New York Clipper (Jan 1866)

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THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. mmm AOEHOY O) lUE UNUKD BTiTEa ATOld eomitir muhioom oomoiu ua on»naiu dtr ttalb- ^u^Mosa ADD oTHn unous son an astob- TTHKD WX WILL ITDBHUB TO OEDEB, ±ia>v g n oEMnnn AsnoLEa ohit, SBWOOODB, "IBM BRAL BIHOII PUBE." n(k« nm i«moainuaBT OUT/: innr ntrasTATioHB jugt bioeivbd ibom odb aqdit nr FABIS AHD LOKDOy. THI ALBUlf DIABOUQTIE; TBI OBKATIBI ABHOLB xraa ucpOBim size niaHSB, ooNiAnis ti or SBB MOBZ VAMTABnO nOTDBES IBB WAOINAHOH CAM OOHOZITBi A SOABOE ABTIOU FBIOB-|«. IWO HEW BOOKS, IBEUBEDIOirei Ho. L-A OBBAI BOOK, "THE CODBI OF OBAELES O,' imi ■AND80HB IIXD8TBATI0N& tLU. Mo. L-A BIOH BOOK IA CBBrSOI LOVB PBAST), OOB- iSama ioob zxxba illubibaiionb. bdi it. mcs ILIB. aoo Olba Onln* Vorki of Aif. Sup a stamped emtelofbfob otib obioiha l mam - vote illdhibated oataioodil enumebatiila etbbi SjUnOU IK IBE IBADE THAI IS OENDIia OB IIOBIR BATDIO, AHD PIFR OIBEB ABnOLBS XBAX OABBOI BE BUFPLIKD Br OIBEB PABTIES. Wliola>laI>«i]a«iilUcouiilt thdronlsUnrtbxuad. titnronrPitcsLUt. Addc«u KOBPHT k 00, U el Hum itcMt, New XoiL s RATES. ' A. UAOHILLAB Ka M BBOADWAT, H. T., (Stuij oppoall* tbo nnh Ansa* HoU,) BBAHOH BTOBE AT FIFIH ATMDB^KArllla FOBS, i^/ Sol* Agtnt for lUOHILLAB'S HEW lOBK OLDB SEAISa, BUhawlUi BBASrB PAIEIIT FAfflEBINa ■ OrnlUiBlnpa. Solo igtai tat lb* HOPE PAHHT SEATL AIM! BiUTH'8 rma bostor skates, (HKOiUhB'irillUD,) HODiaoK'B mrauBB skates (Kwgillliii'i PaUtn). A OKHBBAL ASBOBIUBKr OF AUEBIOAM SKATES, BIBill ElUwrwUh tOOfl'S PATENT BUOELB OrwUA Conmioii Bnckle, SKATIHO BOOTS, of lha Ltlat Bt)]«. BXATWa QLOyia for LADIES uti OEJTaSISJSK aoasn, skate baob, *c, ac, ta BEPAIBOra AND BHABPENINa DODB. Bead for PtiM Ujt, vllh CiU. MMa* wan I • ~ Bioati ' aiontii Jut utlTtd from Piili^ l*c« umttBont of FBEROH VIEWS, BTBBB0800PIO mWB, kD nbjacu, |LW to t( par Aoian. WeroHopla Obirmi lal Ptau: ouUao <o otnta tot one, mtlft douo. BIo(ib II i f 1 pndotn. Kiili«i,tl,iSudl9,orll8,tUn4 iMv«td0M9, Pan HoUcn, (ti til par doun. Paul ul Gold. o> othei Oliinu, Plm^ alo., |« to Hi lloioBMpatdonn. Tnultarm- tiff ud Hmlat Ptctua*. tig, ata Eaolota nrioo tod annlope iUhtddiaaito A.I)nB08q,No.lMBRitdin7,R.T. nVB BIAS BPAMaLED BAin(KB.-A nor ud ipttkUai JL KobIUt Pipar. Oal/ tO c«aU • jar. Olnb* «f Ua, |1 ntauat Im. Addnat n4l» BARIIEB, RloidiU; H. a. ^9bOCB hew CAIALOOVB. WE SELL U (Pnli) OOLOBEO PI0IDBB9 for S> ceal i, SAME laiHO (FUo), H eanU. M9- le PBOTOanAPBB (Blcbl, 10 oanta. BV U BDUT BONaa riU aaw), 50 otata, BVaO BOHOB (iU diflanal), W ~ N BOSOS OABT BB BEAT, 11.00. ar I tmr books u<ut mi) atai i ftaedorMaanlaeicli r anaOBOBOOPIO BIHOS (ha- CT),UJIl», ILM. ar All IM abOTo daUTcnd FBEE oanettplofpilea. a^HE W OATAL OODB ud VBKnT PIOIDBB by iaodlng BUmpad and addnaiad gnvalopa to Sr B. H. DAVIS k 00. rr Haou itnal, 87-tf ' NawIorkOllT. (ESIABUSBED IN UM) OWABD U. GRAVE S, MiBTHtotntM and katpi ooaataatlj oa band tt uit tbo at tad Btat atock of MAfcggn OABDS, VABO BOXES, OBEOES, LAT 0UI8, KBNO Bsrrs, ADVANTAOE Dioa ud All Ibt tilklaa iiaadbj BpoitlDg Haa to WIN mib, la laa Onitad BlttaCi All la mat of tUt olua of goodi an laTltad to call and aea bia liook, or Olnnkia and Bampla Bbotia will ba ■aatPBBBonapplloauoa. Addraw OS aad or Haaaaa alraat, n-tt Maw York Otij, AFBTT LAUP.-nO BUOKB, NO OHIKHEI.-Pott■bl^ aol daai«n»a. FlMtroaianell,udb>aallibeadTmlaD<«of gia, wllhOBt tba eipanu. A grant UQBT, all far apenar for alz noon Sand for fall daaortpttoa. For aala, whoionla and ralalLbribo UO-BO-IMB FIDID AND LAMP OOHPARE, No. II Gold aliael. in-liB« XITBSTBH BPOBma HER are rcqalnd to caO 01 MASON a W HBIZOBB (lata J. T, Ootdng * (la), IM Daarbora airoat, Obk^g^OL, tadanmlaa tbalr atoch of lujlag Oarti ud Sport- ''aViblalalbaONLThonaalatbaWaatwUohkaawitliavaata, oroaanppljthaaitlclaaBaadbjtluapoMlaibttafalljr, Batti* tetltagnaiutaad. mv VBAURQ OABDB, oat Cor any gaoo and la any jnuaar dA ^ dre^by M4B0N t HBIZ(IBB(lataf,T. Cniting k Oo.), igo,Sl 0-TliUlaUiaOMLI hoaaalatbaWaatlbal au of work, 17 « • "nri WANT TBI ADDBESS ot.anry SPOBTUO BAN la thi W Witlila whom wawOl aand oarOlronlan of noda ouofiOi tondaadaoldhyaa, AddKaa^wUbatampkMASOHkMErzoEB (tota J. T, OatUng k Oo.). Oilc^, O. l7-«t» UUBO OBBOUk la aau of eoO-MO white, 100 rad, 100 bloa- J?wtUiennnudapUtL(atg»|TS, To be bad only ef Ua- BOH kMWZffEB (lata J. T. qajgngk Oo.), Cblcago. Ul, n-4t« DHAUHa.BOXta, tU Uada aadpiloin, madaaadtls aleto KAION k MBTBIBB (kt« /. T, bnUig fc Oc), Oblaco, 01 dhfrr WIUibDAfaBaelotOMFABOOHEaEBol mason k |P|OMWZOEB(laU/,T.gBtUagkOo.),OtlanO|Ili. »« XfUBO LATDOntbaaiktHdamada^alwanoBkaadat J k METEOBB'B QaU f.T.OBtUng k OoS), aSHat, Ii MABOH III.* aSda , , OASH wtll be giTaa by lha UBBBnilN'B MOH TB. LF ITforlbebartOBIoptAL PozZLni Tbli la a tfni wewlabioaienttpntllaaotSBrlnllaaBarll to UM)alO(lila1ty.ot MB&BTMAN. OonpaUtloa onan la an,<aaill le diolde. >all paitlanltn la Juaaiwaambar, nadratallaawadaatanilOoeolai GraubMtlMairibitlonaTeri mnttu OBPHBUB 0.nBBwillat<br HBBBTtfAH. SLMa yaar,|diftnBtaainplaa,ponpal<, tOoaata. (74IP. BAHIRkOO„10«naanai,H.T. on S ^ J J [iHHDID PIOTDBBB OF^B fonoE YtonoB, loofot ^ elt. I wia laad 101 BPLBBDID ■r talAU BBADIua, Ikaytnlataaiiiaallfl, ^JMm J.TAnOB,HaLlHldai;ogai' jrWi* IlIbMiM,balowr - lObM IM, balow Mh, FbliadaUhli, k.' k k i i i H 0 L I D A I P B R 8 ■ H T B . OBEAT BALE or WATOBBV, OHAINa, SIAKORD BIRaS, Bia, ONE MILLTON DOLLABB' WOBTH Toballipoaadotal ONE DOLLAB XAOEI WlUiontragud toTalnel Hot to ba paid for nnUI yoa know what yon ara to reealra I BPLBRDIO LIST OF ABTIOLESI All to be iold at One OoDir Emb I 800 Haaltal Boxaa |io tollOO eaoh IM Mailoal Bona, wlUi Bella tod Caallnata,. MO to 500 eiob eOO Barer Teapolaud Coffaa Dina M lo 50 aaok 500 Bimr Ohaflsg Olibea Mto lOO etch 1000 llUnr lea Ptioheia n l> 50 (nob SWO surer 8|mp Cnpi wtib Balian 90 lo 50 eaeb 6000 BUrar eoblata ud Drliklng Cina 1 to 50 iiob NCO snTeraiuton lo lo 50 aacb XOO Frail, Oird and Caa BukaU M le 50 taol 6000 Doaan snrtr In Spoona 10 to to tarn 10000SoaaaBilnrIibigSpoonaudFoika.... Mto Mdoa 150 Oenta' Gold HnoUog Oaaa Walahee 50 to 150 eaoh WO ladlta' Gold and Biaoaled Hnndni Caae Watchaa B« to TO aaek 500 Oaala' flnnling Oiia SUrer Watobai 85 lo 70 900 Diamond BIngi 50 lo 100 5000 Gold Teal udNetk Obilaa 4 to M eicb 5000 Gold Oral Band Bncelela < lo ' B eich 5000 M ud Gold Bnctleta 0 to 10 eacb MOO Ohatdtloe Obtlia ud Gnird Cbalna 5 to 10 aaok 7000 BoUUlie ud Oold Btoookn < to 10 eaih 5000 OoraL Opil ud Emerald Brooobea i to 8 eacb 5(00 Uoalu, Jet, Lari ud Ploiullne Ear Dnpa (lo B tioh 7600 Oonl, Opal, ud Eomld Ear Dropa 4 to t taoh 40OO Callforala DUmond Bitut Plna 9 50 to 10 StM Gold rob ud Veal Wattb Eaya 153 to 6 iOOO Fob ud Veil BibbonBlidia 8 to 10 taoh laOOBOaSoUlalreSteeTe Bailout Stndr, etc.. 8 lo S eaoh 8000 Gold XUmbleaL Podia, eie 4 lo . e aaob IKMO MiDlalaia Lockata 150 io 10 each 40a0MlnlalnieLockaU, HiploBprlng 10 to 90 8000 Gold Toolbniok, Onaaee, eio 9 lo 8 lach (000 Plata Gold Btnga 4 lo 10 (OOO Obucd Oold Buga 4lo II etch 10000 Btena Bet and Bignet nUiga UO lo 10 each lOOOO California Slioond Blogi 1 lo 10 etch TMO Beta Ltdlet' JiwabT—Jet and Uold 5 lo IB each (000 8ela Ladle*' Jewelry—Cameo, Pearl, Opal ud other Blonei 4 to IB eaeb 10000 Gold Pent, Sllrer Bilanalon Iloldera ud PeneOa 4 to 10 Hdi ICOOO GoldPraaudOoIdUonntadHoldera... 0 to 10 eacb 60O0 Oold Peoaud Gold BiluiloB Hcldere... 15 lo 15 eub 5000 Lallea' Gilland Jel Boeklea 5U U each 1000 Ladlea* OUt and Jel Bair Dart ud Bella.. 0 lo 10 each ABBAHDAIE k CO,, Munbctoreit' Agenla, Ho. 107 Broadway, Rew leak annonaoe that aD of the abore Hal of goeda wDl be aold for ONE DOLLAR kACif. In coaecqnuoe of the gteat atagatUoo of tiada In the auan- (eebnlBg aletrlda of Baglud, tbiongb the war hartng cnl off theaapniyorcoltoo, alarge qrnuUtyof Valuable Jewelry, ori- glaally loluded for the Bngilah maikel, baa beea aent off lor atle la thla conntiT, and MUBI BB BOLD AT ART BAOBIFIOEI Under theaa'clnnmalanoea, ABBAHDALE k CO., aeUag aa agula for the prinolpil Zaropatn mianfiolnttri, hire readred npon a GBIAT GIFT APPOBTIOHKBRT, to be dMdad aeeoiding to the fbDowIng regnlaUent: OartUloalea of the rarlona arbelee are pnllnlo earelopta ladle- orlmlaaiely, aealad ap, ud wbeo orderrd, are takea (pt wllhoat regard la enolce, ud nnt by mall, Ibna ahowing no ftrorlUiai Oa receipt of the cerilBeate yon lee what yon tre lo bare, aad Ihea II la at yonr option to tend the dollar and take the article or not Pombtaera oity thua obiila a Gold Vetch, Dtemond Blag, or uy aal of Jaweltyon 6m Utt for Oae Dollar, 8ERD U OENn FOB OEDIIFIOAIK la all IruaacHona by mall we eball chuge for forwarding tbe oertlBcala*. puloi poat^e ud dotog Ibe bodgear, 20 ceata each, which Baal aa eackted >htn the CeMlcale la arat tor. Fire Oerlldutea *U1 be aeal foe |1, denn lor 19, thlity Ibr to. alrty-tre for tlO, oae haadr ed for t in, WHAT THE PBES8 SATS OF US- A Hionnain Binnraiti.—The attention of the reader It directed lo the attractlre adrariteanut of Heanf. Amndale A Co., fonnd la 111 appropriate coloain- Theee gaatlenu are Ike Amartaaa aguia for BrIUah mianHictnnig Jewelrrr. A belter f elroted, more railed or feablonahle aiiorfment ol Jewelry cen- net be lonnd oa the Oontlnenl tbu Amndale k Oo. are now of- fezlog. la oosaeqnuca of the complete atagnallon In the Enro- pau market, coaacqoent npon the war ud Ibe cnitdng od of Ibe eotloa anpply, the BrIUab munlactnrrra bareeijlppad Immenae qouUtlae of Jewelry lo Maaan. Anudtla k Co., u Afflerlcu Sate, with laatrooilona to aell the aana at uy uoldoe, that yaityrealitelnunedlalaiehina. Amailean enlerprlae Barer goea baawarda, ud Anudale k Oo., with Ibe oleir ooaoepUon of aceompUahtd bnaloaaa man, tilt apoa a pUa al oace aoral aad effeotlTa. Car limited epec* vDI not permli ae to gire Ibe vien to ran. Iml mlanle datalu will be foemd In tliair affiMtlieineeii Wo wtll elmply add that kleaaia, Arrendala k Co. ooonpy ■ blgS poeUloa la coouneiolal cirelaau men uttiely abore the oommon rlekei* of tnde. Zbeir daUmenla may be loplldlly relied npon. Both aa lo the chtreoler of tbalr gooda ud Ina manner of dbpoaal—ladlai aapeclilly. In all piru or the oonnlry,are realla- loghudaome proflta u aguu, and If uyof oar falrreadera- deelie to Intareel Iheouelree In Ibe entelprle^ they may do eo rrith^jwrfad conlMence.-Iaybydle (/id.) Mfy OtnOr, ManS GiiiT Girr DnnmaoR.—A rare opportaally li oflared for obtalalag watcbea, chalna, diamond rlnge, allnr nn, etc, by Heao*. Amndale k Co., al Ho. 107 Broadway. Ikay bare en ' alock cfarlldie, raiylog la Table, ud an eUtnd at |l BOOKS BI THE MnuOff I FOB TBB mLUORI AT PBICE8 THAI CANNOT FAIL TO OIVZ BATIBFAtmWI 10 BVEBT BDVin. J. H. FABBkLlt Ho. 15 AHN BTBEET. (ORB or TAB OLDIWr BSTABLISBkUMN U THE OUT V .V , OrKEW*OB£)~ baa the largeat ud beet aaiortsual of Bookie ud erery aiUole anally anpplied by the mda. Any aetlda ihit cu be obtained la uy alon la the Vailed Sulea can be oblahied al No. 15 Aas atreet Doa'l ikll to oaO aad eumloe lha iiook, aa It caoprlaea eruTthIng la the aportlng line. Oatalognee gltlng Ibe fnllnl petticnlan u to alyla of Booka aad pncei (unlahed on appUca- Uoa. Deilera ahonM gire mo a calL aa t em TBB LABGEBI PDSUBHIlSOr TBESE BOOKS, tc. _ IR IBE ORIOH. Tboaeabeal to oonuncnoe baalneaa cu obUla eroy labrma. Uoa by ipplylag pinonally or by latter. OiU or addreea J- a. FABBELL, te-lf No, Ii Abb atitel, near Braedway. THE COMPLEXION AND . ' EorroB Oloteb: Liar Sir: With your permlialon, J vbh to mj to tbe roAdcn of your paper tbot I wUl acod b; relum mall, to all who wbh it (free) a reolpa wllh AiU dlreollona for maUog ond uidog B ihnplo Vegetable Balm, that will re- movo In ten dsya Phnploe, OIolcbeB, Tan, Frecklaa^ and all Impurilloa oi the SIdn, leaving the aame eoft, olear, Bmooth, and beiutlAiL I will alu mall free to thooe htvlog Bald Hesdt or Bare Faces, ilmple dltccUoni and inTonnallon that will enable them to atart a hill growth of Lnznrlant Halt, WhUken, or a Uouolaobel In leu than thirty dayi, TbeaeTecIpoe are valntble toi both old and young, tod aa they tie mailed to all who aeed them free of oharge, th^ are worthy the attention of til who prlia a olear, pure SUa, or a healthy growth of hair. All appUotUona tnawered by reluin mall wllhoat charge. Beapectftilly youn, THOS. F. CHAPUAN, SS-tr Chemlat and Perflunir, 831 Broadway, N. T, s KATES FOB TEE UILLIONI The dlatrlbnUon le rery fairly dcaie—yon agree to lake a oartUoaleotacertain article,eDdoaed la u unlope^ nd an not reqolnd lo pay yonr delur anlaaa yon an aaHalad wtlh the artld^wblob wDl onialaly be wertta moio than thalamonat, ud may be too or tlOO. AnooalleDlnuda ihlaof inreaUna a doIUr.-dad<pnaMhiV.y,(W|r,iU I»,18((. " Meaara, Amndale k Oo. hare long been partonally known to na, ud we bellere them lo be arsy way worihy of poMla ccaO- dance,->V. T. SeMUk Jmtrim Jtmut, /na U, ItM. Smoimtr na Lisn—Tba moat eUglUeaod prcAlabla onplojmeal we hare heard ol for ladlea la Ibe tale of oertUUatw for the Great GUI Dlatilbntloa of Anudale k Co. A lady of our ecqnilntaMia hu beu reiy anccaaefnl la Ihleway, not only In tiling berown poree, Imt alao m doing a good tnra to Iboee lo whom ehe eold the Oartlteat«*,uwlirbaaem In onradrertlt- lng eohimoa. (}enUeman cu alao be thna engaged—JV. F. Sy»- d«yjremny,.dtV,14,iea). The Brittik tnig, of Xlngalon, 0;W., eaya, Hor, loth, 1864: 'One of oor lady enbecilben bactme u agaal tor Arrandtle k Co., ud by rtqaaal l>ronahl acne twaatr artlelH a«l u prtiea for baragucy to thlaoOloefor leepecllon, ud wllhoni beatti- Hon we cu etale tbil eacb ud all of the anulea wan worth b*- ble the amonnl of ooit to the ledpluli, ud (ome of tbem alz Uaei. AQENTB.-We want agenla hi erery regiment, ud la trar* town and Qonaty In the oenntry, end thoee acting aa each will Iw allowed 10 otnta on erery oaillOcata ordered br them, pnrlded thettr remltluce amonntato |li alao other Indncamenia wbleh caa be learned on applleallon. Agmla will coUed 95 eenia for erery OarlUcale, ud remit U cenle lo na allher In aaah or pont- age attmpa. ABBAHDALE k CO., 88-11* 107 Broadway, New lofk. DEPOI FOB '<L0VATr8" PATBiT BKATEB, Witkont Sirapa. HOST SIMPLE AHD DDBABLE . . BKATE m THE UABSET, Alio: HEW TOBK OLDB BKATE8, WIlherWlthoolBlrapv A laa aiaorlmeat of all deaUable alylee of BagUab aad Amaal. ou Bkalee, fbr Ladlee, Gullemu, lUaaeak loilha and OhUdfaa Only Depot {or "Wlaana'" Patent Foet BhUda. Wboltaala and ralaU. ALFBBD WOODBAt^ Spoctamena' Depot, 434 Bifadway, . Balwem Qaaal and Howa rd ateeeila. Hew Tork. Btotea Orottad u(| 309 EMPORIUM. IBDB ^ « wim"™ PATBOHa GOOD PaITB a SIBPATOB GEBBIIT U. BTAHS A 00.', NEW YOnS POUWABDIRt AOENOT, Ra MLIberty atreel, Rew Tork aiy. SERD FOB ODB CATALOGDE-FOBWAfiDED OBAm We hare oa bud, ud wtn forward al lha ahorteat noUoe, all are alee need by LRlgUUBi THBIIAir OF TASTl, THE LABOBT AHD HOST VABBB AS80BTMBIIT IN TBI Om AT IBB VKBT LOWEST IBIOEB, !»■ BOOKS I BOOKS I BOORfll « TOE HBWE8I AHD GAIBIT OCT I THBBE REW BONG BOOKS, (Og. lAOBl THE TBBKI FOB tl BnBBHb GOODS OFTHB BEST QITAUn Pocket Albnai, PIrterta, Btereoeceplo Vfewi; Oiftoe da Tint Mlomecooio Enlree, Wtlch (Aama, Flna^ - TooaoooT* ~ ■ TBB SPOBURG MAR, IHEItaM OF I Enlree, Wtlch (Aama, Flna^ Ojgar OOO Boie^ Flager Bliaa^ Pofia lu» nalea. Match Bexee, to, ka BODLBRB WEEBU, r ABO BOXES AND TOOLS, TBXiainn BBBABig, DIO^ PB0P8, DIOB-IOPB, FABO OHBOUt - OABD BAOXB, PBIBJE8, POtBB OBOS^ ud ; BVBBIEIHD OF lOOLOBOABD tBBDBIBPOBTaia Mlk We claim to lay ertr araiy aatabUahBaal la lha raloa la ot great apacJahT of . mr wAWKinn oAMxm i jm The tneat raitatr, aeweal atylea and aeated flnlah. Bampt ibaeta ud prire Uaia fhrwaided FUBB to any addrata a-OABDB ODI CO WO) Al BVBBT GAMB OP OHAROl •V tPOBTIRa MER, BOTtbXTB GOODt OF A SPOBIOia IU> ud nn win b« dealt with " ON TBB SgDABB." . WE OAB IHABLl XOU !• WOf AT XTBBT OAHI, We larlU playen to tend ter ear drealan and price llala be fon baling laelrcardeiad loola fnthe coBing taitaa,taaa goeda an aol call (or BALE bat far UbK KBHOB'B IRDIAR OLDBSi alao^ BOXIKO GLOTia Goodt t* lha tmonal ef JB ud iipwwda aul by eiprea. - . PATABLB ON SEUVBBT. Bud roar addraaa. aad yon wtO reealra oat 'baadaosie au oomplelaCalalognaFBEB OF KXPKN8B. AuleUen aaawand, aad aO ordara Ailed ImmadlaUlf oa thai recdpt, Addreaa OBBBUT M. EVABS kflO., M-tf , Ra.9tLfl>artyitnat,HewIotkOU|. pHBLAR'i IMFB07BD BILLIABD XABt ARD mHBIRAIIOR ODBHIORB. Tbaae BUUard XtbUa hare leoolrad the nntnaUBed au, be beat playen ud noet compelal Jndgea. who ban u ^jr^l^Boiuced tkam aneqnallad lor gtaanl tfffl wife aad derea diallad palaala ibr improramaaUlai BtBiad labia Maa twea giulod 10 na by the Ihdttd Bitlea Paicaioaaik aad waim lately obiuned a pateut from Ike frenob Gomsiaa (B eai kai proramuu lo bllllaid caihloui, ____ .» w We employ, la lha conrtnctlon of oor laldatL a nrMr alBk chlnaaaMdiUymtdaforlh-puKw^ by which maaaiitanMe abled loluana actcntuc ud maSulal aonBakUI* n taown la billiard munactrreb ■>~<«^ ."^^ beatandmoalthoniigh^Baaaoacdmatulil^we ueBreBliid ■ hrnkhareiTtklnj recalled In thabOUtrd hnawUkanpiMtitBM ^ "Raw Toai, Id AunL linl ' •OBthaanorieartngaeOalladBlalea, lamharaylgdeSM to in imaiean of MDlarda tha^ after a imi oidma bSSC Ibrongh the prlndpel citloe, I hare bees enabled to nidge la a lali tatlctonrniaiuur af theanpenotsof the BUUard Aulei aMa» ndaredbyPheluk OoUeaider. TIae aynem of naan/Man It aa nperlor, thai I aa aappy u lOlrMnee tadr tiyt* o< eaihtta Inu riasca, Ihay hireuallad totbdrauabelnnof Aaurioia BUllaid TaMea uiat oiiaa nenohiahlaa, ofremaiaaola a—" aodbeaaiy, rorlheeereaacnalamhappytaaiakathladeokuitMa "BBBaEB,OLADDID8LPnAaaorof BOlittd^ Par£^' fartlee erdavlng ma na win find onr prioea aa low aa iocd wwB °*?'^'>lf l>"°*^'<''' WaaeOdnlKlaaaarUilaaataalrn' aadwIU net maka as Inferior article at any pitce. Urdanby auUcaiefgjy aad promr' Oalalognea end Piloa Llala east a Jeniaal nbUdua la the mieieel.. .„u«u,^ an. mmim laUa of atlneTdilea, a ooolonareoord ot bUllaid nawa^ aad IhlaabrtareaUailoiBtlannafbmiarda,easttteaonf " FBELAR k OOUBBDl I promptly uaonttd. IDsAlMt n maU. '^aa BiuuaD Out^" m\ of billiard^ ud eeilalalH da* eoord ot bUllaid aawa^ aad tmi> , ABl 194 aad TM^balgn ilgamerr dnefSiaFnuiieS M ^aMUMiat, VOV OAR OBI "THOSB BOOKS" by ntO "0, K.," or by X eipraeL-0.0,0,," or el No. 90 Asa atreet. New lorh. Bead year addreaa on t alanpad u re lop for a Oalalogne, t4.«ni* Oallhlaoil, 0. BLANOBABO, PnbUahat, k 4 k h b d « d 4 OED, "FOP OOBB THE WKABBliI t I"-A11 ha'nda •oond 11 A Pack of TBARBPABENT OABiM lor II tO, A BnDy Boya* Bong Book fbr (0 cmla. A "Saaptlah" Blnir Book lor it cania, A dotu lordj Phonmpha, tl.liO, A Ptok of Marked Oardt, tl-tO. Aad 111 - A Vhackjag, WoUlcklag; WIdlckniima Olrcnlar for BIX. JNO.' BDBRB, »U- 70 Haaiaa tueel. Hew Vork. ' MIOBOaoOPIO OHABM PBOnxiBAPaS of GEN. LBB, aon Ufe^ takea la Richmond. Boeloaa 00 centa lo F. LEGBAHD,» John alreat, Rew Toik. Oird LOnaeaaea 9i ceiia. 3*-8ffl* QBE 8ETII0UB, brihe BiUot Wa Bareoga.Kc. Female Life In New Tork, a9*44 Vt eunrlna, iOe. The Beta. Freedi Girl, Uhiatnied, Ito. 7LAHBEBT MOOBB fc _ , UfU Freech Girl, Uhiatnied, Ito. 1^ 00., 305 Ar& etreet, PbOaddpUa, Pa. It WHIBKEBS AND MmTAOHBS FOBCKD TO OBOW DPOR IBE BHOOIBSSr FACB In from IHBBB TO FIVE WEIXS by nalag DR. SEVIGMB'B BESTADBATBDB OAnLLAIBBL THB MOBT WOHDEBFPL DIB 9. COVEBIIN MODBBR SOIEROB, acting npoB the Beard ud Hair la u almoat mljecnloaa maaner. Iitau been need t7 the eUla of Paria ud London wllh the inoal atllerlig ncceai. Namea of aU pnrchtamwUl bo ^talend, aad II aadn aatlaftcUon la not glru la eriij laataan^ the moaey will be eheecfnlly ninndad. Price by maU, aaalcd ud poalpald, IL DaaoripUre oinnlan end teatlniooiala mailed Aea. Addrtaa BEBGEB, bHDLTZ k 00., Cbemlata, P, 0. Drawer U, Iroy, H. T,, K-Ut* - Bole A|uto for lha 0.8. OIIOEI ROTIOEII HOnOBIII H0TI8EIIII BOIlaBltll _ Aay Miaaa eeadlag aa OOe., with a atampedeDTtlcpa bear- log lhalrtddraaa, will raeein ' to- U ■«» OF THE HOST BPLEHSID PIOIDBES ■reraeula tbiaoonntry, Thayan bfcanftoaa Uia. Jnatlm* ported and raiT cheap. VINUAOB A CO., Importer*, '* Bhlrtoy VlUage,-- GAME FOWLS FOB BALB.-I hare for aale aome of the beat Gaoie Fowlala Ihlaoreoy othwconatmbced bymyialf aiprepaly for Ibe pit I bare -Imparled fowu aeat me nam Eorope erery jeer by a bnlher liring then, who ededa aie Ihe beet (hit cu be fonad In that ooonliy. 11.141* JAMBS DZWnr, BImIn, N. T. LOOK' GOT FOB THBJUATOBLMB-lAN. gPLBRDID jei7iiLUT! WAIOHEB, DIAUONOB, kO. FOB THE HOLIDATBI THE nODBE OF BOBARQDBT, OUUDD k CO., PABI8, Han lha plataon of aanonndog.lbtl Ihey hare opened an AGBHOT IN IBB OUT OP HEW TORE, for the taleot their WIDELT-ENOWR JBWALBT, WAICHES, kO., And for Ihe pnrpoae of rnaUog Iheir gooda aa aiUnalraly knows and appredatad In the Uallad filaiae ea Ihey aow tre, ud hare beea m erar 70 yetra, in Bonne, Ihey hare determined on a plu by whiab peer ud rich aUia nay bare Ibe adrutage ol htir apleadld alflea. Aa a piaUnUaarr, they wonld remark thai lhay munlkctnn ud aell RU IMITATION JEWELBI OB WATCHES, Bat ALL ABB WABBAHTED GOLD OP IBE F1HBBI WUBXHAHBBIP. Onr onaiomen wm alao bare Ibe great adrulage of a oeailul tncceaaloa of NEW aad BEOBBBOUB atylia ud pattema wtlii which we aball keep ou Rew Yotk Agucy enppUedT We hare adopted the plu of lal^ aow ao popular, o< ohtrtlaa analfonaprtocudthlaprlcewlUlnrarlablybo ti FOB EtOa ABTIOLB, Ho matter how ooally It may be, Tbe eipeseet of condaallag oorHewTorkAgueyanpaldbylheaa^eol OeilUealcaorOoa. pona repnaeatlsg Ibe nrlona artldea. Ibeee OertlSeatn an aold al A ceoU eacb, or tre lor ta, ud each'Oeitldcale wUl ahow Ihe holder the parllcniar anlde be or aha la ullUed to, oo par. miat of w addilloaal tX If ibe ailide aamad oa Iho OaitlB. ealelanotdeilrrd, Ihe bolder wm oblige na, when be ratorae lhaOertUcata,byalallag wh«to<her article of Ihe eune rahia be or aha may pnfer. ud It wlU be tut wlUi pleaaor*. ODB AIM IB TO PLJtAB^ ABderarymeualolhatudwUlbeeieriad. Weaellcll a trial mm orarr oae who reada Uila aellce, u wo ate conldant of glrlBg tbe ntauat aadabouon. THB BIOOX 00HPBI8I8 Aacagat ether arlhilee, Mlendld Cloche, Gold and snrer Witchee, Bloga eat with Diamonda, Bablee, Pearia, Otiaet ud other Bleaea, (aoUUIn aad la Oloatani, UOIae' ael* of Jewelry, eomprlilag Pine aad Ear riaga of the meal f ithleaaUe Idylee, eel la Preaioae Sloaea of arsr nrlaly, togatber wtlh a ugeaaaonaralotGOId ud BiaaiaUid ud Paul BetaiOeld BtadaudBlaaraBallaneof tkemeal teantUal paUena, Oaala' Boaesi' ud Boirf Flat, ud aa aadleat rarlab ot Biteeiek, Ohauia, Mndeal Boiaa, Bead Dieeaea, Oonbe, Obarmih ao, la aaaeaayotonrpttnmianael la «ul ol Artlalea ot Jewehyi ndwanid preftr Sdrerwai*, we will eead, lea ART OBBIUI, OATE retnraad to na^ a riahly ugrartd BET OF OABTBBS OB BDTTBB DIBR, BeaatttbDy cbtaed ud plated. AQBRTB ABB WARTED.. \' la ereiT part of the Dnllal Blaleaaad Pmrlaa«ud lo^lQ tnah reiT ubetal ladoeamanla wUl be oBtied, ud^ on ippU» UoattmelAredaRntwUlbatorinidad. Wa'iMar'DOBei nl la PoetOfleeOrdoa whan lhay eaa pe oMalaed, at by Bank haAlaoef oidan' Addiatt'all eiden-to eat AgBioy,whkk wuibaooatattedbp' ' • ■ '"^' tusBBS, JAQOtr, nmuRo a oo„ 181 Broadway, Itlte Rawlort, ATIVE- AHTLBILLOUB-LtlOOHO- nva - BTDBAOUO - aOMCEPA- luia-EOiERririo t0-EOMIOK FOIOaBAPFB. •«» IlTLBBi Wallloa for the Wagoai Doa'l be Bade, Jen; Dry 'Jooda an npi What aiejoa looking at, Poppyf The Houaa HnnI; Got a Bile; Toe Boeaof IheBtUeli <V»1| Etayorer the Slonee; A Very Blah Wind; Bee. log tbe Blaphuf, Dp She Ooat: Com^ Sir; lidng bp; Ba'a Coming; Good Bye; Dnder Fall B*U; Ice Oream: Canghl Ooti Feeling Ber Dlgoliy, etc Ibeae ctrda an poiltin "BntiOB Buelen." - Price, plain, 13 pat doten, poelaae irae. OOLOBBD IN OIL, 19.10 per draen. 10 GOOD LOOH- IHOrOLAIiS.ONBEnBATUbOWIdNI Addreu JAB. OLBHENT, PoblUber, 84 John at.. R. T. N, B.—DIaaoanttolbeliade. OO-lf TBB LOOROEB, eeatalalag orar (0 SaerelA noaeraoa Jekel, Willy Baytaga, ka, will be lent bee on leodpi of fln centa, Addreaa Box tOtfP, a, Rew York. 8dl8i* WOHDEaFUIiV BiaAHOE^_ W MADAME M. bTpEBBBOAULT. Who bu aaloalabad Ihe aoienUto claaica of Pirla ud London, haa now permaneally locaUd hinaU al Albany, R. T. Madame PCBBEGADLT, by Uie aid ot bar wondrrinl tautraiaent, known ee Ihe Eonacope, gaannteea to prodnte a Uftllke pleinn of the fnton hnibud or wUB ot tbe ptlnn, tcgeUiar with Ihe dale of marriage, leading (raltaof,tbaraeUr,o(«ii«Uoii,eto, Tblalano kambng, u tbonaaada of (aeUmonlala cui eann She wlO eud, wheadaaired, a written'gnarutee Ibit the piptnn It whtlU pnrpoite lo be. By aiailag age, bdihl, oompleUoii, color ot ayet ud hair, ud tncloalag (0 cenu ud tttmped urelope, addreaied to yonmlf, yoa wUl reccire Ibe plotare by retara Mail, tdlreaa MADAME IL n. FEBBBGAULT, SS-Ill* p. O.Dn*er90J, Albany, H.T. TO BEAOTIFT THB OOMFLEZIOH, ^ Uie "8BDLIB' WRIIB UQIIll) EHAMn,." Ibe "B). amal" wlU nmora tbe wont catea of Tan, Fraeklec Plaplee, Motb Ptichet, or Bnnbnra, la from Ibor to da daya, U wbllaaa the akta peniuntlT, ud Imparta a (tefhaeu aad liaatBanaey to the oompleiloa which la perfecUy ailonl. eat wllhaal Ipjary lotheakla. Re toilet to eomplela wllhent It, Mot by mail aealad aad pott paid, 00 oaale. Addnaa - , tune 0.9, 8HVLT8,585 BIrap at, Tto^, R. T. OBIBBAGB .EPABD& a Uiie awitDeal.aad at all piligta, tat cecelndbyMABOR klScrzaEB(UlaJ.I.(WUafJbde. Ohioigo, ni. . ts-x* 9 9 lT TfOI or TdO OAR.-tV 0* nodpl ot wID teed IM apieodld picinraa of Ftoato Baaauaa. 40 ef Ihe Foaaloi Sou t^ aad The UMe Joker, Ik ^ ■tOBoi ■ SuT T^ IF T^D Inabatedwllh Addreaa 8t-Ue ■bQ for toe.' JSnoJ^iM^i BIdea (WnrI, rOt-Ue Illk«tM„be)owllh,PbUadalphla,pB, b b 'ft i i i _-. BRRD 01 tie, lad noeira IN eiUadld ntlnrtt, Ivo^ ^ aplcv' Baag'Beta^ ud the toUy JcMn alth tO^ •FkBaaplltaalnttoiM. Addftea ' •Vt - ' ->TATLOBkOO.,''B4amr/Vkllld'%Pl, <« 88-11*. A 9 r wm, bay t fan let of (00 FABO OHBOKB 0< MABOR t D(OlIREOBl(latoJ,T,OaUUi|kCo,Oklca(P,Il]. 87 41* PLAtlRa 0ABS8, And aa aitklaa naid la 0AHB8 OF AMDBEMERT AHD OHABOB. If a a i ift e nin d, ttd told tl the >«"*•• nrlMLto^ W| Ml BtooS iSSrIiw Ittt nr 0 B D BR B O O B B. TT OOBHBB of BOWEBT ARD BATtio wtamm wi GaaaUcaa be acecaiaiodalad with Boom* br the dwi? aU. ... ^ . —,. y. WOBBgr^oyit^" tr uiHHvvwa BM MWHwiiaaiaff laiwti wUk or wtUoal boud* OSQ, . I ''I'M: IU ALU If ul ■ fAIRY ALBUMS •aPBOIOOBAPHS; 0ARTB8 DK VIBRB, BIO, BO0E8 OF ALL DB8ORIPII0R& FBBRCB ALBOHB, MOTUBESk WORKS OF ABI, BOt •«* Olrculan aeal oa teoelpt a alamp. Addreea . ■ a. g. OABBRO, 10dm* tOKOonrta^ ' " ' LABOR LOTS OF TVOBT OHKOIS fOf aala U PtIEBTOTAHB,T<ineaud Dealer It IfOtT, . >8-Ut* n Fallen aiieet,Mew%nbi TAMB8 aOOUWlH, Qoaailaalim Pipee Dealat. ■a. 'na' J JOHR BTBEET. near OU* Hew Torlt — *" Rewa and PrIaUna ptpar BaaoMutd It eidap tk Ma* itetaataoUoab . ^ tl-M^ JPOBTB, ATIEHTIORI IT yoa want a '-TOP SPODTlMa CABD. TIP. eend 95 da- to TOM OOLLIHS k CO., ud yoa win leedn tbe BIchaat Oard yoa arer gtiad apoa. Addreaa T8M OOLUBS k 00, )t4m* Drawer^, Detroit, Mh^ .GATI OATI GAXI JOTT IMPOTTEP, A i S ^ TBB BEST IbmaiR THE apOBIIH(i f f f- Lnra. DOHT FAIL TO BEAD IT,' n OOaU ion only 90 eenta. II wOl plaata yint an, II la hudtomtly boaad aad aaallr priated. ' ' A BIOH AHO BPIOr THIRG FOB TBB POOXR, ' Addnu TOM OOLLIHS fc 00.;' 9»«n* ' Drawer too'I>etnlt,Hlob. or,-Aai^?.^'*.v_.H. »e^ba^^Rstt^U|¥^l|^U|l<^w beDttBB%G^ lldMUhum^ M M<w. with ulaKliTinnrr] iMfet.BA r. rrica ooly flO --lila,N.II. ir,)n' gem of art erer Inpcated. Bent aralid by mall, tva, 34-5ai* . , F. LAMBEKT, Ooi I8I0. Phllidalphia, Pa.- AltttVOHI.-Wflf EVBBY HAH tHOUIiD MABBY.- WBIBVXBY WOMAN BBUULD! UABBV, .AILBBOOLD ABBT. Iokaow,r«dIUailrtted ltar<lata Gnldah by William Bail) 340 pp. Malird ereryvbare loaonble wrapper oaiwrlpt ot tl ceata, Addrata Ba It Whileatacal, Haw Toik. M-tmw rpj FARCIBBB or OAUB FOWLS . . 1 AHD DBALABS OKNBBALLT. . . - I hen oa band for aala the Baaal lot of Two Tear Old (XMU udBEH8,orthecholeeatloportodeUtlne. Alao EABLT 8IA0 ud PULLETS of Ihlayeara'niaing. Allwarculed pnrahiaed ud Ibonngh aema. ACdieea (1 If JOHN a ASBFOBD, WI OtUowhUl at.,PhUa., Pt, rl UTTLB JOEBB, POLL OF WIT AHD BDI(on.-Benl In a eaaled enrelope, with u ei^alelto POOTOauAPB. foi 15 aula, Addreaa Box tU7, P.O., Raw Tort. Id-Kt* • ALEh.TIREB.~ '. ■ ■ ■ Anrrtaigeaaroiliaealol . DBACTirOL VALBHTOIBt WRM liEOBBT POOKBT, OOR lAIHIKO BPUUIDID OOLOBBD PIOIUBES, lAEBHrBOMLin Tbey an Blah I Blaaalogt Biqotoiul Baaalllall Fnnny OntrateoaalRewl Btnl Giyl OhaipI PHee,Broraoeula, oa llperdaiaB,aU dlffareaL Thetiadeeapplled. fcaadia yoar ordan early, Addiaaa U, ll. HOLLAND,' 88-51 No. 114 Folion ainel, R, T. A75 WOL bay a fell eel of FABO 0BECK8 ol MABOH k MBTZGBBiktoJ.I.OaUlaiaOo.i.Ohuage, Id, It-lie ADVANTAOE OABDB o« erery kind ud pillen ilwtn onhiat, HAtOH k MATZOaB (Uto J. T, Cautog fc Oa), ten* ' OlcegOiin, SWEAT OLOTHB fer*«hack.a.Lnct." ororirud hater la^ cubebadlntheWeetoalyof MABOHk MnzaBBnato) T-OnltlBg k Oo.), Ohlctto, Ot " U-tt* MABKID BAOK FLAiraa CARDS, Hew Sjplee, iMed 11.18 par pert, or 111 pet doaea. Faro Boita, DUei alt., at rtrp lowtelm,' Bampleeiodpiloelltlaenirree. AddiMt'! I4«n* OBAWrOBPtCO., lt7BrMdw*y,'R,T, BOOBSl OABDB, ' Fall not to eend for enr na« ll.Page"' ILLDVTBATBD OATALDGtlil Sal (tee, gnile, to ertribodyV'Adjriit ■ BRRTtR k.CO.t PBIKtB tt-lll* .HiBidela, H. & aOMBIBlRa RBW IR MABHID OABDS.^We anaoif ««*■' P ahd atlag IJ aaw ttylee of AdmlagB Otrda^ KHTIBILI. DlPFBB<BTavirilfeaoldet|ltacl alaopedCard.aadoaliialba told nomthe agaan earda, Tlieaa an aot'taadebyaayetllat ptittci, nd cu be had only of aa. aa' Bend 10 eahUM plet and OtfoOkn. MASOM fc UBTEUBn (lale J, T. enlHtg k S>.),uhioego,in. , ■ . ' • "y-»«i AfTK WIUi bar a fan eel of 800 FABO OHBOIBofUAl 010 MHrtOBB fcto J. T. OBibpIt t Of.), Ohftf|io,Tll, ;AKRa ' I8-9I* ITS A BIP^TAVBB, D0T8.-Ihla package wia got np wlEl the giBiletl cue tnl laate, to aa lo aall trery Bpoillaa Haa nd Una ol Rna. . . !, . niaBIoa,BtXBiadRACr,udbeal« dlciealloa; ' < . iftntoaendftiritPrtoe Wk HaSeed.'Addreaa Ittm* , TOMOOIIiINSkOO„Dni,eit«a,patn»,MIoll. 17IALSB MODSEAOBZa UPOBTED, all colon I price Bit naif. J*^ Marked mylogteMa, 11.50 a iwck. Bt^iSS^/Sui. paofcagcbymia Beadalaop(ordrcolaroraodldbhalirddM Addreaa JOSEPH LADTOR fc 00, • iS«ai 80WUUiMt,Rt«I6rk, B BA.n IX,—Aaban. Ooldeo, Flaiea. ud NlkaD-ODBU po by Ihe aea of PBOr.DB.BBI^'a . PBIBEB.LaoUBVBOX. Oaa tPplloitleB oul lha Bioal etrtlaht ud anhborai halt of. allher atx Into wtryrlatleta ^ . OTtaaannaadra earla. BuEeea' aaad by the kaWoaablaa at Parle ud Londoa wllh Iht' aiOel gnliltlag laealle. Doea ao IsJart to tbe hair. Price by auti, eealed aad peat paldi,ll, DaecrlpUre olrcalan milled (itt, Addrtaa BABGBB, adDLZ k 00- Obaiala^ 18-ltt* P. U. Dnwu 31, Tioy, R..r., . Pole Agntt loalht ^, 8, JOB MOXBB, J&, , A Both cnaimedlnO of fekta, Oomloal Btoaea, Willy lap lata, PoBDy. Paaa^ La a a h a M a Oeaaodiaaia, Eiuaonaa Poalry eta Prica.10 leala, ASdieaa oidam to l»4m< . - , ,Spf Mia, Poet OOoa, Raw Toit, )7- saw BOBOfl nn POBLUIIZD.«tIlad . . ■ n -, I > -l-XBBtPORHS.OWH fiOROB." . ^ ,TBn..ABB BIOULAB BMAtUBBa r-1 TBBI^AEB IBE BAIB OFT ZOUD TiSBIB. . ,. . B0I8, TBBI ABB BTDHREBa. Mee- U ceata each, two for It cania, oc tan lot. tl, r. Addiaaa. TOM COLLIUB fc 00., e**3Mit<. DnworlOObD«tnll,Mlab, PCMEB OBDI, IB par 100| lha Bur, tl.OOi The 8pT,'II| Tba Baawi, itti Tba lloldont, |9| lha Blocker, .{l.BOi .Fats Iioraa,'llt| Tan Checka, |I8 per 100;. Eeao Icoaplele), 180| BheeniltOi Bnbbar Ohlpa, It pv luui-Bealiila'WBeela,ai3B, BagleOarda, |M prr dia,, eie. Bent lo uy addnat on nariplol price,: Addreaa OBAWPOBD k 00., 117 Broadway,'H.T. It.|ii* ATCBES'OITEN AWAT lOB CHE D0LLAB.-Ra» It Ibt . ounce tor the Boor mulo bare e good Umckeapar. Alio,^ lentt waaled. P, O; addnia, ' I8tt* " HATOH k CO,. AgeoU, Drawee (40, Dilroll; Mkh. w rflBB BOOK OF W0NDBI18. 1 A Rew Weak el ^hrilUog loteteri to Mairiid ud Blaglt.' Blata 'Of' great Tilua to all. Tea Ocl'd PUtea. Pilce II, at -niled ll.d. Addnta - " OEO. F. ABLIRGIOR, H. D.i' It-It 858 Broadway, Raw Tork, ' row TO WIN WRB OAB0S-Tbt'"O«aret" eaa Veaaaa' L'' wllh coaunoo'carda aid Ibe Ihca of 'the eaida MB Vt itaa' Bia dealer, ud knowing J08T what yodr ooponeato bald la' It haada, wID enable yon le'Wia arery tliAc? Baal M iieMpi' or al, althinU dtrecUona for aih' ^ ■ . " ■ • ''• li-7m» t' MROHTfc OC'Cbyt^tt. ' B W B 0 L I D A T iew Btoteoawpio Vitwa, plila, Rew Tfu^areot Oarda, plain, «i, , RtwiMee dtVuiU Irom Ulektl P«WO. .'ca A'pet dot,) $ — rJ»- ■ . Hew Sporto'Peotit Omapaatoo, W PItlai, OoloieA U> Rew Hlcraieople Ohtrma, tnm Mid Bid. RaWudBlahBpc(tli!aaoodto(;all Uode Ibr GaaUeBtoaeo htlaudlCalBa, WalUloadaie piomp'lr,udlf prelatied,0. >. D. oa ptdan of 110 tad apwuAa to toy addnia. BandtpronrBtwOt^gnaa. Free to alL Addnaa 88-Uli, .,, B. aWaoKIM k 00-. «*> Broadway. R. T. PBaiOBBA>H OABDS FOB annEMEH. - '. 11'< i gtiipLE, M OBHTB, TBAEBFABEHT OABDS (M VIEWS), '.' ai.MserpiaBki BlOpardoaea, <■ AI«O,MABIJ»'BA0aHAVU(a OiBDlt ILM VBB VtOB AB by BitU en raeelpi ofPrioa Addreaa '1 .,- . rOIWAIlDIRG AOBMOr. : IKk "" t8Llbeftyttntl,ltw Toik. UABB T4XH NOTIOB-TbalJOBR ATOBaOR, lha feUk, (al iSwitd* of Baoka,' Moto, Oaide, ela,, M* tt tlVniM tt Rewr«». »">»•»•" be eddteeead > / ^ ^ JOHR ATOHIBOqi 817 anaaaaMb li. R; T, IBIm* rjuiBV rgt SUHlTEDI-PtOKPaOEin TCBOBD 10 SEEK FOB OIBBR EHPLOnraT. IBTMOOr I LOOELIHD'S PATBRT wvomMS SAPa. A netl coBlrlTuea br wUch Iht weaiei eoi mlegla to tap a» > e^bly wllhOal fear of bariag blanoakato plakao or oat ofta. I^Kaofmoneyaafcin Wa*tWatoh,l5oanta. Thetwa fct tLOft TbUUdtaMeay£aWiavea9oaoflhea(a,belaaja> naffl<al|luw«UaantetBl, Beat, pott paid, par malVoanetlpI oliirieff Addnaa _ O.KUSotUKVk OO., fill* r ' . ' Baahaylnal^OUti rSAFB. iSlceio, in. rIB out Ob Oboolar, BBRBI ItRTilBH Rn BO OK AOBROF, Bead Mr RBPBlHe^ MRaeieait ft 11 A-aOHttano MW.-^Ra no la lha BtnjiiUip llUoABOmipilatoa. Beal free by aetfl aa lae t^ oM t. Kibe had oa^ollUBOll b KRTZOEB (bto l,T,dl^mg» Oo.),0bloa|0i