New York Clipper (Nov 1865)

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IKETOH, winro roa m m tou tuna. BT VBillK X.XMHB. Bide l^t^um the viUlgeolinir. fauig th^ottu the eJdea time, Nner lOlxmedUibeyuritn, ' Ln nlot tamwu eeolda nmln o.- . -. . Two joofif fMavta tanXbeetwfna j I ,^i<gy aa cmb£woBBLeaa,t rJIde by tide by the rueilo eitar, Hnert they, there) ee'mau end wife, She wtrah«a»r» treat nerer to falter, Ho to protect bir tttro' every itttfo; Jenlouryl bum atrtrwu rpoken, Loftaf end fruiting they tpcnt etch dir. Theee to we at the altar never wen broken, PBteaiul end gxatleuey peered ewer, 8(d« if tide in Ibe ohurchyerd eleeplng, Huu tnd their virtaet elmott utaufi, float lo that oboe unknown (o weeping, la thoie'hrlght enheree ever to mm. aouefromtBetait&flUiorrowteadaounlag, . ,' Bide aide ud band in bind, Living end dying each wicked cut teeming, Berttag In peM« In the bMTenlr lud. . Pe>A>t%E. A Bur ghr. Story. • it roi Tn nw tou curraa, ' P i-o-n. TkOM four lelltn end a woman nude me * ■ Ton we the "duWu" em eloeely locked, Ietartror rnns to-morrow-to lb! turnkey told me; Ten run on (be Hndeon . Hla Honor hope* I wouU repent by m«; be tacked on toe tew ' eitn msntha eo that I otuld go out In wua weather. . ,\ Tou would like lo beer the atory, would ion ? Watt, tain orer '.BOWei4Tiniru»annukenoleen bieuiel.ll:Dai you ought 'to here heard my lawyer nuke bb cloning eseech to the Jnrr7l .thoughthe'deonnneethemeione ttme;bnl be didn't, ait |e ' tbe erldence wee too etrong. Olre me e gold of tobacco. IC 10a ' Bluet, end then TO fire ewei-; I beUere theytdon't fumleh the touain tt edig Sing -with "Suites." tm> weffln-d£ fellow before tola thing happened- em*. .. Jbmnlo to be lure, but I eerned good wagre. I trMeerTed my ., (wo ream In the error end came oat with eeergienl'i warren Un , Ivmoreble ducharge end e ballet bole through the deahj partot ^hed picked tip acme book learning and wee rather fond of . etudy withal; ray evening! I operHqriltily enough, leldom "bam- m(ng" wtlh my Jolly comrejeeel work, bat they Uktd me well ..enough for ell (bet IhadiomewTmUTelBginallyaadhad made one or two on , Important loproTomenla In locka; bnl cone the locko, tbey . Brought my woo; end not the leckf eo much ee the women cuuo the womtnl 1 It'ea twelTemonlhto-nurrowilncelaewhtrartt I bed been , taviled toe Mile gathering et the boom or the foremen In the ,ahjA wlti whoml wiiefaTorlte. : . • ^."L 0 * 1 . 1 " 1 been with ae long, end I hid Bern chanced to meet nil wife. Ee Introduced me: .. .. ' 'WeiUe, thli li Ben Loeelng; you've heard me apeak of him. . He'e e good fellow, but baihral among the glrle," I bluahed, for I wee bub/al, and Jem Monlton, the foreman, ntateaed away to meat lome nerlj-enlred frlenda, .. I wee alone with ble wife, ShewwamaenlDomtlooUnawoman. The great hennkmlda ollUky Black hair were not ttuck on In the itile of the prteant "everran." .HerfcwlieeJ wulowendbmeAend wbiteumer- . Me. Bef wyirwere eMoeS AepH ens' I^.Vk tboute torV blaohthey.were Uqold endtoft end dreamy at timet; bat there "|Wuthederll'e own canning In them oTwtya. Her bom wee rtragbt end retber largo, denoting great armneu ol character— ■ to tbephmnologiitiaar. Hoi month wu bentiral, with fun red - Upi that g«T0 (I a eort or half-poaUDrf, balf-fmlllng eisrenlon. Bbe wore on thle oret erenlsg e ebiely dtnng diter, that eet off 1 to good earialage her eplendld bolt eod jilntnp ronnd arma. Iwea aneophliUcited eaoag female*; I had Had no lore analra, "Sy acqaalnlanog wllb tbe felr sex wee Ten limited; bnt I had > - eort olreepMt for the feminine world at large. Do yon mnoh wonder then that I felt a Teiy peculiar lenaatlon on taking the hand of thlabeaaiUalwomanT . . I trembled a lightly and lamed red, and then looked her full la .. ehefece. Oareyeomet, BbecolorediUahtly.eiidbentanonme a look of peialonate admiration, Thederll entered my tool el • that moment.' If y biihfnlneae waa gone. I retolTed to poaeeee that woman—body old tool. I know from the nret that abe' - lored me; net with' a pun, HeaTen-eent lore, but with e lerce, luitful, oTarmaiterlng deetre—e something that iwaUonnp doty, :. honor, and all Ihlnnelaethetare good on earth, . . I kept near her all that evening. I felt that we onderrlood one another. Wedldn'ltattmuoh,DatwhatweoaldwMalgnl(|eent. It woo en hour before had been baahful ae e oehooL-bor. beoame ; . bold u the preoUeed Uherane. But then, ee I told joa, thederll - bad entered my eouL - ■ When I left, Jnn, In hit good-natured, genial way, eakad me to TlaU tbam otlen; aM aa I gued on nil honeat manly mee, I half . repented me; but when I took her hand, and when ahe tetprned - the ■ light pieenra that I gare It with eo much feiror, the wleked Plana aa»ln«a»eit« theirmarlery. ,? • 'TwocUrauterlaelledaltherareman'ahonreagaln. Jem waa ibeent HebgdgenetoallendaomepolltlcUmeeHng.mTltwu '' jut before eleoaoo, and ereryhody wae ahouttng IhemeOree noaiia orerlancotn or nftCielun. ktn. Hoollon wae there, and abe recelred me wtlh e look of grarlfled atoprlee. '^hyl!r.Loealsgl"ihenld^conaaoung me Inu the nreltr front parlor, "ron cin't Imagine bow gltd I am1o lee tou I 1 «aiteirrnl]yloneeome, ahd I waa lull wlehlng that lome one would caflibnu-" and ete dropped bar eyei wtth iBTumed mod- «ety-^< 'leoaroatr dared to hope that tt would be you," all till tickled my rally, aa roa might loppoee. "Jem I* eheeat.nearly erery OTenug.v ahe went on to ley. . "He flndaeo nuny mora Intereellng oompanlona that ha ran de. role bnt UlUe lime to hla wife." i. • . ~7™^. ° She alghed gently.and looked the ray picture of Injured Inno- cence. I I nee from ay cbabr and took a eeat beetde her on the pom ' then, under preleit of examining a ring on her nnger, I took her '. enrl whlle'handlnn^eandheldUfaeL ' Bhe made a lUghl, indden effort to withdrew It, e< though ahe wie a Utile frlibtened at thli faullllirlty, but etIU ahowndno tdne of berag offended. After a Utile the remarked rmllinglx:— .''Let me adrlje yon, Mr, Looting, nartv to marry t" "Wbyr" I aaked, Ineomeeuprlee. "Became," end the inule paaied Inlo a aad look, "atfer the knot le tied both men and women are ept to And Iboie whom theyn^htlnelnBnltelybetleruen'thelr haebindeor wWea." The remark waa gaarded, but I eould notfalltoteelte Impofti ' end eren If I bad, her throbbing boeom and humid eyee told e ■ auiytbalwueiairr Interpreted. " I waealwaye an Imsalrrro fellow, ecllng In heete and repeating tt talnire—(I'te got the liliuro to npent now, aa ble honor eald, ■ tab nan end the odd monlhi)—eo I didn't biellale In ttdi eaee. I threw my ami eronnd the want of that beanUtu), wleked woman, aed lined her red Upe again end again.' She appeared oretwhelmed wUh •orprue, but aubmllled to my cam (el for a few momenta, (hen drew hsxeelf away In ar> Inattad MeemanlerlDg It away, at the groggery, "ah. Bea/'tieaelil, aa I preemtad. him, rnr check paiable to " n beaten" for two hundred dollara, "Ah. Ben, 1 fheryeb. aarteaayee yea need lobe. LetmereadreuwnatToor " eald ox a young » |B ti "—"— " - " I'' ale eild heoghllly,' "I ahaU' look for eeme ctplasallon ertbJa unwarrantable oondacl-" ' I wae prorate In tpblogiee, end pletded that I mi not to blame tf love end patalon auer<ed their oontrol orer mt. "And am I not amoroni, loofaho teted, "and would Ibo world bold me Innocent if I yielded to temptation em atronger than that to which yon are tuhjecled r" I talked lome nontento about the affinity of toult, and I taw ber feigned anger rtphily peeling away, ' Bwee utterly impoulble to reeltt berbeeaty, tnd agtln eelalag .her lunvla.wtltt. 1 drew her neon my lip. Bhe pouted and celled me naughty and—yielded. From toet night HeUo'e&ralkm:poiatued power orer me f rwer than derpot ever had orer hit mott o ringing euhjeot.. Her word waa my. law. I hare glnn yon a leuglby aooount of how nit en came, to paat thai ron might the better undetiland what foDowm ■ . i.Tt . • ■ .' ABbUemoreof'lbiltobacoo, If you pleeie, and then IT1 girt yo» the teat otlheelety. • , 'TbU woman hade more powerful mind than L After our Id- : £ m H T ..^ V*w dleooatealed with heme, and wauled lo . taireL Bheifell, ot Uleeet iapreeatd ■ dadded npugnaBoenT ber hukend, and would freauentlr paint la glowing term! the pleaenjeofeToyagetolorotie wuhma. .: II waa en a Ten ploteintfanoy^but where wai the menerto come from I I bad tared np by hard work four or Ate hundred doOatw, bat-flue would bare melted away before our outfit wet prebend.. Betldea, worn had'haoosui dMaeteful U> me, audi waa m rrregtilar et Ue ibop (hi) I bad already reeelred an to looa CVOM oe oupeaaw wtio. ■ at luti the bote eased me tn one Balordar afternoon d«etbewi«ei aai and d'jehargedmei. Jim aroullon, eeapeekM what wu going on, pleaded In my bebelL but (good." :■■ ■ I to me, and I ■ ttmaeten ri itTuoIeeelb ire waa a d e^id'^hlnie' for' the better t^eerrlneeeyoMbedlipeueed^^ ^*"™' • . and paid: wrufitUe •U m no good, ;' TbeDert day I went to the beak to drew cnleome of my It wae m e lltKe butt rffltge when an tbeee oreita etearretl. end Ibe euahler of the bank aeted at JeyJntteOe»awetl?v^ He knew me and had already awaM CM I-wae ; Igeluf by tie .ootslt B{/U3j t . fiwajaaecooWobul good httrtod old genO«m*n, aadtt ~ —money tram the aeft, carefojlj, ana handed U to ma. 'He wag aDiloua'lo engage me fn'rlher In canrereaclon, bnt toned moodily eway end left the biak. Bnt I notlo'd ooe thing before I left, IMt toft Aad a particular kwd o/ coathtaahon r ecfe. Xou hare teen them no doubt. They open on certain tetlen of Ibe alphabet, the combination being toch that It la Impoulble for the uninitiated Is dleoorer It.. That nlgbl I alept little. I fell Into a dree once, and dreamt Ibat I wae where I em now; with there eima "darbies" for brace- wta. I drank large home of poor whlakr—(I had e Jog of It tn mr room) but my brain remained olear—too dear In fact, Before morning I bad enrred at certain cooclntloni: let That Ibe flirt National Bink eafe opened to thelettcti F-a-o-B. 3d. That the lalUn aa I had eeen them on the memorandnm book of the caihier were wrongly arranged and, 3d. Tbit the Irae arrangement wae C-a-r-c ThenratdediicilonwaeeaallyuriTedat.aiidwrjuMhaTeoanired to almoat anybody, da aeeood la not difficult to explain. Tou tee, the cttbJer wu a rery methodical man, who liked u> bin erenUang down In black and while; bnt Ibe agent of the lock, or hie own common eenee, bad told him Ibat It wee beat to teare no trace of tho lotteie by which.he opened II dlaoorenhle, BntlfurUwrieaeoned that be had gone lo the bank aome coorn- loeand found dlmooity ln remeinbedng the magic lettere, and had Ihereapon renolred to write them down In eeme printe Elace. The tight of ble memorendam book oonTlnoed me that e had done ro. My third conclutlon waa a Utile more rootle. It occurred to me Ibat be would be ant to trantrer the Uttere, bat why eboald he tblft the poelUon of the nret end third, end leere the teoond end fourth lo their original plaoetf Ton ear you don't know; well neither did I but I made : a mighty good gueet it II; my gueia waa, ibat, before the traoifer, the letfen made tome word, and youll: readily eea that there are bnt t»o wayi In which they can be arranged to eeoompUih Ihlt Raull; one, at I bad found. them In the hook, x'-a o-ai lad the other, aa I eoscloled they ahonld be, O-i-r-E. I aroae In the moremencmHU andeiclted. What wia all Ihlt reeeouhuleiciogfnt waalexmuniplailngBrobbfrrt lehud- dered at. theidee, end yet for bo other pmpoae bad I lain awake aU night. I. lock e tog waa and tried to ebakeoff the terrible temptation. Dot orer and often the great fit roSt of greenback! fluted before my eyee, and rlrJoni of luxury end eaee In aome foreign land with her I eo lored then, and to bile now, otme np end drore n» half tj diitrnctloo,. I wuderae about until late la the aftereoon, and then relumed to my boarding.peace- •. Soon eilemrd * note came tot me; I ton off the envelope' and. raid: "Mr Diatom lan-K bn gone to Boaroa. H* will nmam two daye. Come and eee me. Tour lorlng Nsutjb," 1 OCeouree'I haitened to her pretence. She recerred me with ail the wannlh of affection that Leonid dethre, and her klitet drore erery rpark of remaining cooicieooe. from my boeom— foreTer, Iibno^bt them, batperh>pitbo ten yeara and odd montbt wiU fetch heck a Ultleot It.. ; I laid nothing, but my resolution wet formed. I aaked her U the would be ready to lake the/four o'clock train for Hew Xork next day.. 6hetoe-rodpcizled and mrprlaed. •■-. '. I I toH her coil now If erer waa. the time for our elonemeu. nut I bad pleotyof money, end abe tho nldvbe happy If It waa It gT/r* mj elouloec,--^Vy*^^1iSrinent!fl B}tjg,a*i5v beaming tenderly on me, theiquoted (rue byBoerlle that lie wall that patxtge of Borlpturo: "Where you go, there wiU Igoeleo." It wae midnight when I left her preteaoe. I rotursed home end threw royaelf on the bed. Ae on the night prerlooa, I fell Into a troubled aleep, and again In my dreamt .were the "dirblee'' onmywrltla. • - - — oenwhant waa occatdonaBy, Co admner, I led ex doll Ufa; with no anmH- ment, no frlendr. That yew, bowewer, e patient bad chanced to ?>Temeaieaeoa4iiket f« the fceatre of ibe Parle BL Kartiil. twee my cole recreation, eod 'weal erery nlgbl, I A ittulantt wae adTetneed to tppenr in a new play.' Author end ectreie were alike unknowni report ipofce vaguely and Tariouitr of their merlU; the theatrical world wae thrown InLTk ferer ol anticipate excitement, end I among the reeL [ lhe ereilng eeme. The boon 'waa rroedod long before the mnatdme mtda thtlr eppeeraaeei end dorlnr the long half hour before lhe play commenced. I a mated myiiU with trying to die- cover the Lew eatbor, br the anxloaa eipreaelon which mutt, of coarie, be rlelhle tn hie face.' I tied upon one Indtrldnil, In the Dear eat etege-hoi, aa Ibe candidate for dramatlo fame. He waa a (ale young man, dreeted wllh faultlen taate,. end wee gazing round Ibo hoore nerroaaly and ippreheurlretyVat'one whe drradltorlHo lo erery ipectitor. He wae alonei and I ob- aerred that ertry now and then be wiped hla lonhead, er folded ble arma reulutely ecraat ble cbett, ■• if lo keen down the agibi- Uon Ibat puieaeed hlm. When'the OTerture begin, he retEen behind the draperict of tie box; and when lhe curtain rote. I fojjmthim. . • : ;• . Toe drat tnd eecond toenee were decidedly dull. A great aclor played the hero, a young gpinleh oaeulfrre; bet be could prodace no effectlo It—lhe home wit cold wad eUenl—the ippleuie lhi|l welcomed tlm wet for the actor endnot the piece. The deouftnir, howeTor, had not yet -made .har-tPpearanoe, and tho audience began to whltperto each other thft If lhe lady were BO better thin the play, and the pity ho better than at preaeat, the whole jnuat ba a faUore, lhe third tcane.eeian; tht etage renreaented the envlroni of Oranada, In the ume of Boabdil oj Ohlro; a party of Hoori, Ignorant if the near approach of the Bpinlah Inradere, were carouxlng under florae treeti' Wine end fended teourity' rendered (hem Inienefble of danger; far teay waa heard.the funl echoing tread ol tho hoetfle trooM; In front, the aong, the wtne-cup. end lhe dance. Op a auddeii, a wild and baaatltal form boanded Into theclrcle of rerellanl Her arma extended, her hair floating on the wind, one hand gruplna a lance-iflrt, dladalo. Inspiration In her eje^ io ttoodCclealeBertln. ] A thrill of admlrallon ran throngh Ito audlenet; Oalette tpdke —worda of energy and reptudi. Her mice BUM tat Ibeatrt, end rang upon the ear like martial matte. :8he pobUed to Ibe diattnt aula, end to the comma foei lhe btdo them rite and tare the dty or their filbert: the Spaniard and alartry wu at bud; day waned, and night wu touring fail; back, back to Granada whUejetwuUmi; to toarmtl . Ono ,'ook, one geetum, one word of proud command—and the wae gone I I uo cur lain, InaUauy fell: It wu the clou of tho nrataoL Vor e mement there wu t prnee-end then tn'oTtrwhelmlng tempoit of ipplauee. All me ehnnltaneoutlyt the houae ahook wtih the aonnd.and eren the bead, partook of the general tu- UDilaain. ■ Her triumph wae complete: at the end of erery cot abe waa twlucalMupouthettaae;»adwithereirecttheroeeln power tart mhUmlty. At.the Uoodah danolng girl, who deTOtteheraeTf to Ibe defence df ber people—tho Inrplree ber oountryoen Willi niSlif^S™ - ?? 10 Wtutae-oreoBiBg courage/ of the Indolent Boabdil hlmielf— who tocrUlcei eren her lore toharpatrlollam jiu, u«i iu,d mi aw wanfliiauiT and who, at the lut, htrmlf leada on the Moon to tie lut fatal epgagenMnt, ind diet br ibe ewofd of her lover, Btrrln carriefl the bopet ind team of Ibe wbelo audience along: with b.e£ Heioiem, aehleneai, and deroledneaa, ware saluted by ber wlUi a truth auchu 1 htd nerer beheld on a atage before. Mine Umee. the wai lammoned before the. curlaln at the end (ft the play; Jojere and even'. Jewell were oM » hertrordtMboxia.' Parle bad narerbtrore, ao'rtptorowaly eieeVd» OduUmUl ' ■■teJM'Jt«4uaH»a^ataMiWM*a«r^flrr«.'%tiao.aoxie erne celleatbr lueiutnor. - The cry waa takaa aa', tbeerar^ auret' again. and~r had gunned arlghtl-the aocupant of the line, box Hepped forward, and .acknowledged. In a few wordi, tho firorvor tht'pnbUa.' eald, that for hla and- cett be wu entirely Indebted lo Mdlle, Berlin: he waa proud— Slid—grateful—ho anew not how to expren all Ibat be fell, bdt o theoked them rcencclfrjUr eod elnoerely. Night after night ell Pirli flocked to the Forte 8L HarUn to woranip the dlnoe actreae—Iamongitthetnrong of her foUowen. Every glance, enrygeilareandtoneofthebeaallfal arlUle wu treuured In my memory, end my chief.deUght tUei leerlog the theatre wu lo elodr tho play itlenHTely/end endearor to recall the enoaantment or her voice and ejea In overy panage. She wu the rthjant of.eTUT oonvereallou. The atracgert atorlee were afloat reaptdlag her. From the hlubeet gentlt- men lo the poomt fhopmaB) an had aome regno report to cU- culate. Bnt aU agreed In one point—that abe wai betrothed and tenderly aitachod to IL Victor, the yoong tolhor In wtweeplay the bid mide her fLrat appearanrr. Eli Weekt had paeud eway; the teaaon wu at lie height, and matlert were lhe tamt at thePorle Si. Martin. SIU1 Celeete BeF- tlo rote In public eitlmelton wllh every ohartotor that the per- formed. One night, after ahe had turpeeeed all her former grandeur, and taken at by itorm In the Fiein of Btclne, I had returned home, u ntaiL to read the piece, end endeavor to repro- doce In my memory the Implied Interpretation of toe tragedienne. I bad drawn my chair to the fire! my reeding lamp itood onja table bealde me. end I wit bending over a TOlume of the groat dramatlo poet, when a euddoa end violent knocking at the outer door ttartled moi I lie toned—It wu repeated; end it loomed the window, a voice cried loudly, "For betTan'i take! ft there a lureeon Intbleboaret" "I tm e phyelcien," I replied. ' "Yet, yet, come down—como blatantly 1 there la no time to bo loill" . I tailed mv hat, ran to the door, and there found a man, who, the moment that I appeared, beckoned (o me to foUow, and tet off running down (he itreeL I had no reeouroe bat to run iteo; end to I chaeed him down two neighboring tlreela, till he atopped before the gate of a tmaU houao, and there paaied tor me to come np, Both gate tad door were (landing open, probably u be had left them tn hit' haate; through tbeee ha quickly led me npa flight of- atatn and into a email bedchamber. There were three penone In the, room—a female en a bed, an old man crouchU)g In a cbabr bribe Analde, weeping MMerlr, end e women tenant, who wubelhlngthe lombaador tho tufferer. "Bhebu been ondtrgolng great imumtnt." itld my guide, pointing hnniedly tolhabed: "abe had,aoaroaly reached homo when aho complained or Mddlneit ud exhaurUon; ebout half an houremaheb»cememddrmlyconTulied,aad " I tailed a candle, andoroietd rapidly lo the oalienL HeaTeuil ft waa Ceteate Be ran I paleandmoHoolew; dreteid In tbegorge- oui robot In which I had beheld her a couple of honn elnoe, hi 11- liantwllh geninaand power, ontbeboardtof thetbeatre. There fbel>y-her eret rlnied-hor tpleodid hair, yet gllUerlng wllh Jewela, unhiuud apd tceltered In wild dlaoidor— her liandt'eop-- iraoled—her whole farm rigid andoold. BJood-italnawereouher Upa,eadoo her pillow—ahe had mpturcdavonelon lhe tonga. For an Inalant, conaltmaUon almcet dtprlTtd me of the power of thought. I trembled lo Ihlnk Uatlhe rery Ufa of tail wonder- ml belog depended on my promptitude end tailL I turned lo my conductor—it wu U. Viator, horlover. Theoxpreeiionof agony andenlreetyupon bit facorettored ne to tojaelf. Ibeitenedto apply the proper realorallvu, and la rctouo the pitlont from eomo oribaencambreucceofber '.beeincal ootfame. After a time, I had the lalltfaction lo flndwarmih and conicionaaeatreturn; the would bare tpoten, bnt I forbade the exertion; I erplaloed lo her that the had had e and den tllick of lltncee, ibat ihentmottqolet wu necoiaarr. and that I ahonld remain ill night betide her conob, In order thtt no reqolflloitleotlonthould be wanting. t did to, tnd dltmMitd all hut the female attendant for the night, M. victor prated my hand gratefully tm retiring, and thankedmewllhluteateeuneiloeai. The old man, whom! took to be her father, itemed ttnpld with grief, and tcarcely lenaiblo of what wu paaalng. Vurlng the whole night ahe atepl to ttlUyaad mottonloat that many timet I bent orer ber to Ualen If abe rully breathed. All teemed tome like e etraoge dream, u I tat boor liter hour, watch* log ber pale and lorely face, ind cnatnittug her, u the lay there, wllh Ibe terrible aad thrilling Autre that bad, but a fo* brief boon elnoe, treatflrea miwltu herappaUlcg beauty. The tenant allunget the ulliw aide of tho bed fell adeep; the renble lamplight ebad a palld glare opon tbe faoe of ray pitient; not e louad In the houie, un ibo licking of my wetcni not a whltper In lhe quiet etreet wllbouL Tbe arilenoe, Ih^eolllude, wriila. Bnt thie Ume I laughed my fatra to acorn. When In the morning I wu, to ail appearancee at leeit, giiy u the giytal. It wu in odd lime that I had tet for the eocompUib- ment of lhe rib ben—lo broad daylight, between the bonri of twelre ud one—when an the workmen were retnmlng to their horaea, end whan lhe itreela were filled with people. Ton will ray Ibat each a plan wu rery aadeatuu. Not at all. It wu very tare. The bank waa euaed daring that hour, anil lift unguarded. At night a watchman alept there. MoreoTer, It wu on the teoond floor or a large building occupied by revere! pertoua. The door wu eutly opened by meant or a ikelelon key that I poutned. Nothing wu required but a utile oauUon and aeufadeneyof nerve. The hour cinae, I glided uolieieaelr Into the budding. There wu a glata door to the banking-room. Hooked In; U wu empty. I applied my tkeltton key. The lock unfastened. I entered. Very quietly I mored toward! the tale. My heart thumped eo loud (hit It frightened me, StiU my baud wu Heady. I turned tbe circle on which wore eunared thelelterecf the alphabet. ; wrong and might be right; there wu no know- lag UU the experiment wei completed. A—I heard a alight mit- ring tound below mt. I bent lo the floor end lleteoed. Ail war quletajilo, P—There wueetep on the ttalra. 'I baetlly bid mjaelf ud Uatened. Neaier and nearer came the etep. 'Tit at tbe door now. Itceatei. So, It piaaeaon; 'tit tome out gone to tbe floor abore. : rre told you ray though ba Jut u they came to me then, air. Them ware gnat bead! ol cold tweet on my brow u I emerged from my hiding-place and proceeded with my work, E—I eluuhed the knob nerroojly, and- preened the platen Inlo Ita teeket. And Ihen the huge door yielded and twuag open with t doll hetry loond, that lo my excUed Imagination teemedUke the groanlag of a tplrll dimoed. . . • ■ . i There were two huge peckagea of greenbickti alto three roUa of 7-90 aoreiament Boude, . I eelted them aa, and etnffel them Into the bmut-pocket of my oca'. < kiIrexdlimaatwugonenow. The Mood Ihlt e moment before oounea revravbly through my velna, flowed oold and thuctah. I deliberately locked the eafe and paaatd out ot the bank without attractiog.obeerTatlon. I huieeed- to my beaudrng-plena, paid my bttl, it—Ad a few nuclei ol cleaning into a nllar, and alerted forthehoueeof Ure. Htnulaa, . .. ' ' She wae arrayed In a traTenng coctxime, ami announced bereeir la retaineia for the trip. She nllled me on my eppeeraaee, de- cUrug ibat I wu paler than a ghoit and not flaahea una expect- eat lanr ahonld be. To avoid tnrplclon, I went to the depot Ant, aad wuarrudy on the can when aho irrived there. She wu deeply veiled,' and took aer aelt wlthoutlxlng ncotnlred. The whiatle blew, the train ilarted, aad we wan rambling orer the rail! on our wiy to Now York. We arrlTed Ihen and were driven looneof (he principal hcrtele. ThliwuThundey.' We reacireJ to lai* tho ihamahlp for Liter- pool on Baturday. Iconflded » my paramonr tbeeeoretof my crime. Bhe teemed not tbe leul nrprlted, bat commended my coolneeiand forttlght, OermagnetlQinllaencelnaplredme, AU fear,aUcrtnglng wu gone. I gave rnyaelf up to the <*in-~- 0 f love, and lotulned (poor fool) that I wu aupremtly happy. ■ The . ant day I went down amount the bull! tad bean of Wallatreel, and changed a porlloo of my money lnlogold. The old banker with whom I dealt wu not it ill laaploloaa. Shoddy and petroleum bid made big inrnt of money too common. I made rome nroeeeery end muy nnneceieary purchueai amongil tho lilter, plenty of diamond! end peula for Madamo. Wetoak Ibetteemerend la tin dayearrlreofalUvirpooL Once then, I felt perfectly tecure. For obi brief week I girt mytilf opto aU manner orgull tyexceeitt and pleaeurea. But ttaduae'a manner towarda me wu changed. Bhe had met tamt whielere! foreigner-a Spaniard, I biUeve-iad to him aha eecrnad lo have traaaferred her fkale love. I paid Utile heed to thli feci, ul wai drunk moat of theiime, I aweke one mornlai titer aa nnutnal dibaueh to find lhat mr prarly bird had flown! She iefU ante ilAUng thatehewu tirodof m^ and thet ahe could rneke oeltir um of my msuiy than I oonld. Iitaggeredlo ?! <"*• half blladcd wllh aorpxlM, tod opened tbe box where I kept my Ulmtten italna I found then Getwaoa throe tad fear thouned Collin; the ran ttolen exneded Ally thonund, , \ Invid, ud tan, end aureed my le If end the guilty women, bnt wu ell to rain. The end bed not comt yeL Ailpuuddown tobreakfaitl wuiscotledbyailrengeri 7 " Denjenia Loeilng, yon an tnrpriaontr." ?ff reo i,™' 1 P"»hx4«d from debtnehery u I than wae, I hid sot Ibe oooloeei to "plir innocent." . —i -r* J.!*™ ' n »*fJ?to the hand! of my ceplor, tad putirt at a eJUd I obeyed hit orden. WetUrted ftr New Vork Beat day, kty trial came off tpeedUy.. The erldince wu tufflcleal to con- Dot, . Boiplctou, It too roa, wu unt trouead agalatt me by the elope. menL SUct eiaroh waa luutuled la HewZork. end aome of lhe bonaa.known by thtlr nnmnera. were firandflo hire beta neigotliled by a pertpu .aniwaring tl» fetarlnUon given of, me, rnhberrrtmaLpel a aroloand mfa- The auduf operandi of the ro! _ ten. and | hive told It u no erne exceptant my lawyer, loyou, and to the wnman who turned mirthraghtito crime. : Bhe neaped lo Spain, I ham heard. We haie'nt anyiilradl- Uon treaty with Ibat ooqnrry. hate we' lai'i the whole of the atorr. ano) erjlal '. eh-, to bJdyougood-bye tor tan That'i lhe whole of the ttory, am 'darblaa." t bam the l 1 yean and the odd men lhe. labia why I wear the ^ APceam-"anx^,B»deu,wtiia tcnatry La oraxtaUt eena »»t»«|lob.r ''r^' ^^fmt^StSitmU ■ - ■ it I were to bore a aote-tanrengb Ike eawBgudyea wan to tela at tab] ead, wken Ike hot*, rir.^ of ar teat, and looking ateadlly In hir rtce, wti_ o*'"a>»poia ut mee an the ccrndlUODa cm wUch yea UreVi Jattltaia o on tad rtcJllrnent would be your death. :ULr>«nttTnV(_laMn|itht etttbhaad ftagibi fatuue on wnieh.Tour eiUjatn ee, dapenda-rlf I eteVatyouto jDaridwitr^oa, lam, fa ef|ai»V,> murderer. I upon mo In their luetrout ghocr. Jratihe «ailll40t,ltncelo^i»- queredi abdturned her ficehaatily from mi, and we apoxs nt Lucre. Day dawned at lut—grey, cold, tunlea day. Heavy qlpuda ihntinlbeiky; not a bird tang; not a leaf rarredi noi ertraf beimaadelU appearance. Bhe tletl. gllenlly her father ahi lomr came ead went; 1111x1117 the attendant turnmonad me do wo to the parlor for nfnibmrmf; ellenlly many tinea thai day we itood aroand her couch to hope ud rear, and ttlU aha e^tpi on. It wae a fortunate aluonber, ud during Ita long oonllnuaoce we had tbe'anipeafcibleioyofwitnceatng the rrturelnaT aloom—of hoirlug the calm and ngular breath; tad from it »t hoped and fontold good. --.>.. .... < The ihadea of evening feli. All day ahe bad n poled in. thai llfe-gtTlnt obll»ioa,aDiyetahOwed no itgnolwaking. I thought that 1 mijhtmntare to my lodgtuga fare few. momenta to roa any lotted that might have arrived for me, Promtalug torelan la tn boor, I went, M mm wu pictag tip tad down fay aearrmant whan t en tend. Ola back wu turned towarda mt; ho wia tail end wen-formed; a bjl and gloieawc« thrown unon thelible, end a large cloak wia cut cenleuly upon a ohalr. I ampfied ahd obiexred him. I fell mm tbit he wit'a tliangwi tad yet- It wai tomewhit ft- mlliir thus to lake poueealoo of mv rooma. Heilopped—looked oat of the window—10 itood for tout rnlanlee - then tamed, tad teeing me, bowed with perfect teU-poiieaaltfn and eddxtaaed tea, "tl.Hoche, Ibebavef I aaernted,. . . . . "Moultcr li the medical tdvlaer ol MdUeV Oerllnl 1 'a have that honor." "WulmontloOT favor me with hit unaerrrd onlnloa of the lady 1 ! Ulnoaa-tf u be likely" Ihin hit voice aliered tUghtly) "to -tobiTeafataliermloUlonl" 1 npUed briefly that the aymotomi had been highly favorable, ind that I believed nil ind tecloilim might, la a tew watka, effect eperteetoure, ., He took a card from hla pocktt, ind wrote ami werda on'It la 1 email, candle hand. While be wu doing ttla, IhadWrure to obterve bit pale, ctekcounhmanet, bit firm Hp, hii caay, etuto- cratic grace. A brllUant of Interne luatri gUtlexed oa hit finger': the rut of hie atlln wu faetldlauiiy plain. , "OWIgsmi, monaleur/'heaald, "bjglrlngthUlOTonrpallant flood etenlng." . . r .He threw hla cloak areotd hlm, ttlxed hit hat. end wu gone. In another moment I beard the whtela of a carriage drive to the door: uw him etep In, end en a aeeood bad eleptcd, the vehicle hadbarnadtbecoroerortbe atnttudoUiappeared. Tbanwaa a coronet open the pauela. I tomod 10 the unit and took np the card, 7| bore the name of the Prince deCerlgay. A folded paper wu laid beneath It, on whloh wai written a draft for oat (houe. indtreaoe.piiibleto me. • Pride and Poverty had a hud itmggle that inning, ud Pov- erty conquend. I wu poor—very po^r. The Prioce had paid meformyettendanceon hla friend; I might, on Ibla ground, refrju payment from her, and 10 balance tbe obligation. Hy priaent nocd wu gnat, and—I put the draft lo my pocket-book. But to my namtlve. Time wu flelog, and I bad promlied te return to my pallet Uo an boor. Half thai tlmewaaalnedy pull I had lateral thing 1 to arranio, tome churn of itUn to effect, a nolo to write, and a ooniulleUoa to hold wllh my landlady. Wllh my nbnoit ipred, (beio occupied me tn boar beynofl the ep- poloted time;' et lirt I left the boaee. end huttued with airrout rtsldlrytelbedlreetioaofmyptileat. When I.munuaa larwroaetadtoglra,ake poua Jerlb. aU berwroapand bagnv piot^aej. Under the rtflof I flcilon, the Ian bear the MUay ion or Uu litnti lailj. m l iiiinliilini 1111 tllh batrtd and d3a> "iln. Hal Celarle, tbou art no ltrnget ictmg-taoa ratoat thli n»e» to ihyaeirI. ThJae.oaadualeaad bum thy rote} a^tnarlaf aa power, Tllherlno with acorn, ultenaarcaaMuddaoanci; whlutr U that larribieJook dlrecltid f To tharojal box, where all theraWof the let* Tkareaat tu lfucheai da r^aaaoo, ulcrMipd, dauhted,. ebiu^owai ud there, too, tai the Prince of Cerlgay, pate, guW.ltwaUiac -wiindrawn Into a earner of the box, ceustoat tad tha a aecl - 11 wu no actedpari; It wu a lift dnma-a tint tragwdy r - Tbe lut ict commenced. Her rolce now teemed weaker, and' haxitipfaltaredj.bul a beetle fioih, that deled tvtu the gUrldC eiaga-liinna, luff need herobeeki, and fiercer ittn aVi wed tbe dub flne la ber area., A atramna aly of ixnllettot tt* trluoojh. wu ippanpt in ber mice tad giituret; Mr tohet 0*4 athrUhrig, apaQecranng adaalflcanco Ibat made Itaelf rail la iverf trrettt, Thairidlenoeweriorealhieuwlm iuapenie, Imt ipeU^OandE ud tmmr^njr, TUrecoocIleinent came: Wlb what tiqulttie tendtrnanaue) loved ud truiied again—with what grace and delkacy accordyt ber gsnemut pardon aad htr gentle lore I When wu now thai banghty ictmaa, the lajured woman? AU melted Into lori'aocl fcrgtreneiil ^ 1 IlootedlnTOlontarflyatthePrleee. He held ble huo^rrcbief to bli ftoe; perUirn bli heart wu fotrohed—perhapa he wept,' At Ian ahe Inhalee the poiton, and tlowly 11 begot lo tike effect, Vhttblo lint la the;tremalout tonee, and tb^kuenildr^aieuu: then In the faUloamemory, tad theghatUyohewki'tnta In fh» wifjderug mind, the etiended htadi, IbeteeklDggurioeind the) mucelngaye. Oouldthn be art) " ■ Hum log toeakg wcu^itbitaroaot Intbepart-brokeo, wmV Ingwotdj of mieneoagoay. There lea on m tbe royil box— ■ " ' ' "Hatol help I aheladjln|l" - ■ ' It It the Prrnce de Oarig.y, loitng hlt ' iamju oeof mtad aHUk terror and convloUcm, aktetnhiag forth hit henil i iiltllitii allillj to iht a age, itnidkM of King or Oaeeni a arijthtntjbal the) tirrfblebrnrh or whit heaeeebeforenlrcj - > ,. aha vpraug to her feet. Her face wu atm beantiial, but eera- TUlaad with pattv Ul with urmatunl exoltemeni; rtnd wUh->lne> dawnc"!lmmorlahly.' Hbeturaedthitfw.tballac*, UBOneVkB. and ae Mood fOT a faw eaooodai lhan the Ugat faded areciber ayae, her dpa moved, ber armi wen to ned wikDj abore ktar the mental exertion which I had gone through, eU oapreaeed 1 Unnga around me wen beginning to yield lo the Lunaence of ex- Inmetaerltadiend toaHameeirangeandrndletlnctrormi. kty area oloaid—my breathing beoame heiry— % wu juet falling Into a deep, calm aleep, wTren " - '-" r " amonmenl In tbe bed. n I fell my wrlil greeped tightly, aad heard - wie illUag uprlgbt. turned lowarda ma, and looking at me wJUi e atnageiy Bungled eipreailon of anger aad alarm, * ''ktonaleur, awake I'; " For hnvm'i take, mademolielle, be ttOll" 1 cried, bewil- .cured and ronaod. " Tou may not exert yoartalff you know not erkal you do.'' 1 j- ■ ■ "■xenexreaut .Itteof that I would ineejk, ..Hear ma, Imut pityto-morrow Blabtal' ''ImpotaJblel'' leleoleM. . . tapoaalblet Idnetl''aheexirlaimad. . .»^K*"V' 1 ■** O™ 1 '' " u »¥ wo - 1 WO not inner, for cauSliJ'?* melBlble." • W'wm*iatTlt:aaBawawrf —you •Ah» fflCTttoeu/' abe weal aa, wuh a »*«• fed ea^naty-'ukg ■taw k a ay , G tte|t,a>naWaaa>a(7W faMXtMaxMialSeva anat«(awe>» ■ 1 !.!■•■ .1 1. -(U ' half-way, I nmembeVed the card ol lhe Prlnco de Oarigoy, and wn forced to turn back again, for I bad left It on the mole. lam act mpeeetllloaa, bat thli return tod my deity eoemed omlnoat tomr. tllelllntomrauiuilIreptdiUoa,endwhtawlllilna 1 trd ortaoof my own door, (alt an aniioua hatte that appeared I aunimon Wie.bickagain WlU^ulaellrliigenu^{um'toaw bE'' , "''BaliT'' i-eauT M iae w. tii i i. yeeiri/-t>JiVfraant ft L» ftrT tieii|i>. And I went In, up alalia, tad taktna rmnatae rabtottoPrloor'l card, obaerrod, for the artt Ume, that the writing with which tbi back wit cloaely I'ned wet 'lo cypher, I wit lurprfaed, aod I correal If, lemewbtt cnrlonef bo! I throat It foto my pooler, na downelaln, aod prurnUr wu running anno more in the direo-' (Ion ofmy patlent'i abode, t And now, u I ipproechrd ft, my igllellon returned la tenfold eower. The noarer I dnw, the leu I dared to go fowardi tome orribta iDflaeace wu npnn inn ■linn rtgue ead fat ml eea drag thet moved my Inward loul with agttirehtnilon, and teemed to olog my fooUtept to Iho ground. - The door Hood open. / had not left It to. . I went up. The door of her chamber itood open lltewlae, I ptutd upon ibe Uucehold, and then walked noluleaaly la. , I bad hatfeiptcled the ehock. Bhe wai goat f (Vmel—tad not a loul wu then lo ItU me whither L I rana lhe brU forlornly; I cried aloud; I opened ererydear and oloiet; I entered erery mom, from tttio lo klicbea. Father, loTer, terranL paUtnt—all gone I Erery plica' Blent andemotyl ... ' , • Blie wugone-aoBI to the theatre—to bar death. And the empty houae f The reft arere gone upon a vela ataroh for her. I tfort knew the fktat cireolion of htr tlece I - Tltl thtt moment I had never known-1 lored her, Allnnquee- tloned, I had tuuVred. my heart to oherllb and gamer up a hopeJeaapeaalou. I wag paraJyeed, body aad mind-plnnied mtoedTetmywOderneaa of grief, wUhnul (he power to think or Mt.. ... •:• i.. The time-piece In Ibe dreittDB-room 4Ttrock teres. In another half hour the would be again opon the atage, delighting all Learerawlth tbelaatlnaptraUonofhergenlua. I ilarted npT "Perhaparren now I may name her from Uefatal exdlemnt of performance I perhapa even now prevail opon htr to re lorn 1" By root wu already on the Ihreehold, when I rinded, u my glance jut retted on the bed, that I taw 1 piper lylog bolide hir pillow.. I (topped, tamed beck, end dnw forth a crumpled let- ler, all blotted and bUalered over with lean. Thau word! were written opon It la a bold, firm haul, aad win, la tome placta, almoat ueglble:— "OlLxen Brume.—Ton am mlitikin In the PriooedoOartanr. He doca not mean to wad yon. He la eoiraired lo another. The King and the Court will be In the theatre to-morrow evening, and e«e will be among them. Ton will piroein a dark, lunOiome woman, lowborn will be glnn e atatai (he right band of lhe Queen, That la thaCucbeai daOrailano. an Italiin of birth and fortaut—your rival. Wntched woman I why were yen not con- tent with one flUhfol lover? Victor doer love you. The Prince deOartgnyloTet roualae— uhtwoald a bone, a hound, or a felcoa—for bit emuaemeriti Welch them narrowly to-morrow nlgbl. Conrluceyouhelrof tbe truth, and break Tour heart, If you will, Oeleetellirtln, how did yon dan'lo forget thtt you were caly ea tctreuf" , Here, thou, wu the eccretl Henco htr egUtlon, hir UlnaN, ner frantic determinitloa to pen form! An eoonymooi end cm el letter—a eeoret love affair kept hidden from her father, ud htr betrothed huaband—a reeolute Intention toJndgeroTkrraalfauol know the worttl In tvo mlnuloi I wu it Iht itage door of the Porte St kfutin Theatie, urging the oflldala to let me apeak with Mdlle. Bertiai 'ImpoaelUel kudemolieUe It In her druilng-room." I 'Out I mutt eee ber—my bualoeulaofthe uUnoailmporlaac*i'- J'At (he en 1 of the flrit act I wiU dtllver your nquett." H , •""It moat he nowl Oo to her-uy that It la I—n. Hoche, 4tr pbyalclin. lamtunthitihewulipttkwttb mt." 1 The man neeltated tad wu -boot to teekhar, when a well dreaied peraon ttepped from Behind e dtikind iddrerwd ma:T "M. Hooht"—hem he rerf fired to a piper lo hie bend—"UT Berlin doolred pertleularly that If a gentleman of Ihlt nu eboald eok lo ace her, be ehould on no account be admitted, am very eorry, nionilear^tml inch wen Medemotaaiie'g mande." , -"Hot I ten you that I wfll ealer-ebewnidle enlhoutymadxail mil Ney, the It drlDg tten now I" ■ . 1 • Ther emlled, end aloud tbe door la my face, Itmowootb' I got 'here, bat I next found mytelf fa tho thllUe, It' crowded 1 there wuecaroe mom lor mi to atindi Iht- aaet or Ibo orerlaro wen Ihuuderlng from tbe mhetlraiilae rote. . .1 ,. • Tho play wu one lhat had been wrlllen for her by at, Victor, and IbTe waa but the eecond or third time of lit performance. Strangely appropriate In plot, It painted the carter of en ulreti d-uefen. ' I- ■ la tn tuetaat the tlage wu covered 1 gennamen from tua bnaxar. ' —* her ta r—'—^ alalia, partem, eU crowded round 1 amangrt them, myeelt Ipuihed throngh iht wonder lug Lb rang, crying loudly that I wu a pbjaicUn, Taay mide way for mm K knelt down beddt her: a orlmaon irream wu buboliag frota nae Upt; hir bud! were firmly denned, ber tyu cJoeed. Bbe uU tared no eound—e ahudder puted Uuoqgb her Oama—l>tr hajr* betiaoloagwt aUwueorerl ... , i. I never again beheld any of the acton m thli Iregttyof tut u/t. Hex father, I wu told, turvlrel bli child but a few mmtnt. H. Viator entered tht choral, and It now an abbe tad a c^TMea. The Prince do Cartgny left Parli lnilantry far foreign lerrloe. 1 Jor rnyaelf, I tm an old bachelor, ttrlriag humbly to be u uae- lDtbenurUetW4ruuudgMlwincMiX4ilamt. IgeUtUa Into aoelerj, and nerer Into the Ihulrct,. I haft oot rnatrtejl. and I never then. Oeleite Berlin wu my unt lore end my takt, ■ :— 0 THE AMATEUR BMUQOtEB. ; A Uuen for Wlrti. A iw Ka.ona _ through ti,i4i tbirlEiriy.-t bleated with en antra ding a tilgb official petition la the oourlt of ig'lbe longTicit'on, well. In eonptny wftb hlxl pletriuo la BtWaih.. After hiring ^travr' - ' -.Biey win. returning bertu JW^nftrn? IbrtabU eesnt?oa^I%b'4>riiai frotV the noolleelfau of _ . ^ „, wen returolna «»« futbena withbWmind qnUear;reaCltu» loontfleniCwhUt Ue Uir ' enai tmprudaneo, or dread of tome^aroeehlng aauffar.' wlUa Uey wart ptajTaa froauar, ut'laar could no |emi«^rwMals beloTtd by a aoblemtD, whom ahe, la ritrira. laraa wllh til bar hear! arul her genluet Tbte noblaaao la alio lored bye rnincau of Ibe Court, and, who mortally do lea la her rival In hla efficUeqe, The Prtnotaa lea married woman: aud II la the doable dUcorary ' """ '* afire of hit —... --r-,—1»- n< aoe j^MKd hpnqaet it the memanl whta aer 'Kir eiplalu all of her joTeVi iteming InfldelUy tud lhe ooworUu aatnre of bli a'Uohmiatthatgoedilht actreatlo delpalr,. aWaUyTn/ a p*r- fldioua alraaamn, ahe diet from lohelioa Iht IMlI pecfome of a and often bar hla head and lor ton. Imrlag tbt.nrit act I ttw ud beard nolbiag, play In It. . The teoond ul commenced, tnd She dlA sot iveleotning bant' (of appltau told me that the had appeared 'upon* the" I did not dan lo .look upon her. Far Nana momenta I wia tPauet 1 then ber voice, la *)) Iu derUi aad fell upon a>y ear, aad I tamed my .eyee towirdt lee^utfal.tad pale aha ajoodi robed all fa while gai-^. "-atr parted 00 her browi her.hand graining a rol ot'oeoeri lid,boding iUomluUoata ntreyaa, wUih Ialana^nkU _—.ue could Interpretl , . ' Durlng'tae flnt flw eorau the traa mndued tnd calmi earearal oMtiweMudBwbaad 10 kef biwawt, uff.ia' SSSi t«l^etlM aha weal on.. Than doubt, Am JaeiVaiJltaaH trjawiiaa tiir paa^ru'timawl >^ hear lhe Vi . oCbdttiita? 1 it X-y*<4l/liwX "WaitI uaamugglul" 4>tcUUnad tlU'aaan betroen letmll^me^ud affright. / "II la betotlfnl If Uaneaa lace, and hu oott a great deal," re- plied lhe lldy. vffem now golle near the ouiloavapote; aild the gentleman.' ' , TluIaJM hutrn and cosoeeU 11 '•li ta^mpcaalble; I cannot do III .the poxUtoa . . _ .. . r ._ inatailt tot belott,end thltlacena> ooiimei.lin) fraanl|9W)." ''* ' Xmrlnff the convertttioi, tbe train mpldiy ipproacbed faa dreaded ita tioti. Tnraguelhe rjorri teraaUott of the wormy niaita. (itte, wbohadalwaya beep In Ibe habit If coraidatuf tTiWara wlthoilmUdiOmdelibaiTtloa, taut nsnpeoledlr placed li a powltaca to tmburateug and to crltioU. Oraroome and per- pleiid by bit dlOcultlM, and toeing ill' pretence of mind, at) al- lowed hit wife to nut tht lace la hit bit, tad having placed M aa tit head, be forced It down almotl to hie un, aad then reatauecl. hlrneeU to hit file. . .. , AtthlailiiloD thatnnlen ware Inrlled to aoma out of Die) arrlaga,.an<J to wilk Inlo the room wktrt tht culc«aAo^eei tgenta were aaeerahled. Thnniini1iiiiiiiniiniiiiilti1tilt iiiintiliii— u bett he could, ted banded hit paaaport with an air of auuraedt lodlffcnaoa, 1 • ..-'■ T~ Wken bit poiIUon u 1 ladge became known, thidfrWele of thai cnrlom houte Immediately hiltiued (otaudauelr retpecUahdl deoltred they cooildered It quite urmeceettry to exatame fas lagaui libeled wllh Ibe name of ooe who eocUDlad auchayhlght udlmnortaat ritaatlon to the Blato. - . Row bad the BuaUtrate mom Hcoerajy Ttlued the rewptct •ttaebtd lo blenoflllon; and If 1 eeoret nrnoree fura moment a*rbed hli mind, alleaetbe bruihed mom freely when be rf reueettd the dioget wu But, aad that the TloJaUen of tut car. ~SA l tl!. b * b* 4 commllied would lacipe dlacovert- Wlib thlt 00intertable ueurence, aad while a ttvtn enralna> Uoa wit palling on the property of other ptatengtia, thaheul ef the purtrtn hoaec ud iht oomaiaBatr of the tooel gerx. darmarU, baring naard of the artlnt of to drxUigulahad 1 per- ootvaw tacttr Urn their reepecta. tfoialng'caaloVbeixiOra irtoloui Han their manner. To ih^Brofirand' temtaHonlaa jndt* raeponded l^lmmiillately reUlnglie nalwra the ntaaoal poHhaeia, Oouldhefloltttt %ut,alul lahlatoUlac^liixnee, t» »Pj* tad ta laroluataryr he had fonotlen the ooalecU of bla ha*- He had aoaroaly railed 11 mm hie bead whta a cloud of lioeriuaed out, oovering him from bud to fool, at wllh a large) -arrtagaTali. Vfhal UnguMt can duorlbe tht emfutea of the owteelett imiggler. the deepalr of Iho wife, the laoienun)! of ttu tnecta- tort, of toe aaloniahmeot of (hi cattom.houM .ot^lotn. at uLa aces, at The offence wu too public to be areTlooted. . w/itbeaanyerpieteloniol regnton the pert of tbe uthorltitBi tWrnitrlrtrete wai dotilnedfiu the metier thould balxtraSu gilad. -After a ehort dolly be wu aflewed toreiumebli Jcaur. aey to Peril, ud we can eaeUj.believe that the tdvaejrnnitixrmad, a tabjtct (or much foiilp and amnaemmt tn that gay capital, THE A0TBE88 iIND HER (UMBO!,.' , Ota tfllMraortbeaatlralMliwawAo^ ilerfdally,foraboutam<mlb,allttte Btaraybouemal 1 .helonidtaebouiaetlntbe hot 01 wlttihe dooi^r)er treutng u the pliy wu about lo begin, and Ihlt mpjao of an unknown for* affected tet la tplteof hAeeUV 75 ' ' White acting ahe looked cairfoTly aroufid^tr the Wxa^ tbe raav emet, and ena behind lhe teen ae-b alio no mtermt the itwno> hing hy which to rtooamlta the mac of btraauauavAadtr lb^f hHj^t^l»^ / ^^*Mjk* laia»1aati»B "oi ictrea* la Tory rtmllar to that tt. 1 Wuhe a foreign nrlnce who wiihed to eapunre her heart bev foreplaolngalher tVethlt OTT^indrreaecriir Or Wat kl are artln loo baahful to declare hla paaaion? t- -saa Interrogated the boiioeper, tht tirewomen-to thort, trtrr- body employed In the the lire, bat nobody knewaaylawaafibewg ■1 SUli the benqueta came.,, ..r . "Do ther ten ue lhat couetincr Ue rhlmenf" monatrrad aha, Tht olhrr erinlng, u ahe entered ibe Ibeatre, lhe noelreji» ' frah bouquet Mwlolete, tad tbla time lhe flowing wan aexicaeV ' puled by 1 letter. "At lull" laid ehe,and cpeateffUbf thai light df a nflletoryeJu reed eifollowti ■ ' ■'■ "MaatemolaeOei t have lored you ferelovg Idtm,' for la act lMlwIdlngandlrvlng rou the eama thing t Sv^jrdtjrl ooaae tet admtnyou, to applaud you, lo delight myielf with 9u,l)rJabt titeeof your oyee and Ibe eharm of your mice—." , "B» muit be In lhe hones," Ihcnjht lhe twtreat, tea abe, peeped through a bole la Iht 4rartaln.^^Taet^diraoe bail lutt —imanoedto unmbU. Shtnturnedbuiwatnag 1,., Of your mice,' Too in lodied beaattful aad ccwaanmeT v— —^VwoaVtlaot enlbJworlnV , .- r tte pBjt,gBa> conttoaedr ■ • 1 "Mo I and ret I dere ta tote you—lo teU;you that I low) yotfl till more. I renlon to beg you aot 16 reject my heaam.* J "He begtae lo upbun.alaaiill." tald tbe to hW^^ndt iill kno*"—and tht ooaonnecl—'iny homira ' tt wu feertol to wltneet the tdg wan womaa't IwnlleneM w pp neaed try of agon y 1 ta awt flu cheek, uetl<rwta«luwtUl«t- "' - Bhe eopfrOTUhef rlraJ .taje aod PrUeeaa mTtil£Wmi I Up, tae bl laatMd MUfaWlty. ' ■'■■ r \ preulonor my;o T e doet.not ocTeud'iou, iiliotUleJ Tloiete la your'bteoax,*'Onl'tnld,Xthtfl bet * mini" ■ "WftU," eall the, <tu> alfllhare, at name fvraai tottlatua aee—here li a a/awaorlotr' . :, - -' ■ -.n '!F. *, U mMBxt^.eJraow who rtttt k» ywt,k«(akHB .^Miir, i|^t4,iiu i(t:t>,ifr-uali/'' :.,- .1,: ll:..1...'l .j 1.1 -,l« i,',/'.-.:i j.i-.-'rf ■.'l)Jvr.;l-.i:)uw i;' ■