New York Clipper (Feb 1869)

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IPebruarv 20, 1869. THE KUW "YORK OLIPPEB. 8W. OU H CAME BA O. OiMm GteaBliiBS-HtnT TkMRhto-ITlM Fnr«rlM-FnB and ScatlBeat. CONUNDRUMS. W0IK *!<■• Ul" * PV' t^oUi t—'Vlin 'Ui la i htgt-liMd Wm if > ■>•■> to '"P '"^ t—Wbn BO ma wUl WuT dU tha apldar da «haa be uma ant of tba tik t—Ha a 8j, and vent bome. Wn U Inland lUa a boUIo of wlna t—Dacuaa It bu a Cork la It Wir Ii lb* 1atl«r E Ilka tba and of llnio r—Baeaaaa it tba la btflinlm or aUnilr. Vn doM tba bridepwnn tlwaji pot on tba ring at • wad 4tag t—Baeaaaa ball (a|< cunot ring tbamMlrtc A tUnnmui Con.—Wbj la tba bridrgroon worth mora tbaa tba bnda t—DaeuH aba U ginn awaj, and b« la aoM. WIAT la tha dllTaraio* balwaan cbtrllj and a Ullor r—Tba tnt aenn a nulUtuda ot aUu; tha aacond, a millllada or rianm ^ BREVITIES. Hi wbs vlihaa ta not mtut work. Siora ■ tha kaj to lot In btggtry. Tn AmonutKn Cuwa—A plokpoakat'adaiafa. Hiw, Uka bnllati, go rartbcat whan tha; an aaoolbaal. Wmi point or thoaght la tha cenlia or aa laUUaotaal watM. ■ WaiTapHj.thateomniOB aanaa, rot want of nia.ahoBM ban baoomo ueomaion. Liwi an Ilka gmpaa, that batag too mmcb pniaad, Jiaia a bai4 aad anvbolaaosa wlna. Bli of oaaaad haUadotan ol tba othar—maka aiacU; twalm "WBJ,wUa, Ton cu't uj I arar eontnolwlbadbablta." "Koi dr, jmgananll/ aipandad than." '*llr talalaandad " aa tha tadpola aald whaa ba tonad Into abwUfkaf. Limi glila ballara In a man In tha moon-TOsng ladlea ba- Ban In a nan m the bonaj*noon. Man fclada of nota and bark an aaw naad aa aadklnaa, ai- aapliha onb* not and tba bark efa dog. Aoooannre la tha lataat daOalUon, a baebalor li a man who ba iMt Iho vportanlt; of makli* a woman mUanbla. War fat lara, bnt not for angar; a eotd nla will narer Iftaglowara. Ho Baalaalwa^awnng; aalook thatdoaa net go at all la i%ht twiaa in tha twantj-foor honia. Hi who doaa not gin natll tba n^neat baa boon mada or bto,glnataolat«. We an alwaya complalntog that onr daja an faw, bnt acUog aattoagb Ibtn woild ba no and to than. Hi who glna hlmaairaln or importanca, aihlblla tha enden- tUaarimpotanoa, BifnbDilablnaalf lo ba aaan tbioogba mleraionpa who airfTen bimnir to ba eanght In a paaloo. bums or lagnttbig that va wa aomatlon daulfod, wa Aoild nUar lamaat thai wa an em nodecalnd. Wainm joa dlallka bt another, taka cara to comet lo Too bad battar team to conqaer your own wUl than bIiIto to obtain tba nuatarr or lhat of otbara. tw la wilb narraw>aooled people u with Damw^Decked bol- tlBa—the leaa they ban In then tho more nolao Ihej make Id paaring oot Bcmn not yoor aplrit to be nbdoed by mUforlODe; bnt. on the contrary, ateer mht onwanla. wllh a conraga grtater than jwor raca aaama to allow. OosraroBun.—It la aald that aome mothen have grown ao affeetlonata that they gin Ihalr chtldnn chlororom prerlooa lo whipping them, "Wall, now, Hr. Tra, If yon'n going lolcaK, I abill.'dalain your trmtf** aald an Incenaed landlord to a gnoat who waa In amtn, Inc lore "Ht dear," aald a cnaa^gnlntd hnaband to bla long«iir<r- ff wife, "do yon Intend to make a fool of oaet"—"No, my naiorabaa und me that tronblo." FBOnUT NiHBD.—The bor tbay nantd Oa'Oar. Tba girl THE GAME OF CHESS. To CoiTMBOfldcnU. Tna. If. Bio«>.—Tba jptotan ittcbad nl aMj, and yra ban onr boarllait tbanka thanfor. R 0. Bnra, Jaokion, MIeb.— Thaab yon fat thagamei; jn nuraipeetiaaalaallonin tha Curm a N, CtiCiia, Bofaio.—Hr. Porter dt€$ aolta bla lut hi a nam, bnt by a proaaaa Taiy different rrom what )oa Imagine. Hany or tha Boat tManUrnl pnblema extant boeoma mere pur- IllUeairyon taka amore for their aotitun In addition to tka atlpnUtad r.nmbar. "naiaaaon ao many tklngt an noknowo la tbal tbay ban nenr bean fonnd onl," at yen'll annacUla whan yon'ra ulTtd the Ultle Enlgmaa In qaeallon. Now, Hr. "Hnt Draokor," oil op yonr hinge, pejlab yonr niln aprioi, put on the elbow gnaae. '^enW chemluli," and If yea ean't anek tbeaa, and other Obeaa Nnia, ear lo, vllbootany hinli ibont •Inonatllnde," and we'll gladly belp nn. Onr Enlgnaa an copied problene; Fnblama ourorlglnaleonlilba. Uona Oa. V. a Run. Pblladtlphla.—Tbanka for kind nnan- bnoa; tha addiaaa yon rtqulro la "Ulren, Campion VUl.. N. H." W«. H. LTore- Dr. R. aan:-"Hr. t'a wrrwtlon of Pmti au la O, K., bnt It might ba rorthor Improred by rtmorlni tha dead wood at White Ell 3d. I cannot eoncelre lla mo. ai It la netBHdadhilbeaoliiUon, aod dote not pfangtthe Uaoln. Uon. ..tdinylaMa.—ir all tha ffblU P'a an ramond (tioept that at K H t) White can nata in 3 morri, wllh either Q or St. atplaunn." ^ Fionn OonaiNDa.-Tbat laitpalr of Bnwn'a baa dint yonr moniha ror a apell or two, eb r CrttlquA on Htaley'g ProbIemg.-No. XI. IT an. M. ciBmcTD. AUeada tt OtrHtmda. rnoBLBM No. II. In Ihia I And I ban allghlly amd, I praanoa In tnnaerbling mynotea IbnncbedoStooaoon; Iblala tba Ilaw:-ln7ar. U) While may pUy 3..q X Kl, oi ueli u (tt wwaa^ien, All. tben,thatlanec«BUiTtomabemy eritkUmcorm4t,litoread a..Q X St iiuKod of 3. .B>l) B t+. NiiT, or Impoitaneo,'^pRKUoaJ om^nia." In an early No., ahoald ban bean pncUetd onaiyiU, FDOBLEU NO. TII. In reply to 1. ,R lo Q Kt 2d, Whita haa bat one mon, Tlx:, 8..4loEKt4tb. PnOBLEU NO. XIII. I an aony to la compelled to alata that tba nolo on tbla problem reada wrong, and la different from what I aent yon. It Bhonid be—"bacanaa WhlU may play either 4 X D, or 4 X 7, lfBUckplay3..Elohla dih. PROBLEM NO X7. Iilated that 'In tba Book of thaCong.,''ai," there la a Blaok Pat E Et a. So (kr.wgood; botleootlnned:—"ItaomlaaloB la nauaaary, aa White canaot mala with a P on lhat iq." Tbla laat alatemant will bate to ba omitted, aa Wbita cow mala In d, with lhaP ao altuted. Bat u tho noilllon leginn In "B. of C„ •»>," then U another Tar., aa lillowas-irBiack I..P X Kt; L.EttoQBg, BloE Bbi)., BtoK B3, BloQ Kt3,or Kt to K B dtb, aod Whila matea raadily la tba atlpnlatad nam- tier of morea; bnt In erery eaaa, eacept one, the anb>nr1atlona thua atleng are dafeclin. n as commnnD. Csna PiooBnoaa.—Wa hare narar. nnea onr ooonKllon with the game, aecn ao many prcofa of tho unod. nllable pro- Ceaa of onr Intallectnal putlme among Ihoto ItUmoatealn- led lo beneBt The Kerphy ^rore left a reaction of aril aa well u good inflneneea; bnt It waa needed to break tba Ice- now lor bcallhy pngma. Enigma No. 663. JVdn Jmtrimm dm Smb. « t I i aihlaltl, bert, qEt3, q^ k ia>, lai, KRM, aiQBa,KKti,KKieiqits, qai, qaao, qna, Esai, andaBIlcfcPawiiatKR3£ Wblla fa ratract bla Uit more, and Iben gliemale lo ana more. It la aa wnog to Jndea or a man'a charaetrr from that of Ua leqnalotaoeea aa u la to Jodge a womui'a from the choice ahomakeaofa bnaband. Aioun ofmlnd hu drlren tbonaanda to aniade—angolab or body law. Tbu pioTea that the health ot the mind la of far ■on laportaoee than tho bralih of the body. Iwganeral, that man la a coward who ahmpea hla eonraa or aetlen hla fean; and be alone la a man of real cooiagewfao dane to do rIghL MERRY MOMENTS. who waa bom lo a horae car, who bad tha aaoo birthplace waa ehrlatenad Car-ry. a BJ.S irfitin.—"I bare loit my appatlle," nid a glnnllo Irleb gantlaman, and an eminent perTormer on the trenaer, to Hark Bopple. "I hope," aald Bopple, "no poor roan haa ronnd 1^ for Itwoold rain him lo a week." Hooitnm.—Somebody baa ginn ottannca to the following enp or pbUoeophy, which, ir It ba not good, la, at leeit, oool'—"The poor man'a parra may be empty, bnt ba baaaa mncto gold In the annaet and allrer In the moon al aoybody." PiT'i Comeaioir.—"Fatiick," aald a prleit to an Iiubman, "how mnch bay did yon aUal t" "Wrll," npUcd Pat, "I oaf aa will confaaa lo yonr rlreKnca for tha whole atack, for mr wire and I an gobg to Uka tha r«at of It on the Brat darb night." a.iSunaioaiJon.—AntlllnoU paper aaya lhat a Saab of Uiblnlng lately enlond a loboolhonaa In that ataU. and tors amir of boola rrom aboy'a fnt and hnrled them at the bead •flhamaatar, to the graat delight of the nnUrrllad yonng •^ben" OooD innoa—Ooodadrlcela nanrontoraeaaon. Bo who bmllda aocoiding to enry nan'a advice will ban a crooked hone. Watering pUnU with the rioainn of lha milk palla ■akeathern gnw dnely. Waato ol wealth laaomallmM ro- Mend, nale or health acldom, bnt waala or time lerer. DtoruL AonoB.—A traoacendenUI pnaeher took ror bla («nV-"F»td my lamba" A pUIn farmer Tciy analnUy r». marked to bim on coming oat or the church: "A Ttry good text, eir; bnt yon ahonld uhe can not to pnt Ibo bay ao higb hi lha rack lhat tho lamba can't reach It" A DiniTiiiox.—The common pbnae or "glnig a penon a ned hMiaa" la aa old u tba roundation ol Carthage. Dido Said for aanncb land aa could be boond by tba bide or an ox. Ee cat tbablda Into Ihin alrlp^ when It ctmnacrtbad the dl- ^Mkna or a city. The naUna, taken la by tbla bait, aaknowkdged themaelTM beaten—hence the phnae In iineatloD. gwranmon.-A brIckUyer, who waawwHag at Ibotopor ahonaa.bappaoed to tall thronghiha nflan, andnol bataig hart, ba bouead np and cried, with a tnnnphaat tone, to bla tSn laborjra. "I dary any man ta go lAtwngb Aia KorA aa fmehly u I did." A Doomn. EOTOonnt-An old Aberdeen labd'a wth. when alber lailnwenenncblngthetea table with bnaddaaalnUoni a^tba nien of their aannl aponaw, aald her own "waa Juit a add. weal-tampered, eonlby, qniei. Innocent, dakUlng, drnaken body, wl> Baa III pnoUaee abonthlm ara." foia Bn 8a—A oonntiy girl, coming from the talda, being kMbebarnoatloconalntbat aba looked aa rreab aaadalay SJiTiffiKw, aald:-"Well, It waant any fellow by that iJS;, bit It wi Sleii Jenaa tlat klaaed me. I told blm that •eeiy ooa u the town wonid (nd it ont." A emrt amT.—Ualherbe dined one day wllh the Blabop of Ronen. who wu a dnil preacher; dinner waaacarca onr be- fera tbeBoetfell aalaep, bat wia awakened by lha pnlale. and aakodtogowlthhimto church where he wal to preach : he baigad to be aicuaed, aaylng, "Be could aleep rery well where hawu." PoTST Aoin.—Two Irlabmen on a certain occailon occopled tbaaamebed. In tha morning one ol them iMulred of the atbeT-"Dannie, did loa bear tha thunder!" "No, Pat; did It naUrthnodarr" "Yea, It tbandend aa ir hiten and earth ^d»mflogalher.'-^"Why, In the dirtl. than, didn't ye wake 1^r roVyo know I can't abpo when It thnnden." Bmr nil Uis.-A young man roahod throngb the atreela Toledo. Ohio, the other day, foUowad by a nrr racltod Ocr- man. The latter wu ahonUog aa bo nn: "Soleee, bolwi, abton der man; ha lab lolog mil dei; ncTor, nod der in under, to to rnlada commlU," Serenl dlliena Joined In tba cbaae, ud the raglUn wu captured juit In Ume to pntent him Ihm leaping Into tha ball fioien thar. A DMcamt™ Aonam—A letterbeartng the rollowlDg ao paiterWon wta recanUy nceind at the Birrer Clly poet oOce, fhrm '"*=";7j^,™,„, j„e^ » web foot actub. To whom tbla Itller wanu 10 r>, la obopplnB eaidwoodlor hla grab InsnJer Illy, Idaho." Cnnn Uw Snr.-At a Wn «nrt • S°'S!v''i5!,'i; ^s^^li^sT..:ttd?.^.^r3sCa.l« :isfa"!?t»'srdSr'is^r.'t^!?rrJ.£ir« Bin Sthebarnmarked "bo Sould aeo no Impropriety man and bla wife adoring each other." Pormia m qBimo».-A r»nlh. who mnch dealredU Ihomalrlmonlal yoke, had not anfdaent counge to "mo tba SSSm'" On in forming bla fathar of tho dIBoolly halaborad SdS.'tta old pStSna'n "f^'i,f^^Jl^^l^'7i!{^. mat booby, how do yon nppoae I manapd ™nIgotmar- ISJ|.r7,°A „|J tba blabfal loTar,''yo« married mo(»«r, bnt I'n gotTo many a alroiige girl I" A D-arranrr-xIT.-'Hall-j tcy. «d ^-^^n rabbU j.-. Problem No. 663. BT CORTBAUJID. BLACK. WBITE. Wblla to play and glra mato In thne moren. Cam« No. 663. Partie In the B. C. A.'a eonaultation Toomey; Berr Btalnllx and Hr. Blackhorna n tho Bar. 0. A. UoDounell and Afr. Do Vere. aiauur nanwca liuek, 6. aod a. 1..PI0K4 l..q KUBl 4..KB-K1I B..IKt-KI •..P-OBS U..r^B4 ii..EtrxP - OuUca CKualal tka road then jnit now. - ---,,,„ rabbll" "Wu It a kinder giay..»armlnt t' irt ta "Yea, lei. Defence, Mr. D. and dev. P-K? OKI-BS P-qR3 KKI-EI P-Q] 8KI-EJ PX.P EElVbj It°.!EEI-H> q-KKl EB-Kl KB-hli3 -KI-BI - El > B. andS. 17..EIXI'-1- U..Q-EB9 lt..EElXQ ai..Ki-hiO ll..P-ERi a..E-hUBt a..EB-bus j«..Kix ar ia,.P.EBS n.,EI-EBl a..HB-Elt ..r-Qt SI..BF VEl Dafnee, Hr.'B. aod do V. E to hla B F-SRa ■K BST -B-Et R-Bi B-Eao _ El-El Si St..qB-KIS,andwlna Coaalcal eommnta eoncoetad and eontriboted by **CoBln- band":— '■Ton ban beard or onrcouba t'other aide of tha watarf Truly, they an In earaeat, the many toanaaaanta and con* anltatlona nmlndlug na of cblnliy and tba middle agea Heara. Cecil Da Ten and H'Donnall, with their P lo q^ «. farad roiy badly, weia beaten nrr ennly, and. wa mnit adeali, nry deeemdiy, by Heaara, BUInllx and Blackbune. Now do you know, naenbla aage, thla la a Urge enw and wo mnat piek It. From the nry commencement tha Irat-named party had bnt one object to defend, bnt what, we an nnabla todbcoTar. Tba Ailaok, during 8 morca, aalned nothing, and tho Defenea ahaped thelrconrao gradoafly to colneldo with them. Attack nowntnaled. Defence Ion time by nanecamary amallplay; again they are attacked, than lAty attack, then the enemy ro- IrtatJ, and ao tbeaa wanton dnrug the M qnartar of tba game, llba children, harbig built a palliy roilreurallorbombaat, aaily onl, throw a tew banalaa anew balla, and aa anddanly ntnat again. In tha 3d qoarter the nieleu roitldcatlona ol P'a and St'a were danked on both aldaa, wllh aoma lou to both; tba O'l, alao, nogncefully nllring, learlng Ibe Btldopen lor Do r. s Oo. to mabe aome atnpld none, wnldi left them eipoMd on all ildti. To prelect hla majeaty, aa well aa Ihnatan tbo enemy, the ll'a wen gathered aronnd the E, bnt Ihu only eloaeilihe tnp. The Attack canUouily drew Kt to K B 4, pro- tecting R P and commanding X (, lha lary citadel of the Do* reoca And now tbo defending Et'e vere nndoubledly dla- mayed at th« poalUon of their army. Yet tha enemy had built up no powerfol roitlDatlon, no terrible battarlog rim—they bad aimply placed a moailor In Una. On carefully looking onr Iho contending armlee we And that tha Defence allowea aome T«iy faronble opporiunlllea lo go for Booght At the Itlh mon, when they allowed E B to be ficbaegtil for Et, Iho dratndont had fallen; In rut, the atUck had aimed aithe con and round It not trae. Certainly Iho Dafenco could not ban comprehended the latter part ot lha Atla(k'ai]laT, and aflar tho ch. at E t, and being put In cbancarr by q B, thry rtalgned—they ought lo ban dona lo befoia. Bad the Defence culled with q K Bllor Attack bad their game amnged, the ant hair or B. a B.'a manoeoTTea would bara gooo ror nonght Tko blooklog np of both D'a and tba q dnnng the let qoarlar, and tho aiiulwhlng of an untenable poaltlon of F'aandKtat tba centre, wen ao much time and ao many oppartnnlhM loab Cecil Do Ten U aa excellent Kt, but thiilul gana u not at all oa a par with hla gnat nputatlon. THE RING. DRAW FICHT IN THE WESTERN WILDS MIka Burke, an Irlthmu. and Fred Ufuet, • Half.Braed. THSr BATTLE FOR TBB HiMD Or A DUSET UAID. AdMlof uoK«m»ntwuonftteduDODgtbe bIi«4 rivtllen ID the pIoari«i iboTtt Olitn-WtUoK, UIod., bj u iDeraDtrr, lungwiUd ud condadcd tn tnrj rwpcci, u fArAipnoUa* blt,aecordlD|loUi«rilMorih«P.IL, vbleb Rc«alhr trui' pirad tn Ibitwood; •ectloo. For a loDf line prior ■ bllln ri< nlfT bad exlncd between two oboppen wbo woikod tt * eanp OD tDeTotogtifek ilTor, adoHkwrortii maldoo, kbown u Ibi^ *'Qaefn of SaarlH^" wboie flunlttg o^a tnd grsMful fona bad tDatb*dbotbtb«lrb6attii,belofflhecaaM; indtait bu otw boon iloee thr da/i of Tny, and doobtloai will eonliDao lo bo notll tbo dawn of the millrnlum, the aoiaiblng of boarli otltn Ittda to the imaihlDff of betdh Tbo enmbatanti were a lUI* wart eon of Enn, Hjeldng IntbahlitorlooaDeofBorke—rnnl sameMkbael—•ndn'*bntthofab07"li he, lo falib;atandi iti ff et In bli noeciilop, w6l|hi 160 pouadf of oodmoI bolld, and wllh great power* of cndoiMco; uibc«Ba"nllor of the m*' for aereimf yairt, and worked at a chopper In ibe plnerfee, and the United Slilor, for Are or ell jean gi«ttpo< Nrermfyi Id the Caoadaa a__ . peer, nii ftnl and antagonbt la a Chippewa balt<breed, nined Fred. I^it. ili fett two loebaa bb|a, rare, very mu' eelar. and welgha 10ft nonndi, Ibaf both lore Ihli iDdtin ulrl, wbo ilrei wllh nir mother In a eamiortable eahln not fir tnm tbeeamp. Her mother lin etnnlno Cblppewaiqeawof the "OM Blelt^itTle ofbeantj. Hermpotod fatber b a well known lomber operator In the Bt, Croli rallej, and the girl la eaid to laherttlomui/reipeetalbe ooncUoeai of tba Anglo Sr.ion, whDa allll reUmlng manj of the etnng cbaneterlnlci of the ebllditn orthefoitaL Both of tbeie men were aaldooDa in their attentloDi to the famllj, beatowing fiton Ubenllj open bothmenberaoribe hoi)iihQld,bat tbeetoUd moUier never eTiaoedbjwordor iign wbleb oftbe twain ^e prefervtd ai a ioii*ln>law: end the no leie atoUd daogbler imlled aweetlvoo both, bnt'vie nerer told her lore, boi let concealment, like a wDrralnthe bod, gnaw" In the hearle of her brawnrrlnl lonn. Each knew of the others rlota lo the girl'i cablo, and, working In oamp* a^laeentt they ollen met, and, meet- lofi, nerer ep^e, bat ittwled grin defUao^ and nejied on, "rrawnJng a terrible frewD." Oae daj mat- ittt came to acrlfli—the ardent and Impetnoui Borke eonld no longer brook thli tmlbte eoipf nie. He repaired to theeabln, end with itaBDaringloDgue told the ctoiy of bli peiaIon,and claimed the hud of bli dnikj inamonUL Before hebad reeelredaDjrepljtobledeDBnd, tn atalbed bli rlraL Ugaot, with a handle of prorUlona /or (he famUlr. Ijfnet giuwd In en loftut Ibe itue of aAIn—Utter woTdapnned, tiiu blow*, udtfae two men cloKd In determued uddeadJ/ rtrlfr. ApartyofchopperBiretoralnfffhtm their labor, hap* penlngtOMianeariWereatutetedbjtoefereameoftbe women, ud rnihea m and pailed tbo eoobatutj bjmiln force. The whole matter wu then ud there talked op, ud the girl again appealed to for her preference between the partlee, bnt wllb more thu Pagan Ormneia ihe reftiaed to maae known lo enp mauer upon which parlj ahe propoeed to larlab the wealth of her mgln afftcUooa; bat only Intlmatel that the panmoont wlah of her heart wu to know which of her loTcn wee the brarer maa. Both men eegerlr eipreued a bnmlog dealre to tut that aaectlon on the f pof, bat eome of Ihe cooler beada eogmted a eoort delay, tn which prepaxaUon eonld be mada for a^Honare 0gbL*' Aficreomepailipug,ihli wuagnedopoo: the time, two weeka from that day; the ipot, u open, eleralcd ipace near the JoncUoD of Ibe Totoguick with the NlnmecogvlD. JameaCoTeowu choaen u referee, and E. 0. Taylor Boika aa bli aeeond, wbUe Lagoel choie a bmwny woodaman koownu Domblqoe Pogbfor bli attendant. Bat Utile training wu naoeaurr for iheio hardy men, except enrdaea In ipamBff,eondactcd by their aeeond^ occnpylog flra or di boon each day, the baluca oftbe time bebgepent in their dally tolLfeiriog the giut ptnee ud cut- tJng them Into lofiiol inltable length. Balnrdar,JuaarT 2Sd, opracd beanurolly. The akj wu nndlmmed by a elood ao4 teeming with brilliant light. AU Ihe perltre wrie promptly on band at the appointed boar, nine o*clodc, beelduabontooebandfed ipactatos trom the nriooa campe In tba nclnlty. The rlog waa twenty*rour feet looare, formed of hoary ropee borrowed inn tba eampa, ud mmir fattened to atout eUbei drittn Into the RTOoDd. Boin Gombataota were drwMd In tight bockaklo pania aod reocca- line, doeely fulened at tbo eoklc^ Above tbo walit, ibeir bodleawerebera. In Ulke'i comer bla Irlcnda and backer* hMd pUttd a bear'a hud wllh three eegle fcatben, pointed Eeen. iStd (lfaobalf*bn«d) had a rude painting, repruent> g a war club ud a filoox aealp. Beta were neniiy even, mall oddeclTercd on Borko, which were qolckly taken. The •'Qaeen of Snnrtie,"acemDpaDled by ber mother, graced tho scene with her preecDoe,bcrogiqaatted oo a knoll nur where ibe wu able to au dliUoctly the progieu of the fight. AU tbiogx being In readtneir, time wae called, and tha rlnla pltced themaclrea In pcalllon for TDK rrairr. Itoncdl. Both rery caatlena. Some allfbt narTtBg, Bnrke becking Into bis comer, followed eharp y by Legoet Borke kt ont with bli left, neatlr parried by Ugoet, Legoet lollowed wtth a heavy right huaer, getting bome handeomelj on hie utagon'at'i proboecK canelng the claret to Sow frea'y. Flret blood for lAgneL Fred, fouowlng np bla adnntage, clowd wllh Mike, throwing blm buTlly. Time, A mloatea. X Both lo time, apparently nolnjonio. Fred Immediately let dy with hii right, Bending If Ike to graea. Flret blood ud knoeit down for Lagaet Beta two to one i>n Laanet a. Borke advanced inninff. After eome Llgbt ipanlog, Mlkegothomellfhtiyon Pred'a fac«, dobg bnt alight Injmy. Bonnd doeed wlin n grapple ud faD; no adnntage gained. 4. ^rke, at the call of tunc, did not rlae from ol* oceond'e hnce withont help from bis bolUe-holder, who took him by the arm and aaauted him to the score. This wu a feint, and well eiecnted. Fred, deoetred by bla utagoolst*! apparent rehio- tuce In oomlog to time, atmek ont right ud lelt In a terrlde manner, ud with great eonfldenee, firmly bellerlog he had a ■oft thing. Hike wanly dodged and panlcd, nntli, watehmg hla dunce, got In a stmneron Fred'a left eye, lesdlng blm bnnledly (o mother eaith. 6. Both to time. Frcd'e lelt eye rwoDen. Both very care foL Fred foned Hike on the ropet, adminiiterlng eome hrtvy body blows with bla lelt Cries of «<lonl'* by the Mends of Mike, which raddaoly oeaaed, as Hike, recoTennghlniMU, threw hie uemytathegnundwllhatitBendoooibock. Time, lOoln- nica. 0 Both came op with a dellut air. Hike opened the roud with a heaf7 blow on Fred's dom, eendlng blm to Ibo oppodie ■Ideof the ring, where be wae oanied lo bis comer by hli eeoonds. 7. Aj they mored pnmptiy to the eeore It wu remirfced that tbey looked wicked ud deleralned. both apparenily prcnared to entertain eompur. Sparring lifbt and eautlou, Mike aeemlogly deeuou of cluiog. If Ike let fly his left, bat, niulni blf blow, cloaed wllh bis rml with the evidut Intention ol fordinihim into ohucefj. A draadfal straggle eosoed, body blowabelng freely eicbuged. This ooallnaed for sera or eight mbtaUa, when they both went down, neither party claim- ing the rotmo. Foul wu olalmed by bolh ddee. Referee de< dded lhat the "otU" goon. 8. Bothpromptly totlme. Buko opened tha renad by let- ting oot light and left to oo parpou, bla sarerury eemlog the dodge ud clonng with blm with the adTaatege of the bold, ud throwing him heavily on the gronnl This ronnd wuuarp aad shorl and the reenlt seemed to diitnrb the fnende or Barfce, who beoama noliy ud Insolent The icferva promptlt rebnked Ibem, alaUng that he wu them to do exaet Justice b*> twcen lha paitiea; tl»t thie wu no "powewow" nor *'medlctne ' noe;" tutsnoh eendnel, If penleted le. would redoee them the level of the patnos of the London i*. R 9. Kike aeemed most dlstreawd, while bla frlendi, uilone irsnceeee, sbooled. ''Oo In, Hike, u4 flolsb blm op:'* "throw him over the ropee;" *'Uke his scalp," 4a; whUe tbefrmde ' TnA tautlngly responded, "We have seen whole raalllrs 'fln< lihed np ud t£rbwn ever the ropea,'lt'iagamelbattwo eu ilay aL^* AH this Ume huvy billing wu going on—give ud ehe. Fted eent a measuger abich landed overliik 0*0 left ere, tending hin heaeDy to grwa. 'HTbal do yon think of the lihing np bulnene* nowf" "What are scalps worth orar Iheret" Rom Fred's comer. ia Hike came op slowly at Ihe call of time, hla faee swollen ud bleeding, yet he ducMl reud tba ring with light etep. Hike euaycd a blow wllh hie right, which wu parried. Olne, heavyi ' ' " * "" ' ' *- •--■ • <»ogot _ , drop wilhont putabment. iL Bolh cane op relwcUnily—eumed to be "banting for umethlogtbeydldo*twut to find." Ulhe tried the Yankee BalUTu3odn,botwuulKd by Fni, who threw blm rem- pletely orer bis bead. 13. llgl CHE0UEB8. CSS «ti wllh". .b«raui - "J^u, ba qn<* or be niSuabnmw." "HadIt long lege behind '•Tea, na." "An4 aortet Jumpa when It nna' Tea. Weiv I haint aaan ao aueh entnr abont hare." tmu T*iiioi.-Ultla ^i'^'P.^'f'^'iSilTli^^JS''^^ Thaj an tba laat llnba b> a long ebalB of aftota, J^.'™ ^ aloigahataoreaaaaa, ortbej an boUL T*V eg"KSaan thinga. Tl!a» tatt n nan^l oharajter enrr bw the aar, ang, aa lha JulUng anil enrrliig ol '"■"■WTiihl a rinr^i Sow; ao do tha» llnoUj ar ^*ln«'{fiJ™ " Si anHneonnaoranraiuUnce forgood oretll,brilllantoroV ienn. WoBiH'a mnua op Oninoii.-A wife, let bar auert agahirt bat boaband what aba wIlL and argue u ahe will, the bueband lanalataUlathaeonliUaotontnlaot eontntr. For when be thlabe to tuU hm Ikat bT a chain of naioBlng, It m nrj ma m when ha attaiapla to onw np to blmaell a ball of ;ani b; oae or lU tbnada Ha will get mon ud Dora tbnadto Dia kaala, bnt lha ball will anlTabout, andatlU remain upon tha earth. Hid wa aoT Bnm Snur Tin V Ennaa lit Nnr Ton f —tJkariMH telle a fgnnf ctoij o( a aun In Fnaoa wbo m allaebed bj lour or An Mbtn, wblla ntanbi'i tb bla bnaa at night. A bdght Idea laahad npon bin, and ha began about- Dg, "fee la SmMlmai" Inataatif tba' BoUaa |ttbai«d fnm all quartan, Iba nhbtn dnmed Ibalf ninndar and fled, the ibouter waiialnad, or oonM.Vntan mablng eiplanallona, waa allowed to depart, Tha Empln la peaea. OAra OOD ROUAHOB. - Two loren alaod upon the ebon Q r Haaaacbuaalta B ar, BiddlOB a Bad (bnwall oefbre Black. nillon. I..II 10 U Came No. 49.-Vol. XVI. "01s nnmim." Utair pUjtd between WUIsn and "BtsU,." I.. « t.. « 1..IS I..II «..8 11 S 19 15 It 1« 16(0) 19 Wblla boeiif. U l« It p >' IT » It 10 U M u n II le B II (olTbIa man diaouoertad bjlbuooo. (oriooplaj. Bleak. Vlllen. l?::i?M 11..W " 1J,.10 14.. T It..It It.. S IT.. V M Mr) II I WblU. BoeU;. II to IT D It n II to IS It a u u IS t 'Seour.'i It, and wlna. (UirbKb reilr appeared Solution of Poiltlon No. 86,-.Vo1. XVI. tT b w. rtowna Blaet. 1010 ' 11 S..U U Whll«._ tut II 10 tt II Bliok. Wblla. a..Ilia g IS lo U I.. 8 l<,andwlBa. Solution of Petition No. 87.-.V0I. XVI. ■r w. a. nsLiOT, Blaah... Whl",, |,..g»J„ Bi: ■TU marrr lOU wban I coma back, Ur Ball7 Ann," aara hei And then be look a llliloaaacb. And want away lo aea. m dnurpimt.—Tho niieiT of bnnan Ufa l« ■Ida up ulann naaaea, ea«b aapanted noBi tho otber bj aerltin {ntarrtlt. One jaar, tba death of b cblia; m" af l«r, t fiUan In Indai altar tnelher longer or 'ebortcr latemli a dugblerotrhanmanladanbapplljr. I■IaU^t«t the Hr— latir lortnntte, the intagnl paria that eofapoa^ua anm af the nnbasplniaa of maa'a Ufa an eaallr .bcjtoM and tlietl7 nmambend. The happfaieatol Ufa//oa tba coal lanadanpofnilnnla fraetlona—tha llttla tooD'tbigatteii 1 , Uea af a (Im, a imlle, a hind loeb«.« hatilMt ebBpllnaal la tba dligulaa of a plajfal nllltir, and; tba 4oaaUaa ttbit ln< Ul«nlntltoI(lataaiitthoiig»aBdraaUBg,':,.' White. , Blaok. Wblla. VkTU W'l Id'.Ulnll llun IS It li U I t..n U.andwlaa. ; a 1 • 1 11 I PelHIon No.ea-Vol 16. Potltlen No. B9.-Vol.l0, BT a. i>. VaoiT. ITT apairlng lollowed. Ulka alteoipled to doae, bnt waa got In ohancerrb; Fred, who, hawanr, allowed blm to Igbt and eauUooa aparrlog. Burba got In a anddan blow on Fred^a noutb, bnoellng blm down. 13. Frtd got bone on Hlke'a left ehcth, toppling hhn anr wllb appanot eaae. Loud cheera for Luuat. M. Ulke'a right mauler badlj iwollen. Fred'a left e;a nearly cloaed. Light and caotloua apanlng. Both Kemcd lo ba "taring back" to nconr Iben wind. Burke made a andden lodge to lha right, bnt waa qnlebly followrd bj Lagnet, who ptin a bodj blow, and at tba aane lima atlemplcd lo prtpnla enamr, who, bowaror, arolded blm and goi bome wllh fata it on the awollen are of Laguet, dropplog bio *'llbe a hot poUto" at Ihe (oet of Borka "fumy gal .ijillcAry," fnm Ibe adiaaa—which meana "bard, rery.'* It. Bolh mora nlnclantl/ to tha tan. Ulka Irled the Bajen dodge bj danang round the ring, carefullf followed by Fred, and when near Ulke'a eorner aona light ipamog com* menoed, followed bj a gnppla. Fred forced ulke oo Ihe ropea, bnlwu nnablo to bolf blm then, ud, afUr a Inmendooa alniigle, ther aaparalad. Hellher belig apMrtotl; dealroua of nnewlngtno eonleat, Ibe; were ordarto to the cornen, wbicb order waa dreerfoll; obeno. , ,. . 1« to U wen much alike—opaalng wllh aoma ligbt ipairlng and ending wllh a gnppla and a fall, wllh no nuiulal adtao. tage lo either. B. Opened with oloee ud bearr apanlng. Hike went down toanldaawluglngblow froD fTM. 241* M ware almUa^ ana or the oUit dropping to areld a blow. Tboftlenda of Ugnal, fnllofeongdence, weraclainorona to ban their farorlta "plteb In." "Show blm what Udlan bloodou do," eta. ..... , 90. Tba eoobataata eamt an prampllf ta the uon, looking fnakar aod more oonBdant. mnnd opened with ume band. aomatpamng. Hlba lot bona wllh a aonndlng blow on bla adranair'a mug, atndlng blm to grata. "How an jao, In- diu blood I" abanlt Burka'a aeeond. loud cbaen Inm Bnrke'aalda. Belling aearly ana 81, Bathtatlaa lagnal, wbonp tothla Uoehadihowna face that makie maafetl fear, aorpilaed the apealaloia br bruhlngoutlntoabaartTlanih. Burke, lbon|h atarltod at iueh anonaeeml; ontbint ol liUttltr, erta too wall aa|aalnl*d wllh Indian obanettr to be thrown off bla gnard. Lagnet lah upon bla opponent, alrlbrng tnmendoae the aaoeadi la daelan tbla a dnwn ballla, ud ba tralad that aO 21L''i-.*'T*?Sl!ii11t' P*"^ ^eolatannaJS aaaantao. Tba ptuupala baring raeonied tomawbiL tad ba- ln(Mneila<b7 lb.U aemdaito^i^^ to & ofUarlngtidabeobfaeboiber oorirallrbjtbebaid, allba table plaak aad endurance dlipUTcdbThlatdrarurr. Tboaa- aemblaaetha npalred to Ihelr'reipMUn a^;bllt the {['•"'"'i^liir^V^^k"","""'*'"* mad. way for '"''iSi!Vr?Kf.''L'." """'i.'' n«nd. In token ^bar appreoa^loa of thdr brawy. Three bardr men wan ao IttlU lajuredbjiba ternblo mill Ibrougb wbkb tbarbad taaaad that they wan able toreanmelbwr dallj labor wlibln fonrdaja fnm Ihe Ume ol Ibe tgbL Of cninft tbe qoaitlon u to which la entitled lo t^ hand of ila "Queen" la no oaaier a aetuUoa than bafon.—ol. rtiiil i>r(tt. Two bl£U* " Oja nrKo.-Duiln. Ibe wrnk ending Jan. 30lh, Arthur (Jhombera, of gallonl, and Uairj KlnboriyrolBirming- ham, met near Uazcbcaur, Eng, to contend lor a pun at calcbwelgbt Tbaagtlrwukeptreijmlet, andonljaeeleet company waa preaent to wilona II. Ibe men an old oppe- nanta, udCbambrn^aa on tbe pnrlooa ocaalon wbenlbey met, took a alroog lead from Ibo eatnmeneentnt, and after albtlngtwenlrtwo rounda In Ihlrtj-threa mmuiML wu dc- andlba elolor. De led Iho ring ainoet Halheltaa, while Eimbarly wu aoreRly puolahed aboot Ibo bed/, OnUia eon- elualon of the abote Ion Bcailcrgood, ol Bulme, and Flub Powara, of BlnnlDgbam, lougbt rbr a purac, tbo fonnor win- ning altar a netty bout of 1*001. mlanlea, during wbleh fonr- Itennnndtwengoi Ihroogb. Bosro W,ina Wtn.-Ulebael Ryu wan lbs ndpienl of a apanlng tatUmonial In 81. Cbatlaa, Ko, neently, wnbA draw togatber a good autd iiaeinblage of Ihe apoita wbo Hoorlab In lhat aaotlanaftha Pukg Stale. Ihotnlertaiamenteemmenoed ■ Itb a bent between Ton niley ud Pal Uuley, followed by •meela" balwani m«n enllrely unknown lo fama Jimmy Htl- loraa ud Badd Oarldaon ml fanrad tba conpaay wUb a apedman of what Ihay were capable of doing wllh the nltlani, the pair o^UIng a nUIIng aet-to, ud laarlnc off Juat u e1 DaBj ud a mend aneared upon tba alaga, who llkewlae bad It hot ud bnry. Thewlod'Opaneeoedeo, aad waa alien by Ibe bueloltry ud Tom Hlley In a manner which ellalad fi»- qnant ud hearty applaear. Room Fion n Bonita—A comapondent laforma na lhat a light, for a good-elted auke, took place In a room hi that elty on tbe fJi Inai., belweoo a eoople or norleea named tCeOooan and Bmllb, ollta "Siudy." alter Ightlng aii mundttn about lorty nrlnataa, witbout either baring iha tnaVof the pommeling, Smilh-wbe weighed llOlba lo bLirlral'a IdOlba-noelreda bit 00 tha dial wblcb plaeed blm Aoraditeombal udtarmlaatad the batik, BaulkU uld to be aaxlonato taylt again,bnt Mao dont wlah any more ol It, "If yon pletaa." A ma Inienmr AaiiatrSnoon.— Ob tbe Mb laat. a faarth Indtetmeot waa reluned egalatt Oeorga Seddona at Bea- ton. At the Uat Irial Ihe Jury dlaagnnl u to tbe place (ban Ibe engagamant to Igbt waa made. Tbla tndiatmeat ehariea that the ugagemtoi wu mada In the ally of Beaton, of wbleh place Beddona waa ibcn a trndant No arnlgnment haa yet been mad*, bat It la iipnieduothar trial will be bad at tbla tein of tha Superior Criminal Court, pierldlag lha lodidmant holdageod. Bon BUTTui, wbo apptan lo b« gelllag aloig fwfmmlnily In tbe "pnrlneea," gare an ciblbitlon lo a Int nla bonaa tt Lockport, N. T., on iba eTenlngef Wadneediy, lOtb Inat The wind-npwu belwwo Bab ud tbe broad^bonldared Ban Be- gan. BrttUe waa unoooctd to abow at BaOalo oa tba night 01 ike lllh. ra bit bit If lb* baU be tnt tllba mMJmiLrtJbt H. BiManar bI«h Ibt gnotl ttl ti aib naA. Ta &«!, uy bitbtnwolab g«« Atba laMdtn ta tk* aiOaMan fram katageilafraaeb of tb*f*nMtglTtl4bt aelMBbIL TbalaituoaahiwhlalibtlBBaatniut aaUIMIe baaMen bit* an u follon:—nntly,wba 1 ban bm tha bat U dnind br lha Mdtr. Baeondir, wban, irwaUatapnad-ltbaiWIy MrawBlolbebt**. It be mglid by tb« laUtr. Poulbly,iritbantffed by tha beaamu whu tbnwB l« BASE BALL. ON SCORING IN BASE BALL, waimn nraaaair roa na raw reaa cumn. Tba NalloaaUiaoclallon of Oajia Ball Playen, wblla labhig maunrta lo adnnce the pmeperityof Iho game and to bring It up to a point of eicellenea aa a DaHonar puUraa, ban, u yet, dona llllle tn lb. way or adopling a Rgular ayalan for icorlog tbe game, at Irui to the eilenl of eaubllahlog u oO- dalcodeofregulallonl, by mnaa of which errry game could be Rcoided Id iuch a manoor aalo admit of Ibe rnllcat and iDoat thonugh atailailetl ualyala of each nan'a nlar. Soma yean ainc* a ayiKoi or abbnrhlloa waa andoned by tbo Om- mltteaon llnlea of the Aaaodaiinn, and pnbllabed In ibeCon- reallon Qook, and Ibtu are now la gaueial nia; but u faraa uy i«IJoulir lyiirm of teorlag la eonoraed, by which a cor- rect ud nllable crilrrlon af a man'* play tan ba arrived at, Ibm la nolhUia oOldal In rogue amoag tbe majority of dub rconra Unl of the mutUpliclty of tbeaa naofol nentiere of onr dute there are but few who an coopctant to nndertaSa Iho tub of preparing a foil and reliable atailailetl analyala of Iho teaaon'* play or Ibelr doba, ud a.eo Ihoae wbo ancom- peltnt do not all uoderlabe Ihe tnable ol making ont tbe n- qobad analrila each rnr. Wllh a rlaw of lakbUablng a anlfonn i;atim of acoring threogbont Iho oooolrr daring Ihe coming leaaon'a campaign webanbadpnpiredior Ibe Curru, by a thonugbly compe- tent udeiperleuttduorer, a ayalnn of recording Ihe detalla of a match came, which will be found u almple u pitallca u It la eompnbenalre In Ibeoiy, aod u tt baa bean auoeeairnlly tiled for aome yean pait, It poaaeaan Iho adnnlaae of a triad ud aueoaaafu] mclbod ud aa anch wo eommeod It to aaonn threugboot the couolty aa a model for Ihem to copy* We flrat gin the abbrerlallona no* geoerellr In uae,ud which were publlahed In tbe Aiaociatlon Book In IMS. A for Irat baia. D fer oaleb 00 Ibo bound. B for aeooad bale. L for fool balla. a far Ibird baaa K for alruak oot. Fforcalcbonlbeny. n (brreo out between baaca. Donble leuen—U B, or h r, for bono rone, ' L P for fool ball on Ihe Uy. L D forfool ball on ihe bound. A dot (*) la need lo Indlcaleanua acond, ud Ihe amall dgnna (lit), (id) ud (3d), to nurk when playnt an lelt on baae*. ThebeytclheeboreabbreTlallonilaaretTnlmplaone. K, B and 0 npreient tbe flrat Ibree baaea, ud all the other abbr«Tl- alienl are ctlber the tret or laat latter ol the word wa abridge. Thua, we nia Ibe Bnt laitan et tbe weide Fly, Run Ont ud Bpme Run, ud tbe laat latum of the word. Onnd, Fwit aua Btr.^1 tbereaaon torthb uibatwahan already need Ihe let- ter B, In ba», and the letter F, lo By, ud therefore D and L are enballtulcd for bonnd and lonl; ud E. In alrack, la uacd beeanae it la eaalar to nmember In connection with tbe word alrucb Iban 8. The abon abbrarliUma Include arerylblng ntcraury to neord bow ud by whom a batanun la put onL Id order, bowonr, to llluitnle tbe aratcm we will bnelly ahow bow It worba In a match game. We will pnauna by anppcdng Ibe aconr to ban before blm one of Cbadwick'a ''Aaaoclalloo Bcore Beoba" or uy book aa conprtheniire In lie prertilona for the record of mmnte delalla u mat nred by the ClndaoaU Olob, which la too anenalTa ud lam for ordinary naa. Wbra the contcetlng nuea are on Ihe Htldud play la about bebg called, the acerer rccorda tba namea of tbe two nmM in hla boob Iwfca, thoee or tbe one nine u balaman ud tbe ether aa fielden on ooe pen ud la tbe rerane order 00 the other Bide. Bacbof thenlnaplayan laoanbend fnmooe lonls*. ud each an known on the record u anch annmbar, and not by bla nana. For Inatuce, the Ibit itrlktr eomealotba bat udHndaablghballtolefilleld, wbkb la held on the By by tbe Solder oecnpying lhat pcalllon, aad wbo happeaa to be the arcaod Bliiberon the ether dde. In tbltcaao the record of how ud by wbcm pnt out would be la lha follawing form, ria : t : The large flgnn Indlcatea tbe flrat bud oat, ud amall flgnre etude In placa of tbe aame of tbe flelder woo pnla bin out, udtbaletlarF elude for the word By, ahowlng bow ha waa putooL Now asmae th« lewad and third ilrlban bat wdl for thilr baiea, ualbalbraerpla home and tba lallar lalaflonbia third baae^ tbe tbbd ud fonrtb ttilbera being pnt ont on tbne atrlkea, tbeie morvment* would b« mcorded u fdlowa;—In lower eoraer of the aqnan, eppoalle tba alrlker'a name, a pie dot (.) la leoorded, algnifylag a mn loorad; In Ihe aame corner of the aouan^ eppoute tho third alrlker'a namo, tbe amall 0gun (8d) ta placed, Indleating hla being loll on (bird baae, ud In the aqiuna oppealie the fonith and flitb atrlben* name* lha latter K la ncorded, ahowlog Ihem to ban been put out on three atrlbee, ud, of eourae, by Ibe cttcoer only. It la necdlcia to fnrlher lUnatnte the mo of the abora abbnrla- tlona, u the aiplanailon already giren laffleee to abow tbe worblog of Ibe eptem. We now ceme to Ibe melbodof recording howabataman nabca bla baae, ud Ihenln Uea the pith ol oar pieaent arllcia There an two well bnown ayiioni for recording tbceelmpor- lut detail*, Ibe one ayalem being tbe meibod of ehort-baud abbrerlallona need by the cl 'U of nporlera wbo write out iho f^I) detalla ol a malab, ud the ayatem In TMue amoog tbe leading aeoren of tbe eoutry, eucb ai Ueurt. Beuaoo, or tho ilhlelica; roll*, of the Nallouli; Delany aod Uonk, of the Allaniloi Sehotald, ol the "Uaymaben;" Laib, of the Ualoaa; Dr. Walaoa, of the Ecbfcrda; Blerllng, of Ibe Blar^ &C., Ac, lha delalla 01 which wa are now about to eiplain and lUoelnIa It It argued by aoma that Ihe only correct oallmilo of a bale- jan'a akul la that made up (rem iho record of the nomber u( tinea be aecurea hie drat baae by "olttn hil<," and lha lolal nomber of baaea ba almllaily cblabw, together wllh tbe nura- brr of tlmea ha la laften baaea after dean bile, ud tbo num. ber, of tlmee be aecnret hla Itiat baae by poatilre amn on the art of tbo daldert,or by Ibelr lallnra to anil Ihemaelraa of r cbuce* for onta threogb crrora ofJodgmeoU In rrgard to jfae neord of onia ud rnna, aa a criterion of eblll. one iDnatn- tlon, among olhart, la adruced 10 abow that It la not alwin rtllablr. For Inttuca, a baltmu talta a iharp ground ball to the outer Held, on which be .. - .. ^ enahlaa Ibe baae ranner him I aad fliihir, when tha baae renner, (leeaMlnt any af tbe btaaa, lapot onCbtbalig "/orud" to rJMta blabw*, forlnthli UtlaruMuybtnhlttoaealdoriauto enable him to pti * rfH "Bnar, wbo la forced to raeala bla ban, woull ban Pntnut lbeMrlkarlf llbidbnntbrownto Ihe lial bate In- atatd of to the aacoad or Ihltd. It will be found an eaiy mU- ttr to record how tbo Inl bale la made, ao It la not dlfflenll to eaUmatomon lathe lnaeU,bnl wben we record tbe total number of baaea aearad by citu bllr, hr mon can ud Judg- ment I* niiolRd. For IniUncc. If lb* baumu offer the oot ^'I'H**!!!"'!?.'.!"'?^ ""''i "dfnm luk ol ikUl J?1e^'*.".!" 'W It go by tbem, or If Ihir atop lU prntrrat they f<ll to throw It In to tbe rlabt btaa,nob*aeabonVlbeglrentotbebat In Iho tret ctae.ud aoeitn kaKB from tboTallure to atop lilt hall or to throw It la properly. Itle oolybytharp, boundiogtalbtolheouUaeldtr that tha aacond baae uu ba made on a citu bit, ud tbe third biao can only be made on a cittn hit wben tbe ball la aent, either bounding or on tbe gy. out ol Ihe teach ol tbe Bnt lelder. Huee 11 will be eeen that cktaoea for mablna BOrt Iban the Brat baa* by dean blU dacreaa* in pnpotilon to tha nomber of baaea the balaman Itlei to ran, Iho flrat baae being made by olau Mu three tlmea to the aacoad'a one*, and all timeaaaoneau the third U. ' °" fa maklag ont tbe table at the oleaa of tbe match no credit ebooM be iTTaa for being left on a baaennleie the player haa been left allart dean bit on which tbaaebu bean aaned, for tha ecdlDAjy record of left on baaea ta aot reliable. In mablng np a aeon at tho oloee ol Iho match tbe raeord abenid be at followir—Name of plarar, total number of lioaa theflntbaatwitintdebyeleu hlia, total baaea ao mada, lelt oa baaaa aflar deu bile, ud the namber of tlmee the Brat baae baa ban made on erron.wblchlndnde called balla, wild tbrewa, dnnped By ball*, muffed ballt ud baaaa made by tha btB being Ihiroan to olber baaaa to pnt out playen foieed off by poor HI*. BALL T06SINC IN LOUISIANA. The laaaon bu btea lunguraledlntbeleiludaofLeala- tut, ud now the ball loaen of that eectien are preparing for a rigonni proeecntlon of the aporb We gin below aeona of three gaioea lectnlljr played In aald IttU, conatllutlaf th* Bnt of tha ramarin On Viu Rioa—Tba mitim fbr£M between Teddy HUU aad JobS^. known u "Oeney ol Deptford," tooh niteeen ■wTwuiT-n ^ tha Frlneaof wil«a Or^ndi,' BoT fSS^, miriSm lori WM oowdrd upon Jhe oeeiaiaa. Abeid a naittf (art . four tha eompttllon nude Iheir apiatnnee u ihaM^£ CbUderbonid ttUnded by Ned Mlloheimid a StnTtl^Z : ton, wblle Mill* waa Mgnlred by ble bmther ObtiM tad V. Blley. (AOderfaonae baring wan tbe leaa ebeaa Ihe hiaida, ta4 Bi aeon u they bad load tha mark tha nferee (U, WeedataH flrcd the putol, ud tbey boendcd away to an exeallantatail ' CoBayTet7«debly look lb* lead, udai lha ataodwu aaatf two yarda u adruer. dolajg alaog Ihe kactsmtih TWdp digbilydeanaaedthe gap, aadat tha Brat gntrtar of a aaO* lime, Imin.Saac)the Deptfoid mprtatataln* wu leading bf lltle mon Ihu a yard. Aa they awaagmmd Ibe bottom nia Obllderbooaa apoited, ud u b* ptattd ib* ataad for lb* aeooad Una wta leading b^ twejwda Oa th*y*pa4 at • eliabag RB.LmL RendeB,e Hallon,ae UnRr,ir., Wiuuma, Jr., r f B*rtal,latb. Oroab7,ldb nuiley,9db WUUaoa, 8r.','p.!!!:°l!! gouiuau. Bcliamu, let b timma, p ray, 3d ( Joua,ef. Uarkln,e Obaadler,! f. Bnddendorfr,aa 0'Reoke,rr.. nbarg. Brudanbl Tout.... Tout _ , I7mplr«-J<tbn O'Connor. Bcorer—Joe JoboaotL OnoaiDBiL KeaUai,aB Alea, r r. BioBtaioa Lary, a a PalUa,r f... Hueeaaey,latb J. Deaoru, w. Bd.BtrB,M b KelaM f. aHaya,U b P. Deweran, e Boinll,er. o' keeft,i i't"ii.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.:i:i:.' i SbennKML p..... 1 tcui, M b. Beyle, If. Zimmerman, 2d b... Kegaarr.o alllbarpe,of i Beorem-A. Buediel aad J. Uuller. Tolal.... 16 Loan Brit, orN. 0. a Oook,Iitb „ t Wblle, of. t wiiiig,rr. 3 HcBaeny, a e 4 W. B. Tonog,Idb 4 Dnoo, 1 r. a TrioT. a 9 <Jondon,p 4 Wboal,Mb I Aruwnc, or Aioitaa J. ni(flna,Mb. ''SSlti'f''.V.V'.'.V.V.".V.'.V.'.' BUai, 0 J. HoKee, a a Cooley, 0 I WrlihOn b Muten,2d b r. Utgtini,br. Tout.. Tolal Ul Time 01 gime—I boon la minulea. Umplr«-P. Bmllb. -B. Kleel and n. K MoViy. liooieJa COCKING. prti,a» bawBwr. ai t f td tkaeaO ttkpmti ■ealertlfawaadleally u bti w l a iii 0 tagagnaad hardly aon tbaa • gt«Wi>L. fert{ebaUmIltwaaSmta.Milt,DB>kta ^ 0. Brawn lUfd. Ibe lt*t wta O* - i -irn ofamlle, fartw* amall ■oaaFfiat. Tba MbrlMi hnonbar, aadi. DIckann«eaIq 1 ala.M tab,KBnlaM- . lowtog, b 1 a. 4« aam, aad a Bebluaa tUrl^ adfuo*. Teddy, bowonr, aeoa rteottnd kto aa~ alrtda,udaa tbayptaaad Ibe thta»4aailenof a auU* (lliae, a rain. 39 aee.) waa doae oa lha heala af hb eat At they uUrtd on the UtI Ui Ihe eicltameal btotael , . aad load ware the abetia of their urtluuu TMdwgndMSg drew nearer bit ultgonlit, andu thaw ewwpl nmnf IhaM. tarn tela lb* ttnlgbl for ihe Bnlah.tbay Van neatly lni|| tmldttalmott frutto chttrtog lb*y ma tha nalll A nX from tbe Une, wbtn ObUderhotia apnited awiy.aad, dttpttt Ibe effoito of hla game epponint, won b* th»a yaidtm 4 S. MXaeci Beth man wtnrarymebeibtaBladattbaaBlA Ototo* Tonn ud wile ninrn Ihalr Ihuka, Ibronk MTt Hfe, for thi many blndnetaaa nealnd rVeu Jamea Bmltb, M' Bnadwag, Alei. Feltrton aad Jet OanlML *WI* f coatkiy. NEW JERSEY vt. NEW YORK. MEWJERSETVlOTOnlOUS-TBIItTEENBAmESFODailT. A main of ohiekena between tbe leapecUre fuelan of tbe Bla'ea of New Verb and New Jorrer, u npreeentod by Ueam. Dorian ud Ludlow, cano olf oo Tuaaday, tba glh InaL Tbe condHlona ware to ahow Ofteen cblokeoB on each aide, at welahia Tarrtog fiom fear pound* to Bn pound* two onneea, and Bght all that weighed In lor |M a battle, and llOOIbe main- Than wtt a larp and aelect aaaemblaga of tbo leading Ktrontoftbtipertprtaent at the placa appololed, and the lllng wu ulmatad. Mew Torb being the farorlle at IIOO to $76 en winning the main. Of Iheflftoenblrdaabown oneacb aide tbirlten eonplu fellln. Tbe New Jeney blida mre of the famou Lodlow alnln, a atook derlred from a erora between therobin.bnutodhreedudImported fowlefrcm the nonbof England; tbe New Torfcen wen ol tbe alnln known u"Dor- lan^B," or tbe "Parde Uon," tnd, dlbough renatktbly bud- aone fowla, are, Judglsi from the ipedmona abown on thla oe- caden, wefnily deBelenI In thet eaaealla] quality, *ama Fntr BtTTix—Tblawu between tbe brai7 welgbU, two Bn pound* two ooneo birda. New York ahoeed a red pile, reiy ahovy loobing, ud New Jeraey a nd iptagle. Tbla Aght wu a nrr poor ooe, neither oftbe bIrda belag of maeh ac- count ThaBiiteannout tho New Yorker reooind canaed him to ahow the "white feather" ud run. Be wu peuded, and New Jeraey eoored the Bnt irla Tlma, 8 aalnntea. Bacon Bama.—Two four poudan, tba light walghU of the nato, were produced, the Raw Jeney npneenltUn beln* a pile, ud the Haw Yorker a black nd. Belltog, tM to |1B u Jeney. Tba toiler wu a poor Bgbur, ud, like bit mtto In the pnnoat conteet, premi a ntaway. Nat Jrmj woa tbe fl|ht In four mlBUlaa Tninn BiTTUL—Two four-twtlret and both pllta The bat- ting wu now llOO to 180 on New Jeney wtootog the mala ud tM to tIB on their wbntog ILIa 6gbt. For Ibe third lime did Ibe New Yorker muirralbb lack of game, for be tried to fly tbo pit inmedmlety aflar Ihe flrat Sy,ud New Jeraey waa ballad the winnor aftor a flght of Are mlanlea. Fotnra DainK--no four elthti^ New York ahowlng a brown and wllb while bacble nnd Hew Jervfr a brown red. Tbe former commenced proffllalnglr, butauddeoly eeaatd tgbtlng, ud the New Jeraey fowl lut nla apnr throtgn hla bead aflar a brief ballle of fonr mloatea' doraUon. F»n Banim—Two fonr-eleTeoa, the New Jerwy fowl a hitcb gny, ud Ihe New York t brown nd. The latter eoa- muced tnnllng after tecmrlng one bit, and Hew Jenay again won. Time, 80 aeeondi. Biira Btma—Tbe pntpaet of Mew York elnnlnt tbe mtln irunowareiyremotoon^atlheybtdlott trtry SgU up to tbittlme,ud loogoddiweoldbarebeu taken that they did not win oneonrtoglbenuln. New Jeraey ahoired a pile ud New York a brawn nd, both fonr pooada uren ouneea. Tba beltlag wu IK to tl9 on lb* pile, and Itaaamad u If thou odda were JuUted, fer he ont-roagbt tha New Yorbir from the altit Tbe latter eceaedaboal to ran, when, girlog a aadden By, be aent hieileel Into tbebnln of tha Jartayile, who dnpped dead In bla traoka Tbne, fonr mlontu Banna Bittu— New York ihowtd a ginger red ud New Jeney a black red, both four peunda Ifalrtean oucea Tba betttag wu again ISO to tl3 on Iba bbek nd, ud tbla tine tbey ware luoad,u be whipped bla cowardly foe etdly In A minulea Eramrn Bima.—Teo four alxef, the New Jerur bird bebg a black red ud the New Yorker a pUe. Tbey fought quleb tnu wall at lha Bnt bockia, but New York genatgu of wuttng to tnni, ud It aeemed to bb baoken u If It wu til np wllh blm. Bat ba dbtppolnled tbem nry tgrtethir, for Inning nud be deilt tha New Jerwy bird a blow wbleh bllltd blm laatu- ' neeuly. Time, d minulea. Ndtb Bamx—New York ptodnced a pile ud New Jeraey a blacb red, both fonr poudatwdre oucea. Tbe belling wu ta) le gl4 on the black red, and be won ettlly, u Ibt Ntw Yorker would not ttud Ib* tteel tnd pnrad a runaway. Tbla btlUe dedded the main In faror of New Joraey. Bummaiy :— Bault. Jfnrtrk. KnJtniu. ITAAi ratty 1 Red nio RadSptntle Mba]ot NewJereey. f Ulaoklled llle 4lba HewJeruy. .Pile 4lbt Iter NewJettoy. .nrawn lt«d 4lba loa New Jeney. .BlAok Orey llba Hot Kaw Jaruy. .lite 4lba Tea New VorL .muk Had alba lloa NewJereey. .Ulact lied llba lot New York. .giaek Hed «lba Itol Haw Jeney .I'lle ,,Drown Bed. ..Drown Ited. 0....-.Bnwnlted. 7 OloierKed. t Pile llle CUPID'S roiBLES, FOLLIES IHS rillGIEBe MURDER AND SUICIDE. imOIB or UMRiquITBD LOTE. A deplenble tregady wu antetad In thla dta oa the tHTa- ugef Ibelltblaet., ttththoutaaf Mr. Boadtr, attllor,Rt. lit Bereatb Annne. Tbe pilaapti 4*t« la Ibtalltlrlaa yoiog mu ntmtdP. Bambainr, aatnnta, whowu tmnloytd InVr. Rteur'eitonutlMiieyBU ttOtb which pedtlon bt bu octupM for Ibt lail ftafiaia Z ynutg girl ntatd Stitb Botrd la tlao tmplmd ^ Br. Bttdtr u t domeatle, ud wHh lb-. Bimbargtr ht* ban katptac oomptny for tone tliu ptil, wllb a rlaw lo mtniitt; bi nek It wta udarttoed thti aba bad tcetpttd bat ti bar litoDdtl bnibud. Baith, wbo ta nbetten yean of tgiu bu t tttpfbtbtr ntatl dwiiae Boerd, who b a btrbtr, udde*tberia»attNa TII Elgblb AI«n^ at which pbca ahe foraaily rariled; bo^ oinnff to aone iinpIeaautn(aBoohborbarpail,^a left blm. ud engaged htnelf u t demetllo to tha bane of Mr. Roedab Ilanptanlhtlbtretopfttharchartaheda moat biMar fetUag agtlnat yonng Bamberger, ewtog, II b aald, to tha feat thai he waa tbe "accepted" of hla(Boerd'a)atepdaaabltr. Beted, 11 b taid, htd tbnataned to "ahoot allhar Um or bar bafenlMr erer wen mairbd," ud In aanial other way* he bu etpataae^ wllh equal unrllj, hb dalanntoation to ptertbt a titt- rlage betwtra theln. Tlbbubeea Ibaeaiva of t grtal dtal of tiudely to Bamberger, who, howtnr, nert* tiiHaaaod bit feelloga upon the nhfeet nalll Ittoly, wben k* raoHnd t Itttit adrlaug blm net to many tbe girl utll he baaw men tbeni ber; the writer of the epialie (who ilgned bUnielf "N. M."l alao tittedtbtt the girl bad cdiahltod wtth her aUplttbat. Tbb latterwuehown by DtmbergortoaerMalef bb totlmtto trliadr, to whom ha tilted that be thought bv itapftlbc wntoli. On the erenlng of the lIMi IntL^ youg BtinbergeT, la conpauT with Banb ud unrtl othtnfmathtfltmtbeeaa. ttbnded a bell tt lha Nation*! Hall, to Futr-fovlh atreet, ui tt Ihe tormbiallon of It. which wea abonthair-taetBoeilmon- teg, tbo party til wett nont In tbt atmt etr, out open lutli Ing Iht honte, Btmbergerud Banb dfcl not tatarwllbth* reet Amoiig lb* parly wua yonng mu named John Brub^ who Bbtealbat nponr*achlnAlhenoaaa,bewullrBffladlata]y to hb room and had'partbUy ondnaaed, wben be beard the npoH of Ibur pbtol ahota, ud btttily dnungbhOMlf, nabtd down ttaln^ when a larmb abhk wu tnconland. On lb* atolrwa/ leading from tbe haU toy tha gtrL tjMel baSit weud to her wfl cheek, from which Ibe blood tu flowing eoptontly. In tha hall near Ibe door toy Baabetger, wbaat fact wu oorand with blood, which latnad fknm a number eg wound!, ont then th* right en, ud'onalalbiltflhaadL He, too^ wutppannlly deed. Nur him wat foenda Remlaf- tnnrerolnr, Brebamlled, ud wbleh wueonredwith blecS.- Upon eumtetUoo one of the btmb wu foonl to be Intdea Oftcer Fllalmmona, who iru cdltd In, ttoned lb* terrlce of OflloerCnoe, udnDondlbepartiu to IhaJawlabHoepltBL te Twenty-elgblh atreet, where Ihty wen Immedalely altaiidM to by Dr. Tbiler, the beau auagaen. Banberger'a wouda were foud to bit of a faltl oh*rt0l*r, tbe podtlen of one of the woud* ortr lb* right Q* ihowtog that tbe bnllet b*d lodged te lb* biab. The atbtr wonai. itTarrbadiOr. TtUer titnutad tbe bnllet Aon 1 dellnrad It to Censer Helling who rlalted th* apurpcaeof mabfaig u anil morim eitiniiia- whleh ta alao onr tha ngbt eya b a my aglr ene, tbt baOei enl«r1oglo*t*t tbe right eld* of th* *je *odem«^tng from the nUob of Ibe fonbeed. The weaad on lb* Ibomb of Ihe left hud b not the thumb and i boaptUI for tbe purpcaeof mabfaig liott. From Bambeigar, bowerar, aathliif eoald ba otraetad, bebetoBlnaeQalbIe;buttbegIr1, wbou-wowad piered toba not much more than abtn deep, Mated thai Batabargw ud bereeU waaltoabaUaltheMaUontl Aaaemhly Boqma and ra- tumed about alt o'doeb that morntog.- tbe hall wuaarh aad they ware talking plwautly together, tnd In abont thne rala- ntoB ihe wu ihoi. Then wu no mJanndeittandfaif betwew Iham, ud they wen to be married Boca, Bar Ihlherwa**^ poasdtolt:ab*n*Taruwtb*platolf*und InBaBbarget'apea- aaiaba, ud h* h*d nerer lhnat*n*d rielancanpea b*t or blm- *df taieu* ahe refueed to marry blm; there aw ae eeela the ball *l the line, *o far u the knew*; Bambatitr- wu *eb*r, ud aflar ah* wu abet ah* knew notblnc for aome llllle tlma Bb* alio itoltd thtt Btahogtr dlteT •hoot ber; but th* followlog Utter, wbleh wu f*ud to B*m- berger** Iruk by bb bmlbar, to whom It wu adtnaaed, b eao- claaln proof Ihtl h* eomnltlad tl|* act, ud that II wu medllated:—"1 tip tony for your poor parent*, fer that ptla ' ud abama what 1 do to yon, ud (otgin me If yon ana, yn all Ieutdaolberwlie,lcutHnwllhonlber,udlaUr* with It wouldat do. Mr. Boerd got hto tttbCaellea of u both. If b* erec wnto ihatlalur: you know lhat I tond ha* alanBgi uybow I aouldn't laapaet ur; I don* ermrthlng to gat ltd et ber; olten wu cold agalnit bar; aftaiwaid* H pained me la- tlde;andnowIwlllninrhaTt uyntino aaetai I taa'Ide olheiwbt|IwlabIbtdnn*reiiBb«| myAtubnihier, Iwlth jontofbldUmybatwlah**. lpnml**d myu«th**lf laaaHa'l fd1owbartoth*plte*of hirb(tie*i,tbal I wtaM pu^*a b*r coBhi. Now, I requett yen to lend b*> IM b*f*re ib* bnowath* tnlbtf myeaia: Idon'l think■bdwould *nrg*t onr II If th* b**id Ib* tnlh of btr o/otlottto *u. Dear friend Reedor, oh, forgin me, If H b ne«lble| an do ae lb* ftrer of th* bit wri, ud le* to It lhat I gti bnrltd h a baaan bdngi my flindly iMUng to yaur lend tad leapedtod wlf*- Too ilwty* meut good rruh na both: forgm ae end aptafe it Defornypeerbnnher,andcemfettbimu anebuyeneta. Oh, dearontber, I Uk* to aatb to Um, ud now-lbangalto go down to teen; to tbt gart thtre b reali ay frltadt, i» nnma. Oearbrelher,*rtiTtbinfIltanlnUiiilaalayevt. Dear Roedaf, If yon pbaug'gln aj BMB*y irbat yon m a* tai ir broth** Adaa. B'trrtriti " Ibt pbtal wu iteoitUttd uBaabtrgtr^ ud Ibt ltd Ihtl ■-**■"-•-•*"-•'I wubengbtfcatbepaipott IttI, BunMria wu riding d 0? bla nantd BlUaaft to Itwuntw lad to th*b*faef thtt Haul lor wbleh It wunatd. OoBand*yb*l,B toa (ar, to eoapuy wlUi a Irtaad or bb^ named BUleafl; whom be gan a carle deeditfa of tbe girl and blaaaalf, nmarb- tog, at the aame tbaa, Ibtl bt (BlUaun BtobI "Uka titbtr of Ul|, •* MMT, .MM* U« |».«VHI,/ H Wl« WW V tbem binaolf, after wedneadty night or Thnraday mtmtog.' Ba would net, bowenr, einlaU Iba alrugt naiarb, tllb«n^ BUtouir nqneeted bfan todoee. Beforetbeeelteittrtnknown. — ■ • — e«,.tia Boerd wu ananectod of baring eommlKed the Moodr dee4, iruionghtontbyoacar ntabnmon% who, open Indlngbba In tlater bearlaloon, itotodhb luplelon^ al whlth Bond, wu utouded, ud denied tny kaowledga of th* aalt*r. BembelgereiplredttlloutBintI Hotplltl,al 4MP.II. AI midnight tbe'niigeon pronotueed Mba Baari oot ef dtagtr.— N. rrhar. PEDESTRIANISM. I caally bb Bnt baae, and ebo .Tprenoualyoceupytogllteeaatlj hb atcond. The nail alrlker, bowerar, by a poor bit to abort atop, enabia thtt Bdder to eadlrpaaa tbe ball loaccnid faau and to put ont the occupant of the Bnt baH by hb betni foned off. In Ihb Inatuce the balaau wbo bu aecnnd bla oae* by t good hit bahtiged with u ont, wblb Ibe poor bluer buhu • ' ■ neteredltedwllh tbatt ihebcredltod witbt latdt t unte nth upon bltoppontni, imiing inmeuonu blowi tight udUILwblth were netlly P*"?* *L?"Vt?: mtUng t ludden dodte te the rlgbi, dond flently wllb bb nltgralit, ud threw htm beielly to tbt gnunO. ff Attbto 1—u.. SNOW-SHOE RACING IN CANADA. The Dominion Bnaw4>hoe Olutr, of HontntL 0. E., bild their tnnul publle ratdfatg during tbe waeb ending Fee. Btta, ud then wu a nry brge attonoiace of iptototort praaaoL The openfaigerutwutheIndbn Race, fortwoprliM of lit udll rctpecunly, ud th* entrin embnead Eerarerlni, Pbm Dall- jebont,'Jo* Martin ud R. Blmpaoa, tbe f orm«r being ngaided u the faeteat runner In EutomCejitdt. Smpwn wu "out of Ihe nca" tt tho end af tha Bnt qnirtor, wbUe Mr. Joe Martin, a pntlenun of nthar qouUouabia breed. Jogged along ueon. camedly, eumfaigly without the nmotoat Uat of nnning lo whlto Dtltlaml, thongh tbowlng grett mtnlag powtri^ «qu^ net eome up to Ettaiortoe, who won theflntnrha lo SO mla. 0 tt&, 83 acconda ahead of DdllabotL The Blepbei^ Uuitftn Um, ilungh, of eoane, ha b not efedlted wllb t araid. And If t good bittor (ollnn tafan he b credited wl run icored, though, by right, ba ongbt to bare hem thtigtd wllhu out; udht would btrt been bad II net beta tbe pent ' nby to ban pnt out lb* pbytt mnnlug to aeeond beae. TblaetyleefpbybubeuknoiBto ecouin Btattchto Ihe nUttolgittogamu Bn raai ud one onl, who bad nd unad a aoUtory htae by a good hit, ud ol ebuglag another wMh Bre eato and ene run wbo badmtda hb baaeenrytlBO byibarpbll*,whicbnoBelderceildhanpntlibaont 00. In ngcrd to t aboit hud lyitem ef rteerdmg tU the aortmenli ol tbe eeateelbg ntou te a tnttota atme, tbe fbU paitlcaltn of a leUibla ud debUed teeoed ou be lenad In Ohtdwbk't'"^ nitdt t unte nth ■•owitli liking „l%aodro7ttme"nilther'n'oV«i Trom bit Mtt, ud * detd lUenoe feU upon tbe eager crowd., At the eiplntioo of a ftwieecndt,tlotmtgtl?uiled, thra bolh pailluetme Xrlytolfttoon,Ihtnfinenotrkingthtt b*«t*'l»' W tfanilAr delay wonli doM the battle. Doth aemed eahauud. bat Ito gni ptlia wu not yet won, withool wbleb 1 fe weald bt a deubte Vtata There, penbed en Ibe bnoll, itol Idly ut tha "Qtau," umortag anl nnmoted, nenr betnjitg Ihe tllihlettalgBOfemoUoaerlntereatfai theeiclUng •ceae.ei- cnt anoecKoDal grant wban one of lha combatonU arotitd a bl?;bytdeitoreo!^i.Tj,. nfmbl"Jodge » Uabtand ctutlout luarrlag, follawad by a gitppb, I" "» c"' ^log wu nined. but bolh golog down, eacb tba nud. He referee, nolidng tba •»''"•«'•"»'''''";! tbo belllgerenU, heillaUd to call llmf, 'l«r,'°l.r. .iS^^S! would be tbrewn np by one of the parllea. ""J™ to him, he auggtiiled Ibat bnt one mere ronod abeold be fetgbi, tnd In care tbtl round did not leroilnale decblraly lUtlt ibouldbe a drawn batUe. To Ibti end the leconde rtadlly aiaanted. Hb airugement bebg made known to tba "Quton," Ibo granted ber appronl. and lima wai called. 93endlut. lloth camenpio tbe aiore wrtrfaig* look of un- BlBCblog determination ud proud delluce. Eacb, bowarfr, teemed willing lo wait lor tbo olhtr to open tbe rouod. Fl. Btlly Dntko lent onl hb right iblimlaberwbkh wii aipliy atopped by Laiuel, wbo btobed Into bbcerner, abarply followed byBarka Ther grappled at a "aide hold," aad bolb belag ceataloDi thai tnb na Ihe flnal alngilr, tnimA deleralnM te do or die. Nellhor for en Inalant relaietl LI* bold, bnt by a ueitlag mutual content Ibey made frenucnt pauca lo rteoror brtalb, and tbe ttngglo again nnawtl In IbU manoor they elewlr eneeed tha rtog to Hirbe'a eomer, whcK, alter t duper tte iffort by {tab min to force the other on Ibe rapet, tbey tc laetully uldtlewlynbied their bold, Itlllog lietrlvto ifai gnnnd, laudalbl^ ntlerlr pewerlea uil aihauilod. Ibey were plebeiupby lhelra*eo|aMud carried to llieir coraeti, wbeo lliry weiaiton ntloieA te coaideneaaM by a Judlolout topllei- " of wMtr: ud whbkty-lhtwtter titiRitlly, Ifai wbbkey InlcretUr. Tbe tort 'oM bttt rtnlt^td Ikit bl iliNiiybad Iht leuinl tl Book ol Rafcitnc*." B«1ow we gin lbs delub ef a •Impio method ofiMndlngbaHaenblbaad beau en amni br which teer- tn will be entbbd to taktdawa t comet itcord of t baiimu't woik darlpg a teuon, ud horn which he cu atkt out com' plelt trtnin tt tbt olcu of each euton'i ptey. Tbenoeinlbbtedatoon which le baae u cttloate of a btumu't iblU, b that ef tbt itaoid of th* number ef Umw ht lectrwbb Bnt btn by "eitu bllt," th*t la, net by emn on Ibe part of tbe flelder, anah u wlkl throwt, dropped ay-bt1li, or palaabb nnffa, but by aUllfal baltbig onir' la tldlUoa Ume b, of coune, the data of lb* total number of batu ao nide; bntfaiaamnobuteoianainapttobemlattbeo tetbilr tctlnaleof the total baauaoortd on talta, tbb record la notu Rbablo u that of the numbtr of tlmu tbe Int btu la lo made, for thtre b but alight chance of oletekw helDgoiBdo In a rtcord of how a balaman makn bU flrat baae. we ban ifao«n by wbat aelbod the record ef bow ud br whom a pltiar le pnt out can be bept, ud we now preaent tbe ayalom ofKoilDgbeawonUta, Adean blt,gtrtegtb*Bntbiao,bnceri1ed by a nark u folloii: t. Aalmllarblt, glneg Ihaeecondbaao, bye mark thaa t; aodonegttlng thethtadbue, bra marbtbuail, Ibo ItUeit b. r marking a dean bona ran, rU, a ran icored from B ball bll to tha outer Bald, out of tho rtub of tho Otideir. In recording beau tcocid by erronin Holding wo oeo tbo lolkmlng tbbnrittlent:—For wild tbrnwa wo naao Ibo rollow- lor mua —; for t dnpped lly ball a round mark, thut—O; u t for • mulfed ball t mtrk *. Now, by Ibe abore Itg'irea a (ullrtcorilctnfaemtdtofbtteaintdifay eleu bile bd'1 alio br error. Wo DO* comt to lb* toatrauUona In rtganl lo wbat con- ttltulM buca on "deu blla" A baae It mn'lo on a ctoan bit wbiD the tall la uat from tbe bat ont of rttcb ol a leMcr, and In luch a munar u to adnik af Ibo bttanian nakloi nu BiiL aacond or third hue beloto tho bill could be IbWod to citber baee, u the oatelalgbt be. For iMtoncc, tbo lolanu ntkee hb Bnt but by a dun bit wbtn tho ball b aent ahatplr aloug tba groud onl of retch ol eltlier of the lonoMett, or ir he eeodi ll "ttfely" onr tbeU heada and fit not fat enoogh to Ibe oulOeld to tntblt tllktr inleMen or oollleldori to get on- der tba ball to ottoh hla out De the b ealllM to hb hue on hb bll If be aradaa«bel" bdl to tbe abort *ip or tbw bueman, ud the baU bf only panlallyitopped udnol to Una tetbrewittotbabaMrtod iraourttbtuotUUed t« abut Cth'tflntnlaet of plato, preeented by R. H, Btopbent, for wbibb h*d b**n tllotted a half all* run, open to aeabcn only, brongbt ont H. Birtto, J. IL Btonnaon, B. D. Armitraag, 8. u. Blanaton, 0, Rablnun, J. H. Ctraegb, Jtt. Bnim, It. A, tIaahnnH, Wa. Uuper, N. H. Toahirg. Annatnng pnt bim- alftolb* front fton tho befmateg, and nn a gamaraee Ihnnghoot, (J. k. Btorcnaon hanng]praa*ad bard u aeeond), ud wu cheered In tbe winner with a rtcoid of three ainnle*— Bood preef of the need dbpbyed. Btetenaea aiiaaed tbemark treeecondaUter,Harnerbeuittbltd. Neitcnthaprogra wu the Boyt> RtiM, dulanet ont alio ud t half, stir of i ahoaa Than were nine nth**, but tbe cent«et lar bet 0. A. Fierce ud F. Key, Ibe fermer wtotlsg te I mIn. 49 only two aeeonta abend of Say. The fourth erent wu Ihe al- iraya popnlu One Hundred Tarda' Raoe, tiro heat*, for a nla- Ihle ntdtl. TbK* were twenty antrlu, tad u la noil tpnrl near, It WW Impotalbb lo dIaUngnlah colon or pbca lo the flunr ornowutitpldchaagee ef poelUoo 10*1 marked the duh ol ao muy deuly makhad compeUtora W'/-"'*;3; Br*-y*rdawen eonred, udthenTOrreaeeudMlbbaUibowed a llttla to tha frent, tha latter laadlor byperbaw e ahouMar. breadth, and arldettly making deiperite •JJ-J'SJ-^S^i' pealUon. Tenaneejbowanr. »l'h*»P>««'« "3S.'tol!l£ K^^lr.?'i^•ffi!'ih^^aw£i^S EH^ff»^'J5t»vsJss^;jrV^si f.?T5!^?« SVa ASIrkably Oae cBorl, to make bEnulf agata ?h JfI?™«'im.B. Torrue.'* Ume In tho Ont hut wu M !Sl.jr.T,o ib%W 31'««>■'•.''««' «•» """^ aeepnda and id ue uiiiu , un.iiun mn. dbtonchdf. ™Th>'ciobnaM, Ibnted to men wbo hjd oenr galoed public bono!. wnoiSit. tbo enlrlea IndDdto* J. Robtoaon, J. 0. Mok^'. aTMcIdi/oo, J. A. Btotonion. Tl. e. VMbnrgb.D. Malir. II. norinall, N. Carno|loud iu. Drown, The dii- tanoeninwutwonllnud Ibo prho at ilake Ihe Doainlon STo. ltoklnionwonlnl4:»; Hotrfeooad.ln U:Oll[ aadUar- ^elblrd. The nurdloltlco,nrerl3 liurditt, bnnghl only IbTeelo tho niitk, ib.: Wood, HiMey ud Arnitueag. Wood and AtuiilreDgnadea dead bnt lo Ihe Qnl bunt, but In the 1*0 followlne ArniilnDg. curled off the honen. Tbe Hlla Race Idlowed, Uallby wloolog It oaallr.ln 7 mla. 9 lee. i prUa, a allnr medal Tbt Otrrlien Dace, which anrid tbo moat ta- riilai of Ifatdty, wu ptttlelpaled la by only ft or, thanu, la ntn put, twenhp.Brt or thirty of tha led oeato ware went \a tome (o the Kntob. Tbb wu du to Ibt fact thtt StUea aw' Dartte, otiaK-pmltttlontl ruotn, atoed keokad (bi lha (It. ul BMirod brtaea Helt«n. by aprligbi to th* final tl th« I wTtto(t,|tiatd ta tdrultgtUitl Diflkla MtMbtloTti. Dirotoi Bon BT 1 Fiiu Don*.—Agitht T. BIttaa, t prtaa donaa en the optiatlo board*, «t«iwd tail In IhaBnpalar Court, iptetal terni, befom Jodie MaOnnn, on tballlb Ian, for a dlroree ftem herhnihtnd, wOllaa N. Bltlat^ en Iht gma4 of crati iiattment, ud uk* to bt** bin ntUtlntd boq ao- luUng or failttfeilng wllb her dailai Ibtjandta^ of Ibt to- tlon. Tbt eonpl* w*n atirled ta Ian wtiiibtt fai AngntI, UM, ud btr* tw* ebtldita, t(td nipeelinly three tadnhie yean; ttthttlmtof her mairlBga,tnd am dBCt,the wile hubetaueperattoalngtrteBu Fnneiteo and In Snropa In U47, while Iht mt te Europe, tbt dtludul thretlantd to bill btr by eatlfaig ber throat, ud at lb* *tBt lla* ht ought bold of btr ud uook btr ta a rifliat nuatr. Ha bu muy Uau ateet IbiMtenad to bill btr. 8be b^ aad bu ben cem- nalledtobareMme peieon to btr eompuyat aVUnuUpm- Uetber. She hu bun compelled to inppert beneifatoeehu aatrlage, u tbo btr children. Bhe b cngaied to etog th* prinapal Inmate part al th* Anademyof Mama, an the Iflb of FebrnaiT, la the opera enillbd "Veapere BteUaua^" bat de- fetdanthu openly ewora ibu If ahe d«u ao .*H J* nouncahorwhUeefaiglu. Ba aba tbnataned to^Ul bar whUe aba wu at nheanal. Tbe defandul i* a dmbtrd, uJ ba* b*en ceaBoed to the fnebrbto Anina. Bueb to th* baidaa ef Mn. Bbtea'affldarlL Judge Meliuu bu gnatod u b||a*- tlon mtralaing defeedut fnm Interfermg witta e* i pUintlir daring tha pendancy of th* adIcD. TaaoioDuiaop iBaixoaoaa.—A tngit i nur Oonniiinib, m, n lb* 9Btb nil It tfpun that a yoeng mu weid ud wen lb* bud ol a Fong My, ab*** briiher wu rtelinlly eppoeed to Ibe malCB, aad wh* ■*«* — Ih* h*n1o, theogb paibape ab- Klded young iaay,yieiumg to th* peiiaailn argtanl* ef re, ca**uledtou •loB*m*at Aeccidtag^, Ihay aludae- Uoaly repelnd lo a DdgbMrlng bona to •aaaeuMto Ihait ar- daol dealre. fiol the naolnb ud deapernto tratb*r wu tpca Ibeir tneb, udjeatu th* happy aenpb ware on tbe floor, iboatlobe aidaone^abtllframbb pMolptatliiled arlltl part of Ibebndignoa'tbody, ud be ttD Into Ibe aim* of ib* I entedgirl, wbo,truUblm to dwtb, aaabted by frlaada^ irey«dhlmtoth*b*d,wben,albernqte(t, lb* r wu flnbhad, *b* •xcbiateg that ahe "bad ntha* a«nra a dead bhibaadthuaMd In' " ' - * **- In a faw Ih* deettoyer of hb Bt*lai^ b**B heard of mu* b* BitA th* tolU n**ly-m*d* tatabudeiplnd bappinea bu not been hiai tbaC Ftmxci on a Munuatn.—A lady tad gal llwlng u Utrtford, Ct., wbo wen engtged to b* mtnled BM thu IfalrtyTotntgo, udtnatlU aaitoatlr wtHIng thad wbtn they Bball be made ene. InUlO Ihtyltdbtai IT' for tomo Ume, but did not aanr baetnw (tdi ba4 a i dependent upon lb*m fer nppcri ThtteroaothasitlMtdb* lire togeiber, ud their eblldren wonlt tot Ittft Ibta. bal ta- clded bpcilpcae their mairlasa nnta. can ot tlto etiwi *«U1 die. Both Bothen an atlll itrtng, aaA tbt giollaaaa cni^ Iteaet to rblk the lady, theu BBal duty tUakteibg lb*n tnii The man bu had Iht eonnmpttoa fu flmnl yttn; uddSbht- Itu on ellhtr of Ibt new my iged nuttien Aall take their dapaitnre, be wlObtragone toUelail 'itallng pitc*. BreiT day a tnmbUng old Romeo, leealng beartly en a cue, wHn wuda bb wty to tba bin** of Jnlbl, a trllntnd feeble tltpt, 1 _ mdden lidy, who** htu to tUni^ by age and InnUa TMy Ihay deaane htpplaeu It up oeoplB erer did. Itwm Buna Twiiii.—A colored woman In Fetaiabarg, Ta_ latolyganblitbtotwtai, whoMbodleewenJeUod togelhirtt, the noe, tbt luneUcn tnendlog froin i potol niar Iht Bnt lib down to Iht flftb. Both bodiet were Mrficlly formed, tad tb* cblldnnwtntnanntlrheallhT end bora In Ib* lalaia af Um*, bn^tbay dlad tt Ibelr birib. A Oorhuutna BintTU of Ohletgo bu b*«n gillly *f t^ng atmwgnphio nolea of hb fMauroto'l Ion tub, twtti wiEdtaMaBtellonetooicUmalloniL and by lhal.ataat ktpl btr tna JCttog blm by tbrtateateg la pnbUilt Ibtin.' Bbnw^ . Vtteradt' aiTnttIowtBS,whobutb*npttoolbila(eM artk«KMf' Tark Umimnit, b nnortod it baring BtiadiCe., taiptj*.. wool ortr the en* of I Blato Bailor, lo tt* ta* a(.n*!l'< bybIuhiSll.r Hewbttdof Btib*Vbtgdltoof ttaiB. iot||y*|tiUng,''udho*Mnn.dtilia|Ml(lbta I lfcb»^: