New York Clipper (May 1866)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 37 XHB GAME OB* CHESS. To OorntpondenU. Pousitnu^M yon mma torn ths btglimliig o< Ui« lot it ma ha dau, Uuragli BOt b7 IIM Ant pbr«r, B, H. a, WuhlMtoB.—Tom mlMffle nptr ud «lii«We »• clonnuni7tohud,uda>iila]ila aoM. IbefUDuruof Ue wbol»«nlM tuton we udolptttd. J. too*, HtTwhlll, H. H.—Kotekt hud u< tlull tw aUimded to ihoiU/. JoHW Oaurii, Borton.—Tba nmilHiniw lot Ouma Ceae PiOBLBK ToDUiT did not ooae to hud. A tRmmi'of HoioiiaiL Innur.—Tbe (nellepleM of the new Oheo work "Bretltr ud BiOUuior In Cheee" la in tognr- Ittff ftosnaimlqiie plotare,-u amhtotrpf, lUnjtntlng the flnt wdl epwlnttd pabUo eenteit bi Calua'o Uitt betwnn m ineri- OB pujrer tntV ud • nun of raal mlgbt from the old world. We irfW to the gkeal nuloh tt Wuhlngtoo, ronght mm» twutr jetn ilnee, between Ohu. H. etanlor and }. H. Tanor, Hen iMTOthil hODorlna the oosteet wlto Ue pnecnoa. We luTa teen the dnwlng, ud eu coaadenltr laT Ibet while nar or Sto initaTon hiToWed their hudion Hr. Stanley ud ell MIed, thfi one wlU alike do him jnallcauid honor. In thin pwtltnilar pcdtlon he ie eboatciecaunga male In three morea, ina coni^ 4M1U7 wean hie "laj happleatuiiiKailm." Enlgmi No. BSI. jy«i> oe aua naimr M»t%t(in. n w. T. psoaa. * 1 ^ k THE BIIVO. Hirry n FOBTUIO) BOeiON, Jannlngi, CrtBKET, IUS8. ttQBaq, atKBld, atQMh, atgsiad. alhlteih, atQB7lh,. ttQEIttL Whit* to mtla in 10 morae, withoal taking a P. Problam No. BSI. WUiTIL BU.OK. Black, wllhoat taking a P. oob|^ mmis iq ig uxnai. Qimo No. B3I. ' Our oontrlbalor Hr. O. Belfhtielm sine Ur.'j. B. HoCorkla IhaoddaotQKk TWO EX'I SimiOB. Defmee, Attack,'hTiitlm l..PtoK« 3..K(-K0 3 «..KB-B« <..F-Q4 (..Ctetlea e..K(-hleS VoCorUe. PlaK« QSUB3 KEt-BS KPXP P-QS P-Qi B.I..M1.1TH T..KPXP -llq + .KB-E .F-QI .KBXB + .KtXBP KtXQ Ihe Attack giraa oaeto (n two moTei. Defenoe, HcCorkU. SKItoBi B-K9 QKIXB i-hljBeq QB-KIt QBxQ.aBd Mr. t. Oooher to. tha wen known B. B. Wonnild, tan. nnopk oumiT. Ur. Oocher. l..PlaSi l..P-KBi I..XB-B« «..X-hUBeq S..QKUB8 Mr. Wonnild. PtoKi KPXP <J-B«+ P-KKt4 KB-Kt 3 p-qs Mr. Oochu. 8..BloE](») »..qKt-tilea 10..KKt-BB U. T..PsH « _ ■ QB- Kt «fal J M., B.l>-gU.M»jMr Wnw«.M Mr. Wonnald. B to K B (e) E-qi Q-EBe gB-B« KEt-El ESIXB EEtXEt KLi,fc- •-- — U..P-Q5 13..XKI Tha Noble Art of Solf-Defenoe. BOnMa MADB BAST, with oen- glste MuntI of • If-DefanooL dearly «ipl«ln- ed ud maatn. ledhiaeeileeof (MTleaona, to- gether with ioine Importut hlnteon Wieet- Ung. The beet work of the kind erar pnhliehed. Price U eastc. Bend ordon to Box BilO, Poet Offloe, Kew Toik. Oome Mil lea Sim Tiirntr, ' THE OBEAT OAKOIB MEDICO, at the UjnON BOnSE, O POBTLAK) BTBBBT, BOSNK, where choica Winea were fo^ merly kept, hot elncoue Inndon of the Btata Police In Boaton on mnueUati, Mr. TUBNBB hu oonrertad hie hotel Into a Chop Home, where the good tklngacu he got for Ilia inner mail, ud good beda for the weary trarelor, on the Enropeu plu, Bell't Life In I/ondon taken In erety week. Mr. TDRNEB haa leoeotly wld hie lUlu elsek dog for tlN, bat etm retalna eome of the aana atock got by him, which ar« thapareatbreedin AmartcaiUkewlieairMtBeleetlonof Bnifud Scotch Terrleta, Bbck ud TUe, and (he nnreat blooded Ban Doga In Ihe Pnllcd Sltte a alwaya tor aale, and all ordertpromptly attended to by Mr. TDBNEB hlmaeU, ud forwarded to all parte of the United Blatea with the grealoatof care. AU money ordera to be ee nt by eiprtaa—If not I cannot be aoawenUe for it. Mr.TuBMEB hiTinaformanyyear*madeaU hlndaof taifec- Hon* dleeeaeaof doga hli whole elady,wUlnowgnarutoc tocua the manga in three daya, which haa been teitad by bandreda without one Blnite ceta of faUnre. UkewiaehlaSletcmpcrFIIla and Worm MedJdne forwarded to all parte of Ihe United Btalv on receipt of $1, l.Sme AJDVERXISEMENXS. c 0 B D I A L BZKEDIOTINE MOKES or mx ABBET OF FECAMI'. lUe Ooldhd, wbloh datai u far back u UIO, It u uttapoplee- tie tonic dlgettlTt, ud of u euinlalta tttle, The aalitary plula which oompote It, aeUured on the alopM of the hllla of RarmU' dy, aatnntad with tha TliUying '""Tt^* of a Xorlhem aea, make it one of the beat eordlala ud one of the moot aflloiut prerentlTea tgaiut i,pMamlo aftcUont. Of tale, the nrtnch BediwI oorpt haa tMOD almoat aaantmona In pietcrlhlog Ita ue to the tlok, <ho by their Impeifeot gaatrio dlipoaltlon ware noto liable to the attack* of feror* and obolan. WDIB AM) gPIBTr SrOBBS, APOTEEOABIE0, Smill Torrltn—BIII Flatohar hii |uit reoelveii a etoek of TeiT raiall tenlen from Baglud. Amongetthemhehu a little blae terrier wetahlng 3 Iba, and one 8 yean old, weighing '" Iba.; ud aereial otfaera tboni the aeme weight r theoldtuclerawut a treat, let them call, ud Jndgefor tbemaeire*. I will ahow fosr of the amalleet for all ptopertlee of tha terrier agaioetuybody. Iheae' little don era Tny good killer*, ud wlD be kept for alook. I wtllalaoahow thellitladog, Ponoh, ud hie brother, weighing two ODDce& ud two Inchce In langth; ud the 63 lb. dog Dragon, nd a Dnmber of the Canine laoe. Bate alwaya kepi on hud, ud good accommodation for Doga. Doge brimmod. ud treated for all iHeeaaee. oire Bin a call, ud eee the Improremut in hla Piotora Oallery. mf TUrteanth atreel and Olrard tTa., FhUadelphio. Boxing Qlovei for Sale.—Tha Vateran Master of Ceramonlee, OLD BILL TOYEB, will eend, on laoalpl of tt, per aipreaa, a toporior lat of BOEINO OLOTEB to uy Blato In the Union. Qloraaclmned and repaired. THE ABT OF SELF DEFEHOE taoght by Mr. TOTEE, ellher at ilia own or the pnpU'e reeidence, 00 reaeonable leima. WIUJAM TOVEE, Hrrtle Areaae Plank Bead, Bothwlok, Brooklyn, L. L P. 0. Aduaaa, Boi 3U, Brooklyn. The De Ealb Aiuaa Car*, Futon Forry, take yoa to the old gentlemu'e taaldenoa. SIffl 0, Kehoe, 103 ELM errREET, liEW xohk. D8B EEHOE'S OLVBS, FOB BTBEKOTBENINa ISD SEVELOPINa TBE HTTBOU. LAB BT8IEM. Cluba, 6 la 8 Iba, IS per pair; 10 to 13 Iba., |e to IT par pair. All ordera (accompanied with Uie monayl ahonid be addreaaed to B. D. KEHOS, « Ko. 103 Elffl atitat. New York. Harry Hill SUM Lives l' THE mnoN nrrACT. it bhaix be pb imim ved. THEEXCEAI(aE;Mo.M BeatHaattonatreet,and THEBBAKOH, corner of Tlilrd ATcnne ud SeTenty.Flrat etmt, oontlnna to at- tract the ilaitetlona of atraager* aojoomlng In the olty, hnndreda of whom by their preaenca glTa eildenee of their nnqoatlfled pleanr*. Morelty, raa ud mlrtb characterize llio programme, ud Ihe meet perfect order ud decorum control the erenlng ino entertalnmonta. tMm "Ell, Wilson," "E<l. Wilson," No. M LEBOI PLACE, Comer of Bleeekar and Orame eta., [tl'tf] Hi:« Toul. |EWABE OF POOB DOTATIOMSI FBSNCE POCKFT ITME-KEEPZR. ONE SOLLAB EACH. A BdENTIFIC MOVEiyrT, lately Innnted in Pari*, and warruted to duole eoltr bale nun* oorrocUr than the meet coally gold watch. n MErBtt xoNa down nob oeib oot op obdeb. Enr7 Lady ud Oenllamu ahonid ban one. Price, with Enamelled Dial, In Oold or BOrer 0111, ONLT ONE bOLLAB. Ae poor imltallona under different nemee are In drcoiaUoD, we would Infom the pnbUo that wo are aole aguta for the aale of IhlalnTuUoD In the Coiled Btatca. But to uy jart of the world, by mall, poet paid, on receipt of prico. Addreee, FOBEION NOTELTT AOENCT, Mt* Jerwty City, N. J. ODB NEW CATALOOOE.. arWE BELL 13 (Paria) COLORED PICTDBEB for M oe la. 49-aAME TBINa (Plain), SO canta. JVle PHOTOaRAPHB IBlch), M «nb. BDLLT BOMQB leOl new), 10 oenlt. W30 BONOB (all dl&rut), 80 oula. M9-I0 BOKQS CANT BE BEAT,, II 00. 49-e NEW BOOKS (JoetonI) eut^ freeforSflocntaeech. I 0-3 NEV BOOEB (larger tlu)l for M cult each. ^_ 4^ Ihe Freonh Traaatoriialicin^ Packet (mtlralr new and orlgliial)'' nta 4^ French rnnaparant Playing Card* (guQlne), 13 per padk O-AlltheabOTe deUrared FHEE on receipt of price. ' 49*A]1 ordera for Booka,Cartea do . . yitlte, etc, forwarded immediately on receipt of ordcs. O-NEW OATALOODE ud PHETTT PICTDBB by aondiog •tamped ud addreaaed enToIope to . _ ItfB. H. DAVIS k CO., 8-tf eTNataanatrcet, New Tork City. p i 1 rem CAN 013' '■THOaB P«JJj "0- 0. p.," or at w-S/ pie the' . InorelS.ud one which uerllaconaldMation. LodngaiioTe at a crtti«a Jpnotarei the gama probably, otnnotSf be aarad. S. .P to E h 1th, though an unlltely look, lag mffre, aeema quite aafa Our House, Bonihweit comer of tint ttreet ud Id A'•mu^ N. T. BBBT WINES, UQOOBS AND 0I0AB8 ALWAYS ON HAND, A C(»(VEMI£HT Tin.T.TAHn BOOM AITAOHED, M«m*. JAMES OOBDBN, Proprietor. rrtHE OAT BPORTB OWN PAOKAOE. JL It contain* Oay Photcgrapha, W A Oay Hook, 'V with i1chud*ployreedhi«, theSportsr' It'eUndof aneer, "e rich, rare and rtOT, and boate ell Creation. By mall, 60 cent*. ^ E W. TOWNSEND k CO., PubUthen, Mm* US South Eighth atoeet, Philadelphia. OKEQUEIUS. To Draught Playar*. TBB KLEMEMTB OF BRAOOHTB; OB, BEOINNEBB'BDBE •UIDB. Br thaDmuhtEditorol the Curm. Thbteokbaa bSmSn^inSd^e Editor of BaUJJUfe to be-TOB BEST StSiBot abY TMAT18B BVEB WBITTRN ON THE OAMi" Printed on Snepeper, gtlt binding. Bloalrated wUh dlaareina, iStmlched by nuuerouoainnfrom the beetBii^^ Anders ara-aantem of recording, Eielher with Paleraon a ayatem»in. STu ^aXmi^ daVnwUflndIhla traallaewell worthy their So^ *aSL^Mf»S7t?im5lSSSa la the Cnited StaL». for SsSSta. A&5Se ^ I D. J. 8WEEI^praopom^_I;L, ""S^"BSfiOT?S5?UBEa8. AadreceiTa "y^-^^^^TION FllEE. THE QAraaTAND BPIdEBT CATALOOOE OUT I KENO -Oompleta acta of KZNO for ISO, »80 Wu- ™Su «od M tny Bid by olheia at mnch hUharprtoee. iLU™ SMJSa MABON k METZOEB,OhEago, HI. gAMW» OF li^^ y,aa»o.80, BL 1. uzwnpoiB*! u.!*! [Mot Qcwsport), N. T. -pBO^DEAUNO BOiajngS^^Sl^ chl-MO. BL To Corrsapondents. NzHo—TourreauaitaahillbecoDpUedwIltL The game ap- pS^ttl. w!^oapconlribiiUont.u In all tlmea part, art MoomeT The Uat ahnply referred to thou who were and had tiOQ oulrlhutora. ' HonoT, Phlladelphln.-See game by Nemo tbia week. 'Itmu.—Keq>npoom*|e. Try again. Qame N». 5.—Vol. XIV ou) vouaxauKrs.—.srawMO* 1..U to U a,. 8 u s.. 4 e * 14 ii. I a ■ a.. T..U 16 I.. S.. 1 1..U S..U t..l4 . Wh!t«i 9S to 1» IT n IT ir 81 M la sa ae 19. Si u la . n »T(3) IB 17 19 is T e, 1, 6.. 6 8..11 10.. U 1 to I 14 18(0) W. While. 98 to 23 (1) 38 14 98' ' 9t 99 IS IS U IS. ud wlna. IB "m », and dnwB. 10.. a 11. .10 u..ia. le.. 8 11.. a 18 n IT . IB 38 ; 80 U U IB, ud wlna. (a) 14 to is wlna, and oorcaeta aame No. 8!, VoL IS, by Nobody, who playa 18 to 16 ud dnwa. 1) I thtek It to 93 good for a draw. . _ .v ''siSSi," o«a.?o,R«5i A; D^.??.o!i;j?5^:!ii»a.rfi he wm Oblige. (>) •ri1tetto'l8*'aSd"dn™"if Hobidi-in-Sow a win wilt Ul to IMIlar a full tnalyilalie win Ohitor ; (d)It8lto3e,or60toiS,howlhul Solution of Poiltion No, e.»Vol. XIV. B; J. B., of Beaton. While. Blaak. I White. Blat X..5loM IT 4098 6..31toai 80 to »6 .1 S « M 81 :B,.33 ai ai 90 a.,U M 81 at I . Drawn. Solution of Position No. 7.-Vot. XIV. BUek. 1..3e to 33 l-..9a It Whita. M to 1* IS 14 While. 8,.iS to 33 3T to a, end wlna. Position No. 8, Vol. XIV. Sadloalad to Begliuart. n W, LUtOBUt. BLACK. PosiUon No. e, Vol. XIV, B¥ >. paVKHOBn, BLACK. ol ■ oMo I Addreaa Ml* Ho. tS WUlian atteet, New Tork. he eSn by the dealer, ud knowing JtB* whU yonr"oWidBeTO holdto Uieirkande Vol enable you to win erery time, flut on rmintof SLwllhfnlldlroctlonBfor uae. We ahi> keep orery deecrlptlon of MASKED OiBD| FAJW OTOJEbT^O BCTfB. DEAtmO BOIBB AND CAMS, DICE, DICE TOPS, BWOEBB, and orerylhinoutedbyaporting men. Sand ttampa for dioniar. MNOLET * CO^ j-Ut* Ohiotgo. m. M ABKKD BADE FLAIDiO QABD&owJtty difttrantktnd* *"Vrr. KABOM ft METZOEB, Ohloigo IB »-lt« C ABD BACKfl AND PBSMBffl^gwjJinih*^ Mi* UABON h MEIzaEB, Chicago, DL IAT ODTB AND FOLDING BOABDB, aU gradta and piloea. J Ml" KABON k MEr«»EB,Ohic*go,nL ^BIMHWO|9<^l3.udg^ w ANTBJj-Tbe •*»n-2J* "{^^iJi gBTohlcago, m. HABT-BLEW DEAUNO OABDS,by^nrie I»^a«^4o»n wSoairMt" ItABON * MglMBB, Ohloago. lU. CnE PAPEB. In large ud amall qnutlUea. £u« UABON > MEJZOBB, OMctgo, PL ^HUmiNO B0ABD8, ch^^ ^ ^ K ENO, OOMPLETB, W Ml* kSibN k MBIZOEB, Chicago, DL ^DT^AGB OABDS. '^y^^.^aiES, Ohlmgo. PL DIOB OLOTEB AND SWEATS of beaimBk^ alwaya on hud. Mt* KABON t METZOEB, Chicago, Dlf B AOK 5P BOXM AOT BPBBU)8, totjrtta «». HABOH ft MEEZOBB, Chicaga, IB. ■niLAO BAOX 0ABS8,' £ B-lt* ■ MASON VKSoE rEB,Ohic*ga,IIl. I)DK>9 OHEOKB, Bone^ Bobber and Irory, *l pHoe* team tlOT **■ MASON ft HBTZOEB. Ohicago, lU. wffl bay a toU aett of eoO cjioijTOT FaroAecki. milinij• luu j^gQ^ (iKEizOBB, Ohloago,IE C*"^'S""°''"'^MASOliy£ETMBB. Chicago,^ EflTEDN BPOBTINO MEN.-OaD on, or tddrat* Bji-BUH ■^"^""'j^go^ 4 METZOEB, Chicago, IB. CHHOE BACKS, for Polar or Faro cheoka. At* MASON ft METZOEB, flhicago. UL KICH, HAM ud RAOT.-Bud lOo. for aoopy of the NEW pa- i5,J«atllued. Addreaa P. 0. Box 838, Chicago, PL B-31* WHITE. WhUe to moTO ud win. WHITE. Whito to moT* ud Black to win. A-DVEHTISBMENTS. TITHAT WILL FBEHOnMBN DO REXTt—Hloroacoplo AI- W bum*, oontainlng aU pIoUir* eeoh, taken from red life. BOBBmoir; cr,The AdienUiMof a ftetty WiJter OW •who ylSd* to tenpttHon. a po«n that aheuld be r»ad by aU who wUh^toteeLOTisnA f^SlSi^fO*,^^^ IT IS OATI-The new neper lual pnbUabed at Chicago, p. Addreee, with lOo., P. (Tfiox 833. PBDNHT STOBIBS.—FOrparllouI*r**ondlOo.toP. 0. BpiOSS, Ohicago, m., for one of Iholr gay ud feaUTO paper*, m* AT AND FESTIVE O0BBE&-Bud on yottr ton oula to Boi 813, (Jhlogo, ni., tor the now pepor. MYBTEIiaa OF A CONVENT, '5'*'5*!S! BEAUTIFUI' FBENCH OIBL, WoUta.-«S <^ 9AMNT '• W CUU.-W S- BOSE. THB PBETTI BAIiET OIBL 80 OUla-BJ S- NIOHT SIDE or NEW VOBK eOcenlJ.-ga S- TBB B<»K OF NATUHE..... 80MnU.2a S. aSwm TAYLOR, No. 3 Hldea Court, •«» Mt« Wbn* below NInUi. Philadelphia, Pa.-«a 100 SPIEHDID PIOrOBBS OF FEMALBDBADTIES^J £om Ufa. ffi5'8o»«*S .n/t^n^RnleTloatBookaenlonreoelptolIOe. Addran^B "Ve^^TlnOBk 00, BOX aa»T. Philadelphia, Pa,-KII, A. LEOBAND, Ban., Fecamp. Alto: Bae TiTlana, Na 18, Parte. Ihla Medisloe i* found at the CONFEOnONEBS, and OBOCEBIIBb En}., ALL OTXB THB WOBLD. Dey. Mi* ■XHOBB BOOEB" by mtU •'O, E.," or by ex- 0. D.," or at No. 98 Arm atreet, oppoatta Theatre your addrtaa on a ttamped urelopo fore catalogue. Cut Ihle out. C. BLANCHABD, Publlihw, N OOBNEB OF BOWEBT AN* BATABD 8TBMI8, N. T, Ouoeta an be looommodated with Room* by the day or week wlthorwltliratboard. OEO. P. WOBDEN, Proprietor. TIHOIOaBAfH OABDS FOB OENnEMEH, l^"" BAMPLB, 98 OENTB , TBANBPABENT OABDB (61 VIEWS), aL9Ji Per Pack. 110 Far DosaiL ALSO, MABEED BACK PLATINO OABDS, ItM FEB PACK, All by null on receipt of price. Addreea ' %BWABDDIO AOENOr, Bl.t£, 88 Liberty atreet. New Tork. BOB TSE TEETH. BBWABB OF IMITATIONa A.I>VEIlXieEMEIVX8. jjr ^cjvman's EMPORIUM. THDB »-^^2WlTH Oim PATRONS. OOODFAITll ftDISPATCB OERRITT M. EVAMBt CO.'s NEW lOIlK roRWADDlNO AOENCT, Mo. 33 Uberty atreet. New Tork aiy. BEND FOB OUR CATALOODB-FORWABDED OBATia We hare on head, uil wdl forward at Ihe ehorteet aodoa, ell arll- clea uted by THE SPOOnNO HAN, TUB HAN OF LEIBDBE, THE MAN OF TABTB. THE LABOEST AMD MOST TABIED AS60BTUKNT IN THB Omr AT THB VBBT LOWmT PBI0E8. a- BOOKBI BOOESI BOOKS i-e» TBE VtTnStri AND OATIST ODTI .THBBE NEW 80X0 BOOKS, tOa BACH I TBB THBEB FOB II, I BUBBEB OOODS OF TBE BESfT QUALITT. Pocket Albunia, Ptoturca, BlareoaoopIo TIewit. Otitee de Tltlla, Mlaroeoopio EnlTca, Wafa>h Chtrmt, Plna, Cigar Catea, Tobacco Ootea, Finior lUng*, Porto Hon- nalet, Hatch Doioa, sc., fte. EENO BBTTB, FABO BOXES. AND TOOLS, TBOaONa BHEABS, DICE, PBOPS, DICE-TOPS, FABO OHBOKB, OABD BACKS, PBESSBS, POKBB CHIPS, tad BTKRT KIND OF TOOL OB OABD USED BT BPOBTINO MHN, We ohim to lay orer enry ealablithiiMnI in Ihe Union In our great apadalitj of nie greataat ntlety, laleat ttylea, beet malarial and loweat prioae. 8AHILE BBBT and PBIOB LIST forwarded FBZE to uyeddmt, «9-CABD8 0DTT0WIN ATBVZBTOAHEOr OHAKOB.-VS BPOKTINa HEN, BDt TODB OOODS OF A BPOBTINa MAN, ud yoa will be dealt with ■■ONTHBSgUABE." WE CAN ENABLE TOU TO WIN AT EVEBT OAMS. ' Ooodj to the amomi of 18 ud upward* keni by eiprea, FATABLB ON DDJTEBT. ' Sand your addreaa, ud you will recelTe our liudaomo ud oomnlete Catalogue FBEE OF EXPEMBE. All lettai* asawered, ud aO order* tiled bnmoditlaly on their receipt Addiea OEBBTIT U. EVANS ft CO., Sl-Cr No. 93 Liberty atreet, New Tork Olty. ADTERXISEAIENTS. BEL AN'a IHFBOTED BILLIABD TABL -nrARKED OABDS, beat qualllr, uy .tyla, |10 perdu. Blx •j5L_I!«ok* 'or KiBlngle p*<ia, _by__n^JILi6. ^/ l_p«k* (or K; Bingle SHEETS free, tl-tf rnalL ll.a. SAMPLE O. H. EVAMB ft CO., 38 Uberty eireel. New York. C0BMOS.-TBB MOST BEATTTIFIIL BPBOIMEN Of Ituoh ' taale md Inguulty orer InTmtod. A great vartety of EX- QUISITE VIEWS, each a* large at e common letter mfelo|ie, yet the whole oocupylog no more epece. If you wut aomethlng LOVELT, aond for IL Price ILW, poat paid. Bl-tf O.M.EVANS ft 00., IS liberty at. New Tork. OIL COLOBED PHOTOOBAPHS, FBOM LIFB, 80 cute each. BI4f a.U.BTANBftao.,3SUbartyat,NewTork. B D B fl ■ HOW TO WIN AT CABDB, DIOR ETC, Bond your addreaa to W. L. OHAWFOBD, Mo. 68 AND «7 NAS- SAU STREEr, HEW YOBEOITT. ud ha will Inform yosofa BORE method of WIMNINa at all the Tarlout Oamoa, free, by rotura mall. TBI IT. 40-tt B08E, THE BKAOTIFDL BALLET OIBL, SOcI*.^ JO- FEMALE LIFE IN N.Y., 44 EKORAVINaB, 30lita.-«a '47FANNY, TBE BEAUTIFDL BELLE, DIutlratcd, SOcta.-CB «9-aAT BPOltlB' POCKET COMPANION, lOcta.^ 43-11 OF TOOSB FRENCH PHOTOOIIAPHS, |l.-Gk 49-NIOUT SIDE OF NEV TOBB, eCett.-C» HAMILTON, LEBUAN ft CO., I-IH* 9a9and908Arctael.,Phlladolphla,Pa. M, T, Cliy. s fo-Wi*'ffl:5. wr-for'issi; Sdo"'Addiii*.KvrmTON,wi& VIETB SBOWEBi or Life in the Concert Seloona of New YOTk. A rS aS ajloy Book. Juat PubUahed. Hud- tomely lllaalrated. Only 38 oula. iWled free- „. y 48^a Addite* PPBUBHEB, HoUaad, Erie Co., H. T. TOB.T OCTI JUST ODTI 4 DEW BOOKS, 4 NEW BOOKS, ' Price 1180 each. Budfortoem. Their n*me e«r*; THE SnSuJNO ADVENTDBSa OF A PBHTTT ODU,, A FBBP BEHIMD THB OPBTA IN. TBB OONFBSaiOMB OF A BEADTT. ISABEL MAN10N. Immeaao redaction to tha price of Sporting Oooda. . Blch ud Bare Book* Photompha, ftuepann t Hi»tog 0^ kx. Bead red alaaip and taoalTe br retun maU O" •"«•»;'. OlRralan. wlUi erenrthing oompIeU. We hare u artloto fbr ),dleawht<».win«Tathem*g«rtdjalof mojg ^ ^ t.iwe 804 Boath Filth atreet, Philadelphia Pa. mBB KEIBTONE BPOBTINa PACKAaE-aPOBTB, -THIfl — • - — Photo. I bettalhemaU. noontalnaBrBcng*,n»rtoh 4(r^^^ npl^l^SBagraTlng*. «^<K a*wc.rrfadMa*louLw^ 4-lBt* COLLINB. 1388 OUT* Btnet, Rilladelj Iphla. OBIOH AND BABE BPOBTINO OOODS, ^ . Ban SmU, Cwtoa, Prtota. Bubber Oooda. Muked JVe' ori Oatalogne. Order* Oiled promptly. Batiiftrt<« guaru too4 »SdjSnraddrea.fortheO.K.CfWo™^^ ^Jtl,^^ OEO. F. ALQEBkOO., 8elBr«*dw»y, N. T, fiatloa*. Adilrpt* 61 New Bowoiy, New Tork. AWASSI ABliBBII AND OPEN YODB ETBS. Out at latl, Ih^oatmoTbook Jet JOHNNT KlNO^or The Ad«o- tnreeofafflediaer. PUKrapeaMde*c^«,ftn^^ "jTuSig like It. 64 pagee, a 'PlrajS,JP^J^*??»° forMconU, trleauppUed. A*^*'^^ h. H. rro FAN0IEB8 OF OAMB FOWM I AND DBALBBB OENERAXLY. hare on hudT.SflbX«t tot of and HENS, of the ohoiccat imported eljaint, Alto EABLY BTAO SpSLLCTSofthiaioare'ralaUil. All wtrrutod pure breed M^jhorough^jmoj^ ^UTOBD, (W OallowhlU et. Phil.., P.. We hart AMD COUBUIATtON (JUBHIONB. nmt Billiard lablae hiTO recalled the atfaalilled ippmtil of the beet player* and moat oompelont judgea, who hare aatres. t^JyU^nouneed them onoqualled fbr genml t^f^n^r^ tail ' Btren&Unct patuta for ImproTnnenIt In BUlUHl Ihbitt htrf beta gtuted to at by the UnitedBtalaa TtlentOOto, and w* htra lately obtained a patent from the French Oorennunt for au in. proreamU in billiard ouahlont. We uaplOT. In the ooBetmcUon of our tablea, a nrtely of aft. chiaea tpeoally made for Ihe which meanawaan aamedlo Intur* a tolratUIo ud mechuloU acouracyhllliarta unknowB in biUlard muuihctare. Harlng along aiparluoe and thorough knowladg* oliO thaaaa PUucaaof bllSarda,ud oonaluUyon hudalaiit etookoCtba net and meet Ihwoughly aeaaoned malerltl*, we are ptentad ts nmlaheTetythlagrtiiulredtothebimardltoewltbanpm ..Aaunhiont Fraaohbilliardplayii H. Barter,ha* pnhUihM toe following opiuioni . "Niw Toat, 9d Augnal, isn. Unogh Ihe prlndi*l dtiee, I hate been enabled tojndie in a sat. UBctoiT Duner of theanpertorliy of Ihe Billiard IhhiMman. fkolared by Phelu ft CoUeador. Tbo aytlam of muuffeotw* la ao nperlor, Uul I am happy to Intreduca their ttylt of cotfilaa. liitoFnnoe. They haTeanllad to their muufaotuta of AmatliMC IBIUItrd Tablea that of Iba Vranoh iahlaa,itf remarkable unOmc* udbeanty. Forthoeereaacnalamhappytomakethladeclaratlan. I ••BEROBB, CLAUDIUS; Profiaaor of BUlltrda, PtrUT [ Firtieaordorlogfromnawliiflndourprlceaiibwugoodwortt cupcealUrbemadefor. WeeeD tMldaeearttclcetltMrnleib ud wQl not mate u toferlor article at uy price. Ordera by mail carefully ud nrompliy eieouted. Dloatralad (h t e Vun ee and Price LUU eut by mall, ■•Ta* Bhuabb cSmT aJourualpabUahed In the Intcreat of blOiarda, and coalahilnf On' tallt of aunoTelllee, acoplont record of bUlltrdaewa, and eraty. thing InterettlngtoBmataaraof bllllarde,eentlkeeonaniliotilim. PHELAN ft OOlLENCiE 83, 88, er and 88 Oroaby atreet, nTt. And TM ud T36 Montgomery atreet, Su Fnadaco, OtL TBI AMIBIOAN BPOBTINa OOODB AOENOT. Z9IABLiaHZD 1SS8. Ve hare Ihe bait aaaortmmt ot books; PICTDBEB, FLATINa OABDS, OABmSlI And Bportlsi Oooda of erery deanlMlon. BTSREO8OOPIO VIEWa SET IN PINBk BmOS, KNIVES, WATOH OHABMS. TEE LASrr MEW BOOK. B Staol BngraTing*. Perfect BeanUa*. Poehg* paid fA |1. A BANDSOUB AISUH ""'.'-i-g U kudaomily eotond pictorea. BealOem*. Price |X ' Upon reoelpt of |1 we wlB tend Bouelhing Entlraly New. U le ueefu] u well ae omamutaL No Sport tLould do wlUioiit 18 Bud red itamp fbr our Olreular for use. UCLUKKI ft 00,, aa cedar tl, 48-8n* Formerly 11 ""t"." at. Addreu 4T«n* inoBOBoopia AiBuva 11, MICROSIWPIC Pms 80 ORlti. MIOBOBOOPIO OBABMS 60 ecnti. , A DUBoaa 188 Broadway, Ntw Icrt. ThoaePellto charming HIOBOSaonO TIXWB, tel In WMi Oharma. B<arf Plna, eto. IwlOaend yon on* aaDplafOriaola< or 13 80 per doiu. Kniraa, IUng* and Sue Oharmi; II, |3j () to 10. Endoae prioe ud atamped eorelope, with addreee, 10 F. LEOBAND, 31 John e&eal, New Tork Oily, OAT OABDB fOr OenUamu, lloto., or |1 80 par do*in.1 1 FREMOH PLAYXNO 0ABU8, |1 par pack ^STka. 8Ma* nKDnrrnoTi op ui per<a^ BOOKS DT THE MILLION I ' FOB TBB Hmjon I AT PBI0E8 THAT OANN OT F AIL TO Q ITB BATISFAITIIOR TO IVKUT BUIEB. ,1 END FOB A CATALOOOE enolo«ing *tamp to 4IV4m* OBMSDT ft CO., Box 8803, New Tork P. roST ODTI Map of the "OOLDEN OATE" Ifap and card for 60 cento, or with Book 40 oenla. New book Uat free. B. MEBIUTT, 4i|.8i,* Boi 380 Brooklyn P. 0. mHB NEW TOBK PAOKAOE FOB OAT BOTBjOontalna OTer I SO BONOS. 1 PHOTOOBAPHS TOOM^LOT (oolontd), I ExorrniasoBNBSm the lifbof afbench acibbs^ eto. But, poat paid, for 38 eeal*. „ _ . 4Mmi Addreaa Box 3U», P. 0., Now Tork. PLEASE TO TAKE MOTIOB Thtll aell Booka, Prinia, Car penon dao doea. Bud (or my Oi l-Sm* , more cheaply than ur MiaiTir"" No fraud pt*otiaed. JOHN ATOHIBON, "j, ^. BIT Oreenwioh at. New ToTap; OUNO aiOTBB, Ma•»tt|^Fudni[»_oll^ »jrt*^ "ilfllS^Wl lair; eiw» iwi«,.v.i Udea aid Shot Ouna, f 10 to liOa BOI a pair; Biding Aot BaUaTllI lOi DriTing Otunlleto,|3M per Bella, to oaalti PocAet PlatoIa,)S; Bate Ball, Orlckel, Oroquel ud ghooHng Eqalpmutt ud Bc^g/'ig canto. .A|nitt, dBnaati*,Oouatry Dealera, eir aeadnrtenna. Addreee ditanotly ■eaa lor «nu.. . jjjBIOHBEPBOIAl AOENOI, I Mount Tenon etreel, ll.llte ' PHILADELPHLA, PA< uaoallf anppUeO-Drn»««»S^. -aurifi —. 'r vr. ' . .. ill im. toau etore in the Unitod Btotai can ha obWned at BO^a ™ everTtlilng in Ihe itituolara aa to etyl Ico. Dealera ahould TUB LAB0B8T' on VpUa* m TBE UNION. . Thoae about to oonutfeno* hnitoearoaa;o««ln mnjdan' uibyapplflngperaonaByorbyleUer. Caaoraddr«i^ 1-tf J. B. FABBUt No. IB Ann »tt»el, near Broadway. r7tiut niril.pBMSBlffc 0O..Box6806, N,T,P,O. «0*tt* SOMBrantOSEW'AND.NOVELI^^l^ • MioBOsoopio vawB _ taken lromtartoad*VWt*.ud lnaertad to WJtohl^^ to* 13: twofhanlheBuneplotnre,|8, ..^OBMfflT ftO^, tbime p. c. 801.18081 U7 Kaaaag It,, M.T., Boom M, BEWABE OF IHTTATIONS: ., . • AMEBIOAN POCKET ITME-EEEFEB. ■' FBTT CENTS BACH. ^ ^ . , Tbe mort norel ud u*eful toruUon of tha (go. Ceutoiuted onthemotttpproTedadenUlloprlnalplea, and warruted to danola a>itr thna wUB ir«ataraooar*oy thu the moat eipenaire gou or £wnI?l*Su^whUeUul low price at wUch It It told pbcM 111 Suuo (K«*ih of ererr ono.'^It U emphattally the UmailMo:. JortheSmiai. Heat,eli*.p,ud wamnted^p^^ can neror get out of order. NooBeihonld tairilhootit Prtoe, wlUi whlto enamaUod dial In gold or allTer gUI, 80 omto. But by, EuUpodpald to uy part of the world. Ciirno«-Thlilnte»liqn Sttaw^pertyortheAmerlcuMuuActortogCompuy,and' dl partlee are onUoned agatoat boying or olferlng toi tale any, lunAno*. under no malter what Alleriltooor name. "°*Ad3r*M ^BMOAN MANOFAOrOBINO COMPANT, 1 j^j, P. O. Diawer 484, Oohoe*, H. T.| A D. BOBNHHAN,. ■„■_,, A. Dayton, Montgontry Co., 0., I. B, .81, ■■ . . naAUB a FBOIT AND OBNAMKNm-TMfS. ,. A LAEOE ABSOBTUENtOF OBAFE BOOTS, SHHOBS, BVEBOMBJ* BOBEB, ' " ■ TLOWS AND TBOETABLBSHroS. DUKJH FMWE8 BULBS, AS HTACMTO, *DUP» ■» iin oldetw fgwMded with car* ud dlapttoh. 'I " FLOWKB BKIIHiBT HAIL... ' . rorlhatuoommodatlaaot P«««>«>» ."5» • hareiwagS^awilltud »^j£^Wi?52 SihJunltodrflatea, under e,farraae*, any *»i«ia*1taym» order, at Uie annexed prtoea. _ ; ' _ . .,!„-tj|i ia^M Tboiewborealdo beyond 8.000 mlta •r* leif mlW W WM8 ftftSxTcuS^ to addllbo to the emonnl named, for arearaonar-a worth ordered. Pnrohaaen 1 Sia laTtoay •«>«* ■<•*• *» oatalogu* jrtoai am™**"*™-® SSlUlng lei, may afcet aeedi S catalogu* pitoa* amoantog 4otit- . -....l..v« ihirf. MiMrttmu. mar ralr-imttl lOH, BABE AND BAOT IS '■ SUSIE KNIOBI: Or. The Adr , Tantniea of A Pretty Walter Olrl" The lUoleat bpojoat fflr~*''"'*'*'aai!sitagi!a i i rIB aBXATBHI OOBIOBTK OF T HB UTH UKNTUin.-l loilnataotod, 'CTBNOVEL BBWDia KACmM^Vanltabl^ lOr all ligV work. Bampta mailed on taoelpl of 60 canta Hd hnmhniT Addr«* M.BHira, | 4mS» : . Shirley Villagii-— ' JAMB OOODWIM, Oonmlaatoa Pvet Dealer, Ho. 11* fOHl< BTBEBr near OiH New York. ' Haw* and PrtnUng paper muaftotured to order at the ■bartoal notlee. ■ "^V ODBLSI OUBLBI 8AHPLIS SENT FRBB. A aunDto of PBOF. ROBB'S CUBUOUB wtD be irat (CM to UT*ddr«iL The CDBLiqUBwIU ourT the ilialBhIeet hair on the Stit appllcaUon (wllhoul Inlury) In aofi, luiurlut, beautiful Bowing cur^lt. Addrat, with ttomp, ^ ^ Parknun.Ohto. TO-BW JEBSEY AOAINST THE^OBLD. ^ OlTOuatnalbofore^u^rg^^whara. '^"'^'^vSlrDBEe OP FBED. K A BEMINAflT. an saaea. ud 20 colored eagraTtoiie. eSStot thie book and we wiU i»» joa a fine meehanical plo- lure lot nothing, Addreaa 44I* B, DEVEBT, JarMvOlly.H.J. IHEWELCOfflfi WT co:;tainino WANT 001UOU8 Bnaiiinn, rONKY WJ.SONDIIUMM, IlUilOnolW KTuniES, FIIIEHIUI': (lAKlX, Ac, kr„ k,: •fltntlrcecnrccolplof 6cciit«. . , ,; t J.ll« AdilrcM BoillH, 1'. P.. Waw Yor'^ ;ivmT TouNO han WUti what I hare aol, ud will hare It, •JSS.liiS,?'! The be* thing onL ud wti apeadUy beoome a .A*.a_7l. tf._.d Au* BAm*. '. E out what tl ia. . neoeeelty. Otaenlara for nothtog, x.^n^ ■ IKBIH B. LOOMIS ^. Jm — — .'.==-i.'^|;ii,.ii«: pSSonidaaWngnatonuke thrir *«)*«•!?»•- ^S^^SSi oiraSln||^^hoa• wnioh are ijaBy •"wn^^S^ifPSS ^!S5tooiaaT>to. Waballeie thU our MP"*^ '51'JS' Sto^ft^ aSSiUonaifllouaot «^ to^wMtUatottg* SSSsSyladyor guUeman If^JW «» «»'P»^, *', ""S-crder. du>n]d ^''^'"''i^'^^S^'^'^ or poaltg. tump.,) a. '""ow-^^^ um>SSSSj'S^!'6^ Hai^6,1868. OAIB IH THE lELD . OBMSBY ft 00. ^* unmanx ■ wj, .____ OENBPA1,POBOBABIHO AOjnna ^ wm on tU ordar. ffsOOTWO "f.»*2L aa Booka, Oardt, Watdi Ohann^ Adnntiga MU, eto,. promptneaa ud wpateh, Sud for a Oalalogue to 4»-m« Bom^HawTorttO. . gBND STAMP "'.SlSMnSi^. Ne?ior'k Pi O, PATENT FA8TBMKB8 FQP i^,^,SSSlfT^ OOOD DOOKBl IB cento •••"-gSS'S'tS!** TJSa^ EUouetto, How to Win ud.Woo, How WjWmtajBU^^ MODEL 4 S"o?BS«W8hrfc.?^ SS&t^ Ww?s*t^-i'irH3s H£»frnc&r.uv»» linm^Doji. 40ctii Di*Bi«fnJaidI«.40<Jj.iBortoma iiZ^ 40 ctT'siiakoepeMe'a Proterb*. 48 ot».i Muunrth aaj- SSSSSolUolag ThoSSSd. of n^'i Ooacao ud Uoma'Attneenuto, eut with uj of »e abote. S!ifyourord«rn«W.,a.WB»iYB8, BT8 Bto*4w*y. Najnrork. SENS FOB ARTTBINl ta4m^i or— MfSx^NawtOrkRi. oaLb PRidBlo^ran mtAbw. with olubtbatid