New York Clipper (May 1866)

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.. omiiiiiiiihit nni tn himnt ilrfn**" " »iiiui. ■ ifn rt£SrS3i^r?jMoiiiMm<!nilw ■Ui. tod Imutablr Viat ii «i i< £_. •=^^'H;.»^•iSi.^^~»,H;T.l BBViuTCi APCRA MOUSE. ' ' r- BRYANTS' OPeM HOUSE, . ■ ■ BBTiiriB' WHaTBEU, , . i. «h0M WMsti In tti CUj Of Haw Tork, dula«, tvmM V >■ wUlust pmaAcst |b Ih* uiuli at pvbllo ^X'SSSSwmtti of »*rf cU«^ Ihtelte dlncMon of ttwpcpaJir oomtdlin, ^^^^ DfiBBTAMTj- 1 KOBBISOH, DATB AnOi B. SIYOr ».& oox,- II. wabbim;_ NZILBBTANr 01IJ[| ikbilBtal'tuMT of Hra Baw;. Ckonuei, Suom,- ^ HOOtEVS NEW OPEHA;.,---^. ooBitn 01 ooTsm abd bember erTBESn, bbookltv, b bM m«n for Ui« MaMKi wtth 1 Obuz wab ooubination or tnKBIBEU AND FAHTOimiian. ' THK VOR CDUOBTABUi AXD nNISI HALL JN MCai OA.' ■ nMOoBnito mapilM TWlom-yiVB VNIQVALLKD FEB- fOBUEBsTutcUd ROB Iba flnt nato of a< Fntadon. llntdMililaioBioddMo i K'SBEIHIiiEDbAcX : [MfJ ' BL K. HOOLKT, Bolt rnpT*!. ^ NOTIOE TO THEATRICALvMANAOERS. : . . . IBB BODU) BQT 01 OLEMOAUi, B olfljjul IH^ dnnuL In thm Kfai, inUteD upitMlT for ■ KB. BAH BBTAMT, ODD FELLOWS' (rormtrly Melodeon) HALL, , HAXiBOM, INDIAMA. nl ODD RLLOVB..,.i'...i FBOPBBIOES. TUi Halllo JoaloonfilitHa iMliuonlirgadiBdnflUad Id uo M otylt, ngiidlui tfnotM, wllk anttnlr now 1011017 (<•*')• linUTOBilktoliidll^MwlUiMvia fooludbordvUglitt, (ooidxoaliifnoBu,«t&iUootti!aMUe*oh«ndofBiU. W •oalfnmTWtoaoOponoBi. BUooMtai«.«emtnol tmalDak.' Fi^gUUoBlJt^ AUn 1 i "uU-LrLn_nj-LrL-ij-Llrl 1 ~ - i -ri~ i '>- o " THAT HUMOROUS WATSON, 0010a TOOALUT, nov vith PBOr. BABBixawx, ou In M«ial to( Um imt iMm tftelr IboMh lliT. DIOISOH & WATBOM, Do. U Blotiom (t OoTut, MOST POWEBFUL^RMNIZATION . ™««^Ai?M'S!gr™^^ BaUratl uA InptoTt* for Un •««»»«/<.'W*i?£,r"„, moI ^taS tJttTiKil, Oio «ii4 Mew OtteUU. rt«,«c»4i«OBg5^.^ BEHEDIOrS, ^ s*^ErBTr»i2'rffi A»». Ap,«^i.^nHjnj|^=^ T-h-*,M,.^iihuonaokntU Ikoblart foItaMIn?i(poMlB; Tibodidu on »hli oocoilop tU tto ~ - — v , •wRr^ofoU«»£gft«ioo» oM taadUi flun of IS foui tUndterwUh iU( OoifOBT' BOLrwEST, ' B. DDPar' A CARD. IIBS. WILEIIta U opatenoonnmalfor LotttuHaTiudllnrtCoDtdj ' l VMoan, H phied by bar irtlh Mr.^dwin Booth, diuloi hU ilatl£<Wlstaand*a. MuMKnwmj^uMtiiaMi 'Oiiaof kr.Btant, ^latwOwloB. OAUXA LATAIXE^ JAMBS KOBBJU SAMUEL FORD, 0HA8. SOEBL, WM. WATltE, BIO. ODSTAVE BIDEADX, EDiriM HOLMEB, QOMSALTO BISHOP, FBED. BEtHDBIOH, CINCINNATI ENQUIRER...^ : ! ' iBHOw pBnraafa EsiABUBBUEin', WIUn«Bm«ba»lli««on*» . wan ot jwm, wi, , Tnib lh« Itfiort od aort mn Ut** MOtnwt of . C0T8, TTFK, BOBDEBS, ISO, 0DT8 FOB E VEHIBO PT A BB E VEBHHIJIOi SHTIBXLT HEW. AddKM FABAN k HOISAV, OlOl* rinf1nTi*"i Otdo, R. B. KENT'S ThBBtrloil HMUrr, ■ H0.1WB0WEBT,1I.T.,- - fOBOdOLT OAEKKB'S EBIABLUHiallT, rBEZ k BEHIDICT, Froprieian, temoil/ '>°C"„* niahl with Ihli Oittt nonpfk on UiMr lotoni fnnnUali trimnpli- ^TbiiniutMtmtoa. . , .... KOnOE.—J. E. Onoi. foraudr » p»>t»« In ^ oonooij, MSbThliniriU btooUo '•"'••^"■'Wij.^tSflllfS ■ajTE. OiSbi, TSST htm into »frtnondUp Mr l^riiBa* diet, Uu Miwnud TtmboitoW uidpopiilu IJjW™.*""^' hODM boMflu tbe Tioopo win bo known bj Uio nimo of VV- FBEZ A BKMEDIOTB IDIieTOELSL . _ ■ J_ FoT&l pluSSSlin HO UuninoUi Fortsn ud FniammM. DognoMDitT; la ooaunmca lie o'clock. , BOWEBT, K.T., ^ Botwoa Friiuo tnd Bpttag itnoti. SHOWMEN ATTENTION. IbancaUsdUufOOowtMiWUAIwniidl obt^foi CMh lot« _ ▼AZnOTtBEB, Oomiriitaia Oob. BamddL Bknun Twiu^ Ota. t»j)oi, Wu l<cCna,'Iwo Indltiu, Dr. tmt, nd.Kn. Bnmttud DugbKr. AlfO ono OUBBREAKiEHaiM^ IbeJugMlplmof glut work no iudoi.AliOkAi«ltcf Anlom. ■Ion rlgnrM, ud t bontlfot PKnn of Uis ^tszlinu ind MonltfT. all In eomplata onar. Ibota tni«tihi^ bmlmaaeMi ■ddr^ ' . '0..E. OOOSWA, l.U ;' OoBUuntainaatn, BoatoOgHaaa. rUM,ln to Tbaa XL Itd>canuta and Fnd a. Uaadar, EaoL toload aoooriini w Ilia aotof Coiiireaa in tne Tear 1 flH Oaik'f oOcaof iba SlaWct Conit aflha Unltad Btataa tn tks 'BeolbanSlaWciof MewTork. llaaaiaiutlbaabialbnagboiit IhaUBllad BtilaapaEnUtlD(.t)ia'abOTspleoatobaplajaa wl(>- 0*1 fintbnlni BT witttan cosunt, win Da ptoaaoolcd accoUiB ' teHw. tt».tf] SAH BBTANI^ . TO CIRCUS MANAGERS. X hsTO a Cuioaltj wbloh I wlah to land osl lUa aeaaen, asA wist • pilTl^tainsaamaUCannawlltaa lint oliaaClnna cr He- ''1S!i^lsw*atl<^naf<>lbaiea•0B,asdaddra■ O. S. COODWm, Oontlnantal Theati% 14f Barton, Maja. OARD TO MANAGERS. . . KIBS KENXBll b<in noit TaapaetfuBT to apologlaa to tba ftl- lowlsiiiiaiUfniifOrBot wpljlng datnlialy toUalt ap plln a Ho M, and aaaonaQiani, that In coiaaonenM of b«r:pifaanl raoexMM pi tba Braadwar thartio, and mnilhg ffg^l»Ti^*f In London and SBla,itlaDoiin'h«poweTloglrenSeaodilH. 8haw!n,bow- •nr.adiliathanoflliocailiaaipoaBUa time that aha wfll ba,at Ittctytoppaatrtllwlftheatr aa. • ^ , ! ■: " 2, j„ SATERPOBT. Of Boaloo. . IBAAO B. BIOH, of Boaton. I. T. FOBD. Bdtlnora,,,. J, B. Mo^OEEB, Otdcage. ■w, B. aura, PhiudaipUa, . ALBEBT OABBIDTi BoataiL t. B. WOBL, Sarlan, Ohio. OLITTOE W. TATLEDBE, BlDoUin. O. B. C OUjaiB , PbUadalphla. . S, B, DDFFIELD, BlchmoDd, B. SiBAB, BL Loaia and Mew Orieana, .. r }. A. .TTiTffliEB, A, Polnntaa^MJ^^ SEAVER|8^0P ^^jj^ BBOoiLTK, e, r. V. If. BBATEE, Bole Fnpiltlat AlO. E. OOBB < BlagaUuiga OLOBIOUB BUOOZSB oftha ' DOELSIOB IBODFE OF tH E WOB U), nOWSKD HOnBia! 'OEUOBTED addienozsi .naPanoalaBBILLIAKTDIBFLATof ■IBM sun Aim FABHipN OF.BBOOSLTN. ■ LOOK AT THE ABBAT OF TALEMT.-VB i. FEmEOHA roHMHT ALLEN, OAMPBEUl WIf.'P. g PAOLP PO, «. V. MOSBOE, WALTEB FIELDS, tBAAOIL ' B. ISAACS, .H<-FHAEIEB, H. BILET, J. DULT, a err. OLAIB, ft FOOTEL T, B. J. HILLIABD, TILLIg A. BTEWABTi mt A8BOBOR, IhoOhamnlonOlosSiaceii LITTLE EDDQ^' tba Phanomenon, and OBO. B. C0E8, maklna In all the WIAIISI OOXOBiaS OFXALKMISKOWM In tUSETBSLST. UATinZB EVEBY BATDBDAT, Commaadiig at 9 o'ol Mk. FIRST ANNUAL TOUR. . v . . BOTOB ADD HUDOE'S VmSTBEU Am BBA88 BAUD. W PEHFOBHEBS CT ALL. 4 .pMilrfwKll wn ftf FMi jT 4altig (|ie OBSIE DBLA OHQQ. t$ thagtlilnjiUii JYofeaalon,aalaotad with eaydilcare fortkalr, SKIFF II QAYLORD'S MINSTRELS. TBS MODEL UHIBTBEL OBOAMIZATION OF TEE WOBU), -Mow ontbalrfatiirBftoin the Veal, aflaioneof Iba. uoan BBnxiAin reasons am aiperteneed bj aoT TmtUsg CoDBUiT in UUa cotmtiy. . AAkBOWladgedbTtliaeDtlnWaatBmFraaatabalhabeal Con- Gar oral aaan In ttia Weet. Ibe Oonpau la sow enltigid, and didea TWENTT'TWO FBBTOUIEBaL •ndtbebaatQautatlnlbebulnoa, Four Oomadluu, logelbar irlll) tba Obunplon Olog Danoan, Dalahanty and ward. The Ooopanjr la now «n • lonr threngb the Eaatam Btalaa, nhara that an wall known u wlthonl rlrala, ' 6EIFF k OAT LOBD. Pitipriaton. IL T, BKIC7, MaDigar, L. LL W. BTEEBS, Agent M THE COMEDIAN, HARRY MOTTO, wn be In Plttabargh nnnl July 5tb. All bnilneai conunanl< UariaahosldbeaddnaaedtoBaie09,P. O. After th>l dale, Boi U. MoirlBanla, Ifealcbatai Co., V. T. Mm* HOME AGAIN I FBOU TEE lOIlEiaK BHOBZfl. m. TrABHIMaTON KOBTOK, late of lha ormnil "OBBIBTT'B KcnTTBELfl,' after a moat noceaafol tour thioogbont Eoglind, Iralasd, Cape Colonj (AMca), Aoitnlla, Taamania, and New Zealand, bitanja retamlngbomeparibip"L7tletton," and will airlTo abool.the Uth May, leu, 60m K>w Zealand direct, and will ba feappy to hear from managen, ' '_ Ela line of builnaaa ambraoea the foUowlng, ill.: JIO DAKOER (BUrer Belt from AoatialU, and Gold Uedal from Cape Town), wench Dancer, Prima Bonna, End Man, Song and Dancer, ftc, ka. All lellera, to., to ba addnaaad to FBAMS QUEEN, New York cupper Ofloe, 39 Bpmeaalmt, New Tork. Mt CEOILE RUSH. I am now prepared te negotlale to behal f of . . THE AfiOTE TALENTED ABHETB, with Uanagan of flnt daaa Ihetlrea FOB TEE SEASON OF U«< AND IStT. AH oommanlcAUoni win be addnaacd OBO. Tf. BIDDEU, DeBar'a Opera Hooat, BC Loala, mimjiinoinb, Aflat Uut lata, oaia of Mt OUFPEa, Kcw York. MANAQEDS wlihing to laours th« tervloes of LEONOBA OBEED, . . DAN8E0BE AND AOIBE88, oudaaobjaddrcaalng bar at tha Tamer Hotel, Muiiytnala aTanne, cor, Nlstb itreet, ffaahligtoni O. a - M-tf, MISS JANE PARKER. Thla lAdy can ba engaged by DEBPOKBIBLE MANAOEES Or OU>'VOUEN and ECwENTBIO BDBINI88. Addnaa (.ate TBEAIBE, LcATaowottb, Bkniu. ^Vboas flBtartalnmaita thnnghonl the Union bare been nlghtb ttliaiieawUh tha ELITE AND FASBIOH of aU the dUea In wUehthOTtUTebidthebonorof nseorlog, who with one aooonl jmaoEDo* ttun the STABS OF MINaTBmOT. '^»- 1- . OB8EBVE THE ABBAY, X T. Borne,. B. T. Madga, B. Bloodgood, .W, EoUlng,: J. Een«U, M.DedanoU, K.EItwla,, J. Dnngeaa, P. Orattle, MjB.,Vnla(Di.. A. Olrnn, N. 0. DumalUe, AKklkBaSA J. T. uerbert. Prof. DoBatifl ""-gf*.- P. Hottiand. E. Elaine, ii^BSSla;.. BU.LonlaTayo. WJBvfaBfB tntlig ftlnolpal dUei thmiigbaat.UieUnllod ■ ladOBi"" ■ a i aflO—daadorlilgtb* coning BOTOB ASD MDDOE ,.i.,it Proprlateri. V. JOIIAir, fU .,414.,,.. Traaanrer.' T.' EOLDEH I Loader of BraaaBind. %^ . a A. XEIH Bnduaa Uaniger, TOiHiOWMENjTHATRIOALJUNAGERS, and OOtiWT AMD XDinUL MVahllW Of aENBBAL.-rbe giiflmlgnad. Id oapjimelloa «lm an other eownanlaa who hr.n inaAathalr bead onaitan at tba City SoteL Mew Earea, over Ihje dapot; koDl by that worthy boalk .mL BABEED, take the proiient neolalnptuo, la the; win meet wllli erory aeoommodatlon and 'nttewtlnn baa tha propilslor. Big ebariaa in naaonaUcl and hetakaaaprldolnattadlnglolhocomfbrtofhlagaMla. Ena- .'itancadagmtiarowanaoqoatoted with mlva hcaLtnd we feel JOOrt, EUtaignr'a > >o5?a OnmWwaMan Tpiupe, . \l^l* TOURAINE BROTHERS'(3 In nutiiber,) oliii bo auaaad for tbeaaaoOn byrtaponuble manwanttn thalr Brat dau "Brother Act. and Tripeu and Horlronlal Bar;" etc, by ad- ditealngcuoof P.IL roctBSON, UPBoath Thin) rtiMt, WO-' Uamabugb, Ik L ..Mt* TURNER'S OPERA HAUSE, DATTON, OBIO. STABS wlablng ENOAaEMENTB fis Iba BFBIHa aad BUMUB' B2!AB0M, pleaae adliea I-tt , R. PABTELLO, Stage Uasiger. W. M. FOSTER Isnow In tha dly and pnpared to mako mgiganwrla aUlier AOIOB, BUOE EAlUaEB, AOiraa HAEAOEB, or u AOBST ftw Brat daaa Blinoc&oopaa. Addreaa aa abore, can or /AS. CONNEB k CO., 49(e tSi Broadway, POR 8ALE^"An AutoiMton. SlBok .Ropt Per fonoer, 99 locbaa high. Alao,OBaBeUotDau>lngF1gu«.' Sla. ramaPlgarea of oraiT daaerlpUon made to order. A d i lr tai «-«• • ,■ ' W.H,EEBB,Nattc»,B.L MRS. SKEBIIETT... • • ^ „ , ^ „ ^ Eormarlr of NIbla'e Oardaa, and late of Plke't Opem Houa, Oa- oinnatl, la sow prepared to ntgolla^ with Ifanatoa for tha Bnio- mar and Fall Beaamii AddiaaiHAml^ratreaL Mt« SPECIAL NOTICE TO MINSTSa MANAGERS. Ifa ban Mme of the Toy beat talent In Ihe ooobfar on oar 'Ixoki, asd ahoold be pleaaod to nagotlato wlUi nESFONBinLE m inigem tf^ Utalr MnloeB. .... r; , FAVLENEB k 00., . ' areatWealcmMlsitrelAgimta, ».3t» US B. OUrk atreetTOblce go, HL . NOTICE TO MANAGERS.^ . . TOHT DEMCEB, the eelabnted BtAB FANTOUnQBT and MAN UONXET, can be mimiadfOrdiewtwelTalilghm. Forlermi.Ao. Addreaa £2e OIO.W.IHo!lP80N,MewSawetyIheatn,M.T ' WANTED-SEVERAL THEATDICAL PERf ORM- fOrieopoiulUo VTeiltnf Thaalrt«.__ TTT FAULBjnffl * 00, K .- areatWaatamDnoattoAnDta,' .; . ' liaaciaitiBlroeCah.'.oago,m. ■f 1; , • OF AOENOWUDOED ABUJtl . . ! \ at iD'tlnM pioonre angagemaita In reaponaible Weitun' Bitadarearing j^xsiSSBi k .nty.;^. . > OnatWaateniDiamaUeAmla, '(^'''', llBB.aarkatr«et,.Chloigo,m, • '"822 IbsTEB ANT DimBiBBTOa lo^t^attadadto. OfloeMo. SEMtFoorlh b|M, IpordariliTDDsU; IfDalngloil, DeL I- GREAT WESTERN ' ' DBAKATIO, MOBIOAL AMD EQUEBIBUM AOBMOT. FAULUIEn k 00 ,,k..'..«,.....'.lFioprletOB MABAOEBS OF THIATHI8L ' ;''>' 1 ' ^. : .. ■■ comoeut HUiLB. •■ ' •* UIH8TBEL TBOnPES, Aa, KsaitlotbalrlstareiltDtaTOtuwtai ordtn for anjthlib »n*«Nt;«onne^wlth tha pntMalon. We bar* At al I of ItaTSBE BIST talent IntheoomtryrtglaKtad '(DOStbO^ : >i - ■ ■■■ '. :_ l l- "I !SA1^ ^^ PEMt BHED, ~vv niu<Tn(0, ASYEBTIBIMq, to., ' r 'iHailaata-wllkdeanlSi. Ordti^,t«Ilolted and lillhtolly'eib- VUU^nEhU 10 VeMus'lUtteawltl flndittothdrtoloteat to CdSSf- ■ ^ FAOLEMBB^ 00., , , "T^. , V . dntWealcnDnmatlcAgaila, ,_ »4I^ 118 B. pivk alreei^Ohloagei HL EDWIN H. FABHSiEE, BILLY FBESTON, OBOBOE MABTIM, LEW. BEMEDIOT, EBANE EEMT, J. H. TAYLOB. ' FBiNEEarm. CHAB. F. BLOOuU, /AOOB EOEBU lOEN ona OPERA jipUSEj,^^ wUh gaa and heated wHhalaom, and. la mum'M ! a „4»e ""^.."^gSSibTobl^ NArioNAL HALLj^ Wniaea»twelTeWdndp.r«ni ptai.«»ad»P wUhf»n aat af8caiieiy,IoolLliUa,elt. g^pp^ 4 ciapHITEB, . MOBILE THEATRE. ^. . ^ and geaUaman of recognlaedaUUty, wlihlig enngamiDta f or <!• ttll and wistat aMapn of Ut«-7, mar addreaa Oia nsdo- timed at HobOenp la May Mlh: after Iblldala at ITS Baeektr rtieat. New York. loilanofapptatlop sol anawared within a ruaoBablatlmamaybeoaiildantdecUliad. inaausia mu. o. , ^ HAODOHOOOH. QRISWOLD OPERA HOUSE, Ibla new and elegant Eatabllahmenl, by fhr tba moat eompleta andbeatanangMedldoaot tha klndlnlhlaoosntry, winbeopen aft0tba9Othof AsrlLUatk FOB'SBAMATia EMTZBTAJHMENTB, C0NCEBT8, LEG- TDEE8, HIMBTBELS, AMD FmST 0LAS8 EIBIBITI0N8 OMLT. nuBouoeonlalnaaU the Modem ImpnTemvita; la beanti' folly deooratad and treacoad, and hiinianlly Vghltdfrom tha cell- Isi, thna rellerlng the andlloilam tram all obetractlana of chin- delleii, uiHaaoommodloaa8tage,39 by 40^and an extaoalTe atoek of hiadiame Beeneiy and Dnp Osrtiln eomplata, The laUl leaitiH apadty of tha Honia 1,MII, with atndliig room for 600 'mweTbcddMAFrliiteBoua. It la oia of the beat TentUaUd booaea Inthaoomby: biaconranlentOfflcea tndDnealngBaoma, wllb liberal Beana of estnnee and eolL The entnnoee, two to nnmlier, (If deadred,) lo the FartneUs and lamlly Olrda may be Mdr entirely aepacata and dlitlnct, or all throogh onaeatiaooelf prafeoad^Tlng double tblrwiya thmogbosL The bonao wfflbe rented at a ital«d prioe pet night or week, or opsoed on ahkrca. ■_ ' pofolahom OF tbot ams EMnBOMa IfwClbe borne to Bind lhal Troy la ono of the beatBhowCIHea In the united Btalea. Ibepopolatlon of the city pnper la 48,000; that of Wttt Troy, directly aoroaa tha rlrar, (connedadwUh Trey by bridge and two alaam fenlea,) li U,00O; whUa Cohoea, Water- ford and I^nalngbsrHb contain In Ihe aggregate a popnlaHon of 90,000; maklDg a tot^ population to Tioy and ionoondlng tU- lagea of SMrly M.000 totaaUtanls. The latter named rllllgea are wiltito • ndloa of three mllca of Tioy, and oonneoled therewUb by bone rallroada. ■ , For tecsu and puilcnlais, addreaa W. D. TAN ABMDM, Mt Manager Orlawold Open Boaae, Tny, M. Y. Ibelageat whdae OoaoMla ' "Bo-nodeBed and r»4rBnliad for UBti' teat and moat Tonlllo Oompasy to Au.. longbont tha MEWKMOLAMD BtSK for VIITY OONBEODTITE MIOHTB IN BOSIQM, ata\S2' ptecadaatinlhaaanalaof amsaemeata, Now OB'thetoBlilh Tour, rUttsg ill the FBOroiFAL ClTtEa A MD TOW NS BAST AND Van Freaeatlngtothapablle aa EMTIBB MEW EMTEBTUnU. •Bbodying bD thalr QBEAT BFEOALITIES, OBIomaiS thla company, and pailtnned by the m only . "^t^ »tf W. H. BMrnC BnatoME^ PAIRMELY HALL, FEOBIA.IU;. S^*?!,. *Tb?rtS tolSSlS with an •nTehtaaoeaftr drj; iSa^inoaea. 0«d dicing reoma, now loonery. ahff ear. pet, and aU the appUaioea <»«ne THE WEBB SgTEHS^^ lOnagara wtahtaginSer" tt« '^^^i^^-,'^ ^ Brooklyn, SHSwi^iirorE^^ THEODOBE DUTTOH Bega to toionn bli Old Wanda, Maaagaie and »• pnbHo genw -5^^-^aM!f*pj{^fJlM0 -TiBLgpEMT. U BPBUOE BIBEBiiaW YOBE,^^ Wh«iabawfll«l«klipareoBalatUttailo ttal»»4«tl«^ In "'pfflM.°OOLM!St,''AKD niUBTBATED BBOW BILLB, - piBtlailatly adapted <D( TBAVEiinm EiHiBrnoNs, _ «»«'.'»«'MSg?fkBF0BMAN0E8, OIMHABIB, BAOIOIAHB, TBAOE OOTB OF nil nSM, , TBOmKO TO HABHiaS OB *Afl6H,_ DOUBLE TEAMS OB BHIIMlIlfl H0BIB9, ■ • FOUnOAL OLDBB. ^ ila that bit nuny yarn aipalenoa Is ihe bnamaa, the Boitmanlofcntaatblacommand, tsTOf whiohcan be mtntod to one or more colore, the aerrlcea of the beat OealgD- Si^SSgiiwn for sew work, wlU aecmo to Umaoonttonanca otpaatSnntMatilalbynawpatnna. 4S«d •TRTEBimOH TBEATBB," Ihe New Academy of Msalo, one of tha latseat nn ntit^ gantlyflnlahedlntbaWea^wmteat •waw^ XMOF20FU, mdwingpanKaylal, wltha «OELEBBATED OPKBA OOUFAMY " People wlthtog enguamanta tor tha FIBorWtolar Bmm. elthet lheatr^ wffludreaai*ibor*. nm,™ nea^ BtanangieedfOtthsKowAaadAByotUiula aad naj>. Ubanltenna. u{ tuaamawt.. 2nS!DM'"AiD ZOOLOOIOU DtBiirnT^ Comp-adofOBEAT^N^g^L^^j^j,^^ Na n BT. OHABUS BTBEET, MEW OBISAKB; (Oppoells AadeBT of MoHa.) pint i-i.- CnruaAlea treated with on Ubenl tarma. AH 00m- mmlciUona addreaa »d u abore. 4>-tf PAufcTvABiir^^ WANTED—Flral daia Dmmatlo asd Yulety ArUata for the PALACE YABIEmES, ODiOIMMATI, OBIO, which eatibUahBanl now ooBhInea the Siamatio with Ihe Ya- rietr Entertainment Two LEADINa SANBEUSES, 10 Slat dlaaBAUET OmU, can find a ilMdy ouagnnent forihe balaaoe of Die ■eeaoB. Bao»llejBtaieMbMillr tuatedwlthtetwoor fonrweeka. , - The PALACE baa jnal oloead Ita aeoaad yar of ancoeeanil anar, and nsder the oreeast Bisigeamt Udafkir to ecllpee asythlDg to America of toe kind. The moot liberal aalarlea an promptly paid to thoae who risk u the beat to the srofeealai. Addreaa ~ PEIEBBOM k CO., ClndmiiU, Ohio, rel=iiarj9elh,lM». tlMm« FIRST OLD MAN, JUVENILE TRAGEDIAN, HEAVY WOMAN AND FIB8T OLD WOMAN, wasted fOr adn- matlo tronpe, to Irarel Ihioogh the Eaatam Btatoa for a period of one year, comsiendsff on or abont the FIrat of June. 0alai1ao aecuM by contract, iddrea H. F. STOKE, can of JAB. COMHEB * 00„ l-tfo BM Broadway. THEATRE, MILWAUKEE, Wli, LEESEB k MANAOEB T. E. MILLS. BTAB8 WIBHIMa ENaAOEMINTB FOB SPBINO SEASON, gt-lSt* Flaae addreu T. E ^niim MISS NOEMIE DE MARGUERITTES, All appUcaliona to leapect to engi gemenia for Ihta TOUMO, OtPIBD AND BBAitTIFDL COUBDIBniE, BMibeaddreeeedlo HENBT B. HELUEr. Editor Eraslsi Fngiammi f^^t ■ ItlMelphIa, Pa. LEAVENWORTH THEATRE, ' TO BENT FOB A SHORT TIME Daring toe imamw raeaUon, Mtn May 7to to Jnly 10th. Thla Commodlona Ban la Bttad with ansfa^e and Soenlo cosTenl. enoei. Apply InmUlately to Mt* ■ W. H. OOOUOE, Manager. BEATING THE TAMBORINE MADE EASY. Bent on receipt of tl 10, by a ODNTON A CO.,- . Jaokaomrllla^ MoigBn Co., B-Ute. I' . nilnola. WANTED, . . lODMO LiDIZB of tolalUgcoca tod pnpoaaeadsg appearaica (aoBOolhen seed apply) In the OoipaaeBillei Ilbaral aalair, piffin*ir*"' engagement, toatroctlon and npld adnancmenl (0 Ihaae piorlng competent Addreea . OEAB. B.'BEIMOUIB, Btige Uaoager TatleUea Tbaatre, 14( fitLaala,Mo. UNION HALL, JACKSON, MICHIGAN. Located to Ihe centn of the d^, le Ihe FINEBI AMD UOSI COMPLETE IN ALL ns APIOINTUEKTB of any In too couitry. ThlaHalL BUILT vmkm t.Taa OF EXPENSE, to Bnely Freecoed, Lighted wllh Oaa, haa Stage, Bcaiory,Fool and Boidftr XJabta. Ample Dreealng accommodaUaaa ailioliilsg toe Btage, la the beat adapted for O0N0BB1B, J LBOIDBEB, MiMifi' mgji and DBAIUTIO PEBIOBUAMCIB of any to Ihe Weai WUl be tested b; the Say or Week on Ubml tsma. Bt>>' by ao; Audllortnm, ao by M. BettedwUh aetteaa for l,}" Acoaatlo peifeot t-tf Addreaa OEO. a LATEBPi YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION HALL, Albany, M.T.,wDlbelet fbr Oosoerte and Bahlbltlona oft traMua charaote on reaaonabia tema, . AddreaaD. ASAHB, . «4b Yoosg Men'a Aaaoolttloii, Albany, M. Y. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Milwaukee, Wli,, Kay be rented tor Oonceria, Mlnetrela, Lcetnjea, and entertain, mania (not dramatic), from middle of June to end of Angnat Addnaa . T. E MILLBi Leaaee, A-lBt* Box 1131. ATTENTION, SHOWMEN I B. T. BAYWABD, . 908BBOAlrWAY, N.Y. iBanntLetimndketp coBttantlyonbandafoU aad eomplato aaaoita entof JEWEUIY, WATCH CBAIHS, KABOMIO FIMB, BHVEH WABE, etc Obodaaanttoanpartaof the ooonby byoiprcaa. Ibotanot oomlsg to-Mew York can btTo a package aesi; with toe prirllege of' retamlng aiythtog toey may not wast Spoolfy toe Datgn of the bnitoeaa yoa want tha Jewelry for, and tne .amoost jon winl aant Ewlsee |> with the order and pay tha balance to toe Miett THE GREAT CONSOLIDATED BAM BBABPLEY'B MINBTBEL8, THE FAMOUS IBOM^LAOai an TONY PABIOB'8 OOmnHATIOM, United to ' ORE OBAMD BNTEBTAINMEMT, irUl TtiU all the prtodpal olllce, totndnotog A MOTSi AMD ATTBAOHTB PBOOEAMME, Embodying the aSMta ef TWENTT^BFOrraAB ABTISn, udar tha tnperrlalon and dliecllon of MB. BAH SEABIUT, the^ OTMjUe achand oiaryptrfomianoe,Is hla coMio FBODuonoMa TOHTPASTOB, BAM BHABFLEY.i "Opneicra, iUOraON k OOOEE, Adrartlaen. ' 4»-lt' WANTED.-A Lady Afto, Tanor and Dau, to trarel with a CompanyJrAddrtaa g.]te . OAEFEBIT, Woalchaalar Heue, : SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE PROFESSION. . Baring psrohtaed the tolaraalof Meaan. FOBD k 00,, M are DNsared to attend to tha waala of toe prefeaalos.'' ^oraofjhat wo may be tottved wito win ba iltanded to PBOMFTLY; ud p«. formen In want of angegamanU will Bad It to Ihelr tntenal to ad. dnaa na. All oommmtlatlona addieaeed to FAULKNEB k CO., '.j, 1 '■ Great WealamDramaltoA«tht« , ..-~ iisa oiBrkitreet.'oUan^ni, winreoelmproniplattentltaL-' >• .-I «: ' . *W NEW BOWERY THEATRE. The abore eaUbUahmenl to font for a abort asmmcr teaton to any Brat claaaMlsitrd Band, or otoer reapeetahle astanalniseitl ( Applybyklt*oJJto ^ ^ B.if fraptlAlor Kev Bowoy Tbtttn. AN AGENT . ^ i„„™™ •■ ' OF EITKMBIVE EXPHRIEIlOE, who hu Jnat completed a two ytan' eagtgomant wlu osa of the moat Msnlar and proBlable entactatomenla to toe eoanlrr, fi^IBES A SlTDATIOM AB AOENT, MAMAOEB OB TBBABrBEB with acme iSbftonHal ahowmao. la dlacsgtged on aoconnt of the reUnrnest of hla lata emploror, to whom he refeie, aa waU u tothasreuolaUthepiltidpalcllleatothacotiliUy. Addreaa, "»??,»?r, . ' ^AOEHT,B0l«38,00BOird. M ' Mew HamptMie, ^JaiaLi >T. ALUTON BBOWM, CUpper OOee. B4t' WHLTMOBE 4 . CLARK'S J«IN8TRELS AND BBASa'BARD, M.6rganliad and enlarged for toe pnaent aoaaoii, fOrdtok >M19 ioDbtoallon Of 93 Blar Peiformera, aie now on toelrgreaJBtta ■" " ^ "■' —' ' '^Tbo'tanMfaJd BOet eoBsM Mtoitnl OnuUiUcB to elt Utaioa; embnolng Amr Oomedlant, tooludlna OtO. V. tSLKBK ind A/WUnF; the Obamplon Oetnedlaia of the ntoetMslh oet- tnry. Biaryto{r.< new asd complela. A tpleodld ljuaitat add nUOnbcenh aalptlngaTery thing heretofore attainted lA the MtotueiProtoatlon, under the dlnc<)Oti of ,AmT WTATT, the great Ameriotn BoloVloltolat ■-' ' ' i ?^iyigtther with to* EmtUct Doidilt Otog.tei OtBeen^ tha W)ftB BB0XSIB8, .. , . • '■ •■ -J • & B. BDBOF, Agaal. /, a. WB««< NEW GRANITE HALL. ' " ' * ■ AUQuBTA. WW Thto Hall, barlag a leattog oapedty of MOO, hi* been lately erected,'to rent forMl&Btrele, Oonceria, Panonni% Ao. Tba itagelaatlednsfOrdnmatlopnrnoaei. ipplytoO.W.BIOE^ orU.B.-06aO(lD, Atgnlta, Ve:' , , l-Tl* THE NEW OLYMPIC THEATRE, . BI. L0UI8, MO., Win open AUOUBT Uth, fbr a SEASON OF TEH MOBTBB. BItaillona open for all Usee of btialneu. AlaO' for Ptompler, Scenlp AiHat, OrAeaUtl Leader, Blage Caipanlar, Ooatomar, PrDpAtyMan,etc Apply to lLEFLANAaAMkOO.,BtLoula. Aa IttB the toteaUon to Ignore toe ttarring ivBtem, artlatei at miMtwlU recognlieihe opportnnlty thla eat^Uahmesi wfll of. tord of a o^ear field for too gntlflOaUon of a laadabla pioCeaalODal imoltkn. . - 8.18101 MASONIC HALL, * '. ..^ , OAUBBJDOE CITY, WATME CO., IBS, Thlauone of toe largeat asd Doit oommodlou*Ban* to the Btala. It la well adapted for Ooscorta, Hlnatrila; Ikailrlcal par- foimasoea, otc For Ioibb, eto., addreaa ' ~ JAMES MoCAFFnET, CtahrUgt, Inl. i - " - * 'Q^ •*•-"''""****"* * ' * ' ^-^ ~nj-Lr i -L- i .-, ltut- w ju^ ORRIN & SEBASTIAN'S CALIFORNU CIRCUS. Tlile aim Al««iilT«A Pirtaanbln ll MenMllw. Pnnll, m Uia9etoof March,188«,byButailconaest. . ' _^ - . ■■ii;u. ^ OBBIM * BEBA8TIAM. The abore flniMn ntar% wlu beksown u OBBIM k BOMB' OALIFOBMU OIBOU& M MISS ANNA LEVERINOT' LEADINa LADY al toe Aotdtmy of Unab, Koeheater, N, Y„ will makean engigemtDtforthaataaonof UM-7, An iMIon to br adflroiied aa uora. A4ie GROVER'S WASHINGTON THEATRE for rant bythonlghtorwe^to' . .. FinSI OLASB ERTERTAIMMENT8, tfUrUaTlUtofihartog lama oOited to renoaanie oarile Fornullonlan.addraii- B.'STmoNoT ' Ag«Blfo(L.Ororet kOo. THEATRICALS."A. handiom«, tof Oil oup gii aign "OAIEHEB," to good irder, for aale oHttp. Can be Men kl O'BBIEN * BiutOAH'S, ' »-«• l)<a..UOO;odiytlieat. HARRY CLIFFORD, . , OOMEDIAN. Wl» ' OUppwOOM.' "THE OALIFORNIANS ARE COMINQ." oonOMfiioaPEY atSMrra-s OALIFOBHIA HIKBTBELI, . . ....'BBASB-SAMS AND ' "BUaUBQDB OFEBA TBOUFE," NEW ACADEMY OF MUSIC. prnBBDBOR, piini. NEW AMERICAN THEATRE. B. FOX '^'''^ atreet, ahora Blghto, P b^^ u lint daaa laleoi to'an'biuchM'mM-D^^ Terpalchoreao, Pantamlm^ Bthloplaii, Aai)lallh'Aa " iZS ^S^S^t^S^^ b»t m n..»g|a.«t &_yt WILLIAM OARLETON, . JSiSL?™^??*"' TOOAUBT asd DAMOEB, CasterbnrT, Waahtogton. Mr, WILLIAK OABLEIOM la wUheit 'donbt the btti h Oomedlas, Dasoer and' Toeallal I baTO era angageA t^I^ Urelyorl^nal,ran,itcyasd reBned,aad I re^n IhaliK garment piareDta k' ' wlibme. HaSager, WaOt^ TO MANAGERS. W. J. OOOBWELUraocaaaftal "LaadtogUas" of PHUbukik atre, whoea engag maa lowoladeaji^^lh, to now opn bi CHARLES DILLON. An bajrineu ooiniDimlmtlona ahosld ba iddreaaed to BAKUEL OOLTHXB, Wood'i Tbealn. a a-U mX Eart Mlsto atitet, He;Tai FITZSIMM0N3, IN BIS POPULAB EEHaillOM SBAHiS. Earing eompleud Ua aacoaaatol ensisementa to nUFFiLO, ALBANYAND DRBOIT, Masagaracannow^dreaahlm for two or fonrwetk^ ( oagementa, oare of hla Agent, JMf : S8»PUeilieet,Phnidelpk^H MISS F. VESTVALI, THB OELEBBiTED TBAOEDIEHIIE toMAYtoMEWYOBX. to play a FABEWELL DtaAOUIENT IB toe UNITED BTATga, begtonhig cm the 9tto of ADSm AU B0EIME88 COHMtrMlOATI&NB will be reMnl h k OLIPPBB OVnCK An AIPUCATIOMS moat be made by letter. ng .■*^^^^*^^^^^^^^* ^ .... ^ l ' , vv , v ^| |,^^ FRANK B.CONVERSE'S, cm JOHN SirOBL tT«K Broednar, Hew York. a* THE GUIDE TO THE STAGED CoDtalslng dear and foil dlrectlona forobtalnlsg IhMtitalb- Theatrea. Price U casta Bent, poatnald, on tKelpt riwh Addnaa orden to Sox WIO^ P. 0., Ktw Yoik. tif PLAYS, PLAYS, PLAYS. PaslomlBea, Oparaa, Dramitlc Work* asd Tbtitilcal PoriiA OataJogaea lenl on receipt of a ttanp. American edttkii Flaya, 18 casta each. Addnaa, Box MIO, P. 0., M. Y., 4I.k< STILL IN THE FIELD. 1 j tifgfl THAOXEEAT Uieb«ptiUrBDIiF08TEB,liatlIltnthe dlr of PTrnBDia t«dy to execato tU work ta pranptlr and lalUifolly umJii Inform'"-!' '- •honnan eheettolly taralalied, by ilMia Comr •>«i, USE JACKSON HALL, "Tla large enough, asd not too Itrie br la central In Inra ll nn , and modenli b JAOESON BALL, JAOESOM, JACKSON CO., Scenery, Oaipeta,Footlubla, Ac. Oaabertnl] or tM per week. IblaHaUdocanot S7-<me ^..SklOAS WIZABD, 'V^qoBmertoar thxoiighOBt l&lwat ? 'OM, UAOIO, Eia *wnhli OobUnDnmi, . '' rlenU Star, Bnapendai B» 't QABBi AiditB ■.'.■..OAB B. A|Blt.. TRENCH'S WASHINGTON HALL,' wmJAUBBDBaH, N. Y. Agenla and othan' llo eDiarlalnmento wlU itod TBEMOB'B.WASI Bonto Berento aad FOnrto atreeta, WUUcaiAugb, Ou.. adapted. The atoge to large asd weU alookedwlUi sawacenAyr foo(llgbll,relecton,&o. xcrmabroiBble,asdnotrickaortnia, Apply to JAMES COHMEB k CO., 98 Weal Bonatos at, N. Y^^or at the HiB. 1.8m J. E. TBBKOB, Proprietor, CLARRY & REILLY, PBINIEES AND BHOBATEBB, . . U AND It SPBUCE BTBEET, NEW lOBK. TEELABOBErr SHOW BIL L PBIMTIMO EBTABUBBUEMT IM IHE WOBLp. THIS FIBH " Tayi patUcnlar attention to getttog np iB kinda Of FANOT SHOW BILLS For baTellnf eompanjei, and bare on hand alaige and aplesdU iimnnitmt of toga asd aman 'WOOD (TOTB Billable fbr Olronaca, Masageriea, Ethlt^laa Patfonnen, Oym- saata, Maglelanab Ac, Ac, which can be prtolad In one or mon colors to inlt cnatomen. Adepoillieqnlredoaallw^ordand. B14f' THE Tbe OBBAT XNdUBB ^ BoBoiAbla toe Earl of Laodi , ^_. tog toe principal ddea otlhi SOolhem Btalea. in oommuloaHoaa ean be addrcwed to P. 0. Boi TSKi a* treal, 0. E. BURGESS, PRENDERGAST, HUQHEB * LA BDEB UINBTBEU D. C. LABDE ',; ...tKaoagar T, B. FBENDEBOABT Tocal DIreclor BE OBBAT CONFEDEBATIOM OF ETBIOPIAM ABTIBTB. THE U08T P EHFEOT OBOANIZATIOH IN EXISTENCE. . EVEBITHINa EMTIBELY NEW. NOVELTY ON THE BBAIN. JOHN F. LIBBY, ^ ^ BOEMIO AMD PASOBAMIO ABTIBr. Ma 119 Korimid 0> Lowell, Maaa. Paaortmaa, Beanaiy, Deoontlona aad Oiuinjn Show Fldnrea patotad In a luperlor manner. TWENTY BBILUAMT BTABS, peraonal auperrlalon of toe giaaleatof aU Urlsg aiana, COOL BUBOmS. Elhlo. ssder tooperaon plas Oomodlana, COOL BUBO] Among the long array of emtoedl Ethiopian talent to be found cooLBPBOEaa^ " ^ioe tbomhon, ' OHABLEY BBTMOLDS, OEOBQEUTMOLDB, A. WALLAOE, J. ?. HDBBELIt ». TMPaosr^ SIOM MttlBPT.T.WB OHAR B. QBIBT^ ROYAL LYCEUM, T0B0MTO,0. W. . .rlnc and Binunea aeaaoo wlB eonusnoe Undiy em Aprnsd. BtanwlahlsgnlgbUwIDaddieu „ 8.if J. g HIEBB, MiMg*^ ABOBIE BUD) T. B. PBEHDEBOASr, FBUK BOWLES, PAUL BEBOEB, ' p. HABE8, A. a BTOHE, HABBY FBEHOH, ' S. a LA BUB. OHAB. B. dt§M,'^t reliable people need apply, tnunadlataly. Addrtia OH HIckoay Frej^ianie Jaj^ler. ..fram STARS WANTING NIGHTS NEXT SEASON AT tha new and btantUU OPBBA HOUBE, FimBOBOB, will a> plylmmcdlately. ... Thla bonaa haa dose lha largeat bsatoeai the pranl*eaion(tf anytoealrewoatolFUladelpbla. EoUa 11,000. •<w> J. a R OABDIMEB. A STEREOPTIOON WANTED. Any parly harliig a'SlaraoptlooD, wlto' Good rlewa lhal would ao- cepi an engagement,«lal wlto tilopentor, can biar of aa eooica- menlbyaddnaatog - DOLPHIN, ■ / ■ _..""«*™'* •l™>'« Boaton, HAMfLToWNEW HALL,' ■ rORCWAYMBi WD., Oppodia the pabUo Baure aad Poal OOot, The ball la 190 feet long br88wlde,lua two dieatlngrocma 94 by 17 and 17 b; I«5™**,we««.'oot asd border llghU,aud carpet Tha '^"•vl.l' * '"Bb. aad. la the only olean and wun Dill ID ue atj, vI?i'!?J'*ta*elaa*eirtari*lusenlaonly). JSf* "S",' Ha".™ orer ooe Ihonaand panoaa, la lUad wlto enllnly.sewnid elegant OMsery (BaU). ThanMloentnltelooalal biUdliuln toe ally, asd erer; way adaptodfot , FlBBT 0LAB8 BxllBCriOMS, f ^ BcferaMAj-lIeEaan Buobanaa, wood'* Htoitnia, Hf. Jeke- wiy^H. 0, Fbx, ol ATaUae Bona*, and C D, Bond, of tat Wayne "Wat* E. R. WABD^ AgwL ;THEATRI0AL NOTICE. F^ BALE-eoo Iheatrltal Beenea to noeUenl aaadlUon. Bat Oolltgn,Oioandplec(a,Iloek*,F»ilooa,«c.,ko. Agoodlareat. BmlfOfaaypetaHiope&galhoalnorBiiiilokaiL' ' :: . ■ - ' - Apply Boa MO, ^Uladelflila P.O. beianMbyOitMIOBT lit. tttToUu opnptslea 09 CAIRO THEATRE , „^ OBOBOE T. OBOKP v. .Sola L««*eeaad Baaf; Now nndergolng thonrngh tepalia tod being Impn'naew betattfu] dnea eltde, wtlTopen oa the Bret Hoodaj to Siptni afunoomptny, StonIrtaladwith on liberalterna. waam; foU dramaae oompasy for a aeaaonof eight moiitha^J^yj Mb Alao wiaM, II Bnl daaa BOtelt IW BMlMOakft* LEAVENWORTH THEATRE. Baring laaaed toe Lcarenworlh Thtatn, I will opea U<«°^ the Itfof September for a aaaaOB of algbtmontha. Win** wlto taapona tola peopl* fot Ihe atme.. Btatawasttaig UmawlUlmadlatelyad^^ei*^ OQATLH', BnesoewinifflplyBBegallTe. | Uasagar UareawarihlbjJ* J. SOHERS, ™,«iADB, TBEATBIOAL AMD FANOY BOOT AND BOOltiierX' WlU lamora tnm 118 Third aTease to Mo.,>«>.B°J^'^* York, May lal, IBM, wbera be wlB contluae lo baratotora, Orden aoUdled from toe Fio'e**lon,ine i^gi of Thealraa aad OymsaaUo IniUmlta os thla ooni"^ pnmptly eipreaaed to order. EMPIRE HALL, Paklo, III. ^ WM. P. OBAIM and I Irt^ B, BEBOBIBBBBEB, I uil.ttl' Thla new asd commodlona EaU, capable ofaw>8 aona, la now ready for oconpascy, and la offw >" ' na( . and OpertUo perfoimanoea, Oonotrta, LoctnrH, •°iulid<* I able terma. la one of too beat Ualla to too BUIe, "['^Jtiiii* | water, gaa, aad aU toe modem lapiovemenU, af^Lf* and esg^omesto escioln of nn. v. DEAQLE'S VARIETIES, THIB YEBY POPDLAB AitD lEi LiBouf n na Ciimo Brun FULL TIDE OF SDCOBSa ^ert'* ■Int CltaaSrAnS treated wlto at an time*. M°>' ^ ip^;^' »AJ<ffl0OMNHM;,O0.,*|Jo»^BlW*. 01 OBOBOE DE OHARtES WILKINSON, Comadljn. . inboatoaaommnnlMHoBaabouldba•ddreeteo^i,« • BANJO Mi ETHIOPiAN JlorOLOa DANOIHa laa^t ir Ihe "»<7»2-J rtonatteo^N^Y: "«)<»*i^?2!S« uomiB EaatBon