New York Clipper (Jan 1866)

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306 TH3B5 NEW YORK OLIPPEEL (Uli>»t««a]<mof»b««>«»«i«W* 'adM oaaaranlOD hi tnmd "'Qf?^^dtsUael lh» honor nm Wdur fooiM U»> >>■ JiLTSiatM-" i^u of Mr <s- 4<«D«b«««Mi.ana«iM«iW«"2^J5Jaenao«oiuit», who, ^25??y",'"Kl hi'ii?fi!ui«»»'^o4 hl»f»lfch«p1oii»4 -JfhfSeiii.n5K fourth of Jolr. IM?, whw. «'"S«SfS2 Ddt^t, nsdu li»p»l« i«i»»lo«r, tiTob««n ono ofhoaor ■«fiu*VUsftllow : w !*,:>! JO, foUoiitDf ratal- • ■ . V '^feiUSf.SiTSr'SV'^^ inatiUo notion tmn o4kar I- 'liiwajii H utrr" "—' - Tw. ^1 — Mi»ii /i« tumJit of- afch — uiwHSdiriunliiib it MM.« SitiiMir, if po^hte. .^b^marAiOjimU eondooM ottUaOinprlin*- ^ A. ttnasl is oihuoe («c tolh PolaalpttiiB nui tdTattilsg u nttL ■ All Mlmul eommudoiltooi Air UT ud inn -,2SaSM Otfi (««t mul, to toRBO tMartloB, ho iMieoMd •.. ^ 2IBp>mttn«i;Bo«ToA. 3^0 'Oorres(p<^Blfitoi)ltS> ioua,'niMilplU.—■<Win>7«a,ipi«u« decMe Ihafol- tuti-h k btti B tktl bU pitl/<A!M C1R7 • calim ^^■IMnulailt;: Ihtroore HTwai)4HatiJos IhtiUekol; -.^ Oomaor ui tbrM eofom iMitro ortr «Imadrtd, whUo l,4ta<akatil ooulj eUrk, ud utuiblyiqti lan hostith A ■uiMaiid BttBbtr. HOW who tto M.ti »5«t ntrt oatm k<aMelait L Who dooldn » bc^ ttaa fliiiab)4w or Iba s»kH«t <aainlTW, ud mul <ho flikebollcr bold iho oukoo nsuj boUi iiwirninilr'i 1 Tbt'pwty iU«afth,U «|«iiak«)l;r doddod „|B4tatanBbuof nlmMw tot lha,bCgbwt oIlUe; mntau kStrnttito, A'loudldUtfor aoTtnotJitTllg Don fliiui ono -iMind iuittllr..wo(ilmloioprb^iiloalb»lA «lu tbaUt. iJnk««i«rMvol&'ic«Dlidtt<a lecolTedmonUitii'tbe nqulnd Sbtr.'wa do not m Ibtt Ihua can b* >n TiUd otOtcUon to ^Dl Ibar'moBar (o A. 1 Wbaia iIm puilaa theoudiu at« .lUa to. a^a, 11; laouloDiuf for lb* pUkaboldor to dulde I :M.q«<etl(LiL , ■ .■ ■ ■ : .'■'■u,<o,','ColkiKtilBt:^"*.>B,uda utpAirtiHI tganaof alb. *,l£r.'tb(ca btiile4. A ^ra a atx, B s una, 0 ft four. A ptira ''■S Mr;B ptoTi a Ibiaa, 0- a two.' aid Ukf a Ihm polola for II. ■<«'la^blO to dUt, Bptaia ithnoud'tlalBf aaciiaaiin. la ilibl'«t'iioll7...'.-.B wu wionaln iua claim, (or 8,3, ■^4i|^t balohiitd a aiqiusoa •vtjhon ha can As Ik" '-' "ogei -^ibaiiioK Bntoo.- Hiwo bara bara'fbor BoTnolda* ■' it.'tV. tr!r niiiiHiidii boioia. 5bii Dor^oldawu tn'Irlib- ■'.SSu'bbt ullba&iiSillToriha oihaa, huunr isIMb not, selUiar .S^MTy^ynut ia'uliUcd to UiaJSUT ifUdTft Ufb,al• tbakUbutaltd<*<ntl^'«*1oU^dMl•'V<.,...UilhU&«at *adJai!kliOMhlgb«Bt«i(A4rno)|(it,_.. '..^ ' isnuuas, 5c«ul, H. J.—"A nni wtnU 20 bolci to wbi a of fribbtat; ba boldi W. but potga oni. Wbal U "•- iit"^....7nt btm back louhoifa aodadd fau;o ] NEW VEiR'S DAY. 'vtfiBaeoia. iba TOOT "-Thti* la a graal dial to alland to ^ an Man I .^. intellu aihlblUoo, ud yoa will find It aomewbtt dlAenlt 'SKOTloIpotHooln awba o»p«ollTWbllolbM« tMioiuBf ^wot a»«leiic« in tbal Itu Idla. " .IauB.-U joubaio ilaUtMXJ. 8. lawa In mj iuiBar, tha , t^S^ay baio lha rigbl to. taba poia««lon for llu Uuabalog, ulfcSSotlrtTO joa a poam«»pa«a, ho»aT«» bocaniojtn 8,. lontt »»/.-roiir «««llon «Mo «*» , ofipls.Hoaca.ela 4aa«»at day of ttu waai. ^tfv Baccbar. for ym which U winonun. 01ncln)i»«.-ThoaillOaionrafarlowiareMJt»d iJSnSMtfiia in Jiateb, wo Iblab; bat aa wo had sol room JSu atSil^^ wodlfJiedlla yabHaUaB uHl ika dooaof M'utldoor apottin^ luaoB. «nwr -1 HI naiii«T la UfUaU Kawbnflib. R. Y. a Oumol J2^STSfl»"««iMla«o. BbaUeol»atrle4alprM«Bt a S!i'^^^ot7.wTto «ia uolb«.. BtarUItt to . naloo ol 2Sla¥^ "roriVaorlUjoata. Iinot■ good taaor riagar. ' ihn»Hiiii.-Wo bafo no knowWgeof John Uonl«(T,aT«r ■JiS? hiM«n om«ln IhaOoitooi floui* John 0. Haanin ^StoU • poSiM lodapartmanl at Iho llmo of aiklag lb* ,3Sh wllhHoiTlaor. K ■Kmaa p»tl«J«IpUa.-LiOC»Tar, who cama OTOr ban Witt ..«J^'SilS BteT«i la «t«li»od with baTlng baan iha baat .3SiSpU»«lbi»Vn» poi on the «)«••. Ha wu nlmoit u \=SlwUh hla lafi aa wllh bla right haad. TiLB 0.-1. Wa do not hnow wbotolbo lid7 la ladalngat laaaiini t Ib» oompavl" "o*!*.' nudanpi M loan aa ft la mvlU pnbllab a coaplata Uat V. Vmnta, Hoith Oi»cabnib.-Ha«i»n waa IrUiiad ud Midad fotbli SgbtwIlbBivaia bjJack UaDonaUandJla 1 4- 3oi<«a.—Ur. Omlhn wu sol nomlntlcd b; Iht Ba. rtt£lloau whan ha au tUclcd Uajoc of IbU Aift ba wu Iba "ggifE" of lha HcEaoa btaach of lha dtmocnUo parlj. XRiU Hnu-Oon Donokiu. Ula of lha ISJid Baglmaat, .IbSqiolUaaa) taUaaana OanUut onoahal a liini.Qpwllh sQriblllBa •«OT9jm>Du-Aa wawata nolprjaint wo aro jnaWo to alato ■nilUMlj. bnt tboio who aaihl to boow iij Ibat In lha pool /■Saa iwDiria did not aell at Iwo lo one onr Boffmaa. -.n. u. I>. Qolatj.-Becoia aaolbor Ilka jou hid b<ton If . utblo, aailDi]i«]oiu«ajapgn4mllr. Wohavoasllmoto ^^aiiarar lallaia bj mail. .on roB BO IloB.-roDr loua aad a taf oonnl Inestrat /Tribbaga, Tla., tlibtbr fllUan and iwaWe for double pair lojal. jT BiwcLtJa.—John Ha<aan did ralniato Ulaootuir; allar 8.; S, J.f BtUvto.^B^^Va aa»tle la probibl/ lha book -^aaoasb. • ..i^ V '■••'f—r* ._v..;. ". Vauna, Wnmlrgloii, Dal-Dlcli k «lig«rald, 16 Ann ihraet. ,jgbnab a book on mixing lanoj drlak^ oMi V. J)„ Jickioa, MIok. -Villnur & lotarr, corlior of Raiaaa and . :3aatl7 atcoata. ai« Iho agaala, Drop Ibam a Una for pinicolair. H, A. B., Ohlcaoo.—Uonar and taoUc* of lha lOlh nit lacalTtd. mo anccetdlnig &ina& t. D., DtjTlIK Ooaa.-W* bara no ebtrg* 1* makr. It waa aa '•aabla to na. .... lonn lloD,, OUTo1aBd.-tt la Ima Ibit aiemv <• ta plaj la -'■Amb Ha logso" In mifTilo, 8>ioiiuDB,.Woic«*lar, llua,-naTlnK failed to boat 11 In one ;aB0>, aa ha agioal la da, B loaaa the bat. •.flu BiczoaT. He* Bedtoid.—Tba adToiKaomant makoa lour Aaa and will coat jm M easla. ■' ViiBBxia. Beading.—Tba ladUa wen bam In H«w Oileaaa, . .aMia II; IBIS, and Bipl. U, uu. jt, r..W>.Z.onlaitUa^Tbat'arl|hl>ta nawTOUeomapondaacf. .aapi*.'ati|W*.b°°°>'*''''- H. W. W.i XNT.-ObuleaBlown lathe rightaama af "Arlemna ibSj." A Oomram Bslnaa. FoebakiU.—Ibe ladj li aUO In the boat- ,aaia^ tint wo caniiol looala tatr Jail aa*. flaiRAia BuBBB, ZJadcar. 0. W,—ibant looa Iba Oaotial .aA poUoa are a aeptrela bftij. B. B. 0.—Tbo oardaehov (or UcweWoa, nglua thaj kaio ,^aiaatA down or bnnokal, ■ DlH. L,, Jkaneelaloa, H. T.-Bpaw1a did »ot aocompllab 90 ^«a«ltbln the hoar. Trailaa'a Ume waa M sin. UK a«a. Ouu K coiaoa.—*a« »oH lonr addnii, m- ^Bfl[|BeoUy wo oab't ferffatd. <lBta^ 4. OiiBiKm.Oawa^ekXloga Cai M. T.-WaarecaUialjr jak«f that nomber. fat OtD flpow. Albenr.-Ttie lowtal ^|«^ ^e eeo being .^Slodlbo loweatcaid, ud lha kla« Ibe bighaai J. UauoT. Bin flindioa.-Aoiei)nla ol OHbMa'a dettt «ci« .ariOabedin Iba Curpii deladflepUmba Id andSf .«.a M.. BoaloB.-A wlea lha bel, lor.ha did mika Dra dollue .^kSgll\fnn\t. B'eobJtoUonlaolnoaoaoiaL ' ' ^'tgw^nwm—^ahiTee latter lor yoa, '. "^^ pT^jphiAif.-Andana for ion.. «.><Jv Bortir-Bee aaaier to . .«.«.H„«*itafc'I'-*-"WodaBell»«rra«ha . jl^j^Hjjgjmi^ij^—WeialllamafTOnaotmapwdinllbeia. aeiqaoioaotlbe dalenntBiUeiiot Ma T. :•. — •---'-^ lha wall kaawn OalU -.11 at ascllo& at Iba Bilor^aylhe leibnll. lie fei lha raaian Mat ■'.'"^^.itl'frZ.^ Mjaarftoaa uaaloei herae InTtrlcna \^*J^iVSS^^vSu!ihlmmi^ p,*Ua.Miotlni ;,,l*r!T<ai'a4Bj;«b lliiap*, aipeolaKahi. aa«>faaUilU^ iuagalaooaeioni;; ntf Oagnatdarwtt&Ie*Tartan.'It la aiHiarrannti tiir'aaiiiaaaliatj.riia laj af 'lteiatrl Illi** tbdeU'adayfereatm retnapaot, to the lattif» .diirl*..tB. pnlalTb hopea and eipeoliUani; la Ilia alldlla aged a de; fa; aokar lhanihl, end a wiialagof Ihanpld tnadl of time. A jaar ego xeatordar-and jet It aaama bat jaatodaj—wa ware bnajnahartngIn 188J. To-daf wa caalook feeokoa leaseeII lacadca alowlj Uto lha Ttile o( the'paiil. and thlakwhilan arentrol jeir H waet BUIoir. U la uld, repeaU Itaalf; bnt «ba* eli^'are'hara a repeUUon of lime I Waen ehell we K-iaj aadra4o ttie ihta^e that we aildand did leal year; leatetdi^, aabwagef' By what magicalpmoaei caa' we.raoti euiUM Urtkda;! i,alu&ope,lbaa, that aa we otnnol being beeklN^ *B eball aerar ba otlled aa la wltaiaaa like emta to tboie whieh beppeatag la the Jaal oloeed yiar. wen wltbont a pirallol In the wmU'eUilaay. Or parpoaa, hawarer, la net to throw a aombro taae orar the new yaai'e IbattTlllrai wa kare Ihat lo Indnldnaland timl)/ olKlaa-cerlaln that Ibe orcnU of Iho jeir wDlfparre "lo point aBOiildradonaUIe"brmiayaAi<atde. NewiaUlanihntd la by mon anipldone draomaleacia lo Amerloeaa Ihanaey of llapiedcecaioiarn lha lael halUacnde; and, Ihla biilsgao,by all moaa let the aDjo/manl ol Iba people be 'oommtpian'e 'wllh lha'Joyonaneieof Ike iTaai' Bo dreaaed^ bmahadi'-aBd '^Blfmtt higheal pftilat irl, w«Aike ont bi^w to the clio|| if,„fyL-r---' ,<ta(flmi('i«iuiBaBrj|K9^^ The ($iAHV'j{iJ{1eatBdtbal^B<Bl"_ |jniei&UMw!«n bttog eoapltiod .by abo* oa'tbt piflit the ciinih anle jpUac ova CD Ua pert of Iba Udlea aid gaaUaman, we eater Into eear aanrenallo& •' \ The ffeion la eiptolany oae of TiaUlag aad oomplloani; at hoepllallty end chearr aali|f Uoa. U lha Witthet ba coM (la U moat decidedly ebonld ba) yon will matt filand Bnwn'wnpped opkll onr. trotting erouad on the cilip aldeitalk, eod /filend Bnw^ wni aey, u he liale aI<Bg, tba batalh of hIaaoaMa being pearly apperent In the celd monlag elr.' Bat Bmltbl Hew d'ye do. M fcllow.t Happy aew yaar-aU lhal .aeil of things ynkaow. How'alticBallhandttiallllleoneer' VhamptD yon (Snllb) win nplj, at lha aama time keeolng year blood la ataoulitloaby e jadlctoaa apedca of atallonjiy locomoUoD. "AU right, old boy-aame to yon, and many of lhas. nay'nallwcn, thanka." And If Bnn abonld aiggeat to Baallb (oi Bmllh to Browa) Ibe adTtaablUty of latlag a drink, It la highly probabia that Ballh (or Brown, aa the caae nay bei win ooaonr In leetaig Ihenuttai Inlheaame lUbl. Vor ohl It le good for man to Ukedrlaka(a&ttoooflen,Bilnd)laltaeooldwHUierl (Agenllo- man et «ar aide, wbe Uya claim to ol the oognomene alote< eald,. enggeeta that drlaUig la a cium which baa been banded downtonabyou fOrefalborefimflme Immemorialeadthai ba doen'l aee why Itahoald baepeclelly Umllad to lha cold weather; bnt tbea, yon mutn'l mind Ma, yon know.) It le e nuon, too, of new bonnata (aa BoaadWa taow to lhair ooet), or gloaay bale, Tamlahod boote, and ai Tiqdtir of otter elda to the toilet, to which to go TlBlUac. A djvao.auaoreMeahosId eerlalalr be coninmed (ea It-haii'bees) te^ibai InlerObange of oonTlailee for wbloh It hai made na, alVp<cpIo^ romarkabla. National hoaplUllly ahoaa Itaelf at Ihle aaatnii eadmany a Jabil-; leal galbaiing or "fair womea and bran moi" hare danced to the new yeer wllb hearty wdoona. AputfTom bletory, Ibe erery day ef one yeat le Tory mncta like Ibe eraiy dey ol anolher. la the year UM ire may ban mora peaceable llmee then In the eld I8C(, bat 'atl{^ Kke all lie prede- oeaion, It win bo one In a blob fortuaa win made end loot,' rcpnialloni gelaed and mined, boptareaUa^, prorad abortlTe, or deferred. Ihla le Ibe IsoTluble riilo la a-wodd when neota. aailly aotblag le aleUe but Ibe law'of change. Ilarai(haliia, while we cannot alkr Ibe ohaiaoltr of the gne^ airtnta which Dallsy bringe, let na bnay onnelrea la preparbg lot lha new jear u well ee we may. let no make onr reiotna lo lain onr a new leaf; can npon friende from whom we b»e been eetrtngad, partake of tbeir hoapllaUly, end toTlle lham topailake of onra; forglTO onr cnemlei^ ea wo hope to be ffrgiTcn. Wlla Ibo new ISM, lelaewlbonghle, aaweaplnllena, purer elm^ guide oar palhlhrougblUbiletnehepe lbalnoblotof *if wUl blur Ihe yelannlllen page of Ihe new year, and that Ibe lot of Jannaiy, led?, win open np to ne, ea f aalarday did, finding na a happy and nailed pao^ fall of wlie epibllloa,^ ead wllh proipeola bright wllhpiomleel Ladlea ead gestlemen, the Curraa beatlUy wlahie yon "a BArn atw lauL" THE DAY WE CELEBRATED. Our prerlnce le not *'lo p«lo^ » mom o« aaom a tale" wllh lefinnM le «Mt we ea* In ibo oulgv log of Ibe old yier and Ibe Inoomlagol Ibene*. eewe btppeaeil lo be "doatlng eionnd" 'thetllyon Ihe lal; which term yon maataot laletoalllenlaenea^ allhaogb Iheratocoaaldanbly dampened IhepIeaaurooflheKew rorkenoa thla^ lha giaelday of lhayeer. Ho one can leU what ealenaira arrangenenta bad not been mede for toangnrallng the new ycer with a good alalgbtog holiday; bul, nnfortonaieiy, Iba elelgba, wllh Ibelrgorgeoua eocompenlmcsle and Unkjlug bcUi^ bad to ba put by until Jack FnelehaU lake II toto bla head to nrlell Iba dly. Ibla wu a aid dleappolninenl far hondreda who bid decided upon making Ibeir tour of Tialla la alalgha, wllhell Ihe loUlcklag fun loddealel toaoch aprogieaa. laalead of a fine inowy <ay, when they conid glide (leceAilly eleng Ihe while nrrioe ol Ibe earth, itoppbig lo pay a few gallant compU- nanla to Ibe different young ladlei of Ibe eilabllahmenla which Ibe; wlibtd toTlall, Ikejr wtr* asaoied by a lino drloUagehowar an Ibiongh Ike day, which ifficlnallypat an end to eU Ihilr alelgblDg aipnalloia and airasgemenla. KeTnlbiltaa, like Inio boUday-eeeieif, lhay dcKimloid toiaatelhebcalot a bad Job. and aetebout enjoying Ihonaelnau beet IheyailthL Ifalelgha wan net aTalltble, cairlagiai bngglea esdTeblcltaof aU kinda wtie, tad Ike iliccia were crowded by paiUea who aaemed heal oa enjoying Ibe day to Ihe nlmoal el Ibele ebtlliy. They ebng. glad bnnly igabiet Ibe dapicaelog lafincncee of Ibe wtaltaer, bnl af oouae, elUuogb lhay Irled hard to enjoy IhenuelToi^ UielmJojDenlwaaTeiyinachdampenedbylk OnegrtalnauU cf the wealber nea Ibe fact that nry few ledlee wen onl, aad Ihoee who eipeolld lo aee the UlUa dirlloge wllb blae aad red Boaea end cbeirr lipe, wrapped up to wondioua luia, aiid aeeled ODBirpftably to aleJgba,wiia'dliaipclElcd. It la clearly ealib- liah'ed tbal women ban ao right to ba ont en RewTeer'aday; Ihtlr place h at homo, enptrtolendlng opeieUone, In n tbo eeke and wine and Torlooe olhcr thbiga, ffe Jolt looked In to aee ear new If eyor, who la a line, nprlgbt looUag geallomaa; what bli honor eald to ni^ and what we aald to hia honor, we are not at Itberly to dlnlge. In aaothei room Iba onlioing Qanlbar wu rcoelTtog Ibe few who oiied abeui oning npeo him wllh a aloUd oiptcaalon cf counleaaaoa which did oQual otdlt lo bla bud end beert. Haay of the public bonaee, realaurania, etc., bad tempUag rout tnikiy, bam, cold beef, elcud la Tory fa* todaieu were ibo InTlleUina acglecUd. All day, end peitly (brough the algbt, lioopa a( hoUday Tiellon penmbnlaltd Iba atraela aol knowing ezuUy when Ihey wanted to go to, or how they iiieeUd to gal there. Tfciro wire mote Iben Ibe annge anmber of drenken peoTIa la Ihe ttieela, Ibe wet wealber onlatde baitog a leataioy to mate ibam nnnanally dry loald^ no they "wet up" ao oflan thai Ihey fUNIored ondcr the load. The alanb waa (then enl af many a IkOdy by lha baaty wet, end kool blacke reaped ea abnalaal haW"* pollablag Ibe duly underrlaadtoge of the cellari to-dayi •bl''' " ""^ wulber U IIUI nneatUed eaOi clciia.». «'•'» •» P"" aklrla wall If Ihey wuli to keipcleaa aad catch Iba beioz, Hiw Biaoo WanH.—VHb all lha ImjtaTamante to wakkea far Umlag banai, (rom tba old raiUaLad ohtt bnin «ya dawh,' don^to onrtde^pooa ab near lha rlgbtdilngaaaalmprann'i ehicnognpb waleh receally krougU tote lia maitat by l>eBiC'ot lodoa. Ihla waleh to ao anaoied thai by prtaalng a aping a eaaua aaooad aad mtamia band are aiatled, aad by a eetoad praaanr* (at thepencluilan of Ibe noe) bolh baade are eioppad, thoa Mflaltrlag Uu Ume to minaica and aeeoada on Iba ftaa *t AeditL Ob a)hM pmanrabolbhaadiflybaakMaatala af reelaiU. Bytl^maani^ whenalhlia Matac«an,ihantoaa aecaaaHy ol r»eiMag the baada, oi eiaa laUng lha watch ont of lha pookat at at, aa by alaply toaaMag Iba apitog, ee ebore uaalloard, Itaiobjeet daelrcd le etulaad. la addlUoa to al Ibeaa hnpnteakila, lha waUh la ulLwIadlng, leqaWng ao fcayawhato*er:,iBad taken all In all, II lelhe aaoatferteotllBC^ plceckwa erer m. Mr. Chulee CbaeMboraoib, of Ible diy, re- cently bnogbt aaa fiem Uaidon, lha prlea at which wu TI gutoiM, (qnal 1^ about tm. DiacBiaoiD lounu^ who may ba tolenaled to Iho oblaol Bimad to the febewtng pdlllni abenlileaO al lha ptaeea aamad. aadilgnihedoniBealaloaoOi-^ ' JHOaireaoraMl.aiiMifcaiiJgaaaa^Jhpreaai l a f i on e/OaCMM .lour ptUiloMnbei ban lo ateletbal tbey aia dlaobargod io>dltN; that Ibey aafaaUl alter Iho brgiaalagof the war, aad before Ibe paaean or anaeifflut of tbo law granting lame bonalleai mt Uiu Ihiy ban been direbarged lor one of ibe fol kmlagnaaoBaS4No&ear, *onnda, laJnnei^pnmotloB, cipin. Uaa of term of eiirlce, ar te-anltolnenl. we, Ibriefon, moat lhalliwamaybfpteaedaiatiltogaabonnUia no lo uoaa eoldlen who enllated lha lilt jeu ol the war. And your Gained at Ibe cfflee of the Jrny aul Kav) w, aad at a, J. Ravadell H Oo.'>, MPaik Baw. OooildaiUglk^ nepakilly that ikaUag bu «IUtoad la Iheie Hailed fllalto H jimatloi dnrlag Ihe piat -few leenr, and Ihe ead pariaaailly. toe moiln and eUeel ed which lla aetai. taa miBanrtudlkepnbllomaybe ncited talbalr bMulyto pertJnihekgUlniecyofll. In 1*01,0*5.1^0* wneaeol 'X"^'^ oondnel which ein moie paUnll* andoa* to Iba de- cline of iba drame,er enyuilag eluTlSn SSii. tt tolhS l5?lfflJi!l?*i5i2L'f 1°* »moneUiy of aeaadal and aonae ttf which Iho B WMhueo fltgranuy rteortod. UmwoBli. A MAMMOTH UWDEBTAKINQ. 'i^lS*" mignllndeandmMbanUil SHi-Sir.""?;*? '"orebft wllh the moal alopetdooa bnmaa SJJS^I S£ J'"'J*^I,*?*!V^ public allenlloVto eeclonl or uSS'L'uV^"' *a4"bldi. U bnngbltoa eacceaetollermtoa- lv?;.T.'.,!S* J*v" »ondeM of the world. *aB recent. • la l<1>anon ionnly, Pa., ^* (reel Iron-oie producing regtoh of Ihe Eayaloae Blala. The ralS?^. "ill'«■•"??"' Of»a5fflT.iI.iJ, kadi^ Inalhe biH to the eummit (f Ibeliaaeaiie Iron on monnula etOpnvelL Coiunaoclng at Iba leral of Ihe Ocm»an raUroad, llwlada arannd Ibe monniein wllh a gentle Iodine, no* paiaing OTtr a high enbaakmeot wllb a faufal precipice on elibcr elde, aialo creaMng orer pcnduona iieaUa wort, bulll acroaa e reilaa which yewne aarsal buodred feet boncalb, anon nlUIng tbroogh Immonae onla lo ibo aolld bcdiea of Iron ora^ aictndlog gndniUy upwud until It accompllabu Ibe greaieet allilude of {be mounlain. Tte leak laa borcnican one, but the Incalculable Bitanngea ■hlcb will accrue teom lie achloraDenl wlU com. panea'o a bondred fold for Ibe money and labor oipended. Already a gceal portion of tboroote la to readlncae lo rccein the eUle, and Ibe wuk la bilng Tlgoronaly tuabed forward. Tba en. tire linglbof Ike rellnr, when flolibed, will be aomalblng oter IWO m:le>, and a wort Iba equal of wMch U prabebly u be fonnd uoabiro to Ibe world. Toe protnaa of Ihu gigaallo leat la regarded wllb Ibe graaloat Inlenit by men of iclence. end If ererylblog inna oat aifannblyea proaest todicatlooa wa^ laal, Ibe piojtctoia. In anticipating Ibe great work ol nature and artcombuied, alcornwell, wUlfiirnlah aalandlng monop, meat lo ibe Indolu power of Ibe Creator and Ibe lenlaa, enter. prto^ ei,d eklll of Ibe Amulcan people, rtac riairrlca, le^tolheOrUaaaeB BcweiaadUeliraiawnlMOBalala. !S?tt.21'.SL»*i!f..**»'»" * OellenderUMe. lar WM a aide, Aawley glelat Brillea I<.0 polnia Ae may bo anewaet. a match between anck eiparte cteated ceaalilenMe laienM! Ud the apaeuiora wen aamuone. acme ekiiml a ay aadSE ""•if^ii;"" ■*? '^f" *»"' »'*»"•• *"* ™% eooB maalfuted bla aDparloritar, and iieslailly won by Itl polala. On ibedlh loulngaof tnwiay, a claim uf •• (oal'' ma madeL ' ^? *• •poll*'. »ol anoai ed. Ontke lllb Inalaea a "kliaabol"byBilUoB,anpareBI to aU preaaali «aa dtotllo*ed by the Betaite. Booie eslaadid alar *M made by bolh parllaa; a atTeai euiblaaebol by Mr, BrlUm ellelling loclfarona appliuie. Up to tba gatblDninn BtlUcn bad Ibe lead, but alter Ibal tima he labored nnderaawitinnal laa of bad luclr, hto eppeaenl'e ben rolling Into Ike poekeL'ot ole* mlaalDg by e hali'e briadib, Th« lame peily praeaal con- dut!d ttemielTca le a very aidotly menaer and aeemetf K^toUr eelladcd wllb Iboir trenlng'a amueanent-bnt net i» , Brltlon, l*r oolalibilaadin* Ihe reTetae hejualmelwllb, he offered to play a gane ol Ma polnli^ on e cenm table, lot 11,000. to be pleyid el 10 o'clock mil noralng. Aa ealbuilaaHo afmlmr of navley lock bla off'rand Iba oocey *aa dtpoalled acooidngly. Ibeanieiid table glrea Ihe leieiln poelltoB each player, on or ebeni Imnlna each bnndred :— laaiaaa. FaawLBi. a 100 M SIR 91 003 M <0S 10 too maiy dtiappi at cMn, II la boM pnfare< Ihaa we erv! tone of — tog Ike IS akaU^ the'm^i _ aa Ibe lea le etoma loamq honaa nmSaol Snalfai Bto popoku poaiuaatopeyefi pMiaeleemtmi ycBian, it ill la Ikat ban oecoried noa IfaA of aoo* .der thai riolt er ^^onMdj^da ban not Ihla mapeol onr Ouidlaa aaailna era wber batter cluaea df the paapto to the lirjer «t aaoanyakaie to Iba open air. Iratdur- - ban been balldlog whetlbey oen 'ttokaV rhlth tbey uaa laalead of noade or lakei. ~ -rinka en, eppereailr, thai Ihey facUllita Ihewalor batog'of but Utile depth, end It le pnlectsd tnm Ike nto and aaow deelroy It or render it uaelaie. Tboa Ibe and lonea than It oould be wliboiit Ibe lyrlnla ft Oaoade and ono or tv> to the Ml are to Quabeo and MonlreaL 7or tbo leadera aome Idea of riak akellng, we eepy aaaocouDlof auraio n cuuoi. ittt' amuaeoient of nearlT ell elaiaaa In a .. of lha expaoaee of a link, broke out lo lie Ibe gay bailee of <)uab«o, la or eboni Ibe , _y rxiended Ibroogboat Ibe ftovUo^-altl* malely anwibg to Ibe propmlona of en etieaeln eommerclel nadartakiaa, li which, ol coaraa, Ibe aoclal alemeat ptedomi' Baled. Tke ladleaof Qoebeo orlgloally elated on a apeoe cnoloe- ed wUhln oaa M the wbarree oo ibe 81. Lawmca, when, from the aatare of'the lAioe, Ihi y were eubjeolad to much Inoonrenl. enea^ "oabldeil" (nqoenlly malilDg in with til tba Itoidear ead eelMmpentBDn ofr Ibo teoe bciu AmarloaB, and dlitnrbleg s^oy a' Hula midanm Intwded for the eairapnent of aome piomlMag ceiamelclalt Ii0**e1led end bevbtokrred S'Oitay, or aomegniffirapd llrgcr pedigreed mtroblng llenlenant. Smtlee of lhlBbe*tlchlncf an ooold not Ibnvn away on ao In. tetoepUag el#nd(*s or aimed at ibe tntoepltb1ebiartol.lhe nnforlQnelA Mctr nbo acuddaii aboni o* bomaed akilee, end a ehaaga tm the -lioilor wia tbenteia determined upon at a conocU of war. In obleb eome of Ihe prallleal herde In Ibe cicy eokunnly oanie tng^ibor, eed Aoally bli upon the ezoluelTC^ bul noceaaarrandcaoteiilmtecbemr, etnee lo eucceaafally lanlcd ouL " Berne «aa not bnlll In a day;" end aellbar waa IbAilak oftbeprtaait period. ItroeetiKe frenotproodebipefiooi a vary nomble oafllenlog—a bam-bke abed ma up In a bnrry. aad dtogy, nipow and obacnre, which *u erected ontalca of BL Louie aal& and waa IrtvTenntly cal<c.l Ibo "calUe ehed." The mtr damea, Ibe pnlly malrcna aad Ibe lylphllko damaela, who girated II on " Ibe light faataallo Ide,** bad long en Ibto ' torenled Tba Bloomer coatqme,and faarleetly cltlocd It ea Ibelroan when eccuaed abold, abameieae bachelor o( our e;qaatlatanoe, wllb cooylng Ulei iLncy Blcna'a tollal. They were net eTidently aabamed of Ibe^wrtloaa of Ibelr enklri, eml ell Ibionnh Ibe Boremeat diaslayed a oourafta anfl power of laToalian tmlr maaoollnei Taa otiglnal rIak bad prlallln *lodo«8onaleTel wllb the gnno& threnth ahtcb ibe pomfni of ibe town would peep to aee Vladlee and grnllamen akato lira booH;" and craiy BOW and tbea ilbbbltbof I, "There goea the girl vllh Ibe golden boeta^" 'OMk 'Vfo* *Vl bV(laar^"'"flan oemei the ' ~ "b lh»'fMuien,"^ihe baaao'pnfonio olan aiieadaat portly aergeast brcaklag In enry now aad tbea wllb, "Oleii ont boye, or I'll pel eone or yon la chokey." Bo much for a begla- nIoR nlUmately and aboiUy daallnid u teed to ibo oreotlon of palatial ediaceeorar half a ooatltenr. In wblon Ihe merry geme of Iba rini ooold be pland by night and by day, and Ibe ute of Ibo drawing looia dlaoUytd oo a field calculated to aitnct and daaleunwiry.bieluioi^ atonuvKi, Beaton and nalltax. aoon fo|lo»a •)>• oemple ol Qatbeiv the ant tiua mcM la uiia cily aprtottog Into eilalesoe In 18B9, the year in which the Mod- Ireel duo erected llabnilduig on Upper 61. Urbala alteeL Blaee tbea the Victoria rink bu been conalrnctid In a .lyle and man- ner which far.dletoacea ell otbtr edtdoee etA almilar character, aad Iben la erety reeaon tn the belief that beeeaforlh the • In- allmtlon ' will be a permaiieol ona, a knowledge of akailntbe- togfollyueeeeallaltoalely aatbe grntler but leuheellbfni 'praoUoe" el the piano, or the ecoompiiebmenla of aodal life, noiOBu auTHu tm or aoimxiu Tbia rtok *u oonatrncled daring Ibe aaaaoo of ISIX and vae fint opaoed to lla enbicrtbore u a club oo Ibe Mlb Sec. of Ibat year. An act of Inoerparattoa *ae ablalnod, under which the club hOlde and managea lU real eetala, of a ralue no* tboni 130,000, *MIe Ibe capital ateck la kept wllbln the limit of !00 eberee, of |aO eieb, or 111,000. Tba bnlldtog leilluataonDrUB' mood einet, oo e iol ol IM by aiT feel. Tbo eiea for ahelleit II Ml feel long by BO feat wide, corertog Ihe apace of aboot 10,000 iqninfeeL Ibla to apaaaed by a aeml clicnlar framed roafiog, rlalog to a halabt of ii feet, ead omalracied In each a meaner u lo glre en equal Vghloeaa of effect, comblaedwitbgraalalieagib, the arched ptinolpala of the loer epnoglag lauaod lately Irom the ground. The ekailag area la enrreaaded oa all eldu by a ptolform 10 ftei wide for promaaadlng, and In the oenin of one aid* U a reoeie la wblob, ertendlog erer tba pUlfatu, la a bend- tome and cofflEOdloaa gallery for mnalcb which la au(plled weekly by fine >ldtiiycralheTbandai The rtok la UgbUddc- itog Ibe day by Itne irtodowa «u Une elde^ tod at night by alx pendant rinca or turn, etch caaltlolng forli-tl|bl buraere, and by a biacketllght alUehed to each ol the fcity-olgbl prindpala of Ibe tool, contolalag la addltlan one buodred ud nlnely-two human, inanrg wllb iboae to Ibeotckaatrtaoma fire bnndred Jela, b) wbloh the bnUdbig le brlllUntly ud eflecl- Inly Illuminated. There la elae a amill pelleiy al tie weal end, oyer lb* entruce door, from wblcn an ciceileot vie* of the wbole may be oblatoed. Ibe baUdlag la enieied by a apietou ball, on eecta aide of which, and apealng on Ihe ptotlona, ue nperate dreaatog rootai tor ladlea ud gullemin, wlih hat end clcak-rooma tlltched. Sheae loom ere fumlibed wllb name- rone boiet, caeb wllh lock aad key, ud of enfllciul alee to bold Iheakelecboal', Ac. Tbey an alao warmed end Ibontgbly camlorubla. The auperlo(end(nl Urea ea Ibe preetlHr, ocoa- pylog raome orer Ibe enlreoo i ball. Ibe bnaineaa ol Ibe Tlolo- ttorink la maaagedly tana dlicolaia cboaia annually by Ibe ahiicholdeia, and all appllcallon far adtDlitlona aa unnil anb- icnbara an made to and determined by the dirtolora. The ako- UD? looaon opene ebenl Iho niddJo of Ceceober, end conttonoe eliBOiiattoltnapMlifcifonrmeBlbi^ tbetlnkbeleg epued tor nie from 6 i. IL (in 10 r. K. Ckailog bu beea enjoyed ee far on u Ike lllk of Hay, Fancy drtn eaurleumeale like ptoce 1*0 or three Uoacedorlog Ihe wlnlar, end arelbnegtdbyulhu tiaelloabaleia, witbibeir frlenda u epaolalara, aufflbanng to all aoaiefilteea hundred or IWO tbonaudperioni. The allrring crowd, IbelotpinogmnelcbrUllantUgbU andeiln lUamlni- Uona, pnlnea a riry floe effecL OUR DRAMATIO rQRTRAIT 6A11ERY. UI83 BUILIB HELmUL Ihla youlklul loireaa. popnluly known u "Tbo Pel of ih< .Vl"'.?? born In PhUtdilphle, Pa, oa January 191b, 16eL Bhe mode her ant eppraranoe on ue alage at the early age of four yo«t,toPTOrldenoe,B.f. Her neil engage- ment wu to tbo aeieuu of laoia, to Baltimore^ Hd., when ana auceoeded to making henelf a geaenl ftrorlle. Her Orel alar eigi|oment waa at Bamnm'a Old Uaeenm, In' Hay, IBM, wbera ebe rematoad lor dre weeka toancceaaion, Ber nail eppeeruce waa et lira. Conway'a Park Tbeitre, Brooklyn, L. L, durtog Ibe Fourth 01 July week, ISIS, where ud when ebe d'owfoll houiee. On doelng Iben aha made a eUrrlog tour thnngh Ihe eeelera Blatea, moeling *tih geneni arcceaa On Ibe leimlaelloa of Ible |i:nr, eta Tlalled bar natlre dly, PbUadelphta, when ebe melwlitaawum welcome homo, and met wllh genera] etiloay from bolh tiiew end pnbllo. For ao young a alar, Utu HeU- TiJa bu Indeed acblCTcd a ancceae, ud II ahe conllnau lo un- protelotbefalnrauababulathapaal,har fimeud fortune will cerlaialy follow. Bbehaa apnlly fa;e,a Tofce fallofmelody, wbelber In apeeoh or aong, haa a good knowledge of maalo ud ner e'jgo bualneaa. for ona ao louog, la eonetnlag marrelloae. If Hlie Uenrllla'a amblllon don not lead her to eltempl too much end bar cooree to conduclid wllh wtodom, her lalun career win bo a bright one. and memory will aaaodale her name wlto tboM of lb* Mlieea Darenport ud UllohiU. CRIME AND ITS ABETTORS. Pnm Ibe eppalltog pitTitaDca ol cilma which hit mtrkil tBMl blackaned Ihe Koor^t of Marly enry police blbnaal Ibrongbcut the length aad breadth of oar toad wllbln lha put year. It would f e>m lhal lamlllarlty wlfli death and daede of rloleaca end blood doitog Ibe lialrlcldil confiM Irom which onr oonnliylenewgiadntllyieaoTCrlng, baaotuaed onr pMpI* to bald Ihenlneof bomaa lUbtoTery llghteellmeUaa, aadtotelly dltngard Ueccnacqoenceaofralalng llielrbudeloontaborlthe career ol a fd1o*.cruluro. Dealh alelka boldly to onr midit, aadlhelerinileeiaeullon ol pittol, award ud along tbal an dallyehraalaledlBlheeolomcaof oor nawapapera. The noil etilngealmaaniea which bare biaa adopted wllh a flew lo lha auppnaaloB of Ibla horrid caralnl of orlma btn bad no par- ceydblalnlloaneelnaecnrieg 11* abalemuL The mailer oalto Imaiy for eome prompt leglalatlra'aaUoa which than pnl u aad to ibk deplorebto conOIUoB of tbtoget bnt natU nammoa ead poUllctlpawarcetae to wield tnch a awteptoi lofloenoetoonr eontt^u4aiemJuUce to dealt oat to enry ellaadtr, weaeed l«ok for BO tbeleaat of lha pehto anmandlag ok Al preoul ikaUfaofnatymanlatooeaHnnilJeoperdrbylhahudot Ihe ■ardent aad aaaaaala, Ibe riellmt belag geaanDy Baoffaadtog, paaoaaMa laea, who ace nihleeily uaaaHcd ud oal down apsa Ih* aUgbtoat prenaaltoBbyUebW'Mtf daepaalbaa wbtAilMI aarcHtoa. . iBinriiOB.—IdtBaBipreatOonpaay ktre agttofamllhad na wHh lb* Uleat Uihosad, Ta, papan, to tdnaa* ol ike mm ^1 ralua *a> Uiaakt (n lha (»TO*i THE AMEBIOAN DRAMA. To TBB BoRoa OP ma Ita* Toaa OuiTK,-fitoi-A latlar which appeua In the JTmld of Oeaambtr W,- orer Ibe eignu>:.'e of "Seaward," piofeute to gWe Ibe otnietaf Ibo "deellneoltba dnma In Amacloa." Tiku u a lllaiaty perfuBUde ud aa ea Inalanoeef epcclelplaedlua, tba wilier may ba oCBpllmenUd, ud eapeolally npon bla laolilly It anpplyleg "ctueee" of a rtaoll wbick nea yel ehown ao elga of eiltKaca.. Bai Ibe Uak ofaacoad. lag Ibe moaattbiok tergrnoatlona ol Iba nolorlooa ebaet to which Ihe teller appeared la truly a Heiealean one, aad *e eunol ba aniprtoed tbil la thto tadUTor "Eeaward" haa lamtalahly failed. to Ihe Arttplaea 1 deny Ikil (111 tUle *( the ditma to lUa eHy, (or enaple, ebo*a ear todlcaltoa e( deeey, Itorer wu Iba tooalteeogTatleaotdeatafatlraollooi aerer wen aetora ud aotieaiea noie Ihonoahly the repneenuUru of ttelr art) narar waa Ihe maxim ^ra eal oa(:iv arfaa mon Ihanngbly carried ont on Ibe elage; nerer wu Ihe eicelleaco et Iba art mon tboroniibly tppitolated by Iba paopto. II to nuienae-ll la worte, lt,to^ a groiaperteialonof the iralk—(e talk ebonl tba decay of ike Snaia In New lolk, whin, lakltig lha mailer In Iba aniy Ugbt which oiBaffard i leal of anob err eaaertlen-flur priodpel Doniie ere lasnlog plooea for wreka togetoer. The lUinlDetnt eiaaoa atlheAcidaDyofHaalclbo lengthened engaganant cf Edwin rorieit. tba UDmlilabableedal with which Jeha Brongkamwu nedTBd ben atd etaewben, Ibe triumph al lha aetor'a art orer a badb-wrliun plan: lb* Imooca* eaocme of ubaafiaa U Sam; Iboeriltlloportrtllnre* of Mr, B, L, Uarraperl, ele: dolbeae ekowuy ayBoloraaoftoedocayofthedniaaT Takiag Iba ffero'd OB Ito own elu* peial, I aboald IH* lo htew wbalaealbeapcniagof IheBewlbeairelibaa lately iu4a tnch afuieabonl etideacea a dactlaa to Ibe dranalto luUa of toe peoplet mat Idcy Boato* hte abewn her haoaladge af Ihe world by emberhtog oa hs menegerleloertealB datuca of Iba maUgouttiiBOkaol the flaiafd at tbe Ume of hat laet appear uoeto Ibladty, ana Ibe teaultto that ber aitallul httoom- plelelr wbHied lonnd-doolMletabavlag aa eye on Ibe prtoltog aad edTerllehig. Do* ou Kenward poaalbly claim uy nipeei lot ajennal valcn ibna been wllncee agalnal lU awn taiplloda? Wllk refemee to the Boweiy-lbat meek ud much aaUgned nalghbcekead-cuccriUeeayethtl the tbntrea ai« praBinul loelrnBenle la praBoiing lamwallty. end laUodacea a Utile ol the cut eboul Jul Bbrpperd ud aluer banae ol taa bl|bway. But docalMa gentleman fao* toll Ibe Doaery le iipneutpro. dailaglha Taiyaama diemairtilokobtklnel la Dtoadnay, ud (bat, taa, wllh na leu aa erliat Ibaa Ma Oleaaey la Ihapnaolpal ebanelert TbIa af llealf le «a orgimwl men eUaaa la tanr of lb* enUipllta et Ibcea Bo*en managti^ aad Ihadlecilmlaa. I'OB of Ibe Bo*eiy andluoe^ than Eaawaid caa :#oeatWy pt» due* to the cobIiut. ^ It It atiaaled Mat lha d(*miUo patfocmaaaa tbsold oeaia wlloto the leglllmtu acop* ol Bt*a|a|er crlUcltm. Qnlla tm& Tbaatuegareof tbeairaatbaaielTMaadlba arllato nndat eia. gitamaattolbaaitianialhaiMtlaUU*! to admllihla Dal BIT.TiTARPH. Kivintah ind DooItm* BILUARD TABLE lUBUPAOlnnEBa; Ho. lU OANAL, COBMBR OENIBB 8IBEBT, N. T, DODLBX EATAHAOH baviag aaaoclaled bimaelf with LEVI OBOUB for Ibe muufaclnre ol BlLllABD TABLlBk ud eU utlelea connected then*llh, tbo firm anno* pnpared touecuto orden to any ntcoL Ibe great *aiit-a perfect nilUard Cuabloa -huatlaetliaon er eared, to EATAJIAaB A UBCSEB'd PATUiT, Ibe beat playan ijononndng It abe moat perleot yel Intndoccd. Tbecbolc«ttmaurulean aaod,and nopatoawtll beapered to reader Ibe foUetl eailatetlou to purebtaara. A large atock *f iab'.aa, aat% Bella, to., oonalutly on hud. to nvetlhe domanda of lha trtf a EATAMAOH h DEOEEB. M-lB Ho. 330 Canal, ooner Cuin etieel. Ho* loik. Hand Bosk of Bllllgrda, by Mlehial Ph«Ian ind 0. BEROEBfOontalQlog acemplele tmtlaeonihe Oemeof BU- " ide, *lib e dmerlptlon of aO the diSlareat abcia, bo* to brtog .-Bba:ialogttber,eto ;to*blcb leeddcdIboBalMorUie Amed- oen. or Podr Bell Oame. the EnaUab Oaiue, and Ibe Fnoch. or Three Bed Oome; alao, contalDJng Bnlea far all the dlflbran] Otaea of Pool, Btato u Toung Playera, BagateOe Qane^ etc., etc Illuitnled *llb nuamae ugnrtoge, Piioa la cent& Bend orden to BcieUO, P.O., He* Xork. »m* Bllllardg. Bllltard*. Bllllardt. Oarlaatnn Pctlralto of eU the BiniarA Ohimploaa. EATABAOH, OABHB, PHELAH, EBl'EPRB. 8££BEITED« DEEBT, IieUAHH, aOLDTBWAlTE, BSBOIB, UodETITT, Aak your Hern Agento •»» la eOMIO HOniHLY for Deccmbct. Icall. 134 Lcitar'B Bllllird Hall, 634 534 BBOADVAT, Oppoalto Banam'e Hew Hnaeam. IweU* Magnlflout 1^go SItrd Tables BT-Sffl* JOHN T, LEVrElt, Propiletor. TBE TIBQIKU BILL1ABD T0UBKAI1E*T. W. BaLDwne tbb Oaiiepioiv, TbeTIrglnto Billiard tonmamut which wu held at HorfoUi, 3d ol wbloh we garo eome paitleulan to lut week'a Ourraa, waa kroagbt lo a doe* on Betuidty, Deceaber 33d, Meena, fiblppmud Baldwin betog the final oonleatonto for Ue golden cue ud Ibo Obtmplonehlp of Virginia. la Ibto bout Btldnto prored rlotor, ud wee thanfore dedand ohamplca. Ha woa four gamee ont of fire, made Ike beet geaenl aretagr, ud thu higheal atogle count durtog Ibe tonratmeat. The affair, tafcea altogelber, baa proru a anccaia. lo oomaaeallag ou it ud He reeulla. the Norfolk Dot Bcek ol the Sdih all,, eayt, "At we pro- dieted In our lune of Baturday, Ibe prlaa bu fallen la the tclenufie. Look to e fortonei bat Ibe pnrerb will not hold good tobllllardt. BtmBronghdIdbtobuCud tloodaecond la Ibe loutntmuL In our optotoc, EUu Bblppen, bad be played with Ihe lull tbUlly be poiieuee, ind Ibeguerel knoaleige of toe gaaie, he would ban won tba cuo. Again oar heal looalplayere, ur aome nuon, dldnot enler Ibe arena. The louraament waa ruled by malcbea (alter the gemu for IbeObamplOBiblelbetseeaOarme, IbelanudNelBa. Perbapa BO nemo to ihe Billiard world la more feaalUar Ihu Ibatal tllcheel Phalan, ud dartog bto bilet acjoam aaong na he bee Impreaaed our amilaon wllb a Jaal concepUon of the noble ait Ee le the father of the Amenctuaamo of Blllltrda, ud tba toTentor of Ihe gneleetlBproyeaenlakooiraiolbeecleic*, u bla "Anerltaa Bludud Teblaa" fully atleat He to Ihe orlitoator of BlUlard Toonaaenta to America, ud Jially held by the Inlamlly u the grnb beckerof the game—lanreto carted by a life-long derollon to Ibe game. Hay be Ure long to wear ibem. CetBO. on Friday nigbl, to hie aelch wllh Nelme, ehoaed tomoereJidiabttlnacy, endmadanoplayattll; to other word^ hto "briatlea ria." Forlnualely let bim Ibat ba «ea a pnl<te ol Pheju, or be might bare beard a good rtporl of blaaeii; Ibe beerlngol Melme waa thai of k dignlled and alaloly guile- mu. Cool u a lepbyraAd aa pladd aa Ibe Leke of Coao. bla manly beuing ud Una dignity ol lie Amencu genilaau atu ipptectottd by all; oulla a cootiaal lo the Irrlltbla ud Iracll- onedlapoelUoa ovtoced by Ceimc. To nut Ibe moat cktilUblo oonelrucUinnpon II u potalble, II wudtlnUA, nnjnallflable ud, to aay tbo loul, ungtaletal lo Mr. Pbolu, nbo bu dona men to bring onl toe merit of Oame Iben aU olbtr oomblnaliona could bttapoMlbly done. Aa a Ine Frencbman, wo Ihlnk Oarae i*. ueto ula wMkncaa. Aa hi liaTola larlhar in Ihla counUy, may bepiefitbyibaeumpleofNalmauddo belter to Ibe inlure. Ibe name were Ihroim opu to tbo pnbUe en Bilurdey night, Ibe Toaraamealbitlog been •perfeeHeacout, puling off ha^ monloualy, and toetlleadanc* nSfivS iNinf aU Ibat oonld bar* bm dealrod to potot ol reipectabUlly. suoatRUB or tsm mt, TboOhaaplaB tU*i U>* totilaaloTtloaof which I* tMO, I* of finely poUabaii tonwood el Ihe ball, wllh maple Jolalt, elibonuly oraamentad wllb gold, ud aabelllthed wlto entopilato Intcrlp- Upnfc Al Ihe ball la a obieed gold bud, with the ipealpUot, "Bnkblemol theBiUludObamponehlpelIbeButeof Virginia," Tbeaaliiceof tbo ball le matoerolpeul, npu wblob laei^ anred Iheao^ of a>me of toe Btale of VUglnit. 'Iba ootdlUeot on wblob II to bald ue piectotly Ihe ame et thita gonialag lha Aaeilcaa Cbimplo mtlp. it^pitfH or m TomjuHBaT, Oaaiui>ii^ Ifea- laL < 4 1 I i I « g 1 .41* 1 * » 3 0] BnmcR. M lai Mg oil III banoa, FBtwixr, U IM U 701 ai m 71 Ml 7a .1001 BnRoiu 178 . ara ao3 aaa 78S i J.""*'"' 'I'WJ"» • M. M. IH CT. Ml- lon-ewae: J7,«a, 81 sa,U, 71111. fflaner'B arerage—IL Relene- A. II. VIeklnecD Umplree-Fot Fiawlay, W. J, EUlley; Far BtUlon, J. H. uremoriw DiLLiAaDe ta BiOBBOtD.-lleina, Ulabul Pbein ud Cam.' of Ikle dbr have ben abowing Ibe peopto olBSStaid, vrS! beullnTbtluetobcnnt toniegama of bUlUr5,«d In tSI ■2."»,'™lanto aay, an detog more to "reM«atrnct'''aar eritog elittn than en>albnrfarr#UagpaUllcltat!udpiLgfi£ JobMon wemto-take mir M^^n":^£SStS&, Blaalpnarlu adulb, when. If Uncle Bam woald orto Hv^aT ':ss^S}K^'j"^ ^ •«io.ffh*i?ii";v.„iL''iGj^!i; UHiiyaiya. Bat "lei'a lo MUtordab" a^Bbattaneanhetolt OB Dec, Wh, wbWi.lJie Oli;hfflofd ^iipa/catbudeioiibua "Ibagima Wii 4 toa^bell carom-played on a tibia trilhent ;i«ckei<-of fiTO"a'rtoge,''.orltteobuodiod ud ftiieeapotolr- Nei.*beroflheoanto<t>atopl.>^«llbbla but akUl doibig Iba ■' euUer fit of the metah. tir. Pbelu m'lde a Ate ma, tnialic the thud i<ltog -frit. II- -tapf ibtti lot wtinid np. aatUid do«a to"-il* woi^^ ud nv ona hosdted and forty - bar. pohiiit' S<4. *on Ih* ga^o, . Belli pulti* made eoBe enela of tu.Ei srIIUiiicy at to cairbilk (haapplauaect toe ap e cUla ia Alter Ibe gasN U. Lannegata en exublUfU of aome of hie tucy akota, which nen eiplilncA by Mr. Phdan, u H- Oamedoea set epatkEaiilUh. Ur.Pbalaa- weald place th* btlle and leU what Ib^ WViPUdo at IT Carma'a bUdtog, and tun ueoata ibicn tbey woolll go, ee If cndowiA with reeeon ud kKonodia. foUowtog the igo>: crooked ud eerpealtoe piUi, relnroliig Irom Ihe cnahlontal tb»B>ait naex- PMto4 angler, and finally .'Uaatog" In Ihe Boat enlnil^ thcway piacaa. He fiaallr dnw a UlUe rtrtto with aiai& In one urnrr of Ibo lebbi ud akiog dx tauai tiratk lhain oae alter tke elhw wllh woDdarlul qulrkniiea, tend log them flying, ctoialag aaah olhir toaTarydire:ilM7makiiiK 000 a bead a«ln to look altbaa. Allul toevallranloilM Ultle chalk drota, Bke mto to ahi^ e^ "odSll to thai CngbL **a'o'l*l <• vM.peaMloai Ibe game baa haea. Oa Wedaeeday ejeato'a, Jai Id, bath Rinllanea wan la oflldiletoapeolaglbeBinUrdleapK In rratkltoitteSllaa gtmecf Oflfl potato up, eana^ Ihe uteclatoBOut ucoodada Wllb eoBO Fruch Iknoy ebola byCtcme, '-v,^.,. A OaiHn Bixxiuo TAvaaaioiiT'iB Pao e piuri a a. —It to gev- cnUynodetatoodtbalUr.JebaO, Beenan, «ki hlilUeVer' rtrcd froin lagtond, le the bearerof a cbaBtnge ttom Mr. John Boberle, Ibe LBghab btUhcd obaaploa, to the oblef'proraaai* of the genteel u( on Ilia oenlbuaL If thia b Ibecue, we mar coagiaulato Ibe iMcrv ol tola nobto game .oa a prntptotlTS bilirtrtl icumament of ertuaJlleg totereal. Already arnaae- mcntobaTe.beeB frequuUy ailimpled to biU^ ebonl a UlaTof aUII between tbeoelebnied Cbamplea of eoelud and ibe equal- ly-well known bolder.ct tba obamptoniiue of Amerlcis bat lur ban alaaya proied ebotlnv It to no* toleeaoly cetlata, bo^ ' .ever, toatMcute. Bobeilend DIen, ol Canada—Ibe litter geu- Uemen being eduoaledged Ibe "alicnHotl" pteym to Ono- tdt—*1U meat aoae iluo to the eprlagor ine preubt.yeuta oontett Iheir clalaa f er the honar of Uiecbamplonablpet BrII- tInudUclilaodomliiana. Ur. Dion latlratdy matcnM vtih Decry for Ibe cbuopioaabip alier HcDerUi. 1( ibto to tke caae. Ibarcfon, *e may upeoi that alter Illon ud tin reaowaed Beery hare "got Ihrongk," Bobieto irlll pl.y Ibe «innei\ Ur. Bobett^ *boee aaiform nocereaa la Boglud ut Aualnlla baa latord htm to a higb pluaole of feae to the bUlud-playlog ud bllllird-lotlng acrid, bu, ve bellem. nerer bcu beeten to u enn gann Ibae cu ba little doobl. loo^ that at Ike Engitoti gaaa^ wblcb, u ear raal- cn ere awac% to play>d with: ihreo liiUa onin aad la which rnnatog toto the pocka u a teelUmatoieooie, be to wllhont u equL Htolaaone "epotelrokv wbloh ba bu meat- ad 3ia timea eonteeullTaly, to apeoially a fatinie ol bla gtmeud Ihe gieat objecl of bto adnrurr moat be lo VKreat Ua acoom- pUabmut thli feel by aortar the baUa to Jndlelona poeillenr. . We nndanltiid. UtI Mr. a O'Daaaor, Ma it Iba 'reBUaeatt- MaeolUr, Boberta^ halted an Hr. Pbelia a few diya alcoe, to aacartolo If Ur. Bloo-whom Ur, Phalu lepieauia-wu wil- llag to laaka a milch i^llb Bobettr. "Corlalnl;," wu tie leplyi balwebellareklKO'OoaBsr dM act leel autbcttoed to g» en ImmadUiely, II Ur. Bobecto wlibu lo try conemtione OB lUa aide of the big pand, be aUl no donbt be aconnmedaled aa aoon u bla agent leala dlapQ—< l to "ahaw oaoja," BouiBoa AT AiBur.—The BeaTorwyck bllllaid chib el Al- bany. H, T., opened Ibelr new nome on Ibe 131 nIL, wllh caa- Bldaribleectot Ibayen loceied to BeeTirrieatLend ooatala three liblea-twa ali pocket and oaa *ltb four pockelt, Th* atiandanae na anaHion^ ead eenral flee itmet were played. bB« Iboae betwecB Dudley Etnnagh ud UelTIa Foam fiMlad meat alleatloB. la a game oa the fcnr poikel toble KaTiuigh aaa^a a ran of ana bnndred ud fctlj.elgkt pMnto lunad too table. Foaler made a ran of on* bnadrcd ud twraiy.two oa the (wsred billK. la e gaae oa the eli pocket toble Poaier mala a ma of one handred ud aeruly two. iBaCiiBiaEmiUBD.—Ibaaeeond Iboneud to th* match of *'i J''^5!»"?,T<''"'' ?!>• *^*oeo Uuna. Dafloa, of Landea, ud Bmllb, af llrcrpeel, far ItM, ea aeconnt of the opening el wblob we gan toat week, wu ptoyed ta Ibe bllllaid roomt of lha Wublagun Betel, UfarptoL bif„ to tbo Biaitacaaf a laroa ii- eeabir. Afier a eoateel luttag Dre booia ud iblttarfira mla> niei, DnrtoB wae declared Ibe wtonir of toe miti^ bu aoot* elendlogSOOOtolheieMolbtoeppoaeat. Bnunna la Oaoaau.—Heent. O, Hovirdiot LailBgioa Ey, udq. A. Bctrtek, af Atluta, Oa,, rtcaaUy bad aooolmlla Augnata, at bllltordj, aoO potott ap, let 1251 a aldk wUab wu aaaUy woa by Ibe former. OrwiKo or UoOo-mu'e BiuiaaD 9iuoii.—On Ibe ZTtb ell., onr oriental frtrada were Irotied to a peep al ecreni of Ibo bllllaid Baguatce of Ible and olber clilia oo the oetaalon of Ihe opcabg eg Ei-Aldcrman UcCaDodfe Bank CoOM Hooie, WlOiud al reel, us billiard eelooo. For eoBC llae put worliBen bad beu bully en- gaged In buHtllog an eitcnioo lo tba Back for the purpoeo toor* o.Bod, ud wboD aH *u cnapleu end In order, ine Ehge of lb* £UI, or eonio otbcr pblloaopbcr, laucd canto of lodtiiloa to a eeli-oi number of friende, *bo *cn there ud then trailed to ei- blbliiooe of eklll with (be bdto ud euoiby Dudley Karua«b. Hdrle Fooler, Kd. ChhIII, Ilampbnya, CkpL Boyle, MoKeerer uit othen, tfirr which tbey porlook of a colUllct, tad all kudt bad a good llBo. • O'CoKnn re. HoSaanB.—HcDcTltt'e billiard uloon,ltt Stolh Arrniio, wu ibe aeene, oo Ibe 9«lh ult.,tir arary Ictoreetlax re- turn niatcli between Ibcec Hienllflo np town coolate, HcnrorSirk. O'CooDaranj Wm.UcEocrer. Tbo game, wbkb wu roratlakecd laoo, 000 buodred ud flitj polnto up, French ceroma, waa played upon a rour.mcket I'bclan and Colkodar table, and retulled In Iba trlnmph of kli;Soc7or by olghleen potato, after a conical of 9 boura cod 90 mlnutw duration, thereby retrieving Ibo laurcla leal to tba opening malcb. Oolb paiiln are no* "eqnan away," *hlcb wIM donbtlcaa bo the a Igoal for eoundlog ihu war cry egata. Seat, Drongb, )r, WllUam Uardvto, Bitot Bblpmu... W.E.Bo}aja,..- a0.Peuun ... Cbarlee Bildwto Total namber of gamu played, I& millam Btldwia brat BEifman, a Bildwbv V. IL Sagiii^ and 0. a Ftanoe, and wu buten by Bamnel Bn»ak Jr, Btmuel Broogb, Jr., beat Wa. Daldwto, W. B. Bcgorr, 0. a FearaoB and Obulu BeMwlB, ud wu bettea by ff. H. Hogen ud Ellea Bblpmu. ' Ellaa bhlpmaa but Bamnel nion^ W. H. Bogen aad 0. a Paarten, aad wu beitoa by Winiam Btldala. W. B. Ilosere beat Bamael Brangb, tad iru batlea tj Bblp- maa, Btonga aad Petnoa. a Peerton bael'Uoien, aad wu beaten by BhimntiL Brangb ud WUIIam BeldwiB. ^ Ohtitea Baldwto tut Bob*dy,aadvu detailed byViniam BaidwlH aad Btoogfe. ami Mat PHiiU Bml, gpia nraait 1771 lOblniau..'...■>•• IISI ff. BaMwto Iin a 0, Peaiwa, IMI ff-, H, Bngaia 0301 a Baldwta iti anmd Total Iminm, 'ff.Daidwta awia Siougb ; BIB ■, HblffBaa m aaPiatioa 1 811 ff.B.B*ieni >M|a Beldwto..,..,,. 118 ami loM ieraa, ff. Btldwto,,! , IM IB. Brangb ttt aaPeaiaoB IX |& Shlpmu _ iut ff.B.-Boaen....,...;. ... aj<|a BeMwte 81-8 aigheiTtoarUailigltgtmii ffUllam Baldwla,Mt Baaoel ntough. 80; BlMrBblpmu, Si Okatla* BaldHa. 98i ff; U, Bo«M,tl|0.artattoa,IX lha Onb lor the akaaploaahip of Notfalk ud Petbaaoalh wa* aolpleyed (or dating Ihe ToanauMal, bnt It to atUl bold ani u ta lade et m aal tm all tapMag taaltan to lha lao dtha to ooa- land for, Bdxuu* ATHnianu^ Pi.-i ■iieh atbmtoida auplay'ad' Ikna ea the Ulb all, balwcn Umm. Fiawley of aerdud 'and & Mltoqof IMaanllc 11 vupbayadta Ikawiaea tt< CANINE. Bia Doo Floor on Tn Tam-Poorouia na a'Csonai- mitT.~llie piellBlnulu bare baea atruged for a oaalaa dia- pule to lake place la Ibe "Uitncolli of Ihe ffeit" oa tba lath « Feb., lor a puiae el Jiooo^ bttwita Barry /aaatagf doa Bewlet aed a Oblcigode«,]ilbt, weight, which la atuaotlng mach ab, taalliaacaag uaadoirtra of niacky oaidcapidl 'Hitay daiUaua of making tou trip a malot lenrBiDulTlnd lEqn^flii" at to atole that he will fight UT uf Ibe fjUowTor Mtlbto; via,' ;!, 18,10.30, 31, 31,19,38 Or 3iIbA, wllb Ibe fuclai* at Boblo, Delroll, Obloagat OlooliiiU, lileTolud or SL Loult, to tike plica he'ore the lata afFah, er a few daya lharulter, merely allaatog aolBolaat time to retoa Iba dnllnalloa vbin the oaalrotony likM place. Hen to aa aicellaal ehanie lor thou of onr veetein. filandt «ha tn looklag for u opperluolly to'pit toair gama "pnrpe" agalnal Ibe oreu itook ol tbo eut, ud w Jcanlaga he* bererofon leoelnd earrral torllaUeaa lo take a trip out toak way, then la little deuM that bto pnpoilUona will meal wllk ftnr. IhefededrauofBaUngamalob nron Ihe condlUona atoted, ua aolldlcd ta lead a epeedy ueaer to Barry Janlagt, llPotltoedalreeliBoitoa. ffhat tiia raltiok MoOoiaMk, «t FetkapoUtt OABDninaai Ca aiau i ata T.—Oae of the priaolpal aliraeUaat aSared to Ibe epaitoof New DedAiid, Haea, dnilag lha bob- day*; via a sulne lucleie' len^ wblcb oaaa cS In lhal birgh oa Iht If t^ Bit' Tbo dliputo wu belweaa Jack BeartUp't black Ud white doiT Caaaoa, ol Uutoa, aod Oharlay Brack'a blickaad wbll* dog Barney, P' Taoatoo, flgbUag u lllbi, for Ibt aam ot •BW. Afwr a airnr."'! *l one kuui ud ihlcijolaa mtoato^ Ike Baitoa tepreaMiaUte iT** ballad Ibe rlclot. The effalr weuad BP la a BMl eajoyible m..Niair by a Jorlal duca wilb 8w*j laglauuot H?* BedfoH, ."Wok waa keptnp aa.J I dojl'gbtdld appear, and the Boatoalua ar-'iaaly lor acolber "go" wbaajrat Ikalr former cnierUtoera torlto Iben lo toy otndeilma again. A Oiwtaa laoitiaiio Pnoroamoi!—Ihtoaa Ootau.atfOi^ delpbla, toaletierdetodDir. sa»,eiJ*thtthebieadoffWdg- tog 84 lbs, which be wUbae to ratlab a;*lael ui «eg ol thoatm* BeUbtrnlramllOO to tlOO a tl-l«i *•»'»»*".V^^'SIiil •III attob at lOlbe,, a 181b. dog, a J71b. uda tIK »>:''"i^Sf SOIb. alnl lhal ha wintry themttolaf al that* •^S,"!"! uaa amounia. II ha cu fltd appoatule Ibeidw. Ha ejo bub AT lb. don Ibat ba will uilch fw fiam WM te 1810. dulfor IWOor I3C0 a elds Aay of lha abora oiB baaude at Ihe houu *lIhniat Oonur, ooner of 20miH Booth tliult,aehuy:klil,VB. TbaiboritotbaaamUdiBiiaBBw aflbeapliilaftam Jtmu, Doo Dsnna -A eulaa aaatmerty bjiweu 'J5»3'"HS "derga,"aae hiUiaglreB the Modera AVt^iVSLSStoTaB from raUBITar.toMpUoa it N«w ■»«'"«'Jf??!fi3!!fSS lb* 9tik nit, la toe prataaoa at a !>«(* *<»>^ H 'S^S^S Ih* loodiUu aaaud. Alice aatoeblog gTlSm. ttkly BtoaU^ iha BhIob aatoial n u praoliliaid lha wm. ■ Bii/TaTUTmffaam-AtRo.3< •» "•!S*^2!S,'!t ttft Ferry, la aaraelgkborlag ally of Bii >o>^,/J'/^Tr miSb1»> udJaauDawaui meapgidtalba ^^'i^S^ a, iMn^ aad aUiaitlatod lara. Iba oaaof Ih^ fimlaU oona'— a*nsHira.->b**Ultbtog ia'tk* W4 "■ggtii? S iff? aboat OMcBM Ittr laiaiSud M> >a*»WJ raaaw** Ohdilmaitliai.. «