New York Clipper (Oct 1866)

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THE ISTEW YORK .CLIPPER. llo 8W BOirck gHOOH P BTBE W, PBILASELPHIA, OFPoans BOiriRWABK hall, ■ - jAUEtr 3. BAnil, Ff opiletor. Nsw York Olty Base Ball Emporium. BABB BALL PLAlED-e BOOK OP HEFKnENOE. Por oonTOlUlion to ntn dlfflcnUj Ihit an powlblj oeair. nlrrnUra «tia deatm • thonnigli ksovlulBe of But Boll PMk'i Hew Pocket BueBtllBoore Book: lOcta. Feck't Score TWik for Senior ud Jaolor Clobi, bonid, 130 pe(ee: tl.M, Uio Vunt MMrtmenk of Btee Belle, BeU, B^u, Biwa, Cepi, RhoM Bslkei, Bon Booke, Ac, on bend or meda to oidn—now iSSi' • nice lot of Ben Beu for prizn, mode of loeevood, me- ud blick welDot, fR»n (1.110 to tiM acta. Aleo vriie sJSio'f Oold Md Bllrer, heiVT gUt •JM. IIM, 18.00 eech. AMOt for Ittod Bn.'e Fitent Bel, end UUI'e Feint Spring nil crlcell.OO end IL3I acta. Price MeU eral free. B»t, price .o • ANDBEW FECK, PuWlehcr, gj^l, 109 Kieeeu elreel, Kow York. BEF0RTRD8 OF MATOnES Will and In ha>;et'S dabe ball beferesce book, . BY "CHAD," ■Dm Bnlee of the Oeme ee edepled by the Congestion of IMS; In- SSrtloMScmplree; Yerloie Folnta of the Oeme thet lad to SSraSbn tke Keld; the Kew end Improred Sretnn of Scsring: iu^d ConiUlnttoni tie Model B. B. Flejer; beet Anngu for IwTMd tteiddweeJe <tf Secretiriee of Leedln. Clnbe. Tj SSk.Meweend BueBeU Deelere keepltao Book, or will jg^l . ' 100 Neeeen Blrcot, New York. IHBEPENDEKT Tt PALK. Ttae retnm gette between thee* dnbe to pUycd et Hjde Perk Uel week on Ihe giounde of the letter dub. A lino ptoT to mede bj RUer, wEo nn (com the third beee end aytmred e it bell between the llret end eecond beiee. Thetaaty belUngof 0'. Dorlend eecnted Sim • deen icore; end the generel pley wie credlteble to bolta eldee. The following la Itae icare:— iMnErnnKnr. b.l, n. Pibh. h.l. b. 81oee,c 8 > Velle. o * » Trmrer, p 3 4 IIi«ee.Ktb S S De^ff, 3d b i 8 Biler, Sdb 3 3 O.Uannlng, Be 1 4 OIIdereleeTe,lf d l Bneedl,rf 3 I Dorknd, c t 0 I PiBE. Telle, 0 Flncfa, ea A. Manning, Ictb. B. Hopper, P T. FoiUr, 3db..,. T. Mennlng, 3db... LantlDg, If F. Hopper, c f F. Foeur, r f ...1 ...3 ...3 ...3 ...I ...» ...3 loul 39 Total Lnnaoa. let ' 34 Sd ilta Olh eth Ttta 8th »lh Independent 0 7 4 7 0 3 6 8 0-33 Puk, 8 a a a 1 4 3 14 »-47 Umpire—J. Blorra. Boorei»—Meeara. Monegtaan end Conklln. Time of Oene—Two honra and thirty mlnuKe. Fly utchea— Independent, 11; Park, 8. EOLEOnC -n. UNA. On Wedneeday, Oct. Sd, Ihe EdeeUo dab, with a atrang sine, wentnptoMonntTemon to play their return geme with the Cnea, of that Tillage, bat they renimed taone a badly whipped party, ttae Unaa haroenfaig to be lively on ttaeir mojcle on the day In queetlon, ae the acore of ttaolr belting ehona, their field, too, being rljhtnp to ttae mirk. Wo append the ecore:- Dm. H. I. - Hathaway, 3db 1 I Baeenbniy, e a a 4 Bterena, p 3 4 Downa,o 3 4 Bplcer, If B 3 1^8. Van Coll, 3d b 0 8 D. Van Cott, lalb 3 K Jerrle,Tf 3 4 W.H. TenCoU,Jr„cf...3 3 Tolel. EcLzcnc. Br. Bell, p Jamre, c WaidweU, 3db... Bltilwaggon, ea.. s.L. ..a ..a ..a ..a H.Oiltan, letb 3 W. Homphrey, r £. 3 Brown, c f 1 M. Humphrey, If a E. Taylor, Idb 3 ,.37 loUl 3 let 3d ad 4th ttta Ctta ...6 10 3 9 7 4—37 1 0 0 3 3 9-8 Una Eclectio - Fly atchea—Una, 8; Edecllo/5. Homo rune—D. Vbd Cott, 1. Double pley—T, & Tan Cott, O. BteTcne and D. Van Cott. Time of Oam»—Ih, and 45mli], Bcoroia—Una, W. O. Ttaleelton; Eclec- tic, Q. Taylor. Umpire—8.8. Mooro, of tho Una. The EclecUca won the tliet game iKtwccn the above dabe, and conaeqututly there la allll another to bo played. AKOTHEB SILVER BALL MATCH. A match for a allver ball aod tho Junior cbaniplonehfp of New York State waa played on XburidaT, OcL 4tb, bclwccn the Ac- tlTee, of Wepplnger'a FaHa, and the Volunleere, of Poaghkoepalo, on the grounu of ttae latter. Tho AcUvra won ttao toaa, and tbo Voluntcera wtnt to the bat, retiring on a cart whed, while tho ActlTea acorcd four rune. The game wee very cloae, and at tbe end of tho eighth iDoinge Ihe voluolcere wcro one ahead; on the ninth they acorcd one mu. The AotiTca came In fall of confl- ' dence; Finn ud Fwter accurod their baaee, Conllffo Upping out Halliday, by a floe hit, made lua baae, when Flrnn ud Fue* ter came In. maklog a tte. Moore made talabue'ud Jack went ■to the ttalrd. Doogherty, by a fine bit to centre flold, which wia muffed, brought Jack hi, who acored ttae drat of tho Tlctorloue Tone. Appended la the ecore:— Aonris. E.L. B. Flynn, a a 3 3 Foater,letb 3 9 Cunlifle, r f 4 1 HeUlday, Sdb 3 1 D. Moore, It 3 3 Dongherty, p 3 9 J. Moon, 0 1 9 9 Darrocta, o 3 8 McSlnlay,adb I 1 Tobd IrnruoB, Vohmtaara.,.. AcUrea.. ..31 3 1-18 0 f-n Umpire—M.O. Carr, UndcrcUSi, Coldaprtog. Bcorera—Meeara. Tnmera ud Bcdfleld. Fly atctaea—Actlre, 19; Tolutaer, 0, Fly mialea—AcUTe, i; Volunteer, 4, Paeaed Balla—Active, 3; Tolunteer, 8, FRIENDSHIP TB. TAKDEE. A match wiB played on the (th Inet at HolMken, between the Frlendehlp and Vudee Baae Belle CInba of ttala dtr, which re> anlKd in a Tlotory for the former dub, by a acor« of 49 to 31, ea followa;— t TaBDU. B.L. B. Kinney, p » 9 Bugea, c 1 4 Hatiett, Ut b 3 4 Kearney, 2db 3 4 Sing, 9db 0 4 Qulnn, of a 4 Bntob, If 3 4 DlpiK-1, r f 4 3 Kennedy, a a 3 9 Total 81 Imniiae. Frlendehlp Vudee Umplit—Thomaa Colalon, o( the Olive Club. Scoren—Ueaare. O'Brien ud SuUlvu. Home Rnna—Willlama, 1; Duffy, 1| O'Brien, 3; Eughei, 1; Qnlnn, 1. ORIENTAL, OF N. Y., Ta. POMONA, OF NEW BIUOHTON, B. I. Three two duba played a match game of baee ball on Tueaday, Oct 9tta, on tho grounde of the latter, at New Brighton, which re. eultcd In uotber vlotory for tho Oriontala bv a ecore of 90 to 19. The playing of the Oilentela waa not up to thehr aeual atudtrd, although Feonlngton'e playlog at flrat tjaeo wao dret claaa, he Daklnotwo double playe, aaelited by Mciara. Barlow and Little. flddTxhe playing of MoGauley, Mulllgu end Loyd, of ttae Po- mona, waa Trry good, J Miller led tho ecore for the Oriental!, ud McCool for Uio Pomonaa. Tho following la the ecore:— OmEBTAL. L. MlUer, p Young, c r. J. MlSer, 0 McCord,ao Fcimtogton, latb.... Barlow, ad b LllUeOold, 3db lUlcB,rf WUcoi, If ...0 ...3 ...1 ...a ...3 ...4 ...3 ...8 ...3 POBOMA, McCauIey, c Robloeon, e e Loyd, latb McCool, If Dorran, Udb UiUligan, of Doing, 3d b BimODaon, p Bolllnglon, r f U.L. ...a ...0 ...8 ...3 ...4 ...3 ...a ...0 ...a Total 88 Total IJ InnNoa. lit ad 3d 4lh Olh 0th 7th gth Olh Oriental 3 g 13 0 7 1 3 9 3—38 Pomona 4 0 110 113 3-13 Fly catchce-Orienlal, L. Miller, 3; Pennington, 1: Barlow, 1; Llttlodeld, liuaee,l;WUooi,l;toUI,8. Pomoni-Roblnaon, 1; Loyd, 1; McCool, 1; Dorru, 1; Mulllgu, 1| Doing, 1; total, 8. Umpire—Mr. Bhorwood, Qolhun Olub. Time of gamo—3h. 30m. MONMOUTH, OF HOBOKEN, Ta. FRANEUN, OF BROOKLYN. Theae duba played on Ttauraday, Iflh IniL, on the Union OroiudB, WUliamaDurgh, fbr the ellvor ball ud cbamplonahlp. The play of both claba vria flrat daaa, Ihe Monmoulh leading tbe acor« np to tho leventh inolnge, when It changed ud tho FianUlsa oamti off the Tlctora, aa the acore will ahow Monioina. MeU, It Ciolilna, p Deerman, 8db,,..-. E. NMUer, 3<lb Shrevia, o Bohringol, lal b.... Blmmona, a a Oalruder, of M, NeBtler.rf n.L. ...,a 4 .,..3 ,...8 ....3 ..,7.4 ....8 ....8 FBlMBUy, Lennon, o Jobnaon, I f Forker, let b Noonao, a a »tv.v.v. Bennett, r t McCra,Bd b FToemu, 0 f B.L, B. ,..4 3 >..a 8 3 4 3 9 3 3 3 .,.3 ...3 ...4 .,.3 ...3 .,.1 . Total ,.30 Total .34 XXBIKpa. let Id 8d 41b Ith Otta 7lta 8lh Moiunonth 8. Fmklia.... 8 8 l-W 1 9-94 Umptrerillr. Buger, Monlaak B. B, 0. Fly. balla—Ftuhlln, Bi Mounonlb, 7.' Foul balla—Franklin, 7i Monmouth, 7. Time of game—3 honif 30 minntea. Some rana—ITaoy, 1| Nponu, I; Jobnaon. 1; lota], a \^ EuioDoit.—AtaitatedmaeUngof IhaOamdtn Clnb, of Cam. dap, N. J„ bald on Ihe evmlng of the IM Inat, the foUowlngvffl. care wen alaoted la aerve for themanlng alx mcntha, tIb. i— Frea. idtnt, iTohB B. Bead) Vice Frealdml, Cooper P. Enlghli Oorio*. pondlngBeoielaiy, Wm, H. Campion; FlnUdd Beorelaiy, i, B. wood; Treaanrer, Morrif 0. Btilori Oaplaln of Nln^ OnariM Bvua. Oomonniatloni ahould be addteated to W, H. Oam. plan, Mo,:Mg Market atetwt, PhnaddphU. Pa. a Tn'EcBku, ft., Dn> tbb ttm BtAii played t matoli ia lheBlb,'Uiam«ka wlniUng by i tetmet U to It; 0. HkglBi leading Itaaaeort on tb* winning aldo, OBiND lOUBNAHIKI AT AUBUBN, Thla InlartaUng convuUon of ttaa eiponentaof onr natlmel galtoe, who have their local haUUUoa in the Horlharp I<ut of e Blab, wit Inavirateil ob ttae lit Inat, nndw f^vonble aaeploer, ttae weather bedng agrwablo, tho grounde in good order, ud eU the duba pravronaly' uaooncad on bud, ttaoiuh tho atfaaidua of apcdaun waa not u large u anilolpated. - we taaiie.r*om only tor ttao acore of ttae gamea played on Oct 4tb and BIh, Ihe laatoftba tournament; theaa wen between the Puiac va. AroUc, PaclHo, of Roohater, ud Arctic, of Syncuae, ud Itae Eicelalor, of Ilochceter, ud Miigan, ol Buffalo. .PAonc. A. Hilton, latb.. Barton, o O.Hilton,! f.... Burke, p Jackaon, 3d b... Ogdeo, rt Danlela,of Malooey, 3db... McKtlvey, a a.., Total Iwaat. FicUo Anlle Umplrc-O. W, Eicunoa, B. Porter, c Coughlto, a a.... Sulllvu, r f.... Campbell, letb. Hoy, Sdb Bunlington, 11. AlUngTp F. Porter, o t..., J. Tarrant, adb., B. I. ...4 ..1 ...0 ..4 ,..4 ..3 ,.3 . .B ..1 Ancnc. Colton, c Fleldi,lf Davia, c f Tdford, ad b., Orcutt, litb... (}ulll,p Brown, 3d b.,. Farrei, rf Boawell, la.... b. l. ....4 ....8 ....4 ....3 ....3 ....3 0 ....3 47 ToUl let 3d 3d 4lh Bth Otta lib 8th 9 B 7 8 B 4 9 14-4T 1 0 1 B 0 3 B 3—1! Bllai, of Knickerbocker Club, of Albuy. EXCELSIOR Tl. NIAOARA, NUOIBI. B.L. B. 4 9 3 0 B 8 4 4 1 4 Burt, 8d b... & Cowing, r f.... Tu Telior, let b.., Bpra;iue, 3d b.... Davli, of Atwater, p W.CowtDg, c Emereon, 1 f Uawley,aB B.L, .. 3 ...8 ...1 ...8 ...a ...8 ...3 ...1 ...4 Total 33 TolBl 38 IniiiiKM. let 3d ad ttta itta (nh 8tta tih 9lh Excelilor 4 a 0 4 0 10 1 0 0—la NlagUB 08318030 1—» Umpire—O. a Mllirr, of Ontario dab, of Oewego. The Eicelelor won the gold ball, and the Fadlo the eilver ball, PRIZE BALL FLAYIKO IN MAINE. At a Blile Fair held In Oardincr, Me,, a priae ot 175 na offered for the beat baae ball dab In Ihe Stale. The four etroiigeet duba entered, viz.: the Eon ud Ihe Athlrtlci, of Porllud, the Cnah. noc, of Augaita, aud the AndroKogglD, of Lewlatno. Wcdnen day fDtonoon, Oct 9d, (tae Eona ud Cuihnooa pliycd In Oardlner, tho Eona winolsg ttae geme by a icore of 99 to 2T, though minua ttae lervlcea of their calcher ud led dtld. At the aamo lime the Androicoggln and Athlctica pulled at actaothfc In Augnabilon Ihe oppoSta Bide of the river). The Atbletlce coming out with benmliig coiutrnucti tcid Ihe mult before we hard the ecore, which Blood 91 to 18 In their favor. In the afternoon the grud game took place between the two winning duba. Much doobt waa felt abont thla game, aa the A'b preauted a veryatrong tcui, while the Eooe were mlnua Foeler,uieirnaperior left Add (whom PortUnden think aa good aa uy N*w Yorker). But the Eona thought 978 would make them Bleep better on their return hom^ ud the teanlt waa most gloriona (or them, aa ttao following acore ahowa:- Eoy, Evane, c Meua, latb Broaghtoo, p Armitrong, a a Rudall, it HagECtI, 9d b Dennle, r f Hodtkui, 3d b Kazer,cf 4 Total., IHBIBOB. lit Eon Athletio. , 1 .. 3 o-u Umjplre—Mr. Flke.of ttao CuibnocClub. Fl; atchaa—Eon, fl; AUileUo, 7. The adding o( the AthletlCB ra moat beautiful, bnt the Eona wuted lobuyBome new bate ud tMlia,ud BIB would help. At tbe doae of the aamo the Btampa were given to Williime, treaanrer of the Con Club, end the dub relumed homr, ipeaklng of the "ioliyold tlmei" they had with Ihe DownEait bore. Tbtia tho Con refine the championBhIp, which they have held for two aeaioni igalnat all comera, FRAKELIN va. PATTERSOy. The return geme between thao Junior dubi wis played on the groimda of the latter on tho 3d Inal., the Fruklin beating their opponente by tbe foUoalng Bcore:— Fnmu^, of Dr'kln. b.l. b, Lennon, c 3 3 Freeman, r f 3 4 JobUBon, If 4 9 Noonan, aa 1 0 Tracy, 2d b 0 6 Forker, IbI b 3 3 McCrca, 3d b 4 3 Mnrphy, p 0 3 Haggtrty, c f 3 4 FATTZBIOlf, of N. Y. H.U B. Mllllgin, c 3 3 Caving, 3d b 3 1 PlrrcD, r t 4 0 Ward, if 1 9 Pennington, p 3 0 Siillck,latb 3 0 Wlillimi, a a 3 1 Johniot), of 3 0 need, Sdb 3 0 Total 33 Tolll 4 Flybilia—Franklin, 9: Falteraon, 2. Homo raae—Franklin— Tracy, I; Johoeon, 1: total, 1 Umpire—Mr. QrlOth, Slar B. B. C. Bcorera—Porter and Emg. Tlmoof gome-ahoure. CAHROLL t>. KALAMAZOO. Theae clnbi had a verr Intereallng game on Ihe 8lh Inelut, at WllilamBburgb. BdowlathoBcoro: _ CuiaoLL. Fergnion, p Unrihy, a B Howe, adb 8 McNort, letb 1 Rdloy, of 3 Moon, r f 3 Leo, If U Robblna, b e 0 UcCarty, 9d b 1 B.L. n, I < 8 3 0 B « 8 7 e Kaumazoo, m. Rcddhig, Sdb n a Kuell, aa j I Livlngaton, p 1 9 McMcnamy, r f 8 i McEvcra, latb 4 a Olake.ol 3 1 Marthi, 0 1 t Bmlth,3db..: 3 g gulUvu, If 1 e ToUl 4S Total 4T Iimixaa let Id 3d 4lta gth Olh CarroU 8 8 S 13 7 0—4) Kalamaioo B 9 0 10 7 10-47 . Umpire—Mr. UiUa, of the Putnam Club. PHILLIPS AOADEMY IN THE FIELD. , . On tlie 3d of bclober there waa a mslch game of baM ball it FhilUpa Academy, Andover, between the Engliah Commona and lalin Commona. The play on bolta aidta waa good, but Itae Engliata Commoiu were auperior in batting. We append ttae scocei EMOuau Conos*. iLi. n. n. Reybold, 3d b 1 7 Ollfl, p 3 8 RlggBilalb 3 B Farltr.Sdb 1 i E. Btybold, 0 0 9 Jonea,rt B 9 Spann, aa 1 8 Ooai,if..: 3 0 While, of 3 S LiTUI COUHOXt, B.b Ctaurcta,o 3 i Wells,p 1 g fflng, lit b 4 9 Dlckty,3db 3 4 Jameaon, If 4 B Semotir. aa 0 .3 Cambell, 3d b 4 9 Bua,of B 3 Stanly, rt 4 9 Tobd 41 Total 90 Unplr«—Aioby Buih, of ttae S'ltlunila, of Albany. Bcorera— Meaara. Tu neniBelier ud FaraonB. Time ol nme—Two houra ud twelve mlnut^a. Flycaloher— Gobb,!; While, 3; Bigga, 3:0. Reybold, 1; OlUt, 1. Fiewd bille-E. Reybold, 0. Fly catcboa—Baee, 3; Jamceon, 1; Wella, 1, NOTICE TO CLOBB. AwnisiiEinarotBelluLzi.-Evcrytretdaiadub, during each Beason'aeiperience, bia some occurronce to mark their gamea Id which an apt UluaUatlon of the wut of a dearly defined rule b afforded, we have to uewrr nuneioua oneatlona aa to Inlcr- pretiUon of this or that rule, ud alio qntnra tu regard 'to tho correclncaa or dt-Oclonclce of porllooa of tho tuICB. Ail ttaoso wtao tlilDk tlioy can proiWBo uy change In the wording ot a rule, or uy efldltion to the rulco Ibey think wlvantagenue to the IntereBta or tho game, abonld BUbmli tbe eame in writing to tbo Chairman of Ihe Committee on Rulca [Dr. J. D, Jonea, Brooklnil, Bometlme before tbo lOtli of November. Article XI of tho (;on* allluUon of Ihn National AuocUtloae rude:- All propoBod dterationa, addltloao or amendmenta to tho Cod. illlullon. or Bj'Liwa, or Rulea ind IteguUtlonB, elan be aub. milled In wrlUng to too Committee on Rulee, it leaat ono month iKfore tho annual meeting, and aball bo by uld commlltco re- ported at Bald unual meeting, with their oplolon Ihoreon; and ntr neM aJtenitm, oJdHion or anendnnt lAiut btt adopted, unlw it ihatl have been tc pnpaed and reported; nor uulcia Iwo-LblrdB of all Ibo membcra prcaent at a met ling roguhirly ornnlied, shall vote In favor of each alteration, oddltlcn or onenomont to the -ConsUtutlon and Dy-Lawa, and a majoritu in favor qf atteraUont or amtndncndfe Ue Mtej ond fbpuJaHoni. Hot to Ektcb ibe Nauomal Asiociinott.—In reply to a nninbor of oucrioa aa to the rulea to bo observed In order to Join the KaUonal Aesoclation, we append oitricta from the Conatitu. lion, which glvea tho Inxormilion dealred:— Bee 3. Any Baae Bill Club dcelrlng ta bo roproaentcd In tbli Assodatlon, shall prerent to the Recording Hecreta^, atlMit thiriv dayi prtvimu to the annual wittting qf (Ais ,,4Bioe<af(en, a written appllcatloD, algneO by lie Prealdentud Secretary, aetUne forth the name of the Club, dato ot lla orguliation, daya ud places ot playing, namea of Ita olBcota ud delegates, ud the number ofmcmberacompoBlng II, which iball bo ImmedUtelr Bubmltled to the ComntltCoe on Nomlnillonai bul no aucta appli. oation ataall Im recdved by aald Becrelary luleia presented Italrtr diya prenoua to the unual meetini. Bald committee ahall thereupon aBcertaln Ihe condiUon, diaractor ud alandlng of aucta dub, and report the samo to tiie unaal moetlog, with the aald appliallon ud their opinion thereon; ud a ballot shall thereupon be had it auch meeting npon the idmlaslon of such dub, when. It two.ttairds of the menibera prraent vole In tlvor thereof, nuota dub shall bo doolaiod duly entllled to renreaaut* lion bi thla Aaaodallon. Any Informality or Irregularity In the form or anbiiuca of ttao appUallon may be waived by a two, tbirda vote of the membcra present at tho unual moetiiig. Bee. 9, No olub ibail lie repreaeuted in thla Association nnless composed of at leaat eighteen ocKm mniberi (vli:-membera who play Ihe gamoud lake aodvo part In the seaaon'a games,) or by any delegito under yeira of age; nor aball uy dab bo BO rapreBODlod until lla delegaleahave algned lha ConmtuUon and paid the fee betelnattar dealgnated, Leilera tent to Ihe Beonlaty of Ihe CodtuUob through thti olDoa wlU reach Uioir deaUnallon. BAHTon, or Cmoom, Mah.— This New Englud dub hid a Urely Ufflo and a auccewlon ot vletoriei dorlnt Ihe drat week of October. Oo tho 3d tbey got away wtlh th« Uonltora, of Uol. yoke, B9tol4i lhafollowfogday they made 88 to Itae IB of Itae TalUrB. oflheaimeplicei Ihuradajaaw ttaem vlctorioaa OT»r the Ptoiieeta, oMpringlleld, 38 to ft) ud they Wound npthe WeoVa play by SpturiDnaallrerbaUtrom ttaeSaglea, otriflrnet, on ttao dttai acore, 31 to 1(1, ' HlAViTBA n. VuLolH,—Tbe fbmer dnb, whloh balM dott Xittunlng, the great camp mealing dislrf jt of Weatem Fennajl. TiBU,'taaI B tut with ttae Tukans, ot Bndy'B Bend, * naw orgastaiBoo, on ttaa 8th Inst, wban Itae lost named waa voUalwd (tf MUMtnntotll0foIttaaHi«wiUiA,udl7fMUiaTn]CiB. ' THE RINO. BOSTON, Tittanalla, BTREET, MASS, UABRY JKNMtNQB deeiroa to Inform thoiportlng public that he now devota hla whole attention to Ihe Bmding, llalilng and Training of Doga, together with bnying and aclllng, baring en. larasd Ilia eataDiiahmeDt, ud haB slwaya on hud an asiortmcnt of tUWFOUMDLAND 0009, POINTEUB, UETIEnB, SPANIELS, BCOrOB, BKYB, ud BLACK AND TAN TBRIUEnB, together with a large quuti^ of Imporlad ud NaUve Block ot BULL TERBIEBS, wanutcd 81 to contend agalast uythlng in the United Btalaa, their weight averaglDg from lu pounds ud up- ward a. Doga prepared tor malchea and told after winning, or no lale. Ordora punctually allandcd to, and Dogi aenl to uy part of tbo United BUtes. Doge cured of all diseases. PATENT UAOiC FLEA SOAP, to centa pec boi, or tS.CO per dozen. ALL DOOB WARBANTED. Sam Turner, the Qreit Canine Medico, at Ihe UNION HOUSE, 83 FOBTLAND BT., BOB- TON, MASS. Mr. TURNER baa now enlargod hla Dog Kunela, for the puzpoae of keeping a Urgor aasortment of Dogs. All kinds o( choico Doga bought ud add, ud forwarded to all raria of the United Blalcs with ttao groalcat care. AU ordera promptly attended to bj Mr. TURNER hlmaelf. He baa now on band a large quutlty of Dofls. sa foUowa: Bull Doga, Btill Terriers, Mack end Tans, Scotch Terriers, Skye Toirlen, Belter*, Pointers, Field Spaniels, Blood Hounds, Newfoundluda, Maallffs, Stag Hounda, Itallu Poodlea, Enallsh Orey llounds. aentlemen eu depend npon belog trated the samo as If they were then to se, lect for tbrmsdves. All money ordera to be forwarded by ea, press. If not Ur. TURNER annot be answerable for them. Mr. TURNER taaa made It hla wholo study for muy yarn In all kinds of lafecUoaa dlsoaaoa that Dogs are sublect to, and will guarutce to cure tho Usage In three diya, which baa beu tcit- od by hundnda and thousanda wtthont fill; likevrlso bla Dtstom. per pule ud Worm Medicine forwarded loill parte of the United BUIes on receipt of f 1. 36-8t» Boxing Without a Master; or, Solentlflo Art anil FrncUcc ol At- tack ud Belf- DofeD 00 explain- ed In an aty mauer, that uy person msy comprehend thla uaefal art, containing de* icrlpllonaofcor. red Paglllatlo atlltndes.aa prao Uccdbyttaemoat celebnlod Box* on of Itae prer- ent day, Price 18c. Sud ordera to 0. A. ROORBACE, 133 NiBsaa ttreet. New York, 16-9me Hurlgate Ferry Houae, FOOT OF a«lta SriBEET, EAST RITER Hie nndaralgncd would reapootfully inform hla Menda ud the nnblio that he baa taken the above named bMntifni Summer Reaort, which he haa fumlahed ud doconled in a stale of com- fort ud elegance that will be fonnd worthy of their palronagr. ALES, WIMEB, LIQUORS ud OIOAlUoftheTerybeililuallly. 0U0F8, STEAKS AND DINNEBS aerved to order, Boala, Fishing Tackle aud Bait consUntJy on band, 7-tf JOHN LAWIIENOE, Proprietor. "Ed. WUaon," "Eil. Wilton," No. 18 LEROY PLACE, Comer of Bleecker and Oreene eta., 17-tf] New Yobb. "Our House." James Coburn, Proprietor. BILLIABD8. [10dm*) IIILLIAIIDB. Plo-Nlea and Target Companies, FOBT OEOROE HOTEL, UIOH BBIDOE BOAS, IfflH ATE- NUB AND 1»TH BIUEET. Ordera pnmpUy alluded to. lUm MABK UAUUinE, Proprietor, Small Terrlera-BIII Fletcher has Juat reoeived a stock of very small lerriere from England. Amongsl them he baa a Utile blue terrier weighing 3 Iba., ud ouo 9 yeara old, wolgblog i}£ lbs.; aod several olbcra about the same weight If Ihe old ftnclcrs wul a trat, Id thenl call, ud Judge for themselrca. I will show four of the smallest for all prcpcrUcs of Ibe terrier egalDst anybody. Theso llllle doga are vfry good klUcra, auii wlu be kept for slock. I will siso show Uio llltle dog, Punch, and bla brother, wefgblog two ounces, ud two Inches In length; and the 93 lb. dog Dncon, and a number of Ihc Caulno race. Bala alvreys kept on hud, and good Dccommodatlon for Doga. Dogs trimmed, ud IrestHl for dl discasee. dive Bill a call, ond see tbe ImprovcmcDl in hlsFlctnre Oollery. 13-tf Thiriccuth street end Olnrd avo.', Philadelphia. Wanted—A Room of medium «lze. In a bantral looallly, betweu 14Ui ud 94Ui abraeU and ad ud 7tta avenuM, to bo need ae a iporring room by a-amil] club. Addrcas, sinliag terme, A. B. a, Cilpperofflce. 37-31* Boxing Qlovea for Sale.-The Veteran Master of CeremoDlee, OLD BILL TOTE^ wll].scDd,.onrecolpt of IB, per ,eipreis, a superior set of BOXINa OLOVES to uy Bute in the Dnioo, Olovaideuodud-repalrcd. THB ART OF SELF DEFENCE taught by Mr. TOVEE, alltaer at Ilia own or Ihe pupll'a realdenc^ on reaaonablo terms. -WILLIAM TOVEE, Myrtle Avuue Flank Boad, Buahwick, Brooklyn, L. L P. 0. Addreia, Boz 3te, Brooklyn. Tho De Kalb Avuue Oara, Fulton Ferry, take you lo tbe old gestlemao'a rtaldenco. FEMALE LIFE IN NEW YOBE,-«» Ulualtatcd - tr Addreas 4V 38-lte wllta 44 engravIngSj-tS aenl on reoalpt of SO oonla. -et " • J. TAYLOn, No. 3 Dldea Court, •» Filbert aUeei; below 9Ui, Ptalladdphla, Fa,^ ON BEOEIPT OF BO CENTS, I WILL BEND ■« 100 SPLENDID PI0TDRE8 OF FEMALE aEA0TI£9,-et g^ . 40 Fnnny Songa ud the Rib Ttcklar, niuatrated "at ar with to Enmvlnge, ill for BO cuts, mr Addreia J. TAYLOR, No. 2 HIDES COURT, -» «7-3S-lt* Filbert atteet, below l(Ui.,PhiiadelphU,Pa.-6f rriHOSE PETITE CHAItMINO UlCnOSCOPlO TIEWB, aet hi JL Watch Cbarms, Scarf Pins, etc. I will send you one sample for BOcts.. or 18.60 OCT dozen. Knlces, Bloga ud flue Charms, II, 19, IS to IB. Encloso price and sismped cnydopc, with ad' dreta, for Bportlog floods of all kinds, to a7-8me KLEOflAND, 33 John street. New York City. PENKNIVE3I PENSNITE9II FENSNIVESIII Containing ran FIOrORES, one blade tl.2B: two bliul^, |] .79. Bent by mail on recdpt of price. 3e-3te W, CUIFENTER, Microacoplat, 77 Naasau St., N.Y, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE—That wo Bupply tbo lateat Booki and Fancy Arllolea of every deseripUon chMoer Ibu uy one else In IhobualnoaB.' Bend rod slsmn for our neweataloaue. Address LAMOILE t CO., Thomdile Iron Worka, Fa, 37-71* MAP FREE 1 FREE 11 FREE I I I FREE I 11 I FREE I I I 11 Bend a Blnmp, ita 0. E., ud "Obay." 27-ai« BERRY 4i CO., Ann Arbor, Mich, OF A NEW TERRITORY. OENIB THIS IS A "RIPPER." Price only 39 cuts, THE UARRIAOE OUIOK Joat out Prica BO cents. JOHN BROWN ("RmouBlmcted"), pries 3B cents. WATCH CHARMS, with 0 vlewa laockera), price «0 centa. MOUSTAOBEB, an; abide (genuine), price CO cute. 17 HEW SONBSI And A PICTURE, "BULLY," prico only 99 conla. FINOER niNOB, with micro, view (good), price only II.39. 49* A Wharkdolakor BockwoUaksr Bingup circular and Flc- tore for one red alamp. AdlreaB 11, M, ROSS ft CO,, 37.191* No, 01 Nan au alreet. New York, s a a p 9 9 V ^ 4 4 T>IOHI RARBII RAOYlll Xi BOORS I BOOKS I BOOKS I THE NEWEST AND OAYEST OUT I ' Tho flncat "Cartea" ud Btorooscoplo Tlowi In the nirkot. FANCY KNTVES, WATOH OHAINB, FIK<}En RINOB, RUDDER OOODS, ud FANCY AIinCLEe Of every drerrijiUon. as'OOODS Ar towrar pni0E8.-«a tir AU orden promptly filled. -C« Mf Send all ordera to the Old Ealabllahed ud Udlable Firm ol JAMES S. DEXTER. My ftdUUoa for forwarding goods safely are nncqaalled, Band ono lhr«o-cent ntamp for mt OREAT NEW mnCDLAR. 98-11* JAMES H. OEXTEB, 3(0 Broidway, New York. b b ^ i i i i THE MTBTEBIE8 OF PARIS OUTDONE by Agnea, tbo Dnu- Uful MlUlner. Thla la a private book tor ttaa R. R, amnss- out Price 31. UILTON k CO., 138 Nasaau at 38-Ue DE007 DUOKB. Tbe nndenlgned has txom two to three htlDdrcd Vuoy D^ eoy Daeka, eitim nice, Priea one dollar each. iMi U, 0. WEDD, 7 Monroe Bt, Boctaotlar, N. Y. LOOK 49-A Book with-n 49-eigtafEi 8'E* »■ ei> qnlalle Bnartvlngs «mie UiiXft 40- Itit py> eat-e* aV'nebest-ea4a-TheohaapealltaIngout-St49-Pric4 oniT to centa-ct 4a-!Idr<aa W. FIMN * CO., ».tf No, laKissaaBt.NewYorkOlly. ' I^EN KMITEB, oonlajBlu 10 fine vlewa, Price 88 cult, Inlaid JT tOoult^lbladMfBoanla. Address U. CLOUD, . ^It* ; \ LailnglM, Xy. 1 'SBI 8T0BTB. BAIBAl Answ lot Just cteilTtl, pyat : Uui nttti Utuld priea, IBcli ud i«d aUmp, >U* aStm O. B. VIBE, BaUBton Bpilngt, H. T. man's EMPORIUM. TUC8 WITU OUIl r.VTHONS, OOOD FAlTn b DISrATCD, lOEnRlTT >l. EVAS8 It CO., No. 33 Liberty alrect. Now York Clly. BEND FOR OUR CATALOOUE-FOIlWAnnLD ORATIS. Wo taave on tasnd, and vrin forwsrd at tbo shortest noilce, ill iril. clea need by THE BPORTINa MAN, TUB MAN OF LEISURE, THE MAM OF TASTE. TBE LABOEST AND MOST TARIED ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY AT THE TERY LOWEST PRICES. O- B00S8I BOOKSI BOOESI-CV THE NEWEST AND OAYEST OUTI RUBBER aOODS OF THE BEST QUALITY, Pocket Albums, Plctniea, Btereoscopio TIeirs, Carlea da Tlstto, Mlccoscople Snlvea, Wnlcta CtaarmB, Plna, Cigar ToBueo Boies, Finger Rlnge, Porte Mod. nalea, Matrta Doioa, tr„ Ae. KENO BEITS. FABO BOXES AND TOOLS, TBIMMINO BHEARB, DICE, PROFS, DIOE-TOPB, FARO OBEOEB, CARD BAOEB, FltESBES, FOEER CHIPS, Ud ETERY KIND OF TOOL OR CARD USED BY BFORTIHO MEN. •7- ADVANTAOE OARDB, ft New styles conslutly iaancd. Bend for a HAMFLE SB££t ud PRIOB UST, forwarded FREE to Uy ad- dreaa. 49- CARDB CUT TO WIN AT ETERT OAME OF CHANOB. St Ooods to tho imouDt of IB ud upwirdi sent by express, PAYABLE ON DELIYKRY. Send your iddreaa, ud yoa will receive our hudaome ud complete Catalogue FBKE OF EXPENSE. Addreaa OERRITT M. EYANB k CO., 38 No, 33 Liberty street. New York Clly, CERRITT n. EVANS A CO., No. S3 LIBGBTT BTBEET, NEW TOBK Dealera In ADVANTAOE PLAYING CARDS, FABO BOXES, OASEKEBPEBI, FABO OHEOKS, KBRO BBTTt, IiATOVTS, DICE, A5D ETEBT TABIETT OF BPOBTINO lUPLEHSRTS. FBICE LIBTB ud IUPB0TB1> BAMFLE BIIEETB OF CABDI lent FOES lo uy address PHELAN' B rMPBOTED BILLIA BD TAB LB AND COMBINA'nON OOBH IONH. ' BInce their iDlrodnctloD the TABLES and OUHBIONB han eoB' tinned to mike rapid strides Into popular fkvor, milil M-tfii II miv bs uld that ttaer have Tlrtnslly snpertedeA llioaa it taa makers. The demud for them Is now iinatar Ihu errr aiHl ttaa tnUre resources ottbe LAltOEST AND MOST OOMFUR HANV. FACTORY IN TBE WORLD are scaroely able lo keep I«M wUb (his adive, never c*salng demand. Partlea itrdoringfnim ns will Ind onrprlreaaalow ucood woife can pri^lbly bo nsde for. We seU first claia irlideiBl a oil pricey ind wa* :^oi mahrt an Inferior aiUde at my price. Ord>r< i,j uiiil rareraUy wd orompUy atecuted. Dhittilled CaUloguo Slid Price Llala sent by nlall. "Tbb Bcliubd Obb," ajonmaliiliblahcil In UielDtereatofbilliMdB, udcoBtalBlBgdt. Ulls of dl uovi'itiea, a coploua record of billiard news, and freryi thing lulerratlDgto snifenraof blUlards.aentfrMonappUestloai PUELAN A COLIKRDfB. ^ , 03, 18,97 and 19 Oroiby atteet jTr, 33-tf eols Minnhclnnn. i'/^LEMENOEAU"-From thoFceDcb,byDurais. Ihlslaa Kj guulne BumbuilIDcalor. Price 60 ceula. 38-11* HILTON k CO., 198 Naasau sL, N. Y. OUR NEW OATALOaUE. 4S-WE BELL 13 (Paris) COLORED FICTUDEB lor tO oe ta, 43-SAME TBINO IFIain), 30 cuta. 43-18 PHOTOORAFBS liUch), 40 c«nt« 49-19 BULLY BONOS (all now), BO omls. 40-90 BONOS (sU dlbrut), 80 ~ cuts. 43-80 BONQB OANT BE BEAT, II00. - 49-8 NEW BOOKS (Jnaloul) aent free for 9B oenla each. 4^8 NEW BOOEB (larger sin) tor CO cents each. 4^ Tbe Fructa TrusformiUon Packet (uUrdy new ud oriulud) $1B0. 49- Fnmeh irueparvut Playing Cards (genuluo), 13 per pack. 49-All the above dcUvered FREE on receipt of prlco. ^7'' 43-All ordora for DookR, Cartea de -c-■. - ' j - Ylslle, etc, forwarded Iniaiodlitrly on rrcrlpt of onlrr. 49-NE\V CATALOOUE ud PRETTY i'iCTUIlE by sending vtampcd ud addrossod uvolupo to at-H. B. DAVIS k CO., 30-ir 07 Nauaa alrect. New York Clly. "/1HILD OF TnEflUN,"-AT«loof»SIf.xlan Dooutyi price Ky 'Jtc. |3»-lt*) HILTO.w k CO., .Vow York. (ESTADLISUEO IN 1910.) W. L. CRAWFORD, MANUFACnUREB OP PLAYING OARDS, KENO Sem, FARO llOXEi),PARO CHECKS, BFREAD8, OAIID FRESB. E8, CHECK BACKS, CUE KEEl'ERS, DICE, DIOE TOPS, EIC BOOK OF aAAfPLEfl AND PRICE LISTS BENT TO ANY ADDRESS FREE. NO. 09 AND 07 NABBAU BTBEET, NEW YORK OITY N. B.—NEW WU0LE8AI£ TBADE PRIUE LIST 91-tf NOW READY PLAYIIfG^ CAKDS. MNELSON, , 444 Broome street. New York Oily. Muufaclurer ud Deder hi a variety of AllTaroDt kinds of PLAYING OARDS ud Artlclaa uied In Osmes of Amusement ud Chsnoe, sold al reduced prices. Bead for CtrcuJar. " T) OOTMAKEB OF Bth AYE.," or Lore, TIrtuo and Petroleum: X> price 3Scw HILTON A CO., 139 Naisau It., N. Y. 38-11* GAY AND FESTIVE SPORTS, SEE TUE "ELEPHANT,"- Our Rctr, Uio lateat book on tho carpel, when opened, will please thoee who have ud those who have not ecu the aoimal. OiTIt'aalove toast,-S4 fiUed wlUi fine Uilnga, eto.,ud plc- turca -{l4 by ttao keeper, It'earlpalaver. Boat by mall for ioc. E W. TOIVNBBND k 00., 33-131* No. 130 BouUt ElgbUi st, Philadelphia, Pa. THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH, MADAME JDMEL'S MAMMARIAL OALM FOR ENLARO- INO, DSVELOPINa, AND BGAUTIFYINO THE BREAST, Tbe Bain la a moat agreeable and iudlapeneable article tor Ihe toUet of uy lady, rendering the Breaalslnrgeud firm, romovlDg tcndemeaaud palD, udgiTlng llteand action to tho mammary aecrationa. On aoooanl of ttao nriely ot forma ud Uiiuea which exist In ttae fcnulo oigultatlon, Uia impriclreaa has fmnd It nocessarr tolntndnee two nreiiarallona. TIIE FinST PREPA- RATION OF MAMMARIAL UALM, for onUrgtng the Breasts where there leu Imperfectdavelopmpnt. In which caao amcobsn- leal Dreaat Elevator la sIsousedtoficllllatc tho process. Tbo appUcaUon of tho FIRST preperaUou of Ihe Balm will increase the siie of (he UIIEASTB lo sny citetit dcslroil, but ia sU cases the ure of tho Elevator in counooUoa with the Balm will greaUy bsslcn tho devclopmunt, givlug to tho Broisls of any laily of soy ago that porroet development which eicllcs the admlraUon of tho most ImlUTcrcnt, snrt which Is lUo pride of every Isdy of educateil taste. Ladloa whoso Dreosta have lost their natural youUi- ful devclopmunt, In coDsequoQco of nnrsliig, can bava thon com- Eletely reatonid In aUa aod boauty by using ttae FillBT preparm- on of tbo Dsim, wiUi or wlUiont the EleVator, lb appllcallon rcuovlDgallschlrmsiDd Improper coodlUon ot tho DiaiDDiiry gisnds, allmulaUng ud InvlRorallDg the socroloryveasola, cre*- ting a beauUful ud be4lthrul dovolopmuL Ladles who sre nursing ud dofiolont In milk should nso the FillBT preparation of Uie Babu, Its elToct bijlngmulfosl Inaftw hours In tho removd of tondemoaa ud lisrdncsa of tbo glanda, tho Breaata becoming healthy and ainindantly aupplleU wltb milk. A preeoripUon (fireo) for nnrslug mothera aocompules the Balm, which caii be obtained npon Inqulrr. ladleeduriagprcgnucyabouldmskooccaifoDalaaa d Ihefint prepamUon of uie BsJm, sa tho duota ud i-ncal vostdea ato Uablo to InflammaUoD, thereby caualDg painful and dugoroua alToaUonsi by using Uie Balm, firat propinllon, once or twice a week prevloua to ooDfinemeDl, sucbdlflTculUeBmay be avoided, Ijidlca who bavo rnlood the Ueanly of Uio BroaaCs by tho nao of arUfldalpaddhiga sonalvoradly womatthepreaentlhnr, may obUIn a tuUud porfert dovelopment of Ibo Breaala by Ujo use of tbo firat prcparallon of Msmmsriol Bdmi In fsct, iion-dcrclop. mut, arising from whstevur aouroe, may bo ceniplololy curod, aud a complete aud perfeot derolopmoni produced by luo uae of the firat prenanUonof Balm, wllb or witljoul the Elevator. Prioaof Irslpreparallonof MammarialBilm, per botllo..(3 00 Price of Broiat Blovator 10 00 Whu the Breut Elevator ia niod in conneclleu wlUi tho Oilm, full dlreeUona aceonipuy It, belog a almpio oporallou that uy lady cu readily porfbru without awliUnoe. THE SECONDPREFARATION OF TBE HAMMAIIIAL BALM Is intondod for iadlea, dUier married or dnglo, to whom naltim baa gtvon a tnU doTelopment, but whoae brcaita have become soft ud flsbby from Durslng, ill hsalth, or roaoy utbor caasoa whicli operato ao aenilbly npon the Muima. Tho oae of tbU prepar*- tlon wlU give to the breaala the tnnnea, rotundity ul beeuty of yonUi, Ladles of uy age wboaa breaala bavo lost the bctuty of areclnoas, so necessary lo a perfect orgiQlraUon, ahonld naa Ub SECOND prcpinUon, lla elfeot being apparent In a fbw days. Price ot SECOND prsparallon MammirUI Balm, 13. Ttaoae preporaUoua taavs dl Ibe merit wo claim for Uiem, boing baaed npon nbyalologleal prindplea ud endoraed by Ui« heal pby- Bldus in this ud otnar countries. Try the artlclca, and bo cun- Tlnoed ot Ihalr efflcaoy. OoniulUUon free. Wholeaalo ud re- tail depot, 803 Oual atroat, Naw York, where ordera ihould be addressed, Bokl by all lha principal dmgglsu thcounbout lha United BUtea. 34-lnj* E09B SEYMOUR, or Prtvate Ltfeot ABellet Qtrl, 3Bo, poa paid. HILTON k CO., 19a Naasau at, N. Y. 38-11* HEBE WE ASI^ JUBT OUt.-n The Naw Pocket.OonpaiUon. lOOllhislraUonB, by naU 00c, Day Life, or Ihe Slar Obamber, 93 Large UloatnUona, eoo, Clarance, or Oay Life In Mair York, 90 lUnaliiUana, 90a, Woman's Love, or Uia Bridal Eve: by Alsi. Dnmaa, 800. HARBISON, WlLUAMg A 00,, 3«-l«t* . . 009 Ibyer sL, Phlladdphia, Pa. i Jj poalpald,98o. BIIffONAOCISSNtataiKti f A/^ FBOTOOBAPHS or IBB.IiOR PBOUnkNt PZRi OUU BOMB OF TBXAQE ant, pott pild. fot«IOBIila.' 104 PtaotogrBpbaotOaiMlaiOlrtB (onSlesaila,' UO-ffkolagrapha ol Aefaesaes tor 38 oaala. lOOPbotooaphaot Aelora fot u eenta, 100phot«i>uh>otO<oa>«lafor39eealB, Th««taol«bt|l. Brad erdtn urw. HBVBDBIID, m Ntaau ilnat, N. Y. 37-«* BOOKS BY THB MILLION I FOB THE MILLION I AT PRICES TUAT CANNOT FAIL TO OITE BAnSFAOIIOl TO EVERY BUYER. J, u. farrell; No. IB ANN SIREETlI (ONE OF TBE OLDEST ESTABL1SHMBNT8 IB THE ORI Ot NEW YORKJ Haa Uia largest ud best aasorlmrat of Books, uA ererr (ttlda nsnally supplied by ttae tradn. Any ortlola that cao be oMAlntd In uv slora In the United Slatea ou bo obtained at No, 14 Ann BireeL Don't fkU lo caU ud eiomUie Uie slock, sa II comntlaM ersiTltahig In ttae sporUng Hne. OaUIognsa giving Iks ralletl paiticulara aa lo style of Books ud prioea fnmlabea on appUcti tloD. Dcelen should give me a call, aa I am >. TUE LAliOt»T PUBUBUER OF THESE BOOKS, Ad. IN THB UNION. Those abont to commence boatoaai 'cu obtdn OTsry InfonBB* Hon by spplylDg porsonally or by latter, CaU or addreaa J, B. FARRELL, 34-9m* No. Id Ann atraet, near Bnadway, CLARA ST. JOHN, or Myatnry Bolved. A ttumer, ontdolng uyUdng from Africa, ate. 38-II* niLT0NACO.,13aNaiuuaL,N. Y. WOBDBN HOUSE, CORNER OF BOWERY AND BAYARD STREETBl N. 7, Onoats csn tw accommodated wlUi Itooma by Ihe day or week wlUi or wlUioul board. OEO, P. WORDEN, Froprtetor. 17-tr PliOTOQRAPH 0AIID8 FOR OENTLSMEN, BAtlFLi; 29 OEMTB, TRANHPARKNT OARDH 193 TIEirB), 11.39 Per Pack, 110 Per Doten. ALSO, MARKED BACK FLAYWU CABDB, |1J0 PBRFACV AU by nisll oo reoolpt of price. Addresa FORWABDINO AOENOY, 3].trB B8 Liberty itraol. New York. E rUD "FANNY," Uio great out and ont Blory of Female Pri- vation ; price 39. IlILTON A CO., 138 NlMB IL 38-11* FOB THE TEmur ' ~} BEWARE OF UlITATIONB.* BEL DEUONIO—Tho great gn-betwocnj price 98, 98-lt* lUILTON k 00., 138 Nl lU ak, N, Y. IVr 0. M. J.—RICH. ONLY U (7T8, i.v| . NEW BOOKS JOar OUT. 31-9m* Ooi 380, Braotlyn Pi 0. JAMEB OOODWIN, Oommlssion Paper Deeler, No, IIS JOHN BTBEET. Dear OUlf, New York, Nowa ud PrInUng paper nunufutured lo order at lbs ihorlait noUoe, 3a.|f , ONES, THE MILUNBIU price 3S. Ttala U a ipellbouiid book, L ' 38.11* HILTON A CO., US Naasau aL, N. Y. THE CONVEX^ Can be need wltta oommou cards, ud ttae fkce ef the oarda irlQ be aeeo by ttae dodor, ud koowlng JUBT what yonr opnonsnta taohl In their tauda wlU enable you to win every time, flonft oa receipt of |1, wlUi fuB directions for use. We also keep every deacrlpUou ut HARKED OARDS, FABO. OUEOES, KENO SETI8. DEAUNO BOXES AND CARDS, DICE; DICE TOPS, RINaEBSv Ud everylldni need by sporting msn. Send stamps for circular. LONOLEY A,CO., 31-181* micago, ni. NEW MAMMOTH OATALOOUE FOB 18M, JUST ODT-FOOR NEW BOOKS. Price 11(0 eiob. Bond for them, I'beir namea are: PRETTY OlIPIUN OIRL, FEMALE BEUINAB7 CONFESSIONS OF A BEAUTY, and ISABEL tlANTON. They wlU bo soDt on rocoipt ot price, by maU or sipreaa. Biota ud Ilare BookB, Phologmpha, Iransparenl Plarliiii Cards, Ac Bud red sump for HEW tUMUOTU CATALOOTU? to J, O. CLEOO A CO., 18-18l« No. 804 SonUi FUth Bt, PhiliAclphIa, P». EAD LEFT HEB H0ME.9B| AaNEfl,33l FAlltlY,39. 3B-lt* UlLTON A CO., 118 Musan st, N. T, Alley, OU UAN o; "TnoBE BOORS" by rasll "0,R.," or by ei ■ fileaI, "0. 0. D.," or It No. 30 Ann slrcot opnosllo Theetre 'cw York, fiend your idrtreaa on a slaitincd onvdopo tor aCs'tilogue. Culttalamit 0.ULANODARD,Publlabcr. 17-8m* THE BIOaEST TIIINO ON ICB. 1 hero Juat relumed from Eurono with 100,000 pholograpba, all taken from llfo sod lu dlffercul positions, of tho pret&eai Woniso of I'arla. Wlllsond ainplo with entirely new FTenob calaloguo. Plain, IBc, Colored, 30o,, cicb. DIBEOT P. 0. 90-71* Boa 1970, Ohictgo. LEFT HER HOME," price 3Bo.—Thla ia not from Uie French, but hi a regular New York Olrra ddngs. 'M-lt* HILTON A CO., 138 Nasiau st, N. Y, AT B.—ALL YOUNO PEOPLE oontcmnlatlng mirriage abonia ll . read Nalnn'B Own Book, wllh TRIf bigtaly colored lllnslrs. Irallons, price |1, False MouslaohsalFreuoh), II a i«lr,bymill, SAMUEL YOULD, care B. Lookwood, AddreiB 17-3mL 93 Nov Bowery, Mew York. -VTliW, OAY AND FEBTTVE BOOK.-Out It's Blch ud i/l Uplny, Oay devolopmcula. It's a rib ticbirr, wlUi Iboae en. gtavlngsi slio, a aelccUon of the boat Blories, Jokoa, Qsms, etc, In Uie world, By Nlc-liaa. By maU, 90 oenla. UABTER, DATI8 A CO., V 33-13t* 11 Eidiugo Place, Phlladelph U, Ft. EEAD AONES, ThoDeanUful Ullllner;price 3Bo. IlwlUnika you snick right out* HILTON A 00., U8 NsBsau at, N. Y, FORTUNES MADE EASILY. THIS IB NO UUMUUO. Addresa with stamp JAMEB T. LONO,, 34-3m* 914 Walnut stnci, FbUadelpbla, Fa, MIIOEOENATION aoNEUP.-"FaDny" InUie field; priw-e 9tc. SB-It* BILTOM A CO., 118 Maaaau st,, N. Y, w UIBEERBl WUISKKRSII WmSEZBS' DR, LAMONTE'S CORBOLIA . . • . WUIfocco .. ^ ■■: ., WniRKRUS OR MOUBTA0EB8: , . On tho amoothrat face or chhi. Nbvbt knowaito'fBiL Sunplo for trid sonl tree, Addrtu .. BUTEB A 00„ ItMlL* n BiioaB elreal. Now York. PI malhodc _ OBreoelplof ■•fimptd iddleased envslope. Adresa ; • FB0FE880II J, OONRAlI FARADAY, ^„ 114a«< < .'-> ' I<". .KM'-efof Arts, Box 94liLCiava]s^O. ■ li ^- i i i - i u M l - ■ ■ ■ . • ' , ■ .^ ■ ji. ' jiLr r : ' Sf LCNOID pMOTOCHAPi-..'. rOR J.5 CENTS . Rich, Rare and Bacy, Addresa •' - 37-41* B, L, FOX, 84 Taitok atraet, New Torh, ' i -noOTKAKER OF BUi ATX., a tlonot Love,TlrtaBanlf^ ~-, HILTON A CO., 188 Naasau at, M.I. Mrll* Isnm, 990, ■■■■ i^iiS i'^iitK-^i^i