _FLUTf AMD OOBNET SOLOB bi HailuB and OanlUBlt TIIB WONDERFUL RABBLB FAUILT, DOirg LARV. CHAUPICN CLOU-DAMOB, by B. X Mndg« HAMLK' BOUNTT-JUHPBBS, TBS FOUB 0B0W8| Ao. THE ART OF AND CltalDAHOI<ii|o>|.,K wheout (Oopyrliht J. B. CLIFFOBD, Tba Boat artlaUo and one af lha MdeilDucaninthapnlbadu. FOOBTU EOmOR. FBICB Si. But poll paid la my addraaa to.. lha Unltil BUlei or Ouadia, Tba trade npplled oa leaioBiWa latBi, PRITAIB LEISOMS OIVBM ttom 1 to iP, K. Upon lacdpl of |11 wUl eond oaa copy, wlihoni titl bj nlua Upont BuU. Addnu li.||e J, H, CLIFFOnD, Brooka' Addemr, Ro. 881 Bnome iltaai, Reir York. MURPHY'S OPERA HOUSE, PIT BOLBlPA. ■ Uuagon HURPBT k BROIBBB OPEN rOUTBE FALL AND WI8TEB SEASON, WITH A VUL& DSAMATIO OOMPAMT OF THE HOST OUTIBBIRa STABS OF TBB PBOFEBIIIOH. PetfbtBetaof acknowledged uyUaaol bnalau , >d enpuannre by addreaalng mSbpIT BBOTUtlid, Box Ut, Fit H oKPa._ B. FBA8DI, Stage Uaoagar. . ■ MLM ir-iHS^BMATltB COMBDIBHRH, Ujunttott, Iowa, Oct. 9| cindiinitl, Oct M, i^iivUle, Mot. 8; MathviUa, Oaa t; Mamphia, Ju. 8: Bookealar, Jkn. 99|-Inr. Fab. 8; Bodon, Fab IP, Addraaa u above, or to IMIB BOBSBt JONBd, Howard AlbMBUa, Boiloi. NEWARK THEATRE. . ,^ ^„ ■ „, The abOTC Theatie la now open for Uie FiU and WinUe B ia wn . wlUi a fun ud dm dan DramiUa Oompiny, nidar Ihe uuiag*. ""'"'MESSBa JAB. M. WABD AMD ETWABD PABEBB. ■ FltaldaaaSlanan InvUedlougoHala, lo whom Ubtnl lama will ba offered. „ ■MI MoKMfesiIBMJ^^^^ BHTBBTAlNMKHT WKW.SIS'S?:. SIXFH WBBE AMD OBAMO BUCOEbS OF . MIONOB BLIIB, Jl., Tha World Buowned HAOIOIAN AND VKKTSILOgUISf, M-lt* WITH BI8 100 LBABNBD'OARABr BIBlie. TO MANAQEns,»J. R. HARRIS. Ists of the WhH l«r Oarda Company, la pnparad lo »t8»»ldi ^Ih iuig5»M« muanrtuPrepanyMu. AddtMi ■ '•."•J^SPlu 2^7i^'^ ProvtduiMkB.L,BoxRo.i9l. a , jij. HI, I If, II urinnjLriji griiii n tfjm >i irif-ii".~i~i"p J0HMD|J.IE^I^^^^5:„„^^ n5^iM^n3a^^j«So8t Whaaa wondattal (lfniiAalloTealao4lhl.ri>pa«anlicaarDltaad. aD lnilUtlou,wUlB«r(Brm BPLTOB, M. T.<BapL ISIh, KIk ' and9IaLu40aWE5oiWouii/:S«p».S>d* . _^ »\ K. JOBR DE!UEB wlU doaa bla aeaaon abon^ Oolobalfl| udan TbealtuorllavdhigOompaalaawlahlnganuacaiawUl addnu bhn Immellatdy to Uia CUppu offlet, or bUi^nl. FBANK EOWAkoB, 818 Bloadw^j R. I. BUvar Enlta, or Iba Hunlara of lha Rocky la*^""**'"" Pepe the Bcoul, or lha Bangen of So. noxa Bliok Hawk, ot tba Unntai'i Bcdp Tha Bnntar'i Tnll, ot Uie Indlu Bum Wu Ax&orlbeBed. In'e Baruga Tba Blvei Plnlea Bala of tha Seine Body lha Bovar Oharlea Buifctd Oapldn Blood. Uie Htghwaymu OanialB lUood lad IheBeaglM lha Hlghwaynun'a ATanger Slitaan BIttogad Jaeh'a Flghl for LUa Tba Bobbat'e Wife OU, or Thru Fla- gated Jaak Lmaollhalelona DukShidu ef City Ure PilM 910. each. But en racalpl ol llu luatked ptito. LETTEB WRITBBa OheitarBdd'aLolla WnlarSlmplUled. aiv. OkutarSald'i Utter Wtllar of Blliinilla, <0c. ha., ha, to,, ho., M,, BEND rCB AmTHna tOU bee AOTEBTIgED. . b fici, SEND FOR ANYTHIMO YOU WANT I B«n( da ttoelpt of muM i»iee, pottie* ptld. Catalogues Free to All! Al Orders iddrestsd to D. 0. Wlsans 478 BroadWftgr, WUl b* pnapUr iHasdsd ta ' _ _ jylan O'.'nplogau diMiaSaabury TliiBabdBrlda Barry Tamnaal swanyTood The Gold Seakan ValduthaPlnta JaekJiuk CdlulTom The Ilymg ArUll^ TneTuktaUlidr< TbaFlyhigTaBku Thi King'a Onlaau UI4 Pul,oT Oayi « MR. HARRY SEYMOUR. Wllh hIa rnnnUr plaoae ol TBB rBMUirOBlxr I ^ THE O'O0RH6B'a OA' JIAM TAL JEARl OB, LU Ibl.) UOR OF ST, MABEl _ QUASIHODB, . He.. Ud'lhl KOn MAORIFIOBRT WAIDBOBI IB AMmiOA. OBAft T. gaiaOM, tfot, Ut Broadwaf. Hu Umi l« qin, " "* P. TON WZLLEB, AdvaiUier, W B HARRISON OOMIO TOCALUr, lUpfioHPTn POET, udDEUNEAIOBat BOOINnBIC UHABAOTBRSi la aew (uUlUlog u engagamaab al Bifhnni'r BeirHuaius, Btoadwar, Mow Totk. V/U^ | _T_-L-Ul. | -Ux'fl5 l ' 'i ' 'i '*' . " . " . " l " - ■■■.J.— FENN0*MAfllNLE¥'8«^. „ „ , WABBatOTOH IBEATBB, D. C. ■ Tba Udlei and OuUamu lagiged wis pliaM uit^la OB FBI. DAT,^8jplu.b«9«h. FymOtHIOIRLET." METROFOLITAN THEATRE, DATENPOBT, IOWA. „ _ IblapopaUETbeatnhuopued fbr ibi Fdl eaaionlaa ponaUEl „aaarul Than an atUlafaBvacuela la my i parUeuIariy a aculs irUat, oaa who cu alto tot p iiUiluwUlb^pdd. ALBERT A, Wt _ 3A.U* BoleLataMiailbustr. . 1 III .' I —uLnnr. ' i ' i r i r . ~ i ~ , ' I ' l ' i IN8THUMENTAL;«.T!l» .und«nl^Md^^ ' cempaay, ud wuM,. towlprelimd. Ubinl ALBERT A, WTASni lai.i rllh Cottu h Mnipby'a UUialiaij, ou 1 Iciiallo, Stohla Raw, or u laoond TlhUn pwumiai, i ii B. tv. WAL8B, 41 Blobmoad aliaal, Provldaaoa, B. L, or lhaoBO ■il-U' CORHOBk Oa, 98 Wall Bnataa at, B, T. MRS, FRANK QRAHAM. ^luiagtra wlahing lo aagagalha aervlcu ot Ihli yeiUE ud ta> ]. .MaTanlal, Ibr alar eogagaiunti, will iddnu P, 0. SBi VO, B^«1don,in, IDE MBLOOIOR hi Phlkddpblaon OaUawhlD ittail, cinba«i> gaged for a Mlnalrd Taapa> which would dj w ell Ib ua. Bast irr modonta. Apply la A. BOHBBiiBB. 'JtSe^ lUAtdialnal,FUIaddpUa. TITUSVILLE OPERA HOUSE. DOTLE B BTARS 00„ pirrtOld liiB ud FM Old WoffiU mariddRaa INEB k 0 I tta. ooNN ThiaWotfMuliand CoatoDOi. . "^aUBonata A«B,I>. EMEUE MELVIUE. TUB PET OF TBB AHEBIOAB ftAOE; And tha yotugeilud moat dinottie . • • pEkA DONHA aid OOMMtDIBHRB . ? Ui lha wall, oonunanoM a aUt eoiueinent In Bprtatfjjd, 98*.. Muiganwlablngla-o^j^iJIjjyU;^^ . . Dnnuda AaalaandCoitBBun, * S4.1la 98 Weat Hoaatca atrji. X. •AVANNAH THEATRE. / ' ', f .'^i^lZ, BATMOMD t HAMILrCR jf lMlBT Ibl eanpuy ot the abovu Ibaalta wia plaua UMBWaiMh^ oOMOt 0l»mBBfe«O.,W Wail BoartoB TnuSj ia«nln(,«.pl. W. ' ' . ~ ' ' l)tiiiMe>(<*'*uACoituatA gi4h ' 98 w3Br>"°«'>*-> >■ <'• °' • NcW THEATRE J.O. BITEB4,, MEWBEBR, f, Ol ThacoDpuy'aniuadteUeahOTa'Tiia^ It Uia CORHEB k 00, MlTlIt Booiloa ilteel. Sept 90, pnpantorrlo -UtagonlhUlrt,^ OOhnbb k'O °. DaaaUoifuliudOoift-^^ 31-110 B^TBlHoadoaiM VOUNQANQELO, ^ , "'•'<«^«*lSS5^iiiA*SiS5»S5liS?/^ TogeUier wllh iB? DORALDBO^ UtleaHniaoB^Beptia. Hanagan rlibug puUu vUl aOlnu 91-)lo FBABK DOaAunvmf v. • Tha cddmud Oymnaatud "dodMiM *»2«J£!t2!5 iui/»Ufn_>. B.^ia. HaBaianrlibUf loaamalhaiMn JAMES OORBBB k OC .... WELLS A LAWRENCE'S DRAMATIO TROUPE. TuSu^u!»l^amnmw>t lofUwrtOTiBaiBadlrdapB. •mptoan».d.llh.ol.«of^j^^jjj^^.^^^ . DmuUo AginliiBdOMlimah _ llWailBon#loait,KB> 94-110 OOBINTHfANHALI^^^ Cloaad for anlaigamuludj««ln w MQBDiV. UniUBI lin. Will open iboBlUthOitoliir. IWf UKUBL WILDBB,