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TEFE ZSTEW YORK CLIPPER. taSt 0« Ito MUl for her bmti. «1» uMnd to % pint cMH ■•Hadetr" le on U>e (>"1*- TuvSiiiiR cooUnnea itrtbe OooUnenU) Theili*, BoeUn, Be .i«dn<M IbU week "Bliaiiiiu O'Brien." UAimice NmLLZ I* the nen* of > Tosag Hsngerlen genlle- n^wheliiebeanla Ible oountrr tbool>)ree.',ud le to mike SidtM on U>e etaoe on (He Wlh Iwt, >t Uie OonUnenlal The*- ^AmTxrooMBuil Lewie Btker ei« Inibeeeconlweek of Unlr .luiaemrnt el Ibe Howard AlkenantD, BoeU>n. fora OwDte li to ble fonrtb week el tba Obeetnnl, PbUide). nUil *Tke VlctiiDe" end *1iTe ladlen" oompriee Ihe pro> SSmoforlheproeenlweok. , . ,^ „ "hul lanu oommencee a two weeke'ennjiement et theKi' Hn^^Tbetlre, Weebtogton, D. O., on the letb toet 1 VmLCMffMT li winted (or Uu> CIIt Uaeeom Tbetire, dioiUTloonenlnPbllidelpbU. BeecirdotConnerkCo. Tim nionSoe Toon pl»7 to Eurleborg, P»., tbe Uet four sUbte of Ible weoli, end gotheoce to MUmoro. to Ibe Concortle OpS?Houie, where th ey open on the Wd, for «»enlBble. Olrouiei, joBW BoBineox't Onon ahowed ut MobeleTllIc, Ind., oo Ibo uhldeL end eflar the tltemoon's pnfonunco the bend end Seinbaioflheoonipeniwent to Ibo gitTeof FrankBluka, el Se cemelerr. end pUye d leTWil aire. Turn BOBDOon'a Ahthuhutbi, now to the conrae of erec Hi<eataieconierofWaehtoglODUdBlataetreela,Obleigo, la a kneendelaaanllTdealirnedlnilldlng. TliedlmoaitonaareMby no feet. Iheseliht of the dome betog <1 feet A TteHbnla of II iMl eanare opeoa ont npca Slate elreet, which U the main en. MnulathebDlldtog. Tbecigeafor the anlmilaareerrengod mHai Ibe entire bnlldtog, rosntog nnderaealh the laaia for the ^dlenee.andtbebnUdtogUaoeiTanged that the drcna eihl- MHime OB be slTen at enj Uffle Independenlly of lbs oltaer ester SumLtTud eCtaRna. The whole bnlldtog will be wanned ud TintlUted to a moet perfect manner, the ring bttog lighted £im the dome, and Ibe other (aita of the eeUUIebment by the Silndowa at lh« front and aldei. A balcony will ba ereoted In for Ibe band, and a liable capable of acoommodiUng OTsr a handrodhoraeafonnalherearpartoftheodlBce. Thealractore, which will be conelmcted at a (oalof about 118,000,bcaldta being klmliably inlted for the porpoae for whiob II le dealgned, win ■Mo IM, anhllaclonlly apeaitog, an omamanl to the elroeL It la dealcned enllroly by Yankee Bobloaoo. and la bulll by Heeara. OadenkEIUotCbollderw, to lhat dty. Tbia ciblblilon wlU be neof Ibe permanent Inidtotjona of Chicago. The building la to be Itolahcdabont the middle of tbla month, and will be opened •boot Ihelitof NoTeober. B.O. WEXtui'aCnomwialofilch lent at OhUllcoUie, 0., on IhelStb. BuoBTUiDCouiBaa'CiwiDei aayi a corr««pond«nl, haa of ble been dotog a good boatoeaa through portlona of Ihe Btttaa efUaiylaodi VlrgtDlaandTenneaaee, and are Btlll rccelTlng an ihuadant patronage from Ihe dtlzaoa of Georgia. Onroorrea- goodent adde:—"The clowna. Ban Uagtoley and old Sam Lath- nip toROther wllh U'Ue Mario and Baney Oarrol, luTe meted ntlouemlbeplaodllaof' the arenio lovtog popolaoc. Ikeea IkTorltM are a tower of atxangth to themielvca. 6nt they are enp- gvlad by an A No. 1 oompeny of athleUsa and acrobala. Big. yutnta,theoonlortlonlat,la making rapid Lmptovemonl to ma piofeaidon, andbldafUrtobooomeue ne pfui uUraut 'Umber JUoDlae.' The ronte ahead lattarongh Otorgia, Alahama, Ula- lUalppI, Lonlaanla and Teiaa.". Btowb, BoanoH k Co.'a OiMOS waa at Snoxrlllo, Tenn., on Ihe lltb. and waa to be to OreonTlUe on the lOth. Din BiOB, who win talked of as a candidate for Oongreaa from rmieylTaua, did'nt ran, bnt wllhdiew to faror of the Demo- criUo candldalo. Ouwiwin AMD Honaiiae' Oncus will ahow at PhoenlxrOle, PL, on the Itlh toit; Weelcheitcr, Itth, and Uedla, Ihe 90th. a B. Eowza' Cmcua eihlblla to I«ocaater, Fa., on Ihe Mlh. Hfd Banker Jotoed Ihe company at Plltabarflb, Fa. Ul Bdwim Caomn, who baa made nia twpntatlon aa a Bbakfaperean clown, and who haa foiailed no leee than three tigigtoaala at Ihe Mew fork Clrcna, offera ble aerrleea to Dinageia to an adTertlMment to aoolhor column; to which alao lUl be found highly euloglatlo paragiapha fno promtoent Dcwapapeta. TsaTmnioBtiaoiiwIll eoon does wllh a majority of Ihe dime boyi. Already the boye who hare to don the Ughta ho- llo lo leel the cod nighia aa they wait to the email dccailng isom tent for their acL Beraral ahowa baTS already cloaed, and Ihe end of neit week'will find few on the rad. Taken allo- gtUiar the esaaon hu been a praapsrone one, and bnt two com panleaban met with bad bo^eaa. Tbeee aro the Thayer and Korea party and Ooorge De Haven'a ahow. Tan Ambargh'a Uenigerls wlD doee to ue Tlclnlty of this dty, and wtolor at Baraom'a Unaeum. Alas. BoUneon cloaed In DUca, V. T,, on toe ISIh, where he will wtolor hla alack. & B. Howe*' will cloae CD the ailh toiL, to Jersey, and Harry Whllbock wU] lake charge of the stock on hla farm sl dsTerack, V, T, Oeorge F. Dalley'e drcna and menagerie vioeee to Danbaiy, Conn., on Ihe arrth IDIL, and Ue ap there noUl next apitog. Dan Eloe'e menagsrle wloda up to PhUidalphla, on the a7th, and xamalna Id the nolgh*xirbood for wlDlar qntiters. Oardlner and Hem-' mlDga^uoae to Media, Fa., on the Wth InaL, where they remain. LIpman'a drc» and John Bobtoson wtoler to OtodnnaU, Ohio. Vaokee Bobtoion will mn tbs wlnlsr tbncgb sl bis new eslab- Uahmsnt to Chicago. Tbs Thayer end Mayes' stock wDI remato In DetroU. nndsr attacbmtnt B. O. Wheeler wUI be found to Ohio. VUUam Lake, at Zaotwrllls, Ohio. Dan Caalallo'a drcoa. Blight and Chambers, snd BIods, Bosslon k Co., tmrel to tha Booth. Frank Howe's Consolidation Clrcna totaad going to Boulh Aip***^ . puca Howa'a Omoos was to lalkyslto, Ind., oo Iks IStb Inst Am. BounoR's Oiacss ahawed In DUca, N. T., on the Illb, ud cloaed their aeaion lhare on Uie ISIta. Muilo HalU. "Uiztnan" prersd ao aUracUTe a card to the patrosa of the Ibealio Comlquo, Boalon, last week, that the manager keepa It on IbeblUe (or this week. Jh Bun and Zate BeU aro at Cbadle's Ocnoett Han, Hiw Eareo, Ct A ummi. Oanoc haa been effected to th* ityls of the enler- lahimint at Uie American, Bndhlo, eays onr or Mpondcnt, Char- le; Uayne, "whereby a regnlar iDtoitrel part int la gtrea, to- Head of Ihs old Engllah faroesL wUch baTe be - prodocad nlght- Ir. The ends an ooooplsd by Billy Buaett. onoe^ and J. W. CUiks, lambo. Moni. Monaeto, Jogglsr, and larlsy Bsnadlot ue Ibe latest altracUona that hare appeared." Joz Uoam arrlred to Oillforala on Sept. IMi, and made hla iMDpoarsnoe at the Olymplo, San Franclcao, oo Sept ITth. He WU welcomed back by a hooss crowded lo rspreUon. LilUo nice, isldtobetheoniysucceaafal rlnl of Lotia, HtonlsFUI- nore, EDa la Bne, Delia Bager, Johnny Do AngolUh Johnny Colllni, Frank Pitwolt, J, Vllllaine, lOmmy Bn« and Maater niak are to Ihe company. HiTiBLi'a Orna Boon, Toledo, Ohio, r»«p<ned on the Nh laat, under toe atage management of J. Tony, wito the fbUowlng tonpany:—Heaars. 0. Sonmer*, Walaon, Antonio, ^7aUa, L, and I. VhttaoDy, O, Tyler and MIsa Bhippls. Negro Mln*tr«l«y.' ATnoi Smon of conaldeiable talent, and about whom wo bait leoelTed a highly enloglstlo letter of taconunendaUOD, alihra a poalUon to aomo raspectabis IraToUng company, which, II la lo bo hoped, he wUl eoon get Aa B«n Cotton u to want of I loci singer, we hereby call hla atlestlon, u well aa that of miBigtrageneially, to Waller Irrtng'aadTertliomentto Ihlilaass oftbeCLippiB. BoLToii <i Oina' Huuoiinnf MiKinuua am Biaii Ban) lun 8L Louis for New Orleana OcL IBth, lo Joto Uie "BUnon Pan American Ciroua." This orBsnlzaUon Is s new one. and ooulili of Cbarlea Smith. E. U. Roae, O. W. Sweet, Flank Webb, DtckThompion, O. B. Orlite, Hany French, F. T. Bt Olalr, J. A. Barman, J, a Morrla, Edward D. Hollon and Charles A. Oitos. XiwoouB k AnLDKnox's Mnsnnj performed sl Schenectady, N. T., cn the llto; Baiatoga, Ulh; and Olenn'e |Falla, 18th. At Iht Iwo former places they wire rewarded with crowded nIteKce. They era bUIed ahead for Hodaon, N. Y., tha UUii Fnsbkrepsle, leth; Newark, N. J., IBth, lOUi and Mix; and Kn BavoD, Oonn., 33d and Mlh. Tbtj will then bo through Ihi Eaitom Blatoa, and aa no minilrel abow haa bean uisro alooe >h« Cdion and Murpby party, Newoomb end ArUnglon ahonid to Ml. BoaoEaa, FazHnuuiAaT k La Bun'e UlHsiaiLa play to Toledo, Ohio, OD Uie lOlh toit ConoH k Utnrai'e Uowiuu put to one nlgbt on Nor. lal, UArtum.N.I. y SoriEZ k BBHtsiot'a UiNnaus are endeaiortog to pitaa* the DiaoliDi, and toeti socceaa la todubllablo. On the OUi and lOth lail., lUey an the people of Feoria opporlonlUoa to llaten to ibtlt mualcal perlor'allona. OualaTeBldaua'aconnecUon with IihU Iroupe hia Dean aovercd, eo wo suppose he will eoon make Pa'tptaianoe to tlita city, llr. Duptia gayo him four weeks' hoUce lu New Orleans. The niptnre bolwcen manager and man Ija Hid to be owtog to aomo uncalled for runarka made by puui, In refortnce to Mr, Eddy, of Uie Bk Cbarlea Theatre. ' Acioss TBAT Hannow stubau of water that divides New York loaBraoklyo, to IhoiIcelltUetown of WUIIamaburgli, maybe ■"Ud Beavor'a Opera House, where a roally oleTcr band of mto- treU hiTe eelabliahed themielTts In the alTecUona of tho good people of that burgh, Tbla band la SeaTsr's troupe, snd smong te Doit promtoent members are K^h. Hon, Waah. Morton, SIg. '>ro, Ucorge Oooe, etc. They gin Tory enlerlatotog perform, acce, which arc witooeaed by largo aodlescea. What Hooley'i Uulrcla aro lo too weatem dialrlct of Brooklyn, BcsTcr'a party re lo tho caslern dialrlct. TuE OEonou HnuTuu (Brooker and Clayton's parly), were I Augu«le, Me., on too lOlb, HallowoU Ulh, Oardtoor 131b, Dath Ml, and Lewlrt-ni ItUi. B. e.Finuis 1. .. Jotood Morris and Wllaon's tUnatrols, to Bk nil. '■ E. Oaina=:.i, too'OharUe FsllenglU's sdrcttlacmentto sn- iber column. a QooD Tiiion la wanted by Oharllo PellangUI, Seo adTctilae- MIL a OauT PiuauJOitl—Hie programme that Manager Hooley u mippnl out for the smusoment of hla Brooklyn palrona Ihla fok Is indeed neat, andtodudea thofollowtogfeaturoii—"Who Mt the Oaniel Bagt" "Impndenee and Ignorance." "Daddy <*>«Home,''"TboJeelousLaTer,"slo. "TheBacee" makcaa [Udylniile, and eretybody goei home waU plaaed with what ny have eeen and heard at Uooley'e Opera Houee, Broohim, N. ' Vm Heyes, dog dancer, oommeaoee an ongagement there Mwcck, . AfflBt«ur. ^vMirnuABf HiOHT.—The members of the AdelphI Dramallo RKIallon oontomplato holding thslrdgbth anslraraaiy at Adel- B Ball, Mo. 891 Flhh etresk on Ihe erenlng of the HIk Inet >ai Uald of Orolaaei" and "Lore to Bnmbu Life" wli| oonitl. ^ Ihe dramaUo portion of the celebration, after whioh a grand *IU ba glreo. ThlaaaaoclaUonwaaoniaBUMInl8l8,eadla prtaenl to a Qourlahtog oondlUon, lis membership list embra- Bg Ue simea of IhUtoen ladlee and twenty«ne genllemeo. faoaiceiaareu followai—President,L.BIaDi Vice FrcaldenI, ^at Bisfe Manager, F, & Piddena; Acting lnnager,H. nuj financial Becrelary, J. fan Webbi Oorrespondtog Baors- r.H. Wamui Treasurer, Oso. Whits; Udy Fresldsnk MsUts "aa; Becrelary, MelUe Bk Olalr. They tolend TWUnglheOlty onUmrly Lore ahortly, and while lharo will giro an entartaln- «hi conjunction wllh aome of ue amatsui* to that modal nw Luna and gala atawintedtOrkdnmsUoaaoclaUoB, 'HiQtlsemenlttiUiat effect elsewhen, « Ntw Ton Snaiuno Unoa Ml <br PkOadsJphla to M]^ Wt la Iks |i«b4 WBipHagBlwr bW«M «l tt* XIpofnvliM DiamadeUnloiLotthatdtr, Thepeiformanoewill bealren at Ihe Academy of Hualc^ thonew York h<^leadtogoff in "London Aaraianoe" and Ihe Typos to SD sflsnileos. Tbc Bmnn Assoounow wsro to iIts todr Ant cnlerlatoi mealontheigthtosk.atMaaonloHall.Plllaburab, Fa. "Hlohasl Buls" and tha "Bonht Boy of Limerick" wno the pieces adoclod, Mlt«allineout. JuuMoiaw. father of Ftank Moren, tho well known mto- etrel, died to FhUsdclphla, of gsnecal debillly, on the moinlag of Ihe 8lh Inek, aged TO yean. Bo waa an old professional of forty yean' elanding, hartog liaToled wllh the late Bnfue Welch, Dderan and othen, ee leader. He waa a trat elaaa TloUnlat and an aaccne ntm nalclan generally, Joan Diinu,ltl8nottobsdenled, lamaktoghlmaalfpopalar by hla totrenld rope ucenilona at fain and otoer JnbUant gith. ertoga. Behaabscn anspendtog hlmaelflnmld-alratFlndlay, Bacyma,0.;andon toe ttoandMhtoak performed at Oallon, from whonca he pioceodsd to CblUlcothe on toe Oib, to hdp make the fair there atliacUre, John has an adTerUaefflenl to tola wcek'aCuPTUL A. H. OaiawoLn, Iho *Tat Contributor," la making engage- monia lo ddlrer humotona ledurea before Iltsnty laaodiUoaa, leclun commltlces, ko., Ihs ccmtog wtoler. Hs Is preparing s now locluio enHUed "The Olft Enttrprlso." There Is a wide Idd for fnn to each a enbjecl, Hie addnaa la Cmdnnall, O. KAJonBraKBix, who haa been following up the fain of lato, waa at Oraenabnri: on too Ito Inik, and was to leare on toe lOto for Now Orleans, u> oaks tost dty hla bsso of operations for U)« winter. Tbc Oaiouiu Twnta were on dhlblllon laat week at Ihe Ham' nton, Ohio, Fair. Dow Bunuao aiBnonons, toe conlortlonlak la at preacst InTcltog with Beese k Dlalr'a Hlnetrcla and Variety Troupe. On Ihe 8d Insk toe nsrty were In PIqus, Ohio. Msnsgv* wishing to locum too aerT&s of Olbbonoiaowlll Bnd hla addreea among onr toeattlcal adrertliemenU. MoLua'e yaniErrTnonnplayed al Uak>ne, N. Y., OcL Id, Bd and itb, dnrtog Ihe Fnnklto County Fair, and allecwarda went lo Bk Lawrence county. Ai.r.BDBjnrTle to Baltimore tola week, ana goea thence to Philadelphia fOr one woAk. / TBOHnoK k Oo'a Birro-coiLoaioDLiw brought Ue aeaaon lo s close on the lOto Inek, st Barrr, Mass. Ma. awn Mas. Oconoi PiuRcBronr bave Inaugnrated, to Callfomla, too aerae etyle of enlertalnmenla aa glren by Mr. and Mra. Howard Fan!. They an tnTelIng torounh Ihe Stale, glTlog an enlertalumrnt called "FortfoUo oflllaatiallen." UaaiBa. Fanma on Doaawn, nmnaala, and Tom Flak, slags carpenter, hare atartcd Item Ban nanclaco for the Eaat, acroaa the plains, lo give cnlertatomenta at erery town on toe route. WM. A. BtaoB arrlred In San Frandaco from China and Japan, by way of Honolnlu, on Sepk loto, and made hla first appearance to America Sepk 22d, at Lyceom Ball, In a monologue entertain' moot after toe etyle of l^ma Blanley. Mas. Manama, well known to the mnslcal circles of San FraO' daoo, aaUcd from Son Francisco on Repk 18th, for tola city. A Eaxd Oboax, eultable for a smsll exhibition, Isadrertlaedfor ale to this laeue. Miaa Canuc Atibt, a leller of Importance awalla you at toe F. 0., to tola dty. See adTerUumenk AiXTWB, toe wizard, la called for by eo advertlear. Paor, Oio. A. Fioaaiiaz aro Wire hare Jotoed Foi, of CbUd- rcn'i Concert Ikme; Burltogton, Tk, la hla preaent baae of oper aUons. Ian BumaT FiuiLY opened st Tweddle HeO, Albany, N. T., on the IHh toak, to a denaely crowded audience. Baatorss con. tinned good aU too week. This week the party appear to Wor- cester, Uasa. Tax OawRa Zouan Taonn wers blUed for Bslh, Me., on toe Ulh; AugosU,llto: WalcrTllle,13to;andHallowell.lSto. They an announced ahead as foUows:—Osrdtoer,iefti; Lewlaton, 17to; snd BIddeford, 181b. £. P. Kendall la atOl ahead fOr tho troupe. The Nonce we gave B. Boudto, ellaa J. H. Uaahel), alias the Fakir of Blrah, etc.. In alale laauscf tosCuFraa, requesting the proffsalon to psee bim around, hu been done In one Initaoce. He was engaged by F. Taimehlll, of toe Greenlaw Open Honae, Hemphls, list toe receipt of toe Cldtcb knocked him higher than s klle. A correapondent wrlUng from Memphla,'aaTa:~ "Hoadto got hie reward here. Onr manager, not knowliighlm, played him three nights, but your srtlde was reoelTed hen to time to prerenl him plsylng longsr. The proprlelon of the Cayoea Houee attached his trunks for debt, snd toon he wsa pauedaronnd. " The ZawraErraTnouradoeed a three nights stay to Bochea- t«r, H. Y., on toe I3to Insk Tax Psaa Faiiilt commence a Uto nIghIa* alay at Bratoard'a Hall, Clereland, Ohio, on toe Mlh toal. Aw AoEWT of exptnence adrertlsee to this week's CLmaa for a position as sncb, otst toe elgnatun of "Baltimore." The FaxiB or Ara and Wnliton, the hmnorlak dosed toeir stay of three nlghlaalCohoes,N. Y., on toe 10th Insk On the Ulh toey opened sl Albany, N. T., for thirteen nights. THE Oaxna ZooaTx Tnoorx hare been dotog a good bustoess to the Esilam Blatts. They en sdrertlsed for HaUowcIl, Me., on Ihe Mto; Uwleton, ITIh; and BIddeford, 18to. TBI SriULODfo Bio's>ro Swiss Bzu Itmaxis an dotog well, we hear, to toe small tdwna of Ohio. On tho lOto lnal„they were at Warren and had a large boaee. BiCHiao Howiaa—In onr adTeitlatog columna Ihla weak will be found a card from toe Bpanlding Bntoen In regard to Mr. Howard, who, toey stite, la npreeenttog hlmaelf aa cooneoted wIto toe party. PsPA Biniuw's Tbodte, wIto Fanps, Brlgnoll, FenaaU, For- tana; H. B. Mills. Carl Boa and Mr. J. Hallcn, concerUie al MelzantI HaU, Waahtoglon, D. C, on the Itib toak WiLuz Waas olfen hla aerrlces lo draaallte or lo write aooga, aa the case may be, to an adrerUaement In tbla week'a Cuma. Tbe FiiiaauaoB AOiontt or Mcaio, rcpniod to be one of the beat and most eligibly located baOa to the Smoky City, may be ranted for first elaaa entertatomealiL^SeeadTOwemsnk Joaa 0. Biraaa^ olown and comic a(n]f81, illh hla educated Ian terrier dog Helly, adreitlaea fm aa engagenient to Ihla weik'e OiiFna. The BaawaroES T^urx wen edrertiaed to iM to Blngbamp. Ion, N. Y., on toe IM toak Thbes Yomio LaniE% two for etogtog and apeaktog parts, and one aa Jig dancer and dogglaU an wanted for a troupe abcnt to make a lour of toe Boutoem dUea. See J. 0, H'a adrertlaemenl to anctoer oolamn. Mbol DiTia k Co., of OtodnnaU, lasne sundry and aereial Impoctant prodamadona of totsreet to toe profesdon genorally to onr sdrcrtlslng columns. They waai talent of all eorls,'to- daUaa a leelnnr, danmK, slngtog Isdy, ets. They alao haTe a purchaser for oorloaltles. Fortlgn Dramttto and Shew Newi. AwDZaloir, na Wirian —On Bepk Mto, Mr. Herbert Wright, acUnf as the aolldtor of Mr. John H. Aadenoa, filed a peUflon la toe Birmingham Baakraploy Court, to whIob Ihe Professor Siya lo be nllered of hla deble. Mr. Anderson aaorlbes Us lure to dlSennoea wlto toe Sk James' HaU Company, and Ihe unancceaafnl sngagsmenis of a TeoliOoqalst and a glank No ■Wement of toe UaMUHea hu yd been dad. E. P. Hoioaraw, manager of theHall-by-toe{|ea, Margate, Eng., ns np for a benefit toen on toe 3d toak CHanmiB an> Aoaxa HaaLT, ftom tooKliig'a Tleatre, Copea- bagen, wan lo mske toelr fint sppesranoe In London, Bag., on Ihe lal tost, at tos HaymarhslTheatie, to a ballet dlTsrUssament. BsBiaT JoHi Pn, wen known to toe toesMcal world of Loa- don, died to PentonTlUe, London, Eng., on Bepk lOto, aged T9 yeaia. For thirty yean Mr. Fym'e esUbllahment wu reined astoemcstreapecwile pilnle toealie to London. He waaaa actor of no amall ablVly. DaoiiLaiisTHUTBi, London, Eng., opened for toe aeieoa on Bepk la, wlto "King John," which u aald lo hare bean placed on toe alus to great etyle, "LOMO Sxbid" ooDttouea at toe Lyceum, Londoo. Jiooaa, the wlard, opened at Bk Oeorga'a Hall, Uelbonrao, Aoatnlla, JulySlak Bbxi O'Nan, who had been niaytog for three weeks at tha Ylclorla Thealre, Adelaide, Auamlla, haa been culling up hla capen aa usual. Hs wss annonnced to appear on July aid aa Andy Blake In "Tbt Irlah Diamond" and nndeen to "Bora lo Oool Lock." The performances oonunenood, aa nsua], and when the Urns csmeror Andy lo mske his sppceiance Ihe stage hadto walk and toe management dropped, too cnrlala aad'a^ oealed to toe audience. "The Irian Emigrant," with Mr. McOowan ai Fat, and "Ihs Bough Diamond''wen played. On Iholtto "Anah-na-Pogns" waa npiodnoed, but had lobe wlto- dnwn (hraugh Mr, O. Coppto baring oblatoed an InJuncUon against toe lessee, Mr. A. J. Bolomoo, snd proceedings were oom- meaeed to Ihe Supreme (kinrt by Mr, Coppto agalnet toe leasee, snd toe bouse was closed. Lrsna's Onaa Ttourz were announced to open at too Tic* loria Theatre, Adelaide, on Augnattto. ' Taa Zoraaa-CooEE-WiuoH Cnosa waa lo Icate Adelaide, Aua- tialla, ca Aognal tto, for toelr up-country tour. San Haoox's Colored Utostnia wen to be at Damiley. Eng., on Ook lek JaHEa Mnaa' Ciaooa wu adrertliod to be to Jersey, Eng., on Uo Uto tosk Joi-Baoww, who arrlred to Ible country a few mootoe ago from Anatralla,and altar lying Idle a couple of weeks wool to Bogland, waa at Lcoda Bepk a>to, wlto Oaeworto, Eiiaene and the 'Wll> aon Ohrlaty Mtoatnia T. P. Oaaxt, toe iTlih Tocallak who came lo Ihla country aad demanded a aalaryof jUO togokl each week, and wu glad aaongh to get g90 to greonbioki. and who wu a complote nllure, puo- Uahea toe fdlowlng "ad*' In toe £ra:~"llr. Oarey wlU notdng at any place whueua needful la not forthcomligg at tos regular hour on Saturday, u he le not to too habit of aerrlng edTenlor- en who epocnlate witoout capita], end no moana of paytog tooee they en^o; a parUcnlat objection to county coorta. I hope toe ptofoealoa wlU lake toe but from a peraon who haa been lo America and France to eeewhat Ume It waa, and fOnndonltoe NEW BOWERY THEATRE. Bdo Proprietor j. w, LINOAnS MONDAY ETENINO AITO DDBDia THE WEEK, Tho aulendid Drama of CAPTAIN MoHEATH. LESLIE, The Here of Mlagan Faila, to hla DABINO A80EN8I0N8 ON THE nOHT BOPE Vu Drama ol toe HOLD SEXEBB8. NEW YORK THEATRE. Maaagen LEWIS DAKEBk UABIBMHH, POSinVBLY THE LABI TWO (nOEIS Of Elehberg's BrilllanUy eucaeiafnl Opera, TBE DWrOB OF ALOANTABA, Embiacbig toe foUowtog briniaat eairt I Doolcr larcelna, Mr, Hark Bmlto Don Pomposo Mr. Jaa. Wslollch BenorBsUhaiar Hr, W. Oomensl Oarloe Mr, John tarlsy Psrsi sad Baacbs. Messrs, Caldwen snd Ohapmaa Inu Mra. W. aomsrasl Donna lAsssto Mn- Sophie Moiarl Isabella Mlu MtrlaKartoa MONDAY ADD TDI8DAT, On WmiraaDAT, Oet ITtfOf lbs fint Uma, Hnbbsri'i nOHTIHBOMB, i]>ltUnOK,7l««t), gmngacaatfpiwMly. CONNER & CO,'S DBAMATIO, MUBIOaL EODEBTBIAN. rDBCHAHINO AKI OOSTDMS AOliNUY BUOTED TO *M DBOADWAT. Artlata wanted at aU Umee. No conoecUon wlto any otoer Agonoy. JAB. CONNEB k CO. WOOD'S THEATRE, Loulivllla. Pittorletor F. L. KELLEB. Ine above Theatre having tioea tooroughly nuotalcd ud re- deoontad can be rented by toe nighk week or monto, for Opera and Mtoilrol Tnnpee, or for OyninaaUc, AcrobaUc, Pantomime, Ota Apply to CONNEB k CO., JlramaHc Aienla, 98-110 SH Brcadwfy. MISS LEO HUDSON, Wlto bar colebraled horw "BBNMTION," la now playing an eU' gagement la Learenwortb. The lady will hare a few wecxa open prior to atarting tor Cuba to NoTcmber. Maoagera will addreea UIB8 HUDSON, or JAMBS CONNER k CO., tMBrudway, 3S.II0 Oppcalls Bamum'a Museum. SENORITA CERITO, FBEHIEB DANBEDBE, IsnowstUberty. Msnsgen wishing lo engage toe above for the FaU and Wtoter Beaaon, will please spply to her eole sgenls, JAB. CONNEB k CO., DramaUo Agents, 38-lto 891 Broadway, N. Y, CONNER & CO.'S DRAMATIC AGENCY, B34 BROADWAY, offon for aale toe following llal of new and aearce playa: Inchavcgne, Cut on too Merdea of toe World, Bosedslc. Am*! Na PoKuo, Ice Witch, Peep 0' Day, Money and Mlaery, Dream of DesHny, East Lynns, Leah, BIreebof New York, snd in of MADAME CELESTE'S PIECES. Also, TONY DENIEB'S PARLOR PANTOMIMES. The Art of Acting, Qnlde lo the Stage, Amstetus anile, stc. Ilo KATHLEEN O'NEIL, Ihe celsbialed IRISH COMEDIENNE AND YOOALIST, Hu Just condudeds most socceeilUI engagement It toe Open Honie, Troy, and wlU open to Elmira, with Annatrong's Dniaa- Uc Company, Sepk Mto. Managers will addreu JAB. CONNER k CO., Dramallo Agents, Jt-lto esiDroaitwsy. COSTUMES I COSTUMES 11 C08TUME8III For supplytog FANOT BALLB, PUBLIC MD PRITATB PARTIB9. THE ORBAT 008TDME DEPOT, AT S34 BROADWAY, wUl non be open for eihlblUon. Ttaemostgorgeoueettofeoa- lumes lhat hu ever been offered to the publlo. Oive na s call. JAB. CONNER k CO. Dramatic Agents and Ooalnmen, M-llfl SM Broadway, M, W. CANNING. Agent for EMILY MBLTILLE, FELIX TIKOENT, MABTIN EANLEY, B. MACAULEY, wlU greiUy obUge by oommunloaUng wlto DAVEY k BOWEBS, Montgomery Theatn (Ala,), aad wito JAMB) CONNER k CO., 3B-I10 ,r «M Broadway. HOUSTON THEATRE. HOUaiOH, TEXAS. FBAN K BA TES WANTSD—Leading Maa, Hsstt JbveaUa. ^pply to .Manager Slan liberally treated wtUi. OOailEB k 00., I est Bnadwaj^ WALL'S OPERA HOUSE, WABHINOTOM OTTY. DCFnELD k WALDBON MANAOEIU Wanted for tola eatabllahmont A FDIl DRAMATIO OOMPANY. Flrst-claa Slan wlB pleaae addreu'ua at Richmond, Ta., or our aganU, JAMES CONNER k 00., ar-»o gSABrcadway, New York. CAIRO THEATRE. & 0. NOBTON BoleLeaiwaad Minagsi Mow undergoing toorongh repairs, snd being Impnred wlto e besuUfbl disu drcle, win open on Ue first MoDday to Sepk wlto a fUU company. Stan treated with on Ubaaal terma. Wanted, a full dramaile compaay for a asssoa of sight months. None bnt reliable people need apply, Alao wanted, a flistdauicanlcaitlst hnmedlalaly, Addreu JAMES CONNZB.k 00„ IMm DramaUo Aieata, 831 Braadw HARRY LESLIE, IBB ORBAT 8EH8ATI0N HEBO or NIAOABA FALLS, And ONE OF TBE MOST DABINO AXTIBTB IN TBB OOmmiY, and now pl ajtog a 'VERY BUOOEBSFdL ENOAaEMENT at toe NEW BOWERY THBATBE, MEW YOBS, can be engaged fori aeisOn Of six or iwelve nights, to first dau Thatieo. SPEOTAOULAR BUSINESS, DBAMAB, SBMSAnoK PIEOES, OOMZDIES, aad the wonderfnl TIOBT ROPE. Managen wiu pleaae apply to JAMEB CONNER k CO., W-It* Ut Broadwsy, Mew York, NOTICE TO CIRCUS MANAQEflS, JOHN 0. BITERS, Olown snd Comlo Btoger, wlto hla edneslad Tan Terrier dogs Nelly and Anna, now wlto Gardner k Hemmtog'a .Clnua, can be engaead after Ook 90th. Managera will addreu 3S-H* JOHN C, BIVERS, oire JAB. CONMEn, 884 B'way. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A first dau Leading Woman, Agent and FnB Diamatio Company (or the Wtotir, to Invd to toe Butem Blataa. - . ApplytoJAMESCONMBR CO.,t3«Bn>adway,or WM, H. EAHBLIN, BamowIt House, Eolyoks, Mau, Alio, a Oood Leader. iB-ll* WANTED A FULL DRAMATIC COMPANY FOR City Museum Theitn, Philadelphia. Apply lo JAa CONMBB k CO., 38-lf W Broadway. CITY MUSEUM THEATRE, CaUowhlUstrscI, below Fifth, PL Uadelphla. - ANMOUNCEMSMT. Tbla ealabllahmenk having been rebuilt and enUrged at great ei- penae, wlU abortly open u a genteel family reaork Engagemeola an batog made for A SEABON OF FEI1TE COMEDY, SPEOTACDLAB AND MELO-DRAMA, ArUala from leading toealrea wiil make toelr appeanaoe; alao, a lunraaalon of BBILLIAMT BTARB, Comedians, OomedlomM, Lyrlo aad Tinslchoresn ArUsIs of ran (aror and pnnonnccd ablmles. Tbe folsrior le betog eaUnly rcflUcdwlIb new dscoiatlons, orchestn chain, nsw scsnery snd upholstering—aU to toe most spproved msnner. Blare and otoen wlahing ongagsmenU vrtU be treated wlto on liberal Icrms. Addrees J. E, UDRPItY, 38-3t* Oily Mnunm Theatn, FhUaddphla. . A COMPETENT STAGE MANAQER WANTED for a fint clan theatre. Also a full compaay. Apply Immo- duieiy. r X, uonpiiy, W-lt* H Okatoam alreot. New York, ALLYNE,thaWliard,""Good newa," Telaoraph whcraaboula to CHAR H. DAY, Mow Haven, Conn. S-lls MISS CARRIE AVERY WILL FIND A LETTER OF QBEAT IMPORTANCE TO HER, 38.11* InUieNaaaaaelreetP.O:','M.T. MR. JOHN E. OWENS' EN0AQEMENT8. Managen wlahing to arrange wlUi MR. JOHN B. OWBNfl, for hla open Una bsfon snd sflsr toe eommenoemeni of his on- gagensnl to Ihla dty, (Dso. H), wlO addreu the undenlgned Im- mediately, can of Wtoter Oanuo, New York. OUnOH W, TATLICRB, Mew York, Oct IS. 38.U A SMALL SETT OF SCENERY, FOR SALE. Oomprlatofl fire drop icenss, 11 by lollarii, top-pieces, pullers aad ropu oonplel*—patotsd on both aldee, making tea ecenu In iQj aamely:—Laadaeape, Wood. Strut, Priaon, Plato aad Faacy Obamber, Oarden, Kitchen, 0 D Fancy and 0 D Oolhio. BlE wtajsTa by Sj Completo Frame. U by II: put loieUisx wllb as wnh |roB elamya to receive acsnes, all u good coadlUon, gp to baU aa hour assy, arfilnst Iks UUaa for a ItiTsUag Plloaim AMM* A. AOsn*. _^ tkaMdispoil, Haii. IS WEST HOUSTON STREET, NEW YORE, 98-U FRANK RIVERS & CO., GENERAL DBAUATIO, MUSICAL, EgUmRIAN, OOSTUME, 28-11 AND PUnCHABINO AaBNOV, MISS EMELIE MELVILLE, THE VOUNQ AND BEAUTIFUL COMEDIENNE, Now playing a very luctcaaful engagement at O. D, Ohaplto'a Opera Hcuse, Loivonwoito, Kanua, wUI open at toe Bk Jouph Theatn, Bt Joiepb, Mo., ou Monday, November 6to, for two weekb, and al tbe Olympic Theltr^ Sk Louis, Mo„ Nov, IMh, for three weeks. All letters mnat bo addressed (oherMinigar, M. W. OANMIHa, Id osro of FRANK lUVEBB k m.. 38-11 DramsUo AgoDls, 38 Wut Houston itreek Mew York. JOHN DILLON, COMEDIAN, (Late Wood'a Museum, Ohlcaio, DL,) Hu toe most varied aad sxlenalve npertolnof any Star upon toe American Stage. Managen havtog Ume will addreu hli acta agents, FBANK BIVEBS k CO., Dnmatlo Agents, 3S-lt SSWulEoMtonilneVNewYoik, 8EN0R ALBISU'S ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE. LORENZO MAYA, OENBBAL AOENT. This new snd elegant Dnlldtog wlU man for Us season of I6M-7 00 or sbcot toe let of NovimSer, 18n, wlto a COUDINATION OF NdTELTIEa. selected wlto greet can from aU toe FBINOIPAL COMPANIES OF EUROPE AND AMERICA. The Lidica and OenUamsn engaged for Ihs oomtog sessoa an henby notified that toe Company wlU aaU for Havana, Cuba, on WEDNESDAY, OOTOBEB SalhTlBed. For any fUrtoer parUoulan, apply to their only sutooiized sgtnis, FRANK BTTEBS k CO., 38-11 DranuUo Igeals, 9S West Hotitton abesl, Msw York, NOTICE TO MANAGERS. The UMDBRfilONED lakn tola metood of wantog IhMtiical managen Uirongboul toe country that he poe eearu the copy- righ t of o waenhlp of toe comedy called "THE FATORITE Or FoRTUMB," and lhat any totrtogsm'ent of toe same will be rlga. ready proeecutedby bIm. MR- FRAME RITBRS u'tos only sotocrlaed sgsnt for toe isle of TUNE." (38-ltJ "TUEFAVORITB OF FOB, MARK SMITH. MISS KATE PENNOYER, The BeauUfol and TeraatUe A0TRE8S, PANTOMUnST AND DANBEU8E, Having recovered from her nry uven IndlapodUoa, wUI agato reaume HER TOUIt pnfeealondlr. All buatoeu ccmmunlcatlone anould be addreaaed to her Bole Ageota, FRANK RIYERS k CO., DramaUo AgenIa, 38-lt ISWeetHouakmetrsek Nsw York. THE JEWESS OF HEIOLEBERQ, OR THE FALL OF THE IMQUISmON. A THBILUMO BENBATIONAL DBAHA IN FITE AOIA Managen or Artleta wlahhig lo produce tolatotanu drama wlU apply tounedlatelylo FBAME BITEBB k CO., DnffliUc Agsnia, IS-lt 38 Weel Bonslon sUeek New York. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. NEW ORLEANS, LA. SPAULDIMO k DIDWELL Maoagenand Prcprieton The above beautiful edifice, having been enUnly nUElsd, ro- conitmcted and wholly redecorated, opensl lor' Ihs regular . I, witoaaamy aeaaoa of ie<S-T, on MONDAY ETENINO, Ock Bto, of talent by ta eisceding any pnvloua cooblaatloa lhat hu erer eppearod at tola Teople of Novelty, ■ FIIWT CLASS TALEMT or BFBOIAIJTIEB Of any kind wUI dways be treated wlto on toe most Ubeial tcnai, tor dtoar long or abort engaaeaantv. For any parUculan spply lo their only aalhorleed aaenia, (bank aims k oo,, Dtamauo Agenta, 38.11 95 WcetHooaton street, N.!", MISS MATILDA HERON. THE TBAQEDIENNB OF AMERICA AMD ONLY OAMILLE, la now playhig toe ONLY TBUE TER8I0N OF OAMILLE for toe lut Ume on toe AMERICAN STAOEL having originally plarod tola great part for 100 nighto at Wallaclr'a Theatn. Il la noodleu to dnw too altenUon of elUier Managen or toe pablloto too oilnordloary repRarnliUon of tola BIMaOLAH OHAIIACTEB by Ihla OIFTED LADY. II haa become a honac- hold word. A glory to tho ArUet and a pride lo Ihe country which her tdents hsvo so sdmlnbly uelsled lo sdorn. MISS MATILDA IlERON'U OAMlUiB, la too nichanl Iho 111 of Booth, too Warner of Mscresoy, tos Learof Kun, sndlleg Meirillu of Cbsriolto Ouihman. Ws lakostoooreplcaaurelu being able tolnform too Managen of toe United Slalee lhat we hsvo had commuted to oar espeolal can, TUE FAREWELL NI0BT8 of tola ORBAT AllTIST In her glorloua ehandar of toe nEMOWNED CAMnXE. InaddlUon lo which wo call atlonUon to too Maw and BobUme raaedyot MALENTUIA, wrilloD eiprenly for MISS MATILDA HERON, and la Which abe II doitlned lo miko Iho giandeat luccim of her alnady HE- MAREABLB OARI^ED, bring QRADD, THAOIO, HEROIC AND BUDLIME. II la peculiarly BUltod lo too kifly lalenta ol HISS MATILDA HKOOM. In addlUon to toe itMve, MIB8 HERON hu received anotoer aewplay from a co^obrtlod novel of Aleiaader Dumas. AadatlU anolhsr from ber own gracefol pen, enttUed, AbLIA of PARIB. FuUy equal lo pstooUo end elarlUng dlalogoc aod dIaaUons lo her own bunUrnI OAMILLE. In sddlUon to toe shove, HISS HERON'S BEPEDTOIRB la enUnly changed, being new and effective. We beg alao lo ahle Diet thclreuts wUl be sirenglhoncd by Ihs oombtoaUon of too moet available talent at lU Uuei. Managen will addnMhar Bole Agents, FRAME BlVkBS k 00., 9S.II Diamsllc Agsnls, 9S West Honston slrod. New York. GREENLAW'S OPERA HOUSE, MBMFUIB, TEMM. FBANK A. TANNAHirX LeasM and Maaagei TUB ONLY LBOIUMATE TUEATRE IN THE CITY. The above now and magnlfieent edifice, poaaeeslsg aU toe mod. sru Improvements, opened on SATUBDAY EVENINO, SEPT. 18n, ISfit,' wlUia company of nnnnalexcdlencc. Fltit duo alan can rely upon advaatagu at Ihla toeatn never beton given st any Bouto. cm Theatre. .Also, Stars wlto whom engagements wen not oonrammaled lui aeaaon, can now hava their datuanaiged. Apply personally U> FRAME BIVEBS loo,,' DramallaAfenIs, 38-11 98 West Honalonslresk Msw York. MISS ELLA WREN NE8BITT. This truly tslenlsd aitlat, squaUy great to foor upanle UnM of brutoaas, maUng her tovalnable u maaagars, havtog Just com. pMad bar aew aad etleaslve repertoire, la now al Ubsrly to as- goUatc wlto maaagen totongh bar only anUonied agoDlik FBANK luVIBS k 00., DrsauHcAgsBla, 98-11 3S Wsst Houston sfnsi, Msw York. WANTED.-For UMOB JOBS ALBISO'B AMPHITHIATBB, M avaaa ds Onba, V0U9 ATTBAOriTB LADIES FOB OOBISDB BAUJff. ) J ut hats t laa Wardrobe, aad be ospahls o< arannUag Mo laoMitNtnbtdi Apply Immedlatslylo nm BIYBiS h 00^ DnBattolfalik SCHRODER'S NEW. OPERA HOU$£, BLOOMIMaTOM, OL. Bole Lestee and Msaagar a & BIOSABDH . Ibe sboTs elegaat place of amnaemeat, buDt U aa sneaas ctt (t18,000| ssvsab-fivs ttoniaad dollaia, wiU ba opiBsA oa or aaoni the SIh of November eaaulag. It promlau to ba oac of the haadaomasl placu of lha kind In too Woslera oonntry, having bean filled np wito sB tos laodsn. Impnveaoals aecassarjr tomakellafiist clan Tbutaw.. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A FIRST LOW OOMEDUM, ' Also A OOOD LEADIMO LADY AND CHAMBSBMAID, THREE OOOD, BKSPOMBIBLE CTILTIT MEN, AMD TWO OOUP DITTO LASIEa MUST HATE QOOD WA RDBO BEa NONE OIBBBS HEED AFPLT.. B. -B. BIOHABDB, Fin^ OLARS STARS TREATED _ _ _ , ON UOEIUL TERMS. P.6.-EadOM no alamp, aod ronildar allsau a aegaUva. B. & BIOHAaDB, Aahley Houm, 3S.lta Bloomtagloe,in. TO EQUESTRIAN MANAGERS, <iO. Mlt EDWIN OROUISTB, tos pojiular ShakcapeaiTaa OlawB, Comlo Orator snd Lespor, sfter lulDlltogbIs thin snoctssfnl ea< gsgement at too New York Circacwll] be at Uberly to accept long or abort engagements alter November lOto, 188«. Ho Is deddedly the best Jester wehavoseea In Mew York fbr many ynrs.—N. Y. Sunday Times. We like him belter fiian any wesrerot Ihs motley ws hava wtm eoen.—LoulavlUe Jonrnal, Tbe most sUracUve featun of toi verfbiBaanoe'wu the witt^ olsma of Mr. & Cionuts.—Bk Lcula Free Press. Tbe most sitracUTa Bllla and handiomsst Wsidtcbe to tho pr^, fealon, Addreu, E. CROUXSTB, Nsw York Olrsns, 9B-lt llto street. New York Ctty, MARIETTA RAVEL, The meal flnUbed PANTOHIHIST, DANSEDSE; AMD TIOHT nOPE PERFORMER In America, baa a fewwuka open In Febn- ary, Minigora wlahhig to engage tole talented artlale for Star Engagements, wUl sddreu M, W. HAMLBY, • 98-lte gilppcrOfllcs,M.T. TWO YOUNG LADIES Ihsl can Blngend pisy Speaking parts, snd aLADY JiaDAMOXB or CLoaoisT, aro wanted Immedlalely for a lour through lha priDdpd BOUTRBRN ClTIESbyarespoadbls Maaagw ofea- tabllabed npulatloB. ApplloaaUmiiatboof ackiMWleagedUent In toe pnfeaelon. Salary moderate but sure. Addreu "J. 0, H,," . _9»-.lt dipper Oflhia. THEATRE ROYAL, Monlr«al, C. E. TO LET BY TUB NIOBT OR WEEK. Apply lo J, W. BUOSLANO, 9*-<l* Montnal. ACADEMY OF FUN. 898 Broadway, Corner Bpring Street J, a BERRY Haaagu. Open evnry nighk Fint appearance of DICK MoOOWAH.lhe . Monanh Banjoul aad BlhloptonOomadlan. 9a.lt* CHARLIE PETTENQILL dulrea J,K.Oampben lomwthlm toUUcai alao.agood Taaor la lo addteai him, - 0. FETTENOILL, ' 38-lt* ProprielororFslUagUl's lUastaala. CURIOSITIES I II-Parllss HvIno Curloaliraa nhaur, bysti staUaglow Bailable for a Mnwum, can bear of a ForchL eat price aad partlc alan ln reference lo toem. WANTEO-A LEOrUBSR, one Ihsl hu Inreled wllh absa». rama. ALSO. A DAMBEUSE snd BTKaiNO LADY, one UiU hu asvar- sppearcd on Ue etage In Clndnoall, for toe new muaaao to da*-' aad, Addnu DAT18 1 CO,, Thulrical Ageats, 98-lte ITtVlnestrcekOladnasliro. MANAGERS OF THEATRES, I>avellag lYonpea and Concert Salle wiU find II lo Outr lataeal' loforvrard na toelr orden for any tolng they may need forihe Ikn and Wtolor seuon, Wekave acmeofthsbsaineosleto Ibe prcfeadon on onr Moka. Addreu DATS) k OO., 9S.lt* Ihulrlcal Agoila, P. 0, Diawar 981, OtadaaaU, C WANTED--A Full Company of Ladlaa and GanH«< men lor a OoaoertHall; a good "BaaJolak" a "Soag aad Daaca "f"'" 7''?Sttl,»Si5»'S5°*t. APPlJtaimedtotsly, wlto lowest' sslary, lo OATV * 00„ Theatrled Agsola, OladansU, O. 9S.|ts CHA8. BARRON. This highly popnisr and gUled yosag actor wlU play sngigai mintsIhroughcuttoeWestaad Boutowut tolaaeascn. Busx* ' tenslvs npsttoire tocladee FATOBIfB OF FOBTDME, and otosi aUncUvo plecca. Managen, wlahing tonegoUsIs, mil ifliliua him at 131 Brighton atreet, Beaton. 18-9t* A NICE LOT OF SHOW STUFF FOB BALE CHEAP.—Sla largo Anaeondul tolrteen Aaoflal Monkeys; ons Ant Ealarjlhree pain of While Farrela. J. H. COLLIER, Dealer to BIrda aad Aahaala, 9S-lt* 78FultoartreskM. T. A LARGE STOCK of Masquerada aiid TheiM* cal Coslumu for ssle chup. Aaoodohsouforsaypsrsoawisb. laglooommeaoethsbustoeu. Buy terms. Agents kaatsdwltti.. - 9S-U* M BOW3y, Third Floor. LADIES,AND GENTLEMEN Beglalared at tos BLALIO of FnAMK BtTEBS k 00, wo«U eoB. feralavorbysandhig OABTBS DETI8ITE,toaU caauwhan toey have toem, u they wUI be properly trameit aad placed to our nSOEPnOM BOOHS. ' • 9Mt FOR 8ALE...A large aliad HAND ORGAN, BiUlableforenBahlblUonoraBalooa. Alao, one emaUer alia, at tl Butar alreek rear bulldliur, top ficor. 38.1I* A. ODIOOCHIO, MASON 'k MBTzaas, 198 DEABBOBN BTBECr. OmOAOO, ILL., Maaufactnren aad daalen to BFOBTIHa OOOSB, Our etoek oondela to part of FARO DBALfNO TABLES, aU (ladM and priou. OARD BOXES, from $9S to 1100 each. BlIOAD-OLOlk LAYOUTS, fopente or oa boarda. OIL-CLOTH LAYOUTS, vory Dice aad cheap, OABE KEBPERB, four dUbnat kinds. DEAUMO BOXES, dl prices, from 190 to 1180 esch, TRIMMINO BUBARS. from |30 to ISO per pair. IIARru LINEN OAltliSi squand or cut to ordsr, OBEOE HOLDERS, two altca. OAIID BAOEB, for drawer, : • .• OARD PRESSES, for drawer aad wlto lock. r . :. . . SlIUFFLINO HOARDS, Uio beat Dude. CUE PAPER, or "TADS," prtoted both aides. Cheap. MOItOCOO OARD OASES, for pcckek IVOIIY FARO OUEOKS, beat ecutn Ivory. COUP, lYORY FABO OHEOKS, |TB for aaU of ««0, EBNO BETin, from IM lo IISO. EXTRA OARDH, BALLS, ola.,forKeao,alwaysoa hand. ' HOULETTR WHEELS, ell Undi, made to order. HARKliD CARDS, over 00 paltome, ADVAMTAGB OAIIDB, cut for any asms. BED snd BLACK SPREADS, two new pstlams. TIiNDICECLOTUM,newdeilgns,veiTihowy ;: ' r| EtOUT VIOE OUnUS, lhay csn'l be buk '' OHUOK LUCK SPREADS, red, or green and gold. OVER AND UNDER SEVEN, led, or gnen aad gold, UBXiaAN PUZZLES, Ivory or eboDyT PADLOOKS, eimetolng aew, MALLBTS, a sure tbtog, DICE TOPS, DICE, etc., tho only sasorlmont Wsak DICE CUPS. Lcatocr, Iwo alies. MONTE TICKETS, can bo bid only of ns. SPANIHU MONTEaARDB,purallnm, warranlcd. THE DUO, need for "boldlog out," THE CONVEX, for routUig ap|K»ml's hand, JEWBI.RV, for CIR linlerivlaes. ORinDAOE BOARDS, ten ktods.. DOMINOES, mm lOc. lo 110 per wlk BILUAIID, DAOATBLLE, POOL. RONDO, and TEN PDt BALUI, CUES, CUE POINTS and PA8TB, FARO BOXES BBPAIBED, Bhean ground or repaired. Anything a BporUng Maa waati wecaafarnlah. aa- BEND FOR OUR PRICE LIST, or call end eee na. MASON k MBTZOEB, -i Y 9S-1I* 13SDtarU)tnslreekChIiago^, . -^n> BOl', BED HOI. SOMETHIMa NEWI THAT OAMMOT Bl BBAXK'-'^'^'''''' ■■ ■'•.''VV'";;-; HAOIO OARDBIR C0I«Q98,/'.^I V ...' '- la which toen lamonio boseeij Uian^il^ appeal, wllh ksx sipUahigtoeDyslety. 7Sela,! Ot«api'\^;''. :.'. ' A NEW ROOK just pnMlahed^<MiWnia( t vailsly of aiaUsr of gnat tolaruk lo Ills Boyi.1 iDgnkvlilfi.' Price 80 oeaU, ira FAuons' isuoD paoiaob bbvited. - " ■;. • •.. ilea' ■ ■ '• ; ' .qlieek.fnll-of inlliely orlglBal mtliar, oonUnlng aavml ■lisicli<s,^lloB|a,T1uresBi|nvlsgisndoUarnrall|al(]taii'j,i : , '"iloiK wlto tos Moled 'li''.,- WOKAlCri aiOHTB OdMTENIIOM (lUI procssdiaf)i n4' . KimaolhmaslnlsdasUlcgas all for only ISO. BayUh U lil at ifcb, lhat II wm make yon sqoirm Uka 10 tails M.vlfitw -J. Addnu.DOI.NfifO0,.P.t.J^_^^ ..