New York Clipper (Nov 1865)

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FRArTK ftCEEH, ] gditvr and Vw oprletor. | NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1865. IPtUCH TBI OlITIi WILLIAM VINCENT WALLACE. tt BtIwo proeed log Israel el the Curm wt hare alluded to uiJmUi and burial ef tbie eminent composer. We ben again Jiarlhirelo to Introduce tbe following affeo'Jng incident end ■ttnpuTiog vrrsea:—"The tutud aerrlou w<te rendered the terms composir on Monday, Oct 30th, when » nnnbei of Mr. tjice'e friendt followed Mm to the giars in Ktniel Green, jii ceremony took plaoe at two o'clock, it which nose the ait maohorercut, and though no rslo tell, ths upcot elite eemetery nnder the tehen erf ud the drooping leaves, nimdiochofjlntheeilreme, Aa arael the eerrlce niniJ norm Iho obapeL end the body tu then ourted to the grate atioh llei on one of the sidewalks leading from the prlndpal nib, Tho ciffla bore * wimple Iniorlp'lonr 'Vincent Walloon, Jednth October, ISM, tn his fitleth rev,' end when tbe last Ml bad been take l nihil, Ihe body wie lowered, end Wallace ni burled In i gnTe neer Tom Hood'*. It wie • lender end muhsi olrcumaiauM tilt u the flail word! of Ihe ruaeril etr- fa were red led over the composer's tomb, * robin redbreut on e utghMrlng bunch buret Into shrill mailo, end sang tbe 1m t nd tweetnt requiem over the good musician who m then lettgtowered to hliflulreat This Incident hu suggeelad the fjuwingunet: ^ We ttood bj Ihe rnlnitral's grave, Sunnily orlng fur well. For we loved him, end loved hie eong That loan mrlodloni fall; On the chorda or our life he toBohod— Oar hrarte to hie mnelc act— Awinalo oar pleaeare end pin WIU take for their language ret; Bat now no trlbate ef eong From quivering llpi would come. And ell we had for the muttr's dirge Waa e alienee loe oold and damb I 1111 e wee robin flew To e spray banning new, "Nunc dfmlWi" he sang O'er Ihe muutrel'a bier I And It wee bnt a fUUag men The robin ao swietly gare, Per oar muter lored Harare veD From cradle unto grave. Be eorgbt for hla fanclee flee Dy Ihe fir kToiquito ihore. From tbe Andes—pulne of palmt ■ From mined lande of yore. Ae be bred eo oar mlnttrel died, Oo e grind old mountain ateep, TIm wild wind cenied ble bteetitgb. And the red ens mw blm to aleep I Bo Bomuce o'er hla life Her eweet Influence flung, And in death 'lass a bird Hla nqalem sung I H. F. THE CRICKET MATCH; OB, Why the Plffltrs were D'foiteo". "Wbit on earth did you bring me here for I" my friend Ob IT lry Coelvjnd aald to me aa we olood together In the drawing- nom of Olavorley Oourt iptxt Lorn the dancers, end llatenlog to Bt "Lnrllce Qutdrllloe." "Tea are an ungntefol doffer," 11ejelnod, politely. "Ton are tuaieolletnaulrlooklDg man, and a atianger In thl* noigb- tobwd, with nothing to do. And It win from theee two latter a»ioni Ibal 1 Introduced you here." "Bat 1 wint a prelly perloer, end I can't And one," aald my Head, tiling down hit eyeglaae In deapalr, "Ihere'e nothing ■a the mom " "IfyouwMlookin tbe direction of the doorway," I rejoined eitetly, "you'll be rcdaoed to prorlng your tale by en excop- lie," Obuley'eeyes followed mine. "ByJovel" be eiolahned—to badly and enddenly that a neiroua young gentleman In Bpeota* <ie,wbo. by dlotof a atalor wrangler's concentration of mlad, Id alraoet piloted hlmaell through a qaadrllle, waa now etertled, nd losing hla pretence of mind lo the moment of victory, norauilouily plunged "LaFoole-' latoooufaslon. "floibl Charley," I remonstrated. "Tour epordng bablte an Uiaw book, in many wtya, to your otherwlte duly-subdued and .idaed bearing and conraissllon." "Ton be banged," snawered Charley. "I don't Ihlnk yonder rrlrtl 'eicepilon' looka aa If ahe would like a man any tho leu fir Iiia being able lo dlinlrninile between Blair Athol and a tttctor'a screw." "Very Lkety not," uld I; "the accompllihment In llaelf ahe rrokl admire, no doubt, lo Ihe eilent tbat It des»rres, bnt II I traduce sod recommend you—I hire known eland eloco one auagtrl—your BlUnlloDamuatbe m*ra refined then tboioof lie hard r!dlng hero of a eporllng noreL" Obotwyod waequlto Indignant, and waa commendog a retort: rat hta now divinity ae, "like a light, growing larger and clearer," ite approached, aeemed lo abaorb sngtr In admiring woreblp. VTIItiB loll In the penon or a not orir yoong and rary alout lidy, who hong hearlly on the olher arm of her escort hlmaeir * am of aipaol rather round than romantic, ahe aeemed, my ifucy told roe aa I g<z»d, a iialely Ollrla of tho "Twelfth Might" ItiilheeldeofiBlrTobyBeloh and an older bnt not leurlra- clone alula I admired my owo Idea ao much that I did not at Aral bear my friend eagerly qieallooug me: "Who la ahe—and who It tbat psUrklog. lel-talrnnd-forty-aeorte-tuo Fourth ityle or woman, vt6 the booriBb'lookiDg raUow btlween Ibom." "Ton ought to rccogoliB Ihe man," I replied. "He la Qnm- bloton—don't you rooolleot him at eohool—olwaya talking about nloket, andoouldn't play? The womia ire ble fttiua end her aunt" "r7eU,"uld Charley, "I're left off bdng anrprlaed at any- IWtiallicio twelve ycara—aluee I wu fldeen," Charley hid a bad hibli of applying lo ordinary life the pbruoology of Ihe turf, "uut lo think," he wont on, "of that eplindld flgnro and thorouab- bredeljloor action belogwu'ed on e man who la built like a buhopU cob I Why Ihe nnnt there—look how ehe'a giggling— ought to be aahamed of henelf, a woman of that age acd aire; abo'd anlthlm toaT," laid uharloy, carefully handicapping her, u be called It, with tho aid of hla eyrglaaa. "What tnedeuoe an you laughing alt" ' Atyrar wBy of eipretrlng yourself, Ituppou, or atthefrlght- fol mesa toil mild party la spectacles got hie set Into In 'L» lult' orer there," I lejolnod. "well, I can ooniole niyaelf with a fllrtitlon. perhap*. Look I rte'e Billing down, and the other two hare loft her," exclaimed Ckstwysd. "Now'i tbe tlmo-lntndnce me." I complied with his wish, end alw Utile more of my friend thst nentng. Obsrley—ho's coDcelled enough about It—Is a clerer fiuow. Bo loemtdlolnslnusle himself Into the good graces of kiud Uarslon with remarkable qnlokntisi nor wu his flirtation Inteded by Oumbleton, who, not being an adept in danolog. enoiid hlnuelf cblifly, wllh lntanslB of altentlon to hla otber cbwgo, to potations of sherry In the support room. Beoeilh the stars, atlll shining, but wi Ih somewhat of the look fpsjitt beauties, and while the world wu willing for Ibe daws, •edrovc home, Ohelwjnd and I; and all Ihe way Oharley poured lelo my eare a (ale of auddnn pualon end ocmcomltant dllBculty •iltupalrtbwirllngtho courae of true lore, he wildly coni- KilDid, with ebiladea more dlfBonlt eren than those usually 'tavn acrois Ihit muoh veied current. "Bar eyes," he rhapiodlzeil, ' are like the roe In summer when •ajlihla on it aro always ohanglng, and the chaogea are always luneled, and elruck a reeurlau upon the splashboard, 'tbt'a fir away the flneet filly I ever aaw; and u for her mar. j™ that fit, foollih, grovolllng, fruraliog, goimandlilDg Onu> *i»n. why Us my flrmbelld tbatsbodekstslhetdeaumiioh "JJo. Uow the enjoyed my quisling her aunt—Uaud'a aunt, soild keep calling her relative, for the uke of repealing that Wile name. Bhe's full of husor. What Ihe Uerll are you ■«««logel7" ,. ,1-1 *aa thinking of the Ignominy or that mild party In spec 2 <J «. CerUlnly," I added, "MJea Uanton bu an Inonlle fund K-Wtchier" /•ell," and Chelwrnd, "Ibe long and ihort or It U thst I am "yritelj lo lore wllD her—the Ideal, almoit, of my dreama ; lou miy sneer, but lovodoee aomellmea come, not wllb the ™«l groBih of yonder atow-brlghtenlDg dawn;"—he pololed, ^naaiDR tbo relne as ho enoke, to where, the rale akv wu begin* *£• to hint of Ihe comlog daybreak—"bntawlft aa He peer of the S! ' tropica." "Well," puraned Obarley, rclarnfng to the •Hler oi ful, "I lell you what, Jack, 11 ail I write to her this "TBorolngacd propose to cut the Qordlon knol ofdlfDcullyby h im'""" 0 '' 01 courae, In nqnllal for my honoring you wlln ™Pnriol a conddouoe you'll help me II need arises V "Of course," I aniwcred, smiling. •mJ** 'ail of Ibe way home, while the world around as was «m> At 1 " ommer nai'a life of light and flowora and ehlntng iumT V". l "' nJ "ae allenl, ever and mon uktng liom and to. DT* 1,1 -i-s month an cillnct cigar. ^ ro » his proposed leller from my lodgings, and, sftorde- ^ to* II, suDiidcd lelo a Kile of nrrroua aniletr, an Inlenao itdr lw""wsnjlhlnglo eat, a decided partiality for anything IiiuSk.'S? * mMl <-l«»traollvo tinoy for a well-filled box of my lS?JV D » T «"a cigars. «iwih.k! l . a , lUnl1 ?? 10 f* iww^-nn. Mug enpoised my. •Cita?^ 1 "?S Mml1 ,» ™» Impoflint task. Tnls wasTno ^erl-i^M ,e V ll,|, ol 52*ft!?tssMxtewidl against lie well- »l5utMSf ".£ g- V mn Ji' I !!, l i DB,, i?L b » « B, « B C* the hud of The P. P.'s ware determined aeon revenge. Bittlngton had bees blatant apon Ihe theme of Its rlctory; and ihe main oaose of Ohatwynd being now my visiter was tne fact of my having desired to secure bis asilslance— he hut bean a '"Tmlty" bat and bowler—In ibe second straggle. And now deep despair seised my soul, when I reflected that this tudduo eacapede of my friend*, would probably be the cauie of our aeeond defeat, by depriving us of the aid of the famous Oharley Cambridge, took waa OhetwyDd's iusb dt gutm In tbe cricketing world. Bat Forraee, who Is said to delight In orenhrowiagtne proud, teemed about lo prore hertoll a oouslitent goddess by her he. harlor to thoie coacelled Bittlngtonlma. To do this no dcobl she: bo muaged mirura thst Oharley, wllbln twtnly.four hours frcivMv' the despiloh of his letter, received a reply wblob, to nsa hia 0*7]' eipreuloo. derived from a reminiscence ol one of poor Lesbh't £:o'ares, "hnag • bosrd reand hie nock, and tickled him, thus tabled, with tne airaw of perverse mlaforirne." Bui he did not make ibis dlsoovery on01 arrrviag at the end of the letter, of which. In hla ecitacy during the Aral perusal, be favored me wllh extrecla. "•It la like the si ran goners of a dream,'" quoted Cbarlry; 'so abort bat been our acquaintance, ao audden the growth ol love between as ("of love between ae," npeited my friend de- lightedly, end harrying on). I <wu,Uke Juliet, lest yon should oonslder me too *MUy won II I consent to en elopement ■•'Btavol" cried OheYwrnd, Jumping up from his ohalr.) I sm hhe Lydia Lugulib—1 long for Ihe eiotlement of a ruuawiy mintage, and bate lbs idea of tbe ordinary lormil and cereao. nlooa one. X ahould prefer abaadooing mv hope by meBui of a rope-ladder. C'Bo yon iblll, and preuilr your sylph's ankle will trip down it," put in Ohetwysd.l Idy nleoe knows that you have written to me ("niece, niece I" aald mv irlend, paualns; "the moast aunt—ahe'i agllaled, poor Iblngl") ebe thinks we ought to aei each olher—beet In some pnbllo place—to artaBte mailers. ("Quite like a mother to her," remarked Ohetwynd; romantic In her youth, so doubt, she looked, or lather smirked It) I send you a kill (my friend raised the letter iiplnrjuely lo bis Up'i and agn myielf by tie name which your dear lips have ao ufar- tulry oouferred on me, Midtj's Acirr. •F. 8.—Toinererwtuld think we were In that relaiionsalp would yen?'" I do not know wbtch of us, my Mend or myself, underwent at theeloee of thia letter, the moat violent cnaage of countenance from tbe retpectlre cauiu of omstsmenl and amneemsnt "Wny," gaiped Cbarlry, "Uey're ihe same name and lbs aunt's got my feller. But It's absurd. Why, I dwelt throughout ■pan bar engagement to dombleton." I eriloaleted an answer with eosae difficulty: "It la the eldest who Is eegaged to Oumbleton." "Whilt" eald Charley, searody comprehecdlog me; and then be adoe*. "Well, that explains all. Bat 1 remember dlstlnuUr, yoa uld It wee tie niece who wu engaged to blm—I recollect your wordi—"Oumb'otOD. /tone:* and ber sunt" Oooof your ooafonaded pleow of ohaff, I tnppoie, or a slip of tbe tongue, u you'll uy. I see now what tt wu you were bIwbjs laughing at ia ibet onreuonable fublon." "Do you?" I answered. But Charley wis by (hlatime re- perusing the letter with diagustequsl to bis former delight •"Bbori acqualn'aooa,' tndden lore,'" be oommenled. "Scarcely apoke a word to her; wu Inlmduced-dldn'i eren catch the name; handed here chioien at sapper or part of one. -Easily won,'—should rsttsr think so. -EJopomoLt,'—not If I know it 'Lydla Languish,'—why, she's fire and thirty if eie'a a day-dare eay forty. -Bope-tadder.' That's tbe best thing yet;—fancy ma walling at the bottom of a rope-ladder for a wo- man of aliteen alone I Hare Informed mr nleoe of yonr loiter.' Thal'a the nnklndeat cnt of ML I think face the ton in Hand's large ores. What an niter fool she must think me I" "Well," heetded, breaking off, T 'I see nothing for me bnt lo run awlyfrom this ralslaflUn female. I oin't possibly hiToihe face to meet her, especially u It's my mistake, and there Is,' obstrred my friend, rising and complacently looking it hlice ilf In the mirror over the mintelplece—"There's some excuse for bar proceeding!." "How, li t, I'll tell yon what—I'll write an explanatory Iett>r to the real Hand; and yon, la atonement for yourslnv, must manage to deliver tt —cant trait Ibe poll; for I don't see bow to prevent the letter falling Into the hande of tbe oUur, Meantime, for Ihe present rilmskemyeelficarce." "On one condition I'M help yoa," wu my reply. "You ran St play with us to-day agslnst Bsttlaglon; H'a Ave mUea away, and sou can't get farther off to-morrow; it'll do you good, too—die- Uact yonr mind. It't nearly time to etart now." •'Well, you mast do year beet for me, then," rolnrned my Mend. "Five mllet It fir enough. I ehoald suppose. Oumblr- too's latare son! doesn't play orlcket, I ahould think, and there's no diueer of my meeting ber." -"No." I said; bnk Onmbltton doM-plays against us to-daj. Tea oan have the eatlsfaclion of bowling at him." "That would blv« derided It an hour ago,'' sold Charley. "But, however, I will go." lie went, and at lbs moment of his sotllng foot upon lbs Bsltlngton crlckei-fleld, Charles Ohelwynd, tbe lorrr In dlfncul. ties Tinlebod from onr sight nvd orlckellng Oharley Cimbrldge took bis plice. Batttsglon went tn drat—tbo milch was a ooe Inntngi sfftir—and when Oumbleton eame to tbo wickets I eaw a little extra "devil" in the ejo of Oearley, who nas bowling from the otber end. Onmb'elon, belore ommeuclog opera- tions, always spent five minutes In bolting down Imaginary nil- lock! between Dimwit and the bowler, liking objectless coo- Btllutlonsli round bis nloket snd itirinj at each AddBmau In rum, u it he wanted to Identify him atleiwards upon a criminal charge. I had, there'ore, a good opportunity for obtaining moderate odde about his retiring in Ihe Ant over, end, thereby, paid myiravellcg exp'nees. Ohirloi'enrsthaU did not reillte my expectations; II shot on the leg stdh and smiting poor Onmb'elon on the snkle-bone juat below a rather Inefllcleot pid, earned blm to limp during the re- mainder of the day. Bui tho aeeond whirled his leg-irump a yard loto the air, and caused, ol conric, Ihe adlooae batsman to return, Inglorloai. to Ihe tont When the lilt of the Ilittlng- tonlan wickets till, I'no deslruollou of seven wss credited to Oharley, end Ihe total aoore waa Utile over a hundred, b very email ooe, when we conaidered the run-tavarlng alalo of the ground end Ihe atrengtu of bailing talent arrayed agalnet us. We—the Pifflers—beg<n oar innings wllh much hopo of victory Bnt from tho effoclt, perbepi, of dltner beverage*, the P, F.'s. wllh one exception, ctme to the wlokeU, some but tn remind is of the Isle ol Oumbleton, others to lead a preoarions life wllh the reward of en occasional "tingle," and aooneror later rtllre wlllhont hiring attained any mutery over the bowling. Charley at one, having gene In Ant romelaed. By elegant defence and forward play, by ahowy and almost Inevitable onis, by friouent leg hilt long and low-et leg bill and hunlera ehould be—by a tlx and a couple of fours, tbe remit ol tn untuoky-trled over of slow*, he rapidly brought up tho Boon, till, with the tenth man at Ihe opposite wloket, and Oharley laolng the beginning; of the over, it was within one of that or oar opponents Even at thle exciting moment tt flashed tjponmymlod howlhoroaohlv crlcket-llks was tbe scene, and hew worth a pslnlet'e whUe to portray. Thehorlsoo, etltsmotrt dlitast point, wu ridged by a rVnt conuut of blue hills, (Ihe waves, si It were, epell bound la their motion of a giant's sea,) snd nearer, more boldiy countered by dark lines and moaeu ot wood, tbat, exoept when they garo wai apon that distant range of aummKa, ran Ilka a fringe round the prospect Flowing aown tbe sides and from tho feet or thots far eminences, came a stream of rich and ablnlng amine wblob at the gonn that broke the circle of the woods, debtmohed lo is to toggest a comparison with a lake of green end golden wit-rs. And these, where they nndulaUd oloee around as, who were the csntre-pelnl of ihe scene, beume waring when and buih dotted gnsilaod. Bummsrand enntblnehadmadaerery. fuln< their own; while dutint hills snd spires, and olustorlng nwrerronntl lis wide ohurcb tower, tho Irregularly built vlllaao ol Bltllnalon, told far and near of Ihe life of the landscape; and we ourt*lrot. a ring of fitting or ttandlng tronpi imidil tbe white testa of tho crtokot fleld-onr fleet rlreted nimn Ohatwynd —gave the nloiure lit Anlih of human lntemt The lait Aeldtoan hid Juit reached his plue for tho new over, when I heard the trampliog of horaei on the ewinl behind mo, and looking round aaw the oup of triumph, so to speak, duhed from the expectant lips of IhoForlpitetlo PHHus, for at Ibis momout then tode Inti the Held, lite speclitore of Oumblelon's prowess, hie ItonoM and her inut. I glanced back at Charley, and law that they bid caught hla eye Juet u (he opposing bow ler slsrlod to deliver the flrat ball ol the over. The bill came as straight ai as arrow, sal Obetwynd, eiolled by the sudden ap- fiearinoe of hli dreaded heftnoir. did not wait to pity It. Busti- ng ont for a blind swlpa, he bit, aa I expected, "over" the ball, anl lost his middle stumn, lo lbs locompaulmont of a shout of rlctory, to wblob every DatilnglonUn oo the Held contributed his longoit and loudest By Ibe dorlce of dodging behind the tallest man, be attempted, amldit tbe eubiequenl oonfutlon, to reach the tent unobierred by the object of hie alarm. But Batilnglon wu generous, snd Instiled upon making him eonsplclous by oheorlng blm, snd I uw with an Internal oonvulsloo, tbe stouter of Ihe Iwo ladles on horiebsck beokon him with her hind to ipprotoh Intra. ilulily donnlog an outtr garment brought by en olBolaas ad- mirer, poor Charley obeyed Ihe akrnsl I osserred him approach, ruefully enough, the fair lorsocr of Ule preunce; I saw hor fireet blm with wreslhed amlles, while, orer and anon glano- og at him from the otbor side of bar relative, tbo real objeot of. his pudon grscefullr mined In her Irapallont bay thoroujihbred. "Yoa tee tiler all II Is I who am oul'god to trek yon. But yon expected, of couno. that we should bo here. Would you like lo ktM my band?" and the elder lady half oxttnded to hlmlhll member—not a very shapely one. Oharley ehudlired. "A little too pnbllo," he faintly guped, and encountered at th<a moment to add to his contusion, the aroh Bine of iho owner's lovely companion. "»hcn Is the elopemenl to lake place," ocraUnned hll Interlo- ontor, "end hive yon brought a rope liddert" Oharley wu itammulng some Inooherent reply, when an oame Oumbletcm, ttlU limping from the effects of his oiinilrr. "See, dear, Uut it Mr, Ohelwynd't doing," he said to Ihl speak- tone of addreu to the besildand Charley. "I'll Chelwrnd him I 0 you cruel, heerlleas, ugly, malevolent creature." At this moment I atappea forward with my friend's last teller tn my hl.d, udwmu theaotof pretanl(ng It to Ousbleton's tjmoatblier. "What are yoa ebeatt" exolalmed Oharley, rushing si me. "Ail right man," I rejoined, "This letter la for the nleeo. It it not?" . .-i.:' '*Ofooarse,itrwMtormy friend. . ','ThtTil'Ujyasrlt to the niece," I latennpted, banding It op to jOkapm' fat. fair, aod lorty lormealor. (ax&eil, Ihe led/a fairer oempanton let her horse bare hla my, ^txajrodt off to a more duiaut pesltloo. ;• "tt air. Ohelwynd." uld ibe redpteot of Ibe letter to Oharley. who etoM more confounded lata ever—"If yonr second toiler Is meant totenil you drat yoa had belter, elno* it bat fallen Into my hands, state Ibe fact verbally lo my aonli" and aha pointed with'her whip to her friend, bylhts time distant from hsr side. "Whilt'.: aiolaWned ubarley, alight breaking la »a him, "yoa don't meea'toatfthat you are the niece alter ad, aod ahe not tbe Intended FdmfJnrjiblelonf" Bat amldal the laagbter of ni bytlaolan he wu off befve the queallon oouis be aoBwervd. Tola lime Charley Oholvynd evlaieed nraelasee rather to <evut from, thin to ipjuoiob ulii ilinton. Long ttnia tbey eteod lo. geiber, till the oeaes'lon of cricket practice, and Ihe dirar-ua lhat oame over the wide laodacspe round Ibetn gave warning of dc- .pirlue. Brpliniiton wu probibly being given blm of the aeries of mistakes In wblob, by, In the first lnitsncc, taking niturslly tnongb, the wrong persons for aunt and niece, he had btoome Involved. Wllh the Old look ot mischief la hor large, now loving eyes, his pirlner or thn put snd of Ihs future tol 1 him how, In the Aist instance, the hod omrued herself cuelsrdy enonghwllh hit error, end how, to punlah him for tome rude ramarka upon her niece, ahe bad carrlud on the delu-lon wllh tbe eld of her mlrlh-lorlog senior, fler father, ahe fold him, hid married very young, snd ahs wu the youngest dkugbter of his aeooud wile, while(Jnmbleton'e detlfnee wu theeldestoffiprlng of tbe eldest a)n of the above named parent " Do you forgive me f" she ended. "Ioyen. of course," wu Charley'a answer,'"I rorglvsasy- thlng; If you derive pleotare from teasing me. pray tens me again; my revenge for tola will be wreaked daewnere;" aid he turned his syis towards me. Mr explanation, however, of barring taken part la the Joke only during the Arat blush of Its absurdity, aod eflerwuds doing nothing mon than watch lie course, mael bsve bean found salla- factory; for Chelwynd's claret and rigars hare tble very evening blended their udaence with prelly Hra Ohelwyud'e mirthful remlnlBconceB.and Inspired me to tall theatoryofiheonexoecied diloat wblob. little more than a year ago, midt smaller the pres- tige of the Perambulallag PUD era, lady, H/.O.atwy»«'tl" nkvned 111 Utter, tadasuly ohangloi htf SKATING. Bkalieg Is truly a titdokllng pnrsult, aid seems to here bees inrtnud lo serveMsreoompeossforouriashlllty to fly. Indeed, as long is ws have alette on onr feet and good Ice under I bun, we do not envy the birds, which at other limes we are apt lo do, Non-akalers oin bare no conception of tbe fascination which Ihe Bit Claris orerthota who are well actustomed to it; but if tbey wish lo flud a simile, Ihey may do aa tn ihe dreamt of flying thtt we have eipertenoed. In which we only have to flap our arms, gilds tuily along, and wonder why ws never found it ont before. Buoh a mode of proireee la stained bj the aioompllihed ekiter, who nerdi ao poverfal eieruons to propil hia, but alls about at if by simple volition, TU TOX. Wo will tnppoie the pupil it lbs water's edge, dedroru of met- Ing hla firet essay apon tho toe that flails on lis surface. Hon also supposed to hare asotrlalned tilt Ihs Ice U rufflcloutly i Irong to bear, not only hit weight bat the shock of a fall or two, to which hemust phltosophioall/ look forward, ice ought not lo be knobby or covered with ripples, as la often Ihe cats whan a frost endabreueBelladmolaowdj. .aim ihm.k.nirt >»uoat ol that thintuptrflcltl ooitlngcalled "cel.Ice," iDMheakata breaks throagh and trlpi up Ibe wearer. Care should alio be taken that atones and slicks ire not frozen Into Ihi loa. It la at well to keep a toot-out, if pcailble, during ihe flrat few day a or the frost, and to prevent boye from tn rowing slonu on Ihe Ice is uy lit strength. Bat tho very wont ru bite ooe that ran And Its way on loe Is sand. IltiBoloilgnllciotlnippeeiiace that the skater cannot see It eipeelsUy when helssklllng backwards; snd a few grains of aand, last together would not more than equal a muetard eeed lo size, are sufficient to aptet a ekiter. It aeemt ti have the effect of suddenly airestlng, natareu,and cannot be knocked out of its bed likeaetoDe,ereaiPuougbllioaatck. mriuTioHs B'.aideshis skates, tho begi'iner ehonld have with him a small glmlei, that icrcwa Into a woolen guard, or Inde'ault. thrust inlo a large cork. Nothing la more diogoious thin to oirry in on-' protected ilmlet eboul the parson. Theglmlelahould he at lutt oae die smaller ihoa ihe screw af thsskato, aaoiherwise the acrew will not hold fut, and after Iho lame boot baa bean need once or twice, it become! what laoalled "tniralck." Ioorder to uvo time and trouble. It is writ lo bore the holes tor the screws belore leaving home, and lo All up the hole wllh soma hard filly subataBce, such M the corcmon conpoiltlon candles are made or. Otborwlao. It la vary aekwatd to all on Ihe bank trying wllh Ihe left hud to bore a hole sirstght Into ihe tight heeL Ot courae tbe (million of this hole ahould be marked by trying the skate upon tbe boot An old duller, or any old piece of alnff, la uss'n', In order to wipe the akalea a tier removing them, and so to goara against rust A pocket-knife will ol course be In lit proper place. Till llilw. A beginner generally a good pair of tkttes, lo II Is as well lo content himself Wllh an ordlnuypitr. The Anted ikalet, < e. those which hare a groove running along the atari, we do not recommend. II is I rue thtt Urey give » better hold of tbe loe at Ant but Ibey bib vary apt to become blant tt Ihe edges, snd be- sides, tbey oat up lbs loe Into lillle shtrlogs whlnh collect la Ihe groove, and by detreee project beyond the edge tt ihe akaie, when tie wearer la eure to be throw. Aa to the elrips, let these oroas-slnps over the Initeps be dltssrded; they are quite useless, and only oondne Ihe foot Very lillle strapping Is required, u tbe only use of a strap Is to ptevut the ikile from felling off when the root la lifted from tbe lee. Thooewaoatrap lightly ire eure to skito awkwardly. Noonaoudanoegrooefallylnrliht boots, end the ume rale holds good for skating. If the haluoe be propirly kept the ltrips are hardly needed at ell rOTTtrlO OS TBI tUTtS, The holos being properly mide. tbeeueve em Introduced, ud the shales placed straight along the feet Tbe lillle spikes at the front ahonld be well preaaed Into Ihe tele or the boot and the atrapa drawn Juat tight enough to Ax Ihe ekete firmly without oramptog Ihe foot The ende of Ihe tutpi mael he oirotuily lucked away, as, If they beware loose, they are epl to get under tbo Bkals snd Ituow Ihs wearer. If too long, let the snneiAuona portion be cat off. In caw ol a broken strip. II is u well lo hire aiparestisp In Ihs pocket One of tbe moat nsonil pieces of apparatus foraskBlorlBalltUeelripaboateo Inoh long, with a bucklo at each end; eo, II a strap iboold bnak, bo hu only lo insert this double-buckle at Ihs broken porla, aid he la all right again without lou of tl me. otTrnto og thi fox. If possible, the ekelee should be pit oi while the wearer la iitlingonaomeipolwherehtifeetoiooverbangtheloe. If that cannot be, he ebould walk fahly on Ihe Ico, end kned on one kaee while he Axei Ihe skate on Ihe oppoalle foot A small Im- pair, will then pat him on his foot when he will not And It eoey fo remain. All auch helps u chain or pointed slicks era to be condemned. Tbey are as objectionable ol corks to a swimmer, and moieover give tbebeglnnor an awkward altitude, from *hl:h he dou not recover for a long lime, and aorneUmoa nol at alL At Ihi. pailod oi hll progreulhe beginner Auds a groat dllnonlty in kooplug hie foot tMelher. Qeum'ir.ono foot alldei lo Ihe right and Ibe other lo tho left and down he gors. But not dir. heulenad, he gets up again, by kneeling on one knee as n pot. ting on Ihe sksies, snd tries sgala. Altar • mile while ha tries to progrooi, soddoiB sou he would on land, i a. by.walking. Dut to walk on ikites It very difficult on U»d. and Jasl Impnnlhls to o beginner on loe, and down begoeaagtlj. «•«?•• »?t hurt himself thongh-no one evor hurie hlmtrlf while learning Ue beginning of the art—and peraeretes uoul he baa some notion of the method to be punned, which U u (onowa :- tTABTXRO. . I*t the leirner Blind u In ibo ulrJj^lllonln dsaclng, wllh his right heol In tho hollew ol tbe left foot The two feel will thus form right snglss with each olher, ssj It Is from Ibis poll- lluu that the An', alep In sksUng is made. Be now pluto hia weight on the right foot end at Ihe u je lime presses ihe nelds edge of the lea loot Into the Ice. A push given by tbe left fool, which It immedlstely ttkea off tho Ice aod brought PsiaHol »»i lis fellow, sends the ekiter forward lor i ew feot Ihe ume thing la lepealod wllb Ihe left fool, end " ""JJ' ™ staler it able logel along, although vary V. «^ J 'JSi handa firing about.hut aim getting •fcJK.Sj.^.udi euily, and keep hit hands sllU. be ahonld try to skats bsckwsrdi. SrllTTnO DtCSWAIUIl i,„i_._I, There are several model of leirolog to»to ;tato ™k«™j of which Ihe beat It asfollows:--Leluai»pllslaudqills sllU upon Ihe Ice, place hla right foot well la sdrance, *e }urned Inwaido. liie weight mill bs almoit obiIkU ™ »o "{{./ffr Then wllh Ihe right foot let him de^rlba a iJ 1 ™" ??, lll V£ui and he will thereby foroehlmaolt a few ttehei ^» w . 4 ™"'/g. 1 ! movament is repealed wllh Iho olher foot, "d by degresa a» Bkaler fladi hltnitlt il terns dliUnceIron Ihe^J 0 '™ "?L"'I b aitod, At Aral he seems to make no proareai what*ror. ana appears lo be lied to the spoL Bit ^Vji'i^r'V'.^irfu overoomti the difficulty, and begins to ^"J^-ft,,* ous courae nlher pteltyto look si. Doing familiar witn tnis, hit out lotion It Ihi Outside Bdge. Bllherto, thl Inside •dgt'oTXe SSf }v h»«i Jtid |J Uth^tavisst BalBg^iutejMttrtljdWalastherueoluie Inside edge, and to we mast proceed to the outside. The beel mode of learning this feat is by marking a afrela on the loe, tome eight feet orio In diameter; end pulling aomo objeot to mark its cantre. The learner then stands on Iks outside af the olrole, hla nghlokale apon the Uae wllh He outeideedge irmlypresied Into t sod alsrlgbtebouldexlaraed towards tbecentre. In thlapoal. tloa he paatua himself round tbe circle bv mesne cf Ihe left fool, keeping the right akite on tho line. After going round once or twice, ao u lo learn Ihe direction—always bilog eareial lo hang hla head well over hie right sbouldar—he pole himself to spied, and. mil keeping the right ekate on Ibe loe, tnee to crosi bit left foot over the right. Be will certainly fill at flrat but after a few Dials will succeed la gelling lbs fool over. After he bai done so once or twice, he ahonld turn hla left side to tho lee, and go round in the oppoalle dlre:tlon, to ing to orota the r'ght fool orer Ibe left Wnen he Congo mand the otrde cither way, by continually crooning the feet he la rtady lor tho next movement TITS 01041-BOLL. To skate ihs "Cron-Boll" the akaler slenda u In learning Ibe outside idae, end a lor ling on the right root, crotaaa the lilt over It But Instead of rsputiog the moremint and ao foroiog a oircla, he Immediately onuses iba tight foot again orer the left, and io on. Then, Unload ol making one large circle, be forms a succemlon of ana of eirolet, by whlei he Is curisd forwsrd The lsgs should be orosied over each olher u far u poasible, and ihs ikalar should not be content until he ceo even crou the knees. This la a very prelly movement when neatly dcue, and one of the moat gncefnl on the Ice. The hands muit hang qulle cully and qnieuy, and the body carried uprightly without being stiffened. Cora must be taksn that In doing tbla figure, the oat. elde edget of the skaters are pnesrd firmly Into ihe Ice when they touch it or the skater will he liable to a dip. naimi or aiorrr, Wa now come lo the Ant ilep m red sgnre akallng, which it, in our opinion, lbs very quintessence of Ine ert We oaro lillle for mere rapidity, or ror lacing on Bkates, bnt we do Vilue rerv highly the eiciedtog orsca of good fliiur, skating. Thera Is hardly any objeoi so truly graceful u s thoroughly good skater displaying Ibe bssntles of tho art Tho first Oiura learned la generally iho 9 or the 8. Some prefer the former, but the laltor u Ibe belter figure on which to begin. Tbe akaler starts u la tbe lait figure, hat cokes an entire clrole before he orotsee hie feet; so tbat if alsrlghl kot sluts an the upper circle, his but makle the lower one. N. B —Alwiyi whirl from the point where tbe clrolet oat eteh olher. At Ant the abator will find tome difficulty In gelling quite round the ol roles, bul he will eoou acoompuab that object if he dlghtly swings tho off leg toutd towstds lbs toes of the olher. Io good anting ihs oonrae la entirely steered by too foot tbstlaoff the ice, uut watch Is on uosly earring to tuittln Iho skater. 1TTTTTUDX OF TEDS LKM. Let II be a roll without exapilon to keep Ihi knees straight when aktliag, Holbwg looka more clumsy or awkward than s staler who keeps hla knew bent And even If he oan cnt ell loe rirul Agnrw, loe bsnt kueu destroy their effect, and Ihs akaiar tllll remains ungraceful. FIODBX TflBBX. No pdnt iioutd bo awed upon tola Agon, at II It t most etc. gist one, and Is betides the key lo all figures. When Ihs 9 fs ooos mutered, oihar figures become quite eur. The mode of doing It It this: -Blast on Ihe right loot as If going lo mate an B bat do It sb gently at possible. But luaiead of swinging tho left toot round ao aa to make a circle, lol It remdn si lesit a foot be- hind tbe right foot. Ihe oonaequeuoe of so doing Is, that whin taree-fourlni of the clrole an ojmpietod, lbs off foot glvra a cu- rious bbbj Io the body, and the ekiter eplni round on bit right fool, changing it too urns Ume from the outside lo Ibe loilde edge, and cuia the aeeond half of Ihe 8 backwards. When the ekaler can do this easily with the right foot he ahould praclloe II with the left; and when he osn cut the 3 wllh equal eaie wllh either foot he ehoald oat two togelher. He begins with Ihs left- hand B, alerting with bit left toot on the outside edge; whan an gefB to Ihs twlat of the She spins round, snd Anlshu the Agure (Bull with the left fool] on the intlta edge nukwerda. Bla right f om Is no » at liberty to pan to ttn top of the right-hand B, which ho cats In Uke manner, Eapeolalcari matt be taken to harp the knees straight, snd to pieaeriB a grac'lul carriage of tie bodr. ir the antrr ahonld be ao for off hu balance aa to find any diffi- culty In aptnnlng round, he will gain hla object by Ihrowua bis weight a very Uitla towards the toe of ihe ekale. The reasonTwhr tho akater ourrca round in toil twlit la, tbat the ileal of Ihe ekete bae a curved formi and when for a moment Ihe body is quite up- right, Ike whole slate spies round on Its centre, u on a pivot ostvniB sjDoi Dioarwaax*. Whan the akaler la quite at home la hie a n and 8 a, he ibould begin to Bkals oaokwirds on Ihe outside edge. The bnt mode of learning lo do so Is by culling s 3. then Immediately after lbs twtslthssksler places ihs outside edge of the foot on the Ice si Iho ume Ume lining the other loot This It soon learned, aod is a great hdp to Ihe nut Agure. Bicx axon xou. Any one who can do this Agure properly may count hlmrelf a good akater. It eecma worse than tbe Au't Bridge, for many who csnculdl Iheprecedlng AiUKtbeiailrutiy are yaiqulieuasnl/i to skate tbo Bick Crou Boll. Ihe csnse of failure in this Aaurs Is, that too great an Impetus Is glvsn to the body a( darting. Mow, II may he accepted at a rule In dl figure anting, that Ihe brat listen us the leut force. Indeed, a really good skater nil! con- llnus to eieoute Aiuree for an hoar ai a lime, and nona bnt a practiced eye can tell by what force he Is Impelled. Ia lert, lbs position of ibe held Is Iho ureal secret In all Iheiemuutnvres; Ibe difference ol aa laoh In Its stUrade making Jut the difference between a luge or a smell circle. The 8 Is the akatcr'a treat na- ervolrorpoTer. Weonerer he Aoda hlmaelf In want ol a Little more impetus, he cats a B, and by blaring a'llltle forward at Ihe twist gilns euonnh power tor a very large figure. Ih learning the Dick Cross Boll. Ihe skater need not llart with uy Impetus st all. Let him merely stand still, plocsths lea outside• die well Into the loe. Inn slightly upon inotalda, and ginlly swing Ihs olher loot round, until it hu oro'ted Ihe Iff I fool end Is plsnled with Its ouldle edge on the loe, Iha left fcol la than oroe.eJ be- hind lbs right, sad n will bs found that the mere ewmg ot the foot snd leg Is sufficiently powerful to urge the staler bsokwirds. Tne greatest care ahonld be taken lo avoid loo arret en impetss st slsrling, and In s short Urns thl ekater wld find himself eble to gUJe over the loa in (hla manner wllh per/eel case. There la a ralher nut adaptation of thn Back Crou' BoD. Two akaten ■tend oppoalle eaoh other, snd hold hands. They then beglr to ilacl on tbo Ore is noil, one going backward! and Ihs other for- wudo. Bolh, ol courae, mull krep Ihe most exact time, and i tolerably large piece of loe li required for then to dliplay them- eelves to advsnugt. Tbe perfection ol Ihe Bock Crou Boll is ex- hibited when a akalsr can eat Ihe fig ore 8 on the outelde edge baoiwards, keeping hit kneu ilnlght and bit kinds qnlet BTUtDIiOLB. The heraldic bird from whose contour this figure derive! lit name, Is anything hat frraceful la aspect. Hor doe* Ibe l:s Agnre redeem He ohsrsoltr. But u Ihs sccompUahmenl ot tbo Agure le thought neotuary by most good skaters, we Joel mention It here. In this Ague Ihe two heels are placed nearly clou togelher. or at all evenls in tbe same line, and Ihi akalea Inraed In exactly op- Eoalle directions, so that one ekale goea forwards and the other ■ckwards. the otlltnde lhat Is aiaumed by Ihe akaler while performing this manoeuvre It migbbUr like that of the tpresd eagles on armorial bearlnga. - H. B In this ngnre the kneel of Ihe akater art to be beat it right inglet. The ntud mode ot "spreading the eagle" it lo elate forwards npldly for tomi dlalance, and then suddenly to spring Into position. The Una of direction muit be very accu- rately uken and the weight thrown rather on the back foot, or the ekaler will make a aeriei of awkwird plunges, something Ilk, thou or an ID-balanced kite, inroad of gliding forwards easily and qulelly. If he likeahe may complele a large circle, by allow, log tne toes to come a illile forward, and leaning upon lbs Inside ednes. But If ha wlahsa lo accomplish s great tut and astonish thsnaHvea very ranch, he mar do ao by pruning (he loss sllll further outwards, snd throwing blmtslf apon the Iwo ontilde edges. In this position Ihe clrole will bs Jul ihs reverie of the oihor. lOt WAXTZTJtO. A NIGHT OF TERROR. BT A HEW TOBZ imoUIT. In Ihe autumn or UMt I was Inrallag eastward m a rtosra eosoh .'ran Piltiburgb orer Iks moon bunt aty (allow riitariTi gen were Iwo gentlemen sad a tody. The elder gwauarein'a aa- neamnoB Interenod me esnedlaglr. In yean he e * - airly; lniiraudtaanaarhe wu caJm, diraJQid and peilahati tad hli fealaros wen dogulorly totvileotaai. Be eonrsxsari. f redy on genenl topics, until the road became mora sbropl oaA proctpltooi; balonmydlrecllag kit atttatloa lo Ibi grail eJoL. lade of a preelploo, on the rerrro of vrhloh oar oateh whesti were lelnrolyro!lug,then osmismirked ohinnsver blsoonaav aoBce. lilery filled wllb the light of mild totelbV gsnoe, became wil^, reilleu, and anxious; ihs month twisted anosmodleelly, and Ibo forehead beaded with a cold rarairlrtnnfi With s sharp, oonvnlilve shnddtr, bo lorned his gui rrsn iha> giddy height snd clntohlng my arm lightly wllh bolh haata, ha olnng Is me lias • drowning nan. •'Use this Mint," said the lady, handing me a botUa, wllh taw lastlnctlve goodneM or her sex. Isprluktedatiiileon hla floe, and be loon becaxMI more eompoiad; but It wu nol (111 we had Interred the rapaa* ' tain anl dnoenasd to the ooualry beneath, that his fine fistula* relued from their perturbed look, and aasunudthe pUaldaaUH dlnlty I hod Aral notleed, "* "1 owe an apology to the lady," aildhawtlhablaadamUaaadl i gsnlla tndlnnilon ol the heed to onr lair oomeonloi, "and iasas> explsnstlon to my Mlow rravelsrs alio; and I ooanol better ac- quit myielf of tbe double dobt than by recoanttag Ikt «"t at mj rec eat agllatloTi." • II may pain yonr feelln jt." delirilely urged lb, lady. • On Ihe coatnry, It till rallere ihem," sru the rerpeotrsJ re> hue If neatly done, this it a very prelly flgnro, and of conrH re- ciulrci two tnissne. If thoy osn be lady and gentleman, so muoh tne better; If nil. one mail enact the Isdy u well si booin. The willeeleo Is perfarmed by culling • vory smlll 3, snd, Inslcsd of coming rounS on the inside edte, Anlihlng Ihe twlit on lbs out- side edgo of the olher Ikste. Etttt nop It required, or doom go both panics, IBB QUID BILL B. When four good shslere get togoibtr, thoy tenenlly mtnige a onadllllf. which. If will danced, la about Ihe moelallneUveordl tne Anns. Ooe la appointed leader, and be glvee notice or Ihe tnaofcbuguoratep.Jualtstbeleedsr of a ped ol belli givta oollce ol Ibelr obingee. The Aiorethit la col In the Ice la com- noacd of Ave circlesl one In Ihe centre, and the (lur others nnged crouwlee oo Its oalalds. Booh sister sUuds st tho futlheit ex- Iromllv of ooe of tbe outelde clrelea; sad when Ihs leader gives lbs word, dl slarl at once wllh the 8 etap. They thua tpproam ■ueh other, snd u tbo oenlnl rlrdo forms lie top o( sn 8 coni- mon (o ill, It follows thai sll four elitcri art golrg round Ihla clrclostIhessmetlmo. WhoatheyharegouerooodIhelrclrclra levenlllmet, tbe loador cills lbs neit ehugr. This lime, In- Bleed or sloplrnaklog their «, Ihe skalert cut a 11 "hen they co™elolhocen(reolrcle,indio go round II bitkwards. Next obinn brings thera backwards oo too outeldo edge, done by ran. Idly changing feet aa the I Is formed. Toero are Innumerable ileps It this rory pietty flturs, which is almost aarorlable u a ooiailon,wblchnimawnnld be quite as applicable ss that of a auadrlllo. II la a beautiful alibi io seethedaneersslmullsnrOBi- r> aoMMchlog one point all npldly rollowtog ea>h olher round alffiicSle.wllhooJyarootorlwobelwraB eaoh pirioailhin dlvuglignpou their eevenl trocko, oad again meeting la Iha MnuT^ilhe reeder beUeve one who can tpeik from ixptri. i^TVed ondrnlaad lhat lay imoant ef Ubor and pmmtanca wu^wiStpiatTl !uua<JvnU*U>j*Mn*»toVai»,* am t» perfscUy appraouisllt bmUs*. . rstpoftxilf Baring ilnlfled our Krenl deairei lo hear more, Iha tnratwf iproceed'd: At the tge of aiibtm I was light of heart, light af foot, and, I fur, light of held. A floe properly on the right bank ef Uo Ohio aeknowUdted msu sole owner. 1 wuhasttnug tiotna ts> •njoy It, and datightad to gat free from a eoUaga Ufa. Thai month was Ooloetri thi air waa bracing, and the mods at otav veyince a itage coach Ilka thti, only ason ntmhtona. Ths " pusengrrs were row—bat Ihree In an—an old, grey headed H ot Lr>ulatana,hladiugbter, aioyoui, btwluolag creature rerealeen, sad hli son about ten yean of age.'Tbey wan Jaat retnntag from rrnnce, of which Ihe rout lady diaoSortsd at terms to elrqaent u to absorb my enlire aftenlfoa. The father wu ladtura, but the daughter oral vtvioloubTna- ture | and wa anon bacime so moraally pleased wllh eachotwsr. thiaa a talker, I it • llatooar, thst II wu not until a sudden Axakt of Habtnlng, sad a toarrdwh of nla against the ouch wfalowi, d'cliedanobumUonfrommyoharmlng oompenleo lhat Tnc- Hoed how nlfrbt pes ud on. Freeenlly there wu a low rumbttsol toand.tod uenaereid tremudona pea'tof Ihoader, sswoan- panlsd by auceeetlvs fliahu of llghtnlag, The rala fnaiiaiiltfl lo torrsnu, snd bo Mgry wind began to howl and moan by taaaa through the forest trees I looked from Ike window of our reside. The night art, oaffe uehony. ballhellghmlnBmededlbadangoofoarroeiL Wa wan on ths edre ot i trlghlfal precipice. I could aae> itlnwtr vale, huge Juttrog rocks far away down on Ihs sides, and thai alaht made me sollollous lor the file of mr fair eompanloa. I thought erf tbe mere asor-brradlba thai were between at Bad ahar* nlly: a alagls little rock In Ihe track of our oooch whaslo, a ttmw billet of wood, a itny brsneb of s ttmpwl torn trie, a tat horse, ox a osrelsta driver—any or Ibeu might knrl at from aubluniry iitttenoo wllh Iba iperd ortkonght •"Tit a perfect tempcit" aald the lady, at I withdrew my head, from Ihe window. "How I love t luddenitarm. Tb^nuaataa* thing so grand among the winda when filrly loooe among thai hills. I nsrer encounter a night Uke this bat Byron't ""r"- centdescrlptimiorathnndorstormtrilbs Jura ImsudlAlaiT ta> oura to my mind. Butirtwtonihemonalilatyitt" "Vee. we have henna Ibaatctjnt" ••la llnotialA lo be daniwroaat" "By no meant," 1 replied, la u easy a lone u I oratl aawBas*, "I only with It wu dayUgbt thai ws might enjoy the moajn. Ulnicenery. Bnt htavansl whu's thtt f' And sha.oorarad her eyas from the glue of a sheet c*l!ghlxd>aT Ihatlllnmlnated the roawed meoaralna wllh brilliant Imtaalfrs. Peal after pulof onahlag thnader Intimity Buoeededi thjersi wu a rolame of - rein coming down at each ihondirbutli and ' with ths deep moaning of sn animal, as If In dreidfal etrttty. dsadhafi UfOT "'*"*' 1 found that the ooaoh had coraaaa a> Louise, my heanltful fellow traveler, became pde u aohea, Batj fltod hersaarcbltg ayu on man wllh a lock of uxjoudrwat, and taming to her iithsr, hurriedly tsmirkia, "We am as tloa mounldnsl" "I reckon to," waa thi uooonceniad reply. With Ins tint activity I pot my brad! oallrd to Ihe drlvrr; but the only antwer wu Ihe heavy inliu ing o! an igooloed enlmsl borne put me by the BWIft wings af the tsmpesL 1 eaiz-d Ihs bindls of ths door aod strained tl It In vein; It would nol yield a lot A( that loilant I felt a oofd bind en mine, end hetrd Louise's voice faintly arrjcolitlng In my ear, Ihe appdlmg words, "At eooxA fa being mcwd oacJhvonf /" Bearenal nevereodl I forgtt the fierce agony wllh whisht tugged at that coach door, ud called on the d-lvcx In toata lhat rlvalltd Ihe lorca of Ibe blut while Ibe dreadful conviction waa burning In my oriln thtt the enact tsai Brian nosed llovly taatV- uardf Whit followed was of ruoh twin Mcurrene* that It itemt la ms like a frlghltnl dream. I rnahed agaloal the door wllb all my tores, but It mocked tar utmosterforbs. Oneildeor ourreblola wu asea'blygolagdawB- ' dowo. The moanltg of the sgonlxed animal became deeper aaa deoncr; and I hoes from the deapsnte plasgu igalaak aaa tracea, that il was one uf our noma. Orash opon orala of b-srso thunder rolled orer ihe mountain, and vivid iheelaet lightning PlsysJ around our dovoled carriage, u If in glee at onr mfsory. By lis Ifgbl I could lie for s moment-only lor a sxe- mnnt—Ibe old pUnter alsndlag erect wllh hit hiod on hla aaa and danghtsr, hit eyn ntsed tahiiran, and hit llpt morfaar like thou or one In prayer. I could soe Louisa tarn her asbr eattka and snperb eyn iowatdi na, si ir loplorlog mr proleolfon; aad I eonld bsb Ihe bold glance of the young boy flotblng udlgaaat defiance at the deecendlng carrlsgp, the war or elements, and lb* swlul danger that awaited him. Ihera wu l roll of Ibusder, a dtapenle plunge, u If ol in animal la lbs list threet of dtaao> halloo, a hareb, grating Jir. a sharp, plerdng tcnim of motttl terror, and I had bul lime to clup loolie flimly wllh oat atad mod the wdst tad leiie theletlhsr natenmgt attached la Ih* coach roof with tho other, when we wen precipitated over thai predplc*. • I an dltlinctly rcosTlcet preserving conselocjram for a fW aecoade of Ume, hew npldly my bresih waa bting elbaaaUd; but of that tnmeadoua dtacent I eoon lost dl farther tadlruasi knowledge by i contuatlou ao rlolinl that I wu initanuy dov ptlrad ot sense and motloo. Itwiionalowoouob l lnanhTimblero«m,at timall country boaae, I nerlopeaed ray eyea la this world or light ltd shade, of Joy and sorrow, of mlriiiaad madae w t gaallshsods imootaM my pillow, gentle fMlglided arrou my chimber, sod a gaada voice hashed lor a while all my qnuilonings. I wu kindly leaded by a fair young girl about alsiseo, who re need for Mrsrol data to bold any conranillon wllh me. At lanith, ont morolnf, flscV ing mysslf snfllolen'lr recorared lotft up, I fndslod oo leunm( the retail ef tbe ico'drnh "Ton wen disoorercd,'' slid ahe, "xHHeg on t ledge or rock, amlds! the brushes of s sbitrered tree, oHogtng to a put of tka roof of your broken coach with ono hand, and to Ihs tnseastbk, ' form o( a lady wllh the olher. » "And ihe lidrf" I gaiped, scanning tbe strl't floe with fan; earneslnonthstoanirdherto dnwhsckud bluth. "8bowesuTed,rir,bythe same aeus that Mred ywa—tat) friendly tree," "And berfalhirandbrolkerl" I demanded, "Were both found oiaibed to pieces at the bottom of Iba ftt> ciplce, e groet war bolow the place where my father sad UaoJa Joigol joaindthebidr. We boiled their bodlet lnonagrare, dou by the clover patch down In our meadow ground." "Poor Louise I Poor orphan I Eoaven pity yoa I" I mattered. In broken tones, a'lsrly unoonsoloui thai I had a llttmer. -Heaven ally her, Indeed, air," aald Iho girl, with a guah af heorlfell eympelby. "Would yon like to tee hart" ahe added. •Tike me lo htr," I replied. I teond thn orphan bathed In lean by Ihe grave of her buried klndnd. Bhe received me with eorrowrol iweetueti of manner. I will will nol deldn yasi attention bj detailing ihe efforts I ' made to win her irom ber great grief, but briefly tcgulnt yaw. Ibal I at last succeeded In inducing her lo lure her forearm home In IheBoulh; aad that twelve month! slier thl dreadful ocoumnce which 1 hare related we Blood at Ihe slur Iotatbsrsa man and wife, she aim Urea lo bleu my loro with her tmllaa, and my children wllh her good procepla; buloo the enoltertarr oi that terrible light the secludes btnolf la her room, and da* rotes ths houn of oarkoeu to prayer. "As for mo," sdded Ihe traveler, while a felit flub lloged hla noble brow it Ihe avowal—"is for mi, lhat aeoldsnt hit mode a ptyslcal coward of me ol tbe sight of a moaololn predploe " "Bul Ihe driler?" urged onr lady panenger, who hid tW. tended lo the rectal of tbe elory wiibmoohtllenUon; "whakba* came ol Ibe driver I or did ion ever turn Ihe reason of his da* Mrtlng bis posit" "Oil body wu found on Ihe road within a fowyirflt of Uvkr •pot where the coach west over, lie hid been ilrack dead by: Ihe ume flub ol llahlolsg that blinded the roillre hone." The txmlir here rill Into a musing ittllada, u If fultaatab. lotion lo tbe tahJeH would be nnplutlng to him, Bhortly tJhtr thli wi niched the rellntd iltuoa wheta I parted wlttk raj) feilow-psaaengu wllh fullngs ol Broronnd oeteam. Bom people ore oeror ooslested. Aftar htrlng aa thilf lltoM' brokeo, their beidi anuhtd, and Ihtlr bralat knocked put Ihit will aopully go lo Uw, ud try to get tulhtr daaufu,