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New York Clipper (Mar 1866)

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T 406 THE NEW YORK 0LIPPE!B. 5^55KS Vh«»S« C.^, CBUlO. OBUtb. C4L 555 E.WlH0B.OBiBomia.T<nnW.b«w«, SffifiScb.0. B.WlltOB.OBiBomia.TmnW.B«w«, I:* filj;/... •iSTsMi" SUilt/. 0«uu, Kill Bijriiiona, Unl» Woo4. 4 ' oity Bumntnri ^ Uo»AT,liuekMli,ltM. tt.n |t fitjwijghi idBplwnUm BhikMpm* U«a miUI Hon- dir, itiiU ttO, hi KoaM hiw mk»«4 lh« np» Uii«« bun. ana al twoi'wMth (isooMlng lo Bmun'f cbnmrioCT). » Hww»«to<)M«tttMiw Jolc» H«Ui •! lb* Um»of b«» d.»lb. Bctn«l«t(««ia«bsfflaloffblime>tilMil WDUUnu •go.-ud 1£ uraintto 'Ml <m tajboaj'i ibooMef•, It bi» hta «Ubar worn .pvlMpiwMd. TbioiuihUKHueiilauUIxniotBlcbiKlOnat .'KUtt ud Obkpltla Hodicra, bowne. Bvwtwnilun'a pliji (UtpoTtl fto* lb» ertgtail), Buj lUll be obUliita it tht i«on4. 'kMbo^itoMenRunnittML Two jeut *|o thos wii * tatUboIoo In Uli gottlj (own, ud itur maeb hSk It wii CniUy aMtMU>R«c**Bioinmantt«tlu"««aU«inu Inn BImUoid ■ 'ii^b^kna," In Ibt vldnllr «r <b< >Inae|u bMdqutten, or ■ .KMxAbM. Tbi woik bu fcont bmrir on ulU now nolblig '^feitoibnlto mil Ui« tandiml tartia «b« itnistaM. Mr. ■J. aukMpwi»bu«ndUi*>Mi1iof .T«i7 ^ iii^i^'lthla inptt^M a*) lb«yalau art '• owAtorfTwrt*!!** blm-w« Mr. SbOtqini^ ba( we .>;:.Q(BhUwtirta-lwWIl7blmieU.wu Do neb urtfof t nu. ' ''st wu* qalA iMlloBaDlr fdlnrtfCBtwbt putltl lo bgo Mtr in"ifMi«oft»WBg'hU«T«Bto»iti»Iloptt» Downrbt/oio tb» W-"'"""'"* of Ui«p«rftmninMM llie ibMlir.vbmb* ■ «u engistd • tViektrtor. Ht win Wibfnl * bli dni/. tawmr, ud on to oceiHon dM bt twooit Iho Tlcdn of lAf dilntak wNn "Jorif WInta" w»« tb« pteeo idnrtlnd. (In IkU niKct *• dUmd noi* Mflltel gnloKO ol oudi7.) naw.tllbiniiblbiiOLnnUtbnoldatipofllsgul tbniileil Jmiiul b lb* Onltef SUIta; wo n* fbnod to ncUiowl. i«d|* .|bil nulvwM n6T«:on out •dlloiUI or oonldbnloHa] w/iu. DO, II nwuwe^ onpptUod to mtkt tUn •Ultnut, lMMU«<oinair4natl«sicaccsnilggMtauou]i«d uUutwo - >0B( (go oEi to Iba eosebulon Uitt nod ot ov.i««4(n bt. Utnd bim (9 to nr fomu putafr, or it Icul DriDuUeXdllor. I'.'^lin'UttwobitnwrlUtn Ibu fir li oUnpljaalpliodiuUon vtoW.*uikrliMUI*''wblcbfalio«ii • . ' ^'''IMil3)td<T ■UbU tfla lb* ndiou doilei of lb* dtf me Jna. ndtlie nlitnra Md gone bom*^ md iba "dirO" bid r«. -^''UHd! ud oir Ubting eOl'n btd eUntd to "welt" • mo woo '"dlte'l Ma Ibt ton* ot oor witoln, we wm lott iloiMlnonf lOMtam oKtora^ wborr, dlUng npon Ibi "TilTtt Tlolot Iming" ''eTom <&•»> we gen ouwlni op to aedou oontimplnHan. •■■lulowanimngtd tn Iblnklng, fuK^oato tnoj luklnit," J the onler toior flaw anddinlj opto, and a pale 7onsg man an- tend'Slbiddas. Tbatppienocaot mia pal* jooDg man tome- wlhrMatatbal ear cqunlmllT. bol we told bimiobaataleo. BaWtmed wllUni to complj, bnt ralird to find a "rtcnnt chair," JO be itood sp dnrmc tbe wbole ooanraaiioD. Ea wia aecdilr ,.4(aiaid-<in[a paleTonnimio wii—eod mm e pap^ collar ana •^loekl Wbaihaioewualaoappiiaadl Id ahin and aocka or BoTwaah onibMtoaer, "biTloi so aoOdaat iDtoimiUon on k—.whUb to toim a taliaf," la lawjtn pit It. In adf«p, a^IduiJ wjAa* lie bc^t - . . ~' '*4ljf/ I am a truni'lfL I lore lhaoU netlna—I woidiJp ^^nUaiptm-I ban bean to Heli wbb Dute, ud bm floiied -'nndtbc-.aoewlib UUIon. Ttar atlar jtu 1 bm diuk at IiBtiileg'i FDontibi, till tbe dmibl whieb wia bard bo take at VMbU Mcbma iwtettr Ibin nnlar. Mow, for tbna )eai I ~ liirabean liboiUg on a tia«cdT. Is It I caiafoO; obaerTed tbe ''«itilal,'ndanldea,M I tbonab', aU ilirtng faolla. Iba plot > i^MM'^ool-tba'dialogno wia ibebeituut lotnldnuba. in- ? 1 Wnta ti laTtnl Umea. and at lait ptteastad li lo Ike miiisar ot j»L|b« Tlieatr*. Be acoraad It, alij be called It Iwadliai be ~'laid ibeio waa no marbet tor anob itnA and ao my. work ot:ibra* ytanialoiLaaaiampoanileai—panoUeat." Dafore proceeding ^MOMbft, w« |itB Urn a un oast etamp, isA tbes we pnHMtdad to L'^'aoaaruttfttne blfli.' i-)*'Tonni mm." we aakrd, "did jmt berolneoomn^t adallenf Be loUed ap bli ejot in aatonlabmeoi aa he anaw<iod, "AosV UlT.I no; ibewiaainira,aapoiUaaglil" . „ , ' iiiBad]OubaioaTerbtai.lQpilaonfor alcallogaclaiijmas'a • :«inA1o ndsV* "■ .'MIfHMyfeBo'k BiKon I" •cboad.lbe pale jonog dib; "dir, voold lWV'oltiPet-Iiyba»:«ia'noi«'ea amlaw^mna,ibin a . ^^^Iwlbiiito talaalDoeie piylpf tba anfoitsula plaj-wilgbl, JiSSS?S3»l(>wnUr.*« bw BolbiM ebon" the buitoeu.,. ^^SraiBSatL'^aild In onr gwosd-and.IoJU.himblbig iWo, -,oS*loStSn bubeen twdljneilwled. Wo donbrftalbar .yS^tSlafdSeaiOTeli o( Bjlonni CobMeatonei, Jr." S^SC «itt?5^4^ilm iK m wUlnotloobatBbaatipeare SSffaraUu. BwStaJSiawai'wall enongh lo bii daf, but we S^TuiSidMallBfc WelHelnibaaieofbtehlJ-mlttntad. . ilnlffnSISS Inll-JawaUeJ a»ni»Uon*Il»n. -Son muit write V f^^^SSta - lSt JotuTbero b« a retnmod conrloi Toor r Krttai£?2iQl/Cl(e wbo ftila in lore wtib a ratcally Uailcan c («!SL H.r*bn7uVdl.a »in .•^."nahiS^ii 'l 10 connect my beroand beioUut" a^ktdUie " *'^xl,Sh»l/''wi«pUed,"wtatdoionwantor cenneellonlna B(^OT dnitt»"i liUbmaali innodoced few ibapupoee of riSlMaSTlcibai wUe iba .la.e.ijpanttrla sal&g«p Ibe fianntabjae down wbioh your boiolna tusblea." ■ ' '.'anrtrwiaJid'sIt aoaan-l wn people loaUftoB monj-, ills, tn miSlaiB diania. Von want a lew locu ma, and tt tba ac^b ufSln Sglandlt would be adrtaabl. to meorpotate JolKmbUlbaOelJbl tbeOcian-into tbe play-jounutbwo ■ • ■^'iss^^t?lbfSa»'•aa.d u«p«i« J«"•'"J^a»id™ • '"Wbit latlitiiatr do jou wast oi anyibinKnatutalloamodira draSr wo IwSied. ismawlial eidledlr. for onr wOt"'" l«l !l!^!fl J«i»ulTlnneoaabIe. "Of ctnraejoa need plant; of fn^i?l liSftitMofT<i»i«biraoUra^ bailer beaUock b,U«btom;:?m JSbaVoODe rtabb*l Ibeo- Iba b«»n,bnrrt • %1 bS?Seei£i^tor«ti«liale bIm tor tba laai loenn ln wblob ■ Sj iSf JTi^SSil? Sod and llnni, mu.l .pi«r, and fans a II. ■em^clIclIlDlhBlrontsulorlaeata|e. : . . "JtnlyouliatiiiotlnaiealedUiopipl ' • "Hoty mndeindraBiaadon'tre<inlroanyplol. , •'flowlonsabenlillltiketoilajltt , . ■•Fo "r bodil ltd a ball; but loaaa iloapoWo Ol balnr condesacd IntoflfleennSiuWsa witbout lnletl«iH« witb the Uicfdoita." ••4h.Stll«Sukealon«ilBoiJwill«aai!b^ , ■ "LS)Btlii« I wbr. >on ougbt to done before momUg, One«Sdof w.niing-donTnmibar70ut paaea. Ai aSbrtJoiljflll!ari»'o»"«»^'»''»* ""1° *!' '"'"J^'.* then lo thimuMar. Be win begin at ba{»bu>i4, probably, ibeiSSe-gieaily aib»n»loglUInlereal, Ton know, nMrtBiaidlolslsg apailmenl w»a "*»«•',"!''''.''""*' lia»anl»al,olwiucbtbeft)UoietofUainietruialauan.- , WXLOOHB m UHEU./ > !,»llJiM"i^l'a jonig man hate amacked bla obop»-"aa lor !" mniioimof ISO Ihoaue wlU announce btniell aa tba '^^ifS tt 2 pipoUr. «>d It cuutot m Id^b. U yo. '"ifriSlSS pli'a (il«»4 aome'iotlher wutiel.alltr wblob be _J^?Cm.in4burnllbeinl Wo beard noibmg m™Sin CSluVlSimoriig, wban hamabed Into Ibeofflce STabtTnaaw an" ol wolbiaAld glOTea-lancy IllN and all SSpw" He b,"fl«labidbiainod«naram. aha dUjwaed of ' .■:^"oy'llJi pa'piltb" pela young mas wia, and wban bla play 1. iJSlbiow .1 a lialuonibia lbeau^ we wlU all no and aae liSdilawlli lawb at tbo old logleawno aim caiebtate tbe SlSal»J of«aia, and pialae lUm lo' bla "t™^ , .• • Jowela Are woida long ; ])| ,i>on Ibe Biiaictatd lorcfloger of lU TIsin Boaiila fotawr." . _ . .•.■mill Maulpaatedlamoodtand IbaiDodanidnnai 'ttSaoaSSSTrtUt*""- >•> to BarWogiBpHngalnJuly .'°^t!^.Vvuiaaoo innanO'i ilatt out In Joly for a all llSeliag ton?; TUUing AlMnj. Bocbeiler, llo«ao and *.?A^,2[2riniacllleB in tbawatL Snniig thair abwnca ibelr SSi'l8K?SSLd oMngoSa lljla ana a new gaUan belli. '"nJS^Sfumnralniniuuuo&tbo weakof Ibelr J'J5?2Sa MSrronueoJaimfikmta. Tbacompinr, aa at S^lMUlMdlla a mncbTetWr one tuan wbeaTiey««! yS?rih tbe alnglDB la not a« goad u It oogbt to be fbr ' f ?u.?i\£ySSt? Kuk Ualle la tbe ballatut and laUnloenlor, *t,,"^?lSS7iiiit Inr to bo a little India natnral, and drop 2!lJ?7b a7ba w" 14 not 01© bo a baUa? aongalar, ikalalIeotM«yiioijiM._B"_;_"„_,,^y„, Mr. Otnld li nndonbt- ootuhyi bnt be doae • TniblatuaJwiailbKibonlbertadlanltaow. ne maicblaea Main) aeaki bar litln abaca. Oblcbamlngida*,lttTananowpoBioi»l .| Bow mnob we mlaaeTyon M onr "f*"* •»°»J we knew Ibat thro- yinr abeooe* yo» aun bote Lore, leal nd fbllUfnl, lo J"!"**™??*:. For aU lb* pjalfc tba ewiao fWB «m bimil Oosid oarar via yon t«^*^J'J:^,^I^ Iboae faltbfnl fHesda wb»-l« Ibe toker da» Wba grm Oilel on yoat P«"'J"«,iV?; Wb«B many Manad and ib,"* Stood flim iBl (laadiul In Ib*^ ^1* of yon. Bo ding aalde tbe btiim iiom iloion'a ebore iaa, darmlai idib. leata ni naremaie. BanmaeoaUane tn otder at tbe Olympic. J'.'J J"* IJ^II ol ibewSaliy loS tbelf anno.l bmedn endwilb tbe nnt<^ ;i.^s?t£te«S5n'S.S 5sy;a?;a"§fo.:s.«S"'"i^^ pnlSblyiunoaapenaiintbiaconnuy. Ii«'?l™'i^!J,'". ba£nbrw\;ra ■J?^'-«^"^''^»'J.^^ SSSTlbla «olM iiib tia. - aiaSTSdon tbauTb. Vn. a. B."Wbert,»b*"oldwointt, baa bUrianenp. on aprll M, "IbaTbree OnaiaaBon" wUI poai. " T.'.'piJSJSfS'tbe HiDOOlbeaUon bad a rtcb Ittat In tbe wu .«BJ!?i2^vr^ JihT^Vindmg »p™ iba bate back of bla ateed. Be a£ -hu. Saedloft *oS ofer tan buidia* not tbiee f«t apul. wf,;.^« bio oplig OTfr tbr«. wide benno^ at Ibe aaoga u It iS gTtlfid and aieltlog. It wlU be rapaatad loa enrteal *Ott Ton TBOMa and wife and Com. Hnll lelutnad lo tola coanrafi^EuKpe by a lata aieamer, and Ije no. taking a tEE BiTiLa cpmtLanc* tbe eummar aauon al MlWo a on June fo,h?rtfuZa!awded »«ia« «> tapt Ibe boarda all tn* weak WeaSbiDtbiJtaati eSaoldTaImproteaianlon tbebnalnaea of *e t^n»*rlma wiak*. Ma legandaii diama teaa gotles op SlbmalM»Madtbamanoet tn wblob II waaplMed on Iba aU«a reflected ateai credit opcm alage maaaiar Olukfc lb* WolraOlmbyUoonHaiil. In Ibe aecond act, waa tot clarar.y d«Va°a"bo in" rtittS «.ne In Ibla act waa aoeedlngly ^ StS. Tie lerpanta «yirB aboni iba alag^ blealng foitb red Sn^HWtllaa ibaibowerof Ir^frorid taiyelftcllTe. Mr. Oili. SSimade a (air Caapar. and Mr. Tbanpaon appealed lo ad. JStag!" Iba bunliSIi. Bodolpf. Mr. <l"idala baa dalericialed TMTmnobwitblntbojaalfew monlba. Wnan befltjtappeared Sto?Ikrwerybawaa Ota o( ibe but in bli line of bnatua to Ibl* clU. and g»»a promlie ol fntuie eiodleace. Be baa now JTuIb Into tba etior of lU wbo be^mo (aiorllri on lb* eatt aide, „4U,ta»iUiaitbeBorober«italbetati»rana^^^ JJila "a imt olaiake. Wllh lb* gallolea be win be tbelrjeir Idol, bulwMb Iboae wbo UkaalltUo qolal. natnirt aotleg, be la faat talM Dound. Ibaio la tlna yet to cbange bla alyla, and b^ u a blaaalni u veU aa a Teiy Inlalllgent aclor. Iluan lUraRU WlU priaant ber "LllUe Baitfool" lo public BoUnai Niblo'a ibli eranlng. In order to (dre all ana edof to ft, SStSon; 'be announdloga will be of a tot aJIractlTe cbii^. the icenary. appolntmonlr,elc,belngof'Iba moat SSuM daadlpBoB," aa Iho picgnmmo Inlbnna na. Tbe •SlUe Barefoot" wm be tbe (fatureanrlDg lb* week. VniuSSaoiia looked tb* AaJatny of Mualo itco* our leal, and a la aqueatton whether Max Mateliek took In encngb people, orleaiiwIaJinaclent moaeyto pay lot bla aoup. Tola being RoirwMk. Mil. being a boly man, will glra no parfotaianca Stieen Uondw M4 Baturdly. [11 it would p.y, Ibe bonee wonld be ooenaTatynlgbtbot tola la between ouroalra*. Bo ) HiS EaUo^ bu let hiaeSl io-nlgbt,and ibat derlllab opua Sled"FaIat" wtU wind up lhawta* at a mnijue. Am Maa. Biaitiiai) WiuiMa, wbo are to luocetd Edwlo Booihat tbe VtolerOu<aD,coauieaceopitaUona tbereoDtbe ^Bow Mjuaawi to alt, al the doao of Ibe day, to a nice, coBfoit- able aaat at Binnm'* HuianiB, and enjoy tlaf blrtly aeaaontd SotaraldramacDIed "Moaea;" to knowttat wbllaotber*ate •»iedl> iiaiatoa toe boun ol Boly Week to a play bonee, we are TlonSr^tlSBcnccuragementto "IdaelInBgypVandwltoea*. /ni wit^hmlfJltluSSe tha dealiucllon of Pbnapb and Ua hiK toiapitog feoabel to lb* Bad Bea, Ciowdidaauelbe plraa Sdl'iSa which eaembleel tl a aorlptonl tempi*, to* Si^rain^Uns nnUnman wbo mo* Ibe maobln* can elwaya SSSr;? Itod mm (or a tew inore of tbe aain* aoit, for wblcb ieiSnli be humbly tbaaktuL In addllton to "Moeia," you can 'aieowild AuilMllan Obildren" at the Mneaami In tbilr !»i.!iHB iberwue oallad tba Aileo children, bnt alnco ftcic m dme wr"?elrtl«4 people ibay I are dtlerlorated loto ^uAtiitiillana " moob to onr loaret and loirow. Tna^^LsioiiKXB, Hialer BtlgnaU perfcima aomo ol bla rJiUv^St Teata at tbo BIppotbea'ron, Uua week. Tbie nilal 5Si£2 mnS not bS nUlSr (or one of tboie wbo aland tn fiontoflbeObaihamatttelclolhingalotea ^micTOnKOtbleweebMr. JobnOwenawlU appear to Ibe "cSmuey Comet" at Ibe Broidway, and at qnarter put nine •nioifo »"Ooolojal iMion" to all wbo may faror bIm with rwr' wnjogaf praanc? On Eealar Monday night. April M. Iba WMbiDg drama ol "Dot, oi tba Cricket on Iba Baaiib," will '"n'^^cxaon tteaaorarol Ibe motor Oaidao,baibla name -5»«JVhSfltiDlMa8l>imal- To aOO 10 tto Inlrnitot Ue SSi^ Sr J^£*anbugotboldora>anngiiisedlan named SSSSf 5So tluiieke bSanl appearance In Raw York thai ?^2ta"'ta tha^"»' rwbeet.aBd.indlaa.eo ored> cbaiaetar of "a^Swi tbbo oecnmd at the Broadway Thealie on Monday ..t-ioB MmSl9lb. Jobnlioraimar, rtoMUirloi eomaaian. wbo SSriut to S^cbatacli ot FlUberbeit. to Ibe -VloUma," bia a IVn. .i3i that alrong islndod ctaatnie, Mtoerra. Morllmer «E??to™a looked at the aadlanoe In an abilncted manner, SJi.1 M^SJeiand eartog 'Viu rwolr,ou rtpotr,"abtopllyleft aSLS? ^to bla dwitg room.'changed bla drea., and tffi waToul oflbe bona?. Mr. Hemblia bad to read Iba ~5S;^JSSr«°*SiS!!°T"'t«I laat nl-ht o( Edwla^B«tb a. Blrtilau^irmonnced to tue place at the Winter pardon on SS ssibtoi*. I*>t aiklog loo much of joato pnttaaneitly •'C»tSi*lSi'"bXalooa nam. of a obancler to ba _TS^..7h> Putor tola week at bla Opera Bonl^ In Ibe £^5S tn Jnaw plSjTofilled Ibe "Yankaa Inventor. ' T.O. u7ia^ added to 5i* company lot In* 0'"ajt. Tony la doing a SSS\JJdiBriSt DOW, tor wbtob be abould b* rety gnlefol. ea iiSiSaJa7Siallyhi»a(»lt tbe dopteutog todneocea of Lent "^SiSi'SS'e™'pSi ruih of toe heiu monda" to Ibe Old Bo^SS^^bJ™llwiiier(«etlonily annouocj*. Wbetbar iba S^Z?mSde"«oto toe tie ahow toalde, ot to cHUolietboee ^a ff itln tba plolm* gallery on Ihe outer walla, tbe fueUoni J^M.riUinotVBU M:piob;bly the latter. Iboagb, for Ihe SL^ttonm cilaln^ly •»"»'" '>»•'>«''»''•'■ff''^ , , "^ajryiaiom 'a aolog. or bow ftr tolo lb* howela of OttSa o'swaSy bu metched on wltoonl Imp^meni, w* at* SSlo.oMlilontoaKertalD, but Ibat tb* Ban Fnnaioo Mln*- tala ile^bna piM »"™ " mlnelttOay/-we bare tbetr own lol iL The bnalneii doing by tbe Frlieo-boyi la raally ISfi, moTo'tbaB eii istoicat in I m5aet*la.ilaad oil waU. Tbe hitSf Ibw" WJ» S'""" (bU worth of jont dirt, '""frfiJ'TTiww." It la a tonohing pUy aa Matyoadld Ko; It oiS/hrto? t?« lofl^froiplllnSilart.; wedearly Wt. Jo rSIiTii^^ii.Ta to tbatreiee ibayphue their Unas oamorlo Sbai?b*ni5 lIJ*JSl wind wlii'SS; auohfloodaofte« b^t'a iabatMd Ibetefiom, we nartr nwbefore-we really do SSlav! ibej^flU IboOriiton teearrolr. Well, wall, we're glad iSa^^i M^itbtoi to make na waep, (at wa ate a biarlliu lot KJaot^SSoSy n«p"d.-BD,I and at for Ulna alio but SJKSdiiK. MiM LncJla Waiftm la drawing rory wall at rMd'a IheJtteraod botTarwlon of "Baatlyabe' addomfaiU 0 oSifc l?iriU iwtW"!^ uninfuitbei notice. BaMT'e Idntaraiu pteeent a nried a>.a amuatog pro. .,£^ii>uwMk:intiodnaug lottbe drat timo. the tenowned ?.Ko^tBj2&BSJt"«aa"UteMonkw^^^ h^^iTihe mutwUDto namia,Withouttolendlng tooaat asy SSJrtMi nSS~* piioSi of the calablUhmant. Daalalwlll JSIll?1ila^dget.ol oddlllaa; Cornelinj will make bUDielf rauuiUy naetol. and Ihe bailadUU will UU you totartwilh "tSS "oSo?ii'W agalnit,papaB*'™", tWUhe^" wJi otlJtoSly^SSl^ HIaa Batomaa,bnt u that Sid Bolto tie plea ottoSaSv Ibedalm bad to bemide agatoal 2a fiiSaT Bfa aiulhnauSa at thehaet._too imrt^ ejan lor aa SSunrtohrgnmi of, and we ate auiptlaed at the Balenana pisfinV It 10 comi hefoto tba pabllo at aiu Tba claim abonld ".C bS^""'"?^- et nteaent oreaung a aauaatUm la nrSIdSSIlitob.ahoitnat ttaNewBowaty,In«■ JubcUoQ 5?bUartg3at diamallo patlbrmanoea, Uili weA «la a good Stck and worth lettog, aren m tola olty o( irlokety. «K. o^BCToi wboae lltoaia at tbe Beteta Bona*, to ibU clly, «riS&2toUil wert, la aUU en tofalld, tmable to help Urn. 2Sp lletafSmJiifiitMt. Aren Bmtn baa bean ttty ktod SdilMslSe to bS;but lot bit fibmlliybeeonld not bate SiSff .TMi Iba mceaiirlaa ot life. Tboie diapoeed to aaialil lKfB^"^ 4o wto pe"<».«' donttlona .to ou oare. ito(lbepai«at6floeat Waeb* too, gail tbe flal* ilgbt o( minitotaie for Bow Toak alone I tBAtdlaialypsoSaad by a eoiapaoy of cspltalMi, ah* ^atrafeoilbalamaBieoanaiair'aloaol tb*umatloD, (or . S.V;SiS"J« Sutb"SllVr i^Maractton. Mr. qonld I. midonbt- , Ja^ oSIol tbe beat guitar aoloUU In the. iotioiaakua alngo. W. ^'!2JiJL"a\S.erSr?e tol4 la~T"iy 1^ '••ffftj^hli he^a tolMOommendea. Ibe oUo Dnatoaaa waa ■Ss'enS*i?br..^".d^v'.;;'r. 5S&*!ttl!?oMSSgT«!eBio*dwiy Tbaafaa to three or |fMai»t wipii "*?i7,^^L| tir- WBilawawaiahoiaiagiVtet folenomborof frlcnda acoompanlod by ?«~ « °'"»Jl 3,coMliilDgo( twenty Piccei.rapilrrt tolh^oaldanco ot urUonlaodaovoblina gnud earaondo. Alter whlob Bbaperly wctoSlled lb by Uia.Unt, when a good llmo waa bad. Tbo band diSuwd mlal MtaUenl nolle ana Ibo affair paeaed elf very •"jrJv'AtJiae.'tlia buileiiiaopribiadonbVaildbalUdlat, who went lo Eol^tand wl'b Bnmiay »il Naweoml., ud who la at nrcicnt n uS??illb tta uS-tobOitlaly moairila, will arrlro Ua early "fu'^'^MoTitiabanl to be made by Haaon. Conner kOa, totNawY»kd!ui*W*gal*;^ u'weatBoutoo itnelto Ho.MlftSdiJjTwbite'ttey antidpal* dotog a nnchlatger "^FllBBiTTOOE and Ohatled Oatdaor Jota Oeotge ObiUly' "v.'SSi'BS^SlyiV.lT.d to toWB OB lb. Mlh inal., (rom the WeA ™toat bebu bean to ihip alltaoUona to hla big abow. iSi MSSiSia of Ihu cltT.ftoee »bo donot Mlumtolbe "linilcalrrot«>U»a ODloB,''hit*nd •W»•'M.Tft^LJSf iS! Siotedlon Boolaty.wboaeobJaotibiUbealmllir^to tboaiof Ih^ Ibnnw, but wboae adnUnlilraUoB iballbe mora to aoooidaae* wlto whattbay oooalderilgbtand pnper. „, Aa Aotoa n LT»-rbefrl«Bdeol the well taownaolw,» atcn» lamlaaon, will ba glad to laain ol tbe good (ortaa* wbli« hiaMoonuibelabinblm. A highly.UMortant aal JOI™* blamaAanlcal Innnlion, In whleU Mr. Jamlaaa asdbla btouo %e naally latoneMraad which U lIHly to tSaot a oomplal* iSn3a3sa 6 an* «l «u gnat biuobti «ilaiMMu Ba«iiiMHUS tail week raoelred' Ihe adi lagtoo, iwaa tt wte^atraMoTuaimmaoie^owT'Teiiiei'i iwumnuie, Itab Iboaaaad donen, Illaitatfd ib« llMiOMan elkred (at Ikel'ilgbl* of maanfictaia m Ibe alala of MaMatteaatlib wblob la tbeamtacu oftbaptoaiurbiinobarjndeto vUabit la ap- plicable. ■ DrJiDitlo. - ' Taa Bum At na Oanru, —Tb* K**a Oombloatloa made Ibeir. Bnt appeuaitc* al Oront'*, Waabtoiloa, on tb* IMh. Of tkatir p atioii na Bcaa, oor eon**pon<aal "imtricaa" ibui die- eeumUii "rhebad wMlfr and noddy atteeta of tbia allely oondnctad dly did aot praraot onr Ibaattioil palrona from Inrr- tog out IB omwhalmog noDban to waleom* the appearance of Ibeae tenowBid totwign atllaU. She bona* wia mot* dniely packed Ibaa I ant bdSie mneabat wetog II: and aa Ibe enltanco foe* weie amtly doobled loonettnani npoa tbe greataipasaa u- cnrred to mooa ite g tbIJ comblnattODaTen for the Umllea aaaaoa of llT*Blabla),ll*appcera8ce mnat baea gladdeeed tbe misa- gar'* elan and Bllad to ttplalloB bla poikala, lo which. I take It, for tba ell algbto prenoni, greinbncka weaa aomewbat ol * laitly. Tb* •ppeaiaoc* apon tba alaae of Mr. and Hta. Keen wia greeted with prolonted ipplanaa; tbe aamo, but to a aoo» what laaa eiuni, w*1comed tb* tanownod itj BogUab aopporlara. ■BinryTlIl' and Tba yolooa VUa' waia produced on Ibla oc. otalou. Eaan'aWolaay labia poo:eatainmptlon,and Itwaanol lo bli Intcraat to open wlib tl<i. B<a make op for tbe Caidioal laralberlooegeis, forlheellr prelalo war, at Ibe lime of hIa fall, hit Utile pen lb* tula old man.' Ula loading, bowaTer, la peifeci, and the aollloony eipedilly «u will gltan, and Jnit aa well teoelnd by klaappttoaUn andlince. Bnt bla pcrtonainc* did not com* op to to* aiaadiid of perfection, auch aa we bed been led lobettan would (a the cue by tba largely worded adf ar llaamenta.aad tba taboibltinlptlcciobatoedby thla famed oonple aod Ibelr third cteaa aoppirl In bet, Mr. and Hia. Eeas are raly tog tco much upon ft4t part lepnuljna', end oannot bcM a oomparlaon wllh eeme of oor Amerloan attlau, whoateaotiu. teaionable to maktog an eagagemantaad mate net near aa many KelenatouaaaaealnlafonlgatenblnaUon. Mi* Ecan'aQaeea tbeitoe may be ooDaldoed i* only a ahidow of the gran J per- aonatlon abe wie woal to nate to her palmla daya. In the after, plica, to toa i«<a ot Mra Oakley, abe far ensiled bn (omai effntUaBd eomplelaly ahiaid the aUenpl oi ber bnabandto make anytolog like a reapKlable ibow ol bli pait, Mr. Oakley. A wordlor their iuppoit. ebieh la anaonocod aa famed. It con. alala of Meaeik I. T. Calboit. Oea. Erciait and If laa Cbapniia Oalbout etiiya two nnleilattoii, leading maa and prompter, la toe lathr Tocaltoo ba a^peaiel aomewbat tngenaroua to oar etockconpany, promptliigooeof the lidlea to a Tolee audible a'J over tbo htmac. In the former be le peaaable only; that ninal natal twacg hr cllbar canoot or doea not deiud to loee. Etarett could not play higher Man olillty to any of onr drat cUia Amer- ican toealrea, wbUa lllci Chapmin, af er mnch tmproremenl, might nodnuke tojiecoma a biideimild to toe dialacc*. 'Tba Merobant of Venrce' wia glean on toe Mlb, Mr. Eean ipptatlng 10 much better adrantaga than on the prcTlona eTcaloi. Bla Sbylock la a giaad perionation, (ar eouelUog any ot bla olbei at- (empto. I cannot aay u much ot Mra. gean'a Fotlli- Ulaa Obapmao, aa Nttlaaa, na ildlcnioua; Catbcart and Brctell tnleiab^e, aa Baaaatilo and ariUaoo. On Ihe 9Ia^ •Leal* XL' waa alTcn, but to not ao good a bouie aa bettlofote, Tbia la anratmo>d ea Mr. Kean'a giaalaat aiauupUon, but to my opinion bla Sbylock li far aupulor. Tbe euppnt o( tbe companyhiibe»nucel>ent ftU.Febno,aaElnBEaniy VllL.wia Tiiy good. Bo w*a Tboioe, la Norfolk, and FbU'lpi, u BudL Mr. f, D. Oennon abowed mnch talent u Bnckloghim, on Ibe ltUi;*ndaatkaI>akeolVenlu,an Ue Wth. B* lion* of tb* moat rallab'.* B»mb*n ortha oonpiay. On the 301b, Pblllpi ai Old Oobbo, Sinclair n laoncolol, and Bulib aa Belarnlo, were each Ttry good. Ihain* appeaiad to bttlar adraatag* thaa I bare )(l area blm, aa Lnecto, wblla Hlea Boman, aa Jeaalca, could not bare been aaioiaaed. 01 ccntie.Feonoaialeadaeblbg Ifeiobant. T»Blgbt, Mmh 331. 'Baolat,' and lo-monow, on tbe occaalonoftbeEaana'beneai, Ibe Bltabget' and the Ihren-ici comedy ot Iba Wondef will be prolnced. Anothit eeuon of the aanntlonal wID follow tbe tarmlna'lon ot lb* preaent engage Bunt, and The Bee of Ice' la annonnoed aa Iba 'aUtlar.'" Taa Ou) WiSBiaoioa TBaans wlU ba tikan peaaeailoo of on Ibatlhof Apnlby IbeObloalaad Saalnl lUllan Opera Troupe, ondet tbe dlrecUoa ol Max eirakoecb. Among too operaa prom, latd are "TioTalor4"Lncntl* Borgia," and "FiTorlla." IB jtonoir, toe ptogrameiea olftfod at tbe different tbwtrei dnrlng toe put week bare been botbri.led md raiy attncilrr,aayi otuconeipondasi, "Itenabaw." who addi:—''We bare bad tbtee olUabtitaclteiiuIn toeconnlryat tbo aane number ol Ibei- treabtogelbarwlblbellntwtekof one of Ibe laleit aenuilon diimiaat afourth. and a new aadcomplioated pantomime at the lUib. On Monday, lUb, MaUIda Bmn appeared at Ibe Bowud, la toa play ol 'Camdio,' before a good hou& Mlu Eeioo—per- hapa becaoae ah- bag pbayed Ihe pit! ao olten toil abe baa grown todlffcieKt, or lor lome oinao—baiuly doae It u weB u >be did a f«w yeare bach. Tba Amand Duril o( B. b. Ueldinm waa vary good, toongh bla gall on tba alaga la rery bad. Ihe QiaUn of Mr. Barilaoo, and toa H. Danl ol Hr. Oiklay, ware boto cxctl- lent, bnttbelmpinonatloD of tbeO)tuitdeT«rTlIla,.by 3. Bonne, wu nry faulty, and altogetoer too ooeria; bemootoed nia word* moat Iba'fnily. Miaa Marl* Boniface, aa OMmoe^ acted Ibe pan Tery aatnnlly and prettily, and Mra, Jane BagUab wu Terr good aa Mdme.Pridenca. On Toeiday, Mba Beron appeared uEdllh, and on the foUoinng enniogi or Ue week u Oamllle. On Mon- day, Ibe Mlb, VaHeBa Barel commencu an ongigament at tbU IbeaIre, opening In toe'frtnobSpy.'. ...AttheContlnenbU, Ura. Bowaii aull cooHnnai her angiaeneni, appeartoa on Moidiy aa Jnlla, to the 'Bunchback,' aoppattad by Mr. McOollom u Muiar Waltor.anaooTnaadayasdWeanefdayuLaaylubeland Uadim* Ttoa In <Xut Lynn*.' Tbia la cn* of bar beat impitioHtlona, and tojogh I ban aean many lake tbia part, I neror bare aeen aoy do It oatle.. Tbe Caputs LeTlaoa ol Mr. McCollom iru ex. cafienl, eapadilly In (bo eoeoe In the lut aot with Uiu Corny. Mr. Al:en waa hardly tqoil to Ihe put o( Arrlih'iid Culile. Alt Batdanbetga, u Jiflto, wai aood. alao Ur. Dd^vo u Dill. &^ra. AUan, aa Affr, acted very natu-aily. Uti. hoitrj, aa Ulaa Corey, wuntbartame. Mlea Umia. aa Ltoy Monut Harem, iru T<ty poor. On Xbnnday, na, '(.aJy Aadiei'a Sterol' was (Ivan, and on Friday and ualaidar, Diana, or Lova'a Matiinende.' Tbe honaea durlog toa week have bean qalia ctowded, Hra. Bowera femalna aoottter week At ihoBoitoo Ttaa&ua. lau* p^\M*» uliS^n dnrug no put week, wiuob la lie laaLtoTcry oStdboniea. bbarenulaa only 4111 Wadoiaday, asm. toKon- • ar MIta, abe will appear aa Jnlltt. tn 'Borneo and Jnllel;' on iDiaday aa Pinllie, to 'Ibe lady ot Lyooa;' and ro Wednnday, herheoellland liat appearancp, lo tbe 'Iiallan Wife.' On Monday s'ghl.ltlb,al iba Mnienm, the new plavol •TbeOnl- caat, or Beery Snnbat.' ftranded ot Mlas Braddon'a noralol toat aaine, tnabrouebt onl to eictllant atyle. Tba aonery waa capi. tal and Ihe aoUog, wlto one axcepUoD.wu very fine. Mr. bbew- ell, u Eeory Danoar, wu uoellent. I biro nraly aaan • mot* perfeol place ofacltog. Mr. Warren, u the Major, wu cspllil. Sill Eala Donto, u Margaret Waniwoitb, wu upeelally good, acttogberpart wl'hallfe-llkeexiotoaaa. It U one ol (he ben tmpenonaUoM aba bai glrao amce barappeanace al thla toaatre. Borne o( Ihe dialogue* between Hr. Bbawall and Uln Dinla weie lupatb. Mr. Wnaan, at Cleneit Aualln, Bnd .HluOlark«ai Uuia Dunbar, wete boto good; all*, Mn. WilUami, u Lucy Mad- dan: bnt toe Basn Carter of Mr. J. J. lYillKe aaa eery ftully lb- deal, and altogeiber too coiraa and rcogh tor a memMt o( to* itiTato drtaetlra foica. On FHJay, Ud, Ur. Warren bad a bene- Ik when Ibe bonae wu n crowded toat alandlog room wu at a ntamlbm. On Monday, Idto, Mr J. A. Bmitb, one o( Uiabiat ope on too etaga^baa • btnoV, and u ha nea a great many (tuada, Ue iMOie wlU, withont adonbl, b> crowded. 'Ihi Out* cial' WlU be oiVen dnrtog tbo ronalnder of next (toll) week, ifior wblob,'Loat In London'wOl piobibly be ptodneed At toe Oomlnae, crowded boniu ar^ ai tiinal, tbe older of toe anatng. Tbesantomlmaof'Jaokasd tboBoaiaialk' bu pnred ao auo. oeufal that It will be kept on tba boaida for toepieaent, tonibu wlto anew (alM,U wBlcB Mlia EaU Pannoi*r,Adolild*La Point, Evilin ubmun and toeirat otibe oomiMny appeu." Thb DaiKA n Hav OBixaBi la doing filtly.. Onr cottuiiond. ent "LeerieK" mlttog on Marob t7iE, alraa na tbe annaxod baagetofAewPrleana Ihealrloal newi:—"Madame Oelule, toe celebnicd actteu anS pantomlmlak oommenced an engagement at Ibe Bt. Cbulaa theatre on Ue 13u, la Miami, to Buckitone'a comedy ol 'atean Baobta,' which waa repealed on toe Uib. Bbe UitiU ltaeOeleato o( olhat'dayi. Old Fatba Time bai dealt llablly wlto bu, and hot petlnmibcea bin loil none ol toeir wonted fire. On too Idih and lito aba appcand u Cyntoli to ■noweno(tooFoioil,'uid lut light u&neat la Qanle ind Zimbala to The Bonio on tb* Bridge ol Notre Dam&' Bbe bu beeaaxotUebllymppoiledby MisoyBlone and J. B, WolUag, twoyooagand taloBled attuta, wboae pulormanou give prom- Ue of (uluoexceUeoce. lo-moirow nlgbUSU, Madame Oalrale ttUl avoeat to ber gteat ipeclalilyof Iba 'FienobBpj' Tb* Varlalloa conltouaa \o floutlah. On tba Uto, Mt. Barney UMau ley Iheii leading mis took bli beieSI, ippeaitog la Biiihaelln lba 'UubloB«atl,'auppoitadby Ura. Chanfraa aa Marco. On the 1910. 'AiYou Ltoe 1/ md tbe firci of the ■Eton Bo)' were nnautol. DollyDannpott, (A.H), let*oftoa BL Chirlaa,bar. na baaaengaged by Ut. Flo)d, Joined the ooipi on tbiaocoaalon. mi madahiebow lo lb* Tarletiea audienceu toe cbaticlet of OaoL Popbam,totoa antrple^oneorblabta'.lmpariocatlona. Dollrlaa blgltnfflpwltha NewOrlcana and lance, and be wlU orove a rtlnabie acqolalllon lo maoagv Flojd'a company, Lial niabi Hra. Lalghtou bad hat bjsalll, appeaitoai u Annalle In ■Xraultoh or tbe Foittr Blaten,' Focibontaa in toa amanng ex. ItaTagasEi of that name, and BttlyBannden Intb* 'Fooloi Ibo Famuy' Bbe had a nowdid hoat^ acd a. dellghtad audience, and abe ceitatoly oould not biTo wlabed mon. To night, la beaor olSk Patrick, toe irlab dtnoaol 'Uoberl Emmel' and 'Po- cahontu' will bo ptodneed, when a large congregation ot Fenbna mar ba looked for. nvmonotr nigbk Mr. J. B. Cnmn, toe old man. wUiuheblab«nafll, which II la to ba hoped wlU proT* a aood onr, for be cerulnly deietni Ik Hr. F. a. Cbantran li to slu an engagomeni al iLla honaa toon. Mr. W. B. Floyd baa. It taaald, leoniedaleaaaottDlalheaUerOt ibe seat tbi«e yean. Tba Olympic conllnuu todogoolbnalneuundet toe man. uament ot toat old md deaeiTid pet of toe New Otiaana pubUo, Ht*. Obai. Bowatd, IWaUtoa) Ibl noiltogdnmaof ■Bitolwn Manunaan,' wblob bu held Ue boaida for onr two weaba, la lo be wllhdram aficr (o-nlabt to meke raom Ibr other aoTollier, miupaibmannerln wblob toa piece tail beoi placed npon tbo aim ttllecU »re*t pralae on too (alt manigenti. One ol toe aoit rleaalng' faaniu ot toto totilta la the oitafnl maosar in wblob tdecea ate nbeataod before prodsctlon. All toat Urt, BOTCtdwaaUnow li two or ibn*mot* good aolora toalnogtban barcompBDi, and than I ptadlol for her one of toamoal ancceiafnl itaaon* aret playad In tola oily lb* Academy conunaea u atlnaUn aa arer. ElNtooXddtowu to* radploul of a compli. m*nlatTb*o*Bi*nth*13tolsik,,onwhlahoccu'.on ba iru pre- lenlcd wlto a oplasdld gold medal, beating lha foUowtog Jnacrlp- tlon on tme aldei El Ntoo Sddlet from bla Mend*, on bu benaot nlgbU Hatch II, IMd, at too Actdeoiy of Mono, Mow Oriaana.' Ontoeotoerndewu oBgnved toetmnot toeyonnggyomut on oneo( blaHilal txomilona. MnflerauduudkuaaLlai* Wbelplay, lata of tbli toiatre, were alao tbaieolplenle ol a cum. pllmanlarr btnelt on lie aamenlghk which tookplico at to* uad TaUowa* HalL and which waa niy Itigaly alltnaod," Tbb Kbw OnsA Bovaa, Haw Orleana, la open wlto a Fioncb oompiay, nndar toa manaaamant ot Uonalenr M, Altalaa, Oa toe If to, they piued too "Cotular of Lyona." Him Maai raaTaoToii, Ihe accoDplltoed doiueiue, sow d*. llghling Ihe toMiua of tb* Opata Uoiae, Boalon. Haw., wlla bar anii^TcrpalcbotaaseTOlanoBih dialreaanaogagementloribe inismatinontha. Tba lady miy Do addtaitad u petadTetUt*. aMol to anotoet oolimD. • A aaw compuy ol upltaali for blalilonto bonora, atylad "Ulu Bainat BlmbaU'a Ooaaiallallon Dnnulio Oompu),". wlto Oeorge Betmour u acBru manager, waa organlied at Lookpott, It. T., Haiob M. la* company oonHau *f Allan HiKord, leadtog mm; F. PoUar (lale ol Hyan' Oonalellallon), Jnnnlie md tiage maoigai D. W. Walion, heary ud obaiaoteci ), r, Blnda (111* ol Hyan' Ucnilaluuooi,towcomedyi J.B, Bn^ aatt (laU M Arnulnng'* Dnnalto Oomnaay), old mui 0. W. BalmW a frmka aad P. Veidtomd, nUUIyi Mlu LotUe lng•^ aoU, llMlagi Mn. M, M, BnnengM, old womaai Mlu BatUa H. NeimaaiaidMdlle, BlsaBiU ^bacompmr gtn toalr Inlllal f ufornuiu* il OoNIkU BiKi Albwo, wban Ibey open Uatob jig tZ^^'^l ^JS?** "ll^ag "Catnllla" and toa "Blag* . i?* 'la Hoaraa eloaM a ton nIghManaaBaal at to* Le^UI* naamonlaalTlb. OumiaiiSSntdui "co*. aUottog all Ibl altoadtog eUcamitaSCTiSlMtou iwlyall' tot time, and that aba oane baaa aepUodld ugagenaat, lot bu.beuu vat* tmuormly what oonldbtwitb into oalMnty good. BhamadaTraThTonbla imptaaalon on theLoatanUapnW,and whm ah. ^J/o^JJ!; mother lima |I( It UnotlnX*ni),Bb» wui do a llg mi baU- ntf. »bawiaablympp5*dbyCtandaBaBai«n,'6raii na^ Mra. BamlltoB, Mka Olaite, md tn (bet by all the ooian» She produced lor toe Ibat ttm* to amy yeara, Ibu bamufBL claailo, bni diBnill piece, ■loB,' to which Ouuda Bamllloa'* Ad! taatoa wu * maatatlr effotl ' B. O. Olatka wu yvy cffacUre u Claatjibtm. Tbia ycuag gentleman la ImonrUg taoldly. Hia. Oland* Bamllion g*T« u *'be*atiral mdiuon of toe gantla (a*. mantoo." At liDiUAroLn. Ind, talent of boto *exu ii wmtod for to* Maitopolllao Tbeaire, for to* fOilboomlDgfall ud wlnltf uaoon, by Umager W. B Biley, who promleei orrlato parment ol aal. aiy, which abonld be cngHdeied a nry aalntary condlUoa. SinainoB oauua In mmttaerip'., asder vartoua aluaotlTe tlllaa, mar be procund of WlUa Wat^ aa per adTailiaemani la anotoer colnmtL Fnam* k Cotarwau, ol Fblladelpbla, toe wallksowB dra- maUo aganta, axe aiin citntog to nrlona loacUUtlu (or toa oto- laailon al laraCk In addition to toUt tunal ooonlar, toey adnr. tlae a lady'a tbHtrlcal wardnba for tela In lUa waek'a nana HauxRA Batbi* btvlog retoinad Baa^ after a ureal monlba' lonr tbmgb toe waat, li al to* Bawud Atouanni Baalon, Ibla weak. JOBW BaouoBiH conmeocsd al Da Bar'i Opera Eonaay Bk Lonii. on toe Itih laaL, to "Fliilog wlto Flra." Bo I fon OBiOAaa—Talua la wmltd for OoL Wood'a MbMum to Obiugo, tn Ibe (brtkooBlnp aeaaoB,commeocuig on July P^h. ApMleauon abould b* made to Fnnb JL Aiken, aa pat alrerUa*. meet In mother oolnnn. Tbb Aoism or Huno; to Qulnoy, IlL, hartog bad a nry Boo mn o( ntoeiy-alx nlabia, oloaed for to* leiion on' Men lay. Matoh ]3to, wlto a oonpUmentary bmafitto.tfasagarDuff. acd Ibla laaTca Ibat dly wltoonl amaienenta of aoy daacnptloa. Out ootreipondant "Add.," adoai "I tiaw thla dot. In nopM toat It may oeel toa eye 01 aomaof toa mmymlnaitel tnnpea nowlrftTcllog Ibrongb Iba Baeleta Blale*. Any good ttonpo coold do m aicallmi kiilneai tbi* way jual now." luTBBwoais, Kinaia, a city altialed In toa ht wtit ti beatd from. Onrcorr<apoedenl"Applni,"nndar ditaaftoe Igthlnik, aaji: "flarty Ltodea'* c>r**r aa a managtr In onr Ibaaliebaa oloaed. Ba la picoaedid by O. D. Cbapllo, well known lo lb* Eu'f and raeutly u a maobrr of Qrorot'a compuy. Bloc* bla arrlnl, to* picnonaly drooptog palrona of toe dtama bare le. vived to aoma degree Tba alock company la good, lorlodlog ObipUn u loadlog man, ud Mn, M. A. Paiuojar (toongh wtal hai'ium*latch*, alocetoe dlrnor, I dtn'lknow), leadiaglady. BIcbuda. B. B.. 0' that Ilk, la atlU to Ua banlif, while Filfa n- matoa. Olatt Wall«n,'alao lato ol aiOTU'a oompmy, doea Ihe atogtog cbambcmaiac A Mr. Walltc* la toa low comedian, ud UBwhclolbeoomnaDyli u excellnt onr, Laat wcak,atock banallla wen in otder, bui wan sot niy incoeulUI, axwpt to toe cue of Mm WallaiB, who, harlag neu ben off aad on atocalBUtalwayabiugaoBtagood booM. Thla week we hare had Fanny frioe md Mr. Bucbetk Tba opentog plae* wu ipucbon.' to which tbe lady appeara lo btllar adnnuga^ up*. ciaUy 10 toe Aral ud Bfto loli, ibaa my we bare eean Ibn* (ar out Well, Bet 'Bui Lyi^ne' li alao a mwnUlcut rcsdtUco, to my mtod. For bet benedl lo-motnw nlgbt abe dota Leah, and tta fourth aot ol Iba ■MaicbanI of Tenloe.'" la IT OoBBBoixD,—On toa anUotUy ot ou Troy cona*. gondam, we alatid to oat paper ol toe I7to toat., toat Linn ,wne ud Bany Hawk, dormg tbair eBgagemut to toat city, dalmad toe pnblto anpjcrt, flom toa kol ol Pnaldent Liscols wltoraitog Ibelr perfoimuoea at toe Uma ha malbiidaalb;" and toat Ibla wu Teiy loudly tmmielea forlh, eto. WabaTeb'on oaOcd apon by a g< repteaaaUag hlmaair u niboilacd by lauta Eeue. who wlikM na to corteot Ibe tepoct abore t«- fanad to, ud to aay that Iben la ao Imto wbatayer to Ik We an glad to hear ik wlUlngly aiUe tbe cotRctlan, ud call apoa ou coneapoodeet to Inform u when ud bow h* obtained bla Info'iDillon. QmcnQy, ou correipoadmoe lo coneot: ocoa- elonally, howtrer, a coireeponaeni m«y be led toto error, ud eo miilcad at. Wbanerer we Bod encb lo be the cue, we lake Ibe earlieai oppottunliy to make to* neccaawy oometlon. PaoiB^aioBiLa wiehtog to mpag* at lb* Mobil*, Ala., Tbeatta (ortoaaeaaonofl6M-t7, wllliddruaMaoagen Bolg * HcDon. oogb, u pax adrertiiament to thla ud ancctadtog latnea oi the OUFPXB. TBI Limi Bocx Aai, Tbutbb cloaad Ita leaaon oa to* lOib toat., wllh a beoellt to luio Hoyok, oae o( the proprlelon of tbe theaitr. "Bobert Bnmil" waa glnn, alao a Tatleti of oonga, nolullona aod otber eilcrlalDDealt. NoBioB DB MaaooBUna commenced a br.'el raaagament al Lanoaatar, n., <m Ue IPib leak, wllh 0. W. BarrliOD'a company. Bbe opened to a crowded bona*, ud on toe Md plaied Lady Bute. beib,to 'TheAmbuaidor'aWife." flerbjnclltaidlutappear- uce oecuied on the ltd. HBO. W. T. UBLViuB wu tbe ndplent of a benefit oa tba IDIh Inel, al tbe Helropoliun. Bnoarflle, Ind. Sale Balgnolda vol anletted, appeaitog a> Mlu O'Leary, to the "Irlab Belrva " Una. EiULi JoxDAW wu asnoiiBcad lo take a fanwcU beneftt pre* Tlouto her Immediatedapattnta for Euope, oatba3ttoleai, U anror'a Tbaalca, Wublsgloo. Tb* iilncttona conililed of tbe play ol 'Tbe Wifa'a Srarti," a raal concert by toe memhen ol at» eat'a airmm Open Ttoope, md tecllaUon of "ShamnaO'Bilm," by Frank LtWot, TBB Quioin AitD Btntm Otxba Taoon appeared n Norfolk, Va.. on Ibe 3M toat., md nmatoed totre three nlgbti. Ton BEom of Ibo dlletent plarea of amnumcnt to Booton for tbe montb of Febinaty wan a* followa: Boalon Thcain. tU Ml; Munnm, llt.fiT; Tbeain Comlqoa, I0,B31; (^oaitoenlal Theitir, 111,908: Oollon k Mutpby'a lcoop^ td,t7t; Morria BroB. k TMwbrldgr, tT.Wd, and Iba Maalo Ball AaiocUdoaJHAS. Jean Boaaica commraeed at toe Old Tbialiv, MflahTiUe,TcoiL, on tb* lOto toaL, opralog in "Eflilnr," opeoa bis aoaaoo In Oltvelaod. Obia on April 9d. wlto a good Block coiopiny, md Jun Davenpott Lauder u the alu. •'Mwvu Too liaTB TO UaitD" la the alutctton tola week al toe Obailnut, Pblladalpbls. Mux UtToaalx and John W. Albmgh are the altaaotlooa at ,1, mww ia op«* BievM. Twvf. oranenciDq on itia3eib isn. Lao nonaoBJa dotog aaaaatlon boru pleou al toa nttahotgb Tbeain toll wMk. Mlu Euo Vbbttux lv*j>, aialned br Felldia TeatnlL look a faraa*!! B*s*II it toa Ametlcui. Baa Ftandaoo, on Feb. 'M. ••Eatoarlne ud FenaclUo" wu glean to aarman to • large udience. ... ' Obublotib OniHFng md a drimaHo oompmy, eonaliltog o( Ueorga FaaMelori, ThompHn md Mra. Veawiut, wen ■mulsg the Bicnmiounlani dutog toa walk udlttg Feb. Mlb. We nndanlud Ibat Ue "Botllo Imp" bad bean tenearsed by oae or tbe company wlto ao mnch ancoaaa that Itbe axbatutlTa natnra ol toe work rendered tt Impoulble for her to appear to pabllc. iaoB Dowuao, a popular alige mua7er to Bm Fruolaoo, wu to hiTO nllro lor tola clly on Feb. 30to. A DuiUTIo EaiEBTunan wu iiiraa M gall Lake oa Feb, Itto, forlbo beoellt ol Ue Fenlu Brotoeibood. "While Boiaa ol toe Pappen," "One del." and "Tbe Bnghahmm to Isdia," com;'tlaed the bill. John B. Pot:*r, BeUe Souglu and othon, wan lo Ibe cial Foi Baouvxiiyo.—A dnmalir company, eonilallegot Mn. Bophle Edwin, Cbatlea R. loone. It , Fled Fiuka aid wKe, ud Ftuda B. Caia, lalt Ban Fianolico on Feb. 34to for I memo. OsiBUTTB OBAUPnii. wbo made lucb ahvonble Imprcaatoa litalT to Bm FraDdaco^ hat bean at her ol t ttlckt again, and Hr. Uaonlra bai taken her name (torn Iba hUla ol hia toutib Haaai CouaTitaa le.apputad on tb* Bu Ftanolaco ala» on Feb. Itlb. 0* made bia debut at lha Opeta Bonn aa Boblo, to a nlay called "MitcJllac," aald to ba a tnnalaUon finmitaa French by Ur. Conrutoe. A crowded boun walaomi4 tola cccenlTio actor bwk to'the ooenta of bla lormer trlnmnba. HarcUlac" kept Ibe boirda for (bu algbla. On tba 3M Lew Eeller took a binoBI, ud on Iba 34to Emily Tbona pat In an appaannoe aa Bcalar artiebiook to "Tbe Uaeqoal Malch." Uin Ibane'a (anwall buaAt wu unonnced tor March 9d. "Tba Baveo Blihn" wu to aoUre pnpaisilo* *t laat adalcta. Ma. Maanii a new tmor, made bla Mut in Baa Fnnolaao on Feb. 3ld, at tbe Matropolllan, u Arnold to toa open of "WUIUm Idl," Wlto Had.fieniyto toecaak H* did not racceed to Im- ptenlng toepnblio byhli roloa or acttog, Infui, aopoaltln wu bla dtmetit that many left tb* Untn whil* be wu on lha alaga. ■Taa Bbobzb Boub." wblob bad ban Ue altiaotloa al tb* H*tcDpoUlu, ban Fimolaoo, tor oome llmo, wlin Hn. Bedley Brown In toe pttoclpal Voir, wu wlthdnwn oa Manh lit, md toe "Nalid Qaua ptodneed " A tuTBinLa woman end "old woaun" of talent udrepnistion anwinied by Managaiaatdlner, oi tbePiitaLnigb,Pi,Opin Uouaa. Bm adratllaBmenk Tax BanLB doM at Ibe BoUlday BliMt Thuln, Bil'Imora, on too Slat Inak Bklbb WifiiBB wu mnouoced lo eonunme* at too Front BIteetTheatt*, Baltimore.oa ItaMtotnet, tollie"Fnaoh Bpy,'' lapportoa by J. A. Benot 0, B. Blihop, md Ue * atock" Inm Ihe Bolilday. A toDiB, who thlnkahlmealf eompel*attoenicllrlebeom«ay, wlibe* to becomeopopH withaomettoape. Hlingmo itliJone*, of Amitotaim, H. V. Bm idnrtlaemmk Una Bloiu BBiDaumada ber iebtt at UePaik Tbealia, Brook lyo, on toa 311 toll,, m "Lon'a BauUce," ud sude a daoiaid hik Mu. D. t. BowiM, Fblladalpbli'a IbtoiIU, will oommano* an engagement at ihe WatonI eireel Theatre ea Antli id, and wlU be lapponed bytba young Amerlom ttigadlu,llr. J. 0. McCollnm. lUBUBa WBBinAi'a leaaon u Ua PbUalelpbt* Academy ol Mnito, toirodnoiog the Barele, wlU ommaoce on Mondsy even, tog nexk April 3d, In toa oompany an Qabilel Bavel, Aolotn* Baval, TooBi Amenok BIgnoilto Faplla, Uona, Toa Bamn^ Had. HaruUt, M'lla Dtlltte, Mad. Tindroa, Jnlla Lehman, M. Qarcla, H. Bcbmidk Moni. Tmdrta, U Axle) ind a mil baUek Tbli will be toe Stat appearaoca of tba Barala to FaUade]. pblatotoiH yeara. Tmooon IBB BBitniT leetnlly glrea al the Obaitoat Btnel Tbcaite, MUedalphIa, In aid of diemu Injured at IbeTblid attett fin In toat cliy, to* commltica (ononac* *• lb* olsu eoneda, aim deduetug oxpesaeo, f 1,0M.U. In oddlilon, toe ojamenilng HoM Ojmpmy aonited ISO, ud toe flaimony ailne dontiad (100. Taa DivBxroR, Iowa, laaini, lan out oonaapoalant '•Bawkay^" baa been weu paironiaai cf lale In a unmoDlaa. tbm dalad Match Mlb, ha aaja:->'aroraa Bilodepiited wllh all monaya received Iho putwoak. Al toeBatUa Boaa^ wboie EaU ud tiBloom (bla allenipattaarl, boarded, wen Hveral maaobara ol Ihe tnnpe. Tbe out day thay fouad onl Ibat no board bill, bad been paid for the paal tone waekiL altooogb lald Bala ud Malcolm bad dedaoleo it (rem toalr aauiloa. Monday wu nl. aTydai,baltbe'Oboalnol walking,'Ualoolm nid Bale wit al Uucitlne to gal a Ball, ud would be beok that nlgbt. That lima avutog aa eoon u toe money wu In, ot ratoar about stoe o'clock, Mr. Maloolm left wlto aU the tMclple of thai sight, laar. tog not a cent to pay a weok'a nliry, On Tneaday oTenlng, Ibe IStn, tbo compuy commenced to mn Ihe iniobtoa oa toeir ova acoonnk A Rglmeat of aoldlen (lo ba diaobatgedi, inrlred to towB toat nm* day, wblcb filled toe bonae fw two araaUgt. Thay played (or toa Uit time on Iba 17th, ud look toeir dapatt- anoatoalOih. Ibt compuy feel ugtytitoeabibby tnamnt toey reoalnd Horn Bala md Miloolm, tor to*y hid good p*ytog boun md oould bar* paid aU np ud bad monay onr,bnt ibey pnfanad to Itavo (orpitia nnknowB*" I'B* OoxraiiT (or tVaiaen'a Open Bonee^ PaUnoa, N. 3., la oomplal*. FMaD. W. Wallat'a adTotUaenunt lo that aSaol to mot Bar oohuin. „ "^T'yv" ?• ^'n•anto^ wit,, Ik«*li*,«dr». Ueei to toll toua lOr atan tor toe iprlna jana. Fob tbb Braxavnxi TaaiTaa, Iad.,MaaagirQ*MaHwaBlai Bumbar of udlu md gallimia of Waal telE* aoaaur luKia Mta apoolfitatlona, Itima, *la, an idTatttMuaBi to aaolbar oonuatk Miw Um iBiB clMtt a ipectBitol WlU gt P;ti«U oa At teaPAS^^.'^^^elSiili'Sd^t^T^^^^ Wlikinion u HIchul Faby. ud LObaMMu u A^ toe TarleUai. Blaaobaid bla d!o!i?Itattl *n." " AoanmioZoa—TbladaaanuaudDutoalnlsi KhiiNM^fAM. logat too Qrlawold Opera Hooae, tS?, m tofalt wH^S "Bomb 01,1 cf OcbOBs''^ 10 a at/ogglf iSto^^^^ J2i'f„rfT''?'' "J" ""<> which laOloW '""St':'- wu ao badly laceralcd by toa tnddK thai aba wUl be unable lo appaar agalo Or two or iLwa teeaka |5 Ue charao- loOloted waddlag awaeka to My'iT'iradV.J.'C'eK'' »"»»™"«' 'T John a i-uI!^L£t?fJl.?'j^« Clnclonall toaatrlcal ageoli, adrertlao to toepreeantliHa ot Die Citma foradnt dam Kanlowllal fi^SSii^f bla laloniM daagbtor commanc«d u ea- gagemant at BoTlekar'a Theau*. taicalo. on Mondar ev<mlg> r,i»i'.'^^'iffrSf,.'°;,'?!!/'* «l">™° ibat oily ufurd,^: Iki drama or "bid PbTl'aDlrtodiy," which loducod to* altanduSi of aTOiTiMp aodlence, wbo lutllad toclr awrocUltafof^ play ucf acton by frcooeot bonU of apnlaau, al toe «o.l.* •Ion they wan called befon Iba ooKln. Our corrasSHiiii "'I ll<»<<lr,''uye:-''IbadnmatabdiXW w/h^^^ S' ,'flJ^'u'''f»^v *"* bian ptSiilSd hen Conldock Iwka too cbarictor of toa old man of neulv tore* Icore SSI' IS;.-"' 7y,"''A.*?P'^'*' by Boun. Lovlok iod sSonford. Tbo(otfrtleaof MIM Ooallock udHIn Ifarab wenbolhluiciS and riob. Aa aa additional atlractloa, U'lla Johanna Oaaaaee appeared each ovenlnt(darlDg Ibe week In a pleulog variety piece Ber recepllOD daring the put week bu been of a n<«l gratlfrUui characlar. On Hnoday evening abe appeared aa OarUude In too 'Lou of a Lover,' lo which ahoTotrodncu wnml aaoga, ud olsn ikd AhkwaiaBMa j>laa__lBal*a -_J i 11^ . i. • _r /_ Moacnm, alnco the wllbdrawalof 'Our Uolnal Frirad,' Ue 'Blddeo fiend' bu been roprodac«d, ud on Monday ud Tucaday avwlon igih ud 90tb, tbo honae wudeouly packed u on uchoigbl of IU former reprtacntatlon. Ur*. Alice Ilollud makes a very dubloi Otplula; Biadley ai Old Hurrlcua Ueiccllont, while Slllou It nn ■Bud' wlto hie 'Wool'y ccculrloltlea, which are rectlvod wlto abouu or applaoae. Tb* boluco of Iho cbaractan.aro nry wall aiistalncd by too .dlgaraDl membara of tbe compear. Koxt ftotal weak Ibo 'Wire'a Becret,' wblob bu„boen In active rehearulfor aovaral vaekt put, will bo pinaal«d.*> < TEBasoianoTorBaaan imin at tba Hllvukla Thnlra.lcr- mloatad on lb* ITIh. Dnrlog bar abort eogagamenl, ab* on- ducad "Eajl Lvnno," "lUmeoand Jnllet," "CbmllU'a Hubaid." Oolcul" ud "Arrab NaPoguo," the lut munad piece ror her beneOi, lie Oral production lo that city. Onr oorrcipondcnt vrllee- -"Ula Dialn'< ooaccplloo ud perlbrmuc* of Bhaiin toa Ftat ware iceedlogly fino. Hra. Sloan, u Arrab, perrorroad bar part wlto mocb grace ud In a muoer which few coold excel. Mr. 0«aln u CCrady.wuuuaual, clever. Mln Deoto bu proved a paying cud for tbo muagemeni Ur. aod Ura. B. Ltaden eonBtocad aolxnlgbla cogagcmeDt on the IBib, opeolng witb the 'Bidden llud;' Iboy wen rcoelv i r-nha good house. UralJadenn Oapllola,ondUr. LlndonaaVrool,».r«botoTer7good. Mr. Wolf u Bonlcano, wu too bit of Iba oveolbs. Ooaain ud Breyar were alao good. On toe iOlb, 'Honey ud Mlaery - u up; toe piece wu played uratoor a allm boose U'lla^ttUae OeoM, wlto a Cem ian co mpuy, occapled Iho Hottc Ball lut weak." la Pimmaoa, altooogb hoaloca gnieiaUy baa been pnlty well lalely.tocalrlcali have been etOoylag a auaon of almoat onlnter- rupled proaperlty. "Varliaa," ondordatoof Uarch 33d, vrliea u fouowa:—"At prcawt wa have no leu than foor placu of amou. mutto foilblut,Udell receiving a go.idly abareof patronage. Uelen Weatem oloace a highly aoccemful annaoment of tore* week* at tba Open Houe, on Xatnrday alght, Mto. Dnrtaighar aUyahabu bocomo very popular, wblcb la partly owing toa JudkloM diaplay of prioter'a lok, md, u a coiaequnc*, tbe Imiunr'a till baa been fiUed to In 'otmcwtcapaclty:* apeaklog or too trouurr nmlndaroa tbaiUr. Uaglll, too geouatnuly occu* put of the box oDce of tola calabllabmcnt, bu lately laltcn bia daparluro from too city of amoke. bavlog Joined a olrooa oontpuy to wbltb bo wu formerly atlacbaJ. On toa 3lat, Mr. J. A. Uetno made hia Aral appaannce In Ibla clly u Bill Bykaa, toSaleo Wealem'a Nancy, lb 'Oliver Twlal.' It wu well pradocad In ererr reipcct, ud tba two leading cbiraclon ware cicelleolly tcndernl. Kelt (lull) week Is ■beocOi' week, ud on Honday uveoing, Hr. H. B. Pike, 'Juvenile,' takes bla olgbi. Wo. undenlud a boai of vol. uolocra an lo appear; amoog tbem la a youog lady dchttoiiCe, wbo will make ber loltlat bow aa Garlrado In toe 'Lou of a Lover.' UbalADlao Sylvcator will soon be op for abcn.,ud aaaho laa dcvorvlng youog lady In every way. profcaatooally ud prlvato, we hope aha will receive a full acknowledgcmcDl of appreciation from tbabudaoftoe pobllcwboaba over trlodto pleaae At too Thoatro, Un. Emma Waller la tho prcsoot luminary, ud Jodglog from tbo crowded housca that have greeted her oljiblly, ud tbo maoner ud ilyle to which ah* enacts tbo most dllDculi relci, abo Itooeof toogretloitmagnltodr^. Ofllondar, toa Itto, bologlbo opvolog olgbt of tola lady, abe *pp«ar«d In tne powerful rendlllon or Ueg Horrlln. to a crowded bonae. On toa nllowbg evanbig, eho appeared u uuo, and the two following ovditnga u Kaorolo. To nlghi(Ol) for berbcoctl,ahaarooan Innergreileal character, ton Ducbau, In the •Dncban of Hald.' On Balorday olght, Mto, aba appoan for Ibe lui time, ud oa Uoodty, Uli, i, W. Ooga- wcll, leading mu, preaaota bla dalmatoonr play gocn, giving ■Tbo Wonder' ud 'Capt Kyd.' Hn. Elilo Baodonon bcglu a brief ongagament on too STto," * , * U'ua 11. Dx laa commmcca u oogagamut of twelve olghta at tooAmorlculbHin, Oil City, Pa., obAprUId. Tbia lady may bo engaged through Ueaan. Ooonar k Co., of Ibla clly. Ua. m Uoa. UoaaaaiL nuy bo cagaged tonogb tbe dramatic Bgeacy or Oouor ft Co., or 3o Waat flooatoo alreet, N. Y. See od. rerilicment. HAcaair, or FalalaOlaa rooown, comiooDcaa a three nigbia'f n. gagemant at tbo Academy of Uualo, Brooklyn, on tba 3d of April. "TOM Niuiow la A iiAH Itooa" loar bo nrocurod br BjUraaalDe box MION. Y.l-.o. Bco Bdvcrtuiomcak tswiw Aoam. toe well koowo ln(*dlu,<ba'nllr«d for abrloT period to bla roeldeooo at Loog Braaob>^ - "Abbib Ra Pooua' wu to adUt'a praptntlaa' U«t week at Wood'a Tbutte^ CtootonaU. / B.a. BDaupnttoaBrotappcVtucaaa toe lOto laatat Ibe HatnpoUtu, BturrlU*, tod. u>AiaTfrnohatd, In "Oat Amorl. cm Coniln." Bella Golden played Florance. "Oiptoto Eld^;' and "Wliard of tbe bklfl" wen annonncad (or needyptoducilw- Bhxbbi'i compuy played "Tea Nlgbto to a Bar Eoom" on toe 33d, at Kiilon, Pa. - T.'B. Unu, muuerof iba Acidemj of Hntlo. at Uilmuku, will not itait out on a invtling tou ao aoon u npoxled. Hr. and.Hra. Bany Unden wen tbe atin laat weak, ud (Or Ihe pttaaat, Jnlla Daly and Bam B.< an an to* •binlng Ugbta Haa. Halt L. Bxaaau., Oral old woaiu, cm ba eecored by uy leipoaalble muigar. Bee Ua lady'a otrd to anoUw column. Eatux mbltiilb wai U* alar laat week at the Open Mmn, Dayton, Oblo, ooanlDg to "Fincbon" on tb* 19tb loar. A good home witoeiaad bar dtttit Bb* pltyad Joaaphtoa^ to "Tba Obl'd odbaBaghnut," on too 30tb: 'ud oa Iba UikK^tyO'bbeilud Pxaboatot. OwxR FAWOtn'a beoefit (iku plao* it Ibe WatonI; Pblladal- pbla, on Palaroiy avanlns. Slat toik Hra. John Wood'a oomady, "WhaK^Ued Cock Bobint* totobagtnaTor toofltalllmein tbai clty,Mra. W.baviogkLndlytoan*lu*H6.farlh*oocaiton. Then an (auplaoaatm tbeprognnme. Hlu Bffle Gamon wlU ap- pru aa Balinilla In "Who EUkd Ooik BobtoT" We hope Iba PbludalphIa pnbUc will give ou young (rimd a big ban. Ubsl Laapaa ccmmeacid a two veaia' angigemut at tba U^ Inpolitu, todlanapoUa. lud., on tbe Itto Toak, openlog to "Lova," toe good houia. Tbo "Lady oILjona" follnwcd too next olgbk On toe 93d, 'flho Uinngu' vu toa blU, udlot hat ben,^ efll, on toa S3d, "Htoilliuce" wu unonneed. Envoi ADana cotdnded u ugagameBi to BafllTo oa toe Mto toot. r;r blabucfit on tbe 93d no pliyed Adtlu, to tbe "Beae. Ho," and William, to "Black Bjed Bnun." HawutobetoUoved' thia vack by Zoe, but owtog to in icddmt ncelved la Iny, ibo U jneveoted mm appearlog. BuBrin are an toegoin Pblladelpbla. Tbatexcellmtaotor. Ur. J. B. Hobetta, haa bla nam*np lor abusfilaltoe'Walnut,on Friday aTnlog, Hatch 301b, wban ha will appaar aa Bolla, to ••PiiiRO," laa Mepblalcphllea, la "Fanit." Gin Ibe wottoy tiagrdun a benefit Indeed. Mm Mots na HaiaoxaiTigt will play a brief esgsgeBunt St tba Wntnnt, Phl'adalpbia, coumonotog Monday, Marcn 3tto, to < Fucbon." Ob ni oocAiioB of Ur. B L TUlon'a benefit, at tot Axcb, Fhll. adalpbta, on toe Bist toat., a young lady of that oily vIB maka harnnlappaaiucaon uyabua aa Hatlba Boaablad&to toa dnma of "WalUog (brtoeVitdlct" Bam Hemple and Blniit Uobaon will alao appear. TaaTBuna at Bnokbardt Hall, Spitogfla1%III. undet toa nasagemrat ol Bany Leater, waa onddmly dond on tt* en ol Bataiday, to* 17to toak Tno exact ctuie la nnksowo, tbongb •ome of .too oompmy, wbo appeued on lb* tamo nlgbt fat ad. Blulon to anotoer ihow, nld Ibey belonged to "U« tbeitn which bad Jut »vta to." J, a Hyan opma It on tot leih wlto McEean Buobuan and bli diutblat. In "Blobellan " 'iaa^ocBBiBB Oriai Bona oontlnaei to be crowded each evening, Ou coinapoadant "Li Yen," willing u on tot 33d, ityii—"lb* (all md fubiacaM* audluoe* aoHmbltd nightly at tho Open Bonie^ duly atteit toa public apptedallon ol toea^ tlaUc marito of the nigntog favoilto, Hr, J. W. WaUack. On Honday, too IPib, wu piaoulad •OUvot Twist,' Hr, W. ontltto. log toe cbonctar of Flgin, la thla piece he egato gave evW denooofblaiaptrlatablimti u u leur.. to ficl, ill bla lm- peraonitloti an don* wlih thit cu* md cotreeuau vblch ohailnga toe edmlnUoa of all. Hlu Leveilog aa Mmcy Byku vaipuilcnlatlyana, Ur. Otifflto'a Bill Byku waat good In- peiaopatlon oi a dlOlcuil cbaraoler. Mn OUna look tho obar- aottr ot OUvet Twin, md oontldiiing too lenito ol lime tbe bai bMU apon tta alage, it vai a Tarygoodimpenonttioniwein glad t J noun that tola lidy II Imptovtog very (Ut, and wUl, no dauhi.becODeaTeiTcItvoiactaraa*. -OUnr Tvrtef tru npealod on Ineaday, md on ffadnaaday, 31at, wu pntmlcd for to* mo- md Una '81U1 Waian Bm Deep.' On Ibuiday araaliw we an to have 'Baailol,' md on Friday Mr.W, tokea bit (aiewall butfik on which occaolOB vlU t>a prvunted 'Mubett,' Mto. WaUack ap- pearing u Ltdy Mtcbotb. md Mr. John Helnioab, tot poal md slocntionlai, aa Hacduff. Oo Monday, itib, Mln Beae Btynae will open as eogagemat o', I bellaTe; two week), On Us game evaniag a nmlllar (aoa, usaet a new nana, wtu ap- pear npon Ike burda aa a member ot Ihe atook—Mr, Millet BeaO,ioimarlyObailnJelII«y, wbovuugigod ban two tea- ""^^lon IB LoBsoii" ud olhai pUtyt may be proouted ol Obiiln Wiltloaon, u •f>potmotd to aatrtotr ooinmo, , , , Ta Nbwabb, N. J., TauToa, ou ba roaled by the atogla alght or week Ibr Invetoig exhibllloaa. Fat addioai, ou., ace aovarilaemenk . . .v. t, Oauun Diuoa, who optaed u *BgMtminlat U*Aieo, FhlladelpbiN on to* Itto toll, bt* mat wllh u ntonalutlo te- oepUon In hd gnaiobkiuln of Belpbegor, which ba patjjn"" fin nlgble onl ol toe tia Bla cagagenml wUl ba bioaghtio a clou oa too Slat toll Saitog tbe »na«at wwk htwUl apptat u Bit oUta Oracteacb, Belpbtgor, Xiag Lear, Umto XL. elo. Foo'a OntA Bonn u isu*,-nito onu b«*uUlnl (ampla p' lhadmaa, bull by Bamael Plk^ la mt, md IccaM to Foarib aORel, nauTlna, Olnalnnat',wuaatuelydHtny*dbyOteoa .thoeTtotogottoalUlnil. "Mldnmmor Nigbl'a Sntm hM bom pBfotiaad Ibat annlag, md toe aadiniie hadaojoeu aiaaiaaed half tn hou, wbaa Ihe toeaerylatoa na'^S,^! nag* waa dlaoovand to bate a Man, Ihto waa •» Baljljti I'avm o'clook, la five mtoato* Ibe mtln alage udieaaaT weie on On, ud bunting thxongh lha jw'j_»»J™? ratoaliB to* (Mln itouelan vmPoulagfotto <W uwaroi caao BiowlybnlauiatotoairMnpldowBtoiOBgh^ Hatltt ol lb* idUh*-l£totigh offloi* mditadlu-rtat^ djjn ta to* migalflotnt otmu nnntog Ibt enlin '"Ji.?'JJ?.SSS