New York Clipper (May 1866)

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4P THE ITEW YORK CLIPPER. •A ■MU SE MBN'JS. ^et&, to «k« fonmliig mlMdak of nt«A» »■ "rHondrntipa Uno for oKh ud mrjtsmxtlia: tot inaiVe XDiit» iKD Smtmmm, No. 21 Bonw MTwt, M. T. ITbOKIWCH PwpetK* I ppOUTTLE. .I>oo)»««p«r RasaEWAic, D. a nxASB, aKTiaHELit'w.Biouin. bbtZnts' vnorBELar^ 'mint uacota In ttia Qlj olKew Xoit,aniliig k nilalot jim !• *lftoiit pnmint In tha umali ot pnbUs ODD FELLOWS' ffonneriy Melodcon) HALL, xmeoB, mbuBA, m ODD vsixo'wi , FBoraiEroBS. nil Hill b jut Mmpl«M,Miuanlir«dudnflUad Id tlu tMt itj)*, IigwOtM of UMBia, wlUi mUnlT uwauuir IIUi), tawtnTgntlUted,«dUahiadMUigu, Willi toot udbordaUgbli, goad dn«ln| romi, wflt wU* •ttbotM It Mdi tad of HiILWid MMtMiDTWIoSaDpeMou. SltauUllDUicMnbaof bulnaa. PoplIkUon 1)^ lUnw uT a SiVISOM, A«ent, j(o flBtMUtBUait of Uuf ctaAitetor, dopoodlng on lU ovn it- - ocBDDiud ptimxg* H 111* AEUi tadtai,'««r bH-wIOi the urn* ocbL ptttomintM of lmicomnn>lh^ eoneoto b*i SOTOKD UOH EVEHUV TTTTH HIOBLV 1 • . ADD ViSBIOIIifiU AUDIKHaiS, . SMriima > ^fOT ul i*tnnu« mpmlMed bj inj «m b«bV Baanmmllr u> EXOEL ALL ISUlllU'i'lOHS ft % llBillir dmndcT em maaiA TBSooHrAirr OOBmUng m gfldm t Ttralile oorpo of TAIXHTED AHD EXfEBIBIOZD ABTZBTB, VBdstbodlncllonaf IL«pop«lu cmintrtUn, DfiTBaTurr, \fba«iIlBlaliUT«pp«>t1sooiitaiolionwllliMMBt. nUBBKnODB, DABEtniErT, SATE BSED, ' o, BDIBT, a. 8. FOWUB, f. EL BITOBI, Q. w. dLtkanon, i. ataatukam, b.oox, a XniFIEIOIl, W. p. OBIKB, JtWABBER, J. MOBfjaOX. UITU KAO, . HZIL BBTAltl la t biflUiBt nrialj of Ka« Bonn CboiuMi, DnoM, Iknea, BnMluBktlcaM, Opoitlt bM FUnUtioD BooiM. .. Ill^ina^Momtai oillatrjSlceiili: FrtntaBout, It, 1-tt NOTICE TO THEATRICAL MANAGERS. BHilCnS CyBBIEH, ' THE BOpU> BOT or OLENOALL, IB oriclnAl IiUi dnuft. In Ihra uti, nlttfln ojptwT for ; , , .. M& DAM BBTABT, tolboi. B. UoBoDOOili md O. VMaatr, Shi. -,.' m«d naoidfDiita Uu utof CongmM In the rmr UN, In 1^ Ooik't offlco oTait Slrtrlct Court ofthe Unlkd Mit« forlba ■ :AattHttJ)MHet Of Toik. KinutrioflhMtTMthnngbont tbCniM BMm pomlttbif IhoiboToplMotDberkred vlth- ioliw. [iMq DiKBBTANTT^ ' SAN'thAfiCISOb MINSTRELS. WBBOASWAT, Oommimrtimt t Tto InlmlUUo ud Tir-tused BiBOB, VAmoLS, bebmaud a baoedb' ban fbamcsoo ' HINBTBEU. . tbHvnnkXaiikm. Orini) Bitamd. BUlj Blnh'i oiteln*l Stamp AwDlL «I un BonT^ Olhdlo ud Miebtlh. ifut- , BOLD'B BmtUBl Billadt. OHABLET BAOSDa u Humn. IhoKam fc OM Bbitno'i 0pm of Zn(Br Boor. WAHBOLD. nj^™ ' HiniwiBn fiiuan'i Bwidtf Ont: OOOFEB mi ' ^DOnnZEB'Sllola. ecOTIudlEtlPLEroNlnna . Xtbm'aDtTClopliwejtteni. Ml* THAT HUMOROUS WATSON, ClOMIC VOQAUBI. now with ' MiOF. HABBraOIOV. oub««Bgw«dforltien«itM>aon«ftnthi Mi Htj. DICKSON E WATSOH, HokllBlotHoiBtOoatl,»tt ^ . - . - Af^ARD.. ■ .. UBS. WILEJMS . li btjen fbr m nMenoit fdr LMdlnoHai^ ud Pint Comedr Old woman, upUrad by bwwilhllr. Edwin Booth, dnlni Ua enM«zn«n(itlli«nlalorOitd«n. Mnitgcn wifl slau* iddntn ■ lOS. WILXIMB, 9V . ■■ OmotUr.Btout, WlnlorOuden. CINOINNATI ENQUI RER. QBEAT WBBrrEBM BBOir iBDrnMO BnABUsmiEin, WinnramibnilneMon <Iw nBsi ov juim, uu, with Ik*UifHtud moftoompM*uMUnuntof OTTM, xms, BOBDEBB, ETC, InlhoUaUadBtntot . ODTB TOB ZVEBTBODT AMD EVSBTTBIMO, EHTIBXLT NEW, AUnH VABAK k XoLBAN, n-lOt* oindnniU, OUo. R. B. KENT'S ThettriotI Hoilery, HO.SMBOmST, N.T., rOBKEBLT OASNSB'S ESTABUSHMERT, Win nmon, on Ibj Ut, to MO. W9 BOWEBT, M. T„ ir-te* Batwau Mnaa ind Spilng (tnoti. SHOWMEN ATTENTION. I hmonbindtlufoUnwIng, whlcbl wUlMll obMp tor CMbi A UHot WAznaDBM, OompiUIni On. Brnulde, BUmen Twlni, Oan. Ttjler, Uu UoCns, Two Jndluu, Dr. Icn«,ifd BmiltudDtajlitv. * Also ono oLAsa smil sHoiNE nelBMtplMaof ilMSWotkara aiOt; tlniiisUof Anlom- •ton lUOKii tai • banUfnl nomna of tbo Uanlnuo ud Kamtor, as In ooovUta ordar. Iboao mtt nlng bnilnaiacm iddraa O, E, aoOOWIR, 14f oonUnmlil Thaaln, Boaton, Una, . SEAVEH'S OPERA HOUSE, * . ; LATE ODSON, BBOOELTN, E, D. T, W; BEATXB...., Sola Fnoialor on. B. OOB.... Blifallu^ii ♦ OLOBIODS BUOCXBB : • . ■ ofthe nOELglOB TBOOPB OF IH B WOB U). OBOWSXD H0CBB9I EBLI OHTE D ACDIEKOIfl Ibn FiitnMt i aanJLUMT SIBtUT of TBI EUTZ AMD TABBIOR 01 BBOOILIir. ' . «• LOOK AT rax ABBAT OF lALXHTrGt . ..cBASTCTrriMonx, KWSKtjjauaj_ f..X. (UIDBELI; O, W.lIAOHBOVr .. J. MiACB ;. ': 'O., ItnAZCBB. a i oiifki /r, " ' WnUB'A. BRWABT, wx. p. ETAuunka, wAi/TEB nsu>a, B. XSAAOtt M. BILET, O, BT, OLlIB, B. J. BOUASD, m. ABBOBOFT, thoOhiffldoaCloa Ducar) LTRLE EDDIL Ihn Pbuaihannn, aad OEO. R OOBBi maUna In all the OBXAinil COBaBEBS OF lALKNT XMOWM In falHBIBEm. .1 ! BAIIKEI ETXBT BATOBDAT, - lalao'olMk. . THE OHEAT CONSOLIDATED ■ AM BBABPLET'B KINBTBELS, xn FAHOn IB0M4ILA9et ■ J ■, .' , ■ ' ■ • AH ■ ■ I . .'. XOHI PABTOB'B OOKBIRAnON, . .IiniM.ln OHl OBAND ENTIBTAIMKBMT, in TMt iO tta jrladMl oUlaa, lnlm«ncln« .. . lA BOVIL in$ ATTBAOUTE PBOORAUIB, Enbodarb m Iha oUttita of TWERTI-nVB FOFDLAB ABTIBIB, I mmarrUon and dlmtton of In. BAH BBABEU7, W» |*Pj^ agto gMMiattn qhand araiypufomanoe,in Ua como FBODconoNa - i ,■ BAM tminCT ^ I Proprtato ALUHBOR ft OOOOl Alrattlitii, ' ;NeW.OI!ANITE HALL. ACaOBTA. 1!B. f .1 Tbla BaU,.)»tln| a atatlig onpullj of 1,(00, ^— •—-tH,' to mt fbr Klnitnla, Concaita, Puotti . litUadlptoidiamitlapnqMaaa. ipplTtoa.W.I a080<)(MiAn«o«li,'lIe. \ - . THE NEWOLYMPIO. THEATRE, ;_y_ BT, LOUIB, UO., WUlopanArODtnUlh, ftiraBEASOM OFTEN UONTBB., . BttatUau open Aran Uneaot bmlneaa. Alio for r ..Boanio ArtUt, Orobaaoal Laadar, Btaaa Oaipanlar, AspaitollaiLela. .ApiiljtalI,B,PL:QrA0AN*O0,,t .'i.'Aallultaiatanllonfc Igtbn Iha atatrlng ajilem, ai marit will aoognlu tbo oppoitnnltj tbla aatablliluaut wtQ-,i I Ikod'of a oUaa Aald for tha gntUaatton of a laadabla profMaUl. anhUlan, . . . 8-191* IMn do ao b7 adi ■«ton^ cor. Ninth alieal, -<> MA80NIO HALL, OAMBBIDOE OUT, VATNE CO,i ZSD, TUm li one of the laneat ud moat commodlooa Bolla In the •'MMi.- ■ II li wen adtptal fbr Conoaita, Mlnitrala, TheaUcal pai^ Vnuaoaa, ate For tomi, ala,, addraaa Mm* , .' I vj-AMBB IfoOAFIBEr, Oembrld«o,jDd.. , TO 0IR0U8 PROPRIETORS. '.. w. BOK& AND MAS, BBIDOBB, Wllhlhalrllwabtar Ud threa hlahlj tnlaad Uaniae Bonta, leara Bonlbampun, Bn|„ for Mew Tork br Iha Amenoa, on Iha .Ulh.ofApifl. ' . 'Tuj'hm Jnat coudndad a i6ij lugthy and anooaaafol en- . Mtmul it Fruoonl'tAHnisa, Paita, ud will be hippT to hnr . DOB Katanm on Ihali arrlnl in thla eonnlrr. Adtraaa ,:77r...i. MOMB, JNO, DIUOOS,' m ■■■■■■ ' ' Baran Bonaa, tot Broadwaj, K, Y, . WANTED- ALid/toplajStar Mait bra good d if l mi In' flftttlaii TBEATBEB, Ibawel S-K*.V. mnat b« wall op In the bnilnaee, 710 Addnaa' '. ,j,80trtBf. , Tarn, . ORRIN i SEBASTIAN'S OALIFORNIA CIRCUS. itUlAiB dlaaolnd Pailnanhlp U Kbiaoalbo, BonthAmailaa, on thaMtbotMirab,lata, 1)7mntgilonaut. . ■ .. .^ . OBBIN h BEBASTIAM. IhanbontUBLiln Man, will fee known aa OBBD) * SONS' ,aAIVOBKUi^a]B0D& < ' 8-tt: .0^ DRAMATIC' AGENT.--A young lady of iom» uSnmaUo ,anvl<DO)> oonlamplatlog a tbeaMoil lonr, wonld llko j^to aaoua tna »ftA6tt of aoma amait bnilneaa mu aa agent Ml* ..■■■■.J\ AddnaaCBIBBB, BlAtlonD, BIblaBonae.' MISS AUHS LEVERING, LBwraa iiiKt at the Aaadamj of Mnalo, Boobntar, N, 7., wlU nuke an UMtfalnt for the eeteon of lao»-7. All lellan to ba addnaaad uaWta. OnoVER'S WA8HINQTQN THEATRE for r«nt bjlhanlgblorwaekbl miST OLABB ERTXBTAINVENTS, ,MlarMu31at,ai during lama olhrad to taapomlbla parMea. «. iJ..i._ .. . .J. p einOKOT VOT^jeracnlan, idOna iganl for Li dioTar * Oo. ■ ' WILLIS PAGE IS AT UBBtnT ' - ' for the "JUVEHILB TBAOBDT" " FOB IHB SKABOR OF lett AND'IT, Addraaa Ht* r ■ ; •: - No, lOD North PomUi ti;, jtut. / : THE ATHIO ALS.—A hmdiome loroll oup ogi' nlgB Mtjwnwa" in good onlar, for atla aheap, Otn be laan at " O'BBIEM * BAfiOAM'S, . • -• ■-'y-.-L..'- ;No, IM Oroebj ihset TO MANAQERS.'-LeBdIng Juvtnlle Builneti,— Tht laluM led aoetmpUahad ardala, T. A. OOagiN, aa be (HMiad fbr the FiB and WlalirSaaada bjr iddnalBg caia of Ihla c^o. . Ml* aaie Ml* TNr:;;bMPAMjrjir!l| Im known In fkrtim «t (mnrBUra.wuKunAOiBous. Mt* TO CIRCUS MANAGERS. I hira a Oailoaltj whloh I wlih to eud ont thla laaaon, ud wut aprlvflaga to nn a aanll Ouvaa with a flnt olaaa Glrtma or Ue- nacarU, Blata loweel lama (or the leaaon, and addraaa.. . . O.'&.iWODWJM, Conllnufed Tnaatra, l-lf ' . . Boilan, Kiaa.' NOTICE TO MANAGERS AND PROPRIETORS. A yovng mm of nlnetoan 7eara wlahea to bo iUaebad to a Oonest Hill«ratm«11iigUlnato«ITRnipe,oraTba>li«. OudonUlily In'EthlopUaorTbeatrkalbnalnea. Wegeo of nopartlciilar Ol^, Jael at fliet, •• ha wliliea to mate It bla bnilnaea, and li wUUng to mabo blnualf gananUr naatol. Addnaa PBEDHOBUe, Oara of John Blblar, oomar Oiogu end Baiaall itreata, Mt« Datiolt, Mlohlyn, SKIFF & QAYLORD'S MINSTRELS. TBB KODIL kCKBIBEL OBOANIZATION OP TBE WORLD. - Howon lhalrietnm from the Wcat, after one of tha MOgI BBILLIANT BE1B0N8 imraKparlanoed by any TtaTellng Company In thla oonnlry, Aaknowladgad br Iha anttra Wealam Piaaa to ba the beat Com- puj eror aean I n the Wea l The Oompur U now enlarged, ud bdodao TWENTT-TWO PEBFOBHEBS, andtbebailQiiArtatlnthabaaloeaa, Four Comadlana, logethar with the Champion Olog Duoera, Delehanty ud ward. The OonpiDj Ij now on a lonr tbrongb the Eaatan Btilaa, where they aia weQ known la wlthont rlnla. BBIFP a OAT LOBD, Proprlelon. K. T. BJUFF, Manager, L H. W. BTEEBl, Agant t-tf ^'rHToOwiDIANi! fiiiRHrHOTTOr WQl be In PltUbnrRh nniil Jnly Olh. All bulnMi oommnnicn- UonaihouMbeadbtaaadtoBoxeOS, P, 0. After that dalq. Box O, Mor^aaalA, Weattheatar Oo„ N, Y. Mm* TO LtT--Ttio Aendamy of Muilo, Albany, N. Y., Obaletby tba dayor weak dojring tha nonthi of Vnna aM ily, ndpartot AngniL Addrieaa by laltor, ' ACADEMY OF MUSIO, Albuy, M, T, win : S«* HOME AGAIN I . {BOB THE BOBEiaN SBOBE& MB. WASBmOONN MOBTOH, Ua of tha orhinal "OBBIBIT'B MINRBEL8,' iftarameatraaoaaafDl tonr thiongbont Bnglud, Ireland, Oapo Ootonjr (Atrte), AoataaUi. Tiamanla. and Kaw Zealud, Intcnda ralunlng home per ahlp "IjtleltoD,''ud win airlra abont Iha Uth May, IM, from New Zetland dli«ct,and wlU ba hippy to hair tmn nanuara. Bla Un< of bnonaaa ambraoaa the foOowlsn, via,: no SAMOEB ISUrorBelttcom Anilnlla,ud Gold Medd tmn Oapa Town), Wcouh Sanar, Filffli l}onn% Bod Man, Bong and Duoar, Ao., to, AO lattery Ao., la ba addieaiad to FBANE QUEEN, New Yort<lllpp<(Ofloe,llBpraoaatraat, New York. A4" ^ OEOILE RUSH. IUQ BOW pi iVopelSttL alBbahatfof ,'1">1- ■. ,f(.;< BBABON OF lata KUD m. - -. -> l'id::>l 1../' 0«0. W. BIDDEUli.'.oI '■ Open Hona»,^Bt Lonlat 'EU, Maw YoA MANAQEn g to aag/re fl« servloet of LEONonj^r — lANBEDBE OW A0RIES8, I ' IB bar at tba .Tomer Bolal, Pennejlnali ' ^ •31 B, D. 1«ANAQERS ANjrSTAfllliavIt lobe with Uoirtt Bahaonaifionnuiy'Wing^__ ol Plko'a epm Hon^ oihotaniU, will ptau -1 SnmoilDit Otre Boi 13M, ClnolniaU, Db^' ^ 4^ AJSIUGiEaiLElSrrB. MOST POWERFUL ORGANIZATION m EHBTENOE. TBEBTEENTB ANNUAL BTOCEBSFDL lOUn. WE ABE COUINO AGAIN, With an mtlio aitnordlnirrNew Prognmma. OLDBBT TOODPE IN lUE WOBLD, Bnlitstd ud Impiored for tba aeaioi of ISM ud '<7. Balura lo tho Waal, the Ouidu, ud New Orloani, of Iha groat gigutia and Inoomwabla DUPBEZ AND BENEDKTTB Orlglnil Naw Orleana ud ValropoUtu HINST^BELB AND BBABB BAND, Appeailiu in their norlTillad champion KAHMOTB BrmOPON C0N0EBI8, Introdiuing on thla occailos an tha blaal feaiona In Nano Mln, -' '.by the following bmoia old tanrlla Btan of Is jean' with thla Compujf EDWIN M. PABMEUE, BILLY PBESTON, OEOBOB MABTIN, LEW. BENEDICT, FBANE KENT. J, B. TAYIOB, PBANE EBITEA, OHA& F. BLOCOU, JACOB EOEEL, JOEN OTIB. BILLT O. E, DUPBIZ, OALIXA LAVALLEE, JAMES KO^It SAMUEL POND, 0HA8. EOKEI^ TO. WAYNE BIO. aUelAVE BIDEAUX, EDWIN BOLMS, OOMBA LTO BISBOPi FBED. BSIMDniOB, . . , ■ ™ Tba wholo under the Inuoadlata aupkaaud control of DU* PBIZ A BENEDICT, Proprietors (Ormarly Duprei k Orean. AO the ibOTooelabralad great Artlita WlU sipear poatUialr aaoh night with Ihia 0ml Troops on their rahim from Ihalr trlunpb- ulbrllllutEaatemtour, K017CE—J. E Oreu, formal a partner In thla uonoaao, wu dlaeonnedad tarn the Troupe Mot, lllb, Utl, and la now hi no way oonnectad wllh Ihe Compuy wbatarar. Any dabli oon* tradadbyhlm wUI baonhla. own reiponilhllltT. Mr,abia.B, Dnpiei naflng bought iba entire tntaiaat and wnolo claim of the aaldJ. E.Onen, hu taken Into pirlnarahlp Mr. LawlaBane- diet, Iha renowned Ikmboilnlat and popalir Negro Oomidlu; hence ban anarth a Troopa win be known by Ihe name of OU' TOEZ A BBIEDIOrB luNBTBEIA For full partlculara aae Mammoth Poatan ud Piograamaa. Doom opm al 7: to commmoa at 6 o'clock. 0.^ DOPBBZ, Mtnagor, UM, | Aguti. MOBILE THEATRE. lAdlaa ud gentlemen of noognlaedablllly, wlihing ennuemenla for the bU and winter aeaaonof 18dt^, may addnaa ue lUlda^ ilgsad at Mobile up to tUj 9Dlh| after thai data at ITt Bkecker alraet, Naw York, Latlan of appnoaUoi not anawered wllhln a raaionible time may ba oenaldered deahned. ai-lOl* BOIO k UAODONOCaB. QRI8W0LD OPERA HOUSE. TblinawudelennlEatahllahment, by fkr Ihe moit oomplala ud beet aiTUgad edlfloa of tha kind In thla ooutry, wUltHOPas attat the 90th of April, IMMk FOB SRAMATIO ENTEBTAINUENTB, CONCEItrB, LEO- TDBE8, HINBTBEl J, AND FIBBT CLABS BXBIBTnONB ONLY, The Houa conWna an the Modun Improremuti; 1« beanU. folly daooialad ud frnacoed, ud brllUutur lighted from the cell. Ing. thua rellerlng the aodltorlum ftom all obatnuUona of ohu* dellem, 'IthiBaoommodlouaBlage,93 by 40, ud u axlenilve atockofhindaomeBoueryudDiopOuitalnoomplale. The total aaadngcatiadly of tba Boma 1,100, with eluding room far MM more, beadeo a Printe Boioa. It li one of tba heat Tutlliled houealnlhaoountry; baiconTeniantOffleeaandDTeaaingBooma, wllh llbenl meana of ulnnoe ud eilL The utianoea, two In nnmbar, (If daalied,) to the Parqaetta ud Family Circle nay ba each uttnH aepante ud dlatlnct, or aU through one utnnoa If pref e ri a d —niTlng donblo tlalrwaya throughout The bonae win DO ruledataalaledprlcaper nlgbtorweal^ or opened on abiree, POPULATION OF TBOY AND EN7IB0NB. II win ba boma In mind that Troy laonaofthobealBhow CUea In the United Blilea. The population of the city proper la tf.0OO: thai of Weat Troy, directly acnea the rlrer, (coueotad with Troy by bridle ul two llaam (anlea,) la 16,000; wbUa Cohoaa, Water' fOrd ua luilngbniBh oenlaln In tba aggregita apopnlatkm of 9B,00O; a toll! popolaUon In Troy ud aunoondl^ Til. Uoti of nearly ao,000 Inbabltula. The latttrnamad Tlllagta an within a radian of three mUea of Troy, ud oonnectad tharewllb byborta rallroada. FDrlemiaudpartlcnlin,addr«u W, D. VAN ABNTW, 1-lt uuiiger Orliwold Opera Eouaa, Troy, V. Y, J. SOMERS, TEEATBIOALAND FANCY BOOT AMD BEOEMAEm, WUl remoTe from IM Third aTanua to No. 270 Bowoy, Maw York, Bay 111, ISM, when he will oontlnne to do boaliaai aa heretofora. Orden aoUoUed ftom the Profeaalon, ud Maaagan ot Tbaatraa ud oymniallo Inatltntoa on thla OontlnenI, ud promptly aipreaaad to order. A4m* EMPIRE HALL, PekIn, III WM. P, OBAIM ud 1 i>„^»«« B. BBBaSTBESBEB, f mpnetora. Tbla naw and oommodlona HaD. capaUa of nratlng 1,900 aoni, la now leedr for ooenpuoy, ud la offered (or TbeitaloBl ud Opazttlo perrormuoea, Conoerta, Laotuta, Ao., on reaion. ablatorma. la one of tba beat Bella In tha State, furnlihed with wnlar, gaa, ud all the modem Improramuta, For parUcnlan and angagemenU monln of WM. P. CB&>, at.Um* Bmpln PaUn, HL DEAGLE'8 VARIETIES, BT. LOUIS. THIS TEST POPULAB EBTABLIBEMENT, An m Laionr n xa Unim> Buna, a now o na FULL TIDE OF SUOCESa FlntCliaaBTABB treated with at aUtlnua. None otban need apply. JAMES OONMEB k 00„ Agmta, O-tf or OEOBOB DBiOLE, BL LcoU. FIRST OLD MAN, JUVENILE TRAGEDIAN, HBAYY WOMAN AMD FIRBI OLD WOMAN, wutadfOr a dn- mado troupe, to taiTel through the Eialam Btiiea forapailodot one year, cornmannlng on or abont tha Flratof Jsna. BdaHea aaomad liy oontraoi Addraaa H. F. STONE, care of JA8. CONNEB k 00., S-Ua BMBrotdny. NOTICE. I lea ud gutlamen of acknowledged abUty In Iha piofea«lon, -jlnt u engagement for Ihe aaaaon oommuolng In 8i^t«nber ^^^ wlll picaia addnta by letter, elating Una ot ohaiactar and ACADEMY OP Mumo, Albany, N. Y. ; "LEAVENWORTH THEATRE, . TOBENTPOB A SEOBTTIME Doling the inmmar -racatton, ti«m Hay 7th to July lOlb. Ihli Conunodloni Hall li fitted with all Buisa and Scanlo oonvanl' uoca. Apply Imniadlataly to . 941* . W. B. OOOUOB, Manager. BEATING THE TAMBORINE MADE EASY. m on receipt ot $110, by B. ODMTON A 00., -'."'■i' JickionTine, Moreu Co,, miuoia. ::sllBt* mmS JANE PAfikER.' nil lAdy can be onj _i beongagad by BEBPONgCBlE lUMAOEnB kr 0U> WOMEN udEOOENTIUOBDSmEaB. Addreaa THEATRE, Learanworth, Euaia. TOURAINE BRCTHBRS (3 In number,) oan bo engaged for tha aaaaon by reapondbla manaaan, In their flrat oikaa 'Vrolher Act, ud Ttapaza ud Borlionlal Bar;" ato.,by id- dniaUg cat* o( P, M. PETEBSOM, U» Booth Third ilrae^ WU- Uaniibugb,I..L Mt* . TURNER'S OPERA HOUSE, , '. DAYTON, OBIO. BTABB wlablng ENOAaEMENTB for the SPBtMO and BUMMEB SEASON, pUaaa addreaa .W,'B. PABTELLO, ^B.. . Stage Manager. I NOTICE. . SENOB SEBABIUN, Lidr ud Boy ROMEO, wllh bla oalebnted Mob' Horeaa, on Ihelr Kiura. trip tnm OeUfomla ud Bonlb Amarlo, are eipeded to be hero BMM itaa Itth May. Mt* THE FIRM of ORRIN & SEBASTIAN haa bean dlaaotred by mntual oonaent, at M'—Boutb Amerlos od theieihdayotMarob, ISM. mI* > engagemtnia eUbm u ,Wi M. FOSTER laaowlhtbeoltTud preiltmd to i . AOTOn. BTAOB MAMAOBB, AOTDia vASiata, or aa AQEMT forllrti olaaBlanorTronpta. Addreu aa abora, o«n oif JAB. OONMSB k 00., «t*' ^ ■' f»4 Broadway. FOR SALE,—An Automaton SItok Rope Per- fonpcB SSlaohaahlgb. Alio, onaaattof DuolngFlgineb DIo-' nmaDgnraoteTarydeaorlptlonmadetaarda, Addnaa ■ Mi* W. B. HEBB, HaUok, B. L MRS. SKERRETT, ■ Formerly of NIblo'i Oirden, ud lata of Plke't Open BonH, Oln- olnoatl, li now prepared to nrgotlala wltb Uanagen for the Bum- mer and Fall Beaaon. Addraaa eg Aml^alraat Mt* EDWIN BLANCHARD, With hla blgbly tnlnad Dogi, OABLO ASD MBBO, - Baring taUUed ooal auoceaatol engagemenla In the foUowlnn dtlaBj^ PblUddphIa, Wi^lngtoii, Alex^^ Pelanbnrg, Mn? ~" " ' - tolnfoim In ', .uw.«| Miiuoun, n nigbta , I FOi'a Amerlcu Thaaln, Phlhdalphla, tonr waeka laacond Tiall), cloalng on the ilh of July, ■■M, B, ban to return bli Uunki to thoae mtoigen who hare iollotttd Ui aarrlcei, ud to air that attar that dale ba wU not appear UU the fOUowmgr Benlamber, Oommiinloallnri at all tlmea for tarmi and dalea win leoelre prompt ittanUoa, . Addreaa to U Fulton atreet, Mew York oily, for nait aaann. New oopyilgbt plaoaa, mualo ud apltndld wmi onli, .both large udatnkD. HARRY CLIFFORD, COMEDIAN. Ml* Addfeaa OUppar Offlae, NOTICE TO MANAGERS. TONY DENIEB,. Iha otUMtti OTAB PAR1OMIMI0I ud HAH MOBIBT, en be •twigtalbfiUoriwilntalibti Fertima,ke, Addraaa aiO,W.IBOUS0Il,MawBawiFTlbMtn,H,T. •alnlil^ti WANTED. YOUNO T-inrwfl of Intalllguoe ud prepoMeaalng appearuoe (noie olhan need apply) for the Corpa oa BalMi Ubertl nliry, pormanenl eogigemut loatmotloai ud rapid adrucemanl to thoae proMng oompelenL Addnai 0HA8. B. BETMOLDB, Blago Muager Tarlatlee Ttiealre, : l-lf 8lLoula,Mo, CHARLES WILKINSON, Oomadlan. Ul boibua commsnloatlona ahonld ba addreaaed .4-lSt .BoilMI,Detroll,Mlah. BANJO and ETHIOPIAN JIG, CLOG and BUR LESQUB DAMOINOIaniiht by tba renowned JOHN BOOAN.iai ButHonalonafaeet,N. Y. Btnjoaal all prices N, B,—On receipt of III wlU aend three wilttu laaaona on tha Bujo or Duolng,' ^t NED STANLEY. .,,>., ETBIOPIAM COUEDIAM. Addnaa OUppar Ollloa, New York. ATHENEUM, CAIRO, ILL, now ondergolng Ihorongb repalra, cu ba mted by Iha NIGHT or WEEEi or win play good reaponHbla tnreilag oompanlea oa abarea dnring Iha Bummer monlhi; for full notlculira, " OEOBOB T. OBtlMF, Boi U<0, Cairo, n. _YOUNQ MEN'S ASSOCIATION; HALL, AlbMy, M, Y,, wlllbelel fbr Ooncarta and Exhlbltloni of a lial^jua obanioter on reaaonabla terma. Addreaa D.ASAMB, ' Young Men'a Aaaoolatlon, Albany, N. Y. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Mllwaukao, Wla.. Hay be rented for Oonoarla, Minilreli, Leotnlei,ud entartaln aenia (not dnmaUo), ftom middle of June to end of AninaL ,', '. . Addreii. T. & MILU,LeiMe, «M ... Boi list. ATTENTION, SHOWMEN I B. T. HAYWABD, ^ .. aOSBBOADWAT.KY, Inunntaotaueudkeep oonitutly on bud a toll ud compjala aaaorto ut of JEWELBY, WATCB OHAINB, ^j. ,. ^' MABOmO PIKB,mVER WABE, eto, Ooodiaenlloallpartaof the oonntry byaipreia. Tboeenol coming to K '.w York ou hiTa a piokige ami, with tha prirllegi of ntunhg anything they may not wut. BpeoUytbeulore of the bnihieu yon wut the Jewelry for, and ue amonni yog WUl aent Endoae IS wlUi the onler and pay the belaaoa lo tba eipraai, a-ll*St ^•!MJIS^"''"ME''9--Th» World Renowned OHAHPION DOUBLE OLOO DAMOXBS, are al liberty lonego. tlate wllh Minagera Ihnragb Ihelr AganT D, H. BBU8B, HUwnkee, Wla. LEW. R, PIKE, having Juit oompleted hit Ihret nMnlliiaagagamul u Miniger of'ihe itangia iTliurtrela - 1 pertng ibow, elUiariakua. York OUppar, Uia Ubartylonagotlale wllh uy good i gerorl«ent AddreaaoanNr ~ BEWARE OF THE HOTEL. . TOBBOWMEN, AaTeUiglail, br aU meani elon at Ibe UKidM BOUSE, m6w baten, comm., wherann can get an IhU li nqnlred, and poUta IreatDanl. etc loifnilbarUitonnalloa apply to HOWABD DUBTBA, ' . BaDey'tKaiagtrletpd OlitnOo, A.-MUSESXENTS. OPERA HOUSE, COLUMBUS, omo. Tbli houa win ba for rut on reeaontbia tarmi lo nivaelible CDtarlaliimenla of til klnda on ud aflar Junary 1, IStt. It U one of Ihe largeal ud moat gorgeoui bouiei In tbeWeat- em counby. la Ottcd np with magnuoant Huary, ud In lael ereiythlng that partalni to a flr^^ckn theatre. It It well Ugbted wllh gu ud benlrd with iteam, ud It capable ot leaUsg IMO pertona. For farther partlcnlue, etc., applirlo A. H. FAXON, Treaturar, etc., ot JOBM BELZBB, Moilo Blore, gUm* Oolnmbna, Ohio. NATIONAL HALL, TUTIN, OBIO, Will aett twalra bnndred penona. Blaga Ittad up with (uB aott of Souary, FootUgbla, eto. 80UDEB k OABFSNTEB, AMbn* Froprletofi. PARMELY HALL, pEOBIAflLL. lUe Hall, barmg a aeaUng capacity ot l.MO, hu beta lately relK- lad, ud la to rant torTbeatrtal or lUnatral Oompanlta, Leo- turea,eta The ilage la fitted np with aU oonTulencea for dr*. malto pnrpoeaa. Good driuing roomi, new aoeaary, atage oar- pel, and all tba nppUucaa neceaaary. M-tm* '"TOTwEirSISTERs] MISSES EMMA AND ADA, Muigan wlihlng to ugago tha nrTlcea of thaae rery Uoted Artlala,torBIABBigBgemontt, winaddieet a-lf Kiml B. WEBB, 17 Maaaaa itraet, Brooklyn. "'shovTbills'ofIve^ THBODOBE DUTTON Begt to Inform hla old friuda, Manigen ud the pnblfo genar- ilb^lhat halt now located at i ha EMPIBE STEAM PBOdlNa EBTABLleHMENT, 18 SPBUOE BTnEET, MEW YOBE, WhnehawUlilnblaperaonalaautlonto Iba piodncUon, hi uy alTle, of all Unda of PLAIN, COLOBED, AMD ILLUBTBATED BBOW BILU, ParUonlaily adapted tor TBAYELINO EXHSmOMB, CIBOUBfB, MENAOERIEB, EIHIQPIAM PEBFOBMAMOES, 0YUNA8IB, KAQIOIANS, TBACK CUIB OF ALL EIHDe, TBOITIMa TO BABNEBB OB WAOOV. DOUBLE TEAMS OB BUNNDtO BOBBBS, POLmOAL CLUBS. T. D. tmatathat hlamuy ytaneipKl<n<elnthabnak.' >i.tba raryUrgeBaaortmutofcntaathlaoommud, urof whloh cu be printed In one or mon colon, tha eerrloea of tna beat Dealgn- en and Kognran for new work, will aeotin lo blmaoontlnnince of paatlbTonaadatilalbynawpalronB. 134m MAJ. BURNELL'S MUSEUM AND ZOCLOOIOAL INBITrUTE, Compoaad ot OBEAT NA'jU HAL Liviffo cuKioflrnEs, No. M BT. CHAELES.BTBEn', MEW ORLEANS, (Oppoelte Amdemr ot Mnalo.) Flnt data Cnrloamee treated wllh on Ubenl terma. All com- mnnloatlona tddreaaad u abon. PALACE VAHlETIESe WA}<TED—Flnt cUu PTm*U Q uA Tuletr ArttfU for the PALACE VABmroB, dNcnnrATi, omo, whloh eiUbUihnest now oomblnoa the Snmitifi with Uu Y«- rletr EDtartelnmenL Two LEADINa DAMBEDSEB, 10 flnt dim BAUfl aJBIB, can flod • BtMdj eo^ement for tho btUnoo of tho mucd. Bmmtioa BUru UtmOj trattod wllh for two or four WMki. me PAZaAOE tiu joM doMd lt> eeoond jotr of nuc«Hftil earw, ud nndor the prvant nunigement hide ihlr to eeUpee uijlhuiA Id AueitcA of uio Uiid< The motl Ilbanl hIuIu ue nnmpUj ptld to thoao who nink u the beet In the piofeulon. Addree e PSTER80N A CO., CinoiuutL Ohio. Fehrury Mth, IStt. iSSm* THEATRE, MILWAUKEE, Wli. T.vnam 4 MANAOEB T. E STABS WIBBBia EMOAaEUENTS FOB BPBIVa SEASON, tl-lSt* Plataa addreaa T, B. wtt.i.q MISS NOEMIE DE MARQUERITTES, All appUoatlona lunapect to eoga gemonta tor thla VOUNO, OIPTBD AND BBAUnFUL COMEDIENVE, mnat be addreaaed lo HENBY B. HEUJER, Editor Erenlng Progmmms ti.U ^liudelphla. Pa. UNION HALL, JACKSON, MICHIGAN. Loealad In the outre of tha dtr. la ua FINE8I AMD HOST OOHPLETE IN ALL ITS APPOraTHEHTB of any In the oountay. TbltBaD, BUILT BF«*BnT,Eg8 OF EXPENSE, la finely nauoed, Lighted wlUi Gaa, haa Stage, Boanaiy, fool ud Border LlghlA Ample Oreailng accommodaUoni adjoining the Btige. It the beat adapted for OONOEBTl LEOTUBES, lOMBIBELB ud DBAMAnO FEBrOBUAMOBB of uy In Ihe WaaL wmber ruled by Iha Day or Weak on Uberal knoA Stage 80 byeOi AndUorlnm.tObyOA Seated with aalteea ftir l,Xor AconaUca pert«oi Addreta OEO. H. LATBBOP, igaot. USE JACKSON HALL, Tit Urge.moogb, and not loo large by Iwloe— It cantnl In location, ud modante tn pritt, JAOE9OM BAUt JAOEBON, JAOEfiON 00., HlOH, with Blags Souary, OupetsFbotllgbls As Ou ba ruled at |10 po nlgnt, or WOparwaak, Thla Ball doea not admrUae In tha Beitld/ eT*n* W. JAOXBON. TRENCH'S WASHINGTON HALL, WILLIAMBBUBOB, N. Y. Agula ud Olhan Intarteled In pnb- Uo utartilnmula will find TBENOB'S WABBINOTON xttT.j. South BoTulh and Fourth-ateeota, WllUuiaburtb,. deednbly tdapted. The aiige la large ud well atocked wllh new aoenary, fooCllghta,releclDn,&s TV>nnatlTOmble,udnoblckaortnpiL Apply to JAMEB CONNEB ft CO., 3g Weel Bonaton at, M. Y„ or al Ihe BiS- 1-lm J. B. TBENOB, Proptlalcr. OLARRY A REILLY, PBIMTEBB AND EM0BATEB8, U AND 11 BPBUOE STREET, MEW YOBS, THE LABOEBT SHOW BILL PBINUMO ESTABLISHMEliT IN TBB WOBLD. THIS fIBM Paye particular aUuUon to getting up aU Uodi of FANCY SHOW BILLS For tnTellng ooopules'and bare 00 bud a large and iplendid aatortanut of large ud amiB WOOD (fUTB SollabloforClnniaes Manageilos Elhloplu Pertormors Oym- naats Miglolina, fta, fts, whloh cu be prlnled In one or mon colors to nltonitomers A depcell required on aU work orderod. gi.fcf BURGESS, PRENDERGA3T, BUOBBB ft LA RUE'S MlKBTBELa D. 0. LABUE Uuiaer I. S. PBEMDEBOAST Tocal Slreclor TBE OBEAT OOMFEDEBATION OF EIBIOPIAN ADTISTS. TBB MOBI P EBFEOT OBaAMIZATTON IN EHBIZNOE. ETEBYTBIMa ENTIRELY NEW. MO TELTY ON TBE BBAIS. TWENTY BBILLIAMT BTABB, under tho peiaonal nperrlilon of Ihe grealeatof all Urlng Ethlo-. plan Oomedlui, COOL BUBOESB. Among Ihe long amy ot eminent Elhloplu tilut to be fOnnd In Ihlt extraordinary orgutiaUob,'an: COOL BUB0ES8. DIOK TB0MP80H, ABOHIE BUOBEB, CHABLEY BErXOLDS. T, B, PREMpEBOABT, OBOROE BETNOLDS, FRAME BOWLEBl A.'WALLACE, PAUL BEBOEB, J. P. BnTBBEIX, P. MARKS, . J. TIMPSaiiL A. O. BTONBt DION VAttnwT.rww HARRY FBENOB, OBAB B. OIUSTB, - D. 0. LA RUE ' * ' OBAS. B. GRI0II, Agent Old Blckory Programme Jngglar, ~ STARS WANTING NIGHTS NEXT SEASON AT the new udbeaoHtol OPEBA HOUSE, PITrBBUBOB, will an- ply Immediately, ~ I'hli honaa bna done the largeal bnalneu the nrctut M«m of uythealnweatof PhlladelpUa. BoIdall.OOO. M-tf J. 0. B. OABDINEB. "THE 0ALIF0HNIAN8 ARE OCMINQ." OOITON, MUBPBY ft BHITH'B CALIFOBNIA MINBTBELB, BBABS BAND AMD "BURLESQUE OPEBA TBOUPE," "Be-modeOed ud re-organlied for ISM." "Tha largaet ud moat ranatlle Ocmpuy In Anieiie>> wb oaa Co noerta throughout tha NEW ENOLAND GTATBS^^ fOrlTPTI OOMBEOImVE NIOBTB IN BOfllON, an wlUlogl, precedaoft In the annalt of amniemuts Now on Ihelr Sixth Tonr, TlalHng all tha PRIMOIPAL CITIEB AND TOWNS EAST AND WIST, Freaubng to the pubUo u ENTIBE MEW EKTEBTAINiaDn embodrlng all Ihelr OBEAT SPE0IALITIE8, OBIOtNAL «la| thla compuy, and perfarmed by them only. tO-tt W. B. smra, snlneaa Mnaiai, A STEREOPTIOON WANTED. Any party hating a gtarecpUoon, with Oood Tlews thai wonld ao- oepl u ungament, or let with u opanlor, ou hear of u enian mutbyiddraaalag rmrmnw v- " KWf UPla«ut^Ti(iifc„. HAMILTON'S NEW HALL, ^ FOBT WAYNE, IMD., Oppodte Ihe pnbUo Banan ud Pon Ofllos long br M wids hat two dreii (aeC ralaed aeats foot ud boi _ tmnoa la 19 faal wIds BO itepa blgbTud laV warm hall In Ihe olty, » . 10 LET (for fint diu ntarlatamiei The abora Hall will teat orer one IhonnnT WlU) entirely new ud elegul touery (Flala)i Ihe meet outraDy lootied bnlUliuIn thed •d^tedfor fIbsT CLASS EXibBITIOM Beferences—MoEeu Boobinu, Wood't " . way^fL 0, Fn, ot Anllne Eonte, ud 0. D. Bon| 8MM* H. N. 1 iMItuk ItfibylS iCBl- DAVIS' BROADWAY VARIETIES, . . mabeville; tenm. /OEM I. DATIB Bole Leaiat ud I la now doing ulmmuiebualneas BtanwlUbef on the moot Ubenl lermt by iddreatlng DAYIB ft ( 179 Weal Fourth atreal, oinolonatL THEATRICAL NOTICE. FOB BALE-gOO Theatrical Bonea In eiodiral < OoUagea, Otound places Books Fuoas ftc., fto, mutlor uy penon opeDlnn a theatn m aualo b ApplyBoxtHI NEW ACADE MY OF M USIC, piTTBBinuiB, psnr, Lcaaee ■,WM. HEMDEBBOI Managercia MBS. Fl'IlE HEMDEBSOR Alto the Manager of the "PITTSBUBOB TBEATBE." Tha New Academy of Moils one of Ihe hrgeat ud moat gully finlihcd In the Wait, wul aeat 9,000 PEOPLE, ud win opra May lit, with a ■lOBLEBBATED OPERA COUPANT," People wlahlng enguemonta for the panoiWlntac Beaioiii ellher theatre, win aadreaa aa abors Btan engaged for Iha Mew Academy ot Uulo ud lhaataa'ii Ubenltarms SUt CONSTELLATION DRAMATIC COMPANY. Under tba maniguuut of J. 0. MYEB8 WmbeatByraonaabom Feb. 9ttta to Marah IMii Oiwtgo, be* IHhtoVlhi UUcsMlhtotth; latnm to eyiiouaa,Mh to VL BlngbamptOD.tSdtoSMh; ElmlrsSOthto Olh; Ms Tth to uf OliT^d, Mlh to lltb, Toledo, 17lh lo atlh. inrtlaa dealrlng to leaaa Ihe Boyil I^o aboTs or.lo JAMES FBENOB, Toronto, 0. W. Ihe Boyal I^oeoB, oaa aiiniaae y . ^ _ NEW AMERICAN THEATRE. Walnut tfaeel, abora Eighth, FhHadalphts B. FOI PnprMoriadlbBin, JAMI8 PaaBW Blaae=^^ Flnl diaa lalut Is an biuehea wuled—Druulld, 1 Tarpalchorean, Pulomlms Ethiopian, AczobaHs fts ^ an giTu at thla thcatrs but Iba manigement do sot pay ailn aalariet for them. IM HOOLEY'S NEW OPERA HOUSE, COBNEB OF COURT AMD BEMBEN BTBEETB, BBOOELn It now opu tor the eaiaon wlUi ' A GREAT STAB COMBtMATIOK OF MINBTBELB AND PANTOMIMDIE THE HOST COMFOBTABLB AMD FIMEffr HALL m AME BI OA. The Oompany eomprlaea TWENTY-FITE UMEI)UALI£D PH. F0BUER8, edectad from the fint nnka of Iha Profeaalon, Flnl olata talut cu addreet B. OBEEMLAMD, Ag'L [3S-tf] B. M. HOOLEY, 8o)e PnprY. TO MANAGERS. W. J. <VMIll»l'I.T.,.iiri..Mfcil ■iTj.^lfnir.."«f l>IH.».n.jt.H^ abre, whoee engigemut conolndca July tlh, la now open for cBn for next aeaaon. Addnaa P. O. Boi 1134. mm* CHARLES DILLON. ATI bnilneee oanunnnlcetlone ebonld be iddrawid to SAMUEL OOLVUXB, Wood'i Theebv, a mf 300K EMt Ninth abet^ New Tott AMERICAN HALL, BABTFOBD. COMM. Adjoining Americu Hotel, wllh alage, tool Uabls ud auHMi dreaalng rooms aaata SOO to 1,000, to ml for Coocerla, Lectnns Fuoramis MlnaMa, etc. WbenBcmerylanotreaiin<d,lmt low. Addreaa IMm* . 0. a OflBOBM, i Americu Bow. FITZSIMMONS. IN HIS POPULAB SKNSATIOK DBAKAB. HiTlDg oonpleted hli faooeufdl eDgiaenmtB In BUFFALOg ALBAKTAMD DETBOIT, Muugere cu now eddroee him for two or four weeka, Bttr ft- menU, care of hie AgoDt, ■tf 238 Pine etreet, FhaadelpUa, Pa. MISS F. VESTVALI, TBE OELEBBATED TBAOEDIBNIB, WIORtomlnMAYIoMEW YORE, to play a FABEWELL ENOAaRMENT In Iha UNITED BTATEB, begtamhig on Ihe lOlh.of AUODBT. AU BDSmeBS OOUMUNIcmONB WlU be recetred In Ibt CUPPER OFFICE. AB APPUOATIONB mnat be made by letter. SM FRANK B. CONVERSE'S addreu la, «are of JOBN BITOBI, 47SX Bratdwv, Maw York. U4t i THE GUIDE TO THE STAGE. Containing clear and full dlxeotiona tor otHalnlng ThnetrV^ Ti gagnmuta, with oomplala ud raloable luteauont Ar bapa- nan, relatln to'aalarlea, rules manner of going thioogh rahtv- condnot at fiiai tppennius As ' ~i and Amerloa rtoalpl ot nrlis 47.&* aals Hcnrlng proper dreaaea, condnot at fiiai 1 To which la added a llal of tha principal Bigllah Theatres Price II oula. But, poalTelrl. oa r Addreaa orden to Boi MIO, P. 0., Mew York. PLAYS, PLAYS, PLAYS. Fulomlmea, Operas Dnmallo Worka ud nealrlcal PortnUs OatiJcgnea aut on receipt of a aUmp. Americu edition of Plays IS cenia each. Addrus Box SUO, P. O., N. T., 47-tai* STILL IN THE FIELD. JAME 9 THACnBAT, the popular BILL FOSTEB, la itlll Is the oltr of PrnHBUROSi nadj u> exaoate all work aa promptlj and fiUhfnllj u erer. Aaj DDfonnitlon to bowmen cheerfully fanlahed, bj addnaitaig lo Ccmmerdil office* i8>3m* PROFESSOR MOREY, GREAT AMERIOAM WIZABD, li now making a Spring ud Bnmmer lonr IhTongboiit UieWatt Hla ulerlalnmut oontlala of PRBBTiDian'A'noN, maoio, Era Pnt M. win bitrodODO In each town bla Goblin Dnun, Bplrilaal Bell ud Money, Oryalal Caikat, Oriental Btar, flaapcnilon Ibo. tognpb and Megattra, etc. OEOBOB OABB, AialituL l*^* JpBN B. OARB. Agut CLOG DANCERS, ATTENTION I WM. BOBERT8 ft BON, Muubfturen of Duolng dogs I'd other kinds lultod for any purpots at Mo. 00 Mlnlh iTeaos Naw York, EelabUihed In Naw York In IBtl, N. &—The aitatt and obeaneat method of audhig tor Ologs U to lud yotir money In a legulared letter, with meaaure taku bf • ihoemaker. fie tun to mutlon both tha net! length of foot ud Ihe alia ot boot yon wear. Make plain figurea; and your fnU addreas 10 thai we can write lo yon. If ncoaiaary. AU cor< reapoDduta wuUng anawan mutt uoloae a itamp. We an ael renonilble tor money aut In latten not reglalared. Crioatof Bad, Blue ud Black Morocco Cloga, |1; the aama, ftacy trimmed, |6 to It. Clog Duoen'onmli of any a^leMntu aboTs For nierence, aae Ihe profeaalon at largs AMm* BANJO WITHOUT A MASTER, Containing a Obolca CoDecllon of BANJO 85L08, JIOB, BONOS, BEEE4 . WALK ABOUNDS, H0BNPIPB8, BANJO BIOBIBB. Eto, ^ngreaatrely ixpialDad, em arruned ud plainly oome a ' PBOFIOIBMT BAMJOIBI without tbo aid ot a teacher, by FBANE R CONVERSE. PBIOBtOOENTB. «Mm* . Send orden to Boi 1410, Pott Ofloe, Mew York- THE WONDER WORKER OF THE lltti CENTURY, The OBEAT ENOLIBH MBCROMANOEB, (conatailla Ihe Blgbl Bononble the Earl ot Lauderdalo, tho Sootlnh Peer) la now Tlalt* Ing tha prlndpel dUei ot Iha Soulham Btatee. All oommunlcatlont ou be tddreiaod to P. O. Bci '^^^^'^ tr<al,a E JOHN F. LIBBY. BOBNIO AMD PAMOBAUIO ARTIBT, Mo. 119 Merrlmlch atreal XowelLMaas Puoramas Bcuary, DaoonUona ud OmimeaUl Show PIctnrea palsied In a auparior manner, 1-UI* ROYAL LYCEUM, ^ TORONTO, 0. W. Bprlng ud Bummer aaaaon wlU oommeaoe Monday aranUfi April Ud. Btan wlahlng nlghla win addreta 8-U J. 0. MYEB8, Masiger. CAIRO THEATRE GEORGE T. OBUMF Bole Tiiiinifil ManM« Mow nndargolng thorough leptln, ud btlng Unprond wlu 1 btauUfnl dnia elrde, win opu on the finlMuday In Sept. afnUoomuny, SlantrMladwllh on Ubanlterms WuttM tuu dnmaao oompany for a atiaon ot eight noattu. Hone bn reUable people need apply. Alio wutad, a fint daai nulo aiOf Immadlataly, Addieit »OEO, T, OBUKP, _ Mm Boi U4«^ CtUo, D. |MRS.D. P. BOWERS. U boilseaa ocuunDnlcaUona ahonld be addreaaed In aire ot ; BABMUM'S HOTEL, .„ •tMn* Balllmoxs Ud. ■ -innrini - | - j.l .■ ■ i ■' ~" l.FAVENWORTH THEATRE. ^ ring letaad the Laarnworlh Theatre, I «lll op«n It on or^MJ ■lafotBeplamber for a laaaan of algbi nonlhs Winsagoiw" k rwpontlble people for Ihe aims i wuttaig tune WlU Immediately addram Wtnagw iMTUwoittTliiw'- • wffllisplyamiattT*, . | *ji m