New York Clipper (Nov 1865)

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'I' H w NEW YORK CLIPPER. To Ad » «>i' | laei'B. WsoaHueartaetloa o( Visum ssd frafwtouajrtDJrta li Ml tbsmstrn* of lb* ei»ui*fr* cnroUasna or the Haw Xoex ai...— —■ ThfritT*fi1 fTrgm frl imwrlir to mae* knows W10B M»*tBtvtta,to lb* feBowlBf ia«la»o si n«N S**M*ll|ljl ' ., Tv»h«eiMiBBUiwfertMhndrfetrla3vtl«» te *K££ WHMnaotobMn, aanmitd to ourwainur. rpAnen. rnrorpontrd Is pvaoa, .uwra wdaatlon wULbowetcr, u» » "ollkanDill&H^lBimkttflilloa la the '^•^'Lu!?*JSt *»ua_ reach s* by Monday maruuM, ai 1-esi.» BilwUT. B r» •WdMatawktU/taiddraMlao __ Bo. B Sprue* etreet H. 1. i .411 DBOADWA* brvaKtb*. tOOHUHOB' Hill... MONDAY, SEPT. U> MR. IPH. HOBH, YHIitntippMnu* ling* his ratcrrn fmn Eons*,) nOcLBr InuooB, mb. date bibd. 5a D. D. IMUSTT. MB. ICTLK8 RTHATTOI, MB. JAB. HORBTflON, MTS. M. WABBEN. mb. o. & fowleb, Ma j. h. bitobi, MB. J. a COX. MB. W. P. OBRIL mb. «. w. oouLD, va mi bbtamt. rocperti^neeeFrogiarnrneaof thedey. 38-tf ARTEMUS WARD'S FAREWELL RIGHTS IK AMEB10A. The pubUo an nspeclraDy Informed thsl ABTBMTJo WABD win mar to bl* very owuiar COma 1LLTJBTBATED UOBMON SPECIALITY IB the chief altie* ol the United 8Utos, prior lo hi* departure for fi_h«tttTtd that lb* success or this entertain hjcn't u WHOLLY TJHPBECTOENTED to the history of genteel emuieoienl* in slthor hemisphere. 38 U m. i i j 1111 111 . i n r i r i i ~ i ~ir . — ' - , ~ " AMERICAN THEATRE. _ „ 444 BBOADVTAT. Manager end Proprietor BOBEBI W. BUTLEB fflXTH ANNUAL 6XABON Of BUTLEn'S OBBAI TBOUPE. Whose success hi* nerer been equalled, OPEKISa BMHT, THUBBDAY, AUG. 17. IBM, Of this ferorlte establishment, with a splendid company or now tad old farorltes, bj wblcb NOVELTIES WILL BE PRODUCED IS 38-tl BAP1D BUOOESSION. COTTON, MURPHY & SMITH'S obiginal oALiroBNiA miwstbels, BUBLE8Q0E OPBBA TBOUPE AMD • ■ BBAS3 BAWD. T WKNl ' l TALENTED PBaFORMBBfl, THE 0HAHPION TBOUPE 07 AMERICA, Will oommtnce Ibelr THIBD TOTJB Tlroogb lha New Eiglind aisles, rislUng LYNN, Hot. 71b: HAVERHILL, mb; BTDDEFOBD. tlb; POBTLAND, 10th, lllh; ■'• BAIttOB, 19-b, 1Mb, ltth; UWIRTON. 18lh. 17th i OBBTXB, Wbi POBTSMOOTU, 90(b; SALEM, 31*1, 33d; MABBLEBBAD. 33d; rOIBOBOUOH, Wlh: FALL niTEH.Mib; PBOVIDBNOB. 71 lb. 39li, 39lb, 80Ut, and Derembtr lHt ind 3d; DOBWIOB, lib, Bib . KITJDLBTOWN, 8th; BBIDOEPOBT. Ulb; WESTflBLD.ISlb: BPBIMOnELD.llUi, 181b, 1Mb MAVOHBSTBB, aid HABrFOIlD, Olb, 7ih; HBW HAVER. 3Ui; WlTEBBObY. 131b; NOBrflAMPTON, Ulb, Ulb; WOBOBUTEl. 3011, 31«t; LOWELL, 33d, W. a BaniH, BulDna Kaaagat. TONY PASTOR'S I SEW COKBiyATION TROCPB, ' TBB LtBQEST nUTOPS TB1VELIKO, THE HOST TABIEO AND AUU.lIr>0 PBttFOMIANOB EVEB WITNESSED IN TIIU O0UNIT1V. Will Tlllt all tb* prudptl dUaa. I BAH 8BABFC1BT, BajlniH JUnager, BILL! PA8TOB, Slayo Uacagor. J. W. ALL1NBOM, ArobL 37-U TON? PA3I0n A 00., Croprlelon. BANJO TAUGHT. BANJO MADE EASY. THE OSLT OOBREOI METHOD. AKTBODT OAN LEUBN. OBEAT BELF-TEAOama BANJO HOOK MAILED, $1. Binjoi made to order and lent to any part of tbo coontrr. ' : Twantr imh eiperlenoo In taaoblng. Eight ynn a mambtr ot Brranla' M Initial,. Boara trom 10 A. M. lo 6 P. M. JOES BITOBI, moMMor lo 831I* ftirn a Conrun, aldK Broadway. BANJO AND ETHIOPIAN JIO AND BURLESQUE DANCTNQ tangbt by JOHN BOOAN, . 3S4m* 131 Eut Bonalon ttrool, N. T. 3EARL, Iht PrMtldlgltttaur ind Vantrlloqulit In tb» ffaat, may be addnuod, Box D3(, Chicago, I1L, lor Ibi WlnUf 31-41* . CORINTHIAN HALL. Reohe.Ur, N. Y. - Owing to the exlraiy* repaln, Ibla Ball oannol bo roopanod - before Deeamber lab 11-41 BAfctUEL WILDEB, Proprietor. MRS. FRANK GRAHAM. Managan wtabing lo angaga tba aerrlcea of tbls yoong and ta. 1 en too artlil, for i tar angageaanta, will aldrcoa P, O. Box 3)0, fluMon,TU. ... 3141* TO MANAGERS OF OIRCUSES AND MENA- OEHXB8.—Minanra or Oircaua and Ueaagarla Oomptnlef nan 'Mennmyacrrlouna Adnrtlalng Agent la tba Bonlb Ibla Win- ter, by addraulng me at once, olre ol J. A. DIAZ k 00., Mont- Sornery, Ala., provided tbe tarma effored are roch ai I ear, aooept- |.3t* TH&8, USHER TIDHAB4U, Bonlborn Adt'n Aaent. THE NEW AMERIOAN THEATRE. (LATE BALT1U0BE MTJBZUU.) J. W. WHABTON LES8BB DOW OPEN AB A LKORIMATE TBE1TUE, And In a FULL TIDE OP 6 IT ODE 83, FITTED UP AT AN ENOEH0D8 COX. THE MOST BBAUTIFOL OOMEDT THBATBE IS AUEBIOA WITH A F1B8T CLASS STOCK OOMPANY. COMPETENT TO SUSTAIN ANT STAB Or 11A0NITUD& Tba moat Oantnl and Deilrabla Location lo tba Oily or Belbmor*. DramaUe Stare baring nlghta to aptrt will be treatod with on liberal tnrma. fiaperlor norelty, each ai Ojruiais, Dancera of ablllly, eln,, «en aocue UttiaUona by addrtaalns tbe Leaaee, J. W. WHABTOR, New American Tbcttre, 384t BalUmore, Md, THE WORLD'S FAVORITES* TWELFTH ANNUAL TOTJB. AMOCTnTtTIflNTB. HOOLEYV NEW OPERA HOUSE. OOBRBB Or OOUBT AND BBMBEN BIBEETS, DBOOKLtB, U uo* opan for tbe aeaavn with A OBXAI STAB OOMBINATIOH Of M1N6TBBL8 AMD PANTOMTVnSIS. THE U06T COUPOBTABLE AND ITIIBBT HALL INAMEBIOA. Tbe Ootrraor oomnrlaaa TWB.VTV-? IVE UlTEOjUALLPJ) FEB- FOUUBTtS, aslceted bom tba fliat nnki of Iba Proieaaua. Pint ebui Uloit can addreaa - a OBEBNLAND, Ag't. IIS-BI a M. flOOLET. Bole Pronr/f. RETURN OF THE FAV0RITE8 TO THE WEST. nriH tkab or ONE OOXTINtTED SEASON. THE OABTEB ZOUATI TBOUPB M „._. AND YOUNa FEMALE BHABS DVTO Tblaextiiordhitrlly aneceaafal oompany (upwardi of^rati ta nnmberl an abont lo relurn to tbe eoeue of tul/ foraer Irl- ompha, and wlib now and Incieaaad aUracUwa, inclndlng Ibe wonderful PROTBTJ0, Ibe new lnrentlon of Prof PBPPBB, of London (tannic* of tbo hoou boan°o/ wticb Ibe Bilitoore Ameriun tpeelu ol u "^Froiru In a gnat deeelrar, yon can nerer f«B where he la. Tba Daraport IflnJlon. or delnalon ralber, waa an yxnttenl SSg!toto«y.bnlibe Darwjporbi are tonby acllpaad by tbo woifclngoof Protene." . • /, HENBAOB OABTEB, Proprietor and Xanaget. L. M. W. BTEEBa AnnL BURGESS, PRENDERGA8T, „„ mmlK . HUOHES 4 DOKNTTEB'B MINBTBELB, FBOU NEW YOBK AND BBOOKLTN. In organblcg tbe abora troupe for tba FALL AND WIN TEH CAMPAIGN, tba Management bare congrogaled ArtlaU of Bnrlabla Celabilr/ only, Baring "EXCELSIOR' tor Ibclr motto, they flatter tbemieirts that they bare anccMdtd In prwenllog to the publlo a aerlea of Eoterulnmente DNEQUALLPD IN NOYBT.TY AND MEB1T. While tbo nlgblly oratlona that ererywbere gnei them I* tba beat tTldenee of tbe great rerdlot or pnblla opinion In Ibelr Among lha Ubt of talent ooniucted with Ibla rnperb organlna- Hod are tba fuOowlog well known and nnaxunplad array of arliati: MB. COOL DUBOEiS, MB. J. B. DONNIEEa MR. M. A1NALEY SOOTT, MR. HABUY VBENJU, Ma JOSEPH BAILEY, MB. a IH0HP80N, MS. CUAS. WILSON, 1IA8TEB.9 OEORbE and MB. T. a FBENDEBOAST, Ma ABOHIB H03UB8, Ma BOLLIN DANA, Ma A. 13. STONE. MB. UBMBT ELLIOTT, MD. 0. H. BINOLAlb, MR. FRANK B. OILLEY, _ _„ CHARLES BEYNOLDS. The abore Oreat ComblnaUm will, daring tbe preeent aewon, rlait all tbe prlnclpil dUea ol tbe UulUd Biatae and Canadae. M-tf JOBS A. DLSOEtB, Manager. MADAME MACARTE. THE OKLBUBATED EQUBSTRIENNa May be aMioaied at No. 110 Bloeolar at, New York City. 37 FREDERICK AND JEROME LUBIN, BI-CONJOHRBB AND NECBOHANTIO AOTIST8, Mannfaolnnra and Dnportere or ell klnde or Msglo Apparama and Jtalltn ranw. cinl Daudng Flgurea Alao, Teacbara of Ibe Art Masique and Venlrtloqnlam. Par CaUlogne, aond atamp lo lit Laorant •met, New York. 37-Bf TRENOR'S WASHINGTON HALL, WrLUAWBBimOH, N. Y. Acema and otbera Inlatefted In pnb- Uo enlertalnmana will find TRENOB'S WASBINOTOX HALL, Bonth Bereatb and Fourth itnita, Wllllimabnrgb, dnbrably adapted. Tbe ilaga la larao and well alocxed with new acanery, foof Hibli, releclon, to. Teinu farorable and no trlcxe or trapa. T-Sm' J. H. TRENOB, Proprietor. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. NEW OBLEANS, la, BPALDINO, B00BB8 4 DIDWKLL Pronrlelotl HONS. LA TDORNB SUge Managii Now opon for the Fall, Winter and Spring Seaiona ol 1865 and ISM, wlu the larneat and moat remille tronpe arer oonoentn. Ind wllbln the walla or any tbeatro In Ibe world. .Flratclauarllita In areryraitaly can obtain lucratlro engage mania by applying above. 31-tf BUOKUY'S NEW MINSTREL HALL, COBNEB Or ~L SUUNEB AND OHAUNCY BTBEETB, DO0TO* UNION HALL. WILLIAMSDUBGH, L. I., Junction of IMrlaton Arenuo and Olynrr alreeb la tbe lugeal and uoqUMttonably tbe beat edaplad Hall on Long IaUnd for OONOEBTS, LEO TUBES. MINaTBEL AND DRAUATtO PERFODUANOBS. II la fitted np In tbo moat complete order. Large alaga, fan let of ecenery, (Ilea, reflootoii. root bgbla, ok. WlD be rented In Ibo nrofeetlon on liberal tarma. Apply at tho offloa on tba nremleee, or by mall t" Bu« UW Brooilyn. K. u., uu> wuiiamn- burgh 1\ O. (31-131* WILLET 4 BBOTHEa WANTED.--A First Clan Troups of Mlmtrsli. or to010 Kxblbltlon Ibit ran fomlak an entertainment each night lor a week, couunenotng Norcmber 30, at the Academy ot Mwuc, Clercland, Oblo. Addmaa JOHN XLLSLEa WANTED. IMMED1A.TELY.—For DOPBEZ 4 OBEEN'B MINSTBEL8, One good Middle Man, and an extra End Man lo play on tbe Bono End; alio, a good Alto Sugar. Oood aalery pild. Apoly by letter, elating loweal lermeand ablUttel, to Detroit nnlll Oolober II, afar Ibat dalo lo BntTalo unto Nor.«. IStI* OHAB. U. DOPBEZ, Managor.. LEVI J. NORTH, with his Btu. of Trtlntd HORSES and PONIES, will bo In Philadelphia In tbe conne pf ten dayt, Asr penon wlablng lo negotiate may addreaa to Cboat nut Street Honae. aT-lQl* LEVI J. NORTH, 1 MLLE. AURIOL. PBEMTETt DAN9EC8E, All commnnkatlona muit bo addreaacd to TONY DENIER, now performing al Hooter's Now Opera House, Brooklyn, L L UOm* Sweeping ererytblng before them In Ibe way ot aucoeaa. We come again altar a meat brilliant and ancnaarul tour Innuh tba Lower and Upper famede!, Eaiaea, Nebriika. and the great Wtat, OOMPETmON AND IHRATOTtS OUTDONa by tba nunooa and gbrantle DUPBEZ 4 BENEDIOT'S OTbrbal NEW OBLEANS AIlD METBOPOLTTAN ULNSTEELS, inTBLLESODB OPEBA TBOUPE. AMD BRASS BAJtD, bra bored and tmpnrsd for tbe SeMon ot 1SU and '48. Tea model Ironpa of tbe world, cenxteting at twenry-Bro ankp- pnachable. bmuant ETHIOPIAN STABS, admitted by tbe people and tba preaa to be tbe leading, oadalar. ftnlatton of tbe pretest age, far anporlor In erery nepect to all other traveling tronpe* In •xlntaooa, tke remit of twelre year* ol experience, patronliod by tba nublon and elite o( tba entire continent. MANAOEB 0. H. DUPBEZ yOOAL DIRECTOR 810. 0. BIDB4UX LKATJEn OF 0BAR8 BAND .' a M. PABUELEB ««C«,DIBEOI0R J. 1>. BVEHL 'SSKTSS. 0P AMusEMBifTa j. a mubphy XifEABUBEB ... A JONfcB ' ?S«iS?i5?I?7 1 ' bNEQUALLED AND INCOilPABABLB . <WBPS OF POPULAR AND D18TIN0UIBHED ARTISTS • ■JrJS^S.m m S ft* eoU " continent of Atnorlei thli y.oient fSnSJlJ SKJS. 1 ""»P?»flP«lelUea and towni on Ibelr root*. SSSIfiJiih^fS,?^ tai "•nSeotu, Inirodoclog to tbelr r^r^r^DgnDunu erer nlered In ailgabelay, " >! ADansniON W CENTS. *»» POND, 1 , . ILBSJIHO ADAMS. f A » cata ' ■ ' • • 0. M. BOPHS7,. |" ' laVtti ::' UWrSBgNEDIOT.| P '°P rlglan - MM^iMMMH SMITH. NIXON & DITSON'S HALL, CHIOAOO, ILL. Braider, being tbe neweet Hall In Ohloago, and one of thednoat andJenee rnome In tbe country, tbe ebore HaU will, by tbe con- raralon or Bryan llall to bualdeee pnrpoeea, on Dee. let, become the only Concert and Leetnrn Boom (n Cbloago. Tbo new renlllatlng arrangemonta now oomplollng will gin aucb ontlre control or the tamperatnre of Ibe HaU, that fire mln- ulce irlll at any lime inmo* to redune It lo abont that of Ibe out- eldo air, ' | . For engaffemrnti addreaa It-Si* SMITH 4 NIXON, Obloan, Di TONY PASTORS OPERA HOUSE, 301 BOWEBT^ OPKS EVERY nSSSt'aNI? BaVrTBDATJLTTBBNOOB. TUB OBEAT FAMILY RKSOBJT, TUB MODEL TEHPLB OP AMCBBtUlp, LABOB AND COMPLEre COMPANY, nalertbadliwUonortlieranowTifd tony pAsroa, aitetel nlahtlr by crowded and lainlonaUn aadieoeea. n a*fijrj EnOAOEMBNTS ALWAYS OPBR FOB OOOD PrJtYOBMEBS In aay Una-Dnmatlo, Operatic, TrrailekOTtu. Panfa Aoobatte, or Erbloplt Apply peraenaOy orby letter to aenwaao, « muvvy r %£\)tLlL rTrlABPLBT, Bmlneaa Manager. rnnaomlmla, CITY HALL, pEOTmB , otJLl . Can be mnlod for Oonaarta, Lec:nree, and PnbUo Amtuemtntf, Tbe Hall baa bean new!; painted, deansted, rentUatad, and olberwite loprorea. It ta looated on tbe flret fioor, with four aepanl* doora; being Iba Lenreet, moal Bijlble and Comfortable Hall la Ibe City, aeaUna XSOO. Addreaa 0HABLE3 N. H4BSIK0TON, SO fa* Box SIO. SKIFF & OAYLORD'S MINSTRELS. THE OBEAT EASTERN TBOUPE, now rrtararng from tbe FAB WEST, where they bare been per- forming for the put SE7£N MONfHS wltb tbe greabut aneceia erar known in the blttory of mlnitrebry, oaring made a Ipnr ibrongb Mlnonn. Kenan, Colorado Terrlt.ry, Mrnneaou, and ererywhen gneted wltb tbe moat crowded and entnodeitlo andlescea. onr company la now enlarged, and Incladee 31FBB- FOBMEBS. wlib a rplendld QUABTET, MAMMOTH 0B0HE8- TBA, FOUR 00UEDILN8. logelb-x wltb tbe Champion Clog Daocere, DEL! B A NT i and WARD, won chaUengo tbe world to compete wltb them. Onr BRASS BAND la the Itneet and beat now trereUcn, compoeed of FIFTEEN SOLO ABPISTS of known abOlry. Tbil Troape will make a tour of the EASTERN STATES Ibe oomlng fall, beSere returning Weat to tbo eetnea of their fortaer brlnmpbs. LOOK OUT FOB UB. SKIFF 4 OAYLOBD, Pmprleten. M. f. SEirr, Managar, Jl.Jm 0. a BICHABSSOB, AgenL AMERICAN HOTEL, HABT/eBD, CONN, A. A. BACON Proprietor Manigere and agent* of trareUng tronpea will find a pleaaen and comlortable home here, and erery attention paid to their want*. Being In a otnlral location, lately refitted and fnrolahed throngboat, and wltb aereral year* 1 exptrlerue u eatarer for the proTcailno, tba proprietor baa erery eonndanca tbat be can ENTIBE BATISFA0T10N to all who may f nor him with ibelr patronage. Tarma alwaja aa low aa tbe tunaa will admit oL St-tf MISS JENNIE HIGHT. THE VERSATILE COMTDrEHNE, In Darenport, Iowa, Oat. 3; OmolnnaU, Oct. 93; Loutrrllle, Mot, »; NaibrfUe, Dee. 4; Memphle. Jan. S; Bocbeater, Jan. 33; Troy, JTeb. I; Boa Ion, Fab. It. Addreaa aa ebore, or to 3Mm» BUBBUT JONRS, Howard Albenajum, Beaton, NED F. CAMPBELL. VOOAL AND IN9TBUMBNTAL PEBFORUEB, cm be engaged byaddreaalngn.m, Vox 419 Watertown,N. Y. 34-jm* NEWARK THEATRE. Tbe abora Theatre la now open for Ibe Fall and Winter Beaaon, wltb a fall and firat clae* Dramallo Company, under the manage- ment of MESSBS. JAS. M. WABD AND EDWABD lABKEa Pint olaaa Stsra are inrlled lo negotiate, to whom liberal terma will be offered, Addreaa tbelr Doalaeaa Agent, A.D.ETTOH, Kowarfc Theatre, Newark, M. J. P. S. WANTED—A Orel dud Old Woman. Addreaa Imme- diately ai ebore. St-Sm* SUNNY 8IDE CONOERT HALL, NASHVILLE, TENN. Tali ealabuabment 1* now in tbe tau tide of enecea. Ftnt dau perform era treated with at all tlmaa, Addreaa 30-11* Box E43, NubrOle, Tenn. NOTICE TO THE PROFESSION.«Minigen of Tbealrta, Concert HaU*, or Trarrllng Trouper, will findTt to Ibelr advantage to taror nawllh order* for aoyltung tbat tbeymay need In tbe profoiilon, aa we bare at all time* aome of Ibe rery beet talent In the conntry reglelered on onr book*, Thoae wlab- lng engagements In It-e following llnea ol buiinee* mnat encloae programme and elate lowoat aalary. We want none bat those of welfkuown ability. W* want artUta at all time* In tbe following llnea of builncae:—Leading Men, Jnrenlle Men, Low Oomedlana, Old Men, Walking Oenu, Utility Men, Leading Ladles, Jnrenjle Ladies, Old Woman, Welkins Ladlee, Singing Obambermald*, and Slngcra and Danoar* for Ooncert Hell*. Engagemenia glren un- medutely. N. D.—Wanted Imtoedlalely, a Soprano and Alio Singer; alio a good VIollnlaL Tnla la a firat rate engagement for good ornate. Apply m pennn, or addrAM. wim ii»»p eDoioaen, T^avia^a,jin, xluitrlul AgenU, lie South Clark atraet, Boom ; P. O. Drawer 0S90, Chicago, 111. 3841* THE ALLEGHANIANS. V0CAL1BT8 AND SWTJ98 BELL PLAYED]. MB, I. M. BODLABD, MB. OEOROE GALLOWAY, Ma A, U. IEBNALD. MISS CAURiB HIFFBBT, HI 98 ablY JEM NEK, during Ibelr Enropesn tour, deabe tbat all lotlen to them (Duel, nea* or mendlr) abonld be addretaed to the care ol OBAUEB, DEALS 4 OHAPPELL, Muilo Pabllabera, 301 Regent atreet, London, England. J. M, BOULABD, Manager. 38-131* D. O. WALDRUN, Agent. THE NEW CASINO, BATIMORB, MD, W. B. CAVANAOU Acting Htnager. THE FINEST CONCERT HALL IS AMERICA. NOW IN A FULL TIDE OF BU00ES8. CROWDED MOSTLY WITH THE ELITE OF THE CITY. RESPECTABLE CITIZENS WHO WEBB NEVER IN A CON- CERT HALL ABE NIGHTLY SEEN IN THIS MODEL TEMPLE OF ABT. THE MOST TALENTED OOMPANY IN THE WOBLD. A MAGND7I0BNT BALLET. COMPOSElr OF 14 BBAU1IFUL YOONO LADIES. TALENTED NEQBO PLBF0RUXB8. A JTULL DBAMATIC TBOUPE .and A COMPLETE PANTOMIME COMPANY. SENSATION NOVELTIES AND SPECTACULAR PLAYS CONTINUALLY PRODUOED. Performers ot abUty noaaaaalng raiiety and dramAtlo talent, addreaa ■ BOBCOfi 4 00„ taalno, 3J.H Baltimore. Md. PLUNKETT'S ATHENA-UM, HAMILTON'S NEW HALL, PORT WAYNE. IND., Will open for tbe eeeion on MON DAY, Oet 3,* wltb a full Drama- llo Company. Mr. PLUNKETT'S Beaaon at FORT WAYNE, TOLEDO, AND LAFAYETTE te nerer leas than nine month*. Firat elan atats pleleo apply a* ■bore. Emma Waller li engaged for tlx nlghta. eommtnelng Oet. 10. Madamo Metbna Sohouer oommenoee on Nor. 81b 3o-3m, YORK (Pa) MELODEON. OPEN FOB TOE WLSTEB SEASON, With* FIBBT CLASS COMPANY. Oood performeri conalanUy engaged, Addreaa, slaUng aalary, BELAK 4 BMJTH, Pioprletora, 00-41 York. Pa.. TO MANAGERS OF HALLS IN THE WEST. PBOr. J. M. MAOALLISTEB I* now making a tour of tbe principal elllet and forme of tbo Wert, duo notice ot which will be glron by hla agent. Tbe readers of Ibe Clipper are rerpeotfullr reqacrtod not to confound. hi* name wltb rhtt of the eo oliled W. J. MoAIUiter, who Is more genonlly known Ibrongb New England and Canada a* Wou J. Haltland, nlla* Luelen Napoleon. JAS. & JAKWAY, Agent for «Ml» J. H. MAOALLISfBa EMPIRE HALL, Pekln, III. WM. P. OHAIN and ) Pnnrletor*. a BEBOBTBEeSBaJ........ ............noiirieior.. Tbla new and commodious Hall, oapeble of *eaHng 1,300 per- sow, Is now ready for eerapany, and la offend for Theatri- cal and Of eratle Porformanoea, Ooncette, Leclures, 4o., on reason, able term*. Is ono tt tbe beat Halls In tho State, fornlahed with water, gaa, and ell tbe modern Improrraenta. For pertloulan and (ngagemont* oucjuli* of ■ WM. P. CHAIN, • 2041*. lim Emplro Block, Peon, UL "TeOW^cfu^Ni^W^^ WABHTHOTON, BALTTMOBE, , - PHILADELPHIA and FTTTSBUBaa FITZ SIMMONS. AMIJSBWnmiVTtS. THE RAINFOflTH TROUPE An ptrfcrouni in tbe States of Mlohlgan and Ocno. BAM BAIjrrOlTH, Tb* oelabnred Cleanari Aelor, Dancer, BaRet Maaler, Paato tnlahw and Trick Clows, from Barnaul'* Majeure, Hew York aty, will appear In, TBE MAO10 BOX. btrodndig tbe lollowlog ertonlahlng Trloks: THE MYBTEBIODB CHEST, THE MBMANDlZINa MONK, THE HAOHO TABLE CLOTH. BBOOTUla THE CLOWN TO PIECKB AMD BE8T0BIKO HIM TO LTFK. Ma JOHN HOLLTNGS. LA PETITE HATTTE RADiFCRTH ... Ae the HeopT Old Woman bfJBS MBUBflA RAIN rOBTB,Paat«Tii Unlit, Aetna* 4 TMnaasae BILLY BAIXrOBTH lb* Laubsble Cetnlo Slags 0 HASLET BAUTFSBTH, Beau trie Comedian and Panto mlmurl JOHNNY HALB, tbe America* VloUnlat, ai Mturlnal IHreelor and Leader if Orchestra. Tickets, as e*Bbt; Oblldren, is nnta. Soon open at7X o'clock. Xo eomrnsooaj at >H precisely, lft-tf J. UABBHALL, Aganl COMPETITION AND IMITATION OUTDONE ■■ v Brtlmgl«uillc "j ''" vnt - —' " BBObKEB 4 CLtYTOS'B MDI8TRBM AMD DBAB3 BAND, " i '. <-' Etgbte ej Par fortnm. The only stmon-pore Negrd Ttwopo to the world, who nrorlona • U the war wen elene la Maarn, at- Jut en their rerurn soalb after en* of tbe moot trlnmnbast and raoceerrui toun Ihroruh . tbe Weat and MorttmttamSteta* ever attempted by in; uouoe loth* world. WUlrbnt tbe Eaal on th«tr way te Uicoo. "° J. WTLBOII?..... Leader of Bran Bled WILLIE CLABE Leader of Orchtilra i ■ J. A, BBOOKBB Maatcal Director W. WHETHORB .Trsaianir 8HAS. B. HICKS Mastger LAYTON, THOMAS 4 00,..- ...Proprleten .^SOTTOa—Tbl* Band la *«en*aaad of men wke were tlare* In ^Mioan, 0*., prerlons lo tbe war, Jrut lrcnn the.Sunny Bonlb, npraaenttng plantation lift lnaulta broad and mirthful pbaaia tum t, 0?Wi eieLPBoJ/tSrwttSS Ag«L MLLE. MARIETTA RAVEL, (Niece of tho renowned Barelsl Tbe unexcelled PANTOMIUIST, DAMHEUSa And TIQUT ROPE ABTTSTa Now drawing crowded houiee at tbe Apollo Theatre, Lexington, Ky, Menaaen dealrona of securing ibis roang ertltle for Star erjgagaDema ol six or more night* will address M. W. HANLBY, 80.11 Apollo Theatre, Lexington, Ky. AUSTRALIA. Pint Oleas Blare tnteadln* to VaH Anrbralla, can aogottate loromgh GBOBOE COPPIW, Tbearrlaal Aganl. 30-101* Melbourne, Victoria. Australia, TO 8H0WMEN. OHUDBUOK'S HAT1, UHOA, Neat to the Port Ofllo*. Thla Hall It noally deooralod and fitted wltb stags, drop curtain snd wings. Tbnatrloal gie flihiret on lha stage. Raised sella sod gallery. He* been ooouplod by tbe Holoua Oners Troape dity olgbls daring the seison. Heut f 10 per nlabl, or 100 per week, Inclndlng lloenee. Apoly Is d. W. OHUBBDOE, Ullca, N. T, Showman are Inrlted to look In, 013u> TO MANAGERS. MIbS KATHLEEN O'NETt, Tho greatest IRISH VOCALIST tod COMEDIENNE In tbe world, eeooudtonooneln RnglUh Comedy and Drama, will bedlaeu. «»«ed eerty^te^Janoary, alter sna I* Ibrongb at lbs Opora LH?en'tet»addrtrtcdl» , . EAIHLBHN O'BEIL, 310 Morbanystmt, New fork. Appearing In all bis popular Sensation Dramas, which ban drawn crowded house* during erery engagement, Managen or Tbealreej.dsalron* of engaging htm for ail or twelve nlghta, will addra* Urn cue of M-tf , 3Jt Plne atreet, PbiladelpUa, Pa, O HARRA A BLAKE'S NEW THEATRE, " OIL CITY, Tt. OPEN FOB THE FALL AMD WlbTKR SEASON. O'HARRAA BLAEE.... - .Bole Proprleten end Managen OBRAll HOBTON - ■ Leider of Orchestra Tbls Theatre will wmforiably sett ebont 1,000 people, and tbe prices make it one of the moat profltiblo Theatres for Stan in tbe ominlry. Btara (olacknowledged ability only) may apply for en. gsgementa or els' and twain nubi*. O'UABUA 4 BLAEE, Mantgem, OH City, Pa. SOU* HOWARD ATHEN/EUM, ■ tjostON. Having leased the tbore Tbeatro for a term ot years, I wfD open for a Spring and Brunnwr Beaiow, MONDAY, MAY 7. 1800. Star* deilrlnr o lab la will please addnso tbe Lessee, ^ ISAAC D.HIOH, rV-Jl* 1R Washington etrevt, Boston, Mais. HOWARD ATHEN/EUM, Boston. WANTED, rot the ebore eatebllsbment, a full and efflolent Rock Oompany lor the Spring and rhuuner season, commencing May 71b, Us*, Mures* ISAAC D. BIOD. Leiaee, 30-31* lot Waabinglen aired, Boat on, Mass. MUSICIANS WANTED to Travel with CHARLEY SDAI'S quISOUPLEXiL TBOUPE thla Wloleri e ateady sltna- llon. One Alio Hon and Tuba, or B Ban, Tocoomenoe at Loclport, N, Y., ou tbe 30tb Norember, Answer Immediately. 9131* OUAItLKT SUAT, troepenilon Drldgo. QEM3 OF ERIN. SULLIVAN'S HIBERNIAN DABD9, THE ONLY TIIOUPB OF TUB HIND IN THE WORLD, Deroted oiclu.lrely to tb* production of 1BWB M051O, WIT and SON 1, will, during Ibo oomlng Winter, rlalt tbo principal rl'lee of Ibo Uaited State*, and presint goroi ol lrlab Melody, Pootry and Unmor, BULLTVAN 4 DUKDON, Proprlaton, 31li JOHN bULLlVAM, Manager. 8AVANNAH THEATRE. FTBST CLASB BTAR1 THE ORIGINAL BATMOB'S OBBTBITI aHHBTBBLS urn BBABB BAMO, J, W. BATHOB BohPrcmletor and Hunger THB OHLY PEBSOM HAVING TIE BIQHT TO THE TITLE Or CBBUTrrS MIIIBTBILS, A* decided by tbe Hon, Judge Dan*, cr ^ e ( Appeals, _. Mew York. TbH Tronpe, oornond of Twenty acknowledged artists, an now on tbelr Second Tour since tbelr return from Bonne. Tbe. win appear In aD the principal ciUtsln tbe Union ore- rlou* lo tb* OPENING OF TEETH OPEBA HOUIf, NEW YORK. 33-tf PL A. HANOEEa AgenL NEW AMERIOAN THEATRE, WALNUT ST. ABOVE EIGHTH, PHILADELPHIA, OPEN FOB THE SEASON. Acknowledged by both the publlo and the press to be one of tb* most splendid Theatres In Ameries. First olaaa Stan wishing nlghta, addreaa P. 0. Box »30. a FOX Proprietor and Miaittr. I JAMaB PILORIM, Stage Manager. doonns of plating In Bsrinnib, <ia„ between Nor. ltd and Dot, 3»,»r slier Jan. if, "— •Ml* NEW MUSIO HALL , MILWAUKZa WT800NBIN. This new, splendid and commodlou* HaU, capable of nattsg erer two thouxand penon*, Is now ready for ooenpanay, and I* offered for Theatrical and Operatic Perrormaaoes, Couoerts, Lectnres, 4c 4c,et most liberal term*. The''ac*n*tlc''of the Ha ll I* twrfect. For peotlculan apply to 0H4BLES EUFPaB, Mm* Treaannr HUwaakee Mnsleal Society. UNION HALL, JACKBON, MIOHIGAH. Tbls Hall, built regardlcaa of expenae, baa stage, ecenery, foot, bgbts, eo., and 1* lb* finaat and most complete In all lis sppelnU menhi of soy in tbe conntry. Can be rented by Ibe day, week, or month,tW*vUrtaJnrn*nt*ofallklnde. Heals 1X0. Addreaa 3-3M* OEO. a LATH BOP, Agent ALL LETTERS FOR THE Dlstingnlabed Tragedian, MB. LAWRENCE BABBBIT, [334m*] Mast bo addressed to LOBAIME B00EB& MISS MAJOR PAULINE CUSHMAN, THE OBEAT SENSATION ACTRESS AND FEDERAL SPY, assisted by JAMES M, WABD, lb* popular Irish Comedian and Vocalist, an prepared to recetre engagemenia for the Fall and Winter Seison. Their repertoire consist* of all the latest and most popular aenaattonal Dramas and Farcee. Managan wlsbb to negotiate will addreaa Ibelr solo business agent, A. D. FROI . Berne House, M. T., lo BepL 1st; aSer tbat Newark Theatre, Newark, N. I. 3Hm* USE JACKSON HALL. Tt* large enough, and not too large by twice— la central In location, and moderate In price. JACKSON HALL, JACKSON, JACKSON 00., MICH., with Stage, Scenery, Oarpeta, Footlights, Ac. Is* first class Hell, 100 by41 feet, located In tbe centre of Ibe dty, and can be rented at tbe low prtee of |10 per night, or KO nor week. *lMin* JACKSON, AJKUsmanjxMTML THE BUFFALO COURIER OEBAT CENTRAL SHOW PBJMTMG HOtTSa ITS asd 1TB WAsnmoie* Brnirr, BUFFALO. TU* eatabUshatnt It nrwfartd, wlib lncrea**d ataaakU* fomlab * TUiUHTRATED POSTBBB And all kind* of FBJNTINO USED BY BHOWMEH, A STYLE EQUAL TO THB BEST. Parrteulv attention gtran to getting up lAb'OY SHOWBILLS And WOOD OUTS For OTBOTJaSS, MHHAQIBIEB, BTH10EPIAH PSBF0RKANCS8, TABIETY BXfiDBTnONB, OYMMAST8, MAOIOlAaTl *• a „ _ A corps o» rmsr olass abtdjtb ^" oontlnnaay employed on new design* ot erery &>eort<«laBj. With lb* eld of GOOD MAOHISEBY, GOOD SiSSeerm INKS,a*rmennalVIaaaeitmentof Type,Borden,0itsa2? namcnta, together wltb first cues workman of gnat -nrirtei, ed te gnarutee as^ibtrtlcrn. ~ '■a Uy gireo for Huxn dron* poster to thee JOSEPH WABBEN 4 Oft, Coular Omit, BnabJa, MARY 6LADSTANE.—M.nig«r» wlihtng to m> gage tb* aerrioeeof tbe abore popular Artiste lot sW engage. uenlaLwul address ker, can of 0. £ PABSLOa P. 0. BoxislA New York, LI- MURPHY'S OPERA HOUSE, PIT HOLE, PA. MURPHY 4 BBOTHEB Proprletora, 0. a EE WIN Manager. OPEN FOB THE FALL AMD WINTEB SEASON, WITH A FULL DBAMATIC COMPANY OF THE MOST GIJTIEBDia STABS OF THE PROFESSION, Performer! of eoknowledgod ability, in any Une ot buxmeu can eeeore good engagement* by addressing the Manager,- 3S.8t* Boi 1131, Fit/Hole, Pe- can addreaa BAIHObD 4 HAMILTON, ilrunah, Ov A FEATURE FOR CONCERT HALL MANAGERS, FOB BALE, Ooplea of Ibo moat snoceaefol seneatlon dnma em written, TBB SiaiaLE CJLPJBES OF WASHINGTON; Or, EARLY'S LAST RAID. Beplet* with rntereit, humororj* incident), striking situations, and effectlre tebleans. Played In B&LllUORE for 4S oonarcuUre nights to crowded bpuace, end will aboniy be produced at the OANTBRBUBT, WASBINGION, D. a Bulleble far any dty or town throughout tho United States, Oopyrigbt secured. Address the author, W. a OAVANAGH, 37-U Casino, Baltimore, Hd. THE OLA83IC ^ND BEAm penin Will negotiate with first else* managen for nights alter Dec. (tb. PrrnsonoB Orua Boots, Oct loth. Noncx,-! hereby cerUfr that MISS SUSlM DEMN baa Joel closed tbe most successful engagement nleyod In tb'* city far yean, her share In two weeks amounting to 13,180. SO. ANNIE EBBBLia Leaseo snd Managensa, Letters to bo addressed to Clipper oQtee. 33-Sm* AMERICAN HALL, HABTFOBD, COKN, Adjoining American Hotel, with siege, foot lights and suitable dressing rooms, seete BOO to 1,000, to nnt for Concert*, Lectures, Panorama*, Minstrel*, etc. When scenery Is not required, terras low. Address 80-3m C. 0. 08B0BNE, 4 American Bow; SEATON HALL, WA8HTSOTON. D. 0.. On the corner of Ninth end D, one hundred feotfrom Ponnayl- ranis arenne. Tbe finest and moat olegant Mali for Putter, Oonocru, Hlnatrol end General Exhibition Boom to be found In the Our. For further information address SO 3m 0,80 HECK ELS. at tbe Will THE NEW THEATRE. NASHVILLE, TENH, hav been refitted throughout. It now open, tngbo . lout wishing time after Janjiarr^tek 'OO^JtJ^dnss 39b* WIGHT AMD FULLER, Mutagen. NEW VARIETY THEATRE, Tltutvllle, P*. Will open with Ibe folio wing artist* on MONDAY, Nor. t. MB. BILLY ALLEN, MIBS LAURA BARNABD, Ma BOB EDWARDS, MISS GEORGIA LANGLKY, Ma JOE WOODS, . M1S3 LOTTIE LANGLKY, Ma TOM WILLIAMS, ■ MISB JULIA EDWABD8, Ma CHARLES BUNT, MISB LAURA LE 0LAL9, MB. GILL. PULLMAN, MISS HONOBA BNGEL, Ma WkL WABD. MISS MOLLIS SstlTH, Ma BaMK PULLMAN, MISS MINNIE MAY. Arlliuof sblUly de*rrlng profitable engagement* osn proeare tbom lit *Min*sl*fl BHODES 4 PULLMAN, Proprietors, TituartUe, ot WM. FOOTS, Jr., Agent, 90.3m* Borere Bonae. Mew York THEATREiNEWBERN, N..C. J. 0. BIVEBB, Managor. WANTED—A DRAMATIC OOMPAMY for the ebore Theatre, (ore season of alx month*. Salary sure, Apply «o J. H. BOGIBS, 81-31* StageManager. TO MANAGERS. MONS. PAUL OANB. Hiring falfilled hi* year's engage meal with Ibe Csrtcr Zoanre Troupe, It desirous or making an engagenent wlib acme respec- table company for nuns elf and soa (eleven yeere ot age). . Mont. OAME has abUltles a* Ballet Muter, Oomle Dancer sad Pantomlmtat. Hi* origins! and Obarienge Birrel Act consists also of Fluttering Gymnast EqaUUbrlim. wilh Cornet Solo, elo. Muter PAUL1TE has abilityMayonng Ballad Slnger^Qro. tetano Dsncersnd Pentomlmlsl; oenslsl* also of bis Swiftness, Original Ob sir Act, BotUe Aot, etc. I* Intelligent snd easy to learn In bl* but. ... . . N, 8. Mons. P. OANB can also be engaged aa French or Spin lab Trick Olown, Address Ollppor Office, Now York. 81-31* Eaumetea cheertoTiy and promptly Printing anything, flom the largest dr ■jddreeacera. Aaa^rensBnrnmunlnal MISS SUSAN DENIN. flana gaTS wlablng to BEOUBE THE BERVICES OF TBTS ATTBAOTTTZ UDt Far STAB ENGA0EMKNT8 OF TWO WEEKS, Osn do so by eddreeamg her in cin ol New York CUpper, igg,. M. B. RICHMOND, Bill Postgr and DUMMa? Mo. 48 NOBTH THIBD 8TBEBT, ST. LOOTS, Ho!7 EaaaUef ibe pried pal cornen rented by tbe year, andtoinrt Torn boards from fifty to one hundred and fifty feet Isns a*, tweln feet Ugh, ell In oonjplcuon* places thro ago. the cIsyTBB* with order* sent by •rprses will bo promptly attended te7taVh>i TO MANAGERS. MBS BLANCH DE BAR. IhlsTtmng and talented artiste u prepared to negotiate Ma, raponstble managen for twetre'or more nlghta for alar —- mente for the anaolng aeaaoa. Tune filled until the at as ••—■- Address a OOBBL Ajaut,' St Louis Theatre, 8U Lonla, kk THEATRE FOR SALE.-A Hall at Pltholt, Pi., built for s Theecre or Mueio Htdl. For ptrlloalin spply to Mesm. SAW 4 LLOYD, Pilbole, Pa., oral Clipper Office, The Hall It 80x80feet: good elage and complete scenery; heated by furnaoe; well lighted; saloon 30x30 under; ell oomplote and In running order. A rsrlety abow oould coin money. 31-31* , _n_ , -,.n r , r^ , - — — — —~~ ~ ^ — - ~ A PANORAMA FOR SALE, AMTHONT 4 LAWBANOB'S Orent PANORAMA OF TTTE WAR. THE LARGEST IN THE WOBLD, And DBOIDBDLY THB MOST TNTEREflTIrtG AND INSTBUOTTVE. FOB BALE CHEAP. An* smart nan can make a fortune with It Address 4W M1LO E LAWTIBNOB, No. 101 Haln street tri-lf Tem Htato, Ind, TO MANAGERS AND ACTORS, ' I em authorised to soil coplos or the late W, W. Pratt'* MB J, "Tea Nights In s Bat Boom," "Fsnilne," "One Eyed BtuL" end "Leet Heir." These an the original, and not mulUsted or stolen coplee. Also for sale. "Octoroju," ''Oollsen Basra," "Charlotte Temple" (as written by 0. L. Alien and mytell). "Ihe Gambler, or Lost and Won," by 0. a Bsnnden, Esq. The lail two are three tot dramas, end lbs mottsuoossiral "trarsllng" plesoserir written. Addms 0H4J. WILKIN80E, rXi*^naj*r, U-It* AlbMsraraTWoitTaUon. Mareb. 184*1 MISS ALICE PLAOIDE. ^T" ALL BUSINESS COktmUNIOATIONS FOB THIS OBLaaBAnn TBAGIO and CHARMING SENSATIONAL AOTBBatV who 1* now ready lo negotiate wltb managen for six ar (mh, sights, must be sAontaad to NO. 39 WEST wnnom. ~—^* n * Hew York dty. r HOD9TOK irani SHOW BILLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOV 7 ^ THEODORE DUTTON, Begs to Inform his old frlmds, Managen and tn* aah*a^a> ally,/Ibat bete now located at the 1 . EbDPIEE 8TBAM PRnjITNG EgTA WJ jMllsn we ' IS BPBUCE BTBEBT, NEW YOB a Wbrre be wOl glre his personal sttsnllaa to "li hinlisaaaa any atria, of all tod* of . 1 PLAIN, COLORED, AMD riXUSTRATKD rTSWr sitTa hrtlenlsriy adapted tor ■ , TTUVELTNQ EXHTBITIONS, , /' ' OTBOUBEB, MENA »1EBIE8. 1 '. rTBTOPIAN PEBTOBIUMtm ' OYMMASTB^UBaTflam TBAOK OUTS OF ALL KINDS, TBCITTNG TO HAHrTEBS SR WAfJOM. r^UBLE TEAMS OB lUTSfflW I POLTTIOAL CLUBS. T. D. trust* tbat bl* many years expcrl«u» In ths I rary large assortment of Cnts at hte command any of~w*le*T*si en! Bagmraa for new work, will socure to him s cosiauMaM past tbron and s brial by sew patrons. aT-lat _ THE LARGEST SHOW BILL PBDTTTWQ EflTABLIBHMENT yw THE TJOELB OLABBZ 4 BKILLEY, _-.w_._- , _ (Surxeeson to John a Basso,) PBIMTEBB AMD ENOBAVBBB,^^ 13 and 14 Spruoe etreet. New York, Pay pArttcolsr sltrntlon to gonung up all kinds si FAMOY SHOW BILLS For traveling coapeale*, and have on head a large and aptendal a*sortxnenl of largo and amsB WOOD OUTS Suitable for fSrcnaea, Itsnigerles, Ethiopian Performers, .Oy*> naate, Magician*, Ac, 4c, wslsh can be printed ta oa* tt man) oolors, to suit oustoanr*. 49- A dspoelt required am all work ordered. AH ozden ao^dreeaed to "CLABBY 4 BETLLET," Bsoss Prmb mg snd Engraving eetabuahment, 13 and 14 Spruoe s l i es t Msg York, will be promptly attended to. 38-tf A CARD.—IRVINQ HALL, EAST BAOINAW, kUCa The abore Hall I* entirely new, snd Is oontnOy located la see or the most flonrishing cities In tbe Slate, 100 mllet tram Dstnts by railroad. Seats 700; Stage fitted up regardlesa of expstsa, wilh New Scenery, Drop Curtain, foet and border light* usti|lsls. wilh dressing rooms attaohod. Can be rented by tbe day, rasa or month, upon reaaoaabla terms, for Theatrical, operaas,.l**> cert or Lecture purposes, on application to 0. B. MOTT, 40-13m» Kaet ttsglnaw, aCob. THE WEBB SISTERS, MISSES ]£HMA AMD ADa Managen wtablng to engage the seniles of these rery tainted Artiste, for STAB Engageanents, will address 37 If EktMA a WEBa 17 Neatan atrest Bronktys. ~ NEW ORLEANS. ST. OHABLES OPERA HOUSE TO BEIrx, _ . .„ By tbe Evening or Woek. Seal* 800 persona. Arm Chain, Oaa, Btane ocenery) ele. Loca- tion belt In Ihe cltj. Address 31-8m* Box 811, New Orleans Post Me*. DEAGLE'S VARIETIES, ST. LOB18. TBTS VEBY POPULAR BSTABLTBmmrT, Ax* xv LarsorsT nr Tm Uvrmo Stive*, u mow nt xsTJ FULL TIDE OF SU0CES3, First Class BTAB8 treated wrtb at all Dinea. None otben nerd spply. JAKES CONNER k 00., Agent*, U-tt or GEORGE DEAGLE, St Lonls, PROF. KARL KAHR, THE PRESTTDIQTTATEUa Late of Bruce 4 Oo.'s Gift Troupe, is now open Is eegetWI with ssmo nnt clsa* Manager, Address PBOr. KABL KAHB,' lT-tf In care Jndson Houae,' Loekport, N. T. TOWAR'S NEW HALL LYONS, M. Y. Thla new and elegant Public HaU, elaborately frseooed eel complete In all of Its ippolntments, capable of sesttng Ms persesl oomrortably, 1* computed and open, rot Oonccrte, Lectures, ta It Is welUUghted with gas, baa s stage of good length asd bretaTs, snd Is furnished wltb convenient dnaung-rooms, A a. Addra* "rower's Mew Han," Lyons, N. Y. 18.t>' ELLSLER'S ATHEN/EUM, coLUMBUB, oma Tbls faro rite establishment can be rented for Concerts, Lec- tures, in d respectable Exbtbllioue of any kind. It baa bees new- ly Painted. Decorated, Healed, 4a, and Is now one of tbe nest eligible and oomforUble places of amassment In the city. Apply to aaWAONM.,,, Columbus. Ohio, JOHN A. ELLSLEB, 59-1/ Academy ofMMlo,Oteveland,0; FOR RENT. THE PROVIDENCE AOADBsTf OF WSie. Tbls splendid and popular estebUibment aeallag 3,000 peepl*. complete with dramallo aoenery, dressing rootna, eto., etc Israel one of the most superb theatres Intbe ooratry, om s« ns rented by tbe night trr week for first diss d^arAaUo.enterUia. mente, conoorts, as-lit* <u,nre*. etc., etc. Ac-ply to . WM. 0. BABKEa Box 320, PterUteaae. at COLUMBUS OPERA HOUSE. KENT 4 M ABD EN Mansotn, ■ OPEN FOR THE FALL AND WlNTEB 8EASM. STABS TREATED WITH ON LIBERAL TERMS. >» OALEDONIA HALL. GALE8BURO. ILL; ... Thl*n*wand elegant publlo halt tbe finest in UieWestf"*; lately frescoed and eomplele In all It* appointments, oasabU si seating 1,800 persona, wlu ample stage ana dressing reeal, tw drop onrteln. PoouUUon of city 8,000. Dlatinoo from Prw and Burlington iu miles, and Qalnsy 100 miles, on the (wssg Bnrllngion and Qalsoyaa For rent applv to the aMm*** 38-9m lMNBB, MURDOCH 4 00., Osletbsnj B- WANTED IMMEDIATELY.—A Faw Supirlof Mnrlctens ul VocaUito, sl*o s good Properly Man, ** \rzli else* Minstrel Oompiny. Apply personally, mm 10 te >yr Broadway, lower Blare. v (rem 3 to 4 each Oompiny. i day, at U4 WANTED IMMEDIATELY.-*A Comlo 8JM£ Apply lo porson or address, ststtng terms, with *temp i"".*** ' DAVI4 4 CO., Tbeauical Agent*, 118 Booth Clark tl, 80-91* Boom il, Drawer 8TM, Onl**«V°_, TO THEATRIOAl MANAGERS.... WsnttM sllnatlon as Utility Man by a steady and respectable rnanj»J~| had several yean eiperlesce oo tne llage. It proprietor « original erattalng Interlude wblob plats welL AudKH 91-31* FRANK MELrORD, 01IPP« OIL CITY VARIETIES. M FOIL, DIBFEMBAOU PioprieW. J. L. DAVIS Stem Maniissrj^ THB V1MEST CONCEBT HALL WEST OF PBLLUJBLFBJJJ, 1* now In the full lido or success wilh s large compssT*" "i, obis* artist*. *y*r The best saVuies paid by any ™ w **^*3i*sl oonntry to performers ol uksowledged ability. " as abore, P. O, Box 174. LEAVENWORTH THEATRE. ^ n , m „. Pnjrlotor W. H. OWtVlMaT. Stan bsrliig time after Deo. Ulb an Inrlted to sddrsts *T,IMBY LTrTDBN, Aojang sod Stag* ** u l r*i' Leaven wot lb, October rut, lw.