New York Clipper (May 1866)

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THE MSW YORK CLIPPER. 45; ltna,M»l»(lBO.>0lkt Mt,-^ w> fliaijf'a hr f L—T»« — — BSS(£jtt.!i^« S«.j i«MMIh»JUdUio tail llnu> bttDg !!fSL?«l«S^iadbTll«l«g ud Dtlbr: ihanudlTliloD.coB- ihoUSui.toTliiw to Umfront. Tftonick oompflwl^WjJ^ STlWIflit, TnuTueTme, Md Uon, wbo 'isUrnK bj Uw (Mun, In the ulnmt rMi '™3.f "^T lta>iiiU«po«,I)«lby,fnll of iwing, ^JV *;,™ ^SS JiiSfSra^boin.. 'AppioMWngJb. taU-mU. pott, mraktfort oloKd with a«a»l>. uA nai br bl«»Uo with iKtmr£withBuh««• londaboiA ptoclitarf bitylo- ^7ta»Bi4d«ilI tbo hcnt matt, wbmopim BMcpliii- mdMSflillttdUMBabiubuvliuier.tsd wmt on In pninU fltoloi lMtT«K'»wtoi»rro3id«a lb« but tern, for bom. wlUi bmi«nboiw,IMbfwonwtththsgmtoa WH byfciu WsiUu. Not nlao of th« itikM, <M30. T6 ComiftdHdfnUi 6iu^,aiLinot-.Tba«M*Vloia» for pnttttia Ourm oSovt-'ii . ■ B.BMU*Bnlh->l«tdlr<et1h«pletiiMlhii«:'lllni^ Snbuyi ••OiiljtblitnilnoUiliigmon." BMnii Coumonnm Dili but from oi by Ittta ihoitlj ws'tet* 4lMdT t«« or tbrw cmtifbalof* «bo b>T* ■■taUma thrtrtetottou" of toopttliis tattaoUttlBnomo'i snblm itniattUidtwIaBtolhtHhtoia. Bnt,don'tbnnrtboQlto- tullr fttmrdlag Iho probl«ma; wa u« In so Dtad of than to uTbid vhauCT coma n wnnt no ftoUj onto. Eommbep, two t-DOT«; on« \ndlt, «B« B\tck t omito . and tht but ilntla pjoblam take* tba men—ann. 3tie Ouma nja ao. Entgnif No. 132. Ittm CW Ota> Jtaytn- Jfafuhw, SplirtioB or PotHloB Nflir«.»Vol. XIV< ' nw.'iiMiiit" ' . TtUta. Btaok. ■ ■ I' . .HbUa. Blaek. MUX n<aio , [*..»*»» Potltlon No^io;yol.:XIV. PotlUon No. II, Vol. XIV. Dadloalad to fJ Dioioicm It 1, niunoip. SLiOS. Tha Nobis Art of 8olf-P»f«no», BOXDIOUAIIB {lata llutbal o^ lelf'Dafanea. - dearlj aiplala- ed and nnatai- lad In a totea «l eaiT leaaona, Vf geihar with lOma Important hlntaon wroU Ttia beet workof thaUnd arai pubUihid. Ma U cant*. Bend ordan to 4»«n* BtEBtl hvt, XBaq. Z.*, QEta4,qKta, QStT, KKIt, 'i " . SWi.Swiiaat4BXgiandKBM. atKB*; QBl, QKt8,QXta<i, Itil, QBI, QB4, QBSd. uidBiackI«wnaatQKt4,inilqB«lh. TOUe to play BBl efaipel Black 10 |lTa Btt* In U moTW. Problem^No. B32. ••01 fiitew, giairfo af aehnnitweii Kert." Inaolhad, wUh high cataam, to •'Heapailan." n oBOBOE X. cunfuimi. ILACX. Come •nil lee Sim Turnor, ^ TBS OBEAT OAMINB MEDICO, at tha ORIOK BODBS, {1 FOBTLAVD BTBBET, BOeiOIl, wlura ohoica WInaa waia (a^ marly kept, bat alaea lb< Innaloo of tha Bbia FoUoa In Botton on mniailan. Vx. TDRNBB bia conrarlnl hla hotel lito a Ohop Booaa, when tha good llils«a can be cot for lha Inner man, and ood btda for 1^* —~) uartiar, on tha Bnropean plin, BeU'a Jlfa In London lakco In eireij week. ; Mr. TVBinmbuncMitlyaoldblallallBi alack dog for \V», bnlMU latalntaomeot the tama alark got by him, wbk^ an lha puaai bread Is AmailcaiUkewlaeapeltaelactlonof Buff and Booteh T«iTl>ta, Black and nna, end Ibe anrcat blooded Boll Don In the Ciulad Btalea alwayafor eale,and eO ordaia promptly alloided to by Vr. TDBNEB blmaalf, and fbrwaidad to aO paita of the Unttad Btetaa with the graateatot care. All money ordera to be eent by aipiee*-U not I cannot be aniweiabla for It, Ur. lOBNUI Uoia dUeiaeaof doge the nunaa In three , wllhontoneeliulecetaof Iklltita. UkewlMblaDlatcmpetPllla and Worm UMMlna forwarded to all pula of the United Bulea onnoelptofIL Smill TerrI«ri»BIII Flttohor hu ]u«t Hotlveil ■ ttock or rery amall lenlera Ctom England. Aaongatlhemhehu a UtUe Una leirler weighing 3 tbai, end ona g yeare eU, weighing Iba-, endaereraloUenaboattheaamawelgbL It Ihe old lander* wiBt.t traal, let then cdl, a^d Jodga for IhemaclTca. IwUlabowfenrot Ihaamallaatforallpropattlea of the terrier ■galnat anybody. Theae Utile dose are Ycry good klllan, end irillba kept for alack. IwlllalaoaliowthaUtt]adog,Panch,and bli brother, welgbliig two onncee, end two Uuhta In length; end the n lb. dog Dngon, and a nunber of the Oinlne iic«. Bate elwaya kept on.kand, and good eccoounodallon for Doga. Done trlnmcd, and Iralad for all dlieaaea. (Hre BUI a call, and aea lha Improrement In hla Pldnra Oallefy, t3-tf Ihlrteaith itreel end GItard eve., FhlladelpUa. WHTTB. miltatoplayandooDpel Black to gtranuUo In U moroL Otme No. 932. Ttttit In the maloh between Mr. Da Tore and Borr Stalnllc— An. ^mon B. B. P. tram the Defenoe.) Atteak, )|r. DaTeia. I..ptaK4 lilo^t'BS 4..iB-q« g..KEt-B« e..QBt-Ka ■..glt-ns lO-.r^BS U.;QB-XS Defenoo, HerrBtelnlU. FtoQS EBt-Ba P-E 8W QHt^BI EB-Ka Q-E at ?-Ed . QSt-Oaq OEt-ni - QBt-Baa - — -t? 19..q-herXt8 QEt-Et 18..eM]aa, QB ^P-QB4 AM«k, Dofoaca, Ur.MVera. Berr Btalnlt*. U..QKtloBS KBtaQeqlb) U..I>-KEt« 9Kt-K9(«) ia,.QB-Eta(i lT..KKt-hlaB K-Biq P-KUI(4) M..QKt-Ba KBt-Stao 1»..EB-Et<(«)-P.4B8 M..4PXP ,, EtPXP 11. . q kCbT-I^ S-hlaEt3 gj.'.QEtXP . tf-hara i3,.EtxEB qxqst M..E(-X«4-'. K-hlaBa 38. .Bt y,Bi4(i4- E-home' . J8..Bt-B(l,mdwlnj. (a|8..PtoE4thliganai«llypraerred. If then P take P, P ra- grfin,^ I and if the Altack aiehange qneena he baa no adran- [ua In DoalUon, while tha Defenca haa an opan gema: and, bally, iA,.pio06th, Ibe Dcfoaca can at once biaak np thecoitra Pawsa by il.. P to q B Sd. I (U Itae attnatlon, owing to hla 8A more, la very mnch cramped, ind thia moTO la not calculated to Impiore it P to q B Mh nad bettbeUar. (ellnflneenmoTeethIa Ktbaehad the eingnlir fortana to be eaSed opon to ehinge hla guartanalx timaa. Of ooar~-— naelaH nanmanea ere to Heir B. a aadoiu loan of tlmo. (d| VaiT.lidadldoni; diiftng.tha Xtlnto • bUU etionfer poat- Uoo. MTiay wall pleyad,kaTlngSerTB. no good rqly. Forit: W.. r&Btoqai IM..qHrxB OthersXEt N.,KBXB QX^KB 98..Et-E 4th winning tha ll.,qHUB7+ K4ilaKt9 leuhanga. Tike NoltM. XBB WT.WMWMTW Qp DBADOBTB Arenotloba had forafewdaja. Doe noticewm beglran aa •oonaavplaa of Iba new edition are ready for deUTciT, d-lf To ObrroipoiidenU, Bon, Olnolnnitl,0,—Ton an right woloome. ItltRireahIng to radaw oar reliUou ifllh yov. uyonbaTaanygoodgamaaon handweehall aoMPtaad pubUtta them with'pleaanre. wa are not prepared to leply to. joilc 4ueeUona regarding the boote not knowing whalhei tuie la a copr In tbia dtj of Bey, Wrlla, I^TneTwofaojof (habookimenUoned bjryoa—bntwewlll let yoal^otiruaoonaawecaniaoertaln. ' d UaimaLn.—Poeltlon reeetred end on die for enmhiellnn A. M. Bott, Olonlnii iH, O.-^ reply to Bond. Olio.— Zditoi Cum.—I eesd nd tfra'poBillona, one for be- ginneie-tha other la an tnd.gam^ ua ood ofBtorgct' IM Oema, Tar. P. Bnrgea Intra the men and aeyk T^lo wint. Drum- Bond tilea to pnra a draw, and atya be'liU ooiteclcd Stnrgoa.' I Oder Ihla to pnna that Blargca waa rlgbttod'Otummond wrong. IbeUeY61twlUtUndchllolam. Toori'itUy. " Bora), CiDcbuuU, 0. Qiin* No, e.—Vol. XIV. •iium or na iiili."* . BUok. .It to 18 9.. 8 I..1S 4.. > 8..18 8.. 8 7.. « 8.. 1 >,.]« 11 IB IB 1« 10 B 8 17(0) 'Vhlla. 99 to 17 17 13 33 a« 34 38 34 80 39 14 33 M 34 30 38 14 a) Ttlea an npeilmenL U Oelarmlneo to ace It onl, c1"Cloaaln." dj Mo backing oat, elOengbfc • /] Bea It hla own way. - si Qlrea blm Ihe •■liuehleg loncb," * Sao Qemenla of Snugkla. ' BUok. 10,.11 la I«(t) 19.. 7 18.. S It..80' 18.. B ' 18. ,91 17.,80 80 IKd) 60 38 'White. 9010 « 4 11 » 30 81 37 WhUawlnr. 11 7 14 3 Solution bf.Pbiltloh No..9.'"Vol. XIV. WUI«. 1..9a to 18 3. .11 It I..t9 II Df /, SBUIUfOIID,. . Bliok. ' I ' Vklhi. ' ' Olidb 14 10 98 :, ' a,.38 to 91 (a) .>S|0 3( 10 17 I BiiSdilni... 11 M, . % » a > BiMkvlaii.., c a B B I A t BBBBSIOTIRB K0SX8 ABBKi ornoAUP; nil CoTdU, whieb lalen la fit back u UlA I* u BitUpoph» tlotonls,dlgtsUre^and'otanai(aliltalMla. '.niaaalsUryplanIa which eoupeaa It, gathered on the elopu of AahDIipf Kpniin- dy, aelonled wllb lha TtfUjlof of a Rorihen'ie^ mika II ciuoi the beat coidltla and oaf^f tha moal iflelml pterenlirea igalnil epldeinlo a&oUma. Of let*, Ihe AwnobBiedlotloo^ hubaeqalBoaliDaatanona InpreaeHUaglUuetotheelek, whobylbelr laparteat gulria dlepoaltlea wen mora liable to lha tttMka of fMaii and cholan, A, UQBABD, 9eo., Tecamp. Alto: Boa'VlTkima, Bo. U, Pula, Ihla Hedlda* li foimd at the WIBB ARD BIIBIT BTOBIS; AP0IBXCABIB8, OOBVEOnOtlZBS, and OBOCIlBTBt RO, Box 8410, Poat Office, New Tork. ^XWASB or lOOB nDTAtlOHS I nXHCE FOOSEt TVE-EZEPBL OMX Muiia UOH. A BUlKN'rUUO HOVXLTT, , „ lAtely larentad In Peril, end wemnted to denote iollt tlm* more ootrectlrlfein lha moat coallr gold witch. tl BBVEB BDBB DOVN NOB 0BI8 OUT OV OBBB. Breiy ljuly and Qenlleman ehonld hire one. Price, with bemeUed Dial, In Oold a Ulrer GUI,' DMLT OHB boIXAB. ^ poor lmHa**Tfti onder different ninua era In dicalaUon, wawoold tafOim lha pabllo that wa are aoleagenta for Ihe eake ofttaletnTentJonlnUiaDnlledBtelta. Bant to any part of lha world, by nail, poat paid; on reoript of pdoa, VOBEMN'^oVBLTr AOEHOT, 841* Jiraey City. K.J. eipreea—u not i cannot oe auwcnoio i w u, N£R baring for many yeera made ell kindaof Infe^ leaof doga Me whole etudy, will now naiulae la cue In three deya, which baa been teitcd by bnndreda OOB N^'W dATALOO'tfE. ' O-WE BELL 13 (Parle) OOLOBXD nOIVBBa for R a* U. O-BIMB THIKO (Plain), iO centa.. jS-UPHOIoaHAPHS lltlcb), to oentl. «9-lt BQLLT BONOS (dl lew), 10 cenla. dO-BO GOXaS (eB dlfferanl), 80 ' oenta. dO-tO 80K08 CAN'T BB BEAT. II oa • 49-« NBW BOOKS (Joaioal) inti l^far3floafltaeach. f 4^ MSW BOOES (larger Mio)^ fbr eO oentl tih^ (^Itae Branch'tanafonnallon Packet (entiielj new and original) II to. B^hancb Tranipareal Playing Oerdi (genoine), 13 per peck. 49-a11 IhaaboTO dallTerad FBKB onreeelplof prioa. Ba-^ ordeca for Booki, Cirtea da Tlilla, ett., forwardedImmedUlely on recelptof order. OATALOOUB and PBEm PIOTDBB by tendbig ilamped end addnaaed eoTalope to B9-S. H. DAVIS ft CO., 8-tf 87 Meieao atreel, Sew York City. Boxing Qlov«8 for Sale.—Tha Veteran Maatar of Cercmonlee, OLD BIUi TOVEB, will icnd, on reoelpl of 90, per eipreea, a auperior eat of BOUliO OLO VIS to eny Blile In be Onion. Olorei cleenod and repelred. THE ABT OF SELF DErBNOB traghtby Mr. TOTEB,ellhcr at bla own or Ihe popll'a realdenca, on rvaeontble tcrma. WIUIAli TO'VEE, Mnlla ATenne Flink Boad, Bttihwlck, Brooklyn, L, L P. 0. Addreti.B0l8i«,BnaUTn. ■ TboDe Eelb ATaoeCan, Fnlton Ftn^ take yoa to the old genlleman'a realdenoe. Sim 0. KehOB, ' < 108 eLU BTBEEr, NEW TOBK. CeE EBHOE'B CLOBB, FOB BTBENOIHININa AND DEVELOFINa TBE MOSOU- LAB BT8TEU. OInbcaiaSOia., ISperpalr; 10 to 13 Iba., 18 to 17 pw pair. Allordera(eeconpBnlcd - . with Ihe money) ehonld be eddreeeed B.' D. EBHOB, Ho. 103 Blm atoeat. Mew Toik, l»-tf Marry Hill Still Uvea I THB OinOH OrtMS. TC BEAU. BE PB EBEB TH). THB EZaHANQE, Mol 38 Beat Honilon etreet and THE BBAMOH, comer of-Third Arenna andfieronly-Flrat aircet oonHnne to at. tract lha Tlaltitlena of atrangbn aojonnlng In the dty, hondredi of wbcnn by their pieaenoe gtre eTldenoe of their nnqnaUded pleaaue. Norclty, fun and mutb cbanctarlra lha programme, and Ihe moat peifuct order and daoomm control Iba arenlng bee tintrrtalnniffffti 83^m "EtI, Wllaon," ~~ ' "Ed. Wllaon," Bo. 18 LEBOT PLAOE, OonMro(IUeeckicaadareenaet&, |43-lf] Hew Toix, Our Houaa, Bonthweetooraer of RatetnettodBd Aveniu, R. T. BMI WINES. UqVOBS AND OIQIABB ALWAYS ON EAMS, A OOHVENDUT "".l.lAlin BOOH ATTACHED. 4m3me' JAMES COBDBN, Proprietor. IHATB JUBI arrif ed ttom Pitli wUh aomelhln^ori aatoindlngandnaearbeforeleenInthJicoonlry. twill eend by mall, aeeled, poetpeld, 8 Photographalor 11,or Idot. for |1.90,wlUicalali>gsr. SlreolP.O.BoxltTO, Ohkega 14B* TO FABOIEBa OF OAUB FOWLS AND DBILEBB OENEBAILT. I bare on hand fOr tal^ the dheil lot of Twe Tear Old OOOKB end HENS, of Ihe choloeit Imported atnlna. Alao BABL7 BTAO end POLLETS of Ihla yoiH'railing. AB wannted pore brood endUiorough^ma.^ ^^g*jj, j„oellowblllli,PhOa.,Pa. Tm OBEAT OpnOAL OELCEION.—Tha giealeit Oerd Trick onL Aaettofcirda, with dlncUoni, by nail, 900. Addrait a-fta P. 0. iDAMB, 403 Cheetnoi at, PblUdelphla, Pa. STBADOB BDT TBDE. MADAME FOSrna, OLAIBVOTAKT, by Ihe aid of the hychomalr^,anowIylnTCnledftenohioetii>. ment of Intenae power, OAM PBODOOE A FBRFBOt LIEEHE8S otyDnrfnbarahuDandot wife, with (nll nuse, neonnlary cl^ oiunalencai^anddateormiinage. She will alao tcu yon whether yosr married VfOwlll be happy or otberwiae, end will . Bm)MD TOOB MONET ID ALL 0ABB8 where her repnientatlonaprorelnoomct Plaaaeatatayonregiv color of hilr Old eyet, and eootoeetO etc with frai>aldenTelopo, Addieai MASAMB POSTEB, 84pi Box IV, WUIIamebunlb, Long lelind. 4-«t AH, OVZRIKB WOB^. PHOTOOBAPH CABSB FOR aE.NTLEME<l, SAMPLE, IS CENTS, TBAKBFAREMI CABSB (01 VDEWB), 11.98 For Pack, 110 Per Doien. ALSO, UABEED BAOE PLAinNO CABDB, ILOO FEB PACE. All by mnO on rooolpt of nrico. Addrcee FOBWABOINU AOENCT, ei-ttx 49 Liberty etieet, Now Totk FOB THB TTSnS. BEWABE OF miTATIONB. EMPORIUM. THUS 1^ _—_L^^C^rtni OUB PATBOBB, - M i-i B IK oOODFAlTHkDiaPATOH, OEBnnT U. ETANBk CO.'S nzw TOBK FonwABona AOEMOT, t Ko.93Ubertjitaaet,HewTorkaty. BEND lOB OOB OATALOODB-FOBWABDED dBlTTB. We bare on head, end wm fbrwird at the ihortaat notice^ aU aril' clefiuedby TBB SPOBTDiaiUM, • raa MiK OF tHBUS* ■ _ I . . TBB MAS OF TASTE TBS LIBOESI ASp HOST TtBlKD ASBOBTlHaiT. IK'THE CITX AT TBK TXBI LOVBBT PBIOBa nrBOOESI B00K8I BOOSBI'^ THB MBWISI AMD OATBSI OOTI TEBBBinCWSOHO BOOES, Mc, BAOHI-THBTUBCBFOBIL BUBBEB OOODB OF THB SlSr qVALITr, PoohatAIhimu,'Plctiiia^ Btanoeooplo Tl*w% OirlN de TlMle, Mlcneooplo Enlree, Wetob Ohinni, PIni, Olgir Oaaoa, . Tosacco Boiea, Flnnr Binge, Porta Mob- nalaa, Milch Boici, A&, ka, XERO BSnS, FABO BOIIS AMD ' TOOLS, TBIMMIHa BBKAB8, DIOi; PBOIS; DIOB-TOPB, FABO OEBOES, OABD'BAOIS^ PUnSBS, FOBXB OBIPB, end * ETxar xaiD ot tool ob oabd bbbd bt .spOBma mkr, WedUmlolay onranar eatabUabaiant In ik* Onion In oar ■matepaclilltyad' ' - Tha gTMtail TarMy, Weal aMaa, bait malartll lad loweat prioea, SAMPLE 8BUT and rairaUBT forwtidad FBBB la anyiddmi. ' CABSSODTTOWIRAXIVEBr QlMBOFOHAirOB.^ BTOBTIHa MEM, BDT TOUB OOODS OF A BPOBUKa MAV, and yon will be dealt wllb •'OHTBSaqDABB." r Wt OAR BRABU TOU TO 'WW, AT SmiT OAMl, Ooeda to the iDUmnt of |8tadinwirdaaanlbyeiprta^ PAVABLB OK pBLIVEBT. Bend jrooraddreia, and yo n wUl r acalTa ou bandnmi and comnlati Oalikigoe FBBB OF BXmiBB. ^, , w _ .w. AlIlattanannrereiLtndanordanflllad Immedlalaboa lha tMelpt Addiaaa OEBBITT M. BT^S *00., n,U Mo. 33 Liberty atreel. Mew Yotk at/. 'PBBLAr'B. IKPBufSD BILUABB TABL ,..ABD OOUBlMiJIOM COB^OitS.' . tbeaa BOBaid Tlhlee bato receind the uqniUlid vpteni al the bell Pityar* and moat eompetaat lodgea, who bene VBlraa. aa|l> noewnnaad then uatnallad tOr genanl awaOnoe w4 dvahajlt. S«tan dlitjnei«atenta for Improrenenli In BUUudlkhlHtef* bin giaatad to na by lha Un Had BItlaa Patent OSIcr, and wa ban elj Obtained n patant tmm lha Vrenah Ooranmaat (oi on; la. pmamenUlnbelllirdoaihloDa, . ' We enptey, t» tfa« ooEitraeUon o( ou laUaeL • wWy et ■(. eUoei epe^aUT made fOr. Ihe purpciew by whHh miani w4 M* enaUad te inenr* » edeatUa and mernaiilMl aooanoy kUhekta inknownInbuiludmaaUbotwe, -"' i'> Baring t long eiperieas aadthoroigb knowledge cd iD ibe'a^ illioeae e( buHaidvuid eoacteoUyOB handalaigi atggkellM Kbt and moot thoroagbly iineiiiMiii iialffiile. wa eora pi tp eaed If fimlebenrylhlngreiialnd In the bllUiid line with tupneidaatat dlipatcb. The eminent PreBohbUlliidplent ll'lidrge, ha« pQblhbed Uie following opinion i ■ 'NnXou.ldAa(«i«^.Ua. f On Ihe ere of leering the United BUtea, I am h^^rtodeddM 33Hbaityilr<et, Naw.Tort. ■ V^OSUOS,—TBB MOST BXADTIFOL BPSOIMER of Branch \^ taela and Ingennlty ever Inraaled. AgnetnrMyotQr ()T)UITE VIEWS, each u Itrga ai a common latter araloje, yet Ibe whole occnpylog no more apece. If yoa want lomattlai LOTELT,aaadfOrlt Price impoat paid. O. M, EVAB8 ft CO., 38 Ilbetty It, Few To*k. 814f On, OOLODED PHOTOOBAPBS, FEOM LIFE, eO cante each, twf 0. it EVAIIB ft CO.. a Liberty at. Bew York. D B fl B ^^BOW TO WIH AT OABDB, DICE, tTO. Sad Tonr addroea to W. L. CRAWFOUD, No. 88 AMD 87 RIB- SAU SIBEBT, NEWVOnK CITT, end he win Inform you of a BDBB method of WINMCia el all tha tirloui Qemea, frt^by retom malL TBY If. BOBB, THE BBAOnrUL BALLET Oini« SOda.'^ w_ awFEMALELirEINN.T.,44ENOHATn(OS,80cl«.-Ba «a-IANMY, THE DEAVTIFOL DELLE, lllUllnlcd, BOola.^ «^AY BPOBTO' POOEBT OOUPANIOH, HJrte. J» n-13 OV TUOSE FIlENCn FBOTOOnArnS, I1.-9 ja-NIOUT BIDE OF NEW YOBK, S0cla.-«8L , *^ BAHILTON, LEBUAN ft CO., ' MM* 903end903ArcheL, TbU<dtIpbla,Pa. 44m mHB EZY0TONB SPOBTINa PAOKA0B.-8POBT8, TBIB J. beata Ihim ell. Itcontalna WBonga,'^rloh 4r Fbolo. griphe,^ Begraringa, 49vid the new aid trick. Jnit onl, wllb rail dlrectlouL Ihli package la good. By mall, aocta. Addrtei OHiJlLBB OOLUNB, A-UI* IWOUra etreet, Pblladelphli, OBIOH AND BABE SPOBTINa OOODS, TT m Bare Booki. Cartaa, Print*, Bobber Ooodi, Marked J\.e Cerde, and iD lha lateet Frenoh NoTalUea an to be fonnd In ou a H. Oelnlogna. Oiden tiled pnmpUy. SaUifkctlon gniian. teed. Send yonraddreoa for the 0. E. Oelalogoe, fine, to MIL OBO. V.ALOBB ft oa,«M Broadway, N.Y, fftHIB IB TEE OBEAT OPFOBI'IIMITV 1 J. BP0BT8I SEND OS YOOB ADDBBBBI And leoelTC our CATALOODB and ULOABLE IMFOBMATTON FBIEI TBB GAYEST AMD SPIOIEBT OATALOOOB OOTI BEMBMBBBI IT OOBIS YOD NOTHDiai la T» wnxxAua a colbt, Ko. 88 William alieet, Now York. Addreat 8.4|a ^TB bhuhlng mild, ind anxJona lorer, 'X A chance to aolre roar deatlnyl Year fntnn huibead to dbcorer. Or }onT wife thit li to be. By the eld of a'wondortnl toaliqment known aa the Donacope, '. am enabled toprodnoe a llfo.llkenletnre of your fubnro wife oi hoabead. BywtaUng age, color or hair end «yea, and endoetne 00 centa, with a etamped envelope plainly eddieeeed to youneli, yoswlllmalretheplotanbyretarBniiJL Addreea S-lt* L. JONES, Box 888, Weet l^y, H. T. FEW BOOES! RBWBOOXBl MEWBOOEBI-.. LOOIBB.'Ihe Belle ofthe Boweiy (Iflutrated). .800. ^> Dark Bido of New York, OoHiam niamlnated 80o. ta as-Fenny, Ihe Belle of New Voik (get It) 80O.-V O^NIghtln New York, Oey Boenee After Dark 30o. -sr 84t< AddnaaOHAB.OOLLINaU30OUTeeL,PbUtdelphlb MYBTEBIES OF A CONTENT,. OOcenla.'^ BBAOTUDL FBBMCH OIBLl 6acenll.-CB FANNY.. ■ 90 oenll.'^ B06E, THE PBETTY BALLET QIBL 30 cenla.^ NIOUT aiOB OF NEW TOBE SOc«nla.tiB THB fiOOE OF NATDBB 80oonU.-«k Addreea ). TAYLOR, Mo. 3 HUeaConrt, •« 8-lt* nibcrt Btroet, below Ninth, Philadelphia, Pa.'^ 100 SPLENDID PIOTDAES OF FEMALE DEAlrnES-«B takon flom Ufa. 47-80 Fonnyand SplayBonga.'CB anda gvMcy/eet Book aentonrrcelptpf 801 Addreie^g «>• 0-U* TAyLOnftCa.,Boi3107,'tB «B- HYSTBIUEB OF A CONVENT 80conla.-«t AilTonliueeoraSeaullfal French OIri tOcenla.-CB Addreaa TAYLOR A CO., -a O-ll* Box 3»7, PhlladolphU, tt.-» LooH nBnE.-Gi ' «■ looe hedccb Tbe Now PockelCompitiMIi, J[r ANawBcok,Jnet^B dnl It conUlna xTer A- loo -wniuatreUont'fKm Noloro, end !• lO-J-e» pagta rich roidlna mailer. Uy mall, 00 oenli. LEONOBE,Uio Thrilling AdVeolnroaot a Bride (Uloal'd), 800. JOLIA, or Bcenea la tho Country, to centa by null HABBISON, WlLLUMS ft CO., . '8.TI* . 001.Uoyerilrocl,Flilledo]phla,Pi., XTBW, OAT AMD FESTIVB DO0E.-qOT,-IUob and Fploy. ill Oay Divoiopmala.' ll'a a gnat work, with ragnringa: alao a etkoUon of. ibo beil Blotlae, Jokea, Oeme, etc., In Iho worU. ByMloolue. By null. Weenie. I 8-I9ia OAnTBB,DAVISftCO.,l3Eiohaiige FI.,Phll>d'b ' SEND 10 CEMTBand (oodTaaFULL UISTOnY OF LirE,ta ,Ml» BBNT0M|6eco,iEln», boos of PHARAOH'S BEBFEMTSI^ The meet WW . wondariul Toy em Inrentai), amualng lo the Old and Tonng. Priee Mr box of 10 large Bua, only 3t oenli, free by bAUrBBEB ft 00., MunftctarenjUlMBtat Dnadwity,N, Y, nerecel«tfOrnudi(pg Uieie UV "<U be KntOB rae^pt of tOotoU, Ml* ROBOiBON'S OBBAM SODA, FOB OHILDBEK. Tbo titmtlen of head! of fkmlllea la oeOed do tbie delldoni boTcnge ea a pnTestatlre to the many ellmenti to which the yoiug era Ilibie. For aummer oonpUlnla, wenu. dleordered etonacb, tndgenenlweakneeaoftheayitam, ilagenUaendelfect- Ire Inflieioe te miiupaaaed. 0 U 0 LB B A. Ihla ui e yieU oo waa lint made byaiiaeir oe)y dnrliji Ihe cbol. enoflM9,ataieanggeatlOBof IbelaieDr, Hott,al>obyDr.Ande^ aoa, who bbgkty noommandad It u a prerailalleeof ihle dlaeaa« Paeuina oT fonr doian, mice M on be oMalned by addreeelni thaminnfentaer, BOBBBT BOBIMBON, 403 Allanlia ATenoe^ Brooklyn, N. 7, N.'B.—Dottlea allowed for whoa ratnmed. 8.3m VALUABLE OOLD MIHS, I will leene tor flre or tan year* lha mintag Inlereataf my Tilnibia Oold Mbu, near BUUerdaton, Naih CoonW, North ftrollpa Any penon who may wlabte engage In gold mtnlog^ will do well to oomo and eiamlno wttboot dain, Borenl appit eania bare eximlned end mide oOiri. I 'wUl it ill tlmeaba tennd on Ibe premlaea, and Uo pleanre In condnoUng any and all peoione who may wiah to '"■'"Int from now onlll the litef ^aly. Oometulck, oryoamaykiaaabarnltt. N, M. HARBIfl^ Hllllaidetan.NaahOo., ' f4t North Carolina. MEW ILLOBTRATBD PAPER 11 The nudorafgned hare tho pleaanre of anaomelng that on 4th or June tMy win lane Ina fintnumberof an^wlllu. baled Joimil, la be caned "TBB MIBBOB OF .THE TOOa" J Tbougb then ere elrtadya largo namber of Periodleal Pnb- lloellom of Ibe bind wt> prapoaa to tana, end then le lharoton no poiltlTonoooaeityforthe eatabUahmcnl of anotboi) atiB, we InlMdto miaTecanoyin lblaoonnoctlon which bla long been foil, to the iQjniT of many inerltortom aboeta. II le Impoeelblo et Iba preatnt Uno to obtain any paper of Ihe leaal netft for lea then llireo Oollan jur annum, and en llloi. baled one for not leei uan Four IMlUn. Our IntenUon ta, Itaenfbre^ to lane a Jonmal of Ihe aeme elio ea •'Herpar'*," or "Frank Lealle'e," tho oonlenia of wblcb eliellbo e^neltotheln In nterll, and lo charge but helf of tbelr price, namely. Two Doltan poT year. We ehall aim to pceeeot a weebly blelory of paieliig erenla, llhiaimed bywood>ula In Ihe higtcatetylaof Iheirl, and Inlanuoaed with OnglaelNonila, Bamaacaa, TtiM, Adrealnns, Oradao Blograpblee, Liugheblo Aneodotea, Wlk nnmor, Baulbe, InlmltebU'Oiilcattinib Utenry, Pnional and Bdenllaelteou, elo.,clr, ' : b' Uini charging ao 'npaU a aora lOr their paper, the Pnb- llehen oflbo^'AllrTorCfin Timee" eipcd to be nwarded wHb a BnbaortpUonLlitwnlch ehall amply remunonle tham torlhair nnrnaierT ouUer of both "Mind and MitXor." leariptlan Frto (or-One Veer, |100, r, '• .." slIMonth^|L9S, No Free Oople*. Moadimllaenenlalnenled. AddrMt all BobaorinHona and Editorial metier to V. a aiNDFOBD * oa., PnbHtken, {,31 ' B/al/_ U rO THB TBADE. BEDCCtlOR OF 10 FEB CENT IN TBE FBICE OF PLAYINa CABOS. Alao, for ealf, all arUclee ueed In gemee of Amnaement and - ' M. NELSON, Mo. 444 Broome el, Cbancc. Bond for Circular. N. Y. City. 40-lf la ell imalenn of bUuinIa that, after a tou ot e a reogh Ike prlnc4pilcUlae,Iha7ebeanniiblad to Jodga Ini^ la aalon manner of the (nperiorily of tha BUllaid Tanlei nmi itoreaby Fbebm ft Oellendor. The eyitamof mannftetdMla ec eiiperior, that I em happy la Inlndnoe tbair etyleot nUhloa hoonaaoa. ShayharannlUd lothalrmanntectareolAaeflas Billiard Tlblea that of IheFnnoh Tablee, of Rniarkibleei>ellene* Wdbeanly. Forlbedeteaaonalamhsppytomekelhlideclinllca. i iiBEROBB, CLAUDIUS; Piofiaaor of BIUlarda,Farii.'' Tirtlaa ordering fnm sa wfllllnd onrprioaa ulow aa good weik ^poeelblybeniadafor. mwlllnti3iieamcleeetelUrprlc% and will not mala aa IBMIoMrtlela at any prica. Olden by maU caMtgUy mt prompUy aieoaled. Odialcgue* and Price Llila aSF by mil .'rcn Bnuin, alrubUabedlirihelutereetofMnindi,aadeOBtAhl _ airnaraMee, a ceplout teeofd of bllUard new^ ander^^r- latei ■ tblng Inlamdngio e niaM#. lainOinL itAhUff^ t ioamalrubUabed uTUie lutereet of blDlndi, and coal WU of aBnaraWee, a ceplout teeofd of bllUard n— lunnf bllliardiLeeiitftet -----^ '^PHBLAR ft OOLLENBIC^. ' cent free onapplkatMB. 88, 88, d7 and B9 Croabyitnel, MTT. " And 734 end 738 MoBlgnDear itiael, San FnndaomM, rriBB AMBHIOAM SPOBTINa GOODS AOEBOT. I ' ESTABUSBBD1198, ffi hare the beet •MMtaanl ot BOOIS, PIOTDBISl . _ PLAPRaOABM.. OABTEB DB TDnVi And B^fO^^SiS^S^^ „, . FDI8, BIMQB, EHTVES, WAIOH OBABHB. THB LABT RX« BOOK. 8 Steel Bngnrinfl, ' Paffad BtaaUai. Foatage paid for^lL A EABDSOME AUDIL canlalnlag 11 handtomalr enaat bictnraa. BcalOoni. Mcefl.' Upon leeelpt oT II wa WO lead Boaelhlni Biltalj Rew,. n io£ralaawaUuonamxnlaL 'Mo Bs«rrahouUdo«UJ|enlkU Band red ttamn lu onr Olnnlar fbr uH. . . , ■ EELLOOa ft 00., MOadarit, 4Mm* Formerly la Baakma iljr: Addljal. A7'lm* MIOBOBOOPIO.ALBtTMB... . MIOnOBOOPIO pnn...:.':..'.'..'.iO easb, MIOBOBOOPIOOHABMS ;Oa«rtU_^ -i 1C8 Btoedwiyl^w Teit, lie 50o Thoee Fetlle charming MIOBOBCOPIO VIEWB, aH la W4(rk Charme, Scarf Plna, elo. IwtUeend yon one »plafor80i!ljj or 18 W par dofon.. Enlrae, lUnja and «• W. to at. Bndoeo price and abmpod enTolope, wllb addnai, to ' ■ 'p.'lSlBANDl^Jobnilrtet.MewTcrhOllr. OAT OABDB fbr Oentlemen, JJcti, or II to per doaen.' ,. I, PBBHOH PLAYINO OAIIDB, |1 i«r pack »«., ftc (O-Sm* $10,000 nocapiUl ortruaUng.) Band lOo. for iotor JUST ODTI Uap of tha "OOLDEM OATH.' ardtorSOcenla, orwUhBooktOconta. Mew book Bit free. t7<an* Mis I lite V. B, MEBBITT, Box 310 Brooklyn P.O. ffigg NEW YOBE PAOSAOB FOB OAY DOYSLConlalni over 1 80 BONOS, 9 FBOTOOBAPBS FBOU .IdFE (colored), 3 BXOmMO BCEMEB IB THE LIFE OF A FBEMOH AITTBBBB, elo. Sent, poet paid, (or 30 centa. _ . 484m< Addreea Box 3130, P. 0., Mew Tok. PLEASE TO TAEE MOTIOE r ------ _ ThatIaallI)ooka,Frlnla,Carda.fto., mon chtaplythananr pvaon elee doaa, BandformyOatiloguea, No fnnd pncUaed. JOHN ATOniBON, 1.3m* 817 Oreenwlch iL, New York. DOXXKO OLOVEB, 10 a eell; Fendng FoUi, Meaki, Olona, IS Jj a pair: Biding LeitMnge, aii Ori'rlng Oaanllela,-|9 80 per Sr: jfeol Dalle, 13; Ilaod Belli, W ceoU) Pocket Plalolf, )ls Eueaand Shot dona, |90 to tUO. Baaa Bell, Orlcktt, Oro^aat and ShooUng Etnlpmagia anl Bportlog Oooda, elo.,^of erery Und esnt by mall or expreta. PBINTBD UIBTnbanOMU(OcenUeaoh,poal fnei "Boilng, Training and Oymneillcei" "lha Oema of Cricket," "Oameof CnuueC" ••American FUluni;" "DeadBoier," 90 cenlai ••Arlot Boiu>g,''18 centa. Agenia, Canniaera, Conntry Dailan^ ale nodfortaima. Addreea diatlnctly BXVBTOMB BPBOIAL AOEMOT, Mount Veenon etreet, il-in* PHILADELPHIA, PA, lOH, BABE AND BAOY IS •■ SUSIE EMIOHTl Or, The AO- nnUirce of A Pntty Waller OIri." Tba fendaet book oo Edllleo, 88 pegee, Dluelnlad. Only 96 cenli: nulled fna M8t< AddreeeBoxl3,uInBdala,M. U. rltHB OBEAITST OUBIOSITY OF TUB 13TH OENTUBY.— JL Jut patented,'TUB NOVEL SBWINO HAOHIMK" aiHable for all Ugnt work. Bimplaa nailed on receipt of aoeeoti. " lunnbog. 404m* Addr«u H. BMITH, Shirley Villig^ Hue No JAMBS OOODWDf, Commtmlon Ptper Dealer, Na 118 JOBM BTBEBT, near Ollir, New York. Mewl and Printing paper mmnftobiired to order at Ike ihoritat cotloa. ao-lf OUBLBI OUBLBI BAMPLIS BERT FBBB. A tample of PBOF. BOBB'S CUBLIOUBwUI be eant free to my addreaa. The OUBLiqUEwlU eurl the almlgblaat hair on Uia lint eppllcaUon (wllhoat li\|ary) In aoR, loionant, beeutlfnl Bowing curia, Addieei, with atamp, . < PBOF. a. H. BODD, ■ Mm* ruknien,OMo, THE WELCOME GUEST CONTAINlNO UANY OORIODS BECHinn, FUNNY OO.IUNDnU^tS, nUVOROU.H RTonisa, ~ ;c., 4c. Ac. FIBESIUi: aAMl», tc. ilantsrooon recelpl of 8 oonli. ' Addroea Bo« 913J, P. 0., Mew York, Mahied CAiiDa mew RTyr,EB, poick oo cents pbb FAOE, OR 84 FEU DOZEN, HAUJCD FBEE. UAOIO CAllOB, PRICE 90 CENTS PER PACE, WITH ILLUBTnATBD iNifTnoonoNs fob due, addbeS C. WILLIS ft CU, l-lf 187 BDOADWAY, New Yoct. RIOH, HARE end RAOY.-^Scnd lOo, fori copy of Uia NEWp» per, Juat luned. Addreaa P. 0, Box 033, Chlcaga, 111. 8.3I> IT IB OAY I—Tbo now penor Juil publlihod at Chicago, ni, Addrtei, with lOo., P, 0. lloi iO. ■ i.3l< PUONNYSTOniES.—ForparttculiniondlO&toP. 0. Boxeia^ OhlOHjo, IlL, for ono of Iboir gey and feetlTO ptpore. l-3t* aAT AMD FESTIVE 0nBBB8.-«rnd on roar tra ceola lo Boa 839, Ohlcego, Dl,; for Uio new paper. <-3t* UrnAT WILL FBENOHUEN .DO NEXTf-lflaroacopla AI- 'J J bume,oonl4lnIug ill pictune eecb, taken from reel life. Ihla la a new and iplendld thlogi prion 81,00, Bold by mall only, 4-81* . W, OA!u>kNT£D, 17 Neaeeo at, N, Y., . Xr. B,-^ALt yoUNO FBOFLB oonlemplaUng marriage Aoild. 11 e reed Natnre'a Own Book, with two blgbl( oolnad Uidalr» bailoni, price |L ifUieMonitecbeilFread), lla,pilr:b|iniU Addnai . SAMUEL VOULb,ean)l.lii(iiwnd, 0n«*B«««nB«*t«rb BOOES BY THE UILUONI , FOB THE IIILLIOBI .. _._ AT PMOES THAT CANNOT FAIL TO OIVB SATISIAOIIOH TO EVEBY BUYKB. . J J. a FARRELL, Mo. 18 AMN BTBEBr. (ONE OP TBE OLDEST ESTABLISnMENIB IN »HB OITT OF NEW YOBE.) . ^ ^ Bee Ihe Iirgeit end boat eaeortment of Booki, and eniy ntKM uenelly euppUed by Ibe trade. Any ertlde Uial can be oMiUi* bi any Bloro In tbo United Btalea can be oblalned'at Mo, II Anm BireeL Don't fell to cell and eiamlne Uie etock, at It oomgrlaee etimhing In Ue eporting Une, Ottelognoe gliiaa Ihe lallal patllcolara u lo etyu of Boobi lod prioea fbmlahtd on applies tlon. DeelanebouldgttomeaealLaalain_ ■_ THE LABOEUT PUBUBBBBOF IHB8B BOOXSk ft& IN TBE OMIOM, ' ' Theae about lo commenoe bnalnaaa can Obtain arery uuoinK Uon by applying pcnonally or by laUtf, m a ddwai^r^ Ml Mo.HAnnitreet,nearBioadway. COBNEB OF BOWEBY AND BATABDBTBiejB,.R^. Ouoata can be awwniniodetiid wlUi Boomt to the day « ween OEO. P. WOBDEH, Proprietor, Ouoeta can be wllb or without boud. B-lf DUU VirainS VIVAKUB-aictoaeIfa.ja*^" 25*5 return maU, OBUSST ft 00., Box 0103, M. Y. P. 0, 8»8a* SOMBIHINO RHW ARMOVELI 'f ■ MIOHOBOOPIO VIEWS ^ takMitramau(eadaVlalte,aadlniettad bi Vaich OuBSW |8| two from tha aama ylctnn, |0, . OBMBBY ft 00., Mm* P. O. Box^ U7 Naaaa at, N,T„ BMB » AD, BOBMBMAH, _ . „ Dayton, MaUfeaeit Co., O., U B, 8I« FBUIT ARD OBHAMEMTAL TMOS, A LABOB ABBO BTME KTW OBAPB BOOTS, BHBtmTBVisamicEHS, Bonm- FLOWra AND VEOBIABLB SSESr DUTOH FLOWEB BULB8, AS BYAOIMTB^ All mtden forweidM with cue and diapalnh, FLOWBB SEEDS BY MAIL. For lha acannaodaUon of penoci who an located wtara «k bannoag(«li,wewUlaBnd b/mf bi Ihe Untied Blalce, luder 8,A Mr Du'J, poat paid, loeayid^eea ,W0 mllae, any nrfaUN uernir' order, tl Ihe inseied prioee. Tboaa wbo nalde boyond 8,000 mllaa an naaalid la •d.Aterw BReeei eenle. In addition to Ibe amount umad, I wortb anleied.' . Pnrdiaaon ramlUng It, may aeltcl laedi ateala)ifd|'BrtMf amoiaUng lo |110: rcmliUng |L may ealeol leada il cal^ogw prioea amounUng to |3 Vi lamlUlng |l, may nelael teala it otlik>gnepricei amonnUng to 88 80) nmltUiig H, mar aeleel eeeda it ealalogne pricea amoonllng to f 178| remltui|( M mtf lelect eeeda at caUogua prioea amounting to |8) nmlBma tv, nwy aelod eeeda at cntalogile prioea amounting lolUHi nml^ Ung 190, may lelaot aeedi tl ealalogne prioea anonAllaf to IM| nmlttlng |80, may aelect eeeda if calilogna pijcei iDOasUag 10 140, Pereone doelring ne to mike tbelr aeleoUoni, may ra|y apea our eending only Ihoae which en rcaUy ebowy and hajdiomei and eaiy la nildnta. We bellere that onr eiperieeue wlU'», able ua to mike eeleoUone Ibet cannot All to giro enUrw tatlMo.1 lien to any lady or ganUanun who may be dlipoeed ia tfU^ thou. ■ . ' '•■ ABordanahenldba addrnaill (wllbuionnt eiMloaedtt(aA or poalage elampt,) M foUowa— A. BOBNBMAR, *''', Dayton, MoitgomeiT 0>~ OMo, - MaKkBiUM. , hm SEMD STAMP for one of the gayeel Oatiloinn osl, l» 4Mm* OBMBBY ft CO., Dox 0809, Mew York F, a PATENT FASTENEBS FOB LA0IE9 ARD OERTS, 30 01% OOOD BOOKS, 18 cenU eecb-Courteblp Hade Biay, B,-Ml BUqncUo, Bow to Wbi and Woo, How to BebiTe, Mud yo« Btopa, How to Debate, Hard Worda Made Ealy, ailrmaBU. Bpoker'l Oolda, How to Write LeUen ComoUr, Belfdtfen Made Eaay, Oeme of -ffhlet "LIBRARY OF LOV& 8 Tolnme, for 70 cenb. TUB TWELVE OEMS FllOU LIVINO If./DEL A' CotttaUnIng 48 Beeutlfnl Fnuch Dandng Olrle In obirector, IL, BOOBS OIBIIUetde wlUi Uulre, Fenoy BboU, Ac, ftc,Moto,|' ParlorTbeablcala, 90cU.; Fbealile Ountr, Mola.i LoreOTdelk 88 cte.i OoDio Becller, 38 cla.| Lawe of Lorf, 90 cii.; Bo# to ■ OonTeno OomcUy, 38 cle.; Onldo to BMuty, 38 cle,i Pkri^r' Putonlmea, with dlrecHone, moUonei eto., complrte let 4" Dnmu for Iloye, 40cU; DreDiuforLidlea, 4(lc_la.|^ Snmaa, 40 cU.?!fb>ifceTean'ri'^ 40 eti'iJbjlS^^^ Umuv, containing TUoueendi nf Dooba, Plctaidir, fluti, BcbOOl,' CoOoge and Homo AineanmanU, ecnt with lay: «f Ike abofi. Bond'yeurocdore to w, ,u, WBIIYBS, HI BNelMy.irew York.' ■'• ''■'. ' V 'IMm* rr. OAT MPoniB OWN PAOKAoa -■■'')• », < Ji oontalna Oey Pbougnphi, ff A Oiy Book, with nob end iplry reedlngj Ihd Sporfar'e Oom, Ac Ifatlnd otqiM, ireriob,nnendnl)r.illdbeaUallOr<eU0ii, ^Braull,|« . 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