New York Clipper (Jan 1866)

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810 TBJa N:EW YORK OXiIPPER^ , Hi« TOH Cncoi bu bad > iplcodltf mik'nliotliienol Olr«w,J<urtMl,aad JfMralJWMtoMi -— (h. bnnjUg Mr«i« an on. aw. Jm PMlum, me fttnilo olowia'li m cfib* rKrt ilintHoiii etuni Ibli «wk. Mo ptnl npMAOMilntdblilaB, orUMWboli bnoAltM wiilani bn bit UM in>. nu xtk' ibm* Iw bttuma HtpUg, ihlii np« AtBtlsi, bue-bwli lUlgv, ai >nkcD ftnuir Btiki.' >>lci< rmtWl la miit vttlitf tMnmliiit intbM Nsilk, UcOtf t»».btet Httr tf mnota npuh, U uditVsel forutolTippMraoctwuiiboaM. , 7 > Tub ITIR af U* tiira—U» it-ippanpee o( Ur. Edwii Bcotb—«inM*iliM«tlbaWlgl«i «u4eo a MiM, •Viu- t<l" to at ptti •«leel/4 f«T Iba occulos. II IbahooM nn Ibna timet (It ptnal l^u, Itwonld fcucrl; nlHre u Imld tbelbtong tbalcjniMliigffliiUDctiatkeVitlerSinlta cn Iba tnBlnii iiqiefHn, Iba caiiror "Btn'tt" li u rellon:—Lwrlw, C, nairaiiOboif, J, n, TtfloriHInr. C. Kenble tltva; norailo, W. A. SoaaMiOB i <^e>i«, Mn. Utila Wlllina: OpbtUa, Effle Otr- nn; Polnlat, Joba DjotI; flnt OraTadlpiier, Aidnvi; riitl Jiclor, n. BI(ra;Piijtrqnini, UtaalDdnia. E. L. SATmoir ntDiHir or Ibe sew Uicttn new «iioIId| ob FaniUtDtb elietl, bti ca>i|»d A. V. FaiaoiertabiapionpiT. lomn 8. Curac cloice ble hne (B(B(«inrnt alibeWlaUr OirdnitBtbiMlnel. ^ ,. " ru LitT Kin." Bii br.'ped In facnra • itiosi bald OB anb lie palraaiga foi 414 Bic«d«ar. la lbla«raal bolldiT tpcclica Ibira era nnleti, miellc etirltr, aed diBOsa. Ibo lilirt ttytr- tllj lallaw Ibe lorm/r vbtta ihtj Bate a loo rite nja of lie •pulla. 7hiT bm bid real b«Uda; llmo a» IMa finoae rtiort, Ibe fixe 1>*lBg ci«irOfO i>li.bllj. Daipllo Iba bal wtalbiroj MtvTeir'adtr.HeMger Bailor badopiirdi ofneibautad Hill, Ibaileliota epjojlng Ui«anil"i la Iba moileiubiraot ud tBlbTiiUilloalile. TboaiattoUda^blll «IU be repetHd all thia vttk. luoi Rnimi'a tbraire baa nat bees TOT ItigelT allcided ilsca Iba apealBg sttbt, aad pmpatla at* BotTarrocauiii' lag for tba PuioDigc. Wd7 doea Um Roabtoo plxa neb )Wptw Port Offlofc - •-Wa*«rf*al*h«ll«l»Tifar/.»B^ fi'S'iJiSM' Mm*. Sinl Cat..Obti. BUlra./. TS'^'jLJi'SlT^iiSw.' •. r. twtat U). roba U F««i»all, Manj Bo'Ur, 6am 8impM«, S ■MekatT HI Dan S. Vnte, V- Katrios, Lalbet Dndle;, *ifF*b iS"?JimiiCiiipbrll, Fiaiik Ken»iJ), JoeLlTlag. 5». B.aiJ Bfam. 010. WUIIaine hhu Ualuabj, I'/aak Bijirt, yjob BmaS "Wliei'. J.Bllioniu. Bla* iwlbalCB, Jota Ihakn It! Taatta Roblrion, Fraak I'fU, Too} Bealon, Btrrj ■SbwmS ' W."; Wimr. tut. Bllla, a 0. J. naier, T Brigbam Bilbao ^, B. daUi. OcBiBlTO Blibop, J. Bfiicin CaiUr. nig- faraCrloa, d.Viebriiot, Ton Bak'r, I. B, Hsipbr, Baiij lalla It). See. Bdmas. Hirir 7albok Ibemia Waiwccd, I> mBarkani'' Veide. Johanj Harria, B P. Rcsda'l, w<nea Sdrdvall V> >• FitTli', Jallao A. Boikmir, Mra, Frank Bitea, ~ ' k Birtb, Bnik B. BoUtr, Mra. Vcoenap, Mil, J. W, CarioU, IMifleUflBgKon, Jana CcoKba Drown (3), Hirr L D'iroll, BnE BaiBfBaiaa Oluarord, Fibb; Pleraon, Uaole OIIRoo, SM8a])««f1u,PalllrBtBner, MapKto Wlllei, Wnblo SetloBt, Mab Iiuu Hnikea, LonUa DotbcUa. Ulei AMelit, Uillle Fow. WlavnOntv, Un k. E, BonongnMirB. Col Caooliigtam iDtllaCbaedIn; Uaogbail;. tut mikrr: HIeglu, tiel mifcer, OulkTC BIdnUi Obtt. a Palmir, N. I), Uobeiu, Btn UaglBlej; Canie Herman aa* Bodnl Quild (>;. OKy Sumimrre Tniuui, Jtd. 3, 'U, * VkiBBAiLmn. Xilnodtauir aiIt mif appear, mrrtl- Maaalbaikcttaanjltbamrpanlaglbioagktba tr|li>g«iditl •(VavTanlidij.ia Btw lotk, «a era agalB a> onr p«il of ditr, ' MUBg Iba happT banra a«ar> tad drauntsa 0' gl>l*> and okaa, Md wlaa, asd mlica ple^ and tukej, aad oyattrt, and iln, aad tta Bisj oikii petelaUa ana iiDpa:alibla Iblaga wa iaw ud •Mfanad In ear tttnia jaateidir Ikoie ate lira sot a tbla (rU aaliopalli tan tm as Mu ol tlio labor reqolrad 10 ga tba xtbda an He* tctr'a iaj; |on moil net onlf atnff jonratU HUh tu\*j and oUiet aabauatlah, bnt jon maal make aplpa wtettOff jaarteU bp boldlBgaUaartoof vtllamona oompenada Ike akape «I wtaica tad lltaen wbick jm good Babaid ea- toWBcra ibiV Hepoparta laflJet BP«a jn- Not aatfihit, Mfoaaraaipaobd la Un rrwrr giri ia'ibe room at araip Baaaa wbna |on mika a (all; joong asd old girii BUka took tu t_«Id aad f«U( Biit ba larrtd wllb Iba aama btnabi la aoaa oaa lha talk la Ugki and aaar, m oUimb it la like awallowtsg a teaaaf 'Ktlaioll. "nra.igitB, ir)on bare the itpntulon »t talBI ■ atogfr, nr awrx lalliT, or aelor, ar a Ibbbp fellow, jon MBl falkiasgb7<arpteeiiaad gtraihe tUt lleKuiialafle (g y«B foUlUa aa a ilaglat, pteTi't, or abtt nat HaTlag lagtsJ«;tdaiapnbltanYbi btlsgafanaj Jeker, wofocnd oo, lfeen**«ict«l«eljaidaoBianlkaldarlknl linaaaeaijjob taaaMtBantvan-ienaa feBa. Jnilii loeoaawaulueda nen/tta gitia vtnld giggle aid Wi "<'b, we'll ban aome va-heM't Oat finap wia lallaw," tad Ike y*tj rigbl af sa latBaS to ^fiB Una tp, aad pnt nea life in Ibem, Thas, o< , we'd hiTa to eing aomnic ecng, tell a Taskeeelorj I an Irltb ^Irifrplapa foBBjIllUe taaeon lema.Auuip lltlla planay arotiodeoB,ai nwisgmicbUe. No nailef whil wa aia or di), eierjbedr Uagbcdi ^ael bteinte we bed Ibe rapnIaUea af tialag taaax* Tba olber' roifo?i would ffcgarally gal -off aoDa flret-rale tblngr. laacb better Ibaa onr awn, tat Ikej Itn dead—nebod/ Ungbcd at IboB). Ve made a •en at Ibf, Alpbonie ta-Tue'a paiaUel on the Ilflh.ATana. A paitp ot'"iqnltla" wire (t)lBg lo amsia tk* lidlea bj uklfg tbem ooBBBdmmt, bat tbej didn't atdB ia Uka, '-ladlu," aald wii In a larr <ialet tad off biad ' juiBtr, fraT tell ne, pltaaa, wbr woman doea not tmaket" Skay (Btaed an ioila or iklage bnt tbe ngbL "Becenteaba cni'lgai'iiajf OtaekAir/" aald w«. Ton oarer beard enub a nw: Iba i^lrlf were balaw par, aad aooB klh Wo merelj ■aatleB'ibU Imla laddent to ibaw job bow etjj li le for a pr> f tataial Ting am to antntalo Ibe Itdlaa. Oae af Ibe afan- ■dd gently ailaia at anr iB«eai^ aitampled (a ba ntnF al oar aifdini ^CiaUBgawUkirlDg'gluea at pie Tt(iloi,aag tbaa lBnttB«llki(<BiIlelatkaladla>,weaikcd'^Wbat qoaitir »l Ibaillakacianakabtppj pnip; ba Iikaaedtal; Wkfa ewry aKolaeiDMl" Tbat kUIad bUn dead. Aad iit It wal on. mann wt wiat.w* cinlad iha dar^ The aoat bttnttfn' lidla»-llad ip U tbe laaal beastlfol et«ia clotkat, and (lore Mb, aidalon oaila, tIiA wllb ueb olhar la BOBopoUzltg esr MtelT. Aa Je>myiwlleb«Ti>ia—"we were ibe otaaned of ■n ebaeinra." 'Wa gat oS a Up lop Iblag et Ike boaaa af aa« of •U tbetlrlalBuagtre, where were eiKmbled a toit large oob- SIT of prafliilonallidlea and (ennimeD. We eeltrad tbaparlar Bil«*.an<.wleam maBstr—at naUke aa, }cu knew-aBd Ultf paaalai Ike coMllainlt af Ibo tcucB aad iilallsg lbs la<lea,«atlkidlbimlIlheibadhtatdlbeBewil 'Reaat No. Vbat ia Mt"retp«ndca Iba varloaa mcabara el ibll bappj IteUT. "Ten wiu eetnowledae, kdua and leBllemen," aald «« Manttneai ud imynialTemanacr, "ibailwoUd looaugtra Tta JeiiIbinpelB.bat wbet I lave Joei leiiacd la crancn a toUblaaalBia Iki) I tfcenld kiillala la break it to jan at anck a Mii}iABaa>, wifaltnol Ibit Ibo partf.lopllralid laaaeod jnr saa mtaaalaa, and Iba bombia couage meet nutlj am- •9o}aaiL"^(kac«nipaa7waaallallesllon,tBil(tr wMdi. flol^asatencevilCBinee; wanaerrwilntiiid iDcbaaaddia •kuge nam gei to grate, from imlrta lerao, Weconllnned: *'ToiiB]lkBa«alMa<—. wbomade ner ddei at Tbeatrew •aktrtUMa tiBcel ViU, Ibli aenlrg, ebe protetded ta bir afwngaaa, alUr retumlag fr^fm rtbeariil, aod Ibere, In tbe calm •UUiiaaa af tke boor, execalid ber grand^ /" "Ob I f on UtUa 4aTl^"Bkentea tbeladleai 'Mdr'aritd tbomeBiand Ikaio ^aa'i^BsafBn in tbat etawd tban jen can ImiglDe.. fllaecB J)toaai; Jkqdn^ waa b« dcllgbird tbat be ordered a btikcl; Bilg. saUrMt'* pigren wiag; Hire Floiabella Delitcorl caoabt aa bp kanTna^aodpalBB doanigaln; dear llUle Hlu DSbeaay, gkadtwaiM killed aa dellalomiT ea ibe aald, "Obi ion aangbiy BB." nif tkmg tcek 10 well, Uiitwerrpealid It al nnj plica wa BBb*r«geniip vlillid, wlib iqui ifrtd. At Ibo hoaia of Mldame INpbIkb— a grtncb led; at faikloB—It waa reoelTed HUb BBiinuU load applanet. "illg Ibinc," iild we; "biTeo'l elliadiace at Ibe ibeaUee, balla, ate, ku been TnraBWinilai taao pla«e» fn tmt, awmianiBg onaaraiel w ee al n*. . " • "1 ■ botlneia 01 V fetib In Ibe crlUdina ipoOi) af Ike Umldt Beeania ebe ooB' aldera iicb oae a Btaaell-dicUoBl A HwnaoHB PaBiXBT.—Wa weiaibon oaOee. Mlb, a magal' floeal bluk walBBt oeae, witb a gold abalt, Bannfaclniad by Ball,BlaikkCa,atacoitet|W udprtaiBlid to Hr. Oeorga Wood, kfeoigiroT Ibe Broadwai Cbeaixe, en Ike lei Uiit, bj ibe aUoAa tt Ibai (lUMtiVmenL m Hoai Eimain Anauion bare alreadf keen made br Ur. Ooage Wood, at wbal waa termarly Wood'i HlBitrel UalL TbaaiaiahieDteBbrongbtiotward elxttal, Iheproaoeot- nm railed Iwe feet end tnongbt oat If om tka walla ao aa to nake two protcenlnm boxee on eiob ildi. Both drclea baveeo'D bnilt around 10 Ibe proactolnm, wllibaakcattMboatelook moie like a Ibcalre tban It fomerlj did. Iba Aront ol botb clraleebu been nDored aad will be replaoid m an mm beentUnllj ar< renged. Thadovodlbeilntcirclo taubwu laliid aoaaioglTe agoMTlaworibeataa& There will 00 800 orobiaira enalra la Ibo pargnit, with parqnel baoebct m (ba rear, all armed ao Ibal aa and^enna win bbi ttaaroadaJ. Aronad Iba ftoat of ratb oruotvoelislea learewofbaltoarebiln^ wllb ileal; etglted bencbn beklBd, wllb lian arma. Itie npper circle li dlud ap In better at;le tbin ibe drat droK aad for aealng aa veil aa bear, leg It Iba btit part of tba booie. Ibe ftaal ol tbaeliclee and Iba proactalom li palBled In wblle tod go>d, wllb a delicate plnklogof bine, Ibe benaewill com'oilabljieatllOo ptnona, aad el ibe pticea will bild ISIt; It le le be sewlj deoo- riled aad oerpeled, end wben ialaked will be one of tke beat enugcd, eaa meat oomloiltble Ikeelne in tba 0U7. All Ibe enlnncea bare btea wldmtd, wblle tbe main enlraace la bean- UfBlir dltcd np, ibe celllag bilng newly Ireieoed, and luge mlr- rott adorn boib aldea of tbe waili. Anotbir bai efOoe baa bean aait, tiklag in Iboiboa Blare on Ibe aeolb aide. Ibe miia CBlruoe la li feet wide, nnolog back t> a dli* taocaorsofeet, eoddrBljiipiadliu lnl« a magBltoeBt andlto- nam 100 ttel iqouo, wllb aocll'og7S feet blab. II la one of ILe bnt TeBllliUd plicee In Ibe el>T, btTlog on Dolb aldta wlndowi reiobleg frem pii to tomei For aceanra qulltlii It la drat nl* eTarrtbng aild on ibe elage being beard al Ike ifBoleat part of tbebooae. TheebgtltnolTerjdeep, bnlie raOclentior tbe pr odoclloa tl Iba geeeitl nn of plecte. Haveiei, wbet It lacke iBdeptbtemedenpla width, tbere bctog plnnly of room for actaerr, ptopertlca, drtaatag raoaa, etc Tbe opealig will piebabij uka plioe aboni tbe Imltar part of nixt week. Bonn EowABSk a very good bnrletqBe prfiu dcnu In tbe minatiel terofeielon, li tbont aikltg bu ra-appcaranoe^ titer a loogtbieaeaiKa IkepBblloboude, Maw Tun'a Dai waa very nacoraforttblr, a aailj lort af drle. elaetdeaiilieraortof welt/ rain fillUig acarl; ''til Ike da; long." On Ike eaattldeef lovD,lbetkiaireaaBd oiher ebowpla. oit were lemelp called npoa, belb day end eraalrr, aome of Ibe mtnagettglrlDgtamasyaitbrttpafensincee, Damea'alla. aenm bad IhaBiindt el flalloia^ aBlatitlDmisaie beuggieea oa tbe ''Jobo Audley" plen, abort aod aweel, to aooonmcdilo tba etowda In nllini. tbe lhtttr<i, drcsiHi, alBilrtla aad mailo balla wiitillwaU Ailed Id tba arcBloa, diaplit tba btd wealbtr tnd Ike dod'beid irea Meat tt prlraie dnUisga. Toai PiaioB la glTlBg an annanally later«et1ngenlarltlaa>Bl tt bit Opcrt BoBitin Ibe Bowery, tannlnawpee^ being tddrd to tbt cemfty, tmoag whom era Joih Htrl, Linrt LeOlaire, Itleile Bootldioa, lad lltftle Venon. In tbt drama oow per. forming tbtrt ctUed Ike ' Tictlm," lAora LeOlaIra aad John But biT* a b'otdiwoid oombal, wblcb teemt ta lake will. 0. Enur, ballad alagar, and earaiagnl, cchc^oraetlal, tre ■ow perforalBg wllb Srpnli' Ulseltela, tid Ikereby glrUg tddlliiail ttrugtb to tbat iroapa. ' OlaekByed Wllllaa"u tuil on Ibe pragriaae: II la a Teiy eaeaiag Utile akelota. LnciLLn Wanxan rrmalae la "Uraea BoabM" tbe enrreat week, atHIble'a. Bir "poieico Ibe bridgfen prelly vellUkid by Ibe HoMvci, ead ber itylo af dnii la aot ebjailtdTebyloTtn af tke "leDlpinieaqnt" tad pbyilul bunllaa; bnt bir pltylog It not Tirj ftTinblj tnaded (0 br tbe otllicih or by Ikoie 'ta^ wllb olbii tclraiiu. BtweTer, llln Weilera drtwt Ttrj weU, tndkerperfojmaBcttrecelTt Ibaontl aad ol tppltote be- llowed Bpon ilm, "Vona Obiro" it nttdeBtlr tlbieUre tl UrtWeod'aOlya' slo to ton IBr aeme Uat yet Ilii jut nlttd to Ibebolidiy eeun, being a will pieyand aptclaole. wlik betnllfnl aceniry, elegant coitomee, eBd oirelnl acilBg. Tba Olyapla preaesia a briuiaot tppiartBce wbsa tuiidwith antwToik andleae* atUred In tke Itabina*! ifaaMtaoB. Lei ilraogera Tialt tbe Olympic, Icr Ilia OBO et Ibe bendioneit tbcatrea In tbe leunlry. Tea Mxw Bowbbi waa cnwded on Baw Tetr'a nJgkl, tad Ibe talccleloment west off wllb anch ttrer. "Airtb-Bi.Fogne'' W, UBOB, prtpilitn od tka Batbertu Opon Btnie, bu a <ird IB Ihia waak'a Cupraa oaliltg far ooamnBlutloBB from eltre who beva been e ngagtd by Ueitra Bayllat, Oltpp ft BIAop Taunioiu IB Anostn. Oa-. coBilnnt tomeabii deprteetd. A wrxipoDdFBl, wriDna00 Ibe l«Ui Dec, ti]if 'flkt BPt Wrea OoBiblniUoii tit elili bare. Mr, ead Hit. UtriT Wilkina tarml- nitfd ibrlr eegaa^raeat on l|>e Mlh Isei, pleylog "Kalbleen UiTnninaiD," wblcb waa will pal np, and Jndglag from tbt ippliore Ura Wilklna rretiiod, 1 abann Iklxk bei l« bo qolle a ftmlif. kfr. WalUr. B>bo, *ho la alee a fbrorlia, kaa becB terdcred a oeBPItaealtry bentfll by tbe Yonni If eaa' Cnb or Aign l>, wnljb bt btt tcteiitid, tnd ntBid Fildtytnnlag, Dtc nS, u a flltmg oectiliPi Ae." Taa Bootna, TexBi, ibfiiti tecatly prodocad en erlglail flnme in ibice tela oelled "riie If in of Frigidity," and elber neielilca. Tbe foUewltgletlinoi Ibi coapany t'ltebel to tbe Ubuelon Tbaiire:—fobn Eagilib, ludlag; Jobn W. Cimpbili, lit low comedian! Edward BieTer,litoldatB|Obta,Btlcklelgb, lifh! oomediBB! Jetrpb SeCoala, JaTenUea; OeergeUoniuni, btary; BdwInScoltwalkleggint; CFToal, 3d old nan; 1«tI Bill, livoimidyi klra. Ada lavieoce, leailni; Hra, I>. kale, cbimbiroaldi ltlkBBmllyTall(^walUBgledy; llra.ll,Ada«i, nlllllr; Mr. Sick Tillon and Ur. W. ElUott dmcen. "tht WciTlnQoribe Oreen" wiion IbeblUi. kloRntii Borniaiw md dincbler Tlrglalt weia Ibe nelplenit ol t bcnefll tfcTolido, O., en Do'.aid,«benikeyappearal In tba *'Ucrcbant of Tcnlco," tnpporird by Uytra' drtmailo company. It cntldtlDt tbe pcrromasce, Iba fWaio Ctmaicrdiil ol D*c. 93d atyi:—"Aa »by1ock, we can uioly Hate Mr. Bncbioan bu no nperlor apon tbe rlege, efid bli iplendid rrndiilonof Ibe p«rt wtioaly cqttllrd bykia mcbclica. Bo la by nitnreglllcd vltb iTeiyrrqnulteforuaioaecliiif. Peeniicd ol a due danre, t ipleodid Toloe, inda ItnlCta eloeailoD, beildca poaeulog tU lieTlgorofyantb, placet bim 10 pramlacBlIybelare Ibelarert of irt, ibtl tney loae tlf bl of the men tad aee only tbt cktraeler wblcb be repcemia. The Porila of Mlu Bnobastn *«a Tory arlHllcill/ rvndere^ tad Ibe virleu mimbert of tbt company tneialsed Ibtir nittt In a blibly uedlUble misBir. In tbe titerplcoe. Vr.BicbiaiBaa elrCbarlet Colditnia kept tba todlroce lnexcelJeBtbnaor,aBdgBTetBolkerpioefel tbtogrett tctor't TtratllMly.' TOB tmPTiOB or IfiHioIu liblreby caVcdta Ibe tint- Uiemeot of T. H. Titrell, in abicb It will be teen Ibal aegolla- ilooe nn bn entered Into for a Irgllbnale leadlsg tragedian, or a a'agemasager. Aceoidlog to ibe fJHdflcallooe ta iild adrer* llaomeni Itie would eeemlo be an opporlnnlly not lo, ba loti tight nr by mtntgert. Bi» FBUB u tn.ClnclDOitL Cbe comaenced en tngtgemint al tbe Netlimal Ibaalra In ibitdty, Sn Janury 9nd, opcing In "klirepfa." * . ir- « T. M. litaiiz, aeada ta t otnBntlciHonreiieeilDgbltai- peritnce at Bowaid Tbeatre, Pearlt, III., wblcb catibllabmenl, II II elltgeo, waa abmblly cloitd, leiTing bla ti d Tiriont olbs pirllee onl In Ibe cold, aoae ol whom bid to " lee 81m " before Ibey conid rtlie riudi lo fit to Ike place tim wbnce Ibty came. Waoigert ihoDid tet cntn npda Ibctlrlcal apecnlalloet nnlirt Ibey bin tome caplU] lo alart wllb. Atleiatuey etaonld Bot lue perfonLera from tbtlr own dn-aldM with big pmmlaea, aad solblng to bask tkta Bp wllb. On tke olhec band, ptN feratra ibinld be centime wl>h whom they engege; Itaey ebonid know toaethDg of nanageia alib wbam Ibey are abonl lo dial, 0* TBB occiiioB or gem Byan't beaelt at tbt tkeiire tt Cat- liitbliB Ball, nlaaTll]^ea tbe Idlb Dec, Mr. tad UlBOenl. lock Tolnoleered Ibeir lemcef, appeartoa In Ibe domeitlo dramt of " OI3 Fbll'B Blrib Diy." T. I. Kent ilw ippeiitd. One tf Ike local napcrt. In noUoiBg Ike piepcHd ben., adflied tbe people to lee Ban, bcctue, uya tbe food, " be It t praallcti prlBler. ltd, apart from bu merlia u at actor, bo btt Ibe repn- ttilonof alvaia pBilng bit pilnllig biUi,no matter who geu « «JJ? gtnUameaido tot carry on ibli ?«f7> "9 ttemnaeblDg I 01 I'^o CbeelBBl eayai ■Nelidf or geail ibia BaliiBct tleat, logwiy. AiKintgu lady or geaileoan wia 0t pea ■at off iBob a Itil ilaoe wo bceaae en orpbin." "Are job ea cohtBf'etdtlaedthorriklf-Ieoklig old dowager; "I'll boa IlnlBBetbaruyen,"nldabMlTandagtowaidiu. 'rdiaoBer 3tn'dbttllltlelirtber," we laBoceally rrepoBded, te wt re- tretltd tbroBgh tbe dooiwty. ThelaB|bUg aad thontbigikal aaeceidad tbie Urely tally bat nat been eqnelled dace Ike dtia •f Miok eyed, mcluickoly Bulb We meoe a etll- on tbt Btn Tnadico Ulnilrelt Jul tt Ibey bid Inlibid MirklBg npftt IbetTiBtBi paifiminiH. *Etep dark, bore," wena- •tltaltUetily teatrked, ■•ablle I giTe yon a |00d pInL" •>Wbal la It I" ctierly iDqnIiid iba end mtb "A good pint of old 4o«Blto," ttid we. piedndng a iimple of ibe erlglnel pioktia. *nii'«gted," nytBliebi "Ibel'eio," aytBackBa, "eta'iyen dellaiamt" And la Ibe Iba went ronnd. We dieppedtnai tbe Hniina foralewBpmcBlB le nebewlbe ecloit were en- joilagitiBiilTti, "Wkeie't Bttatral" "Ooi, dr." uldibe aUetdiBtel Ike ftlwtntB', 'BirBOB, ainn dogulir, hnnb dacltailta, ilgnUylig Joyce Btlb. Bow to deeliBe Bamut," wactnlibtcd, Itrelcb ant Ibe oldfillow. >-BidiM Bttaiat Ilcaat'ibedote,tlr; Han't be doat," tnctly riplUd tbt fat woBtn'taas, asd BelaltblBTeaUng bla isieraatka lldag aktlilOB, IB ear calla we ciae uroea a Joeial parly tf tbew Bicnlt,IBtBgwboaweretMirtl tgenit, "SeBllciMa,"aid wait'IkeItlUr, "yoatllonibt Ubt cccnpyltg Ibebeilptd. tana tl tar dijtkctltii itiicedaf mtmlifabcnl ibeoounii* tl yes an: daltg." "Btw nl" laked oBoal'tm. "Becaue «leaa«e tgtila ilwtn iBtke good ((idlogpitpli." My I bow utf didrttr, wklltuttnlbor "imOtd" conpliciBlly, Wky, we biTt forgetltn two or tkrae tbonttid illUe Jo^, oplgraDt, aoBBBdiBBJ, taut ttylsgt, tin, wt Bide Jnit on ika tpnrof Ibt Bomtnl it we veBtBtroblpg on. We doa'lieel vary wtU Ihli aonlBgi bat way It ikt peUoIiua trtdt like ikcililctli f Frcbitly- binate ll't a wall-paying bailniH; Wt'ia glad >iw lear't day ItOTer, wllb lit alalia andtalli, lU twcdttnd lltttUt, lie frtndnliBl liablaat ud tctlrai; lit til al good rbier, tad ctlliit to qseir, tid lu TUlont eiba tlln» UiBa. Bar a yitr-leit a on—pitplt Iztm yon will Hay, nba icejardey ftidlid ud llutd yoai tad If yof'rt labia wit plna, tkty 11 not(tU tgilB, iBd|on11 wealcrwhy Iktyban nliitd 9tu, Ika fi:u tsd Ikt lint tia thka brcngkt to iltw, tt vt •udcr tlttg la tar Jininty; Ibt .face fair lo.d<y, will laon abiigellariyalkditbiBeiiloaBeoftaliualdnUiikBfH (Wt 'ktven'l Hat It fix Ibltlut lint tuctlylD kciping wllb the •Oiuv-Eo,] na piitoBiOE laiiTBB.' la iraKoiBlDg t Obnnb to t Tinple of Unia^' , Idlte BnikloB bu famlibcd aa lUrm el Beat; ' Bn; If It den'l "drtw"-it wu klntcd et Itte, III aibope tkil Hill n. bit not rtilfd on ker Itte I ^ iiBB «nx mtri piople In the Broidaty Ibutto ea Cbdil. BU algkt that Ihita wire mrla II bilore tt one tlae: Ikt laidpti foetlBg ap Ibe loidly nm 01 tveln bsatitd tad •Igb^^lxdaqwtudtnyenti, the Lnmbe^tf Tlttlort being ««a thonttit ftd fUli'twe. BiMort aptMpI ••BlpVaaWlnUt" wlU be prodooedby lIuMittlKkdwbtUaneit iiiKBttibiAcideayar KuIol waaratifimiB.- ,"■ ■ ' . TnCoLiauBiw«l*,lo tei>Uy(aitlbiNew BoviryaB Ibe «(h lait,.wblii tnd wberd Odonn tbe bwitl of T, n. Olannty, Me Iftt fbr Ub In Aarrlcd. 'like bie made bltaatlf tiry popn. Urb(rt,wip>MlilfirbUitBneUlud«cd. Bomouiibp. iBainb.-Ur. kUnaUr, »rUBBt)t) Albiabitptlice, Vau dot, Innkler iBd piltalet of;tke BbotI lliuiion tad of the JfliiBihaba ir jBd|hM4i '.«iltn^/inlrid la Ibli dty by Ibt cleiBirCiiyof WubiDglaa,iioiDldin^,oBl>it,nui, intr a Itatlky piiiige. Ur.i.'QInitu/bikilmB cniigeo by Hr. Oierga Weed, eiptiiilyila Inlitduct ta tki, iaerlun pnoUa In . Ibe aiwrlccccow prepuitgAr ikA opnbg«iWtoA'i new IbitUe.'blaiiiat iMinllon called FilOfclolbcTbrowoknio ai dtoolngwaliie, Ibewalarlalobelnuedcocdia Ibeelaieud Ikttan It tt tllllide oI Iwmly.fiTa feel, tl blaVaa Ibe tliga deaa: oy« alai^.Mt. A lute tnd laiJI ixeiBli tinelokottan rwaltriwklleiDteortbtltdlit . ctakaavawllbibeBticiibevriligai.wB all utkadlier. It lajUl^Mht^peof ttaeaeetcfbcliTa ajanit ererwIUMt^ on tketugtb FD*Ttonp.-^.BracTlItrrtTd'a aeeudlrttnra tt SMwirtk'i Bt)li«itWllid.*iUiieI>t)tln Bcttlind." which ^ taaonBoed. itrBM. ao,,bu liiia rotlpooid nnill tk« Mb luit, ud kit.lU(d Irolueol "Ofcr.ta.ArV' will Uko ilice 00 Ibe IB'Ji. U It lLaBgblini|repimeiilsUT>e Inm bolb the Ctledonit Olab tad Ikt :aif«Dl),«dLlb iiglBCiilwillUtiueBitt tbt BodUltb loo- '*win tbe'nwplia Vj(jki<llo>tidiy, Ibewctlber dlltln^iie Btdweekmtbteiletiinealonplcaiiot ckuidu; nt wi are |Kgg*« U'lctiB:»«(:M>wM*«lu>*^«IbKgittltnwbad.Ib« 'Uxtini •» »tiiiuoe pi iwany.m »U'panU, alibonib II can be dti eUti tt tond bai bice tcaiged,. ti tnoilBDiU inni d Ibe Tolamt tf I butrd.' At TBBLuiBBWuBn Tb«li«, Ktttiih HIa Jennie Hlibt li CT' ttltg qnlle a fteon by ber wUiUe tat attnnl tlyli of tolug. MIM Jianlepoitatau nm larttlilHy, ttd adapte bmirioall pbiaea af bnman ecndltlOB, The leareawoilb BvtleHn, in ipeiking of MUt Bight, lilt:—" Ibe ripreienttlUm of • Fan- ebon ' leit ercnlDg vu tbe Oneit loleitalamint enjoyed by pliy.goara In tbli dly for yetrt; tnd ibe tandlUon of Ibla fiTodU obaraeler by Hiie Jeaale Bight can only be lontlid In tbli nnnlry by ibe perlorBance of Haggle HllchalL TbIe miy leea eilriTigaat entoglnm to Ibma «bo were not preeant; bnt II li Iba nnlierul atrdletof til Ike for ntettonet wbo wltaeiMd ItliitBltbL Wt like plctnre IxawardtaigdeitrTedcrtdlilotble ckermlngtBd ttlealtd yonsg ednu, tnd tre glad lovelbit abelafany apnreelilid by onr people, tt Ibt luge tedlencca nigbtly trdVy." ■ iliM B o, Coia, abow tpedtlily la Mocnd cid wemtn tad rtipedibla ntlllly, tdTtrUaia la Ibu wtek't Currxa lor an -sngoBaat Fer addreai, ila, let tdTuUaatnt. Taa RawiBB. N.d, TauTBCbu been pitying tbeitackof litetepoerbnilneei. Oa Cbrlilaia Bight Ulit Fanllne Ontb- BtB BBd f. W. Wti d Btdi IbeIr rt-tppetitnce le a rrovdtd bonie, end coatlaard fa perform dnriog Ike week. J, W.Colycr ooaedlin, bidkliBtaenp fartkeatdloa Ikt StIbDci. Ur Setae bu a btacdt oa Jis. lib, MiH Bonn VUD wu tim pltylBg tt Cfl aiy. Pi., lo ptylrg bn>lneii,tllutt4Tleea, ■ r< s Vtw Aaaucia Taaink, Bullmott, btt koea doing Terr wellvilbadiingeefpmgminmefiitbe bolldiyt, Introdndng "Tka Bouae IbttJtck tml1t,"aad Ibt tnrllliBg drimt of -^e Two Matdtnii." Tbt tbittre It atld M bt alabUy altended by large tadleteaa, among wkoa tre mtoy of Onr Coanlir OoatUi wbo prefer ipendiog Ikt feiUreitBwa la ikt clly. Tra Acinun »f Msiio utkanime gltea lo ibe new btD rMCBltycenpleled In Qalney, la It wit firmtlly opened on the 91et of NoTimber, by Hr, Tboaia Bolt, u mtnigtr of a lood tktiltlct] campeay. Hra. WtUar doted a two waeka' engage mental Ibe Acadeay oa Ibe llik nil, drawing good tacBiei dodng kir alay. Mra. Fruk Srabam eamB>Bced aneaaaot- BCBt en tke IBIb u Oapllola In tke uBitllon drtmt t? Ibt ''BIddin Bud." l)nlneyiilbiitMBdellTlnlbiSlal& IB Fiw Oauiat there bu bcai coBddutkle utmitloa In iBUCBtala, Iht 81. Ohirkj, Ttdttlct ud AcMttmy of Hollo ill doing rcBirktbly wrlL A oerrupendeat, nndir dale ot Die. 18, iiya: "At Ibe Bt Obulet Thea'nUlii LinnEaeie le allying u exaUinl eagigimanl, Ika good indleneei tbit greeted ber flril week bilng mily ndalud tboa fir Ihit weak. Far Ibo two wetkapjeccdlngll'iW.Ea«naiBtd Ihua anpreae. TheOntia gipb ijiootcdid loUobil^ Peoimber I), le tka ihnitewbien ily Cempiiy of BptldlBg ud BIdwell kid eocnpled for tbe Ikree weckt uierleT, Tbe liUrr ccapaay ttDBlDed anr tat wiek, oanTeillng Odd Filloai' Bill aio u tpelogy fer a i..-^--,r-_ J , -VT" jr,:—^-- IS". Ibeitffttnd litk Ibo ttuih enl olber Bpinlih blabniM.ioiba Uu will00 ikeeiitdde,aadBaaB«uIln|>irdbiidone wlacly sbe bkaaeu UmBaaeylpbi are rapioatd la be • • e 11 laprodidogitUirebWllbaieaByln Ibo part af gbiao, wboae ib" VadeUeTAiMWaKme micdlbe^^^ .»» .i.hi j;if.Vt?jitViuiiS«»?jyTa\*55i;,i;i!}i?n^ f,L'?ij?i*-!?;?.ii?.'?L^i«».'«jH!ii«t"p-^^^^^ Thb Bib Ftiacuoo UmiBBu lolala a Arm hold ob Ibe pat- reBigeeftbeNewTerkpnbUc, Ibdr aiit lilUe lelabllibnuot belBg nigtlly dilled by urge eadleaeei. Tbue It lonelblng la ridicniondy tmtdngin tbictmlo Ida of Ibelmay dtBuiet Ibll bind, Uut Ike effect nailu wllbni for minydiyii tbn my ud da thlngi wblcb tie peenlltr lo IbiBiiIeca. ud oilglai. ting wllb IbeotelTte; Ihuerore, Ikelr Jokei tre neilber tide, dtl, nor QC prodltble te iliclriBdIiBcet or to IbimiclTtA It It worth wklle lo pill in CTenIng wllb tbia fined irnpo of Ctllforaltu. So otiiT ktebem Ibe dimud fer lecuid rule lo welcome Edwin Sooth lo Ibe (ccsia of bla rounultlnmphAtbtttU tbt leale In iba ercbeilia and dteia cirde kire been lecwtd for itTcitl diya. IbeaeaUln Ibepiiqiel u weUHlhoitinlbt npper circle btn teu applied font lecored teili. Uari per- •oni biie tlrtidj ipplied (or leitt Ikia waoU IDIbekonie wire It tea Uari et byge. IktroiWlD be neb AWtlcooUg u wtt BtTii bflore ecceidid uy Amedcu erBngllehArtlii Uiu BiniUB coBBiBcii alMlUo't on tbelOlblnil., tppnr. iBgln "I«ib"iopporltd bya Btw LtBdu i^or'-atiniaGtw- per, w bt wlB ippeti ta Hndolpb, Bin iBiKmoo al hie Tart kit nat Intlid Ibt Aow fo:k ai It ^led lodolaihettrlyiiytollbednni. Dnrlngtbeputlwo icBtooe aoBo feed ad eoae bid Hock end ittr lotori tod ictntHi bm timed tbat niion,bol tiry few bin ntttntd Is Ikli dty mnck dtber tkin «b4a Ikry wut awiy. Tbiie are toBttiiygaedperfarmera .tbere it prtMBt, bst Ihiy do nol area togettletg niy well.- Stt lin tltlcei frta Ibit dly in DP to Diceabit-lOlb. At tbe Andrmy tf Hnilc, BmDy Tbomt btdbeen Ibtilir.udlaekkerbeiiflton Bee. Nb,tfler wbloh aefconiewuduid. lor bir bintll ibe iiodnnd "Lendoa iiisnnee," alib Ike follewlag ced:-Mlii Bally Tkocne u lady Oay Bpnkiri Mn, Etrry Jiekeas, Once Hirktwiy; Mir, SiBBden.Fuli Hr, BaBlfBor,BlrfleiconrtOenrtley; Hr. Bur* Jitbion.IloliTfptnktr; Mr. Sib Bdcbill, Mirk Ueddle; Hr. Bury Wall, Btiilci Hr. P. Tkiyer, ObiriM Conttlfyi ud Br. HllcbtU, Hu Biiktwty Tbt "Old Cerioiil" bubeen pre. lenled tl Hignin't OpirtBoBia very incceitfnlly, Tbt Ml, of tbttelly,li la errer la tttrlbnllng Ike intbonblp ol tbla pliy I02.B.H001C BindmuBappeindaBAalolBe;UbirluR. Tborte^ Jr.,FncbMd! Bopble Fawia, fleBiTlen; ud Aldricb, LndtB, On Bea, db, II waa piedueed forlbelut time for Bud- mun'i btBttt ud fi-ewell ipNiranct. "Juet Frido" ww per- termed en Se^ dib. wlib Hie. Bur* JicktoB u Jurt Pride; 0. 0. Bealface, Blo^d Pride; Berry Jeckioa, BIckijrTrotter; ud 0, B. Ibomt, Jr„ Black Jtra. On Dec. Ilk, Ibe itneeHon dnaa If "Tke Biciet CIpbet" wit pieinled, ud for Bcc. Iltb, "SilolHa Hmnneen" wiiuacnnoed At'Ibe Hdnpoll- tin, •Xitt tbt Cenqoeiti" wit ptodnted by Haoiiei WbeiU Idsk, in Xo*. (Wb, ud pioted qtlie a racceii, with Vtitnll In IbeleidlBg ro<r, tnpptrUd by Mn Brdlty Browa, O, D. Ftnice- lort, ud Ike fall company. Tealnll Lud, wbo tpptattd for TeileaU'i beatlll, wit qnllt ntcuifal it Jina Eyre, In tbi play of tbuaaae. Bheaubiequnlly ippnred wllb iBcciee la "B^ borab," I' Lcib.") "Amb naPcgui" wu letlTro en Sea «'b, lo in excdicit boBii, ttd via tt popnlai u erer. On Bet, gib, "Eniybody't Ftlind" wit pieteaud, wllb Wbtallilab it Bt Bodti PaBSMfott Fetlberly; Hre. Bedley Browa, Uri. Hwuk downi tad Hit, Obirlit Wbeillelgb, Fitoy. Pmilt Tbobbb bu been tbe cnteol illtlli lionblelBBaa Innclica. IbeBrlUib BeaeToltnlBoaely ol that dly uoonnced a binidl eoBoett la take alaca al Plilt't Bill ea Oi& itb, and knlog bew appUtd t^ Emily tyretd la udit Ibe cum by dtg- Bg a tiag la Ikt iteoBd ptrt Btrly la Ibe truing, Ibt loilov. Ibg eipluitloB waa pdnud on illptof paper ud dittrtlmltd amng Iba andliacei—"Hutger Hegnin btt midt neb er. rugtmiBlauwUl prinot Hlit Ibont'i tinging in tke lecond put of tbt prognamt, u orlglBiUy promlud by Uuaget Hagolre. Iba Udy bu, kowarer, datiiinlned lo alag foc the braelll of the Bodily, ud bu kitdly tixuged to do lo la tka tliilpiitnlkeribu dltngtrda'premlie^ (iiothiitbmdcBi) —I klndtia whldi tTery aimbtr pteteal will highly tppr*. dtla. . w. J. MicaouuiiiJ^' litippeuiIbit tfiirHigntn bid slnahtoeeBiut forMlii Ibeina to opptar, ba ekugcd blemlnd.. Allex ibli, Iboauagu told bir te odd biiiilf m maaiBCia to proceed le BoirBBWla tkel Ttiy day. Hlu Emily Ihemt told bim It aoald bo lapoi. alble for k«t lo do to, tiibi bad pnaliid to licg ou ibe oiulog el Ibit dty, Ibeniaagir told bei that tba waa nadorengag* ment lo bim, ud aitl obiy kit laalmiilloui. Mlu Emllt Iboine replied Ibtl aba hid ptdmliid lo ilng, ind ring ibe woBld—tten If btr keeping ker word led lo Ikprucdlng ol ber iBfeiemtBt Hiedld ippetn >od iing tbetallidoi'Blag na aa EogllBta tool," ud wit hoirtily mund. Ila next day Ht- ^ce mat Hacdoigal In • aloro wllb Una Ibtrnr, ind louif np ltd lilo, tllacbtd him In Ike notloowudly Binntr, fet wl bt wia triealed aid bonnd onr te atewer tt conrt i oT» iliriolcd gold lioaiia lo Ibe Ue<i«pdlUo, Boffdet im aitk, lud oanliBMi ttaiie lur Iba pnuat On Uis, iOibabB tppiin d li Fancbon fvr btr biBeBI,. wbea ibe bcnie wu CbenpcaIcA kanobcncn tbe BOIb. But week Iba go't ta Ike Andtay of Uulc, Bccbiiler. ^Bioniu, aiib Ibe ctacuy from tbt Actdrmi ol Hnik. Itn. nudtri^ ocBdillngot Bally TkOiB^ffoodbull,<Blrry Will, ftf:.»?lH'J'"'¥ Oltibien Vn. BiBBdii^ tlo!, coaatngdl kbuioa 01 two wetkt itBieiiainioonB»o.?i£r Tag Amaiou BauunocoiiMar, piifeinlagal Luatldr., i\;r.'i;ii llkimintar.eanUoialacnffllkitktilie. e • • Tbenn/ttd Billet OInai doled a roar weeki' ugigimenl tt tbe Aadeiiy et Hailo lilt night Their inocia hu been burked. Tte Ttritt* OoDpi»j, biTlBg trilT^d ti«a UoUlt Iklt auming, rimua taiyUere tonight AfnU boBubittIrMdy(lp,|(nK«anid for. TbIt billet putealmi udnrli^yiiapuy aai playlna la Htblli dnrtng Ibe two weekt Ikit Btwei' Bnnpiu luiniivu IkereoBi napige. Ibere eta be at qneiUon bnl Ihit Iba diBelBgglr:iuddukleboytgotBnok tba bill cr II Ina peco- nluypobitottlaw." Ina FBiuiikLrBun leinnded lut wiek Ttry Iibenlly In the urgent dcmudt of tbt llinlrleil muigen w dlud Ibn Tuloutplint of tmniemut Oat of IbeOiirrxn enw who Bit cinlilag tnnnt Ike qukirClly til Utt wiefc, ku Doled dOBn Ike foUewlB*. "TbeWtlnntlilkebcaltmogedkoualn tbt dly IB tegtrdi Hit otmfort cf lit ptlrua. flu iiallia teconmiditlan It idmlnblt. Bnry out bu a ceiltln ipaca dlotled lo bim ar ber, ud It It inflldMt for tny ane. The gen- till eppeiraaee of Ike beott It nob ii lo tlenoe pieitt Ibe aett cdllcil. Eniy lapronmiBt bti been midi lo tbe erection ef IbeBewWdnntudllvlll ctmpue fmriMy wllb my citib. UihawllnlbeeoaotTy. PhUaMpbtuibtitBBChlobeuenkfnl for to Hnoi. Beotk nd Oiuialn mikloanch a cbuge u the* bin la Iht eld, dirty, tad dligncifBl Wtbint ot i year ige. Ibe ocapiBj eegif cd, wllb bnt my lew exceplloaa, It t vtr* wetk oae, ud ao man what It tbenid be Ibu waold t Ibeiplta Auodatlaa be la Ikilr phot. Jiaau H. Itylor li a nty citnr uior lod a great faTorlle io bit Bittn dty. J. H, BirreB It ta tcceptable nlkfaig gutlimin, ud aotblag mom. Owen Fiwidt, tbt nitt law ooBidiin, la not only a great firorlle, bat It i very goodcoacdIiB. WbenbegnltppMredtbenbewulortwhIlo oliber tbelrad, at ilie giTU cbiraclart ol minor laporluor, tod lObiwBi kept nnlll Brongbtm'i ugtgonut comminoid, when be wit ilno tetpondbla bailaeti, ud wbu tbe oppor- huliy efTeted bt mtde a bit of tbe Itrgat dlmeadoni, ud ilDoe Ihio bit become i grtit fttorlib Bttttn BUI It die i gttat Inorlle wlih ibi Wilnnt patrona, Bffle Strmoa It one ct Ibo moil Ttndoni Iilile tclniita on Ibatltge. Asnle Gribtm doea net teea lo be kdd In bigb ctUmiUin by Iht treqanlera of tklt Ibfiire. .Hup tTurltOBOOf tbebutoldwomenlntbeooutry. Thertital tkeeoapuy ueaototanekacoonnt J. B,Roberit comaueed u angigtant an Bee. 3tib, with 'Ftutud Hu- gaerllle.' to a nty crowded bento. tnd inty algbt darlog the week tbttlluduca wumiygaod. AtttaeObettnnt The Bliepleg Bitniy' wit broBgnl oat ea Ohditait iflcmion to u todiiBca .BBBbeilng BCM people, tad Ib aeenalngWlP tidrtu wen uld at tbe box cffloe^ Baking a lolal for me day, of wa peraona, Ibo total nctlptt were gtldt, wbleh It pidly eoed for twa performucci. Toe ipeclule bu beta tovlUed y Ibt ditmiilit of tbt tbctli4 end be bu dooe It in cipltil tola. It li WtU pnt on tbe lUgt ud idmlnbly tded. ,Toile Orten maku a eepUnllng Beanty, drtttlng tbe part lo good lute ud tctleg wlik BBCb Tim. Bbe It u exedlut bnrleitna actmt, ud we tre pleued te ae Uut ebi kit btooma a gtiit fiTorlle wllb Ibe Qiikeiddpblui. Otrddia CipptUe u Ibe Qncu wu lamnw, putlcnlirly bv wilerltD, LeoDox wia flrit iBle IB tbt BtroB, tod obipmu u Ike Elng wu Ttr* lanibabla. AaaleWeid wli cut m Ike Frlaoe, knttbedld Bot teea lo tally BBdenlud tbt rolf ud icud it Ttiy itrdeet. ly. With the iioinUon of Ibt IrintlormiUta •cu^ Ibe pitoo li cquty tt wdl lone tt tt Ibe Olymplo. Ike titnifarmillon ateijt It prttly wdl done, but not to goriuai u it Hn. Wocd't Olymplo. Tbe cooptsy ugiged tt tne Obetlnnt It tt Seed tt try la tbe city, -ud In nuy retpecle mack bailer, binedideol Ibe'Ice Wlleb,'bnn|btont by Jebt T. Ford, of BdtlBori, ud Itlely al tbt Boaloa Tbetire, will iborlly be Eredncrd it Ibe OteiUat Tbt tllenduca dl lut week et tklt enie wai drd rile Idit InLondn'wu brengbtontit Mtt, Brm'iArck BIreel Ibedn oa Obrldaii dty t«B ncy ettwded heme, ltd contlnned it itlnd lirgt tndlcncei lU Ibe wrek. Tbe pitoe It net only pnt on tbe iligi it ikt Arv'b mncb belUr Ibu tt WtUick't, bpt wUk In teat reiptdi, belUr tded. Tb( Ktsa ol the allot, wu Bote elTeclIre ud a giaat dial belitr pnt oa Ibe alage,' u wtt tin the rlew ef Degnt'a Fiik. Hra, Jokn Srtw'a Nttly wu to mnok rapoilir to Hlu Bennqnea'pcrrbrBinct el Ibi ttai rde Ibit It did not teem like tba aama obuiolar. We wire bIm aiob betttr pkaied nlib MeBcellanktn'a Impcrtonkllon ud mtkl np of lob Arm. nyd Ibu Jinvt WillMk't. Hr, Binkin fully nBdenlood the obincter, mil ictfd II toooMlngly, which Hr. WallBck did nol, ' kIr. WalBck ' teiBi too iiaa In erajiblog, edilnn Idinlliyltg bloidf wllb uy obine^or eicipt tmi ol Ibe Iron Htik,' ud ba It ibtt In eniy thing. Ur. Binklolii*)ty tiadloni trUlt a good leidlna toforuda gmtfiyeifloit iheArcb Ike AmarkeB kit been doing a good bnalnraa with drent pirfoiBUce<, follewod by tbi ptiio. ninnol 'Oldjlimo Trat.'^nBdv tbe dliiotlon ef Undo Jamu Pilgrim, Wllb Sob Bnller u Ikt down, Ont fetlon tain been litrodnoed it Ibltetubliibmial for Ike Sittllmtln llilt eonnliy, udilbttli, pliyUgaptntoBlmeia Ikenog alleradrcniiper- •orminca wllb icuary. Tbt dirt le letid iwiy from the groni ud Ibe flili tre iboyid In ud out of Ihi ileg Jul the iimt u an tbt ttige, u ii« gnilldMtodtt idalitblr carried oat.... Oioiu't llallu Optra Tnnpt optot it Ihi Actdimy et Jn. Ill, fir tao wieka Tbrre It oneoaluBoe tiriltdooitill ibt plitci oftmnnBintln Ibit oily Ibitaoabtto be cried down, end Ibit lu.tbt mnnoblogcf pianait. Iftbeto liiiy thing more die- iBtttblelbinlo beaciltdBnllo aptrton who lull tbt lime abealBg^anlJh we wenld like lo kaow wbtt It lb We aollced ■01 ot)y pttUM tilln« ibiae Iblig* In Uit anbuli* tntt, bnt la tbt ^(tutliclt ltd gooa np tt Ikt itllaiT, la (nif ptaet at dilted. for BInn bbIOb I Brat dea Ikniit.' 1. l'^?'^!?*"^ e t*! »d«kf ngtgnaiBt al Ibt IjialiTiile Tbuin^atki aad nit, to i nryiiood bouaa. On »r.m Teir'a day ibe wu lo oomaanci tt Ibo Actdtay ol HnttCL QuInoy, til. ' 11 -f • ?■ '^l"!?"? 2°?'.."f^"' "gigrmint tl tbt Arab Btnct Ttealrc, rbllaarlpbia, lha litt wetk laVebraarT. r A FiBiF«iau Boinc Aimr to idniiried for to tktt wcek'i CLiri'ea, for Ui'Aordeiuy of Uore, Albtsy, V, T. lnOuiuoo, III., amtuBiniB during Ibe nMkendbigBee. Ud were Ten doll, owing, Mihipa to ihi lenTilyot the wialber ud ihe iiproicnlng boUdiyt, bat aot la the obtncler of ibe enlsriDlouuli. Our correiMndrBl, •'Agate," nader dito of Dia.lTlb,mt: "On tot lid tbt Flomoai doted Ibdr uoige. Bcnl, wlilcb bie bieo t tery inocenibl oic, tnd on tki ltd, •Lnorelli Vtrgli' took toi boirdi, wllb Ula Aim CowiU In Iht mil relr. Tklt li ont ol Hn. UowoU't grwtoii cforli. ud ber KTlrayd of Ibe peailon and rennge oi tbt DBdiira It ont of e bid wblcb hubeu teen for lome time In Oblcaga Ur. Lnl'k u Qec^naro la ladrrd gold and ap>akt Tohimee et lo bit ibllllyuuictor Tbe"Bonble BeddedBoom' doeedIhi per- foratirt. On Cbritlffliinrgbt>tbe Biedmi'wit preeuUdto in onrlowtog boaie. Tbt fDlIowIng nigbt then wu nol ont. loulh Ibe bouie Ibtt grodcd In flrtl ippettucei tnd conitdet, tag II waa a fdhire tt Wdhck'r, wo cuaot expr/nmBob wonder. It to pnt npon tbe itigi yiry well, bnt wu not well recelTtd, Ura, I'oweO u Bito Barley WJI parllcnluly doe; Mr incccie here bat long bten eeubllihid, Hr. Urlck't fhpt Fnraai Sdy, wbototappeted tobtablgb bicdudeduciled Iriibmia, wuBidoibrotd duliet piddy,bnt bit Idnof Ib^cbitacler wu toed. le-nlgbl, Ote. 3llh, Ur, ud Hti. Blddlet take a beactr, pio'udog •Rob Boy' trd Ibt 'Bimled Bonae.' On Ibt 901b, Hr. Winen, Ibt popslu Iminrtr, iiiu i bcntSI wllb •Wllllim Till'una line ror Ibt bUL Mn, CowdL lomt olghl Ibit week, wlU ddlrer enolber nply lo ike Bir. Dr. HilAeld'e lett tlUck ot the ilege, wben we aay expect to tee tnoiker jtm. Hr. Jeeepb Prooloroptoion Hew Trtr't olgbt fornix nigbu togtftaial, la 'NIok of tbe Woodi.' Oa tbe Md DeoX at tbt Hnteim, Hr. HoUunt took • benedt In lon't Baolflce' ud 'A Bolud for u OUnr.' Ikt hoatr wu good, bnl not u geed u guerdly groelt Iba »CM/lcia<rtn tllktibonii Tba aamo bill wu npetled Hthirdty etlemoon and erulng. On tba 3llb u eit'B tuMBce waa glTtn to an lomrale bonae, wllb <Br«aob ef ProBlat'ud •Htnl B;«igeBenli,' ud in Ibe erutog the ftlry dNBi of 'Bitnty ud (bt Beul,' wblcb kit bien in pnpir*. UonforiomiUmenpedilly for tbobdldtji, draw a crowded koaie; Ibo piece will run for Ibe rtadnder ot Ibe week. Htai AgBH Beany, wboee ippeinroe bu been looted for for tome tlm^ bti at lul midt ber bow, tnd tiku tbt pdm u Ibe •epcdtllly of Ibe Hufnm.' In tbt way ol norduttntr. Wood bu lately midi the iddlUon of > negro boy, ibont twdre yeua of age, firom Ailuta, Oa, wbo bu loot bit ipeiob bnl wbo itllca- Idee to I bird Utt wlrbl^ which cu be readily nndtntood. Hr. •"'I* Pd»«»»ge ha tecdna, for bit ntHrtng labon in catiring to tao amnaemut ol onr people Oionr'a Qemun Open cloaca ben on Iba lOlb, udgoudlrecUr toHflnnlet,Wli. Ibt Open to expected to be tucatdtd by Hr. Harloob, tnpporled by ibe foil lireaglb of Hr. Ont er*! Wubtottoa Oompauy." Tna OrxBi Booia, Springdeld, Hi't., wtt opened cn Cbritl- aut olghl by O. W. cUrte, inpportod by Hlu Junto Wide, comedienne tid nciHet and a good dramatlo cempuy. Ibe pluiieleeted wen "D» Caur Dl Btiii," "BtSaallL" tnd "Juny LInd." Ur. Clarke wtt wdl reotlnd at Dn Cant ud BiObdle, tnd Hut Wide, In "Jinale Llad," wai nn pleutog, ud bloe Idr to liki btr plice to Ibe froBt ruk of ber gnfettion. Lorn hu kid I hiw piece wrillen eipready for bar by Hid, Do Hirgnerrillea, celled ■'UdbieAitny,"udlt liexpectodto be protnoed for tte Brat lime Id Bnlblo tbla week. W. R. Bitn, mtnigtr ol theHetnpolllu, lodluipdto log., WII tbe redplent «i tbucAl on Deo. 361b, tppeulag u Htrttoa to tbt "Bonnd Bad't Bingbter," to i iirge bmt. Had. Oiuin wu tbt tUr lut werkil IbePIIUbnrgb Tketlre. Bbe prodnoed the "Oreoo Bnebu" dnrtog Ibo week, ud at HIaal midt a dieided bit tnd itttuled good bontet. FoiUBRiB'i DaiHiTTC CoKMBT performed tl Undo BiIL Riw BiTio, Coin,, on Obriiimu Bight to a Tcrylim in. dience. Tbe oomyuy ippotred tl Hirtford. on Dec. atlb. for one week. UcEBiaBaoHuiuiBd dingbler performed it Tonng Uen't Bill, Demli, lut week. In conjaeclloo wllb J. 0 Hyera' Com, puy, ta good bodneu' IbtifileerlfKronf T^ieMHof Dec ttik Ibattpiiuof Uienulltli:-"A Urge indlaacawit todtead- uct It lonng Uen'i Bdl, lut inatog. to bcu toe leBdlUio of Utcbdb, by Hr. UcKcu Bncbuu. Ibto piiy It known u Ibo molt difllcnil of Bhiknptue't Irigidlet. ud to Ikt cbuactor of Uicbelb, the loflleit ideoto of tbe actor an cdlid totlb. Few aderi, comparaUrdy, ban attdned a nperlority to Iblarou^ attn; bnl atnaag tboie few may bo pieced Ibe naaa of HoEeu Baebinin. Bit Itrge pbyilqni It luol) u ote u to ndurdly tiaodiled wllb tot great Bcoidi nntper ud girea to i cortilo eitut a gteeUr tfficl to tbe play. In bU rudmng ol toil chiruterlbeiecuKAredybeicriUciin. If llliootperfeet II It to aeiriy to Ibtt Ibe criUo muil ma iito tot Dtonteil detiU-f Ibepliytoellbetngteit u Improfement or dlKorei u sror. II Ii I gnnd, mtnilllcut piece of tcltog, which tt U dlOrall to lapron upon. Tba tepmliUen ol bto tndlenee wu fteqnently mulfealed by toeir lend ippbnie. Ulit Vlrgtou Bnckuii, It Udy Mubdh, ibowed ilio t bIgb order of lalul et u idnat-pUetog her laeag tot flrit of bir pnfeadon. Tbb Aunun or Hooc, Coiiy, Pi,, to adfirtlMd to be tit, by toe WMk or olghl, u tklt ud otoar lanei of Ibe Ouppta. FtoBBBoa Baaa elenllOBlal, bu Jut conclnded a oonna ef tiadlngeto toeweaterBcollcgea. InuadeerUaementtouotker cdnmn ke (xprmin a dedre to proonro a podllon at aome drtt- dui tbuire or allk • itar, to tbat be mty learn tbe bulteti. OaiBLBi Sblob cemmineee a brief ugigemut tl ib« How- trd, BottiQ. Hua., oa tba Bib luL "jaiBBiTB" It ludTed, tklt wtek, tt Ibe Bcttoa, Halt,, Huimn. lOB. HoBBit' Oouun, trgigod to epu bit aiw Ibulre to- BmIob, Hui., tbli week, wii pliytog tt Decrisg HiD. PoiUud, Hb, lul Wlik. Hn. Lea. Horrit mida bir woood tppiinnct on uy iltgt on Dec. 2Slb, u Fultoe to Ibe "lady el Lyont." ud to aild to have anooeeded w* wdL Tm "Ion VncH" oonUnnet lo atlnol tl tbt Boilon, Hum. Tbeiln.. II Ii to be pniteted i porUon ef tbt prttut week, to btiucteidid by the "Bohimlan Qirl'' lata tpinlle tbddn- Btllo fora. BuTBB'a Oraai Taonfi ienaincM a miiod of denn nlghtt titbt BodoB, Hiu., Tbntre, on Ibe Ulb tott laaOoanHBnu Tbutbb, Boilon, Hiti., boDt by tab. HoiriiiWukanoniiordtoepuontbe litlnil, with "Monty" ud Ibe following CHl: Enlyn, B. a Hddnm; Bir Jobn.^W. J. LtBoynei Alouaore, T. H. Banter; Blotnt, W. H, OUi| Blent t. BIckion: Onnt, Fruk Budubnnb: 8aoolb,S. & Allu: Bbtrp, J. W. Oduoi Old Heniber, 0. r. Ketcbnai Take, J. KMfo; OUn DoagluiL Hra D. AUo; hdr Ftuklla, Utt, J. B. Bogtri; Qiorgtoi, Mlu Bgiin Flood. "Rongk BItmotd" wu Ikt tfltipleo^ wllb Hie, J. DIcktea u Hiigary, ud FMnk BirdubBrgkuOendaJoe, Lra,Utnlaliauiidtr,udIoali Znltler, Inunier. aw. Oiaai wu Ikt ndpltnl of a btntlt ot Deo. 3«lh al Ikt Optn Bonie, Moifolk, Te, "Bdptog Budi," "Tha Hldnlghl Watoh" ud Ihe "Pluaut Melgkbor" waa perfcrmtd. THalImoFOuuii,Indlutpollf, Ind., did not banuriltr lut week, but ru Ibt dock oaapuy. Huigtr Bllty't buedl look plioe oa Doc Wlb, ud toe beuu wu cnwded. u It otgbt to bin beta, for Hr. BUey to not only i bird working nuntgtr, bat 1 area hnriie te toai dty, Onlbe 901b, F. O, Wnlto look a buell ud pndnced 'fiBeelhiirto ud Wlret" ud "lubloublt Bodely." BnaBTABDHuaitoa'tCoiiunperfonntd iQ lut wuk a BlngbimptOD, B. 7., udKmitolbinlbltweik. J. T. Fannia watnnnnctdtojoto Ibe party on the III toit "hub." wu pndnced OB Dec Mtk, to i cnwded kooie, wllb Allot Binltoa It 1Mb, Bbeiry u Mtlbio, ud Uuk Bttii u Bndolph. Bblbb WatniB to tt Olun't Ibtttn, Notfdk, Tt. "i-BB Taut Put Ubb" wit lobtpndtad it Weod't Tbtt. tre, OtodnttU, Okie, oa tbe Id lett IdBSBPiaDBROBtBUPUriied to Su Frudtoe, Cd„ Dto, Ittfraalfiw York.. Bbt totendito nnllBlben tnd pnptre lidlufor tbt tliga, JoBiuBA Cuofua, dnriBg tbt put week, hu pUyid bolb tt tboBogllib ud UermulbMlTM In Hflwinkee, Wla.prodnotostl Iba Aoidemy ol Hulo ker new "Ohild of Kitnn''^ wllb grtti lacceuL t eorriepondut iiye, wbo tddt Ibu "the Rcalnd t doable oiU ud Ber longi win Icadlt auered. Tbe HllBubu Bentnui ud itaify JVcwi nnito la prononndeg ber ont of tbt moil IttdntUag Htreiiet on tot itoge, wblle Ibe Bimun papert tpitktf boriatUltlediBon,allltlowllcb, alllire.gBomek uda little Obbu, who oonld tmlf wy, 'I etme^ law and conqacred,* Bbt btt idded to ba Bnglub reptriMn a fudnitlBg ud ebirm. tog new mnildl dnmi, 'tfeodltnd Wild Flower,' by F. J. Jerdi, ntbor of Tetlt.' wh'.oh enir nqulni lo be leu to n- tuo tncceee. Ulit OliBitu gon from Hllwtnket lo Bt Lonlt, Ha, where tbt oput oa tbt Id." Hioou UiToiiBix eommuoet u eogBgement at Oront't Tbciln, Waibtogtan, D. 0, on Itw gtb Intl. Htu Fi*iiT B. Puca eemmeaoed u ugigtaul ot two weckt tt Btmnab, Ol,, Ju. L Miu BuLU MaLYnxi^ fbsUltrly larmrd Ike pet of tbe Aaerl- can ilige, ttd vllttl a rery pleutog lllllitoirut, ft lotom. miBct u agtgemmt ol OBI er two wetkioa the 8lblBtl,,tt Btlroil, Mlon. Huigen wlibliig to leonn btr focateiteo, ibonld iddieia or tpply to Heitn. Coanir ud Ot,, Ikt Riw loik dnmiUo igntf. Taa But Lub, UjAB^azmM did a iploBdId buloeu dnr. toglbeepamgwcekof December. Tke pleeet praienled wan "The Lien of bt, Hato," JnllaDien Heme ti feibto; "Oreea Bubii,""BobBoy"tBd"Odoroon;" O, B,Wtldron pertcnil. tog Oioeela, Dob Day, Oonner O'Huncdy ud Jiecb UMIIatky, Taa Flobibou oonliBneditnbt'tOpmaonie.Olndnitll, lirtwiek, loniBocealonof good benaee. "BudyAndy"and ■Hlecbleroot Aonit" wen nerformed on Dec 3Tlb. On tbe SOib, owing lo I unn odd, Mn. Flonuawupntutedfna tppeutoglntbe "Tonng AolrcH." Tbt ZitIiIowiII Inope tppiina to IB laleriodi. Is "Bora to Otod Lack," Finny PretUgt nerfnmed tke put of Rto^ ud won t fdr ibtn of ai^ pliBM, BeitlnglBgoi"DitnilfnlDrtuicr"wit anobllkid. TvM Btiob tb Tiia FnLPrT.—Anaa Oeadl wit unonaced to dd'Tir tt BcVlcker'i Tbtatn, Obloage, on Dec BOto, a reply lo toe Ber. Dr. BalOdd'i aecond ttUck on ibe lt■g^ Thererer- ud gintleaan bning rtlnied to dlicnii tbt labjed la public wllb I gullimu eipible for tbi ctnleit. It wu decided to niota biffl u beltn-by t nply fnu Ibo tUge, A cbnitit curitd en Ibll wiy ciniol be prodoollTO ol uy good, for while Aubi Cow- alt will be applauded for ner rtmirba, tbe mermd genllenin will bno u tndlenee who would to ill prebablUly apriud him BlBOwerelllnttyclberplicelhu e cbucb. Tocomilouy decldonon Ibeqaeillon ene anUieooii abonid bear botbaooak- en, bnt u Dr. BalBeld tafniet lo apptir on tta iimi nlitfora wlUi uy idTOcatoof the toiain, ibIiMBnilbedone. nodu tkeie olrooailuoaa It woold bt ancb bttlu to dron Ike mil- ler tt onoe Ihtu otBtlBae It longtr. Taa Dattox, Onn, Orxti Boua wu unonnoed le opn for iH Am! link* an fhM IbI Inal —iTL »a_i_ TV. rr.'^^t'-''' Aieesih ana uooa, air. a. a. Btides, 1 Si"S?°J' I?""""'' olira ranay, Hlo HTrTb'. una Ella BcotI, Hilt BUay, Mlu Wataltt. F. A. flMdirff W DOBCio, O.L«dloAllu. w.R.Btydin. J ■. Brown" HonM Beyter, W, Bendenoo, Frank Bote, W I, Birrto W W annt JiDioi tewli, 0. Kylf, 0 B, Uwl.,ud tt v!Hdtt;wL^ ilwt (tolu"wulo bilbo opining pleci. Dailaglta wS!k Hr. Po" rod wil appear u OihiSlo ud Blcbdlen.". H. » W. S Tnrl per ire rcopiltlori; D, Frtgnlcki k sSm'i luiu^ Edmend <£•.». Aclltg Uibuu. ud J B WiloM Ail2?KIl^ aer. Ibepilceioltdtutlo^SitodlpSU^^^^^^^^^ lUtimd 6^11^ 111 PrtioulnmBout,roiid III, '.' *"u Qoim " wu braught ont at tbt Bonidu Baiui Biore,OB PieMbwuib,tnd to cSnUinid ihto «ikr"ai," oadtrdiUet Dtoeabar Ulb. ttyi i '>uu biD nUtaB&eut lkTly,ud(«MtBt*ibly. Tke toa^toOoMQ^^htSu l!7J^!S^n .''•*?•«>"'»■ >'««b, by a ooipt of prdtygtrt*. yoneg lidlci ge thmngh toe tindtaa olgblly dlilta iBlbgdu? lie eppiinic Tbt grweTuI dudag of Atnilt tddi toSk olber itindlena lomia Atdnna It Ht Ltillwi i mV^ BUbtp, Idixi Blikop. BdinT^piTaad HcOd^» Bbo,£ BfxIwfotMidtmeOeftittltloippetr. "™™"'"' „ J."? "li^Vl."""*'*• HelliBWe, lilt week, ta "Olnderdii.'' Tbiy nmito tbto wtifc, aad ptoduct iffi^S Beard." W. Btddgt. Jr. Ii wllb ibo coaplay. ■ J.l.aiiLiaBaB,.ai dd DtlUant tligeivia le ba tka m °^fT •» BdUdaj, lo Ibtt SS, m the iflScS of tke (Ib Inttul, leadrrid by HntgeiFerd, Urc D* Bo«itt,u wdl It Ihe whole coapuy, bUTtlnnUetod. aaa wUl ippiir to tbt" Ltdy of Lioni. ™ ••"unejoo. ud A uauuB in iHUnuii dnntlle pdritofauce wu iai» gtten It ConcotdU EiU, Bdtlmr/re, cn the M letuol brihl piloeopble LHinryud DriDiilc AtMolilJoB,fertbe ben&iVr Ibo IiniUUib BotplUI. "All Ibll Ollllen U net Odd %a ' Qnlta Horgen Hen Klibir " arte to be perftnaid. In AuuT toe ttockeiBUBy of tooAcadaByof Hndc htiA tke boirdi lilt WMk wltbonllhi dd of a ttir. btr oornnud CBI'■Htcgitgor," writing en Deo. atih, iiyt:-<Tbi <Ve^i' wit ginn on Ibe ig'.h, wito Hr. Rier it Col. Dilair. ThroiT. toTirTaoilnllidtud aellpiodaced; tnd Ibe tollns of iK MeDpiorlibylutoebidwiniuHd ibltteMto. Ool. Dt mu by Ur.Bytr. WII good, loiklogind idlog Ibe dd ben to pirlfi O-T.JllcbdtuEmir Htbommtd ind Uit.l)lSwta I.'Hl?i»fff*5'tf ""•,!!?« «<»<'■ • eipeclaliy comoeal to, aiMog of Hr. Aaklra, aa Ibt «tu4 Vldar, and 1 bin no bedto- lloB In raying, If tbli geollenen would dndy aU bit pint, uk« nndoubledlykitIhle.btaonldIntlmibeiioopSr'hr'i tu uttoeuiriiit u bU ptedicaior. Kr Lemaiao. whiwa i<1!l lion loubtrdlj It, he wwdlfrmdlSl^ fpiofudpLKJ wie pltycd on ite «lb lod Stib. On the lilta' aiSig IllS Terytoolffer»Btlyt(erlorned,oBlngBod:nDt to tbe dJuiMM the boui^ no ■Spectre Brldrgroom' condndid Ibe tSitm. lilnBeeta,rideemlogtoim»uonthito«ift)r«itictlng to tbe Sr^l'l'i^ ""WwcrTOfHr. A-hliyud Ihe AldwiSledl ol W, aiitchell were twih nry good, ketptog tbe aidlence in • aoa. Unad ntr If Uugbier dnrlna tbo entire periomioBcr. Te-nlabI Mr. Geo, W. Bloddtrd bit i benid', pnaentltK lor Iht Bnl tmt tbituiion ■Bottdde'ind'AuDlObuldla'a Mild.'" Tan Eaue wen tt toe New Uempbto Ibutra lul wiek. ud roBdn Ibe preaent week. ^.'i"£P'^ eoBmenco tl toe Open Houe, Plildinrgb, Ta,. en the etb.' Kin RBOBouitlt utenncedit tbiilir taxi wtiktt Ihi HitropollUn, lodlutpolli, iLd, UcDoBoDoe ud Bopble Ciober in ttui it toe Clenlua AndrDyof Huilo. w.=.w™» Tsa WIU Bama btn ittnmid to t>elr borne Ib Breoblra dlir a lonr torongh the Weil. Ibty remdn Idle a few wee£ IbranitudtoutokouolhittUrt' ■»»*i«wwoeu . eomauce u eogagsnest tt Ibe Arck, Pbllidalpbli. " Tatniran OoilPiiiitoBuFnndteo, hiTlaa re.ornalxed, ippetred to tbe drtma ot "Kule Jetnoe" it tot Amirlain I^eit't oil Dec lib. Ibe place to wib known to KoaUib u. Utddjne. OBOvn^lTiLUwOrBBiTioimbupoiHrdon of Ibe ACBdar of Hndc, PhUiddpbto, tklt week. ■••«■»• "ioa«a«y TBoiut HeltoB to in Pblliddpkli orgufttog i dnodic company to inTdtorongbPenuylnBto "g • "nmaie 'Tbb WiuiiMfXt brongbt ont "Conato Bacnb" tt Ibe Bowird AlbiBBum, Boitoa, Im nsk: It ituicled Urge indloncw tnd It lo be oontlnaed till fOidier notice. •«> Ton Amou' AST Dxioxof Pblladdpbli toka Ibdr Sell benidt It the Obeetontttmt Tbeitn to Ibtt city on ibiailerooon of toe MInil., HiBHirBlootaiTlBggucrandyBiTU tba tree uu of b^i tbu^ "Ibo Merry Wine of Wlndtoi" It to be petlnaid. • Himbert of Ibe coapulei of ell Ibt Ibctlrei to tbit nty «ui u. pear, and iitange to uf.BeailytU tot minor pirU In tot pSy ue aued b. Iiidleg people tba oomblold aekaini of tot Wilnni ud gbednni eppetr, dio toe bofld of tbe Arch, Wdno t tad Obeitont Ibe cut of "Uirry Wirei" to it folloit--Fd. ililf, Geo. B. Qriffllbt; Beit tiiB Uompla; Juilce.W. B WalUa- Barddpb, B. L niton; Bloder. Btnut B<hionTBo^oy7oira' Fawceli; Pldol, UeBee Buklo; FenloB. k L. Jimii- rTT Fnnk Uordiunl; Hitter rord, Ow>n Mtrlote: Hitler Pate Oea B. Clirke; BImple, J, it. Wud; Br. Ctlut, W. A Cbinmu' Robeit E. a Mtrbli; Bogh Bru, Wdtor lannai; John. B.' Wllkea; Bobin, UlUoEatle Biter; Mia Fort, a Benri;lln. Pigr, Anult Wird: Aonlo Page, Uuii Price; Dime Qolckley, Hre. 8. Biker, Tbieliartry tfttngout aod tba playwIHoo doubt be effecUnly readend. AcUra aa crer tbe coootry abonid Jola tbli laiodatlon, tba tolllitloo lee bdni only II which an be aut lo A. a Ptnaoycr, Sccrttor*, Wtlnul atRet'. Tbialrtk In DiTBOtT, Ibe bdldiyweokbii beu prodadlri ol mach mirth aid Joility hi Ibe waraf amnteffltot "Alia" nn ■ " At tbi Aihautaa, tbe VilllaBi k Tlnaeal coBbuinea bat. prond I good card, at Ibey bin dnwn excellent bouu In iplu of tbt bti weilbir ud tirong opioilUn. Doriig toe pieaint week Ibey have aopiired In "Irclind at II Wia. "Fmck Spy," "Aaaodou," "HIddu Hand," " Wlcud Stiff, "loU Honiei," Ac, la eU tl wblcb, Itaei kin beenably anppniM by tbe " dock." I with puilonlaily lo mention Ur. Hillir, to toe part of Wool, wblob ba ku mtde toe fialun of tbe piece. Bit bujo lolo ud duce were A No, I. Hondiy nigbt Jua- try I, toe " lady el tbe lake " wu to bt prodaced by tbe ttock compuy Hyem' Dmmilio Oonptny epuid at Tonng Uen't llall oa Hon'toy, Uth Deambec, to '• BIcbdIeu," tad hire pliyed " HutHlli,' '^BUDlet," "Olbollo," ud "Her- obul ef Vnloe." )be compuy opined to i Bae hooee, bot toe baalneti bu iiBu off once ala Flon Hyat* ume appeut ondllbebUli,bntibeltBdberf, ••«>-■. DowiLstoH lan Htannrt' ibetlrioil cimpny commenced u esgtgtmmt tt WlittBg Bill, Byncui, on'tbiaid Dcoonkcr, ud bin been detogaaaebulocit wllb "Pirgo, Itai Uontey." tnd •• Aliddto," Ike eatarittoBMnl betog lateiaperaad wUb Pirgo, the Honkey." .. ... . . ' lutetaperaed wltb Ugbt-topo uotndona, arid leapa, etc Tbry lloitd Janniry I. CBBimu tlmt It prortibldly depniitog to lit efftetupen iltoodance tt toettiee. Ia tonlariUe, tor corntpoadeit "Ibrnlu,"ayi: " rbtmuigeBrnlbwinot expeittncedto iTL'tptlon to toll, ud u Hiriittt Rinl ud LtninciBirttit blee aot pxoTcd the euda tboy Qnully dlwrTadlr axo and would tam been bad toe tenon b<u propitloua, Tbt flrat nuned ttit't ItreadI beniBt look pliet on ibe tid of Ocoember ' upon which oocaitra Mdt'i new piece, (for Ibe tret time pr * dncediwriltn for btr, atlUed. "Hiroo toe Hole" "Bi' .if' dne.ud PelrachlOb".aad toobatBoltr* Intnutnpoa z!~ Ulbl-tope, coutltalid Iki bia Mr. Pocli'i piaoa li dn^jjri Ibll lltcnry merit ateitBtolag pIotudlbotonihlKr jXZVt detiOa, tott mnrtbe ewabtocdtorudiradnmi pars ^Ai. " lUrt. Binnl duc« in toiroduccd, wbmb tir JTl^rJ tt tot udie tadtficllon'ol tbt tudlenco prcr SiiA , I tm irrry lo uy, *u llmilid In numbrr. C Jia'', n»,? Ttonotnceteded UUc BiTtl, Inwgurdlog '^^ 9 rrla an i£ 3aUi£emDber,wbea'<UTrenloie'^wu •'n^^'!S "Fiufaen glren reipetUedy, Mlh-^2 IfUt'ma tMtobi Mtb, "t'Ehilr D'Amoie" la u:.eM^j^^ m.^'tIS Simint, Herr Loito, Orludtai tirt FduSl,'m tooTtod(3 diandtrt. Tbe nott tledlYt Btdiormanmbu boen^BiOtb" wllb Hidime Oagtiolga to Ibi ll>'u nie ; Mndinl u Pbaon i Biuotot u Aleindn; tadOutPimnluOllmest; thelalla, tbongb glTtogtbeandobiatnaatidBlnblaoianoer, li haul- tbly diddut In dnouMo adtoa; wbllt Oiauiiga, tmb ia tU ctBcepUon ud excooiiu if her put, tilneed the tbnongh- atlit mod compltKily. Tbo ehtmi ud orduitia ue will up to toe auk ef piefldmoy, ud Ihi ImU eMeabfa to toe perfat- lien expKled by one tot too cuitooa. Ibo wulber liu Bllltded agtlnii Iirgt tndlaoea; teal nlibl, wb'cb wu Ikna. BbI^ IB ftet tbongh IktcalulBB OTtrhead, ttt iliuduoe wit' Inge tnd brimtni Tbt kulIdTng of inottrBboBithulaioc bem amooled qaatloB, bnt now tbtt " Ibit cmtl warto onr,'" udwltoaradnlafbndoen or more tocreued icUrtii taaB Indee.toen cililtBoeiue wbyLnlarUleBbould aotbmia openbonic, wblofe In eapidlyud beialy tbonid bo on i pir wIto. toe tcknowledged mulcal uile eid srabltectnrd BppctoutloB ef onr dlUeai "Soiedile " tnd iba "Sokt't Hello," bin btu toe ttopit playt tl llood'e, witk Buntl tt Blllol Oriy, tad. Legudeic ■Otodle' waaprndaoed lut Blgbt,i37to), Ointlt tnd Poller gldng Itgo and Olbelle moat admlnbly The Lonltdlii ibetin compuy pltp tl Lexington doitog tbe eeen*- pilMn of toe Uettrt by toi opeit, wblcb coadndu tbt promt itrIM on toe Mlb. DrtouUo ectoridnmenli will ba renuitd Ibe lit Juoiry, ahu tbt tpetlade, " Otttrid ol tho Qugu,'" wDI be predoKd." Taa omaBB or ImuiMLa hire bid qullo u teceptible- taiitti tbt HitnpoIItu Ttaiilii, wbere Mr. UcBoaougb and Hluaimbirpetformtdta"AmbiiiPogna," Aoomipoadar liyi tklt toe MdnpoUlu It a model ibeaue ud tbtt the bod- neu wu exeiUent TanbitantliitbtoiUluniuthemikatbe, feUowtog qaototlon Ikom out of toe InJIuipolla ptpon: 'la- Beau* la i word toatoccnri nr* o'tin In the tbuTrical tiid^ onltr. At employed by touUod people. It it ffcquatly' mUappUtd. A atnigerlntmoBut of lotonilum It teue- llffiM lltbli te ndilB, ImBeaai,' wbu Ibe rabjid li not la- neBit' at 111. If then enr wu a dlllag oetailou to employ Iklr toim, toitoceulOBWiB algbt bdon iittit Ihe UetiopolltoB.. The niw play of 'Airih at Pogue,' Ibt Uleil effort of Dion Bond- omit udgenerdlr conceded to bl bit cA^d'onre, wu ptodawd' fertbtgriilimtlnUedir,ud wbdbir to ike initler of Ika- toaluoipietutertorwpeottotoe pirtonnuu ltadr,wtarc eooiMaed to uy lauieue,' Tbao wia oot luaclul *»• tut iptou iliber to Ibe arobaliB, parond, drue drde- or gaSary to lett one iBdiTtdiil more, wnilt tot ItbMtt,' tad dilei wire orowded. A tOBiwkit ctidul obttm- Hod of tbt perforouoot tbronabout forat upon our JudnneBt tbe ooBtidloa toil ill tke pniii wbfeb kit buu' oealOBCd upoB toe pity lidtttrred. In t toedunltr teaie It'- excelauythlngytl protuMd al IheHetiopdilin. Ibeplolto wellwoTU, toeohirtoton weUdnwn, ud Ibtn It i progitidit totercd from tbt drittcme to tbt flotl fall ol Ibi cnrtoln. Idr.. HoDoaongh, dtoongb Iikorlngnnder tne Impedlmoni of a laraie- cold, ud weuy wllb loag Inrd on toe nllroedt, tcqallted bla- itlf budiomely at Ubau, Ibe Poll, ud wt tre Impelled lopre- nonnce bli rendition caiefol aid trot to the Idul Ai tbe btpa- lol, bOBUI, nutopblilloilcd lorer, kepertrtyed the bllit u todl- ddukl II luppotid lo feel on nob ocoiiloot. lo Ibinrtiand' wbm mlifoitonit Iblokened tranod bloi,boorlooed theumt llddl'y lo Ihe IdttI ooboepUon nlled Bbino. 01 Hlu QlBber'i rudlliou ef Amb Hiollik, we oaiy ny wbtt tbo tndlucepit- tenlobierred for IhemHlnawbin we pronoUin bar lolly 1V" to tbo rcqnlnmetli ol tbe part At i Tocdiil, the Iidy li tipe. ddly tlindlTO, ud wo coald nenr tire tt Ibt too! arapno- Blu of Arith, wbclher to ibe momonto of ber moot exniuol Joy- or deepeot ugnlib. Bbe bu, loo, a oooellaeei of perton ind or fulue, ud tboTO all, two orti for eyet tbtt in niber duger*- ou lo too ueeoe ol mind of Ibenawiryor uniopblitlctled." Haiani. Ditu Ii Ool btn nltbUtbed tbeinielrei al dnnii|e tguti to OlaclnaiU, wbiraibeyue pnptradtodotllbuitotir la their Itoa proBUlif and lo ihetalltfiotlenof botb muigcrtt ud tbt people. The profMiieB lo tbe Wed tbonM not Idl It-' coaaunloitt wllb Heme Didi ftOo,, uoordlog tolbilrlo'- tinoUOBi udtddnu lalbair tdiocUtiBttli totbtowiikr OLirrn. . HIn Jxaaic Diaar, toe pepnlai tod rirtitlle lolrea, wkiM kit juit oloted a aiicoeatfalingi«emtBlln Liinnwoilta, wdT ?imfflenet In Heapblt, Juntry Bib, ie««i Bocbidtr, 39d;. roy.Ftbmuylto; notion, Mlb. DniMini Paaaoirj^ ol boto muoullnt ud fiDlnlne gendi^ ; end of elibtr dogulw oc plnrdnnmber, nomiailiro caia ind dloitiTa mood, kiTlDg nlibllibed Npntallonik ue wnled iw Htouer UcKwa fori ccmpaiy to tiird toroagb FenBifinaa, ud idjiotal SUIai. 8w tdrerllMoinl to tbtt tfTaot laak- other eotntna. ing BiDnmi FuoLT, etmlt'lng of Bim .B»tofo«lb «^ pilifi BdlleRilnioilhtnaCbirlliBdnloitbitlleBO^ liniptrformert la tbtlr ineni tpcddlllti. ud to-pinlomiaat" , InparUonltr,tinbatagtgilbyiddrudBg MaiirABardAOkr- toa Oblctgo diintUo tguti, te pit idrirttiuBial to IBU attk'i Oupraa. toa lyrto Bttitii. nto'**"**'?.^'^ k INy. ta Dta, Mtk, optAMU X"J^ B. jrltwild 0^« Btna^ 1 "JMUldi,"