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New York Clipper (Oct 1866)

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S18 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Mmlnt A«B Uw hOTrtbl* oopfukm wlUHnil, b^M, b*",**^ SSklgMttiUuuwortollutarUwBluk IbA Bat mom 'H^'^jiuliboat to iMn th« OHh»ita, IJutefor*, "if" « 1o lb* Jew'», «b«n * «rar«i, »UJ>(Ua« «olloiiI«« in Um itadowo* ,ii?BiiSa hSraSrtM oTSTito j« « »<«* u-vrtrti" ItnisBuikMoraol, CtnarfameoiildDOtM*. H« inrooBM, iMwncr, wllboothMllitloB. .„„_,i.. la tulblni mulDg utMiDd, tUI «to oanlw wu wUbln > f<« ■lanr than Inraliw dowlT nmal II wm Vboit Is botoo^ «bS'o£T^il^!i%eol7 it^Si «it bli bu4, Uld U on the ""whitwoaUjonr-uldftniula] Tdot,■torolr. u,nlilBg lilih««l,tl»«triiigertho»edliHnin»o<ltio». Cbroton hid conooled hli own fcwiomndi MpojrtHo bj Onwliig down hU h*t, ud miffltof hlouU Id bli clort, ud he uwwatcd, In • feigned lolu, "Ardon-I woold t bit«t wort with JOB, thongh lUu It mtf, pmhMM. ippar tutago/' "SMikon.S'. Wlh tUi lairtbia wane golD| OB, w» mij ratSooD • UtUe tlfug* •dTUlan, U not c>itl«d too tar," n- toned the Muk, carelCHlr- *Ton uo wilting for tome oner ••millId*binlin; own tflUxl" bughtUf tuMmi the ShtingVt 'WorwoildlietkloiianUon joslsMloilI;. ItminMoun "A mnMngu^-tDd (o nwf Fran whom, ia*J I Inqnlie Obe (bugu ipcke In a lose iUonglr Itaged with Hrcum. 'leomeframoBOWbonntortnutely cunotoomeBenaiL ' "Ton ipeek enlgmu," wutb* cudoni nt>lf. ForniWul,CUTeit<>l>beilM«d. TblewunoDdlOwrBne, tobeatdteraipitMd oat of bereeciat; bonlibt iBTOWeblm- ad/ In e aund, bat be woold not dmw oat ua mTitvi inn thet aim Hiak. Be draw bidr, fetUng Inclined to tMn tt one*, wllbont ajlng more, when It etnck hlmUut the hint hve night be u efflcMleu ee to Hemea, end InTOlre him iree wlin l2j Poitanxmlb. Stretching oat hU band, h* egilnUld It on the mentle* ■•Bitkl"beaU,lmprenlTdT; "MeUOwTDS* l«ln dingerooe gbe bin etu«ctad the leeentment of the Dacncee of porti^Dontbe" Bren thea the Bleck Uiik kept • canUou lUenoe; end then EeniT CleTerton', wllb la Impetlnit ihng, toned tws} end die- *'!^W^Mln!ileUr^ be wunoteoielhitbehideetedwlielr, Int II wu too U«« now to repent Ahl heknew notelltbitwu toepilngfnmlbitimpaMTeacl; bed he gnieeed lUhewooM lim left Nell awjnne Is perlih (ortr Uaeoorer. Bewu not one, taowerer, to like nach heed of whet wu done, end no aoraar did ha «nlt St Finl'i, thu, leeploa on lie horae, he rode off faUUl hla mliijon M Baoun'e, the old /ew'a. TO BS oomiruiSi NEW Y ORK CL IPPEB BATUBDAT, OCTOBER 20, lue. Xo Oorrefipondeiita. **Oii m Sqoibb," Oimngo, M. J.—The time made In the 100 verde nee In yonr town. Imween fobs Ibomae end the BUI Bojr, kllhoogb giren oat u UTlDg been made in 0 eooonda. waa not donaliildeor II leoonde.aa we taiT* had proof of elnoe that Ume. No maa In tbla or in; olhor connli; eter ran U Inalde oft aeconda. E. H. B., Moifolk, Tft.—1. Flora Temple'e 1:UW to konen baa nertr been beaten. 3. Deiler'e aolcieet mile lo hameea waa made In ^Miit on Ibe w«i»m.>/irt Tnot, Oct B, Ibe preaent jeer. B, Deitar'e I:1B wia made mltr nUU, at BaAlo, Ang. IB, thia ymt, In a match with Oen. Bnller. BraxnoLnD.—"In the match it Iblladelpbla between the AUaalleaand Athletic*, A beta 1100 to B'l 170 that the Athlellca win. Then 0 bel*B tlOO lo |tO Uut he loee* bli money. The Bntbetlaadiawowlngtalhegamenotbebigtslehed. DoeaC iMehlamonert'l'ttadnw.aliol" It la a draw In both bete. ). A. &, 'a., aorahad.—ne aotic* la mmdon related to Uftain oelMaa of the alatof* at Bocheeter, and baa no bearing upon their performaaoee In mor oltr. Aj oar co i iea p o u dent'a tfksatkma an not dlapntratn joirnole, of oosiaalt la not —r to gin the lallor poblbitj. Bmio, Blddefwd.—L No work pnbUahad la Ihla oonnlry oontalnlngakelcbeaof ptomtnentgymnada. 9. Fowler * Welle, pabllaken, of Ihl* oltj, hn* the neareat approach to what jm want s. PHid Senn li uld lo haTe "pnl sp" a INIk, belt 9. OooMn'tatUapoelUnlr. P. Foooim, Foit Vorgaa, Ool. Ter.—Tbe pitoeof MTi lot lU month! la ttOO In gold, or Ita eqalTaleat In United Stale* nurtsoT, eqoil to aboat tO.>ll—ofllc* ITO Strand, London. Toor better nUn woold be to mbacrlbe lOr It lluoagh the firm of muffler k Bogen, 47 Niafnatreet, New Toik. HiHiict BalUBore.—"A and B make a bet; A, beltlDg on a iaretT,wln*. laltlawtolInbetUggclroloelabetonaeertilinlTt" Vo, lo long la ITaod la not leaorled to In order to Indnce tbe oppoiUapartjIo wager hla montj igalnitanmlhlig.' B. M. R—Nine and aqaailar aeconda bjOeoige Seward In Eng- land, bat not baring been In a pnbUomalch. 2. One or two dal a to bare nn lOOjarda In* leoondi, bat there fa no anlhentlc re- cord of II* enr done, a. AbontaeTenjirde, A SuaacBiBiB, N. T.—The laat match for tbe Afflarican Bllllard Obamplonibtp, aa yon win ate by Uat week'* Ourpn, waa played at Vonlreal, 0. &, between John BcDerlltasa Joiaph Dion, on October tlh. ILO.—Itll afowtlonof law, bat ooioplnloa la Ibitltjon ahonld bring yoor boat axoand on oar wateri, it wonld oome nndar Ibe law which make* It oompnlaoiy for owner* of pleaaan u »ena» of other boat* to Uke out lloonae*. OuBLat Mtiaa, Bafilo.-^ the nwtMle 1* lo be wlthdiawn ^^w^^M d^ ai ^Do ye^WMiheay to ^ ^^ilLftu'gHe'juiii FouorouTd.—]. It wulSVarea np thatHeCooleaadDaTia b*tlBthefrlag,andnot$HDlolM|andan the money ooDectad afurwaida waa ttO, ao that McOoole coaldnH Terr weB b*T« glTeolW. L DiTlaitandareadytoAgktMoOooleigalnanytlffle. •a*, BnirUa,—Fiopelllng a beat wlUi one car at the atem la Boolllag, allhoogh the term baa become gmeral and la applied In alncle Koll rowing matcbei It la banly a proper tenn for theUUer. Comun """"i Oedar Filla, lowa.-^ Ike BenabUcane carried'Snbaine by dna m^orlty, ttaegenUenun woo bet II wonld be oanled by <cn majority, wlaa. "Bmu ov Otm*."—L Joe Oobom welfbed IMlba, llgbl^ in bii ggbUag lig, the day he fonght KcOoole, 1- Mot bebg there, we canaotdecue thla qaeaUoo. OoBun Bxasia.—"A beta B Ibit he Ihron eleren for a laflla; Bbolathatbe doeanot; Athrowathlrtcea. VRiowlnar' Awlna. I. H. a, Ttenlon, R. (.—"AholdalnUahaadaieommonballi n beta that A cannot throw II leTes feet: A threm It nine feet Whowlnar' A win*. A. t. If D,, Ohar)e*town;—"TheBIack Onok" wu nerer playod In rnnet, hot wu wriltan eipreuly for Maniger WbeaUey, of BUlo'a, by 0. kf. Banna. OMBBiOL Boeton.—At crlbbage^ two ilxu nd throe bayi eoant elghtwB, Tie., tan by dfleena, alx for pilr nyal, and two for a pair, W. L. W., PnlonTlSe.—1. Letter sent a. Ton do not loM yonribot for the red ball Jnmplngoff the table. Itihooldbe flaced on Ita proper epot, end yon conHnne to play. BBiOBB, Blohmond.—Tbo ladlu are of Bonlbeni Urtb, and bare not appeandln tbladly. We bave nerer MenUiampci^ form) conaeqaenlly cannot decide year bet Tanooi. Brldeabnrg.—1. Bamlll'a beat Ume hi rowing Stb mllM wu MM, at FbOadelpbla. a. That of Joab Ward WilO^ off Btaten laknd. F. A. F., St LonU Mo.—Tom Bayer* wu a nUUle weight, and became Ohamnlon a lha lUddIa Woghla when be defealed Jack OnnI, Joae 9,18M. Lunn^ NewOrleana.—Tbe aeTonlllama wpearin the de- piitmcnta to wbloh they pioperly bolcng. Vt hare oailaUed your loUiffB leea than thoae of any othor ooneaj ondent J. T. B.—The loit nnfortonite yoo name tu the nar^ who eklmed Hoenin ii her hulband through the pnbUo piute about Ihe Ume of bli mitcb wllb Bayere. 0. D. tl.—We were nnder tbe Impreaalon that wi bad noticed It At preaent; wo bare no room for It; It will probably appear Inafewweeki. 8. H. B„ Jeppa, Kau.—There la anoh a Arm at 179 WlUlam ilieel, tbli dty. U. F, H., Boaton.—L We are not adrlaed of the futore moT^ mania of Blelorl. i. Faaay Herring and R. 0. Byner. BntiTXB, Philadelphia.—SopUe wu bom in Mew Otleani la IBM; Irene and Jennie In OInohinaU, in 1«<0 and KM. A DBOOMLTKin.-The HIcbael Noonan drowned it Ihe Brook- lyn Ferry a few dayi ago wu not the boxer of that name, n. 0., Dosnd Biook, M. J.—OoL Ohuleo O. Halplne la the original 'Ullee." LnwiB, Brooklyn.—TboHogbca now performlngln Ihla ally la the aame IhalWu In Nuhtllle. JoBi BcO., FalnuTlUe.—One mlle^ aerailaen Tarda, tai 1 mln. at BCO*., by OladMeor at NewmaAet, Big., Kay, Ittl. T. K.—Wa hare' aaen ao Nd of Ihe dnwlog, aad It la poadble that there hu been aaotber poilponement E. N. a, Windham Depot N. E.—Ibe ace goe* ont Inti no BiHar whether It la played bofon or after JeoK. J. B.—The AlalanI* waa bnllt by Oeorge Boabr, Inatcad of lomi, ai bia been eimnecnily ilaled. 0. H. PiraoM, Altnny.—A dopoalt wonld make yoor ckaDcnge leed more bnalntaa-IUie. JoiB, BmIod, kUaa.—Tankee Balllnn noTer fonght or killed a nlg-ger in cr oat of the priao ring. A. Bniuu.—Johnny Aaron and Joe Oobum hare iparred Icgalhor In public F. D., Tnmlon.—Heenan aad Bayen foogbt on the ITIh of April, IBdO. BoLToii k Oina —SoTonlr llnea, M.M each IsurtloBi or $g7,0O for three montlia (18 Uiaea) oaah in adnaoe. Fi H. F.i^Honcedale.—Hare nothing to do with Ibe yoong i>i'"g P. gm-^eenin fonght Xing, Deo. 10, IBaS-Uag'* flgbia .iriltalIaaawa>«lnlBB% ■ ALBin.-A lufedli hi* deal owing to glTlog bU adToraai} loo fnany carda. J. H., Fort Dodg<k-4 n*nch, 1» Nuun etretl, lithe Ikealrl- falhooi pabUahar, W.W.W.—Ward—who bttlttat to b**lthree on a ainiledle ,wu an eren thing—wtna. QninT, PorUand, Be.-1. Hk bu noL I. We don't think ao. Aom.—He t* liaTellag wllh Mb Bo«**a Olnn*. B, S.K.A—Bee onr noUoe of an iuoolatlai la ouUillama. lbniB,NewOr1eana.-TbenlaBOiBCliiShoollalM*ooiiBby. Bum k Ob—Three numlba, |B.e<. A, 0. W,i Biittad.—We ban no tooh nleb' j>. 7. B[r-im miliar Is ow BMl, 1. B. K, OettoabBft—W* taiar from y»«r letia IhU jMjtta ] a B&dS^lB Ibi ecnnly, mcb belac tbe ca**, and aaha wMeleel2llta(h«di*trtcl,tfeananwho bal that one or moi* oa the eoantytUkatwoald be *l*ol«d,wtaitta* wager. . THE LOM OF THE EVENING STAR. 0* lha 9Mh of tl^ tka aleamAlp "araniag llai," harlag jbcaiillwobnadniaaiidlflypaanngen, and a a*w«f Ifly mea,a*lled from Ihl*port bouadfor New Orleaaa, Whoioflthe ccut of Georgia a terrible tampeetame; Ihe iblp wu wieoked, and Bior* than nine tcntbe *f th* pmma oa the IB fated but weieM Tbe appalling diaaatu call* fbr a partlcokw noUoe from na, becau* amongat thou aognlptaod bT the fnry of the WBTawtremaayaembenof tta*dr*aattapnfeealeB. Ontbil aeconnt we bare giren, nnder iU proper hoed, u toll an aceoont III nil uliiliimliii u apace permlla. Wa can only add, in tbli cotoffln, (oas (aw genaral leaarfca. XKe ■annlUneu <S lb* "Bronlng Stir" la being eihaoattraly Jaeaaeedipio aad COB, by Ihe dally ptjar*. Ihla la emloently ptojier. If lheahlp*uuitf>-tt to.galnmoney bar owner* fairly challenged Death and wteA-lel Ihe faol be known, for IX It la uUa&clorlly damonaliated, ja odlnm maet reel ilwaye on Ihe buda at Umm men who wonld traSo hamen life at Ibe mart of gain. Wbalerer the tKt* ate, boweier, the boot looked aafe ind eonnd when ihe left port, and ftlenda, u they prc**ed the handa of (Hende, UlUe thought that tboee wllb whom they parted abould ^ftnin to them again oa urth no more fcrerer. TUn there wen, bat not lean ofdeapalT. Dtmmed eyea watched Ihe "Eraning Star" u ahe ■ailed from Ihe harbor, bat when they lepanled-Uiey who bad boea long aaacdalcd—Hope painted pleaaani pletaru for the fu- tor*, and the tine when Ihey abonld meet again aeemed not far dUlant •■Only to New Orleana," they uld, "right here in out own United Btalea," and lo few, if to any, came the Ihougbl thai Ihe grwiocunof Etomlty lay between. But lha elom camel ThefaoulhathadbeamedwllhpleeantegrewHdwtlhpaia: Joy yielded lo eorrow; hope anirendered lo dcapair, for Ihe lempeel bioke with unalterable fury, aad Dcatb, the grim oonarch who alwaya keep* uinnaecn company, placed hla bony hand it the helm. The ruddy cbeeke blanched, aad wild eyu gued inlently on (he fileful loeor, and lobi aroao that wen loot in the grnler nolM of tbe elemcnie, and amldat all the** thing* the "Erenlog Blar" went down lo the "Hell of Wateri," and only • liulo hand- ful of three hondred eicaped to tall how their comtade* had perlabed. Blune bu been attached lo the offlcen and etaw of the boat for act making a greater aVott lo ure the lire* of thepeaecngcn Befon they from whom cmanatce Ihla crlUdam write futtlier on Ihe auhject, let Ibem coodder for a moment bow dear lo each maa la bia own life. If Ihe oOaan lad men of the "Enalng Star" aallod their boal properly, and eooght with all Ibe iklll Ihel Ihey poeaeaacd to ure her Irom deetraetloD, we cannot and fhalt wllh them. If, when her lou became Inevllable, and when (bo fact wu known that only a amall number could bo ured, they aought (beir own nfety Bret Such conduct la nalonl' Deedi contrary lo thla an but Ihe eicepUon. When Ihe bnre Hemdon, on hla burning, alnklng ahip, took bia own life In bia hand and dung It lo Ood and Honor, that tboee who hid pieced themielne nnder hla charge might tire, a wcnderlny world read ofhli act wllb profoundeai admltaUon; lad well It might, for Ihe whole breed hlitory of thit world ahowa no purer eiample of manly, dlalnleiceUd benlam. But we bare no right to claim, becanae of nchan laolaled caae, the lame unHiaab dcToUon on Ike part of erery odoer who aalle the lee*. They, too, an men wllh Itmlllce or tilenda at home who wonld hare moomed their loii, and mayhap, to lome one who aonghl to ure the pauengen, there anie Ihrongb Iheblack atoim a dreolde aeene—the eye* of a loving wife—ihe fec«* of chnbby children—and then the thought of how that wlfe'a «yce wonld dim with tear*, bow (he children would aj when they wen told t£at "pa'a" body lay at the boltom of Ibe untalhoned ocean; how the chubby llaoa might growvlnched and aaDow from hnngir and cold when tbli protecting can wu renond—thla plctnro, we aay, may have atayed the aim half ralaad to foocor. So, befon we condemn, let ne conalder onraclna ta the Ume la their poaltioiia, aad aak onr heerta the queatJon, "Wonld we hare done bettert" An acconni* agree that aboart the "Erenlng Slu" wen many ^en women. Tbli dan of nnfortunattaalffloit Invariably poa> aeu the Intenieat few of death. In Ihe glided path of iln Ibay aeek to forget Ike lolemn hour when they mnat He down and die. Tblnk then, if yon can, reader, bow lenibly the knell that aonnd- ed Uuongh the itorm mnat bare taDen upon tbe can of them for whom, if the "comfortable creeda" be true, there la no meny In tbli world, nor in Ihe world to oomo. No accident u appalling u that which we have chronicled ever ocean without giving rlie to many painful aad affecting inddanta^ Theae Inddenle, In Ihe c*ae of Ihe "Erenlog Blar,"«nnotret tally collated; when they an, donbtleea, another chapter'will be added tolhera ainCT^_*!!M^*y' .wntalMitr. enoogb ofheirl-readlng eceau an known to na. WOUun Wny (u elated oluwbcn,) waa among the paaaeogen loat Only two weeka ago wo pubUihed aa obituary notice of hla biotber. Alter hie death the notlttr of the two men caDed upon na, and with leara la her eyee related the good polnte In her aon'a chatactar. Bhe epoke with ill a motliar'a pride and aAclton, bnt her eomw lb«a wu alleviated aoaewbat by the fact that WUllam wu laA u a suppoit and com- foittoberdecUahigyear*. And now he loo 1* gone—matched away nddenly In Ike taD ptlme of yoong manhood. What won. darthat the widowed motker'a heart 1* alrlcken with de^ dno- liUont We hare notived many letlen during the piet week, wrlltca la nemo*, trembling handa, and they ten aad atcrlea—thee* let- Ian do. The wtllan had acme relative or Mend iboard Ihe ■Eveataig Blar," la ha aafet do yon knowt Aad whan we aeanhonnaaegnrelumaloandlhe InfermaUon thayeeek, we can bnt feel acme drop* of ayaipalhy dlatnung thenaolrea to lean, u we glean Ibe bet that their beloved oou pnbably aleep Ihe aleep that know* no waking. We would that Ihoie who believe lbs ahow-fclk bearUaaa could have aeea the callen at oar oOco during the peat week. Then wen men who wept like diUdren—no, not like oblldnn, but like «n—kecaSM aome comndu wllh whom Ihey bad been lucol- ated on the mlmio alagewete dead. They forgot Ihe fanlta of Ibe departed, remembered only their vittnee, and apoko of Ihooe virtnu with tenderer feeling than I* often dieplayed aoywhen. In concluding Ibli arUoIe we can bnt tender our oongntnliUona to the few who bite eacaped tnm the wreck of the "Evening Blar," and oSbr cor aympalhy to each u mourn for Irlaoda loat (0 (ham in Ihe wild wutc of waten—loat onUl "(he le* abill give up It* dead." . Bio Poonono IUtob.— DeUUa of the pittc Bght between two Ug >ana o^Ou BtiUah P. B., via., O'Baldwin and Uandao, wlO be found In another part of Ihla lane of oar paper. la Ike be- ginning of the conleat, Haraden had the b«t of It; conaequontly bia pirtliaaa wen greelly elated, and applauded their man with much vigor. In a little while, however, Ihe Iriah giant, having viewed "tbealtnallon" In all llaaapeot«,galheredbtmHtf together for a gnat effort, ud duhed at hla opponent In anob a deter- mined maimer Ihil Uataden and hla thend* acarcely knew what lo mak* of It O'BaMwio aeut in blow ellor blow, completely dlubllag bia advetiary, and making a men "chopping biMk" of him, u Ihey aaylo the BrlUih olaaalca. On the lut rotind Bandea wu barely enabled to get to the eeiatcb, when hla fliende broke Into the rlug, auaulled O'Baldwin, and cot and elaahcd awny at 'all who oppoeed them. It wu Fatnbonogb over again, with another "foreigner" eelectcd aa tbe TlctlA of lb* nbble; but Ihe Irlahmin eeema to' have bad wno alannota anppotleta preecnl, who got him out of Uie ring before Ihe mob could ioHiet much Injury npou him. We an glad to uy that Ihe referee, unlike Ibo one who oOdalcd al Famborough, Juitly gave a verdict In favor of O'Baldwin, and thna ipoUcd Ihe "UlUe game" of the Nolliogham rough*, who thought, by bretkliig np the dghl, lo ure their money in Ihe aune manner u they nvod It when Hecnan and Sayon met- O'Baldwin iaa hard blHrr, and with aone oae to poet him In the ■dene* of boitng, be wilt make a promtoml oandldile for the cbamptonahlp. Already wo har that Jem Uaco le on Ihoiniioua bench. Bead onr account of the big battle In another column. Toi ELBonoKi.—Pennaylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Iowa, have had their btalo docUoua, all of wbloh reaulled in favor of tbe moat iuoceaatul iickela. A number of andldalce hate been choaen for a trip to Waihington, while an equally largo number have bean ulcotcd for a icaaonable voyago up Salt Blver, u dead budi. Wa are pnparing for our owndeoUim, which takuplac* In November. The candldalee, we an (old, ontnnmTirr the voter*. Bany an offered, hot fewwillbeotaoeen, wengnlto "f • " Bold Aoiae.—Some ol the papen have aoldthe race hone Xentacky to Mr. L. W, Jerome fOr firii) Mowatid dtOanl ma Nie OB papar la Intended lo tell Uie pnbllo u well u the hone, bnt w* ''gnaoa aoL" . Loii.—A aon of weallhy parenla teatding In Walnut atteet. Philadelphia, having become fuHnited with one of th* Fowler Slatan, took puaaga la Ibe earn* ataamerlhatcairled away the lidy, ud 111 went to their dulb together In th« Evening Blar, On Doww...4)wlng to Ihe oowded atale of onr cotamna, we have bean obliged to enrtall aevoal bag* taD and other aulohe*, On Obb* iKp DuvMR DvABainlt'it «UT«M*Uy mwM fallUimak. , ■ , FEARFUL DISASTEfl AT 8EA. . SINKING OF THE EVENING STAB. WHoiiESAKE I-dSB OF I^IFE, Lilt of Aotor*, Aotraiiei, MInitrtIa, DMoera, eto., Whs Wont Dftwn In the Ship. ■TATBlIBBTa OF Buavivoiia. The atumiblp EvBlog Star, ol Ihe N*w York Ball Btomiblp Oompaay'a line, wblcbUt tbla poll on Sept 3Mh, with in ueoit. ed cargo and 3M cabin ind iteenge paiaesgen, and a cnw of '0 foundered at a« on* hundred and eighty mile* cut of lyljn Light ta • bairlauw, on Ibe Id of October. Sh* eaconalered a eeven gale on Tneeday,Uie 2d of October, in Ihe alfanooa, and. aRcr'wealhetinflltaaatorm oeventaen boura, eh* fonadettd at Bi o'clock on lb* monlng of Ibe kd, aeady all od board going down withbir. Shebadbutfoarboata, It It aald. altboogE Ihe Uw required her lo have elL The IObt boala put oSiroinIhe ainUng 'ablp; bnt op to Ihe pnaeni time only two boata have been tTeardTlrom. Of Ihe boita two wen atove In Imnedlatalr, which laadaniaralwaii lo be feared wtlh wooden or melalllo bo*ta. One of ihe been uied wu npaet Bve time*, ahowlog Ita niter loelBdenciyuellfebMt r raancounaoVTHZ niaiam. In iddllwn to the above, ind ticcauae It may be of Inlemt lo very many Ouma relden, parUcnlarly to Ihof e havlne loat frlenda or nlaUvee tr Ihla ad diauter, wi have coUalcd the fol- kiwlng tnm the atatemenia of Ibe anrnvon :— iTiTmiiTorTBETOB^n, ■ Tbe Evening Star laft New York on Ihe aflf noon of the SNb of September, wflh 3ia pauengen and a oew of 61 men, bound for Hew Orleana. DIaeharged the pllol end eioned tbe bar abont 0 P. B. the eame day, the veawl being to good trim, having a fell cargo. On lb* ovenlog of Ike Wh we eipei-lanced eoaterly wlnda with a heavy aweU. On the lOlb, Ibe lea wu much amoolher, with veiy lair weather. On Monday morning, Oct. 1, about S o'dock, «w Capo Halteru llgkl. Al tola (Ime the le* wu quite calm, with every evidenoo of fUr weather. Tneaday, Oct 1, com- menced with a (rcab bieeie from cut lo eenlhnat with a heavy awell, wblcb by evening luonaacd lo a gale, wllh a very beary eea. Capt Snapp Informed na, a few mloolea befon mldolgbt, that the iblp wu abont 140 mllea northcaatof UanUoabla Beef, and 180 mllea from land, and fiom that Ume until tnoveaaelwent down 1 ahould Judge then wu bote Uldlog dlffennce lo her p^ iltion. Abont mlilnlgbtll ooiamencedblowlogahurricino,wilh a voty ngly crora lea. Atwut 3 o'clock Wedoeediy monlng the eteaner wu lying In Ibe trough of Ihe eea. lly barometer al Ibli Ume wu about IS and gloUia. Between t ind 3 o'clock the ilarboud rudder chain got out of lha ibleve, the veuel be- coming nnmanigealite. Abont 8 o'clock we commencd billing the Iblp Irom ibe engine room and after cabin. About B o'clock Ihe eogine became diubled. Ibe water dow leached the fur- nace doota, ofUngniihlng Ihe fire*. Having been at work on dock 1 now went to the lower efter cabhi *nd aialated In balling, but the water locnuing in the ablp'a hold, uoo drove the men on deck. At Ihla time Ina iceoe wu Indaaolbable. Eor cargo commenced ahllting aft, and abe wu flat Mttling In the water; her cutwater wu atove lo by • heavy no, the water pouring In wllb a peifed deluge; her rodder gearing wu broken, and tbe light work on the deck wu belog carried away place by piece. A liiUa befon daylight CapL Kaapp went Inb lha cabin and nouaed the neaungcn that he had done all that wu in hla power to uve the aup, and he wu aallaaed that abe wonM go dowu befon amy mtontea bad piaeed; he (hen doaod Ihe cablii doon, and with Ihe aaaialanco of myaeir h* oonmiaced getting U>e boala dear from their faatanlnga. Tb* caplaln now oMUd Ihe doora on each aide of Ihe acdaibill, ind enorla wen about to be made togettbeladluintolheboet*'. II waa no* all o'dock. A few miDulta aflar daylight, la we wen abont (iking the ant lady from the cabin door, a heavy aca aweptthedepk**wamplng, the veaad; abe maoe one larch and went <* #n. 1 now found mjMlf atrnggUng In Ihe water lumnnded by drift- wood; a aharp piece mtand my upper Up, plening my gum my free wu cat la two or three placca; my arm* aad leg* very much bmleed. Thru lady pateeogen wen etraggUng with me In the water, having Ihdr mm aronnd me, but lanud nnder them no ii«iet«Bc»>, Aflar banging to a piece of th« wreck for three boot*, on* of the ehip'i boala Boated tome aad 1 climbed Into It but wu oapelied ui Uoee, each llae loalng ny hold. From wballuw and beard, I think all the boata wen capilud when Ihe veeeel want down; all tbla time tbe eea wu nnnlog very high, and until afleinooD Ibe boat conlalnhig myielf and compinioDB wu earrounded with imtaenw quanliUu of drift wood. The wind wu Btill btowtog * bnrrtcanr; that evening the wbid and leamodenledcomldanbly; captain KupplnitlampU Ing to reach our boat wuetrack on the head with a beary place of dfUt wood, and Immediately aank; bedda myulf, our jarb conalated of tbe following penoni: Bobeit Finger, chief eng|. neer; John lang, water tender; Frederick Shaffer, coal paaaer; Ooo. Bmltb, aeiinan; John Fowei*, eeatnaa; Dennla Qannon, waiter; Bowland Stopheni, waller; Edward Laner, paawngar: U. H. Hatria, paaaenger. Tbnnday morning opened calm aao Eleaaant We were now on (he breed ocean, wllbontuything I eat md very poorly did. By wardrobe coodetea of i ehltt pair of pant* *nd necktie. About fl o'clock, A. H., we fdl in wllh one of Ihe ahlp'i boela, oontalnloiihe third nita and nine of the paaaeogen md crew. We now rigged a laU tnm Mvenl llfe-preaerveri, Uie other boat hanng her own ull. Both boata now ihaped their contve wcatwatd. In hopee of reaching land or fUlIng In wiUi lome paadng veeeel The wind al thla time wu iboat E. N. B.; aeon after dark we loot eight of the other boat ud have not aeen her alnce. (Tbla beet arrived at Fenmdlna, noridi, on Bunday morning, Oct 7, with alx pencn* *nd two dead bodiea. Tbe namee oflhe enrvl- von In ihlB boat ue—Tbomu Fllzpatrlck, third mate; John Dempaey, lumin; John Campbell, aeamm; Jamoe Howe, lea- maa; Onanoellor Uaacn, ateenge ilewiid; Frank Oerraid, paa- aenger.) OalheiiiomlngoftheBth,aboutBo'ctoch,madeaul], which wo dlacovcred to be th«bark Fleilwlag, of laurvlg. Nor. w>y, from Bahae, Hcndoiu, boaod forSoathampton, England, by which we wen Iramedialaly takea aboard aad kindly cared for. On the afternoon of tbedlh. ehoot I o'clock, we ipoke the ■chocner S. J. Waring, Cast Frank Emltb, bom New York, bound to Apaliohicola, Florida, ind wen (nnafcrred to her. EQie having been In the recent hurricane, wu crippled, her edie hav- ing bemblown away. The captain wu bound to Ihe flnt poi^ Savannah or Oharleeton. wbUe on board the Waring, Captain Smith and blaofllcen and crew did everything that wee In their power to nlieve our auSeting*, etcn to Ihdr own dlaccmfort On ihe monlng of Monday, thesth, we arrived In Bavannab. ■^^iMwi or A riaaEKou—a. b. bibub. After giving pattlcalanof theitoiiD, etc, Mr. Barrla uya that "at Ave o'oloai on Ihe morning of October 'Jd, the aleamer wu a oompltto wreck, both naddle-boiei wen gone, nothing of them remaining In dght but the iron bar*. Tbepllotbouaeandgaarda bad been awept away: her uglno bid bean uieleu for along time, and ahe wu nlllng In Ihe trough of tlii era. At sk o'dock the caplaln notllled the women Uiat all who wlahed to uke their chuoeelntbeboatocoalddoea Pniur Allen placed a nuaber of women In lh« boat*, but at tbe momml then wen detached from the wreck Ibey wenawamped. All lha women that could eel them bad Ufa preanvem, bnt then wen veiy few In number, leanwhllo Ihe ihTp wu hlllng vriy fid. I itood by one of Ibe lialch coven In company wllh Hienl wonen. Intending to ding to II when tbe veaeal ahould go down, wbloh we oipeotad every moment In a few minntea aha iblpped a heavy lea forward of her alarboard wheal houae, oomplelily ocveiing the vcaad. She never nu again ont of thla sea. bat went down In aalnelint I wu carried down wllh her eboattwenhr or thirty feet Oncom- ing to Ihe aurface of tbe water ualn I caaibt hold of a bean 61ece of Ihe guard to auppcrt myaelf: bat being HTcrd timu itrock y plecea of Ihe wreck, i nllnqnlabed my hold. I nait ancceed- ed In getting upon a piece of Iheltamework of ibe moon, where I dood two or three houti, bavlig been wtihed oS two or throe time*. Atlhl*timo I rouJd ne moel of Ihe debrleaa It lay bo- fon me- One piece of Uie hurrleaae deck aome 100 feet loon wai crowded wllh humiu betai|i, whoH ihrleki of tenor u3 dcapair ton abovo the fury of tbe aloim. Wblle dlniiog to mv pleca of lha wreck I nw one of the Ufa boat* to whJch aavetil paraon* wen cUndng («m boUom up. I nam to her, md wlUi the aaalituce of the othon Ruceedcd In rIahUng the boat Some eighteen of ue got bold of the beet which wu complotdy ailed wllb water. Some of thoae dlndog to (ho aUu of the boil wlUi mo were aoon wiihed amy. Xbeir placca were quickly ailed by otbet*. Bhe tuned over ind orer In the water like a log. Aft« grul eiertioo, we uianaged to got her freed of water. Daring the evening of Uia 8d (Weaueidaj), wa began to nffor conaldenble from the want of food and water. One of our party bad found a turnip floating near tho boat and, havlnii Mcund it diTlded It wllh hlB compwiosi. Some who bad bem drinking adl water becune qulle dellrtoue from the effect of It Soma ovon dnok their own nrtne, ao inlenic had Ihdr Ihint become. From the canvu of Uie life pre- •erren we managed to rig up a adl, which, by tbe aid of the itiODK oaitarly wind helped ua doog toward theahoro. AtS o'clock on the nut morning (the lUi) we felt In wlUi ooo of Ibo •hip'e Ufe boela, oondlnlog (he Uilrd mate ud 0 men. Thev gave each of u* a handful of cnctna, Ibay having been forlunalo onongh to uve a box of them from among Ihednftof thoWnch. SbotUyaflarwardwopartedoompmy, liiioUierboathadagocd ull. BoUi boata now itood for the land, wind about UNE. At I o'clock on the monlng of Ihe BUi, wonw a lall, which proved to be the batk Flcetwlng, of Lounlg, Norway, fnn Uellie, Hondu- n>i bound toSoolhimpton, which hove to lod took ua on board. We nmdued on board of her 88 boun. Al 9 o'olxk on Ihe MIer- noon of (ho OUi wo ipoke Ibe ecbooner B. J, Wartn?, Cept Frank BmlUi, mm Now York for Apalaoblcola, Fht We wen limi- forred to her. Tho Waring, hanne been dlaabled In the etorm, weemakioiifortbeiiearcatport—tuvaiuab or Oharlwton. We airlTcd off Tybco on Sunday night and went up to Uudtylbo noitmotolog. Our pirtr conalitcd of lo <hcu we reichod Ba- vannab, Puraor Allen end Ihe chief engineor bdng of the patty, ud myaeir tho only paaaenger." Thla (eirlblo ud heatt-Rndlng dlaader bia brongbt grief tothehomoaofmuyofoni'piofcalosil friendi, ai «dl lato all oUierchaaea of aooloty. Among the paaungon wu Ibo open tnupo of Ur. Paul Albalaa, oomprulDg afty.nlno elnier*. aidita md muilclani, whom the manigor bad engaged In Fnrii. Ur, Albdu teictacd thla dty by Uie itcemer VlUo de Part* on Bent aiUi, wlUi hla company. Ue put lUa troupe at a hold to wdt the ■ailing of Uia Evening Star, ud onUio 9tth Uiey took paaaago on that 111 fated atcamar. Tho party conalalod of Br, Ohoneal, Mr, Taplan, wife and ohUd, 0. D'Eilaibaoq, irife ud child, Uma. Blodle Oltard, Mr. and Mra, Fene, UUa E. Durud, Ulu J, H. Blea, Mia. Mario, UtaaMirllaCimpaDamd larvut MluBord, Mr, Baymond, Mr, ud Mn. Copplnl. Ur. Oharlu Alkaln, Blat T. Olovam, Uln Benouf, Ulu a. Bead, Ulu BmedeUl, Hlu laoquemcut Ulu SInurae, Ulu A, Feme, Ur, 0, Baverao, Br, T, Oolgnatd, Mr. B. Robert kir. ind Un. V, 0. YlUa, Mr, and Bn. diUlud, kin. Calllot, Br. O. Flactaer, Ur. TrBaviu ud acme twenty oUieii, wbou namu do not appear on the Uat of puacngenalUieoompuv'aofllM. (See our New Orleana cor. reipondenl'* letter In uolher colnan for olhrr nimea, Ac—Kn. Our.) Br, Pinl AUulu proceeded to New Orloana by bnd. Ihua avoiding Uie aad bto that awdlad Uie membcn of Ua com- Kny. While in Patla Mr. Alhaia rcodved Ibe newa of hi* Iher** death, ud loat a brother two weeka later. Hli accond brother, Br. Oharlei AUialia, waa can of Uio paaaengen by the Evening Blar. * Then wan alao on board lwaBtr.two perfomen engaged here liyMMai*.Bpau]dlaa'ud Bldwdl lor Ih* Aademyor Mndo, New Orloana, conalaUng of Fnnk Gerard, tho two Tallton lira, then and wlru, J, Nloola and Tonna NIcOlo, Ibm Roasell, Wm. Wny.M'UeDelphine, Millie,OlanandLoobaFowlarlhnownu Uio Fowler Bl^, Wm- Dawion, Edward Munay, £)wail& Beny, BmmaB, Powera, Julia OuUala, Mn. U. B. Eoch IKayt UineB.Ldle,MlnalaIajlorand BaiyDnnL Ofthaaetatiha pnaeot wTlUng, only two an known to have bem utmi via., hank Oeiaid (u Btbloplau comedian, who wu Ihe only mAaaved In tb* Ihlrt mato'a boat md who** i*ald*nee I* SI Bond Itreet Brooklyn), udMlBaleiaylor. Ibeia ti* Ik* oBly two nTd elgMi'tmeni^MOBalBlhatankaowntohaTabeauved. S*v*. nipaforaien who wo* mgaged to go wtth Ihle capany broke theltomtnci*, UietebT aiVag IhJr Uvea. Hart BinySnaraouudWUllaAiBatrong,^ohadmnlaed to go, bat foitoaataly for Ibem Uiey did not abrt BUhBaevu aad wl/e wan alao eagaged, but wdtod ovee for aaolbaf •turner^ laUedonlhoUhTnit Wealaouadei^ind that i Mdyhjda lug, partUn of ble wardrobe ou beard. Pt.Bpaaldl n^ **« to have aooompmlod hie commnv on Uiia ateuner, but totaillaly budatu pt*vml*d blm. We tenwIUi pnaent a Mef aketoh of thaperftannen loot u It wlU no doubt bo Intonatlag to tlwm. aandiof ptofbaalonala who an udooa to I"" •'^^'Sl'S?! can concerning lha nafortnoale people lod on Uie Evening Blar of their acqndntmea. The FiwUr Jlrfera-Tbcw very popnUr young Udlea wen named napedlvelyUlUle, ChnmdLoulaa, ud wtn oonildored veryttlcnfeddoiufluei, u Uiey coamuded a nlaiy of BlOO por week. They wen of SagHah parentage. UIDIo came to tbla connliy about all veaii ago, and made berdchil at Uie Udodeon, In Ihla city, under the management of Frank Hinn. Bhe be- came a gnat tavotlta, nmalniu ben for wiae Ume, after which Bhe went to the Philadelphia Balcdeon for awhile. She then tnvded with Fruk Blven' Compeay, becoming a grut f anrtle u a donjciiM. Betnraed to lailand and to company wllh her diler Olan re-vldladAmatica. The two Uien amaied (* dlOuant dUea u Ihe Fowler Sl*(era, meeihu with flattering nice***. About a yeu Igo MllUe again rldted Enropo for the pupoM of bringing her mother md her two deter*—Loulu ud Blaa—to thla coonln. She retnmed wilb thorn to thia city. Bloc* which Ume they nave boon befon lha public ud recogniaed ai popular potformen. Millie udOlin wen daiunuer, ud Loiuia wu a Tocallat Tbe moUier la at preaent living In PhUa' delphia, left to moun the Ion of Uuce beinUtUl ud affecUonale daughter*. ne JTfnli) iVoiipeconatBted of J. NIcolo, (right name NIchole), Tonng Nloolo la pupU) ud Uie Talleen Biothera, (right nmies,Wm, Bodney and Tbomu ToUldayl, Br. NIrolo came to thla country with Fruconl'a Hippodrome ud tnvekd with that compuy for aomo time. Aflar ttua ha tnveled with diffenni clicua com- pault*. He aubicquontly lelnrned to EogUnd, and after u abience of tbiu yean once men rldted ttda country, bringing wlUi blm Young Nloolo, whom be had adopted ud brought up to Ibe budneia. Since nla lut arrlvd from Bnglud with Ihe TlUcen BroUierB,lbey have Imvded togetber.u IheNlcolo Troupe, vlUi dtcue coinpulei, etc- Tbey have dec been tb Harua with ChlailnL Tbcy bare ippeared In Uila dty, at the Winter Gar- den, wllb Banuin'i Uuaenm rompuy, at the old Boweiy, ud lattfy at Wood'a Thutn under Oeonie Wood'a management TbeTdlcmBrolbenbadtbelrwIveewlUiUiem. Br*. NIcolo la at preBcnl to thla dty, condned to a alck bed and noarlycruT over Ihe lou of her bnaband. The NIcolo Troupe wen aU flnt clau arUala. The Bnt appearuce of tbe Talleen Bntben wu at the Foutleenlh etreet drcne, in Ihla dty, nnder cuvu, with Jamea M Nlion u manager, H'unaai Vnt, who <u bom In tbla dty July 39th, 1693, wu a very clever Ithloplu comedian, u well aa one of Ibe meet uaefiu ud reiaalile perfonnen In the buetncu. He couM play on dmoet every auakal Inatrument known. Ha wu alao a dever performer in migle. la fact, he could do a lltUe of every- thing. Hie lut engagement In Ihla dty wu wlU> Banfotd'a MInatnIa at the Old Boweiy, In July lut Hie brother Edward died about ilx weeka ago: tndr aged mother la now left with no one In the world to care for her. 7V» JtuutK (tight name Tom BuUer) wu bom la Ihla dty, and wu formerly a wdter In Mcadinlx'e eating aloon on Broid. way. Ue flnt turned to etog by vlalUng the dlffetmt "Flee ud Eaiica" to lowD, ud wuicgulaily to be found et Jtelud'e Free and Euy. He obtained InatrucUona from Tony Putor, who fu^ nlihed blm with all tbe popular comic looga of the day. Hla Brat regular engagemant wu at the Tariellee, Detroit to 1663, when he beramo a grcil favorite. Be (hen went to Obadwick'i VirleUea, Chicago, returning aoon after to Detroit Stoce then be hu appeared In different dUoi In the country. HewueU' gaged at Ihe New Bowery laet uawn with Bob BuUer'a com' puy. Ue wu conddeied e good comlo vocallat. Mvard S. Bary wu very popularly known all over Ibe couu' try u a dever Iriib vocdiat ud u enldenl atage muager. He wu very popular In Pblladdpbia, when he married Cella Mor* ley. For eovenl eeaaoaa he wu atage joMDtMt for Dtagle'e Varietlee, Bt Loula. He Icaree a wife and tour chUdien to PhU' Bdelphla. fdmifdJfumiywuaiongandducamu. BawubotnlnNew York and wu about n rean old. He hu played In thla dty, at "M." He iearu a wife ben only 17 yean of ago. M'lU Delpkint wu Uie wife of Wm. wny, ud wu bom to Cm- ada. She wu poiinUr la a Jig ud finoT ducer, ud wu also a valuable aadetanl to her bnaband to hla ruta of magto. Mmle B. UUi waa the daughter of a membor of Ihe police foioo, who died to tble dty lad wlolar, ud ibe adopted Ihe profeulon u a mean* of auppoit for her widowed mother. ifary Durol wu one of the weU known Dnval Blaten, md wu popnUr uavocaliat I'biaa fneen, JuUa CtrUdi, Mn. B. B. KoA and Mlmlt Tay- lor we have no record of, u Ihoy bad not bem long to the pro- feaiton. tFy^defanltHgewu alao a paaaenger. Tbla genUemu became nolwtoua to connection with the pinto ehlp Shenudoah. On hto arrinl to Boglmd, about three yean ago, he married BeUe Boyd, indihortly after made hla ar6>< u a dnmaUonaderto tbe provtoce*. Tho recepUon he met with then embolducd him to torn bi* dtouUon to Ihe ilage- He arrived to thla coun- try about alB montha ago^ and at once adrertleed for star engage- ment*, but not encocedlog to effecting uy, eaUedfor New Or- leua 10 try hla fortime there. HewuByoiiiignim,abonttbiity yean of age, nther iHinly built and of good appearuce. OUR DRAMATIC PORTRAIT GALLERY. OBABLOTTE THOMPSON. Ulu Thompson wsa bom to Bradford, Yorkabin, ^g,, June 71b, 1818, She la the dioghler of Lyunder Thompion, one-of the belt acton that ever graced tbe Amencu etago, md bu la- heriled a large aban of Ua abiUty. u well u bia popularity. He la no men, ud bia aocompUahed child U devoUog her effoito to toe luppott of herwlf md brr mother. Her aral appaaimce on uy atage wu at Wallacfc'a Theatre, to tbla dty, dntliig toe seaaon of IBM-T, u Phoba to "Ai You Like It" Tbe reorallon she met wUb wu each u to Juitlft (be moat ardut hopeo cnier friends: whUe Ihe tdeol she dlaplayed wu enflldent to forbode UiepoalUon she waa deaUnedto occupy. Her connecUon with Walnck's wu a most Important event to her career, u no better school edatad for ImparUng a good tnlntog to toou who wtn duirona ol learning their profeadon, udwiBtogtoworkbudto accompUah lhat end thoroughly. Ben ihe tieoune known ud recogniaed u u idreu of conddenble talmt ud day by day made each marked atridea that her bme iprcad npldly Ihrooga toe whole drde of play-goer*. Our berotoe, qulttingtho acene of her prevlouB labors, tialntog, ud triumpha, received u offer of an engagementfrom LannKeene, alwboae thutn ahe opued durlog the eeiion of IBAT-Bk ud dosed the aeaaoa at too Howard Atbcaaum, Boatoo. After thja abe played to Savannah, Macon, ud Oolnmbne, u the leadtog lady of Flemlag'a Oliealt Com- pany. While playing to Savannah aha wu preaanlad wiUi a act of lowelry, coniuttog of a gold ud coral bracelet, bttul-pto ud wi^drope, each piece betog compoeed of BneJy wnnght gold Icavea, with coial towera ud bnaa. In Hacon ahe wu the nclplant of uotoor eel ol vdnable Jewelry. At the clou of the leason ihe appeared at Toronto, 0. W., for fonr weaka. On the occwlon of her fanweU btaeflt, being called befon the cnitain, ahe wu brought on by lha lata Chartoa Biaa, who look ooudcn to apeak to tie highest tenna of her u u ictnia. He said:— "Abu actor of forty yean atandtog, I apeak of the greU worth of tble traly aatonlablng young ailljrt ud most eaemuary lady." The foUowug seaaon—Isg-BO—she made a iburtog tour of Ihe coustary. Whu Mn. John Dnw commenced bar aeaaon of lBIO-1 al the Arch Street Thoatn, PhUadelphli, ehe leeund toe seivlcu of Ulra Tbompeon u liadtog adnu. Bhe nude her debiil u Lady Alice, to "Old Eeadaud Young Hearts." Owtogtoaomc diugteemeni, ehe wlUidnw tnm Uua utabllabmeal, Dec. 18, 1680. Blia Tbompeon wu conaluUy befon the public, playtog nightly In one, ud on levcnl occadoni in two piccu on Ihe ume night; ind theidmlrrn of the drama, who appreciate genuine (alent patted wlUi deep n|M with thla aocompUahed ud eaUmable young lad; ud arttot. HerdevoUosto dutyhu been as signal u En eminent snoccu to Ha dischwge. Bhe wbleiodu enviable popularity by Ibe abUlly wlUs which ahe met every demand that wie made npon her mofesslonal talents, ud her namelafimilluto bO play.goen. For some time ahe hu been recognlud aa a brlUlm\ du. UniTU or F>B£ Luniu.—Tbe mnnal drill and mnstor of toe Worccaltr, Bau, fln department was held on Ihe 4th lut It conelstcd of a psndo, review by toe Mayor, end a dtouer In Ihe moratog, and Irlala of iklU, eneed, Ac, to tbe afternoon. Hook and Ladder Co. Mo. 1 did toe but In actUng Iiddrnto tbe roof of a acbool-hcuae; Eagle Co. No. 8 laid 800 feet of bou the quick- cat Tbe atranon played a horiionlal Btreim,one petpendlcolar atream and two perpendicular itreams. Hii* part of Iba trtd re- aulled u follows: horluntal—Gov. Lincoln, Sw feet a tooheei Col. Davia, IBS fett B tochu. One perpendicniar atream—Gov. LInooto, I«6 feet; Col. Davis, IM feet Two perpendionlu alrams—Gov. Ltocoto, IWfeetiCol. Davis, 180 fed. The flnt tridof toe bud cngtoa oomnanluwuto runtoUieiaachtoo, take it to the Ricrvolr, lay IM feet of bou and put water Uircagh the pipe; which wu accompllsbed Ijy Ysnkec Mo. B to 1 mtoTll sec.; Itopld No. 9, in 1 mto. W sec.) waahisgtoo No. 1, In 1 mto. 80 eec.; NIagan, 8, lime not Ukea, The acA trld wu a hociua- lal ud petpendlcolar dream by each englDC Then waa no ao- curate ainngemout for meaaurlng too perpendicular stnams, and tbov wen ceUmated by tbe Judge*, ndog Ihe flag etaff over which the atreame were pUyod aa a guide, Ae reaSia of toe trld wen:— ,. ^ . ITortofiiai. ftrpmiltular. Yankee B 180 ft mit Rapid] KOaSto. UOft MllgaiaS 183 ft 8 to. ISOtt Wiiblngtonl 170It8to. Iiaft Frizw wcTO awitdod u followa:—Bleamata, lit priu IBO, Oov, Lincoln Mo. 1: Hud eugluea, let priu 1100, Yukee No. 8, Id prize $80, Ilapld No. 3; Hook ud ladder Co., 1 priu gio, Co. Na 1; UoH compulei, 1st pilte |30, Esgle Hon Co. No. 8, 3d niln |10, Occu Uou Mo. a. r- Sonisn aim* ni Nova Sooru—The highlind sndtbe low- lada ud laadea, "niUruof the bnd of brown heath ud ihaggy wood," now rcddent among tho Dine Nona of Nova Bcolla, hdd toelr annual celobtaUonal Bedford on too IBto ult Tho gamos wen gone(bnniih with much apirit,ud witoessed with agnatdegreeoflntenslbytoelargenumberoiqieoUtonpieeeot The pipe mudo wu pullonlatly good, ud toe playtog of youna Denton, from Pldoa County, wu oepeddly sppUndod. The tand 01 the Dnloo ProlecUon Compuy dlacouiaed aweot mualo throughout too day, ud greaUyteadod to toctetn tho ealov- moot of all pnient Wo giro the aam-« of Uie ouoceaaful com- poUton fUr Ihe dlfforut priiui ^tltog toe buvy atone-lsl prito, A. Hslay; id, B. Ldt- PulUng Uie light stonfr-lsl pilu, A. UcSayi 9d, A, Mo- Tlirowlog htkJj htmrner-litprlu, Bobt. LdUtor; U, Adiu XfUCTe Ibrowtogllghlhanmet-lsl prlae.Bobt LdWari ad, Angni Fnser. Toedng Uie oaheiu-iat prln, Bobt Ldtaleri ai, J. McLeod. Fnot i*c*-AduIU-l*t prite, Wm. OBmenoi ti, H. Madden. InSb ""^ *^ " »• Bunalag high leap—A. McKay. Bnnntog longlrap-D. MoDondd. Bert pipe mualo-let prias, John UeKanalei H, A. Meloala. Beeknca-latpilie, notadUidi ad, B. J. BmaU. Aidiory-latprixe,Sampsoni IdiB.BdL — -I Ma.ABnBaBBU>,ptopTlaloroflheWuUBg(OB0yDinia(iua, bu lulBdenUy recovered from hi* Uto Bavan Ulnaa*, la Ihli ollr, \i V!^* ¥* retarnlng to Waahlnglon, for whi^olly ha lall co thaUthlnii AbnarbadahaidtasBlawllh'HisirlmiBOBftor." lralh*kuoom*«tilofth«Mra|tl*ilfUild«Bp, Thd Offloe, V NO. 11 BAST H0D8IOR SnEBY, NEW YOBK aTT. Ibl* old **labll*hed and ectsadvaly pdnniied Bealanrul ud Oh« Honu la now under tba proprlolnnblp of MBBSBS. aBOBOE AND JAkKB HIOHiOl, so long and inH malely saswilsled wlUi toe . . NEW YOBK OBIOESr OLDB, and tnonbly known lo the lovtn of the game thionghont Uie United Btalec Dton<i*b Obop* aad BtoBk*, Odd Cnia, Welah Banbll% etc., at auhoun. ThaBarlaalookedwIlhlho cholceal Imported Wtoe*.SDtrila ud Olg>i*,and Ih* Malt Llqnon wUl be round of theYtoowt quality. N. U.—Fllu of >ni«flf*ii md EDgllah Sporltog and oUier lo» naUwIUbefoundIa the Beading £om. >«r jonr- Mf EaOHAM BBOI^S, Froprietor*. OLYMPIAN,' OF PBIUrELPHIA, v*. MANBATTAN. OP NEWYOBE. ' Tb* Olimpba Club, of to* Quaks Oily,"paid a'vldl to GoUiam oa the tth or Ootolier, to play wiUi (belr trienda of the Buhattu Olub, add toey had a good Uqa of li and took home toe most Importut tnphy .of the two matches toey took cart to, the Olymplu ar*t eleven defcatiiig toe flnt eleven of llubatUn to one Inntogi wltbafteon rana to spsn, bntlostogwito toe second eleven, too Msahsttana having six wtcketoto fall when gam* wu cdled. The Bnt eleven match wu played on Satuidar October Bto, on Ibe Hubattan grounde, foot of Oto etred' Hoboku. The weatoer waflanaiildou, ud tho oonlestbii elevens wen on Ihe ground ewiy. The Mubatlua wot In Ulgham and Bndson to the bat to begto (he gam^ bn( (hey wen boUi diapoeed of for email scores, the whole eleven bdng put Ion d* conbol for a told of but BT off Ibe bst—Jenkins' 0 wu ibe highest score. The Olymplsaa torn look the tat ud before tbey wen got rid of 181 bad bru placed upon their ecore bock, of which & won eitau, Hoyt scoring 81, Bradahaw lo, Wdlace 17 ud Etog 10. Thla left the UuhaOua 63 to get to uie a do. fed to one tontoga. Budsoo ud HIgbam did their ahan of tbe work towarda II by acoitog ao ud U reapectlvely, bol Neevea't, "not cut," wu tbe next beat aeon; too total or toe tonlnga wia only a, of which butMwanofftoebat Thla wu IS short of (be required number, tbe Olymptus thenby remaining the victon to one lontoga. The followtogb tho scon:— Pint Inntogs. Bambituii. Second lantogs. HIgbam b Bndshaw 3 bHoyt ig Hudson 0 Dawaon b Brad- ahaw 8 0 Dawson bWsllaoe M Pearleub Hoyt 1 b Wallace o Juktoa b Bradibaw t b Hoyt i T>ler c Douredoun b Dnd- Shaw 0 bWdlace 0 Scrivener hi wkt b Bradahaw 1 o Patton b Wdlace i BnillowbHoyt 8 bHoyt o Tocher not out 3 runout o Uveuyo Dawson bHoyt-... 4 oFumls b Hoyt o Lore0Elng bBradahaw,... 0 oudbWallace i NeevucDawaon bUorl.... 0 notout 8 Byu, 10; leg bye, 1; wide, l.ia byee, 7; leg byee, 1; wldee, t.lg W ....iir Totol W ToUl Grud total OLivruw.—First Inntoge. Bradahaw run ont M Pnracu c Bcrtrener b Jenktoa g Omntogham claw b Fearleu 1 DavIa ran out 6 Patton not out 0 Byee, II; leg byee, I; w1de*,8.IO A. Bndshaw c Eigham b Jenktoe B OnffencSudlowb Pearleu.. I DourcdourehtwktbPoirleu S Wallace I bwbPearleu....17 Hoy 10 Hudson b Pearleu... .84 King bPewleu 10 Totd lia Umpire—Mr. Wlndf Id- Scorer*—Meesn. Hsncock ud Ssmp- son. Time of gamo-B boon ud 80 mtoute*. On Monday, 8to, uotoer Bneday-toe beat of tbe monlb— made ye ueond eleven boy* Uvdy. ud tbey wen all on bead euly. When we aay bD, we mem all of Ibe Muhatlan, for toe Olymplua could i*uo bat five second elevu men for toe bsl, Wallace and Patton going to, ud nuktog uvea to all, wito Dooredoun ud Hoytto hdp to toe Bold. Tbe Olymplua went to flnt but ntlred for a tolal of 10 off toe bat Qiaffu'e B betog toe but score. Tbe, for their share, ru np a totu of 38; livsHy'a 13 "not ool" wu tho but acore. Neevea wu seooTd on toe list toe vetaian dways dotog serrio*. In Ihe second in. nlngs tos Olympiana bdted weU for 89, of which land scored IB udWaUacelL Then wen no exiiu al aU. Thia left toe Man- hallana a7 to wto, which toey obtolaed, wito alx wlokato to fail. The fo!lowtos Is toe aeon: Pint loiiliigs. OLnnam. BecoBd Inning*. Onffu 0 Tucker b LIvesey, - B b Liveaey. 8 EUUngtoncudbLtveuy.... 7 oudbLireeey a "Fredericks" o ud b Uveuy 0 o Neevu b Sceley 11 land run ont I b LIvesey 18 Patton b LIveuy 1 not ont 3 Woolmu not ont a b Uveasy 0 b LIveuy 0 b Llveaey 0 Bye, 1; leg byee, 8; wide, L. 8 bye*, tc 0 Total .94 Total 88 FIrat Inning*. MaiiBaxiu. Second IniUnga. J. Tuckernu oot 0 b Wallace 1 Neevu b Patton 4 not ont B Budlow b Fredericka a b Wallace 8 Aylmerb Patton 0 H. Tucker b FaUon 0 I. b. w. bPdIon I LIveuy not ont 18 SceleycXand b Patton a cWodiunbPatlon 1 Blahop 0 Wallace b Elkln^ton. 0 SImpeonbPatton 0 notout 8 Blchardeon b ElUngtoa a filmma e land b Patton 1 Bye,l;l.b.a;wldea,10;n.b.l.l4 Bye*, 4;l<gby«,4. B Tola) 88 IMsL M Umplrea—Bessrs. Lug sad Wlnfldd. lima of gaai*—Hi tuun. ^^^^^^^^ LUXYWBITE T*. YOnNO AMBBIOA. OF OEBMANTOWN. Bach totere*! wu diown (t toe match betweu the** cinb*, played at Oennutown, Pa., on Salniday, Oct 8th. Tb* adding ud bowling wan aharp and toe batten did act econ buvUy. Bdow la toe book aocouat Young America wioalng by 88 niiai— Flnl Innlnga, Vcimo Ambbioa. Seoono Innlaga. a. M. NawhalloBargruvu b Wbilmu 6 act ont 0 Morria b Henson a bHenaon 1 D.B.NewhaUoudbHeaacn 8 bHuaon 8 Davia0Naphleb Henaon.... 10 bHeaaon 4 0. A. Newhali o Hargruve* b 1 b w b Uensoa 7 Henson 11 Johnanol ont 10 b Haaion l Mean o Henson by Whltmu 0 e W. Jsrvto b Whllnua B Sudenon b Henaon B bDutlon 8 Balrd run out 0 ran oul 8 Bayard, absut 0 IbwbWtailmu a aB.Morgu, Jr.,absent... 0 bHenwn o Byu, 6; wldee, 8 11 byu, 3; leg byei^ a; widesb B.IO ToUl eg Total M FIrat Inntoge. LiuTwam. Bceoad Inntog*. Jarvls o Mean b 0. Newhill. a c Bayard b Johna t 0, Batgruvu o 0. Newhdl b Jobne 4 oBdrdbC. KewhaU NaphleoB.NewhdlbJohna. 8 bC. Newball W, Jirvia rnnont 0 bO. Newhali Henson b Johna a bO. Newhali Whltmu b Johna 3 b Johna Hargreavea b a Newhali.... a b John Husbeny b 0. Newhali 0 bO. NewhaO. EUlott run ont 8 not out DnIton not ont a o D. Newhali b Johna Brooka ojohns bO. NewhiU. 4 b Johne Bye*, T; leg byes, 9; wide, 1. .10 byoBb 7; leg bye, 1 Tot*]... IB Told. AXAXTSIS or BOWLIMO. LiUTwnini. . 0 . 0 . 0 . 4 . 0 .10 . • .. S ,.« 0 . B .18 INDIANAPOLIS vs. OIKCINNATI, The IndlanapoUa dob ud Dnicn cricket dab of OtoctonaU played a match at Indlanaiwllj, lod., en toe Bto tool, oondallair of one luntogs each, to which toe Unions wan dsfealed byaattn of 48 sgatosftoelrlO. We append a Bummsryi- Iimiaxtnua. Weaver o Bobeito b EUard...'0 UcGawoEUard bOoolIdge..U BItchellbUowe o ArdenbBowe 8 Davenport o BobettobEUaid. 4 Dicker b Howe 0 Lloyd 0 Ije b Howe o WUaon b Howe i BbodubHowa 8 PearBon b Howe 4 Gurotlnolout o D., 8; l.b„l;n,b,,l; w., Tola] 48 UHIOM. Packkam b McOaw.; 3 Semper bMcGaw 8 CooUUgelbwb kUtoheU.... I Uoweb Uc<3sw 14 Himncndb HcOaw 7 Bllard b BcOaw 0 Johnson b MeOaw 4 Itobertob McOaw 3 F. Harvey st Aidu b UllabeU 0 be 0 Wuver b BlIeheD 1 H. H. HuTey not out 0 Byu, a; no ball, 1; widea, 1. 4 Totd: ..4« tlDOITINO.-MEW YOBK AGAINST NEW JEBBEY. Tho champion elghte of toe Oily of Ohnrchu ud Jemy wen again dnwn np In Uno of balllo on Ibo 4Ui Inst, lo compste for too highest honon of too quolUng world. Tbe scone of (he con- flict wu Ue gnunda of Jaa. McLaren, (who la open to play uy mu In toe SUtu or Canadu) at Newark, N, J„ and the ailmd- uce of epeetaton was quite large, compoaod prtodpally, of couu, from toe lud of nde ud 'uf^n'-'df, who take apedal delight to Ihla healtotal paatime. The appended soon shows that tbe Jonoymu bad toe boat of Ihe scrlmmsge by 68 pototsi— BaooBLiK. FmnOAMs. Miw Jnaxr. Bolder la I Kennedy 8 Btayler is_as | Dondd U-IB SxcoxD OAin. Ifharion 7 I WblUemon « Oria. 7-141 McGregor l»-9« Tbibd Gamb. Hudson. i 1 I HsLann 17 Muier d- «|5s5v7.:...;;;..;:;,.:: e-9« FooBiB Oaio, _ « B Lyons » Bsladay 8-11 SffllUi 18-3B Omadtold 88 Onadtolal.', M (toon*.-Mr.Taytor cams on from PhOadalphla ontoalltb tost, to match W, Bodgaon igatoit Jis. McLaren for a home ud home match at qnolU tor |9M adde aaoh match, bnt failed to bttog MoUrea's backer to lenna. FaBlng u above, be hu ten glOO wito us to msteh Hodgson sgalaat Hclamt or, to ths ovaal of Ihe laltar deoUatog, torn toe mooey U remMn lo matoh Hodg. Bon^g«liutlhe MssbviU»mu. _ BtimiBa Mbb at a DisaoDBn—Tb* $80 left by Daa Ncblt to match a maa agdut Ed. Brady's Uakaown, or say otoarissa na no legs to Uu 'oonatry, to tub oae lalla for torn 1100 op. wards, hu elldted no nsponu tnm any quarlar, mncta lo Ih* snipitH of Ih* sdailren of padsahrtsnloa. W*k*vab**Bgina to nBdaiBtaad Uial jnvilMu to this chaUann, Bndy^ aaa was opaa tonm ujbody. la Ih* laagnaa* of tt* agoc •■tny d«at hs doll sow r I*s, why doB^iaT^ ■ V