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408 THE NEW JTo I Ha 93 8pno* itmi, H. I> •RYANTB* OPERA HOUSE. ^ mTiHP D« BBTASt ... J^ "•'SSS! 1 aiMHOM Inmitt 18ATOT BOSS "Offlee ^01 riopolta I POrroOLiriLBiIXKaktepM B.Bbcaiiiii.D.awiiuiie. a'unaBiLu'w. Bionm n» Oilataiil WoiM Besonel VboM MMeria la lh« Olv of Met T<ck.4ulii8 i P«'*<«,f mm 1UB8, la viuumi pnoltdl la tt« uuU - of potlu IiiIbIiI I III iiij durader, 'dipODllo* oa Ita own »l- laifiHi aMtallb tbo rant colUsitd g*lrai>M« >• tt» •kBLK OTOlDIAaB-XVENIXa WITH BIOHLT n Alio rtlBIONABLB AUDIBNCn, iioaa _ uttnmllj tOmlxiti lo BXOEIi AU t( ciiaiiii ekandir onr Mtaalod, I'll IBBCOHPAHI luSTfD ADD nPnUNOO) ABTI8I8, kaincHoa of the Mpnltr MmedUB, DAM BBiAnr, ^Ut •poor In cmlioetion vllh Ktun. iiODB, OAtfuiifErr, baye brd, orBinT. ' o. a, rowLBB. j,B.BiveBi, ■.ILOLABinSOH, /. OASBATAOOt, J. 8. OOX, a xncFLsioB, w. p. obikb, ilvabbsn, I. MOBBDOV, LHTtB MAO, HKOi BBTAST. BitMlUtntniloljorHtwBoBCLahaiUM, Dincca, lutM, Mkno* tUU3m, OpontlouA TUnWIon Bonw. ' .MiqaM. M ooli; aiUor, <D oaiti i VitmU Boxen, 19. iS-U uuonm wi tgB >irrH atk hotel. \ j. MAOalf lOBITliBBLI KOlriOl In OvWOBQ), nad locntM InSM nut) Cufelouble Mikof Oio air* BT KTUIBp, ANS BiXDroAT AFIBBBOON. . IDaitnlv uhilnitd In til lln Dott StrlUsg uul BriSUnl PhMW, br ibo gnntXOUIO ABIISr, Qn jjBBtsn, ind 111* lollonlna uttblUhoA p«rfBtm«n: w. a^trowoBta, t. doralbsoh, ~ . W.'BOOSKDI, ibahsiisiu TBD ABBOTT, 7. BKALf, J. TABMBRBADH. QIO. L. EALI.i^ KASm 010. OCT, R. W. OOULD, ' waxn ODT, r. obat, a vooii^ L. lUlBBISB. /. TC88, I. 0. r.'BEATIO0X, A. WOOD, OKX auuaoN, jo& bailet, ud OfO. OBBUIT. . AdBlBloa: fntiil OWn, no.; Bi]««aT,Mo.TOUUnB taBil> 'igajiliatlpilM. tl-lt REORaANIZID AND ENUROEO FOR MM JOHXHT BOOXEB'B ' / MnmBifl SILTn OOlWBt BAMD, OomvonA «f mxiBtWaftto bmhtMt LoabnilM InlkowoiM TIM waiBLWtatmLmttt iBtnno ixoteo ikiital tnl BBST OOlDIAIIB tnODANOBBB no* Innlmg, nnilw IkO f—laBUf Mon o( lb* world-nnowud mA orlflnil JOBMn BOOKAB, ono at U>» Tilaini taS IlosMii of Ulsttnlor, Tbli MempoUUn OomhuiiUon bu Ulolj bieii tngnMoM, ultnn««nnnlBionIbtif Eulnrn lowtlUrnbrUUut••• too of neau In iha wnt. TUB BILTEB COBNBT BAND, H. V.OIROBD LBABB B . u« npplM wtlh t full ttt o( Iho Bnnt felLVBa DIBIIlDIIIIRB trer Died by tsf ilmllir oratDlutJon. OorPmeniooi IbioiRb In* iintU of OHh dtf tcUyoa tnjIUii of tbe llaS benWfantiMDixod. It* TOloo of mo HODlg and Ibe ptaii raonoanoe Ala Ih* BB FLUB UlTBA Or AIL DAMD8. AU an leBlUnala ittia of MamooUUn npnUlton. HI. lOHNM BOOEUi, Mr. TBAXX OOTOBD, Kb MED BIAULT , Mr. t, B. OIFfOBD, Mr. a P. BWBKT. Bia. OABLOB I iBNET, Ur. O. W. BliBllAH, Ur, B, 0. KMnBBtT, Hi. BA tBt CACeLAND, - Ur. WHXIAH DUCaiiAB, Mr.a W. OUfOBD, MABIBB HOLIK E. 0. KiaaUiAHD. . . KIEEKAllAira; Obimplon OlogDocai. 101 IIAIB& Ibe nltbraUd Imparaoiilor ol Itmal* ObUMlaz, JUBKm BOOKBB.... Bala Proprlcloi '' T7K. BOOSBB Treuonr PBANK B. WIIU6,) OHAfl. J. WABMEB.) B. B.—n< pnbllo iia etnUoned tnlstt eoniouluifi Iha nuu ollbladUoiUbUibedUonpewlUitniOtnBlne Dntkan knows u Bmditr'i Mlnalralf. U4t I nHHBI BOOEIB, gda Inptlalai. _ otiun* WOOD 0_CIS fWfcnraBH MkblnegfOieiM _ a««ji»iM.. 1^' ootoia, loanltsukuen. Adaiiodtn«nliMoBillwotk oidtnO. THE WONDER WORKER OF THE 19th CENTURY Tha OBBAT BR0U9B BACBeUARCEB, (caniln lo tluBlgbl BoDOfibl* Ik* Btrl of Imaanilt, tb< Soolllth Pearl la now vltll- tng lb* princtp*! ddft of tb* Bonihem Blitoa. An oomfflmuaiHoni can b* addianiea to P. 0. Box nK, Vos. tmi.as. 4S-8in* lb 'and Iota BTBBI TO SHOWMEN AND CIRCUS MANAQERS. Ibe aenlcea ol a OOOD BAUD, BBABB AND STBIHO, for tiiTelIng Ihli gommar, am b« bad br adtrtatliii • 0. UoDONALD, HOOUrS NEW OPERA HOUSE, ' OOBIIB 01 OOUHr ABD BBHSIRi BTBERB, BB00XL1H, Ii now open te Iht neoon with I^A OBBAT SIAB^OMBIMATIOH or - ^ -- ' inraiBEIS ABD PABTOimilStS. . m von ooMFQBTABLB AND niuarmAu. . ■! •.'•:,- IBvAllBBiaA. - ■• n* OoBBtn wmmrlew TTOATT-IITB UBEQDilXID FEB* IDBHBA MeoUtram th« Ant nnki 61 Uw Prolaadoa. i- nntdaoiHUcBaddnaa B,OBBBUjn),A<X. |»V1 B. K. EOOLST, Bote Pispr^. ~ - ~ ~ ' nr-trw-irifxnjtJij HOST POWEitFU. ORQANIZATION IB niBTBIOC iHiBTBniH AionrAL sDaaEBSPDL xohb. ' WE ABE OOHIMa AQAIN, Willi an asUio exirtonUnur Dew Pnffnaine. ' OLDiac TBOOTB IB Tm WOBLD,' KlBiedtiid ImpiOTed kr Ibe aeieon ol UM and '<T. ^ Bomatotba Waal, IbaOantdiBiind New Oilatat, of lb* great ■•Ipnlio ud IsooDnnUe DDPBEZ ADD BEBEDiprS OrictaMl Bew Odiau and luaopoUlaa Ml tBTBBLB ARC BBASr BAND,' ApPHitu to Uivtt Q Priw Urt cbtmploo lUMHOIB BCBIOFlAB OOROEBie, UMadng en Ibla peattan all Uwlilnlfealnn* In NeuvHln. mMb, bp lb* (ODmrini ttmoiii old hTortle Blan of II jetn' -■ —' vllb Ihli Upmpinj PROFESSOR MOREY. OBBAT AKBBIOAR WIZABD, It now miUag a SprtiR and Snmmar tonr UuoaabODt tba Weal, Bl| enterlaUunent oonalatt of PBlBtlOIalTAtlOR, UAOIO, ETO. . Pnl IL wlD Inliodao* In eteb town bli Ooblln Dnm. SpMtaal Ban and Honry, Or/attl Oatktt, Oitantal Blar, Bnisenatim Pbo- loanpb and loittlTe, ate. OBUBOI OABB, Aulatant. l»ln> iOBH B. OABB, Aftnt, PAUOE VARIETIES. WAniBD—Pint dna Dianuilo Arltain for Ibe PALAOE TABIEIISB, OIBOINHAII, OHIO, wbub eeiatiUjtunent sow comblnea tb* Ditmatlo with th* iMp totantlnmiDL A LEASraO'LAST and LOW COUEDT UAR eubeptnaantntljeDplojed. Sananllan Blart UbenSi Innlcd wlln lOr twff or fou waeka. ' Tba PaLAOB hia Jnitcloaed lit taoond Ttai of isccnifnl oantr, and mdet tbe Bnaaotnuagamanlbldn furloeellpie ■ntblng In Anurlcn of Ike kind, lb* nun llboal ttlutn tr* pnnpIlT ptld lo thote who no tithe but In Ike profkttlon. Adortaa PBTBBSOR k 00, OloolnntU, Ohio, ; ' U-lm RANJO AND ETHIOPIAN JIQ, OloD. Rurlnqa* and Irlth Jig Danehig Inght br ihe ttiowned^OHM BOOAB, mtnathstnnrnod laobai of tb* Btngo^ 181 Eait flosilon aLiBi T, Banjo* of npeilot tone Irom n npwudL N.III* BllXT a H. DDPBEE. QAUXA LAYALUE, ' JAMES KOBBI« BUIDKL POND, ■ OEAB. EOEBU WIL WATRR, Bia. OVBTATB BIDBAin, BDWU) UOLUES, GOHBALTO BIBBOP, IBED. BRIHl BIOa, EDWIR H. PABVELEL BILIT PBI8T0B, oEoa ag MAB ira, LEW, BIREDIOI, FBAUK KENT, J.B.TATLOB. nARKSBITIA, OHAB. r. BLOOUIL JACOB SOBBL, JOBH oriB. »tnii« nif »!■ ihM tj.f«.jui. "fly frnlitl oi DU' PBEB't BENBCIOI, ftoprltton.'ftrmtitfJHipiei * OrMB. All Ike abOTB calabnM gitit Aitlala will appetr poaJUralf etoh nigkt wllk iblt Ortal Troupe, on thilr ittniB icom udr tilnnipb. m biUUtnl Bulam lonr "BOTIOaitJ, B;ar««n. Imynff a ptiinet In IkW coneem, wu dltaomuctad bon the Tion>e Nor. llib, lau, and ii sow no « OT tosncctfd wllb Ibe Oompur wbaleter. Aoir debta con< IraclM br kinwlUbe on hla own^tupoailblHlT. Mr, Obu, H, Dnptts baling boogbt iba annralDUcnl and wnoM oUlm of Ibe a*Id J. E Orttn, and btititm In pttlnarthip Hr, L«wla Bo*. diet, Ik* renowned TiinboilnUt and popidit Megn Comedian; banoatatKaOa ibe lnnpa will be known bj the ume ol SU' PBBE * BIMBOIOI'S 1IIM8TBBC,\ - Par fall piKlonlanaeeMimnolb Poalua and Piogrtomxt, Sooia open at Ti lo ooounanot at B o'clock. ^ 0. B. DOPBBZ, Manager. BAK. POND. 1 .M4f . . 0. r. BLoroif,; *«"<»•, R. B. KENrS'TNiblOil Holaery, . • ■'■'■CtMBOWBBr, H, T., :' TOBHBBLT OABREB'B BbTASUBHlIEhl,. . ' ' Will rtBOTt, on Mir 1*1, lo v.. M ' HO, Ml BOWEBT, B. r,, il-taf: ... B«lw(enPrlioeandBpiligBti*MA, BANJO WITHOUT A MASTER, Omlalnlng * ObolM OollaotlaD of BABjo aSvoa, HOB, TOHOB, TIALK ABOTODfl, 1I0BNPIPE8, BARiO BtOBtBl, EUiL, piognalTair Antigad and plainix expUlned, enabling the learner lo b*> eone* PBOnolBNI BABI01BI wlUuml IkuMjif • taaober, bp VBABK BOdliTEBBBl PBIOETTcERTa 4Mm* Bend orden io Box MIO, Poet Om'c*, A>« loik. VALUABLE OIROUB PROPERTY " POB BALE, IHIBn.fiIX T<BI VINE BOBBES, ^ Incladlnj BBTBBAL riBBIOL ASS PAD ANXHALB. " CHE flHB BBED TUOIHIA BAB AOT HABB, And a tnmbar tt- VALDABLB P0KIE8, BH0L08ED IBDHE, PBOFBBCI AND BEIBBSHlllBI WAIJORa BAOOAOB WAOORB, ADTEBIIBBBB' BILL ABD VABIB WAQOSe. B00KAWAT8 AMD B1)aOIB&. TWO ARD POUB HOBSE HABNESBBa ' OBaAV, AWaiMOBk ka, Ac.. In (srthtr and dlieot Iniormtilon, Applr to L. & LBIT, ' '* Hew Totk Olnoi, BIppolhetlroBBalldlon; ronrlsioUiMreet, .WU ■ *i 9 v' ' P»po*ltetl|eActd»nijrpf Mntlo, wiM*0%^^f*^*^t» d ^ ^^ Oif ' ' ' ' CONNER A OO.'fl ' " - SBAiCAXio, PDnaBAsnia abo oosidhb aqehci, , ' ;3a WtirEoulon.ib.N.T. 'MARAaZBBtDiFBBPOBItEBa, whan •ddrettlaglhla Ann, win etM b« ptidoalti Bd tdliM U WB8X Houtoo itieel, na.w* Id ntni ol ou letttit go to Bait Boulon alraat, ■ ' JUmjaOSiOtti A 00., HIIoi ■ DruuUo Agen'U, , . .' , . . . JTWeet Boulon *1,N,T, OHARLGS OILLONJ : AU bnHaen oomatmlcallont aboilld b* idlrkited to BAMDEL OOLTIUiB, Wood* Iheibe, or «|.tl .1 amx Eul Ninth etreal. Reir loik. . AhvEMOAN HALL, : I I . ■ ■ HABTFOBD. OONN. AdKlnlng Amtitei Bolel, wldi elagt, foot Ughli, and tollaUa dftMnl roema, aMli BOO to 1,100, lorem for^ouli. Lecture*, Pa(*ai«a,'lUuii«li, Mo. Wbeia loanarr'It not leanlred, ttl UlllW ' - Ad4l«M - — 0, 0. OBBOB>,':4Vi4itriiiaiBow,; -YANKEPJORIRSON, gATEITB LODBTOr-EOBtH....,, )MEOUB. wllb'i'>Wj|it*li« of merllorloni Diamta, rnnei. ^BOBUBON), a* eminent MBEBI ko., nnparallelad In , aBdaotll, and mignll tnal repteMBUUon), wlU b* pi lltTl.wUk bUla IB color*, Itig). {.Ma diiwtnii Irom ■» 1* ntgeUite (Or elxa twthi -j^' gg-tf ' n ■■ r m m- ,> ,i .w.r - n - | - | - | ■pUDtRa^pOEBS k BIDffELL, MORB. LATSOBHB AOAOEMYOF MUSIO; \V . Ncm obLbaiib^ Lv Piepileton J- .. Btige lunMai Row open tor the Pefl, Winter and Baing Beeeo u * ol uwiSid IBM, with tte lantatand moatTUiitUanoBMtnreoBseatiB. lad wllhln Ike willa ol any thetin In Ike world. Pint clue arUitt in enrr nrtalj caa ablaln Momr* ogag*. laenu br applrlng ebore. ilKl A Olicna gotatg Bonlh pi«femd. ANALD, MO frland itreeL », Uaa. <Mt* Boito>, Pebmtrr Klh, Itgg, „ OURRY A REIUY; ' - - paiBTBttB ABB aWOMTBII, U ABO It SPBDOB BIBIIt, BBiriOEE. ' TBI LABODI BBOW MtSJt PBDRnO BSIABUBBIIBBT EMPIRE HALL, P«Ui, n. WK. P. OBAm tad^) BEBOBIBBSBB,;- Ikli n*w and coomodlana HiD, etpnbl* tt flliii 1,MI p•^ tent, It DOW re*dr fow *eeap*Bp, and U oUnSlot Ih*itol. TBOIIBM la na V0bij>, an* iMealM aUaBllon lo gfUkig bp tB Undi of FABOl BBOW B1L18 . . andbcnoBkBil* fuga lod tpltalld eal tad OpanUo PuAnBiaBNh OoMtft^ Leetai**, ko, ea naton. tbl*t«mui, I**u**(th*k«*IBiU*iBih*SUI*klnrii*h«dwtlh water, gat, tnd tU U>* mods ' ~ end cngicemtnla •Boolr* tf M-Um*" water, gta, and all U>* modera ImpnTenenU. toe pmltsBtare •ffM. P. OBAn, &nplie Iilocfc, Pefct^ BL MeniMtet, BlklOfltB Pertanaim Qrn- ka,wnlcho*kh*snit*d li ga* or mor* gi-tt BUR6E8S, PRENDEROAST. BOilEEa 4 LA BUEV MIRBIBELS. D. 0. LA BUB .'.^ Miaiger T, B PBEIiDBBaASI Vocal Olnctor TBE OBBAT OOMPBOBBATION OF EIBIOPIAR ABnSIS. IBB MOST PBBPEOI UBUANIZATIOR IB IXIBTBNOB. ETEBTTUIBO KNTIBBLT h EW. BOVELTl OH THE BBAIN. TWERIT BBILUABI^BTABS, onder Ik* peiaontl pl*« Conedltnt, Among tb* Img mtj In Ikli cxtraordlnirr oigitluUon, aw. COOL BDBOUa, DICE TB0HP80N, ABCBIB BDOHBBL i ' CBABLR BETB0U)8, T. B. PBERDBBOABT, OBOBaf BETNOLDB, TRENOR'8 WASHINQTON HALL, WILLLUUBITBOB, B. T. Agoii* and oUm* tntoedad In pab- Uo enlaratnuenta win And IBKHOB'S WABBIROTOH BALL, Bonik Beranlh and fonrtk itrtfta, WIUIimibBrgb, deaUtUp idapted, Ibe otig* U Urn aad well ataoktd with new noenax, toot Ugblib mBaohn, Ao. Teim* tToraUe and no triota or Inpa, Appip to JAUES OONNBB k 00., at W**t Hoof ton tt. R. T,, or •! Ike BelL M-am* J. B. TBENOB, Proprietor. VERIT BBILLIASX BIABa, 1 enpenliien of the graiteit of all llrtng Bthl^ 'CML BOBOBaa. arrtr ol effllaintElbloplin lalani to h* ftmnd A. WALLACE J. p. UOBBEU^ J. TIMPSOH, DION mabbellkb; OHAB. B. OBISTE, D, d.'U BVE. OBO. a OBIBIB, A*ent OM Hlckop FmgitmneJaggltr. *^ PBANK BO WLEi, PAUL BBBQEB, P.HABRB, A. 0. BIOKE. BABBI FBIHOH, CINCINNATI INQUIRER OBBAT WEBmBR SHOW rBIMIINa EalABUBBMERT. Hanagan of Tranllag tiblbltlon* ar« aotuied Uutwatitt*. tomlanlng onr •althUabneBl with tbe aeweit aid moat beaolUol WOOD XKOBATINQB, dttlgaad *iprt*ilr Ihr OIBODBBB, IIENAafBIB& nalOPIAH PBBFO6MAN0ES, TABIKIT BXBIBITIONB, OIMWABIB, HAOIOIARB, Eoi., * and an prepared to SO aU ordeii Is a aljle of elaguM n*Tet ei- called In thi* conntn. A depolU reonlred on aU work orderod. AUotdenwDlnfalr* prompt altanUonUnllttHad to • FABBN k MoLBAN, Eaaninr OOw, •Mm* oaetuiU, 0. NATIONAL VARIETIES,' PIT BOLE OITT, FA. _ ^ [SB RPXIB BURTUI...,! Fnprletteu IL IL HaTORI -.r. Bulneu Agent M.aLBATnT I Sage Manager MIBS NAOMI POBTEB. MIB8 NELLDt BmtTLET, MIB9 PBARK BI7BB8, MIBB EMMA BDHnaS, MIBB MUNIB WABBEM, LA PET OBLBBIE, M. B. LBAVITT. M& PBANE HOWABD, MB, OHlB. DE TEBDIE, MABTBB EDDIE, PBANOIS BBOCHBBB. MB. BABBI OUFION, MB. PBABK AUSTIRc Artialnol abUllp deatrmg proCabla engagonanl* eaa pnctir* than hp addniiing MM. NAV0R1, Bnilneii Agent, «I.U Pit Bole Oitj.Pn. Located In the c«nln el tbe dir. I* lUBaT ARD MOST OOHPlilE IN ALL RB APPOraiHERTB of tor In th* connlrr. Thla Hal], BUILT BIOABDLESa OF EIPERBB, It Bnalr Flaaeo*d,llahlad wlili aaa,hU Biage, SeeaaiT, Foe fnA Border r.ij ,iii« Ampla Oteedng Boom eeeommodalloiit adjotalog Ikt Bltg» I* tn* b<*t adapM for OONOBBIB, UOIUBXB, mRSTBELknd DBAUAIIO * PKBFOBHAROU at (BT In u* Wat. . Wniber«nt*dbrlh*DtTorWeekonlIbtiaI larnM. Bl*g«aa breO;AndIlar<aia,MbjN. BatM wllh tellaea for l,m Ae- eonitlci parfML AT>lt ACADEMY OF MUBIO. NMhvllla. TtiiB. LAIB MEW lEBATBfl, W, BHBIVEB k 00 Lameei aad Proprlelon J. L. DATia Btag* Manager Ihle modal I*mpla at Mule It now In the foil tldeof tncoeaa, 1,11)1 a nuBuaolk oomptBr of TeretlUe utiala, ftr akod of anr' lUng arcr pnaented befoi* * NubTlll* antlano* In DBAHA, OFEBA, FABOE, PAHTOI OHIMBL ballet; BUBLBSgUES, BEdBO E0CQ)IBI01I1E& aiMMABna pebpoi aiMMABna peBpobmaboeb, SOROS, DANOIS, DUEIB, Xio. Ptrformer* of acknowledged abDllr win alwir* bo Irtnlad with on Ubaral larmi; bf addreaelag u ahon. ttf 8UNNVSIDE CONCERT HALL. BABETILLB, TERN. Proprietor J. W. EIROBOOTT BUa* Manager J.L. BABBEir IklB popniar place ef amoainnent la now In the fall Ude of *no. c*ta, with a fou and efflotenl Oonpinj of flitt da** AtUihu Flrat raUMinttrealedwItkonlihtrtllerma. Addrtea aa abora. IMf WANTED. I wllb to eniige Ike eerrlaie of • OUn Blonr: one that doaa not gtt dmnk, la Indutilou, and a drat daa ArUat, oio hare a allaiUoo for one jar, (In m> Mueon, end tiarallng) and good •altrr. MAJ. BUBNELIk Muesffl, ra BL Ohirlet ilreal, <Mt NtwOrletu la. PHILIP MiaiQAN, Ton wUlpleaa* write ma Inunadlatelr. MAJ. BUBNBIL, Muenm, M BL Oharlai atrett dMt New Orltant, la. NEW AMERICAN THEATRE. Wtlanl tireel, tbote BIgkth, FbUadelpUn. B.FOZ Fropitetornnd Manager JAMBB PILOBIM Blage Managtr Plrttcliatalintln aU braachea waniad-Dramitlo, OniMlc, Terpilchortan, Pantomime, BIhloplin, Acrobatle, ka. Madneae are given et thla thealie, bnt Ike minigement do not par extra ailarle* for them. O-tl MANAGERS whhiM to geoura the ggrvloBi cf LEONOBA OBBED, ikitimmw Axn» fciii nana Oandn to br addreealng haral Ito aiinar JjWjJ, Iwnirljanle ■raw avMi af-aialb MMet, Vruhligta, D. 0. U-tf , n.n r> r."i n r . ~^~ i ~ i — ^^^ ^^^^ SHERRY'S NEW YORK THEATRE. The largMtand moat tncceietal oompur In Ihe United BUlei, tr* nownaUngBtlicalttbrotghih* 8iateao( New Toik and Fanniilnnla, comprtilnnLadlee end Oeallemen of ackoowltdged talent ind poralanir, baring be*o aelitted fiom the ptlncipil Thealrea of New lork, PhOadtlpbla and Doilon, together with * FnU Bnia Band, nnder'Ibe laidiiahip of Plot. B. F. Benir. DUector, Prof, D, H.Smbbliblnp. Ateo, a Inll and efficient 0^ ohealn, condnoted br Pnf. J. F. Zlmmrrmin. Soeneir, Ward* nba, and Pro«ertlea acknowledgtd to b* of Ihe Bntit order. Ihe foUowlng well known irtlitee are Indnded In thla moul powertol companr, lix' Mm JBRRIB OABBOLL, Mri.°MABE BATES. Mn, E, OAPfBLL, Mra.-ANNIB MCWTFOBD, MUB BMILT BIANLET, Mlia JULU HANMma, Mr, MASK BAIES, Mr. J. W. OABBOLL, Mr, J. W, OABNEB, Mr.W.J. FEnOUSON, Mr.T.T. BAINBT, Mr.aw.aiBTZNBOR, Mr. 0. a wnXIAHBON, Hr. DANIEL OLBMMBNBl Mr. B. F, BBMBT. Mr. D. H. BTUBBLBBIKE; Ur. F. M. eatvB, Hr. T. F. ZUdHEBMAN, Mr. WABBBN BBIQQB, Ur. J. HABTNET, Mr. J. W. SlUPKINB, and Mr. J. F, BHBBBT, Theahcra Companr will open la DanrlUe, Pn, UanhUiHUon, Match Ui WiUlamaoort Mitai end PotlaTDl*, April g, laiogniallag Ihe NBA TBBATBE, dtted up eipreeilr for ihlt Oompanr. tfrtf' ' , ' J. F. BBEBBT, Proprietor md Manager. E. U DAVIS, OITT BILL POBIBn, LOWELL, UAS8. Hu targabUI bctrdi bnUl oiprtiilr for Showmen, tor tar d*. aorlpUoa of anUtlamaieBliy and the onlr boerdt In Ihe ottr, Poittng done In th* meal aM af uorr manner at the loweil print.' Otdo* hr maU or oUuawue piomillr alteaded lo. .',.,.. . . AdlretB . . HAJ. & L. DATIB, iMt* Office Ho. 91 Oealraletreet,L«weU,Maee. THEATRICAL NOTICE. . FOB'HALE-IOO IkeaMcal Bceae* lo excellaal condition. Bet (Mtagai. Onnof .plcoia, Bocki; Fcncn, to, «o. A good in- TattmtaVtft anr panon opening ■ th*atr* or mule halt IB:U ' . . ApplrBoxtlO,PbUadelpbliP.O. THE AUEOHANIANS. . TOOALUIS AND BELL FLklBRB, ntrtng folffilcd ihelr sngagemania at Oitit Bt. Jimae BaU, Lon- don,and allheCrralal raiaoetB}denhini,tl*o*IBath,Tari|nart Birmingham, Exeter, Leedi, Mtnebeeler, and appeared bafor* Bar MAjetV, Qneea Victoria, and Ihe Boril Famllr, at Wlndur, are now dciIng * aailei of twenlr-alght cencerta at the Onnd Ceneart HaO, lord Nelion aUeel, Llreipool, tier which ther go to Oltigow, BecUtnd, to UI a aioood engegement of nine alahu, ocmmantiag Mai o^9);thencelo Bdlnbnrgh lo IIU a eeoona an- gagement of twelve olghla, where ther wul oloeaUielr hlghlT locceitfiil lonr In thli cosotrr toward the lut of March, Im. mtd'flf^ after which Ihor wtU onbiik for their natlre land— Ihtlandotthe glorlou "Bltr Spangled Dinner"—wbeia ther hope to grett eUTheir old filenda again, and to be cheered bj Ikilr tppioTlng imUee, ti in "dirt of rort." Ther wlUcommence a gmd ioni of the Blilee toon tiler Ihoir tnlru home, which will be ahoni the middle of ApiU. J. IL BOULAUD, Uenaget, . D. O. WALDBON, Agent Urerpool, Eoglind, Fob. Mlb. 18M. tg.lf WANTED, A LADI AND OENTLBUAN who are capiUs of girltg an «n< lerUlument of one hour dnratlon. Thur aeltcUopi mail be thori dulogne, comlo acd aenllmintil tinting, both lolot tnd dnattt, PitUet who hire performed together preferred. Bait- rlea, Twenir Dollar* per week for euh, and eipeiiea. None hnl acknowledged perfonncra noed anawer. Addieu MARAOED, Box lit F. O., OalekUl, N, 1, ibohkd. Blallng Bime, aad w hen an Intctilew can t (g-U NOTICE TO THEATRKAL MANAGERS; ., > ' • BHAiius o'flniBir, ' '' "IBB DOULD DOT OF OLBROALL, ea eilglnil tiUli dnae. In Ibne uli, written nareult for ' - , : J, utDAM BniiRT, - hr TboiniB a Ifoooncngh and rred. a, Hiedar, Eaci, "^Eaterej^ecoordlng ,to the act of Oongreei. lo ihe rear IBM, Itf ikeOlark'aofflMOttha Duitlct Ooort ot the Dnltid Bleteafoi IheBoBlketndUtilctolf.RewIork, Uinigaracllkittrealkrongb. ont lb* United BlaleijiQmllilog lhiahoTe piece u tie Bllfed will be. sreoecnlt A t» DAN BBIANT. wtihonttnl hiTdig mp tfilltiB coaieit, oordhvtoln^ . tA)>tO A STEREOPTIOON WANTEA. ; Anrpulj karlag * BltraopUtoa, wllh Good Tkwi,tkat«oaia aoMpt(B«gtgemnl,or letwUh la opealor, <aa kear at «b> gegimoil b; tadrening . DOLFBIR, KMl mua '. 'y^ nPHinatgti*gl,Ileat«a. THE GREAT CONSOLIDATED BAM SHABPLBI'B MINBTBBLB, , TBB FAMOUS U10N-«LAD8, < And TONI PASIOB'S aOMDIHATIOR, United In ONE OBAND BNTBBTAINMBNT, WUl mil aU Ike prlndpil dtlee, Inlndndng A KOTBL AND ATIBAOItVE PsboBAHlIB, Emhodrlog Uie effocte ot IwENII-nVB POPULAB ABTIBI8, fadtt the Ifflmedlito lopenltlon tnd dlnotlon ol '[^ MB. BAH SHABPLE?, iwniappi ... UlEt C ^- OOMH PBODUOIIOHB. S2S'eSi3^iSE.if"jrt«'«* . ALLnaOk k OOOEB, AdrerUieia. IWI i«1°J!!ftS?AT?^i;L"i.\.'"n**» «"Y. Mc-HOW. ABD. BBOWat k OBAnEBSOR, Haaagm-aad Pnniietot*, W^IBDIMKUlATm.-I.dl^ «dg*tkbOtlj.a«ll«MiaaAIBmE*BlwOllj,M«, tt.Me wlMjifll appear In peraon at each and cTarr perfonniae*, ia Ma AND (bESBEBT HO FOR THE TENTING SEASON I UP WITH THE CA^IYABI 10 CIBOUB MADAQEBS, OHABLES PABSBB, ' OLOWN AND OEMBIIAL PEBFOBUEB, Kow with Bow* and Culello'a OInmi lo ike Bonlk, can b* en< gaged tor Ihe coming lenHna Beiwa. Addreee him cm ot ikle office. M IOI* MRS. D. P. BOWERS. All bnilnca* commnnloaUona akonid be atdrtated Id ear* o< BABNUM'B HOTEL, 4g4m* Bel tun ore, Md. DUM VIVIMUS VIVAMU8.—EnclOB* lOo., snd reoelT* one br retnra aiaU. OBMBBT k 00., Box IBM, N. T, P.O. Wtm* SOMETHING NEW.AND NOVEL I UIOBOBOOPIO TIBW8 taken fiom Oarlea de Tlille, tnd Inietled In Watch Oharmi for It: two ficm tha aame pictnr*, Id. OBMBBT k 00,, B»am* P.O. Bo^BBOa, 111Neaeaaat,N.T„Boomai. NEW ACADEMY OF MUSIC, PITISBUBOH, PERN, ManagetBU MBS. ETTIE HBHDEBSON Leeeee WM. BENDEBSON Alio Manager ot tha . ■ "PITISBUBOH IBBATBB." Ibo New Aetdamp oI'MUIcl one of Ihe large*! and mott de- gtBtb flnlabad In Ike Went, wUl tial g;MO PEOPLa and wUl open Mar let with a ••ubIbbbatbd OPBBA OOHPANT." People wlehlng engagemento for the FaU or Winter Saaaon at allkar theatre, wUl adlreta u abore. Star* eagaged for Ik* K*w Actdemr of Mule aad Ibeatre on Ubualtemu. (O-U THE CROWNING CLIMAX OF ALL. OBABLBI BUAT'B MONBIEB QUUIODPLEZAL AND OELBBTIAL IBOOPa Tba largtiV moal altrutlTe and nord organiulloa la Uie world oomprlilng the onlr trcnpe OF OBHUIBB UBINBBE JUaOLFBS ARD BOBOEBEBS In Ihle oonntrr* Tb* tLOOO okdlenge •dooiled Ten Terrier "lannr," Uie tmnp* ot ladi Tocallau and Diueuea, Bikloplan Oomediane, Neoomancara aad Knife Ibrowara, ^ TBE MAblODOH BBAS8 BARD AND ' ,. EZOBLSIOB SIBINO BAND, oomhlaedla ORB MAMUOTB KRIEBTAINMBRT, wet* OBABLET SBAT, Sol* Maaagw aad Proptlalor, H. A. HANOKER, AOENT lor th* late Uaiaor Ohilitr HInatrdt, la at pn*«nl die. engeged, and li niAj to nefoUil* for * dmllar poaluon. (Ml Addraaa No. ItiO Market ttreel,PbUaddphlt, Pa. OONSTELLATIOM DRAMATIC COMPANY. Under the management ol J. 0. HTEBB, Win be at Srncaee ftom Feb. lath to Maroh ItUii Oewego, from IglhtoStlh; Ulj(*,MUito BUi; lelnm to Snaoue. «lk to 93di BInghamton, Ud to ItUii ElmUi, aoiA to tlh; Erie, TIk to Uik OleTdand,Ulk to ITIhi Toledo, Ulh to Mik. Pertiea deelrtot to leai* the Bord Lrceom, can addreee u ahore, or loJiMBj FBBHOH, Toronto, 0. W. da-lOt* BEAVER'S OPERA HOUSE. I4t* "Odeon," FUlb eireel, belwten BonUi Iklrd ud Bonlh Fouih •trtnt, BrooUrn, a D, T.W, hEAVEB Proprietor QBO. B. OOB....BIiBoMtniger I ED. OLABOE Iteaanrer The companr eoieuie el lb* moal TtraelUe oorpe of TocaMat*, Huldana, j)encen and Dallneilore IB the BOuUf 1 proteeiloo, who win appear nigbllr In Ihelr Original Frognmme, Ulutratea aad tmbdlubid br the followlni wdl mown performant OBAa PBiiBNaiLL, P. a cahpbbiL jobnns allbn, OEO. a oois, w, F. BFAULDma. h. wabbbh, o. w. jaos- bob, waltbb riBLDSi 0. u fbuoiob, a ibaaos, u. bilbt, 0, WmiB, J. J. niLLIABD, B, IBAAOB, 0. OUBBT, F.BOWBN, 0, BBLDEN, TB0HP80R BBOIHEBB. "Orud" MiUnee ererr Salnrdir ArtaniMo, at o'dock. Piroael, ao eta.; Famllr Olrde, otct Orcheein Okdn, is cl>, I Prlrata Boxee, It. M U» MR. AND MRS. HENRY LINDEN, At pieaent mini a eerlca OF BUCOESSFUL ENOAOEHBNIB; BoUdt Ume tnm rMpondbl* miaigerd. Six ot twain nlgkU. Ibtlr lepettolre cenialaa ell Ik* SENSATIONAL DBAUAB OF IBB DAT. TOOBtBEa WIIB THE LBOmKATa Adlreit BBRRT LINDEN, . dMI Oat* ol BaTlBB HOUBa OklOlgo, BL THEATRB ROYAL, • * HALIFAX, B, a M. W, FDia OOHBDItX, WlU *f*|i Ik* tWTt.Biaid pi for a tnmmer teaaoL comviadag og cw tbcni Ike tib of Jaaak AUnai Umtt Ik* TiiMligSk«ga% Ktw gueuu; la, tf4t* .PicplMtil. RETUUI OF THE FAVORITEB fxfihieabof"'"'™"- BB OASin BOUAVE 186^°*"™^ nmb*r)ar**konlto nlnta to tt* ieSie i? ikd! tolS?',? FBOTBDK' • ■ > .ke new laTenUon of Free FEPFEBTof Ladim <ta>«,t.. tawu <Oho«l">, ot whldi Ik* BaSmotw AiSStoff 5^*'f^ "Pwtou la t great deodrer, ron can Dare tdl «k«nl i.. i. SSa^i'olM.'""" <*Cu?iad"??a HERBAQB OABTEa Proptldot and Miauar -- ^ f• BERDAlLTAgS UNION HALlj^ A0K8ON, HiamaAa USE JAOKSON HALL Hi larg* coongb, and not too largt hr twlc^ la central In tocaWon, and modanta la price. JAOKSON IIALI« JACKSON, JAOSSOR 00., MiaB., With Stag*, Beanarp, Oarpeta^ FMUUlhla, ko. Can b* rated M $10 per night, orUoptrwaak. m* HaU loea not adTertlia In tha Batald. eT4m* W. JAOKSON. JOHN BROUGHAM'S PLAYS. TO MARAOEBS AND ABTIBm Idedr* to *l*to Ihitlahall haabnnt fnnn boaaAittBgtt* giealar nitl ef die Winter. Anr parUea wlahhig to negobaU for anrcf Hr.JOHNBBOUaHAM'BplteaawUlplMaeaddreu tk»nb. acrlber, or Mr, A. T. LBTEBa at mr rcddench - - ,uo— T.I as-u .0BBI8, 77 WeatIeoa>etn«t H*w lark Oltj. HAMILTON'S NEW HALU FOBI WATNa IND., , Oppeilt* tbe Pebllo Bqaer* ud feat Office. The hall le IM feet long br H wld^ hia two draming room* It br H ind 17 br IB feet, nitoid ecela, fool end boidar llgbttb ud carpet The En. trance le 11 feel wld^ 90 etop* high, ud la Ihe onlp clean ud wuffl ball In the eltr. TO LET (for Biet daaa enlulelnmnla onlr). The abora Ball wUl ae*t orer one thoniut perionih to Sited wllb mUtelr new ud degut ecutry IFUIe). Ihe meet cutadlr locaiad baUdlni la lb* dtr, ud aT*r7 wt| adapted for FIBU CLASS EXBJBITIOMS Bafeiucee.—McKein Bnchtaan, Wced'e Hlnelreto, Hr. lilt- war, B. 0, Fox, ol Anlln* Boni*, ud0. D. Bond, ot Fort Wajaa BuL i».ait* B. R. WABD, Ageat FOR SALE. IBB PHILADELFBU MUSEUM. No. B3) MABEET BIBEBI, PBILADBLPEU. OoailallBg of a iplmdld conrinlon of UVIMO ANIMAla UVINa BBAL, . IBBEE FINB LABOB BRAKES, M0BSBI8, OOLDBN AND aiLTBB PHEABABT8, COCKATOOS ud OIBEB BIBDa Alio, a 80UTB AMEBIOAN OOPUBABA and DOUBLE BBADEl) OALF. ill,, wiHvuvn of mvwrsu aniDS and olher AN1< MALaiaeae**. ' A complou atamtnunl ef BTEBIOFTIO md OOBMOBAMIO TIBWd. A aett ot DEBOBIFIITB PAINIDraa To b« Kid alaglr or coUroUrdr, br epplrint el tbe Hnaean. a P. IlOHOALB. Proprietor. Ihe abore ptopeitf It offend for eale onlr oa icconat of the proprietor UorUr TlalUig Entope. tl-V TO MANAGERS AND AMATEURS. For ei1*-FnU lot of New Bcuee ud Drop Onrialn, U h 17 a Jolt Ike tbhig for a Trarellns Thialra. Inqnlte of O. BAB* . — .. _ TraTclIni BISON, lia Eul Wariu etr•e^ Biookljn, H, T, go.li* "THE OALIFORNIANS ARE COMING." corroN, udufbi a saiin'B OALIFOBNIA MINSIBELS, BBABB BARD AND "BUBlEjQDB OPKBA TBOUPa" "Bt.modded ud re-oigulted for UM " "lb* lirieil u(l meet TeraetTe Oompur to America,' whoae OoDceiU Uinnibenl tbe MEW ENQLUID SIAIBS, ud fbr FIITT OOSBE0DTI7B NIOBTS IN BOBION, ar* wllkont a preccdrat In Ihe auala cf amnaimula. New on Uielr Blxlh lonr, TIdllni aU Ihe FBINOIPAL OinEa AND TOWNB BIBT ADD WEST, Ptcemllag to tte pnblto u ENriBB NEW BETEBf AIBimiT, imhodrlng aU ihelr OBEAT BfEOIALIIIES, OBIOINAL wlUi Ihti compinr, ecd performed br tkem onlr. tO-lt W. B. BMITB, Bulneaa Manager, ROB SMITH, THE CLOWN. 18 COMINB. ROTIOa-HtBAOBBS ARD PBOPBIBIOBS wlihing to ni- gollate for tbe aeirlcee of Bob Bnllh, the down, for the coming ttuon, cu 00 to br tddraidng him u fcOOwi,' a W. BiUTH, eat* of Fruk Qaeen. OUpper Office. Maatgan wiehlni ic know hie iblUUee ou Inqaln of the fol- lowing genllemu: Haibl* k Nattian, 0. L. Bdler, Lerl J. Hotlh, Blxon k Eemp ud Ike Antonio BroUien, dl ol whom k* haa downed tte eiaecn for. K^ai TO 8H0WMEN BOUND EAST. TBE BT. JOHN DBAUaTIO LTOEDH OiB b* lealad for aU kinds of reeptctible perlormuoai^ tt reir reannibleitiea. Ihe Lrcenm li Ike moitperfecllr appointedplac* of lit Usd In ihaProTbice*. Addtau W. a TENRINa, ao-Ai* , stJohB.N.a LEAVENWORTH THEATRE, OABD. Compttott pinon* la th* orofeaalon dedilag aUnaUou for Ihe unlng aetiofl of '6S ind *07, commudng on or tboat Sept let wUl iddieti D, 0, OHAPIilN, Slag* Manager, Legruworlk Ike- atr«t ttaUng Un* af bmloiea and eidarj. Star* tetlrlas Um* for Ik* aboT* aeaioo wUl alio addreai aim*. go-It BtjlAUB HOUSE, hIuiLTOK. OHIO. PBUZ STBAUB.. ..Pnpridor | EDOENB A. WXILEa.. .Olaik Be*p«ctfolIr *oUdl Ih* patrcbaga of all Orit dale otoitdn. muta that mar ndl n.w,»iiiwi, No pilna will be epated to maka their aojonn oo mHitU M*. Bater, wllh permlidon, to BUBOBSS, PBBNDBBOUrl A OO., aUPF k OATLOBD, OBABLBI SBAT, 0. a BIOBABIMOR, 0. B. WOOD, J, A. DtNOBBa udinrSntdamagutlktlbueTitbUledlhttown. go^i*^ CLOG OANOERB, ATTENTION! WM. nOBBBIS k. BON, Muofaetuere ot Dancing ologa, ud oUier Undi, aolted for any cnrpoee, el No. M Ninth afune. New TcxL EalaDnikedtoNewTorktoiea N, a—Ihe aafeet ud cheapoek mdhod of eradlng ftr Olon, la to and roar monaj In a roglileied lelltr, with meaeni* taken hr a eboemaker. Be ann to mwllon both Ihe nelt leaglb of fool ud Ike elee ot boot ron woar. Make plain Sguai; aud roar fan tddrtta, to that w* oan write to ron. It necaeearr. AU cor- rupuduU wuUng anawere moot eocleee a elamp., We ere not reipcndble rormonireentto liitera notregtaleicd. Priteiaf Bed. Bloc and Blick Morocco Ologi, gi i Ihe time, boor trinmeO. U tola. OlogDuoiie'ontfllecf ur ilrleienlu ilioTt. Fnr*. fattnoe, tee Uw profmlon at luge, u-sm.* ■ ■ - - - i - i r^- ii ^ i ,111 NEW CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE. PBILADELPOIA. onoVSB kBIN S Loiaeei ud Huuer* 'iWi'}^ ■'•■"■» '0 ««B0Uile lor Ihe teuon of Itaa ud '7, IX Uiii Uieilre, muil make appUoaUeo bafor* th* let ot Aprn, ilallng line of bnilneu ud where lert enieged. Ibis Th*ali*glree mallneee, hnl DOES NOT FAT BXTBA olirlea for V,S?TW.f.?,I,*"^fVS"P'» Ihe Bfofiuloo NEED HUE APPUOATION. Bdariee UDBT BB BEABORABLa suae roar Terr LOWEST FIQUBE wiUrnnl walUog tor u oBa. *'"i"f. ,„ WILLIAM a SINN, tS-U BaddanI Uaaagat Oheitaat Btreel ThMlt*, CIRCUS. THB OBBIN AND aEBlBIUH OALDOBNU OIBOUSIBOUPB S!i*.*V!?!i^ M^-- '■'°>SU< wtehlag to engig* BEBABIUR BOF, two Crineljii Bontc end Two Inok BcmS, mir write to UBA8IIAN,0ti*cc*a,T*a(caelt, U-U* . Oodatcuaot naUaOdaiaL AjMmwuamjfTw. «MODii SAliSS"*'* "'NSTRELS. IB MODEL HBIBTREL OBOANIZATION OF TBI wnnrn KO, on *>'il^,l«iS^^^^'^;c^S,°^' pup to now on a tonr throngli thTSStatrBSSir.S! are weU kaowa u wlihonl rlrala. '™™ ""tea, who* IBB arer Ai Ed' ud. Wllk Oompup Ikej WTY HALL, r, . . , FBOVIDKHOa a L. °^SJ*S»,W.''"5<"'*"*.'*'»~^ udPubUe AmaiaBula. Th* HaU haa bem newlj patoted, deouated, nnlSSd lia otkenrltalapiored. ""uiaieo, ead It to located on Ihe flial floor, wlUi fenraeptnte dcm, k.,.. Uie Largta^moat EUgftto ud OomfOrtablTBSl toS.^ i*aUog S^SOQl Addreea • ^"■ri OHABLES N. BABBIROTOR Box'aML MOm* 8H0W BILLS OF EVERY OESORIPTION. ' _ , THEODOBE DUTPOH, , • Be« la iBiMm Ua oM Made, Maaagen aod'thawattla n>. tajTUat h* to BOWImaled H ffi^^ »»imno g^u ™""f. SSUi/KSSI? MIAHUBnUBI, _ ^ IISPBUOB siaiBr, new loaa ' iJiSto5t'2?M '"^ '•to'tato u»p«*««g,. FUa, OOLOBED, ABD ILLU8TBAIED BXOW BUJ Part lcnlatlr adapted tg TBAVUNQ KIHIBrnONa oaopBES, MENA OEaaa ETHIOPIAN FEBIOBMARiaa iBAoicuiBOFAHKnTOt o™i*8xai51aiou» IBOTTINia TO HABNns OB WAOOE, DOUBLE TEAMS OB BUBNlka BO^m. FOLHIOAL OLUBST " " T. p. traMtta hi*many rear* expoleasa la Ik*taMBM, m litg* utatlmat ot Onto at kte oomaud, ur o4wh5Z b*fitatedlnen*ormct*edai,Uue*rTtoe*^lhS^MSMl ui BagHTeta tar newwork. win e«cnr* to Mm a Si^ZX^ puttkntaudttttalbrnewpntnaa. ATMENiEUM THEATRE, "■" DIBUgoa lOWA- Vii ^v*"^' Thiatr* wUl ona for Uie eeiaas oa MOB- DAT, Jan. Mlb- FU*t dan alar* wtUplaaen addreea ALBEBT A. WTAIP, Blage Manager, or immw tHf PLUNKBTT, NATIONAL HALL, iiPFiN, omo, Wni acat twdr* hnndr*d paiiona, Hteg* Utid nn wltti thU aatl cfSceauy, FeotLlgbu eto. »wi«i«uwi , . 80UDBB A OABPPNTEa . "-tm* Pio^Subb, PARNELV'S HALL. PEOBiA, nx. , IhU Hal), karing a eaiUng capa^ of Lm ku been laldr rtSt. t«d,ud It to tint lor Theatrical or Mlnitrel OompanlN, Lao, lute*, tlo. Ih* lUga li lllled np wllh all eonrutencai tn dr*. matte pniToae*. Oood dtcedog name, new eoany, itao ear. pel, ud eu Ike appUucaa neoeaaarr. tlgm* THE WEBB SiSTERB. ~~ MUSIS atHA ABD AXa Maaigert wtakhig to ugage Ike earleu of theu rtrr UltBlta ArUUtbi BflAB buanmante, wUI addioe M-lt EMMA a WEBaiTNeaitatb*d,Eia«Uii, ~~~'^- *'"^*' — ~~~i~- — i"|— r~ i -~ i r > nn g -MUUTjxw-wj DEAOLEV VARIETIES, ST. LOBia imS VBBT FOPULAB ESTABLIBHian; AXD XHB Linaan n m UnrwD Sun^ m low a oa FULL TIDE OF BUOCEBSt FIrtI (Bam BIAB8 treated wllk at aU Ume*. Bone oUaa itgg BPPlr- JAMES OSNHBB A 00., Ageote, iS-tt or OBOBOB SXAOLa Bt Unit ULBLER'S ATHENiEUM, • ooLUMBua omoL Thla bTo rite eetabUahmcnl can M mlid for Oonoeitt,'Ia» lnna,udr*ip*ctobI*EiklbIUenaotanrktaid. Ilha«be*BB*w. Ir Fainted, Decoiatcd, Bailed, tc, ud to now ona *f Ik* metl ellglhle ud ccmfortihle pltce* of imattmral to the oltr. Apply to 0, A, WAONEa ColnmbBi, OUOk JOHNA-BIiLSLEa 8H Academr ot Maale, Olerakng, 0, MISS K*TE FISHERj—AII Buglaiia Oommunl* caUonttorUUiIady tohe iddittiedcareol /, V BEBN»lU),Nc.dg« Bioidway. Oubeugtied with or wlttonl her trilntd bora*. Sit , FRANK B. CONVERSE'S addmi It, oiN el JOBN BIVOBI. ma Braadway , Hew York- • U-U " t« QU^DE TO TOE STAOfc Ccnlatolng cleir ud fnU dkeeUone for obtatolag Theahrtcal Ed- gaiemente, wllh complete ud rdnable toilmoiloni for begin- ntra,teUllTe to adanee, tnlei, mannei ol going thnagh reheat^ eeli, lecnitng proper dreaaee, condnct at Ural appeaiuee. ko, 10 which le added a Hat ef Uie prindpal Eagliek and Amirtoa Thealrea, Prie* It cute. But, poelpeld-oa recalolornnee, Addretl ordantoBoiatiO. P. 0., «ew^L it£* PLAYS, PUYS. PLAYS. PutomUnea, Opart, DiamiUo Work* ud Tbailrleal Potlnllft OaUlogaia eul oh tacelpl ef a etamp. Aaerlcu edlUon ot Plirt,la cute etch. Addretl. Box BUO, P. O, N, T. 47-ta* STILL IN THE FIELD. JAarwn TBAOEEBAT Ibe DOsnltrBILLPOSIEa to aUU to th*oilr ot FIITSBUBOS, reiorto ixeonte eUwerkaipiompllrtadwlkfallyu erer. Any toformttlon to Ibowma ohaertolly ramlihed by tddreaalag la Oeoimetelalofltoa, 4Mm* SAUL JERTREW, tha Papular SONG WRITER. tail* inAMfTTBIBXR, BOSTON THEATRE. EDWIN BOOIB.l t, J. a OIiABE, j IMaeei. UdeandgenUamaaof acknowledged lalut daolring engage menu lor tka Smean oonunindng AUOUST1,16M, ar* r*4n«at*d to meka appUcaUon br Idlar, eteUng baalIl*a^ tatmi, •to., to —duttgaed. AUnataiwindletteta maybacoaitdatedu Ike a negtUT*. IB-tf J. a BOOTH, BUg* Managat and Dlitotoi. a*BulNln*teatta*lrMt^N«wTmk. PACKARD HAU. ^OBBZHTILLa PA. Bitto 1,000 psaoni, Dedloited Feb. la, IMd. Tblt U tte'Inetl UeU on tte AkUnUo ud Oieat Wettem Battmr. between Bew ZoikOltyadD*ytoB,Ohtoi, ' A74t* . . a L, BERDBIOKBOR, Agat FITZSIMM0N8, IN BIS.FOPULIB BERSAIIOR DBAHAS. Earing somnloMkli neoeiefnl aagegaiiuoli la BUFFALO, ALBANXlSp DBIBOIT,^ _ Mutgtn eu Bowtddteia blm tor two or tbor weeki, Slit B- 8ag<an«ate,**i*otkltAgail, ., ^ ■ «*-lt . »Iln**li«al,Fhfladdpkli,Pt, WANTED~>FOR THE NEW AMPHITHEATRE, BT, LomatWIhaSUHHEBot 'e«-dlfli*tclBaWaBt-Biina*- Itlue, OymnuU, j- •■ • - . - _ . . . latter bertet V ~ BippouoatroD. l_ IMl* LfTl J, HOBIH.EaQ*ttriuDlteoto. rw Iki SUMMEBof 'Od-dl Oiat «■ iauiK-si]nM- AiU, Ballat Irons*!, kc, ka., which wUl op«n tt* t MitdL Alio, a tew poaoni to bard, - Addretl ID, to OEOBOB MBIOALF k 00. ^ . BANJO 1 BANJO I BANJOJ OamoHy (imM. Bun Beck, wllh or wUkoal * Huler, miOed ll,alip^oka tonghl bp J. BITOBL (ot Brjula' UlBMtd*.) nooeaar to F. a Oonnr**, «T«X Broadway NewTork. 0111* SKATORIAL qUCENi oaKiB AflOUBTA MOOBa ^ Ianowpr*t*r*d to steoUatewUk Haai^itaot trateliaM' Itti, ilani«enwllltdilr«ga ■•■'T—^ OUpper OtBot^ItiwIaa, tMte OPERA ioLUMBUB, OHIO. ^vi. ttli'^houtewfll b« tor ml on reatonihle l«ini to r«ip«oauie atattalnminla ot aU kindt on and anar Junity I, UM. II to oneotttit leigeilandtaortgornontkanteaUitkeWMU, aiumbr.Uim "P'fttm-BlWlajanm.u^ K^AffRSSS'ttVut^STte-faa..^ portoni. '••««*'«ii^S^MS.'?to.i-, «r4m* L eto., tpplj 'AXON, Tt**inr«r, <w JOHhBELEEakrjJtoSIJ^^