New York Clipper (Nov 1865)

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TffB ISTET^r YOEK CLIPPER. ^^ym»jd(ma cm V^wttn* „ deotltll teltbUdt ~ flat tk* two el g'nea Ukb eome hi _ _ eoa^weJTStlmaleJy cut, i_ Ifiaty-ornywnuM beto emploV • iHMM tuners of lbs two btckt f mSimounj pnlanxe." -ft*"""- 8ATUBDAY, NO "woTi6ii^7 TolibMribw* and'ilknrtMn. to fh*jtu£ eerroijjs*a^» at fori Hem en tbwvtrubjects, I lo-ita Hew Ton ej&rnm. 'J r ^ T „ ■ ,.10 ocxo* I HbAOtfOOD war unuxa>.9£ .10 I~ " fart month1110 ......7 '• • " 6rrSrnontb*.i 38 i at men, * deduction of 80 cemts wfll to lmi kabtcrlAon. Sobecrfbere In Canada sod tie ————nri MinT * ****r tinnTTtf | Mjili| | < " '-'■ ■ b cents par Use for etchudernrrtattr- sWwhcn polo for three or tlx month* Id ~ roi each week. Oamnasl- j attention In XaQadtrof a-dumtdi it for I l^tu.Thduia ,_jsass&°W r.-^eeitttant Mostly; xbrmerliTof OnMa* yLltj/iegt; ■ _ Cleielud, o.—Fire d alien for tint attornum eicb. ■KrtiauM.' tootabj.- Con fjur Al*x .TjOupe, J. WnJos,' Advance. . , a^Aa'WMhlsglOD.-Totir opponent"* o*ttdtdll..*^*(.a» baa no right to tun the'etrd tad deelsre U tramp.', CginatSMiBti,-XvgfHM,a»o.-l<ii ttntti * down'! b»l of Banala," 88 Bowery.' i, t H./Porgrt.-ftr» Temolf, lh* csUbrsttd ful troltto* . OiDttlufcttoilKuk-Woooootget opttulonjir., ! /ra r 04loE&.Y£FOTthr*moiilliiJ» »flnncA 81180, '^OQL-.*lirYl«»*l*tf»H«4M110Dlll»«ih. - ,, IcnBoi-Wrllt b/ 0?l?.>0aBwtMD«, Tex**.- W. P.?B, C, EMUdrtphta- ,,-— C. Awjrff'^Btrct--9<otSwir*llW ; Editor ud Pronwor. . ' S| Borneo (Met, Di Nexj'York.' : Wo. OpTrt'©Bi>pn<leiits. .Woodstock, (V V.—''Is a e^nr-hinded i _ltd\U*tarb>tx Ihsl oo trusting to p . rent b*D; B,oao ctlth* opponents, wdpropritiora .. _. imrhudcd gnu m ■to .hj*. partner Ihel oo vuiotog to pl«y with ^-*- -odpropriiioraf Ibo _ _ euteer.nd bsltast moOT<l5i"itTf«rsVit» bed no right lo ten. AuokUutwL mM A toZiidnteJj appealed lo theiwlet banting to lb* halliard nom. ihleSaltw a muto tell his osrtaer Ifbo I* goloa lo pli/ vltktkowroiiaua IMtouo tfoonlo of too room tuglsg «b WBkb<»;uB«iIid4o. to itttlo dltpalM.trtelisilxrat tto »L^ Tv7tKmr.Do. tno jnleoto»g opto «tUlUnirroom ■orSrn set* vliea loo rSa iro »ppetko tor Or woo wlsa uo ■bon b(tr'~<"'Io oU guioi ll lo nccwniT to atro Owall dlttVia^odoaf Uw*,<ooliioiTo«htebu.propir. rTasnmch ■n m cxfaloBOOi to«7 oboold goran ftU dlfpatc*. ud vboo not, ttvfteifjfopfoioomarjocilllroretbo oeilbeit, tDdobonld %ooMdid»#>- Inttl»e«»r > tborolMOXUioroem,»od tsoUwIn } k h«]in'o-baak,-tb4 fuUiorLrj iq Ihlo ooontry. oJoo-Ibo Amotfnn Hn)B,(rfjpooB<<isoaeo; ooaKqoenUr> It U ploln tint A won M»fk^'.t.-. «.-.».. . «■ ■ ^ Jii. QniTD, Cokodabk, PtiUidrlphli.—"A brt B Ihti he (A) ' Woald ntmo • eudldtU os too BVpobnou drr ticket Ibtt woold Am a'brtn mkjartt? IbJO nrmtn B woald Otmo on ,lho tamo tiobnfci- nomcd W. Juan, for' SMtrlct Attomer, tad B auncd Jotepb Liodill, for Croibonotur I Comptroller f). JMw.lhto*potal»ltu«^oMphI|nd»lir«c«lredlbooi04t roteo ^VmwnuJftrUTOTer^feU opponent wu e© Toko more tban Zoiiiiirww**oiabJ* |LTBdiU'>)opponent Wbowutt'*...... Ao uewigerwoi nadoon tcooiajonfyeeeli mtnwoold btyo, •fid oil onuo teltl rate, A wtno; lunn biting elirgtr majority ^aa LyidoUf whovaaBamedbf B. BoiSfraa, Botlooi afaaf.—1. .According to Ibo Curratlme ass . Wo bare no knowledge or Ibo abore barlag bean tnj'IH*' laWathme for 100ma«a la elgbtboart. tBtnln., M ceca.,' tr/Cnooeror, hi karneaa. 7. Thirty atllea la two boura Aa pretty tahV bm W«o mtaniirtmarxablo. f nnjr BuLWii, Detroit—The coidodon cn our abteot rall- vaya dq potnee.tbe kind of pucbea, joo foier to. Tbeydoon tto ttcam'cBra tbjogb. loaeangetaponcbUkeufjiiaaatany «*nadlog aTore" for a doDir.' Whukey putbea are aaad by oar street railway coadnctcra lo igniter loot, which they get at from ten oaala to a qnartor each; and aometlmco a pnacb in Ibo moot J. IV, BtlUotorr.—1. Tbf y are m so way relatrd. 2. We ere Dot adrlwlof Mr. Sooth'srstnro m oTenx n te.'. S. Utbe maaagrr strreau«n'last prfnlsje,of eonrselbey ecnplayat any other theatre daring ae ran ef a-piece la whleb theymey not be saedad attBOrbwn theatre, i Ibe lady wffl pnoably play la nHnrcity. , ■ Oimnto's tor, Baltlaore,—1. kiaagls kUlchell and LoolBe ^tattra will play as aailgemtnt la Bilmnata dnting tbo pnacnt naaiiii. lmt an iinnnt iit wh^rr Tulln ktelnlia and Helen ■ 17tali rn Ml a ML, % apt baTUg area the two gentlemen for »laBgUn^,we(«nnottAJ1fBiai«Uieliaittrot(L. . P. a CU IkUaa aUhla,—II a bait solan far a nee for Ike ehan> tdonihJptin' hnclasa. and her compeattsn back out or do not * djuiec' «o>:enafi anstay aa tatday. of. auid»ntle»tepttD'U>ar»<»,ihela«kw-~ jki(, 1he,in£f1BwtT« right In IhclTanrd ^mi^ Iniladelpbu.—1. Tbrea fooraand a tnylnkand* , wrllb a entn Inrned np ca the peer, count fourteen in crlbbagi, wis., eight by nneenaaBoTalx forpairioyaL 3. "btnOoBngh*, 'aa ea filin eosnoaltloo, aid Alderman Ternaa, of Brooklyn, Is thartpcKdsnniar. 8nna>, 'SardaLbnrn. F. J.—lie wicket keeper mast ken no wan of hli nmoBtn Irani of Ike wicket when Ike bttemtnla ■boat to aunta. If be budlea Ike ball before 11 nachea the vttket tke balaman would not he ont, eten though ho were ■lamped,, < • « Oorrtisr T""*. CklcMO.—1. Boaaaswo.w.'^owlaUrn'f la katwMk'pCunaa, Theorasula offered for tale m an adnr> •laeauat'ia tkla wnk'a Cum. X Partite hanaldlflarent ttmei adTrrlktd la the Clam to wrila ipeochea aid ecmgi for m'TW**"'"'" • ■ • ■ ■ X. X—H If yt™ !*tra a cote al tmr office tor the party aDsded ts. we wlBldTertfM Ufcr ion. X *ken Is noparuenlarway of kegmnlsg-aaeka work) yoor own lace* wla probably be Ike beat Jatneknmtten. . ■. Joeira'd«ri<bJwn.—I, Adah la of French end Amerloan Kent*, bntof JewUblillgloD. 2. Wasaiarn>ttoB,H.l)aweD,. ter kniwa'u' Orpheoaa Kerr. S. ktn. D.,r. Boweis wet ksrn Mircji V> 1W. end la the wife Of* Mr, Brewn. <hucxaxw*,' Bnoklys.-As deeorlbed by Ike BogHak aporUng waprTe, we aiaof the opinion that the kind of bowling adopted Ef flracoto- getiopp oulwunnlalr. AtaQ iTfentjIt warui>- mtaji, acd.anilti'ng sot naaly Is not erlckok . Coaarin Biann.—Ton might aa well attempt toahmnp'a ■teeitd poll) with a ponBd of bolter la each bind ea eipecf to play the line of wtBttg gtalltmn> on the atage.nerer haying bad any prtTlooa stage eaptrleace.' 3. afcK.,'WrthlitWn'.-L The KeWBewery was opened Sept, flLJOM. ?. John Bnoakam'slaat engagement tithe Bowery was la Jaotury^EOT. We Milne neappeand once amoe Ikes for a ' BaoT/iAddiawia at Wood's Theatre, obuumao, when the •eaion comnxeced, hot we cannot locale ker Joat at present. Sestonlabtrbeme. 3. v., Ctoe)in»tL-Una's time, according to BetTi Mft, wta 1 anto, i atctfubs Sprttit life gan li t mis. 8 em The matok wns rnn at Hewmuket, not London. . «. F. k»i" Tut Borlou.'—We nabUabad In tbo Oum an anlhorlaid chulente turn the Ward crew to the, at John's crew lanwtmat^bw. '■,.. . <niJTOa,'Pllnabeo»*—Johnny I^ndonor Jlauny HamlDof wordlywUl.tell TomnniattieitlaiumTerretoemt^rea«irek Itrni r na to derate time lo.- I», Palatlpe.-ytn win both beta; the i rty sen saw It h bad trotted In nparied In'tke (inn that a hotae la kllekl *03l and It nerir was done, A. B. al.'PhJIaielphla.—1. Battle Orion, Josls Oilen'a slater, tawlthJ. 0, Viera' ttarellog la the Weal. Far s cb< mbeafa' ate our drunatio aunmary each week. W.B. 6\-l.'Biggie will nrobebly playtt Klhlo'a before the attaint lifin ninm '1 Tilt f "ff"'—* a* a etaralnca waaeeaaenef UH-a ■ CaowK.Bs'.tttnore^-We cannot Inform rca wkatnabkrttclr* •rewciib. Mr. Parnnm laontof tke euy atprerent. IT yon write htm a'lftlerba might, probtbly,btiy ihaau " • J.1LB., OiTtlend.—Allbongb we bare no mesne of gelHpg at wheeutl tgonr, jelonr Imprtnldn la IkattttatprMenltune fta oJrcnlallOD of the lterold fit the largtat. Aans*.iUihrllU—WehAionotnicdyanreemmanleatton, a* wreaKoyo nainelbailikt locntVewtfor "motlltta"—aayon . aalllt—onr corrupoKltnce then we deem it neceaury. A. B.T.-iVo^ohtd pnfrrnet tobe the nedhun of the "con. edrntlil" ccmtMinlcallou ]on icier te. We suae no charge for «dTtrt]tu.ltftttf- ' . AauTiOT,-kUrtogo, Ilk-We euuot leack yot "now to iwilow • swards" wA«rpi»il>oine oasteeh, larkay, kaab, eta, but we atopattbeewoxd.)i„..u Urn loa ■»i«rr,»t«*nosi* l -«W tkatoilltaretsaot a*M» fa the propcr ntmt el lie puce- "All li not Gold that auuera" lanotooirKt, ••• T^wBrjtai..KathTlU', TenD.—II la a men catch, ud tnloat *^!t^?ft^h$M?t«■">• pociet.thi^ting'udono IryjcmroppWqtaS.anotbjyoll., B, Foan.—Toa mntt baT* lergottonlhal wen to preea on Mendar.onwblehday yanc letterwu written; otoenraelteame AeoUtolobdotum, ., :• aT. *. v„ IMng kamptm.-l.. Tod cennot jaaUe when year kin* aalncheck. 1 cdwin'Vorrott and Edwin Booth ere not one sad ttie lime; tbtj art moo wlee related. , W. H. B -We cannot glte yon Uw'.dale ta this lamai win deevortojlteUlnottrnut.. goii'i Obttlaneoja—There are no sneh Ihlngtnted. Bun. ■lag shore ae generally Ughiy mado leotd boots. ' a. H B., eenlh Wijmonlh^rtora Temple's fjatetttimeoa wk»reaklonOcnrtt l L,l..waa>MK. ' '"' " ' ' Tauaats rTriliT, Baltimore.—Tern can can on wj tea yon taluk sn^ar, bnt It ^ on an tea. j t, p., BajilaisHb—Aa eoon aa we oia learn tbewlertahont* •I a. F. btonft) otmtdUB. we wlU lafum joo by taller, ATHLwno, pHUAdilphlo —ThiUdj u married lo JemiB Berne. a.k-r»j.OraB». V' r ' n "> I. L. 0 . RailiTtlle.—w* do not know where Emllb ft Weirtm'* natal Uinoliitoiy, oi •fflM" loeated. Fniim.—The ,m*a ■siatrn'*'' b" 1 t^* to Uierpod la tke Venla'a, 9 oi)t| llionAJ 0 mlnalea. E. W„ Bofri1o.u.tT*f)niy kaotr of the OheUaakam tT<rird,'bat ^tonotgtrtllieedlVir'tnaia*,' " J. V., UemptlA-y« tri njtffB tbM BuUttra. DEATH OF LORD PALMERSTON. On by one the leading men .Uw nut generatoi are going to their laatlong home, thelael«»(h^;ftrtltngnl*«5 btligJUJWhl) bore the ebon title, and who, though daring hie whole lift long be kittled tattemttianjotjttrsaie a d and (4 train, bit at length sneenmbed (o Ibe greet democraao deUb. To sty that hie death Is regretted generally, ,toJaiUahma,t« tree; to^a«};,lbAt.b*»»«Jlia^. eratly ntmrned'It not trot, and hie namewOI toon ptu away trtm the memrry of nun. And why ? Becanae be t» all head and na heart. He waa the nelly pollUdan and not t trno, warm heartod lUtermin. Bla creed wu to cater for the privileged few tt the eipenae of the needy many. Hance kls pandering to 'iABla Nipolcw, and bis opinion to Ibo United Staloa Bopnb- Iro; aisYtS an that tended toelenlehla own ooanlrymen onletj" wltenit wu hlapoUrjF to gradgtngly throw tkem a bone IramJ rich nan's table. But we torn from poUtlos lo a qneeUj more mlereat lo Cum readan, to speak of ) Loan PALirosnw aa a aroBTenui. Lord Paimoraton ww e eporfaman from hit cradle, anf whether snooting the corerte of Broadlanda. following the Banter or Mew Font; honnda, or mining at the Derby, be Innrlajfy ddplayed the earne eager teat of enjoyment. Of the Dubjf ne wu ea. peelaWfond, andontlllaat ;ar be InnrUbly gudeenolatof riding to Epiom aod back to aee It ran for, ud Mr sD of whom be wu recognised he wie warmly cheered. Homrible memhero will not fill to recollect wllh what phunre n roee to propoae the adionrnment of tbeEooae of Commonemilhe Derby Day, and bla application ef the term of •qelhmjjkn Dunes" to the Spaom Bacea hu become e atereetyped phrala wllh tort repor- teis. Bit hooting career extended lo the cennHncement of Itat aeaeorA when ha ahowed wllh the Hnraley nany of 'The Young Bchoor'the way they abonldao. Hie nctijg ttnd, alnoehe re- mored It from Dsnebory to Llttltlon, wu nmch rednced, and Baldwin, with whom Fordban won Ihk Wlltahln Slakea at Ballahoiy, waalhe lait bene he ran, aapongb he had a colt called Alger engaged In the neat Derby, phe datliB of Mb high office only enabling him to go to Epasnvand Aicot, he jet took great Interest la the running ol bla animal*, end hie trainer had to write lo him the aune erenlng after efch race to tell him bow they no. >' Aa la well known, old John Day wu aaV Immense fivrorll* with bla lordiblp, u he wu with nam ben of other noblemen, ud wu, In ehoit, a privileged character, Who could say uythlnr to anybody. Wanting to aee hie lord this abont en ippotntmen of a aoa whom he had broogbt np to the: medical p^eatloii, be called m Carlton House Terrace, ud waa told Lord Pahnereton had gone down to the Honae of Commou, There John forth- with proceeded, and found hi* way InloHh* corridor, and wu proceeding to pau the door when he was itopped by a pollr' man. who asked him what be wanted. To able Inquiry be i pllea, "I went to tee Lord Felmerelon, end I em John DeyT, The nobcemen refused bun admittance, and told bin Lord Fat- mamon could not be dlatorbed. lhlapsV , John"out terribly, ud he .wu the men annoyed becanae he had got e crowd or people arooad him. Bowerer, hie pelltnctwunot long tried, u the present Lord Strafford (then Lord Enneldh passing by, took compasalon on him. and laid be would .Joe what he amid do far bun, and paaemg bun through an loner door, to the great saronlahment of the policeman, letnrned. to 'him ahojrtrr, ud said Lord Pabnerston would come to mm In .a few inmate*. That he sooordlngly did, to "John'a" great dcBght: and, after ehaklng handa with him moat kindly, uaed him what he had come tosuhbnmr. " Lord, 1 bare got a eon J bare brought np u a doctor, ud he wute an appointment to a poor lew union In Heroordthlre; Ihanbsdblm 'tried rery hlgo,' end hebu won bis trial Terr eaay, ud I am lure yon will giro It te htm." ~<To be tore, John," eoawered the klnd-htarua Premier, who then entered Into adlicueelon on ueDerby.Uiat promised to bo of aaeh duration that "John" thought It time to giro him a hint, to the effect he wu afraid be wu detaining him, u he knew he (LordFtlmaratba) had plenty lo do. Bis lordship then shock him again by the hajd^ t^ | tiiat.aa ha ttmensV«colk^rac<a4ca°trottagarerlT- stin farter tlm^ atraral ;eitra4rabnrt performance* in'.ly taken plaoa. On< of tto latestU)k* mil** wlthu one hoar, which wt* eooom- , _^^cntk*Uatolt,bytkahbn«aar^ en,' jltf twenty ajpe* bring trotted In mtyelghlmjnnusud twnsty-ICra eeOcoae, which I* the faileat trme on .'record at thatdlalnoe, A^apart ef the perrornunce will be found Into. otker onrsmn. Oeiitob— The seasoa for tummeroat-oMoor sports Is abont eloaug,|aad the clerk of the weather Is abont to ring np Ike cur- tain fat a change of scene. Base ball, cricket, man and hone racing, itch ting, boating, and other e porta of a kindred character will toon giro plane to billiard a, bag- atelle,'' the Tart one games st cards, ud dancing for In- doors, and skating, sleighing, "shinny," curling ud amnarnnonte of that uk for ontof doorr, while our theatres and concert rooms may And their andlterlom* mere crowded than enr. The sum- mer sporting seal on, oanildirlnglhitwe hare only Joat seen the cloae of a probacted ud bloody war, and other adverse elroum- itancce, hie been * Terjproaperons one, ud the mentgen of Ike ae me hare found that the American irabUd en liberal In the extreme, ud pay well; yes, better than {hose of any other country en the earlh'e surface for umuemula of a proper character. Nor wQl those who ester tcr them In ln^doer enler- tatnmenle and them lea generous, and we make bold topredlot that anch* lhealrlcal,haO,ar canoertseasonu la now being Intngnnted, will not bare been eurpaBied'ln brllllucy or pecMnlery toward. Take it altogttber, therefore, wo meyeafely oongrttnlatA. caterere lor the pnbUe ln amniemeat* on the set*: of. tke put end the prospect far the future, If tednl- guee la Tecrealion be, u la olten alltged, a algn of proiperlly, then truly hare tho people of these United Blatee of America orery reason to "rejotoe'and be glad." Tarn SfAmro Cuioit or 164t-t.—Already lbs note of prepara- tion for lbs lBsngurallnn of the great whaler eportof the North- ern dltleei Is heard; ud we ban no doubt that the/ume far the Inrigarstlng tporl of iksllng wul be aa great tbla coming winter as It wulaatyear. : Ons great element of attraction allached to skating (s ue patronage bealowed an tho snort by the fslr sex. The la dies ban become ao acooatomed to the anjormon^a of our Well-ordered staling pond*, that they look forward lotkespprosoh of the winter wllh fond antlHpattrtna of aresnnrptkinof thegiy and festive limn (key ban enjoyed at carnivals and other appro, prlate entartalnmrat* whlob mark Ibe akalleg eeason each year- When ths lsdlcago the men will loUow. The Oenlral Park this winter wlQ present altD greater ficfUUet for the enjoyment of aktrtsg than ever before) bealdes whleb,'eevoral new. enolcend ponds are!bcdag prepared for Iba atpeeted winter carnival on tke Ice. :The Union Pond, Wllllamaburg; Oapltollne, Bedfard; Weihlngtou Ponds, South Brooktyni Sylvan Lake, Hobokin; Like Lincoln, Serf en EeJgbta; Greenwood LlkA, Stalen Irknd; etc.. wlD be nowdid thla letaoD, etpeetslly by the ladles, who sn eager for tho nnt appearance ot Jack Iroal. A BiBAnmrj 0t*O Bmj»— Ula,,with great pleasure that ws mike Ibe 'simoniicementtbet ths fsmont ocean iteamere, the Algonquin snd Wtnooekl, about which and their respective mortis te much has been said and written, are no longer to be oonnoed to their fatUeefforlelatoteOothem farther down 1 atreem, and to act ispcwerfoliecoudj w Fernsndj'slnfamouJ propoeiUon far Bsw York lo teced* from Hsw Tors, balm lo bin * regular ooaan race ea icon aa the enjlnea oi Ihs Algonqaln oeo be put In order. Tula Is eeoslblA, and we ahaH'eoon know'which la Ine superior end for me purposes for which Ihey were bnllt Ibe method hltherlo adopted has been tbnrd, tbont utldlcnlont et eonptl ng t pair of big .flak to a city bono car, or a pair of fiat troltera to the BuborPoUce boat, Just to aee bow they would go. Had thsy tUUbotn kept tngflng el our docks It Is s question whether Gotham would not lmnknocked Stalen bland oldar ont' of water by this time, and the spot thai knew that olaaaio ground, Ooay ItUad, would 'en this ban known it no longer. • In Loon.—John klltokeD, who sn vtlUnlly proc'almed that he weald not accept a pardon ahould one .be offtfod bltp, baa bain released from Imprisonment, end Is free to engage m other rebellions, .The pardon wu not rejeoted) In faot, Ur. klllchell wu ralher dallgbted when told Inst be wu tree. It eppoua that John'a release wu effected through, the Inlerceatlen of a targebodyofoursdoptedfellowoiUaoa*. 8qib being the case, we tee no reason why the PieelJenl ebould not be ecjutlly lenient ,nith Jeff.Davla,utlerge number of our ta/joe fellow clllaena hire petlilnnM for tti raleue. We tee no duTauot In tho lots of Ihtse two nun, ettept that Jeff, wu Don open In whit he did than lbs olhot man. By all meant, now that pardon* uo all the nge, let Dtylt be released. "Sn JiArn'a Twin," t novel by the Impretafble ud myt< ttrle'iu kfist Bnddoa.ku joet beta Israel by Slek ft Flugartld, of 18 Ibd llrtMi if (««lt Is tke iriee. Ml" TA0TI08II BASE BALL. It) "flaava". A Oian. i*t nsiaioa or onuia a oatra or,Bau,. Win, the Fctford Omb, of Brooklyn, played In the ktatoal*, of Boboken", the rerult be- kVikfords. In oar nnort of theAnatck wi —I tke truth of certain ontrgu made agarnat oatoher of the Mutual. Olub—ol ••aalliiig» or i,as Ilia lechnlcaJly termed. Inenalyatngthe ahowel toil Dnffr, the 3d base phwer, ud aa well aa ktcMshon—who took Wsnslty's Innings bad been nkirtd—wsr* nearly ecjoellv Itley far error* In fielding iVlaf tc L _ tobbuna with Waftley far errorVln nelJlng, In theehipe oi wltd tknwssndptstMba&a. Singularly erooogb, ue correctness of analrds nap gam borne out nearly to the very letter, u wul jeen from tbaannexed documenle, the result of sn tnvetUge- tum which hae been msde by Ibe klutual Club In regard to the truth oflkttlletedenamsagalnitWuiley. Ioonrrepsrtweitttedthat "HcMahcm went hshind in Wsneley's |lsce lo the Alh innings," ud fat erren he was charged wllh. Id wild throws ud peisoi ballSj wen conuuMted after tho game had been, to all Intenlo and ehw*W|IWMlba throws welch wen ohsrged to hlm afere raMblntoT>uliy. Bat wlibont further comment rt "proceed toglnetuntadnBtblttccointol Ihepraxedlnge of ibefcfn- rnal Otub onCkt matter of inveatlgatlns; the ebergei ol selling ths game read* anlnst Wusley. Ihe preliminary step In the met- tervaa pte atartng of a copy of tbo rhirtea preferred oo Wins- ley,fMfedtBjtttoquestion beiDgufollews:— ■.j*^BSttn rrr Tiringtaraayfirr Ate meetm|^>TTJia aJaraslBiaa Ballttntr.'beld st Ihe rooms st noboken Immediately .tfrer Ihe milak'between the tald dib ud the Eckford OlnO, certain charges were tbu eod then made egeluetone Hffllam Wanaley, catcher of the sstd ktatual Club, of Inattention h aild game, and that such Inattention wee npon tba part pi Ihe aaid Wuilam Wualey. wilful ud deilguedly, wllh the vlssrof eanalog the eald Ickroid Crab to defeat Ihe said Mutual lb In the said match; ud It was farther chaeted. end bellevod, l the aid William Wanilev was paid, ud did receive from certain parties at the present time noinointotbs said kfutoal Clnb, e certain coneiderallon for hla acta In betnn: a party to aid ud asalat In the defeat or the aald Biatrial Clnb; ud et each meeting, here In before mentioned, eooromlltee ot eevenmembere oflheaaldklatnalOlabwuby euch meetllg doly eppolnledto lavtstlgsls ud aeceitala If anch charges ataJast the said William Wanaley ware true, ud could be tahsrinnally pnvsn; there- fore, the aald William Wanaley it hereby notified, tad made ac- quainted of inch obauea being preferred against kimi and If Sroven, be the said Wuilam Wtnaiey trDI be by eettan of the ssid lutual dob eipelled/'therefrom, and be it therston for the purpose of reepouolngand ana waring te the said afomnenUoned charges, lo speesr'beaaw the eatd commftiee ud vindicate Um- eelf from ench iapwistlan and charges, ud thai If ths said William Wualey doe* not appear before the tald committee on the evening of Friday, the Win mil., at 8 P. kf., at Ihe flmdy, 307 BodsoD aireat,ike eald committee will take inch ecbon at such chutes wtD warrant, them, end that Ihe aald WOUam Wusley vrlll bt ttcntdlnjty eipelled. ' Bratow Bone, Ohalrman, 1 Wat C Oovxa, decretery, I '* . Hewer BrnFf, I i\ ..' 'V ■ AanaawBouarj, >00mmHtee, v. Joan Basin; ' I' ar i¥.T.t.w Wjaa,' 'I B B.Taaar. J JOHN WILDES, Preeddenl of the Crab. Waiuit B. Doroaii, Secretary of the aub. The above document having been doly placed In the bands of the scented, t committee of InvesttseUaa was appointed, and through the urjrtmlttlog exerlloni of. the President oi the clnb, Coroner Wilder, ud the chairmen of the ceamlUre, Mr. Buraw, together with the able sutetsnce sffnrdad by others ol tke com- mlttee,the whole plot wu Isld bire. end the charge a gal rut Wanaley not only rally eilebllahed, builhiffy and Davyi't cjrlml- nal cconpllctty in the mailer wu aleo proved. The following le the report of Ihe committee of lnvettigatlon: anoar or tub c u t uuiiaa . We, Ihesndeialgned committee, appointed lo Investigate the chargee preferred against Wm. Wsusley end others. In ttferenze to the match between We afatoal a-.d Eckford Crobr, on Sept. 38mJ8M,eBer sbrlot and diligent Inquiry into thla msUer, find that Wm.Wanaley, ealcher, MdEDnn>,»doaa»,andTbcs. Dsvyt, s. a, received from t person known by.the name of Bane hlo- LungbUn,lhe rum of cms handled dollars, u a bribe mr the par- pose of allowing the aald ■clxmghjln to win money on Ihe game, and thla committee do henby recommend that lha aald W. wu- aley, E. Dnffy ud Tkomss Detyr be eapelltd. BrKcra Fnua, Ohtlrmu, • Wis. Govts, ' Wruua Kaaw, B. H. iBoaaw, Johw FJ. Baain. Ahdssw Boixit, Jon Wrxnrr, Baaaz Boosma, We aew come lo Ibe most Interesting document ot the wsr lee, vlr-, the written ccm/etata of 7oungDevjr. It will be teen by .|hjt, that one of the pertv eUeait hat not yekbeeam e ao sceas- tAAJas^tnd ta la bt ls4nawrwBi w uw'oeAn-' abatrucattOaaagnlwell at. Bla latter ^ ilotbUceadactui tkte smdr, snd on thu eo- of Ihe cell ploying community will no doubt re- commend him to mercy. The letter i s ss l ouows: DITO'l OOjuUHOB. ffiitliairroaOB, Oct 9S. To Oarr. Wrursi awn Tea Motoix B. B. a :— Ot^Oemm— As vrardt can make no apology lor the injury done your Olob or the dlrgrtee brought on mjaelf by my oonnecllon with thlt affair, the briefer I emwtih this sltliuuent Ibe better; bat In order that I may not myself In the true light (which, Qod knows, le bed moaghll have concluded te trite yon e loll ud true eccoont of all 1 know about 1L Between eliven and twelve o'clock on the morning of the metcb, I wu going toward the ferry, reedy to go over to tho tround, when I met Wualey, Dnffy tad another man in a wagon. Bill pulled ap snd ssked me when I was going. I told him I was gelling down toward the ferry, ud lhat I waa going over to the ground In about an hoar, Boeaye, "Do yon wut to make three handled dollen?" lean "I would like to do anything mrlhat" Be uya" Ton eu make iteuy." larked how? Beaaja,"Wearesougto'heave'lbue — ud will give yon three hundred doDan if ton like to In with at) you need not do soy of Ihe work, III do all that myself and get all the blame. Let them bleme, I cu stand II alL Weoan lose Ihls game without doing the clnb any barm, and win tkehome ud home game. Bow. yon ain't goto out, aeUherhu Duffy. Ton can make thiamoneywllhontuyonebelngtbll the wiser of 1L You needn't do anything toward (heaving) It, I wQl do that myself." Isold, "BUI, If yondon'lwntme lohelpyoa why do yon let me Into ltt" Be says, "I wut to gin yon a chance to mike some money, snd make O'Donnell son that It eta be done." WaLlomuea long story short, not hsringa cent, 1 agreed. We went over to ODennell'a house, received s hundred dollar*, of which I got thirty, which wu all I did receive Oommlttee. We went one lo OTXnnell's house, reoel 1 , of which I got thirty, which wu ill I eloceor beforolt. This Is the whole subttsnce of It 1 do not write this to vindicate myse f men thu the net, ner lo mske yon believe I ana any lets guilty than uy ol the others; cm the contrary, aa 1 entered into-lata affair and received my sbsreof the gtint, II It bat fair that I ahould stud my snare of the oensnn ud punishment wkloh the publicity of tale thing wlD bring upon ns. I amply write it to let yon tee how my con. nectlon with this unhappy affair wie brought about. For what! for thirty dollars, which I ouuld do nothing wllh bat lose play- ing faro; and now, I bin 30 hundred worth ot disgrace, all (o my eel f, never to lose, ud without one envious eye to wish one cent's woilh. One word shout Duffy, ud I will close. I esw him lilt night He cava that BUI cam* to him Ibe day baton Uo milch ud aeked him If he would go In with him In 'heaving' the game; he uie be refuted ouleaslwae Into It. Bltleey* "all right, leave him to me, I otn talk to hlm;" which be did, ud with Ineiesull elreidy too well known. I bsve new fulfilled s dnty which devolved on me toplso* before you Ibe facts of the case 1 am aarry I had anything to do wllh II; but my sorrow, ltko this satement comet too Uteto help me enr. I close ibis by wishing thedubamore p«tperoui ud looaler season neil yesr than thuy hen thla, and hopo they will get no mon mob ungrateful pier era u Wanaley, Duffy ud . your humble eeevent Tec*. B, Dmi, The peraiel of Ihta letter matt lead every reader lo regret l bat t young did of good promise, like Uevjr, ibould have been led lnloaucn a discreditable traniactlan. It shows tbe evils of not keeping young moo steadily emplojed In honeal lsbor. The following affldevlla tell their own ilory, ud are the but obiplert In thla olegneefnl portion ot Ibe snntls of our Matlonal Qame. WUUsm Wualey, Edward Daffy and ThomuDevyr vrlll be henceforth debarred from all petlldpaUou In uy mauh game of Mil played by uy dab belonging to the National Aseooieiloa; and no club of union they are members anil bo permitted to Join Ike NsUonsl Assodallon. A rule to thle aff«ot will be Introduced st the next Convention, and wfll of oourae be unanimously adopted. Tbo affidavit* of hfetnt. Wlldoy end Bone are ap- pended. AvrtnaTiT*. Dm am> Cotnm or Raw Ioaz, ss i John Wlldey, bstng doly sworn. Bays thsl he waa one of the committee appointed by Ibe Haleal tt. B. Oiub lo Inveitlgateoer- tim charges pretarred sgelntt William Wanaley, Edward Dnfry and That, B. Sevyr, ud mat mfornuttea obtained went with wi to else Bins saw rbomaa H. Devyr, Wdllam Wuilry, ud Bane MoLongHle.who ackoewledged lo blm thetlbe UMgamo be- tween the MulneJ ud BtKfard B. B. Olube, played at Hobokee, waa told, snd that Wm. Wualey, Uward Duffy ud Tbot. B. Devyr recelvid st the bouse of 8.D. DotneU the sum of 1100 from Bene ktcLougbllD, whlob they divided before going to Uobaku to plsy Ihe mslcli. Joan Wnnar, Ptetileot tLB.B.0. Bwornlo before me this oral day of rlovsmber, I8W, - Oso. IL MoHir, Notary Pobllo. Cm aro Coowrr or HiwTona, ssi ' Simeon Burns, being duly sworn, ssrs he wu one of the com- mittee sppololed by lbs Mutual B. B. (Anb lo investigate oaargtt preferred sgalnal W. Wantlty tad- olhsrs, sad he was wllh John Wlldey when the confetslont wen made referred to in Wlldey* affidavit 8riraot Btnws, Sworn to before me, this nnt day of November, IBM, Oso. B. McEst, Notary PubUo. The followltg 1* Ihe notice of expulsion from Ibe cJubi AteipecUlmeeUoRof tbeatoloal BuiBaU Club, held at tbe bouie el Ur, a A. Jennings, 891 Hudson timet, the commutes on Wm.'Wusley ud others, roporlod thtt alter t Iboionnh In. veellgiUon or the chutes prelened, Ihey would reoommUd lha Wm.Wanllor, Thonaa Devyr, ud Bdwarl Duffy, b> entiled from Ihls club; sod on molten of Mr. Wlldey, the report vrss re- ceived snd ths sbove named psnltt were extolled, onulroonaly, for telling Ibe match game played with tbt Bckford Club on Thursdey, Sept 18.1840 JOHN WILDEf, PrealdonL Wat, tt Detain, Bturetary. Nonravmiinn Baib Bail AteocltTioii.-An istoclillos, it tliovc emlUed, li sScot to be .arganlted, wllh lit kead qoattrri llChlotgo, DL To thu end soticnllrbslboiBpuhUahcd.aillgn- lug Ihe reuons lor said organltailon, which wo deem lobe dl and proper. AeltalUbenfullltsOwniloiy, howaver, we'btn fin the oticolar rrrteffm:—"Srat I imantborttedto Iniormjou batatajolatmeetlegof the BxceleleT ud Atanbo Ban Dell Clnbt, ot this cliy, on October JM, II wtldoddej, ut prollmt •at* sUp to'-lb* teaiatlea tf "a Rsxtktjtm'trn Base Ball Also, slsnon, to recrarst s ecmnatltw or crtiegtait from all org ol ted Sfltll Clunito ths fartk%*tt, to be heW u,lbli elrv, c» the 6» WedoeadtJ e«Dictmt>ertieit. In tbUtatWextuSt tbrn ll nt «ispoiloVm to tturfsr* will tba iam< ai atbreasnf pUiid.or. wllh ibe Hatlmnl Ban Ball Aasooleflon; but tit distance, lets of tray, snd Ike eipenae brnrved In nprcsenttllan In Ihe rllbVmal AltocUllon, ud rnenttperisily the iso'. last the Xartbwstt It Isrjs enooob, ud naeeben clnbt enongb to Juttlfj nt ta having aa Aseodtllon of our Own wm Ibe oonaldenUone which laia> diced cmr tclian in this mst'er. in nsmtog tho plsca: and aims for holding the peoycaed Oonrtnllon, we were satiiM list the onewuuMnbmlandlbtotherti convrnleDt for all ejeaaatrned as any others Ihatcocjd hare ban aelectod, udttnt, bsdthete matters been left to Icorresnondetut to Arrange, xoonlht would trsbaMy bare elapsed before uy esUifac^ory concturloo eould btrestbsd. Ton will please Isy thlt oommnnlealloD before yuar Omb; and tnlonn ma of their aotloe to tke mailer at your earllaat convenience. Oso, B, Btmranr, Secretary. P. 0. Box T0«. Chicago, DJ. ant 1MB OHAkfPIOHSBD?, . Tow Last Gtam) ktaicn or not 'Saatot.. r rBlunrxFBri vs. atuosxtw. , i-rmxaziova. ArutTra ■ j i. The oertes of gtaei set ween.tttse clnbt Ibis lesson bsn ei- clled men stlentlsn In tbe ban ball eommuatly then uy other couttets which bsve taken nlaoa. Of oourae the high reputation each posietfM. u Iwo if tbt st>t>aajeet playing olube In the coun. try. tfiar^mauml'al In Imparting Inlenstlo their mMtwgs lntbsbsll aeld; butlnsstlabilon ot tbe fraternity baa been per- tlcnlarly altnoted to their oontesta througli the apparent ob- alac'ei whlob have been thrown In Ihe way of their coming to- gether, ud Ihe nbmbetleaa "cardi," aphnttory ud oUurwlie, whlob bavebeen limed lo conneellonwitb the matter. In comtnent- Ingonlitatrball^lwrtUnnrjeeetw no cme slatjtn»TS in an soother, our sols aim being ihe wolrem ud Interests of Ihe game. We have noticed thlt Niton tbst oar prominent olabs hsvs been ambition* of seourtag tee control of ■omvloeOJoarnsloroluerus "club organ," and three or four of them have been auoonafnt. Of courao. Impartial report! from snob sources, aa fir aa etch favorite dob la concerned, in ont of Ihe emotion, u the Interests or tho ons pert looter dab tn alone kept Insight. It naturally follow! that the Jourpe] or Jyoj who are dltlnteretted obstrvert ud comrautalonon IBS ba>l woild are ann to be the objects of either unmerited eastun orpraleo from tbeai partial ud Interested orgeat, ud In no one 1 Balance hu thla been to plainly mulfealed aa In the case ol tht dlfflealtlea resulting' fnm the effort to bring shout a match be- t seen the above dobs. We ehall^nol go Into a resume of lb* difficulties which ban ■ risen between the two cluba. but In order to errtve et e fab* con. olae'ion, wo mult briefly refer lo what hat Irurplrc'd. Tbe At- lantic*, when Ihiy went to Wsablntt'n In August last, wen ready lo pier Ihe Auletteaenlher at Waahlnglon or Philadelphia; but though inch t maica-in Philsdelphlt would havo been a greet peroblary advuttge to tbe Athletics, they wan unibletotr- nnge It, owing to Ibe lopojslblllty ofgeldngthelrnraetogtlher. Aflerwsrds, wbsn they wan ready, the A'lenlice wen not, the letter bivlog equal obehctea in tbe way of their playmg to thoee the A thle boa previously Bad. Finally, lo settle Ihe qeetllon ofraperiorilybetweutnepwiles, the Alhlsdc* determined to carry out tbelr origins] protrwjnrae ud return Ihe mil due Ibe AtisarJcs. Thlt wit abont to He done when Dealb itepped In and vetoed the bill. It appears, however, that the "lobby members" —whoeter they arty-and with Brite Leglalaiuro lactics managed lo bare old Dea'h'e veto aet aktd* by a two-thtrda vote, ud, "greatly to Ihe surprise of lha Atbktie Olob," u al'eged by lb* Fieddeut, ths Attendee sndaesly typesred before them et their own doors, eager for the fray, ud ready to go loud win, or oome out aqueezed, aa tbe case might be. In soother column we ■briefly nfer to the flret game of Ibe Series, which waa played In Philadelphia cn the SOU ult On Monday, Nov. »lh.theAihletlet, |n brnilanl battle amy, wllh * boat 'of fbllnma, pnt In ao ap- pearance cn the arena of Brooklyn bate ball to urn ere to play Ihe riturn malo\ ud below we give Ihe result. On Mondsy, Nov. tin, tho weather waa aO tbst oonld ban been errpected for tbe occasion at thlaaeaaon'oftneyar.eud very pro- pitioua for tbe match. The erraugemeol* both for retching the ground ud for ths socommodecton of etch avaatattemblise u wss prennt, wereexoeDent As carry** 11 o'clock crowd* be- gan to make their way towards the lejctllry. At Fnllon Ferry dotentof can were ready to start the moment Ihey wen filled, ud all Ihe way np Ihe Dick the cariwere scarcely fifty jarda apirt Tbe portion ot the ground eetspartforcatrlageewu eoon oocnpled, severs] dabs going even iu Local stages ud omnibojes. For (wo houra than wu one e'eady tide of people Mating Ihe keif t deten entrance ways. Bud br the: hour eppolnfed lor com* men dog play, at least ten thousand people most here been pro •nt The Athletics left Phlladelobla on 8unday night, ud duly sr- rired st the Merchant's Bolel In CartUnd I'street, when they were metro the morolog or the reception committee of the At- lsntto Club, and duly tost n in trAgeo lotto Oapltollne Oroundr. The game wu named to bo ealled allK P. kL, bo I It wu afitr that hour b. fore til Iks prellmlnarlej wen arranged. A large police force wen present under the command of 8upe rlntcndent Pal*, and at IK tte field wis clesred. At this period the scene presented wu sinking and novil. Ben was t crowd cf ten to fifteen thousand people aaeeanbled together on a ball field on a chilly novrmber day, to witness t ssme of hue bsO, ud we auettloa whether then tt any other popular sport attractive enongb to dnw snob u al tendance under such droumstsnoes. In Summer It Is not surprlrmg, u tbe wuther Is plesaut ud pecplshtve mors time to devote to outdoor sport*, but on ■ cold Kovembet day. In the busiest time of the year, II moat be Indeed an attractive epcrt to colled aucbanatasmbltgeu vru rarotent on tht* oocatloo. The field being cleared ud umpln chosen—that competent 1 88 Total tun tunc in stem dotem*. •Fnum ^vr..j:oc3..::;^:|i t HaltedSlstei i.-...-.:. 8 3 • 1-12 Fly cstches—kfueey, 1; Stearruvlt 0. Fsrty'h, l;Horwood,i- n'--r-.t I tertal. g. rlxiU ^niTWrtlT-T). )lj tTtj hd Pirakswl j Borne rans—Sulgrave,); SlTera,Tfmcrrtrcorr>^tcHiUfacraVrnn*; ^^ d. Strack ont-Pickett, 1. Lett on bases—Weatern. 8: United States,!. Caught ftca's-.Weatera. t; Oalted■atrtta,7. Fouls camibt-tforwooft *: Blvars, 1; a,Vortylb,4| klesrwa. 1, DaptreA-Otla Qeorge, of Oily, floorers—Messrs. Lott* tad Wolfe. Ball preaented by utcsrni, and received by Bubour.Time ot game— 1 bonis snd 30 minulos. . !'.•,. " . . ~ .. Tne return gime will be plsytdon Thure4v,.lhe Itlh Inst player, John 6nen, of the Eckford. being selected—play, wta ealled, and tat Alienate* wut to the bet tht Attention, a* la tbe flret malnh,havtng won tbo ton and aent Iri their oppooents, Fearoe opened play wl'h a bit to rbtht field, whlob Beech illend. ed to baproperatvle. Peuce going out et let bite: Smith waa next on thellil, bo tie he waa not present Start took bla place, 8mllh coming en Ihe ground in time to take his lorn ss ninth man. Start tenured hie first, ud got home on Crue's fine bit, and .Pntt followed suit Chspman, after being mtssod on s foul flv, aleo made his first] In net, what with Ihe failure to slop bslis ud mlas ca tehee, no less than 8 runt were scored, the AtkJeaaneldlngbelngdecldcdJi oftbemoffy order The cold wind chining the buds or the players u It did wsi Insraestnretn excure, but not for ell tbe errors of this kind. On the Atblo'lc side their good betting led lo s scon of six ruts. Berkenilook, E, fleetOl ud Smith, making their beera by their hits. Klein- felder wu eplendldly put out st Sd by Pearce aod etmlth. In Ihe M Innings Ihe Atluilcs ought lo have drawn a blank, but two mln catches led to their tearing 3 runs. The Aiblstlet wen then pnt oat in one, two, three order, by the fine ilelalog o f Smith, Btirt ud Orene. la the 81 Innloct the Atlantic* added 7 rune to their aeon, ao let* than five mitt catches marking ihe Alhletlo fielding In this Innings, the total of thaw arron cn their part 10 far being fen/ On Ibe Alhletlo side Ihey sdded five runt to their scon In this Innmsjt, tba to- tals at Ihe close of the Ihlrd Innjngt Handing 19 to 11, In favor of the AUullca. Before the game wu commenced, Ihe odde In Ihe belting market was. or course, In favor of tht Atlan- tic*, wllh lew taken, the number of thoee who bad bet on Ibe Atlanb.ce' winning by ten rue being greater thu toy other cliss of belt, ud those who had that venlnred their tttmpt were conASent of warning st this otege of .iht gaols. From this tlrot forward, however, tnlnga look t dlffcrut turn, tbe gamo being raore closely oonlei led and leu errore In Ibe field shown by Ihe Athletics. To cut a lorg story short—for we have no time for details, is our piper goes to pre** on Monday night, wo ban to state that in thelutalxUrdngelbeAthletlce added limn* lo their •core, chiefly by excellent betting, wblle Ihe Atlutlas were only' permitted lo tdd 8 lo theirs. Thsglh innlntsoloiedstotal ecore olJ()to5llntavoroftheA|lantlce,tho Alhlellca hating pulled op In handsome style tn ths 8th Innings, tbe finest bit* or Ihe mttch being made by them In this lonlnga. Tbe clots character oftheioareatlhlaatageorthe game added greatly to the tnte. rial of the match, every movement being watched by tbt -crowd in Ihe last Innings, Pearoe led off in the Out innings and wu cap- tured si 1st by Berkenatook. Start tbu secured bit lit tud avutuall] hit rut. but Iht third bud watpotoul before mother could be secured, fimlth marking hla play with a iplendld fly catch. The 9lh uTDlnga of the Aiblstlet wu now entered upon, they having butt to get to win, ud Ihe utmost oxcitenaent tallied in rvgsrd to lb* result, s victory for Ibe Fhlladrlphlut being an. tiolpated by a large number; but it was not on the card* for the AUsntlcs lo be delected Ihla season, ud the three sinkers ol lbs Athletic* retired In one, two, three order, the vlotcry remaining wllh the Brooklyn Olnb by t score of 17 tt St. Of the pity on Ihe occasion, on lha AUsntlcs 1 side, Pttrce'e ehoi t fielding, Smllh'e fine tlsy at third baa*, ud Borton'e catching, are eineclelly aotewoelby. u wit Burt and Crue'e play In Ibalr poeiaona; In fact, all did telLarasldartng the chilly state of the stmosphere. On Ike AlhleMo side, Wilalas ud Berk- enatook carried off the pe'm: We never taw tbe former play better. Ibe pitching of MoBrllt wu Ike moat iftecllvooT the mateh, allhorjgb Frail pnt to some lessen tl timet. .Beach's ton hud wut dnwhses to the suoneu of Ihe Athletics..Taring all things Into consideration, tbey merit praise for their ahew agalnat tho Ailullct on Ihttr own- ground, tbo scoie showing better pity tbu In iht flret gamoj at far ta billing It concerned. Tbe eymjpeibits of the largo crowd present were so mantlesUytn fsvor ef the Atlas tics, Ibat t tlnnger would ban tald that a Brooklyn crowd wu not t very Impartial one, bul Brooklyn Is no worse than other cities In Ibis resgeoi, from all we cu learn. Tbe decision of the umpire wero of Ibo most tallafsotory ebarioter, and t perfectly friendly feeding wta mulfceled be- tween the two nines. By next aeaaon we (rust all the 111 rfleets tf ihe ntrilsu statements which havo sppetred in print thlt put month will hsve worn off, and the result ol Iheae games will im- put u Interest to Ike nexl lerlee or genua between ibtte cluba which, will make them Ibe prominent contests of tbe eeason ol 1686. Below li tbe ecoro of the rhatch: ATXAtmo. Pearce. a s Start, lit b Crane, Mb Pntt,p Onapmu,If...,,. Morion, o ailvln, tt. Bid. Smith, r f Smith, fjdb...... . Total . fl.1. B> ...4 1 ...1 t ...a . « ...8 8 ...4 8 ...3 1 ...8 3 ...8 8 ...4 3 AXSLB37C. ■ Klslnfelder, o MoBilde.p Beech, Id bi......, Wllklns, Berten slock, 1st b,, Luetgeee,H4b K.aaaklll.rf.... ,. BmiUi,lf Fallen, of.. B,!» ...4 ...a .'.8 .. l ...t ,..B . ...g • .'. ,3 ...3 n Ms] aoKt atant rt bacb irnunoa. let 3d 8d 41k' lib 6th lib 8la Oth AUuUo 9 8 7. 1 0 .8 9 1 i_« AlhlsUo.... ». 0 8 1 o 0 t 8 0-74 Umpire—Mr. Oram, or Ibo Eoblotd Clnb. eoorert-kTesin. Mowiemtad Benson, . Time of gams-Two houra and Mora, ntea. Fly;/thltUo, 8. - ■ Fryeatoh» l Pe*itt8,.NortOD8,ObtpDin 3.8kul l.Oelvln 1. Oran. 1-Tolal 11. Smllbi a, MorWdeVroub 1? boino calottes. Jioriona, Blelofelder It Oloan borne nuukLtiengeu* 1. Outs on bun, AUtnllct al llmei, AtkleUcs UUcoes. Birunk out. Patten 1. Oalvln l OaUonfcnl balls, Atlullca a times. Alb. ItUcs SUmea Ult on bites, Btrkenalock a, Uduilde Z Wit H?t\ t $"? 1 'S lu }.}' Cn " ,, • Pss'sd^bsltti^leln. yln 1, Rlelnleldtr a. Qsikell 6, Smith % Bcikanitock 1, Wiialna i, Lueugeut 1, BASS BALL AT OTJUBaTJlLA)U>, UD. ' ' T^veforlbelltllonalgimeltsvldutlyccnteglonttndmalrbei trebtcomlogtamenttinalmoattvorrSUIeoi IhaUnloo. alary- "Alii" "•JbBreconilructed on Ibft bite-Is. Tbit't good, Ibe reconslrocttcn not Ibo geak, and we hope to ess It followed op mcreand men, until aarylaad be oo roes Ibe "outre fleld" of f"I SfflRf'.fl?™'. Ine " ■ os,d *»tobeen ftter "btads lott" and "foul hills" ktd this beta tho ceaa four yean ago. cn the aiad a match between a* the score i ;.fflr4V,',;„,!!iT 0. J.-Barrlaoc, 0...A...3 arnhtrt,lHb...,„t.. WlElamion, Id b. H.Bhrlvtr, 8db:..i 0.'Wooarow,ll'.,,V ■ttnu,l r.„..->./> ' J. B. Bhriver, c <. .. H. Woodrow.r ! .,. Ja'i Total .81 .' Sdttl 18 Umplre-B, Bhrlnr. Bsorer—A. Sbrtvtr. Fly ctlokes-B. anrtvar, 1; o. T. B.Kncrr, li Jundenbareg, I; Bead, 1. Heme raaa-p. j. Smith, 3; B, finrtver, 1; '0. Woodrow, 1| O. Bmlui^ 8. BALL FLAT IN ElDMrUPdLlB. / ' Tfet. flM\btt»bslUnutek. ever platad Tn Inalenepula BOT W W Hl W* pattern Sees Bsll dtab of thai dir. and prJM swaa kaSe, e/exlantd in thtt department, tn tht tt an Ou^eoundi cefNlriemrmer. The game wit called at 3 tt <?5ru*'? >r ft ? I . wt M. co, " t " l « I InnlD?»wero played the ernmbtereiwilarwilboTWort. Below wo ippand the WaxxTst. BJrare, p Rorwood,o....... Solgrove, lil'b.. Hardy, ad b Sherwood. 3d b.. Barbour, If Brewer, o f. • * •.. klnrdock.rf Stoner, s s . . Total . and tbo ltd in that depertment, en tbt 3d Inst, . . aWsa> tbsvyiotors. Below wo ippand the scare: • BATrrna. ^ a. tarxm ETAxxt. a. 7 8teama,p 1 » kUddlatoo.c 8 8 Maaaey, latb '..,1 • * Arthur, 3d b a I fiFortylb.8db 1. . 8 Thatcher, rt; ..".-.I" 8 Ogden,rf ,.o t piotett,o ik;,.;.J.v...;....\v'- * !>.Fatjthyif,-. J( iu....T,V..a J " ' -L- PABHBB, OEBlIARtOWH, tear Plilladdplila, T ttrlved from kigland; wllh s large atOcloi tuptxttr Is, Glove*. Wblle Fiannel, elo. Prices sent fres by OAU. 3(91* I LILLTWHTTE VS. TAOOIIT. Then cluba played a match on the nit, of ajhich we append the ic ore: i _ . InXfBjtuit. I First Innlnga, , ' Second Inn Inge. Bandabtrnb OjtvfforT..,',. s.J ........,^T. ' * - • * ^iDrake..v..... ... ,11 .not out...*..,, a b Drake." Wlh a. Bargaaves b Drake. McDcmaldJ) Crawford. Jsrvlsb 1 Ortwford..... J. Bargrkve b Drake... Maple b Drake Provost b Drake L.BDlonranont vpreckleynot out , KEUlotJb Drake Venichlter b Crawloro Bye....: Total....''. pisxt Innings. J. Crawford byflUolt... .. t .. 3 .. e ■ J 8 .. 0 . 8' bDrake.v.. . 8 not Out... ...» .'J.;.. • 1 . e.runout ..../c ■ 0 . 1 Bye*8. lei byei.'.'.'... ..^;'.! 4 88 Total a' Taooat. . Beoond Innlnga. ., . 0 ran out S o Maple b Provost c Vantehtvu b nlti olt . obpreckieyb Elliott b Provoat.'. not out.. 8. Crawford 0 Maple b Bpnok. ley.... ,-.'...TT..... 1. Ellis bgJJIoli 0 Drake run out 0 Wllbyb Elliott tl BaneyoBargnvea brant 0 b Budabory Devlin 0 Jsrvfsb Blllott 7 b Elliott Prlcerunout.,., ByanbProvosi............ Bsmmll tot out Wldet U, bytt«, leg bye I 7 - b Provoat " 1 b Provoat , 0 bJerrtt.; 19 Wide* 8, bye 1, leg bye 1. Total; ...43 Total.., IOTJRQ AMEBISA vs. PBILADKLPHIA. Those cricket elubt. of tie Quiker Oltr, played a match on —th nit, Ibe seer* of which Is hue published: Pll|*.ATTstT. yiTTt . First Inn tnga. Second lnitmca. Hoffman b Oarpeatet.i., r..-.ll run out Cadtakader bCarpenter..... 0 bCarpenter............... JobnaonbMcllm...... .... 1 c O. kforgaa b Otrpentar.. AshbrldgsbMcStni, 0 ran tat....'.. OreeleyolUrtinbOarpenler. 4 lbwbWright Magee 0 kfclim b Oarpenler. 8 c McElmb Wrlsht... Blaenbnyoudb Wright.... 1 run out....' Clay c Vansb Oarpenler 0 c H.FUherbCarpenter.. Beuley b Wright 1 b Carpenter Stsleyaot.out 8 st Tsui b Carpenter aloTgan absent 0 0 MokTJm b Carpenter Wldee 13, bye 1, lsg byes a,..18 Wldet d, bye* 4, legbyee 2- , 1' 9 '. 0- 1 , a- , t .3 , 3 . a . 3 . 0 ,10 .91 tbe Total 98 Torao pbritlnnlngt. Carpenter b Magee a VauxbklagM a klarlln b Boffman.- 3 J.Monan oBuuleybBnaley.39 H. Flaher 0 0. Wright b Boff- msn 8 E,Fishsre01aybBoffaan:. 6 UmnoBsuhnybBeasley. 0 a Mar gan a Magee bBeaaley. 1 Davis 0 ud b Magee 1 McKlm b Vigeo 3 Wright not out.............. 4 Wldot 18, byes 13, lsg bye 1..38 Total Second lnnlngt. b Magee .TT7V?.... b Johnson b Johnson not ont b stages 0Megteb Johnson.!..'*. i b Johnson not oat 0 Oaterbrtdge b johnten. Bye* 8, wide 1 .18 . 3. .10 M . 8 .11 .ITT . 2 . I '. 4 .12 Tou).. ..87 UNITED. OF OAMDBR, Tt. J0NI0B8, OF IAkmEBTvTIXK. These New Jsif ey cricket, clubs plsyed Ihelr return melon, on !bo _let I nat, of which we here enpend the eoon:— . ™* * * DierracD.—Flret Irrolngs. Okarrlere'l bvb Carpenter, 0 Ulddlslon bCsrpenter ti> Bundlok 0 ft b Ante! a Wsllaoe 0 Angel b Oarpenter. a Warrington not ont 0, Meade b Angel a WlTklnt b Carpsilar 8 A-Bisdahaw b Angel It -. Maffettokrj Carpenter......3C 0. Brtdanaw c ft b Oarpenter. 11'. Byes, oto........ e 'JutTota—First Innlogt. A« W. Aogel run out .10 B.D.Coryell bChsrrlen.... 0 Annuo 'bMlddleton 8 Oarpenter run ont 31 McDowell bMlddleton..3 Borlon b Ohirrlere 1 Ttin* b Charrlere.. 0 Btocktoncftbkllddlston.... 0 Bobertt tt Charrlere b Mid- . dletad...: 0 OrosU'rmxout 0 Byes, etc ...i3 Total.. Teltl,. .1W The Jnnlon la their second Innings only sewed nine rant, so. thtt the United woo by thltty-one runs ud one innings,. Ouctzr at Iwi>isiiArorj>, Iro.—The nnt sloven of Ihe Cin- cinnati Crloket Olun visited Indianapolis on Iht ltt but, ud plsyed a malob sgslost eighteen of the crab of Ibat place, whom ihey defeated by t icon of 108 lo 88. WewooldpuMHh theeoere but thtt it comet to 01 like Bsmlel's Ucoit, so that wt csnatt make bead or tall of it Tke abler scares for indlsntpoht were, Stewart, lo; Canwrlght, 8: ud Bat boor, 7; and Otriwrlgtt, kf> Oaw and Stewart "iloca Ihe leather" for them. OflheOlnthv eallue, Aahby setred 30; Bowo, 10| Bosch, Hi Skerlton, 38; ud B. F. Wright, 11 Sherlton ud Wetdon were their bowlers, ud well wu it dose by them, ■ Al the olote ol tbe malob, whiob eat- listed of ooe Innings nob, Ibey hid t good time sodslly. ud ths Inllenapohs cricketer* good nsturedly Ibnatoi lo make a raid on Cincinnati next sttson for tht purpose of recapturing that ball That's good, for we Utolo bearof thla klod of friendly wit fare and fiateriilratlon among the crlot etereof the greet Wert. ' THE REVG. TUB AMBBWAH P. B. 0BAMTIOHBH1P. Dati* vs, Elliott. :i ; 1 ■ . ■ 1 •, . As OLrrriB resdert aro toll aware, the day.Tueednv; Mtrem- bor alii, lor the big bslfe In ths prise riot; for tbe ehamplu-. ship of emeries between Junes Elliott ud Wllllim Michael Da- vis la Isit stprosching, sad from report* which resoh n* mm bath men, wt Judge that they are gelling woll in fix for ibe srduous tinggrt befcrt them. At ycl, but Utile tpentslaen bat' been Indulged In on tbe result, and that little, owing to BDIott'o mammoth proportions ud bis reputation lor pluck, baa been, donekt oflds'on aim. Dtvls's frlenda by no means tack confi- dence In blm, howsvor, and are lolly persuaded thtt bt will sot &s Uio nndor mu In the flghl. Be that 1111 may. btwsver,- me .will tell; but prsvidiog it It tllowod to cone off fairly ud wiihoot ofuolal or other loterfennce,-a rood, manly, aland up fight msy besirely loosed lorwsrd loon Ike aisilniC Bllloll'e naretamatlve won tbo obolce of ground, we an Informed, ud tome t pot In Iho Slalo of New I oik tt to be eeleoted, we betlevl. lflblalaio. U I* lo bo regretted, for tho attempt will eertaltry ' got tho prlntlptls la lo trouble efter. If not before the fight Fox - ElUoli'a own sake wo advise him lo ausnga the yenne. OruijjDioiTolMPoiniDns.—Jim Hcnrlgin.lhepluoky Fourth Wsrdtf, is umous to have a brush with uy pugUistfo mdlvldoal. of tbe avoirdupois of ono kundrtdsnd Ibtrty.lonr pounds, gin orlsko thlity two ouncos,for from f&OO t» tl000tslds,'ln six- weeks after iltnlng trllclea This challenge Is acitnet uy man. of Ibo weight but Jimmy would p>nfer to' havo a boat wllh ellkor ■ DjtOEOy Berrlt, Jim Turner of PtUadelpait, er Jim Fnwley, On seeing the "reipomln eohece" in tbe Cuppas, ud t dty nsmed for s mesllng, Kerilssn will be on bud wlln 1110 oorludsn »re- psred lo make a match, tits trllclts, snd pluk Ik* soap, now. It either ot Iho above men or my other man lespoDlng for* fight, let Ikcm shout their ksllolajib, ud tbo thing's on. SrABtnto FiBremoire.—There bsve beon bul fow txhlptllonr. thus fir thle eeason, ud those that ban been given bare not been very well attended. Iben le eome cause for thtr, ud we bellove it reile wllh tht boxen Ihemielves, itho. slihonth glvtsg Ihotrenonl lo nail In Iho eierdtce,lu many InsUnoei fall lo • appear, ud thus dlnrjyioinriaBtavrone of tho sport Btoently, Johnny Aaron pat bit name np for t beneBt, and be uiured u* thai he bad ponorjally sikod tboss when names he bid need te- arutil m ills spsrrlng. snd Ibst Ibey elsnitd him Ibey would at- lead. Tboy did not do aoj however, and tbo eihlbltlon In ootee- qoence was s disappointment to lures who weio present ValO tne patrons ol boxinn srs sitlifled that Ihoso whopo nuxtettr* advertised will appear, sisrrtdg elblblllcii* vrlll prove unprofil- able.