New York Clipper (Nov 1865)

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>j tsunoxUBjandg Vara* write ui tar jxtorraatien a Salt the followlce. mesa.-— '.] ^gfHQBSVnDM TO SB> Naw 1 ayaata omr 10 ee-* Hm* aubjecte, M^tmiiil robecrMtan. Bntitertbi^to Cjmo* » JSj. per una extra, to «mr PJ^-ibkK %g>H-tnlniiiili P= toefOTl '-i?,iS*j»IM'nour _li t* dnunxtio notloee from otnor PP^^howiTtr. bo Sis to sdvsrtsements when paid '? < ll 7t?f^ anunul- K^qnaii In iliutt for Mt "^»^ ra ?. s yTnd7ver*. upon. JUtotUnuidooBmiwitott<"'?^5oi»«IoJ ffaU taper must to Insure »«wJSJi I? * oa, *™T i tUfton playedMamant. AjtrtftlA veterinary eurgeon. a|Cwe ,! are«6l At ^,_t f SUIT m. AVmChih, Portland, Meme.-"What oenttitatee ^ .reowlog la the raetornary rultogtn »«w IoiM- J^ulea Maul lb* dulire of ■ pitcher In hue baa ami mUtM ball abellBOt be "thrown" or "Jerked.?' Atnrbttd diffnitlf-n of • throw to bite ball circles la Ui* liiij.ibana«llTO»awith tooarm era Ikeshoulder or oat from the aide; and a Jerk fa dennedaa a ball delivered fum Wotting the body in r/ualBg, amseoroeaUy every rrrtryb kattmata. * eHlct.tnlarnm a Mon of eQtrow, i certainly exclude touch af tho eo-eal)ed thing anmA. ifhiUitf Ibaiulee winbeehangeloT notlatkla ,, mt 5- S..iWi u> be Ken. In view ef thli feet however, that ■tf&ttatllie rand two yean haa utter bad the 'best ol It we ■»*■•» sow such chugs mil be made. Tour pltchlhs: si ftsyTfrrt ind Ovxaate It, la fair acoordtng to New Turk ■ & & &. 01aefusstl,-0n April li lea, T. B. Filtersan's b, m. DMrmerty usporlet dlancoe, dam Betsey Melons, 8 jean old; a^TaTffi'e ATsna Wood*, by Imported Tortanire, 3 jean old; U r lau'i ncrin, by larparted Margrave, 4 inert, andB.IL [ml IlPr I* Baa*! ran a nee, la which the fastest three iffInaeapa) thai dale wu male.. Florin von the first heat, Bd wU.-e*auiCBd In the nail. Cnarmer won Ike second and _ _ ly peeled In" eueh mtUenia4ed^eoanayanaSijtba). S" ' None* StdcbX-Cui!! ity. Ton can art lbs tofcroUlon probaMp br addrutlng tome one at tho War Department, Weeb- uglon, Jcuue Imanu, Stockton, Oil.—1. W. H. Lewie 1* with tet-axa-feMurrnxr'a AfJtislrvifc IreveUag. 3. jQoaUre BUeiu u wllnDnpnaai BantiUct'e MUiitreli." "" '" W. M., Bolton.-Lao Hndeanla at piaaen r Buaaiereu Qf the Lonlartle Theatre. < ~J . T- •. j.: . i. iT.I . H. j. trtnehemiiton.—There era man ProMrtenla In thla ettj fc^OinoSoV-*- •-- - -r-r:—-. 7 ...... W. P., Charltaton—San Blcc la a nUahnrBh to* Coawiax BsasiB, Benierlll*. Pa.-0an'l aa*.' Wrtti'lolhe iBdirldaalhunaalt . . I H. T. a, Hampton Boada^-Th* prloee of. Kebo*'« claba U'aa fhUowii-^, 7, and 8 lee, |9; lo Iba,, 110, and li Iba., 114 a'oilr,. g tB a uauaj . Onmberland, lid.—No cflenoe Inieakil to toe oemban of the ereba. Brandy and toe. all tight, i :■ Bnsxi. eblbago.-W* belltT4<b« li tn Callfarala, tat what Ua predae addreaa la ww can't aaj. a. X», Inn Arbor^-irrlle to Dial * JUegenM, jJaUviaral Ho. ieann«treet, H.T. . BL A. B. W.,PartMainda;—gn adtertuHmantof AmnlmMfBr Are IneerUpnewiii ooet j on llta Moaj,' Stoj'-We think 'he plijtd It Ike'old flreene alnet thmre lo eeubanltoale poll Han, ImtneTer ■■aeter, - Btasmv Chicago.—We beJJere Xbetfej Wbtaaliu ttafio^or ale. ■ Hieaddnute 444 Broadway. .,|,, W. L. W.', *oWle.-Hellie ant ftar hat letter laatwaak. •. . Haanxi* Boekeetar.—StaO.'Totir (ettenon Thoradaj erantog. OLemax.—^We hare two taralgn letten tarjon.' TooiinkUosri We hare a letter for jon. w. kL Dan*—ind one for yon... Co., Bklrley Tillage, -tfor three montta, ten1 doSara. ^^-^0), x* Bemewu dlitanoedln tko nretkeat..Time, laaUttnuk, 117: M. lMKl U l:tlH-S:3»U. Seimw Mt-lat mile, 1-59; M, 1M; Sd. 1:63-5:34. Third keai^lel Blla,l*1l M, lJJKi Ut—On AprilUth of Qafame igV ouniernnu another race for a pane of IT00,fonr mile n «i« tgimat Lonla D'Or and Blgadoos. Charmer won, ber larea btmg UUl: Lotrie O'Or'e 1 1.0. X drawn; and Bewdeoa'el.a.drawn.' Tune,7:11; 7:38; 7:17*; end8;M#. | ^iCBarBuira—"afy Mend and mjaelf cannot agree on tbk eranofaaaaHof ochna. whlehwe refer lo yon. Zn plating a wo handMgime of endue, A bolda the eight of bearta, laUoi waili IH t nl dleaoada, qneeaoldoba, and ace ofepadaai B leMa aot ot botrW. ijoren a bearta, ten of beam, king ot ipadea, MJaekatepadaa, BeMbeuatrnmpa, A aay <ritbelyrai laketwopotaoioD'nj hand/ Baceaplathe bet, and AHwia. leerAompwa lhaaB waa belting on a 'tore thing,' knowing that te head would take one trick, and on that aroncd be clauna the) leeaM aotwln hhi money. PJaaae deaUa." A wlai, of got*) the^anre tklng 1 ; haa nothing lo do with IW Qrjrriuiii, JH-1. If yon will Inform ni what lame of (he Una Ike article yen refer to appeared In, we wOl aead yon a xr/,' We bate no leooDeetton of the arllela. 9. foeoobnn em "debated Bny 'rhampkmof note," nor "any eibet enan> knv a '"& i We know nothing more abontthet aftatr uanthaa *4cb ,w» pnWIafted at Iks time, 4. We make no charge for merag overdone, . ! .M.B. J. -'.ina'n bet that fktnn the amunracement of the war Bflllha aurandarof Lee'a army the North took more nrlaonen lnu\ike8onAtoak-lM'aatmynotliclnd(d, Canyondedde Yt .....WllhOBt tnanforea from the Wai DeparhmaDt wa oannoi indarakau detMa; but onr Imprtaaton la that Ike number ekes by .the North, wai Tersely tn esceaaof thoee taken by the VBth,. Payton; 0-1. ft* hati bftrcr beard of a benafldi an of baring bee«vn»i!ej <» a oajom table In the lolled Hutea. "X There la no way of calcnlaHng the^Sdda when laeonatmg, aa It dapaada allogetner on the nepcetlre atnlltlea rtheplaiere. IfthecatwrbaterehonlgroaaaameofIMpatnU at In una ran the dla uuunll i Ml wonld anil nothtog, 'Aut' AQamy.-l. En. W. & Txdghhm arrtnd'ln Una' city eh,llttlaat,fraaCalttonla. a ItwaeowtheatatoflutJao., tat the aaoiaest oecarred to a mVliwhi while playing ht "Peep Mko".ttttie Park Theatre, BronklyB. Ho anatatned • oom «^frj*ttjieofth,ehantt./ , .M.w. e, l>w»*OB,»ta^"A beta B thU there la 'ehorae in ala opoaty .that .Halted one mile to a asJky, and baainon tepJeTumeot^iUK. Who wtnai" ...,3wlnai no hone la hat emnkyarjnj ether eannty hae dona It Dexbv.raoanttyL gaier.aaadkvl^aallan'atune. . ' jyniKa<J/T, Lynn, Mara.—L Procnn Fbehm'a Hand Book on ■TUeioV adnrtued tn thla wrek'a Oumt It la the beat for raeirpnipoae, X A boo* wfflteaahyoa Muldenhle; tmtpmc- toe and pnrtlal imiiiJiw br a good player are mdlapsajabla ■ the attalnot^c^ any thrAghka perfection. Snvrraw.—Jlr, P.vS. Chanfran Aar pUyed^An^Treschard'ln «ur Oniaui." He nUyed It at Ihe old NlUanal In the atoe aeann tt waa originally produced at I, B. Howe an tn the cart and played Lord Ti:W, B. Itiffaflftryibha, —Theodore Tonnlaln la hut In (ram a nrellng low with 8lone fe Boaaton'a Olicna, Ant wa can't lay rhare he la at praaant domlrllwl, Alatier emtio Ihe Oumn or But wO bi adnrUaed; which, wo apprehend, wiO be thh [ate*ac*,aay lo reaah him. - BaxAuaw, TltairlDe, Pa^L It'-wu no ahol at all, and the Ight red ahonldhanbeeaepatlad and toe player make ebewjUe hot otaonte met. 1. Wo kare not com m od them ciWoally, b»t edentse twoeeliof rnlea agree. Procure thai and read for itM. F. Hinanox, Onmberland, lid.—The Dime Bait Ban Book i the only work of the Mod puhliehed, Theedlmrla a member it the committee an Btdea and Begnlalloni ol the HaUmal. tmoetatlon, : ' *• '' *' ■ ■' ■ . Iftck,'F. 1,-1. Twenty mHoi In one hoar, 88 mln.'jg eeot.'by ■axOald, Uthelangeitand raiteit running race at that dkaanoe if which wa ban reoord. 1 The name ol the town la anelt thoa ~ HkinyaUltt i . . Alios, Nathrllttv—B7 • more alien lira pernaal, yon may ok-, ■erre that we hare a comepondest in HathrDle, end that the peraea yon mention were refund to in laat weave lramau< Her hwjban^lS7Mo^«a^alW' ^SS/j whom aha waa^tarrledte tar3>»J W.,;lffi «; partner to « nnbllahing bnilwaaT Waajiaajtta to Mr. BJtehlf,. IBM7th, VOi Uh> reVdrnce, te fai i^So o T L. L N > r' Piramaok-H* la the eon oft otrpenter formal; attached to OarfllV and no relation to aehrttl Bejel. Weotuet qnij-fta^lwih 1 ^tdSIr Oilce tn -A-Sew, Wayji & .n^^lhe Wtotet Oirdco, 111, 1|0I, C« hUn*>e*f. Tn Tt mmofiu tf Bxasrt > «h>pnb u d' 1 o^retty ihatp' rnau, and to *»>, m 00 tatin a» pne^ila at Ihe pretest writing, which m.. arbitrary «rom«dJ«»Irortlhathlwin eoon<»min» * pro^to^'aatlapartloatarUne ot tmatniae. -7- ^^J^T ehd Te»*tM^t^bJbaj*aalrlalU.aa»^ £l curyoiun^ard to anf «o treat «a old n^8X!W4r«mentwiatSnb*io#»oa>^ rafret Ilka it. and look forwatija tfa adtwat 1 patknu, ' %tmi thVmultaVttiilluofthemerry ileljdtielja. W^tlnW Iltnt, Be and wralhBpwrmtllUt.aso' plraneUlna «" anrfaco ai,d calttngptgeon wtnga and .olhe> "kadldoea" ► . tea to bo all the rage, Thoaehirtogemilrolof thtwarloua a»»" Udgpoidiin Ihia legion arealnadj getting Ihem prepared for natare'a glider, and beildea tio*o whoee loeallUea are known to lolhjm'a fame aiaa and fall dinshtara, p « ,n»ibaiof«ew onea are apoktn of ai In preparalfoo, bnt thoie In Cestni Park will no donWbelhemoit faaUanable tenrta, -For,tha ITUIh ATinna. Wllng-Foaa the aale'ot tfckeli ta to cbmratnoion the lSih InaW at LhePinhATeirae Hotel,bj M 'J or Oatman. The New Tork blub la to'oonVinertuiUtnelomearirtogthewlnter.andiome fancy anlepetgy |ncnmot|on'la,ex»e9<ed to lakoplaoa there. In oonclnaion, wewoakiiraote ihe appropriate wcida of the poei "WbU'i-hli-name," w^o hu eagrly ai^J, '!go.H while jou-ie forWl^ar?y(lU^rMo^4ioncan't v, • ■ : ' l H. H, T., Hon tteal—"Waa Flora Templo'a lime for a rnlat erer leaten rairotUng tn'any nee with other berate In the United. SWeet"../.''..Hoi'wben Dealer' beat lion'a lime it wie tn a atatc^agUaatllae, and not with other hoiaer, f- Howaao ■AxotMUU.—l. The lady wu born In thu dtt and la nMmanied. 1. Alnaley Boottla with Bnrgeu, Fniidargaat fe 00. 'i aunlrrela. Cannot nywhea he will ratnrn to una clt*.' ^TanhaTebeennJitofonneditheAUiuammlanotdoied. * • A.X,BoibOTT.-Some of TonyPaatbr'a aonga yon mobablr oanld Botgat tmnany other penon than Tony, Hebiapnb-' nahedakugeDOOhoonuinlngmanyolblaionga.. . . r . ■ 1 C.'O/H.yHewHailD.—Aa yon are In the aune eltywllh the btOy, yen hlTt n better oppartnolty for giumg the InlbnnaUos regn|red |han we hay. H, ! J^oo»T'4-fon win the bet; yonr Mend bid u'eiame gpportehlly.fbr potting hunaelf u yon had, Ton win, aithongh tiitlmgoo^anreihlnjj. °~ : PfBi, jK/r.iVi H.T-M Bnrha haa aeglieted lo pnt np a aepoett lo oprayCo&gNr*mowy,we nan retnined Ihe letter hliejj.' gan oan make foararraagsnenUafler thla wlthqntouaanalance. r Oanrnw,' Philadelphia.-"In playingEnehra, haa a -player— whoae band oostatna neither ace, face, nor troop—the piltileie af throwing np hlacarda on that plea V Draldedly not. A Fora VMM Bowauiina.—Ion lota both beta.- • "Onr Amerl-' can <Mnatt ), iMi'played at the'lterlowal fn v Chaaitnl atreel, and 1. WUkee Booth *ei plajod In thla oily. PnlLuritrnu.--A pottrall and blegnphy of LncfUe Weilim ■pptartd In Ihe Cmm ef Nor, 4, ■ 1M8. Bbe played it ihe OtisUllcntal tn the ' Three Flat Men" In kUy, 18S8. ' aioi'hnBauTB.iarplalyn.-Tnea.'ima ihqdeaUon wiS'Whe Inobiaialn.lheaieragea. . ■;■ ym\.i .:^i(i" , , m. A: Am Ohlcago.-1. Heeaan la In England.! .1 SamtaJak a^idk^UtaeptngaealoontoRilladeh^ila, ; -i ; hi '■9. W. O .'fialaalrarg.-Vr. Boberla, on »th ATM de,'li thlt'elly, laajood clog ahoe mannlaetarer. 1 li-v.^-. MamatBTUi, 9aUmon.-We already hart a oarreapandant in' icnrdly. ,,. ... 1 , PaOnnOon Boi^-We an not well enough poated la themertli af the eeee tn rantoM an opinion. ,.|.... .. gr t Lomi-iXhelady.called at our etaoeandreeelred the letteVa' more thui'kwMk ago., j • . Baaar. Atrcna, MattnWt' T«nn.-Clhdnnatl hai » SoanlaUo/thanSt. LooAi. . . . I. a B., St,' Loute.—auiian BMani la with Dnprea fe Oteen'a ^Ohatrtla. Oand a letter to Ihle offloe and wi will fonird n to bin. '■'iri?'*'' Bc ^~^i^?5**,f'f t /! ul,utsM twr 7. Wlnneld , _C..P.1L, lotUiTllk—Ton'may procure Oorrltr'a! •«»»«» o'.eprttoa and Raaaan afjeia, InlhlaiiUy. . ■ " oOane?' v~" 1,< " 1 ksn another.Oheool t» win In Ihrowlagoff ^■Ji'S^S.^!^* know*'f nd,nn»olaia tdao. te whom we' esnre^rtamMyo^miheljneeottam^ ■ ■ 1-Hwm, «4»?aw.Od«au.-0(r paper Iteentregularly. We copif nenoed 1*0 or thne weeks ago. .TTJ ■;",.* 1 ,., r T. B. H.—Hour Uwr, one dollar for Iwo InMiUona. Knoxtnk—Wa an not eequiinled wllh Iba mota of Iheeaat, Xan»xovot,-BaotitJ Noah laat the Beaton Theatre, WANTED—SWIMMING 80HQ0L8 AND BATH9. Wamnl It la the ary of (he age.. iTerybedy wanta aome- thlng, and If arat jbody doee not aueoeed tn getting tnat.waat mp- piled, tt la no lack of penereranoe tn raakag to* requirement known.. : Tie. cy aclioaa ererywier*. atoyanartlnolil want la loudly clamored for, tat then another greyer ante—wtnta npon which bang life and Aeath; the poor wanting feed, the Wtak atrength, and the ilea health. We wlah to art forth one of.thi the laanea depending wpon H aie life and death, and" atrength. We can put IHn three werdh. Keen bate no.<ilm.lo noielty, fortheworilhiaracognlied the wmtntoarftaarlrat, nnlortnutely, It la osa thmg lobare a want reoeezaeed, and an. other to get It anppUed. Our cry la— "WurjwD, Bw^MMno - - anyooe'donMthatiiJajMreilwutt Theert- denaa which prone Ice nallty la aeraloatrana that we can team hops to tadleale It. Ihe reporta ot BegUtrara^o not rary tolerealleg, we admit. Poaelhly they are aD uelaaa ao becante, aa we glanoadown thoee ^ietlirjfe, the ugty ejarnetton' thai there la a neellee* and awful '' 'of'life gelng^la the world.wID fiJrceltiel(,tmon na. All of iMgaoonty^nlndod mlaadhjope who cot from .the nawenapeyt, lUthereoorda of mnrdara and atroctou acta them tenia .prints delectation. Well, wa here a morbid teale aa that, yet a friend of own haa abaakit of newapaptx cntthaga eearxly leas deplonbly and. Wedlp.eur hand in and bring out a deian ^iltnchoJy Ooourjranceaby Wa- ter," aa many "Sad Acoldenta by Bee," an eejnal ntaaber ef "La- motakle Dealha by Drowning," and ."Fatal Boat Aesldeirla" are almost Innumerable. If the matter ware laai aarlona, one might be amoaed at thla ewrloua coUecUon of penry*ll»e Btentoraln whuh they ban "piled np Ihe agony." Bat atrip away the tbt- blage and take the bare lads. Waneed not to be told of rftaart- Pending ertao upon Ihe rlrer hank as the youthful and t»—t—tj form lay. thereV of "amnltt phmged fat^o intents grlaf;" of I'loraiabereft0/aweetheartai"and "chTJoranUnAlherlers ad 'motherleia." Tat It la of anehthmgBthatthte kndnlafpan. grapha which we lake from our 044041 bexteUi; and howner written', the facta remain .'and win make thimaelna fait Who could deicrlbe adicruately the ertnte or the engutah ef aneh oa- faatrosh'asf We once wltneaaed ruch a icene. WeihaUnerer forget Ibe'unulterehie grlaf we, though sbaagm, aa'w and felt while the arm was'ehlntng, birds atogtog, and Ihe bankr of the rlrer orer whichehsy of ten years old ought lo hne swam with cue, gUatened and those w|lh garhais of rammer Coweia, .whUeaoorpaeleyoBthsbjsjb, All thubetasaewewantawnn- mlng aohooli, beeauae uuiWwyi Jare jart to pickup raimming If they can; our glrla an wnrr tanahi, and.our nun know Utile or nothing of as art wkteh taia wiTJ nigh aa liople aa waning; in aHwhJchUnltaehlaTrry plrararaable.ane, • gnat promoter ot feearlb, strength end longerlty, and one whlah ~——— fli u- seUtoeeeryoM. : ' '■ Bwlmmlng laada toafandnesi and dtttre for Ihe water; aa an enierdee It ta enjoyable; the effect ii tanjoraUng, and the isnae ornnewpowermakeaboyscoret It, eodooneeqneaUy time tMo n>im 00 to lie bc&' cfu*. and Ihua obtam that fretjuantibmuou whloh, without esdonlng all the dreami of the hydropaihlala for an the ma that Huh la heir lo, Is oonducrnlo health; but ihe bJbarAl use ot cold water may be old in many cases to>e abeo- lutery ceienllal to uehnman frame. Gold water la pronounced a Very detrtmennl foe to rarer, aguea and conanmpUona, ihla to another want, and that la -. M ax a urtm m' Barna lor Ihe maatei. In London and other Bngllah elUet these bilh houtea ptit been erected and. been largely atlendid by the laboring elauta, who hire been greatly benefited: by thtm. A good bath oan be oMsdaed 1 In London (wilh ioip and towel proMed;, rorfoupmce. There are aer- eiat of these' In London, and Ihey an always crowded. They an kvpt dean, and to ertry reapeet an adnrlrahly managed. By paito* an ezln penny, or ao, iddltlonal adianlaaea oan be ee- ourefl.'" The bafha are all prtreti with the ucepuoo of me large awtnunmg :balh. The Urns snowed evh balher in apitTite bath la half an hour, end one hour tn the iwlmmlng hath. Why cannot, aoch an lnatltutkra be etartad ,to New York dly, whan our working men can get a weekly arbl-wefkly ebrabon of the whole body for the moderate nm of fee tattt We hare, plenty of ajater, on the one'hand, to aupply (hem/end plenty of dirt, on the other, to need them; and there cannot bee tingle irioealble Objection.' New Tork could wej support three, at least, y aiame oss or moTe.W.onr twrrt ia nt pztooaa, who are nern h«. ^Mll.rf l. fam^lny pond wntaw. wffl yiitetit- Oi« *Uj w | u pnaoc.^mpnof theaabathf, they wiDbeglringj the atUressan IncalfUlable publlo boon. , Cumin It la thatnotwUhatandlng our Central Park, Zoologlcil.Collection, Fine Aria Oailary, and other pnbl lo plaeee now bi eilrtence,' New York will not be eanrplate to her "miie-up" u a mctropoila ualfl then ere publlo ba&Wcf the charaoUr hertla deaerlbed, Whenweharethemweihallbe t»Uer prepared ta meet the chejen, or any other grim manater that may Infest,or land upon our thoroa. Anoma Daarmun Emotnrran-Oor Trua-AUantlo rrtenda htitng awaBoWwu that wonderful ArrowinUth rlory as If It bad betaab|tol their own Juicy bier, and baring aleo gulpeddcrwn the etory of a Southern Confederacy wllh is equally a mantras appetite, are 1 n^.manufactuilng deer meat storlti wllh which to 'stuff Ihemaeirep. In lart weeli'a Ourrawo puhllihed a tale about t deer nght in aonwbody'a park. In which Ihe pooranlmala Hid thanueWre up ailh a card aa light aa If II bid bton dcao by the D»enport chipa. | Below wo glra another deer itory, takec fifom a London paper: ' A remukahle tacape from death'ln aitrumlewith a dear oo. ourfed at Lejtemtone, on Saturday laef. It eppcan that a fleo dier with rerr large astlere broke threnah Iran Mr, Hart'e ropel(y Into that of Mr, Btepbena, hit' neat neighbor, end on 'r. Bteyhroa opening bis door the deer >meng a him from a dlalllDet of eight or nine feet, knocking blm down and ilticklng him in the moat feroatoea manner. Thetinsgle brtwlon Vx, Stephens and Ihe deer laaled ft r at least five rnlnutre beforo any of file men anlred to bli iDlMaDoe. lortesately Mr. (tepbens bad ihemeenee of mind to ley hold ol the enilrn, and being a powerful man .he was roabl«.d to retain blagrup,-althougnlto waa thrown lire tfmea wllh great /one to the ground. After be- ing gored arid baring bid hla ololhea tern to rlbboni, be W11 reicued Juil aa be wai Quite eihiusUd and In Imminent danger of blslife. "The enlmil'beceme more forlorn when ttaliianoe wurndered,' ahd It reanlred (Our men tffectnaDy to leeurehlrry. Althoegh much ihiken, Hr, Btepbeni. lt Is hoped, will with Wdialiad hk Watered to hliuiual health wllbla A few data. ' . I^eaonuk—The ocean race that waa expooied, to take, place soon between the Algonquin and WlnooaU haa been postponed. .P.* r **»° 0 ' >■ not blade known! but wa'apprebend that the 'flier w^lhH.and tmifW water M ' bo preferred .ii] (be »ra*»rtndiandenrrm»binowi o4 winter, for UeltogWreapta. threoViBtlrabltheeiin. mthe maanuma, II l« not nnllkMy %#Vct^»» H^»v^p^!>t!h.ed^ . „ I •' Down on Brt-Luani-A peper caled thi "Round Table" de seiscea Bllllarda, Ii II becauc Ihe game le "played en the leuartr" young, for When you gut old you can't ' .bun o» DiTrtt'Hisiooa.—As filthful otorenlclen of pate- Ir^erennh the TjnpVsaattt doty dl'wWn trpon'ta thla week of leeoruxlgtMdamkitot another Mod and patron of leglUmata apowt. : 'Mr. DarldHaiUngidled atbJsneklenee mthla dty, eor- nar'of UatstoeeXan^aUaTanae,on the 8th the 8tlh 'Of bia age, the Immediate oaun of hue death being typhoid nmr, Hn tOnees was brUf In dnntton, and was not reguded aa dan. gwroua, sad bis sudden demit 1 came rsry uaeipecledly to hla tanuly and frtaada,' Sseeated was a baother of the celeoraltd WIBIaar Haettngs, better known'as ••Dublin Tricks," and waa • man of lnUBtotuil altatoments and staiUag tolegrtly/poaseailng many fealimable o^aottes of heed and heart, to a large etnle of arqualnhmee, lo wham the-intelllgenoe cf bis untimelyuktngoSwIllbaa lourceol"drepregret Hewufor •em* tuna a macabar of thu Board oTSduearJaa, berog elected from the lilh Wart; He waa b»swfie a member ot Co. B, 8U> N. T..'8,kt,end,enlert^theae^eewilhhla regimeslat Ihe com- mencement of the ktto nhiutes. Be was tatemd at Oreenwood, hla funeral belifg attjad'ed by bla mthtary aaaocratea, accompa- nied by Ihe lull hanaaf theglh, end mejnbenol Aictarua Lodge of F. A.M.. No-ifi. The fuoeiei end on waa dettrertd by W. M. Joseph kftlhan, W;ho paid in etocrocnt and deserved tribute to the mernory of hla departed brolher, Wbo's "Irf;—WeB, we bam bad owr election, and a poaotable one It was, too; not nun than a doxen nghta.taking plaoe to Ihe entire dty, which ta a geod thing for "the mitropotia." Slocum seeme tb^hen bean too slow tn Ihe potUkal neld, notwtthatand. tog ho was art enough on the balllei neld, andinfleorgia, when be took part la "Shennan'e Mtrch to the Sea;" he may trace hla defeat tq toe TaUaadtgham ud Wood crowd, who would crowd themaelres upon Ihe Oeneral'a lU* . Barlow, the other oandldate tbr Boa ebwy of 8tate,la •'ttratthough not related lo the eelehrated "BlOy Barlow," yet It la highly probable that Ihe friends of the latter bellend hla to be Ihe irritable Wllham, and therefore went to fur the Bepublloan candidate «■ annas. B>rlow*epopu. leriry oarried to'asuoceasrul lane the halanoeof hla ticket; II wall beeten, therefore, thai for the rlctory which the Bepubh cana an ao JubBant abodt, they an aHogether Indebted to "Billy Barlow." _ Oni aa Araainart.—CneleotlOB nlgbt theuiuil eaatmhlaga. gathered at Tammany Hall ta hear the returns read, Ceptatn Bynderswuta^amCaadwaecelledopOBfateipeech, Hees- styed to comply, untjuet as often as he atarUdJustssofles waa he Interrupted by cm of our ''adopted elUasna," who Inalaled on the Captain aaymg so nothing shout the. Fehlena. The Captain put up wlth this ■ tslertuplloa, rimtrkrng that ha would apeak of Ike FenlBM ihccrtlyi when our "adtpted fellow clrJun," grew lag angry etnot baring his mroittetubjeot dlacuiaed, cried out taalCTid TOlo«,'"T<iu are nothing but en American." We an tery gladto learn that the Ctjtaia reaented this fla»g byrtplytog as foDowa: Yea, I aa aa American, and I would knock your Irish head off If Iwaaaeerjo". iCheeraend laughter.) Ill tan yon what, down then, I'm an Amnion, and yon will ken me from erer being a Fenian If you keep on,. (Brett cheen and laughter.) And the Captain fa right; Just such conduct on Ihe part of our ."adopted feflpw etllaene" will lot e them the sympathy and aa> part of Aaerloans, It la aooh cemdoot that Is ruining Ihe Demo- Cnae party, (bat win anengthea the Union party nniO It wui sot only cany the Stale, but sweep Ihe dty aa well.. We thank Cip- tarn Bynnora for resenting this aha on the) American people. THE MEAT QUOiT HATCH FOR $280 A SIDE. PhJIidslpkli vs. New York. THE PHILADELPHIA!? YIOTOB. CnMonday thelllhlsal., a'laiwe gaiherlsa of the due of qnolllng piopenaltlea occurred el the quoit grounds of the Cal- edonia Hotel, Jamie McLaren Proprietor, Newark,'N, J,Ao wit- ness the match between Bamea Qlbeon, ot New Tori and WIHJam Hcdaon, orPhlladelphla, for 1980 a aide. The conditions were, 18 yards, itlff clay, 81 chalki np, to moasun from lop or hub, sua the hub to prrject one Inch, each man to And bla own qopKa. Aa both men hare high repute as pltchera of Ihe dlee, conaldeiabli toUrest waa manifeated In the result, and specula- tion waa eitenalra. Play commenced about 2 p. H„ and after a contest ol two aid a half houra, thePhlladelphlan prored that he carried too many gnu for hla New Tork opponent,ii he eTestnally won by 18 points, the eooro at the oloee atandlog Hodron 41, Qlb- eon 48. The quoletiona were 2 to 1 on the Philadelphia man In betting, ia be took the lead end kept It all too way through. Almoat all the notabilities in- quolttng dralee wen preeent,In- cluding Mtiara. Dunning, McOregor. Hudeoa, Crittenden, Qrlm- •hlwTUcilurren, Waterman, Lyon, Smith, Furguion, Olaeaon, Sharp, Wright 4 Co. Hodaon'e umpire waa Mr. Tree, KUlnp for a lb Km, ml Cinlelo Waterman aa referee. Metm. H. Bnarp and Taylor actmaa icoren. Another match between theaame partJca la spoken of. AnanxB MaicB aUsi.—After the above match waa concluded, toother milch, on the turn larme, was oome off at the eame time and place ontba', Tuaadtr, Nsrember 18th. for 1100 a aide, between Mr. Hodaon, the rlctor In the' Ibor J match, and Hr. McLaren ot Newark. A deposit of IN a aide haa been nude, ■ ■ A.QTJA.XTOS. Fist Biiurto sr i Yianr.—The yeoht Palmer le eald to he one of Ihe ipeedleal of the New Tork Begatta Clnb. On October. 30th, eni the HamanutU Wtitly, ihe came from Boboken lo Htonugtoa, and cm the way did some tall Bailing. She left noboken at twenty-ore mlnntes pitt elfht A, M, and reached Btonlngton tt ten mlnntes put four P. M., making the distance In ecYon htm* and forty minutes. At one point In the Toyaga tie node twottt-trx mfZ/l wt jvit on Aonr. Bhebad onhotrdOap- ttto WOllao Bpenoar ud Oaptaln Alexander Palmar, ol Btonlng- ton, and Captain Byliester Caritl, of Westerly. Her sailing enw numbered terenteen. i Fotra Oiud Boat Baca it Bid Fumoiaco, bLU—Tbe nee for 11 ON between Ihe four-oartd nco boau Seweargo and Nop- tune, took place according to agreement from tho foot of Third atreet on Ihei morning of October Otb. The oanteat was wimeued by a Urge number ordritcnl wllh great mtereet,. The]race waa sctoeone. Neptune winning b/leaiilhan a length. Tho who,; dtiUno^about tot inleaTwaJ made in twenty mlnulee and thirty aeconde. ' ' . Haawnu tb. Qui Vre*>-In "s»'4 •? » y^tnoettallook ooSlo'oa^y^and^r^ ^ nt',^ u^e^Oetote 1888?^Sertio. between- the hours of 0, A. M.. Sd U M.?^al1aV SSwS^do dMId. thli a. neither boat SrteTbeJ^ LiffiS. »o no. bis *££>™*JZZ< agncnaut ■ Ieaao P. Bainoe, B.E.Huxoar. Tsa DniTx Aowa-e Oaaar^I nj"'^' « tbat I am not faultiest ts an ffff^J^fZ^m J-f-«. that anybody hie Impereoneted a cbaneter rjme jneotaifnUy than I hareTU Mull to the eommlialrB of a crime. -lam aBring Sooltblti aSor fSy^oaeM" .^SUT^S^ l h T. never failtd to anythingIhave atlernpljd. I am eonal^ to the wholo range of drlmallo oeitlonj' "J,^ e Ue k ^«4n to . reonrldermyieirtho only capableL? 1 ^"^.* e ***«!S!»"' only eufflaant analyst ol hU fff^SJJS^lSSi'S!!^ to Sbthoaptcre, Inismueh'ss Sbaktepearef erlden Or didI mi at all llmei commeTcnd bl« own moenlog; lad u I have never failed to comprehend It I am therefore lupcrior lo him. I look upon enwdreotoui^wdofwarihrppe" who, M Jho llra^ eilat but to glorify mo.' I nt^^Sfg^SS^JfftiSSSSf aa e littles oulr lore toff, -by therr lltuoaeae, my own mnicend- ant 'mSm. I im tboopll manager worthy of Ihe samo. II 'nan^etouediio'e^a tre^^ ru»a5e»Aan,^ Sa-awSffiw-TO tblaplioelbeniwmbeedaloge. l edmllno mull In compail; sen wllh my on. My fame le world-wide, and my memory will be Immortal I omx v, unr/rn. Blow. •• fnd sportna fraternity genet- ... . . . fwglona round about, ban been oonaldenhly aaerdaad over e prise right, announced to eventuate tt ta unknown point iomewher»A Injiat neighborhood, ibaorln. olpali Ibejeot being Uwreaos\dUry^of Ikafolk. aMSHenrr Doom,of Blobjooud. TOemeniBMBB lajAbarnkWctothelOihoi ^ •' r '"«^'5SRVJ l, ^. ,e K , ?i ,| Wi • Wi lnchee In helght,Wwei«jfjroneihei^derafthe ught 1<3pounds. His Intoer waa yiaMotoeiSpf Boalon, Mate. Deffy Srst. saw the . At in h^ Tjfk. Ha^le ii yeara ef age. 8 feet in toehea In Sooid «» "V 'o"* 1 "'» * hl »f««to to 1883, when, after lighting 81 founds; In J. '" U * Md 30 V^*"' tb * conUitwes terVnlnalid ' TBI tils*. ■ Ob Wednesday, Not. Bib, the steamer B. fe J. Baker. Cayltto Oela, weTcaariercd (or a, "grand moonl'gbt eacuraion." At 8 P. MTebe was st Ktmrjerley'e wharf, and the '•mooullgbleicuialau- lsti" were an hand, bearing Uialr Ave dollar pauporte. Theoo- Hte'wen upon the whirf, but itw nothing.- -Ttrej bed no tJok. harmlsM spirt; for the duets- well that the plrtole wen em. uunair eontempitUd by thoeo ~"itog ota fiolte on board. , ■■ ninety, end oime home ee ,, _^ -* aaWptet three o'clock tho Baker A m/SS? <. ***"' J ■»*»'■ 41 Forlimontb, and of IBsWnes beau. Tho Porlamoeth man Went •oreocintto laVtwtree au ther bad seen; e eta and Ibey oould sot go on board the veiael Betoro the dt/ rjartunot tnesttamar tie roll wae called, and all Iht'Miad beaii" found on board without tvkefe lor the "«rtn4 moonnghl U. Mueh spairtac and heavr hitting on both sides. Duffy ibedtn, clenched, end flung Curry, and feD heavily icroee hie ck, when he kid until earned to his corner by hla eesanda. ete^nun"werehuelledashore. Alien o'clock the Biker cut. off and headed down ths.river. baring on board the, principals, attended by their seconds, and g Urge deleJiUon of the fancy stock. She waa under sealed orders, and. It wu not unto, lie waaabreaitof Craneybilandlhat ihe war wee broken, ind Ihe doaunatlon of the amp ascertained lo be Gloucester Point, eight- een miles north vest of Fortress Monroe. At eleven o'clock the gledlatcri were) handled by their t camel Ire train en and put to bed. The men ot the moon Olippoif of themselvee ca sncn men ot the moon usoiSi do, and played carda, threw dice, awallowtd whlikeyanddlacmiedthe coming contest. At two o'clock on Tbnmey moramgapertioaol thewearyonea betook Ihemeelvat to bed. .The' l iigntnngercdgentJemen, r 'lofluencedbythemoon, ef coune, were ibeut. They atole overytblng they oould place their wicked paws unon—spproprliUng precious bottlee of cock- tatla, bate, bindlercsleli and parcels of oold meate. At three o'clock on Thoredey moning the Batar reecled Tork river, and mads nut it Fort Beyn wharf. At four o'clock Bobert Allen, of Blchznond, Thomai Edwards, of New Tork, and otben, went sibon 16 select Ihe flgbhng ground. The ring waa located at lbs Lone Tree, eutaide of Fort Keyos, at Olouoeeter Point The ring having been measures, the itakea wen driven In, the ropeo were rove, end iTJ vu made ready tor the dty'e dclngr. Zbe sgnrlog risg wak ol twenty-four feet dlmentJana-the sfasd ring thlrtf-sli. The following gentlemen wen selected ui sc*. it mseten of ceremony: Umpires— for Curry, Wm, BeOly, of Be] am ore; forDngy. laaldwaidi, of Peritmooth. Beferee-^ Joseph MuDey, of Btltimore. Blng-heepere—for Cniry, John (rharlee and Clinton James, ol Baltimore; for Duffy, Blehird Dudley, of Norfolk, tad Ed. Buns, ol Buffalo. Seconds—for Curry, Jamvi Phalen, of Baltimore, and Jai. McOulte, of N. T.; for Duoy. Bobert Allen, or Richmond, endTomeOen, of Now Tork. Then pnllmlnariee having been eatlafKlorUy arruged, al8:M0urryaUedhboaaiortolDUierlng, leeptog nimbly oyer ueropeinud the acdamatlaus of hlafclende. He wu followed e fiw minutes after by Doffy, who ncelvel alike reception at Ihe hasda of his edmlnrs.'' Duffy wore ehiekenl tights with purple rlhbosa Curry won white ngbte end bins ribbons, The principals sad oflslaei now advanced to tneoerjireor Ihe ring, thooa hands, and again returned to their respective corner*, to awsli the eel) of "lime," Before the battle began, the betting wu 8 to 1 In favor of Duffy. At nine o'clock precisely time wasoailed by the nferaa, TBB liOBT, Bound L Skirmishing on both tides; Duffy oVoses snd Curry ^^Bevrril panes and feints—Duffy dodging Ourry'e left maul, er, but Ouiry diopi u before. ; a Beth pertlea on then- pint peomp4Jy. • Duffy foDowa Curry lo bit own corner, and nghta low for body blows. Cirryttrikea ent—fetoHngvriih hla own right flat, but hits Duffy aeuare an the mug with Ala lett, and drawa the nrat blood. "Pint Uodd tor Ourry" win tusounoad, and balled with loud akouta by hla friends 4, Both men at ihe can. Heavy hitting aad eouattr\hlUlng— nwho afellfully-avoided Curry'a h)3g bowl a, ruibed is, od, gavs Ouriy the back heel trip, throwing blm heavitj and felling upon him, Thla was an exciting round i all partlee ehesnd u the combtlanta wen carried lo their eomeis by their leepeonre seconds, B, Ihe men, animated by Ihe applause, same cheerfully end prctnpUy to the acratoh, and opened try hiltiag aad oounter- hitting. At length Duffy Jam pea back, fearing hla idvereary'a kai|lb^ arm, but soon rallied, eJuchwd, gave the heel-trip, end 0. Ai the cry "ibne," the re en sauared, tbusht ahy—Duffy made a feint wllh hit left uhewuatruek at by Curry. Both men dodging to the aame direction, their heada collided and rxrthrjoejgtni were oat—the blood crlotllng down their ahow- boerda. The effects or Ihe concussion over, each rushed st Ihe other, hitting snd eosnter-hmUiig -wllh fearful effect, the revet, benttoh of the Mows baring been beard throughout the ring. DnJIj^flaalbygankiaadverwvy a counter blow, both clinched 7. This wis short work, for at the very outset Carry struck Daffy cm Ihe ten rlhe and he fell heavily, tnough equaraly. avireuy tndnlged to by-play for tome momenta, but fret a tell- log creak on Ourry'e rtbe with bla right and Carry went Qowa. 8. Flgbusg close, Iraffy holding Curry to his corner. Carry sot n pell Just above the beltwhiob. knocked blm over the sponge bucket, and laid nlm horuontal 10. Short and spHetal. snd ended by the ten of Curry from Ihe efrests of one oi Daffy's right oounter licks. 11. Mud raehedrn, neck, whn 13. Duffy at the amteh and all life, Curry feeble, hut willing, gllaht narriOeT, anA a aunih, Ourry dropping. Is. Actlvw epirruig, akural hHi and retorts—Ourry knockaj dawn by an uDder cut frem Duffye left It toll. Bothallhesarstch at the call. Curry appearing much distressed. Duffy, freeb u a laik. admtnfalered nls one, two, with vtelble effect, Ourry down at the end of each round. ' 21 Blight sparrntg, an early cllneh, both doing their best st wrestling; Ourry 'ultimately preesed back to the ropes; s struggle of a few moment! eniuei Duffy let loose. Jumped back and guarded. On the nnt past by htm Ourry (ell upon hie knees. 3! to 39. CDoee, eantlou* iparring. Duffy gels home frequently. Jumping away without ntura. Curry drops lo avoid Duff)'a kind intentions. Lens odds offered that the Biohmond lad wine the battle. 30. Ourry geli a good lick on Duffy's left peeper and dofee It for the day. TMfly. though bereft of onewlndow, rallies, clinches Curry ana thrown him. SI. Opened with eaoboui nan log on the part ot Daffy; wild end Trim out Intent on theparf ol Ourry; Duffy clench ee and Curry 4l 3*H(|htmg cloae and severe, Ourry evidently dlatrsssed, risg at Ihe Ant embrace or Daffy. Bparrlsg open end llglil; no MlsorcouaUr-hlli. Allengih Dnffygoes to-a wrestle ensues, Ourry la thrown. Daffy felling ecrouruaneefc. 84 and laat Thli round wu oloee and severs. Curry naeived encouragement fnm hie friends and animation from hla keepers, ■iidruwahowal excellent front Heetood to bm wwkweD, gh- lug ud takhigwUh the magnanimity of anger; Duffy all the while meeting bun with corresponding generosity and pluck. The iladisten clenched, and Curry dropped, and wu struck on tno &op by Duffy ts he left blm. ' ■ , ' Orlea of *tS3.» "foul," wen now ralaed by the aeeonda or Onrrr. ud Ihe meet tumultous eidtemant pnvallad among the moUUwa. Tie ouesthm wss anhmitted to the nlene, who dettSadtbat Imnynadloaa theflght by the foul blow given to Ourry while he was <m his knaia. Dnffy. wlw had come to the •cntob, end hla Mendi. however,^lnalattd Oat ho bad given no loul blow: and that laaamucb ae ttme had been called, u. they aliased, br the referee, it waa evident. In their opinion, that he hacTehsnnd his mind. The referee replied to this thst Bnffy snd huTfrlsndi were mlitaken, that be bed not balled "time/' and turning to Curry's friends, directed them to take their man ent of the ring, uylng "he hu won the fight by afoul blow." The stakec ware pulled np, end the prinatpala, aeeonda, bottle holders, spooieasn and ipcolatan hustled back ta the I teener, The fight laatod ntty minutes, : 'aniaaaa. In comrnentlng upon the tffalr, the NorfdOt Pal styi:-"7n ihe flsht. tbi rounds were eboit and dedstve. The work lo be done was done quickly. Front tho outset it was apparent that Duffy bad Ihe advantage of aelenoe ta well u confidence. His blows were akiO(ul, heavy. *ell-d Incted and telling—and hla movements wen tdroit tnialarly and gncehl. He fought like a man. To be sure, he ihowtd eager now ind then, but Ihle wu piirlon, vvbloh the brain, nolbetog equil to tho exigencies of the ring, could not controt All accorded lo bin the polnie In Ihe game, and bad he controlled hie uxlity to make abort work, end ronght on, be would, In Ihe opinion ol eg, have won the battle, Oorry brought no experience to the ring. His eparriag would do for a K.light exhibition; be proved a light bitter end wOd fighter to oombat. He trailed too much to the length ol nil reach, he bid loo much oonBdenoe lo hla wind, aad neglected ecleuce, which laaaestenllelrn the ringultlasnvwhen In ihe world. This wu bis tint engagement, and It la due to him to aay that be la entitled lo credit lor endurance, and cneertnlneae, and in- domliable wlUlnvlowof lhaclrcumitancea wbloh havo environed him etaee Ihe match wu mide. On Wednesday night bis friends urged him lo pay tho forfeit and wilbdns,on the ground tbat the "thing wu a kid"—a pnt up thing; but u It turned oulDuffy found a •tack" lo contend with. All idtullted tbat Ourry did bla beat but teeing tho two tow la their "buff," no one oould donbl DulTy'a npeiiorlly. He wie ehorler-coupled, thicker walated and firmly kntt His Jotnti were woll iet; while Curry, on the other hand, wutbln ud ahikey built, wllh a week walit, aod licking all the pirla of a priie flghMr. It Ii mors than prob- able that the onllHra rn dispute ai to Curry's right to tho money SrlU be refenid to umplnsi bat no one doubts whit will bo tie rnalL Tlero ts los much ponding to allow the affair lo hug flrei then muet be a decleloo, in aider that Ihe aide bits may be bald and dlaputu stopped." . - Trra axrmuv rur, ■ At lea o'clock. 1 all ehoerdl" wuibooud, Ihe hauled In, end the eteemrrwri headed fur Not. „ „__, therowaabulonttoploof dlseuteion, Ihs flsht, and Its tertnln*. tloo. 1 Notwmstindkig the anlrhatlen or tho - dehaleri—tbetr In- tense earteemeat—toelr atliemnent to Uctr fiirnar—lhrte wu noonOjfoak, no Tlejence, during Ihe puaige. Indeed, then werooDildoiforparwuitatheehlEi, ail mingled like walen ol a common etreinf: Doffy moved; about as freah u obem- xtrnilnci ftom a wedding rewr. To bd eure there were e few die. celontunt—ispotbero ahl then on bla dci-'but to all appear- aacbhowa; Mjood as he#. 'The,oleB♦d ^ •^rh}do^l' , hu bean op*n(d,-eod eiviig a allgbl iouammallon,' hu eyu wereuoln- Jurod. Bli ejlrlla were bright, ho Itemed cb«er!ul and tdrank whiakeyllke aWhlgoonverllfltoDemoaraoy. The boys who were fornhn-tt Ihe outset nD4led him now.. Ourry.who wulevertly tyemlahed sP ahon Ihe berl, tbewih poaaeased of good wind,ali|. early retired whts stata roomi when be wu .sponged uad meal- ayaJated: try. ala leoradaj-Hla,face wuismoh dtaggwred and swollen. The llllo ol his bodily Injury we dldruMeatnj but So nuat have been Barely tharnped, for ble adversary la a body, fighter ud a lenlbly herd hitler. The monotony ol the return wae rtllevod by "draw-poker," "old aUdge," "twenty-one" and other gtmei for curreaoy, rMaeuuieathenuelreekyahoslmg s gang planks wen orfoik. Of course, ftrry boatTJulon. '.The belllgerteta wanned off with Ihe crewd! T-- YH m $fy CHAHPIONSSTf. lici''' ''' Exixorr Wat M. Davis, ■e^M?J!a^L^^ T ^ ,n ^ ,,l »^•H•' sn,, * , ll * m which tho me- Sf ffirU »5?S D ,' , 1 ^ a . aa 3 *• ««naldend the boil boxer of umed22 EtTJl *i b0 , 0> . cl 9 0 ' '» ""wh »>• »er«e abovo SSSi^tliS 0 aWndpala, la laat approaching, and 'ere another SontoS^SS* man <U»tast readers, th. boluewUlhavs „°"W'" d you. Already it la one of the leading loprce of ocSn^?~..?. ,p ° 7Ut, 8 clrclee, md oontroverales frequeatVy tauTZnSSJSLIf ""^ '* U,e ">": butolc«urae.i» UaU tilled to % uS'h^^ no . aa » T P»*"U"lr who la en. each oUie?a .Jm^S" *I ax lbf ^ ra " "« ««««a C...-V???_? ^ fromboibmm m regardtotbelrtratnlsg.hoS dur^ind r toc^l^■^f^ , , 1, ' «™f reductoTuiSavo^ £75 men^tnCeW'it ^^i"^^*?- opinion thU If anythlog Hlloir ■ la hardly down to the weight i thla u It may, however, aa bum uau a we» wu i/i »• . utheyarebolnlnTbehandio/erperielieea | n inere7we vre- njne iM allthings will be made right and that boibmen win be fit to do their duly on the 91st lost, Davis had a banelt to Ihle city on the 11th laat, and BUloU takea one on the 16th. which win he found duly noticed In thla wreh'e Olorca. Ihe precise spot when the contest Is to lake place Is net yet made known, but the favored few are to he duly lolormcd on the 14th Insj. The battle is to be fought In New York Stole, however, at least u we in Informed. Speculation hu not boon heavy ao far, and eel ther party appear to he sanguine enough of the aueceai of their man to offer long odds. Elliott seams to be a trIBe tie favorite, however. OBAND BPABBTNO EXHIBITION fou Tme Intra OP Bill Davra, Tra tjnion Assembly Booms, corner of Orand ana Earabtih atreela,wutheaceniof an extinatn nQy or the nartiniidlrk slon ol tbeoamuranlty en Saturday night. 11th laat, sitractcd bV theannouncement that at the time end place deslgnajedaawitni exiertatomene vrae to ha given for the heaeflt of the recouMaoi! S^*?*"! B ¥ I, y , ■' J ,b<l now matched to light Jimmy BUIott for the obamplimahlp of then re-unlted BUtee. A larai number of boring oelebrltiej had nruhteered their larvlowto enhanoe the lo tercet at the tournament, udthe wind-up wu to bo between Davn ud bla old opponent end eonqaerer. Jim Dunn, of Brooklyn. Great lntervii wu manifested br the fanev SS^'ifS!* *hi« was to be the last exhlblHon grveihr Daviato thla city prtor to the approaching ranttet The firei couple lo dee toe Bsudo were Dan Kerrigan and Larry McOatthv who wen led.forward by Ibe vetenn.old BUI Tone, who, u usual! olficIatedeiM. 0. Dan and Larry opened the ball In lfrely nvkt and thengh brief In duraUoo, It wu of a very Inbrutlncnature. J 7 itfharjjet Uklng place. On miring, the lade ware heartily cheoreJ. Con Foley and Hike Noon an wen next latro- do»d,and engaged In entiling boutcharacterired by some ?. r V t7 i?l ld bluing. Con having a trine the best of the ael-tc. Miks Oobura. brother ef the ei-champion, snd BUIv Edsarda. now displayed ihelrpnflclenoy lu the art fliUc, aaveral counter hits ol aetunntog chanetM- marlrtng the bontud each el the boxen receiving acme aeven tsus. This round amued the spao- taten muchly, and they gave enprenion to their delight hyen- thuilutlc spplauM, u these good *oni doffed the binlc*d>a and took a bti eeat to make room for the champion wrestler. Bam Htrt who went through the exercise with bit ponderous Indian clnrrtinem inner lothaUenge the admiration of an. It U per- fectly astonishing to witneis the eiee ud consummate akUi with which Harry handlea tceee mutale-derelopere. A youthful adae of the boun ol HID, Dick by name, a bright-eyed, well-rormed. handsome tittle fellow of eight summers, wu the nexl to tan the muric. Imitating~hta tire with clubs suitable to bla age end physi- cal ilrength. Dicky manipulates tberm beautifully, ud btdi fair to nmt to ilval his paternal ancealor. Be wulondJyaMiltuded. Th» event of the evening now ctme round to the closing setto between the Immaculile WtUlam ud hla atannch friend and backer, Dunn. As Iheu notables a lopped before the fbotUgble. the assembled sovereigns set up s shout of welcome which fairly made the bunding tremble. Both men looked remarkably weU u they put up thetrmomed mioleya, De via particular! r ah owing In splendid condition, acarcely an ounce of anpcrfloua flesh heme aeejceshlenpon hliwtU-bullt and powerful rreme. The round furalahed a magnlscent Utuatntton of the Incalculable benefit derived from a thoroagh knowledge of the manly art Few'optn- Inge wen given, ud neither auooeeded to getting In many blowi; but whenever opportunlry offend Itself Dsvls wu qdea to take advantage thereof. Alter the conclusion of the bout Mr. Darke made a very appiepiiate and pithy speech, declaring amour other things, that he aatertalaed no hartl ftelhiga agamet Kin on, and elating that he would strive for victory without nrejudlte against his opponent He waa rastfly spptaudedel tnennlah. Aua tenntoited the evening"! sport which pused off wtlhoet .dll turban ee of any kind. Mr. Davis (• to give u exhibition et Franklin Han, Philadelphia, on Friday evening next 17ih in it, whloh will be his last appearance baton an audience anterior to the tight A Bniis or CuLUPoia.—John UcCarfy, a veteran sport of Northampton, afaaa., la a oemmiinleallon dated November lllh, delivers hlmeelf thua;—"I hereby challenge any man in the world of my age 170 yssn on December aflh. 1819), lo perform the following feall: 1st To travel from Nartnamptoa elasof to New Haven depot Id. To make lane Jampa. gd.Toauseoae running.Jomp, 4th To throw a tubs weight under and i nand. 8th. To ahouller from 100 to Nulba. 8th. To wnalle at back hold. 71b. To flint any man of the aame age laths world for from tSOO to 810M a aide. Whichever man wine Ave out of the above seven tests, lo take the aoap." This Is ell very wan but the Item regarding fight which, for one m advanced re years, hai better have been left out Barru won a Oou> Wstcb.— The raffle which wu u have takea place at Ned WUian'aan Saturday evening, wu postponed untax htuTday, the 18th. when II win come off eertem. Ike watch la Ihe property or "a young gentleman ot thla dty" wel snore to aUCLDTia readers. Nnffced. Joe Fuwurc Tuaa Hies to Jnrarr EBanioart.—In rsspeaa >y Bear, _ _ in; uli. reply lo Jim Eenigxn'a ohaHuge, I with to irate that my flabunc weight la one hunired end twentj-diht pounde HtSibe), end not to the lets dafi puUlahad tn Ihe Cltrraa from Jbnmy Kerri- gan, we have_the loUowtoy epistle fnm Jamee to Jamil: "In reply to J' — ~ onenundMendlhlrtyrcvpounde(l*ilba). UaUsrlgaalsnslly In want ot a Job, he oan he on at lSOiba, lor three or fin hundred doUanaalde,or any oneelu at lsatbo (or'the ume amount By leaving a deposit ud articles et the offlee of the Ourm, It will be attended to. Beepectfuny, Jin Faiwxar." Bio Bursa Niobt.-A sparrisg eiilblllcn la (o take place al the Union Asaemhlf Booms, corner of QrudandBlUBhetostreets, on Saturday evening neat, Mlhtoit, for tho benefit of JUamy Elhott one of the csndldsIM for Ihe ohamploneblp of the American P. B,, for which be and Wm, kL Davla an now an training. The larger portion of the apart tog talent of Ihe dty ere to he on bend to practically Utuairate Ihs set of self-dsrence with muffled mawleys, and last But not least BUiolt and'Joo Ooburq, the ox-champion, are to have a lively bout for the wind-up. As the eihlblUen Is to be a first deal one ud Ihe receipts to go far defraying training ixpenaee. whloh an bury, It lain he hoped that a full house will be on hand lo wltneaa It Wbxxx wiu tsb Blzjor am Dsnt Ftan Tsu PiacsT— That'athe question now beJnatshedbyeowihren of bcorlng. Now, to those who an tn aearch of thla loformation under dllnculUre, we would aayjo to yam Colbert's, oorner of Houston aad Oroiby street!. He can peet jou. Bolt to Bramoia'a Cruuxitax.—PhOadelphlt Nov. Otb, 18&5.—I taw a challenge In Ihe Ourm for Kerrlgaa to fight mc, Jimee Turner,at 131 Iba, HeknowalhatloanoometolUlba, at whloh weight I wDl fight any man In the country, for from iMOtotlOuO a aide. By leaving a deposit and articles at the Ourm office I will cover and sign, sad will fight In six weeks alter signing er tides. Jaetis Tr/awrj. TovaxFcaD—Since our lut we hive received the following- en ma to be handed lo Old Torn:—Harry Jennings, $8; Jim Un- burn, |3; end E. J., 13. Doooloot —There hu been oonausrable ••chaffing" amenr the ownera of nlaoky pieces of dog fleah In Broome County during the past weak, and those who fancied their eaatot "beeuUee" wen endowed wllh qualities which mail enable them lo 'make mince meal" at any other man'a "pup" whlah might be nllted against them indulged InBdeal or braggadoria, Moae bhehan, a dog fancier and one ol Ihechler eporta of Btoghamp- toa, Is oul In an off or to match either of bis dogs. Bugler or Fairy, al 88 lbs.—sire or take a lbs.—agahst uy canine in the county, for from I HO to IMO, Ihs trial lo take place Hi weeks after signing articles. The challenge waa called out by a banur from a Diloa parly, who wlihcd lo iprlog e trap on Uoee by Sating a trained dog to Blighimnlon to try copolnsloni wllh an animal then but or condition. A tew dsya will develops the fact u to whether Ihe laud talking ownera of the "chaw'em np" tribe mean buitooas, Pit, Dlnon. IS8 Avtnu* O, aornar r>f Ninth ttPest, A1S8. WINB8L LigDOBS AND OIOABB. WH0LV8ALB AND &BTAIL. first duiull clu at reuonablo riles. aa-At* axxuLJLAHjm. Hind Book of BniartJt, by Mlohitl Pfidin ud 0. BBBOBB, contilniig a complete treellie on the Came of BU- llaidi, with a ekserintlon of all the different thitt, how to brlBe the bells lose ther, eto. i to whloh le sdded tho Bales of Ihs Ameri- can, or Pair Ball Oeme, the Bnguib Came, and Ihe Fre nch, e r Three Bad Oamt; also, oenlstolng Boles fir all the different Gemot of Poet, Hints to Young Pbyirs, Bagatene Oames, efo., .etc, IUuitraud with numersus inaravtngB, WHB^ Send orders to Bci BAIO, P. a, New York. • . lwrwaMina Bnuaao Matun—Barns Brans va Caaisa.— AbUUard match for 1(00, bet Stan Msssrs. MaDeylltof Indeui. spoils. and Cyrtl Dlnsi. tbo celebrated player of Montnal, O. t, took plaoe at Oahlil'a aaloon, on Sixth avenue, on the svsntogof the 8th toit The game wu 1800 points, oarema, oo ens orree- lanfeCellendar'aroa sent 880 points heed ruDlonibntt iwllt •'spreid hlrAtllt play suooeedBd' i game wu 1800 points, oarema, on ens foor pockoAtaMes,MoDeritt glvtog bis opp* rad<aj. Thls.wu hnvy odds .Itigln tuehs ' ' U xnowladfe s( the task before hhn, mSte5nl.Uo.llJ. brilliant nrviHsjaBgiisHi 4A.WinBAgs wa-- — aw--- -"Vs— player u Dloni bntwltn full knowledge at the task before htm, McDevlll •'spread himself" moat empnaUoally. and hy.brilJIanl play suooeedBd to overcoming tie odds, and In defesUng ponent by 880 points iddlUonil. That la whit ws .abnuldi^au ; ;wha» PadJygavs tie"drum""'Uluitraled to^rnnst v. s-uo -iHu^nui- oannar., Dion moll not 1st the auestloa of sponged aad natal- iwllltoul huvtoga^e^ brush at luo, :^ i,: .ractieal die off Ibx FaaaMxi gooiiL Cuja holds IU third annual Invitation ban at Jonte' Aaatmbly Booms, No 8M Broadway, on Ihs n* sing of Friday, Ihs lllh init.