New York Clipper (Jan 1866)

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Miter mkI Fnprl*ter>| NEW YOEK, BA.TURD.4ir, JATSTUARY 18, 1866. BROKEN FRIENDSHIP. BT EDIIH CBBSIOH. OhI wogM Uitt I coaia bst twin n» IhoDKbUm mill I'n ■Twoild lUt * •tiaTOU «6ighl fram Ibh ra n> Inia rrimtfi (or jauii *«t, akt mt PTOOd hurt will not b8ii4, Mor wOl mr Ilpo >>nt apuk ibowm Sttl mlsht reotU 07 filond. nay tall ma bo irill aill ata lasg For Soolla'a dlitiDl clime, Tbeia 01007 bearia perobinca be'il wtD, But nose eo food u miBa; And,obi balllllbablppIUlat^ lo Ibit looa, (oral|D e loia, Aa bu ft GaoadaBCf, or7a!al clear, Tba (anlt wia wball7 mld& A TALE OF THE CIRCUS. " 01 AUOB IIAB3B, Hon—nan la aemetblsg a llllla alogalircaonicled ntlb iba lollevlif- SUflng a raallaai aod lef orlah Digbl, I dreamed I ni aiafad la wtlUsg a a* 917 for IhU paper, I awota laranl UmiaTDQt aaob ttona, vbcn 1 fell aileap, I xaanmad whUog, It ■Ida a TV7 TiTid and laiUog lopreaalon on-mr mUd, and ■1«]la" li tha atir7, neul7 oiioll7 aa I rcoilfad II from dteam- lud.-Sn AvKiRO Oodlcn Sn. How nnob tbia eranlog ramlnda mo of one Joat a 7au ago to- illUt I Btl Jail aa I do now. In a drBaB7 rararla. In 017 ftTorItt loasglag ebilr. Tba llgbt of Ibe ilKollamp ft II In (baiamo loag line* acraaa Ibe floor, Ibo 0SI7 tigbt In Ibla isoo, allbongb the too adJMnIng onaa are bilillanllr llgbltd. In tba nom on Bjilgbt Maaditbo toi-tible, bind^melr hid; tia aofiUnbla of Ibe afoana lo tba onpa, tba odor of tba rragnnt tee, coma ieo|l710, aa oaiafal and otloQlire aarranii arrange arar7Cblog. Ttepeodaat gullgbtibora abode lie brilllaaoe onr tbocoeUf ud lamlani ipoolnlmente, for, allbongb tbeia >ra bnt two of mj wlla and I, Tat It la my pleaania lo bm orer7lblog ir- naged witb Iba aamo cato and tula aa Ibongb tba nom was fnll etgnaali, Iba fooB on Iba olbar aide le tbe nnner7( and tbrongb Iba kill open doar,b7 lbell(blo( Ibo gialned glaaa globa lamp, I «a m7 tailing bar Infant 10 aletp before eba jolna me ai Ike laa-tabla. A awaot plclnraof7ontb and beanlyind maleraal lore aba ta, lltUng theio, bir aoll fair bair rlpplTog aeioa bar bnw, and blttsggnoatallr. and caralaael7 babind bar aar^ bar bloa oyaa dOT loaat lo Iba babe In bar arma. Tel abi^ tha wlla of m7 boon, ao good and Imitlng and In- necoii kaowa nolbtog of m7 bean bliiorr—iba romanoa of m7 llfe,wblch on I jear ago bad not began, bnt la nowconclndad aad tha Talnma cloaed forerar. 1 am Bp Brioiilo dreamer, no morbid aaatlmentaUaL On tbe conliarT, I wu alwira lalber akapUcal aa ragarda lore; lor. lUbonA I admlrad Ibe lei—wia oolta a ladlta' man In Ikal, fond ol lbeIraKlat7, and foil ol cblnlrona idmliaUon for all—yet I bid naTar IotmL I wia waallby; nolbing ehaabed m7 dcatrea; bta to eaao and go, and anl07 mjiair, aoabtog pleianro and ai- dUamenlin ever7mannerIbu nitad mo. For low pleajnrta 1 iiiar bad any uala-dilnt, or oardt, or inlrlgoe. I waa (end of mnio and ^ctoiaa, Ibo tbailre, Iba aoolet7 of altncUTa women; bBtIdldnataln,ool7lnldllngawa7m7Uma. I bad often laad of a loTO, ferrent and paaatonalo, tbat wonid due dea lh lo gn 'n poaaaMlon < tf lla olijeet, end often, uihU (Ml laiii'a fuSSi BU no *> jiaa arar gained a naalar power - ' *— pli ' onr ma Iban ta miko me feel ibe ume piaania In bar aodety, arlntaraat la bucoBferiiUonlbatl wonldfeal In a well-wtlUan aoTil or aa elotnecl lectnia—Ibe eime edoliallon of bar biaat7 (bit I woold maoireat toiirdi a baanllfal ploinn, Nooo erer cinied DO eleenlcea nigble ind tbonibUnl di7i, lovtr-like tap- bDce and paaalonale adoration. 1 lell 0DI7 a calm brotberf7 iSnilon lowarda alL I itrnHed It; Imlh to tall, I loogad lo iipttlenoa a peielon eo dellgbUo] and abiorblng. Tc nil In loraatlratilgb^labnow Iba power of'^tbediikayaln woman;" lo bo tbrtllaa hj tba loneh 01 a aolt band, or Iba gllmpae of a lonfrteambllig Ibil U a lorcd one; lo ptUe Iba almplaat ulfla, 1 lower or • ribbon, became aba bid bandied It; to be caat ibamitelj'lnlo Ibe aaTanIb baaran of paaalonale bopo or Ibe illermoit deptba ol Jealooa agony; wbat wonId I bite sot giren loknowiUlblir I begin to ba lalbrr donblfol aa ronrdi Iba ntilenea of rack 1 ftallng aflar my Ufa bad glided on In Iba aine monotonona muner nntll Iblity, md I leiolrao 10 nury. I wii wrarr of windnlog, I bad Itaralid a great deal, bad aean and admbcd eniylblng baanllfal, grand, or wondcrfni. I graw Hredof ei- dlamani and algbMealng. I longed (or a qalit borne. I waa old enongb. Lore—If Ibera waa aneb a thing—wia not lor ma; uy boarU^lf I bad one—wu oailQad. I would marry an agree* able WOBID, and ink bapplo<aa In married lUt, Hot bnl that I nu hippy onougb. axoept a llllle amuf and weirtneaa of my plianiiaa—for neroly earthly an J eilbeHo pleaaoraa will not Bllify tha aoal—bnl I bad comnitlad no gnaa aina to etiog my coudenoo, I had lidnlgeo In no low pleainrea lo deelmy my Klfreapaat I lamemborad a certain little blna^yed ecbool girl thai nied to •Irlka ay boylab fanoy, and It Iban wai m7 iioblloly tzpreuad opinion that aba waa the prallleet girl In eohoo,, and tnil I wonId mmybarwtiailgrew np. Icalledlo mind her lortog, forglT. lagdlipoiltlon. Oflan m7 lodlgnalion had been an>aiedb7 Ibe baitmant of eomo lltUa Tlien who would Unpiie on ber, pnab lad pinch her on Ibeellgbltit piOTocntloo, and often wllbonl •ta7 proTooillon at alt; and 70!, If eba wlabcd a faror tbe neil aomenl, all waa forgoUon and forglron. Ii wii Iba nalural •netnoaa of ber lamprr, aa Istulliro aa waa Ibe awoet amilo tbat latolaBUrUy ololbed bar face at areiygluoa ehemet-aimlle It awectand winning Ibit aniogeia "olcMcd bar unawirea." I laaolTed ti aiUte In OilUonla; for lo all my wandnlngi arar the world. In all baanllfallenda and lalanallngaaeoolailona, neao appealad ao dealrabia for a life long boma aalbia delloloua cllBlt^ pnie almoepbera, and Iboio Ilafitn akiai. On the ahaiaa of too broad Ftolllo I built a cage lor my Mrd, .abome of wealth and beanly, wlib an out look on Iba diehlog wiTea of Ike wUla bine aoi. Finning mybou»,glTlog ordera fir my ^lmltur^ Ibil all might be oomplela when I nlnmcd nllhmy brld« I aetaall for Ibe Blaleo. Almy Aral meaitagwllb Ibe inlea Cairta Loailng, Ibire wu tilt In ber downcait aye and timid oonioioumaia of manner, tbtt ihowed tbat aba bad not forgotten Ibe bantarl ng of oor •cbool daii, and aaroilaod puhapalballbad rainrnad lo InllU ■w youlbnil wordi. 1 did not loM an7llme. I aeon ealcidan opporlnnllylo tail btr oiBoUy for what It wu that I had ratumad. I did not make ay ptofoaalu df pualonato lora. I lold bor I had alwaya lored •It belter Ibn any one elaei Ibal I tbongbl wa abonid tie happy wilbir; dkicilbad to ber tba baauUfal boma I wu building (or bit on tha aboiea ol Iba olbar ocau, and ulad ber to be mine, F« a moment aha btilialed, bnl It wu ool7al the Idea of IMog lofki aw*7fiam.bor moihar and homai (ot abawaian •>!> and pelted diogblat. Bui then aba frinkit nut ber little •ud inmlnai "Iban almia lond ion, aaiild; i will go with Jan.' To ia71 dM not loel a lender allaebmoil, a warm alfaollon lo nia aweot yonng onataia who thai cut In barlolwtib mlno woold not b« Imak 8bawumtaia—m7 wife—and tbe feallogot poaaeailoiD, ao attoag In aTen man, made ma pilia her, fear lo ■oubcr, watch otar hi>r.lradetl7, gnard bet Irom arerr 111, and nana bor affooUonalalj Ibnogb ber aei tickneu doting tha ja;>g& let If lUa wu all than wia In Iota, il wu not what I lucladlL ''Ion an as tbongbtful atd kind, Oanld," aald iho, cna mono. tU aranlng, u wa ut on deok-and I had bnnrbt a abiwl to wiap ber alendir tamo, iblaiding bs mm a aoildto ohUl, for ui breno WU rn<h—«thit I do not donbi joslore raetallhoagb i<n BaTeraay aa" ■ iJutwutbannnitapproaobabeaTarnada lowarda blallai Ibil I wu not damonattaUTo enough. If aba arar leltinywanl «wuBib In my mlnnai^etr and piUmt girl-abe nam ai- {tued IL I wu Und lo her. Indulgent lo bet aiety wuh, ten. ou to ber feillngt, watohfal for bar comfoiL If ahe mlaaad lbs udeinlbdila tomothing Ibit IndlciiM line lore, abo "aulfeied Ud mido no algn." 8E0 aid not giro way to loy (eollogi Ibil •la Ibeogbl wonld bIto bo pilu-to home aloknan, longing tar bur mouiar, or Ihaumoat tdolattooa alTecllon 01 bir bntEetb no men, accnaiomed lo roaming wllbonl a homo, cinaot ip- PtKlalitbe ytamlogofawooin brought up in tba witm and loiingaUooaphen of a happy boma, when ahe anllaTeell,iTen ID Ibo aeclety of the nainttind deitoal, 11 aha tooke lonrd the loved pUoa and Iba dear famlUitficM fiomwblob Ihodletanco. ■be weary, wtaty.dlatince lawldeulbg and widening cTiir day. Our beautlf ol aaa^lde boaia wai ready (ot na wb'tn we attired •lib ereiT ooaranleaoa and lunry Ihel weallh oould ptoonti, lid nolbing appeotad wanting lo completaoor bapptoaaa. Oaa joar ago lo-nlgbt tha ntxtiroom wu not a oniaerr bola drtiiing nom, and'.Ibo Ugbl (atry-llko Ugaia o( ai wlfa-lbon oniyaibrae monlbibiMe,flitlid about, pnlllnn tha SoUilngloaobaatobar lolloi. ' .» — .m.. Tn«a aba coma lonlr lo my tide, looobtog my abontdar, ' coine oenld, whil an yon Iblnklog eo Inienll7 nVmti Ion in yon Iblnklog eo Inuntl7 laktog my arm, and UnkI) la wall lelbn orec li, aba lad me awi7, J^^na (o.ta tha dircii lo algbl," aatd Hie nUer Umllly, bbl "tB^.ajM took oat plaen at tha labia. •bo.dapiaaathigtr, •■11 la ool Mit'tallneA at bona 1 wooia oM ronaal Iv tM kat* la Oall. 7™ •'•Wjpftm: iMmwaBltfByUllb I ikMia lOa tba itndy ot bar cbataotar, which wu of aVar da(pinli( kilMt tonu, Bba wu road of B17 compan7. loo, Uarlirga dark era wonld btlghlea with Iba link walcoma of a obtid WBsnaret loimaial —•ad I appiil to araiy mm who bu expartanead 11^ It n If aat Boat daUibllul to loo ua eunllgbl fliakInto Iba ayu «tabawlU tUWOBinatyontappioMb, , ... . Tha auu ariBlBfl uw my wiia ospatlnd, I wwt <>,^«*WUaB Illy, and Hwii A™*" tba amply aula, aad Ik* IdianuoiilS; haaalPaatliOMa talk* laaor.laali Moudaaf ^rUhii7iMSaiballi*UM*t' ^<»,»,.~v -p—r aiaa,/ZIM loiua tma alaaponr- bead Ml opon her tMbeod aod ayof-'tha gaaifal haodiWUb Ilg oaiettaa arrangiaaalotlbawariaMd otilaotdaihallhybalr. How loeoogtni>aa appeoiad Ibit fui a id head, with Ita aamnBt loga.aad bar alllra. "Beaaio, Fbemir," aild iba, wllb a oaralua yawn, "that my allpper la right, for toy life doponde oo II, yon know." A cold ebuddor peeard urcr mo, aod ahe added—to ma—*'Thal (8 true. Brcry article o( my dreia ouit bo (auttlualy amogad: a oiitloH akoallo, a looie tibboo, Ibo leutdlaifiaaienentei aoiaa ippaianlly nnlmportinl Item mlgbl canii a fatal acoldoat" And iho lauibad llgb'ly, "How can you Iron It lO carctualy I" aald T, aaiDMllr. "lallnotloboniKcUdt" raldah^ln ihoaBajeeUngtoaat tbon Iraramed mora lorlouily: "Once I did not cini tot what wu iby lite, to look torwaid to, lhat I ahonid try lo ptaaaira IL Such a Ufa u mine I I wu onoo oa nckleoa f 11 ippeand, Bgt now-"ibahaallit>d, "now"- "Oo 00," eaid I, aimHlly. "Now, I do not wllb lo die. Ufa appun aon daabiklt than lloaoadld." "Wbat nlibtj obinjo hia pnaad onr your llfbt in |oa aoon lo ba nanlaa lo nnl 1" Bba atitlfd alighlly. "Harried t Ho-nol tboiily, Vramnr - oblldhood It wu undenlood I wu lo bo Barrtcd lo kimot toma tnturatlBa; bnlldonotkoowwbin," *'Do yon not Ion bim t" She' abvuned hci ihonldera illtkily/ ••Tea, at couim I tan blo,'( bMIUIing and liogating oiar hirwotdi, "Ha loru yon," Olid I, gulag keenly talo bar hcOk fat I aonid - lead qnty amotion In birlnnaparcntconaianaaca—bntlsaload ol Uabling np wllb a letront alow, u It wonld bid aba tejotoid In and lalnmad bla lore—"yea, ba dou loya ma"—bar ayaa fdling, a ibadow Telling ber raco—"loo much, loo dauly. Ha woald^bo mad wllb Jeilonay II hadnimad of any one alia lorlng ma. I poalllnly fair blm, aometloea. I ,am ao oomplalaly In bla power, and Ibollenba would kill notaUiat than gin ma op to anolhtr. Bnl jal ha lona ma; bole lo (eattally lataraiM In m7W(iruathil t^a la In anigoay ill the lima I am a^Uag, fearing aomi aooldont; and when wa an aellag lofOtMri ml nimaaia wronabtnpto aneb a leniloo, bla Ikea la aapalau daalb; my Ufeeid aafetyaiaof more Impotlancalo bla thin bla own."—(OoitoLUDao 11000 mr.] A RACE FOR LIFE; on, Hunted by Pinlhen and Wtlvtia FANMT PRE3TIGG, Cokbdiknnc. For BJograpUoal Bkotoh so* tiothar oolomn. •If It will gtaUIr yon, I wlU go," eald I, for I alwaya Indulged bor. "lbank7on."ialdahelooktognpwllbapIeued amile; "you ata IboTUTbait and kindeat buiband 1 artr bad." And tbna It wu that wo hippinid lo go to Iba Clrcui tbat night. What allnollon la then to the rlag for cniy oaaf Thtre mnil ba aomalhing In It Ihil appeala my itnngly to aome irlnolple of hnman natun. That men and t»yi awonid dallghi to go, I do not wonder atBomaeh,tar ibonia lolhema lore ot eiclle- mont and dangu lhat etiongly atttuta Ibem ta aea Ibe bautd of Ufa asd limb; bnt (ot women—I abould think It wonld ba at fomaTloleucalotbelrfetllngaatSnl. Fot my pail, I had a'- landed until II wu nothing new, aod Uueael wat, the only ploaiota I pnmlaod myealf wai tha gtauflcallon of Oitrle—of eeelag ibo etToot ot a ilabi ao new upon bit nnaopblaUcatod nalan. It wu with a keen delight to ber, and ber ohlld* Uko enjoyment of It npald me for the llallea wtatlneu It wu lo me. Towiidi the lilt, a hotu of munlloua beauty wu btoa(ht out which atlnclad eien my ailentlon. Mllk■wblt^ with btlaht eyaa, and delicate pink noaltllt, bla aplrlled feel pawing Tbe gronnd. In hli bouilogaot blue and allrer, he wu wall aalculi- led to win admlnllon. Bo wu lod by Uooelcut Fiul, a youth wboie alindet frame aaemed mido of whalebone, ao lull of atiangth and aluUaltyUappoind In aome ol tba featabehad portermod.' "Mademoleello Leila," wu Ibe eoaonnoement, u tha ridtr made berappeannca lo Ibe nwdual arena, Alfltif 1 wu ao mnoh eneoped In admiring the gncaa and acuona ot Ibe beanllful aleed, ual I acanely gliaoed at lha lady u lhay glldao gracafnlly atooort. Then I niacd my eyaa. She atood, her banda croued on ber bnut, hot eyu downoiit, her dark halt out ahott. In tipplea and tlnga, toim ln pictnreique dliorder ont her blow and annnd bet taoa.:- Tbat laoa I II wu not whit yea niliht call a iltloUy beanll- ful faof, Ihougb the futura wtie ngular and agiteablo; the foiaheid %lgb and aqoan; Ibe mouiu firm and dcoldadi the cbin well monldid, aa wu Ibe whole of ber flguK, lounded, anpple end gtacelnl. Bot ibit counteoaoca made an Indeioilbablalnpruelou on me. TboiowBaaalnnge,lndellnBblaaltnetlon about II, like a pie. aentlmeatol Ibofulun, ot a memoiy ot Ibe peal, u If I bad mat with hat btfota, onhtpa In a (atmat alala ot exialenor. TouwUlnndaiitandine, teidfr, ir7oa ban ont met a fioe ■nddenly In a cnw), or Itiuj ba 0017 an Imaginary one In 7our dreamt, Ihillmpieued you iirouly ud olnngaly wllb a feeluig yea could naltherdoKrIbeot obike oIL Bba lalaed hot eyti^ Urge, datk and moumtnl; no dmnlattil amila clad hat lac* far a moment, bnt a alight axpiaaalon of- icon of tbe audience and of betiolf, curled lalntly bat mobllo mouih u bet gen puied nund the ring. ShodinoadullgnllyandbeaallfnUTuIhe moonlight on iho witeni then wu only grace and aotlTlty In Ibe apecleclai bnt when Uoni, Fanl and bla beaiUful bona wtn Inlndncad, anoibct alamenl, diileg, wu eddid, I oannot paun 10 epeek ot Ibolt erolntloaa, tbelt dangetoua Eoaea and aliltudea, except the cosoludlsg one. niding both oiaaa, Uonaliur Paul drooped tbe nine aad aupnorlad a long Iiolo on bla folded arma, Ibera wen lltllo ooia plaeaa nailed at DtatTilf acton Ibia, and on theee ibe ucendtd, atep by atop, aloaly and warily, amid lha biwtbleea alleooe ot Iho orowj, nnlU ahe retched the top. With one loot tiptoe, on a alendar ctoa piece, inpporting benalf wllb one bend, wllb the olbat «ba lbNwklaKaloibeaudluce,and ihua Ibey cIRlid inniad iba ring to theexdilDgmuloaiidibaappUaaeot lha enwd. I bad aean feata Jual aa dating, u giacafolly and leokleiely pnfarB*d, bnt aHot ill my eipulence, I tallowed Ihia perform, ance with an anxloni (ladEaUon, and dnw a long brealb ot mtogltd feilat and tegiet at they diaipntind. TbeaibebolflaahtoteloByoheak lo Ihlukhow I badbcea ndlad. "One would think," lhou|ht I angtUy lo myaelt, "Ibal I wu a allly boy thtl hid nam attended a oiioua beloie.'' "Lalnego," eiidCtrrIa loftly; ■! am Und, and Ibe eidto- meat baa mado my bead ache." Uy lemplw throbbed with exqolalle pain. I wu ;lid to get ont of Ibe nolao and heat of Ibo cnwd. We wore aoon drirlog borne bi our ablning new carriage. In Ute briiblmoonllghl,wblla my wife prilUcd anlmaladly, bba did w4 noiloe my merle, fot I had grown lo be a nlhet •llont and Ibongblfal man, only nplybig. at Inletrali. I wu - ttylgg to analyie my feallngi. to know the ciuio of ibe Impna. elonnade by ibla girl of whoio chiiictet and antaeedeota I koew nolbing, who only made bet appearanco onoa, and wont tbrongb n porformBDoalbaieceo a hundred llmea. Wby ahonid I tiel a aeniallon I bid nerac tilt balen, an latetoat In bet tile, a diead—wbat a puerile lolly—Ibil aba would meat lome ecd- dullnhetperllonetldet It could not bo the dawn ot Ion— Ibe leaUog I kid lowerda ibli unknown glrii bnl I fell a coaTlc- Uon tbat onr lalu wen loteiwonn. In mbo manaar, and In my dliiaibad dieami thai night Iho ploiun ot tbat pale, onl face, wllb IbelirairemoatataleTn, and tbe alighlly aMtnfnl oatn ot Iba mootb, awan anund me In a neret eodlng peitotmanoa. "Ton do not can to go lo Iba dmoi again. Is nigbt," aald I la "r&!4ottoow!'''f% aba. Inning away Iiob tba window btm «iiitb.aka bid bain lootmg onr lie winii "I hid not ibengkribast Iti da yon wUb ta got" ■TMUan I will," uM I, oaialualy, "I am Idle aad aamMt I iboiMllkaloabalhitildlogagalai 'til Ibabeat I amuw.'' "Do yon wlitama lo got" aald ebe, coming lo my elde. "Fleiie youtedlf, my dear," eild I, "1 do not lualet ni»n It" "Well, If yon don't care, I bellen I woold nther nol—that It, If yon would Jiut u non go without me. To lell Ibo tmlb. 1 am ancb an nnaopblattealed CKamre that It wu prelly eidilng for me—made ua ntbet Dorrone, yon know. 1 am nol tott well. Itlafoolltb,Iknow, hot I do not wut to aeo Ibil girl ndeigilo. Do you know Ibe cteeplog abodtfei Ibit IbrlOed Ibtoogb my ufrru leal nighit I fell aa 111 wan deatlnad to aeo bKr feU." "l(onaana^ Oanle," nid I Impallenlly, "aba will not till; abe bu poiloimed It ao maoy llmea Ibit the le In no moio danger tbin you ue on tbIa floor." ' I know, of oouioe, II la becanie I am a nrtroaa, timid lllilo ROoae; bnl etety time I cloaed my eyea lift slibt I droaned I naw Ibo acddent, bet dnoerr and belt blown oick by the toih ot Ibe fall, aod awoke with Ibe honor one (tell whan droimlDg of filling Irom a ptcdplca. "Oanle," orlod I, almoat angrily, "Do nol apeak or eucb tbloga;" atatling to my rce^ and pidog ibo floot, "It la hot. rible." "Of coniw, Oenld, then la no duget," Bid aha, nupilaed at my nocalled.fot igltation. "I do not wllb lo ipoil yout eo. Joyment. Oo U>.nlgnl, If yon wlib; u fot m^ I am tired; t ban a naw end lotaiutlng yolnaei I can lie hen on ibe lounge, and epend a pleaunl etentng. 1 ebell nol be lonely." Foil of morbid unreal, I uitad mrnlf Ihil nighl ue ir the aotiaooe from Ibo dniaing loom. I paid no ationlloo lo any* thing that wu going on until I heard hat toleo—how did I know itwuban—aotuaweel ll^nld lonef, "I wbh It wu ont lo- sight, Fanli I ban ancb a beadicbe," xbea aba appeared again; lhat Ihooghlfnl, ironmrni race, car- ried my eaget paulonue Inlatui with It, aa II lloiud belon my gaiearoona Ibe areni. Agilu toat IhtUl of leaiplloable fear aod anxlity, u I beheld bet botna aloft, fit ebon out heada, polaod on tbe tip of one alondet (ool, bit gtacefol hooda eoatrcriog klua, u acotnfoUy, ai noklauly, u l( aha cared aaogbt (ot ui. Of bet own lira. One dianreiy I made that nigbl; Mona, Finl wu berlonr; tbet Ibe nightly petTonnanea wia a mattet of lite and daalb lo blm; lhat be held balaooed on thai elendet pole, tlikedonbli own itrength and bat powat of eqnlllbtlUB, a life a.lbniund tlmeimonpKolona Iban bla own. ' I wu a keen pbyalognomliL Where I rat I lar tbe gue of paadonato admintloo with whieb ba foltowid arerr aoTeoenl, u be alood In the enlranoe, awaiting bla turn to ippitt. I nw It In the keen anxiety, Ibe Inlanao can of bli aotlng, bla ilab ot nlltf whan It wai oret, I knew It by tha Inlnallou or bla Totoau they letl the aeene: 'Obl^Ui, Itlaoreroaoamon." Not oatlag lo eoa auy more, I led Immedulely. Aa I alood lu tha riiadowotmyaarTlige, imtylnglbonliii, I aawHoDi.Paal and Leila alio quIUIng Ibo place. Thm piaied olooe br ma ai I atood lo tbedauM eheda uopeneWH, A beary dark minlla abnndedhetform tobat lael, a fleeey, web-libe aoatt o( while net-wotk wu Ihtown nnleaaly ont bet head, and Iba pale beanly of bar faeo, tba ttarllketidlinoe ot berayia, abonernm tbe mingled blaok and white ot bat aUIn, u afnn la a clouded aky. "OhFan),"nldahe,lnthaoIeulawmuile of hat tatbii painunllr, "How catalaaaly yon ban lued my aboe; I caooot walk ao." "IwlUti7ltagaln,"nld be, pleaaantir, ilooping; tad ibey PHaadaooeaimatbatlcoold beat httllqold lonca and goaeU the aingulat beauty of hat fue, "lam ao Iliad," aald abe, la lie ume pMlaal lone, ■ Paul, why la ibete not a wmege bete t" what mad tmpolaa made me atap torwird, allbout a moment'o lallccllon, and odet bat the nee of mloef it wu ngt iho ad or •anity, bnt tba teTOiteh action ot one lo Ibo ilale ot mind I wu tbenin, I did act eppeu mynir, bnt In Ibe bewUdettd elele of one in adieao. Tbey both nt<ed Ibdt eyaa, eurprlaid. Foul aui- Toyod me mm bead lo foot Wllb auperalUloui dlidalni but le. lla looked up. Bat lat^ bnwa ayu met mine, and eioi aome- llmea apeik rolomn Inafantaneoaily. * •n wUI aooopt Ibia gentlaman'a oflor, FjuI. I know bUn, and I am my tited." Panl aniwaied, ■Teiy waDi" aaaliled bet lo entir Ibeeirriage, which wu an open iMlawny, only lirgo enoagb lor twoi I took my tell at bet ilde, and we diore away. A dirnca af a nonenl 01 two. I tonld not teallM my politico, ud, ttntb (9 lei', did not know what to aay. •ItoldFaal,"itldaho,"lbatIkaawyoa, Idoaot, Towbom amllndabledfoilhieploMnn)" .. . I lold bet, and oat conTetatloa, thoa began, oenllonad, fiba hadlbetraakoaaiandnafodfof aohUd; a*ed qnealloni, and leplled Is mine, wlthoul any teaatra. Sbe told me hoir old ebe WUb Ihit Ibe wu bnughl np In hat piaeenl oconpatlon, that abe wu eagaged lo Fanl. did nol know wbin Ibey wonld many, pit- hape H aoon u her pteeeot oogagamcol el the drena waa flo- iabad-lbit la, If no acddant happened te bat befuai aad ihe lauabed. .... That low canleu tipple not a creeping ebidderof pnnonl- Uen OTit me. •'laballcall aod iMyon noma Hme^ Kay It" ntd I, u lha oittiaga aloakanad lla apud. <>Iea, I aball ba glad Is an 70a." aid iba, llfUag bar ameit atalomiaalntbeBOOBllghL >l aball Ilka m, I kaaw," aha did wllb lha aiUan aaraaarTe et a aoboal gliL PaalwMallhedoMlouilalhnUaUgbL "Wby, how fui you anat baya cornel" aildihaon itoagalalag' blm. "I Iblok yon mnal ban cone retr alowly," lald be inlhlly, iutnlna awa7, wUbout a word to me. "Thank >oa, Ht, Mote, for jour Undneoa," aald abe, Isming lome Ihoee brilllinll7'tubed0710 u abadlaapnaied, 'XIa neeleia (0 tinier oyer Ibio vaeoid ot naaoen ud folly— Inctrdlble, Ir II wu not li-no. Thai I, a gentleinan, aeouatomed all my llle lo Dlngllog In tba beat aoouty, with a wire to whom I oved all toreudnapecl, who badolBoya.beenakepltoil Inn. gild to tbe exiitonee of auch a pualon, ahonid become enamotod ol tbIa noknown ud ipnaianlly conmoaplica ottl, la one of Iba myiletlre of Ufa, Mo one oould ban mode me mUara Itbcfon Itooeomd. HidltbMnoneof my acqoalntaaca, hewonldhan fallen in mynllmallon, loo low to be arar waoiolhlad; aad yet, tram the Aral momcal that aha appeated oa my ylaloo, Ihli a<nnge (oellog of Inleoie abootbbig Inlanol dnw ao lowardi bir with a magnatlo lorce that wu IntatallUe; aad yet I did nol Iblnh or Iota, naill I dlaooraad It by mj Aina Jalona bilied of tbe fellow-Paul, And itwaanot Ibeexqoliliaatlot aooquetlalhaldnwmeon, Leila wae locapable of that Bba eaied nmabt for admlnllon. libe bod a catolata ocnlomptot tba opinion ot olbora, a lofty In. depenaaoco of feellDg lhat wouldhan acomed lo angle lot the lore of uy man. bba wae onrejarrodly what aba appeand to De. Kbe did not atlmnlala ei dlignlie ber foellnga. Drooght up aiaho bid been, aald ibe rode and detnalng ujBaenon of the rlogillkalhianowrboiomof Ihe wild fowl breuUng the intbid wilota, abe ahook ott all oonlamtauting Imptiaxlont. Sattoond. ed by odmlren, ollan obliged to bur apeecbee, ud pinyad. Tucaa non affedlooate than reined, iba nerer appaaid to nn* ditaland ot eppticlala them, and wliboat a bangbty ot offeuin firadeiy, ahemored amid ibem wllhatnodcai aoconidouueia bit waa ber beat defaoca. Thire wu no piaeloo, no deain ot pounilos, at Aral, In my feeling for bar. It laa only a toretlib noriat to get loto bor aodety. But It ebangad, ud diepened u Ume wonlon. AU that Ibid ant nad ot diaimidof paialoailoloTowunow rcai:aed. I did not atnggia agalnal II, It waa tooaweal a feeling, notwithalandlag tu aelf-abafemaal, lla jMloua agony, IK Ibreriib oicilement Nightly I altandtd Iba fllionti aflan found an oppotlnnlly lo eicbioge a tow woidt, ellhet bafore or aflat Ibe peilbnnMce; nmetImM called it lha holal andeaw bar In hat boeemlag boma aUlie, Ihe aoat appnpilita lo bar. I ngerly aeind enry oppoitnnlty to enjoy bet aodety. Each a life aa Ibia had lla effect onaybealib udaplillei teatleu, dreamy dayn, eTaulnga ot anoh exeltimuii, alaeplua and die- tuibed nigala. Tba drumathilhinniad aa, the daoain lhat beaat bat, tha obtlaolu lhat aapitolad tu, otolUaaatot all,I dreamed otcluplu) bet to a* hcait andlaaplag ItODapieol- ploe, ud awakanlag wllb mlagiod lefor and dallgnt. Htnoga lo eay, I did aol Ion my wUb luai ud tbua I aicoiad ay aloful folly. liUII bad Uia aame quiet aaeellon, Ibo aune lidnlgont klnoaau lo all bar wliber. Iblj new naialon did nol nb bot| II only opofled oew fenn- talne of fetung ahe had narat awakened. Bba wia dollcata Ibli aunaor, potbapa pUiIng fot hoDiotfoi men of my OMlely, Imt abe naTct oooplilned. "Weald yon Ilka le go home, Clnle 1" aald I, oni enaug, aa Ihlo Ihonght occuned to me. 8belay«nbatnii.|lnadeoaob aald iba beapid nppUlowa, looklDg 10 rtaUaad elendet ud pale aald Iba tngipiiant pnrlti' ol bet anowy nmlln wnppor, bar ilcndar fair/ huda oluped togeUier In the loon flowlag aleeTca. '■Wbrl" aildahLlaoklagqaloklynp,aglram otUghl fluhlng lo bet nine eye*, a diib ot ooior lo ber ohMh. *-Tou could bare ao oppotloallr ot going heme wUb ftleada on Ibe next iteainati wonld yen Ilka lo Tieli yoarmoUiatl" "Ob, Ornld dear, erled aba. llaUng bet flngan aBTOuly to- flither. "liow I would lore ta ban mottirr wllb ma. I am ao timid ud netroni, I ibtlBk (ram beug III iwey off her* aaong aitangora. Bnt—" "Bnl wbel." uld I, aeaUngmyw:! at hit aide on Uio conch. "How can 1 Iran you t Oinyongot'* "No, I cionol go. Utile," dtaalng ber lo my l>oaom, "bnl )on aball go ir yuu wlib." . • • "How bind, how noullahyon ue, Ornld. I know bow lonely you will br, I aball uol gOk ud Inn you atoae." "honwnie," aald I, gaUy, "I aball be loocaomek of eoniae, but tha lime will pani yon win hate a plntut rlUt wllb yout mo- tber, and abe wUI like ancb eioellut can ot yon, thil I ihall ba perleollyuHilled about yon. BiynoBon,aattta, laBieaalTod yon aball go." "'lla a atnig limfiaUon, I do not like to Ioito yoni but It yon an peifdiuy willing, I wlU go." 'Itwueiullyulaald. I wonld be loneir wllhont beii batl knew aba pUied for home, Bba bad all laa loia, lupadond ladntg. Ko aha had area poaieeiad, If I kited acoliier.aiateL Imorance wu bliea lo bet. And lit only theao haabanla and wina who han natet In their ronOwt canaeM bid gn Imiglaaiy totm coma bdwaea Ibia, blaiaa ay hipeotltr and double diollaa, Om lha gild WITH of the Foelfle gilded tba wblte.wlnged allp thai einledmy wiraaway,aid I «u htt'ta lodolgaay paaalonale aliaekiaanl-aaoB aloe la b* U—, toe a Vm, at laeal, (lom on Jatlqu aurtllluce, iar ttfl «m golag with tba tioan tar a abort iHian la lha tDHHaf, whUiLilU «ia to faaahi In aaoan Ike net that «u banalag iadlanaaiahia to ber. And iboa I woold ba at pnhet lltatiy (a Udilia tti ba ooolilr, aad II wn a bnolltul anarooon In Ibe lodlan auBaat,<hal a wtaloh, pitUoalitli In ihe weatetn potilon ot onr oonaUr, la of all othan tba nuat eBohinlIng, All who bate atood at law uo* aon or the year on IhopnlilMof ItaoWaal, wlUmaeonredbn*, win reoaU tba baanty apieid arouad tkaa fat bailer thaa I eon daacilbe IL Beuing my ntt, I lelt my Unole Jonalbaa'a log hot aadwudorad ont Ihe pnlrle in Ibe dlrecUon ol Ibe (oral. Hating aaotnded a amaU nluB^ I could pliloly dijoen Iba alalaly ooUlnea ud bioncblug uUvn of Ibo object of mr pnnniL Oa peering caielully ovit Ibe mka wblcb downed tbe btaO, I b*> a^ my game not much aon ibu a bundled yuda dlataal* tUUa anpacHai an eaeay; at Itaet In ibia dlfeetaon. ZhnaUa^ 'tboimutS'bt'Bytiflo erer Ibe tonka, I look deUbanto alB^I.. pulled tha liiggat; bat ibe quick, tbirp o::aok of the cap Uoo* rollowed, Tbia wia a duappohiuneni; but quickly ortoglsg ko- bind Ibe toeka, ud'iiemWIng with eagemeea, I aomal fsbgg., oinet eip. Aftetoooanmlogtwice Ibe timenc«euaiy,'aBdB)it. tcring the capi la all dlieolloni, I wee once mote la a olil* of prepatailon. The dart wuoooupying hie (oimet pnlllfm. though wllh held erect, eonfllng Ibe bicen and ditUng bla ilgMiii»n Sluou In all dltedlona, not knowing when to flr to ornld tha eitb wbldi aeemed Impendtog. Agabi I potoleday Iran and flied. The noble animal apraog Into Ibo alt, ud I aptang <n*t ihe tocki. When 1 twcbad Ibe apoi bli llmba wen qultana^ia tbe agonln of d«tb, lo loadiog again I foood f bad bat oaa ohatgo In my fl leki ao with all oonTcoleathule I drew ay bim^ log'hnile, flayed ay gone, and Inided myeelf with Iboekln and two of tbe quiritn, wblcb, logo<barwllhmyrMe,ftinnadaTaT reaptolabia nnrdon. Hlilhlnglnto araintpath,wiIlobI anppooad would aoodiid ma by a naatat touto ibiougb iba lonat. 1 hnitlod ' bono wllb all Ibo epeed Ihel my bnrdeo would lUow, Bat efler coninalng aalDoltnl ilae lo ban broogbt mo to lha edge of tha (orcal, I wii aniptlaad to dliconr that II gnw leu dj*. Uoci, and coudnclad me Ibrlhrt Inio the daelh of the lorcak Eooeiat, I pnaaod on wlib aliotlly, dieming II aun I okonld aoon emerge, and knowing Ihit lo nlnoo my aiapa wonld be condacuog mo In a oooru dliedly oppoille mr bome. II wu now growing qnlia dark ln°lb» wood, by wblcb the ladlaUnot. niia or Ihe tnacbetone path I bad followed waa ot caoiM 1» citiied. While eunding illll wllh doubt ud nocailalaly, Ibo long'diawn bowl of a well ame with fiatftal dlatUiotiitM upon my eu, Tboje. than, wen the oomputoaa 1 aboold bare nan I cOBpelled,.to nbiIo In thla woody libnlaUi—a ptoiped, though not agtenble, oettalnly not ImpnbibMb 1 toon toondmyebit nut a brook, and Immedlitoly delernlnod to follow It, ullidid thai it muil, aooair or lilat, condud aa to Ibe open worid once more. It waa now oiler auart, ud ao daik tbet I could acarcely plot my feirful ud dabloui wayi aad then noil molucboly noiM beblod eceaed to cauia aa lo ehua dean Uie IllUe brook wllh all tbe demone of Ibe boltoBlaa pit croadlog and yelling behind mo, Pinanlly I dtteotad a dli- eoidut note In Ibia tofamal obolr. I knew II lo ba Ibo cty ot g Binlbct, thaa wblcb I woaid nUiei ban met all lha woItm la 10 lonal. Boon I oonid deleot ihe naUtoa of Uatu and the craotllog of dried bnnobu, aad pianatly the naaaond bonad of lha pulbet aiiiuk platoly npoa my ear ud to my Laoti Wheo It eiemod to my Irigbloned tuoy that I ooold aimed fnl Ibo Bondefa hot brealb, and im, ihiougb Ihe dukoeae, bla erobtlla glariog upon ao, I ptocored a t«Bporair nprlen by dropping one qoottot of my floe rrnelen, which I bed laleaded for a (at dlOetut pntpoea. But I knew he wou'd ddiy only to nlurn wllh Incnieod rerocliy afUr hie rapuL I qalokeaad my pica, If Uiat wue poaalble, alialamg atary nirrei bnt la rain—I W*. J, . ... _ oould aoon dlaUngnlih again bli langitaanad boandf, eeoh one coffllon nearer and nearer. When be approached oo near thai I cmeldered bin loo lamlUir, I egato balled him wllb nnlaoa. Tbla I did iiU my load wu gonr, ud taialead of batog atUaflad, the flaRe ulmu aeeined to ban groator appetlie for a rtobar npiet; Aa my leal udonl7 hope, lepnng IntoaltoMihleh wu of middUng aiaa, wliboul any bnacbn fot aoae iklJij at lolly fiet fcoB Ihe grousd. Mo aoonrr woe I aiaUd npoa lha loweat Unib, ntdy with U7 gun, Ibu I heird my Into aeanalal- laaee banoding forward agiln, ud aoon, by Ina dim OghVI dIaoHnod bla f jtmilurniiol/ aioindlogand deacanding, laaplag Into Iba air, (nil ttenly tHlAitwaidd a Uae, It did aolsniala bla la ina lent to diecont thai the tnll oana to a yoty anddoa oonohulon, (or, afiet monlog aayanl llmea aiaoBd Ih* Ina, b* flnaUy aeulad hloaolt down bent alb it, and talacd aoOb a tto- Btndouayalp,UiatlnapltaoraHmydlampiBtowatdaaaU«oainl, ooold nol but ton Ilka aollea (ton tbiongh ay btoed, Iteob to my aitonlibmeniiho wolToa icemia oonlutto oooapythe bukgmnnd, Tbla wu aoon explained by iho appooianoa or auolbu pulbet. On thla naw atrinl Ibe two aaemed for a ahof 1 lime lo be holdtog u laletnal wu oonnoll Boon one et them Halted end tan off, while Ibe olbai oroncbed benealb lu Ina. I wu al a loaa 10 acoonal tot what tbla moramulolgbl lapotL Dot I wai not long to ba lelt In doubt. II wu ax- (tamely diOlcnlt rot ua to tealet ibe. tamptalton of llilBg at lha temalaing onai but I taaoind ti pnnnra ay lift ebitge In eeae of a gnattt cmatgenoy. Boon I haitd a t)l|bl aaokle ofa dty bnneh In anoiher Itee, dlilani two or Ibiw loda Imn Ike one I ocoopled. I diried my eyea la tbii dlircilen, ud Iboto, eionehed on a limb aeratd net higbet Iben myaiir, I uw lha other puther In Ibe teiy act ot iprioglog upon met Quick 11 ihonibl I draw np my rid t aod flted. The anddea gliniholnploloibodarkoailor Iba dim night, aodUtop ika woodaloiamomootlikeaflaib or llgbtolog. Aa the oialhat, atlbemomeatIflnd,wulB tbo ad ol aptlonlog, Ibe iapttal aeit bin ..tgaid and Uial be elnok bit alaw apoB , IboliBboawblcblfMlod, For a mommt hi alnig|lad Iota. Uln blagtup,ud than fill djiog to tbe gtooad. The olhv wolhernttnadlamalboirl. inflbin ilarled of laaa^Uu; minaer wllh Uia Inl, aod, I donblod nol, wliha almlpai Utoa- Hou. Ari^be w.. o'ulol eight I • lPI»J4.«a «!«» Uae, Ibiew awir my rid*, and auiud wiUi all Ihe apaid dao- paraUoD could lend. I coald pendraby Ihe banllnglbMihe wdTM wiie^Miioio "<>'>> J»"°"- I °<>* no <«r aeaily half a mlliknplMloa4nncool^bo woltea,wban I agila haaid Iba miMRirdf b?ooda of ihe piolber. My heart aaak wllhlnna, whnlllhiuiibtluwagllaipeeol tbe akythtoniklkatnHhc- iMemi I airilDcdevoi7nern, praying that thla algbl oeUu UM Tba pulbcr aremid to be awandt lhanMelallyof.pal■ llM'foIUl a lilt cBorl. aod gilood 00 as tutor Ibi^bWImL At bit Iruobtd lomo ibiok Bra, lod oaa quiok bonad Iran them brouVoi me cot loto Ibo open maanUgbtl Thtiaw belon my fini. wua honao not men Ibu Ally naa hem Ibe plt« whan I wu. I koew Ihe piece at a glaaoa. II wu a inUtbOtue, ■lioiiadon lka brook I bid followed, about Ian BUM tnany. noolo'ebonie, wbencileiatltd. The pealberMlawadaaabmi bilt way to lha boon, tawwda ahlob I altnekwUfe OU Jpoadi - Aa I hurt epu the dodr, aad foaad tbat I wu >*qal ^m«» .,. R«Mjy«, n».di-»'^».J^ Ihe tanlilou of lay'Iaeliaga • apaaihafloarlnaawoea, I ud laM n« aaadtul aUoatlOBi 1 ,1- apaa thafloarlnaawoea; HowtTOblfWU OBoag mi W u<« | ,. udtkongblWHNadykrkaar .