New York Clipper (Sep 1865)

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ISneW YORK, SATTJRD^TTi-^pPTE f ' TOb THE WIDOW. BT KCUXa FUBi^. 111*11. jtt (kUbpod'i hoB* hi ttaiaadr «1iug*4, Mi)M« bm iksuv aron, ScBaUiMf mMliliito 'tli boT i dntm, . Aod tkli ii lot mj tuna. Ob I itoDll tbakl vu dnamlig wbn I taud mr bKDdi bail flam, A wUow Ja BT attira laad, mtbonlaMandotf boaUk Tia Ira* I ban ■ ab«U«r Imat, iadwiat Idoaolkaowi, Baltban 'twu altisgtn ihtllmd. me ftom ably tad tnit aaA laowi EiItc IW Itloidi t bm I no bogu t Atal »b»Ji>I»a» .: Kr with hu flovB, isit mjr AIM Mtsdi Bin ]iBg nauTtd Uu muk. Ob I wbil a tloiloat lUai to Inow, Tboa'i a Sopi aad, tii«i4* tbora, lad/Ua B«t wuUli, bnl Mlb Ihit niaa •.•xankf'tnikmltn.:: . Tf AKTOI, -THE II>IOT'} ' THE HISTORY OF A MYSTERY. FABT 1-TBH HTITBBT BVBIBD. OBAflBB Till. «U jOD'n (0lB« to Iter lb* feollila IblC'Bral, booadDi OBtot hia Mai, tad maUaa • laaUb U hit bat, ••TS batts IM," •■Otceaia«xoBoafD,i/7aaebooM,"ntarud lb* othtrs 'a ma'tknpjoa." "BaTe no tOTtbiaa to laD laa r' "Yea." "nn Jul dnp lbl« |•a^ If yn UetH, aad kl'a bear IL" "Wllb pleann, I un enjloat to Ml na." "U jm an, Ibea, itt'a bare U, wUboat to macb bailtais about Ibe baab." "WbatlbaTololell yon will kief;bal bttore I leDlt, Baal, lel'i nnilanUad one aaotbei." "Tm vlUiai." "I bare noUetd, Bnl," atld Iba doetor laleUr, aad oonUanlaa bli egg u he lalbed,jpepperlag tad adtug it tl ihe oommta, aad artUIog hlmitif of at tan iiopa Is auke a apooafnl oraaibUe atbitlout—"IhiTenolloed, Stii],«llbTeflnt, tbu (hin doaa not axUt Ibat anoanl of ooidltlUr In oar deallaae which I oonld htTO dttlKd." ■ "TTbit dojon metnT'* "WbUIOT, eta^'UmplTwbttlaar." "Well 1 don't onderatana son." •'Don't jaii,n>wt"lookliunpqsllelanoc«nllr fnm bit tai. •Ton iuprla* m«,tU paAapa, iftir all. It la nr tuur. &■ anddoAaloviidiTonaaoBaaUfauoald do Maaotbarr' •TrfpaM Jantm<rbatmn'btTadoa^Itfaaaal'' ••alaMt^andtegalarir.'^;' ' ••AnA BaTa yod ma bad any eanioot ooaplahit iaalaitma «1lta leepect to mj tnalauail of tba nnfortnnito Itdt vodor nr obiraet" . . . TT. "Well, look beta,' J07," atjd Iba noaej-laids, who, howarn',' did not MmHlllook it tbepartoa be addreiaad; "I out ear I Iblnk joa'n doTlUah abaip npoa ma Ihl* Hflte.** uibliilmet" repeated ihk7)oattir. "Ab, Ibla ttma.' Jul beeioie 1 happen to be a dij orlao behind mj UmMoa qrattaitl* me aWter, ordartaamehen atUIWMToard«|< I dontUka it^ t tall 7on; and Ite damned tflaiacdltl Tbeiel" The SodoT, who bid Httcsed. vltb an amuad imlle to Ibeae tamuka of hla oompuloa^ at Ibt naolotlon anddenlj made a olatcb tt.'Saal'a baao, aad ..nnoglt Iwlea or Ihrlee wUh eraiT manlTeilatlan ol dallgbt, In aplia ol Iba moneT'landar'a ftniolia (atraablnuaU, , "Urdekraaolr 'alad UuVoolor, •'wbranr dIdTPaaotaut to alfliatf 'IQr d<ar.|jt(il,whr did 700 not anbotom joaruU dbteU^f pair lynehmoia miiftctory u wonld hire baw to n* btd4 ofSf hnoan jotar ciiaie of oompU(nl, aad been tbie at flri^ u^^tni^Wi la caarlan Ibe error nndtr wllchTon war« •1 don't Mow ih>uabg tbonl' Irrort," ratortad, Bnl, gnflfi •7)01 bfia'a the monef, and ID tbiab 70a for ronr reeelpr." Aa ba apoka, ba dn« a latlhrr pockat-lnik Ima the bratit- pockel or hit eoet, tad opejilng II, coonud oat aoaia solea tad .(oldnponlbeltble. •. i.-- " "Oonal irii'a rl^^" aald hr, obtatrlng that ha baalliltd, ■•and (If a me a reoal|>t'; "Veil. 8*al, u Ton Uk*;" ohaerred Ibe Doolor, wllb a iliih. "Ton'raTer/ mncb mltttken In my mMit, I unre 700; bat htTt yvnr- own- way-^ra 7onr own vav, BtaJ. -ihaia'a my aslograahcll'a qnlla ooiieel, aadl'm obliged to ion. BnL til ttld bebn, lUt Tin't wb71 waalad Ton.'! . •'In tba Btma el the Old One, tb«n,"roa«d Ban), ihnmplaghia fill np<a lb*4abUi'.>f bit do ion natt" •1 mallo.ieU aon aomathbbr.: .Mow, don't agimia 700100111 IwintloitnrObUialtaia itald Itiat thlt will beiba bit moni7 IthiUkant»i*caiNtnmion.'f " ' ' .-i >- Banl'a<a*ea:litbt<d'.ap'like Ihoaeot a biingi7 wa'r. aadbla lawn Jtwidiop;«d 1UU* tn bit mtanat e>peottnc7. "Itib»i»laibe-»", • • t - • Ba tfamaund, longlav'ta gita ntUianea to a word ha 701 dntdedtonuar,' ■■ , ■. "Bbe Itn'i dead," npllad Ibe Doctor, who appeared to know what be wu driving at 'Itibadilagr i , . •'Wbitlban>" "Sba'a ijone. ■ "Oonel" Ibeolberguped, bit Jaw dropping a lUlla more, aad hit erei openlagwidtt Inaa tl Ural—"Ooner Bat 700 itid—I ItaonRbl TOO tald Ibe wtu'l dead 1" ' ' ••abelinotaitd,! tari bntibalagoBc." i"aood OodI" IhamctHj-lmdtraoiaamed obI, Il«et7. "Tos on't mean laapedli' 4 "I do." • I . 'Taitdol'.' "1 oonld not bflp IL ~n f)|t no ftnlt or mln*,"- •■Kolkultpf loanl'.' (be jnoneTleada ihonlad, hoarae wllb IballUoDtorTonl" And With ieiooloat<loleadaha'eadear'n*d,la Ibe beat ofMa «aptbnit7|,lo canr oat bit ibntt; hat tl tbit Joaeioro a aarptli- Ing cbtngkOiAplaiM li^ Iba Doolor: fho blthan bad looked aa'ch a hitni]eai,''tDn<)t»ai, ImJi'Hnd'of ttteiMi*, any onOwoold anrelybaTo llinoied that ba'ntgblhlTa bean knocked abtat and abakennp far eieiUittag.'Wllhoat twfctrof bit reieaHng Ibe IndlgnliT bTtnT pbrilcal euttlon, IPetbipi Saul, who knew him wed, WH nol mMtlied u a ilrugrr migbl bne been at Ibe onrlou allaiailon InblalRe^^in an uareealon otalooit Idlotio ncnllT. to concenlriledl^ilca, rdolnnon, and tooollT—it iba alaad7 altia of blaera«,Bnd theHibl compraadoa of hltlbln Un, ndihu mlabi be bare bean ailonlber nnprepared for Ihe >dupla7 or mntciiitr itteagth dpoa the Dootot'a part, wbleb miol* failed Itieir oblFdr In MiAngen aad wiUlai U- be lore off Ihe monerlender'i grtp tnra bit teckwibler, tnd aner a abort bnl fleioa atngtia, conttlTtd to roic«hl4 aoltgooul backwirdi lata an tnb^bdr, wfacn^ with bit <koeanpon Btnl'a Dieait, be httd the rnfflin, puUng and awearjng tnd loanjng tl Ibe monlh In ImpoUttlfiuT. li. , . • "00*1 Tonnalt Seal,'.' aald Ihe Doo'xf, wboae brealh teamed amimptuad bT hit :exeitlon*-<.'cool Tonrtill mr dttr fellow, and,a«)ouiarrdon'lpltyihefooll" . Tbaoihv wtalntnohaa lalol pauton, and fail ao weak ind lb* Doctor'* elai^ea, that tn laiabed bla teeth 4a rf"'e • t • . . '•Ifii'k1i«M,yoil kfto«.'''llie-tWote'pnntatd, iblftjajbla podU<B all|^ll7< w u laga t iilU Onur end belter boU of hla •Damn Tool" roarad Ihe moneT'ltnaer; "\nm I do, til amubTonl" — •■Row that b tbenrd," tald Iba pMlqr, wllhhu Utndeat imlle, "beotnaelbaTepnlTlpcUl lomy nien;UI1&i dan ion Into a «batl.MMa»a(B''ktiiMMaBoliibl8e'M aaa'Tad VooMlia Tba '"' idtf:iABM Albt^ bal*l'<a,llo tUlaaad'la hi* IWIUB VMIotliiror mkld baiaklM do let WrlM'adnM'(fuiMbt ttantetor knodad toi ~, It wmJibM la atwnpllo beatd tbaUoii ( , ii-i >.l 1 11-I'l <i;; V 1;.., T i^titpMr,"'«! ih« k trait iiidi r :bki: I I«n4 hi* ilfkl kta< plaied miMoulr nwd tt* kiBdl* o( Ika 1 I.: -'i'J . .1 -t c. ■ ^.5,. .i-.T..-.. •■ -.! ■it wotuthanjMMBi Asl:«M«b««(k(BakakMiltMmyMT(- ibM.araqrtSlttirdd'baold W MmboM^ tlttWuha kaitd(kdlo(r<Ihat'awkalIMattttaa*;]Itiai(flM'<< Bttllr.ObtBtorooaldnoliaDkat. . ' ' Urtqslradak««gIM»lkaaB»ia*«iadk MetMr.Bnrabilai bnl of iMt ha fill laiand-naladi tt* 'old waitr tmnOa a good lUag oat o(hit BBittBt,ha tm^ votid hart pBi^l bona a vua,.. 'A mtB wb« gnmUtd wbta Uit mle* alt a cmlM katd to* • W'iMlb,Molded Vkan'Mn Siffart took aMST'ibttt Mrt Haidtlur toad* n MafdMMa BM^fiSSft&aaBnlS^^fifiytfti^ftwalBd _ HtoaoBatotUoppoallahlmatlaBIa: Balhlta kuutv to the ItdT wia eatOx gneiatd at, la coo. mettta tti coaldAiTt btd titDrlog b«neUtoaB«li —aainiJteMoDaUauSethBiaL utayihogghtlhanttttrottr otrefnllr, wbe tat that«*•>. Jia«taliliautaBi,lnlbaparlO(of the ■•JollTWaldiarf'— . itlurpsbba-haiua which be wu la Iba hiUl of featotallBB { OUad la ttfira tl tor toUifictaqr oonahulaa. . -ha'ial<dT»^uranblaaollla<in7—•hacanieollha'lloTai ^a rich. armnJ woaldn'l bare aianted hei'i jAa'aprtttr, aa t lajidf hart MB. Bat wIit Iba dicktna th* tMiM harcttiawB baia«lfaw«7npoa old Binli ibti'a what bt*M ffl*l" ntB,tSai hi* saoalallowanoa of braadraad wal ' pttirti Sffl l^v!*"' ^""^ btliddr'to hl*M|tafik Bight ka ilapt onadaon!ap,tnd gaunt UMlaal «H iBb't noutnu .glort. WKm ha awahitW liKithM A at onaa to tba laVi 'a AtfiBtk bdoT; itU.Btl "tai I ibAU liaoBunaBlr ttB _ ttaattkaboliaBiof tt" ' -Oi' ' "i ; • •oftklakltg. ha ttioUad down to lha oSca^ wUak ipte ka Ibtad eeooplad by MnvHardtkar, whot with hinitlll w« atoiSr. ttftjoaitoaadtnlaadUiitak.' ■ ;• • ■",:.,:::(ntlm$x,'' ■'•.I-;.''' PB^vi WBAi Ytn cujuuvi iniD or naidii oaih x^^ooont ' ':,!. ' mt,mitMa'i"aca»'m>" .. , te.ihi'iuiB,'iir. o&aater«uoriha tut* epUoe' B«atia7Ultri.Batdakalrba>taUibol kaidtd^^ «ul* taatltolh* aignmtaL '/HrOh^Aradd Ihtt ntoOort ^ Ha Magenated , »IUaCtod:tcfcadr Idail I bla BtlTalt . aflUia were In KarpeeaBaif Mich U eomnunte deaomlnalM '*UokT.'' . ■1iw,'*baaald,andhatbon(MhaWon2ac tnadr,tsdbewltbtdlbitbtwu.daid, fitlag ddTtR. ailt'wtr«,'iaba coiatr, nd held at bu, ttr, oitlbnowiad C tiTto g beta "wmlnf II latbg 100 alrong" the lial dtflf tw^ ' .^■"•Niri^^ain.'oi.ifr^ ■■■I ;.S'.l', .'; ..!. 8TUABT BOBSON. low CoiiDiA:f. For SlogMphloal Bkebib Me toolhsr oolumn. Bpdf'ean7iagm''nihtrtoo Ikil.. lodlgnanllj rapadlulia IkS' abiMa'arooallnttal oan7loia«B, ha tOoRd Ihit ha^^Si hart koowB thai It waaKa't bar* Uited, tad ba witn't tt tUnh ntaM tbilIbbgibad tonidontat theyhidi forlf Iherhada'L be bad nol the leulldtahowlbeTOlherwfea wonld. ' Bla. Huduer, taailag lUlaned lopatltnllT to all Ibla and nnak mora of Ibaauna pallets, atkcd Ur, Obiirery, with toma ladig- 8*11(0, what be waa during tt, tnd told bim tbtl, irhc waated tn talk to ber, the wonld hire to troable bim to be IntolUglbl*, Xbaa Ur. OhtHnr brltdy eipltlaid tbtl 1 maiden anal, wllk »bo|nbebadnoMill7re<ldad,btdnol 00I7lockedaptheatraat doo4 u nmi], at tb* prepotiaiou boor 0/ ton, (ml bad alao caniad to be aaenrelT barred aad ibniteredl email but-ktlebaa wladow, tbrodgb wblob be had, upon ptvrlou ooeiaiona wbaa loettd obL coniilredto affecl an eatanace Into Ibe old ladi'ad»- Blole, tnd rttln to bed, wllbonl Ibe bom of bit rtlnm baiu dUofrotd. Iti retail or Ibe tiepwblok hit tonl bid taken tbit j(r. Obtdtiy bid puiad * larte portion of the BinlonadcoMtep, udth* ramtlnder in Ihe boa ( «iBlt.hoaH, fUl iiliep, with hli hetd npon a fltbbyi .'It jad wbal do ion mean to do now I" uked Kia ntrdaka*. ■'Iwtalaktdglaf,' aald Hr, Ohaiiayi "can 70a 1 ulboogh ha wonld make larie of being able to inaaMB at almna* to a auauol la oata ol need. Snl Boitoad Ibe mtaonn*, aad tcowlad; bnt from' Ibat ttme lorwird wu mnoh more hnnble and aahdntd ha t**** beea- hitherto^' - . ■'Baw did tt happen f" be taked, altar a pinae. "loB kaew bow eonnlng aha wu,"'tald tba Doctor, ■'aad what gandlahlagtaaltTabelhTiwtotoolbarallamptttteecapa. lUt Bae,IdcarlinlndldUagToa,tbetookaH to u well ti lha real. 9ba bbued bar part ao well we aUbellaiad her.' BaAtogtabee conUni.haiB b*a* gnlled more eftctotlb; bntrm nol ainamed to tar Ibat the oatwiited u, for fiattn himtalt wonld ban beoi conun't.haiB bin to ear Ibat aba 01' tricked to anck a, "Idldat think Ida were Ihe man'to begnlltd, Joy, Imoel can. fete. I'm dtnoedly decelred tn 7on. But go on—bow did the manigeV . "Wban flht the came here, fonr 7ttia ago, u yon know, aba wai theTarleat tamagint alUe. Altar tba bid Idked beiaelf boene, eadeamlog to ibow na all bow aane tba wae, and wbit a onellnhmyllwufortoloakharnpi tnd when iht fonnd tbtl llWMnouMndtbatbaitoggolharwe Bieanitoitick to her, •beebtegedner<aellcaenllrejy,aodbaralaUbonndi."' , '" w* toongbi aba wu going mad to eameat.'' '•Teai bnttotpltaofhir ma of ntaloU, her raitog tad W bTttitlia, ik* bad berlndd tolenili, tnd ileTar lort an oppor* Inolly, u Ton ma7 tamembar, of endeavottog to axdta Ihe lym* palbx abd Impoae oppa the crednll v of a iliilor." "I raoplleet'* "Sbeooaldn'l gtfeulbaallp, bowerer, thongb ehe Wed to bard to do 11 upon eo manr ocoalonf. We kept the ooro npon har^dbeldbaftot." ■ ■ r . '■Wad, I know ell toll Oo on." •Ton know, loo, Ibat dnrtog lha lut algbteea monlht or to, t gittt change, for wbal wa tkoogbt lha baiter, hit oome o«rb«." ■ ■ . 'iWa Ib«ngbl.rti8 wu teeaklng np.": ' ' "Bnctly: Ibat barlDg broken ber apMI-^ her heerl. If Ton Ilka tl batl*r-wo bad tncoatded at bat to knlntaig ber cob- eauiUoa, wtanng'Ont her aitto, tad auklng bopdctt Idiot ether." - . .1 , ■■ t /Voyon'Tt led no to lappoie. Ton alwiyi wara'lelUaame ehe wu on Ihe point af Uekliig Ih* bnokat aad rn been aipeat. log to Bear aha hM don* IL" ■■ - ■ • ' Vlibongbt abe wonM bare gone hetea Ibli and'lt'afaolmT' fknltlidia.haaB'1, fotaema Ume pait ilia% beM atokihgtnd boboijlit'*' " '**''** .'^"7 ^ '"'^ •'Weill"' • ■ .\' "01 conn*, letlni her *o low—fbr aht'dU^bi'lere M tlnet not to btTe BMBalh.enoagh to nlaeh>retlf tohedwlM><*er nod wu brodg^ m to ber—we began to alackea a mile to onr .waicb orrr her. Bot iba wie only wtllfag In her cbtoeb! and one diT, oticbtog Ibe »e(|«r off hie gniM, tba iprttag span klm Jul lUe a wOd at, tad btfor* be conld gniM at wbU bet gtmS wu, plonged a tbtrp-pototed pdft of- •o'tloit tolo hli scat, and laaiing blm Ibeie to welter In hie blood, ton down Ihe alain, nied Ibe man'a key* to open the bibta door and the file, and golcltiraetT, InilBgaetraoebeliuid:" ' To Jadge bT tbe npnirion of Beal'a face u the Doolor thna btoogbt bU etonr to in end, one migbl baie eineeted a Hoitot oolboiatof wialli. Be eeemed lo thuk beUer of hb lobntloa, '."^^T' *V^' * *'■"■' aUenUf sniping ine nnnlloed oalba that bad galberad to bla toagne'a Up, ha aid, u calmly u ha coald, "VfeU, Doctor, what la to b* doner' ?^*''.°''i'''»8 at priaent," laid tbe Doctor, qnleUy, "not till we Ind oat where itae la bidden.'^ _ <innd oni whin ibe to biddani" ibonied bit compiotoo, Blagtog hU tnni toto toe air In a fhnty of lago be could not re. S""'-!.^!!?? '"•'•'Uf man I do Ton ciopoae that we aboald nt owa imuUrbtn tnd wall forbuto ahowhenelft Wa anallbeir of berHnl to a conn of hw-we ebtll diid onmlfM In Uebaeda oflbapoUM SoToatnppoM toat abe wUI IMonlal, whecnTar ''"'Pt?"?"?fJ"'*^'"'«»'«'«e» I know rtie woman bet. ter, Bbe bat"- —■ mtol lha b H toarbetocatofioewItomTwlfe^' ■ 'l£°^ •leraltog hU eyetoowi. •■ir«H» the oto« growled, auUlT, aroldtog bb companlon'a ,*7MJ •<1_wtl Btrrted * Weak or ao ago, dowD-down to too 'ooanlTt and 1 broogbt bar np wIJi aw.'^ '' JJOJookTOit Baj4lf» oar aakat, and for 7onra«eMdally, w^ aut. track lab tigna to her lilr. - Wa mnal reteptonbar at ady riak. Hy men uo aow npoa bar track, tad haie bean to tb«»tw*dk»aiui" • ■.:-.^.^r'.r"rr'' ■■And when wa bate her aafa I b at tola momeat-l'll atakt my Mb on It-plotllng onr 11* aaemiilaa me ont. Qood Qodh at Ihb moment aba kca to fioe wTto mT wife—" BaToUaebed bto Oil omincnil/ u a flhlab lo hb tenlenca,' aadiiba Dootor,noddlar to'reptT,tllanllr tailed "anrdaf/* lhci|lal>ka.titoeliofBU£ r". T'^,"™« anno-, towbda to*Jrbd**, and watched ika I Ih* daor to leal, enMaa U* aiSdE. Sadler'. nUutd. aa —A^-^g^ at d^ 1 ami boto aiea' L who had auaared Ih* door to leaL _3t,lhaiDewoaibar. " -'-»«-»-^ ilda ipj«nuoe^ Iba 'o<<ha.dt««clhMaomtJMk,';U|ald//:'';- : 1.' .1 ; ""•"-"r^'aT . MUtaUelMi tt'UMMT MMd<aid wllkntwM<la|UB«taBttl«N««i«a«py,ktnM- ■1 Iblak we're pnUad It oft air." ■fonod bert" aled !aal. iprloRing forward eagerlT. Tbe delcolne looked at him hard, aad taroad tn loqalilllre tianoe lowaadi the Doolca. Bacairlng 1 sod of patmloloa u«m be btler, b* aeld-, "We:!* found e patly.^' - t ■■Ion ar* nol tire, then, yMI" "Wttt walling tpr yon to ua bar." ' ■ •■Whoil". "Kow, U yoB Ilka.'' .Ilmrt'a a cab onhlda the maa aild.b«> longed 101 gtatlfmtn to here." - • ■Ohal'e atoa," aid ibaL 'tWe^D go toiU tt os^, It. Ttni like." : ! , . . . . ; Ibt Doolor uianlad. and praptrtd blmtdt li oaca for Ibe JontanT. ... Ther fonad Ihe cabBitB enlrartoit npon bla box. mncb daapw In appeafaac* Ihaii any dtawnad rat jon ertr clipped year a7M CO." '1 . .i' ■'Where tor.he dfgsiaded,wllb a gioaavielUog to belibotto hlihofaa. .• ■ The deleollte giValh* dliacUpn, '•■To teke ■■jael, cdlr.^'li* atfd. '-'Baiu tWed tl lb* aiaia, ttd tnrned u while u't'tliKL •To'wbent" beatktd. .■ ',. "toPykp *lr#et"', • .■ ■ '■WbathonaatoDike'a^tr" ^ '. ..... Ur. ftth Banl'e-* petdfonlDg IiwTet chip; to Ibe bill. dltboBaUa^ lino. Do yoo^ew him, tlr t'* ■■'■.■.:'',''"",''CBdPTEB IT. ; . ■ -■' Tir^,iB"oiiy,'i» »n.jr»a"nBa».aiooifc .'. , ■■It b u dear ai'nnd tbal lhara'a a myalerT at lha tMltom ol II.M > SouiaJobaObalhiy,lagnlra,wbaoi ratnmlagto oflblalHb nailBornligrhfiinnghto nil npon Ibtoonitoaad peg, iflerll* acclutotnedpotaah,'aa3 openinghbdetk, got ont hbituiontry tnd a aaw tliei.ptn, aad ul about doing aotalng with Ut ieoa*< toaed piampUinde ' ■' ■• ■ ■> ■■• •■; He' WM tbinklog wbaa be epoke of aeol'a atianae mar- ritgiv ^aad iho. poaalUa raaaon which ooold hiia oiaaed a* tilraaamratoaitadibarMit toaairoatband:BneonUiahmtai u|lr.,0baito7'* mepecttd.apIoTar.iblia. Hetdater oooilag lapnaanliytofatohawtrib* candleadOt whlsh bad bean lal there tnar atght, Hr. Oaairsy.endaaTartdiUigat bar Into oo> TaniUOD. r> • '■Ooatraarpratly w*OUibmarBtogl" aid Br. Johnitalarto. ■'iloli,foralllbaow.'i' . "Ain't be up Tet I" "I (Vn'bkaow an;iblag abont him." •■Bo^'etoalt"., , , ■■flalca'tatnnme.^' ^ < '•Wball','.ciledHr.0btfler7,ln bluk imiumeBt. "Do 70B makn b* biint been.homb ileoe TeeuidtTt" "Ha buB'l,l>eep hema til algbl, wbicb ooout to th^ itoa tbhit.:'... ,• ■;WeII. he'a a nloe cbtp to nil hlmaeif abrldegioom-ah. Bra. Baidakett' .. Hi*. /Birdiker did act condeicend to replT, bnt anaiged beraell,to looking round, Ihe oBlce to aaarch ol ^fma pitiiing ohJecL .' "'i.yonr mlttrrtii;'', pnrmed Ur. .Jobs, aolblpg dAuntadhTtbeoldwotnaa'a.lacupniity. '.'ii ' • "1 donTkoow," aha gmmblrd, ^1. '^ ■ i. i-, '"Wb7, aba ain't alopped ont aU niaki loo. buabet" ■•Bo; aha'* III, I Ihtoir. or *be Ibtoka tbo li, whlokb mnch lha •amilliln«,wllhanatadlullkelier.': , . .. v , "What'e Ibe matin wilh'ber I". "Howamltolellt ttln'lher,amit" : ...n. "laappouTon'TOHkedbar. haTen'tion V!. „i ^, "Idt ( Indeed. Il'a lomefaldldil iliiir, I ttokpo.. n'alackr to to Ibem u can coddle thelnalTU op, wblla othtl* bat to wall OB'am. But I.den'|anlla fanoT Hr. Saol'll aland aoab on It, mtodTOU.I' .,.1 1 , , ., :•■ • ff^wnwuahabktaim'' ' , i'•'•/' ■ .< ■ - algkl,^ Baku and me bad beeaonttolaltfa.fa|t.ol(d red ber np a dlib ol tea, and. pomlag U •IroUwhen fbtd tened^bernp t dlib ol tea, and. pomlag'1 tguo^m fband her lying to tbe pauiga to a (tinting tl," Ifbatr 'Sbawu.Ijtog .baU'to and hill onlof Ibt pOtedsar, Ihtttw lea«4|lalb|fcopaaige." . ,( , . „, ^PwidbooenatKat*" . . - .t..-t>,-n , .., ■ "I .dl4B'i. toaalK.. bh*. wu erar eo lou htni* aba aan* to. W*lhosgbral£ilT<hit tbd wet deed, tbe by*6..eold,aadtimi hnl.wban wa bid got her np tlalra to bcd.wa foaad tbehad lli* ttMgkto.her, aajjoa'd b»*. eald, loo, 117!>1'i^bMi^ tta.aob ab«'d to ell b . atbuoC" tota, jts web u wa oonld mike «n( uoia .at; itMag a«n> •kttalkM aba'dttan.a •l>o^>'>U)t<^J?9>S!<^l**' non.Midwtib had died ebmd. mMorl ^Mn'l Uitea "~ >adi^Ididktatrc«nldbf^BM*mBidi "Thil'a a qnear tIcR," laldHr.Cbiffary, looUaaratotrpa. etBUyiaaad IM itooarMBae. ■<! bopa wm^-u^otaitt hara^toaawealibipldaB." .,'-■.■.,,. .^■Ual, any wayt^" grWBiMad Ik* aU "Wa'N HI BP llwe'n aotog to baie aaotbaagbottaea' MHakei. I ibaB b* ttaUf •t^aaxKla- womin. _ to Iht ttaV^j^ a*eW«r»e«i'''• • ■'■ ■ ■ ■ ; . ,■ .r--. i- .• y-Vi a»B«fel^«'M<'i* iQeu b lty ■*■*»,■» tUMtt Br. OHtf. Iby. "Wa dtnaad loaelyhan on bny tllafiwaif I tm M joi, wUkoat aratag of IhM iofi" . It wttTerygtoofflyoipn Ibin, tl taa o'olook to Aa Doietog: when tbe aan wai ehlalag telgbUy onialdi' apoa ana earner of toe negbeted garden, when alrowi ' ' ■ 'BPonbbbaa^.tkaeaaln ' tooiy tnlba u ta* wa*. _ ^ tbo'ntlh* plaa*'*'damp tad .mildewy amUi ta Uiangh del ghoeb bad gone nunldy ta Ihe cnpboarJab nrad af walfana ttf a good' oppoitnnllT of popping ont npon and aeaitag wmabody. .Bra. Uttdakar honalf, acan to lb* grtoi ehamullT of a dbltnt ' oamir, had a gmllq-Uka eflbdi to an awiol ntoBIMp, wtto a MS ot.bnge dlmeuloiii; aad aba dnpt tboot to rahoiiiy, aeltalaai waT to bar wom.aal boot*, like a do*n4|.heel D0g*7. Ormtna abont to ibb waT.'alUl aetrobtog few to* mbHag can. dleiUcK aba'optnat toe door ootamantoamg wtlh Baal'* prtiale room, wblcb, owlna lo one of tbe ebnt;«n belag halt oloaad bo- tore ou of IB* window*, wualnuMt dark Uu.oseaed'toedoor aad mad* oae atop latoat ih* Ihrtehol^ Maa acrwmed out ahjUlT. aod came toilertog bick,aad fall toto a chtlr whlcb, lucky for ber, wu catch ber., . .... "WbUnowl",oilad lIr.'Cha(brr,ilaott'UanuIitlarmed u tbe-oid womin.iboajh ha wU In,a trlmendoai ragetolblnk that'abe ibonld aakomcb afbolol'banelf.' "Whit tbadenoe toojlwUkyoaibtolanntTl"''' ':>'.<'<. : ' "Wbai'a that la Iba a«it room f'guptdlh* eld womaa, to a (loaito wbliper. w-r~ ^•^it Bhapld It be I", letotod Br, OtutOtiy, wHb .ghallaitog ■'AUtoa^'tnaiJjn'iba cbalr^adi' ■ Wtit uiito folor. there jet remetoed to tb* derk'* fkce fkded away iHMeihiT. He' tboA Uka d laif, U cannot bo denied, alikdagb ftwia bread diyllgbL Bnl h« Buaaged to abike off Waftighlaomeboworotaef aafflelenllTlo gat u flrulbadbor 01 .the aoom'. ocntalatog ilba objMt of tarrar. da be neaiad lha door, a tocnaminl wltnto, bowar*, eaatad him to atind atcck- ltU,'bwlbllDg wbetoer lo go on or runawaT. Sot the aolM eaued; ba eOnna rocwttd tad looked to,. - I Alter the a;4 tnoat, tbongb. hb lliiri mbildad. tot ba recog' .sited Ibe eccentric tlnagor whom ha had left Ibue lul aaltei OTorj niabt, and wbo, u waD u ba conld Jadgf, oceopled Ter> SetrlT toe aaue poalUon Ihii be hid oocnpled when Hr, Obafftn ^edaafffl' 'WMM*-K»A s«MnlAK*f' Al^t^m^A- tav «hA nM WAMBn'a Ba4m| bi But be WM 'not deaid,.tbat wu ' bcaalbUwwtiandlUiwhen Hr. ~ ferTjeeelni bideUffl' goad.b7<, except tbtl, dblurbed bTtbe old woiun^ ion4m. be bad probablf rolled orer from one aide to Ibe otoer. —■ ru txrr oenalo,for bto burr \ aiMttnf aiood. Aad Hr. Obif- Jna Ibat there wu Bolhlag to lhawotldto beafrild ol Roorarcd hla pluck wiih.anrorltlog celetllT, end wuaomewhit uurtcal at Hri. Birdaat** opeata, "Ibat^ what yod call a abnt, la il, Hra. n. I" aald toe Tonag 8enlJeaiin, oall1n|lr, "It gboab wore boole wllb UIH like boee, IbaT'Wonldn't ba eble lo glide about witoont nnr healing 'em. Tbit'oBol a |l»al,l*apta»ppOn It—nor adcad mandther. Drn'tTOB-kitrhtotanoiylf'i ■ , . ■■WhoielLMlunl" uttdlha oM woman, lome de- gTMuniedbi'llr..Ohillaiirtmaana'lhi( toeta wu ao cuu fbt^im. "Wnoli.lVlbenfiBdwhtt'ehadotogtherer' .'. ^Ba*! rtlbel taklnj U oatpl Ibe offloe chilti, and Ibil I won't deby.^oald Mr. Xokai •torbe'a been tt ,Oum all nlgbl long,- u' weiliia I cin lell." ' « - . I'jh iham aU.algbtl I naraa taiew U Why dldn^l 70a laU m* .you left bIm Ibetol Be might baie robbed Ilia bonae 1" ■, ■ ''Ab.l". tapUfd Ur. iaitffai7, oerec tooagbl ix toil, to ba tnrn I wonder wbalhtwociu htTt lakan." ' li&i. Baidaker, aba probabl> aw tome hidden tircum In lUt apiaob, wu blablTOffaadtd^ tad dMnot oondrteead to aiakaaay ni f, Bbe relcbed tbe oialleellek OBi of Ue olbtr rooBi'haw.' aieK ud maoagad to.mike *p toun aobe to dejagao, tkadtba ^tded^lbe iledpar, who, maleUag hloiNlf, ytWBtd, and UWledont- •••rbo^aIbaAr* tad«Whtl'ao'oloo'<r ■lon'rebad a lldy loan of It, btran't lent'.' obiamd Br. allaffiey.BaktoghtoaiijeUaiida,' "Ii'e aelllng on tor " neUirafur to-aurMWi'' Vbagoromor bun'taoaak do'oa mega Ip wall mseh longer f" , .Tbeelnoger ettatched bimtalfaad Ttwutdj wd.aoowlad tl the apeiker, . ■ ■,. • t'Tntlehalr^ konlbiy hard ■■ ba nid. '-rm' tn-'tobu tad pilaa, aadploa and uadba. wbara'a my halt I ehaa'l atop to eta bba, u ba'J«M hue.. Ml blm, wbtalto dsMa' la —. Moi' leU bim nothing, 111 lell blm D7aelt whai I ooa* biok," "iron'tyoBtMfejewaaman • ■ .'v. ,'ri,-t '. ' ■ ••ft."- , "WiU Toa meatlpB a Ume when 7ob'11 ein Is Igito I". ■'ho.'"'''''" ' ■■ ■ ■ J--.. "Are 700 coming bukt" ■'Bomt lloi. > aiod'BotftiBa." - ■■Same to too, abr," ealo Hr. Ohiffary,.towlaa'nolltaiy,' iM followliu toe t^iaiar oat wttk hb *m whBa a Mat laiUa plisti tbonl bC B^ ■ ''I'm ioety wa cau'l oOc yaa tap braakM/Tk* r*niaik<d,whmthaa«iluln*manw^taBiof btwiaa. •■Imlml oatob yntt a tfilddt et two, peituptt tad wi'ra wa'J oC tatwuGt, It't 1 pilr ht dldn'l U* oa the Boor Inttcdd ofoa Iba fViIri itn'i It, Kit. Bildlkacl>.baaaMthaawt.'dagld'ha4* aald bdfdtad .badin<[boaid*«/acthtog.'V ,'i>i» ,,• ',;/ .'ire k m mplarlou ^SSSSfiiflhV^' i'''^''"* «i>aus,tkikfBg bar held. bM]dlidWiMtnibtoaini» todneahia to (laf aaU^i>Mraa<«He4.iMtoghiBl bntbd 7nHl>t-«ba.Uah*r«ll«bdlak*r Aad I»i7wu II tk* BMUl MoMlMr.wbM atyiNBtohttoNobolkir Idoo'lkBavaBy*hnafbenlkt7'dtakeioa,"j«tott«l Bn. ^tUm, wbo. llparbudJiMntI to'be'^ttotoi^did-BDl^irdt ilu* It IB, bnl Bid* tba lamirk nunly for toe teki^al B9< emtblag ' ■ c utl to g." 1 r .11 .if.. . ■. 77. ~- ~ iT thaw^ lbon(b,"aba pteaaallT added, loektog la froB itoaaga eratoh abe wu buiT aweeplag, ■ibaia'a Ibrt' Mil^ '. laon that wu bam the otoer day, I think db^igot^fMg' - M,'aad Ibat ttmlndtaa—'' ' ■■'■■ . ■■ <. i V.i'iT ■•. 'idtTanof.trtialf''" ' - i ■ ■'■ ■i': d a'—' up db* <**d tbawaaled aoaaoa^togv-atf' /ebU Ibat Hr*. Hodaon hero, u ahe'd got aoae aud)MM |M' I. ■.■!>.I I .' bfil ■ ."Whmdldabaaayaol" "Aboirt'aa hoaroriwa aga" ■■AtadbnaB'tmbaantoiea hatr^-a '.- . ■'MO.!' ria had teaalblBg ebi to UlakMi'' "TbnBlpbt bare tent aoiiMbody,' - •'tto,IoanMB'L:'IhtdBabodylonBd;''' "' .'' ••''''" ' <Tb*r*'tH*jHtkat." i'■ ■ I ,,,(,.1., 1,1 "Teaknow lean'titlbla'to go oat itoat to-tka'dmint."^'' •■Al^-to ba •ta*. Bnrmlrhtl uk wha yoDlabbdlrfdar^- 'TllgoByatirwbanltadonamy cbtiifug.'aBd'dbwoaawalt Idtr* «7f withant II MIHogher, SbfUhntttodowofOethaa Ihil. I'll be awota, befci* ber llm*'* obi, H theNnwbara leog. '■rou don't aaea to Ilka year new mliakiL'^obaUfM ~ bir, altar a panatyaTttog bli oompanied^wHb a bfe-—' Tba old woDin lunad on him laroelr. " ''-■ " Whoavardcan""' • 1. ■■ ,;.oui liCr.Otiaf'- il. ''Ten neednl imlle yoitruIf,"'atMHnCbafei^, ibdetMni pl7tof a ooU'Witor poalllc* to hb abbtog li*id7to'ilib>datamw or attitog'blmaalf aMibt again. '<I( yMBlalfuavif A'Bb£ loa'a addratiL I'U go tfld gift b^ the BMag*.'--1 MftfUj anTbddf panbalir wm call, bnl If Oity do,'lh*y cdtfiwa'' goTamor doat eaa* law long Ibay wtlV 70<ilBiwr;.tail7U ),oot Idlal/am aUrthafliai to, If as)<eMfdhi^oo«S'tM TOi.'dbal(alikt away Iba poket,''-^ >■ ■ .< 1 :itlH',: Hr.ChtBtoybailogiwlped'bltbt*d,'iBd:tbaagtd UaoMitW' komhU oaMtobtooal4Moon'i«llv40okeiibb<bardbtf«nr' bb bit au, aad weal out, to get wbel lie ealMd a aMMhIW of'' btakalrrtoantraatwhldb deitred leaalti ha'af'ooBnaiMlliH' OBecgtbaatnagut aad rankaaaf pipn ni '-^^ , Thiaddiau jWantuklmwummmwid't 1 la batinltadarby iaieMlag a bbyrtolbi' tbarlfaKabank'."> ill«>l allaaUd iipao Tbit* OOBld ktrd which"' botbood taaajf^ torn*' lai... trdlybate 'beanadtaaita dbtiMihta . aa had bet dweUtoMlioa. iTbavhoto "Him' - od iBBiUaaea opcaa Hma^hua'bteB a»'Mtarlbad'a p, aaarUhlag rank onU'oi'ellmy itatdiL bh aM sM oftb*a uu uar*oflanBoded ItrllitiTWiata •. ■ > i' tkoaayet- I'tol-' In i drnadtal poor WIT did lha dawe**' fff IHii nillaiiidiiHr aalgbboiltoadappeaTtollra. A nararaadtog ato^Mto did Ht^ wage agataolUiaf wolf Ihtt howUC aoattoaoaily oa Iba doo(> Hop. ■ '• ■ ' <■ Tbay didtbtogain Iba Tar7'imaBe*t of amen warata BlB* ■ ond'a Banla-titd In Ihalr ooeb aenn ponade* wogbt *l *■> tlma, and ibilr to* by the onttlar^iUM II wuiaaUufof' WDndarmaalnthaQoInllbtodbow Ibe gtooer and Ih* Mmaa " conld aOoadtoWnptb* LUUpnlbnoidat up to (*pa;r Tbtia wuaotahoua -In which all Iba rooma atra aoilal aat to., aapaiatoftmlllet, ud In eome ol toun toe lnhaUlaaWlB7>takad away atnlgbt Bta aardlou In aboi. AianmBar one In tbe Banb llied Hra. BodaOB. ladgttga, end took In maegllog, aad want out oharlagt eny, too, tbi did aUtUannnlof aod naeObwotk, wkan tka eSBld < gal It) and abe aold loja, aod aweelllug^ and' MeoHtad,'abd' mwood, totoalront'ptitor,beildM baTlngaaabal tad lltaMC'Ji , aona*nUaa»lii Ibe moffla trldei toangh ueNUBatMtm tbr"' balbrtog Ibat Bbe made aa7Uilag like btlLa lirUI sal ed'sy oe< ' IhaHTtiieutpenlttionr, ■'i . '■»:.., 1. ;.. . Ml*. Undaar bad told Ur.. John Which bodaaktwia Id ■»>-'' p)yet,indbewanl alraigbt w lt,wltbont'hiTUg.|»itowa:ta'. makaaaytooultr; bnt when at lait be atoppad betotnBttdoo^ hkani*klnmoiew*)etoanone,toaatandaiUk <''(.'<' I There wu anon bolb doorpoauinohawoEdatalartty.atbaO.- • bandlae^ toat Ur. VhilTery, for tba lib: 01 blm, coBld aol daelda- wbleb one ba ought to tto^ la.J??lng fom the pfitan ho lutad ' 'OebiU moat likely poU^dowa lha alUoa," aald h« lo Uaual4.. ■■and tbU'il ba a ptatly haw d'ye do, woB'tltl" ' BnlwbUehawu yet andaotdad, a ohBd'a ahilll treble baOaft.^' blmfeomtoapeaagi - ;->. "Ob,lfTo«pb*aa—"!■ ; It wu a (atobaind, wily UHtoaltt, earning a bngttokml wllk - a irewle.*maand ilaagai anduKr.OhaDuTBUdaaoiaplft'aa'''^''' balled blm tgala, la abilfls Irabb allU- ■'Ob,lf TOBjieue " ' 1-^ ». "WhalcaBlda<o*yaa,a7Ullbwoniaat" "Oh, If TOO pl*a*a, yim wa to tup no ttati*,". .'" j . : ■■lt'aaiTiUhl,HT,^'atomatoToloa oblaad to fwia lb* «|Bk«;i v Ooorbadlag. "Soai'ibaamid. It'albe aoond buk;tad>Miau"<i <- oir* of Ibatanlag." _ „ ■'"ii^i" "IdcBt wnllbaaeoond bank," rakabd Hr. ntiil»ij,'^aiB.j : ■ tomt warmth. • • I want to im Hia. Hadaoo." "Ohi IfctI'* all rtobl." the femile loloa reloaded tgtnl or ~ Hy. 'Tm IM np etataa, air, If Toa pbaa, aad ypt^olha Too aiap ?p etataa, air, If Toa pbaa, aad ypB^a^ b«s, no otoer oooTM open to blm,'Ib. Oattiy >tUta WjP" ad to dno oonruTiirier (MaW ■d end thru b7lb* wiTi enlvad'Ua* Buaadbiaii ic- •Bolberi '*?«{rS''BW|Ud'foBTeco«ihf 'iBdd Biai 'Hsd*ea,ii^b'a•M.^ TOlca. "rwbaawaUtogtaifMiaaibaBiantoa." ^oaaraaiklagamlAika»''»ti*tadMr.ObiAyi •ntMmh- nnsgbd/dowB i«alialb*'*aB*IUB» I'aaot—" ■■TV: ••iolthadoelotl" ■ .IK,." ■'■■r. ■■Balyoa'ra eoDa MtoklBl" •Ho, t bar " bim'l,'masnaftOBBr. Seal—^ ... 1 i'..'. - il'gbMwtavaMaiaadagamtaia **weH»|fe'k«t> drawObaitfyaaiwlattiidtratUcarwdad IwojIlilH|- trm-" «M apaa hb «l» ■ dtmSi totaart ibtlwaadiulfU^^ »WM'ilirg(rr' IM Mekmoia HiA tadMHtntite