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THE limW YORK OLIPPER. ,. iioinwl BT JAOQPn WM*" ■ *"iSJS Mttib«n iBtii1»a, tni whileB»i«llm wmliie* » •WJ. • So«b7k V. •»« «<x>* "'»»•" •«'>","» w *• mSwtS *bl« to eun miner of b«r on l» btr.nrtoiiiiuu of SflSn?t tuuT aThioiI^i tbo tool«lUp u> bar proTHiloo, tben tba ooi nctpnal icUHoni e«»iiia rilliw luUlli- ■ taf-DslOatwi»iU«4of Bfcor Itlitdof b«r.• iml o^oUiet <"««>Tl Ortthe iwralditt • uaosglonnof Wi» ™"' ft"*? MtttUAnimt ot ont of Jvotf, mi mttij. Vn» '"■J^o'i not font Ibe oM rnn.W M blmbinbli (irtoOiiDOtohU fillM in ibon to tUow tbeb •<«« (ilud* ta do, la tbe Mei of JlMio of tbt nibir donUfal letiUoM wo bon to oio uolbe mw ca B^ tgA I nlled Is tiid fot uj loten (f •wutbeutlof OB Iho Kdo Of Boi>*U, At loiiglb I dtltnslitd lo aiki k elau biMit of II, ud s«M tor, u ItUaloI; u I poulblj conld, bo« AoKooditrteltdCntbiiUna. . I anu ibill forgot bow Ibe lltUa Ibtrg wopl ibl flatlmd vbaltpokalobe.. It wh mttiratt ibil I taiA mtilittDbot 111 ff w£i]o.'«Ba Ibil tn oren bliHo) hir murlnio ■lib U|bod) ktl Binolf, I hid itnick > mtuo tbongb BDlnltnUoul blow n •<Vbr, Undo JoMj," tbe aU.iobMsi (ib» olwiTO allod ma ■telhooboToa^li—otll«m»ooDO»i,bo*conld joalnutglsal mM Btn> aoiboO} but sont I an now aataBlocn jeua «f ue, ai TBI kuw, and It wm Ml ibo otbti dif I tbouhl jon . vonid oommeBc* looout ma iBl tiaki aaaoui, and Ibal wo AonUbm• TOITplwianttlmo oftlsiiultwtiIwosir, wban wowooUboatniadlBiaUcanaat" ^, ^ I m utoiiiibad br tbeu woida-falk m Ibonah I •trocboktoi |bt(Blolaml,tndudi*«ordttarsBdatlni«plf mill I bad BadeoBlgbtTtObit to apeak, tad ibe buotifal, alopla g<tl, twfalog bar wnlle una romd my ni<k. and wlib bar bilgbt leu« UneaTog down ber ebeek, beggtd of m* lo talk lo bar, At kit I fOnid ai« for nj toogne, aod loM ber, u wtn m I aoild, Ibal, aince abe bad daoldM It to, I aokU eout ber fot tbt*ajaan,aodalibaeDdof lbalunD,at MuxlloialitlMeU «M oBl, would Tfitnalljr dealal ttem dj isit K obe loM ma to do ta. •'Biii*'gkJpadB)uy "nppoaaldoaotltllfoaiWhttUuat' •^br, tbea, Of piet7, gooJ BsoeUa," I bfgu In replj, "I win—jtt, I win marrr yon " ••Obi Ibuk jon lor Outl" ika (jtoalilel in nliiiii, ud tlaed n» on Ita cbaak. At dnt, and tor nun watli anoMtlng Ibla mtellDii I bad no Ides Ibat I akoild em ba tbo btubnd of mj pfetlr tbtrge, Tkito jmn waa a Ttir hng Uoe to look forward to, and > jumt womaa of taimij ta mottly a verr dUTareel oreitnte mm ■ alrl of BamieaD; bnt I let mattan tike tbdr Inn, eODieat lo abide tbansakot Weu, weak! ptiaad, ao did moaUub and wban aboil tlx ot Ihe MlBt bid been o«ulo£ looamenoadloptroalTaBgraatebBsi)* la the VITi of Boaelu, bnt Tftr tiTonblo lo nj proape^ti ofb*- aomlag hertaaaband. rommlr, aha bad boD a mere obild, i bippT, lonplBii; aolay cntlare, bnl sow abe aKDCd lo biTa pewB aoaeetou at now dnlUa aid a law plaot u tba world, ■ba wwkad nntlrtnglT, both it her pnlaialon and lbs tuk of lafn/rlagbcraelf, and wbeaabebadeoDp'ttid btr nioelinib jeir the wia Iba Brit walklaghdjol onrcomtaar, ABOIbci 7tar and iba via twentr—a mlly lOTtly woBun, a&d ai good ai the wu beaotifnl. , Tweat; I It wu line that I aboald apeak to ber of wbtt bad hapHBatf lhre«2ean bel'ta. I d>d lo, and word! coalrmad BT oapptuaa, we are lobeBir>led. It wai tbea the month etMifI br.qbk iHiyJnae wlloeiMd onr aipooiil. ffa eonilontd Id tbe old eatab*l<bm:nl for elAht |aur, astll oorH; Albtrl wia aerea, aal tbo ciiooBialucta I am going lo relate tiaoiiiued. At that dale, prrmlnest In a galaij or millo altrt, wii a Ttrj hudaoeie aod brllllaat gentlamao. Be aaa T<t Tonagi a geoaral farortte, aad bad made mncb money In bla profeaHon. He oime lo peXorm a term wllb ni^ aod wta Iba eaoia of m; fltat greet raaahniband. From Ibe llao ef olitraiten mj Boietta . I, aha wat ofiea angiged la Ihe mlnlo fcena wllta Ibla gaa- jian—wulaeOpbiUtlo bla Hinil«t,tba Desdaiaont to bU OOuUo, and al»t;a on Ibeae oa:ailoie, II ao alrack at, pltTid With a paihOB aad lendeneaa ibe bid aerrt abown before. I But Bay 01 Hr. Talnaa, lot ooniie tbii niBW'a fteUilooa,i that be wia eiceedlaglr cordial to me, ud etemed lo Uto ao Intereat la mj wUa ud oalld—loo gtait aa lataeet In the former, I eoon •oiaffleBoed to ballOTo. lbs pU< had been "Olbtllo," the whole of which I bad prompt- ed, with the euepUon ol the oonri soeae, wbeis I did lemoe ae the Dnke of Tenloa. A new piece, la three io!e, (ollowed, Tbe leUagtalbeplagrbed boea rarr Bne,Bnd miay bid tsin ibe oeagritalatloni offered to ma on the "alBgalarly ezedjent mm- as" (ao Iba pbrus leeall, ot mi wire'a perlonnuiiw. Toere bad beoa s tasKTy rebeirail that day, which bad iItio bb only a ceaple of bonri belwooa luTmi the Ibsitre aad retorvlaq to It; a great deal of aailetr on my mind. cooUogent ontbe piodocUon ol tbe new piece, ead Qod knoea a greet deal more, in eiaoola. tliB with aoiaelalag elis. On lairlag Ibe tbea'ra at bair bmi ' Iwalra o'okiok thai nlgbt, I Iob^ Ibr Bleep, bat bow oonid I ex- peet that II wonid oome to me t . I went rapparlau to bed end tiled to thifflber,bDt lenitned wIdaaaakefotahBg time, tbea dond at lalarrali, aad whan tka Bonlag bad pngreaied a fe* honre, fouiid ths obUrlon torn raaliiy I had Ultn eo mnoh palni to wIb. Xbe day nsi bright and beanutal, aad at Ihe proper boar, I. mr rMt aad obUd proceeded to tbe Ibeatra, when ws aisl Hr, ntaaiB. To me uj miaaen ware aa andooa la oTer, lo ny UtUaFieddyuktDd, to my wife as alnoUomt& Intbltman- Bar tbIagaweotonfOra leaioa, and I wia hecomlog a thor- oagblyleilanenun-smlaeriblsfreataireto myeelt, aad mnib ohuged from arbit 1 bid been to tboie aboBt ma 1 bad of lea made up my mlad to epeak to Boielia coactmlog my aaa* BloloBB, bat ahaaner tbe mumeak hid pieeanted luelf I bid aeeoi eeired liom teklng itaU of II, lo nswonby did my eai. pWoBi Mm teeai. Bomelbtog, bowarer, bad trtaiplred pbe wild word! of iny wife m ber ariap, endently addieiitd lo Tal Bin, ud re'enuu lo Ibe neoually Itiera esiitad for canyleg on their loTeaffiirtiakBowa lo the "old aua'-Jtbai deotdedmeio addnea bar at onoe—I mean wbin abe ma tally atake la Ibe Bontagt Alia I I airer bad Ibe oppartnoliy ot delag to, for before Ihe. BBS bid ihown ble goidaa dlH itMre Ibe eaalera bllle, mr Boietta hid ibiadoaed me aad bar child—had eloped wilb SJmaii— II woold be tolly tor ma to aHenipl lo deionhs lha Immidlili iteotelthleblow, Uke Ibal caaied by the dieltaoi any be- tared obJecL 11 wu etaaalng it Irili lit Ine igoay waa lilt tor after reillulloB. I hid ataer serroaa too. Uy Boanlifoi bny plnad altar bla molbar, and oitea drore me to lbs large of mtdaees by bla laaoeeal emialrlai tooobiag bar. Where hid Bbagoaei why bed ebe left blia aod ma; wban woild abe cooe baokl ImideibebMtreplleBlMBld, bnl Iber were bnoiliag osea, aa Ike teidli wlU loapoiei lad by tad by Freddy woalS oiaieblataeilee, Qod help ma aad bin I I ibea thooglit be hid lome ootlon ot tbe reaioa of bii nulbar'a Sight, but woold aot palB Ae by renunlng to bla aatijaot, Ibe boy becunenile end thia, ii aell u lUaal^ lad I conU aat dees lay mlad lo the tboogbt thai be wu dylag. «• wai to. Inly, ud bi leie ibin two laiia tram bli BOibir^ lllghl bom bar home, be expliel la Ibeae eroa, BauUfnliy, paioefally, suud bli iplrit BwaTi there aia BeiTea llaelf In the Uat Uiaar' lag look he giro me, ud hU Ust worda wen— ^My mother 1" I wu Ibea rutbg oa old age, ud «u men ibia an old man tal look! iDd h|ui, I ooiUaaod la m; profiaaloD lor ions lime' iBngar, hnlatuitgtTellaptUlgolooLfued la aiy proiapliag, aad fell that my eppeaianoe oa Ika imga. In aoy galie, wii a ■BlucholT jeat Taen wu no need of my elarTUi>,%aiTer, aa by deseal IhtUi I hid ured np aaoogh money lo prnide mieill wuk edecent bome-a borne lit for my loat wife ud obUd/kad Ibeybeu eparedtome. I oflea heard ot Boaelta-ot lha giy, happy Ufa aha wu leadlog with the man for whoae eabiaoM aba hao qolllel sie^ r badT kawerer, aarar mrad her lo come back to aia-to Icare the nludid roof ebe hid cboieo bi piefereace lo the banble one I bad prorUed-lbil II, not nalileeaau obliged. Iiwuonlrin the cooiie or aatnn ibat I ihanld die before aba wonld: >et ii vu po^iiblo Itait iBlgbl be Ulra wban oiioomeuaeu woaid ienrtUbar from lainian,aiid ibe would bs poor, irieodlkie, abudoned. In the eoBlsmpMloB of tbit tamblo boar I aid nee wrliUa lo ber,. U wu when I hid retired Uoo ny pro'w- ■ea. ud tikea np my perBuent borne aeer thsplios 1 biYuied !l!i'S!iif^.S-v."?*'^'**"»''"'"«l"4 "»» ereiyalgbta Ump ihoaid Im baraiog la i eat ot Utile obiuntoiy it tha lop, H a algail to Boeet'a lb>i a abolier via awalUni hir there. wlUi lenderaia^ lore, ud eaiire ohUTion of Ibe buu I ealend my new dwelliBi la anmmrr, abia Ibeweiiherwu mm ud beinUtnl, ud tbe niik appei^d bi ili rkblanllnrir laaployed auae I uwellialoomjlhal aonoa f« ibaiSw keeci I hBdBailabie<l preyed apoans. Bid I beu a yoouw BU lhaa I wu. I lalghl hMi tm »laaeataiaot tow^ bViSb; away wife: baljhil lemembrred tbe w.dedlipStJS^weui oor egei. bar bsaatr. looj aad. laiiud of biiBbig her to wo" bad bapptued, I laM the flBll at ai own dou I Jobm hu> ■Udl, SGl, hid It aol baeo for iba .'ubTbJd?! ..d?S m, wi" Bo the WHke dragged ajowlF tlaag nam It wu Deoamber. ud Ibe earth, bialetd of being graia, waa ablli; and iba dr^aa btlmyaliBcatha bygonhwai ao ebUL Wehow, aba" t>lj irtatn waitber lei In, I bad commaaoed lo nuaa a pieaenUtaeat Ihit f ibonia die with Ibe yiir tbea gebig oai, bnl iS^a ifi mun 1 departed. OmoqaeatiM look man pilaa witb ttf laap it Ihe loo of Bfbinue-triBiaMd It urliar than I bad wboa ibe nlabiiwira ahoiier. I made It mora bilUiul, too. What kota itui wbu poor Uoeeila loaabi it. Ib're migbl ba mm abroad, ot a iau7i BBOW, wblob woBid make II dlOlonil for bar lo partom It t _i?5'»..I'""""T bad let to Tory leTinj ibete wu • keen wind bom Ihe norl^ ibd a hetry drift ol ibob. To make Ibloaa aa oheerla aa poaiA a wlibla doota, ud lo wbdo aety tbe tim", I bid kiadlad a goodly Hre, aad auUog mjiell br Iki tide of II, poBmtooed Itaanadlig ot Bbakiipaus'B • Wimeri Tela." flat io Iba Doik of an otheia il aeid uiicely ii; tba Sl-rtf.) 1 iSd deilrea uioit coaaoliucn tram lha leit ot lbs ereit Oramillit. I ft tio mncbof baminiiy la bli pigee, and found Ko>da ao ip. plloible to erery pbua ot oar eiuieaoe, mit bo wia almeit my 4iiiy coopialon. . ' Ficoi uiueto Unel loiihed from ibe biok to lhaweither. not cooUaued iBclaonnl-Ihe mad beatoa the akalsioB biBDcbu • J! *i? "f• »»" bllodlog ibiet. 1 .•SSK,""" •IW'''»PW»'»» a«i ud weuhtr, aor of- ■binking of Uie p< or onitaiee who m got bi aipoisd lo 11. 'irtotiablr eboilneut poornMiuii.Bubloat 10 It. It aba le,0>dbelph«r,l»iddireoVbarbe>el" "'"f Bilo'ooutt I hid Ulmmid mr limp, aid propnli died It. Tbea d'JModlaa U ihe room I had bitn leidlti lo, I sloeid tba biledi lad CBitilaf,reanaad m; eeaiby Ihiaide of taab'e ud reeaind to be witefol Ihroaib lie alahi,foi Iieli ooaTi'aiad eanatalag wonld bippm lo lae era tbi aaa reie oi Ue boiuob (g Ikt foUoaiaadty. ' I taoniea t^ ^agn tg lhay wiat hutUr k/t anIU it via alena. Aaa I veal to eoe of tt**?*^ •?* '?SJf'£,15l anarlagatlde,i4akia asiaD thealghk Al&rtbaadwrioma itaae allarwir^ I uw aatUaa bai Iba eaoa; bol toud ay I wia aoBadaai ef eomelklag u Oa dUlaac*^! itrataea »»*'"^ uoaitaiB. ud arutaally dueoToied wba tbe object! wei»- UghtB. nay gUmsMnd only lilally, aad wen aTUutly ap- proMblag Ibe boaac I atralaad my eyetlDl they aeemedbBnttaalwm their aoctelet I BUiIaed my aara, too, tbii I mlgbl <>»^h • "S.'fk'lIIV.M! tilBleBt-lo ladlcaie what buloeee the earrlm of Ibeu Ilgbta wan apoBi bat aol a breath eoaid I dleilagrt)*. ... „, "TbiadenbtendUBletyaialeinpporttbtal" IaiaWiwd. 'I ouBot hear np againit Ibem lay longer. I moat go roiib ua aacerlala ahal I tan." ^ • ... „• v.„ v.., TbellgblBof Iba penoaiabo carried than »»•»''IfJSlS maobBianrmrdwilllBg ibin I aappoetd, u whaa lreubed Iba home door. 1 loand llem-wlthln a dciia yitdi «f ma. Tba pittr ooniltted ol elaht meo, four ol whoa were cariTlni( oome. ibuS-^iaM Mt Gib wbiii ooly, «bit It luemWeJ aliomu fSim. aid ItlSa » ?bl "yi. .bli" ibia Ibe "« eUbelon me. The aaa, who bid lileiy obiagid urryisg with their com: puloLLbaldtotcbaelolbelrbBoda. „ • Don-ibeatauS W«d,"aildone ol Ibaffl, opairuHytuder tbe beUeftaoiewu moth tbit I ongbl •» *f '' aad ny nalibbori buh Uilogoa the oniaiKi of tae town, aeir yon. beard Ibe wiUloga o( a womaa aoae alnitM ago, ud going oat IntoSiaaoaTfoud Ibla poor oreatnie.aow dead, we feu. wbohadboenirarebogaU diy In iiorm, wUboai lood « abelter. ud oonl l aol aore uottei Inob. Tale "be wld « wltt exlTdie Dila. aad w a Uat elfoil, pra/od aa to uke bar U> ibla boBB^ unbeiribiwiibed lo dia. bol 1 tear abe laalnidy **WbU I ilid when Ibla wu diralgid to ae-wbelber I ipoki il •U IcunolUU I only keow thil Ibe el|bt men ud the one iromta wen looa la toe bills heU of my bones, ud that by Ibe llgffor Ibe lutaioB held abon bar wbll^ plield ud >" bunil- ti5 laca, I aiw, afier muy yean ol agoalUBii lopanilon, tbe wife who bad dieertedme, Ibe isotber "my ojildI ••WebirematB(alo,bntho«t Ob, OodMb, Qodl" ^ '■WakamyiWikel Why, whit ou be tbe miller» Hot yon Bnat'atgaSr again. There, kacp;ou erea opeB,ud dripk SlS; wbUe I chaTyonr teapiet, ud Mrt BUke nbeyoor hude. Yoa an hot lad oud by tone, ud biTO had a bad drum." 1 looked aboat mt, ua gndoilly legaiaed my aeaiei. Bi^ itiaralLII lu oilyadrauo ibitbad afflicted oie. lauahid not paaaed awa; elace tbe algbt oa abicb "Utbeno^' aad the new piece In ibtes eoU bad bisn prrlormed ay wile had not eloped SSbl(r.TalmaB.F«ddy had aol died, aor bad Ibebniineaaolptoapterud aaoond heiTy. By prat^ Boeeia Sd onr duUag'bay f Tu,^tbeywan tJ<J ^ "» wuaoodMr&BUMkoaroldwonaa ud a fellow boudar, Bu«I abonldZlah ay itory, bid I not a bltle lo uy bi wiy ofpoiticrlpt FInl, I loand Uut aU ay inipldaat regard big aa Improper Ui. llBioy btlwna my wife and Mr. Taliau wen men Booaahloe —thei Botetia wu cos ot ttae aoet lallbiol of wtraa, aod iba ador oae ot Ihe meet boaoiable of men ud diiini<n«ied of ftleada. By Ibe wiy, be paid aa a aarplUe fliU it hnikfut, for Ibe nnrpots ot likiag Fnddy a vilk orar Ibe bllU, tas Ibere nburemg Um la na part of Albert bi the plir ol "nilUam Tail." whicb wu to be prodncsd at onr theiln In a weak. Of comae ws let the boy gc^ tor be wu exoeaiirely fond otiilmu, ud wbu tbe Bight ciiaa tor blm to abow u tba patriobo mono, labiacr'e ioa,beIilily parlidpelad in Ihe lasnla of the oecialon. ThiilaaBietlTflflauyeanago. lathetbfaiTallbiTeqBlticd tbe proleuloa, bnl aiy wife ta itOI la It; lo la Talmia ud Fred, to whom friend T, hu been i regnlw proleuiooil iilbar, ha- alovlag Boiey, tlm^ ud care on bu titlalig for Ibe higher witte of Ibe dnmi mill It la men tbu a gneta that Fred wUl be bli aacoaaaor, Ueuwblle, wa an all Iliad tilaade, ud It la to ae boEid iball erar raaala ao. Aa for ay druin, I ud BomIU bin ollen a utile talk onr that, wha with aometbag of ber girllab beioty Uagerag yet irsnnd ber, ebe will aipitWeoa tbaliaable ber "deartiade Jtmj" tbea leemid lo be ta. PEAOH AND HONEY; Or, A Qenttimgnly Dtunk. Old Jodga Ode, of Teiu, wu chiiulerlted by hli illicb- BUI lo tie aedoollrs bercrage oilled peaoh ud boaey. aod by hli blind of whbkay ud wllitey drinkera. \lbi1a holding 9 CO tut at InillB, 1(0 min were bioogbt np oa i chirge ol a dnnkan aOrty. It waaa plila cm; lbs row bid occnnedia lbs opiB itreet, la opea diy, aad ib»n were d'ty witaeieeilo Ibe whole iraoiBcuon. ao tbe two deliLqaenIa p saded enlllf, b} tbe adrlce of their cooneel, ud threw tbeaielTca on Ihe mtng cf tbe uoorL Tbey wan Iben bnngbl foraard lot aeatencs aepantoly. "Ion an gollly ot an altnr," growled the 7ndge. "Tea, yoor £'/Bor," wbaed the oSaoder, iboioagUf fright- ened. "Drank. I mppoie," granted Ibi Jodga. ■Tri, yonr Honor," mnranced Ibe pilaoaer, wllb aone titnt hope that hiring been drank «on d Biilgite tbe pnalibmuk "DinnK on rye whlikcy, too, ru warrul," roared tbe Judge, la a Tolos ol Ibnodii. 'Tei^ yoor Hoaer, drank oa rya wblakiy." 'Hr. Clark, raccrd a Aaa of llily dollin atalnil Ihli mto," aled theJnogs. "Bead him tojill lor alxiydiia. I ahill Una the aal oaa who lagnUty oader loobaganntlogclrciuiilaacu 1 hnndred doUan lod aeod him to Jill tar all moalbi." Tbia wu poor comfort for ina ooterlooate lillow who waa wiltlBg bli torn ud now oaaa lorwicd alib toar ud tnmbiug. Ai bs piMSd iloag by bla lawyer, that Iboagbtrol goDtlemu whlipered la bla ear—"Aben iBi Jndiie aaka yea whit yon got dmat on, tell blm on peicb lad bona;." He took Ibi Blind, "loo, too, an np ben lor n effny," f nwled the jBdge, goaiblag blB tealb, u It ba wonld Uke to bite lha yruoaer at lbs "Yci, yoar Hooor." *'l>iimb, too, 1 eappoaa." "Tti^yonrUoaor.aonytaaarlt. Drnak—ToydraBk.** ••Drank on rye whlikey, too," I inppoee. •■Oh, at, yoor Boaoii I a>Tai drlak whiatey. 2 got drnak oa peieta ead boaey." Tae Jadn'i taataiurclaitdin anlnalul Leuing forward ud lalalng bla ipeotadea, ba ooataapliled Iba offeadar wltb lalenek ud add>aiead bin with aomatamg Ilka ludaroHV "Abl air," aiid tae lodae, bludlr. "peaoh and booey, eh I Tbtt'a a geaOemta'a dilak, air lbs Conrt ayapiibiiu wilb Jon. lit, tad doia aot ngwd yonr offence u Tuy aarlona. Mr. lark," cootlaaed be. In a aolieatig looe, "eoler the One of oea A^lu uBinutbli guUaau, ud dluliarge blm en ptimeni of caela."^ THE FOROAT'8 RETUJRN. BT JACK FIBOT. , Okanfyoddanatoglalhelaturparl ot tbawlalatetlttlt a gionp ot guUemaa were aiatad araaad a aton which Blood la tbe cum al tha BtlUag room of the WutalngtoB Hotel; la Ibe IllUe town of 0—, Haw York Stale. It wu nnrly ewru o'clock, ul lha party bid beu whiUag iww Ibe loog boon ot Ihe wlBiar enailag by laUlag etorlii lad JokUk eaoh la bla tnm. "Ilia yonr ram now, Hr. Nublll," eaidaaloai, JoUy.looktog lllUt Callow oeiaed obnbb, who wu almoat u broad u ha wu long, and who bid tbe biblt of abubig tunde with hu loqaila- tucw ou every poealble occuloa, altaoagh fin mlaniu mtgtit aot baTielapaed elaoa he had lia met tbeoL "Wean aU wiltiag to bear from yoo." "Dpoa my word, gaallaaea," laid Raebitt, addnabig the whole compiay, "I icarcaiy know what to toll ion. Uy life bu not boea u enatlal me, tad I ounot reoolltet u idmtaia of Blae that wonld be woiia relittaglo yon." "Well, liU ai loniiihlat Ibal bu bappenid to aome one elM," Biid Obabh, imiUng, "Ban goee, tbea," reuraed HuUtt, "IwUlleUyooaelory wblob ma related 10 me by itrlu dot mine eoBu yarn ago. I nppon yon in awua, leeilemia, Ibil the same wblob la ap- plied to 1 Oillay Blira la Fruoe li 'Fontt,' ud for irut ot a belur tlUe I wmaU my alary TBI ToioiT'i Banaa. AbonI saTiii o'clock ot a lotoaa eTulag la the yew 18U, i party ot eUlagen wan gilbered togetoer la Ihe bUle iaa called Ibe "Vru de Far," in Ibe nilige at TiiUanti, near tbe buke of the Bkla&' Ibe parly In ibe bin wu Compoud of nae taw ot tbe aeigbhorlsg faraata aid i anaber of iba inbiHlluia of the TUIage. They wan almoii an ugiged la drinking ibe lUbt wlnu of Ibe ooaniry, and lerenl or tbam wan asokipg plpeii auedwilh TUlalaona lobiceo. Tbey wen talking of nrloni mil- ten relating lo the pui bineat ud thepiotpeota ol a fatnn nt, when ih^aitaatloB of all wia anealed by Ihe aabaoce of i itnager. drtued la longb trartl-eiitaed girmeala, who alrods lo Ud iielid tUaiaelt at i (able witboat iddrsialnii a word to uy of Ihe ooapuy Ibe new comer wu aboat Iblity.flre yeua of age, atnngly ruds, wiln dark, aimbrownsd cheeka, aad a abaggy krmn aoaitatfDe, aad baud conrtaig tbe lower part ol bla fica. be wore a aort of mlllliry oip drawn down oror hie eyei, i< Iboogb be deaued to ooncedhia teatarei, ud a Ibreidbin olcuM udpiiiot bine bnecbu pitched In two or ihiM p ica Be called for i plal ot wlo^ ud while It wu beleg btooghl ta him he calmly lunjed the uieabletf company wltb aome alight ip* potuo ot cniloilty, aad wbu the wine wu plioed oa the liblo he neld lor It ud diui ibaoit ill ot It it i ilogle gnlp. "Ion bin oome far Ifrdiy," old oae at Ibe rliugue, who wu toll ot cnrloeUy. addreuing alaieU lo Ibe lukaown. •Tea," uid the siruger, Ui ao ahiip i lone ibit bli Inlairog^ lot remiaed froa aakag uy acre oneetloac Tbe rlUageri baked at one uolber Air a aoaul, ud than Oulon, Iba uoe. mikar, broke the elluce oy aiking— "Wbitdayol lhamoothla la.dayt" "The laib," iepUed Daaohaad, IBo biker. "Do I tboiighi.'* u'd Outu; "ud It la Joat nine yean uo to. diy ainca Fitrn Buuin wu lul lo Ihe galley a. Poor am*, bs wta one ot Ihe beat hearted mu la the rlUege." . At mention ot Ibe name of Baaeaa, Ihe atnoiar girt i UlUa lUri, obugtd color dlgbiiy, ud gin a ihiip glues at Ouloa, wblcb wu naaotlcid by toe letter. "PleneBiBunt" aioUlBtdi mm nimed Font, who bid bnl Itlau ooae to Ihe etuage; "I hire nenr beird tbe aims ba- ton, woywuheienlloihagtlleiet" "For iMempting lo klu U. Dinola, lha ■grul pnprlator,' who Htoi almoai flee oillw iioa Ibe TUlega" "Then to a alary ibont aia ihw,'' aild ForeL "JfoRftnir b Offltaimlrr, oara eou " "Euan ae for lalerrapuag ion," and ChnLb to Rabllk "bat the taot le, I doa't andantud French." "I bid torgotlu myiall for a moaeat," nplled Hubitt, "I ehill conflae ayaelf to Eogilah birialier." ■Pleua do," Bild Obnbb. "Wlibont maulcg any offanoe lo yon, 1 milt eiy that tbe practice ot lalarlarding alotlea in the lng>t*b tuinege with Froacb qooialloaa li a mlaeiable oae. If '1 r.iorr la wntien for the pentati of reiden who, u a geaanl iblag nrdoraiud oily thi Uigllahlanguage, il eboold be writlu lo Eoillth alone. I hero been told b] tboio who know, that la ame caaa oat of tea where Pnnob le n*ed, Ibe parif ni>Dg It generally tehee ble worda tram a dictionary, ud etnoga tbom logeioarwilbonlpaylijg any attention 10 tbe rulu of grammar, ud Tcry pllen mf>-ape1la bait ihe worda." "1 ebeiraot offend agaia," aald NuoUt, amillag. "To reenme my nitiniTO. Wait lbs lul apeakcr I hare menlloned eaid. wuibla- "Menilaar ihoemaker, wUI yon hare, the kladnen to tell ni theatoryt" "Wltb plainre," npUad Cutoa, aad went on ii follawa: "Abiint tseleo yura ago, fleire Biaean waa tbe teiunt of Ihe lumnowin poaaiailonol JeuUnreo. Ha fell In lore wlib i beiBIUnt girl aiaed Bins Legil, who llreJ to a dietut loan, where lie weal to aeU' bla prodoca, end Boon won b'r bran ud married ber. Abont i year alter th^lr marrliae, ibeir onion wu bluied wllb i cbUd, wao.wu tba Imiga ot bli fitber ud Bunau eiauhagpTuamu eu be. Abont elghieeo aonllu ait« Pleire'a Barilige, H. Dartola, who wia eierrt'e foaltr bnihet. ntnrabd from Italy, whin he bad bsen tiafellngfor ataily tbiaeieua Bie Tialti to Baaein'e cottage becaae eery freqnenl bnl ae hebidalwaji piofeiead e gieai frtebdahlp tor i'iein,the latter did nctwoadei at hii behinor, ud did aot object to hli wife receleag tbe epieadid praaenle wblob DarloU waa conelanily making bar. laeaelghbora beau lo ao'Jce tbe fiiqataey of Oirtola' Ttitie. ud, 11 aome whlipeia of tbe gueral aoaplcloa leiobao Baoiaao'e eaia, be gne ao outwud lokeu of biviog baud tbta. Atlait, hie aaipleiona were aiooaea by aome I ullooa of bla wile, by wblob aba eeaoed a mote lte*« \s*MUltiy1«f tb» •o«l*«y ol Oulola. Dirlolo woe eODf A SUCKER'fl VISIT TO THE THEATRE. "Well, I'ra hen ttor, Jla^" aald a Bookn lo hli oaay. ■•Wbar,down lo8ulLoalat"ioinbod /ua. "Well, ao wliw elaa," wu tba uawer, "aoa I've Mad aooa of Ibe dnraedeet tblaga yaa'n erer beend on In all tha ballaninul Bteatlen." "«bat wnr Ibay like T" biqnirad JId. • Ob, aUuilaofdolaa mixednpiorlereraiy wiy,biillba Ihtog Ibil Jail tuck me itiughi wu eiola' a flilxg lanua / Anet the lilt beat wnr hitched, laitlookia' roaad, ud pooly aooa 1 aeed oabU boai bllla. Block agin bouara, that a filler oeuedDiaBooa war golag la oat ap lome o the tiliul kiod of abladiai I wu BBlraUrboind to god ontwhat It wu lltcao I ax>d a feller tudbi'It—aad he lingbod—he edd It war lbs U»e fir, Biya I, that u 1 abow, lUi't II > ud, aild he. It u, hat It im't ao olrnos abownatber, bnl aU aorta of budtoma ahsw, held la a place u blj( u oar oonoiy aat covt bonie. I Jeat mads a p my mind I'd go tu ointa auatgbi I foaad ont whir tbey kept It, ud np I tool, bnl thar Ibay told ma the lowiit aotcb wiu a cool oouloi— lut iliggertd m^ hatltialt. Hootor die wbea yon'ie lo far llaMl.eonplBoealbe BllRdB it lot of eliin—I thoaiht artar a apelt I'd oome on) admiwhu neer tbe mooo, bat by trneUng a •pdll got np wbu a lot of folka wnr. II looked lo ma like a muliu'bouey wllb tbtea gallery. UI np like all oat ot dooia tai day light. A lot of lellen Sdclai aair i apeU by IbeaMlrn, bnt oaaa ma (tl conld eeswbir lhat filler liia Booa wnr, aad J«t aa I wnr goln' to uk a chap wbu lbs ibow wir, ap rolled Ibe bnU elde ol tbe boaie, rgbl iion me; ud oat alid i iil on her Up loaa, wbblla' aboat llie ee If ihe oonlda'l kup down lo tbe yeirtb. Toe war aba bandied ber pine leal lol aa rurln'—II but klaiy Belien all hollow, aad Bbeam'i alow. laiteda feller next lo me wbo eke wnr, ud I'll awir if be dlan'i an II woe Don ami whlob, loateid of being a Bio'i nul^ war Fruoh Ion diacin' woBU, I didn't aoliea it fltat, bnt irler a epell I asea the rsiion lha coaldn'i keep f>OB Jompla'—It nide By bar klad 0' rlae-abs war aot onli a aaiel loitla' oraiar, bat. Jlia, yon kta ballaea it or aol, bau fly, I'll deolu aha had wlagal" "Ben;" layi JlB, "yoa km take ay bit." "I inowd no body would bellen ae," lald Ike Booker,' I Jeat kaowd It, bol I aww 1 aeed ber take hold ou the lip ol bu wxg, eprud II ool aid Jul di like i bird dcu lemu tba ball aide of the botiie. A feller wnrobaeia' knr, bat be oonidal ahlaa. She ibnek ber Ice il blm. ud did ilgbl ont of iiahi I" "tbu," aaya Jla, "that wiildo—Ikaoa'd yoncoulldo pooty weU a lyia*, bat thet laat cOort kta lake lbs oaul" "I ain't goln' lo Ml It uy mote; bul I'll ewu I aaed II." "Bead tbnadai I' abouta Jim. "Ion ited what ibe Doolon call a dtaetoy ct lhiloi/ ' A MOMENT OF HORROR. For twtoty'lhrae yeen old Jake WlUard bu cnlUTiled Iba Ball el Bdewla ooanlrtUd dreim Ibetafnm aapport for aelf udwUe, Be 11 ohildieii. Not loog ilnca Jika lail tbe hones |i' uireb ot i now. Bla ooorie wu Itanaab u old won ont pitch ot diy lud of ibont Ux acree In exieat, la tae aenln of wblob WM a wall Ueata'fln ar ihlily lul deep, tbat at una tlae^ niobiblr.had farolih>dthe tanitu of idtUbtdileo hooae nrar by wt b wilar, lo puilai oy tkla apot, u 111 wied drilled Jake'a "ble" tram bla hsid, udmiUMoaily willsl It to the edge cf tha weiL lad la II Inablrd. Bow tba old genilemia bad Uwayi piaoUoed Ibe rlrtae of etoie- my, ud bs Immedialrly eel ihont recorariog llie loat hit He ru to tbe wdl,iad flodioglt wudrf it theboitom teaBcolled Ibe topa wbicb ha bad biongbt lor npiiulag tba Iraant cow, and elttr lerard atiaapta to caicb i nooie, he coochided to etTS t(ao br gattag dova into the well bimialf. To aeooBpilib Ibia ha made ihit one ud ot lha tope lo t- einmp hud be, ud wu ebon on hia way down Ilia well. II wu a raci, of which Jake wu ae IrtB obnoia Ibia IM reader hereof, Ihit Ned WrUi wai la thi dilapidated oidbnildbigiro»iald,ied tbilu old blind bona wltb a bell oa ble neck, who bi4 been laiued onl to dl^ wu leiily anilag wlibin i ibmt dliiinon of tbt well. Tbe derll blmtelr, or eomi olhar wlokid ipltit, pal II Into Mad'l omilnm lobieeilltiletoni ao ba qgleUy allpped np to lha boras ud anbackiing tba aiiap, ippioaibad wita a aiow ud ateldy "tlag a llog" lo lbs idoa 01 the well. 'nugibeoldbladboner' nid tbarau at the bollom of tbe Weill "be'e coolai.lbia way aire, and im'l got uy mon aeraalhutoialllabara, •boa, Billl" But Iba cootlsned appnach of Ika ■ tlag a Hog" iild Jaal u plaiBlr aa woida tbit Bill wOKldo't whoa, BaiMta, Jike waa at tba bnUoin. ma'Jiii beiura l-jlog le ablo II np lh« ropa. "OrHt JeiniiVmi" nil bi) ■ tbe old ouii will he i-topof me bilora I ua 111 Jack IlobloMo. Ttbn.dugti Wboil" Jolt tbea, lied drew no to the edge ot tbe wdl, end allh kll tool licked iiuiie dirt iBio It ••Obiltfldl" lul■l■>dJ.t^ filling on bla kneel at tha bnl- loa. •'I'aagDMiow-wboal How lliyue down to deep-. w-b.e-1^1 iprayikorord ay aaal to-wbo^aawl.'Oh,lonl, bifoiuereyupoo mil" —, .u >ed conld Bold la no leaner, aad fearing Jake might ia9>r from ble Irighl, ha nTMIed biuee'i, ProbabltKeddido'tmika tiaoha wllb nia bwla ffom tbu well Hiibe Jake • ae noi no lu tka lop 01 It la ahorl rrder, and jou miabi ihrnk ba dldo'it t-r erery algbt for two weaie lo giti >boi wii^ hli nfli ii bed. Hii'SBul, Idoo'tkaoT. But Ido kaoe that If Jate flndeaat wbo But yea lab; II mil ba Iaa laet aquib yn'Uiek . . _ jpeJed 10 go ta Paila to eiiud to ecu bnataaia retiilng lo ba eatlta, end onlrary lo ble expeoulloa be iru detilBod a ooople of noalba DnrUig bla abllno^ Mirle Baaein wu dlipirlUd ud tiallnl, udonedey, efluDutolibadbMaabient fonr or flee weakB, abe incioitonaly let fill eome exprtailoia of uxlety reeardlag bim In bar bnibud'a pru(ae& Bimua's neplotena were laettntly uouaed, ud allhongh he mida ao nmirk lo bli wife, be lt\»f mtoed iowiah her tnton iciloia iowude Su>ole, Dariole irrlTed it bli cbiina lite ODerrmlag.ifltr la ibaacaof aboat two monlba, ud cwly tba next momlag he called al Bimein'a cottigr. ud tbe liber ooognlaated blm hawtlly oa bla uto le- tarn. Uirle Bemeu appeared lo be OTorJoyed, ud aorepled with maay ixmaul'meol giaUtaide lha baadaome gold caala Sirtoli piaaealed to her. Baaeia wiicbed tba pilr oloidr, tad wuHouwoTlooed by Itaalt uiloai towirdi eaoboibw tbil a acaret nnderitiodlag exlalad boiweaa ibea, and that ibey alihed to ba atoaa. Be debated with blaedf foe i awmeal aa lo the eonru ba iboiud pan ne, ud tber, toning to Dertola, tae allied that 111 prefeDcs «u requited it > diatant portloa ol Ibe brm, aed meklog kieeicnica to blo,be lift the uonaa. Hewuta abort dIaiucsoD bla war to the field behidmeotlooed,iod Ihn turned ud letraoed bie elope to tbe bonis, which he eotered Witbool ilTlaB tbe laaitu the illgilcit i oiloe of bu coalsg, In la laeiul after blaoBUncebbekaewlhit bewuidiahoaored maa, Baa^n wu a eau ol gery p•aaloo^ and nllerlog i yell of ngs K tbe eight which aal bla eie, ba dubed at Dar>oli, ai:d aeiiiogblabytaetbriiet beoboked blm nBtil than wu ao e^ peuuca ol life In ble body, ThunilerlBgateinblecn'uapon all wtf^ban-hod from the boaulikeimidmiii,aBdaoi.ght Bbe'ler In Ibe adghbotloB foraai Harla Biaaaa na to tae Tlllaga, told wan bid occurred, ud a body of «■ d'ana wan imt lo paraalt if Bimna, while a pbyaioiin waa anaaooed to alteog Duuia. Raaetu wee m oeu:ome by nge end tba Ib'iughl of bla terrible diegnoe, that aboil- ly at:ei bli eatry lulo the lereit hli itncgib Ian bin, ud be euk to Ihe gionnd Ineenalble, la wbtcb oudilloa be wu fooDd br tbe offloen who were In aearab ot blm. In a couple ot wuka Udiole badentlrtly re»irered from tbe affeclaof Baaein'e altaek noon blm ud eherlly aileiwardi Biaeae wu biooaht to trill ud luler old lo Ibe gilieya for Ion ynn. Duioli aa'a oul tbat be had no deem to appear igilaet namein, bnt Ibal ha wia oompelled la do lo by ibi olBwB of Ihe law. People ebook IbeIr beaila aad gate the etoiy but liiUe credeace^ belleelBg tbat he wu ooly too well pleaaed la hare Bimsao out of the way, eo Ibil bs might bate i fair fldd wltb bla wlia. In laaa than eli moaibe liter Utman wii leut to Ibe gaileja bla child died, and then Iba Tliita of Dutoli to Uuls-iwhieb bad boea of iimoat dally ocotu- ruce bol ween Ihe lime ol Baaoto'e eutenoeud Ibndiloot the calld -beciue Icaa ud laaa (nqamt, and beloie tbe laoae ol a yaae tbey oeueo altogether. Afier Ibte, Meria wu (reqaenily ecu gobig to Iba Chilean for uilalanos rat ber appaila f.'r aid moatbiTo tai bntilllle effect, for abe waa icon eompaUrd leeall ber inraUnn la order to oblala tabilateaoe, for Bamwa'e leue at the firm bad expired, aad Ihsludlard bad tnmed her oni. Al lul I rei) thiag waa gooe, ud iheo aba dolarained lo try Dar. toil cote more. She weai to the ebalun, ud tbrewlag hereelf obbcrbaaBbefonblB, ebebeigsd aad Implored himlouaiet bu bit bacomidi deaf aulaowprayera, ul finally onrnd aaeiTinluibiuatberlroBibebonea. Ibe oidw wu carried iaio effect, ud oa the next aoraing ibe body of Marie Bioutn wee toaod iMIlog la 1 le Bhius." "And Ibla rlllau—I bu year pardoe—U. Dwiota, aUII llree, deu he aoll" uid ihe itiunr, ao auddesly lhat tbe eyu ol tbe whole ooBpioj were lailaatry turned upon blm. "Tel. llonil»r,"np1ie1 Onion. "Be hu eincs manled a iloblidy. biljiidgtogfnabliippeanoce, I do aot iblok tbit ba la bipof. 11 aoami to me uiit ha la oonalaatly dreading Baaean^a ntora." "And well aay he dtwl It," add Ihealruger. 'atImaflem Btmeia, nolhag bul DarUU' bla wonld coatul ma," "M, liertoiaeertiiDly daetiTeBaomepnalebfflrat," addOialea, "bat II woold be eatuln diiib lo ilteaot hie Ufa, Ba neisr luTU lha chalaaa nnleu accompuled by tbru or foar Hmoii. Be aut lead a dill life, tor tbe eerranta aay thil bli wl'a hilu blm, lad be piaiu eaUie dayi ud algili b> bli Ubrity la ooa- pan/ with bla boohe," ' • lodeedl IlBaetbea4al1Ilte,"nld tbaelraager, rlalng ud moTlag loaarde tae door, •IdeaoiuTyNLSirtota" "Ion ua act going, coaride^ oa inch a algbt u tblit" eatd lha Innkeepw, "Ihcn'li l itorm ooalog ap, ind It wUIbsibad light Ibr ijoniaer." • I cue attblLi for Iba wuiku," aid Ihe alruger, tetitbly. "I hard twcd itetma loo ofiu lo fear Ibea. aoodni|bt." "Qood Jooiney," replied Iba laakteper and tbe rut Tae Innkeeper bad apoten Irnly when ne iild ibit i buey elarm wee lopa.dbig, lor la Ion ibu iirmly mlanlu afar the euan|u left the lauibe nin begaa lo fdl la tonuli, nd la i •hoii Uaethe mia wu druched lotheikin; hut atuny ra- gardUoi ol Ue fiet, hi ilaadHy Bide bla way a iba dlrdouon of tbooMiiia Ike Obitean liutou; u II wu called, wu a large Biost bnlldtaig, which bid ban hmit in tba lereatMnlh oentory, bat had t>MB alUhlly allerad br tie mon modem pauetura. Il wif built ol a loit ol gray alone, bid loog, nir- r w windowi lo swi iiorr, and a luge itoao portloo In tn jl, II wii iboit tu o'clock IB ina eTeolog when Iba auioger reacbid toe lal'a of M Dirtoii' deualo, and going i Hu e beyond tbea, be qalchiy climbed to the lop ol the wiH end leioed iighily down on Ihe Inilda Keeping blnudi la the ihidow of Ibe till titu boidmleg the bri.d BTonne letding lo tba chateau, hamored awitllr ilorg for aome diitaooe, end tnu Inriied ibrnpily lo tbe r'ghlloto acimw, wiodlog piib, which be puiaued nniil be Biiaed aeailarore wb ch eiood iiaa*diiteiy la tai rurot tbe bBlMleg men bettoppid, ud gtiing np at the abitein, he aiBilendtoblaialf— "rkaie'e a light la the llbtuy, tad I hire ro donbiwbil Cialon eild of bliq wu Irua. Ihe- eemate miy ao'. yel bne aoae.iob'd, boiibelaiku bnl liuia d.ffirencs, ibanBiMibe bia UBwrvl wiu Ibe eolreoce lo the piiitjo. I em oar al to naob blm, even If lerT.tiie ai d Irlaodi aie alirriua unenry fljorlotbeold obi'ein. Torn'o tb^nld oih, aid the eloae U uat Ibree pewe from II In a Kriiget Uaa" Ba alr:n1s onr lo Iba Irei he bad epoken of| then ficlog the ebeiatn, be took ibiM aicei ta • direct line, loll oa bla kacea aid audaUy lut the gnaad lor a moauL ud Ibea BUd~* ••Hin'alhailaBa;bnlthailagiagsaa, Oona bla, be Ba^ a^ben U1^ aid ao*; Joou Dailala IMk la yailr m" Baiaiiaa iba rial wjtb both baoda,^aad axaiaaiabit itaaaglh la lha aadUTor lo ratal Iba itoBi. Ii ntlilad kli eOati foa i ihort dme, bnl il lul cotamaoed lo rlie dowly, lad tamtaig bukOBltiblagat, dtiokaadaiqaanefuln^ aadaikHiald. nlghk II wu (ba aalnaca lo one ol Iboat aaotet puaagu wblob anaocaDmoalnbonau bnUtbilbe nxleaalb udianataaaib cutulea, which aamd u plaou of ooncealnu^ or u maaaa of eeoaps, darbigihedtU.win.' Tbe au iSt^ ble pookete; ead prodadog • flial, sUel aad pleca of tinder, eadeirared lo make a Ugkl, bat aeon deelilcd, tor tbe tladu hid been rudered naaleu by the nln, "Curu tae lurml" growled the mu; "I mail fed tba wij ta Ibe atilnua. Gooe Iben, II will ba u eaar malUr to raui Ibe Ubrary, Jerema Dartola, wbu be ibowed me the lacnl puagu In tbi cbitcia, yeua ago, wban we wen boye togilher, Eiltle druaid at Ihe nu I ibonld mike ef Ibe knowledge I Ihu gained." * Be oanlloaaly eatwod lbs opealay, ud ifls dueudhig a flight of itoneetepa,l09ndblfflMlf la a nam* puuge flinkid on either aide by a atone will. Bxteadla'g bie una eo tbit bU buda toticbid iLe wall oa eaob ade, be moved dowly aloag tmUl be caaa to u opaibig la Ihe wall oa tba rigbl. "Ibil 11 tbe flnt," idd be; "Uie eecoBd la ibe oae I wul" Be wul In a few puu further, ud Ihu fonod u opulog on the itIL Tarabig uto thIa oputau ki ucuded a ipird lalr- eaae, nabl he reicbid i plica when i Ihu ihiaid ot light ttrwmed tbrongb u optniug lu tbe wunioot bidde bla. "Now for the iprlogl" idd the mm. Be piiied bti bud np and down tbe pud noltl be tdta •light piojedloo, on wbub be preaud flrnly, ud Ihe puel opened noiadeiely Inwud, luylng u eperlnre Urge enough for the puaage oil Bin, IbHugb wblob be made hli way wribont tba aiigbteel eoond, ead t\<nnd blnuelt in a large ipartiaant In wblob ibeif roM ibore tbdf on lU aldaa, ctuimad with booki ot CTory alu ud appui uce. , Thamiucloied the panel cintlonily hebind him, ud Ihu ilood alUl and cdmly lorrayid tbe eputmint A nun abont thirty.di or nru yuit ot age. wtib piomaiardy gny baIr, wu Mated at a llbiuy table p;nog OTet lbs oootula ot a bnge foUo Tolnme brand wllb great bauda ot brui ud printed in Uick lettu. Tbe auingu mored quickly forward, bnt bla toot- Btepa, aUklng deep U the hwry otrpel, gare forth no atnud. Dnwlng torwiid i cbiir, be auted biEoealt directly oppodu Iba ruder, who wuaUanconadona of bla pnaence, ud eald— "Oood arutng, U. Dulola." Dartola gore a illgbt lazl at Ibe nnexpeclad loud, i Uiu guing oa Ihe atiangw wllb in ilr of utonlibmen^ uid, ugnly— "Woo in jon, Ibil bu lalmdad npoa ay princy la Ibla muuirt" "An old acqndatuoe," nId the alruger, with a Unia at Inny, '•'lbtTeaoicaoibilinoewllbrafflini,nobuyoaireb Bpeik quickly, or I indl bite yon ibnit onl by the tetrulx. Bow oeme yon bent" ■■Ttrough tbit pud," nId tbe itrugtr, pobiUng to Ibe pud Ibtoogb wblob be hid enland. "Ibe nuell" ejicniiled Ditloii, In iccalg ot Ibe greatait lairor, al the nme time dnUag bick In bli ohiir, "Bow knew yen theetetetpungel" "Ihmkaowa it docs my boyhood. Uany 1 time ban wa cbiud aub otbw ihrangh It in onr play," •tlood beam I" oilea Dutoli, ruing lo bla fMI, wllb a boa whole piUor nnUcd Ibit of duth. "Ion in " "Tbimu yon bare dlihonond. Ton lad my wife ftomlbe Slbotbonorudredltnde) you condOBUud me lo abteirone in duth; I am your enemy, PliiraBamun, tbe Forcat," cried Ibeattuger, rlalflglo blaflel wlib ificsflnahel withpiuloa, ud eyu glariBg on Dutoli u tbOD|b he wlibed to alHka btan dud wllb their fliry .gUncea. "Baaeul" eiclilmed DiitolB, trembling with the moit ikjecl fair. "Hen ai lut." "Ay^ u lut," cried Bamuni "bnl not loo lite forreiigauce, yon hue dole web, Honr, Dirtoli, bnl yon bin failed. Ton innled wllb a body.gnird of lernate, bnt )on forgot the puiige. Wonld yon know bsw I bare ptaaed the lean auce wo lul mei t IntoUlogit toaouin laaiadnbi; udurug the heat by day and tbe cold al night, wllb nothlog to coiar me but aieanble raia; b> oiau'MB loll, recelTlogon my hinbiok the calling laen from Ibe audi of tbe gnu ifarma, who tried thereby lo tone me 10 renewed exertion whin I wureuy lonak nsdcrlhe budahlpe I bed ilreidy nndereona. Tbe long yem deuged Ibemieltei e'oog one by one, ud witneiied me eweering lo bin lereaie upon yoo—leicipad it lut ud bow I im hen to rwp the Taogeuce which le my due." "Helpr'oriedDulolB,auilBg lowtrdi Uiadoor, "Frucola, VlobclT Bdpl bdol" Bla hud waa on lha knob when Bamean dailsd forwaid with llghtolag apeed, and, idi ng blm from behind, itrere to dub bim lotbsgionnd. Daiiola bubed. ud with Ibe euengtb lent h'm by bla leer, bnho tbe bold ol Bauieiu, aod then eprug at blm Wllb Ihe ftroclty ol a tigtr. baoeaa attempted to diaw a weapon, bnt Dutoli graaped blm nnnd the body In eueb a au. nor tbit Ibe effort pnTcd futUe. Bitkwird ud forward Ibey went lix their flerce atrngele, orertonlog iab:ee ud chain In their coniw, Dulola abcleking williy f>r iialaluce. The aound ol fooatepa buiiledly aiceading the elaira wu heard, ud Oaitola cried cut wltb luewed raergy. "(Siru yoa I" cried bimeio, now only Inlent opon eiape^ ud trying lo breik bom Dirtcli' grup.' "Ion wlU hen mo In tbe Bigne eaaln." Tbe footalepa came leinr ud nearu. "tt» nladowr' cried Bimua, "Itli betttr lo die wllb yon ttaie go to tbe gilleya for lite 1" He dragged Dartola furloaily CTW to one of the long wladowB thil riaooed from floor lo oeillag, and daihcd blm aiataal tbe aub wltb all bla power. Tbe aub gin wey irlth tbt abuk, ud tbe two lun fell ontward, Dowa, down tbey ireiit, duped In a clou embiacs nmll they attack tba gtotud tuU flily feel bdow, In a lecond ifler, tbe earruta, who had ao tiidily uawared their si.tar'a inmaone, rilbed lalo tbe btuiry, lod nolldng the ebiltercd wlndow,came f orwud. Looktog down tbey iMbeldDartoia l^log fir below, anil gruped In baoiiia'a uoib. Biilrken wllb umn*. tk«F i«n.*i. nviair mse* ia«ir war to the apot, ud eiellng Bamean—wbo wuqula daadr-oo enwdda^oaa oiitwooltaemnlaedDulalt- The motion reelond aim Is cob. aoionineee, ud looking mloly from elde lo aide, he made u ef. ftm to apeak, bnl the blood raihed Ikom hla ounia In lomnli, ble heed taU forward oB bli chest, than wu a low nllle In bla Ibnat, ud ble eplrit fled. TbedulbetD>rl«liUd Baaeas eruled a great genHUoa hi Ihe ooaaliy, which liiled tor eome yean, and la eru now b» qanlly apoku of U the Immedlia nelgbborbood ol Ue pliM when the tngedy ocound. • eeee.eees "Ihil to By ttoty, gnUoman." uid Bubltt, after i pun, "ud I bops It bu ptored InleiMllng." "Tory UteruUng Indeed," iild Ohnbb; "It lenutly no o'clock now, ud I pKDoee that we aojoon to tba bu, lue a aigbl cap, ud tbea gale bed," Obahh'a to?iiaboa wu accepled by.all preeaat, ud Ihe puly wul to Ihe bu rooB, when toey rcnliloed fot a few momeota, Ud Ihu Moghi Iheir napisilTa oonobea. The NobI* Art *t Stlf-DertnoB. Boxma MIDI ;ahl, with COB. lie Mannal at elf'Defeaoa eleuly exolaia- edud Mnilra- ltd la a eeilea al euyleieooe, together with acme Importut blouen Wreit- llng. The b'ai work of Ibe kluO BTU publlihed. Price IS ceula Bead ordan to Box StlO, Poet Offlca, New laik. , Boxing QlovegfbP Sile,. TheVBtorm Migtapor aanmOBlea, OLD BIIL TOTEB, wW aead, on receipt ol |«, per npreea, a raperlor ut of BUZlNQ QLCVIS to ur Bills m (he Oaloa. Oloiw deurd lad repaired. TBB ABI OF BELV.DbPBNOB tonghl by Mr. WTSM, eilkar It bla awa or the popUI's tuldeaca, oa reeeaiaUa tarma. __. . „ WlLllAM TOTBB, _ _ JfrM* Anaae Pluh Boed, Bnibwich, BraoUya, la L F O. Addiaai, Box IM, Brooklyn. ' ' Tka De Sdb Aruae Oua, FbIIob Ferry, lake yaa la Oa eU intleau'a nil4uce. 61m D. KthoB, 101 BLV BTBBBT, RBtf lOBK. „ D8B ■KHOB'd OLBBB, FOB RBIRaiBIMUia tSI) DBVRLurUa XHB MDBOB LAB BIBTIM. Olaba.autlba., Maupairi 10 to 11 Ike., It to H per pair. All ordin (ecooapenled irltb Ihe moneil ehonid be iddnutd *n > B. D. KBflOA Ha. 101 ma mut, rsw lork. TiM OhiHN Hi MbtiImU Howib ■MHABt BKNBT FlOnlllU, ■a a FULTON 8TBER, BBOOILIK^ T BI OBOIOBR Aug; wms, uquobb; abd naAM. n me wHnc house. Bs. Ul BBIND nSBSI, oaadoot tiaa Bnidwir. m HBADtJOABTBBB 0^ TBB WOMnTOwlSi; OB AT TBS WBITI BODSI. N JOB OOBDBI, tafdMH, Bofton HouM|_ OFPOIIITB OAT :HAJTra BT. FBttBT, H»W lOBlT Alu, WlBu, Uqnon ud Olgan etthe tiiNl'iulllr. »«• BTABTOH, rropntla. •oiM ird IM Sbib Turntr, JSH.SV*?,.".""" "IWilO. It the UlliOHKi=« MinOi tl poa.LAND atBJBf, BOHTOH, irtert phonTmari Il Aiterlcii .ut'iir7lOBigR"b.7?o;r.iu.hSda,*«'^^^^ I, lo bi aien it ibebu: with iha^f^ tle^Sid Soil bu BUe II bla whole aiudi for uiap jeui la aU tiada of lifie- llooa diaeuia of doga, uO will cow g.iiiaile. lo care ibe-feinn a ihru daye wllb hVe aoadeifal mloML at U per pot-ld» Oio, SaanBL ( with legreti; ant, Wh-, wuv» MByvaaauufw omBBta wi blaaeyoa. Miay tbuki tor nnbluu. n laraad oru i Btu depulfflul; from wblcn yoa wUl kev, ikiongh i "AuwnetoOotnapondanla," - Chu, 0. Biaaaa —Dupatcbed yon a Utlw aa Ibe Itib Isit JiiiiaPiTTBBaow.—TbefoUowlag U tbe iolnUoa of Bar XM't muterplkc&fnwblcbyoalaqalredi I' l^f KtoKli(aj I g..BloBT4- AtM. a..B-BB KXB(l) d,.Kt-B<,Bata. !■• IfPloItll a..KlloBl-|. B-Kt« (a) 8,.BIoB74,arPtoB«-K "^"s ■ d.-udglTMohMkmila. i!iI'i?S^?;A"-" li B. .Ki lo B 4 -f, ud Biua aext botb, ^du L.tito q «| a,.Ktto Biih-^, ud 4..aiTH cbiS mate, Bitremdy tla^ eht B, a 0.-TbaaU bir yoor oondderaUoni yon wlU beu baa ne 'en loBg, ^'',5" f'!''***''''^r'* bamomithlag (nlU>lig,m deabtaol, to nammtinlMle to yon to aweak, ot u. Ohiu i« thb MxnoroLii-Iaatwnkwa gin Ihe tanll it the grul cbeiB much belweu Oipldn Mukeoala. of ibu d^ and Hr.bdobhalB, of Pblladdpnia,ap to thatUBs.wha,l{ «tU be remembered, lha Ibrmu bad giuid caaiMuible idnn, togi. Play wia runmed on Monday, ud Ihe miloh naoHad on Tnudiy In tbe notory of tbe CipliU, by the neigniUon of Mt Belchhela, oa Ibe plu of ilblQieai, aider wblcb ho bad Ubared eux the Friday prarlona. It to narortnaate that Mr. Belohbdm ehoold biTo beu obliged to ruign tor abcb a oaaee, ui tua aalab wu looked npon ai a teat ol atrugth betwua tbe letdlag alajanoftbetwodilca. Welhenlore hope that eootber mwC lag Bar be atrugee eo eoon et lha genOanian from tbe Quaka City abdl hira rsooTwed hla hedtb. Ibarenliot ibilaiau, cannier wu: Captain Mackaiile woo flret drawn, eoe. OLoei iHD Iimamiia .Viicn.—A milcb hu for geme UUla time been lo progrcaa In ibe Pbllidelpnie Cbeu CInb. In which their obamplon,iIr, Bdubeltn,glTu Mr. Jallelt the odda at PewB ud two mono. B'Tugamuflntaomdbyeliberplenr unlea tba rlotory. At loo lileti aawe we bad ol the eoatuli each coolealutatoodd, wllb two dnwobattlea, ' Entgnu No, B2I. iVsa Ol naai Ptattr't MagaMiA n J. noiH, UQ. itbiai, QBT, gsj, QEte; XBi, qxta; QBT,Kaitll *I1144 liqg, QBaq, gs, Ki, Qt, EBeq, Wblla lo pliy ind gin miu with me Piwn U tea moTSi, ProblWB NOb B2B. ' Dedicated, wllb tMaadly rigird, lo OaiL a Biini. >r a. 1. 0. * BLiOI, warn ffklla to pliy ud oompd BUck lo gin nata In Iwriri mayu. Qain* No. B2B.' Ibe oysaug porfla ol Ibe BtelillaSeTen mitek. BaaonK BPbOBIbsDefaae^ Atlaok, Defiacs, M. De Were. Berr tUdailB. l..PloX« a,.p-qi 8..QP VP 4..P-SBt B..KB-B4 6..KHl-Ba T..QKI-BB B..Q-hw8Ceil ia..iB-it8 11..0ea.,QB(c) 13..P-qB« qHllsad P-S4 QEI /P Ei-K B 9 XHt-B 8 Xli-B4 OaiUu P-QB8 P-Q «IM P-QKt4 P-OH4 P-QKIS 19..KI kQPIiII BP KI 14..i(By P lB..q-birStB lB..Xi-ElB(e| 1T..P-XBI 18..HEI-X« lB..q-EEi8 QB.R8 q R-EI ao Q-xa B-bla B iq KB-E iq B-KEtaq 10) •..U B to E 8d would ban Dtltae^ BenBlttallft K BloQI EB-E« BB-IBiq B-qBaq Et EiT ' BUKBT M. Da Van. M. PloEBd 31..q-her EIB n..EI-KI B 93..P-EIIt 94,.Xi-B8ir) 9B..KBy Kt H..KtvKB(p) q s EXI aT..XB-KBBq Ely qa a«..qB-B4 - — M.,By qa W..K Ik-Keq ll..KB-Bli<) S9..EBV Et 83..E B-Oiq P-qB4 q 'XP KIt-Sg B aBP(A} BVQB |-B8-t- qyS? il.. <(..EU-E1 li-BB.«- 8e..g-si qABP+ n..B-qB9 u^KB,ud toe Atlidi lulgBB. been better, wa bthrTo. IM We biTo BOW m laietealtog ud complicated aoilUai^ (tityt wonio hire beea much btltw, (di anil, or nffei moie aerlooi loaa. (e) Bu Ibna Pawoe for bla piece, ud aol oaly leltend U>< lell from the preuore ol Uiinlt, hat tarned Ue toblei oa kll oppoiaL l/lTne Atteok, tbrongb Ibe lul leriM of aoru kii baea muagtd wltb iqoai Jadiminl and lagennl^; tkla rtlrul. how- irer, wu it liiii pnmatuti. Be abonld flat kira pliyid Q B to S St iq, which would biyanadend thla gaoraLWtaa aatda illuwirdi, Bon i ffeoUeib |y| Tbe poaittoo nqnlru grut nteily of play, th) Tbli Bon iDiaiu i apesdy Tlolory, (t) We an uotblag belier. IIB < KI, Q to B B-l-, wlaalag ia itawBOTOi; Bhdu8i..qtabuld, thenlartUQUhu B Id, wlanug eaiUy, To OorrMpondenta. J, D. Htoiaa, Hutford, B. T.—The "Uimnli ol Dnngbli;'' tDrwardea. We bare noi tbe aombera of tae Otirna whtob yon dMirs, ud thenldre m hold flliy outl. Wait ehid we de wilk Ihiat , M. A, Dnuo, Ftortdraee, B, L-Duly foiwitdad, ud we best thil yon leodTed bi' gool order." A. J. P., Onere, N. I—The Potlllon by Hr. Balkan pabllibtd u No, a>, YoL XL ol ihi OumB,liutalloBi: B'aoi—Xlagl en a, 91 ud Ml Man on 9,8, IB ud Id. Whili-Elaga oa II iDd >l;Muoa8,10,9a,98udl8. Vfblla to mon ud all. fldKBiDiHa Nbw m DbAuon LuiaiTuu—Daaodsn; oa OBicDuniBioiBnu,—Tbe ebon la tbe tlUe et a derer lltUi niume by Ueory Bpej lb, Biq, whoea name la Ihonogh'y Idea- tlBtd will lha game. Tae buid.ag, ptp>r ud pdatluir en Aral elua, ud tba liaienor" le both uteneUog aad laairadlra. It u wociby of aoUci inal the wanta oi exiuieneed playara bare »l been diattgirdad. aa muy gamM oi eUrUag aarlt an era- bodied in tae wore. PubUehed by Dick bFltigacdd, Bow lark, tilce 75 cull, pod pild. CUm* No. B8.>Vol. XIR. Utdy eoalailad btlinea Meant, Btowa ud AltdL aantob' Wklla. Hr. ArarOL M 10 IT IT 14 IT.. 10 IT at 14 11.. 18 18. il ar(a) »..1B IS 14, 10 30,. T II IB T il.. B U !• 18 •1.,I4 lT(d) IB U 81..10 U It t at.. B g T 9 91.. 8 li a B IB..IT ai 8 »■ iT..n. a< n ii' • Aad lot giM WII oiawa. Mr. Browi. It..18 lo 11 ia..l8 91 (ailTlel8iliadiaw& ibl 181011U alio agoad mora it Ibla pMil. (a) If 98 to 94, Wblla bma. m 11 lo M la good for a draw. PoaHlon No.tB, VokXllL PoflUon No. 100, VoLXB, Bx A. J. P., Oaain, R.T. ' nr.Diniaiona BLiUB, BbAUa. JL@mMM Won ■ol WUITk. Whila la pliy aad wia. WBIti. WhlUtoBUTludWla.