New York Clipper (Jan 1869)

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^1'" . - 1 I ■ r I't "I- W-i • > ISTEW YOBK, SATUEDAY, JANUARY IG, 1869 PHIOXl TEW COEHrCB. THBWBB OFUPB. m m n* n*""'™- ' BT eUIK hit. Witt batlj^ antbdut blwm. ' b iliinr ba*! "'P °°'t**"* iTJciillk an >il|kluH buAl, Bi Ml; ul »•>; >i«|tt' II al^ btn M dcU/giuM. ljtMMtbvi1b'«w««ttT«tbAtl«xtamlnafl«^' ■ AaJ UHrt, vilb tt«wM hud. Ibil ctr imi Ufo^woik mi;, «btt (bllj wnuUi ' Aa<ii»lteh W|fa**^'**^h*»b<«iw>TW toi ttiiuitnjtbLhtow^uUfahul, ' LONDON AfJER DARK. ' WiNiTib li FoundMf tha Popular Orainai CHAFTEBXZir. ['• iiUnT.!"!™* mrm aid m luriiiiL rim Us lutnbtloos to 8hark«7 If onlc oad hMtaVacouUrEilw, HIIUdiIsd bgtrled with all SaonlktcnU la HUoa of oil Tom Booiej. '"IniimtxcM'''*"''! ''"■■oir lodacdlotto iBt A&ofJt,".llin(bt UIIUsgloD, "ud win or lou, ■aibillnl- But I usDOt rtll. I am oertiln to ■b, w iraT cud li la ar ftror. IT Bturkof Bhoild III nonduponadlu ibit glit Ellu to miko ho^ ■llKUtt.tId TomkiirridDO of her. Ai to tbit wUIunDgWiBltUidBnodon.tiB akall no loager tnUt v, eon lo-monoir nigbt ud Ui doom l« toitd." ' EnsimdilUfuiocltlo'a nl«blisliDant * good W(t«M«tl^ doon would be opened lo uall Qi B^,JciEi|1oaUiqalrad If tbe man whom bo d» iMioiHbidjitbeeatten. Told that Old Boony E<B«t f«lib««a,bot wiaoertala preaanll; to ar- NitilffiqlnTlutdblniuir OS the watoh, and la a mfnoliiM'nT Too •hitBlag along with his inntt bllbtedi, auouelig the nnrlTaled eslw- ■lisaldaCdte tko'pobUo al ibo Nonpareil Uoaio '. °UI ia iMdUat, ban conua the old animated aand rU/'aUKIIiaitaB.'' - , liliba.seHBBtBooMR— '.rMiUefjevbSBiiiloa, aadcomo aloog with t/i: 1 bareinsalUu paiilealar to taj to na,'~ ' *h C^r wd T^, appearing conalderabl; aor- Inin. "^Oi to J9fl*' CpM aloBgi" : UDlBitaa lad Oa .w>j lo Sbartej'a prlrato apait- ■aat. . "aidon, Ta,«Ub I rtagthe bell and oidara hUtel nvbrtril^frfnihirait, for I know too do asthbtniaiuaf.''■'.' ' " , '1»«,''HltllT«*»B«iii7, "order nothing for ae: tbmMlelliUduaUotelher." , "'H«*i«^;,biMbat too look ao doll and mlasi- m.. Bal>t)A|M» alter all that. Bring a boltlo Viev rarhalilB," UUlngton atld to tho man who WMndtiabiO.' ■■ i^UjtlliUMKh a drop of It,' reaolalelj aall jijejtllneallahoat thai, prteentlj," thonght [^Wtaid.'l^ud.u thomaa than with him had iHaiil, a daUsid oliaiahle look, SlL-UAittd »»a ni iiniW laomied by bli feara tiat Eilca mMHt.itlan.lehla.aid thatboahonld once moro Hlmilaat laIhe.jrerld. When leatlag him that , ., -^Mltralaoe bupromiseneoeaafnl, ^l^«nbaU{ur that had lieen orerrthlng to ■4 eanHd wujt a rerj palaftil deproaalon, It prewd to Ur. Sammerford's, the joong t'wiKd to ha with him again la a ooaple of B"!!?!^ -S," °'<>>t >>a<l K"" and ako wu Si!, ^'^''"'> la «»erT aenae oat of JUMisnltbalhs'ahonId aee her no moro, and felt SJK??'',.""^"* •• •» '"IK^- Tha bawa of gin Ma|b«Bbieo|li aad placed apon the UbIo,l(ll- W*IW a teiibloof glaaaea.and pnihlng one of Mintidi ou T«n; aald:— i2u&*iSi'M. °"" ' 'i'f' ' "'I TOO," Tom aald, with «Wg»*», aad afartbg hia ajta from tho llqnor, iilr^?"™'"»»«'"»'<iakaHL • S^IS^.'"*?-''''?! "''at baa dome toyon I" J*»»'tiau Uahe hsato and let me hear ISJi "*'!J">."7 to «ie, that I miT bo gone." W'^wfc.!'"''" U^teii"''*'" " '•T«om»,apoak,"lB- tali J!ii JSIfi*'?".' """'T "1 markediT, while SI!.!l?1W".'»'"'W»«''o«loakoBDooie7'i ; "lea, tadeed, I bare mnoh to aay to too, w^ban macki to talk to yoa of-of Hary frit jW t«" irnag (kom hIa ohilr, TloIeiHy ezoIalB' iliMJl,''Ili^'"*'*"' of Iwr.wa wlll not talk of "{mwud,b«uiiia,that-7n,that eela my head l5*'*J,!arboart Inpleeea, and-oh I yea, yea, SSlLiillnSi"".'' I'"'*" hlmbaoHntohia s'SJIirvV.,?''? * IrawbllBg hand one of the alhtfkihad Iliad, and aaahtoi Um to ralaa ItU BULL FIGHTUSTG AT ISTIMEB. i!**firiSi^?'^'"**''««aipty glass, millngtoa Sw3SftJf• »oa>an^ then • bS'bHttlW.f.'iff »«a drained aaqnloUy »!?i«^.)d',M'!l°«^^ .«il.dwllh'g,..i *imU!!! 'i'"' ' 0><»» who soma- •ttiMZISi'i? "^""l Uiat name; they apeak Sl-tK?,'.;'"™'' Boldeaofwhat4eyaro ;Iffiff'"'";i«l7 tried Tom. 1^1 """T. •'irlbly tgiutod, "yon know Sp|t«nciddid. •Bf?' """"fal ahe was, wtanH aha r SR^JSfy.try*.'!'"""" jj«««wuibe name of tte Tillage In wbloh >he ■^-'-IllrtBeoi,,. >t£iSil'""aai,hanpy, had ahe been, If bar V.» "•"""'•"'oSer, looheriahaad proUot •^"•bntlUtoiean. !'Ajid4rT0ii taswUm—whatwanld yoa itV "I wonld kfU Urn I" raapoaded Tom, In a deep, con- oaatniad tone. "Come, another glaaa," aald Hllllo|tao, haodlog It to Bootey, and then, In a haaty, nenana aort of way, swallowed a bomper Umaelf. Dnrlngall tho foregoing, ICllllBgtoa had tiled glaaa after glaaa with the no, wrhloh old Boozey had groadlly awallowed, and thallqoer had aotstoplBed and made him dmnk,hnt had frenalad.made bin completely mad. "Ton,"aald Ullllngton,"ttat penoato whonjoor wife owed her death—" ' "Weill" • "1 know btr." "Herl" "Yea, It la a woman." ''A woman T* "Benalf loan beaaUfol than Vary, ahe wu enrloos, Jaalona—In abort, haled her." "Who la ttat woman t" eagerly oiled Booiey; "who lB»her> "Ton may, perhape. If yon chooae, aee her this Tory OTtnlng."' "This evening I . When, tall me where t" "In Ht. Jtmee' Park—Joat within Bloray'a Qate; yon know that plaee 1" "Oh.yas:" "If ahe comes yonwinhaTO no dIOenlty In reoog- nlslog her; for she will herself say lo yon: 'I saw tiary Priteharddle.'" "Ah," rared fortt Ton, "shonid she say ttat-woe loherl" ■ Hewaahnnylngaway. ' "Where era yoa going!" called Ullllsgtoa. "To wall for her,'' hoarsely replied Booaey. "Well." said Ullllngton, potnUgg the bottle, "ttare Is atlU some lelt aad yon may aa well take It with yon." . "No, I dont want aay more of ttat, or It will make matoo noaleady to nae this." He drew from hIa pooket and ahowed to Ullllngton a large olaep knife; and then, ahontlag fortt an oath of Tangeance, ataggeted away. And when he was gone, HIIIIoglon,'ln the cooleat poaalbla manner, aald to hlmselft— "If Blaa baa eonaentad to depart alone, tte eld fel* low will haTO bad his walk for nolhlig. If the girt goes to Storey^ Oato, Old Tom, who laJaainow aa nad aa the most ontngeoba patient la Bedlam, will aa- soredly kill her. ' Blher way she will be deprlTCd of an power to laterfere wllh that wbleh I haTo determlaed to acccmpllab." Booaey had not been gone many mlantea when Shatkay Hofila harried lalo Hllllngton's presence. "Now, tte glilf" oald tte latter. ■ ' . , "Conldntpeianida her lo anything else, end she la gone to Storey's Gate." "The fool r cried Hllllngton. "And old Tom Bocify r' "He win be tteie to meet her." "And hare yon dene as yon said yon wonld "Tea." "Heroy on «," aald Bharkey, perfectly terrified, ■•then aheis a dead woman T" - "She will be, |a aoDMthIng len than half an hoiir, take ay werd far It, Bharkey," hIa dartsg aaaoolate Tory coolly respooded. "1 am rather aorry; 1 had qinea fhney for her; bnt It can't be helped, ao we wIU aayncmcre abontll." 0HAPTU1I.SZV. TT1 Hinin AT BToasT's d&TS.—ijr nooioanoa in A on throdghcet my Ufa an *^i)^tSSf£dk:2. "•«','»•« Paneuaungly *iB«l" like lo oaUma-Iknow not, !E'aSX'°'|>Too,"Iam he who has been tad iboSlI'i.''?. ••'-frani ber i Sff^•a^ irbMu.;k''i;«A-'»«n> her whom I left KuSi 8«bum,^.'°11'^-i*'"'' to became a: I»12!'«»»"» hwaMfflf'^'^ll far her I ^Ab, ■•iI?,r»'b»TSC„'v?5*A'y»y«ars.'' • •., ,iK'r;>^;^'*.ab.i?',Ki^^ ^Uklaiob, b«Ttr,aaniJi' HsTlBg reached Storey's Qate, Old Tom place.d him' seirjost within the park, to await the coming of the Caraon he had been told lo oxpeel, And ho war .made ) wall a considerable tine, for great wu tte distanco which Btaa had to trarel In order to reach ttat apot, Ae tte night adTan^ed, few and far between were the pauengers throoih ttat gale, to or Item tha park. Leaalni against the ralllnga.a fewyards away, Boosey wu able to obaerre OTenone ttalpaaaadeltter Into or ont of tte park. Aid at length, cat of all paUence>- •■Tba alory of ttat woman waa all a He?' aaTagely mntured Tom; "like all tte reel who bare made me ttelr boU, he wu playing wItt D*, tortariag me tor hIa own sporL" Bat tten he renenbsred all that miHarlen had known and told htm. The place that Hary Ntohaid had Inbabltod, her age, her deatt-tkat oanhad kacwii and told him all ttat. "Tea, yu," said Tom, "It Issll'tnie n^ngb, and hare I atay, ttoagh I ahonid haTS to wait ttroaghonl tte alfhl. Bha wUI acme, I no loagtr donbt II, and I will Mil hir. Tea, poor Hair, I Irifl. aTeaae no." Then, the (la vhlsk he m% hlihl hod taken hsT- lag by thlellva eoaaldenbtywtuened la lie elbat lapoaiiU brain,Tern wet aboal to tUak orar th* whole maUer: " It had already ccoaned to hla that It wu aoBalUng Tory.arrange IwtthewoDan who had alaln.hlawue th6nld come to ttat opclfor tte paipoae of aTswIog her gnUk • . . • . "iClaaoheal, a ahamafnl trick, aad I will remain here aa longer." Jaot. u^Id Tom kad aald that to himself, ha per- celred a female standing at tte oilrance to the park, aad beading ferward uUhereytawireaeakllg uBS .dae. ■ ' •• ■ "Tbaimatt b« aht," ttoitht dgoit'y, "add attailge' lUryof aUthUnUtrttUilijia not Uailo ttlrtta my*U»y, 'rinduthaaaot'towUct'tteis^ Mai dbaMMiwar la-.a,ataU'.*f alaitah aoaplelF*£!MeU RaMf' Ud before aha oeMredtai W/SWy.VttV *n MiueUod to walk ik* wkalf dlataooa ■rait to IM pad,aadirk«Bat:laatahaat' amaay great aooUcDb of which ainadr la tte ooors of that day aha had been the TloHm, Ellaa had been aiutalaed, and had foud auanitt sUlI to eodure by her great lore for and dagcr loDgIng to be again with Walter Bnndon. Bnl when ellu had reachcdBloroy'a Qato, and diatlagniahed Joat wittin the park a nan eroaohing against tts nOlog], snd thonght of the words that she wu oharged to aay to him, Uio coarage ttalhadeolong anatainad aeemedaU at once lo desert her. But ahe ccnid. got retreat wllh aay hope of eaoape; her atrengtt wu loo far gone for that. Aa abe atood In mortal dread, end now aospeotlog that aha bad fallen Into a trap which had been prepared to en'< anare and perhapa to destroy her,' aha felt heiaeW tudair eelied anddiagged wlttln tte park. "frhoaraycnl What weald yonwittmal" BUu Irenbllogly aald, and wu aboat to ahriek atood. Bot hardly bad abe aDoken whoa— "That Tdloel" ezeltlnodOldTom; andImDodlalely there wu a motnal leeognlllcn. ''Yoal H Isyonl" erie4BIIaa,IaJeyrnlanrpriie. Uyjoorould, who told too— bow did yon kndw that yon wonld And ne here i" "1 bad not Ibonght that I ahonid e«o yon." "Indeed I How tten r' "I waa told only that I ahonid Qnd hero acme one who " 'Borne one," ezcltadly Intermpted Boozey; "yon- no, no, go away—go away." ■■I cannot do that," "Why can't yon?" "Ab,'' BUia reproachfally tald, "yon hare not kept yoor word wftt ne." "In whatr Then recolleoling- "NcTermlnd ttat, bnt tell me " "Hint tell me, how it Is ttat I Had yon here." "BecaDae,"Jerked forth Tom, "I aa waiting to— end here I must remain—for I bare work in hand Ibat " 'What wori[!" 'Ko matter, and not before yon," bo forcibly cried i "go away, go away I" ^'He la ciaicd again witt that .horrible iiincr," ttocgbt Eliu. ' And ttealt ooontred to her ttst u old Dcoicy wu waltlag thsre, II mnat be that, by soma straDie chance, he It wu who had been appointed to oendiet her to Waller. Thea aheaaidtoTom:— "I bare already told yon that I haTe been eent hero to aee acme one.", "Oh," ahaddered Booaey, "it can't be poaalbla that "What can't be pcoalblet" "Kolhlng—go away, I toll yon; can't yon aee that ttere la DO one else, that I am ue only person walling here I". . " TIs Tary aliign)ar, I eaanot nnderaUnd II I" "Do hotteek to nnuerataad, bnt go awaj." "Ko; for It mnat mean thai'Ua yon who know— " "Where Ae nay be foand." "What uy yon I" aald Boour, wonderlog and a>- toalshed, "It Is to Ton ttsn thai Iwu to speak; lo yon that I haTO been.lold to say " . ' "WbaVI" hoarsely ctlcd Boossr, plnoglng his band beneath'hls TesL "Tosaywhstr . "I saw Hary Pritohsrd die," alowly and udly re< aponded Hlu. Old Tom drew fortt Ua koife, and BIlea ntlered a low cry of terror, aa ha clalchod her arm and raiaed the ireapcn, u If abont to plnnge It Into her breul. Bnt he did not Btrike. Th) band wbloh held the koiro dropped to bis aide, anil the Ioto tba( had entered his heart for her whoee life he bad UTSd, contendloJi wllh tte rage ttat bade bim acw to kill her; he faltoredi- ."Oh I again I repeat ttoae words I bad they bean spokoB by anotter. tttn yon, already all wenia hate been eaded, bal yea, I hullato, and Uiink, ud feel la ttoogh I could not, darod not I" "Bo calm; for oieroT'a aake, be oalm I" pleaded EUta. "Hail yon not been told ttat a wonan wonld cone to thla place I"' "A womanl tm, yea, go cB' "That Joat wAhla the' park yon were to await her ar> tlral.":-- . ' . "Tee, within the perk i go on," hullly nnltored Boeuy, toning Uo ulfo aboal wlthia hia nand. "And,, thai when ahe had raid to yon—'I taw Pritohard die'—yon were tten lo—" "To- Mn yoa,'' Bioaey inlerraplad with a urage grewl, and again ralalig hit knile. "Bpare me I Vorhearen'a uke, Helen to ne I" cried Bllaa/alBklBg on her kneaa, and extending towards him her cianad handsi i "Do not, la tte nadaeea of iatoil- catloo, become tte nnrderer of a poor, nnhappy gtri, who, with her whole eoni, hu learned to lots tco." "L«T« me t niasrable wretch I Oh, Utile dfd I Ihlok dariog girl; "yon bnt now ao monaobi Whe/efore do yoa ttu pren nie will yoa who wore aboot to kltl ipe V and teiTlble. a you anna T Hary : nuBvrauiv hivhih i vu. uiiiq nia 1 uuiia wkea I dragged yon Opq tte rirar lhat yon were a Tipar that had ao emelly stong mo I" . .■Twaatoldto sayttoee mlaarabis words, aBit,uI fru. made t{ bellsTs that tts grealeat, tte only hap- plneMlaaBbope,toknow ob urtt depended, on lay ploBoanoIag ttem, I oouented—and gruUy waal anioedtttlUey ahoaU beglren mo toepeak, for ills tte tmtt ttat " "That yao eaw Hary Prilchard die r' "rea,>'monrBfnIlyMld EIIu,<'ahe wuiumoUeri'' ' The knife tell ft«m Old Tom't band and he reeled aadolanitothajptrktallhiga. ' "Tear netter I—year-matter I Oh, .my OM t my Oed I" Tcm-teemkHiiglr Mlaandlbly wblspsred. r.' Btlkaiea* fran' hsrimtsi *ad smtdf towsM^tMi. J ''Xear.iBelkaiwyeiit. Better f''np*a(id, BaoB«y, ||i^^^.MNvllaiartsa-Maadhar,h» draw battoUa "Why do jaaltaganavoa ml" lUii tta wbi- "Wherefore r' aobbed Tomj "ob, I eannot toll yon— I am oboking—I oannot speak-^tte emotion—the joy— the happlneas, Yoar mother I—she—your molker wu my wife I" Tbo^ words almoat crerpowcred EUta, "Ob, heaTea I" ahe oried "yon, tten, we " "I am Thcmu Pritobard I" BIlM threw herself'hiM bis ams, foadly aid toB> derly,mBrmnriog;— . ■ -. "By fatter I liyfatteri" . "Ahi'asld.Tom,'!tts enotlcn I eiperienced when this ncmlag yon oalledma by that name la now ac- conDled for—ny hurt Wu whispering to me that yon were bideed my child—aay fitter once sgalo I" . .•!Fattar("reDeatedEliaa. "Ah I bow ttat ward aootbee aad wamn mei now, I btutta again—Ino longar aoOar—and ttue ua Joy- tal. tearp that.I am aheddlng pawl Hy eblid, my daoghler—it la ahe," he cried, again and agabi am- braolar her, "she to whom my poor Uoiy wu aboiit to giro birth when 1 wu um fnm her. Oh I huTea I ob, hMTcn I" and be cut Umaelf noon hla knees— "for UtoBB yeaia—for Dfltea yearalhiTe net grayed to yoo, ai)d yet yon hare bad pity on me, hare glran my daughier to air arma I Oh, heaTan-how grut aad good—bcw mercUal ihon art I" "Ab, fatter, noTcr again will we be aepaiatod." "No, naTcr-nner; yoo ahali talk to me ofien of yonrpocr nutter I" "who tanght me to Ioto and cheriah yon-,who In lylagi bleaaed yoni" "Ah, yea, lor well did ehe kaoir ttat I waa not gnllty.'' "Tea, father, yea—abe knew It, and fell a Tiellm to ttat aanrance. "Uowuyyoar' "Her life wu aongbl by the wretehea who alaw her, beoaoH at lut ahe had oBtalsed, and bad In her pea- aaailen tte proof of yonrlnnooeBoe." "The proof of—f" "AadneoanMahehtd dlscoTcred tte name of the tnecalpritr. "Aad that waa—" eagerly crM Booaey. "Rlohard Bpenoer," replied Eliu. "I know Um not,'* aald Old Tom, "haTe nenr before beard'thatname." "Uo II waa whohadoonmlltod lhat robbery of which yon were aoensad, and for which yoa bsTO ao long and so najaslly andbred; and whea my motter, after mneh aeeklog and many dUlonlllas, wu ahont to proclaim jour Inncoenee, he again It wu who mnrdored my pcormotteri" "And for me abe perished I Ob," eiolalmed Bootey, "If one day I ahauif lad lhat man—" "Bnt yonr name, dear father, will be deaaaed fron all atain; tte lojoftioa beaaatt wUeh yon for ao naay long yean hare groaned tkall sow be Blade known to tte whole world." "Dorllog cUId I" "Long—Tory long, hare I been eeeking yen—long hare Ifmplored of neaTao to restore )co to my ton* daneu, and It la when I bad ceaaed to hope that FroT- idtnoe naa nunltod as. "And I, when hearen had eent yoo lo me, wu aboat to kill yoa I" cried Old Ton, witt nmoreefol Ogooy. "Ootyooknow, yonuw.darllDg—did you Bolt ttat oToa while pronoonolsg (hose Urrible words, I hetl- toted and trembled. I coaid net—no, I ocald not com- mit lhat act or Tcagwnce. which I had sworn to acoom- pliib. Oh,II was becauao a.Toloe wItUn ny heart ocmmandod me to farboar—beoaue aiitody 1 loTed yoD—booanae blood wu speaking I" "Uut who waa It ttat bad accntad me I" "A man named HIIIlBglon." "ThatinfamonaTlllalnl" uld BUu, ahndderinjr tIo- Icnlly, and al once oomprefaeoding waerefore blUilag- ton had been aaxloaa for her deatniotioni "The neuter wonld hare bad mo kill my own dtogh- tori Oh,woo to bIm—woe to himl" dttetmloedly ex- claimed Ellaa'a fatter. __ . CnAFTEK XX7I. TBS sooriBia HCBO nAii,^iaaTaijio aeuaa—m Biraons A Ten pecnilar eelabllahment.u we ahall preuntly be made to nndantaW), wai ttat batenglBg to Hr. Sbarkey Hcrrie, and of wkleb mention ku been, dariig tte coorse ot thla stcrr, so ftaqaently made, Thin wu tte raited altge, wllh lbs nsnil ud neces- Bsry aooaescriu on which tte "ProfualoBsIa," slagen, deuamand aorobata, dlaplayeid their taloatS'toad' " ■■ 'leaeea. nlrlDg aidanttaalaaUc udle BtBo mssBS.hcW' erer, a plaee ot faahloaaMe retort|lBased,tteTny ep. poella of thai, wu the Nonpareil Hoalo Uall. In one ooner ot tte room, where surcaly a gUmpu «t tte stage eodld be ohuloed, atood a longlanle, Imperfecl- ly corered with a piece ot balte, whoee eolcr had origlaally beea greea, bnt which time and wew had ehugedto Tariou ocif Indeaerlbabls baae. The mea ewled ahCBt ttat Ubie cued aottlng lorUe ealertala- luntiq progreaa ontte atage, being deeply aogaged la a Tary exolting perfonnuoe of ttelr own. Tber were In fact baay witt eardaand "Ice," and "Pal" and "all fcara" were the gamee on head. And ttoM ganea wen' played witt totenble'fatrneaii. Just baoaoai erery oee engaged In ttem was an ezpbrl oheal. An"aharpIag" wualmoalcertala of deteetlcn, and anylblng bnl aareeabia tte fato re- Sned for tte cnlpril.. Id lie cenlre of tte ab toraod ill,, aai dIteeUynomgThe eUgs, wU a' rity seedy, bagdtollt Ub1e, SBd^lfsl'alser was sBrroBBded with' playan, tot whom- tte erhfeM«uJa' tpiMutd to baTC aaMrt. ef.atMoUev «hal*«tr(Tkerandluea 'iTa* not aamtreu, aeltter oenid II be aelled uleel i.otBae;' aneog Ue Ihrea dasaa or n wUeb tei » edU, aad to the fall u rupecUble u.Ue nil,ware aoTeralofthe f' eatlemen whoee acaaalnUn'oe we Ural madealHr. opiar's bctol under BUokfriars Bridge.. - Ftom thia algbfa entertammeat tte geoeral pnbUc had. been axchded, a nstlee hariag been poeted on tte door which atttod that tte peiformancea ware lo be under rpnrato aad apeclal patraaage. Nearly erery one wuenoklng .and qalleoTerr oae vu drlaklag; and, to Jndre by tte uprow, OTeryhody But have been tatklog. Toe aooud or tte cbairmaa'o haomer, aad Ua anaooaoementthatUr. B*-snd-so would slog the next sang, wan ecaroely heard at all amldal tte din aad daiterttatnnTalled. The talking wu act certohily qnllaao loud and general while the peiformen were ontte atage, wbloa caused to ba dlttluotly audible,at erery lutont during a eentlaeulal tong, ue claUer of tte bagatolle balls and Ua tbnmping on Ue toble of tte geatlemen who wen playlag at "Pat." Hr. Poplar and NatNlchem were playlBg at bagatolle. . ■^Tbere," aald tte fomcr, "I hare polished yea off sgilD,Hr. Nlckem." "Too mut hare been brooght opto It TCiy young, Oil Foplu," ntnmed Hst; ■'and yon ate aucn a long 'on Ual yon reach ballSroy op tte board." "There ain't no occwron for no buBHlBg obeerTO- Uona," ludlgnaally cried tts proprietor ot tha Black- trlan hotel. "Nerer mind, old boy, FU try my luck against yon once mere." "Tbafa right, Nat, eome along. And If I ekoald qnlto clean yon cat; u I expect to do, yea ohaU hare a Md at my hotel lo-nlgbl free gnUa for netting." . The obalrman at hngtt annooBced thalHr. Fanale- Bian would oblige witt tte popular song ot "Tonmy Dodd." There wu a Inmendcu hammertng on the Uhles, aad for tte Bnt tine ttat alght anneihlag Uke an at- toatlte andioBoe- The bagatolle halle oeaud to ralUe antU Hr..FBnnle- Bian wu doae witt, aad the oud playen left tte table In order ttat ttey might atalat In tte chotu wUoh wu anng atler cach.Tene of "Tcnny Dodd," and In which oTwy one of tte andlaBcc aaalsted witt aU tte atreagth ofttair lungs. "Tommy Dodd" eoBcludsd tte perfcmanoee aad tte cnrtala fell to rise no more lhat night. Dnrlag aU this time HUUngton and Sbukey Horria bad beea aealed apart ttnm tte real la a doner at tte eztreue ead of the hall. No one had Teatored to Ulnde open ttem, and ttu ramoTod from tte geaeral olaner ttey wen able to heuttenuelTce apeak. Hcnis wu pale aad nerrona, but HUlhigton sesmsd u oool and Imperiurbable u erer. ' "Bot," stammered Bberkey, In reply lo aonethlBg that hla auoclate bad Joat uild, "It locka to me dan- Eerona, dnadfuUy dangerous, and I cant nndenUad ow—'' "That I aaabelleTC," UUlngton ceelly npUedi "bnt I aak only that yon ttould aaalsl me; .whether yoa on- darauad ornotlaotTerT Utile ocuasqneuoe." "Oh; bnt I mut ud I wUI undentud aU abont It; I doo't mean to ran myaolf Into daager; I mut aee my way cleariy: I am a man ot pnperty, ud want to Ure to enjoy It.'' "Ton always wUI be a fool, Bharkey." ■•FM|ibly. But, for all that—" "Well," eblTond Morris, "yen hare told ae ttat Rlohard Draudcu it ttia night to be pet cot ot tte war, bnl yon haren't told me how, aad It I don't knew that—" "Well!" "Well, It I don't and am not coarlnead that I ahall nn Boriak, I won't bare him eome hen." "That I bare notalnady toll yon In what manner I Intoud lo diapoae of Rlchtrd Brandon bu been onl ot mercy to you." "Na doubt abont II," Bbwkay IranlcaUy uld. "I hare had plenty of opaortunlUuct tBowIng what a nereUU chap yon are I" "It la nereriheleia trae what I tell yoi. Yon areao ataeowardiandhaTeaooanyiaalBaofoonscIenee, ill wished on this occaalon to spare yon." ■'Tei, I dareaay—Teiy likely—ahoulda't wonder 1" donbUuUy aald Bharhey; "bul for alT ttat, I ahonid prifer to know " "Ven well, I need not toll yon ttat tte back of thla hall of youn tonchu tta wan of Ue Underground Ballwayt", "Vhyof COBTM IksowthatreUsBOBgb.". "And yon also know ttat a few Bcntta ago wenade an epealDg ttrodgh ^le waU of one of your cellar^, Ual we might atc|) cat upoa tte railway." "Doo't remind ae of ttat Blgh(, pny doat,' gaaped Bharkey, witt a IreihbllBg hud eaulag aad dralnlag to Ibe bottom his ilaa of brudy and wator. . "Thoae bricka wen euCly nmored, aad w aaally replaced, aad ac can be.agala. Whan we hare quite done with Hr. Illohtrd Bradldn, we plwe him upoh Ue nllt; almost aa aeon u ttat Is dons a train nsaseS erer sud so dlslgaret him that no one Is sbis to losntny bis mangled body " , "Ob, don't, tor goodness sake, doa't I" stammsnd Horrli. "The ease Is reported la the newspapan u nilelde fey a genllemtn oaDown-aad tterh Is aa end or uo wlioleaBhlr."' "Yu, yu, thal'a right, I ue that.'' tty -I'-- • - — .-«■ yon ttat 00 hare nerer ontertalaed a donbt of yoor raadlaoa to old DO In tto diaponl of tte gentlemao who wU prt- eentlrbehen." "WeU, bat youkuowlwhen we hare ulUad with kU, we mayn't bo a bit nearer what we are worUag for.' "nowlttbatr" !^ "Why, aa Ua bntter hu bkca UmuU oat sf the way " ''If It were neceanry he conld aeon be llqatod osL'r "Well, and of coone It wUl be neceioarT If we are to gooo." ■ ', "Rot tte aUghleet occulon that we ahonid gire air- ' ulrutbat troeble,alaee Walter Is certain to relwB to n of Ua own accord, nady to proceed iritt that aar- nage U'Soonu erer he hu learned that UadatUng BUnhudiuppaaied. LaaretalBtome,Ehaikey.''^ .Doa't I iMTa eraryttlag ud ererybedy to yoa I" "It ho win not aUow Uaulf to be l*fhe aait be drirea.' Bnt I expect Utile furtter trooble aritt him: Bortr taaa mote eagw for aD the enloyBntt Vatltt can pnnhau, nor leu IneUncd to eafiie the ■H.fT.r porerty, and eren wen that xM EUaa sHaia ttawar we ahoold now, I beUere, Ind him tnaloBe t» ok "Well, thaB, laaTecIflnBbllBg,'<BMl karaahown nn ttal yon wIU Inow no daager ,ta tt» •"fJaaasi and jBt Is air you osre abo^t,'^ .i,.^^^ .AjUu^ , "rtn. yon iDoir, aVitn'i bo ieirjtie cu.'Vk'lahli'niiB' iberl'eaMlMr elaraa Tfflleei ,aii»ltlftkeMJ^^5ihl*., aelfjf he c»B.; If k'!a»5'adBt loS»,al|t'?.**r^?'f'. tberl'eahblldr elaraa »fll'lo;i-*t»rfttfc" — ' - yearewBa "I dCB't know aomnch abont that," "WeU, at any nto, Hla EUu wUl taoable na ae acre; old Boony, I feel callc erne, hurety efleetsilr alloooed her." , "Ton really heUere," trembled Bhatkcy, "lhat hs hu Ulled tte girl t" "Yea, I weU primed him for Us work, and seat hla to tte BseUng witt her In a state of psrleotaadaesa." "Ob, dear I—yon did not toU me that yon latandad .to hare I her killed—you gare me enly to aader- aund " ' "Bharkey, my guod fellaw, why wOl yoa Inobt on lalUng of Toor aadetdanlUig, whea yen oeght to know weU by ttlsUmo that yonhaTo not and hard nerer had ear." . "And yon cu aolually cat yenr Joku now," cried Bhitkey, witt ndagled adaballoB and totnr, "BOW, wken yon On pnparlog to " ■■And why^nctr Infetmpted HDUagton. - "I am act one to play tte gloomy raBan, aad, bowcrer hoary the work la hud, always try to make II Ught ud pleasant" "Bnt what hu becone ot Old Tom t" "I aeltter know nor can." ■ "Be kain't been here aUiae you uat Ua away lait BighU" "Which la to ma a oonrlnehig proof that EUaa hu periahtd by hla hand." "Bapaou he bu been Itkenr' "la that cau ha wUl certainly be haagad," HHIIag- toB cocUt reapooded. "BnW'^anxlooalyiacuIredHcrris, "won't habe'ahle to ImpUuto u in tte bulaeat" "Bharkey, ttatquaatloa b too ridieulou area, fey yoo, who ought to know that I nerer baagle ay work." . • ' Bharkf T Hoiris looked at his waleh, 'add aald— "Tea oViock, ud BIchard Bnadcn'aot here^ Per- hapa he wont cone at aU." .'^Ifeel eerUUithatkawOI." ^■jDol tUnk what a nelgbboihocd he wfll be eoBlBg "HewDlknow nothing of that ontD he hu fkltl^ enlendlL" ' " "Bnt suppoH when he bu entered it he theold not Uke ItaappeaiaBM and abenld torn book udgi^l •galoT ifTwu la hU place, that's Just wbal.f'th do, I am qalto oun." . - ..'.'.' "AadJulwhalhe wlUabtdo; I hare tan good csreofibat." ' "Howr' "I hare polled eeatlaeli, hers ud ttere, la tna odTr- cent streets, who wonld qaioklrlBfcrm me ahonid ne St all heallate' to .sdrues, and than I weald hnrrT'ent tod briar bUn Utter ayaalt." ' , Just tten a maa eame hairybg Into tha aaU, aad rnnnlag to HUUagtoo, gars a aIgB,wUch wu perfectly well oonpreheadod. "Whatdid I ton.yea, Bharkeyf HOUngtoa baatOr udla alowtonaaald I-•— --^—■•■ "When!" "Look I" Hllllngton pointed towafdaadocr,wUch bad a ao- ment before been tkrowa wide open, and Horria aklr- eredubeuwtto lalended Tlcllm atandlax on Ita thteehold. And ramaUileg then, Blohaid Btaadea eeeBedtobealUteutowhetter ha ahonid enter Ike baU, and apnnnd to be alstraslfUUy exaalnlag the place, and tte rery far froa arepoeuaafaii ooanto- uncea ot tto Indlriduala snsnDlsd tten wllhln It, to n cowmm. lid to Ue Jew. "Helaherai" BULL FieHTMS AT VBSSS, At Ue recent aaricnltaral exhiblUoa al Niaua, U» lotereatwu centnd UttebuUBiht DespHetheanr-' UonsotUe InspecUr Ueniral or Agrionlluri end hk soslataats, pucuMs hulls, Itnltlhl eowa^Mp, raas, hoga, ineehuiu, etc., wen ashteded- TheaaUiela- leiest wu dherted to tte flgbllng anaa, u ahewn In car eagrarlng. The heroes of tte Me, and of whoa erery one wu spssklng, wen El Talo aad hla saslslani, Sl.Beratelo, tte pleosdoiu, the ohnlcs, the bandeifllos, ana tte entire eacott of tto Toreadcs, caml expnaly from Spain for tteee /ilsa. Fonr' AInaxlIs, pneeded by u Aloolde, who wu nadaokt-' edly a cemmlssaiy of poUee, denuded of Ibe Prafect cfine Guard, who npreeuted the Aynntamleato, tte key of Uo lerQ. Then entered tte qnsdriUa, who Bsrcely made tte tonr of tte ateaai tten coaaaenead the alanxbut ofhalfadcatn Bagaldoeat bolls, aoeord- iBg to (be tradlUon ot gleriou Spain. Frodiglea ef agility, addrcM ahd §iagfivU wen petfomed anally to tta dludraBlage crua bnUa.orwUeh acooaau hare already appeared'hi oar eolumna. Oarengnr^ lagnpreMBla the apott la fUU play, witt Ue enraged bnll lo penult ot hia tomenten. AoTiBBa' Hooime^ Than Is a sort of wtU dnned tagabcad who strSIIs about tte stsge door OB^ aldcsunes of ttsaliea, witt the moit hoBonMe Uthn- Uoha on tte incomu ot any olarer and weU looUnc actreu who luy happen to be nnmantod, Tha mr teasloaal emolnmento of a married womu betoagmf^ ecoordlag to law, to he^huband, and faillag be lr a a ee, to whom ft laaoBewhal dlOealt toobtalalBtiadae- Ucna, perhapa ao better bstgala can be made by an Idle adrtntenr fond of clolhea, elgan, and betlllig reona, ttan a anion witt a rlalog ainger or aMiaa. neu oAeooUsrs ds panm wlah to be known u "Hits Bo-and-so'a hubud." It la almoitapntetalob.dnd Ita emelomenta ean bo calculated witt more thaa ttt oerUlaty of tto tnrf, Una:—"Glcrlana" (tte aaiae of Ue aetreu) maku tUrtr posnda per week, one tteos' and llTO hundnd pounm per annum; Oleriana will lut—bar acoldouts. I.e., her popularitr wlU Itit Bfleen yean; total, twenty-two tfaouuoa flre hondred pcnndi, not nekonlog a rlUt to tte Ualted Bteles,' wUeb might msko mon.. All thia irtupeeUre of gifte, JreuBtttloBS. Ac. At the eod of Iheen yeaia, er good locka ud alteaetlena faded, perhapa geae; then—naph. Oonaldered from a conmenial pout ef ricw, tta actrtea la alnoal the equal ol tte balnea, while abe la oeriain lo bo more scceaettle.—Ian Hood's Obmlo AvmuiL Blako.— A paloltal and poixled father irritea le el London paper ngreltlng a riolorr woa by Ua.iaa^ wblob-gayehlamon uootanoe Uan aay aoderuj defeat wonld bare done. Hla boy la al a weU kaowa pnbUc school ud hu aeqnind soms repntatlea u aa attleto, punhssed, baworor, at theixpenas rfhli literary artalaaeala. J?»«,al^r. hariaf "jaf" • »» In ttamelropolle, on il",""* to tte ftn. and waa InioIeaU Hy aoB,".wrll«a hlhst, "wio hsdjost borrowed whst he eiDed a 'half' btew»ot2e2MS. vAv (AS to DOT ehowtai prioaa for ndiog In a bleseed 'mWlaJl tfiftte drirer UInk to Inmiacz na by bis ff? ^foauM he tioogbi«« »•?»■« *? i'S.v"*. (*• dSrar) mutgsiapestlljrandao to bedwittontget- Uagbidy, whUka haJn^dceoIor a week of Sa^^ ibeBre he feud that Utile game would taw . taTW 'diba. No acre tight ttal we wen, waaa'l ha t—(w tt .2^t depth of Bwolag UIa>-ttan what made Ua ao creclouaahr aboat Ibe gl| a. If bo hadn't bean art ea 'fce bttleTfte eight b.forit". This tto ycnagiter ipNks ef u Ue Ungohls pals Ulk el sohool. 'Kor 'Oaa Jia."—A.Bocky Hcontoln paper pub^ Uskiaaa okllaaiy notice ot tte (spiou "Jim," oUef «t tte Washoe Indbna, who died recenUy. JUn eeoas'to ' many ririaes. Hols aild to ban bH* rery dinr ted man, Be poeaeaud a ead.of hair ud eUmach .OBoagk lis al ho ocoldget to eat, Klangaid tarlrntt wu BetobU>» he airelBtUaled witt It. °B» litt no wflji sadMa % late; ocuhttl^i of a. pill bfbMsT trill hJte MMiA Had by^h]fiattrba|h tte aeilaanf dl|iiit*Mr"«W slsdga.". Aii[er1ire'dIUbr^'tar«rialB(Be''^J|^^i^