New York Clipper (Nov 1865)

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346 j r n r i rrrU i lTi —■ 1 1 111 1 1 f ■ ■ hoi foU«w- Jack BUloa, w. tt T.»>niiaioB,Bem.-Pud, Lejira^^ Ldon CTbuat X. I. VilSWf^S^'^iiKfB- Willi, ffcnv Morton, H. E. "Uo-'m, A. M. OUr"i"*.* o. Sloao! J. E. Sweeteor, N. D. . Pamela*. 4oIei81i»U"j, L M. W. Bteere, Oeorge SS£S2i2Sl fteaiBl*Btap),»enarlle LipoM. JalUA-HlB ' 5^f?^n^»»»l (fcrefi). Wont*Dir. «•"»'• Thomp- • ' QUir ftmwtvyi i ■ .. .. -. o-' ■ > Moaoir, Nor. B, IMS. • .- tin IB* xrtlof bailie, the traatooftheballoto.wnmlBBhoBe • ; I: '~tad ate** ma muKle of the dty «ffl he celled upon to Ate ud 00 task, when maw man la expected to do hli duty, ud pat In \ T&ferfunlwini,or Wlggiua,in*ahow by tharr oholoo ttat ..-•^ai^ixHifAeneein tha wEy Bmlgglna uunrtaktn, that lidr Mtn '-'-ialnoiilotn candidate Wlggtoa U bbAibi u the Bock of a*i»> !,V.tBr.;..i«,belOTed cooaUtrmiaie, wo*oauaBorealtod upon to •L-^»Milh.b™ etortntt.-dM.I ofthe dexUra fo^juA u ,!£i^ifoetlnging to'bnr TklcdoM^-S»nmiib*««*U^ t^pHM'or '^"joit^looM «t«*v * cerntpowlnigr/, h go. t-Mftli«i.i»d ptnlincM *<iu« akU. • Beer 11 alia In'mind, * i« <:'-p4|iji«*df to t«0. ttal'"rto^iM-^l^;iW«^i«,» Brt .^iblkt |i«.»1o».'^'XW.tilowcifl onlf/W\im^.Uiiowb Iho >'Jpowerfol: Barney of.lhB. immtnuiu Waggm!. Arewe 1 ' toeland' ■ il. mfuy my thaiTitutal cAotU of Iba mtoetable BtBig- " "s'bniWttnintli'attend n» ourwldoweud orphans pillaged W*oMrtnJ%»crf the (•■prb>Utt''^mfggJf ■ T Hiv.lba wortfpi": ''■WSInWW'fe'wiWfc w'wii* -•» *»*»»•»• "■J""' 11 *"'' nosoranatm till great itiogglal-Witen job faneaMu»arexa,lbe to, bu romp when the'rJiends of freedom must make thlm- ''•SMffifcaBd.&H ^o,.»«lW.»»«Wrob-llt*I'°h etui bow." Wlut irt « but .boBdmmuH th»ohU4i6tt o( ii^«S»«» : M>««'4»™»ti'' :t « l ^B^i-bul-rtowrt ln In. .atavtenaiof tnikosM/u bitta tnu In* WUn iu nUiUin tl«m. *n 4 ,' B Vill„ w tmutWIi ft* nitln U it "foanied on hot," «nd In 1»J0<» " lu BcooBDisl-Prctidut JobnBD'i oon,»II«nd»d J^" 1 " 1 " datlof nolo nn»,o<lo«pled»pri™to boiot «M Bro^«T oo ToadvmatnRof lutirat. Thlo <"«>fo» , '«S* , Sl^ U onlT eqnUlid by th« fmomIiocUvo polity «'!™": 4 , h0W • Ho* Btut tb> bdlot loo* «t Hlblo'o, Boir ^Wif" 4 '?" good, -W. don't know wblob m eijo, llio no*. Ibjiput?" Ino ot thoiUg«,ortlio IKIoiU lb» ^JSHl Sillitu nmu • otady to ntoh thorn. AH rtiy iwm to^W" «'JS foiltbotoTuodroiMdwtbey M>r were dratfd before. ">« ■UkBUdB^lutnUioltlool. Poetryi. , . Boo Uukyonsg gml. bow prelir «b«'»<*». gbolnu rilifond tnlco moeb btller it^booV^.* Bot to tbTibiw. T&. IB lb. lot Imli aotomblo'ilbliwee^iytrawiniBlr.oimi. K.m. Btrelo wbll. ion ma, or too win ngrel It am■ * 'v- tmnmi ySnt-lTbelidiw«l with Ibo JoTOoJ.«n* diaS^5rVblT..lxncbfor ■» ^""•^-'aJSSent lbbilo(1uo.w.Mie.wllfe Ibew. In o«ry olb»rJ < T"™"J im!^wl5tb.UiMtt.oiccpt Ibiln, .n j»««'«.V„ , f b ^S ^bnl wllb thorn It ■• not •» IbcB «tb. eut fldi.of Imra tb*wS»www oi Ufing' dro- ui»t lb»y mlgbl bom ItattudTju i.i. «mn»>WM ,-ti wM Oi ■ lan on> -no ■ yoflf Btrmgth rX^n»ai^<i^v:"'' <M ) >tf ^^ M oU ,«pi •.Into Mnlilib' ^tto^ lo'iB. 'iimli^i^A'.itll wo «lknkw. 1 ' '■ab'oBthmi ihoilint "dir. nulnralji' ttoB)." Hu .1 )o p^f-li^^Styt6i.on4»t Ml-Hkn nnj»b«f«; IbU wiro ■ntgat$rii todiri>;« b>l iip«P* Ibj o'tmimani ytl nt' ■ liwra" winiBB Morton Polo oub. nmon»n»,wbojrnitboB4it- »ODUJSb3(*e)tonifT ^ow^r^n^^lrljno^JIg^Bi. Whin BtrtMOmorlrJb'i- 1 " "- J ---- •:;«f,eibia»ti)*b4 ilbAnbM* 1 eplfgtaif. duertbtm tben wb«n<b»ca|li)fct r»> utlitinctr Woold joa WtU «rro^M\j«rre«nWtn.'fi»:p«kik'of thil uck.tntu)r fiBllfJnoI. Ml4td^dtit,rrM«y«n^w^ilBblrab^{r^\iid t*B«<WUVp«Mr^to'«ife^ j ai^tit aoanaed with thopj >oMoY itUfil- 6nU&fct.' ; WThio,^frwlWind^obinJl —TrTB;TOaTOa,~a<~ralta<o;Ibo lull, ibo bflpJ," wtM,.'!"*. 1 4ram IMr.atbet.nKd bbjtJ.yoAbW yob, biwoyoiLi Kjjfof ll «tnaviTMteb'KW«*WBOtbti^ UUi for ill ttit,u^'<9wn : wltbtyrwU...wuvirjil'»io4b«aiht. nob)iontnlbUp<UlMcUj, : ir°ngbtbotwaon tbb nmjtolinj tnd . -rfewWflWinWhr'On Wednuaij, Hot, HI. Ue. flddlcn, the ' " flalerr', Ua'o^bJdridrft.'ibo taonboBna/.tbo corntlUn,<ln« drommon ud other itmblu ol tbo ma»lf»l world conunneed ^Inbinijmjoii armoiiitnUon of^tnit Ujemen wbo .hndtwiae befoi. fpatdtd to fbelr demudV; tbe'j "celled (o ttrUo Ibo lyri iBOTbafCti m itrikwlor blgher wijei. We dlopitcbid_ onV eorjji -*tjt cbtnbtc npa trto 14 the out" plica of •muanait to «•wiwt .in (otBg.oA Hia'whitwtw't golnioi: toiltattn to themailb ^ * f «%Bt'wu^n>c^tiTMon,udtbitwl^bwun'lf Intome[WeoIbo , ' ^btMiimB^ibMbytbobirpudo^aiii^ m. W»u»: b, ««'. week in J Ohh Ton Brotdwty for IT, end U SIb^cuVnodOTU^tbtS«.of toj2&"**g m TnmMdll^lA DAT tbtlT bOtrt Ud My til ftelf ltB>0 W»Td- r^ cT^ta^^o arToe. uaj.bnoon.BB4 on torn. S&oS f6™ g p«ttcBl« piece, toe Mid ."lipperti rontrbe. of ^■i. Mtikn^atrran li aoto 13 ao » pur. Tkilttn Ibtt i^^r^bt^fo^e ««lor irom loffiaoenU ijmw dO l^^K.dlt tS.. tboot ^ny.r^to rort. l WliWM. TbsVmmuroiborlltUetblngt reaolred wblcb nnttb. bed onto* IbtSmSry, orbj oomo otbor nouo, TrJj jraU ni^ In rZa ol™ wtory tri boua tboot two moaibt «a A Jow piece ™ItTprntnUon it one ol our tbeitret. tad th. ltdlet of {bo KawiriloSuittibejinoit bbt. wblto kid glore. lot iM Seel Of conreetbe, rebelled, tod utod bow •bW""' 4 .*" boelorMtttJ 10»p»lr. tt tbtU- pretiBt wdery^ Tbo »B»w.r wm. "R.Ter mlna bow job get them; ^» «"^*» T «! b ™iSS If.Ton etn't get Ibem one wt». yon motl uBUtcr/; PrjUy plfln ■VTSitbitS»T«lWl«.lrue,.T.ryword.fir. n«li«»«^J bodel tek in idTtnce of 60 pur oent, «na M ttoi exotbo pootott Slid in iht TtbeelrK they ougbi. tad no doubt wDl rccelro II. In BSrSntottotlrtiio 3 ttS bilM giro;tb. Udje. ortb. cbolrt oftKotlhoilocborcheebMeelio btcooe IfO^M with »e SuaualudbBTooekedroraBlsenole of oeUry.ijWo or. laid ^£lrd.S"dl*il o.l be complied wllh,bol bjtWbe BMOt wlO toko Ibtlr pltoto. And oo it gooi, from Ibo tbettro to In. ^Aun E. Owm «rrlT»a In Ibli eltytrem EnroM on OcL'oiit. bjlBe City of •Uotko, lookiogmdob 'laprored by bit trene-At* lullo trip. AfUr t ibort not In Ibtt city, he left on the lit Ult to Join bit ftmllilD Dililrcoro.. MIL! Leohi miae her dVbnt tl tbo Vultltet on the 3d let*., In jo aruot ol tbo " French Bpj," npported by E. D. Let ud tb. campioy engaged it tM place. The piece wit rm w ell put on tbo tlate, Bat wllb.low tiarpUont wu Torybidly performed, mim Tm im .... to tin "~**" of Uborfy;" ' Ho miy da better In tail pUoflbTn ho did to V»w ^ftMo^iJoii Ukli to notkas raraSaurhBt Hit ootettoayibaMhl aVkar the bttior, roTOrSSrrf^bubVeo glren ffffSSm* ootowd boy bta n«T«rioo«twd nry mutloU loitmctron, bnl we in told tbt Ueller |in htm b»tnictlooi lor tyeu, udUutuolhar emlainl plultttdaogiTahldlleotoni.. . ,_, . „ . 'Joa BioroMiMwll7olot.bli tarm.ilIbo Wlottr Otrden on the llth ten, H* bta tUnoiad largoindlenoea. 1. tf. Olttle, who 'f' hi Bnngbtm'i fi'or, wfll remme bit perform- ucta on to* lllh. Bnl tor lie klndnfta of Mr. Olarkt we ibonld not bar. bad IB opparUollf of greatlngtba goutl Brongbtm. U B. loon baa fiSeo hold of Ibo Hlppotbealnm In Hrniat, tod tbltwnkrrasuwiaaan entirely now profruune, with a lum- ber of new trUite In Ibt nrlool deputmenla Uut go to mat np a ant olaai clreni ejtiblbiboint Mr. Lent bia llkewito cbiotel rba namaortbo Hlppotbeatron to that or "Hewlork Olmu," which la more to tb. point. deodUna the chuioter oi tbe perfamnctatlTenlbere.Uiloul pf oonratlBg the miner, who in not e'eulr Dotted In tbo metnuui of tb. bin wordt now In Togno among &wto>ki. Domh for thi MowVcrk Clroni" tlx «, bomb tor Ibo murellooo I cell performed there, and three choere and a bger for Hunger I«t and tbo llth tlreet tbow. We would ktnair tnggeit that Ibtt meet finrttt Ellon Bione, or the duhlng Molrillo would b. a good card for Mr. Lent. Katon Btooe'i papnUrlly It world-wide: to lilt c|^ y bo bu alwaia boon afiTorlio, and H an attncllTo cird. MelTlllo cune Into liTor with a raih when ho nri« appeared nam eomo jmit tjo it the Broad roy TOtiUe. Ue'iagood'on. . Owmotolb.ieoeaalonof tbo mnaklont f»nn«iy engaged it Banmm'a kfoeram, tbo pl»y of the 'Trench Spy," on hor»«btek. bad to bo poarpooed in* other plocoa lobeUloled; bot, tola wjtk, Ocatna will ihow on horeeUck In tbo ■'Jrwaoh Spy," to the bar. monlonn muto of a new bud. 0. W. OUrke, who kit been mured for tola thTarlta letor; ipptutd laet weak, rneotlog with i reception of which he may will tool proud. Tola week will de- Wope many new fwtnrei, both In lb. coiloilty department and In the ■•l.ttora room." Iber lay that Bariom djl git tbo belt of Bennett In that Mnatnm lot tpaculiuon, and Ihn't what a Ibo ■tier. „ ... TmPiwronntiitTooyPutor'e Opora Honto It doing wjj, but toe "Old Same" will bt withdrawn itUu Uu^ week, to mat room for other ncTelrlei. Tay it on u nnul, golog through hit badge! nightly to the delight of thepilroni oi iBoboueo Oeorgo Warren, comedlio, bum bio drat appouaoo. Ibla eron. lag ° Den't forget tie Wedoetlay aadBaluday altornoen osrformkBCtai * EiTBZzn VSbl. .who conrmeoctjl it (lit on Oct. 301b. ro- oelTOdahtanTiecwpUoa 8b. appeua In_her' bodgotof Irlib tonga arerynlgbl at will it Inaftrco. Elty liafaTurlta wllb ber aadiencea. Jia. W. Wiixion, It li itited, la to bo added to lha already line ud i icellent conpiny tltacbed to Wallack'a Thettie. % L. liarenport la already la good working order tben, and wal- lack aoon will bo. Lteter WaTlaok, report aaya, la la had heillb, ud will not be able tedo mtioh blmaelf Ibla wiarwaaf duty for a BiJier'aidoaen of refractory atraptn ood.v Uowen. Agala, at a few plaoea, raruno wit', .lerred oti-,'uia_'balf ihiD, -a- portion'of iha Mna1c«I-"TJnlou" i.«otag Is tarJbtlr muugera udJJiunaelTca,.whUa Uu -other half wtre looking on from an rnconreDlcnt ahd' ajHomfortablo point ^1 o TItoVi tlon.'UWirg a rcatbetwoen Ibobaiii, inaotiorwlrem*. ^li«?.lieB^Tea kolamable. The tbrlken hoped to play tbe I meaainrl througb lis a llraly manner and an a Ug aoale, bat lb. '-ruanj^ere 'ware a bit too tbarp'rar tbe Mtariluita, and tome'of :tt.' raliir hr^ jlo^.to co^qnaneek .ero aay wa dltpattbed '■'out corpo if reporloia to ^tI*w tbo iltutacavudier^ thereernj ■Otr oprnt iniitnjot'bemlalaken for tboie red capped meoengert of lore and oliwr iman r^caagt* joua«en>lng about the etneli -uirw-a-aijru tOntti t»rVbelong to'llia iveiuit] ThTrlatrelor aweharnblohoatwUl betonnd In'anoUi'fx article..;...Diyoa eret rbUk ibont olden t*mta, about tie diyi When thapit of a theatre wit a feral Intubation, tnd tbo boyt' loeked npoa' It u 4 («re4li»l ^er. lndeedyi we ill look bick wllb pioatnre^to the '•ya of childhood, and wtab tboea daya would coma again] bid a biokeiing far tt. thutre. "Ut feUkra" nied tj JevlrtueoldflpaudleTlea, lobo InrMted Inllcietapf dps f o0M ttuatre wbes !1bU«)», or IhoTJnrniog Sword. "| . - ~M t&h wanderfalptote wu. to. be .plajcd.. The. old.folie 1 'dtdavtllkl ill In go to the theatre; )n. fuL (boy- aiaapprored. of th*#nLrrbow ,beetnee,wopro»oo»'. < b«rbia neitr bctmln- eldeof one themaalTee: but we would go, doom ibejrtu-meanr ifmonjlrtsoiB of Ibo 'fold fc.Hi at home;" ud nuny a lima hite; ''■w Been tonndlr Ihraibed wllb en old.allppor lor oor wilfol dlt-. .obedience.. euA wbog the OTtalfal night tamo tor oor tUIi, "ue' HaUata > 'aronM-ilBrt u early ot five o'clock for tbe tbettro, and. wa would perch oundiei np In tbe corner of Iho big doorway,: T there .wo, would wall, tud wilt,' and wall for (he big' —'to-be osenrd: and thoro, while welling, wo would bo Stream by tie cold, or otaoeliquecicd to dotlh by tbo 'bigger fellen who would loilit oo gelling up front. Llltle- cared we for tbi oold, lllrlo did wo mlod Iho punchca we 'got,'or tbo iqneezlog, ao that tbo otter obapi olln't ileal •our Hotel, or ohuck our capt Inlo tbt ilroeL Aod when tbo doora opened wttn'l tbera i null Wo nerer could eccoaut ; for II bdw we got rato tb. Iboalre allre, for Iho oruih wu feuful, •May be.tley.thought "ui fellort" too lnilgnUlcint to puth oat of '-IdM ray. and my be Ibo big obtpa walked oror u>; we BQetathey dldibil we eiolmed ihreaiblbatllTlag mue, end oh I wun't ere happy wbeu wo got aaatel on Ibje bud, wooden bmcbej wllb *whtth tbe pit rtoplo wert accommoiilod; bdw brilliant the dark, groin bnlse corleln looked' to onr oyet, ud bow brlghllr tbe ump oil burud around lb. bout,. And' "ut follore" would all keep tegitber, nod bold oo to each olhor, ao that Ibo "big boy i" ehouldn'l gel our placet. Atd .when lha little, boll tinkled for ...tbejpun to "boltl tbe ra|," didn't we aireun with delight <i4 ,'4BoAhU.Yea, >etl "Ibem ni blib old'nlgbtal" Somttlmra the phjfonld to to criwdcd Ibtt It would bolToror. Then thiio v wdt fpMj* Iho pit would r'ae, ud eurge, led beaTe.udmiy J» aoine womu would hint (for women Died to go In tbo rOlltMn), then Ibo big boie.110011 "nleo" one ot "ot fel- .Jogk" ud eUtt llii oter the hetdl of the tDeuy.mnlHraat; tbeb apoihtr wotddbo "railed;" tnd aomeumoi the "rich t Pja. In Jbe boi.i would Ion over, tod lift np ono of " ttl fellt foTloep Urn from bcdnaaiUod; ud ibo crowd kept hewing and ! *tUBlM.*« * "^^g' PtoPl* natll the oicbeitre and iiortlcouof. , y rl '£. , ^ ln ^. 4 i b !? lea r UlUl » "ttoondtdi'i *ha womao who oJtto'tritolLabrliked; tndiomoneniaoK; batiestrUly good .unmorpreMllcd. Jiulaa toon at the mile bell tlnMtfl for ra"tt'»'-"aV upigllhiU". uproar would ottte.rht pllwortd .oatnedawn. asAlhe.abDwgoonailt tbo turmoil wi! a oaf* of ;tberrro«r»Dr|e. ,Do yon.know,no 11 ted It Thrie'enmo el 'rhatBnJpf work now, Iber. at. but row pill tmitnio^to r*: mlbdoaoftheoldenUmc; lorft."rich peipte"™^^ fbonlliho ., ptn.ait,ana pay.theblggeM prlco loittthV"ii bof.?OTO an more; "at fellori" oi tnepTteont day go up ilolt.ind took aown Inpllyonthoweli arcuedjieople below; Iho Broenbilie bat gone (o ieclT. (tome of "our ftUrro" hno tin go Jo todcoaii i'Sfi° u ^ km, l 1<, P llc »»' l »o»o brlUlaiitold oU lampi. andlhira'a J 1 " 1 *,•»« connect Iho dramailo lemple ef tbe irMrnldSwTlh •tbe "play bouae" of tbo put ... ; . »'«uwiui x^toS5 I n.7,T l,,I ' < l. ,l0, ! u, ■ worlh of P° 0B ' 8 »««ombl»d at the 2S™.?iS"J mMoI,0 »T ercnlng, OotaOlb, to weicorootbo J?ih7t?,«?S D, fI? 1 """ 10 " lh0 U" 4 ud Ibe boml al^iI^.. , . , .If^■■? ,,1, nitMllotllyoallod thli o:untry when (SRSiTCiS , ?!S ltt 1,D ' ,onn midoblaappeiriBce In ono of Effirf Wi & SW'V V""*"!." utwbeolno aound of h" iiii.™ f.-l 1 .'""' n " 4 n, i 'Oll-remorobercd form . w JiISJ?ljf?iJ?."S° t . , 'J ,, "i D, " !l blm and to welcome blm a rSB?/" Tbf lief 1 ?.!: W om ""T 1 '»• "li Of • 11.^1 ^SisS^uJX^ , lhclc bindloicbloie, aal amlled ^blindly, nod John looked and bote! Mm thmi-B nniii i,» albalnlgbLthoTO ltwst lolewbi, wji ,||.,SJhSl, {ST tboeewiotholiB Ibo.lirljhlMtwerejJiB^SS:..^ and Miry Oirf.' »tr. Dionglum wu rXiiXLffiI ouf dorii I tbt orenW atd ot tho clow of the OTrlJTffa^ un»TOHIyl(.Tid call, be oppo.rtd IhIoiJ iiVmSX? oceot bla cbjnct'rtilld epiecto), IbtiailB. ulrS,"Sj rbilrMadsMt/ndoll that; tnd eiprc.Mei^Virol Sir!l hi •could netnndlabouagt, brworde,or wbstoM?, jK.SJi K (xprcu Ibermollolt and alllhat tort ol thing wblcbSSiateTaia boiOT,.lSdoootblngaranolher, «nd tben t° ,.Wd'. . IhOrloM. wPhlitw, and the next nluht tho oro-ieetrTwiu,!!'^ . gnd^r^ r^^bu! rlaytd wlljitml Ihim, for thereUtrailo .tt,.:c.Ti:W t 'f -i ii.'.:Ti. - itudy. or elio Iboy were afraid to apeak cat Vile Loonl li of good form, bu rtihtr a pleating lice,dreaaea.lie obiracter enellr u It abould bo—wlthla tbeboundtof modeily—ud rote', biteglion Ibt rale conaldtriblealady, u abe uidantiadt bar buatneet ihorongblr. Her broidiword combtt w|lh Mr. Lay wu ten cltTBr, and her performibce tbrouibiut good. Oop- ajjerlng.lhe Tory bad aupport ine reotlTid from the eompuy, we wonder how tho got along aj well u iht did. Mr. Lty. litely tnviung wl|h Zoe, tppotTid u Mnbaroaied, and united ml'c rlally'ln ctrnlog the piece OirongbJ Bit cooefp'loa or tbe part, although not u good it we ban wan, wu prttiy fair, T. Klng*a S> Ootrrcf wurery clieer. Tnlt geauemin baa tbemiteail to nformtUng a good actor; koebonld connect hlnuelrwllb aonu lbalclwi company, ud In time may become aomelblng In Iho dramaSrwvrla. AU he wuta It eipirlince and ltody, t'tila Wilby'i Maria wit tfaao gool.' Tbo roll of the Tirybai). Mr. J. Honon appeared ru Tony, and what wile knowing acncely a lite Of bla part, he rebutted to gigging, rising liuguace not altogether aitttod lo an aodle. co, not eien to the rrtquntcre ol Tarlely abowr. Mr. CorcJll aeomod to know hit part, but to mou'hed hit. wordt Ibtt gcirctlyoue-balcheuul ooull be beard, PreTtoaa to tbo drunt the uauat Tltlelr tbow wu glren; Mr, Henon li a lair Irltb comlo TocaUtt, bot ho ahouUnotallomptlbo acntlmental, it bit tinging of "ffeuln' of the Qreen" wu not ouctly tbe thing. Carrie Beeree, it o Tonllat, only neada a Utile morn eipertonco to make her en acceptable linger.. Bure'e Bitx, So. IM Drmdaay, la. Hill to lot for leotarta, ooncerta, mlntUal companler, etc. . 1 Tare atOMcIijti connectid wllb the orcbiatlu cr our placet of amntemtnt bin mad. a meat of II by tbau late anika, and It will no doubt be tbe uuio of broaktng up what la kbown ta tho "Muatoal Mutual FrotcollTo Bodety." At we predicted In laat weak'a CLnrm, the itrlko took effect on Wodnoaday eteolng, tbp Ittroat.andat ameeHogof the manager! tbey. with.but two ciceptlona, reaolTcdnot to giro the'adTaoeo ttlary. and would •aoonelet their orcbeatru wo.'attd'for awnlle do withe plana, Well, Wedneidty night irrlTdd, end Ibktog oar ututl round w. TUItediTaiyplace-oi : amuiementin till Urge dly. Hot a Tory euy Job, teeing that there are lOTim theitree, ono opera, cne clrcua, tbree mlnatrel balla, three nrotlo halle, ud ona muaonm, In til alileen placet, wblohleagood deal of grmnd to getorer. Blirtlngit Mn. Wood'ewe fouod, inttcadota Biker'e dozen ol more, a aenuemu-prorldtng ft ta pluo, Mr. Btlwyn rn tbe mean- time Biatng an apologytor no orcbeatra ua elating the cauao. We tben reached the Winter Qaidru Jolt la lime to te. Mr. Huley lotTlng |ho footllghii, tfter iaemg made an apology attoUii to that of Mr. Belwynl, wllb the exception tbtt sol aren a pluo bad been obltlned, owing to tome nutunder- atandtofr. to tbe enow went on without any muilo winterer. . At Welhck'e we found Mr. MoUenbuer In bla aett anlited by tlx or aeren mon, Mr, M. haetog become dlagailad wllb tbo Aato. olatlon and Laft It, taking wllb bun, we belleTe, aeTara] membera, At the Opera, there waaafull bud, of conrto, ea It would "be aJmowtin Ijnp^rlNtt'y to fire in Open wltoonlabe orobeatnl aSocte. .At tie Blppothtatron, Hunger Lent, Uklng time by tb. forelock, went to Brooklyo and ugagad a bud of fire pleeea foi the aftarnonB-tbnw, who wore on bud, ud wbu bla regular or* cheatra .cama to tbe Hippo In themcrolng to demand thelo- creaao, they wen told lo go lo lb. offlceud get whit wee duo them, aa tbey were oo longer wuled. Id the erealag ibo new band of fire wore on hand, alio two ol tbe eld onee, who preferred to keep teelr illnailont at tbe old prleot, Tbey accordingly took their tetli tn the orchoatitud oommenced to fiddle, bnt Iboy bad not bun there long before another ooe of the old budt aame up ta theee till two, ud by tbretle, etc., to frlghleood them that.tbey' took Addlea to bud and were abont luring, when Manager Lent roroed Ibtm to lane Ibelr Tlollna for Uut nlgbt, ud going down to the lobby, lound two oabndert who, with fldalot In bud. Tut to work. LoiTlna. thlnga all atruo there, wo look a trip down' tbo Bowery, (topping atTony Pattor'i, where, In conieqnuce of m, putomuno being "ran," tbe orabeatn, conalaUng of aeTrn pleoaa, were kept during tbo week, but Ibli week the force It tt- duced to ire piece*, who are paid the id ranee. 4t tie New Boa- -ery wa loutd no orcbeabn; oat In lie ateadakeUle-drnm and Erench horn, alio a piano, bat tbo plulei who hid been tjngaged camo In tbe eToolog ud aald "he wu afraid he'd be taking broad ont of o'her mualdu'0 moo lha by plajmg,". ud be "thorried hit nlba." At the Old Bowery there wu a roll bud, ud the oil one, too, u they bid been engaged' for the iMton ud wore under "wrltleo coirlncla," ao they could ', uol altHo. tnilboreheatnbUr.Bcbaad. the lecrolery of the aatodallon, ud tbe gantlemu who txnej Ibe nollcei on the manajere. At the TarleUet Ihere wieanorohettraolflTOpleoet and a pluo. Lcarlng Iho Do rerj wo aoon fonnd OuraeiTea on: Broadway again, ud at that popular eilabllibmonl, lit Iber. ah orobiatra ol men placet bad been retained, only ono leaTldff, the real remtlnlpg ot tbo old prlcca. At tbo Broadway, about onebalfoftboutuilnumbirhadboonletgo, udthe other half i oiauud at tbo tdTUced nrleea. AlBarnnm't we fouod a planlal going It with a will, ui no other muito. The"F.enoh8py," which wu to bare been produced, wu withdrawn rn oontequence, and "llaxeppe" aubatlruled. At Hlblo'a there wu (be regular full orchestra, Mr. Wheelley, at well u Mr. Maroltek, haTlng obtained pormliolon frrrn Ho Mtnagore 1 Auodatlon to kiop them on at tie adTinoe prleea during the cogagemeLt of tbo Bi- yell, la II would bo dlfflculltoslT. uolr paiitotnlmta ond btllela without muelc. Bealdta thlo, tbt HtT.ll ttfattd to play without IhomualcandMr. WheiUey wet obliged to laiCHUib. Wealu Tlilted til tbt mlntlrelhalli;bnlof ooureo tb. rale, did not af- foct tboui, u good mualctui In t mlnalrol bud get moro than .what tbo aaiodatlon dimeoda. We alio Duderttand that Mr. Harrlaon, of ItTlng Hill, iu Joined with Iho muigere, ud do- tormlood that no mm belonging lo tho utoeiitlon tb all bo allowed to pltr for uy conceit ni ball glren In tbtt ball during tho ontu- Log winter, ud ha bu pledged himself nol to rent tbo ball to uy ono except wllb thla cllirlnct onderitudlog. Aa bring Hill Is una noirly erery night for balla daring tho eoaren. It will at onco be aeen bow Ibla willarloct the aaaoditlon.. Mr. Molten- haaor bat been th. drat loader to leare the uaoolitlon, ud wo bare haard that tbreo mora of onr prloolpal leaden will withdraw daring tbo preeut week. On Thursday ana Friday orenlngi wo tookuotberround,ocdloundetBarnurn'i an oroneatraof alx pleeee: tt Wioter Oarden Mitt Qirlolti9biw wu pitying apltno; aud it Ibo Olympic, then hu i pluo. Ibe reel or tbo placet weroiabcforoalated. Thla OToolug erery pluo of amucmont except Ihe.Nov Dowory will bo tnppllcd with an prchtaira, Mr. Ungard, of- thtt theatre, not yet bating peitVcled bla ar- nntementa for any olher muilo thu % piano Mr. BobL Biqcpel. ol tho Winter Oardon, biTtog "akook" Ibo Ataoolition, will lakd bit old place and bare the uibrlioce of (.Ten or eight good ruu- alcltni. Tbomaa Biker, of Iho rjlymplc, bat alao led lie ' P/p- teclltef," and with ono of bla oU nun, who baa alto left tb. bil- flgeienu, ud abveri new man, will bo a bit poetwlih oatm In hud. At tbe olrona, tnitbei band baa alao bom eioured. Tho leader of tbo Old Bowtry bei alao ltd Uio "alrlkere," ud con- tuiuei on with bit old party. Tbe leader of th. New Bowery bu nol yet withdrawn, but, wo undrrtltnd, Inlrndi doing to, Until bo doe*, Mr, Llnnrd will probably go II tlono wllb a piano, Tbua It wllibpaeen Ibtt the allempl of Iheaatocltllon to-forco the Dtoagna to c'Tiply with III dunwde, bat railed. If they hid gono about it ta a iUTorent way, the probability la that tbo mtnagcre would bite compiled, leaf July, when the lul id- run wiaaikod, lha aanolabon glTtlio mioigerinoilUrely to undere'ud that It would fx tho lul dimud It would mikt, ahd lha muigon at that time agreed, abonld another demand be mido, lo put planoa In tbtdr orobaatrt; lory bate dono to, aud tho reaultia ino. It wrxn'm^ue no dTflennce toBryut'a Mtflalrela wblob rnriy anontoda la tie election to-morrow, for the earn. ero»di «U1 bo oa bud to ate Dan tnd bu confteret, no mailer who the lucky cudldttoa may be. Ion will tee more ol Seymour thu or tb ' other momberi of thu bud, owing to bla great altitude;.Di»e Beed will "Come Bp" to blm, bowtTor, In publlo laamailoo. Spaihlniol Bead remind! uiof eomethlog: Oan yon tell oa why jellbF-so»ered lUeraturo la lien no moraf Becauee Itti aU red. . alias RUiT Fnmxa cam. be fere ua on Monday erenlog, Oct 3latit lhaHaw.BoweryThtilre,tn lit popalar play of 'Ma- xeppe," Sate wu reeelred la u entbaxlliUo rnucer b; a large euaioaoe, ud her rendlUon of tie character of Mtwppa wu do- aerredly tppliuded. Hate alto ippaared la tho. "Three Feat MraTor wblob the net ilderenerer tire. To-night lb. oriental tpectacla of the "Catuaot of tie Ougea" It to bo rertted, with new aceneiy, maobluery, ud appolntmtnli. Thli at ono of the mott popular abow pleoea erer prodneed In tola dry. The '■Cat- aract ,r wdl bo euro to atlraet the watirfaUt thli week. Ka|e FUherud ber b-ne will arpeirlu the ipecude. A Motbuii bu Jut been introduoed on the altgeof tbo gall FrancUco UlQllrele; tile a ''tripleologduee," wtUeiecniedbr Meani. Cooper, Flelda ud Budi; It looka well, taket well trllb lb. epeelatoia, ud eontnbnua to make the programme eron more utertaiolog thu 11 bu boon. The Filaco B031 are. doing Hi I Hi I—Why are the dramailo crl'lcaoflblaaltyllkennlgln eatyt Becana. they are confined to a non. "Onr Jim" layt some of'em ought to be conuned to a ball and chain. Don ! mind blm, though; he'l to) rough. _ . Fuitota CfliKTXicr—we gt,e people their fuu namea when they _a dolog nloily-bu mad. anon a capital thing oat of "8am." that bo menu to keep on until foribor notice. Tbe Broadway la well allandtd, ud DeWttdu'i lutla 1 go. and that remind! ua that tbe part ao dererly played by DeWalden la low J oat it well played by Mr. Albaugh, tho author blTlng'mido money enough to enable blm ibrtttieln order, probably, ' ■ yomt kVOwajoi anil commence u engagement at tbe Broad- ,'way poalttraly within eight weeka. Mr. Uweoa wu engaged by Mrl Wood before ha ltd fqr Europe.wllb tho underetandlog Ibit be could oommtnee aa aoon'u he mumed to thla * country. On bla arrlnl bt found Mr. obufraa dalngj good bnalneu with 'Bam,' bo be bu gencroutly ajreed to "bold np" and giro Mr. Chanlrm tbe Denial a little longer lime. "Jeat ao. Jeu bo." Jobony Oweni didn't aaa anything of "that barrel 0' eoai" .while he wu in Leaden, wo ballero. . ■ • '. ■ . _■ > . . A Lotlx Gossip.— Madams Bnmor haa beon tery fcoey tbe peal week with Iho Managon' Ataoolition, to lha effect that ikB Muu- geT of the Winter Harden bad conduded to withdraw ant) adTer, tti« to tbe Harukf, alao uotbor manager In lie burnt coir bail; 'neia. 'How trne tils It tbe following llrlle Incident wul ptore; At aoon u Mr. Brougham's engagement at tb. Winter Gird en wu effected, Mr. Morrla, bit agent, lneerlod u adrertutraut la the HrraU ttatlng thai "Mr. Brougham would commence bll How York engagement at Iho Wlnler Garden, «lc" Aa aoon at Iblabrlof uoenneemutappeirod Intbecolamntof tbtfferaltf, qultt u excltemut wu made amoog tb. managera, and air. btuart wu tmoedlalely callol on and lomonilralod wllb. To hla credit, ho denied ill knowledge of tt ud nottdod Mr. Brougham that it'mail bs atopped at once. Tali led to qalte a talklni match, Mr. Broagbam auertlog that It vat the only paper rea< In tbe elub hootca In London, and he wlahed to be noticed In Ita colnmna. But tilting wis melees, at Btuait wu determined. Aa the "ad" bad been paid for three timet In adnuce, li had to go lo that number or Umw, when II wu ttoppid; bnt for one day only, allor which uother appeared almott similar to tbe flnr. Thli earned uother ion la lb. cunp, re ml ting la tit. Bluett in- foiadng Mr. Brougham that bit eogaaament moat name to em lumediite cloie, tod Mr. Clarke waa telejrtphedfOT to PhUadtl- phla to come right on, and Iho "Ticket of Lea re Mm" wu put up for representation. Finding thtogn getting terlooa, Mr. B. pledged bbnaelf that It ahould not occur again, and order once more reigned In Warsaw. It la the Intention at Iho managera hereafter to hire toeeiledlntboengagTmoataof oil euro, that they are nol tolneertany adrertlaomenl lath. xTerafd during their * E ScxSi?the iklUal ud aUncttre ecroeitrJenns, who hu been delighting lha Kabliua of Barnum'a Mate am far tbewe four w< ekt putln ••alueppe," andpleceaof that chinerer. appearaaa the "French Spy," on boraebaok, Ibla week, el tbtt popular eatabllah- ment, which, webellere, la the Brat time It baa hem aoprrlormed on Broadway. Aa'a dramatic etuutrkuna, Oceana la conceded.' to be among tho Ant beat MauaganwaaUng tooBgagetbialady, ahould iddresi her agenl, Henri Loraine, u per adrertuament la IQOtahll)r CCatQSASe Tex Hixxdlt Biothbu irrlred tn tela dry on the gth, ud will remain bare for a abort tlrne. We ahould ttk. toeee tola tamou troupe at ono of our Broadway theatre* be tore laey alert ont on Brother tour. A Coacniraa atd Htm""!" fluUit playir hu an idrtraae- ment In thli lane. Bee what be ayt. Mb; Fmtmiaios Bobtjbob*, comedian, from the 8t Jamn' Theltre, Londoo, engaged for Wallack'a Theatre, wu oa board the ateimahlp AttUnta, tut week, detain ed below with cholera onboard. Dux, hli reetdeoee lalalaclly, J. P. Cooke, the well knoaa mualolu ud compoaor, and late leader ot tie orehe lira of Ibo Broadway Theatre. Holland to hiredled af tTphBt fowr. Wo uw him OBthJ 8d toll, on Broadway, and although not looking ai wall uuaual, wo had no Idea that bla 111 oeutraaof such a lertouenaliireu it hu atsoe turned out to hire bun. The fauenl will tike place on IheTlh lut. - A urn Did of Iherefndorymualdua-lbo "Muatoil Unlon"- wu held thla, Monday aiternoon, to take Inlo cotuidirarloa Ibe itate of "tho alluatlon." A motion wis madi to reduce lb. bunt tariff of rater, which led la a atoreay debits: but 11 wu eTtdeot that Ike majority wul in far the redaction, and that they dealred to reiome their placet it tbe "old pricea" Ibe miller bad not been dedded when our toformullelllberetraotory atdlnhar- monlout gathering. II It probibla that "lha Union will bt die- aolTtd." la toglroniaaerlei it ol Bbakeeperre and kswiii Foieirr, at Ajnertoaa tngedlin, . of biamaalerly denotation!or tbeoroitlona , olhor great anihon, cenmendog at Hlblo'a Otrden on Mondty erenlng nort, I3th Intt On ibo off nlghte—Mr. ronul per- formfog lour nlphu In each wook—the leanllou dnma of "Arrah ni Pogu." will bt gtTen, with Mr. Oluny, who aomo Urn. ago tnado auoh a firnrable Lmpretllon In tola plooe, la the cbanottr of Shann tbo Pool. • "Tub Bod o'Luie Poua," oaa of John Broughtm'a muaical compotitlona, wis perfaimod for ibo fnit time In Ibla conntry cm BoDdir erenlng, Oot BOtb, br tho orobeatra ot tho Winter Har- den. || la a planing Utile bit, bu a gooSnnonmedt, intnOnit city enough 10 pltylo tsako It popular with thoyoung ltdloawbo wony tbnpiona Tib ImlUtlon of a blrd'a watbllng wu Tory well dono by 000 or tho refractory mualdue. UvnoT or I The "6lrcela of Hew look" will be cleaned out it Ibo Ulympto on too lllb Intt, t» that Iboio of lie dear people who biro sot ytt torn Ibla tlluhlly, oTfrdrawn drama molt sc tbltwitk, Oalbe 131b Int.. "lie Bleeping Beauty" will bj »ho«n up. Tola la the "gorgooua apaclacle" produced by Mr*,, Wood lilt iMBOB.the but kuc of Which, for me- cuinlcol illtoit, rtrpitiod ujlhlng Ctttto kind enrued fn >>>!• illy. The felr nuinr wl.l appear tk tbt Dotuly, while" M'llo jugojlihiibeenaodhredto lead In thetallrl. The• iBTielblo Tax rttoaoiittrJTfulAJlediUbe Old tbeitM, Plltabnrgb, by' that sterling yonnp actor, Ed tin Adama, baa exceeded In bril- liancy axT played Ibere the present ataun. Our eorreapondent "Adelpbl" taji: •tht llltle temple haa bets crowded to the doora nightly, Ibo indlesoea beinji of a Tary btalltoloal ud ap- predallTe chareoter-lha crmt do la create of the community. On too oooiajoo of bla btneAt wbu 'Ibe Serf wu Introduced, the Jim wu more thu usually groat. ATI tho 'eligible looailuui' bad been aecurod during tho day, and those who oamo at th. elOTenth hour were oonipoliod 10 tab. a back an?at or abaqnato- tato, lbaanaiencwenpaokol toaolber Uko 'Vint' prlwnert tnnlrog by nil throokb tba defanot Oufcdenoy. Too alalia nd lobblea were crowded wllb etudeee, who bom their III for- tune nry reilguedly, erldtntly congntulatlog tlomiolret that Ihty were not farced, like muy olhere, to turn away altogether. Tbo now aaniaUon wusroduoed In a commendable muoor, lb. aeeneWudmeohenlCTjiffeojB bnlng much admired. All par- tldpattog were well up In Ibelr jura, ud the play paued off Tery amoolhly. Mrl AdaBtkwituo nnl who aaiumed the role of inn in tbe United Btat.e, and bJj perforinuo. of tb. obario- terbu alrtadr bioa ipoaen'of atletnth In your oolumna. Aa OmiBt BarrllUT. Mr. i. tllllo.gaTO OS great uUiftotlon. Mr. L. taauoioolluthMTymuenditudi blgb lu the oatlmallou of our playnoiM.. HaunasHhor, aad Woitworlh aa tho Prlooo Fedor, wen good. Mill MJonlo Monk'a Counleti wia a olerer petlormuge, mured tomowntt by.tbo elige munerlnnato which tula oihwrtlie txcollont aclreat la addloiod, end frpm which iha ahoald ondeaTor to freo hortelf. Acoullna found a chinning jepreaenlitire In Adw Monk. Br. Cogawoll mydo Ibe moalhooonld ont of MoVlgret. bnt 'tit a ohuaoler IU cUcoUUd to dliplay bla taluli. Tba plooo wu well roctlvcd. Tho bjoe- ftdalre wu called out it tb. tdrmtnilloB and imporluned to 'apeak a piece.' The Barf' wu prtputod agala oa the Win, whin Mr. Adami alao aualalnod tbo nart of tbt bwo lo «laok Byed Buaan." On lib 80lb wu prodSoad Filjoaeit a »mjdf of 'Mm of the Diy^eill, 'Wild Oata;' let, 'Enoch Aldan;' Id, -byreoaeilor tio Iidtce of Pltlab.Bigb-'namlel' wu repealed. TfriigA 3d, Adama mir^ uubpcrJ, offering Iho • tluiueool it u^jSndpal MiSc^wlft'ttSiog. .11 W '« iwladop. BawnialundtoBoid'apoeni.'rJberllu'illiao.' On the ath, tie doling night of*la engagtmont, be will poraonale SlhoBrnnkart ' 'Ytm pleaJed to cfircnldo ho auoceia wilU wblob Iho -legttimato' haa mot: the libera1 patronago extended »y ourdtkjinitoMr.idama lii doaeriod W*Ji of iruo rtent and creditable to Ib/lr good wonte and dleorlmtoaUoD, Heat (Ibli) week tbo Itallu Or*re owne, remaining alx nlabu, ud will appear In 'Ermnl,' ^lutoa,' II Trenton;,' 'Fauat,' 'Norma' iJh^iTon Qloraolf • lha prlcca ban beu nlicd to tl and II oD. Alargonnmborof uaeon ilckole baTO already been aolA. On&fuhlonublca atoln a flutter of excllomcal. The poUO- leumuulo.'ricrwlllftlironntfflfaoiMlnill thetormouueta of iDle, nltoi aud brlillanla ofwbe dial woter, to crillcloj not ibo performenct. bultho (out ertamt* of tietr nelgbbotB. Tho regular compaor proceed to Wheeling on, Iho Otb, tojourolng Iber. dnrlna1 too Optra teaaon. To ore U a Urge Qormin popnla- llon at that pBh\ tod Midimo ttoberri^#7«l tloubileaa do weU. Mr Wardhaal« rrielBllatedaaioe^o«Uttailh'i Ola BruryV Arthurj'iluior taking hoia of Iho broth at the Opora Dcmio." ffltaB OrrrjuuiasR bu leand tie HewOp«rBnoua%Hawpr- leatti/for aii'monlbt.and wu to^aeo onued ibenon the lllb TBrtTuT»y H» bu ^^raa ^amngeatWwilh' Max Blnkiieh ° AceroawT 10 a Arml^ltt?SSdia Btutrf 'a 'member on lie Park Theatre Oempany, BrooklTg, art with a arrere araidinton Frl lay erenlng, 3d laat Hewuuuurlu.loepaitof Black Mnl- Una la "Tbe Peep 0' Day Bora." In one partton or whlobbe mtkea a descent of aome tareoly.Ar. feel by ewlogtog to a hough. While miUogtoideajeni the rnaeblsary (art way, preolplta- llnghlmulheauge, breaking oaa of Ida anna aad othoiwli. aerlouily Injnritg blm. LioaAHixira < od company did a fair bualueaa Uet week at Wood'i Ineilie, LooIstuIi, ruder Dufteld ud Frran'a minage- mentncHwItoiUndJrg iha* from neglect tie eaUblbhment to de- cidedly In a "fat" eeaion. , At Uowaan a Tbutbx. Poottv all; "Leah, the Fonaken,"b'u been altracUBg fall iadleneM,wllh Mn. Frank Grab am u Lean, ud J. B Boborltai Walter. On the 30ib alt Mre. Onbim wu to take a benefit, It being nor Utt apoearuce but one. There le a ecompany at thla Ibralro, Indudtogthe Ulaan Lottie Letter, , v „le Miy, Harriet Frukl'B, Llralo Xemblo, Mn Muler, and Meana, & J. aUta, B. J. Ulllrr, L. A. Letter, J. W. Toohey. W. 3. Wigalna, Howard, and O. Perry. By way of keeping op Ibe a'- tnollona, Mutger Uobarta adreitltn In tblt l»me for addtUanal people. Including an old nun, old womu, leading man, prompter, U d comedian. Promp t app lication would aeem to b» fottrable. AKConuoiitTi nf BooranrrBB for lie peat week bare been no- meroua and Tarled. At tbo . Opera Houee, Mlu Kite Belgnolds hai preetnled the "8m of let," In wblcb, u Ogartta ud Maria do Laacoura, abe la ten Aoe, particularly la lie but tot, where ber TBvgeuce upon the murderer of her parents culminates. Our correspondent aaya:—"Bit la a Tery pleulog ntreat and hu become quilo a feTorlle with Ibo Boehealarlana, Lut tTcnlog, lit lull, wo bad Ibo teoond rendition of 'Tbt Angel of Midnight,' a plica wblcb poateaiea no merit other thin tomt itrlktng rilaa- ttbna. To-night, 2d. we an to bare 'Borneo aad Juliet.' Tbe 'witoning Blnu Bur,' Alice Ktugebury. paaaed through here thla week on her way home on s Title, hiring Joel oloeed a Tory aucoeaerul engagement at Montreal, a k," Mollis BoosiMiir end bla dugbter Virginia hare been melt. Ing with unbounded tucoeia In tbo wett during .ibelr uaTaung lour with J. 0. Myere' dramailo company. At Orwego, N. I., torlr reception wu moat flattering, Judging by tho following no- tice from tbo Jdrtrtlur and Tim or Orlobtr 801b. of thtt place. "A Ttry Isroe ind reipeelabl. audience auemtled lut night it Mtnmd Hill, to wllneai for ibe Ant time la tin dry, MoBean Bucbanin'arepmentatloaof IbecBinoler a 'Blcholten." It It agrealcbtnctor, udihla aoU»la great In IL Baoaanan lean Aoroal He folly comprehtnde lie chtraotar, aluii ud pateloai ol the man he repmenti, udbalalolmltablt In bit dellneallbna. There were muy passages ia hit elocution lut night whloh ap> proaebed the tubUmt. Tben wu but or., expienlon tmong Ino auditors, end list was tilt he wutle moat powerful, and tbo beet tcTOBIhit bid erer TtaltedOawiBU Be wia well tuitaloed by bit dughtir to tbe character of Julleda Mortlmir, ud by tbo reitorlbeoompuy, who letm to han been Tery Judlclouily aelected." AT tux I^oraTiLLa |Kt) Isuzaa, Mr. JdbaE. UcDooough bu been doing a good bnalneai with "Arrah na Pogue," aided ud abetted by Bonht* Glmbar Kuhn. Brforalng 10 their en- geg.mmt the LouituUli Journal aayt:—"notwithstanding the Lnclemenoy of the weather lei! night, ud tie lut thai tbe great play of 'Arreb na Pogue' bad been run during the entire pre.- Tloua week, there wu uother large audience at the LoulaTllle Thtatra lut night Although wo, aa a general thing, ere not enibuaiullc orer modern .predontlona, we cannot help being co al the lttnt producuon of Iilon Bouoloault which la 'Arreb na Fogne.' From the time that tbe ourtaln rtiu unul It dropa la the laat icue, the attention ol allpreaeol la rlntedon the play, The play of 'Amh na Pogue' la uadoubleaiy tbe muter produc- tion of Bondtault, u - It greatly exceeds' that or 'Colleen Barn' In dramailo tn**ot. The author's contrlnnrea to produce effect In 'Amh nl Pogue' ire at daring ud Ingenious u tbtyerM wen. Hit tableaux an eenauoue, bia aoenu pregnul with light ind moUoa, ud .hla penonagu are so representative of their teteral duica, that while tbey lick flue cburadenatlon, they neter fall to giro thoeo teaoblnga of mure thtt miko tho world akin. Tie cul of tho drama la Tin etTectlre. TboBhtan of Mr. McDonongbitamoat ardibo pltce of acting and fully diaplaya tbt high abllluee of that gentleman aa an artlat lo tl • entire part he Is guided byalborongb knowledge of the peeu uirlttea of Iho Irian teinperamtnt, woloh Andt loll cxpreulon la a mixture of bnmor and palboe. The acme doling tho tnil It moat excellently rendered by Mr. McDonougb, and none who ban aeen the play will for oao moment dony tbtt John MoDon- ongh li Ibe man for tho character, ud air. Bouclcaull most hue had him In bla mind atlbe time bo produced thli wondeiful piece. Tho Ainh Meellih of Mim Huha la Tery warmly re- eelred. Toll young lady aearu to hare a full conception of the patlj and not only drtatea but acta It to perfection. Tbe other oheractera La the play, wolrb an repreicated by the merobert of tbe nock eompuy, in excellent, ud altogether tbe pity puses off eery welL It wOl be repealed k-nlght for the lut time, end we woold adTlie all wbo bar. nol aeen It nol to mtes ibe oppor- tunity." Mr. McDonough ud Amh go from Louirrlllo to fulfil u engagement at 'NiahrlUe.Tenn., where It la expected Iboy will nuke a tcn-atrlhe. Thb Haw AHiaicin Tauixgi, lite Museum, Baltimore, Ud. bu beu cleaned, altered, and re-decorated, and la now open for pubud patronage under the management or J.' W. Wharton.' A p'eaalog programme li glren nightly by a dramatic combination, wllb W° McFarlud U lie ttar. Tb. proipeot ol Ita lucoua u a legitimate theatre la placed, we ate Informed, beyond peradTeo- tnre. Bee adrertlaement in anothor oolumn. Ma. Hicert commonced a Are nlghta' engagement at .Tonng USD's Bau Detroit, Mien, Oct. 30th. under toe muag.mont of 0. A. Hongo, the Atbenainm company being tranaierred then to aopportblm. The large hall wu filled to ita ntmoet capacity to wlbaeu the greatest ItTlng FailiUtt. Ha opened In "Hinry mh," playing It two nigh la, Iho crowd, If poealble, being greater the aecond night thu tbe Ant On Wednesday, ''Merry Wires" wu produoed, with a caat which caoaot be excelled la the wnlfrn retmtry.brlaglng u It dia the entire oonpany Into Rqalallion. Be wu to appear on Hot. 3d, 11 Moeb. Mallet tnd O'callaian, for hit benefit. Tbx Eauitt open at Young Uen'a Bad, Detroit, Mlob., Hot. 6lh, In tbe "Matched of Venice." Prleea doubled, A Nntam 0* Dbuutiutiou by ibe late W. W. Piatt, aa well u aomo by olher authors, an adf ertlaed lor aale In thla lane or the Cur-ran by Ciarlre WlTxInaon, atage manager, of the AthenanD, Detroit, Ulob. las Haw Aarx&roiK TnrATaa, lite Baltimore Huiaum, Md.,. opened to good bnttneu on Uondsy, 90lh nil,, bnt gradually de- classed daring the week. Tbe plena wore "Broken B ford" ud . Quiet Family," with an Interlude of acrobilloa ud dancing. Mutger Wharton Incurred ooualderable exponas In re-At|lui ud tmtbellUilnf, ud hai mctunorpboaed the dingy walla ui bare eaala Into a perfect llltle gem, Tbnndty, 3d laat, the "ilulu Loeer" wia produced to • fair borne. Achuge ol lac oca will doubtlen take plice 'en long. TnauTUUL iXTiru IB Wilmington, H. 0., am reported u being la a Aourlthlng condltloo. A oorreapondenl writing on Oct 29lb, aayt: -"Blcco tie opening aigit, Oct lOlh, aomo of tie moat popular playa of Ibe day baTO been performed. Tbe com- 8uy conattti or Meaira. Jobn DtTlt. Geo. E. AudrewB,' Oeo. beet borough, J. P. Onrne, John DurlTage, ti, O. Spear, L. C. Welles, Wm. Paul, 0.8. Sleologer, T. Thornpaon, Smllb, Femper- ton, Celt, Lewis, ud Oorbetl; Oatrlotte Orampton, L«ura Desmond, Araoi Willetr, Agnes AlUn, Holly Proof or, Mitt W. Paol, kin. Andrews, Ida Morton, ud Mri. Join OaTta. H. M. J toxin a la the manager ud John DarLe, ateie maaiger. Mr. Ohaeae- bcrrough appeared but one night an nndltpotlUoa'required bit withdrawal from the arpt. Obarlotto Onmplon look a farewell benell on Ibe 3tlh mil, appearing as Medea. On the 97th, the 'Angel ot Midnight' wu produoed, wllb Agou Allen utbe Angel who waaipplanded throughout, htr rendition being excellent ud ber nuke np unexceptional. Mln Allen la u old ftTurlte on th. Empire City lltgo. Mr. Jobn Datla, onr liadlog nuo, la winning laureJa. Mr. O. Andnrwa, ludlng beaTy^mado adr dded aacoau u Baron de Letnbeek, In the 'Anaol of Midnight aad J. F.Oiajne'a nndarlngof Melton la *«»icbeilB Ind a deaerru putioular meaUon. O. Bpeer, ol the Boatoutlage, hi dotag the comlo old men up to aba handle. On Oct win. Belli.Partington appeara In 'Aanodoua.' In flno we hero naoia decided auccets uJrncin to keep the ball a nlllng. The prtcea of adrnlatlon are:-Orebutri aud dreu ^ « WMP unU; ouue gallery, box, colored, (1; western gallery, colored t)0 cents; eallem gillery. colored. M cinU. m ™. 1. A niuu or nlhtr a building ereotod for that purpoae, la adnSSedSadetotblS week's Curmu Bb located among IboTelTer. fcrTt at PlthoK Pa., udlaa•.^ w ^'<>njL b » l »; lut uDed up with populaUop, thla 0PP»rt°n"yw°Jn' 4 f^«m«» on. to be taken admitage of by any ona doalrlog to embark la the tt TBite jSSSS'Mo.) TBXiTan wu opened on October 11 WriS. thefoliowlog ^tffiEfitfft aad 0. H. lrrlni; Mejdamet M.w'Brealiw. 0. 0. Jordu. J. K. Verdoa andF. Frame. "Lot?. Burtncb 1 ' ud ■■ThoUian of.a LOTtr'.' were to._op«lBg Ingtos, ImpTfaWh.^ Ibtlr audkmoa wary rarorably. On the Mn u>^vvw*tfB***gmW)!aWKW*nai« la tbe paaon oflJbiilii Pop. Wbff Weirtid'u tbe iuke ArauaJa.-Toe Honoymobn. r Mlu Heri»l.tta irriAg alao appeared uJullaua, la wbtebabe allolled oonaMUtacle applauae. Laat night iMlhTwe bid The nireu,' with Ben o#Ba» it Bob Aorea, Pope u Oapt Absolute, Bitnapottaa Sir LirHui O'lrlager, ua-Mlai Irrtna aa Lydla. Toolgbt, iribl for old Xtrs'i beneAt we are to hire •Mootr.' ud tie Immortal -Twcllrt,' with do Be, Pop;, Dana, port, Waltlog aud Hlia Irrrng la tie caat" Htu. Miara Zoa did nolatiraotu good bouset tin put weak u daring tbe flrtt of her ugigemenl it Ibe Open Ilonae, Pllta. burgh. BIUI she bat don. I paying buatnea*. "Adelpbl''trrllse aalollowa:-"OurplaT,aea bare erldeouj bad a aurfett of tbt ahlo of pleoea wblob Ban been prodooed el tble bontt reeetaUy. Tola but week Zoe hat appeared la 'Huaul.Uo.' 'Angel of Mid- nlghi,' 'BrokuBword,' 'MoantalaDeTil.'end'WeptorWLsb'-lOT:. wub,' Her iword exerdso ud dlipliy of tbe Terpelchorean art bare won for bar mnohappltute; ber magnificent atyle of ur> dnealnnbor character! liagreit attraction to iba edmlrere'ole aymmelrloil form. 'Ntck 01 Ibe Woode'-W. D. Leak aa falbu, Beftoa u Buck pole, ud Annl. Ebarlt u TUlie ltaa-and •Solon Bhmgle'baToalwbeenpirfonned. Zoo dotedb.rrngigemait on tbadth, appearing In lha 'Flying Dulcbmu," au 'FreiKh Bpf-' She toes to the LouUTthe Tbialre. 'Ten alchlB In a Bar- room,' wblob drew a lull anneal ihtauh'aee on tie Iglh ult, la announced for rtpelUlon on tbe alb The mtiundewudlng between Lnepowora that be and M. D. Pike ud Mlilie 8uken bai,wearepleiaod to a late, been iill<fa..lorlly adjoited, ud tbew two aoleiiiutei will again face the fooUlgbta. Tbt c:m. puy baa sol yet been strengthened ta we would detlre to tee It Barton mil commences at thla house on the A<h," Tnk ucdao wxzi of Mlu BslouoJds' engsgemtnt In Bochea- ler, N. T., nn been u luccemruru tbe flrtt. Ita tho ad met. the repeated "Borneo ud JnUet" by request Tie Jullol ol Mue Jennie Wallei'a wu Tery fine. Our oorreipondont "Pony," reuiarkt: -'Ihia lady ta wlantBg fresh IsorelioTery nlgbl by nac admirable acunf, During Mlu BVi crcgagement the hi* pro- duced f.e 'Eel of lot' andtbi 'Angel of .UUrigbt.' ana much credit la due Mr. Walter A. Donaldson for Iho careful manner In wblcb hehu placed them upon tbe Blase at eo'ihertendhcr. On the 3d mat Mlu Belgooldi'took bir farewoll banedt, npon wblcb oc^don aht produced her new comedy of 'Plecollno'nd tbe farce of 1 Antony ud Oleopttra,' In which abe ting the 'Weetlng ol the Oreen' to an ortrflowlng houae. Tho culof •Ploretlno" embraced the fall ilrength of the eompuy, and the piece wu leceiTOdby the audience with repeated enarrts. The fredaick D'Arrll of Mr. Mortimer, end tbe Puck of Mr. Ddy were all that could be required. During tbe piece the famoci 'Sitanolla Dance' wu In trod need with Tiryflne effect On tbe 6th laat Harry Lulls, the American Blondln, opens a Iwo wetk'a engagenent, appearlog on bla rope ul in the nulOBilmecaf'Joykc,' npported by tbe eoropxoy Ax tub Vabx&txbb, Bt LoulB, iboy ban beu "doing" the Irish drama, for the put few weeki. lo big hours. UP.BaaanT.atDeBar'iOeenMtaie.Rt Looli.crnUnuedlo dnw crowded boaaet laat week, notwllkilualag the olher altrar- tloaa offered to tbe amueemeot-eeekere there. 'Biuoe my lul," tie nor eoiaeapoodent "Btager." ''Be bu appeared lo Ibo -Swire Jinller' ((The Wife'), 'flamlft,' "Blcbard III.,' <Uader tee Paha* and •noeeaile,' In all of whloh he acqulUed atrawlf admirably, with perhape only ooe eueplton—'Btmlat' Tblt eruing (Kor. lallb.preainta'Blchellu;' to morrow eeeclng, the comedy of 'Money.' Ken tlh-'a week) Btuja Charlotte Thonnucetoan:. menoea u tsgigement and, of eourae, we will bare 'Uriuc*,' ber new prize play, before the leaTta." ■ • ■ ■ Tax Nrwnrart, V. 0., Tbhtbb, wblcb opened for the anion Oct Otb, bu a eompuy compelling J. H, Rogers, J. C HItut, W. L. Parkin, H. McDonongb, McDermolt, Flyoa, Hswiej, Da- bolt, Minos Mary Meredith, Annlo Btulalr atd Mary Bleic "The Peonla'a Lawyer" and "Tho Drunkard" eaeb aoitemed'e rtn of three nlghta. Tne >f T1ckolofIieaTeMen"wu lo nepio- duced on tbo 3tilb ult.. w.tb Ur. Parkea u Bob Brleily, Bogirl at Htwkabiw, ud Mua Meredith u May Edwards.. . "BnucHAtn ud bit don lie among Ibo ohlef attracUoot at the Aneilcan Toottre. PiUadalphli, Fa. On ibo explnlloa ol bin eniagementtherei.willbgpnna'ed to negotiate to appears! oaber Ortl-cloithealret, tbroogb bla agent, Mr. Oeo. Loa, the an. tocrat of mado ball proprittoia at rTaiblngton, D, 0, Bee admr. tllemenl In another column. At inx LuTStiwoaiH Tazirax, Xibui, opporinnlUea wfll be offered to allraclln Blare fortlmo atler Dec 30tB. Etilo Hender- auo conclndod a profltable engagement Ibere on tho 91th alt, and 00 the SOtb'Mr. Couldock ud dauabter ware greeted at the aame calabllahment by a full booae. ''Blcbollf n" 'wu tie open- ing piece; ' Still Waten Bun Deep" and the "Tlrglnlt UHmm}" nai the 101 ol the play ca tit aecond night, and on the Slat 'Chimney Corner." A Dasiurrc Coutaht li idTe.tleed for In tblt weeh'i Curna for Iba Kottbern, H. C, Tbaatre, br Blaio Muater J. LL Bogen. E. PoBBZsr to Demcatx a bEw Onaa Houac—The' Dayton (0.) Jjurnit'oftboMihnlt.annonocei that Edwin Format will visit that dly between the 23th of Dec tnd Jan. 1Mb, lBW. - and dedicate the new Opora Borne recently erected by Mr. J. M. Tomer. In a letter to Ur. T.'a agent, Mr. Form! laja that be bad commlitta htmaelf nol to appear on tbe mage anywhere bnt In New fork. Philadelphia and Balilmaie. but ho would nuke an iptlon ofDiylon, "for Iba take of uttqnlty," he nun bia remarkable blabiOBto career In that any, eppeuinr Ant la the llltle red brick baUdlngon the H. F. nrnrr of Frnt ud Main alt,, oppoalte the Open Houae whloh now towns abdre II In auch aplendld proportion!. v.. "EiuNOB'a VnrroBT." druaatlied from Mill Dnd don't no Ttl of that name for Mlaa Lnoille Wcalem, wu brought nut or I rtoco'^lllpMcaWy boreienidiOTtooOhflilmiihoUaafct. . Jjtll.^ilUl a^«od compapy lo.'lho oomodf of "Bu DrbllddoB " .' ". '• • "' '« • '•. 1 ' a *».. ; '.'*> • Tm Br. Joamra (Mo,) THBiTaa wu 0 by CuRrTing,witb tbefollowloa comp j;£vkrnutA.a^Qoodlort B^wTSlUBly. I. T. O^blll -ma 4S-S? a. end 'S^l&lTiMT^T^i -uoV^l^J^iiruir at the arAtropolltoa^Tboaln, DiTrn- lira ni- ^Vbeen batillng agatoal In clem ont weather of lata, pern, Iowa, nau 9S"inurfendiwUb bualnoaa. On the SBtb nit, wblcb baa aomewb. . ^,at, whin abe appt»»* u'Sl'bma. ™ S? rm l , ,. A / k S m 0,1 » . tb 4Un • a,tmt «' "M.lamora" wat too-'LllUoTiyaun." doing the ladlu. m. knadea alaoperiormed:Mr.O.I» AU - , h „ bta jB , j,,,,^.;™! 0 /" adTentoriho 8th Iowa Cavalry, * «,.j|«_-a ins hiJni. .^S fighting tie •■Injlat" In the ^W^S llS S* made the perlormuco go lireiy OyCto Bnab "1to. alar there, opening on the 80th nit She win olo>* on the 1 Hi, Irra iokoit nxUTO, the "Connie Boogiu <• annotmccb potturely for Ibla woek at Ibo Arch, Pblladolphuf, by Mr. ud Mn. Barney Williams, Tblt piece win probably InorttM tie butlnoai of tbe Irish ud Yukoe couple. Uianx axntons, with a dramatlo eompuy, ud nil own pit* ot tho "Fenian Chief "u the card, opens in Bridgeport, Ooan., on the llth loll, for one week, Mae, MiTjLDi Huog Bron?ax opened it th. Varletlee, H.w, on th. 33d ult, u Otmtlle, wiiob aba npeatad on the 21th. Oa Iht 91th aho prodneed tho "Belle of the Sauna," drawing a good house, "laertea" aaya:—'To-algit, 271b, for her buoBI, tho 'Womu la Bed'will bB brought out ua to- morrow night, 38th, 'Camilla' will eiplto rot lb. lul time In thla oily, Mlu fjeiun biTtog oxptoocd her In'enllon of nerer again playing It bore. Well, resvleical fn pace. Htr ugagemut, which to ur hu been a good ont, termioetee to-morrow nlgbl, other engagements lu Ibe Weal precluding tb. possibility ol a longer ttay.' 'Oor Amonoan Cousin' It In rehearaaL Ma nig it Floyd bat tecurcd the tola right of playing tba new drama of 'Arrah na Pogut' In tbtt city, and great prcpiratlona aro being made for Ho prodnollon. Lawrence Birretl and Muu Obarl.rto Thompion will play tlu ongagemonla at thla theatre lo lb. couno ol lie leuoo, Frank Drew, the well-kaown Irltb come- illin, pitted through bcra but weak en nana to Mobile, where he li aolng to play an engagement" Tut AoaniifT or Moaro, How Orleans, ranunuea to hold Ua own, and Ireuurer Ktttrldae hu u mncb to do tn Billing tioke'a aa bo oan well attend to. auaager Bldwell hu Introduced an entirely now appantui Into hla theatre by whloh the boon la thoroughly Tinltlaled In aummtr ud kept anagly warm In Bin- tor. Tnt Bt. ClunLXa Tbutbx, Hew Orleua, cpeaerl Ita doori far th. fall ud winter aeaaoa on tbe 9STd nit ' The Initial perform, anca contlited ot lie flno old comedy of "Tbe Poor Gentleman' ud "Tbo Bpectre Bridegroom." Onr oontapoadent "Lterlea wr1:eii—"Iao Aril piooe reintroduced to onrboarda that old and deierrod laxorlte Bu do Bar, who appoared u Doctor 011a. pod. My old mend Dully DaTonport, who looka u gay at erer, alto ehowed bla JotIbI face hen, loi th. Aril lime In manr yean, at Frederick Bramble, Tbo oordlll nceptlon whloh both or tboto gentlemen mot with at Ibe haodi ol our oltlxona wu tuob aa tbey may well feel proud of, aod It cannot bnt bar. tnado Ibim f.ol that Iboy an .tot welcoae to iho Orescent City. They wen both called oot it the tnd of tb. piece, and of ooureo wen not allowed to rollre without laying lomelhlng for thematlTtr, wblih thoy ell lu a Tory appropriate munor. Two new uplranla for. pnbllc fSTor, Ml. J. U. Wbillng ind Mlaa Amy Stone, alao mido thtlr dcM In lib dly, at Lint. Wortblacton aad Emily Worth- lady oa Monday erenlng, Oot, 301b. it the H.w dbubut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, bnt Iron the fut thtt the piece wu nry aoon withdrawn, II la aTidenl thu "Eluaof a Vlolory" was no Tictory it in. Iht urenrttalbll "Caat Ljnne" la. unounced for Ibli weak, with alia* Wealerntn the character! of Lady Isabel aad Madam. Tine. When olher dramu fall, "Eut Lytma" may berellrd on for atbrocUng a good idute. Tan naaiUTio orxaa of the ''Eachurrreea" nil been mind al tbo Walnut Brreet Theatre, Philadelphia, Introducing Mlai Cirollno Blchlngs In hu famoua part of Sleua, tbt Enohutreai. Zox le tbo eur at the Loultruls, By., Tbealre. Eswni Aruira fat at the kterropallUn, Bnflalo. "WirrDto ron tbx Tbxbiot" wu produced on th. let laat. it WwJ'i Muieum, Chlnago. . lax KauKS wen tbe altncktoru al aloTlckai'a Thutre, Obtoa- go, lut week. kLmrxrxa Bats, commenced an enngemant al the Apollo Theme, Lexington, £y„ on Oot SOth, In tho "French Spy," whloh wu repMtoo Ibe following night Eania Wailxb ooncluded a two weeka' ugagement at lbs Mt> tropdlun, IndunipoUa, Ind., on the lib tost Oa tb. 3d lb. played Lady Teule to "800001 for Scandal,'' and on lha Sd took a lereweO teneflt At rax Nawaai, N. J., Thxatbz, on the 3d Intt, "Out oa tho Mercy of Iho World" wu re-produced, aod played for two Dlghtt. On Ibo llh, a niw Irish drama called "Inaharegne; or, Tie Wnrlag of tbe Qreen," wu produoed. . Oxctxx Bean, who mad. her appearance at lie Metro noil tan. DiTenpert, tows, on ihe SOth of October, In the "Ladyof Lyona," rise oreiled a (iTOTiblolmpreaalon there, tb. theatre bdogweB allanded ud tho papers apeaklog mil of bu. For bu benefit, on the 3d lull, the wuannounjed te appeu In "But LynnB." Ik BArant as, theatricals are Bouxiiblng, ud there It but UtUe. doubt or a long and proiperoni leilon. Onr oormpondent writ- ing on Oot Slal, uyt: "Bnaloeis aloce my lut hu bean nry good, and Mieen. Bayenond ud Hamilton teem dounataed to do all la their power to maht the Savannah Tacatn a perma- nent initi lotion. With bnl raw exoeptlone, they bare a better company thu bu played here for yean. A epltadld aoanlo an- til It replacing Ihe dingy aoinery of the old concern, u tut bit ootrible. 'Euataoa Budln,' 'Oollsen Dawn' ud 'Btreata of Haw YuV repeated, 'Ingomar' ud 'Nlok of the Wooda' wert the altnotlcna offeied the put week, •a-wn Buibee' on the mibi ud 8Mb, with 'June Brown,' 'fei'.d,' 'Damon ud Pythias,' •Irelud ud America' ud olher ' TelUea underlined. Mlu Maiy Mitchell did not putlu aaapp<.nruoaen th.Std. Mr. Wm. B. Crlip and wife (Ibe former minagnr of tie Mobile theatre), will open on Hot. alb." ■ ■ . -.. .„., "Tdutuou, Anm to OhUago," Ban a coTreemoodent, "an la So. lilm ud all lb. plaou of amaaemut doing well, con- sidering the weather, whloh, Oot. VI, ta frlgbifnl. At MoTietofB Theatre, Ithtakthanlalogof tberrlooa durtogtbe Kean'a en- giaementla biriog in lrjorloaa effect npon uaBnttnett...' ■ ■ ■• Hbo Birr hu been produoed it Wood'i Muieum, ud attracted nry welL Though wall repreainted lathe mala, aome xarto might haw been rendered bolter." ■ Laoba Exxhx wu tbo allreoliOB lut weak, al Loulirllle. Ma. aits Ut " Olautjb Buoltoji left iba LonliTltle Thea^^ ror one week only, ud went toHaebrille. to play a dxtughl'a engage- ment, reappearing at tbe Loulirllle Ineitre on Oot Slat. jxaw HoattxB commucod u engagemut at Ulun'a,Theatre; Horfolk, Va, on Oct SOIh, la "CamldV to a large audience. Oa lie lat Init, ibo ippeared u Bunco In "Pulo," to uother large aodlence. _^ ' lit WujantoTon, thaabicala werenot eery brlaklaat weak. The oily tbetln open wu Orotar'i, the old Washington banag doaed. It to laid, "for repaiii." Meaira, Fenno and Maglnlap hanloitconaldenblo money In Ihe old theatre. Tb. eogige. mentof tooPlorenoea'wuaiUjnaltauare Al OrOTor'aiBa autatton play of "Plot ud Patxtos" wu produoed en lb. 9d, an* Iks "Serloua Famllyi" Mlu Emily Jordan wu In lb* Ant piece —4 Hutu John ion Tharni In tb. lut Owing to tb. bad weiu M> fir.„..."'^oa wu allm. On lha lat, Mr. Funo Jotted lb. 00m- tka atttrm^ .- ft , m , u , 6 , WM i.ji,. preriona mtT atTiroTer'a. w " R » I? 9 ™ WU-"aiy. preTnu- ItSrtolii^Alwainmy«l^«K "•S ,A *?"JK h1r to that <mtoo8d,toe"8tne4B0fH«wIo*' wuti»odnotd. • . Mas, D. P. Bowmu to ali i drawing orowded bouiu si J. Hol- Ildar.lUlllmore. Her oniigemoulb«ortrrmaglorloaalria^mpfc jirobablyneversurpaascd laberpUmlestdlja Nightlylau*n ^,«n»oeuiB lbiong,thoear. uOBreate* by tboiam.eBthB. , iT-'o applaau ud oampllaeabuy eoioa; Willi: tbe 1> f* Tilth lb. ploaaun depioUd amtd Ih. hory of bunll l»- to?boxv'»'«"> an" clrolc, Btnee out laat, Mre. Boaenibu liSmiS^ batwetnlha "SUanaTir." Julia ta the."Hononnooa, " lSJ of i>>•<>"." "Leah theForsaku." ud on Friday enntog . ii^r2»V«n?Oo wu BBBoaaoed to gt»«anx«lrullah«rpar-. SSShS S ..Pa,HtoB, or Ibe Obantoan deBaroyi" 1H0 toe new £mu? B Mtu^1 mbaaaador'a WU.;" amum.1 by MutHMOiIo 5.^™ JiX dsx'*l«'«>f Popular sulhoreu bUAJoUJ- d.i5^!lt!:bmV btt »pp»™" °* OMuTtouao, BULottla, .-m* 1 " of the preaul monlb, ^toJZSrri nowSn otoajd a nry Bob ewagemmtal the rJ.w^J^mnhlaTbellreen L^.lto. Acorreepostent falurrua* that no X baadono iow^ there to three,elm II wo ujtf* ATonla Joua7 Uhartotte la nt.'w ,1b 81 Lonia; ah. nut g»« *». Cblcaao. Indlutpolla, Mobile au Htw Orleint. Tob^u einnna were unoun<x.M totuccoed ohtrloltoTaoiap- aonallhehlowMemphla Theatre. Tax OnurwoLDOFaXAnorraa,Troy, H I" badpretirrarr neealsatwoek.conilderluglheunpl«i«utireath»r. The in mluliry apeoude, "Jeaale Brawn, or Ibe dege of Luexnow, tie board! four OTMIngt. Tka piece wu well »nt on toemg* with new Mies Hi'o E1WI0 wu tbe ''■ ,,, j¥°7 n ; Mr.E. T. Btolaon.rundall H'aregrjritoeotoercUrtot^TOeraa- tained by Moaan ltoyd, Dotmer, Jackaoa, ForbM rred Wei* uoi theMlueiLunlor,LeBrnnaud Huly. Agrulblnnder ritmn tbe perfrrtnauce on tbe third erenlng, «r.Jao»iDiokiexj.toenaw hoary mu, who tppeired u Nina Sahib, nnlo.tunatol», to urn aecon't aol, lorgot hla put, and thoro alooa tbo lOTeraloharaoiaiw for aeTtrUmlnntes, nolonoot Horn bating preeenoe « m»« enouab to miko a remark; oooaeqneaUy the onrUto wu a^?* emlditloBdhiiioi from too tudlenoe. Thinwiinoexowatox I', 11 toll wu tbo third treeing of tbe piece. »7'%f M S , £ Id, Mlu Kate Btlollo appearfd aa Mm Murllllea, to''Ouylian hcharulirobowai loudly appiaadad tbrmahr j,BBd at tbtdoUwiacompilrnuled byacaia herorelhtonrlBlB; abe wu ably tapported by Mr. B. a-"tejey? - • -• ni h» 3 n nst.t aaOaL Maonenng, Mr, '***' nerla r," 10 wblcb chanolir oho wu loudly ippnadtd tbrouib; out tbt rendition, aad at Ibe doe. wia coopilmr before the certain; abe est ably tapported by Mi li Dandle. Dlnmoot, Mr, J, O. Bold it Col Maonenng, alx. wjv. Weill 11 Benry Dinrem, H. J. P. Delmer at Dominie Simpaan, Mr. H. Foibei u ailberi Gloealn, llln Mary HatoUo u Luoy»B> trim, tllu Mlnato Lunlor u JulUiMannenng, and Mra. bi»j Le anna u Mra. HcOudUlh ilia Annie Willi opinion i»« »lh,ft-r two wetae.